DIY country toilet step by step. Outdoor toilets: the best options for a summer residence. How to choose the right location for an outdoor toilet

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that a toilet in a country house is much more convenient than one located on the street.

But is it possible to organize it in the absence of a centralized sewerage system?

It turns out yes, and not only sewerage, but also water supply is not necessary. This article talks about ways to solve this problem.

So, we want to install a toilet in a country house. This can be done in one of two ways:

Traditional options

The idea is simple: install a toilet in the house and run a pipe from it to a cesspool located 5 m from the house. In order for waste to fall into the pit, it must be washed off with water. Hence the conclusions:

  1. This option is suitable for houses equipped with running water.
  2. Due to the large volume of wastewater, instead of a cesspool, which will fill quickly, it is better to use a septic tank.

Traditional country toilet

In the latter case, most of the water can be filtered and made suitable for discharge into the ground.

Innovative solutions

If there is no running water in the house or it is rarely visited, you can install one of the types of dry closet. What is common to such designs is that waste accumulates in a sealed container located directly under the toilet, where it is processed in a certain way.

Modern electric dry closet

As the container is filled, it is emptied, and the waste as a result of processing usually does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Depending on the method of processing feces, dry toilets are divided into the following types:


There are two subspecies:

  1. Powder closets. Each time after visiting the toilet, the waste is sprinkled (“powdered”) with a portion of peat, ash or sawdust. This powder, firstly, blocks the spread of an unpleasant odor, and secondly, it prevents the flow of oxygen to feces. In an oxygen-free environment, specific biochemical processes, upon completion of which the waste is converted into compost suitable for use as fertilizer.
  2. Drying dry toilets. A compressor forces air through the waste collection chamber (thrown out through an exhaust pipe connected to it), as a result of which its contents are completely dry. This also causes feces to turn into fertilizer.

The simplest peat dry toilet made from a plywood box and a plastic bucket


Processing consists of separating solid and liquid fractions, after which the liquid is filtered. Once the storage container is full, the solids are removed for composting.


The waste is burned with a powerful electric heater (from 5 kW) to ash. The water evaporates and is removed through the exhaust pipe.


The opposite solution: the waste is frozen, which leads to the death of microbes and neutralizes the odor.

Many people associate the country toilet with discomfort. However, do comfortable option quite simple. – consider the types of designs and their advantages.

Comparison different types you can look at country dry toilets.

Which dry toilet to choose for your dacha and where to buy it? Read the answers to these questions.

Toilet arrangement

Everything is clear with a dry toilet - you just need to purchase and install it. With toilet classic type you'll have to tinker. The creation process is divided into two stages:

  1. Selecting a waste collection site.
  2. Bathroom equipment.

Monolithic concrete cesspool

Wastewater collection point

The simplest option is to build a cesspool. You can go this route if the dacha is visited relatively rarely, otherwise you will have to call a sewer truck too often to remove accumulated waste.

Just digging a hole is not enough - you need to form a sealed container to prevent soil contamination by runoff.

Here's how the construction works:

  1. On an area of ​​2 - 3 sq. m, a pit is dug 2.5 m deep. Please note that it must be located in a lowland, at least 5 m from the house and at least 25 m from the well or well.
  2. The bottom is covered with 3 layers of plastic film.
  3. A layer of compacted clay 20 cm thick is laid on top of the film.
  4. The clay is poured with concrete 10 cm thick.
  5. The walls can be covered with boards, but such covering will only last for 10 years. A more durable option is to line the pit ceramic bricks(silicate cannot be used!), which will last for about 20 - 25 years.
  6. The pit is covered concrete slab with a hatch or thick boards on which you can lay cut fertile soil.

More labor intensive, but also more practical solution- build a septic tank. This is a structure of 2 or 3 chambers, the last of which is drainage well(instead of a concrete bottom there is a gravel filter), and the rest are sealed. Overflow pipes are installed between the chambers at a certain height.

An example of a plastic septic tank

The idea is as follows: each of the sealed chambers plays the role of a sump: heavy fractions settle down, light fractions float up, and relatively pure water through the overflow pipe (it starts with the elbow, with the pipe turned down) it flows into the next container.

If it is also sealed, the 2nd stage of settling occurs, after which even more clarified water, again through an overflow pipe, enters the 3rd chamber, from which it drains into the ground through a gravel filter. Thus, only the waste itself remains in the sedimentation tanks, which is why they have to be pumped out much less frequently than a cesspool.

The walls of the chambers and the partitions between them can be lined with ceramic bricks; the chambers can also be assembled from concrete rings.

If funds allow, you can purchase a modern plastic septic tank, which, at the customer’s request, can be equipped with a disinfection system and other options.

Bathroom equipment

For a bathroom in the house you need to either allocate an area near outer wall from the side of the cesspool, or build an extension of the toilet and shower to the country house.

If there is only a toilet here, the area of ​​the room should be at least 1.5 square meters. m. If there is also a washbasin, that is, a combined bathroom, then the allocated area should be at least 3.8 square meters. m.

Toilet in the form of an extension

If you are not yet ready to shell out money for an extension, the room inside the house should be fenced off with partitions. Most affordable option- plasterboard partitions: a frame is erected from metal profiles, which is sheathed on both sides plasterboard sheets. You can put it in the frame mineral wool, protecting it with a vapor barrier - due to its soft structure, it retains sound well.

If the owner is ready to spend money on a more solid option, the partition should be made of brick.

Laying brick partitions

The finishing used inside the bathroom must be moisture resistant and have a smooth surface so that it can be washed . If you are not satisfied with ceramic tiles due to their high cost, you can use a very affordable alternative - plastic panels. They can be fixed directly to the frame; no drywall is needed.

The toilet is installed so that the sewer bed between it and the lowering into the underground has a length of no more than 1 m.

The bottom of the vertical section (dip) should reach the soil freezing depth characteristic of the given region.

If the foundation under the house is strip, it is necessary to drill an opening through which the pipe will come out.

Of course, it is better to provide a toilet at the stage of building a house - then the opening can be easily made during the pouring of the foundation, having first placed a piece of pipe in the formwork.

The outer part of the pipe is laid in a trench with a slope of 3 cm/m.

Sets up under the pipe sand cushion, and on top it is first covered with a small layer of expanded clay and only then with soil.

Video on the topic

One thing to remember when planning to build a toilet for your dacha with your own hands is: step-by-step instruction will be special for each of the options, of which there are quite a lot. Designs can work according to different principles, and materials for construction are selected taking into account their cost, durability and aesthetic appeal. Experts recommend that before purchasing materials and building a toilet, not only carefully consider the chosen option, but also make necessary calculations, find optimal place for installation, draw a diagram or drawing.

When choosing a design to build a toilet in a country house with your own hands, they focus, first of all, on the comfort of using the building. Moreover, not only visiting the toilet should be convenient, but also servicing it. In order to do right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the operating features of each of the toilet options.

Pit toilets

The easiest option for waste disposal is a do-it-yourself toilet pit in the country. A house is installed above it, often called in everyday life, depending on its appearance, a “birdhouse” or “hut”, the degree of comfort of which depends on the capabilities of the master. The pit is cleaned using a sewer truck. Similar designs - not the most perfect, but due to the simplicity of the device and cost-effectiveness, they remain popular and in demand if we're talking about O suburban areas, where owners do not appear often. Toilets with cesspools are also suitable for dachas where a small number of people live.

The photo shows a diagram of the toilet above cesspool

Backlash closets

The backlash closet is an improved design of a toilet with a cesspool, distinctive feature it is the complete sealing of the drive. A backlash closet can be arranged in such a way that the toilet is located in a heated room (house), and the storage tank is located outside it (as a rule, against the wall adjacent to the toilet). The toilet bowl is connected to the storage tank by an inclined or vertical pipe, through which waste flows by gravity into the tank. Due to the tightness, cleaning of the backlash closet storage can only be done with the help of vacuum trucks. Backlash closet more convenient and hygienic than a regular toilet in a country house with a cesspool.

When arranging a backlash closet, the toilet is located in the room, which is an advantage of this type of design

Powder closets

Powder closets are great in cases where when in an area close to the surface there are groundwater . This feature may cause trouble when installing other structures, but will not affect the operation of the powder closet. A significant advantage of this version of a country toilet is the possibility of minimal costs transform waste into environmentally friendly organic fertilizer . The powder closet gets its name from the principle of operation - the waste in the storage tank is sprinkled (“powdered”) with a dry composition (peat or peat-sawdust mixture). As a result, the occurrence of putrefactive processes is prevented and the likelihood of unpleasant odors is minimized. As the toilet tank fills, waste mixed with peat is dumped into a compost pit, where it is turned into compost.

Powder closets can be stationary with large storage units or compact portable ones. In the second case, a small-sized structure can be brought into the house at night or during rain.

Dry toilets

The dry closets, which are a ready-made compact toilet, have become popular and have proven themselves really well in use. Their operating principle may be similar to the operation of a peat powder closet. Recycling and decomposition of waste in such peat dry closets occurs using a peat mixture.

In other models it is possible for recycling. Dry or liquid fillers contain cultures of certain types of bacteria.

In chemical models, the active substances for waste decomposition are chemicals. When choosing, you should take into account that safe and effective fillers are more expensive than others, and some substances used by uninformed summer residents (bleach, formaldehyde, etc.) are prohibited due to toxicity.

Choosing a place to build a toilet

When telling how to make a toilet in a country house with your own hands, experts usually place special emphasis on where it is best to place the structure. In this regard, there are absolute requirements that must be met in any case. They define minimum distances from the toilet to residential and outbuildings, water sources and other objects:

  • to a house that has a cellar or basement, as well as to a garage or barn with similar underground structures - 12 meters,
  • to the source drinking water– 25 meters,
  • to a barn without a cellar, garage or sauna - 8 meters,
  • to the fence - 1 meter.
  • Placing the building according to the wind rose will allow the structure to be installed so that the unpleasant smell does not cause inconvenience to the owners or disturb the neighbors.
  • If the site has complex terrain, it is recommended to choose a level place for the toilet, and if there is a source of water in the country, the toilet is located below it in level.
  • If you need to use the services of a cesspool truck to pump out a toilet, you need to provide for the possibility of its access to the cesspool, taking into account the length of the equipment hose.

Selection of materials

Building a toilet in a country house with your own hands is possible from various materials. The choice is determined by the cost and availability of various options. For example, if an outdoor toilet is installed as a temporary structure during the construction of a full-fledged sewer system, you can choose cheaper materials. If the dacha is visited only in the summer and an outdoor toilet is the only option, it is better to choose reliability and durability, even if additional costs are required.

Wooden models

Wooden outdoor toilets are probably the most common option. It combines economy and practicality, however, it should be borne in mind that wood is susceptible to moisture. To protect the material, special impregnations can be used. The service life of the material can be significantly increased by primed and painted the boards. Lovers natural texture wood structures are often coated with a transparent, moisture-proof varnish.

Brick toilet

A brick toilet is a permanent structure that will stand for decades without requiring repairs. The cost of materials for such a structure is higher, but if you have some bricks left after building a house or garage, you should take advantage of this opportunity. If you are planning to build a brick toilet in your country house with your own hands, do not forget that the massive structure requires installation on a foundation. Experts recommend choosing for a country toilet strip foundation. It requires less excavation work, reduces the consumption of cement for pouring, but ensures the reliability and safety of structures on almost any soil. Although for structures made of lighter materials it is also possible to use a columnar foundation.

Using corrugated sheets

A country toilet made of corrugated sheets is frame construction, covered with sheet metal metal material. The corrugated sheet has a coating that protects it from moisture, so it can be used for buildings on outdoors without any risk. The frame of the building is optionally made of wood or metal. The use of corrugated sheets can significantly reduce the construction time of a toilet.

Construction of a toilet with a cesspool

If you are building such a toilet for your dacha with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions begin with the storage device.

  • Digging a pit. Its volume is usually calculated based on the conditions of use (number of people, frequency and duration of visits to a summer cottage, etc.). Usually a pit 2 meters deep is quite sufficient. The cross-section of such a pit is a square with sides of 1 meter or a circle with a diameter of one meter. These parameters can be increased slightly taking into account the need to strengthen the walls of the pit.
  • Doing the bottom. The easiest way would be to fill the bottom with crushed stone or gravel. However, this method does not exclude partial penetration of waste from the toilet into the soil. If groundwater is located in an area close to the surface of the earth, it is better to make the bottom impenetrable, for example, by filling it with concrete mortar.
  • Strengthening walls. You can strengthen the walls of a cesspool for a toilet in a country house with your own hands using brickwork, concrete rings or concrete mortar using poured construction technology (the mortar is gradually poured into the formwork, no more than 50 cm in height at a time). In all cases, it is important to ensure the tightness of the structure (fill the seams between the rings, avoid gaps when performing brickwork). For guard surface waters in the area to prevent impurities from entering them, the walls can be plastered or covered with a waterproofing layer for greater reliability.

Important: If the groundwater level in your area is higher than 2.5 meters, then the cesspool must be made completely sealed, including the bottom.

After this, the selected house structure is erected over the pit. Most often in such cases a wooden structure is installed.

Construction of a wooden house step by step

Toilet ventilation

Although correct device making a dacha toilet with your own hands allows you to minimize the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and many models eliminate the occurrence of putrefactive processes in the mass of waste; a dacha toilet made with a cesspool or other design must be provided with ventilation.

The ventilation pipe is inserted into the storage tank no less than 15 cm. Light and durable plastic pipes are well suited for these purposes. sewer pipes with a diameter of 100 mm. For stability they are attached with outside on the wall of the building using metal clamps. The ventilation pipe should rise approximately 50 cm above the roof. Protection ventilation pipe from rain and debris using a deflector installed at the end of the pipe.

Construction of a backlash closet

If you are deciding how to build a toilet at your dacha yourself, a backlash closet should be considered as one of optimal options. It is very simple to implement and does not require significant expenses. At the same time, such structures are more comfortable than ordinary “birdhouses” with holes.

First of all, it is important to choose a location for excavation work. The waste pit, unlike many other structures, is located directly next to the house, since the toilet from which the waste will flow will be located inside the house. So, you need to designate a place for the toilet inside the room and a place for the storage tank near the adjacent wall. The depth of the pit must be at least 1 meter, and its walls must be completely waterproofed. Experts recommend making the bottom and walls of the tank from poured concrete, followed by covering the strengthened structure with a waterproofing layer (for example, bitumen). You can increase the reliability of waterproofing by using clay castle(layer thickness – at least 0.5 m).

The upper part of the toilet pit is closed with a double lid - a layer of heat insulation is installed between the layers of cast iron and wood. Gravity flow of waste can be ensured by the inclination of the pipe that leads from the toilet to the storage tank (in this case, at the construction stage it is necessary to provide an inlet for it, and after entering it, seal the seam) or by the design of the tank itself (an expanding pit that goes under the house in the direction from the toilet to the street with a sloping floor). Ventilation is necessary for the backlash closet. In the cold season, the efficiency of the hood can be ensured by the temperature difference, and in summer time It is better to use an exhaust fan.

Powder closet device

If you are building such a country toilet with your own hands step by step, the instructions will be quite concise. The simplicity of the device is explained, among other things, by the fact that the powder closet does not require the construction of a pit. For compact designs excavation are not needed at all, and for stationary ones a hole in the ground may be required in which to place storage capacity(bucket or tank). The construction of a powder closet boils down to installing a container under the toilet seat for collecting sewage and supplying the toilet with a box with backfill (peat, sawdust, etc.) and a scoop. You should fill up waste after each visit to the restroom.


The video will clearly demonstrate how to build a toilet in a country house with your own hands. The video lists necessary materials with dimensions, tools, and also a sequence of work with comments.

Toilet in the country photo

Here we have selected several photographs on the topic of our article “How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands.”

It's a city dweller's dream to buy country house, where you can relax from the hustle and bustle. Well, now you are the owner of the site and the most in demand part is the toilet. What if it’s not there?

But there is a way out - to build a toilet with your own hands, using improvised means, creating your own drawing. Provide with your own hands comfortable conditions for accommodation.

How to make a toilet in the country?

A string of questions immediately arises in my head: what drawing to choose, what design to give, what materials will be used. In this article we will reveal the basis and rules for developing your project.

Main types of booths

First, let's figure out what types of structures exist. The simplest type, a building with a cesspool.

But before we start, let's take into account sanitary standards, which operate in Russia: consider the cleaning method and proper waterproofing. Check your neighbors' requirements to avoid conflict situations.

You can make a toilet in your country house using several options.

We list the types of buildings:

  • Birdhouse - economical version with pitched roof located on the box. Summer option;
  • Hut - complex design with a large selection of designs, keeps you warm in the cold. Requires more material costs;
  • Hut - simple form with a gable roof, wind-resistant model;
  • The house is a structure with increased strength, a warm option;
  • Double - complex construction with the second department;
  • Toilet with shower - an additional extension for washing is attached to the main booth;
  • A dry toilet can be installed even inside the house. Biotoilets are gaining popularity, since there is no special fuss with them.

There are three types of dry toilets: peat, chemical and electric models. This is the first aid option when construction is underway.

Then you can proceed to a major toilet with a reliable septic tank that will serve for years.

Where to start construction?

A summer resident needs a toilet that is hygienic, clean and pleasing to the eye, while respecting the environmental situation, neutralizing waste, and meeting the requirements for external design.

Capital septic tank with a complex of tanks in the ground

To do this, most often they make three concrete rings, which are immersed in the ground one by one. The upper ones become settling tanks, the third filters sewage that goes into the ground without causing harm to groundwater.

Such septic tanks contain anaerobic bacteria that process waste and neutralize harmful bacteria.

You are faced with the following tasks:

  • choose a system for draining, draining and disposing of sewage;
  • determine the location for the toilet and it is better to choose one remote from the house;
  • decide which type of structure is suitable, discussed above;
  • choose a design that you can make with your own hands;
  • select suitable materials;
  • determine the size of the toilet in the country;
  • calculate construction cost estimates.

Decide for yourself how you will clean the waste pit if you do not install a septic tank. How can a sewage disposal truck arrive, pumping out sewage?

Have you decided and answered the questions? Now we can start construction, let's take it step by step.

Practice: start of construction

We've decided on a place, let's choose the desired design. Builders have already developed a certain gold standard of size, the ratio: 2.2x1x1.4 m.

Look at the photo of the country toilet. Having decided on the form, let’s prepare the necessary tools:


  • hammer drill, which can be replaced with a crowbar, for breaking hard ground;
  • a shovel, preferably with a short handle, so it’s easier to dig;
  • container for waste pit, optimal capacity 200 l;

If you use electrical appliances, take care of the power source.

Make drawings of a country toilet or use the data in the drawing. Consider installing ventilation and insulation. Let's start construction with a waste pit.

First stage - pit

We will dig a deep waste pit for sewage. The standard shape is square, the depth is not less than 2 m. After digging, we must strengthen the walls; we can use reinforced concrete material, boards, or make masonry from stone or brick.

We ensure the bottom of the pit is airtight, fill it with crushed stone or make a concrete screed.

If there is a risk of contamination The groundwater, then we will make the walls and bottom waterproof and seal them with special material.


Second stage - frame

The pit has been prepared, we will begin to build a protective external structure. The prepared frame must be secured; it is better to make it wooden. Let's make markings and drill holes in which we install support pillars. They will provide durability for future construction.

The foundation itself is necessary if you visit the country house all year round, to serve for a long time. First, it must be deepened, then bricks or blocks should be placed in the corners; waterproofing will be provided by a roofing material overlay.

Place the material between the prepared frame and the foundation. Immediately begin installing the bottom frame to prevent the roofing felt from drying out from the sun's rays.

Lay the floor, prepare the seat skeleton in place and attach it. Nail the façade frame to the posts. After covering the toilet seat, make a hole.

Now sheathe the facade of the toilet directly; you can choose lining, corrugated sheets, siding and other materials for this. Install the roof sheathing and place any slate or metal roofing on it.


Finish hanging the door on the hinges and the wooden outdoor toilet is almost ready.

The third stage - ventilation

To unpleasant odors didn’t bother you, we will develop a ventilation system in the toilet structure. We use for this plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm.

Let's take tin clamps and pull it to the hole made in the roof of the building. The lower end of the pipe must be carried 15 cm into the waste pit, cutting a hole of the required diameter into the seat.

The deflector attachment will additionally help increase traction. There is nothing complicated in construction; anyone can build a simple toilet.

DIY toilet photo

Landscaping a personal plot begins with installing a toilet. Having chosen a suitable place, you can begin to build this necessary element of country life.

How to make a toilet in the country? The most reliable and popular type of dacha convenience remains the classic toilet with a cesspool, but there are other options for toilet designs.

Types of country toilets

What kind of toilet should I make in my dacha? Conventionally, street latrines can be divided into two types: with and without a cesspool. Dry toilets and powder closets operate without a cesspool.

Modern designers have developed many models in which there is no drainage pit. Which is better - a dry closet or a traditional pit cesspool? A cesspool is the most common and cheap way for the implementation of a street sanatorium unit. Installing and maintaining a dry closet will not be cheap, but sometimes you can’t do without it.

Types of country toilet houses

In what cases should you not install a latrine with a cesspool:

  • If the soil is shale or limestone
  • If the groundwater level is high
  • If the number of residents and guests is large

How to make a country toilet? To decide on the choice of the most successful sanitary building, you need to take into account the features of each design. Thus, latrines differ in the way they collect and dispose of waste:

  • Dry toilet
  • Powder closet
  • Backlash closet
  • With cesspool

A powder closet is an alternative to a dry toilet; it is installed without a cesspool: instead of it, a container is placed to collect sewage, which is periodically cleaned manually. The dissolution of wastewater occurs due to the peat bog, one kilogram of which can process up to 10 liters of sewage, combining it into useful fertilizer.

Let's watch the video, different kinds country closets:

A backlash closet is a combination of a home bathroom with a cesspool. If you want to install a latrine of this design, you must take care in advance of the possibility of cleaning it using a sewer machine. If this is not possible, then a backlash closet cannot be installed.

The ease of operation of a latrine with a waste pit is an advantage over a device without installing a drain. You will not need to worry about periodically cleaning accumulated feces, you will not need to spend money on maintaining a restroom or purchasing special solvents and absorbers. You can make a cesspool yourself and install a toilet house above it.

How to make a cesspool

Stages of manufacturing a septic tank

How to make a country toilet correctly? When installing a restroom, certain sanitary and hygienic requirements must be observed:

  • The distance from the well is at least 20 meters;
  • The toilet is not installed in the center of the yard;
  • The distance from the border of the neighboring property is at least one meter;
  • The structure is installed taking into account the wind rose (to avoid the spread of odor);
  • Provide access for a sewer truck.

To ensure that the septic tank meets all hygiene standards, consider the following:

  1. The depth of the pit should be from two meters
  2. The shape of the waste pit is a square with sides of 1 meter or a round pit internal diameter 2 meters (for reinforced concrete rings)

The most reliable type of sealing a cesspool will be. Firstly, it will save groundwater from contamination. And secondly, it will protect your harvest from impurities. With the help of reinforced concrete rings, a completely sealed sewage system is obtained.

Watch the video on how to properly make a cesspool:

Reinforcing the sewer pit with wooden boards or bricks is a thing of the past. Now waste is isolated using concrete rings and covering the bottom with a concrete screed. The only drawback similar system is cleaning using a sewer machine. But if you do not appear at the dacha all the time, then the costs of cleaning will be insignificant.

The drainage system remains a popular method of installing a septic tank. But it can be installed in case of low consumption water resources family. Because with high water consumption, waste disposal will be difficult. Disadvantage drainage system There is also a constant smell in the yard due to constant contamination of groundwater.

Let's watch a video tutorial on how to arrange a shambo:

The installation of the drainage system is similar to the method described above, but a reinforced concrete slab (or concrete screed), and sand and gravel (crushed stone) are poured:

  • Approximately 10 cm of coarse sand
  • 5 cm small granite crushed stone

A covering made of thermally bonded geotextile is mounted on top. Keep in mind that the environmental police do not welcome such structures.

Schemes of country septic tanks

After installing the cesspool, you can install a house for the septic tank. Which drawing of a country toilet to choose? The classic garden toilet is a frame covered with building finishing material.

We make a septic tank with our own hands:

The frame of the house is attached to columnar foundation. To provide waterproofing between the foundation and wooden box(frame) roofing felt is laid. The popular "birdhouse" has changed original design hut house. A hut differs from a birdhouse not only in design, but also in the principles of its structure.

Scheme Hut or Birdhouse

The birdhouse is designed with a sloping roof, sloping towards the rear wall. The scheme of a hut-type country toilet is a triangular-shaped house with a gable roof. Advantages of a hut house over a birdhouse:

  1. The septic tank does not flood with rain
  2. No supporting frame required
  3. On the side you can place containers for peat or other materials

The peculiarity of the toilet hut is that gable roof are the side walls of the building. The drawing of a country toilet hut is simple and will not cause any difficulties. Installation sequence:


  • Put together a platform-floor and sew it up with boards, leaving a hole. Coat the boards with an antifungal compound in two layers
  • Install the finished platform onto the base
  • Put together the front and back wall, cover them with clapboard.

Assembly of the structure

The dimensions of a hut-type country toilet are not large. Don’t forget to install a transom under the roof for ventilation, which will also be triangular in shape.

Watch the video, assembling a closet for a summer cottage:

The roofing material for the Hut can be:

  1. Corrugated sheet
  2. Slate
  3. Galvanized corrugated sheets
  4. Other materials

Build or buy

What is more profitable - buy finished model house or build a hut-type country toilet yourself according to the drawing? If you doubt that you can handle installing a septic tank yourself, buy finished goods. But any dacha owner can make a house from a wooden base and cover it with clapboard.

To work you will need:

  • Hacksaw
  • Plane
  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Nails.

Having basic skills in using these tools, you can build a house for a country toilet with your own hands.

Approximate consumption

  • Two edged boards (6 and 4 meters)
  • Floorboards - 4 pieces, 6 meters each
  • Lining 3 meters long - from two to four packs (depending on the internal lining)
  • Glassine - minimum 4 m
  • Ruberoid - 1.5 meters
  • Sand - 2 buckets
  • Galvanized nails - 2 kg
  • Nails for lining (without heads) - 2 kg
  • Slate nails - 20 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screws - a handful
  • Slate - 2 sheets (8-wave)
  • Galvanized iron sheet for ridge - 1 piece
  • Door with fittings - 1 piece
  • Antifungal liquid
  1. How to make a toilet in a summer cottage? To ensure that your country toilet is stable and not blown away by gusts of wind, securely fix the bottom of the building.
  2. Install the structure approximately 20 centimeters above ground level.
  3. Do not sheath the building over the pit: install the floor and toilet seat first. Then build a frame to the side and transfer it to the finished base. You can't cope with this alone - you need the help of two more people.
  4. Control the vertical and horizontal levels at all stages of installation.
  5. The door block must open outward, otherwise entering the building will be difficult.
  6. Make sure you have a skylight so you don't have to turn on the lights during the day.
  7. Between wooden frame and the stone foundation must be waterproofing layer(ruberoid).
  8. If the walls are not lined with vinyl paneling, they are painted.
  9. Don't forget to process wooden canvas antiseptic.

As you can see, build it yourself good septic tank It's easy in the yard. You only need to have the skills to use working tools and draw up a detailed drawing.

We do everything fun and to the music, this is how professionals work:

You should also calculate the amount of building material so as not to make unnecessary trips to the construction market. The most optimal design for the country restroom there will be a hut-style house. It is better to make the cesspool out of concrete rings. You can decide for yourself about the drainage system. But for clean air would be better suited absolute waterproofing than drainage.

On your own personal plot You can’t go anywhere without your own toilet. You can build a toilet yourself if you take this matter more seriously. The most difficult moment The construction of this structure involves digging a foundation pit. But this work can be done too. One of the main processes in the work is not the aesthetic appearance of the toilet, but the creation of a solid foundation for the toilet and the construction of a cesspool.

You should take into account the fact that most summer residents do not equip a toilet, but get by with an ordinary bucket. But still, the waste should be disposed of somewhere and removed based on this, a capital pit is simply necessary. It’s better to carry out the work on arranging your country toilet once according to the necessary norms and rules, and be happy with the result.

But if the owner of the site does not want to spoil appearance arrangement of its territory standard toilet, then this building can be easily hidden from view in the farthest corner of the site. Therefore, in this article it is worth talking about how make a country toilet with your own hands.

Choosing a place to build a toilet and its design

In most cases, a structure such as a toilet is built away from the country house. And this is no coincidence, since the unpleasant smell will be located near it. But many people resort to other methods, setting up a pit next to residential building. And the area for the toilet is chosen in a free space in the house, providing for an outlet into a pit. This design is used when water is supplied to a residential building, and in the future it is planned to install an insulated tank for collecting waste. In this case, it is always necessary to comply with the standards established by the sanitary services. This is necessary primarily in order to create security for environment and for neighbors from the occurrence negative consequences: all kinds of diseases, soil contamination.

  • If the plans provide for the arrangement of an insulated container, then its installation is possible anywhere.
  • If a septic tank is provided, then it must be installed at a distance of at least 20 m from the residential building.
  • When constructing a cesspool, it should be located at some distance from the main sources of water (30 m). Under no circumstances should its depth touch groundwater.
  • In most cases, the cesspool itself the simplest toilet its area is 1 sq.m. in the same case if a hole breaks out round shape, then its total diameter should be 1 m. The depth of the hole directly depends on the occurrence of groundwater.
  • After choosing a place for the pit, you need to decide on the design of the toilet itself.

Firstly, It should be remembered that the weight of the structure will depend on the material used for construction. This structure should be light in weight. This is necessary so that under the weight of the toilet the soil does not begin to settle and does not deform the entire structure. As a building material, it is best to use wooden bars or boards, or galvanized steel profiles and thin metal. You can also use corrugated sheets.

If you decide to build a toilet from logs or bricks, then you should think about maximally strengthening the base of its foundation. But there is no point in erecting such heavy structures, since they will still not be able to provide the necessary heat. If this option occurs, then you can insulate the toilet with various thermal insulation materials having low weight. This structure will be warm and light and will not be blown through winter period time, and in the summer it will be cool.

Secondly, It is important to determine the size of the future toilet. Once the material has been selected, it is necessary to decide on overall dimensions toilet booths. The toilet most often has the following dimensions: height -2.5 m and width 1 meter.

The length of the room itself is 1.4/1.5 m (depending on your requirements). You need to remember that the room should be very comfortable.

What is needed to arrange a country toilet

From this article you can learn how to make a toilet in the country. Once you have decided on the design and location for the toilet, you need to start purchasing the necessary building materials. You can also purchase a ready-made booth made of metal or wood. When self-built toilet you will need the following materials:

  • Wooden boards and bars.
  • Fasteners (screws, nails).
  • Metal reinforcements (corners for frame rigidity).
  • Accessories (latches, handles and hooks).
  • Roofing material (slate or corrugated sheets).
  • Chair with lid.
  • If you need to insulate the toilet, then you will need to purchase polystyrene foam and wall insulation material (plywood or chipboard).
  • To dig a hole you will need:
  • Sand, cement and crushed stone.
  • Reinforcement to strengthen the base of the toilet foundation.

Steel mesh netting required to cover the pit and metal brackets to secure the mesh to the ground. Instead of a mesh, you can use ordinary bricks, which cover all the walls in the pit.

Besides everything else. In order to dig a hole, concrete rings are often used, which have special holes in their walls. Most summer residents use large rubber tires for these purposes.

The most common option, and in turn environmentally friendly, is a ready-made container called a septic tank. They are various sizes. If necessary, you can purchase a container that is suitable for you. This usually depends on the number of people in your family and the length of time you live at the dacha. Of course, when building a toilet in your summer cottage, you will need the following tools:

  • Hand drill. He will help you dig a pit.
  • Shovel (scoop or bayonet, having a short and long handle).
  • If the soil in the selected area is very clayey and rocky, then you will definitely need a hammer drill.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Tool for markings - tape measure, ruler, pencil or marker.

Arrangement of a cesspool with your own hands

If you don’t know how to make a toilet in your country house with your own hands, then our tips and useful video will help you. Of course, construction work should always begin with marking and digging a pit.

If a plastic septic tank with 2 chambers is installed in a hole, then the hole is dug so that the inlet pipe of the septic tank is located exclusively in the toilet stall itself, since this is where the chair will be installed. And the neck of the second chamber of the septic tank should be located outside the toilet. It is necessary for the constant pumping of human waste.

Septic tanks come in various shapes. As a rule, the size and shape of the pit will depend on this. The pit should measure 25-30 m more sizes tanks, since the soil around them will be compacted tightly.

If the surface of the pit walls is finished with concrete mortar or brick, then it can be made either square or round.

  • After the hole is dug, drainage should be provided at its bottom. It should consist of large stones, rubble or brick fragments.
  • Next, the walls should be covered with a chain-link mesh having cells of 50*50. The mesh is fastened by driving metal brackets into the ground.
  • To obtain strong walls, they must be reinforced with a steel lattice with cells 100*100.
  • Then it throws itself on the walls concrete mortar. It is left until completely dry.
  • After the first layer of concrete mortar has completely hardened, all walls must be leveled and plastered.
  • The pit is covered using reinforced concrete slab. It will become the basis of the foundation for the toilet.
  • Then they are laid on the pit wooden boards. They should extend beyond the boundaries by 750-800 mm. The boards are installed in the ground.
  • There should be holes on the surface necessary for arranging the high chair and for the cesspool. Formwork must be installed around the holes.
  • A thick PVC film must be laid over the entire surface of the foundation.
  • A reinforcement grid should be laid on top of the film. In the future, it will be included in the formwork over the entire area of ​​the foundation.
  • The height of the hole formwork should be equal to the height of the foundation formwork.
  • Next, we need to prepare a concrete solution and fill our site with it. After which everything should be left until completely hardened.
  • After the site has dried, you need to install a toilet booth on its surface. A hatch is installed on the hole that will pump out waste. You can buy this item in a store or make it yourself.
  • You can also dig a round hole, which will be equipped rubber tires. But you should take into account the fact that this type of cesspool, unfortunately, is not suitable for frequent use. Such a toilet can only be used in a summer cottage, when residents arrive for a short stay or on weekends.
  • To construct a cesspool of this type, it is necessary to dig a round pit 170/200 mm larger than the diameter of the tires. Drainage should be laid at the bottom of the hole with a thickness of 17-20 cm.
  • Next, you need to lay the tires in the middle of the pit. They are stacked on top of each other to the surface of the soil.
  • As the tires are laid, drainage consisting of sand and crushed stone should be filled and compacted around them. This procedure must be carried out to the surface of the soil.
  • After all the tires have been laid, it is necessary to build a strip foundation around the entire pit. To carry out this work, a shallow trench (500m) is dug along the perimeter of the future building; subsequently, concrete mortar will be poured into it. Next, the bottom of the trench must be compacted and covered with sand (50/65 mm). It also needs to be covered with a layer of crushed stone.
  • Then you should lay waterproofing consisting of a dense PVC film.

We build a toilet in the country with our own hands, video:

  • Install metal reinforcement, install formwork having a height of -100/150 mm. Then pour concrete.
  • Make a brick foundation and plaster it with cement. After the mortar has hardened, the formwork should be removed from the cement foundation, and the brick foundation should be leveled. A sheet of roofing material must be laid on the surface of the foundation. He will be able to separate wooden surface from concrete. You can install a ready-made toilet booth on the foundation, or you can make one yourself.
  • In order to make it more convenient for you to carry out this work, a base must first be attached to the foundation - a frame, which is made of thick wooden blocks. Next, the remaining structural elements will be installed on it.

It is worth talking about another method of arranging a cesspool - using steel barrels without a bottom. Installation of these containers occurs in the same way as installation of tires. The area around them is also compacted using crushed stone and sand. At first glance, you might think that this method pretty simple. But unfortunately, it has a lot of disadvantages.

Metal barrels under the influence aggressive environment They corrode very quickly, which will lead to their destruction. Unfortunately, such a toilet will not serve you for long.

How to build a toilet house for a country house

After the site for installing the toilet and the pit are ready, you should begin installing the house. To do this, you need to prepare a diagram in advance. Toilet houses can be various shapes. They may even look like a small fairy-tale hut. In our photos posted on the site, you see a house made of wooden logs. They just give the toilet a beautiful decorative look.

In this diagram we have presented the basis for building a log house, but in this case, boards will be used instead of logs. In the diagram you can see how to assemble the walls and raise the roof slopes. Next, it is necessary to sheathe the roof, install the roof, and sheathe the walls with material (metal or wood). This house is installed directly on a cesspool or used as a room for a dry closet.

How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands, drawings of the simplest

There is another option for arranging a toilet. It's called "Shalash". In this case, the house has the shape of a triangle, and its walls serve as a roof. This form is quite simple. Building such a house will be easy and simple. It is also quite comfortable and spacious. In the posted photo you can see its internal structure, the location of the chair and the method of lathing the walls and roof. Such a house can be installed on a cesspool. and also be used as a room for a dry closet. This form of toilet is the most common. It can very often be seen in summer cottages and can be easily decorated. Suppose a toilet in a summer cottage needs to be made in Japanese style. This can be indicated by Japanese hieroglyphs written on a wooden sign, or a lantern suspended on chains near the entrance to the house. The interior design can also tell about the Japanese style. You can see an approximate diagram of the construction of this type of toilet in this figure. It shows the structure of the cesspool; the installation of a hatch for cleaning and the installation of the toilet structure are also visible.

This structure is quite simple. It is easy to make, but to give it strength, you should ensure maximum rigidity of the ligaments of all parts with each other. The area inside the toilet at the time of erection of the walls looks like this - foundation bars are installed on the base of the foundation, onto which the frame of this building will later be attached. Then you should start installing roofs and cladding walls. Only after completing this work is it necessary to install the chair.

After all internal Finishing work, the room takes on this appearance. you can also come up with any other design for your toilet. But finishing inside it should still be done using warm materials.

Photo: DIY country toilet step by step

Should not be used ceramic tiles for finishing such a toilet. This type of material is quite cold and in winter the tiles will be very slippery.

Dry toilets as an option

If you do not have the opportunity to arrange your country cottage area toilet, or you simply don’t have the time or desire for this, you can buy a dry closet. This option will completely free you from construction work. A dry toilet is a device that does not require separate place, and also it does not need to be connected to various communications.

It consists of the following elements: 2 compartments – chambers. One chamber serves as a toilet, and the other processes human waste. All active substances are located in the lower chamber. They just decompose them into a single odorless mass. This substance will be effective for a week. Next, the camera is cleaned and the contents are removed. Waste disposal in this case depends on the action of the active substances used in the dry closet. These substances come in three types:

  • Chemical.
  • Composting.
  • Microorganic.

All of them will be suitable only for a certain type of dry closet.

Peat is used for composting. This substance perfectly absorbs liquid. 1 kg of peat can absorb 10 liters of liquid. The resulting compost will become excellent fertilizer for plants. This dry closet is usually included with ventilation tubes. They are ways to eliminate unpleasant odors during the processing process.

The chemical toilet is equipped with an indicator indicating the time of cleaning from waste. They usually drain into the sewer.