OSB boards or drywall partitions. The choice between drywall and osb, in-depth analysis. Varieties of OSB plates and their differences

Is there any alternative to drywall? Of course, this material has excellent technical characteristics, but sometimes there is a desire to finish the room with something else. So how much better would it be to use other materials? This definitely needs to be dealt with.

What can replace drywall?

Mainly use the following materials:

  • These plates are considered excellent finishing materials. In this case, OSB is an excellent replacement for drywall. This material appeared on the construction market relatively recently. At the same time, many people began to use OSB boards in a short time. What is characteristic, with improved technical specifications OSB boards are much cheaper than drywall.
  • SMG. Magnesite glass boards can also be used as an alternative drywall substitute. They are used to sheathe roofs, ceilings, attics, level the surfaces of walls, make multi-level floors, etc. Although in this case drywall will be cheaper.
  • Chipboard. Chipboards are needed in order to build internal partitions.
  • GWP. tongue-and-groove slabs are considered much stronger than drywall. They are used to build walls. tongue-and-groove tiles made from gypsum, to which various necessary substances are added. The tongue-and-groove tiles are also divided into hollow and full-bodied. They are distinguished by high strength and excellent sound insulation.

Drywall and plywood: which is better to use

Plywood or drywall? This question comes up all the time. To understand whether plywood can be considered as a substitute for drywall, you need to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of both materials in more detail.

  • Fire resistance and moisture resistance. In this regard, drywall wins significantly, since plywood does not tolerate moisture and burns easily.
  • Material price. Plywood is much cheaper than drywall, which is its significant advantage.
  • Installation of flexible structures. If the design of the room is very complex, then the use of plywood comes to naught. Drywall can be bent as required.
  • Finishing. Plywood is very difficult to wallpaper or paint over, while drywall can be done easily.
  • Tools and skills. It is easy to work with drywall, it does not require any additional skills and tools. It won't work with plywood.

It is worth remembering that most often these materials are used absolutely in different areas, so it is difficult to compare them fully. However, at construction forums they will still ask the question “Is it worth exchanging drywall for plywood?”.

tongue-and-groove tiles

Grooved tiles have a number of advantages, due to which many people consider this material to be better than drywall.

So this is:

  • Easy installation. GWP are arranged in such a way that their installation is carried out in a short time.
  • Excellent thermal insulation. If you have chosen full-bodied HWP, then your apartment will always be warm.
  • small thickness. PWP is much thinner than drywall, which allows you to apply precious centimeters correctly.

Installation of a partition from tongue-and-groove plates (video instruction)


Glass-magnesite sheets have the following technical characteristics:

  • excellent sound insulation
  • humidity resistance,
  • high resistance to adverse weather conditions,
  • light weight,
  • long service life.

If we talk about the differences between SMG and drywall, then they are as follows:

  • used for both internal and external work,
  • withstand high humidity and high temperatures,
  • ease of installation.

Of course, drywall is much cheaper than SMG. But the scope of its use is rather limited. Therefore, SMG can be used in places where drywall will be useless.


Chipboard panels are most often used as ordinary interior partitions.

The main advantages of this material can be called:

  • Chipboard is much cheaper than drywall,
  • Chipboard is easy to install.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Chipboard requires very careful preparation for finishing,
  • Chipboard does not tolerate moisture even more than drywall. Accordingly, this material can only be mounted in very dry rooms.


Oriented strand board also has a number of its own characteristics. Let's consider them in detail:

  • Made from natural wood raw material. Because of this, deformation of the plates sometimes occurs.
  • The material is not flexible. If the plates are thin, then it is still possible to bend them. But with thick plates this can no longer be done.
  • Complex processing. Processing this material is not as easy as drywall.
  • Price. It will be much cheaper to level the walls with drywall than to perform a similar action with the help of oriented strand boards.

In this case, the advantage of drywall is quite obvious. And the fact that it is cheaper, and its quality is much better, makes it even more competitive.

Sheathing walls with PVC panels (video instruction)

Among the huge range finishing materials drywall and oriented strand boards are well-deservedly popular. Both options have their strengths and weaknesses. And to figure out which is better, OSB or drywall, you need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

What is drywall, its pros and cons

Drywall can rightfully be called one of the most universal materials for interior decoration of the house. With its help, you can create perfectly even walls, make structures of any complexity in the form of arches, original niches, multilevel ceilings, pilasters, columns and much more.

Such versatility of drywall is ensured by its basis, which is natural material, obtained by firing at a temperature of 1800 degrees - building plaster.

In addition to gypsum, the filler may contain adhesive composition PVA, starch, fiberglass, etc.

Gypsum ready for further processing is placed between two layers of thick cardboard. For the manufacture of drywall sheets, cardboard with a density of 0.17 - 0.22 kg / m 2 is used.

In order for this building material to have a reliably protected edge, its edges are bent around the ends. This technique allows you to protect the sheet during transportation or storage.

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Pros of drywall:

  • nature of the material. For its production, no synthetic additives and toxic substances are used, which makes it possible to obtain an environmentally friendly product. clean finish inside the house
  • It is possible to use it in any premises, but for use in places with high level humidity (for example, in the bathroom), it is recommended to choose a moisture-resistant GKL
  • Causes no difficulty in carrying out installation work. The material lends itself well to any processing and is easily modified. This advantage of GKL allows you to create the most incredible designs and reliefs.
  • The ability to hide various communications in drywall niches, as well as uneven walls. In the voids formed during the installation of drywall, insulation material can be laid.
  • High rate of thermal and sound insulation qualities
  • The ability to create a comfortable controlled microclimate in a room finished with drywall, capable of absorbing and releasing moisture
  • GKL has good indicator fire safety
  • Plasterboard structures lend themselves perfectly to painting, plastering, tiling, wallpapering
  • Possibility of quick and relatively simple repair in case of cracks, dents, deformation, through holes
  • Material availability

Cons of plasterboard finishes:

  • Moisture-resistant drywall, often used in the bath, cannot fully resist negative impact water. It is not recommended for finishing ceiling v high-rise buildings, where there is a high probability of flooding by neighbors from above
  • In rooms with a high level of humidity, even with special surface treatment, it is not always possible to resist the appearance of mold on the GKL. Only by installing waterproof materials during finishing, you can achieve the desired result.
  • Low rate mechanical strength material, which involves reinforcement future design with the help of embedded elements when fastening lighting fixtures or in places where paintings, equipment, household items, etc. will be hung.
  • Accuracy and accuracy when working with plasterboard, you need to fasten taking into account the characteristics of the material
  • The need for additional finishing (sealing, recesses)
  • Availability of a dry room in case of storing sheets in reserve

In order to understand which is better - drywall or OSB boards a, it is recommended to study the strengths and weaknesses of the latter.

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What are OSB boards, their pros and cons

Oriented strand boards (OSB, OSB, OSB) are made in the form of a multi-layer sheet texture from coniferous or hardwood chips made from non-commercial wood. Chips are glued together with various resins under the influence of high pressure and high temperature. On the outside sheet shavings are laid out in a longitudinal design, and with inside- in the transverse, which makes the plates especially durable.

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Material advantages:

  • Can be bent if necessary for interior wall decoration. Doesn't crack like plywood
  • Moisture resistant options can be used for outer skin gazebos, outbuildings. OSP-3 and OSP-4 grades with a high level of resistance to moisture have proven themselves especially well.
  • When fastening, the material does not cause any difficulties, the self-tapping screws are securely held in the web structure
  • The plates are easy to process, fix them quite simply, and you can cut them to size with a chainsaw
  • Material availability
  • A wide choice of finishes, you can use varnish - colorful materials, plaster, etc.
  • Long service life if attached according to technology. If the plate is treated with a fire-resistant composition, then it can last up to 300 years.
  • High degree of strength
  • Does not shrink
  • The composition of the material does not contain harmful components
  • If you cover the plate with high-quality varnish, the surface will be complete

Cons of OSB boards:

  • There are products from manufacturers that add glue with formaldehydes and other substances harmful to human health.

When buying a product, you need to pay attention to its quality and composition.

To answer the question “Which is better, drywall or OSB for home interior decoration?”, You need to compare these two types of material.

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Comparison of GKL or OSB

To find out which is better, OSB or drywall on the walls for interior decoration, we will compare the following parameters:

  • Scope of application. Both GKL and OSB can be actively used to create furniture (in the kitchen), ceiling and arched structures, curly elements. Using moisture resistant options, you can sheathe the walls in the bathroom.
  • Environmental friendliness. Two types of material quality workmanship do not contain substances harmful to the human body.
  • moisture resistance. GKL is more prone to developing mold on it than its opponent. If we consider what is better to mount on the wall in the bathroom, drywall or OSB, then it is better to give preference to universal products - OSB-3 with a high level of moisture resistance and susceptibility to mechanical stress.
  • Strength. This is where oriented strand board wins.
  • Difficulty in processing. Both materials are easy to process, and their load capacity is relatively high.
  • Heat and sound insulation qualities. If there is excessive loud sounds the gypsum panel will vibrate, in order to eliminate this negative point, it will be necessary to finish the surface with several layers of cladding and fill the voids with fiberglass or mineral wool. But today the manufacturer has introduced a unique product - acoustic drywall with excellent soundproof properties. It attaches very easily. With this approach, both materials will have almost the same effect.
  • Difficulty at work. If you figure out what is better to fix, OSB or drywall, then there is not much difference here. They are fastened equally well, they do not cause any difficulties even for a home master.

When is it better to use OSB, and in which drywall

It is recommended to use oriented strand boards with high technical characteristics for roof finishing, for flooring, for outdoor work, for creating frame-panel construction.

For interior wall decoration and execution original designs choose a material based on building gypsum.

Having found out what is better than OSB or drywall, you can start planning repairs in a particular room. The main thing is to choose a product from a trusted manufacturer and fasten it reliably and efficiently, observing the construction technology. If moisture resistant drywall mounted on OSB, you can get a surface with a long service life and strong enough.

Modern construction market offers various options for interior decoration. Plasterboard (GKL) and OSB are very popular among the population. At the same time, it is not yet clear which option will be better. Our article will help to shed light and give a definite answer to this question.

To understand what would be better to use for interior decoration, OSB or drywall, you need to comparative characteristic, which is possible only with a datum consideration of each material separately.

Tandem of cardboard and plaster

Drywall is especially popular today, as it has a number of advantages that its device gives it.
Gypsum board consists of three layers:

  • core - it consists of gypsum and additional additives, which give the sheets certain properties;
  • two layers of cardboard. They cover the core from both sides.

Plate structure

The composition of the material in percentage terms includes: 91.1% - gypsum, 5.78% - cardboard, and the rest - water.
Thanks to this device, drywall has the following advantages:

  • it is a completely environmentally friendly material;
  • a light weight. The stove weighs relatively little so that one person can move it without problems;
  • easy installation;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • the plate is an excellent basis for various finishing materials - paint, wallpaper, decorative stucco, ceramic tiles, artificial stone etc. Plasterboard walls and ceilings can be decorated in the most unimaginable way;
  • from it you can create the most various designs: dropped ceilings, carry out wall cladding, the formation of partitions, arches, niches and columns;
  • safety. The material is completely safe for human health. Only when cutting it, you need to cover your eyes and mouth so that dust does not get there;
  • price. The material is available and cheaper than some other types of finishes, especially if drywall is used to repair the entire house.

With a material such as drywall, you can give the apartment a unique look. appearance making it original and very beautiful.
In addition, drywall has certain specific properties that give it special core additives. Among the special properties of the material are the following:

  • moisture resistance. Sheets with such properties can be installed in rooms where there is a humid microclimate. Such plates are used in the repair of the attic, kitchen, bathroom and toilet;

Moisture resistant sheets

  • fire resistance. This type of plate is used in rooms with a dry microclimate, as well as where there are increased requirements for fire safety. Thanks to special additives, such material can withstand exposure to open fire for about 40 minutes;

Refractory sheets
Fire Resistant Sheets

  • fire and moisture resistance. There are drywall sheets that can combine both fire resistance and moisture resistance. They are installed in rooms with a dry and humid microclimate;
  • ordinary. Such sheets are used for finishing walls and ceilings in rooms with a normal microclimate.

In general, drywall can be used in almost any room: bathroom, kitchen, living room, toilet, bedroom, etc. Balconies, loggias and attics are also trimmed with such material.

Let's talk about disadvantages

Despite the huge number of advantages, drywall as a material used for finishing interior spaces, has some disadvantages:

Note! Each individual situation has its own step-by-step instruction, which will help you easily cope with the task of hanging heavy objects on plasterboard walls.

  • deformation of the plates when trying to fix weighty objects on the walls;
  • when cutting sheets into pieces, small construction garbage. Therefore, all work on trimming a drywall slab should be carried out in special goggles, and also cover your mouth with a mask;
  • reducing the space of the room due to the assembly of the frame.

If desired, all these negative aspects of working with the material, in addition to reducing space, can be leveled. To do this, you must strictly follow the appropriate step-by-step instructions.

Purpose of the material

Any of the above types of drywall sheets are used for the following types of work:

  • alignment of walls in the bathroom, kitchen, living room and other rooms. They are even suitable for attic decoration;
  • installation of complex ceiling structures;
  • assembly of furniture of those parameters that are necessary;
  • creation of shelves, niches and columns, both functional and decorative;
  • creation of stands;
  • installation of complex curly elements. They can be installed on walls or ceilings.

The material is excellent for finishing walls and ceilings in residential and non-residential premises. It is drywall that most often finishes the attic, kitchen, loggia and bathroom.

Let's move on to the opponent - OSB

OSB structure

V Lately there is a trend towards increasing popularity of osb-plates. Very often, such a plate goes in tandem with three-layer panels and insulation, which increases thermal insulation properties the whole structure.
Oriented strand board (OSB) or Oriented Strand Board (OSB, osb) is a multilayer sheet. Usually it consists of 3-4 layers. Its layers include the following materials:

  • wood chips. It may have a longitudinal or internally transverse orientation;
  • various resins;
  • boric acid;
  • synthetic wax.

OSB consists of 95% sawdust, the remaining 5% is not a large number of impregnations, paraffins and glue. The properties of the board directly depend on the breed and quality of sawdust. Sometimes the top plate is additionally treated with wax to increase moisture-resistant qualities.
This structure of the material determines its following advantages:

  • availability;
  • reliability;
  • external similarity with a tree. Great for wall decoration;
  • high quality;
  • low weight;
  • high fracture strain.

In addition, the material has the following properties:

  • relatively high strength. It is higher than that of chipboard;
  • has some moisture resistant properties;
  • ease of processing;
  • excellent sound absorption;
  • high rigidity.

As you can see, OSB boards have good advantages, allowing them to be widely used for interior decoration.


sawdust for production

Among the shortcomings of osb-plates, the main place is occupied by the possibility of release of toxic substances by the material. Formaldehyde and toxic resins can be released here.
During the production of OSB boards, large sawdust is used, which in the process are connected to each other with glue. The result is a solid slab. It is the presence of glue in the OSB that is the reason that such a plate can be toxic and release dangerous compounds into the air.

Note! Glue for creating osb-plates goes much less than with chipboard production. Therefore, it is less toxic.

TO disadvantages of OSB can be attributed:

  • low refractory properties;
  • small indicators of strength. To increase it, two plates are installed;
  • harder to install on walls. Installation is more laborious compared to drywall;
  • when cutting, a lot of construction waste is created;
  • low vapor permeability.

This material is not very suitable for repair work in the kitchen, bathroom and loft.

Purpose of the material

OSB boards are used in the following situations:

  • for external cladding while using some facing coatings;
  • roof lathing with a continuous method;
  • installation of draft floors;
  • for the production of structural SIP-panels;
  • wall cladding.

wall decoration

In addition, the material is used for finishing and structural work. Such material is practically not suitable for wall decoration in some rooms (as already mentioned - in the bathroom, kitchen, etc.).


It is worth noting that the OSB board is approximately on par with drywall for the price. Therefore, according to the price parameter, it is difficult to make a choice which is better - GKL or OSB. Therefore, the choice should be made based on other parameters.
In terms of environmental friendliness and harmlessness, drywall wins. It consists only of biological materials, and for the manufacture of osb-plates, glue and resins are used. Also, the OSB plate cannot withstand direct fire. As you can see, it's already 2:0 in the GKL.
In general, having studied in detail the advantages and disadvantages of materials, we can conclude that it is still better to use drywall for repairs in the bathroom, kitchen, wall decoration for the attic and other rooms.
The choice should be based on both personal preference and the merits of the material, as well as the place of its further installation: in the bathroom, kitchen, attic walls, etc.

What better fit for interior decoration. Let's take a magnifying glass and understand thoroughly.

So drywall. If you type the word drywall on the Internet, you will find a huge number of articles devoted to this material. As you can see, there are many pluses.

Gypsum board consists of three components:
core - includes gypsum and additional additives that determine the strength of the sheet.
2 layers of cardboard - they cover the core from above and below.

Drywall has the following advantages:

This is an environmentally friendly material, light weight, easy to use, strong and durable, low price compared to other building materials makes drywall even more popular.

LLP "AVANGARD plus" makes it possible to buy drywall wholesale and retail at attractive prices. We deliver to the right place.

This is such a wonderful material that a drywall arch can amaze your friends to the very heart. Your apartment or office can be transformed beyond recognition and make them beautiful and original. There are special properties.
- moisture resistance. Such plates are used in the repair of bathrooms, kitchens, toilets.
- fire resistance. Incredibly, there are types of stoves that are not afraid of fires. They are used in rooms with a dry microclimate. Due to special additives, such drywall withstands exposure to open fire.
- fire resistance. Material including moisture resistance and fire resistance. They are installed in rooms with a wet and dry microclimate.

If compared with OSB, it can be noted that drywall is a more fragile material, that is, it requires a careful and careful attitude. But due to their characteristics, the plates are well suited for interior decoration and have a lower cost.

Despite the large number of advantages, drywall has certain disadvantages. Without following the rules of installation and pre-training heavy objects should not be hung on plasterboard walls. Due to its prefabricated design, debris appears when cutting drywall, as a result of which a face mask should be used. In addition, drywall due to the volumetric frame reduces the space of the room.

Where is the best place to use drywall?
The plates are very functional and can be used actively.
- home master can easily level the walls in the kitchen, bathroom, living room and other rooms.
- installation ceiling coverings
- You can make furniture out of drywall. DIY Kitchen Cabinet from OSB and drywall, you can easily.
- creation of niches, shelves, arches, both decorative and functional purposes.
- production of graceful curly elements. They can be installed on the ceiling or walls.

OSB - universal plate

Perhaps no repair is complete without OSB. Builders use slabs together with insulation due to the comfortable rough surface, which increases the thermal insulation properties several times. LLP "AVANGARD plus" makes it possible to buy OSB wholesale and retail at prices below market prices. Plates consist of sawdust and special additives. The properties of the board depend on the quality of sawdust.

Like drywall, OSB boards are low cost, reliable, great for wall decoration, light in weight, durable, have moisture-resistant properties and absorb sound.

Small disadvantages of OSB boards

The ideal building material simply does not exist. And if we analyze OSB in detail, we will highlight the most striking disadvantages.
- insufficiently refractory material.
- low strength indicators. To increase the strength, two plates are needed.
- compared to drywall OSB installation slabs are laborious and more difficult to install on walls.
- a lot of construction debris
- vapor-permeable properties leave much to be desired.

Where is the best place to use OSB?

The construction material best used in the following situations:
- for outdoor work with the simultaneous use of facing coatings
- roof lathing with a continuous method.
- the tiles are ideal for floor repairs.
- for the production of structural SIP panels
- for wall insulation.

Question - What to choose for repairs - drywall or OSB-3, can be safely called insignificant. Like drywall, OSB-3 boards have positive properties and areas of application. Some home craftsmen prefer drywall for interior decoration of ceilings and walls in rooms, but moisture-resistant boards are great for frame-panel construction. At the price of drywall and OSB, they are about the same. In terms of environmental friendliness, drywall wins.

Great value the manufacturer, brand, thickness and dimensions of building materials play. For example, when buying OSB, it is better to give preference to Kronospan boards that do not contain harmful impurities and are of high quality at a fairly affordable price. There are also quality marks for drywall, we advise you to buy drywall sheets from Decorator and MAGMA manufacturers.

Read our articles.

The modern range of building and finishing materials is wide and diverse. Here you can find almost any material, or rather, what meets all your needs. technical needs or personal preference. For example, OSB, drywall (GKL) or gypsum chipboard (GSP). They have a lot in common, so they are used for interior decoration. On the other hand, they have many differences and features. Preference should be given based on the specific requirements of the upcoming repair, decoration or cosmetic repairs and partial rescheduling.

So, the difference is based on raw material and the composition that forms a particular material. So, the GSP slab consists of 83% gypsum, 15% wood chips and 2% moisture. Drywall is 91.1% gypsum, 5.78% cardboard and the rest is water. Outwardly - a core of gypsum and covered with two layers of thick paper or cardboard. OSB is presented sawdust(95%), on the quality and breed of which the properties of the future plate largely depend, and a certain amount of impregnation, that is, paraffins and glue. In some cases, it is additionally treated with wax, which increases the moisture-resistant qualities. With regard to drywall, everything is simple: the middle layer is a hardened mixture of gypsum, and the entire sheet is a core glued to cardboard. OSB, like gypsum board, are manufactured in compliance with strictly defined temperature parameters and under certain pressure. Hence their high strength and wear resistance.

Today you can buy GSP or OSB, GKL of any desired size. Especially if you contact the manufacturer. For example, gypsum board comes in the same sizes as drywall. AND interior decoration this material is also simple and convenient. OSB is slightly different in size. Here the main thing is the uniqueness of some of their properties. Namely:

  • OSB is highly moisture resistant. This is the presence of special impregnations, and the use of paraffin in the composition, and rubbing the plate with wax. The absence of gypsum;
  • the environmental friendliness that GSP has is the highest: the complete absence of glues and resins, mastics and paraffins in the composition. During the production of the material, these substances are not needed;
  • ease of installation and cost savings. This quality is important, but tracking it is not so easy. So, GSP is more profitable and economical to use, because it is easier to make corners and bends with it than drywall. OSB in these qualities is close to gypsum board, and these properties completely depend on the type of wood and the impregnation from which it is made;
  • lightness or density. OSB has a density of 650 kg / m³; GSP - 1100-1200 kg / m³; GKL - 750-800 kg / m³. You can immediately see what is easier and what is harder. Lightness speaks not only about the physical weight, but also about the degree of reliability of the structure. It is easier and more convenient to work with light sheets, but it is worth remembering that it is also easy to break through a drywall wall.

Now a little about the areas of application. Today, interior decoration of both GSP and OSB premises is widespread. Everyone has their own preferences. The most popular material is drywall, followed by gypsum board, which is convenient to work with. In addition, the floor, walls and ceiling made of GSP have high strength, environmental friendliness and are endowed with a lower consumption of primer, grout and paint, which are necessarily used in interior finishing work.