How to believe in good things. How to believe in your own strength

In 2015, 24,982 Russians decided to voluntarily die by committing suicide. Reasons - from dismissal to treason. However, they are only what lies on the surface, an excuse that pushed a person to a fatal step. The reason is deeper: 99% of suicides are people who have lost hope and confidence. How not to lose faith in yourself, not to allow circumstances to break the inner core, if everything is crumbling around?

Why do people lose faith in themselves?

Faith is confidence in the invisible. A person's faith in himself builds up over the years, starting from early childhood. Alexey Nemov, the author of a popular psychology textbook, notes that a person's confidence is formed by social institutions:

  • family;
  • preschool institutions;
  • educational institutions;
  • place of work.

The environment has a huge influence - it is much easier to believe if you are sure that you will be supported and helped, and not tripped when you do not expect.

Many insecure people carry this insecurity from childhood. “You are no good for anything,” the father says to his son. "You have to lose weight by all means, otherwise the guys won't like you!" - the mother teaches her daughter. And they do not realize that in 45% of cases, the complexes and insecurity inherent in childhood will pass with a person through their whole life!

Everyone can name many such examples from his personal life. Hence the rule that must be followed, applying to oneself and raising children in this way:

If you fail, you need to learn from it by finding positive sides creating a situation of success.

This simple rule will help you maintain confidence and consistently pursue your goals with a positive attitude. However, it should be remembered that self-confidence and self-confidence are different things. Faith helps you achieve goals that you can do, while self-confidence pushes you to reckless actions that are doomed to failure.

How not to lose faith in yourself?

Think about what can "unsettle" you and make you give up? Sociologists have compiled a sad top 10 events that influenced the self-esteem of those who fell into the grip of depression:

  1. Death of a loved one, a loved one.
  2. Betrayal of a marriage partner, family breakup.
  3. Disappointment in a loved one.
  4. Absence of a pair for a long time.
  5. Loss of work.
  6. Business failure.
  7. Collapse of hope for something.
  8. Inability to meet someone's requirements.
  9. Serious illness.
  10. The ridicule of others.

These events "break" our compatriots, forcing them to lose faith in themselves. Alas, no one is immune from them. Moreover, millions of people around the world face them every day, but they are not fatal for everyone. How to keep from the collapse of faith in yourself?

Again, psychologists come to the rescue: they suggest following simple rules, which were formulated after analyzing situations in which people managed not only to maintain a positive attitude, but also to emerge victorious, no matter what!

Did you know?

  • Napoleon was short and his family was in trouble with money. In this regard, he was constantly ridiculed by friends.
  • Albert Einstein's teachers were considered mentally retarded, which greatly affected his certificate - he was a poor student.
  • The world famous Sony corporation started out with rice cookers. The model was unsuccessful, and the rice burned there constantly, in connection with which its founder suffered huge losses.
  • Bill Gates was dropped from Harvard.
  • One of the classics of English literature Jack London tried to publish his first book ... 600 times! And he got rejections all the time.

This listing is endless. Hence the conclusion: failure is not a reason to give up, because correcting mistakes can change people, bringing outsiders into leaders. Even if it is very difficult, be sure: what does not kill makes you stronger and more confident in yourself!

What to do to stay confident no matter what

  • Remember that nothing lasts forever

According to legend, on the ring of King Solomon, famous for his wisdom, the text was engraved: "Everything passes." When it is completely difficult, and it seems that you and your personality are not worth anything - remember that recessions are replaced by ups!

  • Don't let the world put pressure on you

Do you know why there are so many people today who are successful but not happy? Because they do not achieve what they need! The media does not make a person out of a person, but a consumer. And in the pursuit of benefits, we begin to lose faith in ourselves.

“I can’t buy the latest iPhone modification,” you sad, feeling like a failure. Your neighbor Tatiana, having a cherished iPhone, is sad that there is not enough money for apartments ... And everyone forgets that the basic law of economics says: "Material human needs are insatiable." Therefore, do not tie self-esteem to income level! Do not forget that many great people did not have wealth: Socrates, Diogenes, Eminem, Yesenin and many others. Therefore, wealth can in no way be an indicator of value for society!

  • Surround yourself with like-minded people

You should not overly listen to the opinions of those who do not share your ideals - this will certainly lead to conflict with yourself and negatively affect self-esteem.

  • Prioritize correctly

It is impossible to achieve everything at once. Therefore, from time to time you need to stop and think: “What do I want to achieve? What can I sacrifice for this? "

  • Don't ignore "bug fixing"

If everything has already happened, it is too late to do anything. But it's never too late to recognize the mistakes in order to avoid them in the future.

These tips are exactly what you need to do if you have lost faith in yourself.

Belief in oneself is the absolute conviction of a person in his inescapable success. Self-confidence directly in the face of any challenge, before a serious task. Self-belief is the starting point for any significant success. What can you do if you have no faith in yourself at all? Is it possible to start loving yourself, cultivate self-esteem and believe in yourself at that age when the personality is already formed? Psychologists say yes.

How to believe in yourself and your strength

Most likely, you previously believed in yourself. Take a look at small children - they all cry very persistently, with complete conviction of their own righteousness, all children quite confidently run from their parents or climb into their arms.

If you have ever had self-confidence, then more often, remember this amazing state. Such memories will be a good basis for the next, more serious self-confidence - the same confidence that will never leave you.

It is important that you do not consume your faith in yourself on your own. It is not difficult to destroy this faith, as many do: they simply drop their shoulders and walk with a melancholy face, quite convincingly telling about themselves that they are definitely no one and they will absolutely not succeed.

Look at yourself - we hope this is not about you? Much worse is that after such a thing, such people are very seriously busy trying to finally destroy the belief in themselves in the people around them.

I believe in myself and own strength it is not difficult to destroy, if you do not support this belief with something deeper, if you have not comprehended the school of life, communication, do not know how to set goals and achieve the same goals. But the one who has acquired all the skills necessary for a prosperous life, only he is completely confident in himself.

If you do not have the necessary skills at all, then belief in yourself is just another “empty” belief, sometimes it can look like a certain house without a foundation: it will not be able to stand for long, but then it will collapse anyway.

To believe in yourself, learn that belief in yourself is a kind of start-up capital: moreover, if it is used wisely, it will increase. If you blindly spend it, without backing it up with anything solid, soon nothing will remain of such capital.

And if it was, then how to get it back? Stop asking it yourself. There is no need to look for faith in yourself: it is not hidden anywhere for you in its complete form. But if suddenly you build it, you develop it further - you will have it.

People with a romantic approach to this case... Responsible comrades are not just looking for faith in themselves, but directly setting goals, accumulating resources and endless work. The main direction is to gain knowledge, skills, life experience, to become truly more successful and more effective.

How to develop self-esteem

Such a feeling as one's own dignity is not given to a person at birth; it must be developed gradually. But is it possible, as an adult, to strengthen self-esteem weakened for some reason? How to develop self-esteem? Only a person who really wants this will follow the advice and achieve the set goal.

You need to honestly look at yourself from the outside and identify your pros and cons. It may be that some of the weaknesses are actually completely minor.

In order to increase your own dignity, as well as correct the existing shortcomings, you need to really want this. If you want to believe in yourself, you need to try to eradicate such your negative traits like selfishness and irascibility and a sense of self-respect will increase significantly. But at the same time, you should not multiply the existing positive qualities.

When thinking about how to develop self-esteem, you need to think carefully and identify your main positive qualities. Diligence, patience, generosity, caring and kindness, showing compassion for people - all these qualities overshadow the remaining minor flaws.

You need to set realistic, achievable goals for yourself, for example, learn a pair foreign languages, learn to play some musical instrument or quickly type on the keyboard, improve reading skills or expand the range of studied literary works. Having planned your actions and having achieved one set goal, you need to confidently go further, because with each subsequent step, the feeling of self-respect also increases.

You always need to do any job with high quality. A negligent attitude towards fulfilling one's duties does not bring satisfaction, but a well-completed task brings joy. This also applies to conscientious household chores.

A person should be in an environment that believes in his strength and capabilities. Being among the people for whom everyone else is empty place, a person feels uncomfortable and this is especially detrimental to the self-esteem of adolescents. People who behave arrogantly and offend others can develop a sense of inferiority in a person, so those who provide support and interest should be chosen as friends.

To believe in yourself, the most important thing to remember is that self-esteem and self-esteem do not appear if you sit idly by. You definitely need to help yourself in development. positive qualities without expecting it from others.

How to start loving yourself the most

Self-love is necessary condition life happy person... If you are wondering how to start loving yourself more than anyone else, then you do not feel that you love yourself enough. The reasons for insufficient self-love are self-criticism, constant introspection, dissatisfaction with oneself and one's actions. In order to learn to love yourself, you need to radically change your way of life.

Dedicate at least a few hours a week to activities that make you happy

If you love to lie in bed on a day off, give yourself that opportunity. If you enjoy watching romantic comedies, do not deny yourself this pleasure. If you want to start loving yourself, give yourself the right to be who you are.

Give yourself the right to make mistakes.

To believe in yourself and start loving, stop scolding and criticizing yourself! Everyone is wrong, you should not punish yourself if you did something wrong. Ultimately, any mistake can be corrected. In addition, despite the well-known phrase that you need to learn from the mistakes of others, your experience always turns out to be more understandable and useful.

List your strengths and what can be changed

And include in this list only what you yourself think. You do not need to include here what relatives, friends or acquaintances have imposed on you. It often turns out that our shortcomings prevent us from living not at all for us, but for those around us. Is it worth adjusting for everyone?

Forgive yourself for your past actions.

Often, our past mistakes, grievances, insults lie on our shoulders with an unbearable burden, which prevents us from fully enjoying the present. To start loving yourself, accept the fact that you have every right to be yourself, not an ideal. You were wrong, earning your life experience, and now you use it, it went for your good. Until you forgive yourself and your friends for actions in the past, you will not be able to move on.

Enjoy every day

When you wake up in the morning, think about the fact that you have a whole day ahead of you to do something good. To start loving yourself, in the morning create a mood for yourself with pleasant music, dance. After all, life is about movement - when you open your eyes, feel it.

Remember to praise yourself

If you want to believe in yourself and start loving, praise yourself for any good deed that you have committed during the day. Just skip negative moments without focusing on them. You can even take a few minutes before bed to reflect on your day and praise yourself for all the positive things you have done.

By following our recommendations on how to start loving yourself more than anyone else, you can gain self-confidence, and your life will definitely change for the better. After all, as soon as you love yourself, the attitude of others towards you will change, and positive thoughts will bring many positive events into your life.

How to believe in yourself? How to believe in your abilities? In order to answer these questions, I present to your attention a very useful article (in two parts). It is dedicated to how a person can gain firm faith in himself, in the fact that he can achieve whatever he wants.

Self-confidence is extremely important. The belief that you are able to achieve the end result despite any obstacles opens up for you huge world opportunities.

I wish you a pleasant, inspired and useful reading ... I am sure that in this article you will find the answer to the question: "How to believe in yourself?"

Translation: Dmitry Balezin

How to believe that you are able to achieve whatever you want?

The phrase “You can achieve anything if you believe in it” has become so worn out that people just look away when they hear it. They tried and they failed.

Here are just a few quotes on this topic:

To succeed, we must first believe that we are capable of it.;

Your faith determines your actions, and your actions determine your results, but first you must believe
(Mark Victor Nansen);

Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You are able to get where your mind can go. Remember what you believe in is what you can achieve
(Mary Kay Ash);

Believe that you are capable of success and you will succeed
(Dale Carnegie);

What the human mind is able to know and imagine, that he is able to achieve
(Napoleon Hill);

Notice how these people are essentially saying the same thing: if you believe in something, you can achieve it. Well, let me agree with that with all my heart. However, I believe that they are missing one very important part, which is the following:

How to believe in yourself?

It is not enough to say, "Believe it and it will happen!" I hate, with the passion of thousands of suns, advice that is presented to us without proper explanation or without guidelines to follow in order to apply it.

I believe that the reason we cannot believe in our own capabilities is that we have never done it.

I mean that we have never really formed our own faith (our own beliefs).

Think about it.

Look for the source of your faiths and beliefs regarding religion, politics, money, society, and the world in general. You will find that most of your beliefs are rooted outside of you, from your parents, friends, or the media.

"Don't talk to strangers - they are bad."
"Money is the root of all evil" (Actually, the root of all evil is the love of money)
"If you don't succeed in school, then you will not achieve anything in life."
"To obtain Good work you need to go to college "

Most people have never bothered to create their own beliefs, these beliefs have been feeding us from the cradle.

It's time to take responsibility for your own beliefs.

In order to understand how to believe in something, let's explore the process of creating some of the most powerful beliefs (beliefs) that people have. I'm talking about religious beliefs and politics.

Beliefs and beliefs rooted in religion and politics are EXTREMELY powerful.

Because of them, splits in families occurred.
Because of them, the World Wars were fought.
Millions of lives were taken from them.
Because of them, men and women went so far as to sacrifice their lives.

It is clear that the strength of human beliefs in the realm of religion and politics and their impact on our lives is beyond the question.

If we could analyze the process of creating these beliefs (beliefs) and apply it to create our own beliefs, then we could achieve whatever we wanted.

How are these beliefs formed?


FIRST, you must express the specific belief that you want to believe.

I know this sounds obvious, but a lot of people don't believe in anything. You can ask them:

"Do you believe that you are able to lose 10 kg of excess weight?"

Their answer: "I don't know ... Maybe ... Let's see ..."
This is not faith.
These are just excuses.

DECLARE SPECIFIC belief (belief).

It doesn't matter that you cannot believe in it from the very beginning. Just take the first step and SHOW it out.

Let's choose for the purposes of this article a conviction that will not cause controversy, will not cause the resentment of the reader of any denomination and any political views.

Let's pick a positive belief that many people find it hard to believe.

"I will lose 10 kg of excess weight." Great, the first step has been taken. We have created a certain belief.

Now, to all readers who have tried and failed to lose weight, I will say, "I can imagine what you are thinking."

“I can't lose 10 kg. I have tried all the wonderful diets, medications, dietary supplements, exercise, etc. None of this helped me lose weight. I will always be complete. "

If these thoughts are your automatic reaction, then there is nothing wrong with that. I am not forcing you to change this inner self-talk right now, because I know that it is very difficult to do it.

Don't feel overwhelmed and powerless. Take it step by step. Now that you have SPECIFIC belief, what is the next step?


DRIVE this belief into your head for a LONG TIME. Beliefs (beliefs) are NOT formed overnight.

People didn’t believe in political ideals or religious teachings all of a sudden, it didn’t happen overnight.

This was due to the long-term absorption of information over a long period of time.

Many people have acquired these beliefs in young age from their parents, friends, religious leaders, teachers, mentors, etc. They heard these statements at breakfast, watching TV, reading books, magazines, chatting with friends.

However, this time no one will hammer a new belief into your head.


It doesn't matter if your inner interlocutor denies your faith, conviction. Constant hammering is sure to drive the nail into your conversation with yourself. DRIVE it into your head.

It is at this stage that 90% of people fail and conclude that the whole idea of ​​"if you believe, then you can achieve" is a complete% $% # @.

We live in a society in which sources of distraction are raging: the Internet, SMS, cable TV, e-mail, Cell Phones, Ipod, wireless internet, etc.

We are a spoiled generation. We live in an "instant" society. We want results IMMEDIATELY. We have lost such dignity as patience.

Music, video, news, entertainment - everything is turned on with one button. We can contact anyone in the world by dialing 12 digits. We can find any source of information by clicking the mouse.

It's so easy to get carried away with the newest things and forget the importance of continually focusing on setting new beliefs.

We lose faith in ourselves when we don't see the quick results from gaining new beliefs. We have lost the meaning of the very idea that it is necessary to stick to something until the goal is achieved.

It doesn't matter how long it takes.

How can you avoid this trap?

1. Write down your beliefs each day.

This is one of the most powerful belief-building exercises ever. I know this is very similar to affirmations, and it is by by and large this is true. However, you may have had experience with affirmations and may not have achieved significant results.

2. Stick your new beliefs wherever you can see them.

You can write your beliefs (beliefs) on pieces of paper or print them and stick them everywhere: on the refrigerator, mirror, doors, computer, TV, in the bathroom - everywhere.

3. Every day visualize your beliefs as already realized.

Your brain cannot tell the difference between what you see with your eyes and what you imagine. Do you know what this means?

Nothing really exists. By "nothing" I mean objects that you think of as real: a pen, a computer, a piece of paper.

The reality is that you receive all information from the outside world through your 5 senses. Through the process that takes place in your brain, your experience (sensations) is created.

Reality lives only in your mind.

And that's why you can create your own reality. Therefore, create the reality that you have already achieved your goals by visualizing your beliefs, thereby helping to drive them into your head.

You must set aside time for this every day.

If you do this from time to time, you will not be able to establish a new belief. Rome was not built in a day. Masterpieces of art did not appear suddenly.

Anything of significant value did not appear overnight. Deep down, you know it's true. There are no shortcuts in life. Does this mean it will take you years to establish a new belief?

If you consistently instill a new belief in yourself by following the steps outlined above, you will find that your belief (belief) will actually manifest itself faster than you expect.


Communicate regularly with those who share your beliefs.

If you look back at how political and religious beliefs were formed, you will find that the process of consolidating these beliefs has been immeasurably aided by fellowship on an ongoing basis with those who shared similar religious beliefs.

By habit, people DO NOT communicate with those who DO NOT share their beliefs.

Muslims don't associate with Jews. Atheists don't associate with Christians. Inveterate conservatives do not associate with liberals.

Each group of people attracted like-minded people and formed a support group.(see also Success Team)

People who believe in the same thing are naturally drawn to each other. Rich to rich, poor to poor, middle-class people to middle-class people. This fact is undeniable.

As your beliefs begin to take root, you will find that you will naturally become attracted to those people who share similar beliefs (beliefs).

If you find yourself behaving in this way, then it is very good sign what you are moving in the right direction... This means that your beliefs are starting to take root.

For example, if you constantly drive into your head the belief that you are a great speaker, then you will naturally start looking for lessons in oratory, books and cassettes. You will buy matching books and listen to cassettes. Find the closest Toastmasters club in your area on the Internet and join it. You will meet many people who share the same
the very beliefs.

When it becomes your habit to associate with people with similar beliefs, it will even more help you to root your faith.

Copyright © 2007 Dmitry Balezin

Self-confidence is the platform on which a person's success in life is based. How to believe in yourself and your strength - this question is often asked by people who seek help from a psychologist.

However, there are no universal rules and techniques in this matter - after all, every person is unique and you need to find an individual way to gain confidence. Someone is helped by the family - parents, grandmothers, to "stand firmly on their feet." Others, however, cannot do without the qualified help of a doctor. However, the efforts are worth it - after believing in their own strength, a person is literally ready to "move mountains."

Let's figure out why a person stops believing in himself, becomes timid and shy, and then we will learn to overcome this problem, take the main steps towards success.

The main reasons for lack of faith in yourself

Before you understand how to help a person believe in himself, you need to find out why he has lost "solid ground under his feet." As a rule, the reasons for self-doubt are:

  1. The environment of a person - if in a family or team every day they say that there is no talent, and the hands “do not grow from there,” then the child grows up as a “gray mouse”, an insecure adult. As a rule, quite often you have to prove something even after leaving school, admission to a new job. It is good if a faithful friend or relative leads the hand through life. But this is rare.
  2. Constant comparison of oneself with others is a fairly common reason for the formation of disbelief in one's own abilities and capabilities. From infancy, a child can hear that other children are better at something, or they have special talents in something. The inferiority complex then lasts all your life, if you do not fight it. Too frequent comparison will lead to a significant decrease in self-esteem, the formation of self-doubt.
  3. Failures and failures in the past. Perfect people do not exist, and everyone can make a mistake. Simply, if you are constantly afraid of something new because of a once wrong step or action, then the number of failures will only multiply. However, if you analyze your mistake and understand what it was, in the future the person will no longer commit it. And success will only strengthen self-confidence.

However, self-doubt may have other reasons. For example, when physical and intellectual fatigue depletes all the strength of a person. Because of this, all events that happen to him are viewed exclusively from a negative point of view.

Women's manifestations of self-doubt

Glossy women's magazines often publish articles on how to believe in yourself and achieve success. In the depths of her soul, almost every representative of the beautiful half of humanity doubts herself, her own attractiveness or success with the opposite sex. It is because of this uncertainty that various problems appear in personal life or in a team. However, you can and should fight with them.

V severe cases for example, she simply does not know how to make herself believe in herself. And no assurances of friends and relatives will help her. Constant meetings with a psychotherapist are required to work out all internal complexes. Only in this case will it be possible to defeat depression and develop confidence in the ability to overcome difficulties. Gradually, a woman gains faith in herself.

Or another situation that young women have to face - persistent chauvinism of men in professional activities. And in the progressive XXI century, many representatives of the strong half of humanity are sure that a woman's place is exclusively in the kitchen and in the hospital. They suppress a woman's personality, make her lose confidence both intellectually and physically.

If a woman does not give in to petty tricks and "hooking" of male colleagues, then they resort to other measures. For example, they emphasize the non-sexuality of women, ridicule the manner of dressing, apply makeup. In conjunction with the eternal female insecurity - the Eve complex, it also painfully hits the feeling of security and self-confidence.

  • accept yourself as nature has created - with all the shortcomings and advantages;
  • clearly understand your strengths and demonstrate them, while “retouching” small errors;
  • literally "by heart" know your labor duties, to constantly improve in the profession, thereby giving confidence to oneself - a highly qualified specialist will always be in demand, even in those areas where men “rule” primordially.

For centuries, women have proven that they can successfully compete with men in many areas of life, while not losing their feminine attractiveness. Therefore, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your own uniqueness, attractiveness and intelligence. Then the people around will see only what the woman wants to demonstrate, and not her weaknesses and unbelief.

Belief of men in themselves

Since time immemorial, men have dominated most public spheres, then the question of their self-confidence seems to be especially relevant. However, not everyone from childhood manages to demonstrate their superiority to others. If the boy even once received remarks in overweight, weakness in physical education class or excessive angularity, then such statements can undermine his faith in himself for a long time. Especially if such “comments” were made in the presence of girls or other significant person for the child.

A boy grows up into a young man with huge internal complexes, which are far from always possible to overcome on their own, for example, due to the development of physical strength or intelligence. Of course, the family plays a huge role in the correct upbringing of a confident personality. If parents tell even the physically or intellectually weakest child that he is the best and most beloved, he will certainly grow into a full-fledged member of society. In an adult state, he will be firmly confident in his abilities.

Choosing the right life partner also plays an important role. If a woman constantly insists that her husband is a failure and brings little money to the family, then, in the end, he really will believe in it. Whereas support in the most risky endeavors will inspire a man and force him to further improve, confidently go towards his own dream.

How to live on and believe in yourself

Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that it seems to a person that nothing depends on him, troubles are pouring out of the “Pandora's box” and it is not possible to cope with it. However, you should not despair, in this case, a few tips on how to believe in yourself when you give up will definitely be appropriate, will help solve seemingly insoluble issues.

So, you need:

  1. To perceive life as it is is not worth embellishing, but you also cannot form in oneself a lack of faith in joy and love or anhedonia. If you prepare yourself for daily hardships and adversities, they will indeed happen. After all, it is already a practically proven fact that people's thoughts are material. Psychotherapists recommend decomposing each problem into its component parts - each of which becomes smaller, and therefore easier to solve. And having solved one problem and believing that everything will work out, indeed, it will be possible to cope with the problem as a whole.
  2. Make comparisons not with those who are higher in social status or material wealth, but with people equal in these criteria. Then your own life will seem quite prosperous and even successful.
  3. In the memories that periodically appear in any person, try to return to positive moments and events. While negative events try to displace from memory or hide "on the far shelf", delete them into the "archive of the brain". Fond memories will improve your mood, and this, in turn, will have a positive effect on your whole life.
  4. Realistically assess your own strengths and capabilities. Not chasing a million in the lottery, but building your life day after day out of the bricks of real possible actions. Then the result will be clearly visible. You should not be hovering somewhere in the distant future, when food may not be enough.

Self-confidence is daily work on a personality, long road into millions of small steps. And only by overcoming difficulties and receiving a reward for this, a person will be sure that he can do everything.

What you need to do to believe in yourself

Of course, not in all cases it is possible to develop in oneself “iron” confidence in oneself and in one's own strengths, as in the “steadfast tin soldier” who never gives up. However, everyone can carry out purposeful work to foster such self-confidence.

So, someone can be helped by a list made up of the available positive and negative qualities. It is better if such a list is compiled not only by an insecure person, but also by his relatives and friends. Their comparison and assessment will allow you to get a clearer idea of ​​all the strengths and weaknesses... And only after that it will be possible to draw up a plan for how to emphasize the first of them, and correct the second. Moreover, the emphasis should be made, mainly, on the strengths, to develop them, to emphasize, well, and the weak ones - you just need to know and “do not stick out”.

For example, if at work someone has authoritarianly stated that they have made a mistake in the report, immediately get better and focus on the merits - the work done ahead of schedule, its huge volume, the absence additional assistance when performing it. Such gestures will help build authority among colleagues.

In general, in a team it is better to communicate more often with those people who are of professional and personal interest, from whom you can learn something new for yourself, learn something. Then there will be more support, and the absence of stress will have a positive effect on labor productivity.

If a mistake was made, you should not dwell on failure, but immediately try to fix everything. It is also highly regarded by the superiors.

One more efficient method how to make a man believe in himself, or a representative of the beautiful part of the population - to improve his own appearance in combination with attending advanced training courses. New stylish modern appearance and received Additional Information will contribute to gaining confidence, confirmed by a positive assessment from the outside.

In the case when all of the above recommendations do not give a tangible result - the person remains, as before, timid and insecure, then he needs qualified assistance a psychologist or psychotherapist, working with a coach specializing in the field of personal and professional growth.

In individual or group conversations, it will be established what caused the formation of an insecure personality, what are the origins of the problem. Only after finding out and understanding them, it will be possible to take steps to overcome the problem.

To date, many techniques have been developed - trainings and seminars that help to become confident and psychologically strong personal. Optimal schemes occupational therapy are selected on an individual basis. For example, a specialist put a specific task, which is quite within the power of a timid person, suggests several directions in which to act. In the next lesson, the person is told what they did and what they didn’t succeed in.

This is exactly how - step by step, uncertainty and shyness are overcome, the skill of life's struggle with troubles is developed.

Almost any complex lends itself to psychocorrection. The main thing is to want to deal with it in a timely manner and ask for help.