Covering the veranda. Interior decoration of a veranda in a private house: instructions for cladding, what is best to decorate, video and photos. Terrace board for veranda

Most private house construction projects include verandas; they can be built-in or extended outside the building, that is, attached. This is an important part of the room that can be equipped to receive guests on the veranda, grow plants and use the extension for other purposes. Often there is no heating in this part of the building, so in order not to freeze on the veranda in winter period, it is necessary to insulate this room. It is important not only to insulate the veranda to retain heat in the room, but also to make this room as functional and attractive as possible. How to cover the veranda from the inside? Let's talk about the choice of building materials in more detail.

What is a veranda? This small room, most often attached to one of the walls of the house. The building is more intended for use in the warm season, so heating is not provided on the veranda. The veranda can be closed or open (under one roof, glazed or not). Naturally, the interior decoration will still have to be thought through, because it is impossible to leave this part of the building with bare walls. It’s good if the veranda complements the overall interior of the house, so it’s important to take into account all the nuances and choose suitable building materials.

Before you find out what you can use to cover the veranda from the inside, let’s get acquainted with the types of verandas:

  • combined veranda - you need to enter the house through the veranda (common main entrance). Or another version of a combined veranda, then you can get into this room from another room. You won't be able to go outside through the veranda.

When a veranda was not provided for during the construction of a house (this building is not included in the project), the owners decide to independently attach a veranda to the house or abandon this idea altogether. You can build a veranda yourself, you don’t need to invite construction team and punch a hole in the wall of the house, you can make an extension close to the main facade, directly in front front door, then there is no need to disturb the load-bearing wall and carry out heating.

What else needs to be considered when building a veranda:

  1. The structure must be in harmony with general design Houses. For the reliability and stability of the extension, you will have to make a foundation. It is advisable that you have time to complete all the work before the onset of cold weather, so that the soil does not squat and the structure itself does not move away from the wall.
  2. So as not to spoil general form, it is worth considering in advance what materials can be used to build a veranda.
  3. It is advisable to erect a building under columnar base(i.e. foundation) to be sure that the veranda will “stand” firmly. The choice of foundation type is very important not only for this reason, because the extension will have to be sheathed from the inside. Often during the construction stage, owners of a private house or cottage are interested in what can be used to sheathe a cold veranda. The choice of materials is huge, it is important to choose golden mean and take into account the load on the foundation.
  4. If you want to build a large veranda, 2 or more meters long, then you will have to strengthen the foundation structure and make additional brick supports.

How can you cover the outside of the veranda? Popular materials are decorative rock, hollow decorative brick, lining, ceramic tiles. It all depends on your budget and personal preferences. It is desirable that the veranda does not differ from the house itself.

To make the work go smoothly, you can sheathe the inside of the veranda in a few days, if you have the necessary finishing materials and tools.

To work you will need:

  • power tools: screwdriver, electric jigsaw, drill, hammer drill;
  • building level and plumb line;
  • pencil or marker, construction meter;
  • fasteners: screws, sockets for slats, staples, nails.

How to cover a veranda at the dacha. Review of materials

Interior decoration verandas can be made of various finishing materials. The choice depends on the dimensions of the room, purpose and microclimate. If heating is provided on the veranda, then you can cover this part of the building with plasterboard and stick wallpaper on top. But most often, owners of private houses have to choose materials for the interior decoration of an unheated veranda. Therefore, it is very important that the material is not only attractive and in harmony with common interior residential building, but also met all the requirements. This is practicality and resistance to temperature changes.

What is the best way to sheathe a veranda:

  1. MDF board.
  2. Finishing PVC panels.
  3. Wooden lining.

How to sheathe the inside of the veranda. Photo:

A popular finishing material for walls is MDF panels. The length of one slats or wide boards is from 2.5 to 3 m, the width is 15 or 30 cm. The hardware store offers a wide range of panels of different shades, you can choose Decoration Materials for every taste. By the way, the surface of the panels can be different: imitate stone, wood and other materials.

What are the advantages of this material:

  1. Large selection of shades, plus noble appearance.
  2. Practicality, which is very important for finishing unheated premises. In addition to being resistant to moisture and temperature changes, the panels are easy to clean, and dust and dirt do not accumulate on the surface. Simply wipe the panel with a soft sponge or cloth soaked in soapy water.
  3. Easy to install - huge advantage this finishing material. It is enough just to install the sheathing of slats, and then attach the panels.
  4. Nice price - the cost of the panels is low, so everyone can choose an option that suits them.

Briefly describe the process MDF installation panels like this: first you need to attach them to the walls wooden slats(you can buy metal ones, but then the cost of covering the veranda will be higher). For the frame you can use the remaining construction material, the real owner always has a few materials in stock from which to build a frame. It is important to adhere to the size: the thickness of the slats should not exceed 2 cm, a width of 4 cm is sufficient.

You can attach wooden slats to nails to adjust uneven walls. Then you won’t have to bother with additional leveling of the walls and purchasing expensive materials.

To work, you will need a building level or plumb line so that the wall as a result of the cladding is level.

Each panel has a recess or groove, the first panel must be installed from the corner and fastened with screws, the second panel must be placed next to the first until it stops so that it fits into the recess and pushed until it clicks. The process of covering walls with panels does not take much time, it is fast and even interesting.

If you need to sheathe a window or doorway, you need to cut the panels. This is quite easy to do; you can use a regular saw or electric jigsaw.

Transitions on the floor and ceiling can be hidden using plinths. The main thing is to choose the right shade of the baseboard so that the veranda looks decent overall.

A wide selection of shades and textures of MDF panels allows you to turn any ideas into reality. A veranda covered with panels of different shades looks interesting, especially if you choose materials according to color. You can even select several zones: for relaxation, for eating, a corner for work, and so on.

PVC panels for interior decoration of the veranda

What else can you cover the veranda with? You can save money and cover the walls inside the extension with plastic panels. This finishing material perfectly adapts to increased humidity and temperature changes. PVC panels are inexpensive and practical material. The cost of the panels is low, anyone can handle the installation, and caring for the panels is very easy. It is enough to wipe the walls with a slightly damp sponge. By the way, due to the ease of installation and inexpensive cost of this finishing material, PVC panels can be updated every 3-5 years, changing the appearance of the room. Let's say you like panels that imitate wood - you can try to make this room in eco-style. If you are tired of the “wood-look” walls, the panels can be easily replaced with new ones that imitate fabric, metal surfaces and even a natural stone. A wide selection of textures and shades, plus low cost and ease of installation - these are the main advantages of PVC panels. By the way, you can cover not only the walls on the veranda with panels, but also the ceiling.

To cope with the work yourself, you will need a wooden frame for the frame (size 30x20 mm or 30x10 mm). If there is no wood, then you can purchase a special profile (for fastening drywall). Please note that here you need to choose the material for the frame taking into account the type of veranda. If the walls protrude outward, then it is better to buy wooden slats, since the metal will act as a “cold bridge.”

The panels are attached to the frame using fastening material (screws or nails), only it is necessary to leave a small gap between the ceiling and the wall so that the board can “breathe”. A gap of 2-3 cm will be enough.

This finishing material has not only advantages, but also disadvantages: the panels are fragile, so if you accidentally hit the wall while bringing furniture onto the veranda, you can break the panels.

Advice: if you are planning to arrange a veranda as a summer dining room, then in order to prevent the backs of the chairs from deforming the walls of PVC panels, it is advisable to nail them to the wall at the level of the backrest additional protection. A decorative wooden board with a pattern or a board covered with a beautiful fabric looks beautiful. It will turn out beautiful and unusual, and the veranda will become your favorite place to relax.

Lining for covering the walls of the veranda

Board or lining from solid wood– it is practical and durable. The material is not afraid of changes in moisture and temperature, retains heat well in the room, and is easy to clean.

The thickness of this lining is standard - 22 cm. You can attach the board yourself. The inside of the veranda can be sheathed entirely with wooden clapboards, both the walls and the ceiling.

What are the features of the lining:

  • the material is durable and resistant. He is not afraid of any mechanical loads or shocks;
  • practicality - you can sheathe the veranda once and not return to this issue for 15-20 years;
  • beautiful appearance and subtle woody aroma;
  • walls covered wooden planks– it’s not only beautiful, but also safe for people’s health. Wood is environmentally friendly pure material. As for safety, you need to understand that in the event of a fire, the lining will catch fire, even if the wood is impregnated with special compounds;
  • a large selection of lining shades and durability. Such walls will last for more than 20 years!

In construction supermarkets you can choose finishing materials to suit every taste and budget. Pay attention to a solid board; the cost of such material will be an order of magnitude higher than the price of a spliced ​​board (consisting of several parts). This material is no different in appearance from a solid board and is suitable exclusively for finishing interior spaces. If your veranda is not heated in the cold season, then it is better to purchase a solid wood paneling. If these recommendations are ignored and the veranda walls are sheathed with cheaper material, then as a result of use and changes in temperature/humidity, cracks will begin to appear on the surface. Naturally, the appearance of such a room will no longer be as attractive as it was immediately after the renovation. And the strength of the finishing material is already in doubt.

For interior wall decoration, it is better to purchase a solid board of class “A”, “B” or “C”. This material is suitable for indoor wall cladding. The cost of such lining is lower than that of top-class finishing material; only on the surface you can see small nuances - dents and knots. Such boards are already impregnated with a special compound and treated with putty, so preliminary preparation not required. There is another marking for solid wood lining – “Extra” class. The cost of such material is high, but the quality is excellent.

When purchasing any finishing material, it is advisable to open the package in the store in order to compare the shade of the panels in each package and exclude defects.

You can also handle the work of covering walls and ceilings with clapboard yourself. You must first make a sheathing from wooden beam and attach the planks to the wall. The method of attaching the planks can be different: with nails, self-tapping screws ( hidden way fastenings), using a stapler.

After installation is complete, wooden walls need to be opened with varnish or treated with a special liquid with protection against penetration ultraviolet rays to extend the life of this material.

You can find out how to cover the walls of a veranda with clapboard in this video:

One of the most significant advantages of living in a private house is the opportunity to go outside at any time of the day or night. Fresh air and enjoy the aroma of flowers in summer or the enchanting smell of rotten leaves in late autumn.
Covered veranda in country house can easily be turned into a dining room where the whole family will gather for Sunday lunch: share impressions, make plans and just chat. An important role in creating the necessary mood is played not only by the view opening from the windows, but also by the decoration of the veranda. She is the one who will help you create the atmosphere home comfort and peace.

Selection of materials
The choice of materials for finishing the veranda is not only aesthetic, but also practical. As a rule, the word “veranda” means an unheated room. In some cases, an open veranda is more like a gazebo attached to the house, so there is no question of heating here at all. This means that the decor should not only be beautiful, but also resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.

In winter, the room will be damp, and if you use non-moisture-resistant facing materials, then after two or three years the repairs will have to be done again.
Usually, the bottom of the wall is lined with modern finishing material - plastic wall panels from PVC. The surfaces of the walls from panels to the ceiling are covered with moisture-resistant paint.

It is not recommended to use laminate when finishing the floor on a closed veranda. Since under harsh operating conditions, in a damp room, it will lose original appearance and the shape of even moisture-resistant high-quality expensive laminate.

Ceramic tiles, on the contrary, will not lose their wonderful properties and original appearance in such conditions. If used as flooring tiles, then it is better to use large tiles as they are easier to install. As a result, if the seams between adjacent tiles are reduced to a minimum, or removed altogether, a smooth, visually uniform surface is obtained.

After the final finishing of the floor, it is necessary to install plastic skirting boards, since they are considered the most durable compared to wooden skirting boards and are not afraid of moisture.

Warming the veranda.
Of great importance proper thermal insulation the lower part of the walls (under the windows) and the ceiling. The interior decoration of the veranda begins with it. If insulation is carried out correctly, the room can be inhabited until late autumn.

You can insulate the veranda ceiling with almost any thermal insulation materials: mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), polystyrene foam or liquid sprayed polyurethane foam. Having chosen polystyrene foam, you must be prepared for the fact that for high-quality thermal insulation you will have to lay a fairly thick layer of this material, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the ceiling level by 10 -15 cm. Sprayed polyurethane foam is an effective, but expensive insulation material. But EPS and mineral wool at a fairly affordable price can perfectly protect your veranda from the autumn cold.
Important! It should be remembered that mineral wool is very susceptible to dampness. Under the influence of moisture, after just a few years, such insulation turns into dust.

Finishing with PVC panels

The most budget option for finishing veranda walls in last years are plastic panels. This material is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. In addition, it is quite easy to install and clean.

The only disadvantages of plastic include low environmental friendliness and fragility - it is very easy to break by carelessly moving a chair or accidentally hitting the wall with your knee.

Wooden slats with a cross section of 30*20 or 30*10 mm or a metal profile for mounting drywall can be used as a frame for PVC panels. When using wood, it must be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Helpful advice! On the walls of the veranda facing the street, it is better to use wooden slats for lathing. Fastenings metal profiles can create “cold bridges”, which will significantly reduce the quality of thermal insulation. But for those who are not too smooth interior walls It is better to use a profile on special hangers.

The slats must be fastened perpendicular to the direction of laying the panels. So, if the plastic is placed vertically on the wall, then the slats are installed horizontally in increments of no more than 50cm.

Important! The walls of the veranda are decorated with panels with a pattern from left to right. You can start installing plain panels from any side of the wall.

When the sheathing is ready, a starting profile or mounting angle is attached in the corner of the room using nails or self-tapping screws. The first one is used if adjacent wall will be finished with a different material, and the second will allow PVC panels to be joined together.
Then the first panel is inserted into the guide profile so that the wide mounting flange is directed towards the installation.
To fix the panel to the sheathing, you can use metal holders, or you can simply screw it to the batten with a self-tapping screw.

Important! If you are not using holders to mount the panels, do not overtighten the screw. Otherwise the panel will “drive”.

We insert the next panel so that there is no gap left and fasten it.
Remember that PVC panels are subject to thermal expansion. To compensate for this, it is necessary to leave a gap of 2-3 cm at the top and bottom of the wall and cover it with a plinth.

MDF - cheap imitation wood

Another popular finishing material is MDF panels. They are somewhat stronger than plastic, but less resistant to moisture. You should not use this material on open verandas, but for closed ones it is quite suitable.

MDF panels are installed in the same way as plastic ones.

Wooden lining - a classic of the genre

When listing materials for finishing a veranda, it is impossible not to mention the most traditional of them - wood. Most often this is the so-called lining.

Lining is a cladding board, up to 22mm thick, with special grooves that facilitate installation and joining.

This material is used to cover not only the walls, but also the ceiling of the veranda. After treatment with antiseptics, the lining will serve you for up to 20 years. Talk for a long time about the advantages of wood over artificial materials not necessary. Just look at the delightful woody smell that will be felt on your veranda for many years.

Choosing wooden lining

First of all, it should be said that according to the production method, the lining is divided into jointed and solid. In the first case, the highest quality pieces of wood are joined in a special way. Despite the fact that this material looks excellent - there are no knots, cracks or other putty defects on it - it is not suitable for finishing an open veranda. With high humidity, cracks may form at the splice site, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the finish.

Important! When purchasing material, be sure to unpack it. Very often, in the middle of the pack there are defective or low-grade planks.

Perhaps this is all about the interior decoration of the veranda.


A veranda is an extension adjacent to a certain side of the main structure of the house. Usually the veranda is used only in the warm season, since it lacks heating devices. The design can be different - closed and open (veranda under the roof). There are both glazed and unglazed verandas. Finishing work directly depends on this factor.

When repairing the walls in the veranda with your own hands, keep in mind that more stringent requirements are imposed on materials for exterior finishing. As for the exterior wall decoration, it should naturally fit into the overall exterior of the house. It is important to consider that this room should perform not only decorative, but also practical functions. A well-lit veranda where there is no extra furniture, but in excess houseplants only contribute to a quality summer vacation.

The purpose of this room is not only decorative functions, practical side there is also business here. A well-lit room, where there is no unnecessary furniture, but where there is an abundance of indoor plants - all this best contributes to a pleasant summer holiday. This is why many people ask the question: how to decorate a veranda?

Do-it-yourself wall repair in the veranda: finishing options, photos, videos

There are a lot of options for decorating the walls of the veranda - choose the one that is most suitable. If the future involves glazing the veranda, then the option with a metal profile will seem especially good.

Tips for decorating a veranda
  • If you are planning glazing, then stained glass windows made of aluminum, which are placed directly on the plinth, are ideal for the walls. The use of these elements allows you to simultaneously solve several problems - both the construction of walls and their further finishing. More precisely, finishing is not needed here - you just have to wash the glass from time to time. Only you need to think about how to decorate the profile itself and the intermediate posts. Perfect for this facing brick or stone.
  • Glass blocks are another good option for finishing a veranda, which can be done at the stage of wall construction. This material is, first of all, good because it is constructive and decorative.
  • The modern building materials market offers an impressive range of different blocks: matte, corrugated, colored glass. There are also varieties of blocks with decorative applications - they are made in the internal cavity. Anyone who has seen them knows that they look really very beautiful.
  • A variety of glass block options can be combined as you wish. If desired, create some kind of panel. It would be nice to accompany this with effective lighting. Of course, the cost of such a veranda will increase significantly compared to structures made of plywood or plastic walls, but the end result will pay off all the investments.
  • If the wall consists of glass blocks, you will not worry about light transmission. There will always be light in such a room, despite the presence of small windows.
Advice! Arrange windows directly on the roof (it will turn out something like skylights). You can successfully combine both options - let one wall consist of glass blocks, and the others - stained glass.

The fourth wall of the veranda is bearing wall Houses. Its decoration will be done when you begin interior decoration of the room.

Do-it-yourself wall repair in the veranda: using wood

If you have a veranda open type, here the concepts of exterior and interior decoration of the room are mixed. Typically, such structures are made of wood: this applies to both structural and decorative elements.

Features of finishing veranda walls with wood:

  • Compared to other durable materials that can be used for the construction and decoration of veranda walls, wood is ideal, creating a favorable atmosphere for comfortable rest. As a result, the air in the room will always be saturated with a woody aroma.
  • The elements supporting the roof can consist of rounded logs or timber with a cross-section of 150x150 mm.
  • Many owners do not want to save on finishing the veranda, deciding to decorate this place in a solid, high-quality manner, because there will be a place for the whole family to relax. For this situation, manufacturers offer a variety of solutions.
  • IN Lately decking is often used to cover the veranda. This material is known as decking board. This usually includes garden parquet and deck boards, for the manufacture of which they use not wood, but a composite. That is, in addition to wood, the composition contains polymer additives. As a result, the product improves its characteristics - they acquire high strength and are not afraid of moisture. All this is perfect for both closed and open verandas. Even an unheated structure can be lined with this material.
  • Planken made of ash or larch is also high-quality, very expensive wood, with which you can easily carry out exterior finishing. Planken is a planed facade board consisting of solid woodlands. What is the difference between planken and ordinary planed boards? The difference lies in the shape: planken has beveled and rounded chamfers. There are no connecting grooves that are present in the lining, due to which the installation is carried out with gaps, and not end-to-end.
  • A veranda made of wood, first of all, is good because it is easy to attach to different designs- brick, stone, wood. The point is that the facade decoration in this regard fully meets finishing verandas. Often wood is not just painted, but the surface is decorated with carvings.
Attention! Decorating the design of the veranda with carvings will be a worthy solution. The beautiful carved parapet and twisted pillars will look different here. The first element, for example, can be painted in contrast to other structures.

Arched hanging elements will also look good if they have a lace pattern. In general, there are many options, so use your imagination.

Interior decoration of the glazed veranda

As for finishing such a veranda, almost any solution can be used here. Interior decoration is approximately the same task as decorating a loggia. However, usually the veranda is more spacious room, providing great opportunities in terms of design.

Let's take a closer look:
  • veranda – summer design. But nothing can stop you from installing heating here and using the premises throughout the year, and not just summer period. In this case, a variety of finishing materials are suitable here;
  • An excellent option for organizing the design of a veranda - the roof is made of glass and stained glass windows are installed. Due to this, the room will always be flooded with sun;
  • a worthy addition to decorate the walls of the veranda - unusual blinds or curtains of original colors;
  • In addition to wood, MDF, plastic, and plasterboard can be used to decorate the veranda. More a budget option– coloring. Many people prefer polystyrene tiles.

Watch a video on how to repair walls in a veranda, where finishing options will be discussed. This material will be useful for both novice builders and experienced decorators who want to decorate their veranda.

Decorating the walls on the veranda can be done by the most different ways, but in most cases households prefer light colors.

Do-it-yourself wall repair on the veranda: materials, installation, photos, videos

As noted above, the interior decoration of the veranda can be made from different finishing materials. The choice directly depends on the dimensions, purpose and microclimate of the room.

If heating is provided on the veranda, then you can finish this part of the building with plasterboard and wallpaper the top. But in most cases, owners of country houses have to choose materials that are suitable for an unheated veranda. Therefore, it is important that the material not only be attractive, but also harmoniously combine with the interior of the residential building, and also meet all requirements. This is resistance and practicality to temperature changes.

What materials can be used to sheathe a veranda:

  • MDF boards;
  • wood paneling;
  • finishing PVC panels.

And below we will look at each of the materials separately, including their installation process.

  1. MDF panels.

A popular finishing material for walls are MDF panels. The length of a wide board or one slat is from 2.5 to 3 m, width is 15-30 cm. The hardware store offers a wide range of panels of various shades; you can buy finishing materials to suit every taste. The surface of the panels is different. It can imitate wood, stone and other materials.

The main advantages of this material:

  • huge selection of shades and noble appearance;
  • practicality, which is especially important for covering unheated rooms. In addition to being resistant to temperature and moisture changes, the panels are easy to clean and do not accumulate dirt and dust. It is enough to wipe the surface with a rag or soft sponge soaked in soapy water;
  • ease of installation is one of the main advantages of wall finishing material. It is enough just to make a sheathing from slats and then attach the panels;
  • reasonable price - the cost of the panels is small, so everyone can afford to buy the most acceptable option.

Installation process of MDF panels

First you need to attach wooden slats to the walls (you can purchase metal ones, but in this case the cladding will cost more). The remaining building material is suitable for the frame. Each owner has materials in stock from which a frame can be made. But it is important to adhere to the following size: the width of the slats is 4 cm, the thickness is from 2 cm.

You can attach wooden slats to nails, thereby adjusting uneven walls. In this case, you won’t have to bother with leveling the walls and buying expensive materials.

For work, you will need a plumb line or a building level so that the wall after covering is perfectly level.

Each panel has a groove or recess. The first panel must be installed only from the corner, screwed with screws, the next one must be placed next to the first until it stops so that it fits into the recess and a click is heard. The process of decorating the walls itself will not take much of your time; it is interesting and fast.

If you need to sheathe a door or window opening, you need to cut the panels. This is very easy to do using an electric jigsaw or a regular saw.

Transitions on the ceiling and floor can be hidden using plinths. At the same time, it is important to choose the right shade of the baseboard so that the veranda as a whole looks decent.

A wide selection of textures and shades of MDF panels allows you to realize a wide variety of design ideas. A veranda decorated with panels of various shades looks original, especially if you choose materials by color. At the same time, you can zone the space: eating area, relaxation area, work area, etc.

  1. PVC panels.

By doing repairs to the walls of the veranda with your own hands, you can save money and cover it with plastic panels. This finishing material is well adapted to temperature changes and high humidity. PVC panels are practical and inexpensive material. Their cost is low, and even a beginner can handle the installation process.

It should also be noted that caring for the panels is easy: just wipe the surface with a slightly damp sponge. Due to the ease of installation and low cost, PVC panels can be updated every three to five years, thereby changing the appearance of the room. Let's say you like panels with imitation wood - quite suitable room in eco style.

If you are tired of finishing the walls “like wood”, change the panels to new ones that imitate metal surfaces, fabric and even natural stone. A huge selection of shades and textures, ease of installation, plus low cost - these are the main advantages of this material. By the way, you can decorate with PVC panels not only the walls themselves, but also the ceiling.

Features of installation of PVC panels

You will need a wooden strip (30x20, 30x10 mm) for the frame. If there is no wood, then you can buy a special profile designed for attaching drywall. But here it is important to choose the material taking into account the type of veranda. If the walls of the veranda protrude outward, it is better to use wooden slats, since the metal acts as a “cold bridge.”

The panels are attached to the frame using fastening material (nails or screws), but it is important to leave a gap between the wall and the tile, thereby allowing the board to “breathe.” A gap of 2-3 cm will be enough.

It is worth noting some disadvantages of this material: the panels are fragile, which means that if you accidentally catch the wall, for example, when moving furniture, you can break them.

Attention! If you plan to use the veranda as a summer dining room, then to prevent the backs of the chairs from being deformed by the plastic panels, it is better to nail additional protection to the wall at the level of the backrest. A decorative wooden board with a certain pattern or a board covered with fabric looks beautiful. It turns out unusual and beautiful, and the veranda will become a favorite place to relax.
  1. Lining.

Solid wood lining – durable and practical. The material is not afraid of temperature changes and moisture, has excellent thermal insulation properties and easy to clean.

This lining has standard thickness 22 cm. The board can be attached independently. You can sheathe the inside of the veranda with wooden clapboard (not only the walls, but also the ceiling).

Lining characteristics:

  • the material is stable and durable. He is not afraid of any mechanical loads;
  • practicality - you can sheathe the room once and not return to this issue in the next 15-20 years;
  • subtle woody aroma and beautiful appearance;
  • walls decorated with wooden boards are beautiful and safe for health. Tree - natural material, but can catch fire, even though it is impregnated with special compounds;
  • a huge selection of shades and a long service life (more than 20 years).

IN construction stores You can choose the material for repairing the walls of the veranda to suit your taste and estimated budget. Please note that the cost of a solid board will be higher compared to jointed boards. This material is no different in appearance, but is only suitable for interior decoration.

That is, if your veranda does not have heating, then buy lining consisting of solid wood. If you ignore such recommendations and decorate the walls of the veranda with cheap material, then during operation and under conditions of changes in humidity/temperature, cracks may appear on the surface. Of course, the appearance of this room will not be as attractive as after the renovation is completed. In addition, the very strength of the finishing material will suffer.

Experienced experts recommend using solid “A”, “B” and “C” class boards for interior wall decoration. This material is excellent for finishing indoor walls. The cost of this lining will be lower than that of “extra-class” material, only small nuances are noticeable on the surface - knots and dents. Such boards are pre-impregnated with a special compound and treated with putty, so that when repairing the walls of the veranda with your own hands, these steps can be eliminated. There is another marking for the lining – “extra” class. The quality of such material is high, as is the cost.

All work on finishing the walls of the veranda can be done independently. You just need to first make the sheathing and attach the planks to the wall. The method of fastening may differ: with self-tapping screws (hidden), nails or using a stapler.

Upon completion of installation, it is better to treat wooden walls with a liquid protected from ultraviolet rays or open them with varnish, thereby extending the life of the material.

The finishing of the veranda can be done by the most different materials. At the same time, you need to take into account that this room is unheated, so it is not recommended to use finishing materials that are not resistant to moisture and temperature changes. In addition, it is not recommended to save money when purchasing finishing materials.

All finishing work can be done independently, without the help of specialists. First you need to create sample project carrying out the work, and then selecting and purchasing materials. The first step is usually to finish the ceiling, then the walls, and finally the floor.

Regular wood trim.

What materials are suitable for finishing the veranda?

The choice of suitable finishing materials is of decisive importance.

Finishing must be done with high-quality materials that are resistant to various negative influences.

This is especially important if the veranda does not have full glazing and insulation. Then the finish will be subject to severe exposure to atmospheric factors, which cannot but affect its performance characteristics.

  1. The most popular material for holding finishing works on the veranda is wooden lining. It is suitable for finishing the ceiling and walls of a room. The lining is made entirely of wood, has an attractive appearance, is pleasant to the touch and exudes a pleasant woody smell. At the same time, the lining additional processing resistant to various influences, which allows it to be used in different climatic conditions.
  2. Interior finishing can be done using plasterboard sheets. It is important to purchase moisture resistant drywall, which can be used to sheathe the ceiling and walls. This is a material that is safe to use and not exposed to fire. Plasterboard sheets can be easily cut and bent, so the final decoration of the room can be done using a variety of design techniques.
  3. The inside of the veranda can also be finished with MDF. This is a facing material that imitates natural wood. It is quite strong and durable, but is susceptible to moisture, so it cannot be used to decorate the outside of a structure. The best option is use in closed and.
  4. Panels made of polyvinyl chloride. PVC panels have been in increased demand in recent years. Panels on the modern market are presented in a wide variety of shades, textures and types, so you can easily choose an option for your veranda or terrace. PVC panels are characterized by increased resistance to moisture, high and low temperatures, chemicals. They are easy to install with your own hands. Caring for the material also does not require special costs.
  5. Siding. Interior finishing using siding is extremely rare. Still, this is a material for finishing work on the outside. It is perfect for cladding country houses and various buildings on the site. In stores you can find models with imitation of wooden lining, natural wood, stone, brick and other materials.

The choice of one or another type of finishing material will depend on the personal preferences of the owners and financial capabilities.

Veranda ceiling decoration

Before finishing the ceiling of the veranda inside, it is necessary to thoroughly treat all wooden elements with an antiseptic composition.

After processing, installation is carried out frame base what they are used for wooden blocks(suitable size 30x50 or 50x50). They must also be treated with antiseptic compounds. The bars are fastened to the roof rafters using self-tapping screws or long nails. The spacing of the bars is 30-40 cm. It is important to maintain horizontal installation wooden elements what to use it for building level.

Also, it must be fixed to the rafters waterproofing material, which will protect the heat insulator and finishing materials from moisture. Thermal insulation materials in the case of a veranda can be mineral wool slabs, polystyrene foam and other traditional insulation materials. Only after this can you begin to attach outer skin on the ceiling.

The easiest way would be to attach a wooden panel to the ceiling of the veranda. Installation of wooden lining is carried out strictly perpendicular to the frame bars. It must be nailed to the end with galvanized nails. After covering the ceiling with clapboard is completed, it is recommended to sand it and coat it with any suitable paint and varnish composition.

If the ceiling of the veranda is planned to be finished with PVC panels, then the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First, the initial profile is installed on wooden sheathing, with which you can assemble individual PVC panels with each other.
  • After this, you need to insert a panel sheet into the grooves of the initial profile. The panel is fastened using separate fasteners or self-tapping screws.
  • Then the next panel is installed in the groove, which must be secured in a similar way.
  • Further, the work is carried out in the same sequence.
  • During the installation process, it is necessary to leave a small gap of 10-20 mm in size, which will ensure trouble-free expansion plastic material when exposed to high temperatures.

In the same way, siding panels or MDF can be hemmed onto the ceiling of the veranda. Taking into account the fact that MDF and siding are presented in stores with many models with a wide variety of designs, this option has recently become a priority for many country homeowners.

If it was planned to hem plasterboard sheets on the ceiling, then it is better to abandon the use of wooden lathing in favor of a specialized metal profile.

The elements are installed directly on the profile, to which the plasterboard sheets are attached. It is better to fix the sheets using self-tapping screws. Upon completion of the drywall installation ceiling surface it needs to be puttied and cleaned, which will prepare it for final finishing.

Finishing the walls and floor of the veranda

Finishing the walls of the veranda is quite simple: first of all, you need to install wooden frame from bars. It is important to carry out the installation as smoothly as possible, checking the accuracy of the installation with a building level.

Nice wood paneling.

If you intend to do warm veranda, then after installing the wooden sheathing, the walls need to be insulated using a suitable thermal insulation material. Before laying the insulation, installation is carried out waterproofing film, which will protect the insulator and finishing materials from moisture and condensation. All used wooden materials must be treated with an antiseptic composition. After this, the selected facing material to Wall.

The veranda flooring needs attention Special attention. The choice of one type of coating or another will largely depend on operating conditions. To finish the floor of the veranda, you can use terraced or massive board, laminated panels, ceramic tiles and other popular flooring materials. Waterproof laminate and terrace board - best option for finishing. These coatings are quite easy to install, durable, and do not require special conditions care

Waterproof laminate and decking boards can be used even in cases where the veranda is completely open to the outside and does not have glazing.

Moreover, in such cases, as alternative solution floor finishing preference can be given to traditional ceramic tiles or modern PVC panels. It is also possible to use linoleum. It is worth noting that new linoleum models have a fairly attractive appearance and excellent performance characteristics, so their cost can be quite high.

Exterior decoration of the veranda

The outside of the veranda can be finished with wooden lining, although many experts recommend refusing to use it in external cladding, even if the material has been treated with protective compounds. The most popular solution for exterior finishing of terraces and verandas is siding, the models of which can imitate a variety of finishing materials. Siding can be easily attached to any base.

For facade works horizontal siding is usually used, equipped with locking connections. In this case, finishing can be done independently. The main thing here is to make a frame (sheathing) on ​​which installation will be carried out plastic panels siding.

The most important advantage country house in the age of urbanization it becomes possible to breathe clean air full chest. Alas, in overpopulated megacities, many have simply forgotten not only what a real forest looks like, but also a clear sky. Particularly envious among owners of private cottages are houses with open or closed verandas, where the whole family can gather in the morning and evening.

The aroma of summer or falling leaves in autumn cannot be compared with anything, and if you still have a mug of hot tea in your hands, then it seems that all your wishes in this life have come true. It’s nice, admit it, during the first thunderstorm of the year open veranda feel the sweetness of ozone, and also hear the rustling of green leaves under the streams of rain.

All this is possible only under one condition - the interior of the veranda will not push away from it, but rather attract it. If you are lucky and have a closed version of such a room, you can place a dining room here, which, by the way, will be just right in the summer. However, in order to prolong the impression of the view from the window, we need high-quality interior decoration of the veranda.

Selecting materials

Before answering the question - how to decorate the inside of the veranda, it should be said that they should be not only aesthetic, but also practical. It should be borne in mind that the veranda is usually not heated and has similar elements to the gazebo, which is attached to the main house.

In this situation, the corresponding requirements are imposed on the decor:

  • beauty;
  • resistance to high humidity;
  • are not afraid of temperature changes.

Wood processing and insulation

Most often, in private houses, wood is used to build verandas; probably no building material can compare with it. But, due to its naturalness, it can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, before finishing it is necessary to treat the wood with antiseptic compounds.

If you are having a thermal insulation works for walls under windows, as well as ceiling structures. Try not to rush and do everything carefully so that you can use the room almost until frost.

To insulate the ceiling, you can use the materials that are easiest for you to work with, for example, mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam; professional teams will be able to treat the surface with liquid polyurethane foam.

The price of the latter, taking into account the work, is high; it is best to take EPS boards and mats or rolls of mineral wool.

  1. Attach waterproofing to the walls and ceiling using waterproof film.
  2. Seal the joints between the sheets with metallized tape.
  3. Install wood sheathing. The cross-section of the beam must coincide with the height of the insulation, the sheathing cell must correspond to the width of the heat insulator.
  4. Insert insulation between the beams.

Advice: Before installing mineral wool, it must be wrapped in waterproof material to prevent it from becoming damp and deteriorating after several years.

  1. Install foil insulation on top of the insulation (with the foil facing the inside of the veranda). Seal the seams between the sheets with metallic tape.
  2. Insulate the ceiling in the same way.

Veranda finishing

The inside of the veranda is finished with your own hands only after all preparatory work. There are two ways here - trust your feelings and invite professional designer. Usually they choose the first method, since today there are plenty of options to transform the inside of the veranda.

PVC panels

An inexpensive finishing method that will help turn an ordinary room into an interesting and cozy one. The material is not afraid of high humidity and does not deform when sudden changes temperature.

Installation is easy and without any tricks. Thanks to various color design panels and their texture, you can end up with a pretty decent room that you won’t be ashamed to show to your friends.

Among the disadvantages, the fragility of the material should be noted, although today you can buy “armored” types, the cost of which is 2 times more expensive usual options. Therefore, you should be careful when moving chairs away or leaning on it.

Advice: a construction trick will help solve the problem - the 1st lathing strip is installed at knee level, the second - at the pelvis, the 3rd - at the shoulder.

Below instructions will tell you how to do everything with minimal cost:

  1. Prepare wooden slats with a cross-section of 20x30 or 10x30 mm for the frame; you can also use a profile for plasterboard sheets. Wood material should be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Tip: Use wood sheathing pieces on the wall facing the street. This way you can avoid the formation of “cold bridges”. For too uneven walls It is better to use the profile on suspensions.

  1. Attach the slats perpendicularly. For example, for vertically installed plastic they should be placed horizontally in increments of up to 500 mm.

Tip: finish panels with a pattern from left to right, plain panels - from either side.

  1. Attach a starting corner to the finished sheathing with self-tapping screws, if the wall next to it will be finished with a different material, or a fastening corner for joining the panels together. Install a mounting strip on the ceiling under the baseboard.
  2. Install the first panel into the guide profile, with the tongue in the direction of installation. Screw it to the sheathing with a self-tapping screw and a press washer.

Tip: do not fasten the plastic tightly so that it does not become deformed.

  1. Insert the tongue of the next panel tightly into the groove of the previous one, secure it and continue to install the rest on the wall and ceiling.

Tip: at the bottom and top of the wall, leave a thermal gap for the material within 20-30 mm and cover it with a plinth.


An alternative to plastic is MDF panels, which are also popular among hobbyists self-finishing. You need to know that although they are superior in strength, they are very sensitive to moisture. Install them only on closed verandas.

The installation process resembles the previous one, only fastening occurs using special clamps metal fixtures. They can be secured with a construction stapler or small nails, doing this through an extension so as not to damage the edge of the material.

Wooden lining

The most traditional finishing option For the veranda, wooden lining is considered. It is a cladding board in which special grooves are cut to facilitate installation; the thickness of the material is up to 22 mm.

Suitable for open and closed veranda. Treatment with antiseptic compounds increases the service life to 20 years. So far, no artificial material can compare with natural wood.

How to choose

There are two types of lining - solid and spliced, when the best pieces are connected to each other in a special way. Although the latter looks ideal, it cannot be used to decorate the veranda. Increased humidity can cause cracks to appear at the bonding points, which will greatly damage the interior.

There are also 4 classes of material:

  • “premium” - the most expensive, but almost always spliced;
  • classes “A”, “B” and “C” - made of solid wood, differ in the number of knots per 1 linear meter. and defects. They are often treated with putty at the production stage.

Advice: when buying material in a pack, be sure to unpack it and look through it so that you do not come across low-grade or defective planks.

  1. Drive a galvanized nail into the center of the board, then hammer down the head with a hammer.
  2. Self-tapping screws. Pre-drill a hole in the board from the tenon side to a depth of approximately 10 mm, and select the diameter of the drill according to the diameter of the screw head. Screw the clapboard to the sheathing by inserting a self-tapping screw into the hole, cover it with a dowel and sand it.
  3. Use a mechanical or pneumatic staple gun to drive mounting brackets into the board.
  4. Installation of a clamper. Similar to MDF panels.

On last stage installation, cover the joints and corners near windows and doors with a corner and treat the boards with stain or varnish. The process starts with the ceiling and ends with the walls.


The work of finishing the veranda is not difficult, it is more reminiscent of creative work. Allocate time for yourself on weekends, prepare the material in advance and update its interior so that everyone feels comfortable and comfortable in it. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.