What is included in business etiquette? How business telephone etiquette can affect a company's image. Basic components of business etiquette

Business communication comes into life modern man and occupies a strong place in it. All more people Today we are focused on solving important issues, which are given enough time and attention. Business communication presupposes compliance with certain rules and norms of behavior that are agreed upon between participants in the same process or company. They are the ones who make up etiquette. business communication. In addition, there are general rules, compliance with which is accepted norm. Business communication etiquette presupposes that partners are aware of how to behave in society.

Stages of business communication

Normally, any social interaction is based on compliance with specific rules. Every educated person tries to follow these rules and norms. If for some reason it becomes impossible to comply with them at a certain point in time, be sure to offer your sincere apologies. What are the stages of business communication?

Making contact

Before any important issues can be resolved through negotiations or other forms of social interaction, it is necessary to establish contact with a potential partner. It is impossible to immediately reveal all the details and get to the heart of the matter if you do not even know your interlocutor. Establishing contact in business communication presupposes that the participants in the event shake hands and sit down at a common negotiating table. It’s good if they are introduced to each other by a common partner or just a business acquaintance. Further interaction often depends on how successful the establishment of contact was. If people immediately like each other, it will be easier for them to build trusting business communication. Etiquette plays a big role here, so you can’t forget about the norms and rules of interaction. Etiquette implies mandatory adherence to all points, this makes it easier to build truly effective business communication.

Discussion of the problem

Participants in the process come together to mutually reach a solution to a specific problem. It is necessary to discuss significant details among themselves so that no misunderstandings arise later. At this stage, business communication is built on the principle of mutual trust. It is very important not only to make a good impression on your partner, but also to understand how mutually beneficial cooperation will be. Business communication etiquette involves people exchanging opinions and looking for ways to achieve a satisfactory result. The rules do not allow interlocutors to be detained longer than the discussion of a specific issue requires. In general, business people greatly value both their personal time and respect the individual space of their interlocutors.


When the participants have reached the most significant point in their negotiations (that is, they have discussed the details and identified the main problem), it is time to resolve the significant issue. Business communication etiquette presupposes that everyone has the right to their own point of view, even if it is radically different from the opinion of the majority. Rules and regulations exist for everyone without exception. You should not think that your vision of the situation is the only correct and valuable one. Having approached the solution of the main issue, you should listen to colleagues and partners’ comments. It should be remembered that solving a problem is why people gather to negotiate. Rules of decency only in rare cases allow one to immediately move on to the subject of discussion. However, it is necessary to remember that business communication would hardly take place without a significant reason. Business people value their time too much for them to waste it undividedly.

Leaving contact

After the successful completion of the transaction, the participants in the process exchange polite wishes for good luck and success. When the main issue is resolved, it is time to end the communication. This does not mean that partners do not see the point in seeing each other again in the future. This only means that in this particular case they reached some kind of specific agreement. Rules and norms of etiquette dictate that a business partner cannot be detained longer than is required to resolve a specific issue. And it's very the right approach, allowing you to devote more time to solving the most pressing and pressing issues.

General rules of business communication etiquette

Below are the main characteristics of business communication etiquette. By following them, a person will be able to inspire confidence in himself and climb up the career ladder in a relatively short period of time. These norms cannot be discarded or pretended that they do not exist at all. Business etiquette involves certain rules that cannot be ignored. Let's take a closer look at them.


The etiquette of business interaction implies that the interlocutor must be addressed with emphatic politeness. Even if you are talking with someone who is obviously unpleasant to you, you should not show your true attitude. It will be extremely ugly. In any of your actions, it is important to be correct and not allow the development of ambiguities that could somehow offend or offend your partner. Politeness allows you to maintain equanimity even in conflict situations and avoid serious consequences. It’s as if a person has the opportunity not to throw out feelings outward, but to hold off on it, waiting until emotional stress will go away on its own. If internal irritation arises, with the help of politeness you can take an excellent pause and not demonstrate your rejection in any way.

Politeness is an integral part of business communication etiquette. It is difficult to imagine the head of a serious enterprise who would be highly emotional and impressionable. Etiquette teaches you to restrain your emotions and suppress them at the right moment. Otherwise, a person simply will not be able to fully manage a team and monitor the work of other people. At the same time, ordinary employees should not excessively show their emotions while on duty. This will interfere with the alignment business relations, will impede the quality performance of the activity itself.

Control of emotions

The etiquette of business interaction suggests that demonstrating your emotions in front of people is unacceptable. In the presence of business partners or colleagues, you should not show fears, doubts, or uncertainty. All this has no place in the world of business or even just in the workplace. Otherwise, a person will never be able to feel protected, but will become vulnerable to any jokes, gossip and gossip from those around him. It is unlikely that anyone would want to become the subject of negative discussions or acquire a reputation as an unrestrained, ill-mannered person. Controlling emotions allows you to avoid unnecessary questions, maintain your own reputation and gain the respect of colleagues, subordinates and superiors for yourself. Business communication etiquette presupposes that all employees are familiar with the rules of behavior at their workplaces in advance and, by default, will not behave inappropriately or unsightly. By observing the norms, you can count on understanding and all possible assistance from others regarding the solution of some pressing issues of business importance.


You should arrive on time to any meeting. Whatever the subject of discussion concerns, whatever aspects it touches on, the time of arrival at the place of negotiations must be strictly observed. It’s better to arrive ten to fifteen minutes earlier than to be late and make everyone wait for you alone. Being late means showing disrespect for business partners who have gathered in a specific place to discuss important issues. Business relationships in themselves require punctuality. This is the etiquette of business communication and it is usually not disputed. By showing punctuality, you can establish yourself as a responsible and diligent person striving to achieve your goal.

Timely completion of tasks

In business relationships, it is unacceptable to waste time. Etiquette does not allow this. Otherwise, your business partner may doubt your reliability and will not trust you with an important project next time. Completing tasks on time is the key to success in the world of business relationships. It is important to acquire a reputation as a confident and responsible person who keeps his word under any circumstances. Only in this case will interaction with business partners be effective and truly useful. Etiquette imposes certain obligations on a person that must be fulfilled. You must try to structure your activities as much as possible in order to manage everything and avoid getting into unpleasant situations.

Confidentiality of information

Business interaction etiquette implies that all available information that is of undeniable importance should not be disclosed to third parties. Outsiders should not have anything to do with what is happening at all and should not know any details of the business transactions taking place. Data confidentiality helps make the process of business cooperation as convenient and mutually beneficial as possible. If you don't pay attention to the issue business etiquette enough attention, you can find yourself in a very awkward and difficult situation.

In the sphere of business relations, you cannot show your bad mood to others. Even if you are really worried about personal experiences, you need to try to forget about them for a while. There is simply no place for them in the world of business relationships. No one is interested in experiences that are not related to work and directly to the activity itself. Friendliness – important aspect etiquette, it should never be overlooked. You should be friendly with work colleagues, business partners and all people with whom you interact. You need to treat criticism in a businesslike manner, remembering that it is aimed at improving the quality of work, and not at insulting or offending you personally.

Dress Code Compliance

Business interaction involves following a certain style in employee clothing. It is unacceptable to choose clothes based solely on your taste. You cannot wear clothes of a different style than is customary in the field of specific business cooperation. Such behavior can greatly irritate colleagues and superiors. Compliance with a certain code of clothing will characterize you from the best side, demonstrating that you understand where you came and why.

Speech control

Business etiquette means that you need to think carefully about your speech. Before saying anything out loud, it is better to make sure that the chosen phrases are correct and their semantic meaning. Speech control allows you to achieve a positive effect in negotiations and avoid awkward situations that may accidentally arise under the influence of emotions.

Thus, business communication etiquette implies adherence to certain standards of behavior. These rules are not written down anywhere, but everyone knows them and tries to follow them in order not to get into an awkward position or find themselves in an ambiguous situation. Etiquette helps people maintain a certain distance in relation to each other and fully concentrate on the tasks at hand.

Business communication etiquette- this is a set of moral rules, norms, ideas that regulate relationships, as well as the behavior of individuals in joint production activities. Business communication etiquette is a necessary part of a person’s life, as well as the most important type of relationship with other individuals.

The main regulators of relationships are ethical norms, which express ideas about evil and good, injustice and justice in people’s actions. When communicating with his boss, subordinates, and colleagues, a person spontaneously or consciously relies on the etiquette of business communication. Depending on the understanding of moral standards, the content and degree of etiquette, it can make business communication effective, solve problems, achieve goals, or, conversely, make it impossible.

Etiquette translated from French means a set of rules of behavior that concern people (forms of address, behavior in in public places, treatment of others, greetings, clothing, manner).

Business communication etiquette is manifested in various levels social system, as well as in different forms. Participants in business communication are in official status and are aimed at achieving specific tasks. His distinctive feature is the lack of self-sufficient significance, since the etiquette of business communication is not an end in itself, but directly serves as a means to achieve other goals. In market relations, this means obtaining maximum profit.

Speech etiquette in business communication

The peculiarity of business communication is determined by the fact that it arises in connection with or on the basis of a certain type of activity that is associated with the production, for example, of a business effect or product. The parties to business communication act in official (formal) statuses, which determine the necessary norms and standards (including ethical) of people’s behavior. The specificity of business communication is regulation, expressed in subordination to established restrictions, cultural and national traditions, and ethical professional principles.

Speech etiquette in business communication is complex process in the development of contacts between individuals in the professional sphere. There are “unwritten” and “written” norms of behavior in different situations official contact. The accepted certain order, as well as the official form of treatment, is called business etiquette. It creates rules that promote mutual understanding between people, and also creates convenience, practicality and expediency.

Business etiquette consists of rules: norms (horizontal) that apply between team members, as well as instructions (vertical) that are characteristic of the manager and subordinate.

A general requirement of speech etiquette in business communication is a friendly and helpful attitude towards all employees and partners, regardless of their dislikes and likes. The regulation of business interaction is noted in the attention to speech.

Speech etiquette in business communication represents norms of linguistic behavior developed by society, typical ready-made formulas, allowing you to organize etiquette situations, requests, greetings, thanks, such as “be kind,” “hello,” “glad to meet you,” “permit me to apologize.” Sustainable structures are selected taking into account psychological, social, and age characteristics.

Speech etiquette in business communication involves establishing contact between people, exchanging certain information to build joint activities, and cooperation.

The following stages in business communication are distinguished:

  • establishing contact, including getting to know as well as understanding the other person;
  • orientation in the ongoing communication situation, as well as its comprehension with pauses;
  • discussion of the problem;
  • solution to the problem;
  • leaving contact (termination).

Official business contacts are based on partnership principles, built from mutual requests, as well as from the needs and interests of the business. In direct contact, namely direct conversation, oral and also nonverbal communication. Messaging over the phone or chatting is common.

Business communication etiquette is a real art, which cannot be mastered right away. Compliance with norms, culture, and rules of behavior will have a primary role in career advancement. If you are a promising specialist, as well as the face of the company, then think and imagine yourself as part of the team. Greeting "hello" in Everyday life means: “I am disposed to maintain a relationship,” but the absence of this label sign is read as a lack of desire to maintain a relationship. Therefore, the norm is to greet clients, employees, and visitors, both at the beginning of a conversation and in the absence of intentions to enter into verbal contact.

In business communication, speech etiquette is a set of speech etiquette means, as well as certain rules for their use in various situations.

Business communication etiquette includes the following important points:

  • You cannot be late for business meetings;
  • Reception of guests requires careful preparation (development of a negotiation plan, discussion with colleagues);
  • It is important before the meeting to collect information about those with whom you are meeting, to think through all the questions of interest.

Etiquette and protocol of business communication

The protocol includes greeting, introduction, address, and handshake. If the participants do not know each other yet, they should introduce themselves. According to the protocol of business communication, the head of the receiving party is introduced first, then the head of the guests. They then introduce the rest of the staff. If a large delegation has arrived, then name presentation is avoided by presenting lists of participants, where the participants are indicated by name and position.

At a business meeting, the junior in position is always introduced to the senior; gender does not play a role; If you have previously met with a partner, then you need to introduce yourself again. If someone hasn't introduced themselves, feel free to ask them about it, but don't ask them again. It is necessary to remember names immediately to avoid awkward situations. A handshake at a business meeting is used as a sign of concluding an agreement, and it is also used immediately after the words of greeting. When introducing you to another person, he is the first to extend his hand to you. A handshake is done with the right hand, if it is busy, they are given with the left, but after apologizing.

The initiative for a handshake comes from the elder and from the one who has a higher position. The woman is given the right to decide whether to shake hands with her or not. According to etiquette, she is the first to offer her hand for greeting. Having approached the group and shook hands with one of the members, you must do the same with everyone. Verbal greetings are limited if the group is large. If a hand extended for a handshake is not responded to with a handshake, this is regarded as an insult.

Ethics is a philosophical science whose subject of study is morality. The practical importance of ethics is noted in the field of human communication, and communication between people is an important component in the process of joint activity. The joint activities of people in relation to morality cannot be neutral. Compliance with business communication etiquette is the most important component that will determine success in business and in entrepreneurial activity, career advancement. Psychologists note that success in financial affairs or in the technical field, fifteen percent depend on professionalism and eighty-five percent on the ability to conduct business communication.

Jen Yager, PhD, notes six principles of business etiquette:

  1. Punctuality, completing work on time;
  2. Confidentiality (keeping secrets of the corporation or the personal lives of colleagues, the results of the transaction);
  3. Friendliness, courtesy, goodwill in any situation; showing attention to others (to colleagues, boss, subordinates);
  4. Respect for the opinions, criticism, and advice of colleagues, subordinates and superiors (when they express doubt about the quality of your work, show that you value the experience and considerations of other people);
  5. Compliance with the dress code - clothing code;
  6. Control of your speech, absence of swear words in speech.

Ethics and etiquette of business communication should be built on the moral qualities of the individual, as well as the categories of ethics: truthfulness, honesty, generosity, modesty, dignity, duty, conscience, honor, which give business relations a moral character.

Business meeting etiquette during lunch includes the following points:

  • scheduling a meeting in an office or restaurant near the invitee’s office;
  • the initiator of the meeting reserves a table;
  • it is important to inquire in advance about the tastes and preferences of the dinner participants;
  • if you don’t know your gastronomic preferences, then find out the restaurant menu: how rich is the selection of meat and vegetable dishes;
  • a table is reserved in a non-smoking room;
  • the initiator of the meeting arrives at the restaurant 15 minutes earlier;
  • the choice of dishes is limited to familiar dishes;
  • if the meeting is scheduled in the office, then it is held in a conference room or meeting room;
  • such a lunch is served by the ordered staff;
  • the main purpose of lunch is a business conversation, which begins with common phrases, gradually moving on to the topic;
  • At this informal meeting, jokes and touching on abstract topics will be appropriate, but correctness and tact in everything are required.

Telephone etiquette in business communication

During telephone conversations, etiquette in speech plays a significant role, since the interlocutor does not see, but only hears you. It is important to monitor the volume of speech, clarity, speed, and also observe following rules: The call must be answered no later than the 3rd ring. If you call yourself, hang up no earlier than the 5th ring.

There should be a greeting at the beginning of the conversation. Before starting a conversation, find out whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to communicate now. If you refuse, please specify when you can call back. The initiator ends the conversation and also calls back after the telephone call is interrupted. If your call is on behalf of a third party, for example, you are a secretary, then name on behalf of which company you are calling and briefly outline the topic of the upcoming conversation. If you are a third party and are asked to connect, clarify the purpose of the conversation.

Make all personal calls in a non- work time. They promised to call back - be sure to call back. Watch your tone of voice and do not chew while talking. Give the interlocutor the opportunity to complete his speech. Do not cross-talk with other people during telephone conversations. If Bad quality connection, then it would be correct to continue the conversation after a while. In this case, either party can initiate the end of the call.

Decency is the least important of all the laws of society and the most revered. F. La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), French moralist writer

At the beginning of the 18th century, Peter the Great issued a decree according to which anyone who behaved “in violation of etiquette” was subject to punishment.

Etiquette is a word of French origin meaning manner of behavior. Italy is considered the birthplace of etiquette. Etiquette prescribes standards of behavior on the street, in public transport, at a party, in the theater, at business and diplomatic receptions, at work, etc.

Unfortunately, in life we ​​often encounter rudeness and harshness, disrespect for the personality of another. The reason is that we underestimate the importance of a person’s culture of behavior, his manners.

Manners are the way one carries oneself, the outward form of behavior, the way one treats other people, as well as the tone, intonation and expressions used in speech. In addition, these are gestures, gait, facial expressions characteristic of a person.

Good manners are considered to be modesty and restraint of a person in the manifestation of his actions, the ability to control his behavior, and treat other people carefully and tactfully. Bad manners are considered; habit of speaking loudly and laughing; swagger in behavior; use of obscene language; coarseness; sloppiness in appearance; manifestation of hostility towards others; inability to control one's irritation; tactlessness. Manners relate to the culture of human behavior and are regulated by etiquette, and true culture behavior - where a person’s actions in all situations are based on moral principles.

Back in 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote that the success of a person in his financial affairs depends by 15 percent on his professional knowledge and 85 percent - from his ability to communicate with people.

Business etiquette is a set of rules of behavior in business and official relationships. It is the most important aspect of the morality of professional behavior of a business person.

Although etiquette presupposes the establishment of only external forms of behavior, without internal culture, without observing ethical standards, real business relationships cannot develop. Jen Yager, in her book Business Etiquette, notes that every etiquette issue, from bragging to gift exchange, must be addressed in the light of ethical standards. Business etiquette prescribes compliance with the rules of cultural behavior and respectful attitude towards people.

Jen Yager has formulated six basic commandments of business etiquette.

1. Do everything on time. Being late not only interferes with work, but is also the first sign that a person cannot be relied on. The “on time” principle applies to reports and any other tasks assigned to you.

2. Don't talk too much. The meaning of this principle is that you are obliged to keep secrets of an institution or a specific transaction as carefully as you keep secrets of a personal nature. Never tell anyone what you sometimes hear from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their personal life.

3. Be kind, friendly and welcoming. Your clients, clients, customers, colleagues or subordinates can find fault with you as much as they want, it doesn’t matter: you still have to behave politely, affably and kindly.

4. Think about others, not just yourself. Attention should be shown not only in relation to clients or customers, it extends to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Don't immediately start snapping when someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence shouldn't stop you from being humble.

5. Dress appropriately.

6. Speak and write in good language 1.

Etiquette is expressed in the most different sides our behavior. For example, a person’s various movements and postures that he takes can have etiquette meaning. Compare the polite position facing the interlocutor and the impolite position - with your back to him. This etiquette is called nonverbal (i.e., wordless). However, the most important role in the etiquette expression of relationships towards people is played by speech - this is verbal etiquette.

The Persian writer and thinker Saadi (between 1203 and 1210-- 1292) said: “Whether you are smart or stupid, whether you are big or small, we don’t know until you say a word.” The spoken word, like an indicator, will show the level of a person’s culture. I. Ilf and E. Petrov in the novel “The Twelve Chairs” ridiculed the pathetic set of words from the vocabulary of Ellochka the “cannibal”. But Ellochka and others like her often meet and they speak in slang. Jargon is a “corrupt language” whose purpose is to isolate a group of people from the rest of society. The most important aspect of speech etiquette is the inadmissibility of slang words and obscene language.

Words of greeting, gratitude, appeal, and apology occupy a prominent place in business etiquette. The seller addressed the buyer on a first-name basis, someone did not thank him for the service, did not apologize for his misconduct - ~ such failure to comply with the norms of speech etiquette results in resentment and sometimes conflicts.

Business etiquette specialists attach great importance to address, because the form of further communication depends on how we address a person. Everyday Russian language has not developed a universal address, as, for example, in Poland - “pan”, “pani”, therefore when

1 Jager J. Business etiquette. How to survive and succeed in the world of business: Per. from English - M., 1994. - P. 17--26.

appeal to to a stranger It’s better to use an impersonal form: “excuse me, how can I get there...”, “please,...” but it is not always possible to do without a specific address. For example: “Dear comrades! Due to the repair of the escalator, entry to the metro is limited.” The word “comrade” is originally Russian; before the revolution, it was used to designate a position: “comrade of the minister.” In the Russian language dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov, one of the meanings of the word “comrade” is “a person close to someone in terms of common views, activities, living conditions, etc., as well as a person who is friendly towards someone” Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Russian language, 1988. - P. 652..

The word “citizen” is also used in everyday life. "Citizen! Don't break the rules traffic! - it sounds strict and official, but from the address: “Citizen, get in line!” it blows cold and there is a great distance between those communicating. Unfortunately, gender-based addresses are most often used: “Man, move over!”, “Woman, remove your bag from the aisle!” In verbal communication, in addition, there are historically established stereotypes. These are the words “sir”, “madam”, “master” and the plural “gentlemen”, “ladies”. In business circles, the title “Mr.” is used.

When using any form of treatment, it should be remembered that it must demonstrate respect for the person, take into account gender, age and the specific situation. It is important to feel exactly who we are addressing.

How should you address your colleagues, subordinates, or manager? After all, the choice of address in official relations is quite limited. The official forms of address in business communication are the words “mister” and “comrade”. For example, “Mr. Director”, “Comrade Ivanov”, i.e. after the words of address it is necessary to indicate the position or surname. You can often hear a manager addressing a subordinate by last name: “Petrov, bring me the report for the first quarter.” Agree that such treatment has a connotation of disrespectful attitude of the manager towards the subordinate. Therefore, such an address should not be used; it is better to replace it with a first name and patronymic. Addressing by first name and patronymic corresponds to Russian tradition. This is not only a form of address, but also a demonstration of respect for a person, an indicator of his authority and position in society.

A semi-official address is an address in the form of a full name (Dmitry, Maria), which involves using both the address “you” and “you” in conversation. This form of address occurs infrequently and can set interlocutors to the strict tone of the conversation, its seriousness, and sometimes means the speaker’s dissatisfaction. Typically this type of address is used by elders towards younger ones. In official relations you should always address yourself as “you”. While maintaining the formality of relationships, strive to introduce an element of goodwill and warmth into them.

It is necessary to observe delicacy so that any address does not turn into familiarity and familiarity, which are typical when addressed only by patronymic: “Nikolaich”, “Mikhalych”. An appeal in this form is possible from an elderly subordinate, most often a worker, to a young boss (foreman, foreman). Or, on the contrary, a young specialist turns to an elderly worker: “Petrovich, try to finish your work by lunchtime.” But sometimes such an appeal carries a tinge of self-irony. With this form of conversation, the “you” address is used.

In business communication, great importance is attached to transitions in address from “you” to “you” and vice versa, the transition from official addresses to semi-official and everyday ones. These transitions reveal our attitude towards each other. For example, if your boss always addressed you by your first name and patronymic, and then, calling you into his office, suddenly addressed you by your first name, we can assume that a confidential conversation is ahead. And on the contrary, if in communication between two people who were addressed by name, their first name and patronymic are suddenly used, then this may indicate tension in the relationship or the formality of the upcoming conversation.

Greetings occupy an important place in business etiquette. When we meet each other, we exchange phrases: “Hello,” “Good afternoon (morning, evening),” “Hello.” People celebrate meeting each other in different ways: for example, the military salutes, men shake hands, young people wave, and sometimes people hug when they meet. In greetings, we wish each other health, peace, and happiness. In one of his poems, the Russian Soviet writer Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin (1924-1997) wrote:


Having bowed, we said to each other,

Although they were complete strangers. Hello!

What special things did we say to each other?

Just “Hello”, we didn’t say anything else.

Why is there a drop of sunshine in the world?

Why has life become a little more joyful?

We will try to answer the questions: “How to greet?”, “Who and where to greet?”, “Who greets first?”

When entering an office (room, reception area), it is customary to greet the people there, even if you do not know them. The youngest greets first, a man with a woman, a subordinate with a boss, a girl with an older man, but when shaking hands the order is reversed: the elder, the boss, the woman shake hands first. If a woman limits herself to bowing when greeting, then a man should not extend his hand to her. It is not customary to shake hands across a threshold, a table, or any obstacle.

When greeting a man, a woman does not get up. When greeting a man, it is always recommended to stand up, except in cases where this may disturb others (theater, cinema) or when it is inconvenient to do so (for example, in a car). If a man wants to emphasize his special affection for a woman, then when greeting him he kisses her hand. The woman puts her hand with the edge of her palm towards the floor, the man turns her hand so that it is on top. It is recommended to lean towards the hand, but it is not necessary to touch it with your lips, but remember that it is better to touch a lady’s hand indoors, not outdoors. The rules of greeting each other apply to all nations, although the forms of manifestation may vary significantly.

A prerequisite for business contact is a culture of speech. Cultural speech is, first of all, correct, competent speech and, in addition, the correct tone of communication, manner of conversation, precisely chosen words. The more lexicon(lexicon) of a person, the better he speaks the language, knows more (is an interesting interlocutor), expresses his thoughts and feelings more easily, and also understands himself and others.

* monitor the correct use of words, their pronunciation and stress;

* do not use phrases containing unnecessary words (for example, “absolutely new” instead of “new”);

* avoid arrogance, categoricalness and self-confidence. Saying “thank you,” being polite and courteous, using appropriate language, and dressing appropriately are among the valuable traits that increase the chance of success.

No business can exist without the necessary order. The communicative side of this sphere is always determined by Business Etiquette. Its main task is to organize and put in order the activities of the involved specialists, partners and management.

What are the features and general principles of business ethics and business etiquette?

Ethics is a system of moral standards accepted in society.

Etiquette is a set of generally accepted specific rules and laws of behavior.

Business etiquette is one of the components of ethics. Without knowledge in this area, the likelihood of achieving success in any chosen field of activity is minimal.

The correct choice of appropriate and relevant expressions, phrases, and gestures demonstrates the excellent upbringing and education of any person, forming only the best impressions of him in the work environment among colleagues and superiors.

The need to comply with the rules of business etiquette is primarily due to the fact that they:

  • form a favorable positive image;
  • accompany the positive conduct of any business dialogues;
  • provide options for dealing with inconvenient or emergency situations;
  • open up greater opportunities to achieve their goals.

In most cases, business etiquette in professional activities eliminates the likelihood of unforeseen situations or turns in a business conversation. As a rule, this obliges all procedures and conversations to be conducted in a more or less standardized order, so you can rarely expect anything unexpected.

What rules dictate the etiquette of business correspondence?

The rules of etiquette for business correspondence apply not only to the relationship between a person and an organization, but also to the environment in the company itself. It is necessary to convey information to colleagues and check that Feedback received.

In a beautiful and the right style letters can understand not only business qualities, but also a person’s personality. Moreover, it can be considered an excellent discipline.

Remember: a business letter is often the first contact by which the person writing it and, especially, the entire company as a whole will be judged. And this is in a great way establish yourself as a professional and specialist from the very beginning.

There are basic rules, the so-called etiquette of business writing, the observance of which will make life easier for both the writer and the reader.

Rule 1. Letter for one addressee

Rule 2. If you receive a letter, you simply MUST respond

It is important not to lose the idea of ​​the message when writing. Only the essence should be shown in a dry and clerical style. The etiquette of a business letter obliges you to compose the answer in such a way that it is perceived only in the literal sense and accurately. Don't forget that each letter requires only one response. This completes the cycle.

Rule 3. If you need the meaning of your letter to be understood by several interlocutors, then simply add their addresses to the “Copy” line

If you need an answer from only one specific person, and the rest just need to familiarize themselves with them, then address the letter to him, and mark “copy” for the rest. According to the rules established by the etiquette of business correspondence, the main addressee is obliged to send you an answer, at least briefly and out of politeness. Others in such a situation are not obliged to answer, unless they personally want to do so. In general, copies of the letter are necessary for only one purpose - to inform.

This applies to price mailings to clients or job clarifications to employees. In general, there are very few reasons for such a letter, so you should not resort to mass mailing often enough.

Rule 5. The letter must always indicate the subject. For such purposes, you should use the window called “Subject”

Business etiquette requires you to be able to save other people’s time. If you indicated the subject of the letter, you will be able to find it more easily by searching if necessary. And it will be easier for your interlocutor to navigate his mailbox, so he will respond faster.

Rule 6. In a letter - first a greeting, then an address to the addressee

It doesn't matter who you are going to write the letter to. If you call a person by his first name and patronymic, he will automatically assume that you treat him with respect. This will help establish contact.

Rule 7. Correct writing comes first!

A message with errors always causes subconscious hostility towards the interlocutor. Therefore, you should never be lazy, and it is worth re-reading the text and checking it for spelling and punctuation.

5 terrible phrases with which you should not start a letter

The editors of the General Director magazine found out which first sentences do not inspire the reader, but, on the contrary, force them to delete the letter.

6 rules of etiquette for business negotiations

The purpose and logical conclusion of negotiations (when compared with business meeting) is a signed agreement or protocol of intent. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare very carefully for negotiations, focusing not only on the meeting itself, but also on preparation for it. Your speech at the event, of course, includes your interests, but how to organize the meeting itself - business negotiation etiquette will help here. And in no case should you forget about these rules:

Rule 1. Arrival

Naturally, you should never be late. From an official position, such behavior is a violation of protocol; from a moral position, it can be perceived as disrespect or even a personal insult. If you are a couple of minutes late, and if the reason for this is due to unforeseen circumstances, business etiquette obliges you to apologize to the receiving party. If the delay lasts more than a quarter of an hour, then according to business etiquette, the general director of the receiving party has the right to cancel the meeting or delegate it to a subordinate.

Rule 2. Meeting place

If we talk about important business negotiations, then the venue should be an office or a neutral environment. Contrary to television series and films, business etiquette dictates that a restaurant or sauna is not the place to make business decisions. The restaurant can be chosen for a business lunch. This goal is to maintain partnerships or discuss interests, to celebrate the successful outcome of negotiations, but not for other cases.

You can designate your office or partners’ territory as the venue for negotiations. Sometimes the best solution is to choose neutral territory. In many business centers and hotels it is possible to rent an office (conference room) for the purpose of negotiations. In this case, the establishment is entirely responsible for the service. This also applies to technical nuances and preparation of the premises.

Rule 3. Meeting guests

In the case where the company is the receiving party, the full composition of the delegation participants must be in the meeting room without delay. The meeting of guests and accompanying them to the place is carried out by the partner, who himself does not take part in the negotiations. As the business etiquette of a leader says, the first greeting to interlocutors should be CEO the host, then the guest leader. After the exchange of greetings has taken place, an invitation should be received from the head of the receiving party for everyone to take their seats.

Rule 4. Start of negotiations

The etiquette of business communication states that the beginning of negotiations and ensuring that there are no long pauses in them lies entirely with the general director of the receiving party. If silence lasts too long, guests may consider this a sign that the meeting is over. Also, don't suddenly touch main topic negotiations It's good practice to first talk about neutral things, such as the weather or favorable cooperation in the past. You cannot raise controversial topics that the meeting participants may have concerns about. different opinions(religious, national, political issues, sports, etc.). After this, it is the responsibility of the host party leader to begin discussing the main topic of the negotiations. He can do this with other members of his delegation, advisers and experts. You cannot interrupt a speaking partner.

Rule 5. Duration of negotiations and meetings

If we talk about Russia, Western standards and norms of business communication etiquette do not quite work: negotiations between managers can last several hours, but the final decision will not be made. According to business etiquette standards, the preliminary program should include the expected duration of the event, on average 30-40 minutes. Negotiations can last a maximum of one and a half hours, but in this case it is worth taking into account the break and indicating its exact time. The clock must be visible to everyone at the event. This helps the speaker stay within the allotted time, and no unforeseen situations happen in this regard.

Rule 6. Completion of negotiations

It’s a good idea to cool down the atmosphere at the end of the event. For example, the CEO of the host party may make a proposal to continue negotiations without jackets. The etiquette of business relations freely allows you to take such a measure after the protocol part of the meeting is over and filming has stopped. The heads of the guest delegation have the right to close negotiations when any decision is made and documented. Authorized persons of each party sign this document, and both parties receive their own copy of this paper. A little later, the results of the meeting are written down in a report and sent to both parties for agreement. Negotiation agreements, regardless of their form (written or oral), must be observed. Otherwise, this is a violation of the main principle that dictates business etiquette.

  • Negotiation etiquette: rules that are easy to remember

How business telephone etiquette can affect a company's image

Often, in order for a business relationship to become long-term, a large role is given to a telephone conversation. You should not compare it with a personal meeting when Special attention is given to gestures, smiles on duty, room decor, and a formal business suit.

The reputation of a company as a whole often depends on how correctly telephone conversations are conducted. This is why business telephone etiquette is very important.

Basic rules of telephone etiquette

  1. If someone calls you, you should always greet them. If you are the one making the call, don’t forget about it either.
  2. Pay attention to your intonation.
  3. When calling a company, never say phrases containing the expressions “I’m bothering you,” “I’m bothering you.”
  4. Presentation is an important part of etiquette.
  5. When talking with a specific interlocutor, be sure to find out if he now has time for dialogue.
  6. If they call your company, you should answer no later than three calls later.
  7. If the caller wants to talk not to you, but to another employee of the organization, do not hang up. It is necessary to transfer it to the required employee, using the call hold function.
  8. When talking with a new interlocutor, focus on his speech and try to adapt to its speed.
  9. Do not smoke, chew or drink while on the phone.
  10. When finishing the conversation, check with your interlocutor whether he has any questions for you, and only after that say goodbye.

It would be wrong not to mention cell phones, given how important a part of life they are in modern times. They also have their own business conversation etiquette. Nowadays this means of communication is simply necessary, and its advantages can be listed almost endlessly. That is why general rules of etiquette have been formed when using mobile phone:

You should definitely study the instructions for your mobile device, paying great attention to the functions and characteristics of the device. Don't forget that there are situations when you should set your phone to vibrate mode or even turn it off completely. The latter is important to do in situations where under no circumstances will you be able to answer an incoming call. If you are surrounded by people, business etiquette does not allow you to raise your voice when talking on a cell phone. On the contrary, it is worth speaking a little more quietly than under normal conditions.

You should not talk in public places. If such a need nevertheless arises, ask the interlocutor to wait a couple of minutes and go to the pay phone. Do not forget that a loud bell should not be installed in any situation. If you still haven’t figured out this function and the phone rings, apologize, but don’t start making excuses. This sounds absolutely terrible.

Voicemail is a feature that should not be forgotten. In addition, before entering places where the connection may be interrupted (elevator, basement), it is worth warning the interlocutor about this and ending the conversation. If your phone rings when you are not alone, business communication etiquette allows you to carry on a conversation for a maximum of half a minute. If there is a private meeting, your phone should not ring during it. If you are expecting a very important call, warn people about it in advance and apologize to them.

Business etiquette does not imply certain standards for all situations and conditions. Some elements of such standards may change. For example, this applies to informal meetings. Here, although many omissions and concessions are allowed, this also does not apply to everything. Clothing is still required to be neat and good, and speech must be cultured and clean. And in general, behavior and manner must still be adequate. But a number of concessions are allowed, and you can feel freer. This also applies to other situations that you need to strictly focus on and be able to distinguish when and how you should change your adherence to business etiquette.


It is extremely important to be able to show respect for other people at work - this is the basis on which business etiquette is built. This applies to absolutely any aspect. During speeches or debates, you need to listen to the speech until the very end, without interrupting or preventing you from speaking. First of all, it improves the image and impression of oneself among others, and secondly, it encourages everyone to treat themselves the same way during their own statements. It is important to be able to admit that someone else is right. Even if one of the partners proves with his views that the other’s opinions are wrong, the second is obliged to at least listen to this and, if the arguments are really in favor of the first, accept it. Rationalism and the pursuit of truth are what work in favor of business. It is also important to remember to thank your opponent after the debate as a way of showing respect.

Consideration of the situation and its relevance

Every employee must bring positivity with them. Even in difficult times and in difficult conditions, it is extremely important to strive to be positive yourself and infect your colleagues and partners, superiors and managers with this. This approach will make the atmosphere inside the company positive, which will certainly affect productivity. Even difficult times will be easier to pass if all colleagues are united and begin to approach work with joy. Negative topics of conversation should be avoided or talked about superficially if you can’t avoid the conversation.

Respect for other people's opinions

Employees must be privy to the organization's hierarchy and treat it accordingly. A subordinate should not be rude to his superiors, he must listen carefully without interrupting, and so on. The manner of communication between employees at all levels of the hierarchical ladder must be clearly defined and strictly observed. But at the same time, it must not be humiliating or offensive to those of lower rank. It is important to remember that the manager’s business etiquette must be present.

Positive impression

Taking into account all the features of business etiquette, you can count on a successful result of any negotiations, career and other victories of varying magnitude.

  • Mobile etiquette: how not to ruin your image with five missed calls

What role do etiquette standards play in business communication?

The social behavior of people (employees, management, partners, clients) is determined by a wide range of different factors - legal, regulatory, statutory, administrative. Even the economy and level can have an impact technical equipment enterprises. All this directly affects the degree of interaction between employees and representatives of other groups - suppliers, clients, and so on.

Usually on employees and management, as well as related separate divisions have two types of influence social norms.

Formal– official norms determined by the regulations and rules of the enterprise, which are described in special documents. Such norms are based on the preferences of the company, the legislative characteristics of the state and region, and so on.

Informal– gradually developing non-statutory forms of interactions, which are determined by the mood and character of the internal team acting on them external factors and working conditions.

At the same time, it is necessary to note the objective basis of the existing informal norms, the so-called business etiquette. Such social norms will be regulated and undergo changes only if they reflect the actual processes and aspects that arise when performing a particular task assigned to the team.

The norms of business etiquette are part of the control system for informal relationships within the enterprise.

Compliance with these standards is certainly accompanied by an assessment of the social environment (colleagues, superiors) for compliance with established norms, behavior and laws of the organization. On the basis of this, a collective attitude towards a specific individual is formed.

Being an integral part of the system of social norms of relationships, the principles of business etiquette perform the following functions:

  1. They provide stability and order, acting as a regulator of social relationships at various levels.
  2. They increase the efficiency of working and business relationships both within the team and with external representatives.
  3. They allow you to improve the quality of communication with clients and partners, increasing the level of mutual trust and attraction.
  4. They perform a disciplinary function through the formation of hierarchical structures and help to identify differences in status within and outside the team.
  5. Unites the norms and requirements of members social group both to new members and to each other. In other words, they act as organizers and factors of cohesion and unification of the group.
  6. They help the individual in the process of joining the new team of which he is a part.
  7. They help an individual navigate various communicative and other situations, finding the correct exits and solutions.

The main rules of business etiquette that every manager should know

Rule 1. Be punctual

Valuing time in business is a primary task and an indicator of good manners. Punctuality allows you to be effective in achieving any goals. The inability to organize on time, incorrectly calculating your strength and the speed of completing a task, leads not only to the creation of a bad image. In business, all employees are interconnected, so the lateness of one inexorably entails delays and complications in the work of another. According to the domino principle, the efficiency of the entire unit, and perhaps the organization, decreases. Therefore, the etiquette of a business person forces him to be able to calculate his strength and time, being able to clearly understand how to solve problems on time. At the same time, we must not forget to allocate additional time for each goal in order to take into account everything possible complications and problems.

History knows virtually no examples of successful and legendary businessmen who achieved their fame and fortune alone. Behind each of them is a team, working with other people. All this had a decisive influence on the development of young companies. Therefore, it is important to always be honest with those with whom you collaborate and work. This will provide the individual with the support of the team and even superiors. Those who are ready to go headlong towards the goal end up with nothing. After all, it is very difficult to achieve success by turning people against you. It is important to take into account the interests and motives of both colleagues and partners, and even competitors, always trying to look for mutually beneficial solutions. Do not forget about business etiquette in professional activities.

Rule 3. Speak and write correctly

Competent speech, both oral and written, has always been the key to successful people. No serious person will deal with someone who uses obscene or simply slang words and expressions in his speech, poorly structures his speech, and also writes illiterately. It is important not only to be able to speak beautifully and clearly - you need to have oratory skills and fully know the etiquette of business communication in order to achieve maximum success in any business. We are talking about both career advancement and transactions with partners.

Rule 4: Dress for the office environment

Business is not a place where you should strive to show your individuality. Official business etiquette will clearly be against the decision of a top manager to show up for an important interview in a bright yellow suit made of shiny synthetics. It is important to follow the general tone of the office dress code, even if it is not officially established. You always need to be neat, stylish and be able to demonstrate by appearance that you belong to this team.

Rule 5. Don't say too much!

Even if an employee is not subject to any trade secret laws, he should still be able to determine what he can and cannot tell others about his work. Excessive talkativeness not only creates a bad image, but can also harm the company’s business. And no one will pat you on the head for this.

Principles of business etiquette

Principle 1. Common sense. In creating etiquette standards within an enterprise, you must first of all focus on common sense. If the rules contradict it and go against it, then there will be no logic in it. The norms of corporate business etiquette always pursue the goal of maintaining order, organizing and optimizing the process, as well as saving time. If the norms do not fulfill these tasks, then they are not necessary, since they will most likely be harmful.

Principle 2. Freedom. With all the order that the rules of business communication etiquette create, it is important to leave room for freedom for both employees and partners. Complete control will never attract people even at the cost of the prospect of good benefits. At the same time, moderate opportunities for self-realization, individualization and the availability of choice make the company not only attractive to everyone, but also open up new opportunities for development. Of course, freedoms should also be relatively limited, based on the norms of the working day, the profile of the company, political and government aspects, cultural and national preferences, and so on.

Principle 3. Ethicality. One of the main functions of business etiquette is to focus on maintaining more than just order within the company. It is important to comply with the norms of business communication etiquette and guide employees to the right and good intentions. An atmosphere should be created that will be positive for every employee, taking into account national, political and personal characteristics everyone. It is difficult to ideally create the direction of a company, since the concepts of “good” and “evil” are very complex in themselves. However, it will be easier and more interesting for employees to work if they work for the benefit of some good goal.

Principle 4. Convenience. It is important that business ethics clauses are employee-friendly. If standards constrain them, make them feel uncomfortable, and force them to put up with the state of affairs, then it is foolish to expect the employee to be fully dedicated to their work. If each of them experiences complete attraction to their work, feeling the joy of sharing the successes and moments of the work process, then the overall efficiency of the enterprise will be much higher. These requirements of business etiquette have always been in effect - if employees or partners are comfortable, and their love for the company is ensured not only, for example, by good wages and social package, then their dedication to the work will be unconditional, as will their performance.

Principle 5. Expediency. Any prescription of business etiquette must have its purpose. Business is not a place where something can exist just like that. Therefore, each norm must have a function and the essence of the work, otherwise such an approach will be ineffective and simply unnecessary.

Principle 6. Economical. The culture of business etiquette, even with all its attractiveness, should not ruin the company. The costs of complying with a company's ethical standards should be reasonable and as low as possible. No business will be profitable if it spends significant amounts of money on internal statutory elements that do not directly affect the company's core activities. This will lead either to a decrease in the profit of the organization itself, or to a decrease in the income of individual employees. In any case, moral values ​​are not worth it.

Principle 7. Conservatism. Moving forward doesn't always lead to better result. As for ethical standards, it is better to focus on traditions that have developed over centuries. They are determined not only general direction activities of the organization, but also state history, government policies, popular sentiments, and so on. The desire for cutting-edge trends, as well as the creation of independent new motives, can cause rejection among other enterprises or companies that adhere to conservative views. Loyalty to traditions and a culture of business etiquette are what unite us and have been tested for many years.

Principle 8. Ease. The etiquette of business relations must be simple to implement, so that employees can independently develop automaticity in its implementation without coercion. Such norms should be easy, interesting for the employees themselves, and capable of being integrated into the initial model of human behavior. If they cause psychological rejection, seem like an unnecessary routine and have an unpleasant effect on a person’s personality, he will not follow them and will not work effectively either.

Principle 9. Universalism. Any standards must be multifaceted and strive to influence several important aspects of planning, production or other business-critical processes.

Principle 10. Efficiency. There must be a result from following ethical standards. This should unite the team, lift their spirits, increase the speed of signing contracts, and help build relationships with partners. If norms do not bring tangible benefits, they should be abandoned as an unnecessary mechanism within the organization.

We form an opinion about a person by how he behaves. If a person knows business etiquette, is polite, helpful, and understands without words what is wanted from him, we can consider that he belongs in the business environment and has every opportunity to earn money.

If you understand the language of etiquette, recognize nonverbal cues directed at you, and know how to respond to them, then you're in the game.

Good manners when entering an elevator can take you to the top of your career. And knowing who climbs the office stairs first can serve as a stepping stone to business success. Some will argue that this is a small thing. But “it’s the little things that make perfection, and perfection is not a little thing”!

The ideal place for a meeting is a meeting room, where nothing distracts the attention of the meeting participants.

Your nonverbal behavior during negotiations should reflect interest in the outcome of the meeting and attention to the issues being discussed, so you cannot:

  • yawn or engage in other extraneous activities,
  • draw in notes, leave cell phones on,
  • play with a pen.

Mobile etiquette

The most important rule of mobile etiquette is dictated by common sense: we have the right to use cell phone, if we do not limit the freedom of other people, do not infringe on their interests and do not violate their privacy.

You need to call a mobile phone for business matters during business hours; on weekdays, this is considered to be the time period from 9:00 to 21:00. mobile phone.

At work, you can only use it to resolve business issues - you shouldn’t let everyone in on your personal affairs. It is also undesirable to talk on the phone.

In public transport, in a restaurant and in other places where strangers will be forced to witness your private conversations. if you receive a call and there are other people around you, leave the room and talk.

Voice mail

If you want to dictate a voice message, speak it clearly, including your personal and department information. The message should be short. Do not include multiple phone numbers or addresses in a voicemail message. Email, one is enough.


Before putting a conversation on speakerphone, ask the other person's permission. Don't answer calls on speakerphone or check voicemail on speakerphone—especially if you work in a large, crowded office rather than a private office. This will distract others.

How to seat guests at formal receptions

  • The hostess sits down at the table first and invites the guests to take their seats.
  • At the table, men alternate with women.
  • Spouses or employees of the same company do not sit next to each other.
  • The men help the ladies next to them sit down, then sit down themselves.
  • The most honorable place at a men's reception is to the right of the owner. If the reception is attended by women, then to the right of the hostess. If the guest of honor is invited with his wife, then the guest sits to the left of the host of the reception, and the guest to the right of the hostess - of course, if the hostess and host are sitting next to each other.
  • At the end of the meal, the hostess leaves the table first, giving a signal to the rest of the guests.

Business etiquette around the world

The English present instructions for action in the form of a polite request. Nevertheless, it is necessary to do it.

If you have a mess in business papers, the Germans will draw the appropriate conclusions. It is strictly forbidden to violate the terms and scope of work specified in the contract. Every single point must be strictly followed.

Business negotiations in France, as a rule, begin no earlier than 11 am. It is better to conduct negotiations in French, since the reverent and even painful attitude of the French towards their language and culture is not a myth at all.

In America, great importance is attached to family and hobbies. That’s why in an American’s office you will always see photographs of his relatives and objects related to his hobbies. But this does not mean that you can talk about personal topics. Personal information (age, physical characteristics, marital status, religious and Political Views) is available only to friends and family and is not subject to discussion.

Italians pay great attention to meals, so meetings are often scheduled in a restaurant. By refusing a treat, you risk losing your partners. True, the agreements reached during the feast mean little. Final decisions are made later. Business conversations never start with business issues. It is common to talk about life. Don't just ask questions about family and politics, and don't make disparaging comments about football.

A Confucian rule states that a man and a woman should not touch each other when giving or taking something. Therefore, avoid touching the woman. It is also not customary to open the door for her or give way to her.

Greetings in Japan are accompanied by a polite smile and a bow of at least 15 degrees. A more respectful bow of 45 degrees. When the Japanese greet a very important person, the bow can be a full 90 degrees.

The Japanese can shake hands with foreign partners. But if they bow to you, respond with at least a small bow, folding your palms at face level. Avoid direct eye contact.

Arabs are free with time. Arriving at the agreed time, you may not find your Arab partner, but you will be greeted well and treated to coffee, which will be refilled until you shake your cup as a sign that you don’t want any more. Business decisions are usually made on the basis of high level and do not depend on those who negotiate. Therefore, sometimes the decision process drags on for a long time. Patience and the ability to wait will help you do business in the east.

When meeting someone, when you are introduced or you introduce yourself, do not rush to offer your hand. The person you are introduced to must do so first. Remember: according to business etiquette, it is not customary to kiss ladies’ hands at an official meeting (according to the rules of social etiquette, only married women kiss the hand and only indoors).

Business etiquette discourages shaking hands with both hands, as it is intended to convey a closer relationship with people. Moreover, people may perceive such a gesture as an attempt to be condescending or patronizing. However, do not forget about cross-cultural differences - for example, Americans adore this gesture and consider it appropriate in business communications.

If you didn’t find the person there, but want to show him respect, fold the upper right corner of the business card you left.

Today, badges are used all over the world - they can contain information not only about the bearer’s name and position, but also the company logo and even a photograph. It is curious that from the moment of invention (and it is generally accepted that the first badges appeared in England in late XIX centuries) the appearance of badges has changed little - only the fastener is being improved; for example, badges on a lanyard - a special lanyard for fastening - have become widespread.

The manifestation of simple human attention on the part of the manager always inspires employees. The boss should notice the successes of the subordinate and encourage him. Let it be simple gratitude, but it must be expressed. Congratulating the team on the holiday, and the employee on his birthday - people really appreciate such gestures.

All employees at work should be addressed as “you”; this disciplines and is a sign of respect. However, now in many companies communication on a first-name basis is taken as a standard - in the American manner (in English language, as we remember, there is no division into “you” and “you”, there is only a single address you). This has already become the norm. However, if your company does not adhere to such principles, it is not worth introducing the “you” address, demonstrating broad-mindedness and progressiveness: nevertheless, communication on “you” implies close relationships, which are not always appropriate at work.

Traditions of hospitality provide for various signs of attention. You can offer guests a cultural program by providing a car with a driver.

The leader must meet and see off the delegation, and then welcome it to the official reception.

There is an unspoken rule (not categorical, but desirable) - if a guest arrives with his wife, then the host manager comes to the first meeting accompanied by his wife.

A protocol visit usually takes place at the premises of the receiving party. In the lobby, the assistant manager greets guests and then escorts them to the office of the head of the institution. The initiative to leave this reception lies with the guests. Next meeting of delegations will already happen at negotiations.

In a business environment, the issue of compliments is controversial. It is perfectly acceptable and even desirable to give compliments, but they should not be too enthusiastic or about appearance. In both cases, you are invading the personal space of your interlocutor, and besides, excessive enthusiasm is very similar to banal flattery. Most good option- make a compliment business qualities your colleague or partner, note his high professionalism, punctuality or ease of communication.

For a casual conversation, there are several win-win topics. It is appropriate and even desirable to discuss news from the fields of business, sports, entertainment and travel, in addition, such conversations are the easiest to maintain.

It’s interesting that the ringtone of a mobile phone is another touch of a person’s image. Psychologists say that, for example, people who set classical music to their ringtones are most often far from the musical world (musicians do not listen to masterpieces performed in this way). These are conservatives who love everything to be “like other people” and value a sense of proportion in everything. The more famous the melody, the more conservative the person, according to psychologists.

As a rule, the Friday dress code is still closer to the Business Casual style and does not imply bright colors. Basic colors are traditional business ones: gray, beige, brown. Additional shades of clothing should be restrained, noble, in no case acidic or intensely saturated.

If you work five out of seven days a week, then business clothes should make up 70% of your wardrobe. Accordingly, it is worth spending significantly more money on it than on leisure clothing. All over the world, business image is considered economic category: investing in yourself, in your appearance, in your image brings income - just like investing in your knowledge, skills and abilities. Spend as much as your budget allows on your business wardrobe.

The rule for an evening dress is: the more open it is at the top, the more closed it should be at the bottom - and, accordingly, vice versa. Do not violate this proportion of closedness and openness.

Another rule that relates not to clothing, but to the etiquette of receptions: if the invitation does not indicate that you should come with a companion, you must appear alone.

According to unofficial statistics, about 35% of business relationships begin with shared meals. They expand the circle of contacts, help find an approach to the client, negotiate a contract, and establish mutually beneficial relationships. This is a good reason to find the compromises necessary for cooperation.

You can be late for cocktails and buffets and leave early. But be aware: if your visit is very short, it may come off as disrespectful to your hosts. On the contrary, staying at the reception from beginning to end is a sign of respect. If representatives of the same company come to the event, employees should not arrive later than the manager and leave before him. Unlike the buffet, you cannot be late for lunch and dinner. If this does happen, you need to apologize to the owners.

If you order a Japanese dish at a restaurant (for example, rice, noodles, sushi or sashimi), they may bring you chopsticks. If you know how to use them, great. If you don’t know how or simply don’t want to, it’s okay, you don’t have to do it. Just ask the waiter to bring the usual European cutlery: a fork and a knife - this is completely normal.

In many restaurants, waiters will immediately clarify which utensils you prefer to eat Japanese dishes with: traditional chopsticks or the familiar European ones.

For a well-mannered person, it is an absolute norm that you should not drink to excess at corporate events.

History knows of cases where too zealous adherence to the rules of etiquette did not lead to anything good.

The French Marshal Bessompierre recalled in his memoirs that the Spanish King Philip III died of carbon monoxide sitting in a chair by the fireplace. The courtiers were unable to find in time the only grandee who, according to palace etiquette, had the right to move the king’s chair.

In Thailand, tourists are told how a boat with Queen Sunanda on board once capsized. But no one dared to come to her aid. When a high-ranking courtier who had the right to touch the queen arrived, it was too late.