Where is omega 3 in what products. Omega fatty acids in food. How to eat fatty acids correctly

The benefits of omega-3, a very important nutrient, have probably been heard by many. Basically, these unsaturated fats are considered essential for cardiovascular health. They are also, as and important for the normal functioning of the brain and healthy growth and development of the body.

If you don't get enough of them on a daily basis, you run the risk of facing the problem of premature aging and becoming susceptible to disease. The human body is able to synthesize most fats, but not omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids can only be obtained daily through food.

In simple terms, these beneficial nutrients are as essential for us as vitamins. There are, of course, various specialty supplements that can be purchased at the pharmacy. But it's still better to just include certain foods rich in them in your daily diet. Moreover, they are presented in a wide variety and you can choose exactly the right ones for yourself.

Table and list of foods high in omega 3 fatty acids

This table lists food sources (including plant foods) that are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Product The content of Omega 3 in 100 g of the product, mg.
Salmon 1500
Walnuts 2670
Flax seeds 2280
Spinach 140
Chia seeds 17800
Oysters 790
Cauliflower 104
Tofu 240
Wild rice 700
Mustard oil 5900
Tuna 1600
Sardines 1400
Beans 280
Basil 310
Red caviar 680

Now let's take a closer look at each of the listed products.


Salmon is one of the richest sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It is not for nothing that it is classified as a superfood, and all thanks to the record content of useful and nutritious substances. There are two important types of fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Both of these acids are found in this fish. Many health experts recommend including wild salmon at least a few times a week.


Walnuts are also a good source of healthy fats. They help satisfy hunger between meals and provide energy throughout the day. They also contain copper, manganese and vitamin E. Walnuts are quite easy to incorporate into your diet - add them to your favorite baked dishes, sprinkle on salads, cereals and various desserts.

Flax seeds

These tiny seeds, in addition to omega-3, are also high in fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A, B12, B6, C and D. Just imagine so many nutrients you get from just one product! Add them to a blender when making smoothies, sprinkle on main dishes, soups, homemade bread and yogurt.


Spinach is rich in iron, protein, fiber, potassium and other important minerals. Many do not even guess, but they also contain unsaturated fatty acids. Yes, yes, plants also provide us with omega 3.

Spinach is often touted as one of the healthiest foods around because it helps prevent cancer and heart disease.

By the way, it is often used to make delicious green cocktails.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds, like flaxseeds, provide plenty of them. These tiny grains were used by the ancient Aztecs as their main source of energy for hundreds of years. Unlike other seeds, they do not need to be crushed to absorb nutrients. In general, chia is recommended for 1-2 tablespoons every day.


Oysters, like most shellfish, are some of the most nutritious foods you can find. 100 grams of oysters contain about 600% of the recommended zinc, 200% - copper and 300% - vitamin B 12. They are also rich in omega-3 (6 oysters contain about 565 mg). Plus, they are low in calories and low in fat and high in protein, so they can be a pleasant addition to your diet.


Cauliflower also has enough healthy fatty acids, which is why this leafy vegetable is considered the best for supporting heart health. In addition, this cabbage is rich in nutrients like potassium, magnesium and niacin. To preserve these nutrients, cauliflower should be steamed for no more than 5-6 minutes and season with lemon juice or extra virgin olive oil.


Tofu, similar to soft cheese, has long been considered the main source of protein for vegetarians. But in addition to protein, this plant-based product also contains omega-3 fatty acids (half a cup of tofu contains 2.1 g). Tofu in our country is not yet as widespread as in Asia and Europe, but it is still worth paying attention to.

Wild rice

There are many reasons to use such an unusual product for us. For example, in Asian countries, it is associated with longevity, because it contains a large amount of antioxidants that are not found in any other cereals. A cup of cooked wild rice contains 156 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. For comparison, a cup of cooked white rice is only 21 g. By the way, wild rice has a slightly nutty flavor and a more chewy texture.

Mustard oil

Mustard oil is no less valuable than other well-known oils. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it harmoniously combines polyunsaturated fatty acids and, at the same time, it is low in saturated fat. This oil reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol, respectively, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and improves the condition of blood vessels.


Tuna is another source of omega substances (linoleic, eixapentic and docosaexic fatty acids). If you eat canned tuna at least once a week, you can prevent heart disease, cancer, eliminate arthritis pain and lose weight (with proper nutrition for a week). In general, the tuna diet is of great benefit to the body.


Due to the high content of fatty acids, this fish is always on guard of our health, as it reduces the likelihood of thrombosis, the development of atherosclerosis, protects blood vessels and the heart. Sardine meat has good taste and is used to prepare broths, fried and stewed dishes. This fish is especially useful when boiled, since during cooking all the nutrients contained in it are not lost in full (including coenzyme Q10)


Beans are an excellent and healthy side dish for various dishes, because they have a low glycemic index and provide dietary fiber, which means they help digestion.

Beans have long been used by diabetics because they are well digested by the body and stabilize blood sugar levels.

And last but not least, it does not contain cholesterol and is not overloaded with fats.


Another plant source of omega 3. Basil is also packed with antioxidants and is known for its anti-aging properties. This food, which contains antioxidants, fights free radicals and oxidative stress that can lead to premature aging.

Red caviar

This exquisite delicacy and valuable product also contains many polyunsaturated fatty acids. For example, as nutritionists say, you can take food supplements with omega 3 on a regular basis for several months, or you can eat 2-3 small sandwiches with red caviar every day and the biological result will be absolutely identical.

Dear friends, the secret of health and longevity often lies in what we eat. Therefore, eat foods with omega 3 and your body will start to work much better and more harmoniously. You will notice how the quality of the skin will significantly improve, the tone of the body will increase, as well as the mood!

Today's article will focus entirely on fats, namely omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids has already been proven many times, many articles have been written on this topic, but I want to once again convey to you, my dear readers, the importance of consuming these acids in the right amount EVERY DAY! I'll tell you today why it is good to take omega-3, how to choose the right Omega-3 fatty acids capsules, why they need to be taken every day, and more, so sit back - we're getting started!

What is Omega-3?

OMEGA-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 PUFA) Are three fatty acids: decosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and vegetable alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). These three acids are indispensable for the human body, especially ALA, since theoretically EPA and DHA can be synthesized from ALA, but for this a person must be ABSOLUTELY healthy, and he should not have a deficiency of other nutrients in the body, which in our time is almost impossible. If this synthesis occurs, then only 0.1-5% of ALA is converted to EPA and DHA, and this is very, very little. It is for this reason that all 3 omega-3 fatty acids are believed to be essential and vital for humans! But today I will still pay more attention to two of the three fatty acids - decosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, which are responsible for many processes in the human body.

Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  1. Plant Omega-3s (ALA): flax seeds , linseed oil , camelina, walnuts, oat germ, soybeans, tofu, spinach.

  1. Animal Omega-3s (DHA and EPA): fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardine, mackerel) , canned tuna, egg yolks of domestic chickens (in eggs of chickens grown in poultry farms, the content of Omega-3 is negligible).

  1. Omega-3 capsules


Plant sources of Omega-3 fatty acids contain more alpha-linoleic acid and do not contain DHA and EPA, which is why it is so important to obtain Omega-3 from both plant and animal sources, because the Omega-3 contained in flaxseed oil, cannot replace Omega-3 from fish oil.

Daily Serving Sizes to Replenish the Right Amount of Omega-3

Here is a list of the foods you should eat DAILY. The exception is fatty fish, they need to be consumed 4-5 times a week.

  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds) - 30-35 g
  • Flaxseed / camelina oil - 1 tablespoon or 1 tsp. flax seeds.

You can either just drink the butter, or drink it and immediately wash it down with water, or eat it with a slice of black bread.

Flax seeds can be consumed in the following ways:

  1. Chew in your mouth, not swallow whole! The seed itself has a hard shell and contains water-insoluble fiber, which in transit passes through the entire gastrointestinal tract, cleansing the walls of the stomach from various debris and by-products of digestion, and undigested leaves the body. The path of these seeds in the stomach is quite short, so the body simply does not have time to assimilate the beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids contained in it.
  2. Grind on a coffee grinder, dissolve in water and drink. When ground, all Omega-3s are fully absorbed by the body.
  • Fatty fish varieties - 100-120 g (4-5 times a week)
  • Omega-3 capsules - 1-1.5 g per day.

If you do not consume any of the above products, your daily dose of Omega-3 capsules should be increased 1.5-2 times.

Daily Value of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Daily Omega-3 intake varies by gender, health, diet and lifestyle.

  • To prevent various diseases and strengthen immunity, it is enough to take 1-1.5 g of Omega-3 per day, divided into 2-3 doses.
  • For athletes and those actively involved in fitness (3-5 times a week), the dose is increased to 2 g, divided into 2-3 doses.
  • If the goal is to build muscle mass, then the daily rate is 2-3 g, divided into 2-3 doses.
  • For those who are losing weight, the daily allowance is 3-3.5 g, divided into 2-3 doses.
  • For people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, the daily rate of Omega-3 is 1.5-2 g, divided into 2-3 doses.

If you take Omega-3 capsules, as a food supplement to food, in a ratio of 700: 1000 mg per day (DHA: EPA, respectively), then in addition to this, your diet should contain 4-5 fish dishes per week, 100-120 g (this is approximately 8-10 g of omega-3 fatty acids). It turns out that if you eat fish and take Omega-3 capsules (we take 2 Solgar capsules with a dosage of 950), then in a week you will receive an average of 20 g of essential Omega-3 fatty acids.

If you do not consume any sources of Omega-3 with food (do not drink flaxseed / camelina oil, do not eat fatty fish, walnuts, etc.), then your daily dose of Omega-3 in capsules should be equal according to your rhythm of life (from 1.5 to 3.5 g).

Now let's look directly at such a question, What Omega-3 Fatty Acids Are Good For for the human body?

Benefits of Omega-3


The gray matter of the brain is 60% fat, and our brain needs Omega-3 fatty acids to a greater extent, since they are part of cell membranes and help transmit nerve impulses from one cell to another, which makes the process of memorizing, storing and remembering the information you need is much better and faster. Benefits of Omega-3 for the human brain, it is simply colossal, and you can't argue with that.

If the body is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, then the composition of the cell membranes changes: the brain uses less preferred sources of fats instead of EPA and DHA (omega-6 or trans fats ingested with junk food). These fats cannot perform the same functions and endow brain cells with beneficial properties, and for this reason, the "fake" cells become useless. When the body has identified unnecessary and useless cells, the process of destroying and utilizing them begins. Over time, this loss makes itself felt in the form of a decrease in a person's intellectual and cognitive abilities, as well as his ability to quickly solve the tasks assigned to them.

It has long been proven that if the expectant mother, being pregnant, does not receive enough of these fatty acids, then the child is often born either mentally retarded, or his intellectual development is very far behind other children of his age. That is why all pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers NECESSARILY you need to take omega-3 fatty acids for the normal development of the fetus and baby.


The cardiovascular system

Benefits of Omega-3 for the cardiovascular system:

  • Omega-3s lower the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, making the blood less viscous, thereby reducing the likelihood of blood clots, heart attack, stroke;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, improving their patency;
  • lower blood pressure.

Nervous system

EPA affects the production of serotonin, which helps a person to get rid of depression and overexcitation.

Metabolism and weight loss

  • Daily consumption of Omega-3 reduces body fat and increases fat burning by 15%.
  • Observed.
  • Insulin sensitivity increases by slowing down the passage of the food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract, and this in turn makes the absorption of carbohydrates slower without causing a sharp increase in blood sugar.
  • Improves the transport of lipids through the bloodstream to the sites of their combustion.
  • Omega-3s are able to block the synthesis of bad prostaglandins E2, which are formed from omega-6 fatty acids. These prostaglandins inhibit lipolysis and increase oxidative stress in the body. At the same time, Omega-3s synthesize the good prostaglandins E3, which act exactly the opposite: they reduce muscle pain after exercise, preserve muscle mass, and also accelerate the process of fat utilization.

Muscle gain

Fish oils, in particular EPA and DHA, affect the synthesis of proteins in muscle tissue, as well as the growth of the cells themselves.

EPA and DHA are part of the cell membranes, and when a person is actively engaged in the gym in order to build muscle mass, then he needs elements from which his muscles will be built, so it is precisely Omega-3 fatty acids that are these very bricks, from which you will be able to build more muscles on your body.


Probably one of the most important reasons why and for what it is good to take omega-3 fatty acids, so this is an increase in immunity! Omega-3 is a unique substance that allows you not only to normalize blood pressure, be sane, lose weight or build muscle, but also be absolutely healthy 7 days a week and 365 days a year! I'm not exaggerating! The unique antioxidant properties of Omega-3 help people who often have colds, allergies, asthma, skin diseases, etc., to cope with their ailments much faster, and in most cases even prevent the appearance of signs of these diseases.

The use of Omega-3 PUFAs is a good prevention of oncological diseases such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, etc.

For those who go in for sports on a regular basis, the use of Omega-3 is a must, since these fatty acids neutralize the work of free radicals, which are most formed during aerobic sessions and cardio training (cycling, running, swimming, step aerobics, dancing, training in the principle of HIIT, etc.).

 For reference

Free radicals are defective oxygen molecules that have one unpaired electron; these cells tend to take this missing electron from other healthy molecules. When this process gains mass, then most of the body's cells become unstable and defective, due to which the cells cease to perform their functions and lose communication with each other, which leads to disruption of normal biochemical processes throughout the body and acceleration of aging processes.

Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids is to protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. So if you spend a lot of time on cardio equipment, like to dance for several hours a day, then your # 1 supplement should be Omega-3 fatty acids.

And Omega-3 PUFA also increases endurance, raises the general tone of the body and improves the absorption of calcium and magnesium, which are often deficient in athletes.


  • The hormones eicosanoids are synthesized from omega-3 fatty acids, which are responsible for suppressing inflammatory reactions and for performing their functions by all cells of the body.
  • Omega-3s control the production of sufficient quantities of male and female sex hormones, which are responsible for the reproductive function of both women and men.
  • They suppress the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which is responsible not only for a bad mood, but also for the breakdown of muscle tissue.


  • Omega-3 relieves inflammation in the joints.
  • Counteracts the destruction and wear of cartilage.
  • Improves joint mobility.

Well, we figured out the beneficial properties of Omega-3, and now there is no doubt, I hope, you do not need to take Omega-3, as an additional source of strength and energy for you and your body.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain and assimilate the required amount of Omega-3 exclusively from food, and to be honest, this is almost impossible to do. That is why the reception Omega-3 capsules- this is a good opportunity to help our body still get the right amount of these fatty acids daily and without unnecessary headaches associated with the search for environmentally friendly salmon or salmon that would not contain antibiotics, hormone-containing drugs, pesticides, etc. So now we are smoothly moving on to the most important question: how to choose omega-3 in capsules, so as not to run into a fake or low-quality products?

How to Choose Omega-3s?

To choose the right Omega-3 fatty acids in capsules, you must first CAREFULLY examine the front and back sides of the package, where the composition and content of fatty acids in one capsule are usually written. But before that, it is worth paying attention to another very important stage - this is the PLACE OF PURCHASE of this wonderful supplement.

Place of purchase

When I wrote an article about doing sports, I said that it is not advisable to buy all vitamins and vitamins-mineral complexes in pharmacies in the city. I am not advocating traditional medicine or homeopathy, but simply being guided by my personal observations, experiments and analysis of the composition of pharmacy vitamins.

I already talked about Omega-3 from Doppelherz in the previously mentioned article, but these were just flowers, I saw berries just a couple of weeks ago, when at one of the nutritional lectures we conducted an experiment on pharmacy Omega-3. Unfortunately, I do not remember the company, it is not so important, because after what I saw, I will never buy any vitamins in the pharmacy again and I will try to dissuade you from this in every possible way.

The essence of the experiment:

We took two firms of Omega-3 fatty acids: one was of Ukrainian origin (sample No. 1), and the other was of an American firm. Amway "Nutrilite Omega-3"(sample no. 2). And they also took two pieces of regular foam. Then they pierced these two capsules with a needle, poured the contents onto pieces of foam and began to observe. What started to happen with the foam, on which the sample # 1 was poured, just shocked me! To make it clearly understandable, I am attaching a photo:

As you can see in the photo, pharmacy Omega-3 FULLY DISSOLVED the polystyrene within one minute, sample No. 2 (Omega-3 from Amway) remained flowing over a piece of polystyrene without causing any reactions on its part.

Just think, what should be contained in a capsule (for a minute - vitamins for better health !!!) so that it could completely melt a piece of foam ??? Now imagine what happens to the walls of our stomach when these Omega-3s enter our body ...? Nothing good, I think. What are the benefits of these additives then we can talk about?

This seemingly harmless experiment once again proved to me that pharmacy vitamins are not so useful, moreover, they can also HARM! Therefore, I advise you to buy Omega-3 fatty acids either in sports nutrition stores and only trusted companies, or order on the official websites of companies such as NSP, Amway and Solgar.

Once the place of purchase has been determined, the next step is to select quality Omega-3s.

What is it extracted from?

You've likely heard that Omega-3 supplements, like fish oil, come from fish. That is why it is valued so highly, since animal sources of Omega-3, according to Australian studies, have better absorption and cardioprotective activity compared to plant-based Omega-3.

Omega-3 content in fish and seafood

But getting Omega-3 from fish does not mean getting a high-quality and healthy supplement as a result. There are several important rules to look out for when choosing an Omega-3:

1. Omega-3 should be made ONLY from the muscle tissue of high-grade fish species such as: Atlantic salmon, trout, salmon, herring, etc. It is in these fish varieties that most of all contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which are so necessary for the human body. If the omega-3 supplement you are looking to buy says “Cod Liver”, then by no means buy it.

The fact is that the liver is a filtering organ, both in humans and in fish, which protects the body from any infection. All the toxins, poisons, antibiotics and other foreign hazardous substances that are potentially endangering the entire body pass through the liver and are retained. It is for this reason that I do not recommend buying liver in supermarkets and preparing it for yourself and your loved ones, much less buying an Omega-3 supplement obtained from this organ. Thus, along with the useful Omega-3 PUFAs, of which there are not so many left, you also get the whole spectrum of hormones and medications fed to this fish.

2. The second important condition is breeding area for these fish ... If fish is raised on closed farms, where there is no access to running water, where fish are fed daily with synthetic feeds with antibiotics and hormones, then such fish a priori cannot be a useful source of Omega-3 fatty acids! Each cell of her body is oversaturated with these harmful substances, which, together with Omega-3 PUFAs, will enter the human body. Therefore, in order to choose a quality Omega-3 supplement, you need to look to see that the packaging says: "refined", "purified" or, if the text is written in English, "purified". This means that all the polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in this supplement have been completely cleaned of impurities, mercury and other harmful toxic substances that the fish absorbs during its normal life even in the wild.

3. And the third important condition that you need to pay attention to when choosing Omega-3 is EPA and DHA content in supplement. Everything is very simple here - you need to choose those supplements that contain the maximum amount of these fatty acids. Too little EPA and DHA means that the contents of the pack will run out very quickly if you adhere to the optimal daily intake of DHA and EPA, and after 2 weeks you will have to buy this supplement again. And if you do the usual arithmetic and calculate how much money you will spend on the purchase of Omega-3 with a low content of EPA and DHA, drinking 6-10 capsules a day, then you will understand that buying one package with the maximum content of these acids, at least for you will cost 3 times less.

Optimal daily doses of DHA and EPA:

DHA - for the prevention of 700 mg per day; for various diseases, weight loss, weak immunity, the dose is doubled.

  1. Now Foods Omega-3

This, perhaps, is all that I wanted to tell you about such a super healthy supplement as Omega-3. Now you all know about benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for any person, and even more so for those actively involved in sports. Now you know how to choose omega-3 and not run into a fake, I will just remind you the main points that you should adhere to when choosing a quality supplement 1) stay away from pharmacies 2) choose Omega-3 with the maximum amount of DHA and EPA 3) choose a purified / refined version of Omega-3 4) do not buy omega-3 fatty acids obtained from cod liver or other fish. Following these guidelines will help you choose the best omega-3 supplement and get the most out of its use.

You can get large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish, algae, and several fatty plant foods.

In this article, we will answer the question of which foods contain the most omega-3s.

1. Mackerel (4107 mg per serving)

If you are wondering which foods have the most omega-3s, check out the well-known fish called mackerel.

Mackerel is small in size,.

In Western countries, it is usually smoked or eaten in a salted form.

In addition to being very healthy, this fish tastes delicious as well.

2. Salmon (4023 mg per serving)

Salmon is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

It contains high quality protein and a variety of nutrients, including high amounts of potassium, selenium and (,).

Research shows that people who regularly eat fatty fish such as salmon have a lower risk of developing diseases and conditions such as heart disease, dementia (dementia), and depression (,,,).

3. Cod liver oil (2664 mg per serving)

Cod liver oil is more of a supplement than a food.

As the name suggests, it is a fat extracted from the liver of a fish called.

Not only is this fat high in vitamin D, and - one tablespoon contains 338% of the RDI for vitamin D and 270% of the RDI for vitamin A ().

Therefore, taking just one tablespoon of cod liver oil supplies your body with a massive amount of three incredibly important nutrients.

However, you should not take this supplement more than one tablespoon at a time, because too much vitamin A can be harmful.

4. Herring (3181 mg per serving)

Herring is a small, fatty fish. Most often it is used in salted or pickled form.

Smoked herring is a popular breakfast food in countries like England, where it is served with eggs.

A standard fillet of raw Atlantic herring contains nearly 100% of the RDI and selenium and 50% of the RDI for vitamin B12 ().

5. Oysters (565 mg per serving)

Oysters are usually eaten as a snack. Raw oysters are a delicacy in many countries.

6. Sardines (2205 mg per serving)

Sardines are small, fatty fish that are usually eaten as a first course, snack, or treat.

They are very nutritious, especially when consumed whole. They contain almost all the nutrients your body needs.

One 149 gram serving of sardine contains over 200% of the RDI for vitamin B12 and over 100% of the RDI for vitamin D and selenium ().

7. Anchovies (951 mg per serving)

8. Fish caviar (1086 mg per serving)

Among the foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, fish caviar is present in large quantities.

Fish roe is generally considered an expensive delicacy and is most often consumed in small quantities in addition to first courses and as a snack.

Caviar is high in content and extremely low in content ().

9. Flax seeds (2338 mg per serving)

Flax seeds are small brown or yellow seeds. They are often ground before consumption or used for production.

These seeds are the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Therefore, flaxseed oil is often used as an omega-3 supplement.

Flaxseeds are also very rich in vitamin E, magnesium, and other nutrients. They have an excellent ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids compared to most seeds (,,,).

10. Chia seeds (4915 mg per serving)

Among the foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds are incredibly nutritious. They are rich in calcium and other nutrients ().

A standard 28 gram serving of chia seeds contains 4 grams of protein, including all eight essential amino acids.

11. Walnuts (2,542 mg per serving)

Walnuts are very nutritious and rich in fiber. They also contain manganese, vitamin E and important plant compounds ().

When consuming them, you should not remove the peel as it contains a large amount of phenolic antioxidants, which have important beneficial properties.

12. Soybeans (1,241 mg per serving)

Soybeans are a good source of fiber and plant protein.

However, soybeans are also high in omega-6 fatty acids, so they cannot be relied on as the only source of omega-3s.

Research shows that consuming too much omega-6 can cause inflammation in the body ().

What other foods are high in omega-3 fatty acids?

Keep in mind that Sections 1-8 discuss foods that contain the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and which are found in certain animal foods, seafood, and others.

In contrast, sections 9-12 include plant foods containing the omega-3 fatty acids ALA, which are inferior to the other two.

While other foods don't contain as many omega-3s as the foods listed above, many have a decent amount of these.

These include eggs, meat and dairy products, hemp seeds, and vegetables such as Brussels sprouts and purslane.


  • As you can see, it is relatively easy to get a lot of omega-3 fatty acids from whole foods.
  • Omega-3 fats have many beneficial properties, such as fighting inflammation, Alzheimer's and cancer.
  • However, if you don't eat many of these foods and think you are omega-3 deficient, consider adding these foods to your diet or consider taking an omega-3 supplement.

Having a high-quality and balanced diet can not only prevent many diseases, but also improve the quality of life. Thus, omega-3 fatty acids are a necessary component for the adequate functioning of all body systems, improving the functioning of internal organs and metabolic processes.

Role in the work of the human body

Omega-3 is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids, the main components of which are eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic and alpha-linolenic acids. The importance of this complex is due to the fact that the human body is not able to synthesize its elements from simpler substances, and their intake directly from food is considered the most effective. The health benefits of omega-3s and their need for the development of the body have been known for a long time - since the 30s of the 20th century, but in recent years, special attention has been paid to this element. The optimal daily dose for an adult is 250 mg. So, these fatty acids have an impact in the following aspects:

  • at the stage of fetal formation, acids are necessary for the formation of the retina of the eye and the brain;
  • normalization of hormonal balance;
  • reducing the level of blood clotting as prevention of blood clots;
  • lowering the level;
  • expansion of blood vessels, which improves blood flow to all organs and tissues;
  • reducing the risk of development, stroke;
  • participates in the metabolism in the nervous system, contributing to the creation of the best conditions for the conduction of nerve impulses, and therefore the normal functioning of the nervous system as a whole;
  • regulation of serotonin metabolism;

Doctor's note: it is due to the ability of omega-3 fatty acids to normalize the metabolism of serotonin, obtaining them in sufficient volume allows minimizing the risk of depressive conditions.

  • increasing the adequacy of the response of the immune defense to provoking factors;
  • due to the anti-inflammatory effect of acids, omega-3 complexes are indicated for people with joint diseases accompanied by pain.

It should be noted that people with diseases of the digestive system should treat foods containing omega-3 with extreme caution. The fact is that all lipids are difficult to digest, and therefore their excessive use can become a direct cause of the development of an exacerbation of chronic diseases that already exist.

Fatty acids are essential for the human body. If they are absent in the required volumes, then the corresponding symptoms develop (in particular, increased fatigue, brittle nails and hair, atypical dry skin, difficulties with concentration, the appearance of depression or pain in the articular elements).

What seafood contains an omega-3 complex?

Fatty marine fish and other seafood are one of the richest sources of fatty acids. But here it is worthwhile to understand that only those fish that were raised in the sea and caught from it are of value.... Marine farming products do not have the desired fatty acid content. The difference lies in nutrition - marine inhabitants feed on algae, not compound feed.

Do not think that omega-3 is something inaccessible, such substances are contained even in ordinary herring, which anyone can afford. So, consider the types of fish that are most rich in unsaturated fatty acids:

As for other seafood, they will also be useful. We are talking about shrimp, squid, oysters, etc.

Gallery of fish and seafood containing omega-3

Other sources of acids

Fatty acids should be ingested daily, but few would agree to eat fish with such frequency. But these substances are also found in other animal products, so that the diet can be diversified. We are talking about such products as eggs and beef. It is also worth noting the great influence of the conditions of keeping and the type of feeding of the animals. So, if a bird is a village and ate natural food, then from its eggs you can get about 2 dozen times more fatty acids than from the eggs of a bird grown at a poultry farm. The same can be said about cows - their meat is more valuable if they eat not only dry food, but also fresh grass.

If possible, it is better to choose village eggs, as they are natural and contain more nutrients.

Vegetable products

The benefits of plant-based sources of these acids are that they also contain vitamin E. Consider staple plant foods rich in omega-3s.

Doctor's opinion: vegetable food in terms of obtaining fatty acids is less useful than animal food, although it is much easier to digest. It is best to consume both sources by combining them. The recommended proportion of obtaining the complex from animal sources is 40%.

The leader in the content of these acids is considered to be flax seeds and oil from them. However, oil should be used very carefully - it is susceptible to rapid oxidation, and even if the product is stored in the refrigerator, you can only benefit from it for some time immediately after production. It is also not worth heating such oil - it accelerates the oxidation processes, and many times over. When deciding to use such a source of omega-3, be sure to look at the expiration date on the bottle upon purchase (it is six months from the moment of pressing), and the container itself should not let the sun go through. Give preference to small volumes, as such a product is used faster and does not have time to lose its properties. After opening, you can store flaxseed oil for no more than a month in the refrigerator.

Also, reserves of fatty acids can be replenished with flax seeds, wheat germ or oats. But you will have to look for such products in special stores, and use them only fresh.

It is worth paying attention to leafy plants - purslane (common in Greek cuisine), parsley, cilantro, dill. Legumes are also considered essential in terms of sources of omega-3s, especially red beans.

How to keep the benefits of cooking?

To get the most out of seafood, you need to eat it pickled, lightly salted, or even raw. During frying and other heat treatment, a significant proportion of fatty acids are destroyed, which significantly reduces the benefits of the product. It is very important to consume fresh food, since freezing reduces their benefits - in a year, omega-3 reserves are halved. But canned fish remains just as useful - vegetable oils protect such important acids from decomposition.

The rule about no frying and other thermal effects applies to other products with omega-3s. Experts note their danger during high-temperature processing, especially in combination with long preliminary storage in the open air under the influence of sunlight. Under the right storage conditions (containers should be tightly closed, the place should be cool and protected from the sun), there is practically no risk of rapid oxidation.

Features of use for children and pregnant women

During gestation, such acids are necessary both for the mother herself and for the development of the fetus. Every day, the mother's body gives the baby about two and a half grams of omega-3, so you need to carefully monitor its sufficiency. The doctor will be able to adjust the nutritional system and, if necessary, prescribe food additives. When looking for omega-3s, pregnant women should avoid fish that are high in mercury (eg swordfish, royal mackerel).

For children, up to 7 years of age, the intake of omega-3 should be strictly controlled in order to prevent overdose.

The intake of omega-3 from food is simply necessary for the body. You can get substances from ordinary products, correctly composing and thinking over your diet.

Essential substances - vitamins, trace elements and fats, come along with the consumption of certain products. However, it should be understood that fats can be different. Eating or abusing fatty foods (pork, lard, milk, barbecue, fast food, semi-finished products) is harmful. These fats are saturated. If such food predominates in the diet, the risk of developing pathologies of the CVS, pancreas, and liver automatically increases.

There are also unsaturated fats - useful and vital for the body. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of PUFAs 3, 6 and 9 (polyunsaturated fatty acids), and also take a look at the table of their highest content in food.

Omega 3 is an irreplaceable substance that has a multifaceted effect on tissues and organs. The element takes an active part in metabolic processes and contributes to the normalization of the functioning of many organs and systems.

Omega 3 PUFAs are a set of vital substances with similar biochemical properties. In this group, there are more than ten compounds with different chemical composition. The most beneficial are alpha-linoleic, decosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids.

The role of Omega 3 for humans can hardly be overestimated. Substances that belong to this group contribute to:

  • significant acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • the formation of the central nervous system, endocrine system and brain;
  • the formation of cell membranes;
  • prevention of the onset and subsequent spread of inflammatory processes;
  • improving the condition of the hair, reducing its fragility and preventing its pathological loss;
  • preventing the development of dermatological pathologies;
  • improving visual acuity, reducing the risk of ophthalmic ailments;
  • minimizing the risk of developing CVD diseases;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • increasing efficiency;
  • fight against chronic fatigue;
  • prevention of articular diseases;
  • maintaining normal blood sugar concentration;
  • improving the condition of the skin, giving them elasticity and firmness.

In order for all organs to work harmoniously and omega 3 to perform their functions correctly, products containing substances must be supplied to the body every day. According to some studies, the imbalance of two types of acids - omega 3 and 6 is massive and often there is an excess of omega 6 against the background of a lack of omega 3. The optimal ratio is 2: 1.

The body's daily requirement for an element is 1 gram. Depending on age and health status, the need for acids can increase up to 5 grams. People suffering from hypertension, depressive disorders, atherosclerosis, hormonal imbalance, oncological pathologies, brain diseases, cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's disease are recommended to consume 4-5 grams of the element per day.

Compound-rich foods: table

In order to ensure optimal assimilation of acids, enzymes must be supplied to the body that ensure the effective use of PUFAs. In infancy, these components come along with the mother's milk, in adults, these enzymes are produced in sufficient concentration.

Product name, 100g Omega-3
in g
fat in g
Fat ordinary herring 1,8 9,8
Anchovy, canned in oil 1,8 8,3
Common fat salmon 1,8 10,5
Chinook salmon fat 1,7 11,4
Common mackerel fat 1,1 15,1
Oily rainbow trout 1,0 6,1
White tuna, canned 0,7 2,5
Halibut 0,5 2,5
Flounder 0,5 1,3
Shrimp 0,3 1,0
Light tuna, canned 0,2 0,7
Catfish 0,2 6,8
Cod 0,1 07
Flax, 2 tbsp. spoons 3,2 6
Walnuts, 30 g (14 halves) 2,6 18,5
Canola oil, 1 tbsp spoon 1,3 14
Soy nuts, ¼ cup 0,7 11

Products containing omega 3 enter the digestive tract, digested, and acid is absorbed in the upper intestine. During the formation of the menu, several important features should be taken into account.

  1. In the process of eating, there is a loss of approximately 20% of EFAs. That is why doctors often prescribe fish oil capsules. In this form, the necessary substance and in the required concentration reaches the intestines. It is the capsule that contributes to 100 percent absorption.
  2. In order for the substance to be better absorbed and to bring exceptional benefits, it is necessary to properly store food and prepare meals. EFAs are afraid of oxygen, heat and light. Store foods rich in substance in hermetically sealed containers in the refrigerator. In order to preserve important substances, the cooking process must be carried out in a gentle way. When deep-fried food is cooked, the beneficial qualities of the product are destroyed.
  3. After entering the body, acids interact with vitamin D. A combination of omega 3 and retinol or omega 6 is useful.
  4. An improvement in digestibility is noted when combining PUFA with proteins.

The richest sources of the compound are fish and seafood. But only the fish caught in the open sea will be useful. Fish products obtained on farms cannot boast of a high content of essential acids.

Fatty acids are also found in sufficient quantities in plant products: flax seeds, walnuts, wheat germ, beans, cereals and greens.

In order to enrich the body with a useful substance, it is recommended to use: fish oil, hazelnuts, lentils, black caviar, mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna, oysters, shrimps.

Deficiency and excess of omega 3 PUFAs: causes and symptoms

Deficiency of an element is a fairly common phenomenon. The lack of fatty acids is caused by: refusal to eat food of animal origin; observance of excessively strict diets; malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; an illiterate approach to dietary planning; prolonged fasting.

Insufficient intake of unsaturated fatty acids into tissues and organs is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • constant thirst;
  • dandruff;
  • pathological hair fragility, increased hair loss;
  • deterioration in appearance;
  • brittle nails;
  • skin rashes;
  • drying out and peeling of the skin;
  • itchy dermis;
  • upset stool, frequent constipation;
  • painful sensations in the joints, muscles and tendons;
  • violation of the wound healing process;
  • mental retardation;
  • a decrease in the rate of recovery after intense physical exertion;
  • susceptibility to colds;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • constant malaise;
  • significant deterioration in attention;
  • decrease in efficiency.

Acute and prolonged deficiency of the substance is fraught with an increased risk of CNS pathologies. In order to eliminate alarming symptoms, it is recommended to enrich the diet with foods rich in PUFA and take fish oil in capsules.

Acid overdose is rare. The main cause of the disease is an excessive accumulation of substances that belong to this group in the tissues of the human body due to the uncontrolled intake of medicines with EFAs. An excess of an element is as harmful as a deficiency. An overdose of a substance is characterized by: a gradual decrease in blood pressure, upset stool, prolonged diarrhea, disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a decrease in blood clotting.

To get rid of these manifestations, you need to seek the help of a doctor. He will either adjust the dose - reduce or completely stop taking the drugs.

Omega 6 acids: role, benefit and need

The substance is classified as a polyunsaturated fatty acid. This group includes about 11 compounds, but only two are considered particularly important - arachidonic and linoleic acids. It is these compounds that have a beneficial effect on the body and are involved in a large number of vital processes.

Omega 6 is inherently the most important constituent components of membranes and other structural elements of cells. PUFAs, when ingested in sufficient quantities, contribute to:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improving the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • preventing the development of cancer;
  • normalization of the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • strengthening of bone tissue;
  • increased mood;
  • fight against depression;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body;
  • increasing the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections;
  • increased brain activity;
  • elimination and prevention of inflammation;
  • cleansing the body of harmful cholesterol, preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • cleansing the body of toxins, toxic substances and poisons.

Scientists have proven that omega 6 is an effective drug for multiple sclerosis. The maximum result of such therapy is observed with the simultaneous intake of omega 6 and 3 into the body.

The human body is not capable of producing PUFA 6 and 3. Therefore, the only way to make up for the lack of substances is to use foods and medicines rich in them. The need for connections varies according to age and gender. The average intake of acids per day for an adult is 7.4-14 g.

In some cases, the need for EFA may increase slightly. More products with these compounds should be consumed by pregnant women, people suffering from liver and gastrointestinal tract pathologies, as well as a deficiency of certain vitamins. In the cold season, the need for the substance also increases.

Sources of Omega 6, table

Product name, 100g Omega 6, in g
Cultural peanuts 15
Brazilian nut 20,540-26,600
Mustard seeds 5.3
Walnuts 11
Pine nuts 34
Cashew 7661
Coconut flakes (dried) 0.293
Roasted sesame seeds (without peel) 21.6
Roasted sesame seeds (with skin) 21.6
Raw sesame seeds (without peel) 27.5
Raw sesame seeds (with skin) 22.35
Flax-seed 6
Poppy 28,300-30,500
Macadamia (Australian walnut) 1,296
Almonds (blanched) 12365
Almonds (roasted) 12986
Almonds (raw) 12055
European olive 0.9
Pecans 22.48
Palm kernel 1.19
Sunflower 31.8
Sunflower high oleic 11.02
High erucate rapeseed 9.65
Black chia seeds 5.4
Sesame seeds 102.56
Flax seeds 55.1
Pumpkin seeds 20,703-20,710
Seed (kernel) of apricot fruit 10.93
Seed (kernel) of cherry fruit 11.58
Seed (kernel) of peach fruit 9.32
Pistachios 13.35
Hazelnut (Lombard nut) 5,500-7,83

Fruits and berries:

Product name, 100 g Omega 6, in g
Apricot 0,059-0,080
Avocado 1,670-1,840
Quince 0.036
Cherry plum 0.11
A pineapple 0.084
Orange 0.168
Watermelon 0.013
Banana 0.035
Grape 0.09
Cherry 0.052
Garnet 0,08
Grapefruit 0.086
Pear 0.103
Melon 0.026
Figs (raw) 0.112
Viburnum (fruit) 0.515
Kiwi 0,206-0,250
Dogwood 0.119
Strawberry wild-strawberry) 0.182
Gooseberry 0.174
Corn germ 2100
Lemon (fruit pulp without peel) 0.385
Raspberries 0.473
Mango 0,019-0,026
Mandarin 0.043
Sea buckthorn 1845
Peach 0,084-0,156
Plum 0.044
Red currants 0.398
Feijoa 0,15
Persimmon 0.039
Cherries 0.03
Black currant 0.487
Blueberry 0.09
Chokeberry (chokeberry) 0.11
Mulberry 0,206
Apples 0.154

The highest concentration of this group of substances is found in vegetable oils: grape, poppy, sunflower, wheat, corn, cotton, soy, coconut, palm, flax, mustard.

The element is found in sufficient quantities in fish and seafood: flounder, shrimp, trout, black caviar, salmon, oysters, sea clams, cod.

Interaction of omega 6 and 3: features

The effect of omega 6 fatty acids on the functioning of organs and systems depends on the proportion of substances that belong to this group and omega 3 PUFAs. can cause the development of ailments such as asthma, atherosclerosis, arthritis. The optimal ratio of these compounds is considered to be 4: 1.

Deficiency and excess: how they manifest

With a healthy and balanced diet, fatty acids are supplied to the body in sufficient quantities. Such a phenomenon as a deficiency of elements is rare. A lack of PUFA can be triggered by: prolonged starvation, refusal to consume fatty products, malnutrition, malfunctioning of the digestive tract.

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • an increased risk of developing infectious pathologies;
  • a sharp decrease in the protective properties of the body;
  • an increase in the number of platelets in the blood, active thrombus formation;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • deterioration of the dermis, hair and nails;
  • a gradual increase in the content of harmful cholesterol in the body;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • depressive disorders;
  • memory impairment;
  • the development of weeping eczema;
  • increased PMS symptoms;
  • painful sensations in the spinal column;
  • deterioration of bone tissue;
  • the development of joint diseases;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • malfunctions of the reproductive system, inability to conceive a child.

You can get rid of this symptomatology. For this purpose, it is recommended to correct the diet and enrich with products-sources of PUFA, as well as taking drugs that include compounds.

Fatty acid overdose is also rarely diagnosed. The main cause of the disease is the abuse of products and drugs with omega 6 FA. An overabundance of substances is fraught with the development of thrombosis, CVS pathologies and inflammation in internal organs and tissues.

In order to prevent an overdose, as well as eliminate unpleasant symptoms, experts advise to monitor the intake of fatty acids in the body, and, if necessary, quickly introduce adjustments to the diet and refuse to take medications.

Omega 9: benefits, daily need

Omega 9 FAs are monounsaturated fatty acids. It has been proven that the compounds of this group play a significant role in maintaining the attractiveness and health of a person. The peculiarity and difference of omega 9 from FA 3 and 6 is that the human body can produce the first group on its own.

Normal functioning of organs and systems is impossible without MUFA. These compounds take an active part in many physiological processes and contribute to: maintaining the beauty and health of hair, skin and nails; reducing the negative impact of stress, increasing the body's resistance to various pathological processes; normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; strengthening of blood vessels; slowing down the aging process; prevention of blood clots; regulation of the work of muscles, maintaining muscle tone; normalization of hormonal levels; increasing the protective properties of the body; lowering the risk of developing oncological pathologies; normalization of the cardiovascular system, prevention of the development of hypertension; maintaining normal glucose levels and preventing the development of diabetes; normalization of metabolic processes.

The daily requirement for MUFA reaches 18% of the total caloric content of the daily diet. But this indicator, due to certain reasons, may vary somewhat. More FAs are needed: people suffering from CVS pathologies and inflammatory processes in tissues or organs. More omega 9 is needed during intense physical activity.

In some cases, the daily requirement for an element may decrease slightly. This is observed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, low blood pressure, malfunctioning of the pancreas, as well as with the active intake of omega 3 and 6 PUFAs.

Source Products

Omega-9 acids are found in both animal and plant foods. The highest concentration of MUFA is found in oils: hemp, flaxseed, olive, peanut, mustard, sunflower. A sufficient amount of FAs is found in nuts, fish oil, soybeans, chicken meat, turkey, salmon, flaxseed, avocado, and trout. For more details, see the table:

Product name, 100g Omega 9, in g
Olive oil 82
Mustard seeds (yellow) 80
Fish fat 73
Flaxseed (untreated) 64
Peanut butter 60
Mustard oil 54
Rapeseed oil 52
Lard 43
Northern sea fish (salmon) 35 – 50
Butter (homemade) 40
Sesame seed 35
Cottonseed oil 34
Sunflower oil 30
Macadamia nuts 18
Walnuts 16
Salmon 15
Linseed oil 14
Hemp oil 12
Avocado 10
Chicken meat 4,5
Soya beans 4
Trout 3,5
Turkey meat 2,5

MUFAs are easily destroyed and are afraid of thermal effects. Therefore, if you want the products to retain the maximum number of compounds, take into account the following recommendations.

  1. The duration of the cooking of products rich in essential fatty acids should be shortened as much as possible.
  2. Avoid purchasing refined oils. These products have already been processed and lack the essential MUFAs.
  3. Store products in a dark place away from sunlight.
  4. When buying vegetable oil, give preference to the product that is sold in a dark glass bottle.

Lack and excess of MUFA: causes and symptoms

The human body is able to produce Omega-9 fatty acids on its own, therefore, the lack of substances in this group is rarely diagnosed. MUFA deficiency can be triggered by: frequent diets and fasting, as well as a complete rejection of fatty foods.

This ailment is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • frequent depressive disorders;
  • depressed mood;
  • emotional instability;
  • the development of gynecological ailments (changes in the internal environment of the vagina, painful sensations during intimacy);
  • a feeling of dryness in the eyes;
  • constant thirst, xerostomia, cracks and ulcers in the mouth;
  • deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • a significant weakening of immunity.

In addition, with insufficient intake of fatty acids in the body, the appearance of malaise, rapid fatigue, distraction, inattention, disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and the development of articular pathologies are noted.

In order to eliminate this symptomatology, experts advise to adjust the diet and enrich it with MUFA source products.

Overdose is a rare phenomenon and is caused by inappropriate use of drugs with Omega-9 or abuse of products rich in fatty acids. An excess of compounds of this group in the body is fraught with obesity, disruptions in the functioning of the CVS, gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, as well as the development of cirrhosis.

The excess of the element has a detrimental effect on reproductive function. An overdose of MUFA is fraught with impaired fetal development, the inability to conceive a child.

To eliminate such consequences, it is necessary to adjust the diet and seek the help of a doctor in order to select the correct dose of funds with fatty acids.

Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are extremely important for the human body. Adequate intake of these compounds contributes to the maintenance of health and attractiveness. If substances come in small or, on the contrary, excessively high concentrations, sooner or later this leads to serious health problems. Only by observing the measure can you get the maximum benefit from PUFA and MUFA.