Custom furniture table by the window. Window sill table in the nursery: what happens, how to do it yourself, advantages and disadvantages, nuances, photos. Wide face to face

When thinking over the space of a children's room, it is necessary to take into account all the little things and use every meter. The main task is the organization of the student's workplace, and here the best solution would be a table by the window.

How to properly organize the workspace along the window?

The primary concern of parents is to create comfortable conditions for study. The child will spend most of the time in the work area, so it should be organized as conveniently and functionally as possible.

What should you pay attention to?

When working out the design of a desktop in a children's room, it is necessary to take into account:

  • open access to heating batteries;
  • serviceability of the window fittings;
  • the presence of shelves and hooks under the table top.

Access to heating is important for 2 reasons:

  1. Warm air should be evenly distributed throughout the room, so the batteries should not be obstructed.
  2. With open batteries, you can easily adjust the intensity of heat supply to the room.

Hide heating devices it is possible with the help of decorative grilles - provided that they can be removed at any time to access the batteries.

The mechanism for preventing accidental opening of the window in the nursery must work properly, so it is also advisable to check the window fittings more often. In addition, the windows should be closed tightly so that there are no drafts in the room.

Hooks are needed so that school bags can be removed.

In addition, the size of the room itself must be taken into account. For example, for small areas full-fledged desk with drawers and curbstones will be inappropriate, tk. it will visually load the space under the window. In this case, it is better to select furniture with thin metal legs, this will facilitate cleaning and allow you to comfortably sit on a chair with wheels.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  • good illumination;
  • saving space;
  • comfortable location.

Since the working area by the window in the nursery will almost always be well lit, artificial light will only be needed in the evening. This is a big plus for children: daylight does not spoil eyesight.

The use of each meter is necessary for small apartments, and the use of a place near the windowsill as a training area will "give" an additional useful area... Along the side walls, you can install shelves for books and school supplies, wardrobes and hanging shelves for toys and personal belongings of the child.

As for comfort, in the cold season, the batteries will warm the legs, and the space under the desk near the window will be free, and nothing will prevent the student from settling in the way it is convenient for him.

However, along with the advantages, installing the table in front of the window also has its disadvantages:

  • overabundance of natural light in sunny weather;
  • the impossibility of installing flowerpots with flowers and other interior items on the windowsill;
  • violation of air circulation around the room.

With an excess of sunlight and a lack of colors, the problem is solved as follows. You can order blinds on the windows or roller blinds to size. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the density of the material so that when the curtains are lowered, natural lighting is optimal.

Flowerpots with flowers as interior decoration can be placed on hanging shelves or on shelves along the walls.

As for air circulation, the difficulty here lies in the fact that in the cold season it is impossible to open the windows for ventilation while the child is in the room. Therefore, in order to avoid colds, it will be necessary to ventilate the room during the absence of small owners.

Requirements for choosing a workplace

The workplace along the window should not take up the maximum space in the room, so you should carefully consider all the details when organizing it. The table should be practical and not take up a lot of space, while it should fit everything you need to do your homework.

Material and condition

The table must be made of eco-friendly materials- MDF, natural wood. Chipboard worktops are undesirable, because they ooze in a large number formaldehyde, and glass surfaces, although they look beautiful without burdening the space, they are not suitable for children's rooms, since they are a traumatic piece of furniture.

Dimensions (edit)

The size of the table should be calculated based on the height of the child. There is a rule: for growth up to 120 cm, the height of the table should be 52 cm, and for every 10 cm the increase in height should be added 5 cm to the height of the table.

For example, when a student is 144 cm tall, the table height should be 62-64 cm.

As for the depth of the tabletop, it should be at least 60 cm. If you plan to install a computer, you should add at least 10 cm to the depth of the table. However, it must be remembered that it is also not recommended to install a tabletop that is too wide, otherwise access to the window will become inconvenient.

The chair must be selected so high that the child's feet are on the floor with the knees bent at a right angle (incorrect placement is harmful to posture).

For preschoolers good decision will be the acquisition of a chair, adjustable in height.

The form

The lines of the table can be either straight or smoothly curved - it all depends on the wishes of the little owners.

A good solution is a corner tabletop with a curved edge near the window, where it is convenient to sit and move around on a chair on wheels.

If the space does not allow, then you can use the installation at the window of a simple desk in the nursery.


Choice colors will depend on the preferences and gender of the children. For example, most girls prefer calm pastel shades, beige, olive, pistachio, pink, cheerful yellow and orange. Boys, on the other hand, choose dark or saturated bright "rebellious" shades: blue, black, rich yellow with blue, purple, green.

Installation options

Baby workplace can be organized as follows:

  1. Along the entire window flush with the window sill. This is an option for bespoke models where the countertop replaces the main sill.
  2. Corner location. In this case, the table is located with the letter G, occupying the wall and space along the window. This option is suitable for one student: the work area will be divided into 2 parts, in one the child is engaged, the other for storing textbooks and school supplies.

If you choose a countertop as a continuation of the window sill, then it is worth considering the material of manufacture. The piece of furniture must be durable, because will need to withstand double the load.

Working table for two children

Choosing a design for a writing desk for two children is not difficult, the main thing is to take into account the size of the nursery.

Options for two children include:

  1. Corner arrangement along the window and one wall. In this case, the children sit sideways to each other.
  2. A table in the shape of the letter P. If space permits, then you can place two schoolchildren with their backs to each other, the tables will stand on different walls, a common place- table top along the window.
  3. 2 tables with a passage between them, children sit with their backs to the entrance.

Each option has its own advantage - children will not be distracted by each other doing their homework, and at the same time will be able to communicate by passing each other the required items (books, stationery).

Quality of furniture for children

Children's furniture must meet the following requirements:

  • made from environmentally friendly materials;
  • does not have pungent odors;
  • has high strength;
  • withstands heavy loads;
  • does not have sharp corners that are traumatic.

In addition, children's furniture should have serviceable fittings, easy pull-out drawers and a wear-resistant coating.

Window sill table in the nursery: what happens, advantages and disadvantages

It can be built-in and corner table.

The advantages of a window sill table include:

  • the ability to create countertops of any shape;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • spacious place when doing homework;
  • good illumination.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the intensity solar lighting and the impossibility of using curtains to the floor.

How to do it yourself?

For the manufacture of simple option you will need such tools and materials:

  • tabletop board;
  • a piece of chrome-plated pipe with a diameter of 25-30 mm;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • perforated profile;
  • caps for legs;
  • sealant;
  • profiled timber to reinforce the existing window sill;
  • tape measure, building level;
  • drill;
  • pencil, ruler;
  • hacksaw for wood and metal.

The step-by-step process for creating a window sill table will be as follows:

  1. Develop a sketch by making a layout of a cardboard countertop.
  2. Measure and cut the legs from the pipe.
  3. Cut the countertop out of the selected material by drilling small holes for ventilation in the places where the heating devices are located.
  4. Reinforce the window sill with a bar, attach a countertop to it.
  5. Attach the metal profile to the wall at a right angle, screw the countertop to it with self-tapping screws.
  6. Treat all spaces and gaps with foam and reinforce the tightness of the seams.
  7. Attach the legs by placing plugs at the bottom, and fix the tabletop and legs on top with self-tapping screws.
  8. Stick the edge profile to the end of the table.

The horizontal position of the installation must be checked with a level.

Materials for making a window sill table

The window sill table can be made of beams by grinding, polishing and connecting them together, or you can choose an array of wood. This option is the most environmentally friendly of all, but also the most expensive.

A cheaper choice will be MDF boards or HDF sheets, they are easy to process, easy to cut, with their help, countertops of any type and shape are created. The requirement for the thickness of the board is up to 20-25 mm, so that the window can be freely opened.

In second place is a laminated board, the sections of which can be sealed with thermal film, treated with putty or painted over with enamel. A table made of such material is resistant to mechanical damage, will not fade in the sun and will tolerate wet cleaning well.

Desk in the nursery by the window is an important worker, game Zone rooms. He is needed by a schoolboy, kindergartener, parents for evening reading of books. The window is a natural source of light. It is good for the eyes. This arrangement of the desk saves space in the children's room. Use the freed up area differently.

In order to choose the right place for the desk, you should carefully examine the children's room, calculate the area, and decide on the size of the furniture elements. Many parents mistakenly assume that disposition working area the window has a bad choice. Let me disagree with them. Here are some arguments in favor of the design solution:

  • Place your desk by the window. Save space in a small room.
  • Use a window sill as a continuation of the working area along the window.
  • Saving energy on lighting during daylight hours, preserving the health of the child's eyes.
  • A writing desk of any shape, size in the nursery by the window is unusual option arrangement of furniture. Emphasizes the individuality, the peculiarity of the house.

When installing the tabletop in the desired place, take into account the size of the workspace, the availability of space for storing writing utensils. Choose versatile models with built-in cabinets, shelves, hooks.

Basic selection rules


Durability, strength of the working area, aesthetics, and resistance to external influences depend on the choice of material. Remember, the table is for children. Little mischievous people shed paint and damage the surface during exercise and play. If you want the tabletop to last a long time, be sure to ask for a product quality certificate, specify what material it is made of.

A good option would be natural wood covered with protective layer, varnish, treated with special solutions.
Strong plastic, MDF is a strong, durable material. They will serve you for about 10-15 years.
Glass and chipboard are not worth choosing. They wear out quickly. Metal will not fit into the interior of the nursery.

Products made of natural wood are considered expensive, plastic ones are cheap.MDF is inexpensive, but very durable material, which is suitable for a place for developing activities with kids. Material and surface condition are inextricably linked.

Dimensions (edit)

Consider the age, height of the children. For two, long desks that fit the entire wall near the window.Of course, it will not be possible to choose the height of the tabletop individually for two or three students, you will have to buy chairs with an adjustable leg that can rise as the preschooler grows.

There should be plenty of legroom under the window. The ideal dimensions of the space under the table are 45 cm in length, at least 50 cm in width. A tilted tabletop is needed to maintain posture. They are made to order. The slope angle should be 30 °. If the table is straight, buy a book holder.

Students primary school a small desk will do. She's got the right height working space designed for one child. You will have to store the necessary accessories on the shelves in the closet. The desk has no additional cells. The height of the table top is selected individually.

The form

The variety of shapes is amazing. The best option for a small room would be rectangular. You will get a comfortable workplace for 1-2 children.

It is more convenient to install a desk along the window if it is corner. This is especially true for large families. Everyone will sit on their side, with their backs to each other. But corner solution takes up more space.

Keep in mind that the distance between students at the same table should be equal, the same, arrange the furniture in such a way that there is enough space for everyone.

Semicircular, oval-shaped countertops can be placed against the window, but this option takes up a lot of space.


Think about the color of the classroom furniture, space for preschoolers to play. The optimal ranges of the working area are peach, green, yellow. Don't use shades that are too dark.

Writing table, chairs should be beautiful. Excessive decoration of furniture distracts from work, scatters attention. Buy sliding model countertops. They are compact and comfortable.

How to properly organize the workspace along the window

A well-equipped workplace for schoolchildren and younger children is the key to success at school. Parents should set themselves several tasks:

  • Preserve the health of the child.
    First graders do their homework for several hours every day. Bad furniture, uncomfortable table and chair deteriorate posture, eyesight sits down. Environmental friendliness and quality of performance - that's what you need to pay attention to first of all.
  • Make the workplace as illuminated as possible.
    Natural light from a window is great for the eyes and well-being of a young student, but additional lighting measures will not hurt. You should hang a light transparent tulle on the window, you can use easily lifted blinds, lighting fixtures.
  • Choose multifunctional furniture.
    An excellent choice would be corner table or models with pedestals. Built-in shelves and shelving make the space more functional. The child will not be distracted to get a book from a drawer on the other side of the room.
  • Take care of the radiator.
    A table near a window can block the heat source. Select a model without a back cover to keep the battery running normally.
  • Check windows for cracks.
    The window can become a source of cold. Make sure that the flaps close tightly, there are no slots for the penetration of cold air into the winter time of the year.

The correct arrangement of the workspace seems difficult only at first glance. Entrust the child with the choice of the table model, its color, then he will be much more willing to study and practice.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variant of the location of the desk near the window opening has many advantages:

  • Rational use of the area.
  • Maximum illumination of the working area in a natural way.
  • The original interior of the children's room.
  • Possibility of using the window sill as an additional working area.
  • Large selection of models for installation in this way.

Opponents of this method of arranging furniture in the nursery highlight several disadvantages:

  • Abundant sun, which will interfere with the process of completing tasks.

The problem is easily solved with dark curtains, blinds.

  • Inability to reach the window.
  • Cluttering the windowsill.
  • Disturbance of heat transfer (the radiator is blocked).

The disadvantages are easily outweighed by the advantages of this type of furniture arrangement.

Summing up

Each of us can come up with a lot of options for the location of the desk in the children's room. The optimal, original option is considered when the desk is in the children's room by the window. Lots of desk options can be found in the store

To choose a table and set it up correctly, use the valuable advice of experienced designers.

  • For first graders of average height, buy a teenage table, a chair with an adjustable leg. This will help you optimize costs.
  • Computers are afraid of direct sunlight. The technique can be placed on the edge to avoid breakage, close part of the window with a thick curtain.
  • In a room with a table in front of a window opening, do not use long curtains... They get in the way of the student's legs. An excellent option would be Roman, roll-up models.
  • Try to order, buy a table top with a slope. Posture, pupil's vision will be healthy.

Feel free to install work areas near the windows, because this makes the room cozy, comfortable and original.

The attitude of parents to the organization of the learning space for children has big influence on their academic performance. A well-organized workplace is the first step to successful learning. In a small room for two schoolchildren, a common table for two is the most optimal solution.

Organization of the educational process

In a room for two children, it is necessary to organize a cozy workplace for everyone. Already with elementary school it is important to create a work area that underlines their changed status. When choosing children's desks, you need to consider significant factors:

  • Ergonomic models. Furniture must meet the criteria age development... Preference should be given to models "for growth", whose design can change with the growth of children (adjustable height of the table top).
  • Natural materials. Performance homework even in primary grades takes 2-3 hours every day, and after moving to senior for 4-5 hours. Therefore, it is so important that children come into contact with quality furniture.
  • Color scheme. Tables in a children's room in bright colors can be tiresome, it is better to give preference to a muted palette. Classic options are shades of brown, beige and cream. How neutral shade, the easier it is for children to maintain concentration.
  • Decor. It is necessary to find a "golden" mean in decorating the workplace. So that the desk for the child is not dull and boring and at the same time does not distract him from his studies.

Boys' desk will be decorated with original desk lamp, organizers for pens and pencils with favorite characters, which each child will choose to his taste.

Desks for girls will be decorated with boards for attaching notes, a photo in a frame, stands for storing stationery, table calendars with your favorite images.

Placement options

A common desk for two children should be purchased only if it is impossible to put two separate ones in different parts rooms.

Along the window

Most convenient option for most children's rooms there is a writing desk located along the window. Ideally, its countertop stretches from one wall to the next, providing children with ample space to study. Standard models may not work, so services will be needed furniture companies... The window sill can be replaced with an extended table top.

Light curtains should be hung on the window so that daylight did not interfere with the children to study

When choosing such a model, you should pay attention to:

  • the presence of a separator between two workplaces. Its role can be played by a bookcase located in the middle of the table top or a lower cabinet. Completely keep children out of communication during execution homework impossible, but helping them to concentrate is necessary.
  • temperament. The desk along the window fits well in almost any interior, but this option is not suitable for everyone. Many schoolchildren, especially younger age(7-10 years old) have difficulty concentrating. In this case, you should not put it near the window - children will be constantly distracted by external stimuli. It is better to choose the corner option.
  • additional attributes. A central heating battery is usually located near the window. Staying so close to a heat source for a long time can be a disservice and negatively affect your health. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a desk with back wall and often ventilate the nursery.

Corner option

If the area of ​​the room allows, then you can choose a corner table where both tabletops are of the same size.

A simple solution would be to purchase the same tables for each child, and arrange them with the letter "G", and put a bedside table between them.

The angular arrangement has significant advantages. Firstly, in the nursery, due to the use of a free corner, it is not necessary to allocate an entire wall for the working area, but you can use it for a second separate bed. Secondly, schoolchildren are so less distracted by each other.

Table along the wall

In a long nursery, the location of a common table along one of the walls will be successful. The main thing is to choose it correctly. For right-handed people, the light from the window should fall from the left side, and for left-handed people - from the right. But at the same time, it is imperative to provide for additional table lighting.

This arrangement is one of the most popular types of arrangement of a working area for two children. It resembles the installation of a table along the window, but in this case, shelves can be placed above the tabletop.

The task of adults is to foster the correct attitude of schoolchildren to the educational process. "Learning is light" - but they just have to realize it. Both boys and girls under 12 years of age feel psychological need in games, so you shouldn't spend all their time studying. Relaxation and a well-equipped workspace will have a beneficial effect on the academic performance of both children.

photo:, fiphoto, Toncsi47, alkir_dep, poligonchik, zuzulicea, kuprin33, photosphobos

Currently, there are many different tables for the student, but choose some a certain model not so easy. In most cases, the guideline for buying is price and dimensions. Parents often forget about some other things that are no less important than cost and size.

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Features and requirements

Regular rectangular shape school tabletops for the home are rarely purchased by parents. Now you can buy a table that is completely different in form and functionality from the original. Consider positive and negative points such an acquisition.

  • Firstly, the arbitrary shape of the tabletop is undoubtedly interesting option... But this fact can develop incorrect posture in a schoolchild, because it is just being formed.
  • Secondly, the most suitable and economical option to the children's room is the purchase of a corner school table. This is especially true for small apartments... Indeed, in addition to the working area for lessons, the teenager will also have a lot of space for other, equally important things. For example, he will be able to put his textbooks and notebooks no longer on the work area, but in the locker. He will also like pull-out shelves, where you can hide the most intimate.

Of the requirements for such a table, the following aspects can be distinguished:

  • The convenience of the corner model for the student will be guaranteed if its length is at least 1 m. Moreover, both to the left and to the right of the working area should be free space that can be used for a computer, for example, or cellular telephone... At the same time, the student's elbows should not hang down.
  • Also pay attention to the width. For a first grader, 60 cm is usually enough, for older students - 80 cm.When installing a computer, the width should be even greater - about 1 m.
  • It is worth paying attention to the height of the school table. The best option would be a distance of 70-90cm from the floor. Otherwise, the child will experience constant pain in the back area, since it will be uncomfortable for him to study at such a table.
  • One more at least important point is the absence of sharp corners. Otherwise, the corners will be all shabby, and the child may be injured.

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For girl

The appearance of a table for a girl in the children's room is a continuation of a previously invented fairy tale. The new attribute should be perceived with joy and serve as a kind of game object. Continuing to disassemble the toys, the little girl will gradually begin to get involved in the educational process, and playing school will help her with this. After all, here she can act as a teacher and set homework for her animals and babies.

The best option for arranging a table for a girl is a low tabletop, a chest of drawers or a bedside table with notebooks and toys, a shelf on top and again with toys. The choice of colors is to the taste of the parents. And it doesn't have to be pink tones... The table can also be matched to the interior of the room. The main thing is that this attribute is not gloomy: it is advisable to use a light color palette.

For boy

Furniture for lessons is all for later. First, the first grader will place a garage for typewriters in the desk drawers, the tabletop will act as a springboard for assembly newest model starship, and the shelves for books can be used for the airfield. And, of course, you can put a designer under the table or put large equipment in the garage.

Gradually, the typewriters will be replaced by various stationery, and half of the workspace will be occupied with notebooks - the main thing is to prompt the child in time so that the process of getting to know the study does not drag on.

For two children

Let's look at examples that can help you set up a workspace for a nursery with two children. Keep in mind that every workplace, in addition to constant access and excellent lighting, must be equipped according to the individual needs of each child.

  • If the size of the room is not too small, then you can create two independent workplaces for each of the guys. Paired interior with the same school attributes - optimal choice for large room... After all, every child should have their own personal space. It is advisable to place tables with different sides so that the guys do not interfere with each other's homework.
  • Along the wall, you can place a long rectangular table with division by means of a shelf into two working zones. This choice is suitable for children who do not bother each other.
  • The third model of the product for two children looks like a long table top with a divider in the form of a partition or cabinet. In this case, it is worth adapting a separate shelf for each child.
  • For a large room the best option there will be a table top with a length of 1.6 m, which would divide the room along the window into two halves.
  • Long L-shaped option. Children can sit on opposite ends of the table so as not to interfere with each other.

For a teenager

The child grows up - he needs more space. A computer appears on the table, which requires space for the system unit, monitor, keyboard and mouse.

Also, a high school student needs a place for textbooks and books, and a hobby student needs a place for his subjects.

Girls at this age are best suited for tables with secret drawers and secrets. Here they will be able to keep the most intimate: notes, diaries and much more. Unforgettable about cosmetics - this can also take up most of the space intended for study, unless, of course, there is no option to install a dressing table.

Dimensions (edit)

There are several ways to determine the correct height for your child's study table for the home:

  • The height of the table top and the solar plexus of the child should be at the same level.
  • The distance between the elbow of the lowered hand of a seated student and the bottom of the tabletop should be 5 cm.
  • If a sedentary student places his hands in front of him, then the shoulders should be in a natural state.
  • The most comfortable distance between the bottom of school furniture and the knees varies from 10 to 15 cm.

Shape and style

Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with a variety of children's tables for classes. However, you can create an original image of the nursery, and the study table will play a big role in this.

There are several variations of this attribute, which can be found below.


Resembles a school desk. If its dimensions are not very large, then it is suitable for a small children's room.

This type of children's furniture has several features. For example, a table model is most often equipped with shelves and niches at the bottom, thereby leaving the tabletop free. Superstructures are allowed, but only at the corner, so as not to block the luminous flux. The location of this table near the window will be optimal - you get something similar to a children's corner.


There are three main options for such a table:

  • Classical.
  • Oval or semi-oval.
  • Triangular or angular.

Most of the models in this category are equipped with various additions: pull-out shelves, footrest, multi-level mini-shelves. Here you can place both notebooks and stationery. And there is enough free space not only for a computer, but also for an MFP or a printer. However, if this is nothing, then the parents still have to buy a desk.

Experts do not recommend putting the child to do homework at the computer desk for two reasons: because of the limited work space and the constant distraction of the child from classes.

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With shelves

In order for there to be enough space for educational material and not only, additional attributes are often acquired to the study table: shelves, racks, cabinets.

Hanging shelves are convenient - now everything is at hand.

With superstructure

Original version furniture, which includes an equipped workplace with attached drawers or shelves that are part of the study space. Such design solution fits well into a small room.

The original design allows you to disguise the table inside the cabinet, thereby saving space for something else.

Materials (edit)

Paying attention to the materials from which the furniture is made, focus on its safety, ease of care and durability.

Below is a list of materials that are currently used to make a variety of school desks.

  • Chipboardthe best option for those parents who value quality software great price... Due to its reliability, this option of furniture will not only serve you faithfully for many years, but will also surprise you with its variety of colors and shapes.
  • Chipboard- such material is cheaper than chipboard. However, you should not look closely at it for two very good reasons. First, after a while, he begins to emit harmful toxic substances, which is unsafe for a person sitting at such a table. Secondly, over time, such a table loses its presentable appearance. When buying, ask the seller for a safety certificate.
  • MDF- furniture made from this material is pretty good. Firstly, it is cheaper than a wooden counterpart. Secondly, he has a huge amount of positive properties: excellent quality, presentable appearance, durable, durable, safe and easy to clean.
  • Natural wood or an array- it is better to purchase this option for high school students, since they are more accurate than primary school students. The material is reliable, durable and environmentally friendly. However, such a copy is quite expensive.
  • Plastic- a variant of furniture made of this material is rarely on sale. But if you still find such a copy and decide to purchase it, then ask the seller for a quality certificate for the product. Make sure it is safe and of good quality.
  • Combined table category- in the manufacture of this type of children's table top is used metal carcass and a table top made of wood. In this case Special attention it is worth paying attention to how the metal parts are painted, and in what condition the fittings and other parts are.

Plastic has very tangible drawbacks: it is not durable, after a short period of time, scratches and other flaws will become visible on it. Therefore, such a table is suitable only for first-graders, and after a while, replace it with something better.