Human resources as the main resource of the organization. Kadantseva M.S. Human resources of the enterprise: economic essence and structure

Personnel potential

Personnel potential

  • Introduction
  • 2.3 Analysis of the human resources system of the Kaluga Education Department
  • 3. Recommendations for improving human resources in the Department of Education of the city of Kaluga
  • 3.1 Optimization of personnel policy to improve the personnel potential of the Education Department of the city of Kaluga
  • 3.2 Professional development of state and municipal service personnel - as a source of human resource development
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Introduction
  • The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the structural restructuring of the region's economy is impossible without creating an effective mechanism for managing the development of its personnel potential, scientific study of methods for staffing territorial structures. In subjects Russian Federation new systems of territorial administration and local self-government are being formed, which should be focused to the greatest extent on a real and sustainable increase in the standard of living of the population. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the entire burden of the reforms being carried out in the country is gradually being transferred to the regional government and authorities, as well as local self-government (LSG). All this happens in the background:
  • - a specific, personified personnel policy pursued by the leaders of the constituent entities of the Federation or LSG bodies that came to power as a result of an uncompromising struggle.
  • - the growing contradictions between the increase in the number of managers, the resources spent on their training and maintenance, and the final socio-economic results of their activities;
  • - the growing disparity between the goals and objectives of the reforms and the degree of use of human resources;
  • - discrepancies between professional and qualification dynamics of personnel and new functions of the management system, directions and rates of development of regions and municipalities;
  • - significant lack of demand for human resources in the region.
  • Due to the low level of professional training of municipal personnel, the theoretical development of socio-economic mechanisms for the reproduction of specialists in the municipal structure is of particular importance. The degree of scientific elaboration of the problem. The problem of managing human resources in the region is interdisciplinary, which necessitates the use of integrated approaches in resolving it, taking into account economic, legal, sociological, psychological and other factors.

ь Study the theoretical aspects and essence of human resources;

ь Analyze the human resources of the Kaluga City Education Department.

The object of the research is the process of human resources management.

The subject of the research is managerial and related socio-economic relations arising in the process of formation and development of human resources.

In the course of writing the project, the works of Russian and foreign specialists were used. They set out modern ideas and the provisions of science and practice of using human resources.

1. Human resources: concepts, essence, main characteristics

1.1 The concept of human resources in modern conditions

The term "potential" in its etymological meaning comes from the Latin word potentia, which means latent possibility, power, strength. A broad interpretation of the semantic content of the concept of "potential" consists in considering it as "a source of opportunities, means, stock that can be put into action, used to solve a problem or achieve a certain goal; the possibilities of an individual, society, state in a certain area "The concepts of" potential "and" resources "should not be opposed. Potential (economic, military, labor, scientific, financial, spiritual, personnel) is a "generalized, collective characteristic of resources, tied to place and time."

The concept of "human resources" reflects the resource aspect of socio-economic development. Human resources can be defined as the totality of the abilities of all people who are employed in a given organization and solve certain problems.

Considering the various components of the concept of "human resources" as a source of qualitative shifts in economic development, we come to the conclusion that the evolution of the category reflects profound changes in the content of the entire system of economic concepts, in the center of which is the worker as the main productive force. The economic aspect, in turn, means the effectiveness, efficiency of activities and an appropriate approach from these positions to all the qualities of the employee. Consequently, it refers to the selection of the most adequate development goals and their achievement with the least expenditure of labor and resources. The primary axiomatic components of "human resources" are needs and labor, results and costs. Ideas about their comparison, i.e. the concept of efficiency was originally laid down in the very basis of the considered economic category. The theory and practice include and receive an economic assessment in one form or another, specific qualitative characteristics of human resources - the number, structure, knowledge, professional composition, qualifications, skills, accumulated production experience; personal qualities: health, education, professionalism, creativity, morality, versatile development, activity.

The category "human resources" considers the collective worker not just as a participant in production, but as an integral and driving principle of all stages of the reproductive process; as a "bearer" of social needs, performs the function of goal-setting, objectively generates and subjectively sets the strategic and tactical goals of economic development.

For a long time in economic science and real production activity, the question of the main national economic proportion - between the development of material and non-material productive forces, between the material and production base and the development of the human factor and the social sphere - was (and still is) in a state of opposition and uncertain priority. This, in particular, is reflected in the theory "X" and "Y" D. McGomery and the two-dimensional model of personnel management proposed by R. Bake and D. Moughton. This was reflected in the directions and content of domestic scientific thought, especially in the 70-80s, and their implementation in specific management activities. This question has not lost its relevance now. According to the Russian economist A.M. Omarov, “people are accustomed to seeing in a person primarily a“ labor resource ”, but not a polysyllabic and competitive personality ...” According to the established statistical practice, labor resources consist of able-bodied citizens of working age and economy of the country. The social aspect of labor resources is expressed in such a phenomenon as human potential, the economic manifestation of which is human resources.

Recently, the approach to the study of labor potential as an element of the human factor of production, i.e. socio-economic phenomenon. In the concept of "labor potential", as an independent one distinct from labor resources and human capital, the main meaning-forming word is still "potential", i.e. the possibility of realizing something. This means that we can talk about its accumulation, including in the form of human capital, about the value as the degree of accumulation, about implementation, including in the form of the use of labor resources.

In numerous publications, personnel potential is identified with labor potential, although, in my opinion, these concepts differ from each other, but it is unacceptable to consider them in isolation from one another. In my opinion, the concept of human potential should be considered in the context of the concept of potential in general. Then the personnel potential is the capabilities of a certain category of workers, specialists, and other groups of workers that can be put into action in the process of labor activity in accordance with job responsibilities and the goals set for society, the region, and the collective at a certain stage of development. This approach to determining human resources makes it possible to comprehensively analyze any category of personnel on the basis of objective economic laws in accordance with the chosen object, the subject of research, as well as its goals and objectives. The personnel potential of the regional administration is understood as the totality of the abilities and capabilities of the personnel of the regional administration, which are implemented to achieve current and future goals in the interests of the region and the state.

The human resources potential of a company is understood as the totality of the abilities of all employees to achieve certain goals and requirements facing society. For example - to have an economy of a certain level, to reproduce its components at all stages of the production and economic cycle with a certain degree of efficiency. The content of human resources and its main features, in my opinion, can be formulated on the basis of the following definition of personnel. Personnel are qualified workers specially trained for a particular activity, when their expedient use presupposes the maximum return of what a specialist can give by his education, personal qualities to the acquired work experience. Personnel potential is embedded in the functions that he performs as a professional and, due to his abilities, knowledge of experience, can ensure the effective functioning of production. Therefore, the analysis of human resources should be carried out, taking into account economic prerequisites, in close relationship with scientific and technical, labor, production potential, which have a direct impact on the quantitative and qualitative parameters of human potential, the patterns of its development and effective use.

1.2 Features of the human resources of the state and municipal service

The formation of a new philosophy of business necessitates the allocation of work on the development of human resources as a special independent function management of state and municipal services.

The purpose of such a distinction is to achieve recognition of the fact that personnel development is the most important and defining component of the process of providing public services. Personnel development begins to play an increasingly important role in the achievement of strategic goals by the state and municipal service, as the activities and structure of the organization change, constant changes in personnel behavior patterns are required.

In the interests of both the organization and the personnel, consistent efforts should be made to counteract the "moral and physical wear and tear" of the workforce - its obsolescence. Ensuring the constant compliance of the level of professional competence of state and municipal service personnel with the requirements of economic and social development for the most effective achievement of the accepted goals is possible with active attention to such factors as:

Clear goal setting and clear programming of all aspects of activities at all levels of management;

Continuous accumulation of professional competence; - regular feedback, performance assessment;

Formation effective system motivation for civil service and LSG employees;

Encouraging renewal of knowledge.

The use of the above factors is possible through the implementation of an appropriate alternative approach to personnel development.

The first approach is outsourcing, or quantitative staff development.

In conditions of significant unemployment, when there is an opportunity to choose from a large number of applicants, new forms of hiring labor force are increasingly replacing traditional system... The basis for more flexible and beneficial forms is the recognition of the increasing importance of external mobility of employees, compared to internal. The consequence of the shift in emphasis in personnel work to external sources of recruitment is,

first, the weakening of the role of such a recruitment principle as the sustainability of employment relations;

second, the growing importance of relationships with employer groups, which are largely outside the scope of traditional regulation.

The second approach is career development.

This is an obvious way to leverage the evolving capabilities of staff. Employees pass a number of more and more responsible posts, developing their abilities and, as a result, find themselves in the highest post for themselves. Satisfying, thus, the desire for the status of the organization, power, money, on the one hand, and the organization's need for capable workers in management levels, on the other.

The third approach is training and professional development.

At the heart of the organization's decision on the need to spend money on training is, firstly, an awareness of the fact that training can have a significant effect on the process of providing public services; secondly, belief in the accelerated pace of change in the conditions of this activity, including technological ones. Since planned career development is limited in civil service organizations, the chances for promotion are small and distant, and therefore it is important to look for other ways to use the growing capabilities of the staff.

The development of new economic relations, the emerging trend of transition from linear and linear-functional management structures to divisional, focus on obtaining ready-made solution problems expands the opportunities for the development of personnel through joint activities, through the creation of teams. The team organization of labor is a synthesis of the advantages of small business with program-targeted management within the framework of the civil service. This is the fourth approach, the collaborative development approach.

The fifth approach is self-development, or the continuous development of the employee's abilities.

It is based on an analysis of his needs in the context of self-esteem against the background of the structure of basic abilities. In essence, it is a compromise between the ability of the employee, the requirements of the profession for the employee, and the market's need for labor. Vocational guidance plays an important role in self-development. The latter acts as a general ideology of the continuous development of an employee based on his abilities, designed to constantly prepare an employee for the changing conditions of life and professional activity. The acquisition of a minimum level of professional competence does not lead to the termination of vocational guidance, but only changes its role and methods. Solutions to personnel development issues, which are important for a variety of reasons, are difficult to achieve: it requires identifying the potential of the individual to do more and better than is required to do the current job, as well as finding ways to realize these opportunities. Personnel development is not an end in itself. It makes no sense to develop staff if employees do not have the opportunity to realize their increased abilities. It must be remembered that the abilities, most likely, will be applied in practice only when there are real opportunities for this. Each program for the development of human resources of the state and municipal service, including the development of abilities and changes in activities and needs, should be focused on measurable improvement of specific indicators of the organization's performance. No change can be made if it is not clear whether it will cause an improvement, a shift that will make the activity more effective, more focused, more satisfying for those who are engaged in it. Personnel development issues cannot be dealt with at the amateur level, as has been done so far. These issues need to be approached in a purely professional manner. Until managers realize the knowledge needs in the area of ​​personnel development, they will continue to face both economic problems and with psychological difficulties, and often generate them, not wishing at all. In order to move forward, it is necessary to give the heads of state and municipal services knowledge about the possibilities of increasing the value of human capital in their unit, organization, to form their skills for effective cooperation with HR managers in the field of personnel development. It is possible to solve this problem with the help of the course "Personnel Development in State and Municipal Service". As an academic discipline "Personnel development in the state and municipal service" is an important component of the teaching on personnel management with its own object - the personnel of the civil service.

The objectives of the discipline "Personnel development in the state and municipal service" are:

Explore the stages of organizational development and link them to the stages of personnel development;

Justify the need to take care of the development of personnel at all stages of the career and life of civil service workers;

Show alternative ways of activity of heads of all structures and consultants involved in personnel development work;

Analyze possible approaches to assessing the effectiveness of personnel development in the civil service.

The discipline program should include the study of four sections:

1. Personnel development methodology.

2. Features and tendencies of personnel development in organizations with different forms of ownership.

3. The effectiveness of personnel development in the civil service.

4. Motivation of civil service personnel.

Summing up the above, we note that personnel development is a systematic process of socio-economic innovations in the human subsystem of state and municipal service, aimed at improving its functioning as a whole.

1.3 Assessment of the effectiveness of human resources

Evaluating the effectiveness of human resources can be a powerful lever for increasing the effectiveness of the management process. For this, it is necessary to know how it should be carried out, in what relation it is with other stages of the management cycle, and what, finally, is its actual psychological meaning. The economic situation in Russia in last years extremely difficult applied research of human resources processes using a set of statistical methods. As is known, many of them require rather long time series that are well comparable on separate intervals. It is clear that the limited experience of most Russian firms, competition, and a high level of inflation since 1992 undermine these prerequisites for standard efficiency assessment methods. This does not mean that such calculations should be abandoned altogether. It is necessary to adapt existing or develop new methods for assessing the effectiveness of human resources. To judge how effective this or that personnel management system is, we need, of course, criteria that allow making such an assessment. Their choice depends on what to take as a starting point: the activities of a particular leader, the performance of the team or the characteristics of the performers. Evaluating the performance of a human resources service requires systematic experience, measuring the costs and benefits of an overall human resources program, and comparing its effectiveness with that of the enterprise over the same period. In this regard, the question arises as to how one should the best way organize the analytical work itself, when and with what frequency should the assessment be carried out, and who should carry it out. The effectiveness of the functioning of the human resources system is determined by its contribution to the achievement of organizational goals. Personnel management is effective only to the extent that the firm's personnel successfully uses their potential to achieve its goals. And it would be a mistake to draw conclusions about the activities of the leader, based on some special characteristics inherent only to her. In this sense, one cannot but agree with A.I. Kitov, who believes that "the activity of a leader cannot be assessed only by some of its own parameters. The true criterion for its assessment is the end result of the work of the entire team, in which the results of work of both the leader and the performers are organically combined." In his reasoning, A.I. Kitov, in fact, only records the established practice of assessing the effectiveness of personnel management. True, it does not take into account the psychological criteria of the latter. Although without them, the assessment of the degree of personnel management efficiency will be far from complete, as evidenced by world experience. With regard to specific methods for assessing managerial work, the methods proposed and used in practice can be divided into three groups:


Qualitative (or descriptive);

Combined (or intermediate).

Quantitative assessment methods include scoring, coefficient, rank order method, pairwise comparison method, graphical profile system, "experiment" method, etc. Qualitative (descriptive) methods include a system of oral and written characteristics, a standard method, matrix and biographical methods, and a group discussion method. Examples of combined methods are incentive assessment methods, grouping of workers, testing.

The most widespread are quantitative methods for assessing managerial work, especially point, coefficient and point-coefficient. Their advantages are objectivity, independence from the personal attitude of experts to a specialist, the possibility of formalizing and systematizing results, comparing parameters, using mathematical methods. The effectiveness of human resources is determined based on the volume, completeness, quality and timeliness of performing the functions assigned to it. To determine the degree of effectiveness of human resources, appropriate criteria and indicators are needed. When choosing the evaluation criteria, one should take into account: - firstly, for the solution of what specific tasks the evaluation results are used,

Secondly, for which category of workers the criteria are established, given that they will be differentiated depending on the complexity, responsibility and nature of the activity.

The criteria in the field of human resources may be the fulfillment of the established production or service standards with the proper quality of work and the reduction of costs arising from increased staff turnover, unreasonable downtime, etc.

At the same time, the assessment of the effectiveness of human resources consists of two components:

Economic efficiency, which characterizes the achievement of the company's goals through the use of personnel based on the principle of economical use of available resources;

Social efficiency, which characterizes the degree of expectations of the needs and interests of employees.

Some economists propose to consider as components of the economic efficiency of human resources:

The ratio of work results and personnel costs, considered from the point of view of the organizational goals;

Components reflecting the contribution of personnel to the long-term existence and development of the organization. These include:

Stability, which is reflected in the continuity of the staff, in the reliability of the employees' performance of their assigned tasks, in the absence of tension and conflicts;

Flexibility, which means the ability of staff to adapt to new conditions, actively promote organizational change and be ready for conflict if necessary to implement innovative concepts.

The effectiveness of human resources must be assessed according to a system of indicators that most fully reflect this area of ​​management and meet the following requirements:

Completeness and reliability of the assessment;

Accounting for the results of management decisions, both in quantitative and qualitative characteristics;

Accounting for indicators that are directly influenced by management decisions;

Compliance with the objectives of the assessment;

Commensurability of management results with the costs of obtaining them.

So J.M. Ivantsevich and A.A. Lobanov proposed a methodology for analyzing the functioning of personnel management services, where the assessment criteria are grouped as follows:

1. Actual economic efficiency:

Performance indicators;

Cost of the evaluated program per employee.

2. Indicators of the degree of compliance.

3. Degree of employee satisfaction:


Actually work.

4. Indirect indicators of employee performance:

Staff turnover;

Absinthe - the number of unauthorized absenteeism;

Frequency of applications for transfer to other works;

Number of complaints;

Labor safety and the number of accidents;

Other indicators of the quality of labor.

Each of the above indicators and their combinations express the efficiency of the personnel management services; for the purpose of assessment, they are compared with predetermined values.

E.B.Figurnov suggests following indicators characterizing the intensification of the use of personnel:

Difference in labor productivity levels, their ratio;

Saving the number of employees as a result of an increase in output with an increase in labor productivity.

Using the proposed indicators, it is possible to determine the direction of the influence of each factor on the change in the degree of productivity, but this influence cannot be quantified. Of course, the system of indicators required to determine the effectiveness of human resources needs to be improved. The solution to this problem will make it possible to objectively assess the effectiveness of organizational and social measures opriy, to clarify the immediate tasks and goals. In my opinion, the system of indicators of the effectiveness of human resources should be built on the basis of the theory of factors of production. Labor productivity is the main indicator of the use of personnel and characterizes the profitability of production per employee. This indicator is calculated as the ratio of the company's annual income to the average annual number of employees. Evaluation of the effectiveness of human resources is based on the criteria expressed in objective indicators of production development, which are presented in table 2

table 2 Statistical indicators of the effectiveness of human resources

Direction of analysis


Labor productivity

Sales volume per employee and its dynamics The volume of profit before taxes per employee and its dynamics

Improving the quality of products, services

Staff costs

Total costs of the company for personnel for the period The share of costs of the company for personnel in the volume of sales for the period Costs per employee and their dynamics

Effectiveness of management programs

Costs for certain areas and programs of activities of personnel management services per employee The effect of the impact of individual programs on the performance of employees and the company as a whole

Economic efficiency indicators

Socio-psychological climate in the team

Relations with colleagues Relations with management Relations with the public, colleagues

Staff satisfaction level

Compliance with organizational and personal goals Staff turnover rate and its dynamics Level of absenteeism Level of conflict in the team Number of complaints from employees

It is advisable to assess the effectiveness of human resources in three areas:

Assessment of the organization of managerial work;

Analysis of personnel management technology;

Analysis of the quality of personnel management.

When assessing the organization of managerial work, the author analyzes the forms and methods of interaction of managerial staff with management objects and among themselves. The staffing table, distribution of duties, document flow of the department are subject to analysis.

It is of interest to analyze the quality of personnel management. It is produced depending on the specific tasks facing the governing body. An analysis of the quality of personnel management of the company is given in table 3

Direction of analysis

Criteria used

Analysis of the degree of compliance of personnel policy and practice of personnel management with the goals and objectives of the company

Consistency, consistency of goals and ways to achieve them

Assessment of the quality of documents regulating the work of personnel

Clarity and completeness of presentation compliance with the Labor Code

Evaluation of the most important formal rules and procedures that ensure the process of personnel management of the firm

Labor indicators of employees, the efficiency of the company; Compliance with the Labor Code; Moral and psychological climate in the team

Assessment of the main elements of organizational culture that influence employee behavior

The state of work ethics; Moral and psychological climate in the team; Satisfaction of staff with work, absence of complaints, other manifestations of dissatisfaction; Company image in the eyes of clients; The commitment of employees to their company; Labor indicators.

Assessment of indicators characterizing the quality of personnel management (the level of staff turnover, the state of labor discipline, employee satisfaction with work in the company, moral and psychological climate, etc.)

In conclusion, it should be noted that the current lack of a well-established and generally accepted methodology for assessing the effectiveness of personnel policy makes further search optimal combination methods, technologies and tools for diagnostics and assessment.

2. Analysis of human resources on the example of the Education Department of the city of Kaluga

2.1 Brief description of the Education Department of the city of Kaluga

The Department of Education of the city of Kaluga (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a body of the City Board (executive and administrative body) of the city district "City of Kaluga", which carries out management in the field of education, and has executive, administrative and control powers in matters of its jurisdiction (clause 1.1. In ed. of the Resolution of the City Head of the City District "City of Kaluga" dated January 22, 2008 No. 11-p)

In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, other federal regulatory legal acts, the Charter of the Kaluga Region, decisions of the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region, decisions and orders of the Governor of the Kaluga Region, decisions The Government of the Kaluga Region, the Charter of the Municipal Formation "City of Kaluga", resolutions of the City Duma of the City District "City of Kaluga", resolutions and orders of the City Head of the City District "City of Kaluga", these Regulations. (As amended by the Resolution of the City Head of the City District "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12.2006 No. 272-p)

The department is accountable to the Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" in its activities, the Deputy Mayor for social development. (as amended by the resolution of the Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12.2006 No. 272-p)

The department is a legal entity, has a stamp and a round seal with its name and the image of the coat of arms of the municipal formation "City of Kaluga", an independent balance sheet, personal budget and other accounts (clause 1.4. As amended by the Resolution of the City Head of the City District "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12 .2006 No. 272-p)

The department carries out its activities in cooperation with state authorities, local authorities, legal entities and individuals.

Location of the Office: 248600, Kaluga, st. Dzerzhinsky, 53.

The tasks of the Office are:

Formation and implementation of municipal education policy, youth policy in accordance with the basic principles of state educational policy aimed at meeting the needs of citizens in obtaining affordable and high-quality education, preserving and developing a single educational space;

Providing conditions for implementation and protection constitutional rights minors to receive preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general, as well as additional education in accordance with current legislation;

Security optimal conditions for the life and upbringing of orphans, children left without parental care, and minors who have unfavorable conditions for upbringing in a family;

Providing unified management of the municipal education system, institutions of the sphere of youth policy on the territory of the municipal formation "City of Kaluga";

Implementation of control and inspection activities over the compliance by subordinate institutions with legislation in the field of education and youth policy, federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, budget and financial discipline.

Creation of optimal conditions for licensing and accreditation of municipal educational institutions.

(as amended by the resolution of the City Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 10.10.2007 No. 188-p);

Assistance in the preservation and development of the material and technical base of subordinate institutions.

Providing educational, methodological and scientific support to all participants in the educational process.

Implementation of informatization of education, youth policy on the territory of the municipal formation "City of Kaluga";

Ensuring the rights of underage citizens to rest, health improvement, leisure and employment within the limits of their authority;

Prevention of neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, identification and elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to this, within the limits of their powers;

Provision of personnel policy in the field of education, aimed at improving the qualifications of pedagogical and managerial staff of educational institutions;

Development of a system of civil, patriotic and physical education of students and youth, aimed at the formation of spiritual, moral, civil and patriotic qualities.

The Department, in accordance with its tasks, carries out the following functions and powers:

Organizes the provision of public and free preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education in basic general education programs and additional education for children (except for the provision of additional education to children in institutions of regional significance).

(as amended by the resolution of the Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated January 22, 2008 No. 11-p);

Ensures the implementation of federal programs for the development and modernization of education, federal state educational standards and federal state requirements and the functioning of the education system of the city of Kaluga at the level of state standards.

(as amended by the resolution of the Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated January 22, 2008 No. 11-p);

Monitors the state and development of the system of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general, additional education in the city of Kaluga, the results of the educational process and the effectiveness of the activities of educational institutions and their leaders;

Prepares constituent documents (changes in constituent documents) municipal educational institutions, institutions of the sphere of youth policy in accordance with the current legislation;

Prepares a socio-economic justification for the creation, liquidation, reorganization, change of goals, objectives and types of activities of municipal educational institutions, institutions of the sphere of youth policy in cases and in the procedure provided for by regulatory legal acts. (Clause 3.4. As amended by the Resolution of the City Head urban district "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12.2006 No. 272-p);

Exercises control over the implementation of federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, laws of the Kaluga Region, decisions and orders of the Governor of the Kaluga Region, decisions of the Government of the Kaluga Region, regulatory legal documents of local self-government bodies, as well as departmental legal acts in subordinate institutions within their competence;

It takes into account the needs of citizens in the provision of educational services and their satisfaction through the development and expansion of the standard and species diversity of the network of educational institutions, variable forms of education;

Coordinates the activities of municipal institutions of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general and additional education, youth institutions; forecasting trends in the development of the municipal education system;

Participates in the development of draft legal acts of local self-government bodies of the city of Kaluga on issues within the competence of the Office;

Issues legal acts within its competence. (Clause 3.9. as amended by the Resolution of the City Head of the City District "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12.2006 No. 272-p);

Participates in the development and implementation of municipal programs, as well as contributes to the implementation of federal and regional programs aimed at supporting and developing education and youth policy in the city of Kaluga;

Interacts with government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, organizations and citizens within its jurisdiction;

Participates in the work of commissions created by decision of state authorities and local self-government bodies;

Takes part in the formation of the draft budget of the municipal formation "City of Kaluga" in terms of spending on education and youth policy;

Carries out accounting, planning and control over the frequency of licensing, accreditation of municipal educational institutions in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts, based on the principles of objectivity, transparency, competence and norms of pedagogical ethics. (Clause 3.14. as amended by the resolution of the City Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 10.10.2007 No. 188-p);

Conducts attestation of pedagogical and managerial employees of municipal educational institutions for the first qualification category, carries out an examination during attestation of these workers for the first qualification and highest qualification categories;

Provides assistance to non-state educational institutions in their educational activities in accordance with state and municipal policy in the field of education;

Carries out measures for the organization of summer recreation, leisure and employment of minors within the limits of its authority;

Organizes events within the framework of the system of moral, patriotic, civil and physical education of students and youth;

Participates in the organization of physical culture and health-improving work with children, adolescents and youth, contributes to their involvement in systematic physical education and sports; develops and supports children's and teenage sports, youth tourism in subordinate institutions;

Organizes work to provide methodological assistance to organizations in the field of education and youth policy;

Carries out the organization of experimental and experimental activities in subordinate institutions, aimed at structural and meaningful renewal of the education system in accordance with the priority directions of state policy in the field of education;

Carries out forecasting, planning and organization of advanced training and professional retraining of pedagogical and executive employees of municipal educational institutions, providing them with information and methodological assistance in the system of continuous education;

Prepares and conducts scientific and practical conferences, pedagogical readings, competitions of professional pedagogical skills of employees of educational institutions;

Carries out activities in the field of informatization of the municipal education system;

Carries out, in the manner prescribed by law, the functions of guardianship and trusteeship in relation to minors;

Carries out activities for the identification and placement of minors left without parental care, protection of their property and personal non-property rights;

Carries out control over the conditions of maintenance, upbringing and education of children who are fully supported by the state in municipal educational and educational institutions;

Forms a data bank about children left without parental care living in the territory of the municipal formation "City of Kaluga", sends information about them to the regional data bank, organizes the placement of children left without parental care for upbringing in families of citizens of the Russian Federation;

Keeps track of children subject to compulsory education in educational institutions implementing educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, including those who do not attend or systematically miss classes in educational institutions for unreasonable reasons. (p. 3.29. as amended by the resolution of the City Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 10.10.2007 No. 188-p);

Introduces into the practice of municipal educational institutions programs and methods aimed at the formation of law-abiding behavior of minors;

Organizes the adoption of measures to prevent asocial behavior of students and adolescents, to overcome drug addiction, alcoholism and various forms of toxic dependence;

Creates a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and organizes its work to identify minors with deviations in development or behavior, conduct a comprehensive examination of them, prepare recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and determine the forms of further education and upbringing of minors;

Interacts with the family within its competence in order to provide methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to parents (legal representatives) of minors;

Carries out information activities aimed at providing citizens with assistance in making a reasonable choice of an educational institution;

Carries out collection, systematization and analysis of statistical data, preparation of reports, information, certificates and other documents on issues within the competence of the Office;

Within the limits of its competence, it considers letters, applications, complaints, appeals of individuals and legal entities, makes decisions on them and prepares responses;

Provides advanced training and retraining of personnel of employees of the Office and structural divisions;

Carries out activities aimed at stimulating the attraction of additional extra-budgetary funds to municipal educational institutions within its competence;

Performs, in the prescribed manner, the functions of a municipal customer in the formation, placement and execution of a municipal order in terms of ensuring the procurement of goods, performance of work and provision of services for the needs of the Department of Education. (as amended by the resolution of the City Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12.2006 No. 272-p);

Carries out the functions of the manager of budgetary funds in relation to subordinate institutions, established by budgetary legislation;

Participates jointly with other authorized bodies in the development of municipal standards for financing educational institutions and youth policy, taking into account state standards;

Carries out control over the compilation and approval of tariff lists for teachers of subordinate institutions, analyzes the recruitment, compiles a summary tariff for municipal educational institutions. (as amended by the resolution of the City Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 10.10.2007 No. 188-p);

Carries out in the prescribed manner the collection, processing, analysis and provision of economic reporting. (as amended by the resolution of the City Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 10.10.2007 No. 188-p);

Carries out control over the targeted and effective use of budgetary funds by subordinate institutions. (Clause 3.44 as amended by the resolution of the City Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 10.10.2007 No. 188-p);

Analyzes the technical condition of buildings and structures of subordinate institutions, forms a plan for their major and current repairs, monitors the current and major repairs of buildings of municipal educational institutions and institutions of the youth sector in the city of Kaluga;

Organizes and provides military registration and booking for the period of mobilization and for wartime citizens who are in the reserve and work in the Directorate;

Organizes, in accordance with the established procedure, the conduct of civil defense measures with the employees of the Office and its structural divisions;

Carries out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents generated in the course of the Department's activities;

Carries out a preliminary expert assessment in the event of a decision by a local government body to reconstruct, modernize, change the purpose or liquidate a municipal educational institution in order to establish the consequences the decision to provide education, upbringing, development and recreation of children. (Clause 3.51. introduced by the resolution of the Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12.2006 No. 272-p);

Carries out other functions and powers in accordance with applicable law.

To carry out the tasks assigned to it and implement the functions and powers, the Department has the right to:

To request and receive, in accordance with the procedure established by law, from state authorities, local self-government bodies, legal entities and individuals, information on issues related to the competence of the Department;

To represent, on behalf of the Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga", the interests of the municipal formation "City of Kaluga" at the international, federal and local levels in terms of issues under the jurisdiction of the Department. (as amended by the resolution of the City Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12.2006 No. 272-p);

Prepare constituent documents (amendments to constituent documents) of municipal educational institutions, institutions of the sphere of youth policy in accordance with the current legislation.

Prepare a socio-economic justification for the creation, liquidation, reorganization, changes in the goals, objectives and activities of municipal educational institutions, institutions of the sphere of youth policy in the cases and in the procedure provided for by regulatory legal acts. (Clause 4.3. As amended by the Resolution of the City Head urban district "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12.2006 No. 272-p);

Suspend the entrepreneurial activity of a municipal educational institution, if it goes to the detriment of educational activities provided for by the charter of the institution, pending a court decision on this issue;

Issue legal acts within the competence of the Office. (as amended by the resolution of the City Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12.2006 No. 272-p);

To present, in the prescribed manner, education and youth workers for state and departmental awards and apply other types of incentives to employees of subordinate institutions;

To involve, in the prescribed manner, to ensure the activities of the Department, scientific and specialized organizations, specialists in solving problems related to the conduct of management;

Convene and hold meetings, seminars on issues within the competence of the Office;

Submit proposals to local government bodies, subordinate institutions on measures to improve the quality of educational services provided on the territory of the municipal formation "City of Kaluga";

Make proposals for improving the work of the Department, optimizing its structure, personnel policy, improving the working conditions and life of the employees of the Department;

Conclude contracts with legal entities and individuals in order to perform the functions assigned to the Department;

Establish, in the prescribed manner, councils, commissions, expert and working groups to resolve issues under the authority of the Office.

Termination of activities of the Office

The termination of the activities of the Office is carried out on the conditions and in the manner prescribed by the current legislation.

2.2 Organizational structure and personnel of the Kaluga Education Department

The Administration of Education of the city of Kaluga is headed by the head of the Administration of Education of the city of Kaluga, who is appointed and dismissed by the City Head of the city district "City of Kaluga".

(as amended by the resolution of the Mayor of the city district "City of Kaluga" dated 08.12.2006 No. 272-p)

The head is personally responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Department and for the implementation of its functions and powers.

Chief, in charge of the Office:

Represents the Office in federal government bodies, government bodies of the Kaluga region and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies of the city of Kaluga and other municipalities, as well as in other organizations;

Manages the activities of the heads of the departments of the Department, approves the staffing table and regulations on the departments of the Department;

Adopts legal acts within its competence, including issuing orders regulating the internal activities of the Department;

The most important dynamic characteristic of an enterprise's activities, which simultaneously reflects its state in relation to the requirements of the external and internal environment and is used to assess its work, is human potential. There are different approaches to the interpretation of this category, some understand by it only the capabilities of personnel (OV Bespalova); others add abilities (L. T. Snitko, Yu. A. Chuzhikova); still others focus on physical and spiritual qualities (KG Krechetnikov), which determine the capabilities and abilities; among the fourth (N.R.Bylinskaya, N.V. Kuznetsova, O. N. Sinitsyna), personnel potential appears as a generalizing characteristic of personnel. At the same time, all scientists-economists focus on the relationship of human resources with the achievement of the development goals of the enterprise, which are most often expressed in certain results of its activities (Table 1).

Table 1. Scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "human resources" of the enterprise

Interpretation of the concept

K. G. Krechetnikov The set of physical and spiritual qualities of a person, which determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in labor activity, the ability to achieve certain results in given conditions, as well as to improve in the labor process
O. V. Bespalova The capabilities of staff and administration that can be used to achieve the goals of the organization
L. T. Snitko,

Yu.A. Chuzhikova

The totality of the abilities and capabilities of personnel to ensure the achievement of goals
N. R. Bylinskaya,

N. V. Kuznetsova,

O. N. Sinitsyna

Generalizing (quantitative and qualitative) characteristics of personnel as one of the types of resources associated with the implementation of the functions assigned to it and the achievement of the goals of the organization's long-term development

Taking into account the opinions of the scientists given in Table 1, we will understand the personnel potential as the aggregate ability of personnel to perform the functions assigned to them and the possibility of achieving the goals of the organization's long-term development.

To clarify the content of the concept of "human resources" of an enterprise, it is important to highlight its essential features (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Essential features of the concept of "human resources"

It is important to clarify that the term “human resources” is not always used correctly, both in everyday practice and in economic science. It is often identified with the concepts of "labor resources", "labor potential" and "human potential". To eliminate this discrepancy, we present their initial definitions:

Labor resources - a part of the population of the country (employed and potential workers), which, in terms of its physical and intellectual condition, received education and professional qualification level, has the ability to carry out socially useful activities;

Labor potential - the labor potential of the enterprise that is currently available and / or forecasted in the future. Labor potential is determined by the number of working-age population;

Human potential is a stock of moral and physical health accumulated by the population, as well as reflected in professional and general cultural competence, civic and creative activity, and which is realized in social, industrial, cultural and other spheres of activity, as well as in the established level and structure of social needs.

When considering issues related to human resources, it is also important to clarify the content of the concepts of "personnel", "personnel", We will use them as synonyms, understanding them as a permanent team of workers engaged in labor activities, as well as the performance of certain functions to achieve the goals and objectives ...

As an integral system, human resources have their own structure, which is the ratio of the characteristics of groups of workers and the relationship between them. There are several options for structuring human resources, in particular, highlight the structure of the potential and the structure of personnel (Table 2).

Table 2. Types of structures of the personnel potential of the enterprise and characteristics of their elements

Types of human resources structures

Structure elements

Capacity structure physical, intellectual, social and technological components
Socio-demographic structure age and sex structure, educational level, work experience, family structure, health status, etc.
Frame structure managers, specialists of different levels and profiles, workers or direct performers
Structure depending on the management level long-term and current human resources

The main elements of the capacity structure are physical, intellectual, social and technological components. The physical component of human resources is limited by the physical abilities of employees, which are in demand in the process of functioning of the organization. The intellectual component can be defined as "collective intelligence", the functioning of which is aimed at solving problems and achieving the goals facing the organization. The social component includes the established system of relations and connections between employees in the organization, the usual norms of their interaction. The technological component covers the ability of personnel to ensure the technological development of the enterprise.

The structure of human resources can be considered from the standpoint of its socio-demographic characteristics, namely: gender and age components, educational level, family structure, health status, etc.

If we consider the personnel potential from the point of view of the actual personnel indicators, then this includes managers, specialists of different levels and profiles, workers or direct performers.

On another basis, the concepts of "long-term human resources" and "current human resources" are distinguished. The first includes employees who can solve strategic problems of production development, both at the present time and in the future; the second is personnel initially considered by the administration solely to carry out basic production operations at the present time.

Thus, summarizing the approaches of economists to the interpretation of the concept of "human resources", we proposed to understand it as the aggregate ability of personnel to perform the functions assigned to them and the possibility of achieving the goals of the organization's long-term development. The content of the sought-for concept reveals its essential features: applicable at the enterprise level; characterized by the constancy and qualifications of employees; provides a synergistic effect due to the relationship between team members and their human resources; the orientation of the implementation of human resources to achieve the strategic goal of the enterprise. There are several approaches to structuring human resources. So, the structure of the potential and the structure of personnel is distinguished, as well as the socio-demographic structure and structure, depending on the level of management.

Bibliographic list

  1. Bespalova O. V. Methodological approach to the personnel potential of the enterprise / O. V. Bespalova // Innovative economy: prospects for development and improvement. - 2014. - No. 1 (4). - S. 69-72.

human resources rotation management

The essence of the organization's human resources, its role and importance

In a market economy, qualified human resources are an integral part of the development of an organization. However, qualified human resources are impossible without the creation of a scientifically based human resources policy and an effective human resource management system.

Personnel potential of the organization (from the Latin Potential - opportunity, power, strength) is a general (quantitative and qualitative) characteristic of personnel as one of the types of resources associated with the implementation of the functions assigned to it and the achievement of the goals of the organization's long-term development; these are the existing potential capabilities of employees, as an integral system (team), which are used and can be used at a certain point in time. ...

The category of "human resources" implies the consideration of personnel as active elements of the organization, in contrast to the term "human (labor) resources", which equates personnel with other types of resources. This emphasizes that the main thing in an organization is not the potentials of individual employees, but its single personnel potential, as, for example, the main thing in the system is not the elements themselves, but the interaction between them.

The level of human resources depends on interrelated organizational, economic and social measures for the formation, distribution, redistribution of labor at the organizational level, on the creation of conditions for the use and development of the labor potential of each employee. Personnel potential is formed by the state and the management of the organization and finds concrete expression in the form of qualified personnel for all management functions.

Human capital is the cornerstone of an organization's competitiveness.

The concept of human resources includes the definition of categories such as human resources and potential.

Under the personnel of the organization is understood the totality of all human resources that the organization possesses. These are employees of the organization, as well as partners who are involved in the implementation of some projects, experts or consultants who can be involved in conducting research, developing a strategy, implementing specific activities, etc. The personnel of the organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form, are all employees who participate in their work in its activities on the basis of an employment contract.

Potential (or strength) means opportunities, maybe even hidden ones, that can be used to solve problems or achieve a specific goal.

Human resource potential is a set of specific members of society, whose high-quality professional and personal parameters (skill level, ability to innovate, etc.) allow them to apply for a vacancy, work and regularly improve their qualifications, as well as improve labor Relations, forms and methods of their manifestation, arising in the process of carrying out entrepreneurial activity, which has a proactive risky nature.

Human resources of the organization in broad sense this word represents the skills and abilities of workers that can be used to improve its effectiveness in different areas activities in order to obtain or achieve a social effect.

Human resources can be considered in a narrower sense - as temporarily vacant or reserve jobs that can potentially be occupied by specialists as a result of development and training. Human resources management should contribute to streamlining, maintaining quality specificity, improving and developing personnel.

Internal human resources - active citizens working for a specific organization, capable of self-development, promotion. The starting point for the emergence of an internal personnel reserve is the conclusion of an employment contract, including preliminary work on the selection of candidates for a vacant position, holding competitions (selections). Firstly, it expresses a part of the socio-economic relations between the organization and the employee and as a result of labor activity appears in the form of a certain value of the newly created value of the product and services. Secondly, it characterizes the ability and ability of personnel to solve the problems of stability, reliability and business prosperity. Thirdly, it requires capital investment in the professional development of specialists. It arises on the basis of existing personnel and indicates the presence of reserves. In addition, the presence of internal human resources guarantees the organization the retention of professional staff and the return of the funds invested in them with a profit.

External potential represents applicants for vacancies in an organization from among graduates of educational institutions, the unemployed, citizens who are engaged in entrepreneurship without formalization of documents and do not have a special education, but are capable of proactive activities. External personnel potential in its content is a source of expansion of the internal potential of the organization.

It is also necessary to highlight the concept of “long-term human resources”. Long-term workforce potential includes employees who can solve the problems of the organization's development. At the same time, two main components of long-term human resources can be distinguished: current and target cumulative.

Figure 1.2 Main components of long-term workforce potential

Long-term personnel potential is, firstly, the personnel potential already partially created in the past, objectively necessary for the continuous current production process. Secondly, this is an increase in the overall human resources, which took place over a certain period of time. With a certain degree of convention, it can be assumed that this increase in human potential has not yet been fully realized and represents the most promising part of the overall potential. These characteristics of human resources play an important role in the design of its management. Talent management boils down to the following:

Figure 1.3 Talent management

The main goal of setting goals and objectives for human resources management is to ensure the successful operation of an organization in a market economy. The following tasks can be set as tasks affecting the scale of human resources, its effective use:

  • - qualified personnel development;
  • - attraction of qualified specialists;
  • - creating optimal conditions for effective work frames.

Determination of the content and participants of human resources management. A prerequisite for solving managerial problems is the availability of highly qualified personnel, ready to master new knowledge.

The object of human resources management is a set of functional tasks of human resource management and labor relations.

The subject of the human resources management process are: heads of the organization, heads of structural divisions, personnel services, legal services, financial management (department), personnel training department.

Conditions for improving the efficiency of human resources management. The vastness of the issues solved by the participants in the management process necessitates its optimization. Consequently, to improve the efficiency of human resources management, it is necessary:

  • - constant participation in the management of not only personnel services, but also heads of structural divisions;
  • - a clearer distribution of functions between all participants in personnel management and coordination of their actions;
  • - the creation of an appropriate regulatory and methodological base regulating the activities of each of the participants in the management process;
  • - determination of priorities in work with human resources.

The effectiveness of the organization's activities directly depends on how human resources management is organized, which affects the success of each employee. Thus, the most important task of human resources management is the consolidation and development of personnel. This task includes:

  • - rational distribution of job responsibilities;
  • - professional and job promotion of employees, taking into account the results of assessing their activities and individual characteristics;
  • - regular professional development of specialists;
  • - creation of other conditions that motivate employees to work more efficiently;
  • - career planning.

Consequently, three factors should underlie the human resources management policy:

  • - attracting highly qualified specialists to work;
  • - creation of conditions conducive to professional development and consolidation in the organization, in the institution of the most qualified, experienced workers;
  • - improvement of the management organization.

The most effective method of human resources management is its assessment according to the parameters characterizing the professional success of the employee. The assessment is applicable in such areas as: selection and placement of personnel, training and advanced training of employees, formation, preparation of a reserve for promotion to a managerial position, improvement of working conditions, etc.

A number of components can be distinguished in the structure of human resources: physical, intellectual, social, technological and integrative.

Physical - abilities, limited to certain limits of the employee, which are used to a large extent.

Intellectual - abilities that do not have clear boundaries are used only partially.

Social relations and connections - generated by collective activity, taking into account the characteristics of each employee, can and should, under certain conditions, generate an effect that enhances the potential of the organization's personnel.

The social community of workers - forming a team, is distinguished by integrity, is expressed in common or agreed goals, tasks, technologies, needs and motives. Consequently, the social potential contributes to the development of the communication skills of the staff.

Integrative potential is a mechanism for compensating for missing or underdeveloped abilities.

The concept of "human resources" reflects the resource aspect of socio-economic development. In other words, human resources are the capabilities of a certain category of workers, specialists, and other groups of workers that can be brought into action in the course of labor activity in accordance with job responsibilities and the goals set for the team at a certain stage of development.

The personnel potential of an organization and increasing the efficiency of its use is a rather complex process, and it includes a number of processes, the successful and consistent implementation of which leads to the formation of a stable, reliable and competitive team. In general, the effectiveness of an organization depends on the qualifications of employees, their placement and use.

In the analysis of human resources, the following methods are widely used: decomposition and sequential substitution, comparisons and structuring of goals; export analytical and principal components method; the experimental method and the collective notepad method.

One of the most important in management is a systems approach based on systems analysis. With regard to personnel management, it involves the study of the management system as a whole and the study of its constituent components: goals, functions, organizational structure, main categories of workers, technical means, methods of people management, etc.

In the analysis of human resources, the use of a systematic approach presupposes, first of all, the widespread use of the decomposition method, which allows one to break down complex phenomena into simpler ones and thereby facilitates their study. In particular, the personnel management system can be divided into subsystems, subsystems - into functions, functions - into procedures, procedures - into operations, operations - into elements. After dissection, the study of each part follows, and then their modeling and synthesis.

The method of decomposition is closely related to the method of sequential substitution, which allows, in particular, to study the effect on the functioning of personnel of each factor separately. As a result, the factors are ranked and the most significant of them are selected.

The comparison method makes it possible, for example, to analyze personnel management taking into account the time factor. At the same time, the desired state of the subsystem in the future is compared with the normative state or with its state in the past period. As a result, disparate factors are eliminated and comparison opportunities are increased.

The method of structuring goals provides for a quantitative and qualitative substantiation of the goals of the personnel management subsystem in terms of their compliance with the goals of the organization. This method covers the analysis of goals, their ranking and deployment into the system (building a "goal tree").

The export-analytical method involves the involvement of highly qualified specialists (experts) in the field of management.

The principal component analysis makes it possible to reflect in one indicator (main component) the properties of many indicators that characterize a certain phenomenon.

The empirical method deals with systemic and situational analysis. It is based on the experience of the previous period of this (or other similar) control system.

The collective notebook method ("bank of ideas") is based on the use of "brainstorming" ( brainstorming) and allows you to combine the independent advancement of ideas with their collective assessment and joint search for ways of the most effective use of human resources.

Figure 1.4 Methods for analyzing the human resources of the organization

Analysis of the organization's personnel potential is directly related to motivation and stimulation of labor activity, planning the business career of employees, working with a personnel reserve, with the selection of personnel, its retraining and advanced training.

On the basis of participation in the production or management process, i.e. by the nature of labor functions, and, consequently, the position held, the staff is divided into the following categories.

  • - managers performing functions general management... They are conventionally divided into three levels: the highest (organizations as a whole - the director, the general director, the manager and their deputies), the middle (the heads of the main structural divisions - departments, departments, workshops, as well as the main specialists), the grassroots (working with the performers
  • - heads of bureaus, sectors; master). Among the leaders are persons holding managerial positions, including the personnel manager;
  • - specialists - persons performing economic, engineering, technical, legal and other functions. These include economists, lawyers, process engineers, mechanical engineers, accountants, dispatchers, auditors, training engineers, human resources inspectors, etc .;
  • - other employees (technical executors) involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting, control, economic services: purchasing agent, cashier, secretary-stenographer, timekeepers, etc .;
  • - workers who directly create material values ​​or provide production services. Distinguish between main and auxiliary workers.

In industry, managers, specialists, other employees (technical executors), workers form industrial production personnel, and social infrastructure workers - non-industrial personnel.

The professional structure of the organization's human resources is the ratio of representatives of various professions or specialties (economists, accountants, engineers, lawyers, etc.) who have a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of training and work experience in a particular field.

The personnel potential of an employee is a combination of physical and spiritual qualities of a person that determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in labor activities, the ability to achieve certain results in given conditions, as well as to improve in the labor process.

The main components of the employee's human resources are:

  • - psychophysiological component: health status, performance, endurance, abilities and inclinations of a person, type of nervous system, etc.;
  • - socio-demographic component: age, gender, marital status, etc .;
  • - qualification component: the level of education, the amount of special knowledge, work skills, the ability to innovate, intelligence, creativity, professionalism;
  • - personal component: attitude to work, discipline, activity, value orientations, motivation, morality, etc.

Figure 1.5 Main components of human resources

The personnel potential of the organization is not constant. On the contrary, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics are constantly changing under the influence not only of objective factors, but also of managerial decisions. The development of human resources is based on the system of continuous education, training and retraining of personnel, their career, improvement of organizational structures and management style. The higher the personnel potential of the organization, the higher the potential of the hired labor force, the more complex tasks can be solved by employees.

A quantitative assessment is made, as a rule, only in relation to such characteristics as gender, age, length of service, level of education, health status.

The personnel of the organization and its changes have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics that can be measured with a lesser or greater degree of reliability and reflected in the following absolute and relative indicators:

  • - payroll and attendance number of employees of the enterprise and (or) its internal divisions, individual categories and groups on a certain date;
  • - the average number of employees of the enterprise and (or) its internal divisions for a certain period. The indicator is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, turnover rates, staff turnover and a number of other indicators. The average number of employees per month is determined by summing up the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month;
  • - the proportion of employees of individual departments (groups, categories) in the total number of employees of the enterprise;
  • - the rate of growth (gain) in the number of employees of the enterprise for a certain period;
  • - the average category of workers of the enterprise;
  • - the proportion of employees with higher or secondary specialized education in the total number of employees and (or) employees of the enterprise;
  • - the average length of service in the specialty of managers and specialists of the enterprise;
  • - staff turnover;

The combination of these and a number of other indicators is necessary for planning, analyzing and developing measures to improve the efficiency of using the organization's labor resources.

Figure 1.6 Qualitative characteristics of human resources.

The quantitative characteristic of the labor resources (personnel) of the organization is primarily measured by such indicators as the turnover on the list and the average number of employees.

Figure 1.7 Quantitative characteristics of human resources

The personnel potential is formed by the employees of the organization, for the successful functioning of which a sufficient supply of labor resources, their rational use, and a sufficient level of labor productivity are required.

The category "human resources" is used in the socio-economic literature relatively recently. At the same time, it is, first of all, considered in the context of individual industries, as well as organizations. However, it should be noted here that in such a context this category is usually not scientifically defined in any way and acts as a synonym for such already known concepts as “labor force”, “labor potential”, “labor resources” or “personnel”. In this regard, it is important to clarify the content of the “human resources” category in comparison with the others mentioned above.

On the other hand, the category "human resources" contains the concept of personnel. "Personnel - the main (staff) composition of trained, qualified workers of enterprises, institutions, party, trade union and public organizations a particular branch of activity. In a broad sense - in general, all permanent workers. " In this case, the qualitative characteristics of the organization's employees are emphasized: to be 1) a permanent composition of the organization and 2) qualified.

Human resource potential of an organization is a general (quantitative and qualitative) characteristic of personnel as one of the types of resources associated with the performance of the functions assigned to it and the achievement of the goals of the organization's long-term development; these are the existing and potential capabilities of employees, as an integral system (team), which are used and can be used at a certain point in time. Human resources are an integral part of the organization's labor potential. In most economic sources, these terms are used interchangeably.

Considering the various components of the concept of "human potential" as a source of qualitative shifts in the economic development of the organization, we can conclude that the evolution of the category reflects profound changes in the content of the entire system of economic concepts, in the center of which is the employee as the main productive force.

The category of "human resources" considers the collective worker not just as a participant in production, but as an integral and driving principle of all stages of the reproduction process, as a "carrier" of social needs, performing the function of goal-setting, objectively generating and subjectively setting strategic and tactical goals of economic development.

The concept of human potential should be considered in the context of the concept of "potential" in general. Then the personnel potential is the capabilities of a certain category of workers, specialists, and other groups of workers that can be put into action in the process of labor activity in accordance with job responsibilities and the goals set for society, the region, and the collective at a certain stage of development. This approach to determining human resources makes it possible to comprehensively analyze any category of personnel on the basis of objective economic laws in accordance with the chosen object, the subject of research, as well as its goals and objectives.

"Human resources" is a generalizing characteristic of the aggregate abilities and capabilities of permanent employees of the organization who have a certain qualification, have undergone preliminary professional training and have special knowledge, work skills and work experience in a certain field of activity, capable of effectively performing functional duties and giving certain economic results in in accordance with the current and future goals of the organization. "

A distinctive feature of this definition is to emphasize the property of efficiency, the ability to give certain economic results. The economic aspect, in turn, means the effectiveness, efficiency of activities and an appropriate approach from these positions to all the qualities of the employee. That is, the concept of efficiency was originally incorporated in the very basis of the economic category “human resources”.

  • 1. The objective mechanism of self-development of the subject of activity, which is associated with the process, when a person constantly seeks to go “beyond his own limits to surpass himself, to reveal his inexhaustible potential. At the same time, it is emphasized that the main potential for self-development of a person's activities, his relationships is laid, first of all, in the individuality of each.
  • 2. Inherent potencies, available opportunities for performing various functions under favorable conditions for the development of abilities.
  • 3. Potential abilities - these are the possibilities for the development of the individual, manifesting themselves before solving a new problem. Since personality development depends not only on psychological characteristics, but also on social conditions, in which these potentials can be realized (or not realized), then we should talk about the actual abilities that are realized and developed depending on the requirements specific type activities.
  • 4. Personal potential, which “includes not only a potential personality (abilities, naturally determined professionally important qualities, positive hereditary factors), but also a system of constantly renewed and multiplied resources - intellectual, psychological, volitional, which contributes to a progressive personal and professional development ".
  • 5. Personal development is associated with the deployment of hidden resources, potential opportunities and abilities (innate potential), needs to know oneself.
  • 6. Human behavior is regulated by a unifying motive - the need for self-actualization, for the development of one's abilities, for the disclosure of inner potential in order to preserve and develop a personality: "The tendency of growth, movement forward."

Also, some authors believe that the personnel potential of an organization is a socio-economic phenomenon that reflects the entire set of relations (economic, social, organizational, personal, etc.) associated with the organization and obtaining the desired result, as well as depending on the conditions of the distribution process, exchange and consumption of labor.

All of the above allows us to single out the following components of the characteristics of the organization's personnel potential as a socio-economic phenomenon:

  • 1. The structural component allows you to determine the content, form, participants, direction and scale of the socio-economic phenomenon. If the changes taking place in the socio-economic system lead to the disappearance or depletion of its constituent elements and the relations existing between them, then such a system loses its potential, goes to regression. If the development taking place in the socio-economic system brings it closer to a certain ideal, evaluated positively, then this development is progress.
  • 2. The dynamic component, in contrast to the structural one, takes into account the time factor, in other words, considers the socio-economic phenomenon in the time dimension. For this purpose, such characteristics as phases (stages) of a socio-economic phenomenon, its duration, intensity, rhythm, and reversibility are used.
  • 3. The factor component is due to the fact that a socio-economic phenomenon, like any other process, is determined by certain reasons. The role of individual parameters of determination of a socio-economic phenomenon is different: some cause it, others condition it, others affect its duration or pace, etc.
  • 4. The technological component represents a view of socio-economic phenomena from the standpoint of its optimization, determination and finding of appropriate ways, methods and methods. Therefore, it is necessary to study those characteristics, definitions and accounting that are important for solving optimization problems.
  • 5. It should be noted the mechanism of the socio-economic phenomenon as a complex of interactions of the elements of the socio-economic system that cause and ensure its movement. This refers to how this phenomenon occurs, how its elements relate and interact, how they are set in motion.

Through "personnel" in the economy, the mechanism of the involvement of human resources or human capital is carried out. Consequently, human capital finds its manifestation in the personnel potential of a particular organization, enterprise, industry.

Thus, “human resources” is a set of innate, genetically determined, natural abilities, acquired knowledge, experience and motivations of a person, with the help of which he can bring income to a particular organization, enterprise, industry. The qualities of a person that determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in labor activities include, first of all: age; physical and mental health; personal characteristics; general education and vocational training; faculty of professional growth; attitude to work; work experience in the specialty; marital status.

In the conditions of economic growth and stabilization, new requirements are imposed on human resources, which is a category that characterizes the totality of general and professional knowledge, skills, work skills and social qualities of workers employed in a particular field of activity - in an organization, institution, industry.

The process of including human resources in production and economic activities, covering a set of logically consistent and interrelated measures for the social and professional orientation of the younger generation for skilled labor in a particular sector of the economy, the selection and vocational training of workers, their placement in accordance with the abilities and knowledge, consolidation in organizing and creating in them positive motivations for work is characterized by the concept of “formation of human resources”. The process of building human resources is shown in Figure 1.8.

Figure 1.8 The process of building human resources

Figure 1.8 shows the transformation of the socio-economic category "human capital", which summarizes the entire set of human resources on a national scale, into a narrower category of "human resources", which implies the totality of human resources in an organization, institution, and industry. That is, there is a transformation of the macro - concept of "human capital", where the objects of analysis are the spheres of education, health care, science and the emphasis is on the study of their role in the formation of "labor resources" and stimulation of their accumulation, in the micro - the concept of "human resources "As a factor of production.

Determination of the structure of human resources is the most important issue that allows us to more accurately interpret the concept itself, to establish the factors affecting the state of human potential and the implementation of the possibilities of its actual use. It is widely believed that the level of human resources is determined by the size of the working-age population, the labor intensity of production and the socially necessary level of labor intensity. But such a structural set rather than potential characterizes the extensive possibilities of involving the maximum mass of labor in social production under the given socio-economic conditions. This approach ignores the qualitative essence of the potential, i.e. the very ability of people to work is not evaluated; human resources are separated from all personal characteristics (initiative, creativity, self-discipline, etc.) of employees. Wrong, in our opinion, is the position in which human resources are viewed only from the qualitative point of view, as the sum of personal characteristics in terms of abilities, health status, level of training and skills, consciousness, ideological conviction, etc.

Personnel potential is formed on the basis of combining quantitative (resource) and qualitative (psychophysiological, qualification, social) characteristics, i.e. has a balanced assessment of quantitative and qualitative components. Establishing the meaning and correlation of these components, their role in the formation and strategic development of human resources is a defining problem, the solution of which allows us to reasonably approach the resource provision of the agricultural sector of the economy.

The quantitative base of human resources is made up by the entire population, and not just labor resources. Labor resources, being part of the population, have different quantitative and qualitative characteristics not by themselves, but due to the fact that they reflect in their structure the demographic situation that is developing in a particular region. Therefore, quantitative changes in potential are associated with the demographic situation as a whole. The qualitative characteristics of labor potential are influenced by the level of development of productive forces and culture, which form the entire set of personal characteristics of workers. It is legitimate to consider the following as qualitative structural elements of human resources: health, intellectual capital, education, motivation to work and study, mobility, professional skills, natural abilities and general culture. The most important component of human resources is education. The stock of knowledge possessed by an employee characterizes the individual's ability to grow and develop.

Health is essential for the development of a worker's physical and cognitive skills. A person's performance in any sphere of the economy, in any position, largely depends on his health. Highly educated people in good health are potentially far more capable of more productive work than people with low levels of education and poor health.

Intellectual capital is a system of certain human thinking, cognitive, and creative abilities that are formed in a person under conditions of reproducible norms of creative morality, justice and a high level of culture.

Motivation for work depends on moral norms and values ​​adopted in society, the prestige and social status of a particular specialty, the availability of knowledge necessary to perform professional duties, the corporate culture of the organization, a fair level of remuneration, state policy aimed at supporting major labor achievements ...

The degree of mobility of individual human capital depends on the personal abilities of the employee. For example, quickly adapt to a changing environment, find required forms activities, as well as obtaining information that facilitates the movement of workers to those industries and regions where human capital is used more efficiently.

Moral and moral values ​​accepted in society are projected onto each of its members, i.e. constitute a common culture.

The content of the organization's personnel potential is not constant, on the contrary, its quantitative and qualitative characteristics are constantly changing under the influence of both objective and subjective factors. However, we emphasize once again that the human factor appears to us as a kind of engine of production, social processes, as a resultant, generalizing value of the functioning of all individuals in the unity of all characteristics. The human resource potential of the organization is nothing more than what makes the human factor driving force, that is, its internal basis, a latent possibility that has dynamism.

Thus, human resources are the main wealth of the organization, and their formation should be given a key role in the management of the organization. The competitiveness of the organization will directly depend on this and economic effect investment in its activities.

Human resource potential (KP) of an organization in the broadest sense of the word represents the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees that can be used to improve its efficiency in various areas of production, in order to generate income (profit) or achieve social effect.

Human resources can be considered in a narrower sense - as temporarily vacant or reserve jobs that can potentially be occupied by specialists as a result of their development and training.

The category "human resources" is not identical to the category "human resources". This concept includes not only the actual personnel, but also a certain level of joint capabilities of personnel to achieve the set goals. The personnel potential of an organization depends on the potentials of the personnel of this organization, but is not their sum. It has the property of integrity, which is fundamentally different from the properties inherent in the potential of each employee individually. one

Personnel potential synthesizes what in the literature of the Soviet period was called the human factor, and in the Western - the personnel of the organization, its management structure, as well as the forms of management relations characteristic of this organization, or management styles.

The concept of "human resources" implies the consideration of personnel as active elements of the organization, in contrast to the term "human (labor) resources", which equates personnel with other types of resources. This emphasizes that the main thing in an organization is not the potentials of individual employees, but its single personnel potential, as, for example, the main thing in the system is not the elements themselves, but the interaction between them.

The concept of "human resources" requires a more detailed study and clear identification of the object and subject of human resources management.

The object of management is an individual employee, as well as a certain set of them, acting as a labor collective. The set of employees can include all personnel of the enterprise, which are subject to management decisions general and personnel of the structural unit of the department, shop. The objects of human resource management are the following aspects of economic activity:

Determination of a rational structure of personnel;

Placement of workers in the process of activity;

Increasing the efficiency of using human labor;

Improving the qualitative composition of the total workforce in organizations.

The heads and specialists of the personnel services of enterprises, as well as managers of all levels, who perform the function of management in relation to their subordinates, act as subjects of management of the personnel potential of the enterprise.

The essence of human resources reflects the qualitative and partly quantitative characteristics of the labor potential of the employees of the enterprise.

The personnel potential of the organization is less than the labor potential of the organization by the value of the potential capabilities of unskilled and low-skilled workers, non-staff workers and part-time workers. This is their main difference.

According to some authors, human resources are the aggregate abilities of an enterprise's human resources, which are necessary in order to select, perform and coordinate actions that provide the enterprise with strategic advantages in the markets for goods, services and knowledge. 2 However, not all specialists in personnel management agree with this definition of human resources, since the concept of human potential, in addition to the aggregate abilities of the personnel of an enterprise, also includes such important qualities as labor motives, moral values, and others. In addition, this definition underestimates the role of the personnel potential of the enterprise in achieving the goals of the organization and does not reveal the true essence of the category of “human potential”.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the personnel potential of an enterprise is a set of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the personnel of an enterprise, including: the composition and structure of personnel; physical and psychological capabilities of workers; intellectual and creative abilities; professional knowledge and qualification skills; communication and the ability to cooperate; attitude to work and other characteristics aimed at achieving the mission and goals of the enterprise.

The number of personnel in an organization is determined on the basis of the volume of production and the potential capabilities of the personnel, and the quality of the formed potential is measured by the degree of balance of the professional and qualification characteristics of an employee with the requirements of a developing social economy.

Both domestic and foreign scientists consider human resources from two points of view:

    from the point of view of its formation;

    in terms of its use.

The formation of the human resources potential of society as a whole means preparing the unemployed population for labor activity, involving the entire able-bodied population of the country in material and spiritual production. In other words, formation is the creation of the real potential of living labor, knowledge and skills, covering the entire society and each individual. At the same time, when forming human resources, it is necessary to take into account the following signs: demographic, biomedical, professional qualification, social, psychophysiological, ideological and political, moral and others.

The measure of the quality of the formed personnel potential is the degree of balance of the professional and qualification characteristics of an employee with the requirements of a dynamically developing social economy. The use of human resources is the implementation of labor and qualification abilities and skills of the employee, the workforce and society as a whole. In the context of the transition to the market, the essence of the rational use of personnel of any enterprise is to more fully identify and implement the abilities of each employee of the enterprise, enhance the creative and meaningful nature of work, raise the professional and qualification level of employees, taking into account its all-round stimulation and a corresponding assessment of the contribution of each employee to the final results activities. Even if the organization has a perfect material and technical base of production, has the latest equipment and technology, the production process cannot be carried out normally in the event of irrational use of the qualifications and other abilities of workers.

The formation and use of human resources is considered by domestic authors both quantitatively and qualitatively. From a quantitative point of view, the availability (sufficiency) of personnel for each structural unit and the enterprise as a whole is determined on the basis of the volume of industrial buildings and the potential capabilities of the personnel, and from a qualitative point of view, the degree of compliance of the professional and qualification level of employees with the complexity of the work performed. In conditions of intense competition of enterprises in the market of goods and services, the consequences of inconsistency in the first and second cases are the following undesirable phenomena: marriage due to the fault of the employee, non-fulfillment of contractual obligations, unsatisfactory equipment maintenance and underemployment of the existing equipment park, high staff turnover, etc. To prevent of such negative phenomena, it is necessary to conduct a regular analysis of the comparison of the category of work and the level of qualifications of workers at the enterprise. This makes it possible to assess the use of workers, taking into account their potential capabilities and to ensure a rational arrangement of workers for specific jobs and structural units, for periods of employment during a shift or a year. 4

Only the presence of the totality of the above characteristics will ensure the optimal formation and effective use of the personnel potential of the enterprise.

The practice of operating organizations and enterprises shows that the processes of formation and use of human resources are closely interconnected.

Human resource building is the creation of the real potential of living labor, knowledge and skills, covering the whole society and each individual.

The use of human resources is the implementation of labor and qualification abilities and skills of the employee, the workforce and society as a whole. In modern conditions, the rational use of human resources consists in a more complete identification and implementation of the abilities of each employee of the enterprise, giving work the character of creativity, raising the professional and qualification level of employees by stimulating and assessing the contribution of each employee to the final result.

The effective formation and use of the organization's human resources is facilitated by:

Establishment of scientifically based labor standards;

Timely revision of them depending on production conditions;

Conducting certification and rationalization of workplaces;

Determination of the required number and reduction of redundant jobs;


Organization of the implementation of advanced techniques and methods of labor;

Use of flexible working hours.

The personnel potential of the organization, both in terms of its size, structure, and professional and qualification composition, is formed under the influence of external and internal factors (socio-political factors, government regulation, the situation on the labor market, socio-demographic situation, achievements of scientific and technological progress, the state of national educational systems, moral and cultural factors, industry prestige, etc.).

Thus, the formation and use of human resources is influenced by a whole system of external and internal (in relation to the enterprise itself) factors. Factors of the formation and use of the personnel potential of the enterprise are the external and internal conditions of the environment in which the processes of the formation and use of personnel potential are carried out. Under external factors we understand the conditions that the company cannot change, but must take into account when forming and using its own personnel. Internal factors, on the other hand, represent conditions that are largely amenable to control by the enterprise.

Taking into account the modern disparate author's approaches to the classification of such factors, a generalized classification of factors for the formation and use of the personnel potential of an enterprise in market conditions is proposed. Formation factors are divided into external and internal in relation to an industrial enterprise. Consider only external factors:

    Socio-political factors. For a long time, the employment policy pursued in our country was characterized by extensive trends (focus on maximizing the demand for labor, expanding the public fund of working hours, etc.), which often prevented enterprises from correctly selecting workers for jobs. At the same time, in our opinion, the interests of both the enterprise and its employees were not taken into account. Strengthening the same position of the private form of ownership in the 1990s. in the Russian Federation, the intensity of movement of workers in the external labor market, the provision of state support to the unemployed population create objective prerequisites for the formation of high-quality human resources and its effective use at the enterprise.

    State regulation. In the transition to the market, one should not forget that, despite the general recognition of the market as a self-organizing system, its effective functioning is impossible without government intervention. State regulation of the formation of human resources today is carried out by three main groups of methods:

2.1. Legislative, laying the general institutional basis for the development of any socio-economic process (when solving issues of the formation and use of the personnel potential of an enterprise, one should take into account the issues of labor legislation, its possibility of change in the foreseeable future, features of legislation in the field of labor protection, employment, etc.);

2.2. Administrative, with the help of which any administrative norms and standards, regulations, instructions, recommendations, etc., are approved and put into effect;

2.3. Economic methods by which the state stabilizes the market situation (pricing, taxation, the establishment of socio-economic norms and standards, as well as minimum social guarantees, etc.).

    The market situation as a network of equal relations based on the sale and purchase of products and services, property relations, balance of interests between the seller and the buyer, the owner and the employee. During the transition to the market at enterprises, there is a gradual departure from a rigid system of administrative influence on personnel to market relations, property relations based on economic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches to the formation and use of human resources based on a change of priorities. In modern conditions, the main thing inside the enterprise is personnel, and outside it - the consumers of the products (services provided). Through effectively operating system personnel management, it is necessary to turn the consciousness of each employee to the consumer, and not to the boss; to the end result of the enterprise, and not to waste; to a proactive highly qualified productive worker, and not to a thoughtlessly faceless performer. Any changes in the market for goods or labor should be immediately reflected in the processes of personnel formation of the enterprise and their use.

    The socio-demographic situation characterizes the composition and structure, as well as the forms and intensity of movement of the personnel of the enterprise, both within it and outside it. In the context of the transition to the market for the enterprise, it becomes very important to preserve, develop and make the most effective use of existing personnel and ensure the influx of young, initiative and highly qualified "fresh" forces from the available labor resources.

    Achievements of scientific and technological progress (STP). The introduction of new technologies and new equipment, the development of new types of products in the conditions of intense competition determine the constant updating of the theoretical and especially practical knowledge of the employees of the enterprise in connection with the change in the volume and content of the functions performed. This is taken into account when recruiting new employees for work or when developing incentive systems for labor, as well as moving up the career ladder based on the growth of professional skills, knowledge, and work experience of the company's personnel.

    State national system education. Availability of state and non-state educational institutions, the content of professional educational programs, the advantages and disadvantages of the forms of vocational training in the country, the cost of vocational training, on the one hand, as well as the models of service career, the provision on personnel training, plans to improve the qualifications of personnel, the content of employment contracts , the models of jobs (positions), the acceptability of the conditions for admission and training in colleges and universities, - on the other hand, affect the decision of the company's management to hire new employees who already meet all the requirements, or to invest the company's funds in the development of the personnel potential of permanent personnel.

Of course, the current problems of the development of higher and secondary vocational education in our country (for example, insufficient financing of education from the federal and local budgets, the weak material and technical base of educational institutions, the concentration of highly qualified teaching staff in large cities and their shortage in the field of new areas of science, equipment, technology, economy and business in peripheral cities and regions of the Russian Federation, etc.) negatively affect the processes of forming the personnel potential of the enterprise.

    Moral and cultural factors. The shared values, social norms, and behavioral attitudes developed by society, a group of people, which regulate the actions of the employee and force him to behave this way, and not otherwise, without any visible coercion, determine in the new conditions the transition to social norms based on a common economic sense , not forgetting about the moral side in the management of personnel and the processes of formation and use of the personnel potential of the enterprise.

    The prestige of the industry. It is not a secret for anyone that in modern conditions in certain sectors of the national economy there are practically no problems associated with the formation of human resources, due to the very stable staffing of workers in these sectors, as well as because of favorable working conditions at enterprises of these sectors (for example, in extractive industries, electricity, etc.). However, there is an increase in the differentiation of the population in terms of income. This encourages the movement of skilled workers in higher wage industries, from government agencies to commercial firms;

Rice. 5.3. Structural and logical factor model of personnel profitability

When considering one of the main productive forces of society, modern scientists operate with many economic categories: "labor force", "labor resources", "human capital", "labor potential" "human resources", "human resources" and others.

And, despite the fact that Western and domestic science, which studies labor in economics, has not yet come to a unanimity of views on the content of these economic categories, it can be noted that they characterize from different sides the relationship between an entrepreneur as a consumer of the ability to work, and an employee, as the owner of one of the most important components of the capital cycle for an entrepreneur - the ability to work. The subject of the relationship between them is the employee's abilities, but not all abilities, but those that are aimed at the production of use values.

By labor power, or the ability to work, we mean the totality of physical and spiritual abilities possessed by the organism, the person's personality, and which are used by him every time he produces any use values.

Consideration of how these relations develop in the process of attracting and using labor by an entrepreneur leads to the statement of the fact that an entrepreneur who attracts labor in the labor market and a potential employee offering his ability to work in the labor market are initially in opposite positions regarding their subject matter. market exchange - the ability to work.

For a potential employee, his ability to work is what he offers on the labor market, that is, his product, and at the same time what he invests in, time and effort to increase the productive force of his ability to work, which will have more high price in the labor market. And, from this side, the ability to work is the “capital” of a potential employee.

From the point of view of "labor resources" the ability of an employee to work is considered by S.G. Strumilin, G.A. Prudensky, P.F. Petrochenko, A.E. Kotlyar, L.S. Blyakhman and others.

In the 70s. XX century, there was a shift from the study of actual "labor resources" to "labor potential". The economic category of "labor potential" was considered by N.P. Gibalo, M.I. Skarzhinsky, L. Ya. Spector, S.P. Sirotkina, V.V. Chekmarev, A.I. Tyazhov, B.P. Sharnopolsky and others.

"Labor potential", according to the definition of N.A. Ivanova, Yu.G. Odegova, K.L. Andreeva, is "the combined ability of the physical and spiritual properties of an individual to achieve certain results of his production activity under given conditions, on the one hand, and the ability to improve in the labor process, solving new problems arising in the process of changes in production, on the other."

Two important conclusions follow from this definition:

    First, the result of using the “labor potential” is the real labor contribution of the employee, it is expressed in a specific product, as well as in a certain level of productivity achieved by this employee.

    Secondly, “labor potential” is being improved in the labor process, reaching a new level of professionalism and labor productivity.

From a theoretical and practical point of view, the importance of this fact lies in considering labor not only as something given in advance, but also as a constant reserve for increasing productivity and labor efficiency.

In the work of M.A. Vinokurov, dedicated to the creation of the concept of individual labor potential, substantiates that “the essence of the category“ individual labor potential ”is interpreted as a logical expression of economic relations that establish and regulate the interconnection of the processes of developing the individuality of each person and increasing the beneficial effect in production and in society; it was established that this increment and this effect can be socially significant new knowledge, which, as objectifying information, is objectified and included in the economic relations existing in a given society ”.

But, nevertheless, the concept of labor potential did not reveal how an increase in the level of development of individual labor potential is transformed into an increase in the beneficial effect, into an increase in the employee's labor productivity. This means that the established relationship between the growth of labor potential and the beneficial effect turns out to be declarative: it is not possible to quantitatively analyze the relationship between the level of development of employees in the organization and the effectiveness of the organization itself, which bears the costs of its development.

The category "human resources" is used in the socio-economic literature relatively recently. At the same time, it is, first of all, considered in the context of individual industries, as well as organizations. However, it should be noted here that in such a context this category is usually not scientifically defined in any way and acts as a synonym for such already known concepts as “labor force”, “labor potential”, “labor resources” or “personnel”. In this regard, it is important to clarify the content of the “human resources” category in comparison with the others mentioned above.

On the other hand, the category "human resources" contains the concept of personnel. “Cadres are the main (full-time) composition of trained, qualified workers of enterprises, institutions, party, trade union and public organizations of this or that branch of activity. In a broad sense - in general, all permanent workers. " In this case, the qualitative characteristics of the organization's employees are emphasized: to be 1) a permanent composition of the organization and 2) qualified.

The concept of "human resources" reflects the resource aspect of socio-economic development. Human resources can be defined as the totality of the abilities of all people who are employed in a given organization and solve certain problems.

The human resource potential of an organization in the broadest sense of the word represents the skills and abilities of employees that can be used to improve its efficiency in various fields of activity, in order to make a profit or achieve social effect.

Human resources can be considered in a narrower sense - as temporarily vacant or reserve jobs that can potentially be occupied by specialists as a result of their development and training. Human resources management should contribute to streamlining, maintaining quality specificity, improving and developing personnel. When developing a management program, one should take into account the need to highlight the concept of "long-term human potential".

Long-term human resources include employees who can solve production development problems. At the same time, two main components of long-term human resources can be distinguished: current and target cumulative.

The current workforce represents personnel that are initially considered by the administration solely to carry out basic production operations.

Target cumulative personnel potential is designed to solve the problems of strategic development, expand production, and increase its competitiveness. This is a reserve that requires its own control system. It is not intended to be used for ordinary day-to-day tasks.

There is also the concept of "human resource management of the organization", which includes the composition and qualifications of only management personnel, as well as the structure and style of work of the management apparatus.

Human resource potential of an organization is a general (quantitative and qualitative) characteristic of personnel as one of the types of resources associated with the performance of the functions assigned to it and the achievement of the goals of the organization's long-term development; these are the existing and potential capabilities of employees, as an integral system (team), which are used and can be used at a certain point in time. Human resources are an integral part of the organization's labor potential. In most economic sources, these terms are used interchangeably.

Considering the various components of the concept of "human potential" as a source of qualitative shifts in the economic development of the organization, we can conclude that the evolution of the category reflects profound changes in the content of the entire system of economic concepts, in the center of which is the employee as the main productive force.

The category of "human resources" considers the collective worker not just as a participant in production, but as an integral and driving principle of all stages of the reproduction process, as a "carrier" of social needs, performing the function of goal-setting, objectively generating and subjectively setting strategic and tactical goals of economic development.

The concept of human potential should be considered in the context of the concept of "potential" in general. Then the personnel potential is the capabilities of a certain category of workers, specialists, and other groups of workers that can be put into action in the process of labor activity in accordance with job responsibilities and the goals set for society, the region, and the collective at a certain stage of development. This approach to determining human resources makes it possible to comprehensively analyze any category of personnel on the basis of objective economic laws in accordance with the chosen object, the subject of research, as well as its goals and objectives.

The main difference between the content of the category of "human resources" and the category of "labor resources" is that labor resources are quantitative characteristic workforce in general, regardless of any organization, which contradicts one of the properties of cadres - to be a permanent part of the organization. The projection of "labor resources" in general on the "labor resources" of the organization, gives the definition of personnel: "personnel is the entire personnel of the organization, working for hire, permanent and temporary, qualified and unskilled workers."

Labor potential is the limiting value of the possible participation of workers in production, taking into account psychophysiological characteristics, the level of professional knowledge and accumulated experience, the totality of all human abilities and capabilities to work, all possible quantity and quality of labor that society has at a given level of science and technology. This distinguishes "labor potential" from "human potential" in terms of qualifications.

Drew attention to these differences V.A. Shakhova, who writes: “If the labor force includes all actual and potential workers with a general ability to work, then the staff should include only workers with professional working ability, that is, with special training. As a result, the size of labor resources and personnel differs for that part of workers, which are unskilled or low-skilled workers. "

Developing this idea, we can say that the personnel potential of the organization is less than the labor potential of the organization by the value of the potential capabilities of unskilled and low-skilled workers, non-staff workers and part-time workers. This is their main difference.

In turn, the difference between "personnel" and "human potential" is emphasized by N.P. Belyatsky, S.E. Veselko, P. Roy. They believe that if "cadres" are a set of workers of certain professions and specialties, of a particular level of training and education, then the cadre potential includes not only the cadres themselves, but also a certain range of possibilities of this set of cadres in the implementation of purposeful actions, arising from the tasks of the functioning and development of this system. The personnel potential of an organization, of course, depends on the potentials of the personnel of this organization, but it is not their sum. It has the property of integrity, which is fundamentally different from the properties inherent in the potential of each employee individually.

The point of view of T.V. Berglezova, who studies the features of the personnel potential of the industry. In her opinion, the main difference between these two closely related concepts is that cadres are, first of all, full-time employees performing specific functional duties. The human resources potential significantly exceeds the number of people employed in the industry. Human resources include all working and non-working people who, according to their level of education, experience and qualifications, can perform certain functions, but for various reasons are not involved in the system or are involved, but not in accordance with their level of education and qualifications.

Thus, the category "personnel", giving an idea of ​​the professional and qualification composition of workers, in fact reveals only the static side of the properties and qualities inherent in this category. It does not reflect the variety of signs of a dynamic nature, for example, such as staff mobility, the ability to solve certain assigned professional tasks. More acceptable for these purposes is the category of "human resources".

V.A. Dyatlov, V.T. Pihalo define human resources “as the totality of the abilities of all people who are employed in a given organization and solve certain problems. Human resource potential lies in the functions that the employee performs as a professional and, due to his abilities, knowledge of experience, can ensure the effective functioning of production. "

"Human resources" is a generalizing characteristic of the aggregate abilities and capabilities of permanent employees of the organization who have a certain qualification, have undergone preliminary professional training and have special knowledge, work skills and work experience in a certain field of activity, capable of effectively performing functional duties and giving certain economic results in in accordance with the current and future goals of the organization. "

A distinctive feature of this definition is to emphasize the property of efficiency, the ability to give certain economic results. The economic aspect, in turn, means the effectiveness, efficiency of activities and an appropriate approach from these positions to all the qualities of the employee. That is, the concept of efficiency was originally incorporated in the very basis of the economic category “human resources”.

It should be emphasized that the concepts of “ability to work” and economic efficiency in different economic forms and the establishment of a connection between them are essential for all of the above categories, reflecting the manifestation of “labor force” in economic activity.

The ability to work is:

    The property of the labor resource for the capital cycle of the entrepreneur hiring the owner of these skills in the labor market;

    The property of human capital for the owner of these abilities - a person in the labor market;

    The property of human resources aimed at obtaining "economic results";

    The property of labor potential to achieve results, a constant reserve for increasing productivity and labor efficiency, which increases the "beneficial effect in production and in society."

The ability to work is manifested:

    Personalized as cadres, personnel, employees in different organizational forms (type of activity, region, organization);

    In varying degrees of actualization: potential for labor or labor, human resources or personnel.

The ability to work is expressed through categories that have characteristics: quantitative (labor resources) and qualitative (labor and human resources, human capital). Qualitative characteristic represents specific professional traits due to the performance of professional functions.

Common to all aspects of studying the ability to work was that their actualization in the form of labor led to the appearance of a product of labor and its qualitative and quantitative growth. And the main goal of studying all manifestations of abilities in economic science has always been to identify opportunities and conditions for increasing the productivity of labor, due to these abilities.

Today, both external conditions (the economic policy of the state, legislation and the taxation system, the emergence of new competitors, etc.) and the internal conditions of the organization's functioning are actively changing, which puts most organizations in front of the need to prepare personnel for work in new conditions.

The approaches on the basis of which personnel management is implemented are also changing. New organizational strategies require significant adjustments to the personnel management system, and personnel training in these conditions becomes a key element of the personnel management process. Many organizations are faced with the need to look for the most effective ways to improve work efficiency. Now employers are much more interested in having highly qualified and competent personnel capable of creating goods and services that could successfully compete with the goods and services of other organizations.

The development of human resources includes staff training and, as a result, career growth. The training is designed to prepare personnel for the correct solution of a wider range of tasks and to ensure a high level of efficiency in work, to increase the labor potential of employees. At the same time, it allows not only to increase the level of knowledge of employees and develop the required professional skills, but also to form in them such a system of values ​​and attitudes that corresponds to today's realities and supports the market organizational strategy.

Achieving long-term and short-term goals, the need to improve competitiveness and organizational changes require a higher level of professional training of personnel and well-planned, well-organized work on training personnel. At the same time, training should not be limited only to the transfer of knowledge to employees and the development of the necessary skills in them. The training is designed to help employees develop an understanding of the prospects for the development of the organization and the main directions of its strategy, increase the level of labor potential and the commitment of employees to their organization.

The knowledge acquired by employees in higher educational institutions is rapidly becoming obsolete, and the need for its substantial renewal is growing. In the United States, there is even a concept of "half-life of competence." This is the period of time during which half of the acquired knowledge becomes obsolete. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating a system of continuous education for employees (the concept of a “learning organization”) is gaining increasing acceptance in Western and Russian organizations.

Today, for successful work, you need to be fairly well versed in both special and general issues. An employee's lack of the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully complete the tasks assigned to him not only leads to ineffective work, but also reduces his job satisfaction. The worse the employee is professionally prepared to perform his job functions, the higher his level of energy costs and stress associated with work.

The defining condition for the economic health of an organization is its ability to adapt to changing conditions of internal and external environment... Therefore, despite the rather difficult financial situation of most Russian organizations, the costs associated with personnel training are beginning to be viewed as a priority and necessary. More and more organizations conduct large-scale training of personnel and managers of different levels, realizing that only trained, highly qualified and highly motivated personnel will be a decisive factor in the development of the organization and victory over competitors.

The growing role of training in the processes of increasing the competitiveness of the organization, organizational development and labor potential of employees is due to three factors:

    Personnel training is the most important means of achieving the strategic goals of the organization;

    Training is an essential means of enhancing the value of an organization's human resources;

    Without timely training of personnel, organizational change becomes very difficult or impossible.

Some organizations do not pay due attention to training their staff, as they do not consider this cost item as necessary, believing that training can be dispensed with by hiring specialists who already have the necessary qualifications. However, the management of any organization inevitably has to face the fact that if you do not invest money in raising the level of knowledge and in the development of professional skills of their employees, then the return on the organization's human resources becomes less and less every year.

If an organization prefers to hire already "ready" specialists, believing that in this way it saves time and money for training its personnel, then it is overlooked that in addition to providing employees with the necessary knowledge and developing their skills required for work, training is designed to convey students with important information about the organization, to contribute to the formation of "correct" attitudes to work, to strengthen the desired patterns of behavior and increase the degree of commitment of the staff to their organization. Staff training is essential tool, with the help of which the management gets the opportunity to increase the potential of human resources and to influence the formation of the organizational culture.

In the context of rapid changes in the market situation, new ideas are needed that can ensure a high level of competitiveness. Organizations willing to invest in training for their employees can expect that workers who have improved their skills will be able to solve more complex tasks more easily and faster, and employees will have a higher level of commitment to their organization and a willingness to work for it with full dedication. forces.

In order to determine the content and the most effective training methods that will best contribute to the achievement of organizational goals and training objectives, it is necessary to establish the qualitative and quantitative training needs of the main categories of workers. The qualitative need is determined by the solution of the question related to the skills that need to be developed. The quantitative need is the number of workers in need of training.

When determining the content, forms and methods of training, one should first of all proceed from the organization's need for its personnel to acquire new knowledge and skills necessary for effective professional activity, for the successful achievement of the organization's goals. The content of the training should, above all, flow from the tasks facing the organization in the short and long term. Another requirement is the timely updating of employees' knowledge and maintaining a high level of their professional competence.

Choosing between your own curriculum, prepared and developed in-house, and external curriculum is not always easy. It is obvious that the organization has much better control over the content and format of its own programs, if necessary, they can more easily make changes, additions to programs developed on their own. Such programs allow more closely align the process and learning outcomes with the interests of the organization, its goals and strategy.

Training outside the organization gives the maximum effect only when its content is closely linked to the goals and strategy of the client organization, when its results are in demand. The main issues in the organization of external training are issues related to maximizing the high return on training and questions of motivating students to make fuller use of the knowledge and skills gained as a result of the training in their work.

Off-site training is more effective, but it is associated with additional financial costs and the distraction of the employee from his job duties. At the same time, the environment is deliberately changing, and the employee is detached from daily work.

Training outside the organization can be accomplished in many directions and in many ways: this is training in specialized centers and institutes for advanced training or through listening to specialized systematic courses. In many cases, it is very effective to send specialists to conferences, congresses or symposia where problems affecting the activities of the organization are discussed.

The main argument for making a decision to conduct training can be the results of certification, showing that the organization has a need for training a certain category of employees (for example, a reserve for managerial positions).

The definition of the forms and methods of teaching largely depends on the most important characteristics of students (job level, education, work experience, age, etc.), and on other factors that determine the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process.

The choice of teaching methods is largely determined by the number of students. Some teaching methods, such as lectures, seminars, are well suited for large groups of learners. Other methods, such as corporate training, can only be successfully applied in small groups (in most cases, these are groups of less than 10 people per teacher, trainer or instructor). The mentor usually deals with 2-4 mentees.

For organizations, the main factor in determining the choice of training method is often the cost of training. The training budget is directly dependent on the number of students, their job level in the organization and how great the need for training is.

Modern approaches to the management of organizations are based on the fact that personnel is considered as a key factor that determines the effectiveness of the use of all other resources. As the experience of the most successful domestic and foreign organizations shows, investing in personnel, creating conditions for the growth of employees and increasing their professional potential give 2-3 times higher returns than funds aimed at solving other tasks of the organization.

Retention of trained workers is a major challenge for many organizations. By investing in staff training, an organization increases the value of its most important capital - people. But at the same time, some organizations are faced with the fact that, having spent a lot of money on training, after some time they can lose a significant part of the trained workers - they are outbid by other organizations. By saving on staff training, these organizations are willing to pay higher wages, provide a wider range of benefits, better working conditions or greater opportunities for professional growth and promotion of employees. In such a situation, it is not the competitors who lured away the trained personnel that should be blamed, but the organization itself for the fact that the learning outcomes were not in demand, for the fact that the trained personnel were not encouraged for achieving a higher level of qualifications.

Unfortunately, such a policy has become widespread in the work of many organizations, when workers are sent for training or advanced training, without making any efforts to make their work after graduation more meaningful, more responsible, so that the level of remuneration for their work will increase, new career prospects, career advancement, or an expanded scope of their work responsibilities. This reduces not only the return that the organization can get from its staff as a result of training, but also the motivation of employees to learn.

In order to reduce the risk of losing employees, many organizations are developing and implementing a system of legal, organizational and moral-psychological measures that provide employees with wider career development opportunities after completing training and the relevance of the knowledge and skills acquired.

The transition to work in market conditions and the increase in competition in the external and internal markets, the emergence of new technologies and the change of generations required the solution of the entire range of issues related to the improvement of the qualifications of workers. This implies not only the use of old, tested, well-proven approaches in the past, but also increasingly wide application new teaching methods, programs and strategies.

Success on the way to achieving the most important strategic goals of the organization largely depends on the degree to which staff are aware of the strategic goals and how interested they are in preparing to work to achieve them. When examining the process of organizational change, experts often point out that a significant obstacle in their path is often not the lack of necessary resources, but the resistance of their own staff. Resistance can be caused by a number of reasons, among which the following are the most common:

    Lack of knowledge and skills among personnel required in the new environment;

    Lack of confidence in the leadership;

    The old system of values ​​and priorities that determines the behavior of employees;

    Fear of the new, self-doubt;

    Lack of understanding of the goals and ways of implementing changes;

    Lack of interest in change.

Analyzing the above list of possible reasons for the resistance of personnel to the process of organizational change, it can be concluded that without appropriate training of personnel, it is difficult to count on the interested support of changes from employees. Well-organized and timely training can overcome the forces of inhibition and ensure the success of the changes being made.

The work that many organizations are doing to improve efficiency labor process, is impossible without the introduction of more efficient technologies, methods of work and methods of management. Technological changes and the setting of new organizational goals can radically change the content of work of different categories of workers. This requires additional knowledge, development of new skills, revision of old approaches to work. In such conditions, staff training becomes absolutely necessary.

All members of the organization, especially senior and mid-level managers, must understand the goals and objectives of personnel training and have an idea of ​​its importance for the development of the organization. Managers who spare money for training and retraining of employees are faced with the fact that their plans for the development of the organization are seriously affected by the poor preparedness of the personnel. Neither the enticement of foreign specialists, nor the introduction of harsh disciplinary action nor the newest wage systems are able to compensate for these "savings". Personnel training cannot be viewed as an activity that is only auxiliary to the survival and prosperity of the organization, since the defining condition for the economic health of the organization is its ability to quickly adapt to external and internal changes.

Social organization - in the broadest sense, any organization in a society; in the narrow sense - a social subsystem. Social organization is a system of social groups and relationships between them. Various social groups interact in it, whose members are integrated with interests, goals, values ​​and norms based on joint activities.

Social organization is a system of social groups that perform certain production functions that contribute to the achievement of a common goal. These are usually workers (an organizationally formed community of people) who unite to create or produce certain products with the help of material resources and objects of labor.

Social organization is usually characterized by the following main features:

    The presence of a single goal (production of products or provision of services);

    The existence of a management system, which implies the subordination of workers to management in the process of labor activity;

    Distribution of functions (powers and responsibilities) between groups of employees who interact with each other.

Social organization belongs to the most complex type of organizational systems, since a certain duality is embedded in its nature: firstly, it is created to solve certain problems and, secondly, it acts as a social environment for communication and objective activity of people. A whole system of interpersonal relations is superimposed on a previously created social organization.

A labor social organization, as a rule, has two tasks: increasing the economic efficiency of production and the quality of products and labor, as well as the social development of the team or employee as a person. On the basis of these tasks in the labor organization, two types of the structure of social organization can be distinguished: production and non-production.

The production type of structure is formed depending on the production factors of human activity and includes such components of the general structure as: functional (content of labor); professional (training and retraining of personnel); socio-psychological (interpersonal relations) and managerial (management system). Qualitative signs of the functioning of this type of structure are the needs and interests, the requirements of the employee to work and, first of all, to the content and working conditions, to the conditions of his professional growth, to the organization of labor. A specific area of ​​phenomena associated with the production structure is a system of measures for the development of motivation for production activity (moral and material incentives, etc.).

A non-production type of structure arises when members of a labor organization (team) participate in various types of non-production activities that fill the non-work and free time of workers. A significant part of the activities of public, cultural, sports and other organizations can be attributed to the non-production structure.

In a labor organization as an integral system, there is a continuous movement of all its structural elements, their reproduction and more or less significant changes. These changes are a collection of unidirectional and repetitive social actions that can be distinguished from many others.

The social process in a labor organization is understood as a sequential change of social organization as a whole or its individual structural elements. This change can be progressive, when it meets the requirements of social progress and is aimed at the implementation of progressive goals, and regressive, when the existing structures are being destroyed and nothing new is offered in return. All these social processes can be grouped and classified in the labor organization into three main groups.

The first group includes the processes of formation and development of an organization as an integral social community. They include:

    Forecasting the need for personnel. A labor organization can function effectively only if its subsystems are quantitatively and qualitatively consistent with each other and with the goals of the organization. In market conditions, scientific and technological progress and competition, it is necessary to envisage and conduct training and retraining of personnel in accordance with the latest technical and technological changes. It is advisable to predict the natural movement of personnel, to take measures for their professional training and timely replenishment of the organization's needs in them;

    Selection and placement of personnel. Provides professional orientation for employees in accordance with the needs of the labor organization; professional selection, when a labor organization sends its employees to professional training, taking into account their individual characteristics and inclinations;

    The adaptation of workers that creates everything in the organization the necessary conditions to reduce the period of "getting used" of new employees in the team; placement of personnel, taking into account the abilities and inclinations of the individual; release and retraining of personnel who cannot cope with their work;

    Stabilization of the organization's team. In this case, the reasons for the dismissal of workers from the labor organization are constantly studied and analyzed. If the number of those dismissed exceeds 7-8%, then it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the reasons for the dismissal. The reasons need to be considered comprehensively. They can be external and internal, objective and subjective.

The second group unites the processes of changing working conditions and the quality of life of team members. This group includes:

    Conditions for the use of labor potential. All employees of the labor organization should be used in the labor process with the greatest efficiency (taking into account the specialty, profession, education and abilities);

    Conditions for the satisfaction of primary life needs. It is necessary to increase the material interest of all categories of workers with the help of reasonable differentiated wages, and the level of wages to be made directly dependent on the labor contribution of the employee;

    Working conditions, development of social and industrial infrastructure. First of all, this is the creation of the necessary sanitary and hygienic working conditions, comfort. The system of factors that determine the comfort of work includes: socio-psychological conditions; organizational and technical (level of mechanization and automation production processes, organization and efficiency of management, competence, etc.), psychophysiological; aesthetic (features of the formation of emotions, the convenience of the workplace, etc.);

    Living conditions, development of social infrastructure. Labor organizations need to take part or independently solve the problem of developing social infrastructure, taking into account promising standards, comfort and livability;

    Conditions for satisfying spiritual needs. A labor organization and its leaders should not be indifferent to how its employees spend their free time from work. It is necessary that the rest was active and promoted the restoration of the physical and spiritual strength of a person;

    Conditions for the satisfaction of labor and civil rights. Of course, the labor and civil rights of workers must be respected. On this issue, the administration of the labor organization should work in contact with the trade union;

    Conditions for the participation of workers in the management of the affairs of the organization. In the context of expanding production independence, it is necessary to actively introduce "participatory management methods", when an employee at all levels is delegated additional powers in production management, ownership, distribution of profits, etc. Russian economic environment.

The third group reveals the dynamics of the formation and development of social qualities of people. This group includes:

    Changes in the system of needs and value orientations of employees. The market management system is more than command-and-control, focused on taking into account the needs and interests of people. Therefore, one of the main goals of reforming society is the transition from a regime of prohibitions to conditions most conducive to the disclosure of the creative abilities of people, to the maximum freedom in economic activity. Consequently, an orientation towards the social interests of people, their needs provides a permanent, renewable source of economic development;

    The dynamics of the state of discipline and law and order in the labor organization. In order to effectively regulate the problems of labor discipline and law and order in a labor organization, the following issues should be studied and regulated: the state of labor discipline and trends in its change; the composition of labor discipline violators and their reasons (by categories of workers, social and demographic groups); the influence of working conditions and organization of work, living conditions on the state of labor discipline;

    The existing practice of moral and material impact on violators of labor discipline, its effectiveness, etc .;

    Changes in the level and focus of labor, social and other types of activity. The level and direction of all types of activity should be periodically studied and corrections should be made in various forms of its stimulation. Each type of activity has its own indicators (criteria) that can be measured using sociological research;

    Changes in educational attainment and cultural development of workers. It is necessary to constantly measure the average level of education of workers in a labor organization and take measures to improve it. The higher the educational and cultural level of the employee, the higher the efficiency and quality of his work. Therefore, in labor organizations there must be a system of continuous development of the educational and cultural level of workers;

    The dynamics of the formation and readiness of workers to innovation activities... In a market and fierce competition, employees should be predisposed to innovation, learn to look for and find new ways to improve production activities at the lowest cost of labor, raw materials, materials, etc.

The three groups of processes considered are interrelated and interdependent. Dividing them into groups is purely conditional, but such abstraction provides an opportunity to operationalize and measure each process separately using various research methods.

There is a close relationship between social processes in an organization and the level of human resources. An example of this dependence can be the fact that with an increase in the level of professional education among the members of the team, the level of remuneration increases, and thus the interest in further continuation of work in this organization increases. Another example is the fact that improving working conditions and quality of life leads to the disclosure of the potential of team members, their professional growth and promotion.

To carry out successful activities, the organization must have the necessary material and technical base and personnel.

People are the most important strategic resource for an organization. The results of the organization's activities to a decisive extent depend on the level of qualifications and professional training of employees. At the same time, in conditions of instability, crisis situations, the management of the organization has to take measures to optimize the staff, reduce personnel costs. It is obvious that the analysis of the use of labor resources is acquiring special significance in modern conditions; it should be carried out quite deeply and thoroughly, and be comprehensive. The analysis involves consideration of the following most important aspects: economic, organizational, socio-psychological.

The analysis of human resources began to be carried out with the emergence of interest in personnel as an important resource of the organization, in the performance of which significant reserves are hidden, and any resource is characterized, first of all, by economic efficiency of use. Therefore, the organization needs tools to enable managers to make better use of their staff.

There are three main tasks of the analysis of human resources:

    Provide the information necessary for making a decision in the field of personnel management for both HR managers and senior management;

    Provide managers with methods of numerical measurement of the cost of human resources necessary for making specific decisions;

    Get leaders to think of people not as costs to be minimized, but rather as items to be optimized.

Consequently, human resource analysis is the process of identifying, measuring and providing information about human resources.

Assessment of human resources involves:

    1) diagnostics of the main orientation of management personnel - focus on the task or relationship. The leader's focus on the task is associated with the assumption that the group can function effectively if the goal is clearly and unambiguously defined. Orientation towards relationships is associated with the assumption that any task can be solved by a group if an optimal socio-psychological climate is created in it, there is a relationship of trust, partnership dominates;

    2) distribution of managerial roles. To assess human resources, it is important to understand which managerial roles dominate in the organization, which managerial roles are absent, which roles are represented in the top, middle and lower levels of management. An organization will function effectively if managers and leaders are represented at the highest level of corporate governance, administrators and organizers at the middle level, and performers at the lower level. It is important to analyze the distribution of managerial roles by functional areas of the organization;

    3) the ability to design. A modern organization cannot function effectively in a changing environment if it is not provided with a sufficient number of people who are able to create technologies for implementing activities and solving problems in specific situations. The main characteristic of people capable of design activities is the ability to build the process of achieving activities, focusing on the result and conditions;

    4) over-normative activity - the orientation of the organization's employees to exceed the tasks that were assigned to them, the ability to always do a little more than was ordered;

    5) innovative potential. The ability of the organization's employees to make non-standard, non-traditional decisions;

    6) the ability to learn. Orientation towards mastering new knowledge and the ability to quickly master them in the process of the activity itself.

If we consider the activity of personnel management as a set of certain functions, then the possibilities of analyzing human resources within the framework of individual functions can be represented as follows:

    In the selection of personnel, the analysis of potential allows to make the planning process for personnel needs more efficient and, by providing a system for assessing the economic value of candidates, will allow the selection manager to select the one who is able to bring great benefit to the organization;

    A workforce analysis can facilitate decisions related to the allocation of resources for staff development by helping to plan the budget for training programs and determine the expected level of return on investment in training;

    An analysis of human resource potential can help a manager in choosing a personnel policy, i.e., assess the pros and cons of recruiting specialists from the outside and promoting their employees within the organization.

The personnel assessment process is a way to measure the individual contribution of each employee to the overall performance of the entire organization, i.e., the value or value of the employee to the organization, and, as a consequence, allows you to determine the personalization of investments in the formation of human capital.

In fig. 5.1 shows the approaches to assessing the human resources of the organization.

When carrying out assessment activities, various techniques psychological and socio-psychological diagnostics, specialized methods of collecting and analyzing information, sociometry, group assessment methods. The use of complementary techniques allows us to consider the information obtained during the assessment of the human resource as reliable.

The results of personnel monitoring can serve as the basis for optimizing the placement of personnel, planning measures for correcting the socio-psychological climate, the structure of subordination, management style and motivation of employees, and optimizing interaction within and between departments.

An important and appropriate stage in calculating the human resources of an organization is the choice of specific indicators that characterize it. These indicators are shown in Fig. 5.2.

The applied methodology of the system characteristics of the analysis of the assessment of human resources makes it possible to identify weaknesses in personnel management and helps to identify opportunities for the qualitative growth of employees.

Analysis of human resources can serve as an important organizational factor in meeting some of the social needs of both the individual and the team, an important condition for stimulating the quality of work and especially the professional development of the individual. But the analysis of human resources can become a sphere for meeting social needs if certain requirements are met.

First, in this process, a collective attitude towards the results of activities should be expressed, and not just the attitude of the administration. Otherwise, conditions are created for a double standard in assessments: the team or reference group on the one hand, and the administration on the other. Entering into a contradiction, the assessments of each side from the factor of satisfaction of the social needs of the individual become a conflict-generating factor. It is necessary to pay special attention to this, since until now, in the analysis of personnel potential, teams often act as slaves, they are imposed on them by the point of view of the employee formed by the administrative apparatus.

Secondly, the analysis of human resources can cause a need for self-affirmation and become an area of ​​its satisfaction, provided that the content of the assessment is not the result of work in a team in which the individual's activities are directly carried out, but an achievement, so to speak, at the state or international level. in each specific profession. This is an important aspect - orientation to the level of a small group, in which, it happens, there are contradictory motives of activity, and under certain conditions that kind of work at the highest level. In the latter case, the assessment becomes not so much a factor in the coordination of interests in the team as a really factor in the satisfaction of the social needs of the individual.

SOUTH. Odegov, N.K. Mausov, M.N. Kulapov, in the study of the effectiveness of the organization's management system, consider personnel potential as a factor in stimulating the activity of personnel. According to scientists, the components of the analysis of the organization's personnel potential include the assessment and certification of personnel. The authors reveal the essence of the assessment of human resources from the point of view of the socio-economic aspect, focusing on the socio-psychological task of assessment.

According to them, each person has a need for a positive assessment of activities, the sources of which are collectives, managers, direct consumers of labor products. Moreover, the assessment will only fulfill its tasks if it comes from three sources. Otherwise, the assessment can contribute to the development of even negative phenomena of work activity. So, for example, the absence of an assessment on the part of labor consumers or neglect of this assessment inevitably leads to a decrease in the quality of the labor itself. In the absence of assessment from the team members, one of the driving forces of professional development is lost. This assessment accumulates collective experience, it is formed by a group that is significant for the individual. It should be noted, however, that the significance of the assessment of the team is associated with the level of its activity, with its ability to independently form and express an adequate moral and psychological assessment of the abilities and attitude to work. In the assessment of work by the head, the social significance and compliance with the prevailing economic requirements are reflected. Thus, each type of assessment, if classified by source, has its own socio-psychological load, its own accent in assessing activities. But only together they are able to satisfy the need of an individual to evaluate her work, to compare her achievements with the achievements of other individuals and groups.

It is impossible to give preference to any of the named ratings. But some of them are more operational in nature, and, therefore, are used more often. Others, due to organizational and production factors, are applied at long intervals, which cannot but lead to a decrease in the impact of this assessment on the professional development of the individual. These purely temporary differences can create an attitude in the individual for a more responsible response to operational assessments. With less energy, the response to the assessment is carried out with a long time interval. For its significance to remain at a high level, this assessment must be especially effective in its consequences. First of all, it is necessary to increase the significance of the assessment of labor by the team.

Meanwhile, in the practice of using estimates, this truth is not always understood. As a result, in the team, whose assessments are not taken into account, an unfavorable psychological climate develops or, on the contrary, the team is consolidated on the basis of values ​​and interests that contradict the leadership line. If the estimates coming from different sources do not coincide, it is necessary to carefully understand the reasons.

The reason for the discrepancy in assessments is often the difference in priorities that are given to one or another side of the activity, or, in other words, differences in the image, in the ideas of activity. Often, an assessment is given on a professionally auxiliary aspect of the activity.

It should be noted that the assessment of the team may not correspond to reality. So, it is noted that sociable people receive higher marks than they deserve in accordance with the real contribution. In this case, communicativeness, the ability to contact are more significant than professionally important qualities.

Thus, in order for the assessment to be effective, and its meaning was clear to both the assessor and the person receiving it, it should be carried out according to the main content of the activity, in those aspects that are directly related to professional qualifications.

The phenomenon of a shift in the emphasis of evaluation to qualities that are of secondary importance in a professional relation occur quite often. Usually the reason lies in the blurring of the functions of the specialist and the manager. This can be explained by the absence in job descriptions, the absence of wording differentiating responsibilities officials by professional importance, such as: " main responsibility"," The main duty "," first of all ", etc. Therefore, one gets the impression that all functions are in series, equal. As a result of this understanding, an assessment is born that does not record professional success, but, on the contrary, even disguises the individual's actual labor activity. It is easy to see that psychological reason such a shift in the emphasis of assessment is the absence of a systematic, hierarchically constructed image of official activity, which, in essence, is the only one capable of ensuring the differentiation of performance results into main and auxiliary ones.

The second reason for the shift in emphasis can be associated with factors of a situational nature, that is, when the result of an activity is not assessed objectively, not in connection with its main tasks and goals, but in connection with the “current situation”. For example, when evaluating the performance of three employees with the same type of shortcomings in work, one of the employees is selected for a positive assessment based on some nuances. His activities are practically assessed as positive. Situations related to objectively prevailing conditions may also arise, when the reasons for shortcomings in work are inclined to be explained mainly by them, and not by the personal qualities manifested in this situation.

Finally, the reasons for the shift in emphasis can also be purely subjective characteristics of the persons carrying out the assessment: competence, value orientations, attitudes towards another person, emotional states and other psychological reasons.

Assessment according to the main parameters of activity can be complex, local, prolonged and expressive.

A comprehensive assessment is addressed to the activity as a whole, in the entire scope of its functions. This is the most difficult and responsible type of assessment. The greatest psychological difficulty of such an assessment consists in obtaining a general impression of the activity. Usually, a comprehensive assessment is based on a study of the performance of individual functions. As a rule, specialists and managers successfully cope with this part of the formation of a comprehensive assessment. But at the stage of forming a comprehensive assessment, the following trends may appear:

    In evaluating actions and deeds, personal experience is of the utmost importance;

    Orientation to numerical ratios of positively and negatively assessed actions and deeds;

    Assessment based on a partially reconstructed situation in which the activity took place;

    Assessment of elements of past performance based on modern standards;

    Evaluation of personal properties that cause sympathy or antipathy to a person, and not the results of activities.

Obviously, all these features of the assessment are a consequence of the features of the psychology of those who carry out the assessment.

A weighted comprehensive assessment of the work of another person, therefore, largely depends on the knowledge of one's own individual characteristics, the ability to manage one's own cognitive processes and relationships.

Local assessment, as opposed to complex, is based on the results of the performance of any one function or even part of it. In this assessment, it is quite often limited to the statement of the fact of the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the function. Of course, this is necessary, but limiting ourselves only to fixing the fact of execution or nonperformance of a function means not revealing the reasons for nonfulfillment.

A local assessment will only be effective if the reasons for this or that fact are determined. These reasons should be included in the assessed aspects of the activity, since they are the most significant. This is the essence of the difference between formal and informal approaches to the analysis of work.

In addition, the identification of causal relationships makes it possible to detect typical features of activity associated with the determination of personal influence, such as attitudes, etc.

Both complex and local assessments can be prolonged and expressive.

Prolonged assessment is carried out on the basis of studying a long period of work. Since this is so, only traces of this activity in the form of separate documents or opinions, residual ideas of people about past activities fall into the analysis zone. The longer the estimated period, the greater the significance of these sources. As a result, it may turn out that an activity is assessed that, in fact, does not resemble the real one. Quite often, this situation develops when evaluating employees who took office three to four years ago. The most visible changes in their activities have occurred in the last two years. By the way, these changes can be both positive and negative. At the same time, the results of activities in this situation may not be indicative of the current level of work performance. With prolonged assessment, most often one has to deal with a partial reconstruction of past events and the impact on the assessment of requirements that have become relevant in recent years. A prolonged assessment should be based equally on an assessment of past and current performance.

The most productive approach for sustained assessment consists of projecting past performance onto present activity, identifying the overlapping and different components. Obviously, the points of coincidence will be the informative material on the basis of which it is possible to form an opinion about the stable and dynamic characteristics of the activity.

Expressive assessment, on the contrary, refers exclusively to the current activity, that is, it is not yet sufficiently "materialized". The analysis of "live" activity causes slightly different psychological difficulties associated with the need to overcome the effects of direct observation, and sometimes even inclusion in the activity itself. Emotionally colored relationships strongly influence assessments of this kind. As a result, they can carry a trail of categorical judgments and biased analysis.

Collective forms of assessment are primarily capable of relieving the influence of emotional pressure. The assessments given by the group are more weighted, and the aspects of assessment that fall into the attention of the groups are more varied. In other words, collective assessment helps to avoid one-sidedness and bias in assessing the performance of an individual.

Among the factors that determine the correspondence of assessments to the actual quality of work and the effectiveness of the impact of assessments on the professional development of a person, a prominent place is occupied by the systematic nature of the study and assessment of a person. Assessment should be carried out regularly; irregularity of assessment, as a rule, negatively affects both the performance and the mood of employees.

A special task of the assessment is the selection of the so-called key personnel, the formation of the "personnel core" of the organization, which predetermines both its current functioning and development. The careful selection of key personnel is seen as a kind of guarantee to ensure the best capital investment for the acquisition and development of human resources.

The most developed methods for assessing the already employed personnel of the organization. This is due to the desire to maximize the identification and use of the potential of internal human resources in the interests of the organization in the context of "shrinking" external sources of qualified personnel. And the very process of assessing internal sources is facilitated due to the proximity of the object.

The initial element of personnel assessment, which is necessary for making decisions on promotion, professional development, etc., is the formal level of knowledge and experience, that is, purely personal data. But the main areas of assessment are the assessment of work results and the analysis of business and personal qualities that affect these results. In addition, the assessment of the potential of employees, as well as the assessment of their motivation, are specially highlighted.

The main directions of the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of personnel are traditionally the analysis of the organization's labor resources, the analysis of the age composition, the analysis of the qualification composition, the analysis of the use of the wage fund. The analysis of the use of labor potential should provide for different approaches to assessing the performance of various categories of employees of the organization.

The provision of an organization with labor resources is the most important factor in the timely completion of tasks in terms of the volume of work, compliance with the deadlines provided for by contractual obligations. The provision of the necessary personnel is determined by comparing the actual number of employees by category and profession with the indicators of the labor force budget.

The provision of personnel depends on their movement during the analyzed period. The dynamics of personnel, the intensity of the processes of its movement are characterized by the following indicators:

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K.B. Fokin in his work "The system of quantitative indicators of diagnostics in the analysis of human resources management of the organization" proposes to use the indicator of personnel profitability. It is used to assess the effectiveness of the use of labor resources in an organization and is calculated as the ratio of profit to the average headcount.

This model makes it possible to establish how much the profit per employee has changed due to the level of profitability of sales, the share of proceeds in the total volume of products.

The proposed method for constructing a structural-logical model of personnel profitability contributes to the impact on changes in the personnel and economic activities of the organization, increasing its competitiveness among similar organizations and ensuring the sustainability of the professional activities of each employee.

Organizations can also assess such aspects of their activities as staff turnover, labor productivity, staff health, and labor safety. The system of market-oriented indicators of personnel costs, intended for use as an information base when making managerial decisions in personnel and economic activities, includes indicators of total personnel costs, labor costs, and vocational training costs.

However, the assessment of personnel as a system that allows you to measure the results of the work of employees, their potential in the context of the strategic objectives of the organization, also provides for the assessment of the competence of employees, their contribution to the development of the organization.

The analysis of the means aimed at employee training should also be the subject of the analysis. Cost effectiveness is measured by the employee's contribution to improving the financial performance of the organization at the end of the training process.

Thus, the effective use of personnel is the most important area of ​​modern economic analysis, a significant reserve for increasing the business activity of an organization, deserves constant attention of the management of an economic entity.