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Hysterical psychopathy (stage personality disorder) is a pathology characterized by demonstrative manifestations, the need for praise and approval of others. Symptoms of this disorder begin in childhood and persist throughout life. The article describes the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

What is pathology?

Patients with hysterical psychopathy strive to stand out from the crowd and in all possible ways try to attract the attention of relatives, acquaintances, colleagues. They often commit rash and unexpected actions.

Stage personality disorder affects 2–6% of the world's population. It is typical for both the stronger sex and women. All patients with such a deviation are united by increased egocentrism. It is difficult for these people to come to terms with the lack of interest and attention to their person. Patients do not even care what reactions they provoke in others - positive or negative. Such individuals can be compared to artists playing for the audience.

Hysterical psychopathy does not always lead to disorders of adaptation in society and failures in the professional sphere. Many patients with this disorder are highly successful in activities that require creativity. However, an increased desire for attention and praise, a painful perception of comments and suggestibility often provokes troubles: a deterioration in reputation, parting with a partner, loss of property.

Causes of pathology

To date, experts cannot give an exact answer to the question of why hysterical psychopathy develops. Symptoms of this deviation are known to appear already in the early years, and there is an assumption that poor heredity and some character traits of the child play an important role in the development of the disorder. In addition, there is a hypothesis that the pathology is a consequence of the difficult course of pregnancy in the mother, difficulties in delivery, diseases of the central nervous system in the infant.

Incorrect attitudes and educational errors also contribute to the formation of stage disorder. Often, a deviation occurs in children who, from an early age, were taught the idea of ​​gender inequality. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed in spoiled babies.

They try not to punish such boys and girls for offenses, they are constantly praised, emphasizing their talent, exclusivity and uniqueness.

Signs of childhood disorder

Hysterical psychopathy during this period is manifested by frequent whims, a demonstrative demeanor. Kids with such a deviation do not obey adults, they strive by all means to get what they want. They react painfully to refusal, they can fall to the floor, stomp their feet, cry and scream loudly.

However, such children are often distinguished by their pronounced artistry and creative abilities. They are happy to participate in theatrical performances, recite poetry. Sometimes they like to lie, invent fantastic stories about themselves in order to attract the attention of their peers.

Features of pathology in adolescents

In puberty, the signs of deviation become more pronounced. Boys and girls with this disorder are prone to shocking. To attract attention, they sometimes attempt suicide, but choose the least dangerous methods (cutting veins, taking pills).

Such actions are taken in such a way that someone around can come to the rescue in time. They are aimed not at leaving life, but at achieving goals, avoiding well-deserved punishment. Hysterical personality psychopathy in puberty is accompanied by escapes from home. Moreover, adolescents are confident that adults know where to find them. Such actions are also aimed at avoiding responsibility for bad deeds, avoiding punishment.

Sometimes boys and girls have increased attention to their well-being. They try to convince relatives and doctors that they have a serious pathology. To achieve this goal, adolescents undergo numerous examinations, spend a long time in the hospital and react negatively to the opinion of others that they are healthy.

Features of the disease in adult patients

One of the characteristics of individuals with hysterical psychopathy is labile behavior. Depending on the situation and environment, they can be vulnerable and shy, or, conversely, self-confident, persistent and even impulsive. Patients choose extravagant items and accessories that immediately catch the eye. They react to comments and criticism with a cry, demonstrative crying.

They tend to exaggerate their talents or merits, tell lies about events from the past. Individuals with this deviation quickly converge with people, but relationships are usually short-lived and fickle. Patients can easily become frustrated with a partner or friend if their behavior does not match their desires. Patients' judgments are based on external impressions. In this regard, such individuals often change their environment, part with their loved ones, enter into conflicts with colleagues and relatives. Their demeanor is immaturity. Patients react sharply to comments, but do not seek to understand themselves, to work on their personality.

Characteristic features of pathology in the fairer sex

Hysterical psychopathy in women manifests itself in selfishness, the presence of an idea or aspiration that patients realize at any cost. If someone attempts to interfere with the achievement of the goal, he will forever remain an enemy for the patient. The symptoms of deviation are most noticeable in girls during puberty and in women during menopause. Patients are prone to exaggeration of significant events, a colorful description of their emotions. Their facial expressions and gestures are expressive. Outbreaks of aggression, loud crying are often observed. The symptoms of hysterical psychopathy in women are manifested in appearance and style. Patients wear revealing outfits, choose bright cosmetics, and constantly emphasize their sexual attractiveness.

Signs of pathology in the stronger sex

In men, the pathology is usually more serious. Demonstrative manifestations in adolescence are explained by the boy's desire to gain authority among his peers. However, having started a family, the patient begins to experience difficulties in relations with his spouse. The man tries to emphasize what is the main thing in the pair. This behavior destroys the harmonious union between two adults.

If the patient thinks that his wife is not attentive enough to him, he provokes conflicts and even begins to suspect the chosen one of infidelity.

Methods for detecting ailment

Diagnosis of a disorder involves the presence of three or more symptoms of psychopathy. These are signs such as inharmonious development of personality, behavioral deviations, stability of violations for many years. Factors such as the influence of manifestations on personal life, professional activity, and relationships with others are taken into account. In addition, the specialist pays attention to pretentious manners, demonstrative actions of the patient, bright, revealing clothes, an increased need for attention, encouragement, a tendency to manipulation and offense. In hysterical psychopathy, treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disorder.


In a mild form of the disease, as well as in the presence of an illness in underage patients, the decisive role is played by working with specialists, changing the style of upbringing in the family, helping in finding activities that correspond to the inclinations and interests of the individual. Usually, no medication is required. Hysterical psychopathy with decompensation involves the use of drugs on an outpatient basis or in a hospital. Patients are prescribed antipsychotics, drugs to combat depression, stimulants.

In addition, other methods of correcting behavior disorders are used. These are various techniques of psychotherapy. Specialists teach patients to manage their emotions, to control them.

The prognosis for such a deviation is relatively favorable. This means that complete recovery does not occur, however, with the help of modern methods of treatment (psychotherapeutic techniques, medicines), sustainable improvements and stabilization of the condition can be achieved. Thus, a person can function normally in society. The disease leads to disability only in extremely rare cases.

Hysteroid psychopathy is a pathology that manifests itself in the form of theatrical, demonstrative behavior, accompanied by a desire to commit shocking, attention-grabbing actions. Individuals with such a disorder tend to arouse interest in their person in any way. Even hatred or resentment will do, the main thing is to be noticed. The hysteroid's goal is to be noticed. They make good actors. However, they lack hard work.

Some sources use the term "hysterical psychopathy". For the first time they started talking about it in the 17th century. Then T. Sydenham compared this disorder with Proteus, characterized by changeable behavior. It was he who noticed that pathology can form not only in women, but also in men and children. However, in women, this pathology is much more common. In addition, until some time this disorder was attributed only to the fairer sex. And only the great Freud was able to prove that pathology can exist in men.

Typical symptoms of the disorder:

  • insatiable pursuit of constant admiration;
  • thirst for reverence for your person;
  • unlimited egocentrism.

Hysteroids have a subtle sense of the situation and are able to adapt to it with the sole purpose of being the center of attention. Such personalities can be emphatically modest, if the situation requires it, or they can surprise others with their unrestrained swagger. To draw attention to their person, they use all means: clothes, speech, facial expressions, actions. They take great pleasure in attributing to themselves qualities that do not exist in them, sometimes just inventing them. If it is not possible to attract attention, then they do not shun suicidal demonstrations, fainting, loud sobs, etc.

Hysteroid women are distinguished by increased sexuality, a tendency to pronounced emotional manifestations. Individuals with hysterical disorder easily make contacts, are overly sociable. Communication with people who interest them lasts as long as the interlocutors show their interest in their person, as soon as they notice that this interest is dying out, hysterics begin to search for new admirers.

Symptoms of the disorder in women and children include increased suggestibility, impressionability, and emotionality. The logic of the behavior of hysterical women is based on vivid, but not deep emotions. In communicating with loved ones, people suffering from hysterical disorder experience difficulties. This is due to their bright egocentrism. This is precisely the reason for frequent conflicts in the team and family. Hysterical psychopathy can have manifestations similar to hysterical neurosis.

Manifestation of the disorder in children and adolescents

Symptoms of the hysterical type can appear in children in early childhood. Such babies require special parental attention. They do not allow their parents to praise someone in their presence. If this suddenly happens, then the reaction in children follows immediately.

Hysterical children are not distinguished by constancy in games, but they never get bored with praise. That is why, in order to be praised once again, they sing, dance, recite poetry. In children with a hysterical type during schooling, success depends on the presence of praise.

In adolescent children of the hysteroid type, the manifestations of pathology are exacerbated. One of them is suicidal demonstrations.

As methods of suicide, hysterical adolescents choose the safest methods: the use of drugs, attempts to cut the veins. Attempts are made in such a way that others can see it and be able to prevent it.

Their goal is to focus on their person, and not to die. The reasons for such demonstrations: a way to avoid a well-deserved punishment, cover up a shameful act, an unrequited feeling, etc. At the same time, a hysteroid in a state of passion is able to cross the line of safety and a demonstrative attempt may in fact end in suicide.

A typical manifestation of hysterical personality disorder in adolescents is dromomania, which involves running away from home. These acts are committed to protest in response to real or perceived punishment. In hysterical adolescents, punishment is associated with the loss of love of loved ones. Running away from home is the act of confirming the importance of your person to your parents. Typically, runaway teenagers with this disorder try to be where they expect them to be sought.

Often in adolescent children of the hysterical type, there is a hyperbolization of any existing somatic ailment, while he expresses confidence that he has an incurable disease. In such cases, adolescents willingly go for medical examinations, sometimes unpleasant and painful, do not want to be discharged from the hospital, get angry if they are trying to convince them that they have no serious health problems.

Such reactions are not always associated with the desire to draw attention to their person; sometimes, at the subconscious level, they thus try to disguise their inconsistency. Such reactions have a predisposition to a protracted course and are capable of degenerating into hysterical development. In this regard, timely treatment of pathology is of particular importance.

Social adaptation

Individuals with hysteroid psychopathy are dreamers and visionaries. They are happy to share their fantasies with those around them, and they adjust their stories to the interests of the listeners. Women and men of the hysterical type are interested in activities through which they draw the attention of others to their personality. This includes drama clubs, dance studios, and vocal classes.

They tend to choose the performing arts, cinematography, show business as their professional activities - everything that enjoys the attention of the broad masses. This approach is the most productive: both the hysterical person is satisfied, and those around him do not suffer from his "concerts". The peculiarity of the personality of the hysteroid is the complete absence of a sense of shame.


When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to pay attention not only to specific demonstrative behavior, but also to a number of physical and clinical signs. Typical physical symptoms in the hysteroid-type disorder are:

  • surdomutism;
  • hysterical mutism;
  • syndrome of movement disorders (astasia-abasia).

Hysterical attacks in women and men are manifested in the same way and can be accompanied by loss of consciousness, suffocation, trembling of the limbs, spasms, etc. These manifestations can also occur in the case of craniocerebral trauma, epilepsy, the consequences of a stroke and thyroid diseases. To make sure that there are no somatic diseases, it is recommended to conduct a full examination, which includes the study of blood and urine tests and consultations with a psychotherapist and neurologist.

Successful treatment largely depends on the timely determination of the type of mental pathology.

Timely diagnosis of the disorder avoids serious consequences. In some cases, hysterical psychopathy may indicate the development of a severe mental illness.


Like other types of psychopathies, hysteroid-type disorders are corrected with psychotherapeutic methods. In some cases, they are supplemented with the use of drugs. The choice of the vector of treatment remains with the specialist. Only he can determine which drug will be most optimal in this case.

Treatment of hysteroid psychopathy involves the appointment of sedatives, antipsychotics, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants. Treatment with their help should be monitored by a doctor. It is he who must determine the dosage of drugs and the duration of their use.

In children, this pathology is corrected through persuasion, the use of educational measures and psychological support. In cases of severe symptoms of the disorder, treatment is used in a hospital setting.

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Hysterical psychopathy is also common. Such persons live more or less vivid and expressive emotional lives. Self-centeredness is characteristic, they try to attract attention to themselves with their appearance, bright and super-fashionable clothes, original, but superficial judgments. Their behavior is demonstrative, theatrical, devoid of simplicity and naturalness. Such a psychopath may, however, have a good intellect and show abilities in any branch of knowledge and art.

Under the influence of a change in feelings, a quick transition to completely opposite judgments is possible, there is a tendency to boast, deceit, fictions about imaginary successes, unusual adventures, they like to fantasize. They present fabrications and fantasies very convincingly, without causing any doubts among others about their reliability. The degree of emotional experiences of hysterical psychopaths during such stories is so great that they themselves often begin to believe in their reality. Hysterical psychopaths are flirtatious, sentimental, and sexy.

Psychopaths of the hysterical circle are impressionable and easily suggestible, especially self-perceived. They are often not capable of systematic and strenuous work, almost always are not satisfied with their position in the family, team and society. They believe that their failures depend on others and least of all blame themselves for this. Psychic immaturity, infantilism, and inability to long-term volitional tension inherent in hysterical personalities often prevent them from achieving the realization of their plans. Their feelings are superficial, unstable, emotional reactions are inadequate. Mood swings are common. Hysterical psychopathic personalities are characterized by an "artistic type of thinking". Their judgments are contradictory. These persons strive to be in the center of attention, to be reputed to be original, in all ways they arouse interest in their own person. They are prone to adventurism and frivolity.

In unfavorable situations, they may experience hysterical-neurotic breakdowns in the form of violent affective reactions with sobbing, screaming, self-harm or aggression towards others. Such persons may experience hysterical paralysis, loss of the ability to stand, walk and even sit, speech disorders (loss of voice, stuttering), skin sensitivity disorders (anesthesia like "gloves", "socks", "stockings", etc.) , vision, hearing, tics (twitching of the head, individual muscles of the face, trunk), palpitations, vomiting and even loose stools. The disorders are of a functional nature, are not the result of organic damage and are easily differentiated from neurological pathology. Conditions of this kind sometimes have a persistent long-term character ("flight into illness").

Many hysterical psychopaths have seizures that are outwardly similar to epileptic seizures, but differ in that they usually arise in connection with a cause that excites them, last a long time, manifest themselves not so much in convulsions as in disorderly movements and actions. In a state of hysterical seizure, patients tore their clothes, scream, rush from side to side, or roll on the floor. With a hysterical seizure, there is usually no involuntary urination, foam from the mouth, biting of the tongue. They, as a rule, do not harm themselves. With vigorous action in any way (command, needle prick, inhalation of ammonia solution), the seizure may stop. The cessation of a seizure can also be facilitated by the departure of the "spectators", on whose reaction the picture of a hysterical seizure (as opposed to an epileptic one) is very dependent.

In extremely rare cases, under the influence of excitement among psychopaths of the hysterical circle, a state of "imaginary death" (lethargy) occurs, manifested by the suppression of all vital functions to such an extent that it is difficult to catch the activity of the heart and respiration. This condition should be distinguished from the clinical manifestations of stupor or even coma in other diseases, for example, infectious brain lesions (encephalitis), schizophrenia (catatonic states), etc.

In forensic psychiatric expert practice, hysterical psychopaths are common. Their crimes are often unusual and have the character of unexpected aggression, accompanied by outwardly unmotivated and impulsive actions. However, close observation makes it possible to establish the connection of these impulsive actions with various external factors. Even at the height of the affective discharge, hysterical psychopaths retain the ability to control their behavior, take into account the situation, and the ability to direct their actions.

Hysterical personalities are prone to fantasy, can tell completely implausible stories and ascribe to themselves the crimes they have not committed.