Who is a successful person? Successful person what an independent confident positive

The optimal implementation of the set goals is called success. This concept is relevant for those who make a career, go in for sports, start a family, and raise children. It is applicable to many areas of activity. Achieve excellent results means to be successful.

Everyone wants to be successful


The successful one is the one who is accompanied by success. Success is an achievement the desired goal by obtaining the intended result. Most consider successful people to be those who have only the outward appearance of success, and expensive clothes, a brand new iPhone, a car, etc. All these benefits could be given to him, and a successful one is one who achieved everything by his own efforts. Few people know, but it is wrong to evaluate success only by the car, success is the achievement of a goal, and the goal can be anything. Of course, he owes only himself the achievement of his goals.

Specific traits

Such a person must have the appropriate character traits. Below is a list of the characteristics that it should have:

  1. Hard work. Laziness should not be allowed. It slows down progress. If you are motivated enough, then you will not have any problems. For achievement good results need to work. Nothing will ever fall on you just like that, everything is achieved through work.
  2. Self-criticism. You must assess yourself and your results soberly and as critically as possible. Don't feel sorry for yourself.
  3. Confidence. Self-confidence gives courage to further action... If you are confident in your abilities, then do not be afraid to test yourself. But confidence should not be confused with overconfidence. Self-confidence is a sober assessment of one's capabilities, and self-confidence is an overestimation of oneself (false assessment).
  4. Attitude towards opportunities. The odds are everywhere. It is important to see them and use them in time, they will help you get closer to the goal.
  5. Having a global goal. She is the engine of progress. For such a goal, a certain strategy is needed, with the help of which it can be implemented in stages. You really have to want this goal to come true. Remember, successful people live by it.
  6. Motivation. It can be called fuel, and it should always be. It can be anything. Motivation will guide you, inspire new actions.
  7. A glimpse of failure. Failure motivates a successful person. She has a desire to recoup, to take revenge. She understands that failures are inevitable obstacles to achieving the goal, and meeting with them is completely normal.
  8. A responsibility. A successful person knows that changing reality depends only on her. Nothing is impossible and only she is responsible for achieving her goals. Such a person should rely only on himself.
  9. Ability to take risks. But it is worth doing it wisely. If risk has prospects, and if you fail, you do not lose everything, then take the risk. He can suddenly and drastically change the distance between you and your target.
  10. Order in the head. For a successful personality, everything is laid out on the shelves. No negative thoughts should pursue her, nothing should confuse her. A clear worldview must be formed in the head. Putting things in order in your head is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Just give the right amount time to sort yourself out. With what is in your head, you begin as a person and as successful person.

Not all of the character traits that are listed above are characteristic of you now. They can be acquired through self-improvement.

Psychologists note that the presence of motivation changes people very dramatically. This will push you to change yourself. Even a simple desire to become better can become the motivation that will lead you.

Self-development can take days, months and years, but with your persistent efforts, this period can be significantly reduced.

Principles of Success


Successful people - driving force world progress. They are able to change something, not only for themselves, but also for others.

Now you have a better understanding of who a successful person is, and you know that the path to success is not easy. Strive to be the best and you can achieve life-changing results.

Almost everyone is talking about a person's success today, but few people are clearly aware of what success is and what it depends on. In this sense, success is somewhat akin to love, when everyone imagines what it is, but absolutely cannot clearly explain their ideas to others. So what is success? Let's try to figure it out.

What is success

Success ... Hearing this word, the poor student is likely to imagine himself as the son of wealthy parents, riding a Lamborghini and bathing in the attention of girls of model appearance. And the same age as this student, the same not rich girl, will most likely dream of regular shopping in Paris and Milan. And after a while, our heroes, being "in an active search" for good work and personal life, will understand by success the presence of good friends who can help with advice and put in a word ...

There are an infinite number of such examples, considering how success is represented by the most different people, and ... drown in the information noise, not understanding anything. There is a better way. Simply, looking at the above examples, we will fix two properties of success so that, starting from them, we can move on.

First, the concept of success varies from person to person. Since all people live at some distance from each other, then, we can say that the concept of success changes in space.

Second, the concept of success changes over time. After all, what seemed significant ten years ago may lose all value and meaning today. Likewise, today's values ​​may become irrelevant after a while.

Where do space and time intersect? They intersect at a point called "here and now." This means that "here and now" there is always a certain chance of success. When they say that “success is to be in time”, they do not say one thing important detail... Success is not just about being in time. Success is to have time to see or find your chance here and now. But this is far from always possible and far from everyone. And now it's time to talk about the qualities that allow you to see and find your chance here and now.

Qualities of success

There are two of these qualities: the ability to navigate and intuition. What is the difference? The main difference is that the ability to navigate is purely human quality based on personal experience, and a person's awareness in any area of ​​knowledge. And intuition is a trance personal quality that appears as a kind of insight, a kind of new unprecedented idea. We emphasize: - this is a trance personal quality. In other words, intuitive insight never comes by itself. It can come as a result of explicit or implicit interactions between people.

To train the ability to navigate in a situation, you need, firstly, to study, and, secondly, to practice. To train your intuition ... stop, can you train it? No, you can't train your intuition. You can only follow certain rules so that intuitive insights come as often as possible. One of these rules is to listen to other people more often, mentally (mentally, and not in words) trying to oppose this person. It is at these moments that some useful idea may come to mind.

Now, having figured out the ability to navigate and intuition, you can define the concepts of "success" and "successful person." So…

Success is the ability to see a chance to improve your life here and now, through the ability to navigate the situation and intuitive insights. A successful person is a person who sees and takes advantage of the chances of improving their life right here and right now.

More down to earth, a successful person is able to improve his life everywhere, in any environment. For example, we all know people who, once in a new city, very soon acquired good acquaintances, quickly found their soul mate, and soon they had their own business. This is an example of a successful person. Another example: a person found himself in difficult conditions (in the army or in prison), and there he was able to achieve some kind of respect and position. True, in the last example, not only success plays a role, but also a resource, but this is already a separate topic ...

Qualities that prevent many people from being successful

  1. Firstly, it is the expectation that one stage will end, and after it a new, "more successful" one will begin. For example, a young man or girl thinks: “I’ll finish school, go to college, this is where life begins”. But, alas, life does not begin. Dull lectures stretch with interruptions for session hassle. And then, such a person thinks: “I’ll graduate from the institute, I’ll go to work, and ...”. But, history repeats itself, and a person steps on the same rake. Although no, not the same. The previous rake did not hurt so hard on the forehead ...
  2. Secondly, it is a belief in a miracle. Such a person believes that "a magician will suddenly arrive in a blue helicopter." What distinguishes belief in miracles from the expectation described above is spontaneity. If the expectation always has a specific period, then a miracle can happen at any moment. However, when a person expects a miracle, he does not see the chances that are here and now, and thus becomes less successful. The expression "if you want something, then stop wanting, and your wish will come true" is just about this situation. A person wants a miracle to happen that would fulfill his desire, and at the same time does not see the chances that are here and now.
  3. Third, the belief that the foundation of success is one thing. For example, money. If you have money, then you can, if not everything, then a lot. Another example can be cited: love. If there is love, then everything in life will work out. As a rule, the first belief is more inherent in men, and the second - in women. In fact, both men and women here substitute cause for effect. If a person can make money, then this is just the result of the fact that the person is successful. Or, if a person is loved mutually, this is the result of what he saw and did not miss his chance.
  4. Fourth, the desire to succeed by deceiving someone. After all, if one person deceives another, then trust does not arise between them on a subconscious level, and, consequently, the opportunity for intuitive insight disappears. A person who deceives another, as it were, deprives himself of one of the qualities that allow him to see his success here and now. Of course, such a person can use his ability to navigate the situation, but such a skill can not always help. Therefore, it is more profitable to be honest.

What do you want to say in the end? The fact that the external attributes of a person's success (money, cars, girls, travel) are not success itself, but only its consequence. And success is, first of all, the ability to see your chance. And, of course, I would like to wish all readers to see their chances! Or, more simply, wish them luck!

Successful people are often not afraid of judgment, unfounded and inadequate criticism. They just let her pass them by and keep their balance.


Based on awareness. Successful people know who they are, where they are going, and what they want from life. They understand what resources, knowledge they have and what they lack. Every successful person knows his own worth, sets simple, clear goals and moves towards them.

Focus on goals

It is important not only to have. It's important to focus on her. like a magnet attracts to itself. A successful person checks their steps and actions against a goal. Takes necessary and effective actions that bring you closer to it.

Positive thinking

If successful people were not optimistic and were sure that "the glass is half empty", then no amount of persistence, dedication and hard work would have led them to success.


And the last one distinctive feature in the nature of successful people it is passion. In order to ensure your success on an ongoing basis, you need to have a passion for life and for what you do. Passion drives a person, and he constantly "burns out" in pursuit of that cherished dream.

Develop all the traits of successful people in yourself, and yourself take this path. Good luck!

What do our fellow citizens mean by the concept of "success" and what does it mean to be "successful"? To find out, the Research Center of the recruiting portal Superjob.ru conducted a series of surveys among economically active respondents from all districts of the country.

As it turned out, being successful is, first of all, making good money, being rich, wealthy (15% of Russians think so). Interestingly, this opinion is more widespread among women than among men (18% versus 12%).

"To be successful is when the salary time comes, and you haven't spent the previous one yet!"

"Million dollars in personal account"

According to 12% of Russians, being successful means achieving your goals. Another 11% of those surveyed are convinced that a successful person is the one who does what they love. This position is more common among women than among men (13% versus 8%).

In addition, the fair sex is more likely to believe that being successful means being loved and married (9% versus 5% among the stronger sex). “A successful woman is when she has a beloved and strong family, beloved and loving husband, happy and healthy children, a well-established life and work, which she does with pleasure ... ”- they comment.

Also, according to Russians, to be successful means to be in demand and useful (this is what 5% of respondents think), to climb the career ladder and be satisfied with the results (4% each), to exercise authority and realize one's abilities (3% each).

2% of respondents are sure that being successful means feeling free and independent, living in harmony with oneself and others, developing, learning, being a professional, lucky and self-confident. "Success is success!" - consider another 2% of respondents. Another 15% of Russians named other signs of a successful person:

"When they follow you, and not you follow someone"

"To be in time for everything"

"Page about you on Wikipedia"

"Be spiritually rich"

At the same time, the majority of Russians (63%) do not agree with the statement that a person's success is connected exclusively with career achievements. According to the respondents, it is impossible to be successful without personal happiness. “If a person doesn’t work out a good relationship either there is no family in the family, or he did not bring up the children properly, then success in his career does not mean his success as a whole as a person, ”the respondents comment.

On the contrary, every fourth Russian (25%) is convinced that professional growth is the main criterion for success: “Any person is judged by where he works and how much he earns”; "If a person is happy at work, he is happy in everything." Those who share this point of view are more among young people under 24 (28%).

"Do you consider yourself a successful person?" 61% of Russians answered positively to this question, and 21% of the respondents consider themselves to be unequivocally successful, another 40% - rather successful. "Much has come true"; "I have everything!" - the respondents comment.

And the younger a person is, the more likely they are to consider themselves successful. So, among respondents under 24 years old, 27% feel unequivocally successful, and among those over 45 - only 17%. Respondents who earn more than 45 thousand rubles a month feel more likely to be on the crest of success (22% of them consider themselves to be unequivocally successful, another 47% - rather successful). In addition, men are more likely to consider themselves to be unambiguously successful (22% versus 18% among women), but rather successful - women (44% versus 37% among men). Successful people more among those who are married (65% versus 55% among singles and unmarried).

But 21% of our fellow citizens still do not consider themselves successful (5% - unequivocally, and 16% - rather do not consider themselves). And the reasons for this are very different: “The circumstances were such that I had to close my business”; "There are problems at work, no one gets married." More often than others, respondents over 45 consider themselves unambiguously unsuccessful (7% compared to 3% among young people under 24), those surveyed with an income of less than 25 thousand rubles a month, who do not have children (6%) and are not married (7% ).

What is success in the minds of Russians and does the idea of ​​success change over time? First of all, our fellow citizens put into this concept the achievement of the desired result (19%, in 2006 - 30%) and income, welfare (17%, in 2006 - 19%). Favorite work is less and less viewed as an obligatory component of success: if in 2006 15% of respondents considered it as such, today it is only 7%.

Fewer and fewer respondents consider the main thing in success to be a career (6% versus 8% in 2006), family and happiness in personal life (6%, seven years ago - 9%), satisfaction with what has been done (5% versus 11% in 2006), respect, authority (5% versus 9% in 2006), luck, luck (4% versus 7%), efficiency (4% versus 5%), as well as self-realization (3%), professionalism (2%), striving forward ( 2%), being in demand (1%) and fulfilling desires (1%).

16% of those surveyed indicated other ingredients for success:

« High level spiritual, intellectual, physical, moral and material development! "

"When you bring goodness to people - this is success!"

Location of the survey: Russia, all districts
Customer: "Vedomosti"
Settlements: 134
Time: January 15, 2013
Study population: the economically active population of Russia over 18 years old
Sample size: 1000 respondents

Question: "What do you think it means to be successful (oh)?"

More detailed information about the study, as well as the comments of the respondents - on the portal

Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region

Regional scientific-practical conference of research and applied works

"We are the future of Kuzbass (junior)"
Section “Chemistry. Biology. Ecology. Psychology"

Who is he, a successful person?

Samoilov Alexey, grade 7

MBOU "Basic general education

school number 2 ", Tashtagol

Scientific adviser:

Shepeta Irina Valentinovna,

primary school teacher,

teacher - psychologist

Table of contents

Introduction ……………………………………………………………… ........


Chapter 1. The psychological aspect of the concepts of "success" and "success" of a person. …………………………………………………………………….

    1. Success, success as a category of social psychology. ………

    2. Success or failure in activity ………………………………… ..

    3. Success and success in school and life ………………………………

    4. Formation of ideas about success in adolescence ………………………………………………………..……..



Appendix 1. Organization and methods

research ………………………………………………………………….

Appendix 2. Russian people in achieving success …………………….







The term "success" is one of the most common in the language culture of modern Russian society... The relevance of the study is dictated by the social, economic and political changes that have occurred in society in last years Who is he, a successful person, and what are the criteria for success in our country? We have tried to answer these questions.

Success is a life stimulus, a life position, which largely depends on how much this need is formed in a person and what value sense he fills it with. A successful person is a person who has managed to realize the potential inherent in him, to realize his capabilities and desires for the benefit of himself and for society. A successful person is successful because he does everything in order to become successful.

The concept of success is not alien to either the older or the younger generations. But each time has its own Success and its Heroes. One way or another, each generation creates and defends its own version of Success.

The purpose This study is to study the perceptions of different age groups about the success of a person.

This goal assumes the solution of the following tasks:

  1. Revealing the peculiarities of ideas about a successful person in different age groups (adolescents and their parents).
Hypothesis the research is that ideas about people's success have a complex structure and are different depending on age.

Research objectives:

  1. Study of scientific literature on the research topic.

  2. Drawing up a questionnaire on various aspects of perceptions of success.

  3. Carrying out the necessary research.

  4. Revealing the features of ideas about a successful person in
different age groups (adolescents and their parents).

The object of research is prerequisites for the development of the success of students MBOU "School No. 2".

Subject of study - students MBOU "School No. 2".

In our opinion, the study of the perceptions of the success of young people in comparison with the ideas of adults will be especially important for young people. They will have to cope with the difficulties of the period of entering adulthood, in the list of which life success is one of the first places. To be able to become successful, it seems to us, is valuable for modern Russia.

With wishes of success ...

Chapter 1. The psychological aspect of the concepts of "success" and "success" of a person

    1. Success, success as a category of social psychology
Research into human success has become a tradition primarily abroad. Recently, the well-known linguist A. Shmelev in an interview with the correspondent of the Znanie-Sila magazine said that twenty years ago the phrase “successful person” did not exist in the Russian language. However, in the linguistic culture of modern Russian society, success is one of the most common terms. For example, the mass media, referring to the topic of solving the everyday problems of our compatriots, offer a variety of algorithms for achieving social, professional, personal and family success. Maybe the very phrase "successful person" really was not in use before, but all the same success was appreciated at all times.

The terms “success”, “successful” “success” unambiguously carry a positive meaning.

The concept of "successful", as defined by SI Ozhegov, means "containing success, successful", and the concept of "success" means "luck in achieving something." "Luck", in turn, is interpreted by the author as "a necessary or desirable outcome of the case." In this case, the concepts of "success", "luck", "desire", on the one hand, we can correlate with emotional state person, and on the other, - the combination “necessary or desirable outcome of the case” may mean, in our opinion, the correspondence of the achieved result to the set goal, which reflects human activity.
Success is associated with social nature a person, with the manifestation of his essential principle. The need for success has been considered and is currently viewed as one of the fundamental. It is the need to set ever-further goals and strive to achieve them. It reflects the constant competition of a person with others and himself in an effort to surpass the previously achieved level, to do better and more original. American writer Michael Korda wrote: “Success is easy to measure. This is the distance between where you started and your most recent achievement. "

Success, however, cannot be viewed only as “achieving a result”. Its whole point is in the joy that it gives. The expectation of joy is the source of a person's movement forward. Remove it - and all the actions and abilities of a person lose their meaning. Joy does not arise by itself. Its fuel is awareness of what has been achieved.

From the foregoing it follows that success is the fulfillment of the goal and the state of satisfaction (joy, happiness) from this. But what is still considered a success: what a person personally considers to be such, or what society claims to be success? Opinions differ on this point: “Success is the assessment of society. Society says: if you have achieved that, that, that, then you are successful. "

Let us disagree with the wording: success is an individual concept, everyone decides for himself what success is for him and whether he was successful. Success is a social category and the significance of the performed activity in accordance with the system of social values ​​is very important.

Success always has two sides. One is a purely individual experience of joy, personal, subjective. Another is the attitude of others to the success of a particular person. The connection between these parties is beyond doubt. A person experiences a feeling of success when he not only himself understands that he has achieved success, but sees (understands) that those around him and people who are significant to him evaluate his deeds as good luck. For example, in competitions, an athlete runs 100 meters faster than his rivals, he feels good luck, but a feeling of success comes to him when it is announced that he has broken the world running record by 0.02 seconds.

In addition, success is, first of all, and mainly a human concept, and only then a professional one. If a person's character is far from perfect, differs in duplicity, then professional achievements alone will not be enough to win the respect of others. This means that there is no foundation for lasting success. Any success: in studies, sports, business, social work, can in no way be divorced from two issues on which, like in whales, the foundations of morality stand - in the name of what? By what means? If success is needed only for an external effect, or it has generally turned into an end in itself (success for the sake of success itself), is its price high from a human point of view?

So, success is the experience of joy from the fact that the result to which a person strove in his activity, either coincided with his expectations, or exceeded them. A successful result of a person's activity presupposes an assessment by society in the form of recognition or approval. And we must not forget that the concept of "lasting success" is based on the moral laws of human life. It is unlikely that anyone would seriously consider selfishness, injustice, deception, cruelty a solid foundation long-term success.

    1. Success and failure in activity
In the formation of a person's attitude to activity, in the development of his motivation great importance has success or failure in activities.

To achieve success in activities, a person, first of all, it is important to be able to set goals and build a plan for the implementation of the plan. " Happy people every day they do at least one, at least small step towards your goals ”(David Niven).

In addition, an essential ingredient of success is belief in success. “In any project, the most important factor is the belief in success. Success is impossible without faith. ”- William James.

Formula for success:

Belief in success accumulates all the mental abilities of a person, and the subconscious mind begins to actively work to achieve the goal, a special feeling of confidence appears - and then your dreams are doomed to come true.

The most pleasant, joyful and valuable for a person will be such a success that was given with a certain amount of effort and which is therefore perceived as a well-deserved result of his work. Success too easily can be disappointing: I know I put a little effort into their accomplishment of this task, so why are they praising me? Such success does not bring a feeling of satisfaction. And although it is pleasant to feel like a “lucky”, “lucky person”, it is still very important for a true experience of success that you have achieved it by your own efforts, by your own labor.

In the laboratory of the famous Russian psychologist A. N. Leontiev, such an experiment was carried out. Preschoolers were asked to complete the task: to get a certain thing without getting up. It was very difficult to do this without breaking the rules. Therefore, some children could not stand it, and when the psychologist left the room, they broke the rule: they got up and took the right thing. When the psychologist returned again, he rejoiced at the child's “success”, praised him and gave him candy as a reward.

Some children calmly accepted the award, but there were also those who were upset to tears, tried with all their might to get rid of, saying that "bitter candy".

The experience of success and failure is also influenced by a person's ideas about what causes the results of his activity - internal or external.

The internal reasons for success or failure in activity largely depend on the person himself. These are his abilities, ingenuity, knowledge, perseverance, desire, etc.

External reasons most often do not depend on the person himself. This is the difficulty of the task, chance, luck or bad luck, etc. Of course, experiencing success, each of us usually takes into account both external and internal reasons... However, people differ in which reasons - internal or external - they mainly explain their successes and failures. This explanation is called the locus of control. If a person believes that his success depends on himself - on his perseverance, perseverance, intelligence, abilities, then they speak of an internal locus of control.

If a person attributes his successes and failures to external reasons, which he himself cannot influence - the difficulties of the task, the attitudes of other people, then his locus of control is considered external.

Psychological studies have shown that the locus of control, both internal and external, influences the success of the activity.

People who, in explaining their successes and failures, are guided mainly by internal reasons, believe that the results of their activities depend, first of all, on themselves. Therefore, they put more effort into the performance of the activity and objectively achieve greater success than those that the teachers find fault with them, and their success is due to luck. Some adults attribute their failures to the injustice of their boss, and their successes - to a happy coincidence. The external locus of control leads to the fact that at the first failure, a person abandons the job he has begun, since he is firmly convinced that he will not succeed anyway.

The feeling of success or failure in an activity always changes the psychological conditions of its course. Failure in activity, especially long-term failure, generally complicates further work, makes it psychologically for a person even more difficult than it really is. Difficulties stimulate activity, but they must be within the limits of reason, otherwise they turn into super-difficulties, and a person begins to be powerless in front of them.

Success inspires a person, no matter how old he is and what activity he is not engaged in. The hero of Leo Tolstoy's trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth ”Nikolenka Bersenev conveys his feeling of praise in such a way:“ I would never have thought that you were so smart! ”He told me with such a good-natured, sweet smile that suddenly it seemed to me that I was extremely happy. Praise has such a powerful effect not only on feeling, but also on the mind of a person that under its pleasant influence it seemed to me that I had become much smarter, and thoughts one after another with extraordinary speed were typing into my head. "

    1. Success and success in school and life
On the one hand, “academic performance” and “success” are words that are close in meaning. Success is a property that encompasses success. And academic performance is the degree of success in training, assimilation of knowledge. This is an external indicator. Currently, there are many doubts that this indicator really reflects a property that in the inner world a person and his external activity manifests itself, is experienced as success.

Many parents constantly tell their children: “Study hard, get good grades - only then can you find high-paying job”And worry if their studies are not going well. Adults are convinced that good knowledge will give their children a chance for future success. But is it true that learning is the main thing? Is there a relationship between excellent grades in school and continued success in life?

Parents' concerns about their child's poor performance are understandable. However, one should not transfer "school success" to success in life (position in society, position held, income level, number of friends, family well-being, etc.). Paradoxically, those who study moderately and satisfactorily can also be successful.

Of course, good academic performance is to a large extent the likelihood that a young person will get a good job in life, but still, this is just a probability, not a guarantee. There are many famous people who did not study very well at school, but achieved their goal and became successful.

For example, Alla Pugacheva graduated from high school with seven Cs: in drawing, biology, physics, geography, chemistry, physical education and behavior. She had only three A's: in literature, arithmetic and labor. Andrei Mironov had triplets in algebra and geometry. But he studied with excellent marks in history, natural science, literature and drawing. Vladimir Putin had a B in drawing, a B in Russian, natural science and arithmetic. The five was the only one - in history. However, he was able to take the presidency. Microsoft founder Bill Gates studied so poorly that he was even taken to a psychologist about it. He only had good mathematical skills. Despite this, he organized his own company, and at the age of 31 he became a billionaire. There are many more such examples when C grade students become successful in life. But history data should not be judged famous people as a call for lower learning outcomes in schools. On the contrary, education is imperative. It is only necessary to take a broader approach to the issue of school success. After all, academic performance is not the only component of academic success.

How can one interpret the educational success of a child? First of all, success is qualitative assessment the results of activities, which consists of the objective performance and subjective attitude to these results of the person himself. Subjective components of success are sustained high self-esteem and satisfaction with oneself and one's activities. Unhappy, anxious, tortured regulatory requirements and by the expectations of others, an excellent student cannot be classified as a successful student. Studying does not bring him joy, satisfaction, a feeling of uplift, all that is included in the concept of "success".

The objective indicator of success - performance - also should not be interpreted primitively. Performance indicators can be quantitative and qualitative, they should provide an opportunity to assess real achievements in different systems coordinates - in comparison with oneself, the study group, some regional norm, standard, etc.

And today's rating system, in fact, records only a quantitative result and only in comparison with educational standard... So it turns out that a child with serious developmental problems, who managed to achieve a grade of "three" thanks to willpower, great desire, serious and long-term studies, and a gifted student who studies carelessly and gets his fours - jokingly C's, without a single effort and effort , - are equally successful. Oh, is it?

Certain steps are now being taken in order to at least diversify quantitative performance indicators (non-traditional rating scales, rating system, etc.). In addition, it is simply necessary to introduce qualitative performance indicators. They should record the changes taking place with the child himself, the increase in his competence, his skills, the appearance in him of new qualities, new cultural needs and habits.

In points creativity, the ability to work on a problem, conduct research, collaborate with other students in study group and other psychological properties and abilities are very difficult to measure. For this reason, they simply refuse to evaluate them, reducing the effectiveness of training to the assimilation of knowledge and purely educational skills and abilities. But this is fundamentally wrong.

Success is a vital stimulus, a life position, which largely depends on how much this need is formed in a child at school. The formation of the child's personality takes place under the influence of the environment, teacher and parents. The child's success can be maintained and developed as a result of specially organized psychological and pedagogical work. The focus on creating a situation of success should be seen as one of the indispensable conditions increasing the efficiency of training and education processes.

Thus, academic performance is only component student success in school. The concept of "successful student" should include not only high school grades, but also positive dynamics of development, social adaptability, adequately positive self-esteem, sociability, good physical and mental health etc. Unfortunately, the success of the child in school (often it is just academic performance) and beyond the threshold of school, in real life do not always match. The modern situation in education suggests that the problem of human success has become actualized. There has been a change in the idea of ​​the content and quality of education. When organizing professional psychological and pedagogical activities, each student should be in a situation of success, he should have dynamics personal development... I would like to see our children successful. If at the same time they have a high degree of academic performance - great. And then a successful stay young man at school will certainly contribute to his further successful advancement in life.