What kinds of triathlon. Triathlon: history, distances and types. General rules for triathlon

We often want to change our life, but sometimes we lack something, and we can't even understand what exactly. But in our age of accessible information, it is not at all necessary to “reinvent the wheel” yourself - you can use the experience of people who have already passed this path and achieved success. We present you with a selection of seven useful books for self-development.

1. Tina Seelig, Do It Yourself

This book will be useful, first of all, for those who want to create their own business, support and develop it: "Do it yourself" not only contains practical advice, but also helps to learn to think in the right key- the way real entrepreneurs think. The book teaches not to accept difficulties, such as lack of start-up capital, as an insurmountable obstacle, but to consider them as an incentive for self-improvement, as milestones on the way to the "yourself" you want to become - a successful, self-confident person who sees the opportunities presented the world around him, and can apply them at his own discretion. No idea? The book will help you find it. Hands down? The book will tell you where to get the energy and enthusiasm needed to start a career as a businessman, and how to use your imagination to the maximum.

It is noteworthy that the author of the book, Tina Seelig, is a practicing entrepreneur, in addition, she teaches a course on entrepreneurship and innovation at Stanford University: her strong point is a non-standard approach to business in general and thinking in particular. By the way, many of her students did not finish the course, because they understood what and how to do, and left the university to start their own business - now they have become successful entrepreneurs.

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2. Kelly McGonigal, Willpower

Kelly McGonigal in her book helps to educate and strengthen willpower, her method is suitable for every person. The reader is offered a ten-week course, during which he, by performing practical tasks and following the recommendations indicated in the book, will be able to better understand his capabilities - in other words, to realize that he is capable of anything he wants to: get rid of bad habit, create own business, go in for sports or find a job that will become your favorite. It is not necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations: you can find and apply in your life a technique that is right for you.

In addition, the book can teach you how to control yourself when it is especially difficult, and how to manage your emotions and desires when necessary. The method has already helped many people find success, and Kelly McGonigal's training courses, which served as the basis for the book, have received many awards and prizes.

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3. Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen "Life Whole"

Often the main difficulty in achieving your goals is the inability to prioritize - to define a goal for yourself and plan the steps to achieve it. In addition, the book will help you understand which of the intended goals are really important and can help you in the future, and which should be abandoned, since they do not carry anything useful in themselves.

Another stumbling block is that, having set a goal, a person cannot always find the time to implement it, or, on the contrary, plunges headlong into work, forgetting about rest and personal life. The book contains techniques to help you find time for everything and enjoy all aspects of life equally.

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4. M. J. Ryan, "This Year I ..."

This Year I ... is another book on how to improve your performance. If you are afraid of changes in your life, in the book you will find useful tips how to overcome your fear and learn to enjoy change. Thanks to the advice in the book, coupled with practical techniques and illustrations from the lives of people who have managed to make their lives exactly the way they want, anyone can understand their own unique advantages, learn to use them for their own good and make their life in every sense. richer and more interesting, to make plans and dreams come true.

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5. Neil Fiore, "An Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating"

The book primarily contains advice on how to deal with procrastination - the constant postponement of unpleasant thoughts and deeds that you do not want to do at all, despite the obvious need. Many people in modern world really tend to do this, and in the end, with an incredible effort, they do everything in one day. The result is often not satisfaction, but, on the contrary, stress and a complete reluctance to move on.

Practicing psychologist Neil Fiore believes that procrastination is just one of the symptoms of deep manifestations of the subconscious: he believes that it is necessary to influence not the manifestations, but the reasons - the loss of motivation for certain activities and the desire for perfectionism. Fiore has been practicing his method for over 30 years, and his book has been published in all languages ​​of the world since 1989.

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6. Josh Kaufman, "My Own MBA"

Many outstanding entrepreneurs do not have an MBA, which does not prevent them from being successful people and create a business. The fact is that the essence of a successful businessman is not in a diploma, but in his personal qualities: as a rule, such people are not afraid to take risks and learn something new, because they believe in themselves. They understand the aspirations and needs of others, understand the laws of business, and simply do what is most beneficial in the given circumstances.

Josh Kaufman is an outstanding manager who does not have an MBA. Instead of going to university, he preferred learning "by doing" - he started working for "Procter & Gamble" and quickly achieved success. Accordingly, he wondered why a diploma was needed, if it was possible to learn and so without receiving unnecessary information. He soon found out that many people are interested in the same question and wrote the book "My Own MBA", which describes in detail how to start your own business, not stop there and learn the things that will be useful for you. In addition, Kaufman talks about pitfalls and pitfalls in the business world, which is especially useful for a budding entrepreneur.

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7. Kerry Gleason "Work less, do more"

This book is about how to work as efficiently as possible, and at the same time not experience stress, but get pleasure from work, in addition, the book teaches you how to do all necessary work on time and at the same time finding time for yourself. Kerry Glisson details how to get rid of constant work-related overwork and organize your workflow so that not a second is wasted.

The reader will learn how to properly maintain a diary, how to work with incoming information and by e-mail and how not to be buried under an avalanche of papers and orders. Kerry Gleason is one of the leading PEP practicing trainers. The book will be useful for managers who want to help their subordinates work with maximum dedication and develop their merits.

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Books for review are provided by the publishing house " Mann, Ivanov and Ferber»

Personal growth helps to change life circumstances, get rid of stereotypical thinking, start living meaningfully, awaken in yourself creativity... All this should contribute to prosperity and success. Books on how to properly engage in self-development.

Why is it useful to engage in self-development? Because, according to psychologists, personal growth helps us change, and therefore change life circumstances, get rid of stereotypes of thinking, start living meaningfully, awaken creativity in ourselves and increase physical and spiritual energy, which will ultimately lead to prosperity and success. Self-development involves three processes: physical activity, healthy eating and mental self-regulation. How to do it correctly, read in best books on a given topic.

1. Brian Tracy “Get out of your comfort zone. 21 methods of increasing personal effectiveness "

According to many psychologists, this is the number 1 book on self-development (see ""). Written by a famous specialist in the psychology of achievement, with a total circulation of more than 1.2 million copies, translated into 40 languages, it helps to find the answer to the question of what to do in order to achieve high status and even happiness. Although there are actually several answers, here are some of them: constantly learn; value time, and therefore make lists of daily tasks; fully focus on solving the task and bring what has been started to the end; learn to clearly state your goals on paper.

2. Vadim Zeland "Reality Transurfing"

Transurfing is an esoteric teaching on how to manipulate reality. According to the author of the book, the world is multivariate, and a person who is aware of his desires and controls his attitude to the world is able to independently choose the preferred scenario for himself. But for this and positive thinking. Here are a few rules, following which, you can learn to control reality: live as your own soul tells you, listen to your heart, do not succumb to someone else's influence and do not accept the imposed goals of others, do not fight with anyone and with anything, including by yourself, but to take what life offers, not to be afraid, but to act, and calmly and persistently move towards it. How to apply all this in practice, the author shows in detail with examples.

3. André Doll “Mental traps. Nonsense that reasonable people do to ruin their lives "

The famous Canadian psychologist and philosopher, professor explains why the biblical commandment should not be violated: everything has its time. Because in this case, we fall into the so-called mental traps. Their danger is that they prevent us from living calmly, joyfully and productively, because they force us to behave ineffectively and illogically. And the author counted eleven such peculiar obstacles on our way. Here is one of them: - when we continue to do something that has lost all meaning (to live in marriage, maintain unnecessary relationships, do an unloved job, watch a boring movie or finish reading a stupid book), because once upon a time we were inspired that any business is needed bring to a conclusion. And the list of mental traps also includes amplification, fixation, reversion, anticipation, procrastination and other interesting concepts that you want to understand in order to better understand yourself.

4. Vladimir Levy "Cure for laziness"

The book of a famous psychotherapist and psychologist captures from the first lines. Written with humor, imbued with energy, it really helps to heal yourself and help your loved ones in overcoming this monster. The author tells fascinatingly about all types of laziness inherent in adults and children, gives clear medical and psychological recommendations, including for cases when the child does not obey, does not want to learn. It is worth reading this book to learn how to get rid of boredom and depressive moods, learn how to get joy from every day you live and ... stop being a workaholic.

5. Valery Sinelnikov "Love your disease"

Psychologist and psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov has long been known as the author of original psychological techniques, thanks to which many people were able to get rid of diseases, achieve prosperity and simply learn to enjoy life. The very title of the book suggests that the proposed approach to healing is non-trivial. The author shows what negative emotions lead to, teaches how to interact with your subconscious in order to find good health, peace of mind and joy of existence. Unique exercises are also listed here.

6. Robin Sharma "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

The best-selling book tells amazing story the successful lawyer Julian Mantle, who managed to overcome the spiritual crisis with the help of Tibetan culture. Immersed in a world that was not familiar to him, he learned simple and wise rules and learned to live in accordance with them: to think positively, to follow his vocation, to believe in the power of his mind, to value time - our greatest wealth, to value relationships with loved ones, but the most important thing is to live here and now.

Robin Sharma, like the hero of his book, also began his professional career as a lawyer, but soon realized that his calling was not in this, but in helping us to become better, more successful and happier by creating his own concept of self-improvement.

7. Tal Ben-Shahar "The Perfectionist Paradox"

An American psychologist who has been studying the topic of happiness for many years has come to the conclusion that happy people the tendency to perfectionism interferes. Of course, the desire to do everything perfectly in itself cannot but command respect, but the main thing is not to go to extremes. Because then the problems begin. The perfectionist, for all his striving for perfection, is distinguished by a conservative and inflexible mindset, afraid to make mistakes and become the object of criticism. Happiness, in his opinion, is a pure, unclouded stream positive emotions, which is fundamentally wrong. Allow yourself to admit failure and accept negative emotions, because this is part of our life. Become an optimalist, that is, a positive perfectionist who gets pleasure not from the result, but from the very process of achieving it, does not look for flaws, but focuses on the merits, is not afraid of mistakes and listens to criticism, knows that happiness cannot be felt and realized without trials ...

8. Sharon Melnik "Stress Resistance"

In our time, the importance of this book can hardly be overestimated. Most of us are under continuous mental and emotional pressure. Meanwhile, a Harvard stress management expert offers 100 techniques to help you achieve calm and equanimity. With their help, you can not only save in difficult situations self-control and a sober mind, acquiring psychological stability, but also learning to see in stressful situations Not only negative sides but also new opportunities. According to the author, there are only three ways to get out of stress: you need to change your attitude to the problem, your physical reaction to the problem or the problem.

9. Daniel J. Aimen "Fitness for the Brain, or How to Get Smarter"

To feel good and look great, we run in the morning, walk a lot, or exercise in gym... To enjoy your reflection in the mirror, we make masks, exfoliate and pick out creams meticulously. But doesn't the brain require the same constant and diligent care? Still as demanding! Meanwhile, often we seem to deliberately do everything in order to cause irreparable harm to him. We do not sleep enough, overexert ourselves at work, live in a state of stress, eat improperly, and consume liters of drinks that stimulate mental activity. As a result, we predictably get depletion nervous system and depression, career and personal failures.

Fortunately, you can still get out of this "bottom" with the help of the unique system of brain health developed by Dr. Aimen. It includes a responsible attitude to one's own nutrition, and taking vitamins, and physical activity, and gymnastics for the mind. This book can change your life for the better.

10. Harry Lorraine “Super Memory. Development of phenomenal memory "

The book includes two psychological bestsellers by Harry Lorraine, the famous brain researcher. Developed by him unique system development of mental abilities allows you to use not 10 percent of the brain's resources, as is usually the case, but all 90! Having mastered this system, you will notice not only increased observation, sharpened attention, increased ability to concentrate, but also a phenomenal improvement in memory, imagination, and creativity. Moreover, the proposed technique is relatively simple and accessible, it is not for nothing that the author called it "a technique for the lazy."

The first part of the book is devoted to the basic techniques and methods of memorizing large amounts of information. The second is the application of the acquired skills in everyday life.

It will become simple and understandable for you.

It so happened historically that everything has the ability to improve, eventing is no exception.

The "family" of the triathlon, with each round of its development, "gave birth" to the world, the distance ever longer. As before - swimming, cycling, running; only the races got more grueling until the Ironman came along.

The most popular distances are sprint, Olympic distance, half Ironman and, in fact, Ironman itself - a classic triathlon. Let's do some easy analysis? Edward Pellia is with you.

Short distances, or, as they are also called - "drafting". That is, they are allowed to lead. The leader is coming, followed by a "pack" of participants. Dynamic and fast. Here experienced participants love to measure their "strength" on a short segment, here beginners "try" their strength in the first starts!

Olimpiyka sounds beautiful, guys! The Olympic distance in triathlon is a 1.5-kilometer swim, a 40-kilometer cycling race and a 10-kilometer run.

Since 2000, when the triathlon was first introduced to the program Olympic Games in Sydney, the number of views of the Olympics is only growing.

Well, perhaps, Jacques Porre, ex-president The IOC did the right thing to include triathlon in the Olympics. And, undoubtedly, this influenced the growth in the popularity of the all-around!

Sprint sounds dynamic! Half of the sweatshirt. The sprint distance is 750 meters of swimming, 20 km of cycling and 5 km of running.

It is this race format that I will boldly call the ancestor of triathlon, Starting point in the development and formation of the all-around. The first mentions of triathlon in France are characterized by similar distances.

Super Sprint - Super Fast Start! The super sprint distance is 300 meters of swimming, 10 km of bicycle and 2.5 km of cross-country running.

If you want to take a closer look at triathlon, and are not ready to buy expensive ammunition and equipment yet, then this is your option. You can feel the full taste of the sporting excitement of the race by going to the start of the competition in swimming trunks, riding the bike stage on the MTB, running in the old grandfather's "Dynamo".

For those who have sniffed gunpowder and are eager to fight again

Long distance triathlon. Leading is prohibited. Drafting area for amateurs 10-12 meters, for professional athletes - 12 meters. Overtaking is allowed within 25 seconds.

Half Ironman. More often just "half" or "half ironman". This type of triathlon has a similar name abroad - triathlon 70.3, in Russia - 113. 113 is the total mileage of the distance, where swimming in open water is 1.9 km, cycling - 90 km, running - 21 km.

Many athletes choose the "half" as an intermediate start in preparation for the full distance. In this format, the relay race is popular at Russian starts.

Ironman. Jokes aside. Swim in an open reservoir for a distance of 3.8 km, 190 km on the highway by bike and 42 km of "hard" running. A total of 226 kilometers!

Ironman is the pinnacle of classic triathlon ?! No, there are both double and triple iron, but that's a completely different story. Something beyond, for the elite. Now you don't even need to think about it.

Ironman is an iron man. An event in which it is prestigious to become a finisher, where each finisher is his own winner. There are unrealistic stories that the preparation for participation, the very participation in this cult event and unforgettable emotions at the finish line change a person forever!

What else is under the auspices of the ITU

Interesting? The International Triathlon Federation ITU holds competitions not only in triathlon! Have you heard about aquathlon, duathlon, winter triathlon ?! Let's tell you more about these types of triathlon.

Aquatlon. Running - swimming - running, this is the format of this start. 2.5 km - 1 km - 2.5 km - these are the distances in stages.

If sprint triathlon is a slightly open door to the world of triathlon, then aquathlon is just a window from which part of the applied all-around is visible.

Beginners come to aquathlon in order to take a closer look at triathlon, and experienced triathletes more for a change.

Swimrun. Swimrun competitions are very similar in format to aquathlon, but have a couple of significant differences from aquathlon. Running and swimming distances are completely different, without any designated criteria, and the total mileage can reach 60 km!

Running always takes place over rough terrain. Participants have the opportunity to use aids: shoulder blades, balls.

Duathlon. Running - Cycling Race - Running. 5 km - 20 km - 2.5 km - sprint format. Or in the standard format 10 km - 40 km - 5 km. Just like a triathlon, you just need to change the first stage of the race to swimming. A duathlon can be either an individual race or a team race.

In the first case, the participant overcomes all the stages on his own. In the second case, a team of two people overcomes the stages, passing the baton to each other as they progress through the stages.

Or, both team members run together along the entire distance, and have the opportunity to pass the baton to each other, but the lag from each other should not exceed 10 meters. Their task is to reduce the total time spent in the race.

Winter triathlon. Running - Cycling Race - Cross-Country Skiing. The International Triathlon Federation regulates: running 7-9 km, cycling 12-14 km, skiing 10-12 km.

We can say that with the advent of this winter competition, triathlon has become an all-season sport.

There are no clear distance criteria here. Regional triathlon federations, when holding winter triathlon championships, often proceed from local conditions and offer athletes distance variations.

Triathlon in winter is perhaps the most exciting competition in the cold season that I have ever seen. Cyclists race on snow from descents and ascents, confidently pass turns at speed, go to overtake, observing safety ...

Aviation all-around and not only

Let's move on to the most piquant in our article. Applied all-around in the service, in the army, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the navy. How!

  • Military triathlon. Shooting in the first stage, overcoming an obstacle course of 400 meters, The final stage- throwing a grenade.

  • Officer all-around. The first step is shooting from a Makarov pistol. Attention, further gymnastics (!!!). Then swimming a 100-meter distance. We swam, we go out on cross-country cross 3 km, if it is winter, then on skis 10 km.

  • Marine all-around. Water stage - swimming from 100 to 400 meters. Running for a distance from 500 to 1,500 meters. Further shooting from a small-bore rifle. Again the water stage, but this time yacht rowing, a distance of 500 to 2,000 meters, and a yacht sailing race.

  • We will finish our article with aviation all-around. Loping, trampoline buckles, gym chair, shooting and 1 km running. Comments are superfluous here. You just need to know that all-around is also in aviation.

And this is not at all full list types of applied all-around. As you can see, there is a choice for every taste. For my personal interest, I would try aviation all-around! What do you prefer?

If you want to prepare for a half marathon, marathon or IRONMAN, then come to school. With us you will train with an experienced coach, whose student occupies a leading position in the world triathlon ranking.

You will receive training in running, swimming and cycling, cardio-strength training and a set of physical training exercises,

You can also win valuable prizes in our contests and even a whole slot (a ticket to IRONMAN).

(ArticleToC: enabled = yes)

The sport called ironman triathlon consists of three disciplines: outdoor swimming, highway cycling and classic running.

They begin to compete with a swim (after a mass start): a short run and a jump from a pontoon into the water. The water temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees. If it is cooler, then the ironman triathlon rules assume that athletes swim in wetsuits with a coating thickness of no more than 5 mm. Signaling buoys limit the route. If the athlete leaves the race, he receives penalty points. These seconds are later subtracted from the total time.

The cycling race follows the swim in the ironman triathlon. Prepare for the race in a special area. Road bicycles are used to complete the route. On the way, cyclists are set up food points where they can drink water and satisfy their hunger. In the ironman triathlon, all outside help is prohibited.

International Triathlon Federation regulations permit the use of bicycles that do not extend beyond the brake levers. At this stage, group leadership is allowed in the Olympic competitions.

But in the Ironman triathlon, this cannot be done: the rider must move from the accompanying transport and the moving cyclist at least 11 meters away. This takes extra effort.

Third in the ironman triathlon is hard surface running. The main task the participant is to preserve the benefits earned at the previous stages. In case of violations, the participant is stopped for up to 30 seconds. He will be able to continue the movement after additional guidance... They can be punished for the fact that the athlete interferes with the run of other participants.

What are the types of triathlon

There are 6 of them for today:

  • tristar. The difference lies in the short distance that the athlete overcomes: 100 meters for swimming, 10 kilometers for cycling and a kilometer for free running;
  • for a super sprint, the numbers are different: swim 400 meters, race 10 km, run 2.5 km;
  • for the sprint, these figures are respectively: 0.75 km for swimming, 20 kilometers for cycling and for running another 5 kilometers;
  • the standards for triathlon for the Olympic distance are as follows: you need to swim - 1.5 km; for road cycling to overcome 40 km; then run 10 km;
  • the standards for the Ironman triathlon, or "iron man" are as follows: swim 3.86 km is required; ride a bike - 180 km; run - 42, 195 km;
  • the last type is ultra triathlon. For him, the length of the distances used in the standard triathlon in different amount once. Competitions are held not in one day, but in several.

About equipment for triathletes

To achieve high performance in the ironman triathlon, different sites On marathon routes, athletes are provided with specialized clothing to help them pass the route.

For the swim, as mentioned, you need a wetsuit, which is selected depending on the water temperature and the length of the route. If the length of the route is less than 1500 m, they wear ordinary swimming trunks for swimming, since changing clothes is impractical for such a short distance. In addition, the style of swimming, which is used for swimming, is a crawl. It is quite intense, so the swimmer does not have time to overcool.

If the water temperature drops below 25 degrees, and you have to overcome the classic or marathon distance, it is recommended to wear a wetsuit, which will protect the participant from hypothermia. Suit thickness cannot exceed 5 mm. This is sufficient to maintain the thermal control functions.

The outfit for the cycling stage is identical to the sportswear of the classic cyclist, which may be as follows:

  • streamlined helmet... In addition to the function of protecting the participant, it helps to overcome air resistance, which is especially necessary on descents, where the athlete is gaining maximum speed;
  • glasses. An important accessory that protects the eyes from sunlight and insects. They help to pass all sections of the bicycle race evenly;
  • shoes. She is selected taking into account individual characteristics cyclist. Sport shoes provides high-quality grip of the feet and pedals. The best are the contact pedals that can be attracted after the foot, thereby facilitating the rider's movements during the torque;
  • clothes. The cyclist's suit during the race, like a helmet, reduces air resistance, protects against abrasions of the skin on the bike saddle. In addition, it supports optimal temperature body in different weather conditions.

Running equipment is, first of all, high-quality footwear. It is selected for the participants of the ironman triathlon, based on the individual characteristics and type of track coverage. Comfortable shoes for this stage of the ironman triathlon are sneakers.

How triathlon training is conducted ironman

Trainings- the only one productive way, allowing to improve endurance indicators and reduce pain after passing the track. Athletes know that the main discipline in the ironman triathlon is running. In this section, it is decided whether the athlete wins or not.


Distance, kilometers CCM 1st rank 2nd category 3rd rank
0,3+8+2 27:00 29:00 31:00
0,75+20+5 1:02:00 1:06:30 1:12:00 1:18:00

Winter triathlon

7+12+10 1:32:00 1:40:00 1:50:00 7+12+10
9+14+12 2:00:00 2:10:00 2:25:00 9+14+12

Duathlon sprint
(running + cycling + running)

2+8+1 24:00 26:00 28:00

Long distance triathlon
(swimming + cycling + running)

3+80+20 4:50:00 5:20:00 5:50:00 finish the distance
4+120+30 7:50:00 8:35:00 9:30:00 finish the distance
3.8+180+42.2 10:40:00 11:40:00 12:45:00 finish the distance


Distance group (swimming + cycling + running) Distance, kilometers CCM 1st rank 2nd category 3rd rank
0,3+8+2 31:00 34:00 37:00
0,75+20+5 1:10:00 1:15:00 1:21:00 1:28:00

Winter triathlon
(running + cycling + skiing)

7+12+10 1:42:00 1:52:00 2:03:00 1:32:00
9+14+12 2:15:00 2:30:00 2:50:0 2:00:00

Duathlon sprint
(running + cycling + running)

2+8+1 28:00 29:00 31:00

Long distance triathlon
(swimming + cycling + running)

3+80+20 5:30:00 6:05:00 7:00:00 finish the distance
4+120+30 9:10:00 10:00:00 11:10:00 finish the distance
3.8+180+42.2 11:45:00 12:50:00 13:55:00 finish the distance

The cycling race precedes the running phase, in which the same muscles are involved as during the running. Consequently, overcoming running segments in training, the athlete progresses at the same time in cycling.

This means that initially it is required to decide on the discipline in which participation is planned. Then, the appropriate section of the track is selected, and the running begins, at an acceptable pace for the athlete: the muscles should not get tired, i.e. the athlete should feel comfortable. Gradually, you need to add segments where the pace of running will be increased. Alternating this technique, the running speed is gradually increased and the number of sections where accelerations are performed are added.

When the first successes become noticeable, sections are added to the route, which are overcome by bicycle. After it, run again. It will be easier to pass the distance if the disciplines are changed more often.

Video: Ironman Triathlon