Leadership qualities of the editor of the publishing house. Approaches to the study of leadership and leadership qualities. Leaders are not afraid to be wrong

See below for the result. 1 picture - you are bold, energetic and passionate. Love the opposite sex and always try to achieve your goals. By nature, you are a hunter and you really like not only to achieve, but also to rule. In addition, you have very good wits, reactions and intelligence. Picture 2 - you are friendly, know how to make friends. Have a heightened level of awareness. It is very important for you to achieve success in life and you want everyone to know how successful you are. Yours is perfectly developed logical thinking and you often perceive life as a strategic game. Love loneliness, do not like hustle and bustle. You like the sobriety of your thoughts. You are distinguished by good leadership qualities and business acumen. Picture 3 - you seem to be a closed and isolated person, but in reality you are not. In fact, next to loved ones, you reveal yourself from incredibly amazing sides. You know how to adapt to circumstances, prefer not to stand out and try to lead the right life. Picture 4 - you have an easy and friendly character. You are kind and well mannered. Love helping people and enjoy it. Know how to keep secrets and give useful tips... You are forgiving conflicts, quarrels and everything that can disturb the peace and harmony around you. Sociability and flexibility of mind helps you to achieve success. 5 picture - you have a philosophical mindset. You are noble and wise. You always feel a little dissatisfied, so you try to change for the better. Appreciate information, knowledge and intelligence, and you cannot exist without books, newspapers, the Internet and other sources of knowledge and information. Show likes 6 picture - you are an introvert, focused on your the inner world... Appreciate your personal space, tend to hide their feelings. Resourceful, adventurous, smart. You know how to properly conduct a dialogue, win in disputes and debates, convince and argue your opinion. Able to stand up for themselves. You are a self-sufficient person who values ​​comfort and silence. 7 picture - you are very sensitive, observant and receptive. Do not like to share your plans if you are not yet confident in yourself and your capabilities. A creative and creative person, for many you seem not like everyone else, strange and incomprehensible. Picture 8 - you are a spiritually gifted person. You are active, kind and firmly on the ground. You often hope at random, do not like to think before you do something. You see every day as an opportunity to change something, do something useful, or get involved in an adventure. Sometimes you are very emotional, but you are loved in all your manifestations. Picture 9 - you are an optimist, dreamer and peacemaker. You try to see in people, first of all, only all the best. Gullible. There are not many friends, but they are all close and good people, since you have an exceptional talent for surrounding yourself with just such people.

Leader- this is a person who moves towards his goal, and is able to lead other people with him. A leader is not born, but becomes, and you can become one. To do this, you need to know what qualities of a leader distinguish him from the rest.

Leader qualities

1. Having a goal and a vision of the result

The goal is driving force leader, this is the raison d'être of his existence.

She is his God, a beacon in the impenetrable night, and nothing excites the leader so much as achieving the goal.

What a leader does also has essential... But the way of achieving the goal, the business that the leader is busy with, does not concern him as much as the vision of the final result.

There are two fundamental principles in the leader's head: for what and with whom.

Leaders know where they are going and how they are going to get there.

2. Self-motivation
25. Maturity

Contrary to popular belief, age is not a measure of maturity.

Young leaders are capable of acting like seasoned professionals, and many older people can act like teenagers.

Maturity is based on actions appropriate to the behavior of a mature person, which is especially evident in difficult situations.

Plus, your self-confidence and your ability to move forward without excuses are some of the most important metrics of maturity.

26. An example for others

Actions mean more than words. People will definitely notice if you are selfless and do your best to grow your business.

But if you're lazy and don't care how things are, your team will follow suit.

Great leaders are always examples to others.

27. Ability to build relationships

It's all about who you know. Leaders don't need to be reminded that there is a lot of truth in this statement.

You need to understand the value of building long-term relationships in your industry with other people and rely on mutually beneficial partnerships.

Building a collaborative network of valuable people is critical to your long-term success.

28. Social skills

More often than not, a leader is charismatic, outgoing, friendly, and open-minded.

He speaks to people in a calm, respectful and attractive manner.

Just as employees want to work with people they like, customers also choose to shop with people they like.

Therefore, you need to become one of those people if you want to.

29. Public communication skill

Leaders shouldn't have any problems with public speaking.

Situations in which public communication occurs can range from a simple presentation in a meeting to presenting a new idea in an audience full of people.

Communication skill not only allows you to effectively convey information to listeners, but also increases your credibility as a leader.

30. Honesty and openness

Every year the world becomes more transparent, and there are fewer secrets in it, which is why honesty is the best policy.

People respect those who are able to honestly share information with others and to respond calmly to good and bad news.

This is the only way to act according to the situation and timely adjust the plan for moving forward.

31. Ability to listen

To give your team members feedback, support, and attention, you need to make every effort to listen as they share information.

Leaders listen first and speak later.

Listening is more than silence because you also need to ask the right questions.

32. Devotion

Leaders remain true to their values ​​and relentlessly move towards their goals, despite outside pressures that try to change them or make them fit the usual framework.

Every success story you've heard likely has reverse side: long hours of grueling work and many unsuccessful attempts.

But a leader simply cannot be stopped because he has faith in his word, dedication and long-term focus on his goal.

33. Empathy and compassion

As you focus on your goals, you should also pay attention to the needs and feelings of others.

The goals are achieved not at the expense of the people around them, but with their help.

After all, the law of the market says: identify a need and satisfy it. Everything you do, you do for the end consumer.

You need to know not only how much you influence people, but also what you need to do to show understanding and empathy for others.

34. Ability to resist others

Most people try to avoid confrontation for fear of controversy. But leaders know how to offer an honest and mutually beneficial solution to a problem.

Solving the problem on initial stage its occurrence will save a lot of time, not to mention headaches, compared to a situation where it remains unresolved.

35. Delegation of rights and obligations

As a leader, you need to help others by giving them the responsibility to make the right decisions.

Delegating authority is not only about giving your team the freedom to make their own choices, but also about providing all the necessary tools to decision was efficient and productive.

36. Negotiation Skills

Leaders are good at getting what they want and can be very persuasive about it.

To achieve the desired result, they meet the needs of others by building trusting relationships.

In resolving disagreements over major deals, leaders are practical, fair, and firm in the negotiation process.

37. Clarity

Leaders are able to communicate their thoughts clearly in such a way that they can be easily understood, after which they are convinced that there is no misunderstanding.

This ensures that projects and tasks that have been delegated to other people are completed without errors.

38. Ability to teach others

Leaders should share the methodology and processes that form the basis of their projects with their team members.

If your managers are poorly trained, your employees will have the same low level, which will negatively affect the final result.

The best way to learn something new is to teach it to others.

39. Interest in feedback

Leaders not only have the quality of imparting knowledge, but they themselves value learning and are willing to ask for advice.

They are open to feedback and are able to take criticism positively so that they can use it to make the necessary adjustments that can be beneficial along the path to success.

40. Trust in your team

This quality of a leader can be questioned, but the credibility of your team depends a lot on the people you hire, their learning propensity, and the work you delegate to them.

It's important for you to trust your team to get the results you want without managing every element of your projects.

41. Ability to inspire

It's hard to love every aspect of your job, no matter what you do.

But leaders inspire their team members by letting them know that what their activities are doing a huge impact all around, because their work is a way to touch something great.

What do you even understand ... Nike is not a sneaker, but a triumph of athletics. Apple does not create electronic devices, but changes the world.

A leader is able to direct others to do what he needs to do because other people want to do it.

42. Converting goals into reality

Not only do leaders have their own goals and visions. They have the ability to turn goals into a working strategy that will be accepted by other people and eventually implemented.

43. Take the best from others

By understanding what people really want, you can help them do their jobs better by properly stimulating them to do their jobs, and not just through the provision of wealth.

To get the best from others, a leader must understand their motives as well as the motivation of their team, be positive, generous, and open-minded.

It is important for you to find out what your environment wants for itself: fame, money, recognition? Develop by developing your people.

As Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: "If you want to build a ship, do not call people to collect timber, share labor and give orders, instead, first teach me to yearn for the vast and endless sea."

44. Reward

A person tends to expect recognition from the people they follow, so it's important to reward your team members for their contributions, especially when their results stand out from the rest.

Cash rewards are always appropriate, but a well-thought-out system of various titles and qualifications, the presentation of personal awards can be no less effective.

45. Ability to act according to circumstances

One of the qualities of a leader is the ability to carefully and quickly assess a situation or a person.

Being decisive does not mean making a quick decision, it means making the right decisions in time.

That being said, don't let your determination alienate team members from the process.

46. ​​Conducting effective meetings

Unfortunately, most meetings are never as productive as they were originally intended to be.

If you're an entrepreneur, you usually have to interact with people you like, which can be distracting from your workflow.

Effective leadership is the maximum efficient use the time allotted for the meeting.

Start with an agenda, eliminating distractions, and determining when the meeting starts and ends.

Encourage everyone to actively participate in the discussion, remind them of the importance of taking notes, and track the effectiveness of the meeting after it ends.

47. Respect for others

When you show respect for other people, it is much easier to build trusting, mutually beneficial relationships.

You need to keep your promises, stop gossiping, believe in the ideas of your teammates, stand up for them when necessary, and thus truly care for the general welfare.

48. Coaching key people

You should definitely build on the success of your key team members and help them grow in your organization.

For you to successfully lead everything more people, promote the most significant employees, which will undoubtedly be facilitated by various seminars and trainings.

49. Justice

The ability to fairly assess people and events is important, since this quality allows you to adequately assess the situation and be attractive to the environment.

Equity aside, you will notice how the project will slow down and the churn of your team members will exceed the number of new people.

Leaders who are honest and fair with those around them receive loyalty and respect in return.

50. Swiftness

Competitors do not rest on their laurels. There is always someone who will breathe down your back.

Leaders understand that most of the time it comes about leadership in any area, so they value persistence and speed of action.

51. Determination

Decisiveness involves having a confident and effective mindset that is conducive to making quick decisions and taking fast action.

To take optimal solutions, carefully and carefully evaluate each option, and do not let indecision paralyze you.

52. Leaders are not afraid to be wrong

Defeat often hides one of the most great opportunities in life.

In terms of learning, failure will do much more than success. In fact, failure is the next step to success.

Leaders understand that they have to operate in the face of uncertainty and risk, which are an integral part of any business.

Michael Jordan said: “I've missed over nine thousand shots in my career. Lost three hundred games. Twenty-six times I was trusted with the decisive shot and missed. I have failed over and over again. That is why I have been successful. ”

53. Flexibility

The business world is changing rapidly, and there are no pauses in change.

An important quality of a leader is the ability to recognize these changes and make appropriate adjustments to the direction of the business and the management of the organization.

It's amazing how many businessmen and managers refuse to make changes to their projects when there is an obvious need for it. The effect of an “established mentality” is triggered.

Top managers who refuse to learn and adapt will eventually be left behind.

To be an effective leader, your mind must be open to everything new.

54. Perseverance

Leaders know about the difficulties on the road to success firsthand, because they had to face adversity and problems face to face.

If the situation becomes difficult, leaders move towards their goal with special strength and determination.

When most people give up and stay behind, leaders take a step forward in adversity.

Martin Luther King said: "The ultimate measure of a person is not where he is in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he is in times of challenge and contradiction."

55. Resourcefulness

This quality allows leaders to find a creative solution to a problem.

As resourceful, you assess the resources at your disposal, adapt, take a new approach, sometimes break the rules, and are never afraid to ask if you are missing something.

56. Making the right decisions

When you make the right decisions, you build trust with your team, which allows you to make future choices more quickly.

Making the right decisions involves analyzing possible alternatives and carefully examining each option.

Once you have made a decision, make a plan and be sure to learn from your own and others' mistakes.

57. Strategic thinking

To think two steps ahead, you need to use strategic thinking using analysis possible options, your experience and previous decisions.

When you envisage taking long-term actions, you need to do planning and then start the process, while assessing the situation as a whole.

The leader knows how to influence events, and also creates them, instead of waiting for some event to happen.

58. Uncertainty Management

After making any mistake, you usually have two options: refuse to continue, or find a better way.

Leaders know when it's time to push and when to quit. They control uncertainty by making thoughtful decisions.

59. Organization

You'd better not go out to sea in your ship if you don't know where the sail is. Likewise, you cannot manage your business if you are not organized.

Leaders know how to maintain order in their affairs, because this is the only way to be truly effective.

60. Creativity

Contrary to popular belief, creativity is not an innate quality of a leader. This skill can be developed.

Absorb new knowledge and acquire new abilities, be open and constantly ask new questions.

Often the basis for creativity is not the creation of something fundamentally new, but the combination of already known elements in a unique way.

61. Intuition

If logical thinking is akin to mathematics, then intuition is rather an art.

Leaders often listen to their intuition.

In some situations, it can be difficult not to use logic, but risk and uncertainty in business sometimes make it necessary to resort to intuition.

Stop blindly trusting everyone around you and learn to trust yourself.

62. Gaining new experience

To be prepared for unforeseen events, leaders actively develop experiences that allow them to learn and grow.

Set more ambitious goals, challenge yourself to improve while enjoying new experiences.

63. Reading and education

Read everything related to your industry.

Leaders know that education does not end with graduation.

To stay in trend, you need to be aware of both time-tested and new information.

64. Interest

Leaders often have an insatiable desire to learn, push themselves beyond their own limits, and explore things that others haven’t touched.

Broadening your horizons can be as easy as reading a book. To do this, you just need to ask yourself the question "Why?" and enjoy the journey into the unknown.

65. Professionalism

Professionalism presupposes the availability and continuous improvement of the skills necessary for the development of the project, as well as a serious attitude to one's work.

The professional does what he has to do, and the amateur waits for inspiration.

66. Focus

Life is full of distractions, but a leader knows how to stay on track and stay focused on his goal.

It is important to be able to purposefully allocate your time and eliminate non-essential work.

Max Lucado said: "A person who wants to lead an orchestra must turn his back on the crowd."

67. Improving life around you

Leaders are focused on a brighter future, which is why they want to share their success with those around them: business partners and customers, family and friends, employees and their families, etc.

Leaders show generosity and gratitude by making a positive impact on the lives of those around them.

Improving the lives of others also means helping them become better.

Help others grow by helping them reach their potential, both professionally and personally.

Remember to be an example by letting people learn from your experiences.

68. Helping others to succeed

You get more satisfaction from the ability to give than from the opportunity to receive.

Leaders take pride in helping others succeed.


Like the professional athlete, leaders strive to be better every day.

They know that there are always opportunities to develop themselves and their team.

Leaders are very interested in knowing what they are capable of and how far they can get.

70. Perseverance

Perseverance means the ability to maintain enthusiasm and faith in what you love, not giving in to failure for an indefinite amount of time.

Without perseverance, perseverance and discipline, it is unlikely that impressive results will be achieved.

Not giving up for an extended period of time is a winning quality.

71. Independence

Undoubtedly, a leader knows how to cooperate with other people.

But he is deeply convinced that with or without a person, the leader will still achieve his goal.

72. Patience

The desired results will not occur overnight.

Leaders don't give up when faced with obstacles, they work hard, but they also know how to enjoy their journey in life.

73. Vigor

Leaders are not only energized, but they also know how to use their time effectively.

To fuel energy, you need to stay healthy and active, as well as passionate and positive about what you do.

A leader is a person of any group, organization, team who has recognized authority and has influence, which manifests itself in the form of management actions. He is in every group or community of people. The qualities of a leader are not only innate, they can also be formed and developed, and we will consider this in our article below.

Essential Leadership Traits

Society is changing - leaders are changing. Each of the human collectives requires special qualities from the leader. Some character traits are needed by the captain of the football team, others - by the captain of the ship. But common leadership qualities can also be found. These character traits in demand in our society are:

  • honesty;
  • openness to new knowledge and readiness to change;
  • imagination;
  • self-confidence;
  • sense of humor;
  • enthusiasm;
  • rationality and rigidity;
  • readiness for change;
  • the ability to see and hold the target;
  • the ability to quickly find the necessary means to implement the goal;
  • interesting appearance and charisma.

Leadership development is a daily job and will take all your strength.

What does a leader look like

What is a leader outwardly? Look - a successful person is always visible. If you have a firm resolve to develop leadership skills, work on your appearance. Charisma is a set of external characteristics of a person as a leader that attracts people. You must have:

  • good stylish clothes;
  • neat hairstyle and well-groomed appearance;
  • clean shoes;
  • stylish accessories - briefcase, watch, diary, gadgets.

Decide what kind of leader you are or what you want to become

  • formal and informal. This is a familiar situation - the formal leader is the official head of the company, but the informal one sets the tone in it;
  • an inspiring leader who generates ideas and organizes a group around it or a leading performer who knows how to complete the task best;
  • business - organizer and inspirer production process who know how to correctly distribute work assignments;
  • emotional - the heart of the group that evokes sympathy and trust;
  • situational - appearing at a critical moment and taking over leadership to solve a specific problem;
  • a universal leader who combines all these qualities.

Try to become one of these leaders, use your innate traits. Decide what you do best - organize work, generate ideas or masterly conduct business meetings... Achieve perfection in this and climb one more step on the way to the goal.

Leadership qualities, such as the ability to motivate people, allow group members to reveal their capabilities, push them to do more than they could before. Its energy allows you to unlock the hidden resources of the rest - the personal properties of a person, the hidden capabilities of a group or company. A leader is a beacon that marks the path for others, and is followed voluntarily.

What needs to be done to form leadership qualities

What qualities should a leader have in order to lead others?

A leader is one who can identify and keep in mind the ultimate goal, retains the ability to lead a group to it even under the most unfavorable conditions, infects others with his faith, energy and passion to achieve it.

Whether a person is born this way or whether the necessary leadership qualities develop in the process of life is a question open to discussion. But their formation with purposeful work and perseverance is possible. This is constant work, work on oneself of a person who is ready to be responsible for others.

  • Vision of purpose

Define a goal, clearly know where to go and what you want to get at the end of the path. Be able to build a strategy to achieve the desired goal. To develop such a trait in oneself, one needs to study the biographies of historical leaders and successful people modern times, get acquainted with the classic literature on the strategy of building a business, observe those who have pronounced these qualities.

Plan your every day, analyze in the evening the effectiveness and correctness of actions. Gradually lengthen the planning period.

  • Ability to make decisions quickly and accurately

Do not be afraid to make difficult and responsible decisions. To learn how to make decisions, start where the mistake will not be critical and will not break your confidence. Even if it is wrong, this is a great reason to learn a lesson on how not to do it. Learn to defend your point of view with confidence in the correctness of the decisions.

  • Ability to take risks

Do not be afraid to act in unidentified situations, be prepared for the fact that good result perhaps unattainable. Be gambling and risk-taking. To correctly assess the decision, learn to weigh the situation, clearly identifying the pros and cons of all possible scenarios on a five-point scale.

Then you should evaluate the options, realizing that all decisions are imperfect and you can lose. But every mistake is always a reason to learn new things.

  • Ability to inspire team members

The leader is able to create a team with which it is much easier to achieve the goal. He unites people to achieve it, is able to motivate them to work at a level that was previously unattainable for them.

To learn this quality, learn to manipulate people, study the motives that move them. To do this, learn to listen to the person. Hearing and hearing are two different things. When talking, you need to fully concentrate on the interlocutor, let's understand that you are listening to him: with gestures, a smile, a nod. Write down if necessary. Learn to initiate discussions among team members, critically evaluate all points of view, and draw healthy seeds from them. Such attention to everyone will unite the team.

  • Active work on yourself

Be honest with yourself and others in assessing the negative and positive sides of yourself, get ready to change if necessary, because there is no limit to perfection.

Learn to be consistent, control rage and temper tantrums to set an example for team members. Be prepared for criticism. To do this, do not be afraid to ask what to improve in your leadership style, keeping a diary - this helps to critically evaluate your actions. Provide feedback to team members to help correct behavior.

  • Don't try to please everyone

Remember, there are no ideas that suit everyone. Do not seek to please. Leadership development is about not being afraid of constructive criticism and being afraid of unfair praise - it slows down progress. You should learn to find the positive aspects of events.

  • Improve your health

Self-improvement is hard work. Excellent physical shape and health are also leadership qualities. To stand out in the crowd:

  1. devote at least an hour a day to physical exercise and sports. Daily physical activity must become a necessity;
  2. get enough sleep - a person who sleeps four hours a day loses clarity of thinking, speed of reaction. Compliance with the daily routine with the obligatory full sleep will allow you to maintain an attractive appearance;
  3. eat regularly - haggard appearance, bags under the eyes do not adorn the leader;
  4. Check with your dietitian to find the right diet for you. This will ensure high performance;
  5. compulsory day off, min once a week should become the norm.

Violation of the diet and diet will instantly affect the appearance and health. Constant fatigue syndrome is a daily companion for violators of these rules.

How to speak, move and listen correctly

Appearance is only a component of a leader's characteristics. Complement the development of true leadership with:

  • good manners;
  • clear, competent speech;
  • restrained gestures;
  • good posture and ability to move;
  • confidence.

Learn the right manners - a lot of this kind of business literature is published. Observe the leaders, their demeanor. You also need to learn to speak correctly. For this:

To learn how to move well, enroll in a dance school. This will help you combine physical activity, emotional relaxation and training in correct movements. Communication in a new team for oneself is the development of communication skills as leadership qualities.

There are people who are born leaders, but do not realize their potential. But there are those who are able to become one by developing the necessary leadership qualities. Developing a leader is hard work. But without it, one cannot talk about achieving success in life.

21 essential qualities of a leader

John Maxwell, Leading Leadership Expert, in his book 21 Essential Leadership Qualities. How to become a person, followed by others ”talks about what traits you need to have in order for people to become leaders.

1. Character: BE FIRM LIKE A ROCK

Leadership is the ability and will to lead men and women towards a common goal, and character that inspires confidence.

Bernard Montgomery, British Field Marshal

Never give up your own experiences and beliefs "for the sake of peace and tranquility."

Dag Hammarskjold, politician and laureate Nobel Prize the world


How to Become a Charismatic Leader? You need to worry more about others thinking well of themselves and not of you.

Dan Reiland, Vice President of Leadership Development, INJOY Corporation

I have yet to meet a person, no matter how high a position he occupies, who does not work better and does not exert more effort under the influence of praise than under the influence of criticism.

Charles Schwab, industrialist


People don't follow leaders who lack dedication. This quality can manifest itself in a wide variety of actions: both in how much time you devote to work, and in the efforts you spend on developing your abilities, and in the personal sacrifices you make for the sake of colleagues.

Stephen Gregg, Chairman of the Board and general manager Ethix Corporation?

The one who did everything he could for his time will live for all time.

Johann Friedrich Schiller, German playwright and poet

4. Ability to communicate: WITHOUT IT YOU WILL WALK IN LIFE ALONE

It is absolutely essential for an effective leader to develop first-class communication skills. He is able to share his knowledge and ideas with others, as well as inspire others with enthusiasm and a sense of urgency of any kind of action. If a leader is not able to clearly convey an important idea to others and motivate them to take action, then the fact that he has such an idea does not matter at all.

Gilbert Amelio, President and CEO of the National Semiconductor Corporation

Teaching professionals take something simple and make it complex. Communication professionals take something complex and make it simple.

John Maxwell


Competence goes much further than words. It means a leader's ability to articulate what needs to be done, plan what needs to be done, and do what needs to be done in a way that makes it clear to others that you know how to act and it is clear to them that they want to follow you.

John Maxwell

A society that looks down on plumbing perfection with contempt because it is a humble activity, and tolerates low quality in philosophy, because it is some kind of exalted occupation, will not have any good running water nor good philosophy. His theories will be full of water, but there will be no water in the pipes.

John Gardner, publicist


Courage is quite rightly considered the first of human qualities ... for it is the quality that guarantees the presence of all others.

Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister

Courage is fear having recited suitable prayers.

Karl Barth, Swiss theologian


Smart leaders believe only half of what they hear. Discerning leaders know which half to believe.

John Maxwell

The first law of the pits: if you are already in it, then stop digging.

Molly Dhakke, journalist


If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one.

Russian proverb

What people say, what people do and what they say about what they have done are all completely different things.

Margaret Mead, anthropologist


No one has ever been honored for what he has received. Honors are rewards for giving.

Calvin Coolidge, American President

Giving is the most high way live.

John Maxwell


Success is clearly tied to concrete action. Successful people don't stop moving all the time. They make mistakes, but they never leave the game.

Conrad Hilton, hotel chain manager

Of all the things a leader should be afraid of, self-righteousness should be put first.

John Maxwell


Woodrow Wilson, American President

A good leader encourages adherents to tell him what he needs to know, rather than what he would like to hear.

John Maxwell


When a leader turns to others with passion, he usually meets passion in return.

John Maxwell

Anyone can fly to the top, but once you have made a commitment to dig deep, you have a specific substance in your bloodstream and it becomes very difficult for people to stop you.

Bill Cosby, comedian


The greatest discovery of my generation is that people can change their lives by changing their attitudes.

William James, psychologist

A successful person is someone who knows how to build a solid foundation from the bricks that are thrown at him.

David Brinkley, television journalist


The caliber of a leader can be measured by the problems he tackles. The leader is always looking for those that are proportionate to himself.

John Maxwell

The measure of success is not at all the fact that you have a difficult problem with which you have to deal, but the question whether this is the same problem that already stood before you last year.

John Foster Dulles, former U.S. Secretary of State


The single most important ingredient in the formula for success is knowing how to get along with people.

Theodore Roosevelt

People do not care how great your knowledge is, until they know how great your concern is.

John Maxwell


Major success requires you to take responsibility ... Ultimately, the only quality that all successful people have is the ability and willingness to take responsibility.

Michael Korda, Chief Editor Simon & Schuster

A leader can relinquish everything - except ultimate responsibility.

John Maxwell


You cannot lead people if you yourself need them.

John Maxwell

It is not given to become a great leader to someone who wants to do everything himself or take all the credit for what he has done.

Andrew Carnegie, industrialist


The first and most important victory is to overcome yourself.

A person who has no determination in his character can never be called his own ... He belongs to anyone who can make him a prisoner.

John Foster, literary man

19. Willingness to Serve Others: TO GO FORWARD, SKIP OTHERS FIRST

A true leader always serves. He serves people. Serves their fundamental interests, and on this path he will not always be popular, he will not always be able to make an impression. But since true leaders are motivated by a loving concern rather than a pursuit of personal glory, they are willing to pay that price.

Eugene B. Habecker, writer and publicist

You should love your people more than your current position.

John Maxwell

20. Learning Ability: STAY LEADER, STAY A LEADER

Try to keep the time during which you listen and read, roughly speaking, 10 times longer than the time when you speak. By doing this, you guarantee that you will constantly learn and improve yourself.

Gerald McGinnis, President and CEO of Respironics

What really matters is what you learn after you already know.

John Wooden, basketball coach


The inherent courage of a great leader to bring his vision to life comes from passion, not office.

John Maxwell

The future belongs to those who see opportunities before they become obvious.

John Scully, former CEO of Pepsi and the computer firm Apple

In our gallery of leadership fame (see from top to bottom), there are images of such amazing literary and artistic images of leaders as Don Quixote, Ivanhoe, Zorro, Django, D'Artanyan, Taras Bulba, Captain Nemo, Hodja Nasreddin, Peter Blood.

From the book Offset (refund) of taxes, fees, penalties and fines author Klimova MA

3. CREDIT (REFUND) OF EXCESS PAID (COLLECTED) SUMS OF INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR MANDATORY PENSION INSURANCE In accordance with Art. 3 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ "On compulsory pension insurance in Russian Federation"(Hereinafter - the Law on compulsory

From the book The Quintessence, or Management for Managers by Holden Philip

6 Total quality Definition Delighting the customer through the total dedication of each employee to the business of the company. Quality begins and ends

From the book Flower Salon: Where to Start, How to Succeed the author Dmitry Krutov

From the book Business Breakthrough! 14 best master classes for leaders the author Parabellum Andrey Alekseevich

From the book The Big Book of a Leader from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (collection) author Sharma Robin S.

The second secret of a leader's skill How to stop spanking a child and start forging a leader Make it a rule, whenever possible, to always spend the day so that before going to bed you can say with a clear conscience: “Today I made at least one wiser, happier or better

From the book Procurement Guide by Dimitri Nikola

From the book Who Where, and I Go! Strategy for business and life success the author Commanding Hope

Total quality "The first goal is quality, and the profit will come by itself." The principle of Japanese management. 1993 Ishikawa Award for Leadership in Achieving Quality was established. It was assigned to a person or team who, through their leadership, contributed to

From the book Commercial contract. From idea to fulfillment of obligations the author Tolkachev Andrey Nikolaevich

From the book Clientology. What your customers really want by Graves Philip

From the book Organization of tourism business: technology for creating a tourism product the author Mishina Larisa Alexandrovna

10.3. Quality of excursions Any excursion must meet a certain level of quality. The quality of the excursion can be influenced by: 1) correctly (not correctly) chosen goals and objectives of the excursion; 2) the clarity of the material presented; 3) the content of the excursion, etc.

From the book Flight Plan: How to Reach Heights You Never Dreamed of by Tracy Brian

From the author's book

The most important quality of a leader The second and, perhaps, the most important quality what distinguishes the best top managers is the ability to deal with crises. Throughout their careers, these individuals have demonstrated remarkable ability to confidently and effectively overcome

Eagles do not flock, they need to be found one by one.

American entrepreneur, billionaireRoss Perot

When introducing a management system Progressive management is essential for the success of the leader of the reorganization (progressor) is the quality of interaction with the strategist - the leader of the organization. Here I will highlight two important concepts organization leader(company, business) and reorganization leader(process of progressive change).

Progressor- manager high level, a business trainer, a coach who conveys the vision and understanding of business as a dynamic system, teaches the enterprise organizational skills using a special methodology (on-the-job retraining course). The task of the progressor is to start the process of self-development, to "unwind the flywheel" of the progression of results. During the period of implementation of Progressive Management, the progressor becomes part of the organization, joins the team and acts from within, including by his own example.

Business strategist(strategist) is one person (not a group of people!) who has the highest interest in the commercial success of a business and has the authority to make any decisions regarding this business, except for issues of ownership and redistribution of property. In practice, this can be the only founder, the main founder in a joint form of ownership, or authorized on behalf of the owners to control and manage commercial activities (for example, the general manager), etc. A strategist is not a position; it is a person's status reflecting the level of his authority, power and influence in a particular business.

The progressor must have pronounced leadership qualities for the successful implementation of the reorganization processes. It is very important that the leader of the organization perceives his interim leadership as a partnership and not as a rivalry.

There is famous saying American billionaire Ross Perot: "Eagles don't flock, they need to be found one by one."

It is not easy for two leaders in the same organization to get along well, but in the name of the success of the common cause, the leader of the organization and the leader of the reorganization must interact, prioritizing the goals of the reorganization, and try to smooth out conflict situations... This is especially difficult for an autocratic leader, since he is used to the fact that anyone working in his company must unquestioningly follow his orders and orders and treat him like a boss. The progressor is not subordinate and this can be annoying. The democratic leader accepts the principles of partnership much more easily. His ways of exercising power are most harmoniously consistent with the principles of implementing progressive management. As for customers who use a liberal management style, it is easy to interact with them, but it is very difficult to achieve change, since the concepts of "responsibility", "discipline", "exactingness" in such organizations have a very conventional meaning.

Moreover, the leader of the organization should be aware that opponents of change within the company will try to split the relationship between the two leaders. They know their leader well, they know him " pain points"and they know how to ignite the fire of doubt, irritation and when to" add oil to the fire. "Such people are dexterous manipulators in presenting information" under the right sauce ", so the leader of an organization in a period of changes needs to be discerning and not be lazy to ask himself questions:" For what purpose is this information presented to me? "
Smart leaders believe only half of what they hear, and discerning leaders know which half to believe.

A good leader encourages adherents to tell him what he needs to know, rather than what he would like to hear.

Each organization has employees whose personal interests coincide with the interests of the company, as well as those whose personal interests conflict with the interests of the company and are indifferent to the organization. The last two categories are precisely the "swamp" in which management gets bogged down. It is not hard to guess what kind of people will dislike reforms aimed at dominating the interests of the business owner.
The following conversation is given in the book "The Wisdom of Confucius".

Zi Gong asked Confucius: "What can be said about a person if everyone in the village loves him?" “This is a worthless person,” Confucius replied. "What about the man everyone in the village hates?" “And this is a worthless person,” Confucius said. "It's better when the good people from this village love him and the bad people hate him."

During the period of business reorganization under the control of the progressor, the company's employees occupy the following positions:

1. Active supporters. These are people who strive for transparency of processes and relationships. They have nothing to hide, their activities are effective and useful for the company. They are interested in the transparency of the processes, since in this case their contribution to the activities of the enterprise becomes obvious and there is a hope that this contribution will be appreciated by the management. For the leader of the organization and the leader of the reorganization, such employees are a support during the reorganization, they need to be motivated and delegated authority to them.

2. Active opponents. These are people who are afraid of the transparency of processes and relationships. Only in "troubled waters" they manage to create the appearance of vigorous activity and manipulate information to present their "merit" to the boss. They know how to please the boss, be comfortable, helpful. Although under this mask people with thieves' tendencies are often hidden. They are slowly pumping the resources of the business owner into their pockets, lulling the boss's vigilance with sweet speeches and admiring his countless merits, confessions of loyalty, taking advantage of the loopholes that arise from imperfect accounting and control at the enterprise. Such people are very dangerous for business, since their destructive activity is noticeable to the staff, and signals that such a behavior is not punishable, and may even be desirable. Sometimes there are simply incompetent company employees who do not steal, but are not effective, are in the wrong place. In any case, workers in this category are not interested in transparency. For the leader of the organization and the leader of the reorganization, such employees are an obstacle during the reorganization, they must be got rid of.

3. Passive supporters. These are people who take the side of active supporters, because they trust them, although they themselves do not understand how the reorganization can end for them. For the leader of the organization and the leader of the reorganization, such employees are a positive asset in the implementation of changes, they need to be involved in the reorganization process.

4. Passive opponents. These are people who take the side of active opponents, because they are under their influence, although they themselves do not understand how the reorganization can end for them. For the leader of the organization and the leader of the reorganization, such employees are a hindrance to the reorganization, they must be cut off from the influence of active opponents.

5. Undecided. These people are either passive, who do not care where to work and whom to serve, or who are trying to understand the situation, but due to their remoteness from the top management lack information in order to take a position. For the leader of the organization and the leader of the reorganization, such employees are a potential reserve when making changes, they need to be involved in the reorganization process and monitor their position and activity changes.

Personal and professional qualities of the reorganization leader (interim-progressor).

Progressives should be diagnosticians, experts, coaches, trainers, project managers, and senior executives all rolled into one. For the successful implementation of their activities, they must have the following professional qualities and skills:


Competence goes much further than words. It means the ability of a leader to articulate what needs to be done, plan what needs to be done, and do what needs to be done, in such a way when it is clear to others that you know how to act and it is clear to them that they want to follow you. ...
John Maxwell, writer, publicist

I have never been bothered by the position of this or that person in the service hierarchy; I went to someone who could give me a timely and accurate answer. I have always respected the mind and personal abilities of a person.

Calculated risk

Courage for me means taking a calculated risk, courage means knowing the dangers associated with the venture and overcoming the fear of possible failure. Courage is the inexorable movement towards your goal through a long, dark tunnel.
German entrepreneur, multimillionaire Erich Lejeune


You need to think about big things when you do small things so that all small things move in the right direction.
Alnin Toffler

Timeliness of decision making

Even the right decision becomes wrong if it is made too late.
Former chairman of the Chrysler Board of Lee Iacocca

Indecision, delays in making a decision, and even a lack of decisions are also decisions. And their consequences, positive or negative, are just as irreversible and significant as the consequences of the decisions made.


Success is clearly tied to concrete action. Successful people don't stop moving all the time. They make mistakes, but they never leave the game.
Conrad Hilton, hotel chain manager

There are people for whom “initiative” means “disruptive”, “arrogant”. They are wrong. Proactive people are not arrogant. They are smart, resourceful, purposeful, know what is required of them, take a sober view of things and are guided by values.
The difference between proactive and non-proactive people is as great as between day and night. If we talk about labor productivity, the difference will not be twenty-five to fifty, but as much as five thousand percent - especially when dealing with smart, competent people, who are also not indifferent to the opinions of others.
Stephen Covey, renowned American specialist in leadership, leadership, personal effectiveness, interpersonal relations; psychologist, lecturer, author of a number of business bestsellers.

Team management style

All business operations can ultimately be reduced to the designation in three words: people, products, profit. People come first. If you do not have a reliable team, then of the other factors, there is little that can be done.
The staff of the enterprise is like a football team: the guys should play as a single team, and not as a bunch of bright personalities.
Lee Iacocca, American entrepreneur, manager, marketing specialist; was President of Ford Motor Company and Chairman of the Board of Chrysler Corporation; "Living legend" of American management.

One of the most critical aspects of a team is that it must be able to achieve results that exceed the contributions of its members.
Patricia Wellington, Consultant, Co-Founder of the Europe Japan Center

Ability to convey ideas, convince

It is absolutely essential for an effective leader to develop first-class communication skills. He is able to share his knowledge and ideas with others, as well as inspire others with enthusiasm and a sense of urgency of any kind of action. If a leader is not able to clearly convey an important idea to others and motivate them to take action, then the fact that he has such an idea does not matter at all.
Gilbert Amelio, President and CEO of the National Semiconductor Corporation


You read the book from beginning to end. In business, you follow a different path. You start at the end and then do your best to get there.
Harold Genin, Famous American businessman, former head of ITT Corporation

Strategic planning it is necessary precisely because we cannot predict anything ... Strategic planning deals not with future decisions, but with the prospects of present decisions. Solutions exist only in the present. The question for the strategic decision maker is not what the organization would do tomorrow, but what we must do today to prepare for the unknown tomorrow.

Strategic thinking

Winning generals usually make war plans that will work no matter what the enemy is doing. This is the essence of a good strategy.

Which course you take is much more important than your speed.
Stephen Covey

Targeting market opportunities

Dissatisfied customers are always a problem. They are also your biggest chance.
Bill Gates

Life is a cobweb, lines crossing at unexpected angles. Whether you are successful or not, does not depend on how good your plans are, especially these five-year plans. strategic plans, which are taught by business schools. Success depends on how you respond to unexpected opportunities.
Ross Perot, American businessman, billionaire, politician (was a US presidential candidate

Quality orientation

Quality never arises by chance; it is always the result of clear intent, sincere effort, prudent leadership and skillful execution; it is achieved by choosing wisely from among many alternatives.
Will A. Foster


All human accomplishments - no matter in what form they are expressed - must go beyond the established rules; otherwise we would never have anything new.
Charles Kettering, an American inventor and chief executive who directed research at General Motors, was also the corporation's vice president; Director of the National Council of Inventors, Chairman of the National Geographic Society (USA).

Successful innovation is not an achievement of intellect, but of will.
Joseph Schumpeter, Austrian and American economist, sociologist, historian of economic thought

Accumulated experience

Victories teach the naive, and defeats teach the wise; successes yield only a few lessons, and failures, thousands. Learn from the lessons of the vanquished.
Jeff O "Leary, former military colonel, US Air Force, currently a lecturer, writer, analyst.

Business is not physics, where you have mature geniuses at the age of 26. To take smart solutions you need to have experience. Knowledge alone is not enough.
Theodore Levitt, professor of marketing, editor of the Harvard Business Review, world renowned consultant, and author of business bestsellers.

Personal qualities

Strong leadership qualities

People don't follow leaders who lack dedication. This quality can manifest itself in a wide variety of actions: both in how much time you devote to work, and in the efforts you spend on developing your abilities, and in the personal sacrifices you make for the sake of colleagues.
Stephen Gregg, Chairman and CEO of Ethix Corporation

Through their ingenuity, inspiration, rejection of convention, and discernment, charismatic leaders are potential sources of tremendous change for any organization.
Jay Conger, American researcher and educator in management and organizational behavior

High sense of responsibility

Major success requires you to take responsibility ... Ultimately, the only quality that all successful people have is the ability and willingness to take responsibility.
Michael Korda, Editor-in-Chief, Simon & Schuster

Responsibility is what people fear most. However, this is exactly what helps us grow in this world.
Frank Crane, famous American actor and producer of the early 20th century

High self-discipline

Discipline is also the ability to stick to what is deemed right and necessary, no matter how all kinds of temptations affect your good intentions - beautiful weather, an invitation to a walk to the nearest lake, or the broadcast of the Wimbledon tennis tournament final!
entrepreneur, multimillionaire Erich Lejeune

Losers do what leads to stress relief, while winners do what leads to the achievement of the goal.
Dennis Whateley, world famous American psychologist, consultant, specialist in the field of human relations, motivation.

Success only comes with establishing a habit. Man creates habits, and habits create the future. If you don't consciously create good habits, then bad ones will arise unconsciously.
Albert Gray, was one of the best insurance agents in America, a sales consultant, gained international fame as a lecturer, writer, researcher of the "phenomenon of success".

Sober and objective self-esteem

When the arrow misses the target, the shooter blames himself and not the other. The sage does the same.
Confucius, 551-479 BC e., Chinese thinker, founder of the ethical and political doctrine, which became the basis of the social structure.

The shortest road to change is not to be afraid to laugh at the mistakes you have made, false ideas, at your own stupidity. This frees one from craving for the usual old style of behavior and actions, accelerates progress forward - to a new one.
Spencer Johnson, American specialist in management, motivation; Writer


The future has many faces. To the weak it seems unattainable, cowardly - unknown, brave - possible!
Victor Hugo

With a sense of purpose and perseverance, and surrounded by wise counselors, most leaders are able to help them overcome the lack of authority, information, time and resources.
Jeff O "Leary, former military colonel, US Air Force, currently a lecturer, writer, analyst.

Tenacity and perseverance

I don't think there is any other quality as essential to any kind of success as persistence.

Nothing can replace persistence. Talent will not replace her; nothing is more mundane than talented losers. Genius will not replace it either; A genius who has not achieved anything is almost proverbial. Education will not be a substitute either; the world is full of educated renegades. Only persistence and determination are omnipotent.
Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States

Willful overcoming of fear of mistakes

The most big mistake what can only be done in life consists in the constant fear of doing it.
Elbert Hubbard, writer and skilled artisan.

Intuition and risk are indispensable. First, because even the most correct decision can become erroneous at any time if you delayed making it. Secondly, there is no such thing as absolute certainty, it simply does not exist in nature.
Lee Iacocca, American entrepreneur, manager. He was president of the Ford Motor Company and chairman of the board of the Chrysler corporation.

Developed intuition and logic

Organizational efficiency of any enterprise does not rest on a narrow and narrow-minded idea called rationality. It is based on a combination of sober logic and powerful intuition.
Renowned explorer Henry Mintzberg of McGill University

If you want to be on the path of innovation, then you must be capable of intuitive judgment.
Fred Smith, Founder and CEO of FedEx


The future belongs to those who see opportunities before they become obvious.
John Scully, former CEO of Pepsi and the computer firm Apple


Great ideas need landing gear as much as they need wings.
Writer S. D. Jackson

It is true that which corresponds to the practical success of the action.
William James, American philosopher and psychologist, founder of pragmatism.


Achievements with a result-oriented mindset have to become a way of life - or you will become entangled in contradictions.
Dave Sutherland

As a rule, sustainable success is achieved not through a desperate (“hanging on your laces”) one-time (“now or never!”) Jerk or feat, but as a result of everyday decision-making and implementation.
Stephen Covey, renowned American specialist in leadership, leadership, personal effectiveness, interpersonal relations; psychologist, lecturer, author of a number of business bestsellers


There is nothing easier than saying words. And there is nothing more difficult than living according to them day after day.
Arthur Gordon

This is truly invaluable: to find a person who will take responsibility, complete the work to the end and fasten everything with the last button - it is invaluable to know that if a person has accepted an assignment, then it will be effectively, conscientiously and completely fulfilled.
Richard L. Evans, from The Open Path

Creative thinking

Progress is often just a good idea released. A hero is one who has ideas.
Jack Welch, legendary American executive, former chairman and CEO of General Electric, now head of Jack Welch LLC, and a consultant to the group of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.

The hardest thing in the world is thinking with your own head. This is probably why so few people do it.
Henry Ford

All the problems of the world could be easily sorted out if only people were willing to think. The trouble is that people very often turn to various devices expecting not to think, because thinking is such a hard job.

Thinking at scale

You have to think anyway, so why not think big?
American entrepreneur, billionaire Donald Trump

High ethical standards

The respect that leadership must invoke requires that the ethics of a leader should not raise the slightest doubt. He must not only always be on the right side of the divide between right and wrong, but also be at a fair distance from the "gray zone".
J. Alan Bernard, President, Mid Park

Good value system and good business do not contradict each other.
Buck Rogers, famous American manager, lecturer, author of books, was for a long time vice president of marketing at IBM


History shows that the most famous winners usually faced unbearable difficulties before they reached their triumph. They won because they refused to be defeated.

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher.

Personal and professional qualities of the leader of the organization (strategist).

As follows from the saying "A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar" and one of the mental laws "Like attracts like", the progressor will interact more effectively with the leader of the organization, who has such qualities as:

healthy ambition

Think big, think big - but keep both feet on the ground. You must be good at what you are doing.
Donald Trump, American businessman, billionaire, large real estate owner, media mogul.

The caliber of a leader can be measured by the problems he tackles. The leader is always looking for those that are proportionate to himself.
John Maxwell, writer, publicist.

Entrepreneurs must be willing to set implausible goals for themselves and must be prepared to fail.

Nothing is more overwhelming than seeing someone doing something you think is impossible.
Sam Evig.

If you want to build a large and successful organization, you personally have to be willing to pay a huge price. But more importantly, you will pay the price over and over again on the road to success - that is, you better stock up on will.
Fred Smith, Founder and CEO of FedEx.


Devotion is the real enemy of all opposition, as it means a serious promise to get up and keep going no matter how many times you are knocked down by powerful blows.
David McNally, writer, publicist

Any "good times" are always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, plant the seeds every day! If you relax your concentration even for a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back.
Donald Trump, American businessman, billionaire.

Success comes at a price. Almost everyone who reached the top worked harder and harder, studied more diligently and made plans, sacrificed more of ourselves, overcame more difficulties than those of us who have not yet climbed.
Bertie Charles Forbes, Scottish financial journalist, founder of Forbes magazine.

pragmatic attitude to mistakes and failures

If you want to be successful, you need to double the number of failures.
Thomas John Watson Sr., legendary American entrepreneur and CEO, founder and president of IBM.

Those who are afraid of failure limit their activities. Failure is an opportunity to start over, but wiser.
Henry Ford.

Many people dream of success. I believe that success can only be achieved through repeated failure and introspection. In fact, success is only 1 percent of your work, and the remaining 99 percent is failure.
Looking back at my work, I feel like I was doing nothing more than mistakes, a series of mistakes, serious omissions. But I am also proud of the achievements. Although I made one mistake after another, my mistakes and failures never came about for the same reasons.
Soichiro Honda, Japanese engineer and entrepreneur, founder of Honda Motor Company.

On average, every millionaire who made his own money has gone bankrupt or nearly bankrupt 3.2 times.

balanced attitude to risk

Large-scale innovation is never created by those who wish to preserve their own peace.

When I see a large and very successful business, I realize that someone, at least once, has taken a very big risk.
Peter Drucker, one of the most renowned and respected management theorists, is a consultant to a number of the world's leading companies.

Those who succeed are always decisive, and they try many more actions than other people.
Brian Tracy, business coach, lecturer, writer, author of famous books and audio programs on the topics of business, sales management, self-realization, leadership

Leadership is about making risky decisions. And executives must be experts in business.
Akio Morita, Japanese entrepreneur, founder of Sony Corporation.

correct understanding of the role of the human factor

The fields of various industries are littered with the bones of those organizations where the leadership style was soaked through and through with moral decay and rot, where they believed in what should be taken, instead of giving ... where they did not understand that the only asset of the company that does not lend itself to light replacement is her people.
Le Roy Kurz of General Motors

Successful leaders build their organizations from people who want to climb to the very top.
Jeff O "Leary, former military colonel, US Air Force, currently a lecturer, writer, analyst.

The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way as we buy sugar or coffee, and I will pay more for this skill than for anything else in the world.
John Davison Rockefeller, legendary American entrepreneur, industrialist, financier, first dollar billionaire in human history

A true leader has the ability to move others to the highest achievements; he also gives them freedom and opportunity for further growth.
Buck Rogers, famous American manager, lecturer, author of books, was for a long time vice president of marketing at IBM

understanding the importance of staff motivation

In any kind of business or industry where both idlers and hard workers are equally rewarded, sooner or later there will be many more of the former than the latter.
Publicist Mike Delaney

Motivation alone is not enough: if you have an idiot and you motivated him, then the result is a motivated idiot.
Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur, world renowned lecturer, author; developed work strategies for Coca-Cola, IBM, Xerox, General Motors and others; was Bill Gates' personal "business coach"

In general, people work harder and more innovatively if they are not coerced, a very different picture where they are strictly told what to do.
Soichiro Honda, Japanese engineer and entrepreneur, founder of Honda Motor Company.

tenacity and perseverance

Never lose courage and never quit. Until you surrender, you are not defeated.
Ted Turner, billionaire media mogul

Most people give up at the very time when they are almost successful.
Ross Perot, American businessman, billionaire, politician (was a US presidential candidate)

In fact, there isn't much of a difference between top entrepreneurs and outstanding athletes. People can be divided only into "winners" who ask the question "what should I do to win", and "losers" who think "how not to lose".
Jean Landrum, author of research in motivation and leadership, writer

ability to question past experience

Problems can never be solved with the same mindset that gave rise to them.
Albert Einstein

A decline in activity means that your business has gone through a certain stage at which it is no longer possible to remain, otherwise you are doomed to failure. The revolution is coming. It is necessary to change priorities, re-emphasize accents and move on towards new success.
Terry Dean, author of numerous electronic and print publications, recognized expert in the field of Internet marketing

Success is a lousy teacher. He makes smart people think they can't fail.
Bill Gates

Whenever a person or business decides that success has been achieved, progress stops.
Thomas John Watson Sr., legendary American entrepreneur and CEO, founder and president of IBM.

focus on opportunities

Opportunity lurks amid difficulties and challenges.
Albert Einstein

The only way to deal with an unpredictable future is to create a highly flexible organization. Once changes come into your category, you need to be prepared for change and change as quickly as possible in order to survive in the future.
Jack Trout, world renowned marketer

Any change brings with it new opportunities. Therefore, the organization's response to changes should not be waiting, but increasing activity.
Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric

Most people miss this opportunity. Because she is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas Edison, world renowned American inventor and entrepreneur; the company he founded Edison General Electric after the merger with Thomson-Houston Electric Company was transformed into General Electric

self-improvement ability

Everyone thinks about how to change the world, but nobody thinks about how to change themselves.
Lev Tolstoy

Take off your points of pride and arrogance and throw them into the nearest trash can - then you will see your path more clearly and the obstacles that prevent you from walking along it.
Jeff O "Leary, former military colonel, US Air Force, currently a lecturer, writer, analyst.

Go where the results are so high that they stimulate, push you, forcing you not to stand still. Thus, you will change.
Jim Rohn, an outstanding American business coach and motivator, has developed a strategy for the work of I.B.M., Coca-Cola, Xerox, General Motors, and others.

ability to perceive new experiences

We must be careful in drawing on the wisdom found in experience; don't be like a cat sitting on the lid of a hot stove. He will never sit on a hot stove again - and that's good; but he will never sit on a cold stove either.
Mark Twain

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in moving away from old ones.
Joe Maynard Keynes

the ability to perceive other people's thoughts and ideas

Every morning I remind myself that not a single word I have uttered today will teach me anything. Therefore, if I intend to learn, then I must listen to others.
Famous American TV journalist Larry King

My secret of success lies in the ability to understand the point of view of another person and look at things from both his and my point of view.
Henry Ford.

Learning from yourself alone is like having a fool as a teacher.
Playwright Ben Johnson

Of course, the absence of the above qualities is not a stumbling block. I just want to emphasize that if the progressor is supported by the real leader of the organization, then the results of progressive change can be not only good, but become the beginning of an outstanding business.

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Igor Vladimirovich Bondarenko, founder of the Progressive Management company. The article reflects the author's subjective view of current business problems, based on many years of experience practical management of manufacturing enterprises in the following positions: director of the sales department, director of marketing, commercial director, executive director, general director, chairman of the board of an open joint stock company.

  • Leadership, Management, Company Management