What is given to Jupiter is not given to the bull. Translation and explanation of the saying Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi

I have no intention of condemning any of those who in anger overturned cars in Biryulyovo. Citizens are driven into a corner by the regime - they cannot find the truth, they cannot find justice, they cannot shout to the authorities. The people are right in their anger here, period.

I understand people who are driven to lynching by despair and lack of faith in the justice of the state machine. An angry crowd could easily tear apart a newly caught killer. And reading a moral to her: you shouldn’t do this, you should be more humane, respect human rights, judicial procedure and honor the Code of Criminal Procedure - it makes no sense. Do you want to prevent such incidents? - develop and improve the operational search mechanism, search better, catch more efficiently - at least faster than the angry crowd can get to the murderer’s body with their own hands.

But the professional mechanism of search, investigation, detention and detention, legal proceedings - all this must strictly obey the law.

For example: law enforcement officers should not beat a detainee who is handcuffed. Firstly, there is no rational sense in this - the detainee has ALREADY been captured, restrained and deprived of the opportunity and resistance. Secondly, in general, such acts are rightly interpreted as torture, which in itself devalues ​​the legal significance of the testimony obtained in her trial. Moreover, there is no need to show this to the whole world on TV. It is regrettable that the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not understand this and is engaged in cheap self-PR out of fear of the (still only slightly) raging people.

The face of a detainee cannot be shown on TV BEFORE the official identification of the suspect by witnesses in the case has taken place. Otherwise, this identification, according to the Code of Criminal Procedure, can be thrown into the trash. And then what should you go to court with? Without witnesses, without legally correct identification, with a documented fact of torture and with unclear footage from a video camera from the entrance, which does not record the very moment of the murder? With one confession of a screaming idiot, who, handcuffed, is being kicked in front of television cameras by people in masks? With such recognition - “the queen of evidence”? Churkobes is vile, pathetic, disgusting - and, most likely, guilty. But this is not evidence in court. This is a public discredit of the Russian justice system on live television.

Of course, our judges are the most independent judges in the world. In the sense that nothing depends on them if there is a “CALL FROM ABOVE”. And the idiot will be condemned anyway - infa 146%.

Just keep in mind that 380 protesters were detained in Biryulyovo, and now about 300 more on Prazhskaya. And arbitrariness in the courts and during the investigation can come back to haunt them all very bitterly. As soon as the steam cools down a little, as soon as the street cools down a little and calms down, they will begin to sew business on the Russian street. In general, there is a correct Russian proverb: “Don’t swear off scrip or prison…”

A huge number of Russians are ALREADY sitting in prisons, locked there by the cops’ arbitrariness: in violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure, with evidence manipulated by investigators, with cases falsified by prosecutors, with the complete connivance of indifferent judges who spit on the law. And many STILL have to go through it. This machine of lawlessness will devour you yourself.

It is in Russian national interests to establish in Russia the institution of the triumph of legal procedure during investigation and trial, in pre-trial detention centers and in prison zones. Think at least two moves ahead. What is excusable for an angry crowd should not be permissible for the courts, prosecutors, or police.

Who among us has not ever heard the phraseology “What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull”? What is the meaning of this expression? Let's take a closer look.

Who is Jupiter?

To begin with, it should be noted that Jupiter is the same Zeus. Only the name Zeus is used in ancient Greek literature, and the name Jupiter is used in ancient Roman literature. As you know, Jupiter (Zeus) was a loving Olympian god. Europe became one of his loves.

Who is Europe?

Europa is a princess, the daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor, the granddaughter of Neptune (the god of the seas). In addition to his daughter, the king had two more sons, with whom Europe was very close. The young men loved their sister, took care of her and tried to protect her from any harm.

The myth about the abduction of Europa by Jupiter

In ancient Roman literature there is a myth that is directly related to the expression “What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.” Now everything is clear about Jupiter. But where did the bull come from in the statement, and how are Jupiter and the bull related to each other?

Jupiter and the bull are characters in the same myth, which tells about the abduction of Europa by Jupiter. The myth itself begins with a story about a strange dream that Europe had. In it, two women tried to pull the princess by the hands, each in her own direction. One of the women personified the continent of Asia, and the other - the continent that was located beyond the sea. The strange dream ended with Asia losing because she could not defend the girl and released her hand.

When Europe woke up, it was very scared. The girl, saying a prayer, asked the gods to protect her from evil spirits. It would seem that her prayers were answered, because time passed, and no trouble happened in her life. That's what the girl thought. But fate decreed otherwise.

One fine day, Europe went for a walk with her friends in the meadow. The girls picked flowers, danced in a circle and just had fun, enjoying nature and communication. The Olympian supreme god Jupiter turned his attention to the young princess. He fell in love with her and wanted to make her his. Jupiter decided to steal his beloved. To do this, God had to go down to the clearing so that the girls would not see him. God turned into a beautiful huge bull with golden hair and approached them.

The young maidens were not at all afraid of the animal, because it looked friendly. The girls came up to him and began to stroke his beautiful fur. Europa also joined them, and Jupiter immediately obediently lay down at her feet. By his action, he seemed to invite the princess to ride. Europe laughed and decided to ride the bull. But as soon as she climbed onto his back, the animal galloped at full speed towards the sea.

The girl did not understand what was happening, and came to her senses only when the bull sailed far from the shore. Poseidon helped the fugitives reach the island of Crete, calming the waves so that not a single drop would fall on the kidnapped princess. Having reached the island, Jupiter was reincarnated from a bull into a beautiful young man. The girl reciprocated God's feelings and became his lover. From this relationship three boys were born: Minos, Radamanthos, Sarpedon. After some time, the princess married King Asterion, who ruled the island of Crete.


The ancient Roman writer Moschus, telling this story in his work “The Second Idyll,” indicates the date of the event. From his book we know that the abduction of Europa by Jupiter occurred in 1552 BC.

The writer claims that the sons of Jupiter and Europa became kings. And in memory of the princess the continent was named Europe.


The author of the phraseological unit “What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull” is unknown. It is popularly considered an ancient Roman proverb. What is the meaning of the expression? “What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull” explains that there is social inequality in society. And what a certain person can get with impunity will not be available to most.

This also applies to those boundaries that are based on universal human values, morality, morality. Jupiter is a god, and he did not suffer any punishment for the kidnapping and seduction of the young princess. But if someone else had been in his place, the story would have ended completely differently.


The proverb “What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull” was also given meaning by such great artists as Rembrandt, Moreau, Giordano, Albani. They used mythological motifs to paint their paintings.


The topic of social inequality was previously very relevant. Therefore, the writers Chekhov, Engels, Sturua also included the expression “What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull” in their works.

The states accused Russia of unfair competition. A couple of days ago, the United States filed a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization (WTO), accusing Russia of increasing customs rates on about 80 American goods. The Russian government increased duties depending on the product by 25-40%, which the United States considered unacceptable. This is what it stated in its appeal to the WTO: “Russia does not impose additional duties on similar goods supplied by other WTO members.” At the end of its statement, it summarized the reason for the appeal: “These additional measures appear, directly or indirectly, to negate or impair the benefits of trade to the United States.” Moreover, when the United States itself imposes duties on foreign goods, protecting its producers, this is considered normal.

It all started in March, when Trump raised tariffs on steel (25%) and aluminum (10%) imports into the country. This increase affected all countries except Mexico and Canada. Justifying his decision, the president said: “A country that does not protect its welfare at home will not be able to protect its interests abroad.” Adding that the steel industry is "vital to our national security." It was in response to this decision that in July the Government of the Russian Federation No. 788 “On approval of import customs duty rates for certain goods whose country of origin is the United States of America” was published. This list includes a variety of tools, ranging from thread cutting to pipe layers and bulldozers.

But, even despite the fact that Russia introduced duties as a retaliatory measure, and it seems that justice is on our side, none of the so-called experts and other politicians can guarantee that the decision will not be in America’s favor. Even the fact that Russia previously filed a claim against America, which was the first to impose sanctions, does not guarantee priority consideration of its claim. At best, they will unite. Or they can put it on the table. They’ll assign it to some arbitrator, but as luck would have it, he hasn’t taken a vacation for 10 years, and then suddenly, he decides to take all the accumulated vacation pay at once. The same case is already on his desk, he can’t delegate it to anyone else, so the Russian lawsuit will wait for the return of the WTO inspector from Miami Beach. Or another option, he gets a cold. And he will go to the sanatorium on the same Beach to improve his health. And the Russian claim will lie and wait for the weather, while the American one, just from vacation in Miami, will be assigned to the returning inspector.

Americans never give anyone a penny or a cent. We got used to all those who are not obedient to the nail. So they decided to punish Russia at the hands of the WTO for daring to snap back. It’s interesting what will happen if, after three years of proceedings, during which no one will cancel the sanctions and duties, and they will be in full effect, a verdict will be passed not in favor of the largest state in the world. Although if you count money, then in any case the scales are not tilted towards Russia. For example, estimate who will suffer more damage from the imposed duties. It turns out that the difference is not comparable, not in favor of Russia. According to rough estimates, Russia suffers damages of more than half a billion dollars a year, while the United States receives less than 100 million. So even at the start, they already lost. And what if compensation is awarded? China or Türkiye will come to an agreement, but with us the question is open.

So what if the same tariff war is already in full swing between the USA and China. Russia has a special situation. She has her own mutual settlements with America. And no one will even think of signing up to a joint appeal, even to the WTO. Europe has already chosen to remain silent and not to irritate its older comrade once again. China, of course, has more free hands here, and it can afford to sue the States at the WTO Court. It might even have a better chance of winning than Russia. Although it is also not a fact that this world arbiter will be on the side of retaliatory measures, and not the strongest. For now, whatever one may say, strength is on America’s side. So they do what they want.

Everyone has known this for a long time. Even more, they accepted it as a fact. There are some who are still showing off, but how long it will last is not clear. But Europe knew why it snorted into a rag. Today, three countries (Argentina, Brazil, South Korea) were allowed, if the American metal market demands it, and Trump relents, then they will be able to sell metal to the States. Here's your answer. The metallurgical industry of Argentina and Brazil has its roots in European countries, and the Americans have retained shares in them. So, lawsuits after lawsuits, war, war, but money still trickles down to the Americans. This year alone, the United States will earn more than $7 billion from sanctions. And Russia's contribution to the US economy will not be the last.

What do you think, who will the WTO order to pay fines?

Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi (quod licet jovi, non licet bovi - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull) - a Latin phraseological unit that defines that there is no equality among people and cannot be, which means what some can afford ( action, lifestyle, statements, thoughts), for others it is impossible and forbidden
  • Publius Terentius Afr (185-159 BC) - Roman comedian:

    Duo guot idem faciunt, saepe ut possis dicere
    "Hoc licet impune facere haic, illi non licrt"
    Non guo dissimilis res sit, sed guo is gui facit

    Two people often do the same thing
    And you say - this is allowed, that is not allowed
    It's not about difference, it's about those who make the difference
    (comedy "Brothers")

  • Gaius Pliny Caecilius Secundus (61-113 AD) - writer, lawyer, politician:

    Quam multum interst a guo guidgui fait! Eadem enim facta claritate vel obscuritate facientium aut tolluntur altissime aut humillime deprimuntur

    What significance does the identity of the person who committed any act have! One and the same act is exalted or plunged into darkness, depending on whether it was committed by a famous person or a completely unknown one (“Letters”)

    Application of the phraseological unit “What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull” in literature

    - “What’s wrong with you, dear Alexey Nikolaevich? Is it true that you are sick? Quod licet bovi, non licet Jovi... What suits us, whiners and feeble writers, is certainly not at all fitting for you, the owner of broad shoulders.”(Chekhov. Letter to Pleshcheev)"
    - “The people in France who bring charges against us on this basis are obviously among those who say: Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi. The case of the French socialists, in my opinion, is not at all difficult. bring these people to their senses"(Engels. Letter to Charlot Bonnier)
    - “Some of my colleagues are naive. either short-sighted or simply stupid - they tried to follow in the footsteps of Bovin... not understanding what was well learned by the ancients “What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull”(M. Sturua “Valentin Zorin Syndrome”)