It refers to intrinsic motivation. Which motivation is more effective - external or internal? Become the master of your life

Helping people achieve their goals. By nature, people most often do those things that bring them complete, perhaps partial satisfaction. But this pleasant human feature is diverse for each person, due to the fact that we are all different and each has its own, unique talent and quality.

First of all, let's define intrinsic motivation. These are the pleasures that bring us harmony in our inner world. A person does not require any additional, material goods as a reward for the work done. The work itself, and its successful outcome, is the best reward for intrinsic motivation.

The person for whom intrinsic motivation over extrinsic, never asks for anything in return, he acts exclusively in peaceful ways, trying not to harm the world around him, and finds a way out of any difficult situation without resorting to scandals and squabbles. To fully satisfy the internal, it is enough just to achieve this, for example, to do the work on your own, on your own. This unique feeling of pride appears in a person when his skill and quality of work exceeds his expectations, and, most importantly, suits other, third-party people. According to the statistics cited by scientists, most often people get moral satisfaction from activities, such as dancing, drawing or singing.

External motivation is some kind of third-party present, for achieving various goals. It is proved that if children are offered a gift for the implementation of any activity, then its intrinsic motivation will drop sharply and will practically equal zero. But if adults are included in the experiment, the results may be different. Because with age, internal motivation takes precedence over external. But again, it all depends on the individual. psychological development person. It is worth noting the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.

Primarily extrinsic motivation stimulates an increase in productivity, and the internal one, in turn, is responsible for good quality work. Career growth is one of the manifestations that helps to significantly increase intrinsic motivation.

It is worth noting that it extrinsic motivation occurs before intrinsic which significantly reduces it. In the event that you cannot motivate work inner qualities, it is worth promising yourself a simple chocolate bar when the work is done. Thus, you will stimulate yourself and your work, only then you should Special attention pay attention to quality, which may suffer in this case. What external factors motivate our actions? It depends directly on the personality of the person. But more often than not, the motives modern world very similar. Vivid examples are: social position in society, money, career growth, possible vacation abroad.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation necessary for a person to grow, develop and enjoy it.

When we talk about effective motivation, then most often we mean the presence emotional state, which encourages a person to act in a certain direction.

Motive (from old French motivus) literally "an impulse to action". Emotional states can be caused by many different reasons, usually unrelated to the subject matter.

So, a young man can enter a higher educational institution, far from the environment of his possible interests, only because his beloved girl entered there. The number of such examples is endless.

In old american comedy "Police Academy" The motives that led to the ranks of the valiant cops, the crowds of young people were very diverse: "I want to be able to protect myself", "I want to see people who are different from us", "I want to get away from home care" etc. etc.

Random motives, subsequently causing bewilderment and annoyance, have one circumstance in common. A person takes actions on the scale of life, the scale of fate under the influence of private, small, spontaneous factors.. All this fully applies to the choice of work, as well as to its effectiveness.

How many random people ended up in geology, ignited by the romance of Oleg Kuvaev's books?

How many people rushed to open their own business, ignited by the stories of Ford, Kroc and Estee Lauder?

Sometimes, after hearing someone's success story in network business, a person rushes, as if into a whirlpool, into the first network company that comes across, so that in a couple of months he will curse the whole one that did not bring him success.

A similar situation is well known in the field of education. A person who enters a higher educational institution because of false prestige and hopes for a highly paid job, grinds out a diploma for many years, and then realizes that neither happiness, nor success, nor wealth, either directly or indirectly, with a higher (or any other) education can in any way connected.

Let's try to understand motivation and learn how to use it effectively.

Motivation, as most already know, is internal and external. How to understand it and how it works?

Effective motivation

Children got into the habit of playing under the windows of the old man's house. Every evening they gathered on the lawn in front of his house, ran, made noise, which greatly interfered with him. No requests and persuasion to play away from his home did not help.

For a long time he was tormented by the question: what to do with them and came up with - he went out to the children and said:

You ran very well today, frolicked and shouted. For this, each of you will receive $1 today.

Can you imagine the reaction of the children?! Not only did they enjoy the game, they also got. The children were very happy.

The next day, the owner of the house went out to the playing children and said:

You know, kids, today my circumstances have changed and I can only give you 50 cents."

The children took the money, but they played and shouted with less enthusiasm.

The next day, this wise man distributed 20 cents to the children and said:

Come again tomorrow, I'll give you 5 cents each.

To which the children replied: Here's another! We'll run around here and shout for some 5 cents!".

In such an intricate way, this elderly man got rid of the noise and screaming under his windows.

What is this story about? On intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. What did this wise man do? He decreased intrinsic motivation children (their own emotions, the desire to play freely, "run and scream"), translating it into extrinsic motivation(money), and then removed her.

Where did the intrinsic motivation of these children go? Gone like smoke...

Where does the internal motivation of those people go who first actively and with interest begin to work in your campaign, and then ... "go out"?

Everything is very simple. Most likely, you pay too much attention to external motivation, while forgetting about the leading force - internal motivation.

intrinsic motivation

intrinsic motivation- it driving force, which pushes you forward and does not let you stand still, this is why you invest your efforts, why you act day by day, building your team and your organization. You are doing this to change your life and the lives of others for the better.

Intrinsic motivation is the "fuel" that supports us and does not allow us to go out and cool down at the moment of overcoming difficulties and failures. Intrinsic motivation encourages action.

  • , self-realization
  • ideas, creativity
  • self-affirmation
  • conviction
  • curiosity
  • health
  • feeling needed by someone
  • need for communication

First in business (any) - never lower your intrinsic motivation.

External motivation

External motivation these are visible signs of your achievements in the society around you.

  • money
  • career
  • status
  • confession
  • prestigious things (house, apartment, car)
  • worthy aesthetics of life
  • the ability to travel

Your extrinsic motivation is constantly changing. Just yesterday you wanted to earn only to feed your family. Then you took the first steps in business and wanted to give a better education to children, new house, a new car...

Do you remember the tale of the fisherman and the fish? “I don’t want to be a black peasant woman, I want to be a pillar noblewoman” is an example of external motivation.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are most effective in balance.

The second secret to the success of effective motivation is to maintain a balance (balance) between internal and external motivations.

Positive and negative motivators

All possible motivational factors, in fact, can be reduced to just two intuitive ideas:

  1. enjoy

Moreover, both factors can be both internal and external. And if both factors are present in your action, then you get a very powerful locomotive. Such a push-pull.

These types of motivation operate in different ways, in different directions and with different results. All people use both to some extent, but each of us tends to prefer one of these directions.


Practical example implemented scheme intrinsic motivation with simultaneously involved positive and negative factors - a film (eng. artificial intelligence) is a 2001 science fiction drama directed by Steven Spielberg.

I immediately warn you: the film is not about motivation ... It is about an irresponsible desire to create, about responsibility for those who have been tamed, human intolerance towards those who are unlike you and about many other things, but not about motivation. And yet ... he visual illustration the power of irresistibility hidden in motivation.

The film takes place in the future. Mankind is trying to support civilization by creating androids endowed with artificial intelligence. These attempts lead to the development of a fundamentally new type of humanoid robot child that is able to love. They call him David. The company that created it wants to test how their creation will take root in a family setting.

This family is Henry and Monica. Their real son is in a coma due to a rare disease. Monica, having lost hope for her son's recovery, activates David's special functions, allowing him to love her the way a real child loves his parents. Everything seems to be shaping up just fine. However, after a while, the real son recovers and returns home.

Now the children are supposed to live together as brothers, but instead become rivals for their mother's love. And, of course, the mother makes a choice in favor of a real child, this is logical. Instead of delivering David to Cybertronics, Monica lets him go into the forest, warning him to beware of the "triumph of the flesh" - a show event where androids are destroyed publicly in arenas, as once in ancient Rome, rebellious slaves and Christians.

And so a small, irresponsibly humanized robot goes in search of the Blue Fairy, whom he heard about from the fairy tale "Pinocchio" and believed that she could make him a real boy, thanks to which Mom would love him and take him back to the family.

An all-consuming thirst for motherly love, a sense of security and protection, the desire to avoid feeling abandoned by his mother are two factors that help David go through a terrible meat grinder, fanatically move towards his completely unrealistic goal and achieve it in 2000 years in one short day.

The film is fantastic, but wonderful both in content and performance. If someone hasn't had a chance to watch it yet, please do so.

How do the factors of motivation correlate with her condition?

Internal External
Positive dream, self-realization
ideas, creativity
feeling needed by someone
personal growth
need for communication
prestigious things (house, apartment, car)
worthy aesthetics of life
the ability to travel
negative non-realization
feeling humiliated
lack of health
lack of communication
lack of security
pay cut
direct threat to life or health

Where and how to apply it?

You can motivate both your team and yourself. At the same time, keep in mind two things:

  1. to ignite someone's inspiration, someone's dream, you must first ignite yourself.
  2. Maximum success can be achieved by balancing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Thus, there are three tasks:

  1. how to ignite intrinsic motivation
  2. how to motivate other people to great deeds
  3. strike a balance

in balance

Any meaningful movement that can be calculated is possible provided that you know where and from where you are going. Napoleon Hill, in his book Think and Grow Rich, wrote that every successful action begins with a desire.

The leader in this sense is one who is guided by internal motives, one who can temporarily postpone some external manifestations of success (deferred reward). Hence, the basis of leadership motivation is internal(positive and negative).

  1. It starts with a dream or a vision. About how to formulate a dream or we considered in one of the previous issues of "The Vision of a Leader: Myth or Reality?".
  2. As part of achieving a dream (vision), identify and write down long-term goals
  3. Break long-term goals into short segments - short-term goals
  4. Make daily plans for short-term goals

Why such a tedious job in such an inspiring issue as motivation. Then, that effective motivation is only the engine of a steam locomotive, we also need a driver who knows the goal, we need rails that lead to this goal, someone has to throw coal into the furnace or press buttons. Those. motivation without clear goals is fireworks. A lot of noise, little sense.

We will talk in detail about why you need to plan, about the technique of clear goal setting, about the static and mobility of goals and plans, we will talk in the next issue of the newsletter. In the meantime, just mark yourself somewhere (write it on your forehead, hack it on your nose, knock it out in your livers, in your kidneys) that planning is - well, it’s just very important, it’s just that you can’t do without it ...

How to defeat the inner saboteur

Who is the inner saboteur? This is the negative side of your personality. He is cunning and dangerous, because he appears when you do not expect him. He can dissuade you from a new promising business or ruin an already started one. The ability to recognize and understand your saboteur is an important step in working on yourself. As soon as you have conceived something important, the saboteur immediately arises from the depths of your soul and insinuatingly says: “Why try, why get down to business? Everything is useless”, “Do you need more than anyone?”, “You are not able to become the best leave this matter."

These and other statements that sometimes break through from the negative side of your personality can turn you away from new beginnings, kill interest in any activity.

For example, you are the manager of a certain company. You are young and full of energy, striving to make a career, to realize yourself. Developed a new promising undertaking (new and original method sales, technical novelty, etc) But as soon as you are about to get down to business, the inner voice (saboteur) immediately begins to intimidate you, interfere and discourage you from working. He tells you:

What if nothing works?

What if you do not find support among colleagues and superiors? They will just laugh at you.

You are too busy doing other things and you don't have time for that.

Every fool will tell you that it's impossible.

You are still young for such things, you will have time.

You cannot overcome so many difficulties and obstacles.

Another favorite subterfuge of your saboteur is procrastination. He often resorts to it, giving you reasonable excuses: "Not now, I still have time", "No need to rush", "I will definitely start doing this from next Monday", etc. Rest assured, when next Monday rolls around, the inner saboteur will find reasonable excuses to put things off until "next Monday" again. He will refer to anything: circumstances, lack of time, bad weather - just to prevent you from achieving success.

How to avoid the negative influence of the internal saboteur? Here you will be helped by exercises invented by Gestalt psychologists.


First of all, the inner saboteur seeks to deprive you of self-confidence. The main thing is not to give him the opportunity to dominate your aspirations. Give him your weighty arguments.

Here are examples of counterarguments you can use when counterattacking your saboteur.

  1. This is impossible to achieve. But you can always try! And we'll see!
  2. I have a lot of other things to do and responsibilities But I can always set aside one hour for this!
  3. Don't rush, there's still time. Time does not wait, you need to work so that it is not too late.
  4. You have to overcome a lot of difficulties and obstacles Difficulties are there to be overcome!

Your inner saboteur is not easy to defeat and silence. After all, a saboteur is not only your personal voice. It is also a product of the influence of other people - parents, friends, people around you, who have told you a thousand times: "Keep your head down, be like everyone else." Psychologists call it the internal censor (Super-I). But with him you can and should discuss, convince, do everything so that your other "I" (active, effective, confident in success) takes over.

Another method that is suggested for working with the inner saboteur is to actively engage in emotional dialogue with him.


Convince your saboteur. Don't go after him. Give counterarguments that would overcome its negative effect. Example:

  1. You are weak. You won't get anything. You're lying! I will succeed!
  2. You have a lot of important things to do without it. But I can always find some time. This matter is very important. I am not lazy and will not look for excuses for my laziness!
  3. Is it worth it to take on this business? Worth it because...

constructive negotiations

  1. Think of a business you would like to do. Imagine that your plan succeeded. Now try to come up with something that can harm your undertakings, prevent you from realizing your plans. Imagine this picture.
  2. Describe, draw a saboteur or the force that pushes for sabotage, opposes the implementation of the plan.
  3. Now, be yourself in the role of a saboteur and purposefully try to interfere with the implementation of your project. Tell us how you will benefit from it. Why do you need it?
  4. From the point of view of your true self, imagine meeting with the saboteur and have constructive negotiations with him. Reflect and write down what would you say to him? What arguments can convince him?

Excuses Analysis

  1. Write down in detail all of your saboteur's excuses. For example: “I won’t be able to realize my plans because: I’m too busy I don’t have enough abilities I’m too young (old) for this No one will support me
  2. Analyze these excuses. Consider: why are you using them? Are the circumstances really as insurmountable as your imagination makes them out to be? Often people resort to self-justification simply because they are afraid to take risks, to make mistakes, i.e. afraid of failure. In this case, psychological defense mechanisms intervene: a person strives to maintain his conceit on appropriate level. And a possible defeat, failure can reduce self-esteem. This is what determines the desire to avoid failure. And only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. As a result, vital passivity develops, avoidance of any undertakings. No wonder these people never achieve anything. After all, they silently admit defeat even before the start. Do not be afraid of possible failures! Failure should be afraid of you, and nothing else!

Motivating others

In the process of motivating a team, it should be taken into account that people are motivated by different factors: some are motivated by the desire to rise, the second is driven by pain from behind.

The former pay less attention to comfort. They are motivated by the achievement of both personal and organizational goals.

The latter, more environmentally motivated, may avoid opportunities that will deprive them of their comfort zone. More process oriented than task oriented. They move forward if it bakes from behind (a rooster will peck, thunder will strike, cancer will hang down, or some other natural absurdities will occur)

Job satisfaction in this case is the result of the ratio of motivating (internal positive) and supporting (external positive) factors, while the supporting factors are: money, conditions, tools for work, safety, reliability. And motivating factors are recognition, growth, achievement, responsibility and authority.

If both groups of factors are absent, the work becomes unbearable.

If only supporting factors are present, job dissatisfaction is minimal.

If only motivating factors are present, the employee loves the job, but cannot afford it.

If both groups of factors are present, the work brings maximum satisfaction.

The Law of Reinforcement as a Tool for External Motivation

Now I'm going to say a rather cynical thing from some people's point of view (romantics, close your eyes and ears and don't read the next paragraph).

Pay attention to the ratio: if there are at least external positive factors, progress is real, if only negative ones, there can be no question of any positive result.

We got real experience when we kept a cattery of Persian cats. Cats (and all other animals) divide their experience into pleasant and unpleasant. On this simple principle, all systems of training and education are built (for small children, by the way, too).

The most remarkable theory ever proposed for controlling behavior is called the "law of reinforcement." It was formulated many years ago by the psychologist-educator E. L. Thorndike. This theory is great because it works. Thorndike's original technique was improved upon by B. F. Skinner, who described the conditions under which it worked most effectively. Simply put, the "law of reinforcement" is: "The behavior that produces the desired effect is repeated".

In other words, if you like what happens as a result of your actions, you will repeat them. If you were complimented when you were in "white", you will try to wear white more often, and vice versa, if you are sympathetically asked about your health when you are, say, in purple, you do not need to be seven spans in your forehead to draw the appropriate conclusions .

But here at least there is some noble work of the mind (perhaps, purple does not suit me ...), but what do you say when a tennis player takes the racket with which he won the last game, rejecting the one with which he lost the year before last. Superstition? No, the "law of reinforcement" or, more simply, extrinsic motivation!

Why am I talking about this. On one of the previous issues (pro), I received such a letter from Elena:

“And what to do with the laziness of teenagers - they don’t want to study and that’s it.

He understands everything, but does not want to do anything: maybe he will somehow carry it through. Nothing to interest him. As a child, I myself didn’t really like to read, but I had to according to the program, but he doesn’t have the concept of “must”!”

Let's remember the law: "Each person, along with the problem, receives energy to solve it." Based on this, it follows that a person has energy only for solving problems. Laziness is the lack of energy, that is, the absence of problems, the absence of tasks.

But today is about motivation. There are several principles of extrinsic motivation that must be strictly adhered to in order to reinforce the desired behavior.

  • Both people and animals divide their life experience into pleasant and unpleasant.
  • Only desirable behavior should be reinforced.
  • Reinforcement must be immediate.
  • (including those acquired with difficulty) that are not reinforced will soon be abandoned and forgotten.
  • Unwanted behavior should cause unpleasant associations, or not cause any: Much can be destroyed by punishment, but nothing can be created.
  • Never reinforce unwanted behavior.

The last point is very important. If after several times you asked the child to clean the room, and then spat and did it yourself - guess three times what he will do next time?

In order to understand in more detail the operation of this law and the similar law of expectations, I recommend:

Reread the article "How to Apply the Law of Expectations"

Motivation in balance

Back in 1959, F. Emery and E. Trist (F. Emery, E. Trist) provided a theory according to which there are six requirements for the organization of work, which form the necessary conditions to meet psychological needs:

  1. Work must be varied and creative
  2. Development opportunities at work
  3. Ability to make decisions independently in your area of ​​work
  4. Need for recognition among peers and belonging to a group
  5. Sense of elbow
  6. Confidence in the future
  7. External attributes of success: encouragement, praise, compliment, premium, promotion, etc.

15 signs of a motivating work organization

  1. Any action must be meaningful. First of all, this refers to the one who requires action from others.
  2. Most people experience joy from work, being responsible for it, satisfying their need for personal involvement in the results of activities, in working with people (clients). They want their actions to be important to someone in particular.
  3. Everyone wants to show what he is capable of. He wants to prove his abilities and his own. He does not want decisions to be made without his participation in those matters in which he is competent.
  4. Everyone strives to express himself in work, to recognize himself in some results, to have proof that he can do something. This "something" should, if possible, be given the name of its creator. This applies to both the individual and the group.
  5. Almost everyone has own point vision on how you can improve your work, its organization. He wants to realize his goals and is not afraid of sanctions. He expects that his proposals will be met with interest.
  6. People like to feel important. Everyone knows how important his work is for the overall success.
  7. Every person strives for success. Success is goals achieved. People have developed goals, the achievement of which can be measured by the level and timing of implementation.
  8. Success without recognition leads to disappointment. Every well-working person rightfully counts on recognition and encouragement - both material and moral.
  9. By the way, in what form and with what speed people receive information, they evaluate what their real significance is in the eyes of the direct sponsor and the system in general. If their access to information is difficult, if they receive information late, they feel humiliated.
  10. People have a negative attitude that decisions about changes in their work, even if these changes are positive, are made without taking into account their knowledge and experience.
  11. Everyone needs information about the quality of their own work. The distributor needs it more than his sponsor. In addition, it must be operational so that a person can make adjustments to their actions. Everyone wants to know the scale by which they are measured, and from the very beginning, and not when the time has passed.
  12. For all of us, control from the outside is unpleasant. Every job benefits from the greatest possible degree of self-control. Directly visible results of action increase interest in work.
  13. Most people strive to acquire new knowledge in the process of work. Increased requirements, giving a chance further development, are accepted much more readily than underestimated ones. If the work is primitive and does not provide opportunities for development, you can practice changing activities.
  14. People overreact if their efforts and results only lead to more workloads. Especially if it is not compensated in any way in monetary terms. So "kill" the initiative.
  15. Available free space for the initiative in the organization of work, for the individual responsibility of people in the entire network chain.

How can this be done practically? If you are interested in creating effective team, I recommend working on the following:

The One Minute Manager Builds a Highly Effective Team (Kenneth Blanchard, Donald Carew, Eunice Parisi-Carew)

Audiobook "Motivation: At the start - Attention - March! 5 simple steps that bring immediate results" (Kirk Rector)

Make yourself.

⇕ Effective motivation: internal and external ⇕

☭ Effective motivation is why you act every day to change your life for the better. But it's not always effective.

Effective motivation

Written by: Lola Pirhal

Date Published: 02/24/2009

What is motivation and how to improve its effectiveness

Push-Pull or Effective Motivation

Motivation is an important component of any activity of an individual. From Latin, this term, found in many scientific fields, is translated as "that which moves forward." Proper internal and external motivation allows a person to fully realize his natural ability and achieve the set goals.


Currently, psychologists, sociologists and educators are studying the deep essence of motivation. But, despite this, there is still no single definition of the concept itself. In psychology, motivation is defined as physiological process, which controls human behavior and determines his reactions in a certain life situation. You can use other definitions for this concept, namely:

  • Motivating a person to a certain action.
  • The ability of an individual to satisfy his own needs with the help of any activity.

It follows from this that if a person is motivated, then he is active, organized, distinguished by purposefulness and stability of character. Many scientists who study the influence of motivation on a person's success in society associate it with the presence of motives.

The motive can be conditionally considered the meaning of activity, but this concept should not be confused with the goal or need. The motive is expressed in the form of specific human experiences that cause positive or negative emotions associated with satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the state of affairs. For example, if hunger is a need, then food can be considered the goal. The motive in this case is the desire to eat. In the real world, in order to realize motives, sometimes it takes a lot of internal stress.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Depending on the source of motivation for action, the following types of motivation are distinguished:

  • Internal or intrinsive. In this case, there are no connections between the active activity of a person and any external circumstances. The motive for this or that action are thoughts, emotions and feelings.
  • External or extrinsic. It occurs when external circumstances push a person to certain actions. If they are excluded, then the activity can drop to zero.

Intrinsic motivation is always associated with pleasure. In this case, for a person, the result itself is already a reward. With this type of motivation, the individual:

  • Easily maintains a high level of concentration while performing the task, which eliminates the risk of accidental errors.
  • Performs tasks as clearly and efficiently as possible, without unnecessary exhausting overvoltage.

To increase intrinsic motivation, a person must convince himself that he enjoys doing the work that he has been assigned. In other words, it is necessary to turn work into a hobby. A feature of intrin- sive motivation is that it can, to a certain extent, depend on the emotional state of a person. For example, a person can enjoy work only if he is doing well in his personal life.

It is in this case that external motivation, which is often associated with material or moral rewards, should keep a person from wrong actions. This type of motivation to action is less effective. Under the influence of external stimulating factors in humans:

  • Difficulty concentrating may occur, leading to slowness of action.
  • There will be no sincere interest in the task, which can significantly reduce the quality of the result.

It is optimal when internal and external motivation factors are in balance. It is in this case that the probability of becoming successful person increases many times. External motivation is more variable, which is associated with changes in the conditions of the surrounding world. With constant internal motivation, a person does not tend to despair, so he always finds ways out of the most difficult life situations.

Classification of motivation by other factors

Depending on other factors, other types of motivations can be distinguished. So, according to their constancy, they can be classified into:

  • Stable, which are distinguished by the maximum reinforcement of some external influence or internal conviction. In this case, it is not required to create additional motives for a person to successfully move towards the goal. Such motivations can work wonders, they keep a person in a creative state for a long time.
  • Unstable, requiring mandatory external replenishment in order to ensure the progress of the individual forward.

In addition, motivations are classified according to their impact:

  • Positive involves the use of exclusively positive incentives. For example, parents promise to buy a child something for the fact that he successfully completes the school year.
  • Negative is based on the understanding of what not to do. For example, students need to attend lectures to avoid being expelled. TO this species also includes financial penalties for work not completed.

For successful work Any team needs competent external and internal motivation of the staff. As a rule, this issue is dealt with by experienced personnel officers with a psychological education. Setting the right motivation always requires an individual approach. It is necessary to understand what is the motive and motivating force for the quality performance of work for a particular employee. Of course, it is important to arouse internal interest, but, nevertheless, the most effective is the external positive motivation (EPM) of the staff.

External motivation of staff is divided into types in terms of obtaining benefits:

  • Material involves receiving material rewards, for example, in the form of Money. This method is considered effective only in relation to the promotion of an individual employee, a small team working on a specific topic, or a group of people engaged in narrow-focused work.
  • Non-material provides for the receipt of emotional benefits by staff. This method works effectively when applied to the entire team. With it, you can raise the self-esteem of all employees at once and inspire them with self-confidence. This is the case when a person begins to consider the work team as his family.

Non-material motivation of personnel requires a professional approach. It is conditionally divided into:

  • Labor. For this, the personnel are created comfortable conditions work, as well as the opportunity to work on a flexible schedule and receive time off if necessary.
  • Status. In this case, high-quality work should become a guarantee of career advancement, which by itself entails an improvement in well-being.

Staff motivation is divided according to the methods used. She happens:

  • Regulatory, when in relation to a particular employee apply psychological ways influences that encourage the qualitative performance of the tasks. Most often, persuasive informative conversations are held.
  • Coercive, this method involves the use of power that leaders have. This method of motivation is acceptable only if the employee does not perform his job properly.

It should be understood that for every working person, the main motivating factor is a competent balance between work and personal life. When it is violated, life discomfort is observed, and this generally negatively affects a person, and, therefore, does not allow him to perform his work qualitatively.

In order to correctly determine the motivation for staff, it is necessary to take into account the vital needs of employees. The main ones are the following:

  • Maintaining your own health in good condition, which, of course, does not allow you to do work for wear and tear.
  • Having free time to pay attention to your loved ones.
  • Getting the opportunity to solve personal problems when necessary.
  • Understanding management in the event of force majeure.

In order to motivate staff to quality work, you can use the following examples:

  • Provide one or two paid extra days off per month. On this day, a person will be able to solve any personal problems, and while performing the assigned tasks, he will not be distracted by them.
  • Set a reduced working day for certain categories of employees. For example, valuable specialists in old age often need it.
  • If possible, allow employees to work remotely for objective reasons.
  • Organize the correct working regime, providing for meals and preventive breaks for rest.

Support is an effective motivation personal growth employees. It is necessary to create all conditions for those who strive to move up the career ladder. To improve the skills of employees, it is necessary to conduct trainings, coaching, seminars during working hours.

The strongest motivation is the recognition of success. The honor roll should not be considered a relic of the past. It is a very effective non-material positive motivation. In addition, at general meetings, managers should not forget to list distinguished employees. Traditions must be created in a prosperous successful team. To do this, you need to hold corporate events, but the main thing is that they are not forced. The rule should also be periodic informal treatment of management with employees.

Happiness is not in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do (Leo Tolstoy).

Motivation (motivatio) - a system of incentives that encourage a person to perform actions. It is a dynamic process of a physiological nature, controlled by the psyche of the individual and manifested at the emotional and behavioral levels. For the first time the concept of "motivation" was used in the work of A. Schopenhauer.

Concepts of motivation

Although the study of motivation is one of the topical issues studies of psychologists, sociologists, teachers, today there is no single definition of this phenomenon. There are many rather contradictory hypotheses that try to scientifically explain the phenomenon of motivation, to answer the questions:

  • why and because of what a person acts;
  • what needs the activity of the individual is aimed at satisfying;
  • why and how a person chooses a certain strategy of action;
  • what results the individual expects to get, their subjective significance for the person;
  • why some people who are more motivated than others manage to succeed in those areas in which those endowed with similar abilities and having the same opportunities fail.

One group of psychologists defends the theory of the predominant role of intrinsic motivation - innate, acquired mechanisms that control human behavior. Other scientists believe that the leading cause of motivation is significant external factors affecting the personality from the environment. The attention of the third group is directed to the study of fundamental motives and attempts to systematize them into congenital and acquired factors. The fourth direction of research is the study of the question of the essence of motivation: as the main reason for orienting human behavioral reactions in order to achieve specific purpose or as a source of energy for activities controlled by other factors, such as habit.

Most scientists define the concept of motivation as a system based on the unity of internal factors and external incentives that determine human behavior:

  • action vector;
  • composure, purposefulness, consistency, actions;
  • activity and assertiveness;
  • sustainability of the chosen goals.

Need, motive, purpose

The term motive is one of key concepts psychology, understood by scientists in different ways within the framework of various theories. Motive (moveo) is a conditionally ideal object, not necessarily of a material nature, towards the achievement of which the activity of the individual is oriented. The motive is perceived by the individual as peculiar, specific experiences that can be characterized as positive feelings from the anticipation of achieving the object of needs, or negative emotions that arose against the background of dissatisfaction, or incomplete satisfaction from the current situation. To isolate and realize a specific motive, a person needs to carry out internal purposeful work.

The simplest definition of motive is presented by A. N. Leontiev and S. L. Rubinshtein in the theory of activity. According to the conclusion of leading scientists: the mentally outlined, “objectified” need of the subject acts as a motive. The motive is essentially a different phenomenon from the concepts of need and goal. A need is an unconscious desire of a person to get rid of the existing discomfort ( read about). The goal is the desired result of conscious purposeful actions ( read about). For example: hunger is a natural need, the desire to eat is a motive, and a delicious schnitzel is a goal.

Types of motivation

Modern psychology uses various ways classification of motivation.

extrinsic and intrusive

Extraordinary motivation(external) - a group of motives due to action external factors on the object: circumstances, conditions, incentives not related to the content of a particular activity.

Intense motivation(internal) has internal causes associated with the life position of the individual: needs, desires, aspirations, inclinations, interests, attitudes. With internal motivation, a person acts and acts "voluntarily", not guided by external circumstances.

The subject of discussion about the expediency of such a division of motivations is consecrated in the work of H. Hekhausen, although from the point of view of modern psychology, such debates are groundless and unpromising. A person, being an active member of society, cannot be completely independent of the influence of the surrounding society in choosing decisions and actions.

positive and negative

Distinguish between positive and negative motivation. The first type is based on incentives and expectations. positive, the second one is negative. Examples of positive motivation are constructions: “if I perform some action, I will receive some kind of reward”, “if I do not take these actions, then I will be rewarded”. Examples of negative motivation would be statements; "if I do this, I will not be punished", "if I do not act in this way, I will not be punished." In other words, the main difference is the expectation of positive reinforcement in the first cases, and negative reinforcement in the second.

Steady and unstable

The foundations of sustainable motivation are the needs and needs of the individual, to satisfy which the individual performs conscious actions without needing additional reinforcements. For example: to satisfy hunger, to warm up after hypothermia. With unstable motivation, a person needs constant support, incentives from outside. For example: to lose interfering kilograms, to get rid of smoking.

Psychologists also distinguish between two subspecies of stable and unstable motivation, conventionally referred to as "carrot to stick", the differences between which are illustrated by an example: I strive to get rid of excess weight and achieve attractive shapes.

Additional classification

There is a division of motivations into subspecies: individual, group, cognitive.

Individual motivation combines needs, incentives and goals aimed at ensuring the vital activity of the human body and maintaining homeostasis. Examples are: hunger, thirst, the desire to avoid pain, to provide an optimum temperature.

To phenomena group motivation include: parental care for children, choosing the type of activity to gain social recognition, maintaining the state system.

Examples cognitive motivation perform: research activities, the acquisition of knowledge by the child through the game process.

Motives: the driving force behind people's behavior

Psychologists, sociologists, philosophers have been trying for centuries to define and classify motives - incentives that potentiate certain activities of the individual. Scientists distinguish the following types of motivation.

Motive 1. Self-affirmation

Self-affirmation is a person's need to be recognized and valued by society. Motivation is based on ambition, self-esteem, pride. Guided by the desire to assert himself, the individual tries to prove to society that he is a worthwhile person. A person seeks to occupy a certain position in society, to obtain social status, to achieve respect, recognition, reverence. This type is essentially similar to the prestige motivation – the desire to achieve and subsequently maintain a formally high status in society. The motive of self-affirmation is a significant factor in the motivation of a person's vigorous activity, which encourages personal development and intensive work on oneself.

Motive 2. Identification

Identification is the desire of a person to be like an idol, which can act as a real authoritative person (for example: father, teacher, famous scientist) or a fictional character (for example: the hero of a book, film). Identification motive is a strong incentive for development, improvement, application of strong-willed efforts for the formation of certain character traits. The motivation to be like an idol is often present in the juvenile period, under the influence of which a teenager acquires a high energy potential. The presence of an ideal “sample” with which a young person would like to identify himself gives him a special “borrowed” power, gives inspiration, forms a sense of purpose and responsibility, develops. The presence of an identification motive is an important component for the effective socialization of a teenager.

Motive 3. Power

Power motivation is the need of an individual to have a meaningful influence on other people. At certain points in the development of both the individual and society as a whole, the motive is one of the essential driving factors of human activity. The desire to play a leading role in the team, the desire to occupy leadership positions motivates the individual to take consistent action. In order to fulfill the need to lead and manage people, to establish and regulate their sphere of activity, a person is ready to make great strong-willed efforts and overcome significant obstacles. The motivation of power occupies an important position in the hierarchy of incentives for activity. The desire to dominate in society is a different phenomenon from the motive of self-affirmation. With this motivation, a person acts for the sake of gaining influence over others, and not in order to obtain confirmation of his own importance.

Motive 4. Procedural and substantive

Procedural-content motivation encourages a person to take action not because of the influence of external stimuli, but due to the personal interest of the individual in the very content of the activity. It is an internal motivation that has a strong effect on the activity of the individual. The essence of the phenomenon: a person is interested in and enjoys the process itself, he likes to be physically active, to use intellectual capabilities. For example, a girl is engaged in dancing, because she really likes the process itself: the manifestation of her creative potential, physical ability and intellectual capabilities. She enjoys the very process of dancing, and not external motives, such as: the expectation of popularity, the achievement of material well-being.

Motive 5. Self-development

Motivation for self-development is based on a person's desire to develop existing natural abilities, improve existing positive qualities. According to the eminent psychologist Abraham Maslow, this motivation encourages a person to exert maximum volitional efforts for the full development and realization of abilities, guided by the need to feel competence in a certain area. Self-development gives a person a sense of his own significance, requires self-exposing - the ability to be himself and implies the presence of the courage of "being".

Motivation for self-development requires courage, courage, determination to overcome the fear of the risk of losing the conditional stability achieved in the past, to abandon comfortable peace. It is human nature to hold on to and exalt past achievements, and such reverence for personal history is the main obstacle to self-development. This motivation prompts the individual to make an unequivocal decision, making a choice between the desire to move forward and the desire to remain safe. According to Maslow, self-development is possible only when steps forward bring a person more satisfaction than past achievements that have become commonplace. Although during self-development there is often an internal conflict of motives, moving forward does not require violence against oneself.

Motive 6. Achievement

Achievement motivation refers to the desire to achieve best results in the activities performed, to master the heights of skill in an attractive field. High efficiency such motivation is based on the individual's conscious choice of difficult tasks, the desire to solve complex problems. This motive is the driving factor for achieving success in any sphere of life, because victory depends not only on a natural gift, developed abilities acquired skills and acquired knowledge. The success of any undertaking is based on a high level of achievement motivation, which determines the purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance, determination of a person to achieve the goal.

Motive 7. Prosocial

Prosocial - socially significant motivation, based on the existing sense of a person's duty to society, personal responsibility to a social group. If a person is guided by pro-social motivation, the person is identified with a certain unit of society. When exposed to socially significant motives, a person not only identifies himself with a particular group, but also has common interests and goals, takes an active part in resolving common tasks overcoming problems.

A person driven by prosocial motivation has a special inner core, he has a certain set of qualities:

  • normative behavior: responsibility, conscientiousness, balance, constancy, conscientiousness;
  • loyalty to the standards adopted in the group;
  • acceptance, recognition and protection of the values ​​of the team;
  • a sincere desire to achieve the goal set by the unit of society.

Motive 8. Affiliation

The motivation for affiliation (joining) is based on the desire of the individual to establish new contacts and maintain relationships with significant people for him. The essence of motive: the high value of communication as a process that captures, attracts and brings pleasure to a person. Unlike making contacts purely for selfish purposes, affiliative motivation is a means of satisfying spiritual needs, for example: a desire for love or sympathy from a friend.

Factors that determine the level of motivation

Regardless of the type of stimulus that drives a person's activity - the motive he has, the level of motivation is not always the same and constant in a person. Much depends on the type of activity performed, the circumstances and expectations of the person. For example, in the professional environment of psychologists, some specialists choose to study the most difficult tasks, while others limit themselves to “modest” problems in science, planning to achieve significant achievements in their chosen field. The factors that determine the level of motivation are the following criteria:

  • the significance for the individual of the prospective fact of achieving success;
  • faith and hope for outstanding achievement;
  • subjective assessment by a person of the existing probability of obtaining high results;
  • subjective understanding by the personality of standards, standards of success.

Ways of motivation

To date, various methods of motivation have been successfully used, which can be conditionally divided into three large groups:

  • Social - staff motivation;
  • Motivation for learning;

Here is a brief description of the individual categories.

Staff motivation

Social motivation is a specially developed complex system of measures, including moral, professional and material stimulation of the employee's activity. Staff motivation is aimed at increasing the activity of the worker and achieving maximum efficiency his labor. The measures used to encourage the activity of personnel depend on various factors:

  • incentive system provided for at the enterprise;
  • the management system of the organization as a whole, and personnel management in particular;
  • features of the institution: field of activity, number of staff, experience and chosen management style of the management.

Ways to motivate staff are conditionally divided into subgroups:

  • economic methods (material motivation);
  • organizational and administrative measures based on power (the need to obey the regulations, observe subordination, follow the letter of the law with possible application coercion);
  • socio-psychological factors (impact on the consciousness of workers, activating their aesthetic beliefs, religious values, social interests).

Student motivation

Motivation of schoolchildren and students is an important link for successful learning. Correctly formed motives, a clearly realized goal of the activity give the educational process meaning and allow you to get the required knowledge and skills, achieve the necessary results. The spontaneous emergence of motivation to study is a rather rare phenomenon in childhood and adolescence. That is why psychologists and teachers have developed many techniques for the formation of motivation, which makes it possible to fruitfully engage in educational activities. Among the most common methods:

  • creating situations that attract attention, interest students in the subject ( entertaining experiences, non-standard analogies, instructive examples from life, unusual facts);
  • emotional experience of the submitted material due to its uniqueness and scale;
  • comparative analysis of scientific facts and their everyday interpretation;
  • imitation of a scientific dispute, creation of a situation of cognitive debate;
  • positive assessment of success through the joyful experience of achievements;
  • giving facts elements of novelty;
  • actualization educational material, its approach to the level of achievements;
  • use of positive and negative motivation;
  • social motives (the desire to gain authority, the desire to be a useful member of the group).


Self-motivation - individual methods of motivation based on the inner convictions of the individual: desires and aspirations, purposefulness and consistency, determination and stability. An example of successful self-motivation is the situation when, with intense external interference, a person continues to act to achieve the goal. There are various ways to motivate yourself, including:

  • affirmations - specially selected positive statements that affect the individual at a subconscious level;
  • - a process that implies an independent influence of the individual on the mental sphere, aimed at the formation of a new model of behavior;
  • biographies prominent peopleeffective method based on the study of the life of successful individuals;
  • development of the volitional sphere - the performance of activities "through I do not want";
  • visualization is an effective technique based on mental representation, experience of the results achieved.

The article answers the questions:

  • What is intrinsic motivation and what is extrinsic motivation?
  • What are the differences and what are the similarities?
  • In what cases, what kind of manager to use - external or internal motivation?

A motivated employee works more efficiently. But the motivation of motivation is different: someone is attracted by a large salary or bonuses, someone does not care about the assigned task, and for many, it is not banknotes that are important, but the recognition of management and colleagues. It is difficult to understand the intricacies of human motives - but a clear and understandable classification will come to our aid. Thanks to it, it will become much clearer what measures of influence to apply to the employee and how to motivate him.

Types of motivation: internal and external

In personnel and management, the method of dividing motives into internal and external is successfully used. Accordingly, there are internal and external motivation, which governs human activity.

intrinsic motivation called a complex of motives and aspirations generated by the personality itself. In relation to work: an internally motivated employee finds pleasure in the very fulfillment of the task before him, in getting a result or enjoying the process of solving.

Under extrinsic motivation factors that influence the employee from the outside are implied: bonuses and salaries, incentives from management and the desire not to be reprimanded.

The right choice of employee motivation

It is important for a manager and a personnel officer to figure out in time what motives move an employee or a candidate for a vacancy in the company. An employee who truly loves his job will not accept a promotion. wages- even quite justified from the point of view of management - as an incentive to work harder and better. On the other hand, setting more and more complex tasks for the employee will become a challenge for the employee, which will be accepted without fail.

A person focused on external motivation (for example, an increase in income), on the contrary, will work the more and the better, the higher his salary. Aspiring to recognition by others will not allow getting on the "board of dishonor", diligently avoid fines or penalties - and will also work, albeit under threat, much better. But by complicating the workflow, it will not be possible to stimulate it.

How to put into practice

It is clear that the choice of a motivation system for an employee depends not only on whether he is focused on internal or external motivation.

There are other factors such as:

— employee engagement in work (read our article about the factors influencing engagement)

How to determine staff motivation

Thoughtful external and internal motivation is impossible without a thorough study of each employee - a personnel officer, immediate supervisor or director of human resources. For the study, both observation and questionnaires are used. The latter will make it possible to understand whether the principle of “carrot and stick” (external motivation) is suitable for stimulating an employee, or is it enough to put before a person difficult task with the prospect of successfully solving it.