Women's roles in relationships. The role of men and women in relationships Investing in relationships

How often we, women, are immersed in household chores and worries, but at the same time we do not feel happy and do not make anyone around us happy. What is the role of a woman and how to become truly happy?

What is the most important women's job?

The most important women's job is to love. Sexual relations, family relations and relations with children and relatives are built primarily on love.

All other responsibilities flow from here. They just help show that love. It can be said that our responsibilities are our employers who help us to reach our potential.

What is the role of a woman?

The most important women's work is not to feed everyone and "wash". It's not about doing all your homework and mending all your socks. And not even to give birth to the maximum number of children.

These are all tools. And the essence of many women is lost. We do our homework because we have to. We give birth and raise children, because it is necessary. We tolerate our husband because we have to.

But why is it necessary? Who needs?

Every action has a meaning. In any ritual¹ it is also there, only over the years it can be lost. And then the ritual turns into a thoughtless repetition of some action exactly in accordance with the rules. As it happened in many religions...

And so it was with women's labor.

What's more important?

  • Feeding children and husband for the sake of "mandatory set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates"? Or is it more important to feed their souls with love, acceptance, forgiveness?
  • Is it more important to clean your house and clothes so that no one thinks badly of you? Or is it more important to help cleanse the mind and soul of loved ones from unnecessary ballast?
  • Is it more important to iron trousers to the arrows and shirts without creases so that they always look good? Or is it more important to “stroke” souls so that relatives always feel good?
  • You can wash the clothes of your loved ones, or you can erase resentment and pain from their souls.
  • You can teach children math, or you can teach them to love...

These words do not mean that nothing needs to be done, they only say what should come first.

Taking care of the body for the sake of the body itself is a waste of time and effort. Because we are more than this body. And the needs of the body are far from all our needs.

How do we treat ourselves?

It all starts with a relationship with yourself. We pay a lot of attention to our body - we constantly lose weight, get fat, learn the art of skin care, make-up, buy new clothes, jewelry, change hairstyles.

But how much time each of us devotes to his soul? But we are souls. Bodies will change. And our soul is eternal. Do we listen to our heart, do we follow its call? Do we take care of our soul and let it open up to its full potential? Do we see it at all? And do we know that we are souls and not bodies?

Who is more important, the car or the driver?

Can a starving driver drive where he needs to go without breaking the rules? Even if at the same time his car is cleaned to a shine and with a full tank of fuel?

Can a healthy driver drive a car that has never been serviced, never changed the oil, and has an empty tank?

Balance is important. But it is equally important to understand what comes first. What should you pay more attention to.

It often happens that we know the car we are driving well. We realize its color, dimensions, brand, power, fuel consumption. But completely unfamiliar with the driver. He seems to be hiding behind tinted windows. Or maybe it was we who smeared the windows on the outside so as not to notice him?

So it is with our soul!

For starters, it’s worth getting to know this driver: look into the glass, remove paint or tint if necessary, and see who’s inside?

In order to erase this paint, we need to cleanse our lives. Take care of the cleanliness of the body, at home. Get up early and go to bed early². Refuse to take meat, alcohol. Stop smoking and using swear words. Pray, meditate, to fill the female energy.

Then we will be able to see our real self - even if not completely, even through the first crack of purity, then and only then will we be able to see others, make them happy and become happy ourselves.

A woman is one who sees souls

The most important role of a woman is to see in another person his soul. See her and help her open up. Help the person see it for themselves.

Why a woman?

Because nature has created us in such a way that we can feel very well. Women have strong intuition, so we better understand people and their actions. And we can look deep. If we want. And in order for a person to be fully revealed to us, there are women's duties.

We relax the body with delicious food, clean clothes, our beauty. And then the soul is much easier to manifest.

We take care of other people's bodies so that we can take care of their souls. We just need to relax their bodies.

How does it look like in an example?

When a husband comes home from work excited, then in this state it is difficult for him to think about his soul. It boils with aggression, shame, guilt or other feelings. If he is met by a no less excited wife, there will be trouble.

If his wife meets him beautiful, in a clean house with a plate of his favorite borscht, and in response to his indignation over work, she will say: “Of course, you are right. Let's go, I'll stretch your back, ”and then give a back massage, and even better stop³, then the man will relax from such care.

At this point, he can take off his "armor" and show himself to be real. He can risk being exposed to a woman vulnerable, knowing that she will take care of his soul.

It is at this moment that true friendship can arise between spouses, and they can move to a new level of relationship⁴.

After all, the word "wife" comes from the word "squad". And before, the most important thing in family relationships was this cordial friendship.

How often modern women act differently!

How often do we stir up a husband, even if he came calm. For example, a husband had an unpleasant situation at work - they promoted not him, but another.

A wise wife will pacify an upset spouse, she will say that he never liked this position, and the social circle is different, and there would be less time for the family ... That it is he who deserves the best, and this position is not the best for him.

It will be easier for a relaxed and calm man to see other possibilities, and he himself will understand that this is for the best.

How often do wives do it? They only add fuel to the fire, saying that he was treated unfairly. Or even worse, they will begin to compare him with others, saying at the same time: “It’s always like this with you, someone always ends up in a better position than you ...”

How does a man feel after that?

The main role of a woman is to pacify with love

We are filled with feminine energy - the energy of the Moon, in order to pacify.

Remember when we were little, we fell and broke our knees. And what did we do? We ran to my mother so that she blew on our wound. When someone offended us in kindergarten, we also ran to complain to our mother.

If a mother is wise and feminine, she will listen, stroke her head, and now neither her knee nor her heart hurts.

Not everyone has such mothers - some were shamed for tears and torn tights, others vented their anger and resentment ... And then these resentments remained in children's hearts for life.

How not to repeat mistakes?

Sexual relations are a delicate matter and it is very important for a woman to learn to be wise. In any situation, it is the woman who should think about her words, about what they will bring - peace and comfort or anxiety and irritation?

It is the same in fairy tales - the prince had first to be fed, watered, put to bed, and only then he was ready for exploits.

If your loved ones are upset, upset or offended - calm them down, help them open up and heal their souls - this is our most important role! Only then will each of us become truly happy!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Ritual - a set of rituals that accompany a religious act, or developed by custom or an established procedure for doing something; ceremonial (

All psychologists have long been saying in one voice that in relationships, whether family, friendship or business, people play some roles. In relations between a man and a woman, perhaps the most controversial, often the dominant role is assigned to the representative of the stronger sex. What other role can he play?

If we imagine relationships as a kind of game or production, where everyone has their own role, then the director who distributes these roles is most often a woman. She gives a man a script that was written by her, perhaps as a child, and sometimes forces him to play a role that is completely uncharacteristic of him.

So, it is believed that a man is responsible for ensuring that the relationship is holistic. It is the man who creates the conditions for the birth of a family and a new life. On a subconscious level, many women are looking for a man who will complete her and create comfortable conditions for her. A woman hopes that a man will free her from hard work, which takes a lot of energy and strength, and will become a reliable support in difficulties. Such roles are played by the male breadwinner, protector, head of the family.

The beginning of a relationship can already tell a lot about whether a man is ready to take responsibility. Which, in turn, depends on what kind of relationship the man had with his mother and on how his parents used to communicate at home.

Unions dominated by the masculine are more likely to develop into serious ones. This is due to the differences in the mentality of women and men. Men are guided by structural logical thinking. It is easier for them to take on the role of the earner. A hackneyed phrase, but only because such is the psychology of relationships.

The role of a man in a relationship may not be dominant. If matriarchy reigned in the family where the boy was brought up, this will certainly leave an imprint on the choice of a companion. A man will subconsciously pay attention only to those women who can surround him with care, like a mother. On the other hand, there is nothing reprehensible in this. A caring woman will become a wonderful housewife, the keeper of the hearth. And if such a role suits her, then the relationship can be very strong and become the basis for the emergence of a real family.

Another model of relations is equality. The rights and obligations of a man and a woman in such relations are distributed equally. This is the golden mean that many couples aspire to.

In such a relationship there is no place for dictatorship, humiliation and domination. The union is based on mutual respect. Spouses take care of each other, help in everything, experience grief and joy together. The bonds in such an alliance are the strongest and most durable. But in the pursuit of equality, one should not go too far, because. sooner or later, the standard roles (male breadwinner, female hostess) can change, and in an effort not to leave the man behind in everything, the woman eventually runs the risk of putting everything on her shoulders.

Being a wife is not an easy task. There is a lot to know and be able to do - this is a real art. And besides, to live together all your life and not get bored with each other is the height of skill.

It's not so easy, because you wake up every day with the same person, go to the same job (even if it's just a mom's job), solve the same questions - buy groceries, cook dinner. Celebrate a birthday... And so every day is a real groundhog day. And for many, this monotony is depressing. Then men and women look for happiness elsewhere - on the side secretly from the second half or immediately leave to try again somewhere else.

How can a woman paint this routine with bright colors both for herself and for her husband? So that he has enough of everything and does not have the thought that somewhere the grass is greener?

According to the Vedic scriptures, a woman in the family must master and fulfill five roles in a quality manner. What are these roles?


This is the first role, although it looks funny - but a wife should be a wife. The essence of this role is to be with your husband in wealth and poverty, sickness and health. Just be close to him. It is the wife who reminds her husband of the purpose of life, of the need to improve. Reminds him of his responsibility to his children, that parents must teach their children to live in this world according to its laws. That is, a wife is a comrade-in-arms, an ally of a man in any battle, his assistant, right hand and like-minded person. She is always on his side.


This is our second role. Many women have mastered this role well, but even more often it is the only role of a woman. Take care of your husband as much as your children, and sometimes even more. Delicious to feed, wash, clean, create comfort, atmosphere. Create a kind of rear, where the husband can come home from work and relax, relax. After all, every day a man has to be strong and courageous, conquer peaks, hunt, get food. After such a heavy load, he wants to be taken care of, as his mother once did. She baked pies, laid her in the crib, tucked up the blanket, brought her favorite newspaper, stroked her head. A few hours later, he is as good as new. I was fed with such maternal love to the very brim and is ready for new exploits.


This is a role in which the wife is on the same level as her husband, they are equal. They can do things together as partners, share intimate thoughts and feelings, make plans, discuss ideas, share thoughts. Together they are a team. The wife is like a best friend, adventure partner and like-minded person. With which he can have his own secrets from the world, his own rules and his own games.


The fourth role of the wife. And if in the role of a mother we dominate, in the role of a sister we are on an equal footing, then in the role of a daughter we are subordinate.

When a woman performs the role of a mother well, the husband becomes confident and calm. When she succeeds in the role of a sister, he becomes responsible. And next to his daughter, he becomes a real man, able to move mountains for the sake of her whims.

It is the daughter of a man who will make the most expensive gifts. Only a wife who knows how to become weak in time and ask for hands can count on care and patronage. When he sees a baby nearby who needs help (even if the baby is already 60 according to her passport), he takes out a superman cape from his pocket and soars up.

The daughter knows how to be weak, to ask for help, but in addition, she knows how to obey. Because you can’t wait for disobedient patronage - a man is not ready to spend so much effort to break her resistance before making her happy.

The role of the daughter is also not to add fuel to the fire when the husband is angry. Gently and quietly soothe him with your silence. This usually takes a few minutes (instead of several hours of combat).

If a woman does not own all three roles, then the husband becomes weak, insecure, apathetic, prone to alcohol, computer games, gambling, irresponsible and lazy. But then again - you need to master all three roles so as not to get stuck all the time only in a dominant or only in a dependent position.


This is the fifth role that is often either underestimated or overestimated. They underestimate when they stop considering intimate relationships as something important (and a man has his own opinion on this matter). They overestimate when they think that if this is all right, then the rest will line up. Everything needs balance.

And the female role is to restore this balance. Turn the bedroom into a place where a man is interested and happy, where he enjoys and can give pleasure to his wife. After all, we often ignore a man’s need to make us feel good, we don’t even think that this is important for him. We imitate something, pretend, but he feels everything. Therefore, we should develop both our sensitivity and our ability to talk to our husband about such intimate things, and our ability to give our husband a holiday in the bedroom.

The role of “wife” is official, everyone sees her along with her status on social networks and a new surname. “Mother”, “sister” and “daughter” - these roles are more intimate, and they manifest themselves in the circle of the closest, in the family. And even then, many manifestations of these roles can remain between the two of you. And the role of "mistress" is a role of a purely intimate nature, where outsiders should not be allowed. You can and should talk about intimate relationships only with your husband. Demonstrating this role, again, is only for the husband, as well as your body.

When a woman has mastered all these roles, a miracle happens. A man is changing before our eyes, he feels good at home, good with his wife. He is no longer drawn to the left, he is at home and tasty, and interesting, and with pleasure. So why look for something else?

But the main thing for us is that next to such a woman, a man begins to show a very important quality - he takes responsibility for a woman at all four levels - physical (earning money and family security), intellectual (wife's thoughts), emotional (her feelings and relationship) and spiritual (connection with God).

This is what women want so badly, and the recipe is simple - to be realized in their five roles.

Olga Valyaeva

We live in an amazing, unique time. Today, for the first time in the history of mankind, a woman feels free. She can manage her life herself - choose a role to her liking. She has the right to say "no" to any man, she can study for any specialty, she can travel alone anywhere, she can go into politics or business. But since any freedom presupposes at least an elementary understanding of what to do with it, a woman is faced with a very important question: what is my role in this life? Choosing my fate, am I wrong? What is the real role of a woman in the family, at work, in society, in relationships?

● What was the role of women throughout human history? How is the role of the modern woman different from her predecessor, the woman 100 years ago and earlier?
● How can a woman choose the right role in the modern world? How not to make a mistake, choosing your own, special path to happiness?
• What role does a woman play in the family? What is the role of a woman in relationships and in sex?
● What is the social role of women in life, at work?

Gender issue, gender policy, gender equality... Let's let a woman fulfill her role in life, make her choice... These slogans are heard from the lips of many people, and are already perceived as quite ordinary. In most cases, no one even thinks of infringing on a woman's rights, no one downplays her role in the life of society. Just imagine that today someone could forbid a woman to vote in elections just because she is a woman, and that is exactly what happened, and quite recently. History also remembers a time when a woman could not watch spectacles, participate in entertainment, just say her opinion when choosing a husband, and therefore a sexual partner, for the rest of her life. Yes, it was, but today is a different time.

The role of women in society: modernity and history

We have reached a new level of relations, and a woman from a downtrodden disenfranchised woman who has neither the right to vote nor the right to desire, has turned into an equal member of society, standing on the same level as a man. It makes no sense to list all that a woman has the right to today. Suffice it to say that the moral, mental, legal gap between today's simplest girl from the provinces and the high society lady who lived 200 years ago is as huge as the distance from the Earth to the Moon! The roles of these two women in the life of the family, society, relationships are not comparable in size and quality, there is such an abyss between them.

Some researchers argue that the main change has occurred in the quality of a man's attitude to a woman, in greater respect for her rights and freedoms. But this is only part of the truth, or rather the consequences. In fact, first of all, there was an impressive change in the desires of the woman herself, her inner self. It increased and became so great that the woman received the right not to be “measured” relative to the man, but to be an independent self. Self-sufficient and realized. The woman took on a new role in life because she wanted to. And the man had only to change his attitude.

But what do we see today? Only a small fraction of women use their desires, and even then - often in very truncated versions. The rest are still out of the rights and freedoms that they have been granted for many years. The behavior of modern women can be compared with the behavior of a teenager who has just emerged from parental oppression, got rid of teenage acne and received separate housing and his own income. His first actions are not very correct: he rushes from side to side, tries to squeeze everything out of his position as much as possible, or, conversely, behaves like an overly obedient child, completely depriving himself of all the delights of adult life. So is a modern woman: having received her own special role in life, she simply does not know what to do with it.

What is the role of a woman in a family? she wonders, and often assumes exclusively the role of a housewife, because it is traditional, but really too little for her - she suffocates in the apartment, she needs more. And some women are able today, in the 21st century, to endure beatings and endure humiliation, only for the sake of children and the preservation of the family.

What is the role of women in society?- she asks a question and prefers a career, remaining lonely and unhappy on the personal front, only because she assumes her main role as a breadwinner and leader.

What is the role of women in sex?- she asks when she does not get any pleasure from sexual relations and chooses the role of " insensitive log", which must be exclusively for the sake of a man.

What is the role of a woman in a relationship?- she thinks after another stupid quarrel with her loved one, guessing that somewhere she is doing something wrong, but unable to understand either him or herself.

These are just examples of thousands of stereotypes in which a modern woman lives. In a word, on the one hand, she received great desires and, as a result, huge opportunities. But behind her, like a ghost, stands a thousand-year past with its traditions, public opinion, and, like a bone in her throat, her own complexes, fears and stupid guidelines. And this is what prevents her, in the end, from understanding: what is my, female, role in this life? But not knowing the answer to this question, she looks like a monkey with a grenade - and there is no use (protection) from weapons, and she can destroy herself at any moment, maybe even without realizing it herself.

What is the role of a woman in life - system clues and discoveries

Many things remain a mystery to man today. And in order to understand them, you need to have a tool with which you can understand them. And when it comes to the causes of actions, deeds, human problems, the latest science, Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, becomes such a tool. Any psychological problem can be considered through it and find answers to all your questions.

Today, a woman wants everything, but for some reason it does not work out. Developing a career, the family collapses. Giving all of yourself to the family, you feel like in prison. Something is wrong here. And the answer is simple: receiving new desires and freedom, you will be able to dispose of them only when you understand your real role, when you can only use all the advantages of your position for good. And yet - behind every desire lies a huge responsibility.

It is through system-vector thinking that today we have a unique opportunity not only to understand the role of a modern woman in society, in the family, in relationships, but also to figure out what needs to be done to achieve happiness.

The first role of a woman in life is family

In essence, the role of a woman in all past centuries was reduced to one thing: she was limited to the family. At the same time, in the best case, a woman was an assistant to her husband, in the worst case, she was exploited worse than a slave. And she has always been a way of procreation for a man, because it was by men that the clan was considered. Although, of course, the woman herself did not see any problems in her situation: she chose the color of the dress, the lullaby and the ingredients for the soup - for herself this was enough.

A modern woman wants more than soup and a lullaby, she wants to study and work. However, it is very stupid to deny that even today most women cannot be completely happy outside of monogamous, couple relationships, without children and a strong family. Read about exceptions.

Of course, in our time, everyone who is not too lazy to impose on a woman the idea that she does not want to get married, does not want children. It is men who instill in girls the idea of ​​free relationships, and somewhere they even resort to vile blackmail: "Oh, you decided to hook me up - find another fool, I love freedom." And now the woman is already embarrassed by her desires, the first herself speaks of the uselessness of marriage. But this is not so! On the contrary, she needs a family and needs a man, behind whom she would be, like behind a stone wall. And if earlier she was a disenfranchised assistant, today she becomes a colleague, co-idea, and associate of her husband. The support is not only in cooking and washing, she becomes the person you can rely on in other, very important matters. And the man, in response, is obliged to give her his protection - that is, marriage.

The second role of a woman in life - relationships and sex

Did you know that "marital duty" is her debt to him, and not vice versa? Yes, yes, for many years, the wife had to "give" her husband on demand, that's why she is a wife. At the same time, it was only about intercourse, and never about her orgasm, which a few centuries ago was considered a mental disorder, subjected to forced treatment. And there was never any talk of any kind of relationship.

Today, times have changed, and it is the woman who sets the tone in relationships. Or rather, she can already do it, but sometimes she simply does not use her right and desires. A modern woman can and should give and receive in a relationship not just intercourse, and not just a pair relationship, but love, sensuality, passion. But in real life, a bias very often occurs either in one direction (when she demands everything in the world from a partner simply because she is his "second" half), or in the other direction (when she seems to give herself all to her partner, quietly expecting miracles from him which, of course, never happen).

As for intimacy, in this matter many women do not have a formed understanding of their role at all. Expecting initiative from a man, embarrassed by their desires, thousands of women experience problems in achieving orgasm. They are deprived of pleasure, which is no longer just available, but also important for feeling happy and joyful.

The third role of women in society is work and career

For a long time, the woman sat at home and dealt exclusively with family affairs. For this, she was provided with food, and if she was lucky, then prosperity. And today, the thought creeps into the mind of some that it is precisely such an existence that is the traditional role of a woman, and she supposedly should not even think about work, especially if she has young children. But this is a flagrant injustice, because a modern woman needs more, and realizing herself exclusively as a wife and mother, she most often feels like a recluse.