Types of cast iron radiators. What types of radiators are better: a comparative review of all types of heating batteries. Types and methods of installation

Duration heating season in our latitudes it is close to 2/3 of the year. The indicator depends on the region, but on average it is about 250 days. For us, all issues related to the efficiency of the heating system are extremely important, which largely depends on the right choice her devices.

Let's look at which heating radiators are better and what the different types are. The article presented for consideration describes in detail the criteria for selecting heating devices. For independent home DIYers, we have provided tips from experienced plumbers.

Regardless of the complexity of the heating system, the main task is to maintain the set temperature in the house or apartment. The heating radiator plays a key role in this, carrying out heat exchange between the air in the room and the coolant.

Uniform heating efficient heat transfer, maintaining a microclimate, stable operation – these are the basic requirements for a heating battery.

In residential premises, single, panel or sectional twin radiators are installed that do not emit toxins when heated

The main parameters influencing the choice of a specific model:

  • System operating pressure. Depends on whether it is autonomous or centralized network The device is turned on. It is arranged on a gravity or forced principle. On average it varies from 3 to 10 bar or in a similar atmosphere range.
  • Thermal power. A characteristic required to calculate the thermal power required to heat a room. It is also needed for selecting individual components of sectional batteries. Approximately 1 kW is required to process 10 m².
  • Modularity. The quality inherent in prefabricated radiators, which makes it possible to assemble and disassemble the device to suit individual requirements.
  • Speed ​​of reaction to tº. More precisely, the ability to respond to changes in coolant temperature. period of time for cooling and warming up.
  • Possibility of equipping with automation. Devices that monitor weather conditions and independently eliminate air jams.

The devices now available for sale ensure free circulation throughout the system. They are characterized by corrosion resistance and attractive appearance.

Sectional radiators differ in the shape and size of the sections, ensuring the supply of the required amount of thermal energy

The thermal efficiency of a radiator depends on the energy dissipation surface area. A flat metal convector has a much smaller area compared to a sectional aluminum convector of the same geometric size. Because the latter radiates heat over the entire area of ​​the fins.

Types of modern heating radiators

During Soviet times, the question of which heating battery is better to choose was never asked for a simple reason. The industry produced only two types of them - steel and cast iron. We live in a fortunate time of diversity, technological and environmental excellence.

The global and domestic industry offers a fairly wide range to choose from. There are several signs according to which it is advisable to separate heating radiators.

Radiators can be divided according to materials of manufacture:

  • steel panel convectors;
  • cast iron batteries;
  • aluminum radiators;
  • bimetallic radiators.

By design features:

  • sectional;
  • panel.

Each of these types the best way suitable for its operating conditions, and therefore has its own nuances. A separate type of heating radiators is highly specialized. These are devices designed to solve one task, often to the detriment of overall functionality.

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Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Useful tips from experts will help you understand the choice of heating device:

The most best choice A heating radiator can be considered the one that achieves the greatest comfort and coziness. The radiator can be invisible or, on the contrary, be part of the overall design. But the most important thing is reliability and no hassle.

You can tell us about how you chose a radiator to replace old batteries in an apartment or to furnish a new home in the block below. Please write comments, ask questions, share useful tips and photos related to the topic of the article. We are interested in your opinion.

Batteries are an important part of the heating system in apartment building. The room temperature depends not only on how hot water runs through the pipes. The quality of room heating depends on the design, material, power and method of placement of heating radiators.

Extremely wide range heating equipment may cause difficulties in selecting suitable batteries. In order to find out which devices to give preference to, you will have to first study the features existing types batteries

Various types of heating devices

There are several classifications of batteries.

Depending on the type of heat or energy carrier, they are divided into the following types:

  • electric radiators;
  • oil radiators operating on electricity;
  • water batteries.

Depending on the material, batteries are:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • plastic.

Depending on the design, heating radiators are divided into the following types:

  • sectional - thanks to the presence of separate sections, they allow you to adjust the size and power of the installed heating device;
  • tubular - batteries designed specifically for a centralized heating system. They are an all-metal structure with a horizontal manifold and vertical tubes;
  • panel - made of steel and even concrete. In the second case, such batteries are located inside the walls and transfer heat in the form of radiation;
  • lamellar - have a core with lamellar ribs mounted on it from thin sheets metal, carry out convection-type heat exchange.

Types of batteries suitable for apartments

Let's consider what types of radiators are suitable for a standard centralized heating system in an apartment building. It is characterized by the use of process water as a coolant, high operating pressure and temperature. The characteristics of heating devices for an apartment must correspond to the features of this system. Compare device parameters from different materials To understand which types are suitable for your home, you can use the table.

Classic radiators made of cast iron, despite a large number of modern analogues made from other materials are not going to retire yet. Cast iron is resistant to corrosion and impact high temperatures, durable. Some manufacturers have changed better side appearance cast iron products, decorating them with carvings and turning this device into a design element.

Tip: The radiation intensity of the radiator can be increased by painting it dark.

Bimetallic radiators

Efficiency and reliability bimetallic radiators achieved through a combination of two types of materials: steel and aluminum. The high thermal conductivity of aluminum makes it an excellent material for a battery case, and the strength of steel ensures immunity to pressure changes and corrosion processes. Best on Russian market Bimetallic products from Italian manufacturers are considered.

Steel radiators

Steel radiators can be panel, tubular or sectional. The first type is the most popular due to optimal combination characteristics and cost. However, steel batteries are practically not used in multi-storey buildings with central heating, since they are not designed for high pressure systems.

Aluminum batteries

Aluminum radiators have very attractive characteristics, including excellent heat transfer and low inertia, allowing you to quickly change the temperature in the room. But they are very demanding on the quality of the coolant, so they are also not suitable for a centralized heating system.

Copper heating radiators

Copper batteries have a lot of advantages and only one drawback - very high cost. Their performance characteristics impressive: copper radiators are superior existing species in terms of efficiency, reliability and durability, as well as resistance to corrosion and water hammer.

Installation of copper radiators expensive pleasure not only because of the cost of the battery itself. They can only be connected to all-metal pipes, which are also expensive. Take advantage of the advantages of copper, and at the same time purchase the product at more affordable price You can if you choose a copper-aluminum radiator, the tubes of which are made of copper and the fins are made of aluminum.

Plastic batteries

Most the new kind heating devices are plastic batteries. Such products are easy to install and have wide choose flowers and do not require additional care. However, many apartment owners interested in the new product will be disappointed: plastic radiators cannot be installed in a house with a centralized heating system. The reasons for this are the maximum operating temperature and pressure, which should not exceed 80 degrees and 2 bar, respectively.

Attention: for standard room with a three-meter ceiling height, having one door and one window for each square meter Radiator power from 90 to 125 W will be required.

The required number of sections will depend on the material the radiator is made of. Power of one section of different types of batteries:

  • Cast iron - from 80 to 150 W;
  • Aluminum – 190 W;
  • Bimetallic – 200 W;
  • Steel - from 450 to 5700 W (meaning the power of the entire battery).

The onset of winter cold every year becomes a test of the efficiency of heating systems in high-rise buildings and private houses. And it must be said that homeowners equipped with cast iron radiators feel more protected.

History of creation cast iron batteries heating dates back to the distant 19th century. And since then they have faithfully served people. All Soviet new buildings of the 60-70s of the last century were equipped with precisely such heating devices, many of which are still in successful use.

The modern heating equipment market offers radiators made from other materials: steel, aluminum, bimetallic, even copper. But cast iron batteries are still produced and actively sold.

Radiators are made of gray cast iron. Most often they are assembled from separate sections, but there are also solid versions.

These products can be classified according to a number of criteria:

  • section sizes;
  • the number of channels through which the coolant circulates;
  • installation method;
  • according to the connection method.

The section dimensions are characterized by the following parameters:

  • height – usually ranges from 330-954 mm;
  • width ranges from 45 to 108 mm;
  • depth varies from 85 to 200 mm;
  • interaxal distance (distance between the axes of the nipples connecting the sections into a single structure) – from 220 to 900 mm.

Some companies produce radiators with other geometric parameters, so before purchasing, you must definitely decide on the desired battery sizes.

The height of radiators varies over a fairly wide size range, so radiators can be divided into low, standard, and high. Low models are an accordion radiator.

Most often these are Belarusian products of the following sizes:

  • height – 38.8 cm;
  • section width – 0.93 cm;
  • depth – 14 cm;
  • center distance – 30 cm.

Standard radiators are characterized by a center distance of 50 cm and are produced by many manufacturers. The depth of the sections can be different - from 8.5 to 14 cm. This allows you to choose a radiator that fits perfectly even under a narrow window sill.

Nowadays, retro-style products are in fashion. Their sizes can be very different. Most often, such radiators are equipped with legs, which allows them to be installed near walls made of any materials.

Radiators without legs have to be mounted on brackets fixed to the walls, so they are more suitable for solid walls.

Tall radiators - usually their height does not exceed 100 cm, but you can find products even higher. Considering heavy weight cast iron, such models are impractical to mount to the wall, so most often they are equipped with legs.

Based on the number of channels, radiators are divided into three types:

  • Single-channel - each section has one channel through which the coolant circulates. These batteries are easy to keep clean, so they are often used in medical institutions.
  • Double-channel - each section has 2 channels, so the heat transfer of the device is higher.
  • Three-channel - radiators with the highest heat transfer, but at the same time with the greatest depth and weight.

The most popular are two-channel sections.

Based on the installation method, radiators are divided into wall-mounted and floor-mounted. The latter are equipped with four legs, which are usually located on the outer sections.

According to the method of connection to the heating system, all products are divided into 3 types:

  • With bottom connection - the inlet and outlet pipes are connected to the lower outlets of the radiator from opposite sides. The disadvantage of this connection is the limited circulation of coolant through the internal channels.
  • With lateral connection - pipes are connected to the lower and upper outlets of the outermost section on one side. This option provides the best circulation.
  • With top connection - pipes are connected to the upper outlets of the outer sections. In terms of circulation intensity, this is an average option.

Despite their “ancient” origin, cast iron products have a number of advantages:

  • Cast iron has high resistance to corrosion, including chemical corrosion. This is important because the coolant centralized systems heating is hot process water with an alkaline reaction.
  • The maximum possible coolant temperature in the system can be +150 degrees.
  • A cast iron radiator takes much longer to heat up than a steel or aluminum one, but it perfectly accumulates heat, which increases its heat transfer even when the temperature in the system drops.
  • The durability of cast iron products ranges from 30 to 50 years, although in fact they can last longer. This is due large thickness section walls, which resists wear well even with poor coolant quality.
  • It is possible to assemble a radiator of exactly the size that will optimally heat a specific room.
  • Damage to one section does not require replacement of the entire radiator. It is simply replaced with a similar one, which allows you to save significant money.
  • The cost of cast iron radiators is lower than products made from other materials.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • Heavy weight, making it difficult to transport and install radiators.
  • Poor tolerance to hydraulic shocks possible during operation heating systems high-rise buildings. But this problem can be solved by installing a pressure regulator on the line.
  • The finned surfaces of radiators quickly and heavily become dusty, and cleaning them presents some difficulties. Modern radiators often produced with a flat outer surface sections, which makes them easier to care for.
  • The appearance of traditional radiators is not very attractive. But now there are products of better design on sale.

Only a specialist can make an accurate thermal calculation. However, roughly determine required amount sections for each room can be created independently.

To do this you will need the following data:

  • room area;
  • the amount of heat generated by one section is taken from the product passport (approximately 140-160 W);
  • the calculation is made for a normally insulated room with one window - the average amount of thermal energy required to heat it is 100 W/kV. m;
  • the height of the room does not exceed 3 m.

Thus, for a room of 15 square meters. m, you will need 100*15=1500 W. If on average one section produces 150 W, then the required number of sections will be: 1500/150=10 pieces. If the result is fractional, it is rounded up to the nearest whole number.

If the number of outdoor walls in a room is more than one, then the rate of heat required for heating is multiplied by 1.75.

If there are a large number of windows, the calculated number of sections is divided by this figure, and a radiator is placed under each window. This will ensure a more uniform and efficient heating the premises as a whole.

The weight and dimensions of cast iron heating radiators will primarily depend on the number of sections in one device, but these same sections can also differ radically from each other, since they are single-, double- and triple-channel.

But, despite their bulkiness, cast iron batteries are in great demand for water systems central heating, since they fully comply with the necessary parameters for heat transfer and strength under any possible surges in coolant pressure.

It is these devices, familiar to probably every Russian citizen who has reached the age of conscious, that we will talk about, and we will also show you a video in this article.

Cast iron radiators

A cast iron radiator is a convection-radiation column heating device, which is assembled from several sections. It was invented by Franz San Galli in 1857.

Types and designs

  • As we have already said, how much a cast iron heating radiator weighs, as well as its volume, directly depends on the number of sections, as well as on the number of channels in a single section of this device. For example, we will consider such heaters from the ChM series, which are made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8690-94. All of them are designed for installation taking into account the depth of the opening under the window, that is, small, medium and large depths, which can be filled based on the number of columns in the sections.
  • Heating devices of the ChM series are designed for centralized water heating systems for residential, public and industrial buildings with a minimum working pressure of 1.2 MPa (12.236 atm) and (test) pressure of 1.8 M Pa (18.354 atm) and a water temperature not higher than 150 ᶷC (their price is the most affordable).

  • Of course, the weight of cast iron heating radiators will also depend on the sections, from which it is assembled, and they are made of gray cast iron in a sand-clay form using the casting method, which allows the device to maintain stable characteristics for about 40 years or more.
  • Cast iron is a fairly resistant metal to low-quality coolant, that is, water may have a high content of salts, alkalis and rust, but at the same time it is porous, which contributes to the delay various elements and sludge sedimentation, so batteries need regular maintenance.

The complete set of the cast iron heating device also consists of two side plugs (left-hand thread G 1 ¼), as well as two fittings or, as they are also called, through plugs (G 1 ¼ right-hand thread) and a hole with left-hand thread G ¾ for heat pipe fittings. When joining sections together, steel nipples and heat-resistant rubber gaskets are used in accordance with TU 38.105376-92.

Note. One of the most negative factors that can characterize such heating devices, is the weight of the cast iron radiator and its long heating time, which is why, strictly speaking, it is not used in systems autonomous heating– high energy consumption for boilers using any type of fuel.
But at the same time, it gives off heat for a very long time, which makes it possible not to turn on pumps for water circulation so often, therefore, such batteries are almost ideal for centralized systems.

Section parameter name Digital designation
World Championship1-70-300 World Cup1-70-500 World Championship2-100-300 World Championship2-100-500 World Championship3-120-300 World Championship3-120-500
Number of channels Single channel rectangular Two-channel rectangular Three-channel rectangular
Weight (kg) 3,3 4,8 4,5 6,3 4,8 7,0
Volume (l) 0,66 0,9 0,7 0,95 0,95 1,38
Heating surface area (m2) 0,103 0,165 0,148 0,207 0,155 0,246
0,075 0,110 0,1009 0,1426 0,1083 0,1568
Installation height (mm) 300 500 300 500 300 500
Height (mm) 370 570 372 572 370 570
Depth (mm) 70 70 100 100 120 120
Width (mm) 80 80 80 80 90 90

Table: specifications cast iron radiator for one, two and three channels

Designation World Cup-1 Number of sections (pcs) Heat Flux Rating (kW) Weight, kg) Radiator length (mm)
World Cup1-70-500-1,2-2 2 0,22 48,64 10,7 0,396 178-184
World Cup1-70-500-1,2-3 3 0,33 47,58 15,7 0,594 258-265
World Cup1-70-500-1,2-4 4 0,44 47,05 20,7 0,792 338-346
World Cup1-70-500-1,2-5 5 0,55 46,73 25,7 0,990 418-427
World Cup1-70-500-1,2-6 6 0,66 46,52 30,7 1,188 498-508
World Championship1-70-500-1,2-7 7 0,77 46,36 35,7 1,386 578-589
World Cup1-70-500-1,2-8 8 0,88 46,25 40,7 1,584 658-670
World Championship1-70-500-1,2-9 9 0,99 46,16 45,7 1,782 738-751
World Cup1-70-500-1.2-10 10 1,10 46,09 50,7 1,980 818-832

Table of characteristics of ChM-1-70-500-1.2

World Cup 2 designation Number of sections (pcs) Heat Flux Rating (kW) Specific material consumption (kg/kW) Weight, kg) Heating surface area (? t =70° C), ECM Radiator length (mm)
100-500-1,2-2 2 0,285 48,1 13,7 0,512 178-184
100-500-1,2-3 3 0,428 47,2 20,2 0,769 258-265
100-500-1,2-4 4 0,570 46,8 26,7 1,024 338-346
100-500-1,2-5 5 0,713 46,7 33,3 1,281 418-427
100-500-1,2-6 6 0,856 46,5 39,7 1,537 498-508
100-500-1,2-7 7 0,998 46,4 46,3 1,792 578-589
100-500-1,2-8 8 1,141 46,4 52,9 2,049 658-670
100-500-1,2-9 9 1,283 46,3 59,4 2,304 738-751
100-500-1,2-10 10 1,426 46,1 65,8 2,561 818-832

Table of characteristics of ChM-2-100-500-1.2

World Cup 2 designation Number of sections (pcs) Heat Flux Rating (kW) Specific material consumption (kg/kW) Weight, kg) Heating surface area (? t =70° C), ECM Radiator length (mm)
120-500-1,2-2 2 0,314 47,78 15,1 0,564 198-206
120-500-1,2-3 3 0,470 46,95 22,3 0,844 288-297
120-500-1,2-4 4 0,627 46,60 29,5 1,126 378-388
120-500-1,2-5 5 0,784 46,39 36,7 1,408 468-477
120-500-1,2-6 6 0,941 46,21 43,9 1,690 558-568
120-500-1,2-7 7 1,098 46,11 51,1 1,972 648-659
120-500-1,2-8 8 1,254 46,05 58,3 2,252 738-750
120-500-1,2-9 9 1,411 45,96 65,5 2,534 828-841
120-500-1,2-10 10 1,568 45,92 72,7 2,816 918-932

Table of characteristics of ChM-3-120-500-1.2

Assembly, disassembly

As we have already said, you can increase or decrease the heat transfer and volume of a cast iron heating radiator by adding or unscrewing sections, of which there can be from two to infinity, although it is unlikely that anyone will install more than 15 pieces.

Most often we have to deal with two-column sections, which you see on top photo– they are connected using a nipple and heat-resistant rubber gasket. The nipple inside has rounded shape with two parallel planes, which allows you to fix the key head there, but inner diameter can be either 1 ¼ ̎or 1 ̎.

In accordance with this, a key is selected, where the head can be flat or repeat the internal shape of the nipple - the instructions are silent on this matter. In order to unscrew one or more sections, you need to insert the key so that the head reaches the nipple, which is located at the junction, therefore, first it is placed on top of the battery to mark the immersion depth on the rod.

The forces applied to rotate using the gate are usually not enough, therefore, the lever is increased by cutting a pipe - the same lever is needed during assembly so that the connection does not leak.


You can always assemble and disassemble a cast iron radiator with your own hands, if you have a wrench with a suitable head for this, but you will need to install new gaskets, and sometimes new nipples. When connecting the battery to the heating circuit, it is advisable to ensure that it shut-off valves for the possibility of dismantling during the heating season.

Cast iron heating radiators have been popular for many decades. And, despite high competition, new materials and developments, the share of their sales is quite high. And all because they have no competitors in terms of reliability and durability. No other heating device will last half a century or more in our centralized heating networks, with our coolants. That’s why they are often installed in high-rise apartments. And this despite the heavy weight and the need to lift this weight to the floor.

But cast iron is not only used in apartments. Much more often it is preferred in individual heating:

So the scope of use is quite wide, and they have practically no competitors in private heating.

Styles, sizes, varieties

When choosing the type of heating device, aesthetic considerations play an important role. This is understandable: every day in front of our eyes. And if the appearance is annoying, then what kind of rest and good mood there may be talk. So let's start with the appearance.

Old style

Most of us remember old batteries that were far from perfect. Today there are such people. Despite their unattractive appearance, they have very good characteristics, and modern interpretation, with a slightly reduced intersection distance, they don’t look so bad. Moreover, today everyone is trying to hide heating devices behind a screen, in a niche or box. In this case, it is generally unclear what role appearance plays: it is still not visible.

MS-140 and MS-90 - difference in section depth

And the cost of one section of this type is the lowest: Russian production from 270 to 350 rub. Those brought from other countries cost more, but they differ in size - the standards are different, some manufacturers have higher heat transfer. For Belarusian cast iron radiators the price per section starts from 300 rubles, for Lugansk ones from 410 rubles.

The name of cast iron radiators of the old type is simple - “MS”, and then through the dash there are numbers that indicate the depth of the section (first) and the center distance (second). For example, it means that the section depth is 140 mm, the center-to-center distance (also called inter-nipple) is 500 mm. Another example: MS-110 300. Depth 110 mm, center distance 300 mm.

From these numbers you can at least roughly understand whether the modification is right for you or not. The depth determines whether the radiator will fit under the window sill or will stick out. Only to the value itself you need to add another 30-50 mm at a distance from back wall heating device to the wall. In total, it turns out that the MS-140 will cover a window sill that protrudes by at least 18-20 cm.

The center-to-center distance determines how far apart the inlet and outlet pipes should be. With a bottom connection, this parameter can only suggest the approximate height of the section. Why not accurate? Because with an interaxal distance of 500 mm, it can be either 552 mm or 585 mm, and in cases with retro-style radiators, more than 600 mm. The difference may not be very big, but sometimes it is significant: the height to the window sill may not be enough.

Technical characteristics of MS-140 radiators (click on the picture to enlarge)

New generation

But not everyone wants to install screens on radiators. Some interiors allow aluminum and bimetallic models to fit well. For this reason, many installed new products for themselves. Today there are models made of cast iron, which from a distance cannot be distinguished from aluminum ones. They have the same modern look, flat front panel, Smooth surface. Some are covered with factory enamel, others you have to paint yourself.

Just a few years ago, such new generation cast iron radiators were supplied only from European countries: Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey, and of course from China. Today they are also available in Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian versions.

Unfortunately, the quality of coverage among Europeans remains better, but the price is also much higher. If we talk about new cast iron heating radiators made in Russia, they are 100-150 rubles more expensive than the “old” form. Compared to them, the price for “Europeans” is several times higher. But you need to take into account the following features:

There is a difference in all respects and is quite noticeable. So the choice is not easy.

Designer radiators in “Retro” style

These heating devices will not fit into any interior. Most likely, you need to choose a model together with the designer: they are definitely not hidden, but used as a decorative element. Cast iron radiators “Retro” are stylized as products of past centuries; there are different patterns and bas-reliefs on the surface, protrusions at the top and bottom. Often such “antique” batteries have legs designed in the same style.

If we talk about manufacturers, then there are already products from Russia. The RetroStyle and Exemet campaigns specialize in the release of this particular group. They have a large number of models in their assortment different designs. They also paint, tint and polish their products to match your interior (not free, of course).

There are quite a large number of batteries in this style:

  • German Guratec,
  • Czech Viadrus;
  • Turkish Demir Dokum;
  • Spanish Roca;
  • English Rococo;
  • Polish F

The size range is quite wide: center distance from 300 mm to 900 mm, section width from 40 mm to 81 mm, depth from 100 mm to 235 mm. A wide variety of designs, styles and shapes.

As you can see, different types and the design of cast iron radiators is greater than that of aluminum and bimetallic ones combined. There's definitely plenty to choose from here.

Types and methods of installation

Most cast iron radiators are sectional models. This means that you can choose any thermal power depending on the heat loss of the room. Its expansion occurs section by section. As many as needed are collected into one battery.

There is another type - these are solid radiators. They have very high reliability: leaks are only possible if the cast iron breaks down, and this can happen after several decades. But this type is rare: this is how they are mostly cast designer models, in retro style or non-standard height- from a meter and above.

How cast iron radiators are assembled/disassembled

The sections are connected to each other by nipples, the tightness of the joints is ensured by gaskets made of heat-resistant rubber. The nipples have threads on the right and left, the same thread is on inner surface vertical collectors (upper and lower). They are twisted and untwisted using a special mounting wrench.

The mounting key for radiators is a rod with one end flattened. The second one often has a ring into which the lever is inserted. A lever is usually needed when dismantling old radiators: they boil, become overgrown, and it is often very difficult to remove the thread from its place. A crowbar or rod is inserted into this ring, which serves as a lever.

The key is inserted into the manifold to the required depth (try it on from the outside first). The end of the blade rests on the groove in the nipple. Then, turning the key and nipple in the desired direction, the section is unscrewed or tightened. In this case, you need to alternately turn it a couple of revolutions, either in the upper or in the lower manifold. You need to be especially careful with cast iron: it is fragile and excessive force can cause the section to burst. Therefore, there are no distortions: they turned a little at the top, moved down, then up again, etc.

In the case of cast iron, leaks often occur at the joints: over time, the gaskets lose their elasticity. But for dismountable models this is not a problem: you need to unscrew the nipples, change the gaskets and put everything back together. This is not such a difficult operation. The duration of trouble-free operation depends on the quality of the nipples and gaskets. So when choosing, pay close attention to these “minor” details.

Installation methods

Cast iron batteries are either hung on the wall or placed on legs. Everything is clear with the legs: they come complete with the radiator (retro models) or are ordered separately (with other models). But there is one problem with installation on the wall: a cast iron battery has a serious weight. Therefore, it can only be mounted on a solid wall. In principle, installation on partitions is also possible, but then a reinforcement system must be provided that can withstand this weight.

You can hang it on special brackets, pins, or hooks. Two are placed on top, one on the bottom. The main weight falls on the upper holders. The bottom one serves to give direction. The method of installing holders is any available. The main thing is that it is strong and reliable.

Which cast iron radiators are better?

Not an easy question. Each person has their own requirements and evaluation criteria. They are worth focusing on.

If quality is the main thing for you, and price is secondary, you should choose from the assortment European manufacturers. The Czech campaign Viadrus received very good reviews. They know how to work with cast iron: they make boilers and radiators. There are no problems with the quality of casting or painting: all technologies have been proven and tested over years of operation.

German campaigns are traditionally good. Germany has very strict regulations regarding construction industry and building materials. And if a product has been tested in its homeland, then its quality is guaranteed.

All of the above does not mean that others are worse. You need to carefully read the information provided by developers and sellers, compare and evaluate, look for consumer reviews and expert opinions.

If you feel like it good quality, but the budget is not so wide, pay attention to the Belarusian cast iron batteries of the Minsk plant. There are also standard MS-140 and their restylings. Yes, they are not painted, but primed. But you can paint them yourself to match the walls (use heat-resistant paint).

Russian-made radiators also performed well. These are mainly four factories:

  • radiator in Nizhny Tagil,
  • OJSC "Santekhlit" in the Bryansk region,
  • LLC "Descartes" in Novosibirsk,
  • Cheboksary Aggregate Plant.

But here it also plays a role geographical position. Whichever is closer will most likely be your choice.

There are Chinese cast iron radiators on the market good quality. It's important to choose famous brands, who have been supplying products for years. No “new, but very good”, etc. Only those that already have a name and whose products are already known. Yes, they are not the cheapest. But it has long been known how many times you need to pay for cheap things. Good feedback the “Chinese” Sti “Nova” and “Breeze” have. With Conner, by the way, it is not clear whether the radiators are Italian, Russian or Chinese: the office is in Italy, the radiators are developed and exported by a company from St. Petersburg, and the plant is located in China. This is a difficult situation. However, the reviews are positive.

If you decide to install cast iron radiators, then we can please you: there are practically no cases of rapid failure of radiators due to poor quality.

There are casting defects: microfistulas, which, in theory, should be rejected at the stage of checking a section at the factory. But after installing any radiator, before connecting it to the system, it is pressure tested (tested at high blood pressure), so it is at this stage that marriage is revealed, which usually changes without talking. The percentage of defects is approximately 0.5-1% (this is among the “trusted” Chinese; among ours and Europeans, defects are extremely rare on the network). In all other cases, possible malfunctions are leaking gaskets or loose nipples.

Complete destruction of cast iron batteries is possible only with strong water hammer. But here it’s not a matter of quality, but of correctly selected parameters or emergency situation. Second possible variant rupture - system defrosting. But these cases are the exception rather than the rule. In the entire practice of a plumber, this is one or two cases. So cast iron is the most reliable option.


The choice of cast iron radiators is much wider than aluminum and bimetallic ones combined. If anything changes there, it is only the shape of the air ducts and fins; everything else is standard. There are batteries made of cast iron that are so different that you are simply amazed. So you can forget about the old “accordion”.