E codes of food additives. Harmful additives in food. Nutritional Supplements That Cause Malignant Tumors

These are additives that cheaply help to provide a product with a beautiful appearance and color, brighter taste and increase shelf life. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the names of the chemicals used for this were written on the packages as a whole, but there were too many of them and there was not enough space on the label, so the Europeans in 1953 proposed replacing the names of additives with one letter (index E - from Europe) with numerical codes. This scheme divides food additives into groups according to their properties (the first digit of the code identifies the category).

List (table) of harmful food additives E.

raster. intestines


raster. stomach

suspicious (?)

raster. stomach


raster. stomach

raster. intestines

raster. stomach


raster. stomach

can cause cancer

raster. stomach


harmful to the skin

raster. stomach

suspicious (?)

harmful to the skin

raster. stomach

very dangerous, prohibited

raster. stomach

harmful to the skin

raster. stomach


prohibited. May cause cancer

suspicious (?)


suspicious (?)


can cause cancer


very dangerous

violates blood pressure

very dangerous

suspicious (?)

can cause cancer

very dangerous

can cause cancer

suspicious (?)

can cause cancer

intestinal raster.

harmful to the skin

can cause cancer

intestinal raster.


can cause cancer

intestinal raster.

can cause cancer

can cause cancer

intestinal raster.

intestinal rasstr., violates blood pressure

harmful to the skin - rash

intestinal raster.

harmful to the skin - rash

intestinal raster.

harmful to the skin

harmful to the skin - rash

intestinal raster.

suspicious (?)


intestinal raster.

suspicious (?)


intestinal raster.

can cause cancer

intestinal raster.

raster. stomach

can cause cancer, kidney stones

raster. stomach

prohibited. May cause cancer. The maximum permissible dosage in soft drinks is 150 mg / l!

raster. stomach

harmful to the skin - rash

can cause cancer

raster. stomach


can cause cancer

intestinal raster.


can cause cancer

harmful to the skin

can cause cancer


prohibited. Propyl ether (alcohol). May cause cancer

can cause cancer

prohibited. Propyl ether. Rakoobr.

harmful to the skin

can cause cancer

raster. stomach

List of especially harmful and prohibited food additives E.

E 102; E 104; E 110; E 120; E 121; E 122; E 123; E 124; E 127; E 128; E 129; E 131; E 132; E 133; E 142; E 151; E 153; E 154; E 155; E 173; E 174; E 175; E 180; E 214; E 215; E 216; E 217; E 219; E 226; E 227; E 230; E 231; E 233; E 236; E 237; E 238; E 239; E 240; E 249 ... E 252; E 296; E 320; E 321; E 620; E 621; E 627; E 631; E 635; E 924 a-b; E 926; E 951; E 952; E 954; E 957.

Rospotrebnadzor experts consider such food additives E as dangerous:

E102, E110, E120, E124, E127, E129, E155, E180, E201, E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E233, E242, E270, E400, E401, E402, E403, E404, E405, E501, E501 E503, E620, E636 and E637. The list of very dangerous food additives includes E123, E510, E513 and E527, but for some unknown reason, they are still not prohibited. The additives E104, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E241 and E477 are suspicious.

Food additive - sodium benzoate (E 211).

An important function of a preservative is the sodium salt of benzoic acid - it prevents juices from fermenting and prevents bacteria from multiplying. Food additive - sodium benzoate (E 211) is found in carbonated drinks and chips, in meat and ketchup. Long-term use of this dietary supplement can cause changes in metabolism and trigger the development of cancer.

Food additive - aspartame (E 951).

Food additive - aspartame (E 951) is a sweetener and flavor enhancer, which allows it to be used instead of sugar in diabetic products. In addition, aspartame is added to chewing gum, drinks, canned food, condiments, and so on. In the past few years, the United States has been working to ban E 951, as it can cause migraines, skin rashes and impairment of brain activity.

Food additive - monosodium glutamate (E 621).

Food additive - monosodium glutamate (E 621) gives the dish the taste and smell of meat (used in bouillon cubes, spices to enhance the taste). If you exceed the norm (pour several bags into the noodles), you can get poisoned. In the United States, hundreds of thousands of such poisonings are reported annually.

List of food additives FAO.

The International Food Organization and agriculture(FAO) the UN has developed a classification of food additives in the Codex Alimentarius system (Codex Alimentarius is a set of international food standards).

* E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E153 are dyes. They are included in the composition of sweet carbonated drinks, lollipops, colored ice cream. Sometimes they become the cause of malignant tumors.

* E171-173 - are dyes. They are included in the composition of sweet carbonated drinks, lollipops, colored ice cream. Sometimes they cause liver and kidney disease.

* E210, E211, E213-217, E240 are preservatives. Included in canned food of all types (mushrooms, compotes, juices, preserves). Sometimes they become the cause of malignant tumors.

* E221-226 - are preservatives. Used in all canning. Sometimes they cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

* E230-232, E239 - are preservatives. Included in any canned food. Sometimes they cause allergic reactions.

* E311-313 - are antioxidants (antioxidants). They are included in the composition of yoghurts, fermented milk products, sausages, butter, chocolate. Sometimes they cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

* E407, E447, E450 - are stabilizers and thickeners. Included in preserves, jams, condensed milk, chocolate cheese. Sometimes they cause liver and kidney disease.

* E461-466 - are stabilizers and thickeners. Included in preserves, jams, condensed milk, chocolate cheese. Sometimes they cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

* E924a, E924b - are defoamers. Included in soda pops. Sometimes they become the cause of malignant tumors.

Nutritional supplements E, harmful to the skin:

E151, E160, E231, E232, E239, E951, E1105.

Crustacean food additives:

E131, E142, E153, E210, E211, E212, E213, E214, E215, E216, E219, E230, E240, E249, E252, E280, E281, E282, E283, E330, E954.

Extremely Dangerous Food Additives:

E123, E510, E513, E527.

Food additives that can cause stomach upset:

E338, E339, E340, E341, E450, E451, E452, E453, E454, E461, E462, E463, E465, E466.

Food supplements that affect blood pressure:

E154, E250, E251.

Rash-Causing Food Additives:

E310, E311, E312, E907.

Dietary Supplements Causing Intestinal Disorders:

E154, E343, E626, E627, E628, E629, E630, E631, E632, E633, E634, E635.

Food additives that cause malignant tumors:

E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E152, E210, E211, E213-217, E240, E330, E447.

Food additives that cause gastrointestinal disease:

E221-226, E320-322, E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466.

Food additives that are dangerous allergens:

E230, E231, E232, E239, E311-131.

Nutritional supplements, disease causing liver and kidney:

E171-173, E320-322.

E designations appeared on all food packaging in Russia after 1996.
The inscription on the packaging "E124 is a safe food additive approved by ES standards" does not guarantee the safety of the additive! First, this does not mean that this supplement can be consumed in any quantity.

Secondly, not everything that is permitted in Europe is permitted in Russia.

Results of new scientific research lead to the creation of some and limiting the consumption of other additives, even if previously considered safe.

E 100 - 199 - dyes
Foods with red and yellow dyes, such as tartrazine E102, often cause food allergies. This dye is used in sweets, ice cream, confectionery, and drinks.

E127 has a toxic effect, provoking diseases of the thyroid gland.

E 200 - 299 - preservatives
The infamous sodium nitrites and nitrates are E250 and E251. They are still widely used today, despite the fact that they cause a variety of allergic and inflammatory reactions, headache, hepatic colic, irritability and fatigue.

Substances designated by codes E231 and E232 are harmful to the skin. These additives are used in the production of various sausages, meat products with a long shelf life and canned food.

Dyes and preservatives have a bad effect on the immune system and disrupt the natural intestinal microflora. A functional disorders intestines sometimes lead to oncological and cardiovascular pathologies. Metabolism and liver suffer. On February 22, 2005, the use of additives with the E216 and E217 index was prohibited in Russia in order to prevent the threat of the emergence of mass non-infectious diseases (poisoning) of the population. Scientists speak out more harshly - these substances can provoke the appearance of malignant tumors. Previously, these additives were used in the production of meat and confectionery products.

E 300 - 399 - antioxidants
Antioxidants (also called antioxidants) slow down the oxidative process in fat and oil emulsions. Fats in this way do not go rancid and do not change their color over time.

E311 can cause allergies and asthma attacks. An asthma attack can also be triggered by E320 and E321 additives (included in some fatty products and chewing gums). E320 retains water in the body and increases cholesterol.

E 400 - 499 - thickeners, stabilizers
Thickeners and stabilizers increase the viscosity. They are almost always added to low-fat foods such as mayonnaise and yoghurt. Thick consistency creates the illusion " quality product". They can provoke diseases of the digestive system.

E 500 - 599 - emulsifiers
Emulsifiers create homogeneous mixture from immiscible products such as water and oil. Negatively affect the liver, cause indigestion. Emulsifiers E510, E513 and E527 are especially dangerous in this respect.

E 600 - 699 - flavor enhancers
"Miracle Seasoning" allows you to save on natural meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, seafood. A few chopped fibers of a natural product or even its extract are added to the dish, generously flavored with an amplifier, and - a "real" taste is obtained. The additive successfully masks the poor quality of the original product, for example, old or low-grade meat. The flavor enhancer is found in almost all fish, chicken, mushroom, soy semi-finished products, as well as in chips, croutons, sauces, various dry seasonings, bouillon cubes and dry soups. No recipe in a fast food restaurant is complete without flavor enhancers. Wherein allowable norms can be exceeded - the maximum dosage of this supplement should create the illusion of a "quality product". They can provoke diseases of the digestive system.

The most famous flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate E621. There has been a fierce controversy surrounding this supplement for many years. American neurophysiologist John Olney discovered in the mid-1970s that monosodium glutamate can cause brain damage in rats. And Japanese scientist Hiroshi Oguro recently proved that this food additive has an adverse effect on the retina. 30% of people who frequently eat MSG food complain of headaches, increased heart rate, muscle weakness, fever, and chest distention. This additive is especially often used in oriental cuisine, therefore, experts have combined the described symptoms with the term "Chinese restaurant syndrome". Monosodium glutamate is the sodium salt of the amino acid glutamate. There is a lot of it, for example, in celery root. This amino acid and its salts are involved in the transmission of impulses in the central nervous system, have an exciting effect and are used in psychiatry. V pure form this substance has neither taste nor smell, but enhances the taste of any dish. To a person who frequently consumes monosodium glutamate, natural food seems tasteless, since the taste recognition receptors become desensitized. This is how a person becomes addicted to the “tasty condiment”. In order not to scare away the buyer, manufacturers do not always call the E621 seasoning by their own name. It is often referred to as "flavoring" or "flavoring agent". Sometimes this wording also hides E622 - potassium glutamate, which is banned for use in Russia. Of the 18 well-known flavor enhancers in Russia, 6 are allowed, but they can hardly be considered useful.

E 900 - 999 - defoamers, glazing agents, sweeteners, leavening agents.
These additives prevent or reduce foam formation, create a shiny smooth shell, give the product a sweet taste and make the dough more fluffy. Antifoaming agents, glazing agents and leavening agents do not pose a great danger to the body.

The biggest complaint is about the sweetener aspartame.
It is included in over 6,000 products. At 30 degrees Celsius, aspartame begins to break down into methanol (methyl alcohol) and formaldehyde, which is considered a carcinogen. Continuous use of aspartame often causes headaches, ringing in the ears, allergies and depression.
Another sweetener - cyclamate - has been banned in the USA, France, Great Britain and some other countries since 1969. It is thought to cause kidney failure. These sweeteners are widely used in the beverage industry. They increase appetite and thirst.

E-supplements banned in Russia
E121 - citrus red, dye
E123 - red amaranth, dye
E240 - formaldehyde, preservative
E-supplements, legal in Russia, but considered dangerous
They cause the growth of malignant tumors: E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E143, E152,
E210, E211, E213-217, E240, E330, E447.
They cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: E221-226, E320-322, E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466.
Allergens: E230, E231, E232, E239, E311-313.
They cause liver and kidney diseases: E171 173, E320-322.

food additives with E in products

According to the definition of WHO (World Health Organization), food additives are natural compounds and chemical substances, which by themselves are usually not eaten, but in limited quantities are deliberately introduced into foods. V different countries, about 500 food additives are used in food production.

Additives are developed by microbiologists and chemists, then tested from several months to several years. If the tests are successful, then the regulatory organization of the country where the additive was developed recommends it for widespread use.

What is the meaning or, more correctly, the function of the additives? Additives regulate the moisture content of products, crush and loosen, emulsify and compact, bleach and glaze, oxidize, cool and preserve, and so on. They can even turn food into lather.

The letter "E" is an abbreviation for "Europe" - Europe, as the European Commission on Food Additives labels the chemical compounds contained in products. Then follows a three- or four-digit number, in which the full name of the mysterious compound is encoded. The numbers began to be used in 1953 to shorten the names of chemical additives that were too long.

So, additives with the E-1 ** code are dyes of artificial or natural origin.

The preservatives code is E-2 **, they prevent the development of bacteria in products.

Antioxidants (E-3 **) prevent fat oxidation, prevent the development of toxic bacteria. Tocopherols and vitamin E are coded under E-306 and E-309 - these are safe supplements, which cannot be said about the antioxidants BHA (E-320) and BHT (E-321).

Stabilizers and emulsifiers (E-4 **) improve texture and appearance products. Sweeteners (E-4 ** and E-9 **) are widely used, they are about 200 times sweeter than sugar... Some of them (for example, E-952 - cyclamate used in carbonated drinks) are not safe enough. Flavor enhancers and other additives (E-2 **, E-3 **, E-5 **, E-9 **) are used both at the stage of preparation and in final products.

There are a lot of additives, and they are different in their action. For example, nitrates (E-250 for sodium nitrite, E-251 for sodium nitrate and E-252 for potassium nitrate) are found in sausages, in smoked fish, sprats, canned herring. They are also added to hard cheeses to prevent swelling. Products containing these additives should not be consumed by people suffering from liver diseases, intestinal diseases, dysbiosis, cholecystitis. In such people, part of the nitrates, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, turns into more toxic nitrites, which in turn form rather strong carcinogens - nitrosamines. And E-620 - glutamic acid and E-621 - glutamate are used to enhance and preserve taste. Neither glutamic acid nor its salts can be called harmful compounds. On the contrary, the heart muscle and the brain especially need this acid. By the way, with a shortage, our body itself can begin to synthesize it. But with an overabundance, it begins to have a toxic effect, especially on the liver and pancreas.

The bad news is that the packaging does not indicate the amount of additives it contains, so it is difficult to determine the amount of a product that is safe for consumption per day.

There are also harmful food additives, before there were only three - E-121 (citrus red dye), E-123 (amaranth dye) and E-240 (formaldehyde preservative). The first two are usually found in sweet soda water, candy, colored ice cream, and E-240 - from the category of preservatives - is present in any kind of canned food (mushrooms, compotes, jams, juices, etc.) It has already been scientifically proven that all three additives can contribute to the formation of malignant tumors. Interestingly, only a few years ago, prohibited additives such as E-240 were used quite legally. In particular, such indices were on the wrappers of MARS chocolate bars, and formally the manufacturing company acted absolutely correctly - at that moment there was no ban on this additive yet. There are no forbidden indices on the wrappers of the current "MARS".

Now we have added E-216 (para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester) and E-217 (para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester, sodium salt). These preservatives were often used in the production of sweets, filled chocolates, jellies, meat coatings, pâtés, soups and broths.

In general terms:
A code starting with 1 means dyes; 2 - preservatives, 3 - antioxidants (they prevent spoilage of the product), 4 - stabilizers (preserve its consistency), 5 - emulsifiers (support the structure), 6 - flavor and aroma enhancers, 9 - anti-flaming, that is antifoam substances. Indexes with a four-digit number indicate the presence of sweeteners - substances that keep sugar or salt friable, glazing agents.
Food additives E that do not provide harmful effects on human health, when used for the manufacture of food. (SanPin. 2.3.2. 1078-01)

Food additives - dyes:
E-100, E-101, E-102, E-103, E-104, E-107, E-110, E-120, E-122, E-124, E-128, E-129, E- 131, E-132, E-133, E-140, E-141, E-142, E-143, E-150а, E-150b, E-150с, E-150d, E-151, E-152, E-153, E-155, E-160a, E-160b, E-160c, E-160d, E-160e, E-160f, E-161a, E-161b, E-161c, E-161d, E- 161e, E-161f, E-161g, E-162, E-163, E-170, E-171, E-172, E-174, E-175, E-181, E-182.
Food additives - preservatives:
E-200, E-201, E-202, E-203, E-209, E-210, E-211, E-212, E-213, E-214, E-215, E-216, E- 217, E-218, E-219, E-220, E-221, E-222, E-223, E-224, E-225, E-226, E-227, E-228, E-230, E-231, E-232, E-234, E-235, E-236, E-237, E-238, E-239, E-241, E-249, E-250, E-251, E- 252, E-260, E-261, E-262, E-263, E-264, E-265, E-266, E-270, E-281, E-282, E-283, E-290 ( gas for saturation of drinks), E-296 (malic acid - acidity regulator), E-297 (fumaric acid - acidity regulator).
Food additives - antioxidants:
E-300 (ascorbic acid), E-301, E-302, E-303, E-304, E-305, E-306, E-307, E-308 (synthetic), E-309 (synthetic), E-310, E-311, E-312, E-314, E-315, E-316, E-317, E-318, E-319, E-320, E-321, E-322, E- 323, E-325, E-326, E-327, E-328, E-329, E-330, E-331 (substituted), E-332 (substituted), E-333, E-334, E- 335 (substituted), E-336 (substituted), E-337, E-338, E-339 (substituted), E-340 (substituted), E-341 (substituted), E-342 (substituted), E- 343 (substituted), E-345, E-349, E-350 (substituted), E-351 (substituted), E-352, E-353, E-354, E-355, E-356, E-357 , E-359, E-363, E-366, E-367, E-368, E-375, E-380, E-381, E-383, E-384, E-385, E-386, E -387, E-391.
Food additives - thickeners:
E-400, E-401, E-402, E-403, E-404, E-405, E-406, E-407, E-407a, E-409, E-410, E-411, E- 412, E-413, E-414, E-415, E-416, E-417, E-418, E-419, E-420, E-421, E-422, E-430, E-431, E-432, E-433, E-434, E-435, E-436, E-440, E-442, E-444, E-445, E-446, E-450, E-451, E- 452, E-459, E-462, E-466, E-468, E-469.
Food additives - emulsifiers:
E-460, E-461, E-463, E-464, E-465, E-467, E-470, E-471, E-472a, E-472b, E-472c, E-472d, E- 472e, E-472f, E-472g, E-473, E-474, E-475, E-476, E-477, E-478, E-479, E-480, E-481, E-482, E-483, E-491, E-492, E-493, E-494, E-495, E-496.
Food additives - acidity regulators and leavening agents that prevent caking and clumping:
E-500, E-501, E-503, E-504, E-505, E-507, E-508, E-509, E-510, E-511, E-513, E-515, E- 516, E-517, E-518, E-519, E-520, E-521, E-522, E-523, E-524, E-525, E-526, E-527, E-528, E-529, E-530, E-535, E-536, E-538, E-539, E-541, E-542, E-550, E-551, E-552, E-553, E- 554, E-555, E-556, E-558, E-559, E-560, E-570, E-574, E-575, E-576, E-577, E-578, E-579, E-580, E-585 (iron lactate, color stabilizer).
Food additives - flavor and aroma enhancers:
E-620, E-621 (substituted), E-622 (substituted), E-623, E-624 (substituted), E-524, E-625, E-626, E-627 (substituted), E- 628 (substituted), E-629, E-630, E-631 (substituted), E-632, E-633, E-634, E-635 (substituted), E-636, E-637, E-640 , E-641, E-642.
Nutritional supplements have been used in nutrition for a long time. Natural dyes, flavors, preservatives were added to the products. It is thanks to food additives: preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers that products acquire beautiful colour, taste, smell.

  • Some food additives indicated letter code E, can provoke the development of certain diseases. These include:

    E-103, E-105, E-121, E-123, E-125, E-126, E-130, E-131, E-142, E-153 - dyes. Contained in sweet carbonated water, candies, colored ice cream. Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

    E-171-173 - dyes. Contained in sweet carbonated water, candies, colored ice cream. Can lead to liver and kidney disease.

    E-210, E-211, E-213-217, E-240 - preservatives. Can be found in any kind of canned food (mushrooms, compotes, juices, preserves). Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

    E-221-226 - preservatives. Used for any canning. Can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    E-230-232, E-239 - preservatives. Contained in canned food of any kind. Can cause allergic reactions.

    E-311-313 - antioxidants (antioxidants). Available in yoghurts fermented milk products, sausages, butter, chocolate. May cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    · E-407, E-447, E-450 - stabilizers and thickeners. Contained in preserves, jams, condensed milk, chocolate cheese. May cause liver and kidney disease.

    · E-461-466 - stabilizers and thickeners. Available in preserves, jams, condensed milk, chocolate cheese. May cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    E-924a, E-924b - defoamers. Found in carbonated drinks. Can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.

    There is a regulation of food additives, our norms are slightly lower than European standards. Mainly preservatives and synthetic antioxidants, dyes and sweeteners are standardized.

    All this scary information suggests that it is better to skip food supplements altogether, but this is unlikely to be completely successful for us. We'll have to part with soft drinks, and with alcohol - drink only tap water or boiled and country milk. Yoghurts are excluded from the list. You cannot get them without thickeners and colorants.
    Yes, the mention of additives on the packaging does not whet the appetite at all, and the inscriptions on some products like: "ingredients with the letter code" E "are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the European Community as safe food additives" are not at all soothing, but rather, on the contrary, cause concern.

  • If you want natural and healthy food, here are some tips:

    Do not buy products with unnaturally bright, flashy colors;
    - thoroughly study the label;
    - choose fresh raw vegetables and fruits;
    - do not buy products with an excessively long shelf life;
    - the smaller the list of ingredients, the fewer additives;
    - instead of buying ready-made juices, make them yourself;
    - do not snack on chips, breakfast cereals, bag soups, hot dogs, all kinds of burgers;
    - buy frozen vegetables;
    - Avoid processed or canned meat products.
    If you can't get away from additives, then you need to know the enemy by sight. Here is a list of food additives with the "E" code:

  • Dyes
    E-100 - Curcumin, a natural color.
    E-101 - riboflavins, a sodium salt-based dye.
    E-102 - Tartrazine.
    E-103 - alkane, alkaline.
    E-104 is a yellow quinoline dye.
    E-107 is a yellow dye.
    E-110 - sunset yellow dye.
    E-120 is a carmine dye.
    E-122 - azorubin.
    E-124 is a crimson dye.
    E-128 is a red dye.
    E-129 is a charming red dye.
    E-131 is a proprietary blue dye.
    E-133 is a blue glitter dye.
    E-140 - Chlorophyll.
    E-141 - Chlorophyll salts and copper chlorophyll complexes.
    E-142 is a green dye.
    E-143 is a green strong dye.
    E-150a - simple sugar color.
    E-150b - sugar color, obtained by the "alkaline-sulphite" technology.
    E-150c - sugar color, obtained by "ammonia-sulphite" technology.
    E-151 is a black glitter dye.
    E-152 - coal.
    E-153 - Vegetable charcoal.
    E-155 is a brown dye.
    E-160а - carotene.
    E-160b - annatto extracts.
    E-160c - paprika oil resins.
    E-160d - Lycopene.
    E-160e - beta-apocarotenic aldehyde.
    E-160f - ethyl and methyl esters of beta-apocarotenic acid.
    E-161a - flavoxanthin.
    E-161b - Lutein.
    E-161c - Cryptoxanthin.
    E-161d - Rubixanthin.
    T161e - Violoxanthin.
    E-161f - Rhodoxanthin.
    E-161g - canthaxanthin.
    E-162 - red beetroot dye.
    E-163 - anthocyanin, an extract from the skins of grapes or black currants.
    E-170 - Calcium Carbonate. It is not so much a colorant as it is an anti-clumping stabilizer.
    E-171 - Titanium Dioxide.
    E-172 - Iron Oxide.
    E-174 is silver.
    E-175 is gold.
    E-181 - food grade tannin. It is also an emulsifier and stabilizer.
    E-182 - Orsin.
  • Preservatives
    E-200 is sorbic acid.
    E-201 - Sodium sorbate.
    E-202 - Potassium sorbate.
    E-201 - Calcium Sorbate.
    E-209 - Paraoxybenzoic acid heptyl ester.
    E-210 is benzoic acid.
    E-211 - Sodium benzoate.
    E-212 - Potassium benzoate.
    E-213 - Calcium benzoate.
    E-214 - Paraoxybenzoic acid ethyl ester.
    E-215 - sodium salt of paraoxybenzoic acid ethyl ester.
    E-216 - Paraoxybenzoic acid propyl ester.
    E-217 - Sodium salt of propyl ester of paraoxybenzoic acid.
    E-218 - paraoxybenzoic acid methyl ester.
    E-219 - sodium salt of methyl ester of paraoxybenzoic acid.
    E-220 - sulfur dioxide.
    E-221 - Sodium sulfate.
    E-222 - - sodium hydrosulfite.
    E-223 - Sodium pyrosulfite.
    E-224 - Potassium pyrosulfite.
    E-225 - Potassium sulfate.
    E-226 - Calcium sulfite.
    E-227 - Calcium hydrogen sulfite.
    E-228 - Potassium hydrogen sulfite.
    E-230 - diphenyl.
    E-231 - Ortho-phenylphenol.
    E-232 - Sodium salt of ortho-phenylphenol.
    E-234 - lowland.
    E-235 - natamycin, pimaricin.
    E-236 - formic acid.
    E-237 - Sodium formate.
    E-238 - Calcium Formate.
    E-239 - Hexamethylenetetramine.
    E-241 - guaiac gum.
    E-242 - dimethyl carbonate.
    E-249 - Potassium nitrite.
    E-250 - sodium nitrite.
    E-251 - Calcium nitrite.
    E-252 - Potassium nitrate.
    E-260 is acetic acid.
    E-261 - Potassium acetate.
    E-262 - Sodium Acetate. Acidity regulator.
    E-263 - Calcium Acetate. Acidity regulator. Stabilizer.
    E-264 - Ammonium Acetate. Acidity regulator.
    E-265 - Dehydracetic Acid.
    E-266 - Sodium dehydrate acetate.
    E-270 is lactic acid. Acidity regulator.
    E-280 - Propionic Acid.
    E-281 - Sodium propionate.
    E-282 - Calcium Propionate.
    E-290 - carbon dioxide. Gas for saturation of drinks.
    E-296 - Malic Acid. Acidity regulator.
    E-297 - fumaric acid. Acidity regulator.
  • Antioxidants
    E-300 is ascorbic acid.
    E-301 - Sodium ascorbate.
    E-302 - Calcium Ascorbate.
    E-303 - Potassium ascorbate.
  • Stabilizers and emulsifiers

    E-400 is alginic acid. Thickener.
    E-401 - Sodium alginate. Thickener.
    E-402 - Potassium alginate. Thickener.
    E-403 - Ammonium Alginate.
    E-404 - Calcium Alginate. Defoamer.
    E-405 - Propylene Glycol Alginate. Thickener.
    E-406 - agar. Thickener, gelling agent.
    E-407 - Carrageenan. Thickener, gelling agent.
    E-407a - algae carrageenan.
    E-409 - Arabinogalactan. Thickener, gelling agent.
    E-410 - locust bean gum.
    E-411 is oat gum.
    E-412 - guar gum.
    E-413 - gum tragacanth.
    E-414 - gum arabic.
    E-415 - xanthan gum.
    E-416 - karaya gum.
    E-417 - gum containers.
    E-418 - gellan gum. Gelling agent.
    E-419 - ghatti gum.
    E-420 - sorbitol and sorbitol syrup. Sweetener, humectant, texturer.
    E-421 - beckons. Anti-lump additive.
    E-422 - glycerin.
    E-430 - Polyoxyethylene (8) stearate.
    E-431 - Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate.
    E-432 - polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate.
    E-433 - Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate.
    E-434 - polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monopalmium.
    E-435 - polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate.
    E-436 - Polyoxyethylene sorbitan tri-stearate.
    E-440 - pectin. Stabilizer, gelling agent.
    E-442 - ammonium salt of phosphatidyl acid.
    E-444 - sucrose acetate isobutyrate.
    E-445 - Esters of glycerin and resin acids.
    E-446 - succystearin.
    E-450 - sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium pyrophosphates. Emulsifier, stabilizer, acidity regulator, baking powder, complexing agent.
    E-451 - sodium, potassium triphosphates.
    E-452 - sodium, potassium, calcium, ammonium polyphosphates.
    E-459 - Beta-Cyclodestrin.
    E-460 - cellulose. Anti-clumping additive.
    E-461 - methylcellulose.
    E-462 - Ethylcellulose.
    E-463 - Hydroxypropylcellulose.
    E-464 - Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
    E-465 - methyl ethyl cellulose.
    E-466 - sodium carboxymethylcellulose.
    E-467 - Ethylhydroxyethylcellulose.
    E-468 - Croscaramellose.
    E-469 - enzymatically hydrolyzed carboxymethyl cellulose.
    E-470 - fatty acid, salts of aluminum, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and ammonium.
    E-471 - mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids.
    E-472a - glycerol and acetic and fatty acid esters.
    E-472b - glycerol and lactic and fatty acid esters.
    E-472c - Glycerol and Citric Acid and Fatty Acid Esters.
    E-472d - mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids and tartaric acid.
    E-472e - glycerol and diacetyl tartaric and fatty acid esters.
    E-472f - mixed esters of glycerin and tartaric, acetic and fatty acids.
    E-472g - monoglycerides and succinic acid ethers.
    E-473 - Esters of sucrose and fatty acids.
    E-474 - Sugar glycerides.
    E-475 - polyglycerol and fatty acid esters.
    E-476 - polyglycerol and inter esterified ricinolic acid esters.
    E-477 - Propylene Glycol & Fatty Acid Esters.
    E-478 - Esters of lactated fatty acids of glycerin and propylene glycol.
    E-479 - thermally oxidized soybean oil with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids.
    E-480 - sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate.
    E-481 - Sodium lactylate.
    E-482 - Calcium Lactylate.
    E-483 - Stearyl tartrate.
    E-484 - Stearyl Citrate.
    E-491 - sorbitan monostearate.
    E-492 - Sorbitan tri-stearate.
    E-493 - sorbitan monolaurate.
    E-494 - Sorbitan Monooleate.
    E-495 - Sorbitan Monopalmitate.
    E-496 - Sorbitan trioleate.

  • Flavor enhancers and acidity regulators

    E-500 - Sodium carbonate. Baking powder, anti-lump additive.
    E-501 - Potassium carbonate.
    E-503 - Ammonium Carbonate.
    E-504 - Magnesium Carbonate. Baking powder, anti-lump additive.
    E-505 - Iron carbonate.
    E-507 - hydrochloric acid.
    E-508 - Potassium Chloride. Gelling agent.
    E-509 - Calcium Chloride.
    E-510 - Ammonium Chloride. Flour and bread improver.
    E-511 - Magnesium Chloride. Hardener.
    E-513 - Sulfuric Acid.
    E-514 - Sodium sulfate.
    E-515 - Potassium sulfate.
    E-516 - Calcium sulfate. Improver for flour and bakery products.
    E516 - CALCIUM SULPHATE Flour and bread improver, hardener.
    E517 - AMMONIUM SULPHATE Flour and bread improver, stabilizer.
    E518 - MAGNESIUM SULPHATE Flour and bread improver, stabilizer.
    E519 - COPPER SULPHATE Color fixer.
    E520 - ALUMINUM SULPHATE Hardener.
    E521 - Sodium aluminum sulphate. Hardener.
    E528 - MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE Color stabilizer.
    E529 - CALCIUM OXIDE Flour and bread improver.
    E530 - MAGNESIUM OXIDE Anti-clumping additive.
    E535 - Sodium ferrocyanide. Anti-clumping additive.
    E539 - SODIUM THIOSULPHATE Antioxidant.
    E550 - Sodium silicate. Anti-clumping additive.
    E551 - Amorphous silicon dioxide. Anti-clumping additive.
    E552 - CALCIUM SILICATE. Anti-clumping additive.
    E553 - Magnesium silicate. Anti-caking additive, carrier powder.
    E554 - Sodium aluminosilicate.
    E555 - Potassium aluminum silicate.
    E558 - Bentonite.
    E559 - Aluminosilicate.
    E570 - FATTY ACIDS Foam stabilizer, defoamer, glaze.
    E574 - Gluconic acid Baking powder.
    E575 - Glucono Delta Lactone.
    E576 - Sodium gluconate.
    E577 - Potassium gluconate.
    E578 - CALCIUM GLUCONATE Hardener.
    E579 - Iron gluconate. Color stabilizer.
    E580 - Magnesium gluconate. Hardener.
    E585 - IRON LACTATE Color stabilizer.

  • Enhancers of taste and aroma
    E626 - Guanylic acid
    E627 - Sodium guanylate.
    E630 - INOSIC ACID
    E634 - Calcium ribonucleotides.
    E635 - Sodium ribonucleotides.
    E636 - maltol.
    E637 - Ethyl maltol.
    E640 - Glycine Taste and aroma modifier.
    E641 - Leucine. Taste and aroma modifier.
    E642 - Lysine hydrochloride.
  • Other
    E900 - Polydimethylsiloxane. Antifoam, emulsifier.
    E901 - white and yellow beeswax... Delimiter.
    E902 - candle wax.
    E903 - Carnauba wax.
    E904 - shellac.
    E905a - edible petroleum jelly. Separator, sealant.
    E905b - Vaseline. Separator, sealant.
    E905c - paraffin wax. Release agent, sealant.
    E906 - Benzoic Resin.
    E908 - Rice bran wax.
    E909 - Spermaceti wax.
    E910 - Wax Esters.
    E911 - Fatty acid methyl esters.
    E913 - LANOLIN
    E920 - Cysteine ​​and its hydrochlorides. Flour and bread improver.
    E921 - Cysteine ​​and its hydrochlorides. Flour and bread improver.
    E927a - azodicarbonamide. Flour and bread improver.
    E927b - carbamide (urea). Texturer.
    E928 - Benzoyl peroxide Flour and bread improver.
    E938 - Argon Packing gas.
    E939 - Helium Propellant, packing gas.
    E940 - Dichlorodifluoromethane Refrigerant.
    E941 - Nitrogen Gas environment for packaging and storage, refrigerant.
    E942 - Nitrous oxide. Packing gas.
    E943a - butane. Propellant.
    E943b - isobutane. Propellant.
    E944 - PROPANE Propellant.
    E945 - Chloropentafluoroethane Propellant.
    E946 - Octafluorocyclobutane. Propellant.
    E948 - Oxygen Packing gas.
  • E1103 - invertases. Stabilizer.
    E1104 - Lipases. Enhancer of taste and aroma.
    E1105 - Lysozyme. Preservative.
    E1200 - Polydextrose. Filler, stabilizer, thickener, texturer, humectant.
    E1201 - Polyvinylpyrrolidone. Thickener, stabilizer, clarifier.
    E1202 - Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone. Color stabilizer.
    E1400 - dextrins, white and yellow starch. Thickener.
    E1401 - acid-treated starch. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1402 - alkali-treated starch. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1403 - bleached starch. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1404 - oxidized starch. Emulsifier, thickener.
    E1405 - starch treated with enzyme preparations.
    E1410 - monocarch phosphate.
    E1411 - distarch glycerin. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1412 - Distarch Phosphate. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1413 - Phosphated distarch phosphate.
    E1414 - acetylated disarch phosphate. Emulsifier, thickener.
    E1420 - Acetate starch esterified with acetic antihydride.
    E1421 - Acetate starch esterified with vinyl acetate.
    E1422 - Cetylated distarch adipate. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1443 - Hydroxypropylated disarch glycerin. Stabilizer, thickener.
    E1450 - ether of starch and sodium salt of octenyl succinic acid. Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier.
    E1451 - oxidized acetylated starch. Emulsifier.
    E1503 - castor oil. Separating agent.
    E1505 - Triethyl citrate. Foaming agent.
    E1518 - Triacetin Humectant agent.
    E1520 - Propylene Glycol. Humectant and softening agent.
    E1521 - Polyethylene glycol. Humectant and softening agent.
  • Additives not designated as E
    Alllyl mustard oil is a preservative.
    Vanillin is an aromatic substance.
    Imbricin is a preservative.
    Quercitin is an antioxidant.
    Oxyant is an emulsifier.
    Polyoxyethylene - emulsifier, clarifier.
    Santokhin is a preservative.
    Stevioside is a sweetener.
    Juglone is a preservative.
  • Forbidden v Of Russia
    - E-121 citrus red (Citrus Red 2), dye;
    -E-123: red amaranth (Amaranth), dye;
    -E-240: formaldehyde (Formaldehyde), preservative.
    The prohibition of these additives is due to the fact that either not forthe whole complex of related tests has been completed, whethermore for their application and the implementation of the containing them thenvara, additional permission is required, and the correspondingresponsible, and a hygienic certificate.
    -E-216: para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester, preservative;
    -E-217: sodium salt of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, preservative.
    -E-412: guar gum, thickener.
    Chief sanitary doctor G. G. Onishchenko banned the import of products with these additives in order to prevent the threat of mass poisoning of the population. According to scientists, these substances not only cause poisoning, but are even capable of provoking the emergence of malignant tumors. Previously, E-216 and E-217 were used in the production of meat and confectionery products. E-412 of Indian and Swiss production contains a poison - dioxin.
    Other prohibitedadditives:
    E-103, E-107, E-125, E-127, E-128, E-140, E-153 - E-155, E-160d, E-160G, E-166, E-173 - E- 175, E-180, E-182, E-209, E-213 - E-219, E-225 - E-228, E-230 - E-233, E-237, E-238, E-241, E-263, E-264, E-281 - E-283, E-302, E-303, E-305, E-308 - E-314, E-317, E-318, E-323 - E- 325, E-328, E-329, E-343 - E-345, E-349 - E-352, E-355 - E-357, E-359, E-365 - E-368, E-370, E-375, E-381, E-384, E-387 - E-390, E-399, E-403, E-408, E-409, E-412, E-4 18,
  • First of all, I would like to note that not all E additives are dangerous and serve to maintain the quality of the product. Especially topical issue the use of various food additives has become with the growth of imports of products. "E additive" is nothing more than a special ingredient added by the manufacturer to improve taste characteristics and extending the shelf life and storage of products. Today there is International system coding of all food additives, in which their classification is clearly distributed:

    E1 ... - dyes;

    E2 ... - preservatives;

    E3 ... - antioxidants;

    E4 ... - stabilizers;

    E5 ... - emulsifiers;

    E6 ... - flavor enhancers, flavors

    E9… - anti-flaming additives.

    Antioxidants are used to extend the shelf life of the product, due to their ability to prevent the development of putrefactive processes and deterioration of the product. Stabilizers are responsible for the preservation of the consistency of the product, and emulsifiers are responsible for maintaining the structure. Codes with four-digit numbers indicate the addition of substances such as salt, sugar, etc.

    Dangerous food additives E (table)

    These codes must be remembered! The use of products containing dangerous additives can lead to serious and dangerous diseases, as a result of which a person can lose the most precious thing - health and life.

    Additives E123, E510, E513, E527 are recognized as especially dangerous all over the world.

    Food manufacturers are prohibited from using additives 103 (alkanet, alkane), 105, 111, 121 (citrus dye), 123 (amaranth), 125 (ponceau), 126, 127 (erythrosine), 128, 130, 153 (vegetable charcoal), 173 (aluminum powder), 216 (propyl ether), 217 (sodium propyl ether), 240 (formaldehyde), 952. In addition to the listed additives, the use of E249, E627, E631 is strictly prohibited in the production of baby food.

    All "E" is simply unrealistic to remember and everyone understands this. We recommend that you print out a memo with the most dangerous and forbidden encodings, and if you don't have a cheat sheet at hand, avoid the frequent use of foods with preservatives (E2 ...) and antioxidants (E3 ...). However, among preservatives there are additives that are safe for humans - sodium nitrite (E250), sodium nitrate (E251) and potassium nitrate (E252). How harmless they are, we do not undertake to judge, everyone decides for himself whether he is ready to use such products or it is better to use natural, without any kind of additives. But remember, the production of sausage and canned fish impossible without these additives. The use of such products is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

    The consequence of the use of products with dangerous additives can be the development of urolithiasis, malignant neoplasms, indigestion, an increase in blood pressure, skin rashes, respiratory problems and atherosclerosis.

    Safe E Supplements

    It is much easier to remember such additives, because there are very few of them - these are natural acetic acid (E260), citric acid (E330) and baking soda (E500).

    Supplements are also relatively safe. E101, E160, E161, E270, E290, E296, E306-309, E322, E375, E338, E440, E916-917. However, these supplements should be used with caution in baby food.

    The listed additives in some cases help the absorption of food, the elimination of toxic and harmful substances, strengthening the immune and skeletal system. For example, lecithin (E322) is an essential substance that improves thought processes, memory and contributes to the production of energy needed by the body throughout the day.

    From the point of view of provoking oncological diseases, others are able to cause a slight malfunction of the digestive system, load the kidneys and liver with an additional volume of work, cause allergic reactions, but, fortunately, there are a number of additives that do not have any harmful effect on the body, and even less can be used even by small children. We will talk about food supplements E that are safe for baby food in this article.

    We provide a list of harmless and even beneficial nutritional supplements. However, even their pediatricians do not recommend using them often.

    E140-141 - plant component chlorophyll, which gives plants a green color, and its compounds with copper.

    E160 is a compound that behaves in the body like. E160 is a natural dye obtained from, tropical plants, algae and palm oil.

    E161 - lutein, may even be useful for the organs of vision.

    E163 is a dye that is obtained naturally from the peel of red grapes, currants, chokeberry, etc.

    E260 is a vinegar obtained from the fermentation of natural products.

    E270 - Lactic acid.

    E290 is a carbon dioxide gas that is found in carbonated drinks.

    E296 is malic acid, it is considered a harmless substance, but it is better for children not to use it often.

    E300-302 - ascorbic acid, ie vitamin C useful for immunity.

    Food additives in baby food

    Lemon acid(E330) helps the product to be stored longer, does not destroy the vitamins it contains, and practically does not cause allergies.

    Lecithin... Is a necessary substance for the head and spinal cord baby. Lecithin is responsible for thought processes and memory, it is necessary for better absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which is so important for mobile children. And don't be alarmed if the packaging says it's soy: plant-based lecithin has been proven to be more effective.

    Lemon acid... Added to baby food as a preservative. Has a plus - very rarely causes allergies. Citric acid increases the shelf life of the product, prevents the destruction of vitamins, breakdown of fats. Therefore, the banana puree in the jar does not turn black, but has a pleasant light color.

    Starch... It is most often used in the preparation of purees to prevent delamination. The addition of starch to the puree of fruits and vegetables gives them the desired consistency, with which the dish is easier to hold on the spoon, while the starch promotes better digestion of the fruit. Desirable puree with starch content.

    On a note! The red color used in yoghurts is made from insects.

    List of other food additives E that do not cause harm to the body

    E100 - yellow-orange dyes from turmeric or saffron, some sources provide information about them beneficial effect on the body.

    E152 - coal.

    E162 is a natural red dye.

    E170 - is a source of calcium, because it is chalk.

    E297 - Fumaric acid.

    E326 is a salt of lactic acid, which is usually found in processed cheese.

    E406 - obtained from seaweed agar-agar, without which it is impossible to imagine the preparation of marmalade.

    E410-411 - thickeners derived from carob and oats.

    E420 - sorbitol itself or its syrup.

    E900–903 - wax used for processing fruits, which increases their shelf life. It is harmless and does not enter the body if fruits and vegetables are washed with a brush under a warm running water, cut off the peel from them.

    E905b, c - Vaseline and paraffin wax also used for processing vegetables and fruits.

    E958 - is obtained from licorice root.

    E960 - a substance of natural origin - stevioside, obtained from the herb.

    Tips on how to reduce food intake of E additives

    • Read carefully the composition of the product;
    • carefully look for the shelf life - the longer it is, the more preservatives and antioxidants in such a product;
    • do not buy products of unnaturally bright colors;
    • buy fruits and vegetables better at the market, not imported, but local;
    • limit the child's consumption of chips, packaged food, salted crackers, breakfast cereals, etc.;
    • it is better for a child to make juices on their own, to prepare juices for the winter from fruits grown on a personal plot;
    • pay attention - sometimes, instead of preservatives, ready-to-eat products contain a large number salt or sugar;
    • eat less sausages, canned meat, smoked meats - these products more often than others contain carcinogens and substances that can be attributed to poisons;
    • baby food for the little ones is made without dyes, preservatives, flavors, etc., and vegetables and fruits bought in the supermarket are processed with special substances that prolong their preservation, therefore baby puree from jars for babies may be more useful than homemade freshly made;
    • parents whose children suffer from allergies, have chronic diseases internal organs, the list of food additives E should be studied in more detail.