Accentuation of personality traits of an unstable type. Accentuation by Leonhard. Hyperthymic type. Methods for treating accentuations of various types


1. Introduction.

2. Hyperthymic type

3. Cycloid type

4. Labile type

5. Astheno-neurotic type

6. Sensitive type

7. Psychasthenic type

8. Schizoid type

9. Epileptoid type

10. Hysteroid type

11. Unstable type

12. Conformal type

13. Mixed types.

14. On the dynamics of character accentuations

15. Literature


Character is a set of stable personality traits that determine a person's attitude to people, to work performed. Character manifests itself in activity and communication and includes what gives a person's behavior a specific, characteristic shade

In the period of character formation, his typological features, while not yet smoothed and obscured by life experience, come to light so clearly that sometimes they resemble psychopathies, i.e., pathological character anomalies. With growing up, accentuation lines are usually smoothed out. This allowed us to talk about “transient adolescent accentuations of character” [Lichko AE, 1977].

Depending on the severity, we identified two degrees of character accentuation: explicit and hidden (Lichko; Aleksandrov; 1973).

Explicit accentuation. This degree of accentuation refers to the extreme variants of the norm. She is distinguished by the presence of fairly constant traits of a certain type of character.

In adolescence, character traits are often sharpened, and under the action of psychogenic factors addressing the "place of least resistance", temporary adaptation disorders and behavioral deviations may occur. When growing up, character traits remain quite pronounced, but they are compensated and usually do not interfere with adaptation.

Hidden accentuation. This degree, apparently, should be attributed not to the extreme, but to the usual variants of the norm. In ordinary, familiar conditions, traits of a certain type of character are weakly expressed or do not appear at all. Even with prolonged observation, versatile contacts and detailed acquaintance with the biography, it is difficult to form a clear idea of ​​a certain type of character. However, the features of this type can brightly, sometimes unexpectedly, come to light under the influence of those situations and mental traumas that place increased demands on the "place of least resistance." Psychogenic factors of a different kind, even severe ones, not only do not cause mental disorders, but may not even reveal the type of character. If such traits are revealed, this, as a rule, does not lead to noticeable social maladjustment.

Psychopathies are such character anomalies that, according to P. B. Gannushkin (1933), "determine the entire mental appearance of an individual, imposing their imperious imprint on his entire mental makeup", "during life ... they are not exposed to any abrupt changes "," hinder ... to adapt to the environment. These three criteria were designated by O. V. Kerbikov (1962) as the totality and relative stability of pathological character traits and their severity to the extent that disrupts social adaptation.

Adaptation disorders, or, more precisely, social maladjustment, in cases of psychopathies usually goes through the entire adolescent period.

These are the three criteria - totality, relative stability of character and social maladjustment - that make it possible to distinguish psychopathies.

The types of character accentuations are very similar and overlap with the types of psychopathies.

There are two classifications of types of character accentuations. The first one was proposed by K. Leongard (1968) and the second - by A.E. Lichko (1977). Here is a comparison of these classifications made by V.V. Yustitsky (1977).

Accentuated personality type,

by K. Leonhard

Type of character accentuation,

by A.E. Lichko

Labile (affectively labile and affectively exalted) Labile cycloid
Super movable
Demonstrative Hysteroid
Overpunctual (pedantic) Psychasthenic
Uncontrollable (excitable)
Introverted Schizoid
Fearful (anxious) Sensitive
Deconcentrated or neurasthenic Astheno-neurotic
Extroverted Conformal
Weak-willed Unstable
- Hypertensive
- Cycloid

Hyperthymic type

This type of psychopathy is described in detail by Schneider (1923) and P.B. Gannushkin (1933) in adults and G.E. Sukhareva (1959) in children and adolescents. P.B. Gannushkin gave this type the name "constitutionally excited" and included it in the group of cycloids.

Information from relatives testifies that from childhood, hyperthymic adolescents are distinguished by great mobility, sociability, talkativeness, excessive independence, a tendency to mischief, and a lack of a sense of distance in relation to adults. From the first years of life, they make a lot of noise everywhere, love the companies of their peers and strive to command them. Educators of children's institutions complain about their restlessness.

The main feature of hyperthymic adolescents is almost always a very good, even elated mood. Only occasionally and for a short time is this sunshine darkened by outbursts of irritation, anger, aggression.

The reaction of emancipation is especially pronounced. Because of this, conflicts easily arise with parents, teachers, educators.

As a rule, there is a tendency to unauthorized absences, sometimes prolonged. True shoots from home are rare in hyperthymes.

An irrepressible interest in everything around makes hyper-romantic teenagers promiscuous in their choice of dating. Alcoholization is a serious danger for hyperthymes from adolescence. They drink in companies with friends.

The reaction of enthusiasm differs in hyperthymic adolescents in the richness and variety of manifestations, but most importantly - in the extreme inconsistency of the hobby.

Always in a good mood and high vitality create favorable conditions for reassessing your abilities and capabilities. Excessive self-confidence encourages "to show oneself", to appear before others in a favorable light, to boast. But the self-esteem of hyperthymic adolescents is quite sincere.

The hyperthymic-unstable variant of psychopathization is the most common. The decisive role in the fact that hyperthymic-unstable psychopathy grows on hyperthymic accentuation is usually played by the family. As overprotection - hyperprotection, petty control and cruel diktat, and even combined with the dysfunction of intrafamily relations, and hypoclosure, neglect can serve as incentives for the development of hyperthymic-unstable psychopathy.

The hyperthymic-hysteroid variant is much less common. Against the background of hyperthymia, hysterical features are gradually emerging.

The hyperthymic-affective variant of psychopathization is characterized by an increase in the traits of affective explosiveness, which creates a similarity with explosive psychopathies. Outbursts of irritation and anger, often characteristic of hyperthymes, when they meet opposition or fail, here become especially violent and arise at the slightest provocation.


As you know, this type was described in 1921 by Kretschmer and first became widely used in psychiatric research. P.B. Gannushkin (1933) included four types of psychopaths in the "group of cycloids": "constitutionally depressive", "constitutionally excited" (hyperthymic), cyclothymics and emotive-labile. Cyclothymia was considered by him as a type of psychopathy.

In adolescence, you can see two variants of cycloid accentuation: typical and labile cycloids.

Typical cycloids in childhood are no different from their peers or more often give the impression of hyperthymes. With the onset of puberty (in girls, this may coincide with menarche), the first subdepressive phase occurs. She is distinguished by a tendency to apathy and irritability. In the morning, lethargy and loss of strength are felt, everything falls out of hand.

Formerly noisy and lively teenagers during these periods become lethargic couch potatoes.

Serious setbacks and criticism from others can deepen a subdepressive state or trigger an acute affective reaction with suicidal attempts.

In typical cycloids, the phases are usually short and last two to three weeks.

Cycloid adolescents have their "places of least resistance." The most important of them is probably the instability to a radical breakdown of the life stereotype.

Labile cycloids, unlike typical ones, in many ways approach the labile (emotionally labile or reactive-labile) type. The phases are much shorter here - several "good" days are replaced by several "bad" ones. "Bad" days are more marked by bad mood than lethargy, lack of energy, or poor health. Within one period, short mood swings are possible, caused by relevant news or events. But, unlike the labile type described below, there is no excessive emotional reactivity, the constant readiness of the mood to change easily and abruptly from minor reasons.

Adolescent behavioral reactions in cycloids, both typical and labile, are usually moderately expressed. Emancipatory aspirations and peer grouping reactions are heightened during the ascent. Hobbies are unstable.

Self-esteem of character in cycloids is formed gradually, as the experience of "good" and "bad" periods accumulates. Adolescents do not have this experience yet, and therefore self-esteem may still be very inaccurate.


This type is most fully described under various names "emotionally labile" (Schneider, 1923), "reactive-labile" (PB Gannushkin, 1933) or "emotive-labile" (Leongard, 1964, 1968), etc.

Accentuation of character or personality accentuation- excessive strengthening of certain character traits. This personality trait determines behavior and actions, leaves an imprint on all areas of her activity: attitude towards herself, towards others, towards the world. Accentuation is an extreme variant of the norm and is not considered a mental disorder or illness.

Prevalence... Personality accentuations are widespread, especially among adolescents. Among young people, overt or hidden accentuations are found in 95% of those surveyed. With age, people will be able to smooth out unwanted features, and the number of accentuations decreases to 50-60%.

The benefits and harms of accentuations. On the one hand, an accentuated trait makes a person more stable and successful in some situations. For example, people with hysterical accentuation are talented actors, and those with hyperthymic accentuation are positive, communicative and can find an approach to any person.

On the other hand, an accentuated character trait becomes a person's vulnerability, complicates life for himself and those around him. Situations that are not significant for other people turn into a test for the psyche. For example, people with a hypothetical type of accentuation have difficulty getting to know each other and making contact.

There is a danger that in difficult situations, these enhanced character traits can develop into psychopathy, cause neurosis, cause alcoholism, and illegal behavior.

In what cases can accentuations develop into pathology

  • Unfavorable environmental conditions, which hit the accentuated line, as the weakest point, for example, for conformal accentuation, is the rejection of a person in a team.
  • Long-term exposure to this factor.
  • The impact of an unfavorable factor during the period when a person is most vulnerable. Most often these are lower grades and adolescence.
If these conditions are met, accentuation worsens and turns into psychopathy, which is already a mental disorder.

How do accentuations differ from psychopathies?

Reasons for the formation of accentuations. It is believed that the innate properties of temperament influence the formation of accentuations. So a person born of a choleric is prone to the development of an excitable accentuation, and a sanguine person to a hyperthymic. Strengthening of certain character traits occurs in childhood and adolescence under the influence of chronic traumatic situations (constant humiliation by peers) and the characteristics of upbringing.
Personality accentuation degrees
  • Explicit- manifests itself in a person's behavior in most situations, but does not violate his ability to adapt to various social situations (acquaintance, conflict, communication with friends).
  • Hidden- does not manifest itself in life, can only be found in critical situations that affect accentuated character traits.
Types of personality accentuations. Each scientist dealing with character accentuations singled out his own types. To date, several dozen of them have been described. This article will describe the main ones.
Psychologists began to deal with the problem of personality accentuations in the second half of the twentieth century. Therefore, in matters of classification, diagnosis and correction, there are many controversial issues.

Types of accentuation

There are many character traits, and each of them can be over-amplified. It is the accentuated traits that determine the type of personality and character traits, make a person different from others. Here are short descriptions of the main personality types.

Hysteroid type

In other classifications demonstrative type of. Widespread among women. It is especially pronounced in adolescence and young age. Distinctive features:
  • Seeking attention others to his person. They seek attention in all ways - actions, manner of dressing and speaking, appearance. They demand from others respect, surprise, sympathy, in extreme cases, anger. Appearance is bright and attractive. Even in the absence of outstanding external data, they know how to look spectacular.
  • Increased emotionality. They are distinguished by high sensitivity and violent reaction. At the same time, they easily endure mental pain, grief and resentment, although they demonstrate strong emotions. Some emotions are quickly replaced by others. There is a tendency towards envy and jealousy. They do not tolerate if the attention of others is switched to another person.
  • Artistry manifests itself in all life situations. They easily get used to any role, which makes it easier to adapt to new situations. They are distinguished by arrogant facial expressions and mannered postures.
  • Developed imagination and imaginative thinking. Themselves believe in the invented. Give in to suggestion. They are fond of applied magic, they believe in horoscopes. They tend to advertise and exaggerate their victories in their personal lives.
  • Fearful... They tend to exaggerate the danger.
  • Positive features: open to communication, easily establish contact with a new person. They adapt well to new situations. They have an active life position. The desire for fame becomes a powerful motivator, which contributes to the achievement of success in creative professions (actors, singers, dancers, artists).
  • disadvantages: excessive emotionality, overly acute reaction to all events concerning one's own personality, while indifference to the problems of others. Difficulties on the way make you abandon your plans. They do not tolerate routine work. They can easily get sick on a nervous basis - psychosomatic diseases develop. Loss of authority can lead to suicidal thoughts. They provoke conflicts, based on the desire to be in the center of attention.

Epileptoid type

In other classifications excitable personality type. People with this accentuation, just like hysterics, tend to attract attention to themselves. But they do it not so demonstratively, but with the help of stuttering, coughing, complaints. Distinctive features:
  • Discontent and irritability... They are prone to negative emotions. Constantly grumble, express complaints. They get hung up on the bad and ponder the problem for a long time, while the discontent builds up until it spills out in the form of a major quarrel. The behavior of such people is compared to a steam boiler, in which the temperature rises until an explosion occurs. After discharge, they cannot calm down for a long time. This feature distinguishes them from other types. In family life, they show despotism, arrange frequent scandals over trifles.
  • Tendency towards pre-established order in things, deeds and relationships. They do not like changes, rearrangements. They keep order themselves and force others, especially family members and subordinates. The mess can lead to a big fight. Special attention is paid to rationality, not cleanliness.
  • Easy attitude to moral standards. In actions, they are guided only by their own opinion, therefore, they can overstep the norms of morality, especially in a fit of anger. They can get nasty, show disrespect for elders, physical violence towards children and animals. At the same time, they will not even notice the offense, and will not be tormented by remorse.
  • Structured thinking. Making decisions, they are guided by common sense and logic. However, this does not prevent them from reaching fits of rage if their desires are not fulfilled. Not considering alternatives. They believe that their point of view is the only correct one.
  • Mistrust based on critical thinking. They don't take their word for it, they demand proof. Do not trust strangers. They don't believe in horoscopes and predictions.
  • Difficult to adapt to the new situation.
  • Positive features: scrupulousness, increased accuracy, caring for their health, the ability to receive benefits, the ability to defend their interests. When calm, they show extreme kindness and concern for family members and animals. Energetic and active in maintaining order, which can become part of the profession - managers, managers, caretakers.
  • disadvantages violent bouts of anger, after which they cool down for a long time, gloom, intolerance of contradictions, lack of respect for other people's opinions. These sides of character provoke discontent of others, frequent conflicts in the family and at work. Possible addictions to alcohol, sexual perversion, sadistic inclinations.

Schizoid type

People with schizoid accentuation are secretive, uncommunicative and outwardly cold. However, this accentuation rarely leads to adaptation disorders. Distinctive features:
  • Isolation... They do not know how and do not want to communicate with others. Strive for loneliness. After trying to make an acquaintance, they note that they have nothing to talk about with a person, which is why disappointment and withdrawal come.
  • Combination of conflicting properties: shyness and tactlessness, sensitivity and indifference, pliability and stubbornness.
  • Lack of intuition about feelings other people. They cannot understand whether the interlocutor treats them well or badly, how he reacted to their words.
  • Lack of empathy... They are indifferent, do not show emotions in communication.
  • Secretive do not show their inner world. They open up only to like-minded people.
  • Unusual interests and hobbies. Reading literature of a certain genre, drawing churches, calligraphy, sometimes collecting (for example, only stamps with flowers).
  • Positive features: developed imagination, creativity, creativity, passion for non-team sports to improve their body (cycling, yoga), playing musical instruments (guitar, violin).
  • disadvantages... Sometimes there may be a tendency to peeping or exhibitionism, they may take small doses of alcohol or light drugs to overcome shyness in communication.
  1. Cycloid type of... Accentuation causes a periodic change in mood (the duration of periods from several days to 2 weeks). Distinctive features:
  • Wave-like mood swings... Each phase can last 1-2 weeks. Sometimes there are breaks of "balance" between them. Cycloid accentuation is common in adolescents and fades with age.
  • Rise periods- a person is full of energy and desire to work. At this time, cycloids are cheerful and sociable, strive for leadership, achieve success in school and at work. They do not tolerate loneliness, boredom, monotony.
  • Recession periods or subdepression- mood and performance are sharply reduced. There is no desire to communicate, to do something, drowsiness develops. They strive for loneliness, entertainment loses its attractiveness. Become too sensitive to criticism and vulnerable. Self-esteem drops sharply, thoughts appear about their uselessness, inferiority.
  • Positive features: in the lifting phase, a person is full of strength and desire to work and communicate.
  • disadvantages... Low activity in the recession phase. In the event that the subdepressive phase is prolonged, suicidal thoughts may arise. Under unfavorable circumstances, accentuation can develop into bipolar disorder.
  1. Paranoid type... It is formed late - by the age of 30. Its main characteristics are persistence and perseverance in achieving goals. People with paranoid accentuations feel bad and are afraid of what others will think of them if they learn about their essence. As a result, they often experience fear and shame. Two personalities coexist in them, they consider one worthless and despise her. The second is perceived as ideal and omnipotent. An internal conflict, exhausting a person, takes place between these two poles. Distinctive features:
  • Projecting your own character traits onto other people... They attribute their thoughts and intentions to them. This leads to the fact that they see anger, envy in others. Constantly trying to recognize ill will in the behavior of others.
  • Self-obsession... Selfish, constantly thinking about themselves, experiencing their inner conflict.
  • Oversensitive to remarks criticism, refusals.
  • Grumpiness and a constant desire to defend their rights, even if they have not been infringed upon.
  • Unreasonable jealousy, suspicions of conspiracies.
  • Inability to refuse. They do not know how to say "no", but prefer to make promises and not keep them.
  • A tendency towards exclusivity and uniqueness in clothing and hobbies.
  • Positive features: persistent and purposeful. They have non-standard thinking, are smart, well-read. They are able to analyze and foresee the result of their own and others' actions. They differ in their sense of style. They can deny themselves excesses for the sake of an idea.
  • disadvantages: tendency to over-control over loved ones, suspicion, disgust for people.
  1. Unstable (rampant) type of... People with an unstable type are distinguished by a desire to have fun. Distinctive features:
  • Laziness and weakness. It’s hard to bring yourself to do something that’s not enjoyable. Under any pretext, they shirk from work or imitate work activity.
  • Volatility of emotions... Any event causes a short-term outburst of emotions. Therefore, they need a frequent change of impressions.
  • The need for strict control... Only the consciousness that the result of their work will be controlled can make them complete the task. However, strict control makes them want to run away or quit.
  • Tendency to obey the informal leader... They show dependence even in the search for entertainment. They follow the lead of others, do what they are offered.
  • Positive features. Carelessness, curiosity, optimistic outlook on the future.
  • disadvantages... The constant search for thrills increases the risk of developing drug addiction and alcoholism. They love speed, which increases the risk of accidents when driving a car or motorcycle. They are prone to gambling.

Labile type

People have frequent, unpredictable mood swings that occur for any unimportant reason (they did not like the tone or look of the interlocutor). Distinctive features:
  • Mood swings... The mood swings are sharp and profound. People do not just get upset, they fall into despair, and after half an hour they can feel sincere joy. Their well-being and performance, the idea of ​​their own future and the structure of the world largely depend on these differences. So, if a person is in high spirits, then he feels great, is friendly even to unfamiliar people, looks to the future with optimism. If the mood has dropped, then everything takes on a negative connotation.
  • High sensitivity to praise and criticism. Praise creates joy and stimulates new achievements, but criticism can cause discouragement and rejection.
  • Sociability... They are drawn to their peers, in dire need of communication. They become attached to people and suffer greatly from the breakdown of relationships.
  • Positive features: sincere, direct, positive, devoted. This accentuation rarely goes into the phase of psychopathy.
  • disadvantages... They are hard to bear losses, have extremely low stress resistance. They are not ready to deal with difficulties, they can give up the goal.

Conformal type

People with conformal accentuations tend to trust and follow their surroundings. Distinctive features:
  • Submission to the majority opinion... They tend to agree with the majority opinion in the group to which they belong. Critical thinking is absent, they do not analyze how the group decision corresponds to the norms of morality and law.
  • Following fashion... They adhere to fashion trends in clothing, choosing a hobby or profession.
  • Striving to be “like everyone else”. Unwillingness to stand out from the group stimulates to be no worse than others in study and work. At the same time, they are not characterized by the desire to take the place of a leader, to become better than the majority.
  • Conservatism... They tend to adhere to the established order imposed by the majority.
  • Difficult to go through the break with the group. Expulsion from a group, conflict with its leaders, and loss of authority can cause serious psychological trauma.
  • Positive features... In a positive environment, they are successful. This accentuation rarely becomes the basis of mental disorders.
  • disadvantages... They do not show independence, independence, initiative. Dislike people of other nationalities, strangers in the group. Once in a bad company, they follow the lead, consume drugs and alcohol, break the law.

Astheno-neurotic type

People with an astheno-neurotic type of accentuation are characterized by rapid fatigue, irritability and a tendency to hypochondria. Distinctive features:
  • Mental and physical stress is difficult(exams, dissertation defense, competitions). Mental and emotional stress causes severe fatigue. They also experience fatigue from noisy companies and outdoor activities. Try to avoid stress whenever possible.
  • Irritability, appearing against the background of fatigue. Its manifestations are short-term and not too strong outbursts of anger, which are associated with increased fatigue of the nervous system. Against this background, sleep worsens and appetite disappears.
  • Hypochondriac tendency is characteristic of this type of accentuation. They love to be treated, they are happy to observe bed rest, listen to bodily sensations. The connection is noted - the higher the state of health, the better the state of the nervous system. And against the background of a nervous shock, a real, and not contrived, illness can develop.
  • Positive features... Attachment to loved ones, kindness, good intellectual development, conscientiousness.
  • disadvantages... The risk of developing neurosis and neurasthenia, they react painfully to jokes in their address, high fatigue interferes with studying well and working productively.

Psychasthenic type

People with psychasthenic accentuation are prone to introspection. Distinctive features:
  • Reflection- attention is directed inward. They tend to analyze their feelings, actions, emotions.
  • Indecision... Avoid situations in which a choice must be made.
  • Striving to meet expectations that family, friends, bosses place on them. A developed sense of responsibility, combined with increased fatigue, causes a constant internal conflict between "must" and "can", which depletes mental strength.
  • The development of obsessions. Obsessive thoughts, memories, fears, actions, rituals, superstitions that appear regardless of a person's desire and cause negative emotions.
  • Experiences directed to the future... They are afraid that misfortune may happen to them or their loved ones in the future.
  • Pedantry... Strictly follow the rules. These rules can be generally accepted (traffic rules, fire safety) or invented by them. The goal is to protect yourself from trouble.
  • Positive features: kindness, affection for loved ones, adherence to moral principles, high intelligence, developed imagination.
  • disadvantages: indecision, tendency to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  1. Hypertensive type of... The main feature of people with a hyperthymic type of accentuation is optimism, and short-term outbursts of anger are very rare. Distinctive features:
  • A good mood often for no good reason - a hallmark of hyperthymes that makes them the life of the company.
  • Energetic, active, hardy. They do everything quickly. Sometimes the quality of work can suffer.
  • Chatty... They like to tell stories, exaggerate, sometimes they embellish the truth.
  • Sociable... They love to communicate and make new acquaintances. Strive to command. They love jokes and practical jokes.
  • Positive features: high vitality, optimism, endurance to physical and mental stress, stress resistance.
  • disadvantages: promiscuity in the choice of dating, the risk of regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. Restless, do not like work that requires accuracy. They are wasteful, can borrow and not give back. Among people with hyperthymic accentuation, there is an addiction to petty theft.

Sensitive type of

Very sensitive, yet reliable, serious and taciturn. Mostly depressed mood.
  • Impressionability... Even in adulthood, they remain extremely susceptible to all external stimuli. It is very difficult to endure stress and conflicts, they experience them for a long time.
  • Difficulty managing yourself in stressful situations... If this situation drags on, they can flare up strongly. What they later regret. In critical situations, they are capable of courageous deeds.
  • Self-doubt... In their imagination they draw a strict "I-ideal", they worry that they do not correspond to it in real life.
  • Pessimism... They see the future in dark colors.
  • Anxiety about the attitude of others towards them. They are worried about what other people will say about them. They are afraid of criticism and ridicule.
  • Positive features: conscientiousness, diligence, loyalty.
  • disadvantages: passivity, unpredictability in a stressful situation.

Combinations of accentuation types

O mixed accentuations they say when in a person's character not one, but several features are enhanced at once. It is these options that are found in the majority of cases of accentuations.
The most common mixed character accentuations:
  • Hypertensive + conformal;
  • Labile + cycloid;
  • Sensitive + schizoid;
  • Sensitive + asthenic-neurotic + psychasthenic;
  • Hysteroid + epileptoid.

Classification of accentuations according to Leonhard

German psychologist Karl Leonhard divided all character traits into basic and additional. The main ones are the core of the personality. They are responsible for her mental health. If one of these traits is enhanced (accentuated), then it determines human behavior. When exposed to unfavorable factors, pathology may develop.
Group Accentuation type Characteristic
temperament how to natural education Emotive Kind, compassionate, humane, appreciates close friends, peaceful, diligent, has a heightened sense of duty. But at the same time it is distinguished by fearfulness, tearfulness and shyness.
Affective-exalted Sociable, amorous, has good taste, attentive to loved ones, altruistic, capable of high feelings. But at the same time, he is prone to panic, gets lost under stress, is prone to mood swings.
Affectively labile Gentle, vulnerable, capable of empathy, has high moral principles. But he is prone to sharp cyclical changes in mood that determine his relationship with people. Does not tolerate loneliness, indifference, rudeness.
Anxious Friendly, loyal, executive, self-critical. The mood is often low, timid, does not defend his interests, needs support.
Dysthymic (hypothetical) Conscientious, serious, laconic, appreciates friends. But at the same time, an individualist, closed, inclined to pessimism, passive.
Hypertensive Sociable, optimistic, active, hardy, hardworking, does not lose control in stressful situations. Frivolous, rarely completes what he started. Does not tolerate loneliness and strict control.
Types of accentuation related to nature how to social education Excitable Differs in mood swings and violent outbursts of anger. In a calm state, caring, conscientious, neat. During outbursts of anger, he is poorly controlled and irritable.
Stuck Responsible, stress-resistant, persistent, hardy, makes high demands on himself and others. But at the same time he is suspicious, touchy, boring, jealous, somewhat conflicted. Does not tolerate when someone else claims to be in his place.
Pedantic Neat, strictly adheres to the rules, reliable, conscientious, peaceful. But boringness, grumbling are often noted, bureaucracy is not work.
Demonstrative Artistic, charismatic, sociable, has a developed imagination, strives for leadership. But at the same time he is vain and inclined to lie, selfish. He does not tolerate when he is not paid attention, suffers if his authority is undermined.
Types of accentuation related to personality generally Extroverted Sociable, friendly, attentive, executive, always ready to listen, does not pretend to be a leader. But at the same time he is talkative, frivolous, easily falls under the influence of others, and is prone to thoughtless impulsive actions.
Introverted Principled, restrained, immersed in his inner world, morally developed, has a rich imagination. But at the same time, the closed, stubborn, defends his point of view, even if he turns out to be wrong. Does not tolerate interference in his personal life.

Lichko classification of accentuations

Soviet psychiatrist Andrei Lichko viewed accentuations as temporary enhancements of character traits that can appear and disappear in childhood and adolescence. At the same time, he recognized the possibility of maintaining accentuations for life and their transition to psychopathy. Since Lichko considered accentuation to be a borderline option between norm and psychopathy, his classification is based on the types of psychopathy.
Accentuation type Characteristic
Hypertensive Cheerful, active, optimistic, self-confident, striving for leadership, resourceful, adventurous. Cons: frivolous, restless, inattentive, not responsible enough to his duties, sometimes irritable.
Labile Empathy is well developed, feels the emotions of others and their attitude towards themselves. Experiencing severe mood swings for minor reasons. Needs support from loved ones.
Cycloid Cyclically changing ups and downs of mood. The frequency is several weeks. During periods of recovery, sociable, energetic, joyful, energetic. During the recession - apathetic, irritable, sad.
Astheno-neurotic Disciplined, neat. Increased mental fatigue is noted, which makes a person irritable and overly concerned about his health.
Psychasthenic (anxious-suspicious) Intellectually developed. He is inclined to reflection, introspection, assessment of his actions and the actions of others. High self-esteem is combined with indecision. In times of crisis, he can commit rash acts. Cons: petty, despotic, prone to the development of obsessive actions.
Sensitive (sensitive) High sensitivity to joyful and frightening moments. Obedient, assiduous, responsible, calm, makes high moral demands on himself and others. Cons: uncommunicative, suspicious, whiny, difficult to adapt to a new team.
Epileptoid (inert-impulsive) Strives for leadership, loves to set rules, enjoys authority with management and among peers. Tolerates well the conditions of strict discipline. Cons: can offend the weak, harsh, irritable.
Schizoid (introverted) Introverted, prefers loneliness or communication with elders. Cons: indifferent, unable to show sympathy and empathy.
Unstable Sociable, open-minded, courteous, seeking entertainment. Cons: laziness, unwillingness to work and study. Prone to alcohol, drug use, gambling.
Hysteroid (demonstrative) Artistic, impulsive, proactive, sociable, loves attention, seeks to take a leading position, but is not able to achieve authority. Cons: Self-centered, prone to lying. The behavior is unnatural and pretentious.
Conformal There is no criticality and initiative, inclined to obey the opinion of the outside. Strives not to be different from the rest of the group. To please the group, he can commit unseemly acts, while he is inclined to justify himself.
Paranoid Traits develop by age 30. In childhood, he manifests himself as a teenager with epileptoid or schizoid accentuation. Self-esteem is significantly overestimated, ideas about their exclusivity and genius appear.
Emotionally labile Suffers from frequent and severe mood swings, needs support, feels good about people's attitude towards themselves. Cons: emotionally unstable.

Character accentuation test according to Shmishek

The personality questionnaire, developed by G. Shmishek, is designed to identify character accentuations. It is based on the classification of accentuations developed by Leonhard. The adult Schmiszek character accentuation test consists of 88 questions. For each of them, you must answer yes (+) or no (-). It is not recommended to think about the questions for a long time, but to answer as it seems at the moment. The children's version of the test is similar and differs only in the wording of the questions.

Each of the 88 questions characterizes an accentuated feature.

  1. Hyperthymicity
  2. Density
  3. Cyclothymicity
  4. Excitability
  5. Jamming
  6. Emotiveness
  7. Exaltation
  8. Pedantry
  9. Demonstrativeness
The results obtained are processed using a key. For each line, the points are summed up and multiplied on the coefficient corresponding to this line.
Scale 1 point is awarded for Coefficient
The answer is yes The answer is no
Hyperthymicity 1, 11, 23, 33, 45, 55, 67, 77 3
Density 9, 21, 43, 74, 87 31, 53, 65 3
Cyclothymicity 6, 18, 28, 40, 50, 62, 72, 84 3
Excitability 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 75, 86 3
Jamming 2, 15, 24, 34, 37, 56, 68, 78, 81 12, 46, 59 2
Emotiveness 3, 13, 35, 47, 57, 69, 79 25 3
Exaltation 10, 32, 54, 76 6
Anxiety 6, 27, 38, 49, 60, 71, 82 5 3
Pedantry 4, 14, 17, 26, 36, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83 39 2
Demonstrativeness 7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 44, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88 51 2
Each scale is assigned a point, from 0 to 24.
  • 0-6 - the line is not expressed.
  • 7-12 - the line is expressed moderately;
  • 13-18 - severity is above average;
  • 19-24 is an accentuated line.
On the basis of the points received, a graph is built, which is also very important, since it makes it possible to characterize the personality in general terms.

Features of accentuation in adolescents

Personality accentuations are formed in adolescence. In the same period, they appear especially clearly. The reason for this is the impulsiveness of adolescents, the inability to control their emotions and actions. One or another personality accentuation is present in 90-95% of adolescents.

The very presence of an enhanced character trait does not pose a danger, but it makes a teenager extremely sensitive to external situations and internal conflicts, and affects relationships with parents and peers. The same accentuations under unfavorable conditions can cause delinquency, and with the right approach and the right choice of profession, they will help to achieve success in life.

It is important for parents to know about the presence of character accentuation in a teenager in order to help him adapt to life, to build a style of upbringing that will be most effective. The task of parents is to develop qualities and skills in a teenager that will smooth out the accentuated character trait.

Hysteroid type

"Class stars", activists, participate in all activities. They are distinguished by their artistry and the desire to stand out from others. They do not like it if the praise goes to someone else. They exaggerate emotionally react to all events (they sob sobbing in front of the audience).
Distinctive feature. Playing to the audience, constant need for attention, recognition or sympathy.

As long as they feel loved and focused on them, there are no behavioral problems. In everyday life, they attract attention to themselves in all possible ways. This is defiant behavior, expressive manner of speaking and bright clothes. They credit themselves with achievements. They can boast that they drank a lot, ran away from home. They often lie, mostly fantasies relate to their own person. They cannot stand it when the attention of others is switched to others (a newcomer to the class, a newborn, a stepfather). They can take actions to get rid of a competitor, "out of spite" to do things that parents obviously don't like. They verbally defend independence, sometimes with scandals, but they need guardianship and do not seek to get rid of it.

Behavior problems are often an attempt to get the attention of the parents. They have suicidal tendencies, but the goal is not to commit suicide, but to avoid punishment or gain sympathy. Suicide attempts are demonstrative and not dangerous. Easily amenable to suggestion, risk getting into a "bad" company. They can consume alcohol, but in small quantities. There are cases of minor offenses (fraud, truancy, petty theft). Demonstrative and frivolous behavior, revealing clothing and a desire to show their adulthood can provoke sexual violence.

Positive sides... If they are used as an example, they become very diligent. They study well, especially in the lower grades. Artistic, successful in dancing, vocals, conversational genre.

How to interact

  • Encourage people to speak only good things about others.
  • Praise only for real achievements.
  • Give an assignment - help a peer to be in the spotlight. For example, prepare a performance in which someone else will be the soloist.

Epileptoid type

Personality properties are due to the passivity of the processes occurring in the nervous system. Adolescents with such an accentuation are touchy and get stuck on resentment for a long time.

Distinctive feature... Periods of severe irritability and hostility towards others, lasting up to several days.

Adolescents with epileptoid accentuation are stubborn and uncompromising in nature. They are vindictive and do not forget grudges. Personal interests are put in the first place, they do not take into account the opinions of others. The company tries to become leaders, uniting the younger and the weak around them. Since they are despotic, their power is based on fear. The growing up process is problematic. Teenagers can demand not only freedom, but also their share of property. Sometimes they get angry and cry for hours. Strong emotions provoke bouts of anger and aggression. During seizures, adolescents look for a “victim” to which they can pour out their emotions. During these attacks, sadism can be reached.

Suicidal attempts as a reaction to "unfair" punishment. They tend to consume large amounts of alcohol "before memory loss." They do not remember the actions they perform in this state. But other toxic agents are rarely consumed. During puberty, they experience a strong sexual desire, which can lead to the development of perversions. There is an addiction to setting fire to firecrackers and making fires.

Positive sides.
Discipline, accuracy. They know how to win over teachers. They feel comfortable in conditions of strict discipline (boarding school, camp). They love and know how to make something.
How to interact

  • Provide safety and comfort to reduce irritability and aggression.
  • Require strict adherence to the rules established at home (do not give unsolicited advice, do not interrupt). This will allow parents to gain the status of "strong" in the eyes of the teenager.

Schizoid type

This type of accentuation is manifested even in preschool age: children prefer playing alone to communication with peers.

Distinctive feature isolation, immersion in a fantasy world.
They prefer to fantasize, engage in their hobbies, as a rule, highly specialized (they mold soldiers from plasticine, embroider birds). They do not know how and do not want to establish emotional contact and communicate. Do not express their emotions. They are closed, do not share their experiences, do not reveal their inner world. Consciously choose loneliness and do not suffer from a lack of friends. Difficulties in communication are associated with a lack of understanding of the feelings of others: "I don't know if this person likes me, how he reacted to my words." At the same time, the opinion of others does not interest them. Not able to rejoice with friends or empathize with someone else's grief. They are not tactful, do not understand when to keep silent, and when to insist on their own. Speech is florid, statements are often with subtext, which further complicates communication.
Problems. You may develop an addiction to taking drugs to enhance fantasies and immerse yourself in your invented world. Occasionally they can commit illegal actions (theft, damage to property, sexual violence), and they think over their actions to the smallest detail.
Positive sides... Developed imagination, rich inner world, stable interests.
How to interact

  • Encouraging classes in a theater studio - this will help a teenager learn to express emotions, actively use facial expressions. Encourage dancing and martial arts or other plastic training activities. They will teach you to control your body, make movements less sharp and angular.
  • Stimulate to be in the center. The teenager should periodically feel in the role of an animator in charge of entertaining others. For example, while entertaining his little brother and his friends, he will learn to speak loudly and emotionally. Learn to read the reaction to their actions.
  • Instill a sense of style. It is necessary to teach a teenager to follow their appearance and fashion.
  1. Cycloid... In adolescence, cheerful, sociable and active children have long (1-2 weeks) periods of low mood, loss of strength, irritability. They are called the subdepressive phase. During these periods, adolescents are no longer interested in past hobbies and communication with peers. Learning problems begin due to a decrease in working capacity.
Distinctive feature- alternation of cycles of high spirits with apathy and loss of energy.
A lack of perseverance, patience and attention leads to the fact that adolescents with cycloid accentuation do poorly monotonous scrupulous work. In the subdepressive phase, they do not tolerate changes in the usual way of life. Become very sensitive to failure and criticism. Their self-esteem drops significantly. They look for and find flaws in themselves, are very upset about this. During periods of recovery, they do not like loneliness - they are open, friendly and in need of communication. The mood rises, there is a thirst for activity. Against this background, academic performance improves. During periods of recovery, they try to catch up with what they have missed in their studies and hobbies.
Serious problems in a teenager in a subdepressive stage can cause emotional breakdown or even provoke a suicide attempt. They do not tolerate total control, they can flee in protest. Absences from home can be either short or long. During periods of recovery, they become promiscuous in acquaintances.
Positive sides: in the period of recovery, conscientiousness, accuracy, reliability, high productivity.

How to interact
It is necessary to be as tolerant and tactful as possible, especially when a teenager is going through a sub-depressive phase.

  • Protect from emotional overload.
  • Avoid being rude or insulting, as this can provoke a serious nervous breakdown.
  • During periods of recovery, you need to help direct energy in the right direction. Support the teenager in his hobby, teach him to plan his time and bring what he started to the end.
  • Maintain him in a negative phase, increase his self-esteem, and encourage him. Convincing that the bad period is over soon.
Paranoid ( paronoy ) or stuck the type of accentuation in adolescents is not distinguished, since its features are formed later by the age of 25-30.
Distinctive feature- high purposefulness.
Sets a goal and looks for means to achieve it. In adolescence, enmity towards others, as the main feature of this accentuation, does not manifest itself in any way. Exaggerated self-esteem, ambition and perseverance can betray future accentuation. It is also characteristic of "getting stuck" when a teenager cannot move away from a state of passion (strong negative emotions) for a long time.

Unstable or unrestrained.

From childhood, such adolescents are distinguished by disobedience and unwillingness to learn. They need strict control. Fear of punishment is the main incentive to study and perform duties.

Distinctive feature - weak will, laziness and desire to have fun.
They love pleasures, they need a frequent change of impressions. They avoid any kind of work under various pretexts. This is especially noticeable when you need to study or follow the instructions of your parents. Only communication with friends seems attractive to them. On this basis, they risk getting into an antisocial company. Easily succumb to negative influences.
Problems associated with the desire to have fun. On this basis, they begin to drink early and use various intoxicants. The risk of developing drug addiction and alcoholism is quite high. "For fun" they can skip school, steal cars, enter other people's apartments, commit theft, etc. They are prone to vagrancy.

Positive sides. Striving for positive emotions, cheerfulness.

How to interact

  • They need strict control. This applies to everything from homework to the quality of assignments.
  • Carrot and stick management. Specify in advance what penalties will be imposed for failure to complete tasks, and what bonuses the teenager will receive for high-quality work.
  • Encourage vigorous exercise and other energy release.


Frequent and rapid mood swings from delight and stormy fun to despondency and tears. Often, the reasons for mood changes are the smallest (bad weather, confused headphones).

Distinctive feature- mood variability for insignificant reasons.
During periods of good mood, adolescents are talkative, active, in the mood for communication. But any little thing can ruin their mood and make them mad. At the same time, they can burst into tears, they easily go into conflict, become lethargic and withdrawn.
Very dependent on the people they value (close friends, parents). The loss of a loved one or his location, separation from him, causes affect, neurosis or depression. A bad mood can cause a deterioration in well-being up to the development of real diseases (bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, migraine, nervous tics). They very badly tolerate criticism and reproaches from teachers, parents, close friends. They become withdrawn, react with tears.

Positive sides... They are often talented. They have a deep inner peace. They are capable of strong affection and sincere friendship. Appreciate people for their good attitude. During periods of good mood, they are full of strength, desire to communicate, study and practice a hobby. Empathy is developed - they unmistakably feel the attitude of others towards them.

How to interact

  • Show empathy and open communication. Make it clear to your teen that you share his feelings.
  • Provide an opportunity to take care of the weaker, take care of the younger family members, volunteer.
  • Encourage to expand the circle of friends, get acquainted with peers in extracurricular activities.


Extremely susceptible to outside influence. Change their minds and behavior to please others. They are afraid to stand out from the crowd.
Distinctive feature- conformity, the desire to please others.
The main desire to “be like everyone else” is manifested in clothing, demeanor, interests. If all friends are fond of break dance, such a teenager will do it too. If the closest environment (parents, friends) is prosperous, then such adolescents are no different from the rest and the accentuation is practically invisible. If they fall under bad influence, then they can break the rules and the law. It is hard to bear the loss of friends, but they can betray a friend for the sake of someone more authoritative. They are conservative, do not like changes in all areas. They rarely take the initiative.

Having contacted a bad company, they can get drunk, addicted to taking drugs. So that they are not accused of cowardice, they can commit actions that endanger their health or harm other people. A ban on communicating with a company can provoke a scandal with parents or run away from home.

Positive sides... They value their surroundings. Tied to friends. They love stability and order.

How to interact

  • Offer yourself to make a choice without relying on someone else's opinion.
  • Make sure that the teenager is involved in various teams, has the opportunity to communicate with peers at school, in sports clubs, circles. This reduces the likelihood that he will end up in bad company.
  • Help select influencers who are truly worthy of emulation.


For adolescents with such an accentuation, increased fatigue and irritability are characteristic.
Distinctive feature- fears for their health, increased fatigue.
Mental and emotional stress quickly tires them. The result is irritability when adolescents vent their anger on whoever is close at hand. Immediately after that, they feel ashamed of their behavior, they sincerely repent, ask for forgiveness. Outbursts of anger are short-lived and not strong, which is associated with low activity of the nervous system. They are prone to hypochondria - they listen to bodily sensations, perceiving them as signs of illness. They love to be examined and treated. Draw attention to themselves with complaints.

Problems- high fatigue, the risk of developing neurosis.

Positive sides. Kindness, compassion, high intelligence. Such adolescents do not have runaways, hooliganism and other illegal actions.

How to interact

  • Disregard outbursts of anger that occur against the background of nervous exhaustion.
  • Praising successes and noticing even minor accomplishments can be a major motivation.
  • Encourage people to go in for sports, do morning exercises, take a contrast shower to improve the performance of the nervous system.
  • Use the periods of highest productivity (from 10 to 13) for the most difficult tasks.


Such adolescents are characterized by: suspiciousness, a tendency to introspection and fear of the future.
Distinctive feature high demands on oneself and the fear of not living up to the expectations of others.

This type of accentuation is formed if parents place too high hopes on the child in school or sports. The discrepancy between their expectations leaves an imprint on the character. These adolescents have low self-esteem, guilt and fear of failure, which can further disappoint their parents. Adolescents suffer from increased anxiety. They are afraid no matter how something terrible and irreparable happens to them or their loved ones. Pedantry develops as a defense mechanism. Teenagers make a detailed plan of action, believe in omens, develop rituals that should ensure success (do not wash your hair before the exam).

Problem... The risk of developing anxiety, obsessive thoughts and actions that are prone to complications.

Positive sides... In critical situations, they quickly find the right solution, they are capable of a bold act. Obedient, non-conflicting, as a rule, are quite successful in their studies, become good friends.

How to interact

  • Simulate frightening situations and propose to find a solution on your own. For example: “Let's say you are lost in a strange city. What will you do?"
  • Teach a constructive approach to problem solving. What should I do? Who should you contact for help? What to do to prevent the incident from happening again?


They are characterized as cheerful, noisy, restless. They find it difficult to focus on their studies and maintain discipline at school. They often become informal leaders among their peers. They do not tolerate strict control from adults, they are constantly fighting for independence.

Distinctive feature- optimism and high spirits, which often pushes them to pranks.

Very sociable, they quickly become the center of any company. They do not bring the matter to the end, they are not constant in their hobbies. They make and break promises easily. Despite good abilities, they study mediocre. They easily provoke conflicts, but they themselves can make amends. They quickly find peace of mind after failures and quarrels. Outbursts of anger are short-lived.

Problems- unable to perform routine work that requires perseverance and intense attention. Indiscriminate in the choice of dating. If such adolescents find themselves in an unfavorable situation, they may develop an addiction to alcohol, soft drugs. They can commit illegal and antisocial acts (vandalism, hooliganism, petty theft). They are characterized by early sexual intercourse. They are prone to risk taking, extreme hobbies and gambling. Once in conditions of control and strict discipline (hospital, summer camp), they can escape.

Positive sides... Energetic and tireless. They are distinguished by fun, do not lose optimism in difficult circumstances. They find a way out in any situation.

How to interact
The task of adults is to teach a teenager with hyperthymic accentuation to discipline and self-organization.

  • Avoid total control.
  • Advise the teenager to keep a diary in which you need to write down your plans for the day and independently monitor their implementation.
  • Come up with a punishment for each case that has not been completed.
  • To teach to maintain order on the table, in the closet, in the room. This will stimulate the teenager to organize and analyze everything that happens.

Sensitive type

Signs of this accentuation can be seen in childhood. The sensitive type is manifested by numerous fears that replace each other.

Distinctive feature- hypersensitivity.

Teenagers are deeply and for a long time experiencing everything that happens. Praise and criticism are deeply engraved in their memory and have a significant impact on their self-esteem, behavior and actions. They are very shy and for this reason they are uncommunicative. They hardly get used to the new team. Quickly get tired of mental work. Controls and exams cause significant stress in them. They are also very worried about ridicule from peers. Dreamy, prone to introspection. Conscientious, have a developed sense of duty. Be sure to bring the work started to the end. They are very worried about the result of their actions (control, actions).

Problems... A tendency to self-flagellation and the development of phobias. Tearfulness. Excessive demands on oneself can cause neurosis. A chain of failures can trigger a suicide attempt.

Positive sides. They are diligent in their studies, they take all tasks responsibly. They strive to become a good friend, value loved ones.

How to interact

  • Build self-esteem and self-confidence. For this, it is important to give feasible tasks that will not be too simple, otherwise their solution will not cause self-respect.
  • Conduct long conversations to establish contact with a teenager.
  • Deservedly praise and thank. Keep criticism to a minimum. Do not criticize the qualities, do not hang labels - "lazy", "sloppy". Instead, indicate what needs to be done.
  • Encourage auto-training sessions. Repeat formulas to increase self-esteem: "I feel calm and confident," "I am brave and confident," "I am a great speaker."
Most adolescents have several accentuated character traits at once. Therefore, to determine accentuation, it is necessary to use the Schmishek test, and not be guided only by the presented description of accentuation.

Factors influencing the formation of personality accentuations

In the vast majority of cases, accentuation is formed in childhood or adolescence. Its appearance is significantly influenced by inharmonious relationships with parents and conflicts with peers.
  • Hyper-care and control by parents and teachers... Promotes the appearance and aggravation of psychasthenic, sensitive, asthenic accentuation;
  • Lack of guardianship and parental attention increases the risk of developing hysterical, unstable and conformal personality traits:
  • Cruel attitude excessive severity and authoritarian style of communication, provokes an increase in epileptoid traits;
  • Excessive requirements for the child leads to psychasthenic accentuation of character;
  • Lack of emotional contact can cause an increase in labile, sensitive and asthenic traits;
  • Excessive focus on well-being and chronic diseases disrupting the normal way of life. Physical disabilities, defects in appearance and diseases of the nervous system play an important role. The result can be hysterical or astheno-neurotic accentuation;
  • Serious peer conflicts in adolescence, when communication is most significant, they can cause the development of conformal or schizoid accentuation.
The development of any type of accentuation can be facilitated by:
  • Failure to meet basic needs for love, care, safety, communication;
  • Lack of concepts about moral and cultural norms, interests and hobbies;
  • Misconception about yourself - inferiority complex, overestimated self-esteem;
  • Professional factors... Work-related accentuations often arise among actors, teachers, doctors of some specialties, law enforcement officers and the military;
  • Genetic predisposition... Features of the functioning of the nervous system are transmitted from parents to children. This is especially true of hyperthymic, cycloid and schizoid accentuation. Therefore, if the parents have an accentuated character trait, then there is a high probability that it will also be found in the child. Improper parenting and behavior of parents can significantly enhance congenital accentuated traits.

Methods for treating accentuations of various types

Treatment for accentuation is based on smoothing out enhanced features. Correction is necessary if the accentuation of the personality violates its social adaptation. If normally a person changes his behavior depending on the situation and the goals of the activity, then people with pronounced accentuation constantly demonstrate an enhanced character trait, which interferes with themselves and those around them. Although it is impossible to change the character, a person can learn to restrain his negative manifestations. Work on oneself and psychocorrection can help in this.

Work on yourself

People with character accentuation rarely seek help from a psychologist, preferring to work independently.
To correct accentuated traits, training is needed that develops character traits opposite to accentuated ones. At the same time, the development of new models of behavior and the harmonization of the personality are taking place.
To correct pronounced character accentuations, exercises have been developed that must be performed daily.
  1. Hysteroid type
  • "Calm quiet speech"... Adopt the phlegmatic's manner of speaking (quiet speech, a minimum of facial expressions and gestures). Consider what you want to say. State the facts, not your emotions about what is happening.
  • "Good deeds"... Try to do them discreetly and not tell anyone about what you have done. Observe the person's reaction without showing yourself.
  • "Invisible"... While in company for an hour, try to sit silently, observing others. Don't give in to attempts to drag you into a conversation.
  • Do auto-training daily. The goal is to love yourself for who you are and to increase your self-esteem. When you do this, the praise and attention of others will not seem vital.
  1. Epileptoid type of.
  • Goodbye and let go of grudges. Realize that grudges are harmful to the person's mental and physical health.
  • Train your tolerance and benevolence to people. Smile at your acquaintances when you meet, or try to show a readiness to smile on your face.
  • Show generosity take part in charity events.
  • "Active listening". Listen to the other kindly, without interrupting or arguing. Encourage the speaker with the phrases: "I understand you", "This is familiar to me."
  • Put yourself in the shoes of others... This exercise must be done daily. It is important to put yourself in the shoes of the person you want to argue with.
  1. Schizoid type.
  • Learn to copy the facial expressions of another person and define his emotion. You will need the help of someone close to you for this exercise.
  • "Calm benevolence" will be the best communication style with others. Such an even attitude towards the interlocutor must be practiced daily in communicating with loved ones. Avoid being overly friendly or hostile.
  • « Choleric game". Try to speak louder, faster, more impulsively. Express your opinion during the conversation. Do it kindly with a smile on your face.
  1. Cycloid type of.

  • Keep a diary... It is necessary for planning and describing your emotions and experiences. During periods of recession, it is useful to re-read how the same people and events were perceived during periods of emotional upsurge. It helps to realize that difficulties are temporary.
  • Ask yourself a question, "What can I change in myself so that my negative qualities do not interfere with me and others?"
  1. Paranoid type.
  • Check your motives do not trust other people at first impressions.
  • "An hour without comment." For a while, completely abandon criticism and moralizing.
  • Attend training in communication behavior. Read relevant literature and apply knowledge in life.
  • Learn the practices that force you to be "here and now"- meditation, yoga, zen.
  • "Compliment". Get into the habit of saying good things to your loved ones every day.
  1. Unstable type.
  • "I can + want." This exercise will help you deal with laziness and force yourself to do the necessary things. If you don't want to do something, you need to ask yourself the question: “Can I do this? Can I do it? " The second question is: "Do I want to?" And you can want long-term consequences - I want a salary, so I get a job; I want a slender healthy body, so I go to the gym.
  • Increased motivation. Think about what you really want. Write down your goal. Break the path to it into stages and act. A strong desire (car, vacation) will force you to move forward.
  1. Labile type of.
  • Rational approach to problem solving. In any unpleasant situation, answer the questions: why did this happen? (what is the reason) what can be done now? (where to start) how to fix the situation? (long-term plans) what can be done to prevent this from happening again?
  • "Mood Diary". Keep a diary in which you write when and for what reason the mood change occurred.
  • Separate the sensible and the emotional in yourself. It is important to accept and love both of these sides in yourself. Treat your “emotional” self with condescension, but don't let your emotions rule your actions.
  • Auto-training, which will help balance the processes in the nervous system. This will make you less sensitive to situations that piss you off and help you control your emotions.
  1. Conformal type.
  • Develop critical thinking. Consider whether this statement could be a lie. What are the consequences if you do what you are offered.
  • Suggest. Try not to immediately agree with what is being offered. State a counter offer. When they tell you, let's go to the cinema - offer to go to a cafe.
  • Try something new. Try new dishes, buy clothes in a new style for you, visit places you've never been to, communicate with people outside your circle.
  1. Astheno-neurotic type.
  • "Superman". Imagine that you have superpowers. Feel how your inner state is changing. The purpose of the exercise is to look, move, talk, feeling your significance and exclusivity. The goal is to keep the image as long as possible.
  • Meeting new people... Make it a goal to meet a new person and have a short conversation with them.
  • Add humor... Don't silently swallow ridicule. Learn to respond to them with humor, self-irony is acceptable. To develop your sense of humor, read more humorous literature and watch comedy shows.
  1. Psychasthenic type.
  • Imagine that what you fear has happened... Coolly think over your plan of action in this situation.
  • Depart from the established order. Do not follow your usual rituals (walk on the left side of the street, do not step on cracks) to make sure that nothing terrible will happen;
  • "Exercise for the face". In people with psychasthenic accentuation, the muscles of the forehead and the muscles that lower the corners of the mouth are constantly tense. It is necessary to make grimaces depicting positive emotions (surprise, joy, delight).
  1. Hyperthymic type.
  • Get organized. Take 15 minutes every day to clean up your desk or closet. It helps to organize and organize thoughts.
  • See it through to the end. Make a promise to yourself to follow through, no matter what happens. Be sure to complete it, and then move on to other activities.
  • Diary... Planning will help organize tasks, prioritize and get things done on time. Be sure to include exact deadlines for each task. Challenge yourself and reward your successes.
  1. Sensitive type.
  • "Winner". Praise yourself for every success. Break big things into stages and do not forget to thank yourself for each successfully completed period.
  • "My dignity". It is necessary to make a poster on which to list all the advantages that you value in yourself or that people pay attention to. It is advisable to put it in a conspicuous place.
  • Play the role of a joker. Learn funny stories and anecdotes to share with others. Gradually, it will cause less and less psychological discomfort when speaking in front of an audience.
The main principle of correction is that you need to do a little, but daily do something that you are not used to, which is opposed by an accentuated line. Such exercises allow you to smooth out roughness of character and make you a harmoniously developed personality.

Psychologist's help

Psychological correction of personality accentuations usually takes from 3 months to several years. It includes working with a psychologist and completing assignments on your own. Main directions:
  • Individual conversations- the psychologist points out the accentuated character traits and the most vulnerable spots of the personality. Explains how to use character strengths effectively. Teaches how to change the way you respond and behave in different social situations.
  • Group lessons. They select a group of people with similar accents or choose a topic that would be useful to everyone. The psychologist teaches productive models of behavior in various situations, the rules of communication with others, the intricacies of relationships with family members. The conversation is illustrated with examples from life, the lesson includes practical tasks for each type of accentuation.
  • Family therapy - conversation with family members. Aimed at establishing relationships with loved ones and improving the psychological atmosphere in the family. One of the main methods when working with teenagers.
  • Psychological trainings - active training that teaches the correct behavior patterns in various situations.
  • Psychodrama method- a group method of psychotherapy based on playing an exciting situation (invented or real events). Helps to develop the correct model of behavior and communication in people in various situations.
It is important to remember that character accentuation is not a pre-illness. This is the strengthening of certain character traits that make a person more vulnerable to certain influences, but these same traits provide increased resilience.

Labile psychopathy is characterized by very frequent mood swings. But unlike cycloid psychopathy, which is characterized by phasicity and relative stability of periods of low or high mood, reaching 2-3 weeks, with a labile type of psychopathy, outwardly completely unmotivated mood changes can occur several times during one day.

But what seems unreasonable to parents or teachers is very important for a labile teenager. Therefore, the second main difference between labile psychopaths and cycloid ones is that in labile psychopaths, mood swings are provoked by something painful for a teenager, and cycloids both an increased and a decreased mood appear as if by itself, regardless of external influences.

The adolescent psyche is generally very vulnerable. A teenager reacts much more painfully to any offensive remark, neglect, offensive nickname than an adult.

An adult has the opportunity to analyze the reason for such an attitude towards himself and to reassure himself that it is caused, for example, by envy, anger, ill will, the bad character of the offender, the fact that that squabbler or loves gossip and intrigue, and so on. And he can normally react to the insult, not paying attention to it or scandalizing with the offender, calling him back and getting satisfaction from it.

And a teenager still does not know how to analyze what caused a bad attitude or insult, does not know how to behave correctly in such a situation. He cannot reasonably react to an event that hurts his pride, since all his emotional reactions are still infantile (that is, they look like children), immature, and the neglect of those around him hurts him very much. The reaction can be resentment, tears, or withdrawal.

External bravado of adolescents, demonstrating to their peers and adults that they do not care about anything - this is just a mask. In fact, they are very concerned about what others think of them and watch with keen attention what impression their behavior has on their peers and adults. They can be very emotionally sensitive and observant, subtly noticing all the nuances in changing attitudes towards them.

Emotionally labile adolescents are especially sensitive to the change in the attitude of those around them. Therefore, what seems to adults to be a trifle that does not deserve to be offended is an important event for a labile teenager that can ruin his mood for a long time.

Clinical example.

I was approached by the mother of a 15-year-old teenager, who said that her son, like a "red girl", is never in an even mood, that he is depressed, depressed and almost crying, then he is happily excited and so on ten times a day from - for any trifle. For example, he has a new hairstyle that suits him very much, he likes it himself, and his mother praised him, he smiles and is satisfied. In a good mood, he goes to school, and a classmate called him a "mod" - and the mood immediately deteriorates. He is approached by the cutest girl in the class with a request to write off difficult homework - and he is on top of bliss. But in the lesson, the teacher made him some trifling remark, and the mood again falls. After school, the girl invites him to go to her to watch a new video, and he is happy again. And so on, ad infinitum.

The next day, the reason for the spoiled mood may be that he saw his chosen one talking to some boy - and he is again in sadness. But when she sees him, she leaves her interlocutor and goes to him - and everything bad is immediately forgotten, and so many times during the day.

The slightest remark, sidelong glance, giggles of classmates after - are reasons for spoiled mood and despondency. And encouragement, praise, a compliment, a tempting promise are reasons for a joyful state.

Such adolescents (both girls and boys) have a heightened sensitivity to everything that concerns them.

For parents and teachers, such frequent and sudden mood swings in a teenager seem unreasonable, since the stimuli, in their opinion, are insignificant. An emotionally labile teenager may be considered moody, spoiled, or frivolous.

But actually it is not. Labile personalities are capable of deep feelings and experiences and sincere affection. But they usually have such feelings in relation to those people from whom they themselves see return, participation and love. They are especially attached to family and friends, if they love them, care and understand their increased sensitivity. They are grateful when their parents comfort and reassure them, explaining that the reason for their bad mood is not worth it to get upset so much, and try to divert the teen's attention to something that can cheer him up.

Labile teenagers are also capable of sincere friendship. But in friendship, they avoid rude, tactless peers, and prefer to communicate with those in whom they find a response to their experiences, who are able to console and calm them down or make them laugh. They are attached to such friends with all their hearts.

This hypersensitivity to external influences persists even when the teenager grows up. In adults, a change in mood can be associated with their personal experiences, and with events that are not directly related to them (this can also be in adolescence). The words of a complete stranger who means nothing in their life can ruin the mood, and an accidental compliment can immediately bring a smile and elation.

Some labile psychopaths become annoying and burdensome for other people, as they constantly complain about their deep feelings of minor troubles and grievances.

Emotional reactions can be very expressive, in the form of emotional outbursts, but without aggressiveness. But labile psychopaths are incapable of long-term experiences and are quickly depleted.

Constant mood swings affect both the performance and the whole life of labile psychopaths. They easily get carried away, showing enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the subject of their hobby, but they are easily disappointed when despondency replaces the joyful mood.

They are incapable of critical self-esteem and cannot control their emotions in any way. Persuasions and convictions of others that you should not react so painfully to all sorts of trifles can calm them down for a while, and they will perk up again, but with new trouble

they again become discouraged, begin to complain to everyone and “cry into their vest” at their sorrows.

But if in a teenager such violent experiences over trifles can cause sympathy and empathy for adults, and their loving parents try to protect them from grief and calm down, then similar behavior in an adult can cause bewilderment and rejection among others. They are advised to pull themselves together, to look at the inevitable troubles in the life of every person more realistically.

Adult labile psychopaths often annoy others with their constant whining and complaints. Many believe that they themselves have much more reasons for worrying, but they do not burden other people with their problems, and the behavior of labile psychopaths is regarded as spoiled from childhood.

In some labile psychopaths, extreme mood instability can be combined with hysterical features. This variant of psychopathy is called labile-hysterical.

Most often this is observed in those people who are adored and protected from everything by their parents. Parental indulgence creates in the teenager confidence in permissiveness, and this is fixed for life.

Labile-hysterical psychopaths are extremely egocentric, demanding constant attention and special attitude from others, considering themselves to be individuals refined, subtle and vulnerable. Such labile-hysterical psychopaths believe that everyone around them should protect them from unnecessary worries, create a special favorable atmosphere for them, protect every minute of their good mood and in no case upset. It is clear that such claims to other people, and even more so in a professional team, are not only unfounded, but also absurd.

And with the labile-sensitive variant in childhood, there are unfavorable conditions for upbringing, when the parents neglect the child, constantly reproach him and punish him.

Sometimes this attitude of parents is caused by their irritation to the child's constant mood swings, and then they set him up as an example of other children who do not have such disorders, and after making sure of the failure of the "educational" measures to achieve the normal response of the labile child, all their attention and love switch other children in the family.

A rejected child, already vulnerable and emotionally unstable, not finding support in his parents, feels abandoned and unhappy by everyone. Even as an adult, such a labilely sensitive psychopath considers his life to be hopeless, full of resentment and injustice, and often cries not only from resentment, but with only one recollection of past grievances.

Decompensation in labile psychopathy is a fairly common occurrence. It can occur at any age, and the cause may be very minor.

Clinical example.

Larisa S. 39 years old. Single. Higher education. Technical editor at the publishing house.

She is sensitive by nature, very vulnerable. She takes everything to heart, her mood constantly fluctuates - she cries over a trifle, but if someone said a word of approval to her, she immediately smiles. Larisa is diligent, neat, but can only work if she is constantly encouraged and praised. But as soon as the leader makes her a remark that she has been busy with the task for too long or has done something wrong, Larisa is in tears. Male colleagues treated her derisively and condescendingly, while female colleagues disliked her. Once one elderly employee told her: “You haven't seen the real grief, so you are crying over trifles. I would have married, then I learned that your today's grievances are flowers. "

Although initially she was hired as editor, later the editor-in-chief realized that she was of little use, since her productivity is low due to the fact that Larisa sometimes becomes discouraged, cries and everyone should console her, then laughs and rejoices at trifle, enthusiastically talks about a pleasant event for her, and spends more time in conversations than at work. Over time, she was transferred to the position of technical editor and entrusted with the simplest work that does not require urgency.

At 39, she remained romantic, enthusiastic, loved novels "about love" and tearful melodramas, shed tears over television series, sincerely believed in romantic sublime love and hoped to meet her "Prince Charming."

She was pretty pretty, and at first some men tried to court her. She was embarrassed, acrimonious, but no one achieved intimacy with her. She was nicknamed "the old maid" and no one harassed her anymore.

Once, at an editorial men's party, one of the smashed journalists, a local Don Juan, known for his love affairs, after a hefty libation, began to brag that he would "crack this nut". They argued with another journalist for a box of cognac, and the next day the womanizer began to work on Larissa.

It was enough for exactly two weeks, after which he gave up, bought a lost box of cognac, and together with their friends they had a grand revelry.

He said that he saw off Larisa after work every evening. They walked late, recited poetry to each other. Telling his friends about this, he cursed and swore obscenely, since he last read poetry in the 10th grade, but he really wanted to win an argument and charm Larisa, so he had to learn Pushkin's “I remember a wonderful moment”. He recited poems to Larisa with feeling, standing in front of her on one knee and holding out a rose to her, and she almost shed tears and sincerely believed that he had such lofty feelings for her. They talked about flowers and nature, about a beautiful sunset and the moon, but as soon as he tried to put his hand on Larisa's shoulder, she shied away from him, as if he had done something indecent. He apologized for his "insolence" and continued the "siege." He told her about his love and romantic feelings, supposedly he was secretly in love with her from the first day, as soon as he saw, but did not dare to confess.

In the mornings Larissa, blushing, handed him letters that she wrote at night, which also contained romantic outpourings, caught his eye, all flushed as soon as he entered the room. But if he was on the road, she was sad and looked out the window, hoping to see him.

Two weeks later, seeing Larisa home, her “admirer” plaintively said that he was “dying of love” and deserved at least one kiss by “exemplary behavior”. She turned her cheek to him, and as soon as he lightly touched her cheeks with his lips and tried to hug her, Larisa immediately pulled away and shook her finger at him, saying that he was a "bad boy." Hearing this from the lips of a 39-year-old woman, he barely contained the curses, turned and left.

He told his friends that he was already “sick” of her “whispering about flowers”, he was tired of admiring the beauties of nature, and thanks to Larisa, he risks becoming impotent and misogynist.

But the matter did not end there. Larissa looked at him with loving eyes, every morning she put another letter on his table with enthusiastic declarations of love. Her hapless "seducer" almost growled with rage and became a common laughing stock. He tried to appear in the editorial office less often, sent someone for materials so as not to come himself. Larissa's letters were piled up on his desk.

In the end, he moved on to work in a different editorial office. Larisa became sad, haggard, lost weight, did not sleep at night, cried, and therefore sought advice.

One of the classifications belongs to the well-known Russian psychiatrist A.E. Lichko. This classification is based on observations of adolescents. Later character classifications were based mainly on descriptions of these accentuations.

Accentuation of character, according to Lichko, is an excessive strengthening of certain character traits, in which there are deviations in psychology and human behavior that do not go beyond the normal range, bordering on pathology. Such accentuations as temporary states of the psyche are most often observed in adolescence and early adolescence. The author of the classification explains this fact as follows: “Under the action of psychogenic factors addressing the“ place of least resistance ”, temporary disorders of adaptation, deviations in behavior may occur” [Nemov R.S. Psychology, M: 1998. - S. - 409]

Hypertensive type of... From childhood, adolescents belonging to the hyperthymic type are distinguished by great noisiness, sociability, excessive independence, even courage, and a tendency to mischief. They have no shyness or shyness in front of strangers, but lack a sense of distance in relation to adults. In games they like to command their peers. Educators complain about their restlessness. At school, despite good abilities, a lively mind, the ability to grasp everything on the fly, they study unevenly due to restlessness, distraction, and indiscipline. In adolescence, the main feature is almost always a good, even somewhat elated mood. It is combined with good health, often blooming appearance, high vitality, activity and splashing energy, always excellent appetite and strong refreshing sleep. Only occasionally is a sunny mood darkened by outbursts of irritation and anger caused by the opposition of others, their desire to suppress too violent energy, to subordinate to their will. The reaction of emancipation strongly affects behavior: such adolescents show independence and independence early. With adults - parents and teachers - they often have conflicts. They react extremely violently to everyday care, instructions and moralizing; do not tolerate strict discipline and a strictly regulated regime. But in unusual situations they do not get lost, they show resourcefulness, they know how to dodge and dodge. Representatives of this type are frivolous about rules and laws, they can imperceptibly overlook the line between what is allowed and what is forbidden.

They are always drawn to the company, they are burdened and do not tolerate loneliness, among their peers they strive for leadership, while not for the formal, but for the actual role of the leader and ringleader. With sociability in the choice of dating, they are promiscuous and can easily end up in dubious company. They love risk and adventure.

A good sense of the new is characteristic. New people, places, objects are vividly attracted. Easily inspired, such adolescents often do not finish what they have begun, they constantly change their “hobbies”; do poorly with work that requires great perseverance, thoroughness, painstaking work; they do not differ in accuracy either in fulfilling promises or in money matters, they easily get into debt, they like to show off, boast; tend to see their future in rainbow colors. Failures can cause violent reactions, but they are unable to unsettle for a long time. They are quick-witted, quickly reconcile and even make friends with those with whom they previously quarreled.

The sexual feeling often awakens early and is strong. Therefore, early sexual life is possible. However, adolescent sexual deviance is fleeting, the tendency to fixation is not found here.

Their abilities and capabilities are usually overestimated. Although hyperthymic adolescents are well aware of most of their character traits and do not hide them, they usually try to present themselves as more conformable than they really are.

The hyperthymic type occurs, as a rule, in the form of an explicit accentuation. Against its background, acute affective reactions and situationally conditioned pathological behavioral disorders (early alcoholism, toxicomaniac behavior, emancipation shoots, etc.) can occur. Hyperthymic accentuation can also be the basis for psychopathic development in hyperthymic-unstable and hyperthymic-hysteroid types. Under the influence of repeated craniocerebral trauma, a hyperthymic-explosive type of psychopathy can form. The hypertensive type of accentuation occurs as a frequent premorbid background in manic-depressive and schizoaffective psychosis.

Cycloid type. V childhood do not differ from their peers or give the impression of hyperthymes. With the onset of puberty, the first subdepressive phase may occur. In the future, these phases alternate with phases of recovery and periods of even mood. The duration of the phases changes - first days, then 1-2 weeks, with age they can lengthen or, conversely, smoothened out.

In the subdepressive phase, lethargy, loss of strength are noted, everything falls out of hand. What used to be easy and simple, now requires a lot of effort. Learning becomes more difficult. The society of the people around them begins to weigh on, companies are avoided, adventure and risk lose their attractiveness. Teenagers these days are becoming lethargic couch potatoes. Minor troubles and failures, which are not uncommon during this period due to a drop in working capacity, are difficult to experience. Although they often respond to comments and reproaches with irritation, rudeness, but deep down they fall into even greater despondency. They complain more about boredom. However, if these days there are serious complaints or big failures, especially if they humiliate self-esteem, thoughts of their own lack of will, inferiority, worthlessness can easily arise and acute affective reactions with suicidal attempts can be provoked.

Appetite decreases. Even favorite foods do not give the same pleasure. Teens usually don't have insomnia. Sometimes they complain that it has become difficult to fall asleep and almost always of lethargy and weakness in the morning.

During the period of recovery, cycloid adolescents look like hyperthymes. The usually risky jokes on elders and the desire to make jokes everywhere and everywhere are striking.

Self-esteem is formed gradually, with the accumulation of experience of "good" and "bad" periods. With a lack of such experience, it can be very inaccurate.

Labile cycloids represent a form of accentuation, intermediate between typical cycloids and labile adolescents. The phases here are very short - one or two days. On "bad" days, a bad mood is usually not combined with a loss of energy or poor health. Within one period, short mood swings are possible, caused by relevant events or news. But unlike the labile type of accentuation described below, there is no excessive emotional reactivity, a constant readiness of mood to change abruptly from minor reasons.

Cycloid psychopathy does not exist. With pronounced cycloidy, cyclothymia occurs, which can be rightfully considered as a mild form of manic-depressive psychosis. Cycloid accentuation itself can be the background for the development of both this and schizoaffective psychoses.

Labile type. V childhood do not differ from their peers or show a tendency to neurotic reactions. The main feature in adolescence is the extreme lability of the mood, which changes too often and excessively abruptly from insignificant and even invisible to others. An unflattering word spoken by someone, the unfriendly look of a casual interlocutor can suddenly plunge into a gloomy mood without any serious troubles and failures. And vice versa, an interesting conversation, a fleeting compliment, from someone heard tempting, but unrealistic prospects can instill gaiety and cheerfulness and even distract from real troubles, until they remind of themselves with something. During frank and exciting conversations, you can see tears ready to come to your eyes, or a joyful smile.

Everything depends on the mood at the moment: well-being, and sleep, and appetite, and efficiency, and sociability. According to the mood, the future is either colored with rainbow colors, now it seems dull and hopeless, and the past appears now as a chain of pleasant memories, now entirely consisting of failures and injustices. Everyday environment seems sweet and interesting, sometimes ugly and boring.

Such adolescents are distinguished by deep feelings, sincere affection for those from whom they see love, care and attention. Attachments persist despite the ease and frequency of fleeting quarrels. Losses are hard to bear. Loyal friendship is no less characteristic. They prefer to be friends with someone who, in moments of sadness and dissatisfaction, is able to console, distract, and when attacked, protect, and in moments of recovery, share joy and fun, satisfy the need for empathy. They love companies, a change of scenery, but unlike hyper-timid adolescents, they are not looking for a field of activity in them, but only new impressions. Sensitivity to all kinds of signs of attention, gratitude, praise and encouragement, which bring sincere joy, is not combined with either arrogance or self-conceit.

The urge to group with peers depends entirely on mood. In good moments they look for companies, in bad moments they avoid communication. In a group of peers, they do not pretend to be a leader, willingly content with the position of a pet and a darling, patronized and protected by others. Hobbies are limited to the informative and communicative type, sometimes to amateur performances, and even some pets (your own dog is especially attractive, which serves as a lightning rod for emotions in case of mood swings).

A peculiar selective intuition allows such adolescents to immediately feel how others are treating them, at the first contact, determining who is disposed towards them, who is indifferent, and in whom there is at least a drop of ill will or hostility. The reciprocal attitude arises immediately and without attempts to hide it.

Self-esteem is distinguished by sincerity and the ability to correctly note the traits of your character.

The “weak link” of this type is rejection by emotionally significant persons, the loss of loved ones, separation from them.

Accentuation, according to the labile type, is often combined with harmonious psychophysical infantilism, as well as with autonomic lability and a tendency to allergic diseases. This type of accentuation is the basis for acute affective reactions, neuroses, especially neurasthenia, reactive depression and psychopathic development.

Asthenoneurotic type. From childhood, signs of neuropathy are often revealed: poor sleep and appetite, moodiness, fearfulness, tearfulness, sometimes night fears, nocturnal enuresis, stuttering, etc. In other cases, childhood goes well, and the first signs of asthenoneurotic accentuation appear only in adolescence.

The main features are fatigue, irritability, suspiciousness and moodiness. Fatigue is especially evident during mental activities or during physical and emotional stress, for example, in a competition environment. Irritability leads to sudden outbursts of affective, often occurring for an insignificant reason. Irritation, often poured out on those who accidentally fell under the arm, is easily replaced by remorse and tears. Such adolescents listen carefully to the slightest bodily sensations, are willingly treated, go to bed, and undergo medical examinations.

Adolescent behavioral disorders such as alcoholism are not typical of this type. People are drawn to their peers, looking for company, but they quickly get tired of it and prefer loneliness or communication with a close friend. Self-esteem usually primarily reflects concern for health.

This type of accentuation is the basis for the development of neurasthenia, acute affective reactions, reactive degressions, and hypochondriacal development. Breakdowns often occur when a teenager realizes that hopes and desires are unrealistic. Severe illnesses in relatives and friends increase hypochondriasis.

Sensitive type. Since childhood, they are shy and fearful. They are often afraid of the dark, avoid animals, are afraid to be left alone, to be locked at home. Shunned by lively and noisy peers. They do not like outdoor games and mischief. Shy and shy among strangers and in unusual surroundings. They are not inclined to easy communication with strangers. All this can leave a false impression of isolation and isolation from the environment. In fact, such children are quite sociable with those they are used to. They often like to play with kids, feeling more confident and calm with them. They are attached to relatives and friends, even with cold and harsh treatment. They are distinguished by obedience. They are known as “house children”. School scares them with noise, fuss and fights at recess. They usually study diligently. They are afraid of all kinds of tests, checks, examinations. They are often embarrassed to answer at the blackboard. They are afraid of being branded as an upstart. Accustomed to the new class and even suffering from persecution from some classmates; extremely reluctant to move to another.

The onset of puberty usually goes away without major complications. Difficulties begin in older adolescence, from the moment they enter an independent life. Then there are two main features of this type: excessive impressionability and a sense of their own inferiority. They see many shortcomings in themselves, especially in the field of moral, ethical and volitional qualities. Childlike affection remains for relatives. They willingly submit to the care of loved ones. Reproaches and punishments from their side cause tears and despair. A sense of duty, responsibility, excessive moral requirements for oneself and others are formed early.

The reaction of hypercompensation is pronounced. They look for self-affirmation not where their abilities can be revealed, but precisely in the area where they feel their weakness. The timid and shy ones put on the guise of gaiety, swagger, even arrogance, but in an unexpected situation they quickly give up. With a confidential contact behind a sleeping mask “nothing at all” opens up a life full of self-flagellation, subtle sensitivity and unreasonably high demands on oneself. Unexpected sympathy can replace bravado with tears.

They are not fenced off from their peers, they strive for them, but they are picky in choosing friends, and in friendship they are affectionate. They prefer a close friend to a noisy company. The hobbies of sensitive adolescents are of two kinds. Some are of an intellectual and aesthetic nature (art, music, painting, house flowers, songbirds, etc.), and the very process of these activities gives pleasure; they do not at all strive for particularly high results, they even assess their real successes very modestly. Another type of infatuation is due to the hypercompensation reaction. The achieved result and recognition from the outside are important here. Boys try to overcome "weakness" by engaging in strength sports (wrestling, athletic gymnastics, etc.), and they try to overcome shyness and shyness, rushing to public posts, where they usually carefully perform the formal part of the assigned function, leaving the actual leadership to others.

Due to overcompensation, declarations of love can be so drastic and unexpected that they frighten and repulse. Rejected love affirms its inferiority in thought. Suicidal intentions may occur.

Sensitive youths usually do not smoke. In alcoholic intoxication, instead of euphoria, one can often observe depressive experiences.

Self-esteem is characterized by a high level of objectivity. They do not like to lie and pretend and do not know how. Refusal to answer is preferred to falsehood.

A blow to the "weak link" is usually a situation where a teenager becomes the object of hostile attention from others, ridicule or suspicion of improper behavior, when a shadow falls on the reputation, or when the teenager is exposed to unfair accusations.

Sensitive accentuation serves as the basis for acute affective reactions of the intrapunitive type, phobic neurosis, reactive depression, endoreactive psychosis. Sensitive accentuation appears to be associated with a higher risk of progressive schizophrenia.

Psychasthenic type. V In childhood, along with some shyness and fearfulness, motor awkwardness, a tendency toward reasoning and “intellectual” interests that are not age-related are early manifested. Sometimes already in childhood, phobias begin, that is, fear of strangers and new objects, darkness, fear of being behind a locked door.

The critical period when psychasthenic traits begin to unfold in their entirety is usually the first grades of school, when a serene childhood is replaced by the first requirements for a sense of responsibility. The need to take responsibility for oneself and especially for others is one of the most sensitive blows for the psychasthenic nature.

In puberty, there are usually no sharp exacerbations of psychasthenia. Decompensation can occur at times of high demands on a sense of responsibility (for example, during exams).

The main features of the psychasthenic type are indecision, a tendency to all kinds of reasoning, anxious suspiciousness in the form of fears for the future - one's own and those of one's loved ones, love for introspection, self-examination and the ease of the emergence of obsessive fears, fears, actions, rituals, ideas, thoughts. Fears are addressed to the possible, even the unlikely, in the future: lest something terrible and irreparable happen to themselves or to those closest to whom they show extremely strong affection. Adversity that has already happened frighten them much less. Boys are especially prone to anxiety for their mother: no matter how she gets sick and dies, gets hit by transport, etc. If the mother is late, lingering somewhere without warning, such a teenager does not find a place for herself.

Invented omens and rituals become protection from constant anxiety for the future. For example, leaving the house, cross the threshold with only your left foot, wear the same “happy” shirt for tests and exams, and so on. Another defense is specially developed pedantry and formalism, which feed on the idea that if everything is foreseen in advance and does not deviate from the planned plan, then nothing bad will happen.

Indecision manifests itself especially in long and painful hesitation when it is necessary to make an independent choice. However, the decision already made must be immediately implemented, and suddenly a startling impatience is revealed. In psychasthenic adolescents, one has to see a reaction of overcompensation in relation to their indecision and insecurity. It manifests itself in unexpected self-confident and categorical statements, exaggerated determination and hasty actions at the moments when prudence and caution are just required. Failures that befell at the same time further increase indecision and doubt.

Physical development usually leaves a lot to be desired. All manual skills and sports are poorly given. The only exceptions are those sports in which the load falls on the legs (running, jumping, skiing, cycling). Better results are sometimes achieved with these types.

The adolescent reaction of emancipation is poorly expressed and is often replaced by pathological attachment to someone close to him. The craving for peers is manifested in timid forms. Hobbies are usually limited to intellectual and aesthetic hobbies. Sexual development is often ahead of overall physical development. Adolescent behavioral disorders (delinquency, running away from home, alcoholism) are not inherent in psychosthenics.

Self-esteem, despite the tendency to introspection, is not always correct and complete. There is often a tendency to find traits of various types in oneself, including those that are completely uncharacteristic, for example, hysterical.

Psychasthenic accentuation serves as a fertile ground for the development of obsessive neurosis. Education under conditions of “heightened moral responsibility,” when adults shift the care and supervision of babies or helpless family members onto children's shoulders, sharply enhances psychosthenic traits. “Increased responsibility” may be associated with too much hope of parents for the outstanding success of the child and adolescent in school, music lessons, etc. A teenager prone to psychasthenia is sensitive to these high parental expectations and is afraid not to justify them, so as not to lose all the fullness of parental love. Upbringing according to the type of dominant hyperprotection, combined with constant and excessive calls for a sense of responsibility, prudence, with intimidation of possible troubles and adversities can also lead to psychopathic development of the psychosthenic type.

Schizoid type. WITH the first years, such children like to play alone. They are not very attracted to their peers, avoid fuss and noisy amusements, prefer the company of adults, silently listening to their conversations among themselves for a long time. To this can be added some kind of childish restraint and even coldness.

In adolescence, all the features of the schizoid type are extremely sharpened. First of all, isolation and isolation are striking. Sometimes spiritual loneliness is a little burdensome for a teenager who lives by his own, unusual for others, interests and hobbies. More often than not, the inability to establish contacts is difficult to experience. Unsuccessful attempts to find a friend to their liking, mimosa-like sensitivity in moments of such searches, rapid exhaustion in contact (“I don’t know what else to talk about”) induce an even greater withdrawal into oneself.

Closure is combined with a lack of intuition - the inability to guess what others have not said aloud, to guess their desires, to feel other people's experiences, hostile attitude towards oneself or, conversely, sympathy and disposition, to grasp the moment when one should not impose one's presence. Adjacent to the lack of intuition is a lack of empathy - the inability to respond to the joy or sadness of another, to understand the offense, to respond to someone else's anxiety and excitement. Weakness of intuition and empathy creates an impression of coldness and callousness. Some actions may seem cruel, but they are associated with an inability to feel the suffering of others, and not with the desire to receive sadistic pleasure.

The inner world is almost always closed to outsiders and is often filled with fantasies and hobbies. Schizoid adolescents can open up unexpectedly and usually in front of a person unfamiliar, and even random, but something appealing to their whimsical choice. At the same time, their inner experiences may forever remain hidden from loved ones or from those whom they have known for many years.

The inaccessibility of the inner world and restraint in the manifestation of feelings make many actions unexpected and incomprehensible to others, for the entire course of previous experiences and motives remains hidden. Eccentricities are unexpected, but do not serve the egocentric purpose of attracting attention to yourself.

The adolescent emancipation response usually manifests itself in a very peculiar way. A schizoid teenager can tolerate petty care in everyday life and not even notice it, obey the established routine and regime, but is ready to react with a violent protest to the slightest attempt to invade the world of his interests, hobbies and fantasies without permission. However, the reaction of emancipation can easily turn into social nonconformity - indignation at the existing rules and regulations, mockery of common ideals, interests and spiritual values, spiteful criticism of the “lack of freedom”. Such judgments can be secretly nurtured for a long time and unexpectedly for everyone to be realized in decisive actions or public speeches. Straightforward criticism of others in such cases is carried out without considering its consequences for oneself.

The reaction of grouping with peers is outwardly weak. Closure makes it difficult to contact, and obstinacy to the general influence does not allow you to completely merge with the group. Sometimes schizoid adolescents are ridiculed and harassed by their peers, sometimes, thanks to cold restraint and an unexpected ability to stand up for themselves, they inspire respect and force them to keep their distance. But peer success can be the subject of the schizoid adolescent's innermost fantasies.

Hobbies are often distinguished by their unusualness, strength and constancy. Intellectual and aesthetic hobbies are more common. Hobbies often hide from others, fearing misunderstanding and ridicule. Share them if they find interest, but never flaunt them. In sports, individual activities are preferred, but not collective games. The place of hobbies can be occupied by lonely long walks. Some schizoids are good at fine manual skills: playing musical instruments, all kinds of crafts.

Sexual activity usually goes unnoticed by others. However, external “asexuality”, contempt for sex life can be combined with stubborn masturbation and vivid erotic fantasies. Painfully sensitive in companies, incapable of flirting and courtship, unable to achieve sexual intimacy in a situation where it is possible, schizoid adolescents can suddenly for others show sexual activity in the most rude and even perverted forms: to enter into contact with random counterparts, masturbate under other people's windows, exhibition in front of babies, watch for hours to spy on someone's naked genitals, etc. Such sexual activity and sexual fantasies are deeply hidden. Even when such actions are detected, they try not to reveal motives and experiences.

Alcohol addiction is rare. Intoxication is usually not accompanied by euphoria. The persuasion and drinking atmosphere of companies is easily resisted. For some, however, small doses of spirits make it easier to establish contacts and eliminate the feeling of unnaturalness during communication. Then alcohol can be regularly used as a kind of “communicative doping.” Unusual psychic addiction may occur, different from the known psychic addiction in alcoholics. In these cases, alcohol doping by a teenager becomes a necessary ritual before forced active communication. For the same purpose, it can easily be started drug use The danger of substance abuse behavior in schizoids is greater than alcoholism.

Delinquent behavior is rare. Group offenses are not common. However, crimes can be committed “in the name of the group” for the group to “recognize”. Sexual offenses are also committed alone.

Schizoid self-esteem is selective. They are well aware of their isolation, difficulties in contacts, misunderstanding of others. Contradictions in their behavior are not noticed or are not given importance. They like to emphasize their independence and independence.

Somatic signs usually attributed to schizoids (thinness, flabby muscles, stooped shoulders) against the background of acceleration can be distorted by endocrine shifts, causing, for example, excessive obesity.

Strikes at the "weak link" of schizoid accentuation is a situation in which it is necessary to quickly and easily enter into informal contacts (formal contacts, in contrast to sensitive adolescents, are relatively easy with schizoid accentuation). Also intolerable is a gross, violent intrusion into the intimate world of fantasies and hobbies. Other mental trauma is sometimes surprisingly tolerated. In general, schizoid accentuation after adolescence usually does not prevent good social adaptation.

Schizoid accentuation is associated with an increased risk of sluggish schizophrenia. The increased risk of progressive schizophrenia is less pronounced. This type of accentuation in adolescence also predisposes to transient metaphysical intoxication.

Epileptoid type. Only in some cases do features of this type clearly show through in childhood. Such a child can cry for hours and cannot be comforted, distracted, or restrained. Along with this, sadistic tendencies may 1 emerge, children love to torture animals, tease younger ones, mock the helpless. There is also a childish frugality in relation to clothes, toys, everything “their own” and an extremely vicious reaction to those who are going to encroach on their property. The school reveals petty accuracy in the management of notebooks, the entire student economy.

In most cases, traits of this type only become apparent in adolescence. The main one is the tendency to periods of evil-melancholy mood with boiling irritation and the search for an object on which evil can be thwarted. Such states last for hours, less often for days, gradually starting and slowly weakening. Affective explosiveness is closely related to them. Flashes of excitement seem sudden only at the first impression. The affect boils for a long time and gradually. The reason for the explosion can be negligible, play the role of the last drop. Affects are not only strong, but also long-lasting, calmness does not come for a long time. In affect, unrestrained rage, cynical abuse, severe beatings, indifference to the helplessness of the object of the attack, etc., can be noted. failure to accommodate his superior strength. Less often, this rage turns into auto-aggression, sometimes causing serious damage to oneself.

The instinctive life is very intense. Strong sexual attraction, a tendency to sexual excesses can be combined with sadistic and masochistic inclinations. Love is almost always tinged with the dark colors of jealousy.

Alcohol intoxication is often difficult, with rage and fights. In a drunken state, actions can be committed, which then do not remain memories. Nevertheless, there is often a tendency to get drunk "before shutting down." Brutality affects everything; spirits are preferred to wine, strong cigarettes to cigarettes, etc. In intoxication, both aggressive and auto-aggressive affective reactions easily arise.

The emancipation reaction is often difficult. They demand from relatives not only “freedom” and independence, but also “rights”, a share of property, material wealth. They are prone to servility in front of superiors if they expect any advantages. The grouping reaction with peers is associated with a desire to rule. In the group, they want to establish procedures that are beneficial for themselves. They can adapt well in conditions of a strict disciplinary regime, where they know how to flatter their superiors, gain a certain power over other adolescents and skillfully use it for their own benefit. Power in the hands of an epileptoid adolescent can be a blow to his “weak link”. Intoxicated with power, he loses control over himself, so oppresses and suppresses those who fall under his dependence that a general rebellion is brewing against him, which deprives him of his former advantages and maladjusts him for a long time.

Among the hobbies should be noted the addiction to gambling. The passion for enrichment is very easy to awaken. Collecting attracts primarily by the material value of the collected. In sports, it seems tempting to develop physical strength. In the sphere of hobbies, there may be various crafts, especially those that require careful execution and promise material benefits. Music and singing are readily practiced in private, receiving special sensual pleasure from this.

Common features are also viscosity, stiffness, heaviness, inertia, which leaves an imprint on everything - from motor skills and emotionality to thinking and personal values. Petty scrupulousness, meticulous observance of all the rules, even to the detriment of the cause, pedantry that worries everyone - all this is considered by some authors as a way to compensate for their own inertia. Great attention to one's health, careful observance of one's own interests are combined with rancor, unwillingness to forgive insults, and anger at the slightest infringement of interests.

MS Pevzner (1941) drew attention to a special variant of epileptoidy in adolescents, who, in her opinion, were distinguished by “hypersociality” - love for work, accuracy, emphasized “correctness” in all behavior. V.V.Kovalev (1973) regarded precisely these qualities of character as compensatory. According to our observation, such “hypersociality” remains one-sided: adolescents are capable of “double life”: they are reputed to be exemplary in one situation and reveal extreme selfishness, malice, a tendency to aggression, moral and physical cruelty in another.

The external appearance of an epileptoid adolescent, described by G.E.Sukhareva (1959) - a squat, strong figure, a massive torso with short limbs, a round head slightly pressed into the shoulders, a large jaw, large genitals in boys - is common, but, of course, far from always.

Self-esteem is one-sided. There is a tendency towards periods of gloomy disposition (“finds me”), prudence, adherence to neatness and order, a dislike for empty dreams and a preference for living a real life, concern for health, even inclination. to jealousy. Otherwise, they imagine themselves to be much more conformal than they really are.

Latent accentuation of the epileptoid type is found either in a situation that strikes a "weak link", for example, in conflicts over infringement of interests, if possible, to show despotic power, or under the influence of alcohol intoxication, which, as indicated, is very difficult.

Epileptoid accentuation is the basis for acute affective reactions, situationally caused by behavioral disorders of the dolinquent and even criminal type, early alcoholism, and psychopathic development. Upbringing in a violent relationship is especially detrimental. Hypo-care can contribute to the layering of instability traits, conniving hyperprotection - hysterical.

Hysteroid type. The main feature is egocentrism, an insatiable thirst for constant attention of others to their person, the need to evoke admiration, surprise, reverence, sympathy. At worst, even indignation and hatred towards oneself are preferred, but not the prospect of remaining unnoticed. All other qualities are determined by this trait. Suggestibility, often attributed to hysterics, is distinguished by selectivity: nothing remains of it if the atmosphere of suggestion or the suggestion itself does not pour water on the mill of egocentrism. Deceit and fantasizing are entirely aimed at embellishing their personality in order to again attract attention to themselves. Apparent emotionality in fact turns into a lack of deep sincere feelings with great expressiveness, theatricality of emotions, with a tendency to drawing and posturing.

All these features are often outlined from childhood. Such a child cannot stand it when other children are praised with him, others are given attention. Toys quickly get bored with him and often serve only as a subject of bragging in front of other kids. An urgent need early becomes attracting eyes to oneself, listening to enthusiasm and praise. For this, children with hysterical features willingly recite poetry, dance, sing. Academic success is largely determined by whether they are set as examples to others.

In adolescence, behavioral disorders can be used for the same purpose to attract attention, especially from comrades. Delinquency is reduced to absenteeism, unwillingness to work and study, since the "gray life" does not satisfy them, and to occupy a prestigious position in their studies and work that would comfort their pride, they lack neither the ability nor, most importantly, perseverance. Nevertheless, idleness and indolence are combined with very high, in fact, unsatisfactory claims regarding the future profession. Are prone to provocative behavior in public places. More serious behavior disorders are usually avoided.

Escapes from home can begin in childhood. Having escaped, children or adolescents try to be where they will be looked for, or to attract the attention of the police (such demonstrative escapes are usually a consequence of the opposition's reaction). They tend to exaggerate their alcoholism: to boast of a huge amount of alcohol they have drunk or to show off an exquisite selection of alcoholic beverages. Sometimes these teenagers are ready to pose as drug addicts. Having heard about drugs, having tried once - any other available surrogate, they like to paint their narcotic excesses, unusual "high", the use of extravagant drugs, such as heroin or LSD. Detailed questioning reveals that the information picked up is quickly depleted.

If nothing else succeeds in attracting attention to oneself, then imaginary illnesses, lies and fantasies can be used. The latter are always meant for those around them. Inventing, they easily get used to the role, mislead gullible people.

Hysteroid accentuation is often combined with mental infantilism (harmonious psychophysical or mental with physical acceleration). As a result of infantilism in adolescence, the opposition's childish reaction to the loss or diminution of attention from loved ones, to the loss of the role of a family idol persists. The manifestations of this reaction can be the same as in childhood - going into illness, attempts to get rid of the one to whom attention is turned (for example, to force the mother to separate from the stepfather who has appeared). But more often the reaction of the opposition is manifested by adolescent behavioral disorders - drinking, acquaintance with drugs, absenteeism, theft, asocial companies of peers - all this is intended only to signal to relatives with the language of actions: "Return my previous attention and care, otherwise I will go astray" ...

The reaction of emancipation can have violent external manifestations - loud demands for freedom, conflicts, etc. In fact, they are not looking for real freedom and independence at all, they do not want to get rid of the attention and worries of loved ones at all.

The grouping reaction with peers is associated with claims of leadership or exclusive position in the group. Possessing neither sufficient sthenism, nor a fearless willingness to subjugate others, such adolescents achieve a leading position by other means. Possessing a good intuitive sense of the mood in the group, desires, aspirations, events still maturing in it, hysterical adolescents become their first spokesmen, instigators, and ignitors. In an impulse, inspired by the gazes turned to them, they can lead others, even show courage. But they always turn out to be leaders for an hour, since they give in to unexpected difficulties, they easily betray friends, deprived of admiring glances, they immediately lose all their enthusiasm. They also try to rise among their peers, “throwing dust in their eyes” with tales of their past “successes” and “adventures”. Comrades will soon recognize the inner emptiness behind the external effects. Therefore, hysterical adolescents are not inclined to stay in one group of peers for a long time and willingly rush to a new one, assuring that they are “disappointed in their former friends”.

Hobbies feed entirely on egocentrism. For this, amateur performances can also be chosen (especially those of its types that are popular among peers). But yoga gymnastics, fashionable philosophical trends, unusual collections and much more can serve the same purpose, if only it does not require too hard work and allows you to show off in front of others.

Sexual attraction is neither strong nor intense. There is also a lot of theatrical play in sexual behavior. Young men often hide their sexual experiences, avoid conversations on these topics, feeling that among their comrades in this area, they can easily find themselves not on top. Girls, on the contrary, are inclined to advertise their real and non-existent connections, are capable of slanderousness and self-incrimination, they can play the role of whores and prostitutes, enjoying a stunning impression on the interlocutor.

Self-esteem is very far from being objective. Usually they imagine themselves as the person who is most likely to attract attention at the moment.

The blows to egocentrism are the most sensitive for the hysterical nature. Failure to take a prominent position among peers, exposure of embellishing fictions with the prospect of being ridiculed and thrown from the pedestal, the collapse of hopes with a high level of claims, loss of attention from important persons - all this can lead to acute affective reactions of a demonstrative type, including suicidal demonstrations, and to hysterical neurosis, and to demonstrative behavioral disturbances. The combination of hysterical accentuation with conniving hyperprotection in upbringing (“family idol”) easily leads to psychopathic development.

Unstable type. From childhood they are distinguished by disobedience, restless, they climb everywhere and into everything, but at the same time they are cowardly, afraid of punishment, easily obey other children. Elementary rules of behavior are hard to learn. You have to follow them all the time. Some have symptoms of neuropathy (nocturnal enuresis, stuttering, etc.).

From the first grades of school there is no desire to learn. Reluctantly obey under strict control, but always look for an opportunity to shirk from classes. Complete lack of will is revealed when it comes to any work, performance of duties and duties, achievement of goals set by their elders.

An increased craving for pleasure, entertainment, idleness, idleness is revealed early. They run away from class to the movies or just take a walk down the street. Encouraged by more cynical comrades, they may run away from home for the sake of company. They willingly imitate and obey those whose behavior promises pleasure, fun and a change of light impressions. We are ready to spend all days in street companies. They start smoking as children. They easily go to petty thefts.

When they become adolescents, the old entertainments, like movies, are no longer amusing. They are looking for more acute and strong sensations - hooligan acts, alcoholism are used, an interest in drug addiction is shown. Behavioral disorders, delinquency are primarily due to the desire to have fun. Drinking starts early (sometimes from 12-14 years old) and always in the company of asocial friends. The search for unusual experiences easily leads to wrongdoing.

The emancipation reaction is closely linked with the same desire for pleasure and entertainment. They never cherish deep love for loved ones. Family troubles and worries are treated with indifference. For them, relatives are primarily a source of funds for entertainment. The grouping reaction manifests itself in an early gravitation towards antisocial street companies. Unable to occupy themselves, they do not tolerate loneliness and in these companies, first of all, they look for places for entertainment. Cowardice and lack of initiative lead to the fact that unstable adolescents easily become a tool for such groups. In group offenses, they have to drag chestnuts out of the fire, and the more stenic members of the group reap the benefits.

All hobbies that require some kind of work are incomprehensible to them. Only informative - a communicative type of hobby, and even gambling - is available. Hence, many hours of idle chatter with random friends, detective-adventure interests - all this feeds on a thirst for impressions, new easy information that does not require any intellectual processing. Dating is preferred as easy as the information received, they are needed only to exchange it. A cheerful company is always more important than a devoted friend. The information obtained is easily forgotten, they do not delve into their true meaning, no conclusions are drawn. They are disgusted with playing sports. Only a car and a motorcycle seem tempting as sources of almost hedonic pleasure at breakneck speed with the wheel in hand. But persistent pursuits are repulsive here too. Theft of cars and motorcycles is preferred for the purpose of riding. Amateur performances are not attractive, even fashionable ensembles soon become boring.

Sexual attraction is not strong, but being in street groups leads to early sexual experiences, including exposure to perversions. Sexual life becomes as much a source of entertainment as booze and hooliganism. Romantic falling in love passes by unstable teenagers, the feeling of falling in love remains unfamiliar to them.

Study is easily abandoned. No work is attractive. They work only out of extreme necessity. The indifference to their future is striking - they do not make plans, do not dream of any profession or any position for themselves. They live only in the present, wanting to extract the maximum pleasure from it. They try to escape from difficulties, troubles and trials. The first escapes from home and from boarding schools are associated with the threat of punishment. Repeated shoots are often caused by the craving for a "free life."

Weakness and cowardice make it possible to keep the unstable in a harsh and tightly regulated regime. When idleness threatens with punishment, and there is nowhere to escape, they reluctantly humble themselves and work. Self-esteem is usually biased: hyperthymic or conformal features are attributed to themselves. The main “weak link” of unstable accentuation is to remain without close supervision, to be left to oneself.

Latent accentuation of an unstable type is revealed when a teenager, up to a certain point under strict supervision, is suddenly deprived of constant control due to circumstances. He immediately falls into an asocial company, begins to become alcoholic and commits offenses.

When brought up by the type of hypoprotection, psychopathy develops from unstable accentuation.

Conformal type... The main feature is constant and excessive conformity to one's immediate habitual environment. Life is right-to think “like everyone else”, to act “like everyone else”, to try to make everything “like everyone else's” - from clothes and demeanor to worldview and judgments on burning issues. At the same time, “everyone” means the familiar environment. They try not to lag behind him in anything, but they also do not like to stand out, to run ahead. This is especially evident in attitudes towards clothing fashions. When a new fashion appears, there are no more detractors of it than representatives of the conformal type. But as soon as their environment assimilates a new fashion, they themselves put on these clothes, forgetting what they said earlier.

In life, they like to be guided by maxims and in difficult cases they seek consolation and justification in them (“you cannot turn back what is lost”, etc.). Striving to always correspond to the environment, they absolutely cannot resist it. Therefore, they turn out to be completely a product of their microenvironment. In a good environment, they become good people, executive workers. But, once in a bad environment, over time they learn all its customs and habits, manners and rules of behavior, no matter how contrary all this contradicts the previous mode of life and no matter how harmful it may be. Although adaptation to the new environment is slow and difficult at first, but when it has already been realized, the new environment becomes the same dictator of behavior as the previous one was. Therefore, conformal adolescents “for the company” are easily drunk and can be dragged into group offenses.

Conformity is combined with astonishing uncriticality. Everything that the familiar environment says, everything that the familiar channels of information bring, is the truth. And even if information that is clearly contradicting reality begins to flow through these channels, they are still taken at face value.

Conservatism goes hand in hand with conformity. They do not like new things, because they cannot quickly adapt to it. Difficult to master in a new environment. True, in our conditions they do not openly admit this, because in the overwhelming majority of our microcollections the feeling of the new is highly valued, innovators are encouraged, etc. But a positive attitude towards the new remains only in words. In reality, a stable environment and a once and for all established order are preferred. Dislike for the new breaks out through a causeless dislike for strangers. This also applies to just a newcomer who has appeared in “his” group, and especially a representative of a different environment, a different manner of behaving, and even of a different nationality.

Childhood baked by adults does not put undue stress on the conformal type and passes without disturbances. Therefore, it is only in adolescence that conformal features begin to emerge. Study with its clear regulation and stable regime does not present excessive difficulties.

Conformal adolescents value their place in their usual peer group, the stability of this group, and the constancy of their environment. Often, the decisive factor in choosing a profession or in choosing a place where to continue their studies is the fact that most of the comrades go to this or that educational institution. If the usual teenage group for some reason rejects a conformal teenager, then this is perceived as one of the most severe mental trauma. The emancipation reaction is vividly manifested only when parents and educators detach a conformable teenager from his usual peers, when they oppose his desire to be “like everyone else”, to adopt widespread teenage fashions, hobbies, manners, intentions. The hobbies of a conformal adolescent are entirely determined by his environment and the dictates of the times.

The weak point in the conformal character is the intolerance of abrupt changes. Breaking a life stereotype, deprivation of a familiar society can cause reactive states. There is no particular inclination to acute affective reactions. The bad influence of the environment most often pushes to alcoholism.

There is no conformal type of psychopathy. Hypoprotection, neglect, asocial environment can lead to psychopathic development in an unstable manner. Education in conditions of cruel relationships leads to epileptoidization. The self-esteem of conforming adolescents can be good. Most of them quite correctly mark the main traits of their character.

The conformal hyperthymic type is a variant of the conformal type. In addition to pronounced conformity, he is characterized by an increased vital self-esteem. Such adolescents are somewhat euphoric, emphasizing their health, vigor, good appetite and sleep. They are characterized by an overly optimistic assessment of their future, a conviction in the fulfillment of desires. But this also limits their similarity with the hyperthymic type. They show no activity, no liveliness, no enterprise, no initiative, no ability to lead. In all other respects, conformity prevails - such adolescents are subject to discipline and a regulated regime, especially if all this is respected by others.

Mixed types. These types account for almost half of the cases of explicit accentuations. Their features are not difficult to imagine based on the previous descriptions. The combinations encountered are not accidental. They obey certain patterns. Traits of some types are combined with each other quite often, while others almost never. There are two kinds of combinations.

Intermediate types are due to endogenous patterns, primarily genetic factors, and also, possibly, developmental features in early childhood. These include the already described labile-cycloid and conformal-hyperthymic types, as well as combinations of the labile type with astheno-neurotic and sensitive, astheno-neurotic with sensitive and psychasthenic. This can also include such intermediate types as schizoid-sensitive, schizoid-psychasthenic, schizoid-epileptoid, schizoid-hysteroid, hysteroid-epileptoid. By virtue of endogenous patterns, the transformation of the hyperthymic type into the cycloid type is possible.

Amalgam types are also mixed types, but of a different kind. They are formed as a result of the stratification of traits of one type on the endogenous nucleus of another due to improper upbringing or other chronically acting psychogenic factors. Here, too, not all are possible, but only some layering of one type on another. It should be noted that the hyperthymic-hysteroid types represent the attachment of unstable or hysteroid traits to the hyperthymic base. The labile-hysteroid type is usually a consequence of the layering of hysteroid on emotional lability, and the schizoid-unstable and epileptoid-unstable - instability on the schizoid or epileptoid basis. The latter combination is characterized by an increased crime risk. In the hysteroid-unstable type, instability is only a form of expression of hysterical traits. The conformally unstable type arises as a result of the upbringing of a conformal adolescent in an asocial environment. The development of conformity-based epileptoid traits is possible when an adolescent grows up in a violent relationship. There are practically no other combinations.

Accentuations are overly pronounced character traits related to the extreme version of the norm, bordering on psychopathy. With this feature, some traits of a person's character are sharpened, disproportionate in relation to the general makeup of the personality, leading to some kind of disharmony.

The term "personality accentuation" was introduced in 1968 by a German psychiatrist K. Leonhard, who described this phenomenon as overly expressed individual personality traits that tended to go into a pathological state under the influence of unfavorable factors. Later, this issue was considered by AE Lichko, who, on the basis of Leongrad's works, developed his own classification and introduced the term “character accentuation” into everyday life.

And although the accentuated character is by no means identified with mental illness, it is important to understand that it can contribute to the formation of psychopathologies (neuroses, psychoses, etc.). In practice, it is very difficult to find a line to separate “normal” from accentuated personalities. However, psychologists recommend identifying such people in teams, because accentuation almost always determines special abilities and psychological disposition for specific activities.


Character accentuations in terms of severity can be explicit and hidden. Explicit accentuation is an extreme version of the norm, when certain character traits are expressed throughout life. The manifestation of hidden accentuations is usually associated with some kind of traumatic circumstances, which, in principle, is a common variant of the norm. During a person's life, the forms of accentuations can change from one to another under the influence of various external and internal factors.

Lichko classification

The most common and understood classifications of character types include the aforementioned systems developed by Leonhard and Lichko. Lichko mostly studied character accentuations that can be observed in adolescence, and the following types are distinguished in his classification:

HypertensiveThis type is characterized as "overactive", with its characteristic increased vitality and mood. Individuals with such accentuations cannot tolerate any monotony and loneliness, thirst for communication, are prone to frequent changes in hobbies and activities, as a result of which they rarely finish what they started.
CycloidHyperthymia alternates with a subdepressive phase with characteristic cyclical mood changes
LabileEmotional lability is expressed in frequent and unreasonable mood swings. People with this character trait are extremely sensitive, tend to openly demonstrate positive emotions in relation to others, are socially responsive and sociable.
SensitiveOften, sensitive accentuations are manifested in an inferiority complex, shyness, and increased impressionability. The interests of such individuals often lie in the intellectual and aesthetic sphere.
Astheno-neuroticIt manifests itself in moodiness, suspiciousness, increased irritability, rapid fatigability with any mental work
SchizoidIndividuals of the schizoid type are usually very closed, prefer loneliness. If we talk about adolescents, then they may not reach out to their peers at all, preferring to be in the company of adults. With external indifference, the inner world of such individuals is often filled with a variety of fantasies and hobbies.
PsychasthenicPeople with accentuation of the psychasthenic type are prone to introspection, prolonged hesitation when it is necessary to make a decision, fear of responsibility, self-criticism
EpileptoidThe characteristic features of the individual are determined by authoritarianism, increased excitability, tension, irritability with bouts of anger
HysteroidHysterical personalities always want to be in the center of everyone's attention, they are self-centered, afraid of becoming an object of ridicule, prone to demonstrative suicide
ConformalThe individual is inclined to mindlessly obey any more authoritarian person, strives not to differ in any way from others, in fact, being an opportunist
UnstablePeople of this type often have a craving for various kinds of entertainment, laziness, lack of reflections on the future and professional interests

Classification of Leongrad

In many ways, the classification of character types proposed by Leongrada is similar, who studied character accentuations mainly in adults and identified the following types:

HypertensiveTalkativeness, willingness to always make contact, pronounced facial expressions and gestures, energy and initiative, sometimes conflict, frivolity and irritability
DistyThe opposite of the previous type, characterized by low contact and generally pessimistic mood and passivity
CycloidFrequent changes in mood, on which the behavior and manner of communication with people around depends
Excitable.It is characterized by delayed non-verbal and verbal reactions, however, in a state of emotional arousal, irritability and even aggression may appear
Stuck.Boredom, edifying, resentful, and sometimes even vengeful
PedanticIn conflicts, such an individual usually participates as a passive observing party, is distinguished by conscientiousness and accuracy, but is prone to formalism and boring
AnxiousDepression, self-doubt, diligence
EmotiveSuch personalities feel comfortable only in the circle of chosen close people, are able to empathize and sincerely rejoice in someone else's happiness, are distinguished by tearfulness and increased sensitivity
DemonstrativeThere is a pronounced desire for leadership, artistry, non-standard thinking, selfishness, hypocrisy, a tendency to boast
ExaltedTalkativeness, altruism, a tendency to commit impulsive acts
ExtrovertedPersonalities of this type usually easily make contact, have many friends, are distinguished by non-conflict, but they quite easily succumb to other people's influence, sometimes commit rash actions, have a tendency to spread gossip
IntrovertedThis type differs from the previous one in low contact. Introverted personalities show a tendency to philosophizing, loneliness, adherence to principles, restraint, stubbornness

One of the modifications of the Leongarad classification is the Shmishek system, who proposed to divide the types of accentuations into the accentuation of temperament and character. So, to the accentuations of temperament, he attributed hyperthymic, dysthymic, cyclothymic, anxiety, exaltation and emotiveness. But excitability, getting stuck, ostentatiousness and pedantry, the author ranked directly among the accentuations of character.

Examples of

The most striking examples of the types of character accentuations can be popular heroes of modern animated films and literary works, endowed with pronounced personal characteristics. Thus, an unstable or dysthymic personality type is well illustrated in the hero of the famous children's work "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Pierrot, whose mood is usually bleak and depressed, and his attitude to surrounding events is pessimistic.

The Eeyore Donkey from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh is best suited to the asthenic or pedantic type. This character is distinguished by unsociability, fear of disappointment, concern for his own health. But the White Knight from the famous work "Alice in Wonderland" can be safely attributed to the extraverted schizoid type, characterized by intellectual development and unsociability. Alice herself is, rather, of the cycloid type, which is characterized by an alternation of increased and decreased activity with corresponding mood swings. The character of Don Quixote Cervantes is revealed in a similar way.

The accentuation of the character of the demonstrative type is clearly manifested in Carlson - the narcissist a character who loves to show off, always striving to be the object of everyone's attention. Winnie the Pooh from the children's work of the same name and Matroskin's cat can be safely attributed to the excitable type. These two characters are similar in many ways, as both are distinguished by an optimistic mindset, activity and immunity to criticism. An exalted character can be observed in the hero of the modern cartoon "Madagascar" King Julian - he is eccentric, inclined to exaggerate his own emotions, does not tolerate inattention to himself.

The labile (emotional) type of character accentuation is revealed in Tsarevna Nesmeyana, but the fisherman from A.S. Pushkin's "On the Fisherman and the Fish" is a characteristic representative of the conformal (extroverted) type, which is easier to adapt to the opinion of others than to defend his point of view. The paranoid (stuck) type is characteristic of most self-motivated and self-confident superheroes (Spiderman, Superman, etc.), whose life is a constant struggle.

Formation factors

The accentuated character is formed, as a rule, under the influence of a combination of various factors. There is no doubt that one of the key roles in this is played by heredity, that is, some innate personality traits. In addition, the following circumstances can affect the appearance of accentuations:

  • Appropriate social environment. Since the character is formed from early childhood, the people around the child have the greatest influence on the development of personality. He unconsciously copies their behavior and adopts their characteristics;
  • Deforming upbringing. Lack of attention from parents and other people around them, excessive custody or severity, lack of emotional intimacy with the child, excessive or conflicting demands, etc.;
  • Failure to meet personal needs. With an authoritarian type of government in a family or school;
  • Lack of communication in adolescence;
  • An inferiority complex, overestimated self-esteem or other forms of disharmonious self-image;
  • Chronic diseases, especially those affecting the nervous system, physical disabilities;
  • Profession. According to statistics, character accentuations are more often observed in representatives of such professions as actors, teachers, medical workers, the military, etc.

According to scientists, the accentuation of character is more often manifested in puberty, but as they grow up, it turns into a latent form. As for the genesis of the phenomenon under consideration, a number of previous studies show that, in general, upbringing itself cannot create conditions in which, for example, a schizoid or cycloid personality type could be formed. However, in certain relationships in the family (excessive indulgence of the child, etc.), it is quite possible that the child will develop hysterical accentuation of character, etc. Very often, people with a hereditary predisposition have mixed types of accentuations.


Accentuations of character are found not only in their "pure" form, easily amenable to classification, but in a mixed form. These are the so-called intermediate types, which are the result of the simultaneous development of several different traits. Taking these personality traits into account is very important when raising children and building communication with adolescents. It is also necessary to take into account the features of an accentuated character when choosing a profession, when identifying a predisposition to a particular type of activity.

Very often, an accentuated character is compared to psychopathy. Here it is important to take into account the obvious difference - the manifestation of accentuations is not constant, since over time they can change the degree of severity, smooth out or completely disappear. Under favorable life circumstances, individuals with an accentuated character are even able to reveal in themselves special abilities and talents. For example, a person with an exalted type can discover the talent of an artist, actor, etc.

As for the manifestations of accentuations in adolescence, the given problem is very relevant today. According to statistics, almost 80% of adolescents have character accentuations. And although these features are considered temporary, psychologists talk about the importance of their timely recognition and correction. The fact is that some of the pronounced accentuations under the influence of some unfavorable factors can transform mental illness already in adulthood.


An overly pronounced accentuation of character, leading to an obvious disharmony of the personality, may indeed require some treatment. It is important to emphasize that therapy for the problem under consideration should be inextricably linked with the underlying disease. For example, it has been proven that with repeated traumatic brain injuries against the background of an accentuated nature, the formation of psychopathic disorders is possible. Despite the fact that character accentuations in themselves are not considered pathologies in psychology, they are quite close to mental disorders in a number of ways. In particular, an accentuated character is one of the psychological problems in which it is not always possible to maintain normal behavior in society.

Explicit and hidden character accentuations are diagnosed during special psychological tests using appropriate questionnaires. Treatment is always prescribed individually, depending on the specific type of accentuation, its causes, etc. As a rule, correction is carried out with the help of psychotherapy in an individual, family or group form, but sometimes additional drug therapy may be prescribed.