How to make a toilet on the street drawings. Do-it-yourself toilet in the country - step-by-step instructions with photos. What types of outdoor toilets are there?

The feasibility of implementing this project does not depend on the length of stay in the countryside plot of land. Even with short visits for a picnic, or processing several beds, the presence of “conveniences” will be useful. An appropriate structure is necessary if longer stays are expected. After studying this article, you will be able to quickly build a toilet for your summer house with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions and detailed comments will help eliminate mistakes that beginners make with a lack of experience.

Read in the article:

How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands: basic definitions, project preparation

A careful study will allow you to draw the right conclusions about this structure. It is one of the first objects to be erected, at the same time as the fence. Significant dimensions mean significant weight. While on outdoors protection from adverse natural influences is needed. The accumulation of waste is expected, so it is necessary to think over a convenient scheme for its disposal.

Garden toilets for dachas are discussed below, taking into account the facts listed above and others. important nuances. For each stage of the project are given alternative solutions. When studying different options We must not forget about the configuration of our own summer cottage, existing knowledge and skills, and other individual characteristics.

General requirements for the structure

  1. Dissatisfaction will be expressed by neighbors if the toilet causes them any inconvenience. In particular, you need to consider the direction in which unpleasant odors spread.
  2. If the groundwater level is high, the waste accumulation site will have to be sealed.
  3. For their pumping and subsequent removal, it is necessary to provide a passage and a platform. Free movement of sewage disposal equipment should be ensured.
  4. It is necessary to check step by step a sufficiently long period of operation in order to optimize the maintenance algorithm.

The dimensions of the pit must correspond to real needs. In any case, it is necessary to accurately estimate not only the volume of initial investment, but also the costs during use.

Placing a toilet inside a residential building and outdoors

To complete the analysis, it is necessary to note the features of different options for the location of this plumbing structure.

Bathtubs and showers are installed in this room.

The creation of such structures is accompanied by large monetary and labor costs. Installation concrete rings, for example, cannot be performed correctly without powerful lifting equipment.

Typical design combines all the important components:

  • Building 1);
  • Chair (2);
  • ventilation (3);
  • cesspool (4).

If you look closely, you can see in the picture a special hole in the door (5), which provides natural light and access clean air. Such a structure, if the plans are properly implemented, is autonomous. It is able to perform its basic functions without consuming electricity.

Construction of an outdoor toilet for a summer residence with your own hands: choosing an installation location, important parts of the structure

Some of the options shown in the figure are expensive in factory production. Independent high-quality reproduction of combustion and packaging technologies will be accompanied by significant difficulties. In this article, the range of study is relatively limited simple structures. Using clear instructions It’s not difficult to figure out how to build an outdoor toilet with your own hands. For better assimilation of knowledge, descriptions of actions are supplemented with thematic photographs and video materials.

Sometimes it is impossible to comply with current standards due to the small size of the site, high level groundwater, for other reasons. In such cases, a conventional cesspool is replaced with special structures.

Here the main parts of the structure are located above ground level. Apply sealed containers. They are installed in a separate volume with good thermal insulation of the walls, which prevents drainage from freezing in winter period. A definite disadvantage is the high entrance with steps.

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After reviewing the information provided, you can get a more complete understanding of the structure of your home sewage system and wastewater treatment system and consciously begin choosing the design of a treatment facility.

This design is one of the most simple options. For stability, the structure (8) is installed through wide supports (6) on a cushion (1) of cement-sand mixture. The toilet seat (3) of a suitable height (500 mm in this project) is equipped with a hinged lid (2). The dimensions of the door (5) are also selected individually. The window (1) can be glazed, or a free hole can be left for better ventilation. It is recommended to use a bucket (4) or other suitable container with a volume of at least 20-25 liters.

The specific name of this modification is given by the method of neutralizing decay processes. The waste is regularly sprinkled with “powder” from a mixture of peat and sawdust. This simple technique blocks the spread of unpleasant odors.

Currently available on the market a large number of various products of this type. As you can see in the photo, you can buy a ready-made toilet with walls, a roof and a door. But the task of creating a building structure is defined above with my own hands. This “house” can be accessed with a cleaning system built into the base. Specially grown cultures of bacteria are added there, which actively process waste.

Current standards for the location of a country toilet on the site

Such a massive structure is difficult to move when the need arises. Therefore, you must carefully select a suitable installation location.

Only some of the requirements are noted here. To find out exactly where to place the toilet on the site, you need to study the relevant construction (SNiP 30-02-97) and sanitary (SanPin 42-128-4690-88) standards. When selecting specific figures, smaller values ​​should be taken into account in order to prevent ambiguity in possible legal disputes.

For example, yard-type latrines can be installed at least 20 meters from residential buildings, recreational areas for adults and playgrounds. But the distance can be reduced to 8 meters if we're talking about about the territory of personal home ownership. Be sure to take into account the permitted distances to neighboring buildings.

Features of a cesspool for a toilet in the country

When installing such a structure nearby, the direction of groundwater flow is taken into account. The following table explains the standards for geological characteristics:

The type is essential storage capacity. If it is not airtight, the requirements increase. In particular, the use of a pit without a bottom is prohibited if the total volume of waste into it exceeds 1 cubic meter. within 24 hours.

This table can be used to check relative position of this structure and individual utility networks:

The depth of the pit should not reach the groundwater level. Additionally, the restriction “not lower than three meters” applies. It is determined by the standard parameters of sewage disposal equipment, which only performs its functions quite effectively up to this limit.

A sealed pit for a country toilet prevents pollution from environmental waste. But in this case, it must be equipped with a ventilation pipe with a diameter of 10-12 cm. It is raised above the lid by 60-80 cm. This device is necessary to remove explosive methane.

How to make a toilet in the country using different materials

When building a toilet in a country house, such materials will create a stationary object. It can be well insulated, equipped with running water and artificial lighting. To maintain stability, you will need a foundation that matches the weight. The parameters of such a project do not correspond technical specifications, which establishes the following main criteria:

  • lightness of structures;
  • minimum cost;
  • simplicity of installation technologies;
  • mobility.
  • processing features for creating required forms and sizes.
  • possibility of applying certain decorative coatings, drawings;
  • compatibility with fittings and other factory-made parts;
  • resistance to atmospheric and other external influences;
  • rules of care and repair.

For your information! To find out how to build a country toilet inexpensively, you need to clarify the expected service life. Suitable cheap materials can be used for a temporary structure.

Construction of a wooden toilet for a summer house with your own hands: drawings, operating features

Even without previous experience, working with these materials is not accompanied by undue difficulties. Therefore, quite often it is wooden toilet to the dacha they choose as best option.

You can build such a country wooden toilet with your own hands in a day after preliminary preparation. According to the given dimensions, you need to purchase bars. They are used to create a reliable load-bearing frame using screws. To quickly cut grooves, a power tool is useful. The boards cover the seat, walls, and pitched roof. The door (not shown in the diagram) is fixed on standard hinges, a latch and a handle are installed. Large holes can be made using an electric jigsaw.

Important! Such a structure weighs little. In some cases, waste is disposed of by burying a filled pit. After this they move light wooden structure to another location.

To extend service life wooden products outdoors they are protected from rain, humidity changes, ultraviolet radiation, microorganisms and bark beetles. For this purpose, specialized impregnations are used that penetrate deep into the structure of materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of an odorless dry closet for a summer cottage

Despite the relatively high prices, designs in this category should be studied separately. They will have to be used on small areas, when conflict situations with the closest neighbors. It should be emphasized that cesspools emit unpleasant odors, which significantly reduce the level of comfort. It should also be noted the potential for destruction of the walls over time, the risk of contamination penetration into groundwater, sources drinking water.

The example shown in the photo has the following characteristics:

  1. The main material is high-quality Danish-made polyethylene high density(280-320 kg per cm3).
  2. Walls and other products made from it are resistant to strong mechanical stress. The structure is strengthened by stiffening ribs.
  3. The built-in storage tank (250-300 l) is designed for 500-650 visits.
  4. Standard equipment: washbasin with large water tank (25 l), foot pump, soft seat, locking device on the door, large mirror in a frame with fastenings, towel holders, toilet paper, dispenser for liquid soap.
  5. In the transport position, the kit occupies 1.25 cubic meters.

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We invite you to consider. Prices, user reviews, reviews of popular models will help you set your priorities correctly and make the right choice.

This toilet looks aesthetically pleasing inside and out. It can be installed by one person quickly and accurately, and moved to another location. Of significant importance are the manufacturer's official guarantees, which cover the tightness of connections and other important consumer parameters.

For your information! For full functioning, you will have to regularly purchase toilet liquid in the country, containing cultures of special anaerobic bacteria. These costs should be added to the price of the kit when calculating the economic feasibility of this solution.

Parameters and features of constructing a toilet from corrugated sheets with your own hands

Application metal parts This category will provide you with the following benefits:

  1. Exact matching of individual elements, which simplifies and speeds up the assembly of a high-quality structure.
  2. Lightweight with high rigidity, the ability to maintain integrity under strong wind and other mechanical loads.
  3. Resistance to corrosion processes, which is ensured by a multi-layer protective coating.
  4. Irreproachable appearance. It won't have to be updated for many years.

It should be specially noted that a country toilet made of corrugated sheets can, if necessary, be disassembled and moved to another place. The sheets are attached to the load-bearing frame with special screws with rubber linings. These seals prevent moisture from penetrating inside metal structure

When making such a toilet at the dacha from corrugated sheets, it will be possible to eliminate welded seams. To reproduce the relevant technologies, you need to purchase special equipment and master operating skills. It is not difficult to create a wooden frame yourself. These parts of the structure connect and strengthen metal corners. Steel parts without factory protection are coated with primer and paint to prevent corrosion processes.

Do-it-yourself quality toilet for a summer house: step-by-step instructions, practical recommendations

After carefully studying the information presented above, it is not difficult to formulate individual technical requirements. After this you can begin to consider completed projects DIY garden toilets. Drawings of some successful products are given below. Next you need to realistically evaluate own strength, reviewing descriptions of construction processes.

Important! When you figure out how to build a toilet with your own hands in the country, check whether its aesthetic characteristics match. The uniform style of small and large buildings on the site creates an overall harmonious atmosphere.

Technical characteristics of a toilet in the country with your own hands: dimensions, drawings, examples of designs

Following short description will help you understand general principles creating similar structures:

  1. In addition to the items noted in the design documentation, it will be necessary to prepare the products and tools noted below. In particular, the roof can be protected inexpensively from bad weather with a sheet of roofing material of suitable size.
  2. First, a cesspool is created with dimensions corresponding to the contour of the bottom of the toilet. At the bottom of the pit, a backfill is made of gravel and other granular materials.
  3. Curb blocks or other standard reinforced concrete products are suitable for supports. They are mounted so as to leave a gap between the toilet and the surface of 10 to 20 cm.
  4. Ruberoid is useful for creating a layer of waterproofing between the supports and wooden frame.
  5. The installation of the toilet is carried out in stages. Power frame made of timber and covered with clapboard. You can attach foam sheets from the inside for insulation.
  6. For flooring use thick boards 35-45 mm from wood species that are resistant to rotting and stress.
  7. Attached to the back wall ventilation pipe from a hole with a protrusion above the roof ridge of 20-30 cm.
  8. Next, holes are cut, doors and roofing are installed. Apply protective compounds, finishing decorative coating.

For your information! The dimensions of the toilet in the countryside are adjusted with your own hands, taking into account personal needs and preferences. It is recommended to follow the above proportions. The thickness of parts that are subject to loads during operation cannot be reduced.

Making a cesspool for a toilet for a summer cottage with your own hands

Explanations for the drawing:

  • For a fairly strong strapping, logs (1) with a diameter of 140-150 mm are suitable. The same blanks are used to create frame struts (3)
  • the exhaust pipe (2) is installed above the roof.
  • hatch covers (4) can be made from boards.
  • Turf (5) is placed on the slope for strengthening.
  • a layer of clay (7) 300-350 mm thick will provide good waterproofing.
  • between the lids they make a bedding of peat and sawdust 200-250 mm thick.
  • the log house (6) and floor (9) are impregnated with special compounds that block rotting processes.

To decide correctly how to dig a hole for a toilet in a country house, you need to study the features of modern engineering solutions in this area. Sealed storage tanks made of concrete, plastic, and other materials will not allow harmful substances creep into environment. However, like regular cesspools, they have to be cleaned frequently.


The dream of a city dweller is to buy a country house where you can relax from the hustle and bustle. Well, now you are the owner of the site and the most in demand part is the toilet. What if it’s not there?

But there is a way out - to build a toilet with your own hands, using improvised means, creating your own drawing. Provide comfortable living conditions with your own hands.

How to make a toilet in the country?

A string of questions immediately arises in my head: what drawing to choose, what design to give, what materials will be used. In this article we will reveal the basis and rules for developing your project.

Main types of booths

First, let's figure out what types of structures exist. The simplest type, a building with a cesspool.

But before we start, let's take into account sanitary standards, which operate in Russia: consider the cleaning method and proper waterproofing. Check your neighbors' requirements to avoid conflict situations.

You can make a toilet in your country house using several options.

We list the types of buildings:

  • Birdhouse - economical version with pitched roof located on the box. Summer option;
  • Hut - complex design with a large selection of designs, keeps you warm in the cold. Requires more material costs;
  • Hut - a simple form with a gable roof, a wind-resistant model;
  • The house is a structure with increased strength, a warm option;
  • Double - complex construction with the second department;
  • Toilet with shower - an additional extension for washing is attached to the main booth;
  • A dry toilet can be installed even inside the house. Biotoilets are gaining popularity, since there is no special fuss with them.

There are three types of dry toilets: peat, chemical and electric models. This is the first aid option when construction is underway.

Then you can proceed to a major toilet with a reliable septic tank that will serve for years.

Where to start construction?

A summer resident needs a toilet that is hygienic, clean and pleasing to the eye, while respecting the environmental situation, neutralizing waste, and meeting the requirements for external design.

Capital septic tank with a complex of tanks in the ground

To do this, most often they make three concrete rings, which are immersed in the ground one by one. The upper ones become settling tanks, the third filters sewage that goes into the ground without causing harm to groundwater.

Such septic tanks contain anaerobic bacteria that process waste and neutralize harmful bacteria.

You are faced with the following tasks:

  • choose a system for draining, draining and disposing of sewage;
  • determine the location for the toilet and it is better to choose one remote from the house;
  • decide which type of structure is suitable, discussed above;
  • choose a design that you can make with your own hands;
  • select suitable materials;
  • determine the size of the toilet in the country;
  • calculate construction cost estimates.

Decide for yourself how you will clean the waste pit if you do not install a septic tank. How can a sewage disposal truck arrive, pumping out sewage?

Have you decided and answered the questions? Now we can start construction, let's take it step by step.

Practice: start of construction

We have decided on the location and will select the desired design. Builders have already developed a certain gold standard of size, the ratio: 2.2x1x1.4 m.

Look at the photo of the country toilet. Having decided on the form, let’s prepare the necessary tools:


  • hammer drill, which can be replaced with a crowbar, for breaking hard ground;
  • a shovel, preferably with a short handle, so it’s easier to dig;
  • container for waste pit, optimal capacity 200 l;

If you use electrical appliances, take care of the power source.

Make drawings of a country toilet or use the data in the drawing. Consider installing ventilation and insulation. Let's start construction with a waste pit.

First stage - pit

We will dig a deep waste pit for sewage. The standard shape is square, the depth is not less than 2 m. After digging, we must strengthen the walls; we can use reinforced concrete material, boards, or make masonry from stone or brick.

We ensure the bottom of the pit is airtight, fill it with crushed stone or make a concrete screed.

If there is a risk of contamination The groundwater, then we will make the walls and bottom waterproof and seal them with special material.


Second stage - frame

The pit has been prepared, we will begin to build a protective external structure. The prepared frame must be secured; it is better to make it wooden. Let's make markings and drill holes in which we install support pillars. They will provide durability for future construction.

The foundation itself is necessary if you visit the country house all year round, to serve for a long time. First, it must be deepened, then bricks or blocks should be placed in the corners; waterproofing will be provided by a roofing material overlay.

Place the material between the prepared frame and the foundation. Immediately begin installing the bottom frame to prevent the roofing felt from drying out from the sun's rays.

Lay the floor, prepare the seat skeleton in place and attach it. Nail the façade frame to the posts. After covering the toilet seat, make a hole.

Now sheathe the facade of the toilet directly; you can choose lining, corrugated sheets, siding and other materials for this. Install the roof sheathing and place any slate or metal roofing on it.


Finish hanging the door on the hinges and the wooden outdoor toilet is almost ready.

The third stage - ventilation

To prevent unpleasant odors from bothering you, we will develop a ventilation system in the toilet structure. We use for this plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.

Let's take tin clamps and pull it to the hole made in the roof of the building. The lower end of the pipe must be carried 15 cm into the waste pit, cutting a hole of the required diameter into the seat.

The deflector attachment will additionally help increase traction. There is nothing complicated in construction; anyone can build a simple toilet.

DIY toilet photo

Any summer cottage must have a toilet. Moreover, it must be organized before the start of construction itself, because this room is the most necessary for people to stay in the country. The remaining buildings, such as a bathhouse or a gazebo, will be built later.

Country toilet can be done without turning to specialists for help, who will certainly charge a lot of money. Therefore, it is first necessary, in accordance with all sanitary and hygienic requirements, to select a location for the structure, and then choose the type of structure and methods of its construction.

Choosing a place

It should be noted that there are certain requirements and standards for placing such buildings on the street. This is especially true for those toilets in which sewage has direct contact with the ground or groundwater.

The following rules must be adhered to:

  • The distance to the nearest body of water must be at least 25 meters. If the territory is located on sloping terrain, the structure must be installed below the water source. This will prevent sewage from entering the source.
  • The distance from the cellar or basement of the house to the toilet is at least 12 m.
  • From a bathhouse, sauna or other structure - at least 8 m.
  • The distance to the place where the animals are is at least 4 meters.
  • From the trunk of the nearest tree - 4 m, and from the bushes - 1 m.
  • The distance from the fence of the adjacent territory is one meter.
  • When choosing a location, be sure to take into account the wind rose; this is necessary so as not to annoy yourself and your neighbors with unpleasant odors.
  • The door must be installed so that it opens towards your home.

It is worth considering not only the distance to your water source, but also the location of your neighbors’ well or well!

All these requirements must be taken into account not only in relation to your own territory, but also to the neighbor’s (regarding the location of bushes, bathhouses, cellars, etc.). But these requirements directly apply only to a toilet with a cesspool. The rest should be guided by ease of use.


There are four most common types of toilet:

  1. With a cesspool.
  2. Powder closet.

It is a sealed cesspool that can be big size, and its cleaning is carried out by a sewer machine.

If speak about powder-closet, then this is the type where there is a container under the toilet seat that needs to be cleaned from time to time. Each time you use it, you need to sprinkle a small layer of peat on the dirt. A bucket of peat is placed nearby. This option is the simplest for any dacha, however, the process of removing feces is quite unpleasant.

Well, the last one Alternative option- This bio or chemical toilet. Here all impurities are broken down by special bacteria. This process is completely environmentally friendly.

Let's start building. Cesspool and wall reinforcement

It is the pit toilet that is the most popular due to its ease of use. All impurities fall into a deep hole. When it is 2/3 full, it needs to be cleaned. There is also the option of transferring it, but we will talk about this below.

Size cesspool it can be 1.5×1.5 meters, and the depth is up to two meters.

To strengthen future walls, several optimal options. For example, you can take boards pre-treated with an antiseptic, concrete rings, bricks, a barrel without a bottom, or old tires. Care must be taken to remove sewage from the cesspool.

If used brickwork, then the brick is laid in a checkerboard pattern, and the last six rows are laid solid. If a backlash closet is being installed, then excellent sealing of the pit is necessary. Therefore, a screed is poured to the bottom, or it is simply covered with crushed stone. If a brick cesspool is made, then it is poured on top concrete floor. For this, formwork is made from bars and boards. After the concrete has hardened, the frame must be dismantled.

It is extremely important to leave an opening for the toilet, as well as for ventilation. Moreover, an additional hole is needed to pump out feces.

If you don’t want to constantly clean the hole, you can fill it up and move the house itself to another place. After several moves, it can be returned to its original place, and the rotted waste can be used to fertilize the beds.

Buy ready-made or build it yourself

Today there are a large number of ready-made toilet houses. To a large extent, everything will depend on your financial situation and the amount of free time.

If you still decide to build a toilet yourself, then there are several ways. For example, brick. The result will be a reliable design, but for it it is necessary to provide good foundation outside the cesspool. Most often in summer cottages you can find a house made of wood. For its construction, it is better to use 50x60 mm beams.

As for the supporting frame, its base must be quite strong and reliable, because the entire structure above the cesspool will be located on it. For this reason, it is better to use 100x100 mm timber. Before installation, it must be treated with an antiseptic, which will increase its performance characteristics.

Some people use molten bitumen in a 1:1 ratio as an antiseptic!

The frame can be installed on a strip or column foundation. In some cases, when possible, it is simply installed on the ground. To make waterproofing, a strip of roofing material is laid between the foundation layer and the soil. Several anchor bolts are attached to the base of the foundation. They will protect the structure from overturning the house in the event of strong gusty winds.

When the frame is installed on the ground, the vertical frame racks They are buried 30 cm into the ground. A board, the thickness of which can be 40 mm, is tightly laid on top of the finished frame. For wall cladding, the most different material, for example lining or OSB board.

If the cladding is carried out from the inside, then the walls can be insulated mineral wool or polystyrene foam. In the frame itself, cross bars should be provided at a height of approximately 500 mm. They are necessary for attaching the plane of the toilet seat. Different materials can be used as a roof, such as slate or tiles. Its slope will be formed based on the height of the front and rear pillars.

Ventilation is needed to eliminate unpleasant odors from the cesspool. For this reason, it is necessary to provide a hole in the toilet design. For this purpose, a sewer plastic pipe Ø100 mm is used. It can be fixed metal clamp to the back wall of the toilet. The pipe itself must be inserted into the cesspool at least 15–20 cm. The height of the pipe will be 20 cm higher than the roof plane. To improve traction, a deflector attachment is installed at the end of the pipe.


Whether or not to provide lighting in this room is your personal choice. To save light during the day, you can make a small window in the door. So, the toilet will have natural light all day long. Some decide to install a small window on one of the walls, under the roof. In this case, it can be glazed, or simply fixed with a mesh. There is also a connection option wall lamps or LED lights. They are connected to the battery. This must be taken care of before finishing work.

If you encounter any problem during its construction, then ask us your questions.

Video: construction of a powder closet on a summer cottage


Drawings and diagrams

When arranging a summer cottage, any owner first of all thinks about making it comfortable and functional.

And at the same time, such a building as a toilet is also taken into account. After all, when you go out into nature, you give up many of the benefits of civilization, however, it is absolutely impossible to live without some.

In this article we will tell you how to properly and quickly build a toilet on your site. It will be comfortable and will last for more than one season. And at the same time, you don’t have to spend a lot on it.

Where should the construction process begin?

It’s worth noting right away that structures made of brick and concrete will not be considered, since their construction is capital and not all summer residents can afford it.

Will be considered budget options, who will be able to build with their own hands on their own summer cottage people even with low incomes. Where should construction begin? Of course, from the preparatory stage.

The first thing you need to do, after you have absolutely decided that you want to build a toilet, is to choose the type of drainage, drainage and waste disposal. This can only be done based on the conditions that are specific to your site.

Once you figure this out for yourself, you can move on to the next one. preparatory stage, which involves determining the location of the structure.

Before you finalize the location of the toilet, consider whether it is convenient.

After this, you need to make a decision regarding the type of construction. You can build either a cabin or a so-called booth. In this case, it completely depends on your wishes and preferences. There are no special recommendations here.

Next, you need to think about what the finished structure will look like and how it can be decorated. Of course, decoration will require additional materials, so if you don’t have the opportunity to purchase them, skip decorating.

You can simply paint the finished structure and thus make it more beautiful.

Once you're done with this, you can start creating an estimate for your expenses. It is highly advisable to do this. After all, in this way you will find out the approximate amount of expected expenses and, if necessary, make adjustments to the estimate.

For example, if you have chosen fairly expensive materials, you can replace them with cheaper analogues.

Booth or cabin - what to choose?

As already written above, the owner of the site needs to independently decide on the choice of design.

However, to simplify it somewhat, we will talk about some characteristics of these structures. Knowing them, you can easily determine what suits you best.

Booth. The main material used to build a country toilet booth is wood. However, we are not talking about expensive wood species at all. Often ordinary cheap wood is used.

Toilet of this type It retains heat very well and for a long time, so being in it in the autumn or winter will be quite comfortable.

At the same time, in summer it will not be hot at all in such a structure, since wood products “breathe”.

By performing a minimum of simple treatments, you can significantly increase the moisture resistance of the structure, making it many times stronger. It is also worth noting that the construction of a foundation is not necessary in this case.

Cabin. There are several variations that make the toilet cubicle more interesting in appearance than a booth. However, it is immediately worth noting that most of these options are extremely unstable and require mandatory foundation laying.

One of the simplest and available ways strengthening is to place a water tank on the roof of the country toilet.

The cabin's strength under load increases and this allows you to use its attic for storing various garden tools or other utensils.

Don't forget that if you want to build a really beautiful country toilet, you should give preference to a cubicle. Decorating it is much easier and more interesting.

Photo of a country toilet

Improvement personal plot starts with installing a toilet. Having chosen a suitable place, you can begin to build this necessary element of country life.

How to make a toilet in the country? The most reliable and popular type of dacha convenience remains the classic toilet with a cesspool, but there are other options for toilet designs.

Types of country toilets

What kind of toilet should I make in my dacha? Conventionally, street latrines can be divided into two types: with and without a cesspool. Dry toilets and powder closets operate without a cesspool.

Modern designers have developed many models in which there is no drainage pit. Which is better - a dry closet or a traditional pit cesspool? A cesspool is the most common and cheap way for the implementation of a street sanatorium unit. Installing and maintaining a dry closet will not be cheap, but sometimes you can’t do without it.

Types of country toilet houses

In what cases should you not install a latrine with a cesspool:

  • If the soil is shale or limestone
  • If the groundwater level is high
  • If the number of residents and guests is large

How to make a country toilet? To decide on the choice of the most successful sanitary building, you need to take into account the features of each design. Thus, latrines differ in the way they collect and dispose of waste:

  • Dry toilet
  • Powder closet
  • Backlash closet
  • With cesspool

A powder closet is an alternative to a dry toilet; it is installed without a cesspool: instead of it, a container is placed to collect sewage, which is periodically cleaned manually. The dissolution of wastewater occurs due to the peat bog, one kilogram of which can process up to 10 liters of sewage, combining it into useful fertilizer.

Let's watch the video, different kinds country closets:

A backlash closet is a combination of a home bathroom with a cesspool. If you want to install a latrine of this design, you must take care in advance of the possibility of cleaning it using a sewer machine. If this is not possible, then a backlash closet cannot be installed.

The ease of operation of a latrine with a waste pit is an advantage over a device without installing a drain. You will not need to worry about periodically cleaning accumulated feces, you will not need to spend money on maintaining a restroom or purchasing special solvents and absorbers. You can make a cesspool yourself and install a toilet house above it.

How to make a cesspool

Stages of manufacturing a septic tank

How to make a country toilet correctly? When installing a restroom, certain sanitary and hygienic requirements must be observed:

  • The distance from the well is at least 20 meters;
  • The toilet is not installed in the center of the yard;
  • The distance from the border of the neighboring property is at least one meter;
  • The structure is installed taking into account the wind rose (to avoid the spread of odor);
  • Provide access for a sewer truck.

To ensure that the septic tank meets all hygiene standards, consider the following:

  1. The depth of the pit should be from two meters
  2. The shape of the waste pit is a square with sides of 1 meter or a round pit internal diameter 2 meters (for reinforced concrete rings)

The most reliable type of sealing a cesspool will be. Firstly, it will save groundwater from contamination. And secondly, it will protect your harvest from impurities. With the help of reinforced concrete rings, a completely sealed sewage system is obtained.

Watch the video on how to properly make a cesspool:

Strengthening the sewer pit is a thing of the past wooden planks or brick. Now waste is isolated using concrete rings and covering the bottom with a concrete screed. The only drawback similar system is cleaning using a sewer machine. But if you do not appear at the dacha all the time, then the costs of cleaning will be insignificant.

The drainage system remains a popular method of installing a septic tank. But it can be installed in case of low consumption water resources family. Because with high water consumption, waste disposal will be difficult. Disadvantage drainage system There is also a constant smell in the yard due to constant contamination of groundwater.

Let's watch a video tutorial on how to arrange a shambo:

Installation of the drainage system is similar to the method described above, but is not installed on the bottom reinforced concrete slab(or concrete screed), and sand and gravel (crushed stone) are poured:

  • Approximately 10 cm of coarse sand
  • 5 cm small granite crushed stone

A covering made of thermally bonded geotextile is mounted on top. Keep in mind that the environmental police do not welcome such structures.

Schemes of country septic tanks

After installing the cesspool, you can install a house for the septic tank. Which drawing of a country toilet to choose? The classic garden toilet is a frame covered with building finishing material.

We make a septic tank with our own hands:

The frame of the house is attached to columnar foundation. To provide waterproofing between the foundation and wooden box(frame) roofing felt is laid. The popular "birdhouse" has changed original design hut house. A hut differs from a birdhouse not only in design, but also in the principles of its structure.

Scheme Hut or Birdhouse

The birdhouse is designed with a sloping roof, sloping towards the rear wall. The scheme of a hut-type country toilet is a triangular-shaped house with a gable roof. Advantages of a hut house over a birdhouse:

  1. The septic tank does not flood with rain
  2. No supporting frame required
  3. On the side you can place containers for peat or other materials

The peculiarity of the toilet hut is that gable roof are the side walls of the building. The drawing of a country toilet hut is simple and will not cause any difficulties. Installation sequence:


  • Put together a platform-floor and sew it up with boards, leaving a hole. Coat the boards with an antifungal compound in two layers
  • Install the finished platform onto the base
  • Put together the front and back wall, cover them with clapboard.

Assembly of the structure

The dimensions of a hut-type country toilet are not large. Don’t forget to install a transom under the roof for ventilation, which will also be triangular in shape.

Watch the video, assembling a closet for a summer cottage:

The roofing material for the Hut can be:

  1. Corrugated sheet
  2. Slate
  3. Galvanized corrugated sheets
  4. Other materials

Build or buy

What is more profitable - to buy a ready-made model of a house or to build a hut-type country toilet according to a drawing yourself? If you doubt that you can handle installing a septic tank yourself, buy finished goods. But make a house out of wooden base and any dacha owner can sheathe it with clapboard.

To work you will need:

  • Hacksaw
  • Plane
  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Nails.

Having basic skills in using these tools, you can build a house for a country toilet with your own hands.

Approximate consumption

  • Two edged boards (6 and 4 meters)
  • Floorboards - 4 pieces, 6 meters each
  • Lining 3 meters long - from two to four packs (depending on the internal lining)
  • Glassine - minimum 4 m
  • Ruberoid - 1.5 meters
  • Sand - 2 buckets
  • Galvanized nails - 2 kg
  • Nails for lining (without heads) - 2 kg
  • Slate nails - 20 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screws - a handful
  • Slate - 2 sheets (8-wave)
  • Galvanized iron sheet for ridge - 1 piece
  • Door with fittings - 1 piece
  • Antifungal liquid
  1. How to make a toilet in a summer cottage? To ensure that your country toilet is stable and not blown away by gusts of wind, securely fix the bottom of the building.
  2. Install the structure approximately 20 centimeters above ground level.
  3. Do not sheath the building over the pit: install the floor and toilet seat first. Then build a frame to the side and transfer it to the finished base. You can't cope with this alone - you need the help of two more people.
  4. Control the vertical and horizontal levels at all stages of installation.
  5. The door block must open outward, otherwise entering the building will be difficult.
  6. Make sure you have a skylight so you don't have to turn on the lights during the day.
  7. Between the wooden frame and the stone base there must be waterproofing layer(ruberoid).
  8. If the walls are not lined with vinyl paneling, they are painted.
  9. Don't forget to process wooden canvas antiseptic.

As you can see, build it yourself good septic tank It's easy in the yard. You only need to have the skills to use working tools and draw up a detailed drawing.

We do everything fun and to the music, this is how professionals work:

You should also calculate the amount building material so as not to have to go to the construction market one more time. The most optimal design for the country restroom there will be a hut-style house. It is better to make the cesspool out of concrete rings. You can decide for yourself about the drainage system. But for clean air would be better suited absolute waterproofing than drainage.