Alpine violet in a pot on the window. How to care for and grow an alpine violet at home. How to care for cyclamen at home

Sep 14 2018

Cyclamen (Alpine violet) - home care

Among indoor plants, delighting us with their flowers on cloudy autumn and winter days, a special place is occupied by cyclamen. Although many people find it difficult to grow, in fact, it is enough to properly organize watering and temperature regime... In this article we will talk about the intricacies of caring for an alpine violet at home.

V wildlife cyclamen grows in warm and humid Mediterranean climates. It can be found in the shady forests of southwestern Asia, southern Europe, on the wooded mountain slopes of Greece, the Middle East, the Caucasus and Crimea. Cyclamen has several popular names: dryakva, "pork bread", alpine violet. The name "pork bread" comes from the fact that wild boars love to eat cyclamen tubers, pulling them out of the ground.

Cyclamen belongs to the Primroses family, its genus consists of 20 species. It belongs to the ephemeroids that bloom for a short time. And in the rest of the year, the leaves of the plant dry up, and the flower begins a dormant period. Cyclamen is a perennial tuberous plant, the flowering period in nature begins in autumn and ends in spring. Indoor cyclamens mostly bloom in the cold season. Although there were hybrid varieties starting flowering in spring.

At the beginning of autumn, new leaves appear from the tuber. Cyclamen leaves have rounded shape with a silvery pattern on a dark green surface. The leaves are arranged horizontally, forming a dense basal rosette. Above it, flowers resembling moths appear on long pedicels. The petals are bent back and raised up. During the flowering period, from fifty to seventy buds appear on the cyclamen. And although one flower "lives" for about ten days, thanks to the large number of buds, the flowering period lasts several months.

Flowers are rich in colors and shades. Cyclamen has a rich palette of shades of pink and red. Also popular is the "alpine violet" white... Modern hybrid varieties can "boast" of unusual shades: burgundy, purple.

Types of cyclamen

All types of cyclamen are divided in height into three groups:

  • undersized, in which the height is 15 cm;
  • medium-sized - about 20 cm;
  • standard - the height reaches 30 cm.

The following types of cyclamens are common in nature, differing in size, color and place of growth:


The Persian species is one of the most common varieties both in nature and in indoor floriculture. Tubers grow up to fifteen centimeters in diameter, have a flat-round shape. The leaves are dark green in color, covered with a silvery pattern and are heart-shaped. The height of the peduncles is from fifteen to twenty centimeters, and the total height of the flower reaches thirty centimeters. Flowers of white, pink or red color have oblong petals about five centimeters long, set back from the corolla. The Persian species blooms from autumn to spring, and sheds its leaves in the summer. On the basis of the Persian cyclamen, many hybrid varieties for indoor floriculture have been bred.


European cyclamen among indoor flowers is much less common. It has some differences from the Persian look. The size of the leaves is three to four centimeters. In addition, the underside of the leaves has magenta tint... Its flowers are smaller, and the size of the petals does not exceed two centimeters. Flowers are white, red, or pink. The main difference between the European cyclamen is the flowering period. It blooms from May to September and lacks a pronounced dormant period with leaf drying. Of course, in the summer it is desirable to keep it at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees and in diffused sunlight.


Cretan cyclamen occurs naturally on the island of Crete. Differs in small size. Flowers are white and pink.

Kossky (photo Andrey Pomidorov)

The Kosky cyclamen is found in the Caucasus. A short plant reaches only ten centimeters in height, it can winter under the snow. White or pink-red flowers have dark spots at the base of the petals.

Ivy (Neapolitan)

Ivy cyclamen has a second name - Neapolitan. It differs from other species in that flowers appear first, and then leaves.

Care rules


Cyclamen does not like direct sunlight, so it is better to place it on the north, west and east windows. In winter, when the amount of light decreases, it can be transferred to the southwest or southeast windows.

During the dormant period, the pot with the tuber is placed in a shaded, cool room. It can be a shaded place on the balcony, terrace. Some put a pot of tuber under the bathroom for the summer. But at the same time, one must not forget to water the ground once or twice a month with a small amount of settled water.


Maintaining optimal temperature for cyclamen is the main difficulty in keeping it in an apartment. The most suitable temperature for alpine violets is considered to be between 14 and 16 degrees Celsius. This is especially important during the flowering period, which falls on heating season... The flower pot must be protected from dry and hot air from radiators. In extreme cases, temperatures up to 25 degrees are allowed, but it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air. This will allow the plant to adjust to room temperatures.

At high temperature indoors, cyclamen has a shorter flowering period.

How to water cyclamen

At a room temperature above 17-18 degrees, it is necessary to increase the air humidity. At the same time, it is not recommended to spray the cyclamen. You can spray water into the air around the plant, making sure that no droplets fall on the plant. But the best way will place a pot of cyclamen on damp pebbles or expanded clay. In this case, the pot should not stand in water, otherwise it will lead to rotting of the tubers.

The cyclamen watering regime is determined by the period of flower development. During the period of leaf appearance and flowering, watering is done more often in order to prevent the earthen coma from drying out. Watering is carried out with settled water with a temperature a couple of degrees below room temperature. With the onset of wilting of the leaves, the amount and frequency of watering is reduced. During the dormant period, rarely watering with a small amount of water. Water around the edge of the pot to keep moisture out of the tuber. Watering flowering plant pass through the tray, pouring out the rest of the water after an hour. You can put the pot in a container of water for fifteen minutes so that the water does not reach the edge of the pot. This method is suitable for a clay pot, the pores of which allow water to pass through. The plant in a plastic pot is watered through a tray.

Top dressing

From the moment the leaves appear until the end of the flowering period, the cyclamen must be fed. Use complex fertilizers for flowering plants... Perform two dressings per month. In summer, during the dormant period, cyclamen is not fertilized.

The soil

Cyclamen prefers light and loose soil, neutral or slightly acidic. If you prepare the mixture yourself, then you need to take leaf and sod land, peat and sand in the same amount. Another mixture is also suitable for growing cyclamen:

  • leafy ground (3 hours);
  • peat (1 h);
  • sand (1 hour).

You can buy ready-made soil mixture for tulips or universal soil. It is recommended to add sand or vermiculite to the finished mixture to make it friable.


The plant is transplanted after the end of the dormant period, when young leaves begin to break through. First you need to choose a pot for the size of the tuber.

Important! The basic rule for choosing a pot is that the diameter should be more sizes tuber so that two to three centimeters remain between the tuber and the edge of the container.

There should be holes at the bottom of the pot for water to drain. First, a layer of expanded clay is poured. Then an earthen mixture is poured, which, before planting, must be warmed up in the oven for half an hour to kill bacteria. After all, cyclamen tubers are easily susceptible to disease.

The exception is diseased plants and recently acquired ones. The tubers are examined for rot, the decayed parts are cut out, and the cut is sprinkled with chopped activated carbon... Purchased plants are planted in soil with a lot of peat to accelerate growth. Therefore, you need to transplant the cyclamen into a more suitable soil.

Young flowers up to five years old are transplanted annually. Adult plants are transferred to new pot first, once every two years, and then three years later.

Attention! When planting, the tuber should not be covered with earth. At least a third of the tuber must protrude above ground level, otherwise the plant will die. The exception is the European cyclamen, in which the roots are formed over the entire surface of the tuber. Therefore, it is allowed to sprinkle it with earth, but it cannot be buried deep.

Preparing for a rest period

Let's pay attention to one subtlety when caring for a cyclamen. When the flowers fade, the leaves dry up, they must be removed. Removing faded flowers lengthens the flowering period, encouraging the emergence of new buds. But be sure to follow this procedure correctly. You can not pluck, cut off old peduncles and leaves. They must be twisted near the tuber itself, carefully so as not to damage it. If a "wound" is formed, then it is sprinkled with powdered charcoal (activated) carbon.


For reproduction of cyclamen, seeds or a method of dividing a tuber are used. Each method has its own pros and cons.

Seed propagation

Growing cyclamen from seeds is a long and laborious process. The seeds can be purchased from a flower shop or obtained by yourself. To get seeds from a home cyclamen, you need to spend artificial pollination... To do this, use a soft brush to transfer pollen from one flower to the pistil of another. If there are several alpine violets in the house, then spend cross-pollination- the pollen is transferred from one flower to another.

The ovary is better formed if pollination is carried out on a sunny morning. In this case, the transfer of pollen is carried out several times, which increases the likelihood of ovary formation. Before pollination, it is recommended to feed the flowers with the following composition: dissolve 1 gram of superphosphate and 0.5 gram of potassium sulphide in one liter of water.

Seeds are sown in August, before the start of the growing season. Previously, the seeds are poured with a five percent sugar solution. Floated seeds are discarded. Then the remaining seeds are soaked in a zirconium solution for a day to improve germination.

An earthen mixture is poured into the planting container, consisting of equal parts peat and leafy earth, or a mixture of peat and vermiculite. The soil is moistened, and seeds are sown on the surface, sprinkling thin layer land. The container is covered with foil and placed in a shaded place with a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees. Periodically moisten the soil with a spray bottle and ventilate. Seedlings appear in a month and a half.

After the appearance of the leaves, the film is removed, the seedlings are rearranged to a lighted place without exposure to sunlight. In this case, the temperature should be lower - 15-17 degrees. In December, the seedlings have two or three leaves and a small nodule is formed. They can be transplanted with a dive into a new mixture, which is made up of two parts of leafy soil, one part of peat and sand in a half dose. When transplanting, the tubers are sprinkled with earth. Dived seedlings are fertilized with complex fertilizers in a half dose a week after transplanting. Before the onset of the dormant period (second half of spring), the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots, already leaving the tubers protruding from the ground by a third.

It takes 13-15 months from the moment of sowing to flowering. Plants grown from their own seeds will acclimate better than seedlings from purchased seeds.

Tuber propagation

Most gardeners at home propagate cyclamen by dividing the tubers. During the dormant period, the tuber is removed from the pot, divided into several parts. There will be as many parts as there are growth points on the mother tuber. Slices are slightly dried, sprinkled with activated carbon powder or Kornevin. Then the parts are planted in separate containers in the usual mixture for cyclamens. Its composition was given above.

Despite the seeming simplicity of this reproduction method, the death of both the new plant and the mother tuber is often observed. Cut tubers are exposed to rot.

Diseases and pests

With good care, the cyclamen has been pleasing its owners with its flowers for many years. But violations in care, non-compliance with watering and temperature conditions lead to various diseases. The table shows the main problems when growing cyclamen.

The main signs Cause How to fix the problem
Brown spots appeared on the leaves. Dry air, bright lighting. Rearrange the pot or shade, increase the humidity.
The flower sheds buds. A sudden change in ambient temperature, such as being transported to a warmer room. If transfer is necessary, the plant should gradually get used to the change in temperature.
Cyclamen leaves turn yellow and wither. Excessive watering, which led to rotting of the tuber. Remove the tuber from the ground, cut out the decayed parts, sprinkle with Kornevin or charcoal and plant in a new sterilized mixture.

If the leaves turn yellow and wither after flowering, this is normal.

For cyclamen, fungal diseases are a great danger, which often lead to the death of the flower. The infection most often gets through contaminated soil.

The main fungal diseases of cyclamen

Disease The main signs Cause How to fix the problem
Fusarium wilting or dry rot. Leaves turn yellow. Yellowing begins at the top and often affects one side of the plant. The fungus through the roots enters the vascular system of the plant, clogs it, which disrupts the nutrition of the leaves. Watered with Fundazol at the root, and the leaves are treated with Topsin-M. Both the one and the other drug are taken at a concentration of 0.1%.
Wet rot Leaves and peduncles wither, droop, which is accompanied by a putrid odor. The spores of the fungus enter with contaminated water or soil through cracks in the tuber or tearing off the peduncles. Heat and moisture contribute to the development of the disease. It is impossible to cure a diseased plant. It is destroyed along with the earth. The pot must be disinfected.
Gray rot Mold appears on the leaves gray, which, when the air moves, rises into the air. Leaves and peduncles turn yellow, darken and die off. Develops when kept cold with high humidity. Remove the affected parts, reduce watering and spraying, ventilate the places of detention, but without a draft. Treat with fungicide according to the instructions.
Root rot The leaves turn pale, dark areas are visible on the tubers. The fungus is ingested with unsterilized soil. The soil is treated with a fungicide. But a young plant may not survive. In an adult cyclamen, the tuber is removed from the ground, damaged and treated with a fungicide. Then they are planted in new sterilized soil.
Anthracnose Peduncles that stop growing are affected, top part it dries up. Then the leaves are affected, which curl up, dry up. The fungus enters with the ground, develops when high humidity and temperature. Reduce air humidity, remove damaged parts of the cyclamen. Treat with fungicide.
Sooty fungus A black bloom appears on the leaves and shoots. It appears in the habitat of aphids. It clogs the pores of the plant, and at first growth slows down, and then the leaves dry out. You can rinse the leaves with a 2% green soap solution, then a copper-soap solution. Then washed clean water... Or they are treated with a fungicide.

Among cyclamen pests, the main enemies are aphids, ticks and thrips. To combat them, insecticides are used, which are widely available on the market.


Alpine violet, blooming in the cold season, gives good mood, the joy of contemplation beautiful flowers with a delicate aroma. Do not be afraid of the difficulties in growing cyclamen, and it will decorate your windowsills in winter.

This message has no labels

In the language of flowers, alpine violet or cyclamen is the best proof of sincerity of feelings and heartfelt affection. As the tubers of this flower are able to withstand adverse conditions, so the love of a person who gives an alpine violet, which is a symbol of sincere love and tenderness, is able to withstand any trials.

Due to this property of elegantly curving pedicels, how to hide the formed fruits under the leaves, and even press ripe seed pods to the ground, our ancestors considered the Alpine violet a plant of maternal love. Therefore, in ancient times, it was mainly presented to children and young girls.

Over time, the image acquired symbolic meaning sincerity and firmness in feelings. “Her beauty is the embodiment and approach of my despair,” the poets sang. In Japan, the alpine violet is considered the sacred flower of love.

The fascinating history of the alpine violet

The beauty of the Alpine violet was sung by poets and painted by artists. Did you know that in early XVI century cyclamen and catchment were Leonardo da Vinci's favorite flowers, which he loved to paint in the margins of his manuscripts? Flemish artists of the 17th century depicted cyclamens in meadows where Jesus gathered flowers under the benevolent gaze of angels. During the reign of Louis XIV, more than 20,000 copies of cyclamen were used annually to decorate Versailles, among other flowers.

In the 18th century, for unknown reasons, the cyclamen lost its popularity; it could only be seen among collectors, but in the 19th century. came into vogue again and from the 50s of this century, intensive selection of these plants began, in which the British and Dutch were especially successful. Blooming cyclamen becomes an object for drawing. Emile Galle and the artists of the Nancy school were attracted by the bizarre shape of flowers, velvety leaves, beautiful curls of stems.

The fashion for the Alpine violet also reached India, where, along with the rose and carnation, it symbolized the beginning of the era of Western culture.

"Pork bread"

The geography of cyclamen distribution is very extensive. It owes its origin to Spain and Central Europe... Also, the birthplace of cyclamen can be called Northeast Africa, Iran, Turkey and the countries of the Middle East. Some species growing in the wild are also found in the foothills of the Caucasus and even in the Crimea. Wild cyclamen grows in small bright groups in the shade of deciduous forests and on mountain slopes. Since pigs simply love to feast on the thick, nutritious tubers of this plant, in the Middle Ages people gave it the name "pork bread". Today wild species alpine violets are considered a rarity and are protected by the Conservation Society.

Persian cyclamen "Vicotira"

About 15 plant species are known, of which (Cyclamen persicum) is the progenitor of many modern varieties cultivated at home. Such species of garden alpine violets as ivy cyclamen (Cyclamen hederifolium) and Caucasian cyclamen (Cyclamen coum) have retained their natural beauty wild form. They are winter hardy and in suitable conditions spread very quickly.

Cyclamen ivy

Alpine violet for soul and mood

Today cyclamen remains one of the most beloved and demanded flowering flowers. potted plants, when contemplating which, the mood improves, sadness and resentment go away, forces for creativity appear.

Cyclamen "Halios BLUSH"

However, amateur flower growers are increasingly using it to create flower arrangements in balcony boxes, tubs and flower beds. Blooming cyclamens tolerate air temperatures up to 0 ° C well and even rains do not give them much trouble. However, plants do best on balconies or terraces if they are protected from rain and wind.

Mini cyclamen Metis

Alpine violet for every taste ...

Due to the wide variety of leaf shapes and flower color, as well as the size of the plant itself, cyclamens blooming from September to April have few competitors among indoor plants. The color of its flowers on long peduncles varies from white, pink to red shades. Purple and deep pink tones, with which some varieties shine, as well as two-tone variations, do not remain in the loser. No less varied selection represents cyclamen in the form of flowers, which are smooth, with ruffles or fringes, or in the form of butterfly wings.

With such a huge choice for each occasion, you can choose your own cyclamen: as a sign of attention or as an "addition" to a gift, plants from the mini-cyclamen section are ideal. Miniature alpine violets can also be used as name cards for guests to take with them. It will be a fantastic daily reminder of a holiday and a well-spent evening.

... and as a gift for any occasion

Alpine violets top the list of the most commonly presented indoor flowers in Germany. After all, with their abundant and bright flowering, they decorate not only the home of the recipient of the gift, but also are a unique element of decor on the balcony and terrace. Not surprisingly, on the eve of holidays such as Christmas, Valentine's Day or March 8th, flower shops are full of a variety of cyclamens.

Add a few decorative touches and a regular flowering houseplant turns into a personalized gift. Cyclamens of white color in catchy pots or in pots wrapped in burlap and tied with a satin ribbon look modern and youthful.

Cyclamens look spectacular in vases or bowls of an unusual shape. At the same time, ivy twigs, rose hips, and moss perfectly complement the composition. Cyclamen combined with green herbs and a few heather sprigs creates a romantic mood. Combination bright colors, such as red and pink with cyperus, gives cyclamen a new image. Such gifts are to the liking of young people.

Proper care of cyclamen

So, the choice of a flower gift is done. Now there is little left to do - to find out how to properly care for it, what conditions to create so that the plant will enjoy flowering for more than one week.

Cyclamen is able to grow and bloom in wide range temperatures. However, for successful development, the air temperature is considered optimal within the range of + 16 ° С - + 20 ° С. More low temperatures slow down plant growth and the rate of flower development. Cyclamen needs coolness, but not lower than 10 ° С and not higher than 20 ° С. In the fall, the plant can be kept on outdoors before the onset of the first frost. Then the flowers appear more slowly, but last longer. With the onset of cold weather, the plant must be transferred to the house. Try to find him the brightest and coolest place in the apartment.

During flowering, alpine violets require abundant watering, but it is better to water in a pan or by immersion so that water does not get to the top of the tuber. Otherwise, the plant will rot. Drain half an hour after watering excess water... The plant loves high humidity, but it is not recommended to spray it, as spots appear on the flowers from this, which greatly spoil the appearance of the plant. It is better to place the cyclamen in a wide planter, and fill the space between the walls of the pot and the planter with wet expanded clay or Seramis. Withered stems and yellowed leaves are not recommended to be cut, it is better to twist them together with the petiole.

In the spring, after flowering, the cyclamen begins a dormant period. At this time, watering is gradually reduced, as a result of which the leaves gradually dry out. Then it is necessary to remove all the dried leaves, and from May, for about two months, expose the pot with the plant to the open air in a semi-shaded place, from time to time checking the condition of the tuber. If it begins to dry out, slightly moisten the soil. At the end of summer, at the end of the dormant period, it is necessary to transplant the plant, while it is very important not to deepen the tuber. It is advisable to replace the earthen lump completely. The cyclamen pot is placed in a bright, cool place and regular watering is again provided. After four weeks, fertilization can be started. Before the onset of autumn frosts, at the end of September, bring the flower into the house and enjoy its bloom all winter long.

Alpine violets in the interior

Colorful ideas for a good mood!

Want to add life to colors? Why not? Play on contrasts! Combine various forms and materials. Let it be unusual flower composition, but it will be yours, one of a kind.

Cyclamen "Tianis"

Red robe creates a festive mood!

Delicate red and white flowers, like butterflies, flutter over the green foliage - the Halios cyclamen radiates joy! To complete the composition, add some shiny balls and a couple of small twigs. If you put finished composition opposite the window, then its flowers and leaves will cast a bizarre pattern on the walls.

Light shades of pink and white provide calm and relaxation

Original cyclamen flowers with pale pink tints on the petals give a feeling of comfort and complete relaxation. Play with the harmony of soft light and the simplicity of relaxing décor elements.

Refinement and elegance

Lush flowers in graceful flower pots will bring notes of modernity and dynamism to your home. The contrast of the slender silhouettes of the plant and the smooth clarity of the glass - alpine violets can do much more than you think!

Alpine violets in the exterior

We are used to seeing alpine violets in the interior of the house, where they serve mainly for decorative purposes. However, plants will adapt well to outdoor conditions - on a balcony, terrace or garden, if they are protected from wind and rain. Cyclamen looks great in combination with ivy, herbs.

Cyclamen midi "Tianis"

Colorful vivacity

We invite you to experiment with colorful decor, combining bright and heart-pleasing colors. Compositions in purple, pink and fuchsia red can be softened with white.

Midi cilamens "Tianis"

Hanging blooming garden

Blooming cyclamens in hanging planters create an artistic touch to the design of a terrace, veranda, patio or patio.

Mini cyclamen "Metis® Magenta" combined with two-color ivy, celosia and herbs

In the language of flowers, cyclamen is the expression of all tender feelings at once. Present these beautiful, promising flowers to your loved ones, relatives and friends. At proper care they will never let you down and will delight you with their exotic beauty for more than one year in a row.

Translation: Lesya V.
specially for the internet portal
garden center "Your Garden"

Cyclamen is one of the most beautiful indoor plants with delicate white flowers, all shades of red and rich green leaves. Getting such a flower on your windowsill is not difficult at all. You just need to learn how to properly care for him. This plant requires correct reproduction, watering, transplanting. In response to such care, cyclamen will not only give its beauty, which you want to capture in a photo, it has medicinal properties and will help to cope with colds, flu, bronchitis, sinusitis.

Cyclamen is a thermophilic plant that came to us from the Mediterranean. In the wild, it also grows in northern Africa, the Middle East, on the shores of the Black Sea, in the Crimea. This perennial plant is classified as herbaceous. It has a thick root in the form of a flattened bulb, the stems grow up to 30 cm. The leaves of the cyclamen are dark green, shaped like a heart. Cyclamen flowers deserve special attention. They look like butterflies with the most incredible palette: reds, pinks, burgundy, purple, crimson and even white.

There are 2 types of this plant that are grown at home:

  • Cyclamen European (alpine violet) - the leaves are small, the flowers are pink-lilac, white, carmine. This type of plant tolerates coolness well, easily adapts to room temperature. Alpine violet blooms from May to December. In the summer, it can be taken out into the garden or on the balcony, but only protected from direct sunlight.
  • Cyclamen Persian (dryakva) - has large leaves and two-colored flowers with inverted petals, which gives them incredible beauty. Petals can be pink, purple, white, lilac flowers and the pharynx of a flower is always different. This type of plant blooms from November to March.

Cyclamen European (left) and Persian (right)

Other types of cyclamen grow outdoors:

  • Cyclamen African - shrub with pink flowers... Grows in Algeria and Tunisia.
  • Cyclamen Koskiy is a plant with velvety tubers and flowers of different shades of pink. It grows in Syria, Iran, Crimea and the Caucasus.
  • Cyclamen Kyrenia is a plant with fragrant flowers of white or pale pink color with a purple base of petals. Grows on the island of Crete.

Features of growing and care

Today you can buy an adult flower and immediately put it on the window, you can buy tubers for growing. But it is much more interesting to create a flower from a small seed.

  • Growing from seeds. This procedure begins in late winter - early spring. 12 hours before planting, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or special preparations... While the seeds are being prepared, you can do the soil. A mixture in the following proportions is suitable: steamed earth, soil mixture, river sand (1: 1: 1). Make a 1 cm groove in the ground, fill it with water and put the seeds there at a distance of 2-3 cm. Sprinkle with soil on top and cover with foil for 1-2 months.
  • Landing. With the appearance of sprouts, the film is removed, and the container is placed in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. After six months, the plant can be planted in a separate pot using the same proportions for the soil as for sowing. The corm should not be immersed deeper than two-thirds.

Attention! A small pot is needed for planting. The root from the walls of the pot should be no more than 3 cm away.

  • Temperature. This plant does not like heat and stuffiness. The room where the cyclamen stands must be regularly ventilated. At the same time, make sure that the flower does not fall into a draft. It is necessary to maintain high humidity in the room; this can be done by spraying water from a spray bottle.

Seedlings of cyclamen

  • Watering. It is very important to strike a balance here. When the plant is actively growing, it needs to be watered regularly, but not overdo it so that the root does not start to rot. It is best to use bottom watering: make holes at the bottom of the pot and pour water into a bowl under the pot. The soil will absorb as much moisture as it needs.

Attention! With abundant watering or its upper method, the plant can begin to rot and die.

  • Transfer. Once every 2 years, the cyclamen needs to be transplanted into another pot. To do this, you need to choose a period when flowering ends and the plant goes into a dormant stage. A month after transplanting, the plant needs to be fed. At other times, you do not need to fertilize the flower.

Problems, diseases, pests

With proper care, the flower is not in danger. But violations will inevitably lead to problems.

  1. Insufficient watering causes spider mites.
  2. Abundant watering - rotting.
  3. The flower turns yellow if it is too hot. Changing the location to a cooler one will solve this problem.
  4. If the plant does not bloom, the reason is also high temperature.

Cyclamen is used in traditional medicine

Healing properties

You need to be very careful with cyclamen so as not to burn the mucous membranes.

  • Fresh juice clears the maxillary sinuses, is used for gynecological purposes in the treatment of leucorrhoea.
  • Juice with oil is also used to clear the nose from purulent discharge, in the treatment of cough.
  • Hot infusion with cyclamen is used for sleep disorders and disorders nervous system.
  • Alcohol tincture is rubbed with areas affected by rheumatism and gout.

The rules for caring for a cyclamen are quite simple. Even an inexperienced houseplant breeder can cope with them. But cyclamen blooms very beautifully and for a long time - about 3 months or more. Therefore, it invariably becomes a decoration of the home interior.

The popular cyclamen flower is also known by other names - dryak, alpine or persian violet. The plant is native to the countries of the Middle East and Greek islands... Symbolizes happiness and good luck. Bright inflorescences are called butterfly wings, the rays of the sun, the mystery of the East. At the same time, cyclamens are poisonous crops for pets. One of the few representatives of the flora that blooms brightly in winter.

Ivy-leaved cyclamen in a container.

There are more than twenty types of cyclamen. The flower is tuberous. It must be borne in mind that the plant has strong and long roots. Unlike most crops, leaves and buds appear in the fall, when the rest of the plants are preparing for the dormant period.

Cyclamen flowers have 5 petals, usually upward. The color of the inflorescences can be white, pink, purple or black colors and shades. After wilting, the fruit is formed in the form of a seed capsule, from which the seeds are scattered.

Cyclamens are very delicate plants. The flower does not like severe frosts. When grown outdoors in temperate climates, it can overwinter on site. The most common types of culture are "Persian" and "European". Also, special dwarf varieties which measure only 15 cm in height.

The leaves are very compact with a heart-shaped pattern. The plant is very attractive and flower-free. The main leaves are green with silvery markings, the secondary leaves are a gray marble tint around most of the leaves. The center is dominated by green color... Beautiful inflorescences appear on the strongest and longest stems. After wilting, cyclamens are often thrown away, as if from annuals. With the right care, you can save the plant to bloom next season.

How to care for cyclamen in a container


Cool air between + 10 - + 18 ° C is ideal for culture. It is advisable to choose a room without heating. This way the flowering period can be extended. If the room is hot, place the flowerpot on a cool windowsill.


For lush flowering cyclamens, it is desirable to provide a sufficient amount of sunlight. Avoid places in direct scorching rays.

Cyclamen planted in partial shade.

Watering: features and rules

Moisten the soil as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. A good watering method is to place the pot in warm water so that the soil absorbs as much liquid as possible. Then you need to give the plant time to drain the pan. When immersed in water, avoid getting water on the roots. Otherwise, you can damage the root system.

Peculiarities correct watering you can find out from the video:

The soil

Cyclamens prefer loose soil that retains moisture well. Special attention should be given to the acidity of the soil and the content of mineral components. The perfect combination for a plant:

  • leaf humus;
  • sod soil;
  • crushed peat briquettes;
  • small straw;
  • shavings.

When choosing a substrate, you should pay attention to the size of the components - large woody plates can spoil the tubers. Therefore, before planting, you should sift the soil mixture.
Preference should be given to a fresh and moderately moist composition, without pronounced viscosity.

The compound can be thermally treated, for example in an oven. This will require a wide a metal sheet with curved edges. The procedure should be carried out at a temperature of about + 85 degrees for no more than ten minutes.

Air humidity

A sufficient level of humidity can be ensured by placing the flowerpot in a pebble tray or by artificially increasing the vapor content of the air - a humidifier.

Cyclamen transplant

The cyclamen plant should be transplanted after the end of the flowering season and leaf wilting no more than once every 2-3 years. You need to do the procedure as the soil is depleted. During the transplant process, you must:

  • take a larger container;
  • prepare a new soil mixture;
  • moisten the soil;
  • remove all dead parts of the plant, including roots;
  • carefully place the cyclamen in a new pot;
  • slightly level the ground;
  • sprinkle with mulch or peat on top.


Dry, yellowed and dead leaves must be removed at the first sign of wilting. You need to cut it close - at the very base of the plant. Fallen parts of the culture should be removed regularly so as not to expose cyclamen to various diseases.

Once the crop has bloomed, the stems with the base of the inflorescence can be removed for further bud production. It is enough to carefully hold the plant at the base and gently scroll to separate the stems from the rhizome. Cyclamen needs rest during the inactive period. Therefore, in order to accumulate energy for next year, the plant must be saved from the expenditure of energy on the wilting of the stems.

Alpine violet outdoors

Alpine violets can be grown in partial or full shade. Cyclamen does not compete with the root systems of other plants. Trees and shrubs provide protection for cyclamen in cold winter weather. Their roots absorb excess moisture and improve drainage. Therefore, the plant goes well with various green spaces.

Hardy varieties of cyclamen - "Ivy", "Kosky" and "Purple". They can withstand prolonged temperature drops (-6 ° C). Novice gardeners should pay attention to resistant varieties. They rank first in terms of ease of cultivation.

Cyclamen can be successfully grown at very low temperatures if there are auxiliary factors:

  • protection of trees and bushes;
  • the amount of precipitation;
  • location of buildings near the landing site;
  • access to sunlight.

There are varieties that can survive severe frosts, but in the future they will not be able to dissolve the buds. Such grubs must be dug up for the winter.

Cyclamen "Purple" is ideal for growing in shaded rockeries or partial shade green spaces. It goes well with ferns and hardy perennials. A mixture of different cyclamens, planted in one area, forms a colony of amazing colors.

The plant is in good harmony with paving slabs, open areas and alpine slides... You can plant an alpine violet in garden vases and pots.

The basics of growing on a windowsill

How to choose a flower container

You should pay attention to the various parameters:

  1. The plastic pot is ideal for cyclamen. You need to check the quality of the material. A pot that is too thin can be fragile.
  2. Ceramic containers often cause fluid stagnation, which leads to root rot. In this case, when planting, it is necessary to provide drainage with expanded clay and sand.
  3. Overgrown cyclamen should be planted in a container with a large diameter and height.
  4. The container must contain a drain for water. If the factory specifications do not provide such a function, you can make several holes yourself.

Rinse the pot thoroughly with soapy water before use. Clay containers must be heat treated. In this way, the occurrence of characteristic plant diseases can be avoided.

Top dressing - the main nuances

It is necessary to fertilize the plant during the period of development and flowering twice a month. Mineral components are ideal for stimulating growth.

Features of feeding:

  1. Caring for cyclamen at home requires additional activation. Excessive use of nitrogen stops the development of buds.
  2. Mineral compounds can kill young cyclamen shoots.
  3. For the development of leaves and seeds, micronutrient fertilizers are needed.
  4. Do not feed dry soil.
  5. Fertilizer is applied only for a healthy crop.
  6. When using a special mixture during planting, further chemical attack will not need.

Classic problems

Yellowing of leaves

After flowering foliage and root system will get worse. If the rhizome looks good on the outside, the plant may be too hot. Yellow spots appear when exposed to direct sunlight, dry air, or over-watering.

Short flowering period

Causes, as a rule, a combination of dry and warm air or lack of water. Provided that the plant bloomed profusely at the time of purchase.

Leaves are lethargic and drooping

The plant dies due to over-watering. You need to immediately change the soil.

Cyclamen pests

The plant is affected by thrips, ticks and aphids. You can fight insects with the help of insecticides "Verticillin", "Bicol" and "Boverin". From folk remedies, a soap solution is used. Affected leaves and flowers must be removed.

Typical diseases

Bacterial soft rot and fusarium

The yellowed plant withers and dies quickly. The corms become moist and soft. To prevent cyclamen disease, corms must be purchased from reputable sources and planted in a clean environment. When reusing the pot, clean it thoroughly with a household disinfectant or mild bleach solution before planting.


Dark spots appear on the leaves. The flower petals appear watery at first, and then a gray fungus appears. You can save the cyclamen at an early stage. It is necessary to improve air circulation - regularly ventilate the room. The disease is contagious, so you should carefully monitor the plants that are located nearby and, if possible, isolate other flowerpots.


Causes plant wilting. The roots turn black and shriveled. You can try to save the plant with chemicals. During treatment, the cyclamen must be placed in a separate room.

Viruses cause whole line symptoms, including deformation of leaves and flowers, abnormal formations on the buds, various stripes and ring spots appear.

Disease of cyclamen with characteristic spots.

The infected alpine violet should be thrown away, otherwise all plants in the room may die.

Flowering features

Despite the high decorative value and graceful appearance, the plant can cause severe allergic manifestations. When in contact with blooming cyclamen sometimes there are severe swelling of the upper respiratory tract, a burn of the mucous membrane.

Reproduction methods

Tuber propagation

The most popular and effective way. Corms can be transplanted during flowering. It is easier to do this while the plant is dormant.

Successful reproduction involves placing the top of the tuber above the soil surface. The procedure is quite easy:

Cyclamen from seeds

It will take a lot of patience to grow a duck from seeds. Most species will germinate between four and ten weeks. The cultivation procedure includes:

Planting seeds in open ground

Outdoors with moderate winter conditions the plant can be sown in late summer or early fall. In harsher conditions, the flower should be sown in spring. It is necessary to choose a place in partial shade with good drainage. You need to prepare a hole for planting with compost or peat. Seeds are sown at a distance of 8 cm from each other, slightly covering them with a layer of sand. The soil should be kept moist before and after germination.

The seeds germinate slowly and usually release one leaf before winter. Sowing seeds in a cold greenhouse is a good alternative for outdoor use and in a great way growing outdoors. After a few years, you can transplant the culture to a permanent place.

What to do if cyclamen does not bloom

The culture does not bloom, as a rule, due to a long dormant period. But the absence of new inflorescences can be caused by an overabundance of fertilizers, excessive watering or a lack of lighting for some subspecies. You need to carefully review the care of the plant.

How to choose planting material

You can buy a plant in the form of:

  • an adult representative;
  • seeds;
  • dormant tubers.

"European" cyclamen with fragrant flowers.

The price of a plant varies depending on the state of the crop, variety, container and type of root system. For example, a grown-up cyclamen "Purple" can be purchased for 369 rubles in a plastic pot. Seeds in the "Mix" package (3 pieces) are sold at a price of 34 rubles.

Cyclamen or alpine violet is a medium-sized perennial plant. The leaves are wide, with impeccable proportions and varied patterns. The flowers are bright, unusual, located above the leaves, they are both large and small, with different colors... Most of the species have an amazing aroma.

In contact with

Cyclamen varieties

All cyclamens are divided into two types: Persian and European. And those, in turn, on a large number of varieties. For growing at home, Persian cyclamen is more suitable.

The height of an adult plant is about 15-30 cm. Flowers can be absolutely any color, large, small, fragrant, odorless, double or with corrugated petals. The petals are curved backward, slightly pointed. Distinctive feature- the lower part of the leaves is green. It blooms from October to April, after which it loses its leaves and enters a dormant period. This species has flat, rounded tubers with one growth point. Photo of persian cyclamen Cyclamen European (purple). Growth is about 10-15 cm, leaves are small, dark green, flowers are small, can be white, purple, pink. The difference from other varieties is the presence of roots on the entire tuber and the violet-red lower part of the leaves. Also, the purple cyclamen lacks a resting phase. Flowering occurs in the summer, and the plant rests in the autumn-winter period. Over time, daughter branches are formed on the tubers.
Photo of European cyclamen Ivy cyclamen (Neapolitan). It has pointed leaves with a silvery pattern. The flowers are pink with a purple V-shaped mark and have a pleasant scent. Less often, there are white flowers without a spot. It blooms from August to October, the rest of the time it is at rest, without leaves. They grow back immediately after flowering. This variety of cyclamen is excellent for cultivation in the open field, it is frost-resistant (-28 ˚С), it tolerates both shade and bright sun equally well.
Photo of ivy cyclamen. A shrub with large, up to 15 cm in length, leathery, bright green leaves growing from tubers, which is its main difference. It blooms almost from tubers, from a pale to deep pink hue, usually before the appearance of the leaves between September and November. Afraid of frost and hot sun.
Photo of African cyclamen

The healing properties of cyclamen, omens and superstitions

The alpine violet is known to have healing properties and renders:

  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • sedative;
  • antimicrobial effect on the body.

Preparations containing cyclamen root are used to cure sinusitis, inflammation in the nasopharynx, diseases of the oral cavity, colds.

It is also recommended to take medicines from cyclamen for headaches, for the treatment of increased emotional and psychological excitability, insomnia, and the central nervous system. In addition, medicines from this plant are effective for gynecological diseases, increase immunity, and stabilize the hormonal system.

It is believed that the cyclamen in the house is capable of:

  • absorb negative energy;
  • maintain a favorable atmosphere;
  • attracts money;
  • gives self-confidence;
  • attracts love;
  • protects the house from evil spirits, envy, unkind thoughts;
  • affects the fertility of a woman.

How to propagate cyclamen at home

Alpine violet can be propagated in several ways, depending on the type of plant.

Reproduction European type ... This cyclamen reproduces by daughter tubers, rosettes, division of the main tuber, and also from the leaf.

When propagating with additional tubers, they must be separated and planted in other bowls with porous soil, covering the roots. When dividing a tuber, it is required to cut it with a sharpened knife so that the shoot and roots remain in each of the formed parts. It is advisable to divide one plant into two parts. After separation, it is recommended to rub parts of the tuber with activated charcoal and dry for 24 hours. Then plant in damp ground.
Dividing the cyclamen tuber When propagating by rosettes, they must be torn off from the tuber and planted. The roots appear in about 20 days.

The method of propagation by leaves has a low result, grow new flower rarely succeeds. The leaf must be broken off with a piece of tuber.

Reproduction of the Persian species. This view propagates only by rosettes and tuber division, since daughter plants he doesn't.

How to transplant cyclamen

A cyclamen transplant at home must be carried out immediately after its purchase or a dormant period. Before transplanting, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

Next, you need to prepare the soil and drainage using expanded clay and pebbles. The composition of the soil for cyclamen must necessarily include: peat, humus, sand, leafy earth, peat. For better rooting of the plant, add vermion or vermiculite. Also, ready-made primer can be purchased at the store. Before planting cyclamen, the soil must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to plant a cyclamen correctly:

  1. Lay out the drainage on the bottom of the container, then pour the soil there up to half, without tamping it.
  2. Remove the plant from the old container, carefully transfer it to the prepared one, placing it in the center, spread the roots and cover with soil, leaving the upper part of the tuber open.
  3. Water, put in a cool, not dark place, out of sunlight.

If not done properly, this flower can infect various diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. Fusarium Fusarium (dry rot)... Fungal disease that affects the tissues and blood vessels of the plant.

Symptoms: yellowing of the upper part of the flower.

Treatment: treat the soil with topsin and isolate the plant.

Gray mold... It appears when the plant is in a damp and cold place; improper watering and the penetration of moisture into the middle also provoke the disease.

Symptoms: The appearance of gray mold on leaves and flowers, which subsequently turn yellow and die off.

Treatment: remove infected areas, reduce watering, treat with fungicide. Rot of tubers Brown rot... Appear due to fungi in the infected soil.

Symptoms: root damage, loss of leaf color.

Treatment: the flower must be removed from the pot, the roots must be washed with a fungicide, and the diseased parts must be removed.

Wet rot... A bacterial disease that spreads through untreated water or soil.

Symptoms: The plant withers sharply, peduncles and leaves droop, a rotten smell is felt.

It is impossible to cure wet rot, the flower will have to be disposed of. Anthracnose Anthracnose... It is provoked by a soil fungus that damages the alpine violet during flowering.

Symptoms: damage to peduncles that lose their shape, stop growing and dry out. After the leaves become infected, curl, dry out at the edges and fall off.

Treatment: remove the affected areas, spray with a fungicide, move to a place with low humidity.

Sooty fungus... Occurs when infested by insects, leaving behind a sticky discharge.

Treatment: wash the flower with soapy water, eliminate pests.

Growing indoor flower Cyclomen at home requires the following rules:

  • be sure to choose an appropriate place with diffused light and no drafts;
  • it is necessary to maintain the temperature regime in the range from +14 ˚С to + 16 ˚С;
  • in winter, it is recommended to put plants away from batteries, monitor the degree of humidity, and water on time.

This video is about how to grow cyclamen from seeds: