Automation of smoke removal systems - example of a project. Automation of smoke ventilation Example of a smoke removal project for a residential building

Automation of smoke removal is a technology for providing buildings and premises with air, which does not require significant financial costs. Today this system causes a lot of controversy among builders and designers of residential, industrial and public buildings and structures. However, they all agree that the principle of automation is the most effective means control of the ventilation system and its individual elements (filter, air duct, silencer, etc.). Thanks to it, a person does not need to monitor every part of the ventilation, since this function is performed by a computer. This allows you to reduce the number of employees of the enterprise and reduce expenses on wages before the required minimum. Prevention of accidents and emergencies is also carried out through the automation of dam removal.

The main advantage of automatic smoke removal is the ability to continuously control the temperature and humidity of the indoor air. In addition, the system provides a manual control mode when it is not possible to operate on autopilot. Another advantage concerns the ability to manage performance ventilation systems taking into account specific parameters and factors environment. An example of this is the presence of people inside a ventilated room, the time of day or time of year.

The automated smoke removal system can have a design of any complexity: from simple supply systems to ultra-modern innovative distribution complexes air flow. The latter are even capable of monitoring parameters set by the operator and maintaining them at a certain level.

The most simple systems smoke removal systems are built on the basis of control units, which are combined with the general communications network or are embedded in existing systems monitoring and dispatching. Their price is low, which determines their quick payback and popularity among designers.

More complex distribution smoke collection systems are capable of processing a huge number of signals using special programmable sensors and modules for collecting information. The consumer interface and software are developed taking into account the needs of each specific customer. Such systems have the function of constant monitoring of air temperature and humidity parameters; they also provide the ability automatic switching on and turning off the ventilation system, which allows you to significantly save energy resources.

Thanks to the use of automatic smoke removal, several types of ventilation can be installed in one room at once. This is especially important for production, industrial buildings, large office or shopping and entertainment complexes. Constant monitoring of all elements of the system is carried out by a computer, which can react to the slightest changes in air flow indicators. This not only does not cause any particular difficulties on the part of the staff, but also implies significant savings on energy costs.

Detailed design of a smoke removal automation system

I offer you a real project for a smoke removal automation system for an administrative building.

Scheme 1: Smoke removal automation project
Scheme 2: Smoke removal automation project

System smoke ventilation (smoke removal) is designed to remove combustion products and heat, and supply clean air into a building during a fire. The system ensures the safe presence of people on evacuation routes and in areas fire safety, in places of work of fire departments, and other places determined by the fire protection measures section.

Design Rules smoke protection systems regulated by section 7 - “smoke ventilation” SP 7.13130.2013 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire Safety Requirements”, on the basis of which technologists develop fire safety measures and tasks for automating these systems.

Supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems for buildings (hereinafter referred to as smoke ventilation) must ensure blocking and (or) limiting the spread of combustion products into safe areas and along evacuation routes for people, including for the purpose of creating necessary conditions fire departments to carry out work to rescue people, detect and localize a fire in a building.

Smoke ventilation systems must be autonomous for each fire compartment, except for supply smoke ventilation systems designed for protection stairwells and elevator shafts communicating with various fire compartments, and smoke exhaust ventilation systems designed to protect atriums and passages that do not have structural divisions into fire compartments. Supply smoke ventilation systems should be used only in the necessary combination with exhaust smoke ventilation systems. Separate use of supply smoke ventilation systems without installing corresponding exhaust smoke ventilation systems is not permitted.

Compliance with regulatory requirements, especially in distributed systems, is often impossible without the use of automatic systems management, the implementation of which at the facility ensures effective work smoke removal systems.

Ventilation system controllers that meet fire safety criteria are used as control equipment (FZ-123, Art. 2, Clause 33 “fire control device - a technical device designed to turn on the actuators of smoke protection systems”).

That. target automation of smoke ventilation systems is to increase the efficiency of its operation, in automatic mode, eliminating the influence of the human factor, to prevent the spread of smoke masses from the source of fire throughout the building.

Operation algorithm and requirements for the smoke removal automation system

When a fire signal is received from the system panel fire alarm, the smoke removal automation system must ensure the execution of a certain algorithm, which includes the following actions:

  • Turn on the smoke exhaust fan;
  • Open the smoke exhaust valves corresponding to the given zone;
  • Close fire arresting valves;
  • Send a report to the control panel for each item (passed/failed/accident).

During the waiting period (which can last the entire life of the system), the state of devices and communication lines is automatically diagnosed, and if these devices fail, the system transmits an emergency message to dispatch console.

The execution of this algorithm ensures the safety and lives of people, so automatic smoke removal should work without failures. It has specific requirements, such as:

  • The use of automatic shutdown devices in the power supply circuits of the actuating elements of the equipment of smoke ventilation systems is not allowed (continuity of power supply is ensured);
  • Only equipment and cable products with a specified fire resistance limit are used;
  • The power supply for smoke ventilation systems must comply with I category reliability.

The projects also provide manual control of smoke removal systems. Such a system can function in conjunction with central system fire safety or independently of it. The control can be partially combined with the control system natural ventilation, subject to compliance with fire safety regulations.

Main components of a smoke removal control system

Main components of the smoke removal system:

Smoke protection automation includes devices that can control the following components:

  • Engines exhaust fans smoke removal. Most often, they work in on/off mode, operating mode control, similar to systems exhaust ventilation not usually used;
  • Support fan motors, also work in on/off mode;
  • Fire damper drives- control the open/closed position;
  • Smoke valve drives- open/close positions are also controlled.

The devices are activated automatically by the “Fire” signal; upon activation or non-activation, the operator receives a report on the operation of the device. Methods for monitoring the performance of devices may vary, depending on the manufacturer and design.

Smoke control system

Providing the fire dispatcher with reliable information about the operation of the smoke ventilation system is one of the factors that will ensure saving the lives of people caught in an emergency zone.

Depending on the size of the smoke removal system, the dispatch system (information display) can be implemented and how indicator board And How full operator console, with the location of devices linked to the object's mnemonic diagram and the possibility of manual remote control via a PC.

Small systems consist of elements combined in a single standard control panel; an example is based on Orion controllers produced by Bolid.

Systems with a large number of elements are developed based on individual systems automation, which uses freely programmable controllers.

IN large systems, the fire department console is a full-fledged dispatch console that provides information in a graphical, easy-to-read mode.

Design of smoke removal automation systems

System requirements are similar to those for other fire protection systems, are determined by Federal Law No. 123-FZ Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements. In this regard, on initial stage it is necessary to take into account the degree of fire resistance of the equipment, control of power and communication lines, control of equipment on/off/failure.

The development of an automation system for smoke ventilation is based on the algorithms (technology) of the system. In bare theory, the designer of an automation system does not have to visit the site; a description of the technology is enough for him. This information is provided in order to understand the importance of obtaining the correct technical specifications for automation from technologists.

It also follows from this that the smoke removal automation project is initially developed with some delay from the main project.

Otherwise, the project development stages do not differ from other low-current systems, for example, an automatic fire alarm system:

  • Receiving a preliminary task for system design;
  • Obtaining technology for operating the system;
  • Clarification of the location of the fire guard post and the number of controlled areas. Clarification of customer requirements, determination of the size of the system and the need for integration or output to remote fire brigade bullets, selection of basic automation equipment;
  • Development and approval of design assignments;
  • Development of stage “P” and defense in examination (mandatory section);
  • Development of stage “P” and estimate documentation;
  • Next, and are produced.

The work must take into account the requirements of SNiP 41-01-2003, SNiP 31-05-2003, SNiP 21-01-97, SP 7.13130.2009, PPB 01-03 and. Regardless of the purpose of the building, the system must perform the following tasks:

  • Creation optimal conditions presence of people in the premises;
  • effective removal of combustion products, preventing their spread into adjacent rooms, cleaning emergency evacuation routes for people;
  • ensuring conditions for the work of special services and minimizing damage from fire.

Smoke removal is included in fire safety measures; the project consists of text and graphic parts. The text part includes a description of the smoke removal system, justification for the selected scheme and equipment used, a description of existing regulatory requirements, information on the building and individual premises.

The graphic part displays the layout of the premises, the layout of air ducts and special equipment for smoke removal and parameter control. Are given block diagrams technical systems, situational evacuation plan and material assets.

Smoke removal calculations

All calculations are performed according to maximum loads taking into account the speed and heat of combustion of materials. Fans are provided with a fire resistance of at least two hours at maximum temperature. The material used to make air ducts is selected using the same criteria.

Initial data for design:

  • total workshop or warehouse area 400 m2;
  • working temperature in the workshop or warehouse +18°C;
  • room height 3.0 m;
  • greatest permissible thickness smoke layer to the ceiling 0.7 m.

The solution of the problem:

  1. Determination of convective power of fire using the formula Q к = n * Q р.н.ср * W ср * F 0, kW

    n– expected completeness of combustion of materials, n = 0.7

    Q р.н.ср– lowest calculated working heat of combustion, Q р.н.ср = 22120 kJ/kg.

    W avg– accepted specific combustion rate of materials, W av = 0.0393 kg/m 2 ×s.

    F 0– fire area, F 0 = 5 m 2. According to the initial data, the convective power of the flame is 2816 kW.

  2. Determination of the flow rate of gases entering under the ceiling layer is carried out according to the formula G k = 0.071 * r k * Q⅓ * (H – h)5/3 + 0.0018 * r k * Q k. In our case G k = 8.07 kg/s.
  3. Volumetric hourly flow rate of smoke removed L = 36900 m 3 /h.
  4. Compensation for removed toxic combustion products. Provided by supply to the premises fresh air at the floor level.

The ventilation system operation processes are controlled automatically, optimal solution Automatic smoke removal from the Bolid company is considered, and the example calculations do not differ from the above. Sensors and control systems are adjusted according to the characteristics of each room.

System automatic control built on the basis of addressable analog devices, to improve functionality and it is possible to place a workplace at a security post on site. By creating software it is possible to connect several separately functioning smoke removal and ventilation systems to one place.

Devices are connected in accordance with the diagram supplied by the developers; to increase reliability, separate or emergency power is provided. Circuit integrity monitoring is carried out by control models.

Estimate for smoke removal - example

For smoke removal it is compiled local estimates, included in the general construction. In the case of separate installation of ventilation and smoke removal systems, a separate document is drawn up. The estimate states:

  • name and address of the location of the object;
  • general estimated cost, including the price of equipment and installation work;
  • standard labor intensity of construction, installation and commissioning works;
  • wages of workers and engineering employees.

For each object, a table is compiled indicating the name of the work and costs, quantity and unit of measurement, cost per unit of equipment and total labor costs of workers.

A ready-made smoke removal project (standard design example) allows you to carry out installation work taking into account existing government requirements. The customer has a list of the nomenclature and quantity of equipment and additional devices. Working drawings, calculations for equipment and systems, and their installation locations are provided. After finishing design work The functionality of the system is tested experimentally using cold smoke. Due to the fact that with this method there are no conventional flows of hot air in the vertical direction, the project is considered accepted if at least 90% of the smoke is removed in the estimated period of time.

The equipment is manufactured taking into account the requirements of industry regulations and state standards. Production is carried out by responsible companies that have modern equipment and a staff of professional employees.

  • CJSC NPF "Agrostroy". On the market since 1991, engaged in the design, manufacture and installation of electrical and electronic products. Produces programmable controllers, remote and local control panels, control sensors various parameters, control equipment for smoke removal and fire extinguishing systems, automation panels, filter balancing devices, control boxes for electric drives, etc.
  • UNITEST. For more than 20 years, it has been engaged in its own development and production of automatic fire safety systems, products according to technical parameters corresponds to world analogues. Implements UNITRONIK and MINITRONIC addressable analog alarm systems with automatic programming, a HOME ALONE smoke detector, and takes into account the requirements for a smoke removal system in a multi-story building.
  • NPO "Siberian Arsenal" products have been on the market since 1992, designs and produces a full range of equipment for fire and security alarms, products meet the international requirements of ISO 9001. Manufactures detectors and control devices, automatic fire extinguishing equipment, wired and wireless detectors, electrical installation and control cabinets.
  • NVP "BOLID". Over the years of its existence, it has mastered the production of more than 150 instruments and equipment for ventilation, fire safety, video surveillance and control systems engineering communications buildings. Advanced developments are carried out by highly qualified engineers and programmers.

Smoke removal system from NVP Bolide

  • EuroVentGroup LLC. Engaged in the design, manufacture and installation of ventilation systems for buildings for various purposes.
  • SVOC. Has its own design department and modern production capacity, develops and manufactures a set of equipment for ventilation systems.
  • LLC NEMZ "TAYRA". More than 500 professional employees, has representative offices in foreign countries. It produces both complex systems and individual equipment and automation for the installation of air ducts.

The most famous smoke removal systems

All modern systems are integrated, i.e. exist together with other security systems: fire and burglar alarm. The most commonly used systems will be the above-listed systems Bolide S2000, Granit from NPO Siberian Arsenal and others. However, due to the complexity of modernizing such equipment in “old” houses, you can also find the following types:

  1. IUK-31. A universal controller from the Agrostroy company can be used not only to remove dangerous smoke from a room, but also other engineering systems. It has a fire safety certificate and supports the popular ModBUS network protocol.
  2. Unitronic 496. It is an addressable analog receiver and control device and is used for security and fire alarms, as well as for controlling fire automatics. Based on Unitronic 496, you can assemble a security and fire alarm system, a smoke removal system, set up sound and light warnings and gas control in the parking lot.
  3. GAPU-2. Installed in buildings with a height of 14–25 floors, it can be controlled in manual or automatic modes (when receiving a signal from two sensors). Additionally, signals are sent to the dispatcher's console and mechanisms for lowering elevators from the upper to the first floor. Sections of the house have a separate closet; dampers, valves and heat sensors are installed on the floors.
  4. OPZHR. For high-rise buildings, it has several modifications. It can function automatically or be controlled by a dispatcher. The system includes sensors, batch switches, control and alarm buttons, valves or dampers.
  5. ShPS-MV. Automatically or manually starts air fans and closes smoke dampers. For high-rise buildings, it has full set control sensors and control valves.
  6. PPSDU-32A. Universal sampling and control of smoke control systems, can perform automatic analysis technical condition and warn about detected system malfunctions.
  7. USPP-48. A fire alarm and starting device is connected to smoke removal from buildings of various heights. Monitors the status of up to 48 individual alarm loops with detectors and control equipment.

Scheme of AAPC Unitronic 496

In all modern shopping centers, malls, sports grounds, business centers and other places with a large number of people, you can often find smoke removal systems built on equipment from such manufacturers as Honeywell, Sauter, JCI, Siemens, TAC and others.

Technical requirements for the system and smoke exhaust valves

Requirements for systems are specified in Federal Law No. 123-FZ and industry regulations regulatory documents. Specifications equipment, control and operation must ensure:

  • The effectiveness of smoke removal from rooms, corridors, elevators, shafts and other means of evacuation of people, if such are provided for in the building plan. The main requirements for the systems are the safe evacuation of people, localization or elimination of the source of fire, preservation of material assets and property. Depending on the initial calculation data, the number, type and power of fans are selected.
  • Ensuring functionality in the event of a stationary power failure.
  • Possibility of connection additional equipment in case of modernization or expansion of systems coverage areas. New equipment must be connected to smoke removal with minimal loss of time and financial resources.

Ventilation and smoke removal should ensure not only the safe evacuation of people, but also create conditions for fire extinguishing by special services.

Requirements for system valves are specified in SNiP 41.01-2001. In terms of stability, the mechanisms must meet the following parameters:

  • EI 45– for the premises in which they are directly installed;
  • EI 30– spruce air ducts of ventilation systems are used as branches from the main ones or directly in technological shafts.

The valves must ensure the removal of smoke both from the source of the fire and from the rooms adjacent to them, reduce the suction of air flow into the channels from other floors or rooms and provide the required amount of fresh air. Can be square or round section, metal or plastic. Controlled automatically or manually. The standby position can be permanently closed or open; the specific parameter depends on the installation location and the characteristics of the system.

Drawings A.1-1
Total information
Fundamental technology system

List of equipment

P-1 ventilation system control cabinet. General form. Wiring diagram

External connection diagram
cable magazine
Layout plans for electrical pipe routes for smoke control automation. Underground
Layout plans for electrical pipe routes for smoke control automation. 1st floor
Layout plans for electrical pipe routes for smoke control automation. 2 - 12 floors
Layout plans for electrical pipe routes for smoke control automation. 13th floor
Layout plans for electrical pipe routes for smoke control automation. 14th floor
Layout plans for electrical pipe routes for smoke control automation. Attic
Operating instructions for the automatic smoke control system
Specification of equipment and materials
Drawings A.1-2
Total information
Signal circuit diagram
Schematic diagram of beam control
Schematic electrical diagram for controlling floor valves. Shield power
List of equipment
Fundamental electrical circuits ventilation systems P-1, V-1, V-2
Supply air system control cabinet P-1. General form. Wiring diagram
Central automation panel. General form. Inscriptions in frames and boards. Electrical equipment technical data table
Central automation panel. Wiring diagram. Shield door
Central automation panel. Wiring diagram. Back wall
Central automation panel. Wiring diagram. Left side wall
Central automation panel. Wiring diagram. Right side wall
Beam fire alarm panel. General form. Wiring diagram
Floor solenoid valve. Wiring diagram
Fire alarm cabinet. General form. Technical data of electrical equipment. List of ISS inscriptions
Floor relay box. General form. Wiring diagram. Equipment technical data
Exhaust ventilation system control cabinet V-1(V-2). General form. Wiring diagram
Drawings A.2-1
Total information
Functional dispatch scheme engineering equipment
Scheme electrical connections
Underground. Electrical route plan for public transport networks
1st floor, typical floor, attic. Electrical route plan for public transport networks