Horoscope for Leo from Tamara. Water signs of the zodiac. Horoscope for Taurus

Line of fate. 2017 will bring surprises. You will have the opportunity to change your destiny. Your impulsiveness and determination know no bounds. You know better than anyone else what to do in this or that case. This year brings a karmic aspect between the signs of Libra and Aries, which affect character traits that are difficult to analyze. Many things that you have been thinking about for so long will finally come to you as a revelation. This is something you can't avoid. In this case, you yourself do not influence your destiny; you take it for granted. Income may decrease, the financial situation may be unstable. In the second half of the year, earnings will increase.

The second half of the year, in general, will be more prosperous for you than the first, but despite this you will still have to be very careful throughout the year.

Unforeseen circumstances may occur in the family. There may be serious disagreements that will affect issues related to real estate or other property. You need to learn to take many things for granted. In this case, victory will remain yours. Parents will require care and attention. Children will bring surprises. Questions will arise that you did not even intend to solve.

Be healthy! During the year you will not always feel confident and cheerful. You need to take care of your own health. You need to be especially careful with the digestive organs, everything that concerns the heart. The pancreas and thyroid gland may be strained. Visit more fresh air.

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. This year may be yours life path quite unpredictable. Much that you have set your sights on will be difficult to achieve for you. You can start a new business, change jobs, change employees. You need to be very attentive to the environment in which you find yourself, since the situation in the team is quite hectic. You will have the opportunity to purchase real estate, since the desire to have a fairly significant roof over your head has not left you for a long time. The financial situation in the first half of the year is unstable.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating . Do not get involved in petty affairs, avoid scandals. Serious problems may arise with close relatives, and long-term enmity with blood relatives. Don't get involved in adventurous activities. Many Taurus will be inclined to break off their marital relationship. This is especially likely in the second half of the year. Therefore, you should not trust well-wishers. Listen to the call of your heart, to your inner *I* and act in accordance with what your inner voice tells you.

Be healthy! The energy potential throughout the year is low. If you have chronic diseases, you must consult a doctor promptly. Lead healthy image life, adhere to health systems. Pay close attention to the genitourinary system, kidneys, thyroid and pancreas. There is a high probability of catching colds. You need to be especially careful while driving throughout the year.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. It cannot be said that this year will bring you only positive surprises. You will have to show diligence, ability to work and resolve complex and controversial issues in your professional and financial affairs. Your business or the job you work in will undergo changes. The people you work with may change and new employees will appear. In any case, no matter what changes occur, you will be able to move forward. New friends and partners will appear. Financial issues will be stressful. But everything will improve; this requires additional time.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. The first half of the year is quite difficult in family relationships. Your children will be greatly surprised. They can lead to unexpected expenses.

Be healthy! In your case, you need to be very careful about your body. You will be full of energy and your health will be stronger if you get proper rest, spend more time in the fresh air and engage in unconventional practices.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. The time when you experience dramatic changes everywhere and in everything. There is an opportunity to start new business, get a job new job, try to change what is already quite boring. This means, no matter what attempts you make to change your life, everything must end well. You will understand that the people who surrounded you for a long time could not contribute to your success. They practically pulled you back the whole time. One can see the discrepancy between working in one team and different ideological positions. You are seeing a picture like Ivan Krylov’s: *Swan, Cancer and Pike*. Everyone is pulling in their own direction.

In the second half of the year, changes are possible at work, in the family, in your environment. Family relationships are far from ideal. Partings and new prospects for life and mind are likely. New people will appear who will provide you with new opportunities.

Be healthy! The energy potential is quite high. Breakdowns can be associated with irritation, tension, waste physical strength. You can paint yourself and your environment into a corner. Rest often.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. Inner peace not easy to achieve. Troubles threaten in the first half of the year. It is necessary to pay close attention to the people working and subordinate, since you may simply be betrayed through negligence. There will be problems and intrigues in the team. You should not trust your surroundings, as you may be misinformed. Clouds may gather overhead that you couldn’t even imagine. Others may see you as an unworthy person in all respects. There is no need to conflict or enter into controversy. The deterrent factor must be high enough. The financial situation is not stable, and this is easily explained by troubles in the professional sphere.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. Conflicts may occur in the family and things may be on the verge of breaking down. Relationships can end as quickly and swiftly as they once began. You are used to commanding the parade. You are everywhere and everything is under control. No one can take a step without your participation. Disobedience is punished instantly. You need to be more attentive to your loved ones, parents, children. Think more about your other half than about yourself; in this case, breakups are unlikely.

Be healthy! Health problems can appear like a bolt from the blue. A particularly difficult time is possible for Leos who have chronic diseases of the stomach and cardiovascular system. It is necessary to adhere to diets and a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol must be eliminated completely.

Horoscope for 2017 Virgo from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. The year abounds with many difficult situations, which are both frightening and alarming. It seems like you can't solve everything complex problems that fell to your lot. There is no need to look for those to blame. Fate itself tests your strength. It is necessary to develop character, perseverance, willpower and dynamism in order to withstand all the blows of fate that fall on your head. Finances are strained. You want big earnings, but fate opposes you. Problems arise that are not so easy to solve. Difficulties with superiors, serious competition.

The second half of the year is calmer, but you shouldn't hope for a miracle. Money goes away with stubborn consistency. Despite this, unpredictable profits are possible (there is a high probability of inheritance).

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. With love, not everything is so simple. You are always at work, throwing yourself into it so that nothing can overshadow your state.

Be healthy! Stay away from jealousy, stress, and suspiciousness. Entertain yourself more often, leave the house, lead a healthy lifestyle. Don't get irritated, as this will affect everyday affairs. Take up unconventional practices.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. No stability. You are always on a volcano. The first half of the year is in a tense struggle with oneself. Take fate into your own hands and overcome the tasks assigned to you. Otherwise, troubles will fully manifest themselves in your life, and when you least expect it. The money is fine, but it’s still not enough for you.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. The year is unpredictable. Breakups, separations, unforeseen circumstances, internal irritation are possible. The cause of disagreement will be material matters and real estate. Your close circle will require special attention: parents and children. But you are not inclined to show concern for your neighbors, because you love yourself more than anything in the world, you want to be the center of attention and for everyone to revolve around you. It is necessary to fight internal egoistic tendencies and give love to your neighbors.

Be healthy! Your health is stable, but don't overdo it. By abusing anything, you will cause irreparable harm to yourself, as a result of which you will struggle with it for a long time and scrupulously.

Horoscope for 2017 Scorpio from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. New opportunities, old problems. Strength of character is everywhere and in everything. You are not inclined to obey fate. This is not to say that this year is completely successful. You will have to fight with your environment and with your inner *Self*. It’s good if the trend towards change becomes stable. In the first half of the year, obstacles await you on the path to success. There will be plenty of them. The financial situation may improve in the second half of the year. There is a high probability that you will have new opportunities. The energy potential is quite good, but special care must be taken when moving in transport and on roads. Set goals for yourself and stick to them all year. The changes that you outline for yourself will properly manifest themselves in life.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. Problems will arise in your close circle that you will experience painfully. Conflicts and quarrels are possible, as you have difficulty controlling your character. You tend to fall under the influence of those close to you, although you are not inclined to change at all. Your stubbornness does not want to admit your mistakes. There are likely to be problems with people who are nearby. It seems to you that they are frankly interfering.

be healthy! Take care of your kidneys and reproductive organs, and stay away from stress. Fate is favorable to you, raise your gaze to the sky more often and stop looking at your feet.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. The first half of the year will be difficult and chaotic. In the second half, you can easily get everything you want.

You will have the intention to leave your job or close down your business in a short time. But this will take enough time, since things will not be done immediately. You will seize the moment. Those who do business will receive interesting offer, and those who get a job - a good place with promotion.

IN financially The first half of the year is quite difficult. Funds will not be enough to develop any endeavors. You will need some money for the needs of your loved ones and family.

In the second half of the year, revenues will increase as new sources of income emerge.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. During the first half of the year you will be dependent on your environment and your marriage partner. Your plans and intentions may change every now and then. There is a confusion of ideas and opinions in my head. You will be able to fall in love in a short time and will be between two fires, unable to do right choice. Tough choices lie ahead. Your heart will be broken. Many Sagittarius will have problems with children, this will entail large expenses. After some time, a favorable period will begin, and you will be able to enjoy the success of your children.

Be healthy! Health this year largely depends on the condition of your nervous system. A restless atmosphere in your environment can be harmful. In 2017, devote more time to yourself, do not attend noisy events. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Satisfy your wanderlust.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. It's going to be a difficult year. We will have to choose new goals, new guidelines. You are focused on long-term plans and strive to occupy an appropriate position in society. The first half of the year will be quite tense, because... There is no order around you. You will get rid of your boring environment, whether it concerns business, work, or your close family circle. There is a high probability of serious legal problems, inspection authorities. There will be a great desire to quit the business that you have been doing for a very long time or change your place of work. Here you need to weigh the pros and cons and only after that take any steps to action.

The second half of the year may be quite calm. Help and support may be available to you. Money is unstable. A lot of money will be spent on solving business problems.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. This year will bring many surprises. In family, in love, things are not easy. Families may break up, as a result conflict situations, which have no basis. Fate decides against your will. It is necessary to give an account of your actions. Restrain your emotional impulses and do not let negative emotions fall on the heads of those around you. In this case, you can avoid all unpleasant situations. There may be conflicts with close relatives and parents in matters relating to real estate.

Be healthy! Your health is stable this year, but try not to shake your nervous system. Get outdoors more often. If you have the opportunity to go to the gym, take advantage of this opportunity.

Horoscope for 2017 Aquarius from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. The New Year 2017 will bring circumstances that will interfere in your life against your will. You will have obstacles that you will have to overcome, making every effort, investing your emotions, prudence and the ability to work tirelessly. At work you will have to completely rebuild. Adapt to certain life situations. Inspecting authorities may present you with surprises and bring you many problems, so be prepared. The second half of the year is a little more favorable for the situation of business or work. You can start a new business, resolve unnecessary relationships, put an end to unclear issues.

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. No new relationships are expected this year. You will have to forget about your personal life for a while. Possible various kinds misunderstandings, because the desire for freedom comes to the fore. You do not want to burden yourself with any obligations. They are prone to quarrels and tend to insist on their point of view, which does not make others very happy. You will have to pay attention to the impression you make on others, because... In the second half of the year, new people will appear in your environment and you will want to make a favorable impression on them.

Be healthy! Health requires attention. The energy potential is noticeably weakened. You need to find time to take care of yourself. It is necessary to eat right, spend more time in the fresh air, and pay sufficient attention to your physical fitness. You will be very careful on the roads throughout the year.

Horoscope for 2017 Pisces from Tamara Globa

Line of fate. The year is not stable. A lot will have to change, but the changes will change your life for the better. You will be subject to strict demands at work and at home. The business you are starting will require enormous emotional investment from you. New people will appear in the environment, with new ideas, with good financial prospects. The proverb is relevant: *Everything that is done is for the better*. New opportunities will appear in the second half of the year. Money will constantly go away, problems will concern professional sphere and personal relationships. Under no circumstances should you grow too close to where you live; spread your wings. Look for the potential for your capabilities and the use of your talents

Personal relationships: marriage, family, dating. You tend to adapt to your other half. You must have enough patience not to destroy what you have. Serious problems can arise in your personal life and in the lives of your children. Large expenses will be required.

Be healthy! You need to pay attention to your health all year round. There is a high probability of disease of the stomach, genitourinary system, and cerebral vessels. Pay attention to colds and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Give yourself rest more often, don't drive yourself into a corner. You can't change everything. Good luck in the new year!

To find out what events await us in the coming year, you can find out the horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa.

A well-known astrologer-predictor in Russia, Tamara Globa, showed her phenomenal abilities in predictions during key events in our country and allied countries. Most of the events predicted by her came true, some unpleasant situations were prevented or their consequences smoothed out thanks to the gift of seeing the future according to the stars of our Universe.

A horoscope for any person is not just a prediction of inevitable events and circumstances, as many believe, but it is, first of all, a way to prevent everything that is not to your liking by changing the line of fate. Yes, that’s right, we build our destiny ourselves!

The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa is capable of changing the course of every person’s life contrary to predictions; all events can be directed in the right direction and achieved best result in matters of family well-being, relationships with the employer and spiritual balance.

First of all, the coming 2017 is the year of the impulsive and passionate Fire Rooster. Zodiac signs of all 12 houses must be vigilant in the new year: The Rooster is temperament, squandering, coquetry. An important aspect in 2017, the health of each of the 12 houses of the Zodiac should be considered.

Let's find out what we can expect in the new year according to the star horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa according to the zodiac signs.

The horoscope for 2017 according to zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Aries promises troubles and fuss around interesting projects related to work. Decent, but true, untimely payment will be an excellent reward for all this trouble. Moreover, career growth is possible, since your work will be noticed and appreciated by your superiors. In the spring, Aries may make unplanned, wasteful large purchases, which is why vacation in 2017 will gradually fade into the background.

Aries should pay most of their attention to health. In a healthy body healthy mind! By following this slogan, you will look great and visits to the doctor will be kept to a minimum. Hardening, dieting and refusal bad habits will improve your condition and only strengthen your immunity.

In love affairs, as always, Aries has no equal. Success in establishing intimate relationships will accompany Aries in the year of the Fire Rooster, but under one condition - you do not yet have a family or significant other. Otherwise, any affair or holiday romance can destroy your family happiness.

The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Taurus turned out great. A lot of work, team cohesion, achieving the set results - all this will please Taurus in 2017. But there is also negative point- you should restrain yourself in statements, especially in statements towards the employer. No one doubts the fight for justice on the part of Taurus, but in 2017 this can lead to serious conflicts at work. So, Taurus, control yourself and stay in control, then 2017 will bring you only positive emotions.

In love, single Taurus will simply be lucky: whirlwind romances will begin, a long-awaited addition to the family will occur, or, as a last resort, you will get a much-desired pet and shower it with love. The choice is always yours in love and family matters, and whatever choice you make, the result will be a majestic ride on the horse of Luck. Taurus should be a little careful in marriage. It may happen that you want to radically change everything in your life - you will succeed. At this moment, you need to clearly set goals for yourself and determine the pros and cons of the current situation. Severing family ties will not bring good impressions and experiences to all Taurus; moreover, it can affect their health.

This is an energetic year for Taurus; strong nerves will be required. Take care of your health, get enough sleep, don’t make hasty decisions and everything will turn out great, especially since by the end of 2017 the stars promise a reduction in pressure on Taurus in all areas of activity and life.

Hard workers Gemini should reconsider their priorities in 2017. Life is not only work! Your family will be your support in everything this year. Spend more time with your family and friends and you will be rewarded doubly. In the second half of 2017, Gemini will want changes in their careers and many will consider it right to start their own business. Again, your family will be your main assistant in this endeavor.

The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Gemini foretells an increase not only in financial matters and in matters of real estate, but also in expanding the family. Be bold in everything related to the well-being and prosperity of your family, especially since your health will not let you down this year.

Prosperity and hard work will accompany Cancer in 2017. A lot of work, an insanely lot of work: business trips, business trips, late business meetings, and even on vacation, work will remind you of itself. A worthy reward is just around the corner. Your diligence in work and responsible approach to business will be generously rewarded.

The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Cancer promises good luck in everything, but for this you need to work hard. Your family members will be your best helpers. The Fire Rooster sends you a lot of trials, but no more than you can bear. Your enthusiasm and the help of your loved ones will make it all easy.

Forward and only forward! The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Leo predicts success in everything if Leos adhere to the priorities they have set for themselves. There will be abundance in everything, but do not forget to be generous and share with those in need. Leos who started their studies this year should pay special attention to the choice of direction, since 2017 will be the year for you to lay the foundation for your future activities and prosperity for many years to come.

In matters of the heart for Leo, the emotional and passionate Fire Rooster promises instability and instability. Leos in marriage should devote themselves to children - all salvation lies in them! But free Leos will find it easier to survive loneliness and the search for a new partner. Lviv has more than enough health in 2017, but maintaining a healthy rhythm and proper nutrition still worth it.

The temperamental Rooster is on your side and the horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from the Russian astrologer Tamara Globa for Virgos portends breathtaking career growth and ease of relationships with business partners. If you are thinking about changing your job, now is the time! If you want to conquer the mountain of fame and success at your old place of work, all the cards are in your hands! But as you climb the career ladder, don’t forget about your subordinates. Their help and work also contributed to your growth. For this they should be encouraged and encouraged. Be one team!

Virgo's health will be excellent in 2017, with the exception of problems with nerves. Career and nerves - the relationship is obvious! So start strengthening your nervous system, hardening yourself and leading a healthy lifestyle.

But in Virgo’s family affairs, everything will decline. The Fire Rooster will bring a lot of ambition and emotions. If in the first half of the year everything is more or less acceptable, then the second half of the year will be a time of change for Virgos. It will seem to you that everything is against you and no one in the family hears you or wants to understand. You just need to survive this moment, sharing all your fears and concerns with your partner or family members who, in fact, love and appreciate you very much.

Like no other Libra, financial instability is foreshadowed by the horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa according to the zodiac signs. This will not depend on you, but you will suffer significantly. The culprit will be passivity in establishing work processes. All you have to do at this moment is to acquire new acquaintances, who in the second half of the year will work for you and your well-being.

In matters of love, the horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Libra obliges you to take the course of scenarios in matters of the heart into your own own hands. How you turn everything around and play it out, that’s how it will be. The initiative, in this case, is encouraged.

As for the health of representatives of the Libra house, it is worth paying attention to chronic ailments. If you do not follow the recommendations of doctors, then there may be relapses of chronic diseases. So take care of yourself prematurely.

In work, whether you are a boss or an employee, everyone is at your feet for your wonderful sense of timeliness, fairness and enthusiasm. Everyone wants to communicate and be like you, Scorpios, since the horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa according to the zodiac signs promises easy career advancement. But change workplace The next year is not worth it at all, since it will be difficult to establish everyday life during the long period of searching for a suitable vacancy.

Scorpios will not experience problems with health in 2017, thanks to their responsible attitude towards the condition of their body. But family matters will require restraint and deep analysis. Misunderstandings and frequent conflicts household level with your partner will drive you to exhaustion. You will remember carefree relationships with previous partners and this ease will attract you back. It’s worth stopping at this moment, since past relationships will not bring you anything good except frustration and deep depression. Live in the present! Make repairs, go to the cinema or theater, spend a weekend or vacation with your significant other, direct positive emotions to maintaining your current marital status, and not to destroying it.

The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Sagittarius promises sharp and fundamental changes in work or business. You shouldn’t be afraid of them at all: dismissal will lead to new interesting activities, promotion and sharp career growth will add wealth and experience. Whatever the stars promise in your career, the main thing is a conscientious attitude to business.

On the love front, Sagittarius should not expect global changes. Stability in relationships is the main thing in 2017. So Sagittarius will only have to work on their frequent presence with their family. After all, work will not take care of you and will not wait for your return from late business meetings. Your family needs you!

What goes around comes around! The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Capricorns encourages you to work on yourself, with your words and actions. It's time to pay off all debts financial plan and get rid of the haunting of past mistakes. All in your hands!

There will be promotions and awards in the labor sphere, but this will not add money - sometimes it’s thick, sometimes it’s empty, and so on throughout the year. In 2017, Capricorns should pay a lot of attention to their family and eradicate the grievances of the past. Your relatives love you and worry about you, but your pride does not allow you to realize this. In Capricorns' love affairs, everything remains unchanged: quarrels, conflicts, temporary lulls. There is something to think about and something to improve. Capricorns, go for it!

The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Tamara Globa for Aquarius calls for choosing the only correct path for movement. Stop rushing around, analyze the current circumstances, choose one path and go full speed ahead, adhering to your goal.

On the love front, Aquarius will have success only if they treat their partner well, feeding him with the right emotions. Otherwise, a break in family ties may be inevitable. Moreover, this gap will bring many problems that will be difficult to eliminate.

The nervous impulses of Aquarius will demand attention to themselves. Take care of your psyche and be calm in any unclear situation. Any correct solution comes only in a state of complete calm.

Good luck will accompany Pisces in the laughter spheres according to the star horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa for Pisces. The only thing Pisces should worry about in 2017 is health. Care about favorable conditions for you and your family will help to avoid colds and illnesses; a timely visit to the doctor will help diagnose diseases at an early stage, which will help the body quickly recover and save you from acquiring chronic forms of diseases.

At work, career growth and increased prosperity will be your companions. There will be complete harmony in family affairs, which you deserve in 2017. But lonely Pisces are waiting for romantic encounters that will lead to the creation of a strong family.

Next year will pass under the auspices of the Red Fire Rooster. What the feathered owner has in store for each of the zodiac signs can be read in the horoscope for 2017 from Tamara Globa.

In addition to the personal sphere, the astrologer also touched upon global issues that have interested society over the past few years. Thus, Tamara Globa made a prediction of the global economic situation in 2017. In her opinion, the long-awaited peace and prosperity will come to Russia. This will be partly facilitated by a new financial model without remnants of the post-Soviet space and corruption schemes. However, the woman does not exclude the possibility of conflicts (including armed ones) within the country. But they will not have serious consequences.

Tamara Globa made a forecast for 2017 for Ukraine, which will most likely change the unitary system to a federal one, where each region will have autonomy. The sacred sphere of society did not go unnoticed. Tamara believes that people will begin to pay more attention to religion and spiritual growth. And in personal horoscopes, the astrologer remained faithful to traditions and in her predictions identified three main areas of a person’s life: the line of fate, heart and health.

Horoscope for Aries

Aries in 2017 need to be careful. In the first half of the year, financial losses and disagreements with colleagues are possible. However, already in the second half of the year it will be possible to catch up. Throughout the entire period, Aries will be subject to new feelings and emotions that will add uncertainty and fear for the future to their measured life. Therefore, it is especially important for you to listen to your intuition and analyze the experience of your older comrades.

There may be disagreements in the family over real estate or other material assets. Conflicts can be smoothed out if you stand firmly on your own and do not succumb to your partner’s manipulations. Children will present surprises that you never dared to think about, and parents will need your attention and care.

Throughout the year, your health will practically not fail. However, it is worth paying attention to the digestive organs, thyroid gland and heart muscle. And to maintain the vigor of the body, it is enough to spend free time in the fresh air.

Horoscope for Taurus

The Year of the Rooster will be a test for Taurus. Most of the planned goals will remain in the plans. However, this is a good period for changes: changing jobs or areas of activity, recruiting new employees, starting long-term cooperation, etc. The year is good for major acquisitions. Purchases of real estate and transport will be especially successful.

In love affairs, disagreements and conflicts are possible. You will have many “well-wishers” who will want to destroy a long family idyll. To avoid this, trust your intuition and do not get involved in dubious adventures.

Throughout the year energy potential will be low. Try not to overcool, as there will be a risk of catching a cold or ARVI. Pay attention to chronic diseases: if time and finances allow, undergo a medical examination. This year is also great for all kinds of wellness treatments.

Horoscope for Gemini

Next year will bring significant diversity to Gemini's life. Your social circle may change. New colleagues and acquaintances will not call you at first positive emotions, but by the middle of the year the situation will improve. IN financial sector it is important to make decisions quickly and rely only on your own strengths, then you will be able to avoid financial losses and even reach new level income.

The first 6 months of your personal life will resemble an emotional swing. Positive days will be replaced by gloomy ones and vice versa. Gemini parents are in for a surprise from their children. The offspring may require significant emotional and monetary investments.

Gemini's health next year one can envy. You will be full of energy and strength, and diseases will pass by the door. During this period, it is important to maintain physical fitness and spend time outdoors more often. Non-traditional or extreme sports will have a positive result.

Horoscope for Cancer

IN business sphere A fruitful and easy year awaits Cancers. Everything you undertake will soon bear fruit. Perhaps you will reconsider your personal environment and realize that some people do not contribute to success and growth, but rather drag you down. Disagreements are possible in the team, where everyone pursues personal motives and does not care about the joint brainchild. You will have to become a lightning rod and resolve disagreements between employees.

In love affairs, the stars predict changes. Some Cancers will be separated from their partners, while others will meet their love. Therefore, feel free to go to places you have never been before and make new acquaintances.

Cancers will not have to complain about their health. Your energy potential is at high level. Just give yourself more rest and freedom. This will protect you from nervous breakdowns and overvoltage.

Horoscope for Leo

The professional sphere in 2017 is not stable. At times, Leo will be haunted by slander, squabbles and troubles. To save face and position, you need to remain calm in any situation. Managers are advised to restructure their staff because ineffective employees can let you down at the most difficult moment. In financial matters, the first half of the year will not be particularly encouraging, but in the fall Lviv will expect large profits.

In family matters, show gentleness and tolerance. You are used to seeing people as subordinates, and your loved ones are tired of enduring constant superiority. Pay more attention to your other half and arrange romantic surprises more often. Then the house will remain an outlet and will not turn into a battlefield.

Health problems can overtake Leo at an unexpected moment. This is especially true for those who are susceptible to chronic diseases of the stomach and heart. Therefore, stick to a diet, exclude from your diet harmful products and alcohol.

Horoscope for Virgo

In business, it seems that everything is falling apart and constantly falling out of hand. This is fate testing your strength. As a result, over time, a persistent character will be developed, mobility and willpower will increase. Virgos will also not have a good relationship with finances: money will flow away like water. fixed costs. Despite this, unexpected cash receipts (debt repayment, inheritance or winnings) are possible at the end of the year.

There will be almost no time left for love and relationships, since work constantly takes up the lion’s share. Therefore, try to at least sometimes remember your family and spend time with loved ones.

Virgos have excellent health by nature, but it needs to be monitored. If you stop worrying about trifles, getting irritated and angry about every occasion, the next year will pass in an excellent mood.

Horoscope for Libra

The Year of the Rooster will begin with dynamics, however, it will end no less violently. Almost all the time you will be involved in the cycle of events. Not every task is easy, but you will be able to make a positive impression on your colleagues and management. Perhaps Libra will be offered a new position or interesting project. Everything is fine with money in perfect order, although you will still miss them.

In family matters, any development of events can occur. It is impossible to assess whether an unexpected turn will be positive or negative. Most likely, Libra will face both a difficult separation and a stormy reconciliation. It is important this year not to focus on one’s own “I”, but to pay attention to children and parents.

Libra's health is in perfect order. However, try not to focus on one thing, but switch your attention to other areas. Then you will easily overcome the tension and apathy that arises. Yoga classes will have a healing effect.

Horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpios are real fighters against life's obstacles. The Rooster will give you opportunities to show strength of character and fortitude. To stay on track, set your priorities in advance and strictly follow them throughout 2017, otherwise minor setbacks will take away a lot of your energy. Everything is stable in financial affairs, and in the second half of the year a new source of income will appear.

If Scorpios can step over egocentrism and admit their mistakes, and also ask for forgiveness for them, no special problems will arise in the personal sphere. It is advisable to listen to the opinions of others, take into account their desires and needs, then your loved ones will respond to you with warmth and understanding.

Although no serious health problems are expected next year, try not to get too cold and dress appropriately for the weather, as there is a risk of catching a cold in your kidneys or developing problems with your pelvic organs.

Horoscope for Sagittarius

At the beginning of the year there are no gifts of fate to be expected. But in the coming months, luck will fall into your hands. Therefore, postpone important decisions for the period from April to December. It is during these months that lucrative job offers are possible, and a running business will bring the expected profit. The same trends are observed in the financial sector: new sources of income will appear only in the second half of the year.

In 2017, Sagittarius will be on the verge of collapse of their ideas about an ideal marriage. Many will experience emotional turmoil. However, you will find the strength to overcome negative emotions and move on with inherent optimism.

Health will reflect the state of the nervous system. Therefore, try not to attend noisy parties and give up boring holidays. This period is suitable for travel and extreme undertakings.

Horoscope for Capricorn

Businessmen face a difficult choice: give up everything or stay and save the situation, since their favorite business will no longer bring pleasure and income. There is also a risk of legal problems caused by inspections and audits. The financial situation is unstable. Money comes easily and just as easily goes for unforeseen needs, often related to the family. At the end of the year, allies will appear who will take on part of the obligations.

There may be conflicts in the family that can be avoided if you put yourself in your place loved one. This is the period when you can open your soul to your partner and talk frankly about the accumulated claims, and then decide what to do next.

You will be full of energy all year. It is important not to waste it on trifles, but to engage in an active and at the same time team sport. This will help strengthen your body and make new friends.

Horoscope for Aquarius

Earnings next year will be periodic, but will be enough to live on. In the business sphere, it is worth thinking about career prospects and advanced training. This will give you new experience and the desire to move forward, overcoming obstacles. From June until the end of the year, it is recommended to put an end to relationships that have not brought results for a long time and interfere with action.

In personal relationships you strive for freedom. That's why Serious relationships not expected. U married couples disagreements are possible, and some Aquarians will even want to break marriage. The stars recommend postponing such a decision and once again weighing the pros and cons, because in the future you may change your mind.

You barely have the strength to watch TV - this is about you in 2017. If you don’t find time for sports and proper rest - vitality will quickly run out. It is important to adhere to the right diet and allocate at least 6 hours for proper sleep.

Horoscope for Pisces

The year is filled with potential projects, but you shouldn't grab everything at once. Choose a couple of priority areas and realize your potential through them. In the financial sphere, Pisces will be required to invest money, but part of the expenses will be covered by the partners.

Family life is getting better. You have changed and are ready to adapt to the wishes of your loved one. The main thing is not to overdo it, but leave room for personal space and interests. Sometimes spend time alone to give your loved ones the opportunity to miss your care and attention.

You need to closely monitor your health in 2017. Your immune system is weakened, making you susceptible to common diseases. To be cheerful and energetic, fill your daily diet with vitamins and strengthen yourself.

Astrology is the study of methods for predicting earthly events, the character and fate of an individual, based on the study of the location of celestial bodies both relative to each other and relative to the horizon.

Astrology has had at times greater and at times less influence on the course of history. Astrology is in many ways in conflict with methods and results modern science. This is probably how, or almost this way, views on the influence of luminaries developed in Ancient Mesopotamia (Interfluve).

The characteristics of the Zodiac signs are based on the position of the Sun at the time of a person’s birth. Even in ancient times, people noticed that passing through the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the Sun in each of them has its own unique influence on a person and his destiny.

Planets can have a disharmonious effect on a woman’s energy. But it is she who is the main derivative of femininity, sexuality and charm. Protect yourself from negative impact A monthly horoscope will help.

The first month of summer will delight some representatives of the fair sex with its airy and light beginning. But what to do if your Zodiac Sign is under Negative influence antagonist planets? A woman's strength and happiness lies in her energy.


For representatives of this constellation, the horoscope foretells a dynamic and energetically complex beginning of summer. May will pass the baton of activity to June, which will require you to be decisive and quick in making decisions. If at work in the period from June 1 to June 30 this can help and even move you up the career ladder, then in your personal life there is a chance of igniting the flames of quarrels and scandals.

This is all due to the strengthened position of your antagonist, Venus, and its negative impact on your Zodiac Sign. From June 6 to June 30, you will need to make a lot of effort to avoid becoming the culprit of problems in your relationship. Impulsivity can cause quarrels and tension within the family.

The period from June 1 to June 5 can be considered favorable, when you will not be disturbed negative energy your second opponent is the Moon. Expect June 6 and 7 good news- perhaps from a secret admirer. If you are lonely, this will lift your spirits. Purchases, if they are large, should be made on June 20 and 21, and you can buy something small even at the call of your soul.


Taurus ladies will have the opportunity to express their best qualities and make pleasant acquaintances in June that can become part of your happy life. Your patrons - Mercury, Venus and the Moon - will make this month truly productive.

You will be able to feel the strength and tune in to absolutely any type of activity. However, at the beginning of June, an unstable time is expected: although outwardly you will be able to maintain a calm state, inside, expect a storm of emotions and a hurricane of passions.

All days from June 1 to June 7, as well as June 11 and 12, the energy coming to you will tend to touch the subtle strings of the soul. This can cause increased sensitivity, indirect jealousy and some envy of other people's successes. Don't give in to negative emotions.

But starting from the 6th, your emotions will return to normal, and you will feel a surge of energy that can be directed to solving work issues, changing your image and strengthening relationships. In a women's team, there is a risk of getting into an argument with an opponent who is unpleasant for you; communication that is heated to the limit can result in a squabble. Especially unfavorable days according to the horoscope - June 26 and 27. Astrologers warn of an increasing risk of road accidents these days.


Mercury and Venus aim to help Gemini women starting June 6th. Mid and late June is a favorable time to finally show your leadership skills, increase sexuality and come out of the shadows. Girls who are overly complex about their appearance can get rid of constraining problems and achieve the attention of the opposite sex.

However, if you want sudden changes in your personal life, you will have to take the initiative into your own hands, especially on June 6 and 8, when planets entering aspects will fuel your energy and self-confidence.

Starting from June 16, you need to be more attentive towards your loved ones. Don't allow yourself to think only about your own interests. This can cause confusion and resentment.

Tamara Globa, a famous astrologer, is famous for her accurate horoscopes. Her forecast for September 2017 for many Zodiac Signs will become a guide to action in order to achieve success in life.

According to the astrologer, September will continue the trends of August eclipses, and the affairs and problems that began in the last summer month will come into force. September will be rich in bright events related to the decision important issues. The astrologer recommends, if possible, avoiding long trips and flights during the period from 6, 7, 13, 14 and the last week of September. This is a time of great accidents and accidents. The site’s experts are pleased to present Tamara Globa’s forecast to your attention.


Active awaits Aries creative work, love, personal success, luck in sports. However, due to possible financial difficulties, the astrologer recommends that representatives of the fire sign not move away from home. In September, wayward Aries should not refuse the support of loved ones. Working alone can lead to excessive energy expenditure and results that will not meet expectations.

There will be a lot of work in the second half of the month. Experts from the site, together with the astrologer, urge Aries to be attentive to their well-being and not to ignore the body’s signals. It is important for Aries to spend the end of the month in harmony with themselves and their family, as well as to build relationships with their superiors. Don't allow yourself to be rude and overly emotional.


In September, Taurus will have the opportunity to engage in self-development. This time is ideal for active work and sports. The astrologer advises you to monitor your own health. The beginning of the month will be a good start for realizing opportunities, moving to new apartment or building your own home.

In September, Taurus is expected financial difficulties. The site team advises representatives of your Sign to plan expenses with a shopping calendar for September. Try to exclude spontaneous spending at the beginning and end of the month - this will save you from embarrassment cash and debts to creditors.


This month Gemini will be able to provide help and support to loved ones, who, in turn, will be able to help you. You may have to experience separation from a loved one who decides to leave your home. It is also important for Geminis to start learning something new in September. By expanding your knowledge base, you will be able to realize your potential and achieve success in the business environment.

The end of the month is intended for family relationships, care and attention to the closest people. Special attention It’s worth giving to your family and closest friends. Your work will change not only you, but also your environment. During this period, work should not become an obstacle to communication with loved ones.


In the first half of the month, Cancers will be concerned about their financial situation. Thanks to your own activity, you can make money from sports and creativity. Your loved ones will help you. Rakov also expects a lot of travel. Business and household worries will increase.

At the end of September, especially in the last week, Cancers' personal lives may change. According to the astrologer’s forecast, it is important for representatives of your Sign not to forget about their family, but at the same time it is worth thinking about changing jobs and possibly moving to their own living space.

a lion

Leos will be in the spotlight in September. The beginning of September will be successful for personal achievements and success, which will help solve the problems that have arisen. You will be haunted by conversations and gossip, and attacks from ill-wishers who envy you are possible. Changes in life will be drastic and not always pleasant, but they will help you start a new stage.

The site team recommends laying the foundations for future victories for Leos from the beginning of the month, and at the end of the month they begin to reap the benefits of their own creative achievements and victories. It's worth paying attention to emotions. A sufficient number of your opponents will provoke you into retaliatory emotions. Don't give in to provocations.


Virgos should start solving problems that concern you from the beginning of the month. The astrologer recommends being active in order to have time to resolve all the issues that by the end of September will help you free up time for more important and long-term matters.

Do not neglect the help and support of loved ones, and also share attention with your family. This will help you stay in good spirits and resolve issues as they arise. This month great importance will play short-term affairs that will bring benefits in material and financial terms.


For Libra, their personal authority will come in handy with changing plans. Close friends will come to the rescue and support you in difficult periods time. At the same time, the astrologer recommends being attentive to your surroundings and not trusting imaginary friends. They can disrupt your plans and cause not only moral, but also financial damage.

At the end of September, it is important for Libra to pay attention to their own authority and not get involved with unreliable people. This time will also be good for improving your health. Experts on the site advise Libra to use decoctions of medicinal herbs to strengthen the immune system. Due to the high probability of accidents, you should avoid long journeys and travel.


Scorpios this month need to begin active work, which will lead to career growth. Build relationships with your superiors and avoid quarrels and scandals so as not to harm your reputation. The same goes for home. Keep yourself in control, and you will definitely receive valuable advice from loved ones.

The astrologer recommends moving the development of short-term projects to the second half of September. This is a time for active development and change. There may be disruptions to plans in your business and personal life due to your impulsiveness. Take time to exercise to calm your turbulent feelings.


Sagittarius will have a lot of roads and crossings in September. You may meet a person who will change your destiny and personal life. On the road, short-term romances and new loves are possible, but success will alternate with failures, so Sagittarius will need endurance.

At the end of the month, pay attention to your family. Those closest to you, including parents and children, will need your support. It is possible to lose a friend who will leave your life. New opportunities will appear that you will be able to realize thanks to your insight and desire to achieve success.


Capricorns will be concerned about financial and health issues in September. In the first half of the month, the astrologer calls for savings, since changing plans at the beginning of the month can lead to unplanned expenses. Experts on the site recommend that Capricorns use their own intuition in order to avoid emerging obstacles.

At the end of the month there will be many events that will affect the future life of Capricorns. This time must be devoted to work that will be your salvation. Changes are expected both in work and in personal affairs, so it is important for Capricorns to remain calm so as not to inadvertently spoil relationships with loved ones and superiors.


Tamara Globa advises Aquarians to pay attention to family relationships. It will not be easy for you, but it is your loved ones who will support you. Difficulties are expected in work matters, but with the help of trusted friends you will be able to overcome the crisis and successfully complete projects.

At the end of the month, you should not go on a long journey. This may cause a disruption in plans and even the loss of part of the accumulated funds, but warm relationships with loved ones and mutual assistance will allow you to stay afloat. Failure of plans can also be associated with excessive impulsiveness. Experts on the site recommend that Aquarians restrain their emotions and watch their words.


For Pisces for the first time autumn month Work and career issues will come first. There will be a lot of gossip, disputes and rumors around you. Stay