The most positive quotes and statements. Be careful: words have a big impact on our lives.

Encouraging, comforting positive words, whether written or spoken aloud, have extraordinary power to heal, inspire, and change thoughts and emotions.

During the day we have to deal with by different people, each of them has their own individual manner of communication. Some use caustic phrases, others constructive criticism, compliments, and caring and kind words. Have you noticed the impact that communication with these people has on you?

Did you know that the words, phrases and sentences that we use in our speech are a projection of our inner peace? A person can be easily deceived or deceived with words, but there is one thing that cannot be hidden - non-verbal communication and body language.

And what about you? How do you express your thoughts and opinions when communicating with other people? Do you follow what you say or don't betray of great importance your speech?

It is best to practice using positive words on yourself. We constantly conduct an internal dialogue with ourselves. This is why the constant repetition of negative thoughts is one of the main reasons why most people do not succeed in personal growth and cannot fully enjoy life.

How to learn to use positive words?

Watch what you say

If you want specific answers, ask specific questions, use words in a positive way. Instead of asking yourself or others why you’re constantly failing at something, phrase your statements differently, ask yourself what experience you can learn from it and what actions you can take to fix it.

Your words can bring you both suffering and joy. They can predetermine your next actions, watch what you say to yourself.


Making it a habit to think and speak positively will have a powerful effect on your behavior, motivation, and motivation. Your words will be reflected in your perception and feelings.

Here are some examples of metaphors that have an immediate effect on feelings and emotions:

1. Life is like a piece of cake, easy and enjoyable.
2. “Life is a tightrope. Take one step at a time and never turn around. ”- Jay Cochrane
3. I am in seventh heaven.
4. How to eat an elephant? Piece by piece at a time
5. There is always light at the end of the tunnel

Read a lot, expand your vocabulary

It is said that limited vocabulary brings limited life experience. In order to improve your knowledge and use it to express your thoughts, emotions and experiences, constantly replenish your vocabulary with new positive words.

Reading books and magazines will help fill your words with power. When, as a limited vocabulary, it will only characterize you as an illiterate person.

Make a list of positive affirmations and read it every day.

Affirmations are positive affirmations that are needed in order to get rid of limitations and direct your internal dialogue in a positive direction.

Examples of positive statements:

1. I feel confident and my self-confidence grows every day.

2. I'm healthy
3. I am successful in everything I do.
4. Every day I acquire more and more knowledge and skills.
5. I am successful
6. I am constantly developing, success and personal growth awaits me

List of encouraging, positive and kind words, statements and phrases:

1. You can
2. If others can, then you can.
3. Why not? Why not now? Why not me?
4. I love you
5. I trust you
6. I believe in you
7. Continue to act
8. When Action Becomes Difficult, Difficulty Becomes Action.
9. This is not a defeat, but just a response.
10. Time heals all wounds
11. This too will pass
12. Just do it
13. Every problem is an opportunity for personal growth and self-development.

Be careful, the next word you say can define what your day or even your whole life will be like. Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University have determined that the choice of words can have a profound effect on a person. Do you think the phrases “I can't”, “I won't” or “it's hard” are harmless? By using them every day, you can change your brain! How does this happen?

Positive words strengthen the frontal lobes of the brain

Doctors Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman, who wrote a book on how words change the brain, report that a single word can affect the expression of genes that control the physical and emotional stress... If you use positive affirmations, you strengthen the frontal lobes of the brain, which means you make them more effective.
This part of the brain helps you figure out what is bad and what is good, and also contributes to the ability to experience emotions. If you use positive words a lot, you get more motivation to take control of your life and make better choices.

Negative words increase stress hormone levels

What happens when we use too many negative words? Using negative words triggers fear, which increases your stress hormone levels. Too much negativity - and now you are already weakened before the attack of hormones, which makes them begin to control your body. Of course, a little stress can sometimes even be beneficial, but too much stress can cause serious physical and mental health problems.

Scientists explain that the use of positive affirmations affects other parts of the brain, for example, the area that determines our view of the world, ourselves and others. If you are more positive about yourself and use motivating phrases, it will be easier for you to see the good side and others. At the same time, negative statements and a bad assessment of oneself fill a person with suspicion and doubt, which makes us doubt others as well. All this cannot but have an impact on the social life of a person.


The researchers decided to test whether positive words can actually reprogram the brain and thought processes. A group of adults aged 35 to 54 were required to write down three thoughts every day for 3 months. Each thought had to be connected with the reasons for happiness - it was necessary to write what and why makes a person happy. After three months, scientists found that these adults felt happier and less depressed. The experiment also demonstrated that everyone is able to reprogram the brain and become more positive by focusing on events that cause joy, rather than those that upset.

Practical ways to use more positive affirmations

When we are angry, we often use words that we later regret. The thing is that at the moment of using evil words, the sections responsible for logic and reasonable behavior are turned off. Control is taken by the center responsible for emergency situations, as a result of anger, the person does not think about what he is saying. If you train yourself to only express positive thoughts, you will train your brain so that its front areas work effectively even in moments of anger, and it will be easier for you to maintain self-control when the atmosphere is heating up. If you don't know which words you use more, try following yourself and writing down your thoughts. To tune in to a positive mood, each day make a list of three things that make you feel happier. You will soon notice positive changes in your life.

When I got to the bus stop, positive words were the last thing I wanted to hear. The day is not good, mine old car didn’t start, I was late and I had to run to the bus. Taxi was also excluded, since after losing my job I could hardly make ends meet. And to top it all off, the wind ruffled my carefully styled hair.

But the universe decreed otherwise... I saw her from afar - a smiling elderly lady. Approaching and humming something, she spoke to me. I had no desire to communicate with her. But what could I do ...
“Good morning,” she said.

My parents taught me to respect the elderly, so I had to keep the conversation going. And as it turned out - not in vain. The lady turned out to be very smart and funny. The story of her life turned my mind upside down.

She worked as a consultant and specialized in positive thinking. The woman trained the personnel of various companies, and Special attention gave positive words in her trainings. Many people are oblivious to how powerful the words they use affect their emotions.

If you use negative words, then you will also feel negatively. For example, instead of saying "I hate red cars" you can say "I love blue cars".

You need to focus on positive words and talk about what you like instead of talking about what you don't like. In most cases, this is a habit that we do not notice.

And then the elderly lady told about a funny incident that happened to her. She was invited to a large corporation to give a lecture to employees. She spent several weeks preparing materials, and even bought a new suit for the occasion. True, the skirt was too big, but the jacket fit perfectly.

And now, taking a deep breath, she enters the stage. And already in the middle, the lock of the skirt is unbuttoned, and the skirt slides down. The audience stares at the consultant, who is about to speak positively, and stands in the middle of the stage with her skirt dangling on her knees. And what did she do? Turning to the frozen audience, she said, “I hope I got your attention? And are you sure that a positive consultant will not be able to find positive words in this situation? "

“Try it,” someone from the audience said. And the lady replied: “The positive thing in this situation is that I now know what the most awkward and annoying situation in my life looks like. I just experienced it and now I don't have to be afraid of anything. "

The audience applauded. I imagined this whole situation with my own eyes and laughed. And the lady, saying: "That's great!", Took out a notebook filled with smiling emoticons from her purse and drew another one there.

Seeing my bewildered look, she explained that this is her diary of positive words, where she writes down their result. Seeing that a person is obviously in a bad mood, she tries to say something pleasant, so that the person smiles. And when she succeeds, she draws a smiley.

The whole diary was full of small smiling emoticons, there were thousands of them. The lady explained that she has no family, and she prefers to spend last years life by spreading smiles, not sitting alone at home. And she does it because it makes not only people feel better, but herself.

Soon a bus pulled up, we said goodbye, and the lady continued on her way under a bright colorful umbrella with the words "What a wonderful day!" I was on the bus, deep in thought, when I felt someone looking at me. Opposite me sat a little girl with her mother. The baby was holding a very old rag doll in her hands.

It was obvious that the mother could not afford to buy new beautiful toys. She smiled at me, seeing that her daughter was looking at me. And I said to the girl: “What a wonderful doll you have! I have never seen such beautiful dolls! "

The girl looked at the rag doll, then at me, and such a happy smile, such as I have never seen in my life, lit up her face. And I took out my diary and drew two smiling emoticons.

When I got to the bus stop, positive words were the last thing I wanted to hear. The day didn't go well, my old car wouldn't start, I was running late and I had to run to the bus. Taxi was also excluded, since after losing my job I could hardly make ends meet. And to top it all off, the wind ruffled my carefully styled hair.

But the universe ordered otherwise. I saw her from afar - a smiling elderly lady. Approaching and humming something, she spoke to me. I had no desire to communicate with her. But what could I do ...
“Good morning,” she said.

My parents taught me to respect the elderly, so I had to keep the conversation going. And as it turned out - not in vain. The lady turned out to be very smart and funny. The story of her life turned my mind upside down.

She worked as a consultant and specialized in positive thinking. The woman trained the personnel of various companies, and paid special attention to positive words in her trainings. Many people are oblivious to how powerful the words they use affect their emotions.

Seeing my bewildered look, she explained that this is her diary of positive words, where she writes down their result. Seeing that a person is obviously in a bad mood, she tries to say something positive and pleasant so that the person smiles. And when she succeeds, she draws a smiley.

The whole diary was full of small smiling emoticons, there were thousands of them. The lady explained that she has no family, and she prefers to spend the last years of her life spreading smiles, rather than sitting alone at home. And she does it because it makes not only people feel better, but herself.

If you use negative words, then you will also feel negatively. For example, instead of saying "I hate red cars," you can say "I love blue cars."

You need to focus on positive words and talk about what you like instead of talking about what you don't like. In most cases, this is a habit that we do not notice.

And then the elderly lady told about a funny incident that happened to her. She was invited to a large corporation to give a lecture to employees. She spent several weeks preparing materials, and even bought a new suit for the occasion. True, the skirt was too big, but the jacket fit perfectly.

And now, taking a deep breath, she enters the stage. And already in the middle, the lock of the skirt is unbuttoned, and the skirt slides down. The audience stares at the consultant, who is about to speak positively, and stands in the middle of the stage with her skirt dangling on her knees. And what did she do? Turning to the frozen audience, she said, “I hope I got your attention? And are you sure that a positive consultant will not be able to find positive words in this situation? "

“Try it,” someone from the audience said. And the lady replied: “The positive thing in this situation is that I now know what the most awkward and annoying situation in my life looks like. I just experienced it and now I don't have to be afraid of anything. "

The audience applauded. I imagined this whole situation with my own eyes and laughed. And the lady, saying: "That's great!", Took out a notebook filled with smiling emoticons from her purse and drew another one there.

Soon a bus pulled up, we said goodbye, and the lady continued on her way under a bright colorful umbrella with the words "What a wonderful day!" I was on the bus, deep in thought, when I felt someone looking at me. Opposite me sat a little girl with her mother. The baby was holding a very old rag doll in her hands.

It was obvious that the mother could not afford to buy new beautiful toys. She smiled at me, seeing that her daughter was looking at me. And I said to the girl: “What a wonderful doll you have! I have never seen such beautiful dolls! "

The girl looked at the rag doll, then at me, and such a happy smile, such as I have never seen in my life, lit up her face. And I took out my diary and drew two smiling emoticons.