Which linoleum to buy. Which linoleum is better for an apartment - household or semi-commercial, foam-based or felt? Which linoleum is better - foam or felt?

Linoleum for home– quite democratic, publicly available material. It has been used as a practical floor covering for over a hundred years. What explains its continued popularity? It has comparatively low price, easy to install, available in many options. In addition, it is comfortable to use: soft and springy underfoot. At the same time, the coating has the necessary strength - it does not tear, crack, or swell from water, like laminate. The modern consumer has the opportunity wide choice from the numerous types offered by the market. A competent choice of good linoleum will be the key to its successful and long service. So how to choose and lay linoleum at home correctly, what should you pay attention to so that the linoleum serves faithfully for its intended time? Let's figure it out together.

  • Thickness from 0.15 to 3 millimeters.
  • Weight 1.25 - 2.25 kg per square meter.
  • It must have such elasticity and flexibility that it does not break or crack when wound on a standard rod d 45 mm.
  • The water absorption rate is no more than 1.5%.
  • Indicators and - from 13-18 dB.
  • Shrinkage during use should not exceed 0.2 mm per meter.

Semi-commercial linoleum

This is linoleum from class 31 to 34, which is usually used in typical office premises and in official ones.

It has the following characteristics: Belongs to classes 41-43. It is used as a floor covering in rooms where the floor bears a particularly high load, and where there is active movement of people and even equipment. It is equipped with a special reinforcing layer, has minimal shrinkage, and has a service life of up to 25 years. The combination of the high price of such material, with such technical characteristics, which are not required for normal residential apartments, make its use at home impractical.

Individual linoleums of this group are produced for a special purpose, these are:

  • Sports coverings. They are characterized by special elasticity and softness, which provide excellent adhesion of the floor surface to shoes.
  • Antistatic coatings.
  • Coatings that are resistant to chemicals and have high bactericidal properties. Designed for various medical institutions.
  • Anti-slip coatings. Used in swimming pools and other areas characterized by high level humidity.

How to choose linoleum?

We looked in detail different types and types of linoleum. Based on their description, we have identified those important conditions, guided by which, it will be easier for you to make the best choice suitable material For .

Characteristic features High-quality linoleum is considered to be the absence of a strong odor, greasy shine, but the presence of relief. Original drawing high quality coating looks natural and clear. A one and a half meter pattern step is considered the most preferable. Manufacturers floor coverings They always put a special company logo on their products. Also, high-class linoleum should have at least five layers.

Choosing a floor covering for your home is always a difficult process, since choosing simply by color is not enough; you also need to have an idea of ​​its quality and application features.

We will talk about which linoleum is best for an apartment and why, as well as about the varieties of this material later in the article.

What to choose among the variety of materials

Since there is a huge selection of linoleums on the market, it is impossible to choose best option for all occasions. Each type of coating has its own characteristics and is designed for use in certain conditions.

Therefore, when answering the question of how to choose the right linoleum, you should take into account its class and type, as well as where it will be used.

Classification of linoleums

Depending on the main component, linoleum is divided into:

  • alkyd;
  • natural;
  • nitrocellulose;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • rubber.

Of course, the most best linoleum for residential premises - this is natural, as well as PVC. Both one and the other can be found on sale in construction stores. However, in terms of price, natural material will cost much more than synthetic linoleum.

The safest linoleum is, of course, natural, since it does not contain chemical components and does not emit any toxins or odors.

Natural linoleum has a number of advantages:

  • antistatic, that is, it does not accumulate electricity;
  • wear-resistant;
  • durable;
  • not subject to mechanical abrasion and tensile strength;
  • practically non-flammable;
  • insensitive to alkalis and acids;
  • attractive in appearance;
  • environmentally friendly and safe for health.

However, in fairness, we also note several negative aspects when using natural linoleum. Firstly, such material cannot withstand sudden temperature changes - it begins to deteriorate and crumble. Secondly, it is sensitive to permanent low temperatures– becomes brittle and brittle.

Therefore, even natural linoleum good quality It is not recommended to lay in country houses, where people live permanently only in the summer.

In addition, material made from natural fibers is afraid of moisture, because it causes fungus and mold to grow on the back side of the coating, and the fibers begin to rot.

For apartment premises that differ high humidity and intensity of use, such as kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, it is advisable to choose high-quality PVC-based linoleum.

Although PVC coating is completely synthetic, it differs in a number of ways positive qualities, such as:

  • acceptable price;
  • rich palette of colors and textures;
  • wide range of sizes and shapes;
  • resistance to fungus formation and rotting;
  • mechanical strength and abrasion resistance;
  • good heat and sound insulation.

If you are in doubt about how to choose linoleum color to match your interior, PVC coated you won't have any problems. Since this material is available in a wide variety of colors, you can easily find exactly what you need in a particular case. Based on its structure, PVC linoleum is divided into heterogeneous and homogeneous.

Homogeneous PVC linoleum

This type of material assumes that its composition is uniform throughout the entire thickness of the coating. That is, during the manufacturing process, granulated polyvinyl chloride is mixed with dyes. Thus, a distribution of the pattern is achieved not only on the surface, but throughout the entire thickness of the linoleum.

This is quality homogeneous material allows it to be used for more than 10 years, and appearance coverage remains unchanged.

Heterogeneous linoleum

This type of material is a multilayer coating. As a rule, the number of layers can reach 6. The areas of application of these coatings include both domestic and commercial use. The main components of this material are fiberglass and polyvinyl chloride granules.

The range of materials includes several dissimilar materials, such as natural fibers as the backing, PVC foam as the interlayer, non-woven fabric and others. Such a complex structure of the floor covering is made in order to optimize its characteristics, reduce thermal conductivity and enhance noise-absorbing qualities.

It is noteworthy that linoleum with a heterogeneous structure can be used both in residential premises and in utility rooms.

Areas of application of PVC linoleum

You can answer the question of how to choose quality linoleum for an apartment if you consider in detail the distribution of varieties of this coating by area of ​​application.

So, according to the intensity of use, linoleum can be distinguished:

  • domestic;
  • semi-commercial;
  • commercial;
  • special purpose.

Household linoleum

This material is intended for installation in rooms where the load level is low. The basis for the manufacture of such material is foamed polyester.

By thickness household type PVC linoleum fluctuates between 1-4 mm. The service life of this material is short, therefore, after 5 years, the floor covering requires complete replacement.

Coatings for household use on a polyvinyl chloride basis.

Advantages of household PVC linoleum:

  • ease of installation;
  • weakly conducts vibration and extraneous noise;
  • soft;
  • does not require specialized care during use;
  • wide range color solutions and textures.

Semi-commercial linoleum

When solving the problem of how to choose a good linoleum, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on this type coatings. The structure of this type of linoleum is similar to household linoleum, that is, it contains a base, a decorative layer and protection.

However, semi-commercial linoleum has a protective layer thickness of 1 mm, which allows it to be used in areas with heavy loads, for example in offices, as well as in in public places(more details: " "). This linoleum is optimally suitable for installation in residential premises.

Commercial linoleum

This material is more durable because it is intended for rooms where the load on it is extremely high.

Commercial linoleum is characterized by a high degree of wear resistance, however, the number of textures and colors is very small (read also: " "). Although such materials are initially manufactured for use in public places with maximum load, no one forbids choosing such a coating for your home.

The advantage of commercial linoleum over household linoleum is the availability of a wide range of standard sizes of the material.

Special purpose linoleum

This group of materials contains coatings used for gyms, medical institutions or commercial organizations. Each of the linoleum models from this category is adapted to certain operating conditions inherent in any specific area.

In particular, linoleums are made with antibacterial protection that can protect family members from contracting infectious diseases.

Regardless of which linoleum is best to choose for installation in a particular room, installation of such a covering is not particularly difficult and can be done independently.

The subfloor under the linoleum must be perfectly level. Although household linoleum is easier to handle due to its smaller thickness, it is very demanding on the quality of the base, since even the smallest flaws will be clearly visible.

Laying commercial linoleum does not require special tools, so it can be done with your own hands. In this case, it is only important to carefully fix the coating on the subfloor.

Since the household type of coating is light in weight and thin, it is successfully used for fixing it. Double-sided tape, mastic or glue.

At the same time, for semi-commercial, commercial and special types of linoleum, only mastic or glue can be used - adhesive tape is not suitable in this case.

Another difference between types of linoleum is the method of fastening the seams.

In particular, the seams of household linoleum can be masked cold welding. But for all other materials, special equipment will be required, since their thickness does not allow the use of adhesives.


Thus, if you decide to renovate your apartment and prefer to lay linoleum, then when choosing a coating, base it primarily on your aesthetic preferences. Carefully select the color and texture of the coating to suit the style of your interior.

Currently there is such a thing on the market a large number of different floor coverings, so that everyone can find what suits them best. For some people, choosing the right material may be difficult interesting activity, for others, such a process turns into something difficult and unthinkable, due to the fact that each material has a number of its own characteristics, both in appearance and in quality characteristics. This article will be about what kind of linoleum would be better suited For different rooms living space.

Pros and cons of PVC flooring

Perhaps there is no other floor covering than linoleum, about which there are not so many myths circulating and not existing different opinions. This should not be surprising, because it is linoleum that has a leading position among other floor coverings in Russia.

Compared to other floor coverings, the best linoleum has the following advantages:

  • a bunch of design solutions: by shades, colors, patterns imitating wood, stone, and even laminate (read also: " ");
  • a variety of types of material in terms of wear resistance, which affects its placement in a particular room;
  • cleaning it requires a minimum of time;
  • it is easy to install even without the help of specialists;
  • affordable price(about 180-450 rubles per 1 m2);
  • small unevenness of the base is easily hidden under it;
  • not afraid of exposure to water;
  • the coating is so versatile that it can be installed in many types of premises.

However, PVC-based linoleum also has a number of disadvantages:

  • Availability unpleasant odor some time after its installation;
  • easily damaged due to direct mechanical impact;
  • has an artificial base;
  • is quite slippery;
  • cheap varieties look bad in appearance.

However, the advantages of linoleum outweigh the disadvantages in a ratio that exceeds that of other floor coverings. The newest, best linoleum has practically no flaws.

Existing on this moment sanitary and fire regulations guarantee the presence on the market of materials free of unpleasant odors, while they are maximally environmentally friendly. The latest technologies have made it possible to develop linoleum even with an antibacterial coating. In addition, the latest models are equipped with a reinforced polyethylene layer and embossing, which makes linoleum as similar as possible to natural materials.

Choosing the best linoleum

In order for the choice of linoleum for your home to be the most successful, you first need to decide in which room it will be used. As a rule, this criterion is decisive. Let's figure out which type of linoleum is best to choose for the floor in this or that case.

The types of premises are as follows:

  • household;
  • office;
  • production

In this case, the linoleum marking may contain a number or pictogram: house (2); building (3) or factory (4).

The force of impact on linoleum can be low, medium, high and very high. This is reflected on the linoleum with a pictogram in the form of men - from 1 to 4.

All factors together - the type of room and the load on the coating, form linoleum wear resistance classes, which are:

  • 21-24 – for home;
  • 31-34 – for the office;
  • 41-44 – for industrial premises.

Linoleum, parquet, laminate, carpet and tile are divided into the same classes, even despite completely different characteristics.

It is worth talking in detail about the two types of premises, office and residential.

To choose linoleum for your home - which one is best suited in a particular case, it is worth highlighting 3 types of premises:

  1. A bedroom, office or wardrobe has a low load - class 21 is suitable.
  2. In the living room and children's room there is an average load on the coating - class 22.
  3. In the corridor, hallway and children's room with several children there is a high load - grade 23.

Offices can also be divided into three types:

  1. Offices without visitors and hotel rooms - low load - 31 class.
  2. Meeting rooms in business institutions, premises for banquets, reception areas - average load - 32 class.
  3. Schools, institutes, offices with high traffic, shopping centers, corridors of hotels and hospitals - high load - 33, 34 classes.

That is, knowing what type of room a particular room belongs to, you can choose a fairly durable linoleum. The only thing you need to take into account is that the higher the strength class of the material, the more expensive it is. Therefore, you should approach the choice of material based on expediency, thinking about whether it is worth overpaying for a material with inflated strength indicators, or, conversely, whether it is worth saving.

In addition to wear resistance, you need to pay attention to other characteristics.

Some types of linoleum have the following advantages:

  • the presence of an auxiliary protective layer of varnish makes cleaning much easier;
  • antibacterial layer – prevents bacteria from developing on the floor surface;
  • double base – gives the coating additional strength and softness, the floor absorbs noise better and retains heat better;
  • natural relief – Newest technologies allow you to create a texture as close as possible to natural material– such coverage has a higher cost.

Selecting a base

Which linoleum base is best suited for your room will be most influenced by: the appearance of the coating, your personal preferences, strength, softness, safety.

The linoleum base can be of several types:

  • jute;
  • felt;
  • polyester;
  • made of polyvinyl chloride;
  • combined.

The disadvantages of a base made of jute and felt include the impossibility of using such material in a humid environment; in addition, various microorganisms can grow on it. This is because these materials are natural. The overwhelming number of currently existing varieties of linoleum have a synthetic base made of PVC or polyester.

But best choice There are still materials on a combined base of PVC and polyester. This linoleum has improved characteristics acquired from these materials.

Among them are:

  • sound and heat insulation;
  • increased strength;
  • consistency of size;
  • complete resistance to moisture;
  • prevents mold and mildew from occurring.

Glue selection

Since the technology for laying linoleum involves gluing it to the floor to extend its service life, it is desirable that the glue be of sufficient quality and correctly selected.

To glue linoleum to the base, you need to purchase dispersion glue. A reaction adhesive called “cold welding” will be needed to seal the joints. It temporarily softens the linoleum, thanks to which the joints are joined into one whole. You can also resort to hot gluing, but in this case you will need to get a hair dryer.

Deciding on the color

Once you have decided on what basis linoleum will best perform its functions, you can move on to choosing color range. It is natural that universal solution in this case it simply cannot be, there are only tips on combining color shades.

Keep in mind that the same color may look different in rooms with different sizes, as well as with other lighting.

A number of combinations that are suitable in one case or another:

  • shades of yellow and green are best for relieving fatigue;
  • Shades of beige and soft yellow will bring warmth and comfort into the room;
  • to add freshness to your bathroom, you can choose turquoise shade(read also: " ");
  • in meeting rooms and bedrooms, the best way blue and blue colors are suitable, which are very relaxing and can cause a sleepy state;
  • will tone the body, invigorate, empower positive mood and the warmth of red, yellow and bright orange;
  • to create a working environment, you can choose gray linoleum;
  • designers can pay attention to White color, it goes with all shades.

Myths about linoleum

Linoleum cracks and dries out

Indeed, cracks often appeared on the old linoleum of Soviet times, and it also dried out over time. This happens because the manufacturer incorrectly selects the materials to form the base. Currently well-known companies, such as Tarkett, IVC, Sinteros, produce products exclusively from high-quality materials.

It is worth noting that if linoleum is brought into a room from the street, where the temperature was below 15 o C, it needs time to reach the room temperature, usually 24-48 hours, otherwise it will crack, regardless of the quality of the material.

Over time, on light linoleum, the surface wears away from traces

Naturally, the coating may lose its brightness over time. However, as a rule, this is influenced not by the quality of the material, but by the technology of laying linoleum and its operation.

Firstly, this happens if linoleum is laid on a painted wooden floor, or if it is exposed with chemical mixtures, for example, bitumen or drying oil. After some time, these substances are able to penetrate through linoleum.

Secondly, if the installation of linoleum was carried out in a room with an aggressive environment.

In such cases, it is better to pay attention to hard linoleum and not buy light shades. In addition, try to lay linoleum on a perfectly flat base, this will extend the life of the linoleum.

Bottom line

When choosing linoleum, remember that you need to pay attention not only to the class of the product, but also take into account the base on which it will be laid. Even if you buy the most expensive type of linoleum, you cannot be sure that it will last long if the basic technology of its installation is not followed. And do not forget that the base must be carefully prepared for laying linoleum.

Linoleum is the most popular flooring among people with an average standard of living. Firstly, the price is not as high as parquet or carpet, and secondly, the service life is normal. And today’s manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors, choose any! But it turns out that even though this material is well known to consumers, there are many nuances that must be taken into account when purchasing. Therefore, this article is devoted to the question of which linoleum to choose, because the house has different rooms with its own operational characteristics.

What to look for before buying?

To understand in detail how to choose linoleum for your home, you should know the main criteria for a rational purchase:

  • correspondence to the intended purpose - a nursery is a room, or a bedroom, a kitchen;
  • characteristics - degree of wear resistance, noise absorption, antistatic, moisture resistance, antibacterial properties;
  • will the linoleum be able to withstand the load, taking into account the number of people living and the traffic rate;
  • whether harmony is created in the interior - linoleum can be monochromatic, with abstract patterns, or with imitation of different textures: wood, tile, stone.

If we take into account all the above criteria, the buyer will not get lost in the modern variety, because he will know exactly how to choose linoleum for an apartment, as well as for a private house.

What kind of linoleum is there?

Perhaps linoleum can be called the most affordable floor covering. The arguments to confirm these words are significant, because the material is installed in schools, in offices, and, of course, in a house/apartment. Therefore, it is clear why the market offers various types linoleum: how to choose the best one? The question is not difficult, you just need to understand the problem and then everything will become clear.

– made from wood flour, pine resin, limestone powder, natural dyes, and the base is jute fabric. Due to the fact that this material is made from purely natural components, it is excellent for children's rooms and rooms where asthmatics and allergy sufferers live. Therefore, if you are deciding which linoleum to choose for your apartment, this is an excellent option - the material is environmentally friendly, not harmful to health, and also resistant to abrasion, does not fade in the sun, and has bactericidal properties.

PVC linoleum is made either on a fabric basis or on a non-woven thermal insulation material. Domestic manufacturers European technologies are used, so anyone can afford such linoleum, because the price of the products is affordable.


  • low thermal conductivity;
  • wide palette of patterns, shades;
  • pronounced dielectric characteristics;
  • ease of installation.

There are also certain disadvantages we're talking about about sensitivity to high temperature, instability to chemicals. So, if the temperature in the room drops sharply, then elasticity is lost and PVC linoleum may crack.

In addition, the floor covering in question can be alkyd, colloxin, and linoleum-relin is also common.

Classification and marking of coatings

To accurately answer the question of how to choose the right linoleum, you need to understand the markings that correspond to the purpose of the room. As for the first digit of this very marking, it varies from one to four:

  • 1 – for rooms with minimal traffic;
  • 2 – residential rooms;
  • 3 - offices;
  • 4 – production premises.

And the second digit indicates the expected load, this means that one is, accordingly, the lowest, four is the highest load. For example, class 21 coating is perfect for an office and bedroom; for the kitchen and hallway it is advisable to buy class 23-24 linoleum.

To cover the topic in more detail, we need to give a few more examples. Let's take the hallway for example. Of course, the hallway and corridor are rooms with a very high degree of traffic. This means that the best option is linoleum with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Important: it is advisable to pay special attention to the thickness of the protective layer; it should be at least 0.25 mm.

Also, before purchasing, you need to evaluate the quality of the surface on which this flooring will be laid in the future. The smoother the surface, the thinner the linoleum can be and vice versa. The perfect solution for the hallway - household linoleum with a foam base. Or it could be expensive semi-commercial linoleum, which is characterized by increased strength.

How to choose good linoleum? This multifaceted issue worries many consumers. To prevent your purchase from becoming a cause for disappointment due to poor quality in the future, you should adhere to the following instructions:

  • trust your own sense of smell: the presence of a pungent odor clearly indicates that the coating contains harmful additives. High-quality linoleum, both synthetic and natural do not have an unpleasant odor;
  • the drawing must be clear;
  • compliance with safety standards - good linoleum undergoes a special examination, is marked, and the seller must also present a hygiene certificate;
  • The quality must be checked in rolled form: for the absence of bumps and areas with peeled film. These indicators indicate a defect; such coverage cannot be purchased, because existing unevenness cannot be smoothed out;
  • it is advisable to give preference to material with special protective film– this linoleum is easy to clean and retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • all linoleum must be from the same batch - even when the article numbers are the same, differences in color are possible.

The question of choice is not so difficult if you know all the subtleties and nuances. All of the above tips will help buyers make the right choice; the purchase will not bring disappointment in the future, that is, during operation.

Linoleum remains one of the popular floor coverings. Many, when renovating an apartment, are faced with the need to select the right coating, and many questions arise here, since there are a lot of varieties of linoleum. In this article we will tell you how to choose linoleum for an apartment and specifically for each type of room.

Natural or artificial material

Before you start choosing, you need to clearly decide what type of linoleum you will use, natural or artificial. Natural linoleum includes such components as:

  • Wood flour;
  • Natural resins;
  • Linseed oil;
  • Natural dyes.

Of course, this material is environmentally friendly and meets all standards. fire safety, easy to clean various types pollution. However, the cost of such material is an order of magnitude higher than that of artificial analogues. Natural coating does not conduct electricity and has virtually no shrinkage after installation.

Artificial linoleum contains polyvinyl chloride and many other chemical components. Household and semi-commercial material is safe, but when exposed to temperatures above 27 degrees, it begins to emit toxic substances. Moreover, he has much large shrinkage than natural, but costs much less.

Important. When renovating apartments, experts do not recommend laying commercial and rubber linoleum in residential premises, since the environmental safety requirements for them are underestimated and their use is permissible only in administrative buildings with good ventilation.

Selection of linoleum class

When deciding which linoleum to choose for an apartment and specific rooms, you need to study the coating classes:

  • In rooms with low traffic, such as a bedroom or office, you can lay linoleum of wear resistance class 21-22;
  • In the living room you can lay a 22 class covering if 1-2 people live in the apartment. If the family is large, then it is better to use class 23;
  • For children's rooms, grade 21 is used if there is a small child or grade 22-23 if there are several children;
  • If you have a large family and often receive guests, it is better to use class 31-32 linoleum in living rooms and hallways.

For your information. The higher the coating class, the higher its cost. If you have limited financial opportunities, then you should not buy a coating of a higher class than that required by the room.

Selection of linoleum for a specific room

Kitchen linoleum

When choosing a linoleum covering for the kitchen, you need to be guided by two main criteria: the material’s resistance to mechanical stress and moisture resistance. The most the best solution for the kitchen there will be natural linoleum, which is also called “marmoleum”. This is a natural covering on a fabric base, which is usually jute. This linoleum will last quite a long time, has high strength and makes it possible to easily remove various pollution using modern detergents.

If your financial capabilities do not allow you to use a natural coating, then you can buy synthetic linoleum, only at the time of purchase you need to check the service life of the material. You should not save on kitchen linoleum; make sure that the material complies with GOST standards and quality certificates from the manufacturer.

Important. Deciding which linoleum to use for an apartment kitchen area, take into account the opinion of experts who recommend using semi-commercial coating. This linoleum has a durable decorative layer, a reinforced protective coating and is dense enough to withstand an accidental fall of kitchen equipment.

Typically, materials with imitation are chosen for the kitchen. natural stone, parquet board or ceramic tiles. It must be remembered that the kitchen requires increased antiseptic properties. Natural linoleum itself is an antiseptic due to the use of flax. At synthetic surfaces, it is necessary to use a substrate with antiseptic characteristics, for example jute.

Important. Try to select the width of the roll in such a way that the coating does not have joints, since this is the most vulnerable area of ​​the material given the characteristics of the kitchen premises.

Linoleum for the corridor and hallway

The most vulnerable linoleum in an apartment is in the corridor and hallway, since these are the rooms with the highest traffic, which greatly accelerates the process of abrasion of the coating. If one or two people live in an apartment, then there is no point in overpaying and you can use class 22-23 coverage.

At big family and high traffic flow of the room, the coating must have at least 0.25 mm of a protective layer and a thickness of at least 4 mm. The most reliable option There will be a coating of class 31-32, which is also used in office premises with low traffic.

Important. Before laying material in the hallway, make sure that the floor is perfectly Smooth surface, having no bulges or depressions. Use PVC or cork backing. It is not recommended to use a jute or linen backing, since it has a low density and will only increase the abrasion of the coating.

Linoleum for an office or bedroom

Covering on a soft foam base, this is the best linoleum for an apartment, which can be laid in a bedroom or study. In these rooms, minimal traffic and material density can be sacrificed for the maximum level of comfort. For these purposes, class 21 household artificial turf is used, which has a foamed PVC base, as well as single-layer material laid on a soft jute or linen backing.

For your information. In a child's bedroom it is strongly recommended to use only natural coating household series with a more durable base of class 22-23, since an active child creates a considerable load and mechanical impact on the coating when playing with toys.

Linoleum for the living room

When choosing which linoleum is better for an apartment, household or semi-commercial when laying in the living room, you need to proceed from the degree of load on the coating. For example. If you live in the apartment big family of 4-5 people or the owners like to often receive guests, then it is better to lay semi-commercial linoleum of class 31-32, which is also used for the corridor. If you frequently receive guests, there is a high probability of damage to the linoleum, so expensive coverage It is not worth laying, as it will have to be replaced after 7-9 years of operation.

But if 1-2 people live in an apartment, then the traffic flow of the room is minimal and a household coating of class 22-23 with a thickness of protective coating from 0.15 to 0.20 mm.

Tatyana, Voronezh city

During the renovation, synthetic linoleum was laid in the hallway and a linen backing was used. On the covering there were clearly visible marks from not only my heels, but also from my husband’s shoes, which disappeared over time. Initially, we thought that we had received low-quality linoleum and wanted to file a claim with the store. But then it turned out that it was necessary to use a denser substrate. We changed the jute one to cork and the marks stopped appearing.