Easy diet for a week at home. Easy diet for a week at home Diet to lose weight by 5 kg

Hello lovely girls! Today I decided to thoroughly approach the issue of losing weight and dispel the myths about the fact that how to lose weight fast by 5 kg in a week. I always tell only the truth in my articles and videos and never promise quick results in getting rid of extra pounds and cellulite, I do not recommend any express weight loss methods and other nonsense that can be found on the Internet. Inquiry "lose weight in a week by 5 kg" very popular among the female audience, and therefore I simply could not get around this topic without revealing it and shedding light on the truth behind these words.

First of all, I was offended that in the top places in the search results there are articles that, from the very first paragraph, promise the girls "mountains of gold" and a slender figure of -5, or even all 10 kg per week. Preparing to write this article and analyzing the information that the Internet is just teeming with about quick weight loss, I realized one thing that the commercial component, as well as articles "to order" rule here =)

Weight loss and commerce. Are you being bred?

A lot of commercial structures and firms selling their services and products for weight loss spare no expense to advertise their miraculous pills, belts, bracelets, earrings in the ear and other “losing weight” products just to make their offspring flaunt on the first pages of the issue, and so that naive girls, looking for an answer to the question, " how to lose weight in a week by 5 kg”, found their miracle drugs or services and fell for this cheap (or expensive) scam.

Also very popular are sites where articles clearly and directly answer the query "". Girls who are looking for such information, of course, want to find the answer to their question and, naturally, they will open the first two or three articles that come across on the main page of the search engine and begin to implement all the recommendations and advice that they read about in them. And what is usually found in such articles? Who knows?

If you have not had to read such articles, then I will tell you - I was not too lazy and re-read a lot of them to give you a complete picture of the upcoming situation - and so they mainly contain examples of various weight loss diets that supposedly will lead you to the desired -5 kg ​​per week. From the variety of these diets I just had a food SHOCK!

An incredible number of completely stupid, and sometimes even dangerous diets, I found in these articles (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1 Popular types of diets

This whole range of diets just put me in HORROR! I already wrote an article about how harmful diets are for our body - if you wish, you can read it in more detail.

All these articles are written only in order to be in the TOP of the issue (since the article answers the question, it is in the first place) and thus earn money, and the fact that the tips themselves for losing weight by 5 kg have nothing to do with reality, they (customers) do not care at all! And the fact that girls, after reading such articles, then go and really sit on these terrible diets, ruining their health, this also does not bother them at all.

So that you can understand why I say that losing 5 kg in a week is unrealistic, I will now try to describe to you the mechanism of fat burning in our body.

How much fat can you burn in a week?

Of course, everyone wants fast and noticeable results after just a week of dieting or exercising in the gym. This is a normal human desire, it sometimes wakes up for me too, when I want to improve the quality of my body a week before some important date for me. But here you need to understand that when it comes to losing weight and burning fat, then everything is not as simple as we would like it to be. This process is quite energy-intensive and complex, and in order to force our body to use energy from its fat reserves, it needs to try hard, and so do we. We can speed up this process a little, for example, by using such a sports supplement as  before training, but, alas, we cannot somehow globally and on a large scale affect the process of losing weight as a whole.

Rice. 2 The path that the fat cell takes until it enters the mitochondria of the muscle cell, where it is burned with the release of energy

The fact is that adipocytes(fat cells) are very reluctant to use their energy for the further functioning of the body. Just like a person who accumulated his extra pounds for a long time, was lazy and did not want to do anything with these kilograms (until he was “scorched”), so his fat cells are as lazy and inactive as he is. Therefore, in order to start the process of fat burning, you need to take a comprehensive and serious approach to this issue: adjust nutrition, engage in physical activity (with which both strength and aerobic exercises should be present), and, in general, lead an active lifestyle.

The process of fat burning occurs in the MITOCHONDRIA of muscle cells, and the fat itself is in the FAT DEPOSIT, therefore, in order to start lipolysis (the process of breaking down fat into fatty acids), this fat needs to get into our muscles, where it will begin to decay (Fig. 2).

This path is actually not easy and takes a certain amount of time on the part of our body, given the PROPERLY created conditions for it. That is why lose 5kg fast in a weekTHERE IS NO FAT , since this is due to the limitation of our body to burn per day from 70 to 300 grams of fat per day (depending on the initial weight of the person). The average value is 90-150 grams of fat per day, which v a week is only 500 g - 1 kg of fat! It is this result that is a normal indicator that you should focus on when you decide to go in for sports and stick to proper nutrition. There are, of course, deviations from this norm, and this is due to:

 the number of extra pounds: the more weight, the more likely it is to lose more grams per day, more kilograms per week.

 weight loss stage: in the first week, the weight can go faster, and after a couple of weeks, the weight can reach a stable result.

For example, girls who are engaged in the course "Loose weight without exercise equipment" steadily lose 2-4 kg per month, throughout the entire process of losing weight and bringing yourself to the desired result.

Debunking the myth of -5 kg ​​per week. What is really happening?

Probably, now many have remembered their experience of losing weight or the experience of losing weight of their girlfriend, who, on a buckwheat diet, lost more than 1 kg so exactly in a week, and you are wondering: “How is this possible ???”. The answer is very simple.

When you start eating in a strict calorie deficit plus exercising, at first your body will use your carbohydrates and stored muscle glycogen for energy.

We don't have much glycogen stored in our body. about 300-400 grams, but each molecule of glycogen attracts 4 g of water. It turns out that for a week of nutrition with a calorie deficit and regular training, you will burn about 300 g of glycogen, which together with water will already amount to 1200 g of your total body weight. Let's add here 500g - 1 kg of fat and will come out around:

1.7 - 2.2 kg total weight (glycogen+water+fat)

At the first stages of losing weight, when you begin to strictly monitor the intake of harmful and unnecessary foods or completely exclude them from your diet, your body begins the process of self-purification, which is accompanied by removal of all toxins and other canned poisons that have accumulated on the walls of your blood vessels, in vital organs and adipose tissue. All this garbage also has some weight, and the more your body was “littered” with it, the more of them will be brought out through sweat and waste products, and accordingly, the greater will be the total weight lost at the end of the week.

Also, in the process of losing weight, muscle tissue often suffers, especially for girls and guys who previously led a sedentary lifestyle and have a fairly small muscle mass. So in the first two weeks, the probability that they lose 200 to 500 g of their muscle mass, immediately grows several times.

Thus, it turns out that in a week of a strict diet and physical activity, you can lose from 3 to 3.5 kg, and in some cases up to 5 kg.

And all these kilograms are not purely FAT, as many girls think, but a combination of

Now you know where these numbers come from 5 kg per week. Yes, you can lose 5 kg in a week, sitting on a strict diet, but not all of these 5 kg will be FAT. I'll tell you more: once you return to your normal diet after such a "promising miracle diet", then all the lost kilograms in the form of glycogen, water, possibly toxins (if you start eating fatty and sugary foods again), as well as fat to you SAFELY RETURN! ALL the filth will return, except for the precious muscles, which, by the way, play a very important role in accelerating your metabolism and fat burning, since it is in the muscles that fat is burned.

So remember dear girls, the less muscle mass you have in your body, the slower the process of losing weight will be, and, accordingly, vice versa, the more muscles on your body, the faster the process of reducing your fat component will go. So don't neglect strength training, where you can get that "golden grail" in the form of a natural fat-burning component right inside you.

I hope this article was useful for you, and now you do not have such an obsession (if any) lose weight fast by 5 kg in a week. Know that everything that comes quickly, instantly and easily, just as quickly and easily leaves our lives! To really change dramatically, and most importantly to consolidate this result forever, you need to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time on your part, and all these weight loss by 5, 7, 10 kg per week- this is another marketing and commercial ploy of interested parties, and nothing more!

In the next article, I will continue to reveal the topic of losing weight and give you practical recommendations, how to lose weight in a week/month for the right amount of kilograms.

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

P.S. Was this article helpful to you? Don't forget to share it with your friends! Perhaps now it will be very “handy” for someone =)

Sovsport.ru - about how to lose weight without consequences.

It is possible to lose weight by five kg without harm to health, and for this it is not necessary to expose your body to radical stress. A smooth change in diet, a clear daily routine, a little physical activity and a positive attitude to what is happening will help you lose weight at home.

Diet to lose weight by 5 kg

“A man is what he eats!” proclaims American nutritionist Jared Koch. And if you eat a lot of fast food, dough, semi-finished products - do not be surprised if a tired, overweight person looks at you from the mirror.

To lose weight by five kg at home will help adjust the diet. It needs to add more greens, foods with a high protein content (for example, turkey meat, chicken breast, seafood), and replace simple carbohydrates (cakes, pastries, dough) with complex ones (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, durum wheat pasta).

Now popular diets, where the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to a minimum, are not needed to lose weight by five or more kg at home. Carbohydrates provide the energy needed by the body for normal functioning. But “carbohydrate loading” is better to take time in the first half of the day, and in the evening - lean on food rich in protein, vitamins and fiber. The fact is that in the evening the metabolism slows down: it is more difficult for the body to process carbohydrates, and some of them are likely to become your overweight.

Diet plan to lose 5 kg

You need to eat in small portions, 4-5 times a day, approximately every 2-3 hours, he says ... For breakfast - oatmeal, a cup of coffee, a banana. Then - a snack: you can eat an apple or another fruit. After another 1.5-2 hours - lunch: buckwheat, salad, meat dish. It is better if you refuse the usual hot meat in a pan in boiling sunflower oil - this will not help you lose weight. Get a double boiler - it will not make your food less tasty, but it will retain all its useful properties. For an afternoon snack - any low-fat yogurt or a glass of low-fat milk. For dinner (in time, it should fall on 18.00-19.00) - salad, fish.

Is it true that you can’t eat after seven in the evening if you want to lose weight by five or more kg? Evening meals are really better to limit. But if this is hard to do, plan another, lightest meal for the evening - eat, for example, a small portion of salad. It will quench the feeling of hunger.

Fitness to lose 5 kg

Ideal for weight loss at home, high-intensity interval training (aka HIIT). Their essence is in short, intense sets of various exercises that follow each other without stopping or alternate with small pauses for rest.

An example of a HIIT workout to lose 5kg at home: do 30 crunches, 1 minute plank, then 30 squats, 1 minute plank, then 15 burpees. Repeat 3-4 rounds, resting for a minute between them (if you feel that the rounds are easy for you, reduce the rest time between them). “HIIT doesn’t take much time—on average 15-20 minutes per workout—but it forces the body to literally burn its own fat,” says Gordon LaVelle, one of the founders and popularizers of HIIT. You need to pretend not more than three times a week. The rest of the days - go on foot, make short runs, master the bike.

Running to lose 5 kg

If doing HIIT is too difficult for now, start your weight loss fitness with 2-3 runs per week. Run at a slow pace for 15-20 minutes at a time. If you are tired, go from running to walking, then back to running. Gradually increase the running time - up to 25-35 minutes. Add to the run a small series of twists on the press (2-3 sets of 30 times), push-ups, burpees.

Mode to lose weight by 5 kg

The main thing in order to lose weight at home by five kg is constancy. Make exercise and a new diet a habit. Train yourself to treat it not as a heavy duty, but as a hobby. Let your new lifestyle be your joy. Get 8 hours of sleep every day. Smile to those around you. The ill-fated kilograms will leave, never to return.

Lose 5 kg in a week

The author of the popular fitness methodology, JillianMichaels, suggests: in order to lose weight by 5 kg in a week, reduce the amount of carbohydrates in food to a minimum (yes, in this case, you still have to give up carbohydrates), train in the HIIT style daily (you can add evening 15-minute jog or strength training for the morning HIIT session).

Drink 2-2.5 liters of water a day. After a week, return carbohydrates in the morning, reduce the number of workouts to 3-4 per week. Give yourself time to recover.

ATTENTION!Before starting training, consult your doctor!

source: "Soviet Sport"

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In order for weight loss for a week to make sense, you need to choose the most effective diet for you, and the effect indicator in this case is made up not only of the “plumb” indicator, but also of the ability to maintain the result and not harm health and quality of life. It is clear that the request “How to lose weight for a week by 10 kg” is eventually realized only by a few lucky ones, which is why it makes sense to set specific and obviously feasible weight loss goals.

In the context of time constraints, the effectiveness of losing weight completely "falls on the shoulders" of the daily diet. Any other good intentions (changing the daily routine, increasing the volume of physical activity, a positive attitude) simply will not have time to manifest themselves in such a short time.

The result of the “week” diet is achieved in three main ways:

  • using one “miracle product” (mono-diet or fad-diet. Their monotony has a double effect on the psychology of losing weight - it is not difficult for someone to take buckwheat or kefir in the manner of a cure for excess weight, someone, on the contrary, is burdened by monotony);
  • due to a sharp restriction in calorie intake (“hungry” diets that “wear” the body);

    due to chemical processes (diets with predominantly protein nutrition, which make adjustments to metabolism. They are famous for the longest preservation of the result due to the relative reduction in the risk of muscle loss characteristic of express diets).

It can be assumed that the more monotonous and poorer the diet, the greater success can be achieved in the weight loss field. However, this is not entirely true: seven days is a long enough period for nutrition with tangible restrictions. And the consequences for health will be more serious, and the risk of a breakdown increases many times over. In addition, there is a plateau trend that is infamous for strict diets: the excess weight loss that began vigorously in the first couple of days freezes due to the fact that the food-restricted body turns on emergency mode and “freezes” energy consumption. This means not only a fiasco in losing weight, but also a lethargic state of health, a breakdown.

Therefore, even with a powerful motivation to lose weight in the shortest possible time by the maximum number of kilos, try to choose the lesser evil from the existing ones and evaluate both the limits of your willpower and the risks. A short, effective diet that allows you to lose weight in a week can be a good impetus for subsequent weight loss efforts, but do not forget that all "hungry" diets are fraught with a quick return of what you have lost. Therefore, it is extremely important, having survived a weekly diet with restrictions, to refrain from "gluttonous binge" after the difficult seven days of fasting in the name of beauty and harmony.

It is also important to assess your health condition sensibly. Do not lose weight on your own if your excess weight exceeds 30 kg - in this case, you need multifaceted medical support. And be sure to consult your doctor before significantly reducing the daily energy value of your menu or switching to increased consumption of any one product (or type of food).

How to lose weight in a week by 7 kg: 5 most popular diets

  1. allows you to lose weight by 3-5 kg ​​for the entire period, eating kefir and - extremely limited - several other permitted products.
  2. Day three: boiled or steam chicken fillet - 300 gr.

    Day four: rice - 100 g of dry cereal boil in 1 liter of water

    Day five: jacket potatoes - 6 pieces

    Day six: apples - 1 kg

    Day seven: 1.5 l of kefir.

    Weekly egg diet: satisfying and effective

    Seven days of patience - five kilos off!

    In principle, any method that allows you to lose 5 kg per week (both mono-diets and more “tasty” strategies) is based on the rules of separate nutrition, but with one trick - it is forbidden to have dinner on it. The last meal should be no later than 16:00. However, one can see a positive point in this sad fact - this is an excuse to go to bed early, without sitting up in front of the TV or computer.

    It is not recommended to break the order of days; it is also necessary to stick to the daily list of products and not make your own adjustments. An important rule of this weekly diet is the exclusion of salt and sugar, as well as alcohol from the diet. The fruits indicated in the menu of the day are not eaten at the main meal, but half an hour before a meal or half an hour after it. Every day you need to drink as much plain non-carbonated water as possible.

    The first day

    Breakfast: steamed fish - 50 gr, lettuce with a few drops of olive oil, kefir 1% fat 250 ml;
    Lunch: boiled egg, wholemeal bread 2 slices, turkey meat or chicken fillet - 90 gr.

    Second day

    Breakfast: unlimited celery, boiled veal 80 gr, one boiled potato + one, boiled carrots, unsweetened green tea;
    Lunch: 1 cup low-fat yogurt, 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, oatmeal in water, five dates.

    Day three

    Breakfast: unsalted chicken broth - 250 ml, 3 pcs crispbread, steamed chicken breast - 50 gr;
    Lunch: rye bread - 2 slices, boiled veal - 50 gr, spinach without restrictions, apple and orange.

    Day four

    Breakfast: boiled buckwheat, kefir 1% fat - 250 ml, tomato salad with olive oil;
    Lunch: boiled rice, freshly squeezed citrus juice - 250 ml, cottage cheese with prunes - 100 gr, grapefruit and kiwi.

    Day five

    Breakfast: boiled beef - 60g, one egg + one cucumber and two bell peppers;
    Lunch: steamed chicken breast, boiled potato, apple and orange, 2 walnuts, dried apricots - 3 pcs.

    Day six

    Breakfast: chicken broth without salt - 100 ml, steamed red fish - 100 gr with green peas (3 tablespoons), rye bread - 1 slice, green tea with 1 tsp. honey;
    Lunch: boiled brown rice, lettuce with tomatoes, seasoned with lemon juice and sesame seeds; for dessert, an hour after eating: a glass of skim milk, kiwi fruit and a banana.

    Day seven

    Breakfast: chicken breast - 60 gr, a plate of buckwheat, one bell pepper + low-fat cottage cheese (2 tablespoons), black tea with a spoonful of honey, a handful of raisins for dessert;

    Lunch: boiled lentils, boiled beef - 100 gr, low-fat yogurt without additives (1 cup 125 gr), almonds (30 gr).

    A week plus or minus a couple of days: other ways to quickly lose weight without suffering

    Despite the fact that weight loss in a week has become a kind of "gold standard" in terms of duration, many effective and well-known diets promise pleasant results in a little less or a little more time. For instance:

    • - an original series of mono-diets with additional motivating tools in the form of a flower with the appropriate number of petals, which should be torn off with a sense of accomplishment after the next day;
    • satisfying and easy to follow is especially relevant in the fall, when a new crop of melons and gourds is ripening;

      the famous and effective exists both in the standard seven-day version, and in the version for those who like it faster, for three days;

      A proven way to lose a few kilos in the format of a double fasting day.

Is it really possible to lose 5 kg in a week?

Many diets promise rapid weight loss, but what can this mean for health?

Simple arithmetic: if you completely refuse food, the body burns no more than 400 g of fat per day, multiplying by seven days, we get a figure that is far from the cherished five. And for a normal life, a person simply needs to eat right. Where does the promised 5 kg per week come from?

Lose 5 kg in a week: exercise or diet?

If you stick to a strict diet, you can quickly lose weight. But with extra pounds, water and valuable trace elements are excreted from the body. The loss of fluid will primarily affect the condition of the skin. Being slim and looking older is hardly the goal that you are striving for. The diet adjusts the body to "hunger mode", and metabolic processes slow down. After the end of the period of restrictions and the desired result, the return to normal nutrition will be understood by the body as a signal to accumulate. The weight lost in this way will soon return and, most likely, will be greater than before the start of the diet.

You can still do without diets and lose 5 kg per week (although fatty and fried foods should still be limited). In this case, sports will, of course, become the main assistant. To lose 5 kg in a week, you do not need to squat with a barbell or run to the gym. It will be enough simple exercises that you can perform at home.
For example, the Denise Austin complex “Lose weight by 5 kg” is perfect:

The basic idea of ​​losing weight without harm to health may sound like this: you need to consume less energy than you expend. And if you want to quickly lose weight, using this formula is real.

Losing weight the right way

  • Learn to distinguish between hunger and appetite.
  • Eliminate fatty foods from the diet. It is better to prefer meat in boiled or stewed form, you will have to say goodbye to fried for a while. Forget about mayonnaise completely, salads can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream or yogurt. But vegetable oil in small quantities is simply necessary to consume.
  • You can and even need to eat cereals, they belong to the category of “slow” carbohydrates and provide the body with energy. But it is preferable to do it in the morning. The same rule applies to potatoes and flour products, although it is better to completely abandon them for the duration of the diet. For dinner, vegetables, seafood, kefir, cottage cheese are suitable.
  • To better digest meat, it must be combined with vegetables.
  • Sweets will have to be limited, but this does not mean that they are now banned. Drunk on sweets - eat fruits or berries, some raisins or dried apricots. It is perfectly acceptable to eat a slice of dark chocolate.
  • Drinking plenty of water improves metabolism.
  • Do not eat in front of the TV or computer. When eating, you need to focus on the process: it will turn out much faster to get enough.
  • Do not overeat at night. The belief that eating after 6 p.m. is bad is a common misconception, especially if you go to bed late. But the last meal should be finished 2-3 hours before bedtime.

We lose weight by 5 kg - express diets

And yet there are situations when you just need to quickly get rid of a few kilograms. And then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200blosing weight by 5 kg in a week seems to be saving. And if the desire to quickly correct the figure is stronger than the arguments of reason, there are several ways to do this.

  • Starvation.

Despite the "extreme" name, such a diet is just a gentle way to cleanse the body and naturally lose weight.
Within 3 days, you will have to give up food and drink water in unlimited quantities. Sometimes it is advised to do cleansing enemas during this period. Over the next three days, you will gradually come out of fasting, starting with eating a small amount of vegetable soups and salads, gradually increasing the amount of food.

First day
During the entry into fasting, products with animal protein are excluded: fish, meat, cottage cheese, seafood, dairy products. It is also advisable to avoid legumes.
It is optimal to start the day with a cup of herbal tea or apple, carrot, beet juice (freshly squeezed). Meals will consist of fruits, stewed or boiled vegetables. You can eat a handful of seeds. Dinner - no later than seven in the evening. Before going to bed, take a warm bath.

Second day

Only boiled water is allowed. No more than half a liter is drunk at a time. The total amount of water is 4 liters. You should drink a glass - two in every half hour.

H To make it easier to endure fasting, it is better not to go into the kitchen, to warn the household. Take a bath in the evening.

The third day

You need to start eating little by little: drink green, herbal tea in the morning, squeeze juice for lunch. For other meals, raw vegetables and fruits are suitable. The slag will be removed by the Pancake salad from fiber-rich cabbage, carrots, and beets.

  • low-calorie diets

Diets based on the use of a mixture of juices or kefir contain very few calories (up to 600 calories per day) and should not be long, no more than three days. They are simple, perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, after which not only the loss of several kilograms is ensured, but also a magnificent appearance.

  • mono-diets

Eating one or more foods. Buckwheat, egg, cottage cheese, watermelon, cabbage, cucumber, banana and even chocolate five days. This is, in fact, a fasting period, turned into a way of eating for some time. Enzyme systems of the body get a kind of respite, rest from the variety in food, the body is cleansed and saturated with vitamins and microelements contained in the selected product.
The essence of mono-diets is that within two to four days only one, maximum two or three products are consumed. To follow such a diet, you need willpower. Moreover, every day women have to cook breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for the family.
However, the effectiveness of fasting days is undeniable. You should just not forget the rule: immediately after the completion of the diet, you can’t eat flour (except for wholemeal bread), fried, sweet for at least a week. Otherwise, the lost kilograms will rush to return again.

  • Petal diets

A type of mono-diet based on a combination of different dietary foods that are allowed to be eaten on different days. A week of such a diet may include potato, cabbage, fruit, meat, fish, sour-milk, grain days. Each day is devoted to one type of food, which can be supplemented with a salad of fresh vegetables. Food often changes, the body is forced to spend its own reserves in search of additional energy, and since it does not have time to get used to it, it does not go into saving mode. The principle of separate nutrition is observed here, proteins do not mix with carbohydrates, so the breakdown of fats is easy.


Any mono-diets lasting more than three days are extremely unbalanced in composition. Before using any kind, you should definitely consult your doctor. Cottage cheese can be contraindicated for people with unhealthy kidneys, carrots can cause serious complications with the liver, and rice can provoke trouble with the intestines.

A rapid weight loss of 5 kg per week is categorically contraindicated for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), and both types of diabetes. With caution, you need to lose weight with gastritis, diseases of the heart, blood vessels. It is not recommended to use fast express diets for people who easily fall into a depressive state.

If you are serious lose weight by 5 kg in a week, in a natural and affordable way, without the help of nutritionists, pills, medications and operations, one of the most important factors is your internal state - your faith, thoughts, fortitude - call it what you want. Firstly, you need to clearly give yourself the installation that you are not trying to lose weight by 5 kg, but you are already losing weight!

Try hard to convince yourself of this. Use your imagination actively. Mentally imagine during a workout how your fat cells are burned one by one, and your muscles become stronger and more toned. Imagine in detail your future beautiful and slender figure.
Imagine that you are finally wearing that dress or jeans that you always dreamed of wearing, but your shape did not allow you. Imagine those emotions, that joy that you will experience when you look at yourself in the mirror and say: “I am the most beautiful and slender in the world.” It may sound a little strange, but it works!

And one more important point. When you are about to start reaching your goal and there are 1-1.5 kg left, you begin to relax, indulge yourself during training, or begin to succumb to the temptation to eat something that you should not eat. Remember that this should never be done! This is the time when you need to pick up the pace and be more diligent if you really want to lose 5 kg.

And remember! Doctors are wary of the possibility of rapid weight loss. To really get rid of excess weight and then keep the result achieved, you need a radical restructuring of nutrition and lifestyle in general.
Therefore, express diets, the creators of which promise to help you lose weight in 3 days by 3 kg or more, can be used to a limited extent. They are suitable for such cases when a holiday or some important event is ahead, and you need to look your best.
According to www.racionika.ru, otvetprost.com

Usually, the question of how to lose weight by 5 kg is asked by two categories of people. The first are those who constantly monitor their weight, not allowing it to exceed the limit mark. They think about it in advance, carefully work out the options and organize everything efficiently and without harm to health. The second are vacationers or invited to banquets who need to impress others with their ideal figure by any means. They, as a rule, have all deadlines burning, so they do not disdain mono-hunger strikes and enemas. Consider several options for both.

"Hungry" option

We warn you right away: this method will allow you to lose weight by 5 kg in just 2 days, but this is very dangerous for health. It is necessary to start such a program in the absence of any diseases. At the slightest indisposition, it is better to give up this idea, otherwise there is a risk of going to the hospital.

Nutritionists and doctors oppose such methods. However, there are those daredevils who need to lose weight desperately. We describe this option as information for review, but we do not recommend practicing it.

Diet on the water

The most rigid of all existing diets. In such a situation, only she will save. When you wake up in the morning, drink a glass of water without gas and without additives. No lemon or honey! After this kind of “breakfast”, drink a glass of water every hour until 18.00. There should be no other drinks or solid food in the diet of these 2 days. But this is ideal.

In practice, few people stand the test of water. Therefore, there are several ways to deal with bouts of hunger:

  1. Think about the end result: you will be able to overcome hunger - you will lose weight by as much as 5 kg in just 2 days!
  2. When it becomes completely unbearable, take a crust of black bread into your mouth: chew it slowly, and then swallow it.
  3. If you are already almost fainting from hunger, slowly eat a green apple.

The hardest thing is in the evenings, when all these ways to satisfy hunger are banned.


Your trials will not be exhausted by a water diet. It is desirable that these 2 days be days off, because from morning to evening you will have to squeeze all the juices out of your own body. Here is your example program:

  1. Light morning exercises for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Immediately after it - a half-hour run.
  3. In the afternoon (11.00 and 16.00 - the most productive time for training) - execution for weight loss. It should take at least 40 minutes.
  4. During these days, move more: clean the house, walk, go shopping.
  5. In the evening, take a walk at an intense pace for half an hour.

There is no need to sign up for a gym for 2 days - all this can be done at home.

Many argue that such intense workouts on such a rigid diet are excluded, since the body does not have fuel for them. However, this is a delusion: the hunger strike lasts only 2 days, so exhaustion as such simply does not have time to take over the body. And for energy, just those hated fats will be split.

"Sport" variant

The Dikul diet is suitable for those who play sports, save muscle mass and plan to lose 5 kg in 5 days. It belongs to strict protein, involves a long course and 4 phases, but in this situation, only the first 5 days can be borrowed from it.

Sample menu for creating your own:

The basis of the diet is protein food, vegetables are used as an auxiliary background. Weight loss occurs due to the reduction of portions, the absence of harmful products and the breakdown of fats. goes in close tandem with physical activity, since Valentin Ivanovich himself is a circus gymnast. He has a whole range of 79 exercises, some of which can be mastered and performed as part of this five-day fast. They will allow you to use up calories, and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

As for auxiliary methods, anti-cellulite wraps every other day, salt baths and wearing corrective underwear will perfectly fit into this program.

"Fat Burning" Option

Those who have time to spare can lose 5 kg in a week using the orange diet menu. In terms of nutrition, it is a more competent and balanced option. Proteins are digested (this takes a long time), and the special substances that make up oranges are involved in the breakdown of fats at this moment. If you correctly paint the menu, you can sit on such a diet for more than one week.

The menu can be borrowed from Dikul's protein diet above with minor adjustments (or from ours). Just add 1 orange to each meal. For example, it can be chopped into pieces in cottage cheese, yogurt, casseroles, used as the main ingredient for cocktails.

Of the advantages of this option, one can note its effectiveness, strengthening immunity, cleansing the blood, eliminating puffiness, lowering cholesterol and other health benefits. And at the same time, such a large number of oranges can cause an allergic reaction. The diet has a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract and has many contraindications.

Training should be a match for the orange diet, that is, also fat-burning. Charging, running, walking - all this can be left. Do the following sports during the day:

  • swimming;
  • work on an exercise bike (as an alternative - regular bike rides) or on a treadmill (unless you run in the morning);
  • mobile types of dances (salsa, zumba);
  • jumping rope.

Any trainer will tell you that these classes are the most energy-intensive, and therefore fat-burning. True, do not forget that this is already a week-long hunger strike and training should be regular, but not daily. The ideal schedule is every other day so that the muscles have time to recover.

If you believe in the miraculous power of fat burners, you can purchase one of the trendy dietary supplements - or. If you do not trust pharmaceuticals, in this program it is appropriate to use infusions and decoctions of herbs with fat-burning properties:

  • guarana;
  • ginseng;
  • hellebore;
  • ginger;
  • lindens;
  • mint;
  • plantain;
  • milk thistle;
  • wild rose.

"Professional" option

You can lose weight by 5 kg in 10 days. This will help the diet of the famous TV presenter and doctor of medical sciences E. V. Malysheva. To understand its essence, it is better to watch the video of the New Year's Eve program, in which 2 nutritionists taught viewers how to lose weight before the holidays using a special nutrition system. Within its framework, you need to alternate carbohydrate and protein days. Moreover, the diet is quite meager and low-calorie, so you have to go hungry.

Video of the same program (5 kg in 10 days):

Protein days (all odd)

Protein Day involves eating 800 g of whole chicken (not just breasts). First, you need to remove the skin from it (it is a source of bad cholesterol), boil it without salt and spices. Divide the cooked meat into 5-6 servings. The diet is supplemented with 2 liters of water, and for breakfast you can eat 1 hard-boiled chicken egg.

Carbohydrate days (all even)

For them, they will have to prepare a special salad in the morning, which is called “Brush”. Malysheva and her guests, nutritionists, tell in detail in the studio how to do this. White cabbage, carrots and beets are shredded (all vegetables are half a kilo each) and sprinkled with lemon juice. All this mass is squeezed out by hands and eaten during the day in small portions (about 200 g at a time). The daily norm of water in 2 liters remains.

As for training and other methods of losing weight, Malysheva does not affect them in any way, but given the 10-day duration of such a marathon, you can go to the gym on protein days to strengthen the muscle frame.

"Brazilian" variant

Brazilian is already a more real diet, which in 90% of cases helps to lose weight by 5 kg and even more in just 2 weeks.


  • the basis of the diet is protein and vegetable food;
  • daily calorie content - 1,200 kcal;
  • reduced portion sizes;
  • compulsory training;
  • meals - in strictly allotted hours, the schedule cannot be violated.

This weight loss option has several significant drawbacks, which are better to know in advance. The minimum amount of fat in the diet for 2 weeks causes problems with the central nervous system - get ready for nervous breakdowns and a bad mood. The maximum load on the kidneys often disrupts their full functioning, so carefully monitor your condition. Lack of carbohydrates can reduce endurance and performance in training.

More about the pros and cons of this power system.

Sample menu:

To lose weight by 5 kg in two weeks, one diet is still not enough. Running is, of course, not necessary, but exercises and exercises to work out especially problematic areas will be very helpful. An alternative to them can be swimming or dancing.

Option for figure

It's no secret that after losing weight, the muscles can lose their tone, and the skin can sag. Even training doesn't always help. To prevent this from happening, adopt a clean one. It will allow you to get rid of 5 kg and form a beautiful figure in just 3 weeks.

The basis of the diet is dairy products, fish and meat, but all of them should be of a minimum fat content.

The menu is offered for 1 week, and in the remaining 2 it can simply be duplicated:

And, of course, in this version, sports must be present. You need to focus on some problematic place in your figure (blurred waist, sagging tummy, cellulite hips) and choose an effective set of exercises that work on it. With him in just three weeks you will become the owner / owner of the most beautiful figure.

Option for metabolism

Eggs contain biotin, which boosts metabolism. If the cause of excess weight is a slow or impaired metabolism, it makes sense to use Maggi's egg diet for a month. This is the ideal time for not harming your health and at the same time getting rid of unnecessary kilos.

Fundamental rules:

  1. Drink 2 liters of water daily.
  2. Reduce salt intake.
  3. In the evenings walk for half an hour.
  4. Do fitness, strength training in the gym, swimming pool, equestrian or cycling.
  5. Leave the table half-starved.
  6. Dinner - 4 hours before bedtime.
  7. Methods of cooking: boiling, stewing, steaming.
  8. From drinks coffee, tea, herbal decoctions are allowed.

Read more about Maggi's egg diet at.

"Smart" option

If you are planning to lose 5 kg in 2 months, you deserve all the credit. First, weight loss will occur without harm to health. Secondly, it can be organized without diets, simply by streamlining the food system. Almost everything is allowed, except for frankly harmful products (fast food, sausages, alcohol, soda). From training it will be enough to leave exercises and walking.

And now back to our two categories of people who were looking for a solution to the problem. The first ones probably chose one of the last options offered by us. And rightly so: only a long-term, but balanced diet and moderate physical activity will not harm your health.

The latter settled on options No. 1-4 in order to get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible. Of course, they will achieve the result, but they are unlikely to get pleasure from the upcoming vacation or feast, since the body will present them with its own account for the stress they have endured.

So, when choosing methods, think about what is more important to you: good health or a couple of hours of admiring glances. For the wise, losing weight, the answer is obvious.