Which tile is better? What is better, metal tiles or soft roofing? Comparison of technical characteristics, pros and cons of coatings. Installation work, which is cheaper

1162 09/18/2019 6 min.

Soft roof and metal tiles are roofing materials that are popular today and have qualities such as long service life, reliability and aesthetic appearance. When you need to choose one of the presented options, complexity arises and the developer gets lost.

To know exactly which material is best suited for a particular building, it is necessary to consider separately the positive and negative sides everyone.

Pros and cons of metal tiles

Metal tiles are roofing materials made from metal. Its surface is coated with zinc and colored polymer. In appearance, metal tiles resemble natural tiles. The main advantage of metal tiles is that they can be used for arranging any structure, even if it has too complex angles. The only condition is the presence of a slope angle (14 degrees). This will prevent precipitation from accumulating.

The photo shows a metal roof:

The advantages of metal tiles include:

  1. Long service life of 50 years.
  2. The material can be used in any climatic conditions. He is not afraid of temperature changes from -50 to +70 degrees.
  3. Installation of metal tiles can take place at any time of the year, as they are not afraid of temperature fluctuations.
  4. The weight of 1 m2 is 6 kg, thanks to which the material can be installed on the sheathing and for houses with a light foundation. In addition, the lightness of the sheets makes the installation process easier.
  5. A wide range of. In stores, metal tiles are presented in various colors and forms.
  6. Metal tiles are highly resistant to fire.
  7. The roof made from this material is durable, as it has a minimum number of seams.
  8. The roofing material is supplemented with the necessary components for installing not only the roof, but also drains, flashings and other structural parts.
  9. Installation speed. Two workers can cover 2 m2 using special screws in one shift.
  10. Metal tiles do not need to be dismantled before installation flat roof. Installation of new sheets can occur directly on roofing felt or roofing felt, which will become an additional layer of thermal insulation.

What's in the video metal tiles are better or soft roof:

As for the disadvantages, they include:

  1. If the roof has a complex shape, then when cutting the canvases you need to adjust the pattern. This leads to waste of material.
  2. Low level of sound insulation. During heavy rain or wind, all sounds will be heard in the house. This problem can be solved by laying a soundproofing substrate.
  3. The metal tile has a relief so that snow does not roll off it. To avoid this, it is important to observe the angle of the roof during installation.
  4. Low resistance to mechanical influences. When installing sheets, scratches may occur on them, and this will lead to corrosion. Consequently, the service life of the material will be much shorter.

What types of Monterrey metal tile coverings exist and how to make them right choice. information will help you understand

Pros and cons of soft roofing

Soft roofing or bitumen shingles are another popular roofing material that has the following advantages:

  1. Long service life, which can reach up to 50 years.
  2. Low percentage of waste during installation. When installing the material on roofs with complex shapes, waste consumption will be about 5%.
  3. Large range of colors and shapes, so choose perfect option it won't be difficult.
  4. High level of sound insulation. You don’t have to worry that when it rains, all sounds will be heard in the house.
  5. On the roof of soft tiles You can install snow holders, since the snow does not fall off like an avalanche.

On the video - which roof is better, soft or metal tiles:

The disadvantages of soft tiles include:

  1. High cost of installation. If you do all the work yourself, you can save money.
  2. Price. And although the price of the material itself is the same as metal tiles, you still need to buy a number of additional elements, which will result in a tidy sum. Installation of a soft roof can only take place on a flat surface. This will require additional costs for OSB-3 boards
  3. Weight. Soft tiles are quite heavy, 1 m2 weighs 15 kg.


To understand which material is better, you need to compare all their quality characteristics in order to then make a choice.


If we consider best material from an aesthetic point of view, both materials benefit. Soft tiles and metal tiles are available in a wide range of colors and shapes.

Although metal tiles can be presented in several textures: glossy, matte, embossed. But the soft roof has a layer of stone chips on top, which increases the strength characteristics of the material and gives the surface roughness.

Product weight

The weight of metal tiles ranges from 3 to 6 kg per 1 m2, and the thickness is 0.45-0.55 m. Since cold-rolled steel was used for the manufacture of the material, this thickness is excellent for a durable coating.

Flexible tiles weigh from 7 to 15 kg per 1 m2, and thickness is up to 5 mm. At the same time, both materials do not create a special load and can be used for lightweight roofing construction.

Strength and hardness

Here the leading position is occupied by metal tiles. This light material and durable, and the installation process can be carried out on a lattice frame without fear. Soft material It won’t be able to keep its shape, so it needs to be laid only on a solid sheathing, unlike other brands.

To do this, you will have to use plywood or OSB boards, and this increases costs.

Easy to install

The process of laying metal tile sheets is not that complicated, even if they are long. But if you use them to arrange a roof of complex shape, then it will be difficult to do this. 1/3 of the material will go into leftovers that cannot be used later. In addition, you will need to purchase auxiliary elements, which again will affect costs.

But soft tiles are perfect for roofing different shapes, even the most difficult. Although its installation can only be carried out with temperature indicators above zero. But metal tiles can be laid in any weather conditions.


The manufacturer of metal tiles guarantees that they will last you 5-120 years, although in practice it reaches up to 5 years. The period depends on the quality of the polymer used to cover the sheets and on climate conditions.

But a flexible roof can last 30-50 years, since the material with which the sheets are covered does not corrode. Despite this, soft roofing does not tolerate cold well, and this limits its use.


If you buy metal tiles, then 1 m2 will cost you 200-480 rubles. If you use elite class material, its cost will be 1200 m2. Price flexible material– 230-570 rubles, elite class – 2000 rubles.

When choosing reliable and durable materials with excellent aesthetic properties, the question often arises: what is better - metal tiles or soft roofing? At first glance, they have approximately the same performance characteristics, minimal price differences and relatively simple installation technologies. How does everything actually stand when you carefully compare them?

Structure and dimensions of metal tiles

Metal tiles are profiled sheets made from thin-sheet cold-rolled steel by stamping using special equipment. To protect against corrosion, galvanized layers, a passivation layer, a polymer-based decorative coating and a protective mounting film are applied to its surface.

Important! A roof covered with metal tiles looks very aesthetically pleasing and attractive, since many manufacturers use classic and unique profiles and textures, as well as color shades that can be easily matched to any facade design. Coating colors are available not only in solid colors, but also in textured ones. All shades are standardized and correspond to RR or RAL color cards.

The sheets have longitudinal and transverse stiffening ribs, which ensure their high strength and prevent irreversible deformation as a result of mechanical stress. At the same time, they are quite light (weight up to 6 kg/m2) and do not create a significant load on the roof.

The standard sizes of metal tiles are as follows:

  • length can vary between 0.5-3.6 m;
  • standard width is 0.5-1.12 m;
  • sheet thickness – 0.4-0.5 mm.

Structure and dimensions of soft roofing

Soft roofing is roofing materials made on a bitumen base with the addition of dyes. These include:

  1. Ondulin is a material obtained by pressing purified cellulose fibers impregnated with bitumen and ether resins. Externally, it is a rigid sheet with a wavy profile with dimensions of 2x0.95 m and a thickness of 3 mm. Available with a minimum set color ranges, does not contain toxic elements, is resistant to high humidity.
  2. Soft tiles - are made on the basis of fiberglass or fiberglass with impregnation with bitumen, impregnation with dyes and the possible application of stone chips. The dimensions of the sheets are 100x33 cm with a thickness of 2-3 mm. It is highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation, abrasion, mechanical stress and sudden temperature changes, and is available in a wide range of colors.

Important! The main advantage of using flexible tiles is the minimum amount of waste when installing any type of roof. Due to the small size of the sheets, you can make accurate calculations of the material and save money.

  1. Ruberoid is an inexpensive rolled roofing material made from cardboard, fiberglass or polyester, which is impregnated with bitumen on both sides, and on front side It is possible to apply a layer of stone chips. Its dimensions are 1x10 m with a thickness of 1-3 mm. Able to withstand temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and high humidity.

Comparison table for installation, maintenance and operation conditions of metal tiles and soft roofing

A comparative table of the conditions for their installation, maintenance and operation will help determine which is better for roof cladding - metal tiles or soft roofing. It reflects the basic requirements and nuances of installation, allowing you to determine the possibility or necessity of using a specific material in certain conditions.

Metal tiles

Soft roof

Material processing methods

Cutting with scissors, a hacksaw or a grinder at minimum speed, followed by applying a protective coating to the steel.

Cutting can be carried out with any available hand tool cutting tool. No protective coating is required.

Laying base

Lathing with a pitch equal to or less than the wavelength of the profile or a solid base.

Only a smooth, continuous flat base.

Requirements for the levelness of the base

Deviations from evenness of up to 10 mm are possible.

Deviations of more than 0.5 mm are not allowed.

Mounting method

Self-tapping screws.

On nails, self-tapping screws, by melting the material or with an adhesive base, depending on the type of soft roof.

Minimum slope angle

Depends on the type of material. For example, laying roofing felt is possible on a flat roof with an inclination angle of 5° or more.

Possibility of moving on the roof

Permissible, but only with special shoes to prevent damage to the protective layer.

It follows from the table that it is very difficult to say unambiguously which roofing is better, since the requirements for their installation do not coincide perfectly; the materials have different requirements for the base and methods of fastening. However, when it is technically possible to install all types of materials, then metal tiles become the winner.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing a soft roof

Use as roofing material One of the types of soft roofing allows you to get the following advantages:

  • the material has a minimal coefficient of thermal expansion, so it can withstand sudden temperature fluctuations without deformation or damage to the joints;
  • increased resistance to any precipitation;
  • high level sound insulation to reduce the noise of precipitation;
  • relatively simple technology installation, since the use of special tools is not required and the material is easy to process;
  • minimum amount of waste when covering roofs;

Important! If you need to cover a roof with a minimal slope or complex geometry of the slopes, then the answer to the question of what is more profitable from a financial point of view - a soft roof or metal tiles - then the choice is clear in favor of the first. It is easy to process and has minimum dimensions sheets and ensures tight contact with the base.

  • lack of windage, thanks to which the roofing sheathing is not afraid of any wind loads;
  • high level of tightness of the joints created;
  • long service life;
  • there are no industrially produced roofing materials cheaper than any type of soft roof;
  • no tendency to corrosion, fungus, mold or pests;
  • no need to update the decorative coating.

The disadvantages of a soft roof include:

  • lengthy installation process due to the small size of the sheets (with the exception of roofing felt) and the need to control the tightness of the joints;
  • low resistance to ultraviolet radiation, which is fraught with loss of the original color shade;
  • high requirements for the base for installation;
  • minimal fire resistance;
  • impossibility of installation when negative temperatures environment.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles

The main advantages of metal tiles include the following:

  • excellent decorative properties provided wide choice sheet profiles, types of coatings and the availability of not only plain but also textured finishes;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes, all types of precipitation, chemically active substances and pests;
  • increased fire resistance;
  • absence of toxic substances and components;
  • good mechanical and plastic properties that can withstand significant mechanical loads;
  • service life up to 50 years;
  • choice technical characteristics material for any operating conditions and budget;
  • installation on an uneven surface is allowed, including for the purpose of leveling the plane of the slopes.

The disadvantages of metal tiles are as follows:

  • minimum level of noise insulation;
  • high coefficient of thermal expansion, which can be fraught with deformation or depressurization of joints;
  • difficulty in transportation due to the need to prevent bending of the sheets, which can threaten damage to the protective layer and irreversible changes in the shape of the profile.

Comparison results

The question of which is better - metal tiles or flexible tiles - is multifaceted, since it is necessary to take into account many factors and nuances in each case. With a formal approach, taking into account the disadvantages and advantages, metal tiles are more profitable, since its disadvantages are insignificant and can be easily eliminated.

If you do not take into account the pros and cons of materials, but take into account only the technical capabilities of their installation and operation without taking into account decorative properties, then in this case a soft roof is the most justified choice.

Today, a real dilemma for craftsmen has become the question of which roofing materials are better - metal tiles or soft roofing. At first glance, both coatings are good looking and deserve attention. Moreover, both are currently leaders in the building materials market. However, if you take a closer look, each of them has its own characteristics, which at one time or another will become decisive in the final choice. What these nuances are, and how not to get confused by them, we will understand below.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that in the article below, by soft roof we mean flexible bitumen shingles. Since soft ondulin, in principle, is a separate brand and type of product, and in this case we do not take roofing felt into account as a soft covering (it is unlikely that any master will undertake to draw a serious parallel between these types of building materials).

So, the only concepts common to both types of coatings (soft tiles and metal tiles) are:

  • The purpose of the coatings is to organize the roofing of residential buildings;
  • Optimal conditions of use: roof pitch angle of 12 degrees;
  • A characteristic feature is its low weight, which allows it not to load the rafter system;
  • Service life is within 30 years.

Important: when deciding whether metal tiles or soft roofs are better, it is necessary to take into account not only the features of the coatings themselves, but also such nuances as the roof configuration, climatic conditions in the region, wind load, features of the rafter system and the budget for roof covering.

Soft (bitumen) tiles: about the material

Flexible tiles (bitumen shingles) are a type of roofing material that vaguely resembles roofing felt. The basis of this coating is fiberglass. Upper layer- bitumen impregnation with the addition of modifying impurities. In order to strengthen the top layer of tiles, it is sprinkled with fine stone chips on top bitumen impregnation. The result is a roofing material that is both flexible and durable.

It is worth knowing that the back side of soft tiles has an adhesive base, which facilitates its installation. It's easy enough to remove protective film. Basically, bitumen shingles are produced in the form of small panels with parameters of 350x1000 mm. During operation, tile slabs can be cut. The color scheme of this coating has several standard shades (brick, red, black, gray, green).

Metal tiles: about the material

Metal tiles are solid sheets of galvanized steel coated with a polymer protective layer. Such sheet tiles are produced using exclusively cold pressing, which makes it possible to obtain panels with a characteristic “tile” embossing.

Original quality roofing depends on such parameters as the thickness of the base metal and the thickness of the protective top layer of the panels (15-35 microns). The coloring pigment is part of the top polymer layer, which makes it possible to obtain metal tiles of any shade. In addition, one should not discount the quality of the equipment used to produce roofing. The newer and more modernized it is, the more even and without geometric errors the sheets of metal tiles come out. And this allows you to install the roof without gaps.

Important: metal tiles are sold only in m2.

Comparative characteristics of coatings

To understand what will be more advantageous for covering the roof of a house - soft roofing or metal tiles, we will analyze both types of covering in detail point by point and compare their characteristics. Let's start with the cost of the materials themselves and the price of installation. After all, it is often the cost of the work that is ultimately decisive.

Cost of material and work

First of all, let's look at the financial issue. As for the cost of materials, metal tiles definitely win here, since their cost per m2 is cheaper than a soft roof by an average of $3. But here it is worth considering not only the price of the material. You need to take into account the amount of waste when laying the coating. So, if the roof has a complex configuration, then metal tiles will generate more waste. This means that you should purchase a coating with a safety factor of approximately 2. That is, 20% more than the required roof area. In this case, you always need to take into account the cost of the work. Because if a craftsman can safely lay bitumen shingles himself without the help of a neighbor, then you can’t lay metal tiles alone. The material needs to be cut and lifted. Wherein complex installation metal roofing requires special tools and certain skills. In general, the job is for professionals who need to be paid. Moreover, if we compare the labor intensity of the coating laying process, then flexible tiles are easily cut and laid on any plane.

But here the other side of the coin opens up - the rafter system for the covering. So, if under metal tiles you can make a standard sheathing of 100x50 timber with a pitch of 50-70 cm, then under a soft roof an additional solid base made of moisture-resistant plywood is required. That is, there are additional costs in the form of building materials, water-repellent impregnation and the cost of work.

Important: in the end, we find that it is easier to install a soft roof yourself, while a metal roof is easier for a team of workers to install. Cost of finished metal roof It will be cheaper only if it has a simple configuration (1 or 2 slopes).

Coating service life

If we compare the service life of coatings, there are no pros and cons. In particular, metal tiles made according to GOST and laid according to the rules can last up to 70 years, although the manufacturer gives an average of 15-30 years. Under the same conditions, a soft roof can last up to 50 years. At the same time, the manufacturer also gives it a service life of 30 years. Thus, there are no winners at this point. The materials are approximately equal.

Operation of coatings in snowy winters and their maintainability

Both types of coating, in principle, can withstand snow loads well and are not prone to slippage of snow layers. So, if with bitumen shingles the coating surface itself acts as a snow retainer, then in the case of metal tiles, during its installation a snow retention system is provided. At the same time, it is worth knowing that in the event of damage to a section of the coating, it is always easier to replace a small element of flexible material than to dismantle the metal tile panel. Therefore, here it’s up to you to decide what to choose - definitely - flexible tiles.

Fire safety of roofing materials

When choosing which is better to lay metal tiles or soft roofing, it is worth considering the fire resistance of the coating. Everything here is simple and clear. Organic soft roofing is on fire. And even stone chips as a top layer are not able to protect the material from melting at a temperature of 110 degrees. At the same time, metal roofing is not subject to fire. The exception is coatings made in violation of technology (with a poor-quality top polymer layer).

Sound insulation and sound absorption of roofing materials

When determining which roofing is better, the palm should be given to the soft coating. Thus, metal tiles beat off the “symphony of rain” in every bad weather. Moreover, such roulades will be heard not only by the owners of the house, but also by neighbors at a distance of 30-50 meters. Additional insulation 15-20 cm thick under the roof can save the situation. But this will increase the cost of roof installation work. At the same time, soft tiles perfectly absorb noise and are ideal for houses with attic spaces.

Moisture resistance of roofing materials

It is worth noting here that both types of roofing coatings are excellent at resisting moisture. But there are also nuances. Metal tiles are prone to corrosion if the top polymer coating at the time of installation. In turn, bitumen shingles can undergo deformation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and move out of their place. Or mistakes will be made during its installation. In both cases, water will begin to leak under the roof over time.

Important: in both cases, you should simply strictly follow the rules for laying roofing materials and then there will be no problems with leakage or corrosion.

Appearance of coatings

Here, each master has his own advantages and preferences, but it is worth noting that a metal roof, although cheaper, is still no less attractive than a soft roof. Both types of roofing materials look attractive and noble. At the same time, the metal coating is produced even at 30 color options, which allows the master to bring to life design idea. Soft tiles, although they do not have such a wealth of shades, look noble, beautiful and neat on the roof. That is, the materials here are, in principle, equal.

As can be seen from the article, the materials being compared have their own advantages or disadvantages when used in certain conditions. Therefore, choosing is not so easy. But there is a basic recommendation for each of the coatings:

  • Thus, metal roofing is ideal for roofs with two or four slopes, provided they are straight. Pyramids, towers, slopes - all this can be simply and quickly covered with metal sheets with minimal waste.
  • In turn, valleys, arches, turrets, domes and other delights of the roof with complex configuration it is easier and more profitable to cover with flexible tiles.

Important: if you like both roofing materials, then today architects-designers can offer options for combining coatings that are quite interesting. So the question is " soft roofing or metal tiles"will disappear by itself.

Metal tiles, like soft roofing, cannot be classified as new materials. They have been used for quite some time, but many developers have not decided which material is the best in their field. In this article I will talk about all the advantages that these materials have, and you can finally decide which is better: metal tiles or soft roofing?

Introduction to roofing coverings

If you are one of the people who do not understand the construction business, then read carefully this item, here you will find a lot useful information which will help you in the future.

Soft roofing is most often called bitumen shingles. It’s strange, because there are quite a lot of alternative coatings, namely: roofing felt, polymer membranes, liquid rubber, bulk products. But to make it easier to assimilate information, let’s do it like everyone else, i.e. Consider bituminous shingles to be the only representative of a soft roof.

This roofing material is sold in the form of small shingles, which may differ from each other in their shape, color and pattern. Any type has fairly high reliability, durability and almost always meets the aesthetic requirements of residents. Mineral chips placed on top of the shingles provide protection from direct sunlight and mechanical stress.

As for metal tiles, they are made from galvanized steel, which is equipped with a protective polymer film. It improves its aesthetic performance and protects the metal base from the harmful effects of moisture and climatic threats. The imitation of natural tiles is created by processing a sheet of metal with a molding press. The thickness of the metal base ranges from 0.4 to 0.7 millimeters.

To fasten a soft roof, nails, construction staples, special screws and other hardware can be used. It is worth replacing that if you are not strong in construction or simply do not want to deal with the tedious task of attaching shingles, you can purchase a self-adhesive product. In appearance it is no different from standard bitumen shingles, but if you look at the material with reverse side, then here you can see the adhesive base, which will provide high-quality adhesion to the base.

On the Internet you can see many articles on the topic “what is better: soft roofing or metal tiles?” Reviews left on sites are often fake, and if you really want to find the right answer, it’s better to figure it out yourself. Let's compare metal tiles and soft roofing.

Which is better: soft roofing or metal tiles? Advantages and disadvantages

Any developer before starting construction must study all the weak and strengths one or another product.

Metal tiles have the following advantages:

  • Cheapness
  • Relative simplicity of flooring
  • Attractive appearance
  • Discharged sheathing can be used as a base
  • Good service life
  • Easy to service

To the disadvantages metal coatings The following can be considered:

  • For large areas you will have to use long sheets, but this is not very convenient
  • Metal is a hard material, so it is best to use it on simple rafter systems
  • Low sound insulation and high thermal conductivity
  • Cheap types have poor quality protective coating, so the roof may need to be painted

Now, let's look at the pros and cons of asphalt shingles and start with the good.

  • Small size and weight of one shingle, making transportation and installation easy
  • Can be used on rafter systems of any complexity
  • Good sound insulation

  • Aesthetically attractive

The negative side is this:

  • Relatively expensive
  • Flammable
  • A solid sheathing is needed as a base
  • Favorable weather conditions are required for installation.

As for the last point, it is worth paying special attention to it. Since bitumen tends to crack and crumble in the cold, and in extreme heat it melts.

Sheet size and material weight

As mentioned earlier, metal tiles are created from rolled steel. The length of one sheet can reach up to 12 meters, but producing such products is not profitable, so manufacturers decided to reduce maximum size up to 4-8 meters. It is worth noting that, if necessary, you can make a request for larger sizes and they will be provided to you as soon as possible. As for the minimum length, it is 0.5 meters. Width metal sheet does not depend on size and remains unchanged: 119 centimeters.

As mentioned earlier, the dimensions of a soft roof will be significantly smaller, since the material is produced in small shingles with dimensions of 100x33.7 centimeters. The thickness of this coating does not play any role, so it is not taken into account anywhere.

Now, let's look at the load that both coatings give per square meter of base. Metal tiles, despite their rather large dimensions, provide a load of only 5 kilograms, but bitumen tiles carry a load of 8-12 kilograms.

Bottom line: Despite its large size, the metal sheet provides less load on the base, but the large size of the material can become a serious inconvenience when laying in a constrained space. In addition, such a product will be somewhat more difficult to transport than small shingles, but installation will also be easier. If you have frame house and you are planning to make a roof as quickly as possible, then metal tiles will be the ideal choice.

Application area

Both materials are used exclusively on pitched roofing systems, the minimum slope of which should be between 12 and 14 degrees. But it is worth noting the advantage of soft tiles. Thanks to its elasticity, you can even install domed roofs, when metal can only handle straight slopes. If the bend of the roof plane falls on central part shingles, then it is enough to give it the same shape and this will satisfy building codes and requirements.

Metal tiles are a rigid material and bending cannot be achieved. It can only be laid on straight planes, so most often it can be found on simple structures. Choosing the right metal tile can be quite difficult, because there are quite a lot of varieties. When installing a metal roof, there is always quite a lot of waste left, the amount of which can reach up to 30% of the purchased product. In addition, the more sheets are cut, the faster the entire roofing sheet will fail, as corrosion will begin to form on it.

Bottom line: If your home has a complex roof structure, then it is better to give preference to a soft roof. Despite its cost, you will benefit from less waste.

Base requirements

As you already know, metal tiles are a rigid material, so as a base you can use a thin sheathing made from boards or beams. The pitch of the sheathing elements is selected based on temporary and permanent loads; as a rule, this value is in the range from 30 to 40 centimeters.

Since bituminous shingles are soft coverings, for their flooring you will need to create a continuous sheathing. It's more a complex system, but creating it is just as easy. To do this, you will need to lay moisture-resistant plywood or OSB boards on the discharged sheathing and securely fasten them to the base. By the way, a continuous sheathing can also be created from boards, but this process is associated with serious difficulties, so it is better to use familiar materials.

Bottom line: The price tag for sheathing for bitumen shingles will be slightly higher, since it contains additional components. If the main thing for you is saving, then choose metal tiles.

Complexities of flooring

Since the metal sheets are larger in size, they can be used to cover the roofing surface faster and easier. There is nothing difficult in this work; it is enough to know where and with what frequency to screw in the hardware. Even a novice roofer can cope with this procedure and still show excellent results.

As for bitumen roofing, everything is much more complicated here. Even a small mistake can reduce the quality of the entire surface. If, as a result of poor-quality installation, many places have accumulated where the installation technology was violated, this may result in a complete loss of the operational properties of the roof as a whole. If you have never worked with this material, it is better to contact a specialist.

When laying a soft roof, you will spend much more labor than when installing metal tiles. But despite this, large sheets of metal can become a problem, because their installation requires calm weather and special devices. To supply this roofing material to the roof, you will have to install wooden supports, and the sheets will rise along them. You will not be able to cope with this task on your own, so you need to invite a partner.

We can say that installing metal tiles is a fairly simple process, especially if it is carried out on simple pitched roofing systems, for example, a gable roof. A complicated frame leads to an increase in fractures, which significantly affects waste.

Bottom line: It is much more profitable to lay metal tiles on simple roofing systems, but if they have complex elements in the form of valleys, height differences and similar components, then it is better to give preference to a bitumen product.

Soundproofing qualities

Every person has ever wanted to be in silence, away from the bustle of everyday life. If you choose metal tiles, then you can forget about silence. Of course, a solution to this problem could be good thermal insulation, her minimum thickness should be 150-200 millimeters, this is the only way to get rid of extraneous sounds.

Bituminous shingles look much better in this regard. Due to its multi-layer structure, it easily blocks almost all sounds. Thanks to this quality, many developers use this coating on attic floors, gazebos and garages.

Bottom line: If you can be classified as a nervous person who gets turned on by extraneous noise, then you should definitely buy asphalt shingles. But in the case when the sound of rain, on the contrary, calms you down, then metal tiles will come in handy. As for insulated roofs, all materials are good.

Metal tiles or soft roofing. Which is better in terms of aesthetics?

Upon completion of the flooring, both materials look pretty good, so we can talk about this topic for a long time.

Metal tiles have a classic appearance that imitates ceramic coating, and I must say, it works. But today, everyone has begun to slowly forget what noble tiles are and use completely different sheets for flooring. Among the most popular ones you can find: Monterrey, cascade and joker.

In addition to its shape, the metal sheet has a colored polymer layer, of which there are also a lot of options. You may not believe that the color palette is about 100 shades. Thanks to this, you can create a unique look for your home.

It is worth noting that soft roofing also has interesting shapes and colors. The most popular shingle shapes are: rectangular, hexagonal, shingles, besides them you can find diamond-shaped, oval and beavertail. Concerning color palette, then it is worth highlighting the multi-color coloring, thanks to which the finished surface is endowed with attractiveness.

The strongest advantage of a soft roof is hidden mount. It is obtained due to the peculiar arrangement of shingles, which are laid with vertical and horizontal overlap. And when using products with a self-adhesive base, they will not exist at all. It is best to use traveling nails or self-tapping screws as hardware for fastening bitumen shingles to the base, but some developers use traveling buttons, staples and other elements.

Bottom line: There are many varieties of both materials on the construction market. There is no clear answer to the question which roof is better: soft or metal tiles, because everything will depend on the personal preferences of the resident.

Operational terms

All developers strive to purchase durable material for a smaller amount, and in order for such a dream to come true, when purchasing, you should pay attention to wear resistance. If we consider metal tiles according to this parameter, it is worth highlighting that wear resistance is determined by the polymer coating. Polyester is considered the lowest quality protective coating, as it peels off quickly and is easily damaged, but the pural layer already meets all construction requirements.

The average lifespan of metal tiles is 20-50 years. Surely many people immediately ask the question, why such a large range of values? The fact is that only half of the service life depends on the quality of the material, and the rest falls on high-quality installation.

The performance of bituminous shingles is slightly better and its service life is 30-50 years. Here it is very important to choose high-quality bitumen that has not been in storage for many years.

Bottom line: The performance of both products is at an acceptable level. High-quality installation together with the materials will give a service life of 50 years.

Price tags

As I already said, many developers strive to purchase high-quality material at a low cost. Surely you are also concerned about the question of what is cheaper: metal tiles or soft roofing?

Having studied construction market we can say with confidence that the price indicator of bituminous shingles is approximately one and a half times higher than metal tiles. But it is worth understanding that there are different manufacturers and types of products, so here you need to approach the issue individually. As for the costs of installation work, a soft roof will be significantly more expensive.

Bottom line: If you are looking to create a budget roofing system, then purchase metal tiles.

I hope the information you read helped you decide which roof is better: soft or metal tiles, and now you can answer this question with confidence.

Soft roofing (bitumen shingles) and metal tiles are approximately equivalent roofing materials that combine reliability, durability and aesthetic appearance. Therefore, when the average developer is faced with the problem of choosing one of these materials, he, as a rule, is lost.

Meanwhile, you just need to compare some of the features of these two materials and determine which of them are more preferable in a particular construction case. Let’s do this now to answer what is better: soft roofing or metal tiles.

Let's start with the most basic thing - understanding what the materials we are going to compare are made of and what they look like.

Metal tiles are profiled sheets with longitudinal and transverse corrugation, imitating the shape and pattern of ceramic tiles. It turns out pretty similar. From a distance you can’t tell that these are not piece tiles, but metal modules.

The structure of metal tiles is complex; in cross-section, it consists of several layers. At the core - thin sheet steel 0.4-0.7 mm, coated on both sides with zinc, thickness of at least 18-20 microns. Next, passivating layers and primer are again applied on both sides. To finish, the bottom side of the module is painted with protective paint, and a polymer is applied to the top - polyester, pural, plastisol, etc.

Bituminous shingles are a different type of material; these are narrow strips (shingles) with cutouts in the form of rectangles, diamonds, petals, etc. When laid on the roof, these parts form the basis of a unique pattern inherent in a particular type of product.

Flexible tiles also have a multilayer structure, which is based on fiberglass, “wrapped” in a shell of modified or oxidized bitumen. Stone chips-granulate are applied to the front layer, and a bitumen-polymer adhesive composition is applied to the bottom layer, allowing the shingles to be glued together without the use of mastics.

Thus, both of these materials claim to be similar to natural tiles, have a multi-layer complex structure that ensures durability and reliability.

It's time to start comparing, using the most significant characteristics as a guide.

Criterion #1 – size and weight

If you look at metal tiles, it immediately becomes clear that it is difficult to install alone. The sheets of material are quite large: length - 0.5-7.5 m (usually up to 4.5 m), width - 1.12-1.19 m. Accordingly, difficulties may arise with raising them to a height and securing them to the rafters. Therefore, manufacturers usually do not produce modules longer than 4.5 m.

Such problems do not arise with bituminous shingles, since the material is produced in the form of small-sized shingles. Standard: length – 1000 mm, width – 337 mm. It is easy to lift shingles to a height and carry out installation activities, even if the team consists of only one person.

As for the total weight of the roof, metal tiles turn out to be lighter, despite the size of the sheets. The weight of 1 m2 of roofing made from it is about 5 kg, from soft tiles - about 8-12 kg.

Conclusion: metal tile modules are different large sizes than asphalt shingles, but ultimately, metal roofing weighs less and places little stress on the rafters.

Criterion #2 – scope

Both materials are used on pitched roofs with a minimum slope angle of about 12-14°. Moreover, soft tiles are truly universal. It is suitable for roofs of any shape, even the most complex - with domes and turrets. Bituminous shingles are very light in weight and size, so they can easily cover surfaces with kinks and bends. In valleys and corners, it is enough to bend the shingles so that they take the required form. This type of installation produces very little waste, usually no more than 3-4%.

There is a different approach to metal tiles; as a rule, they are laid only on the simplest roofs, with straight lines of slopes. If the shape of the roof has a lot of kinks and details, then it can be a real headache for the developer. Firstly, there is a lot of trimming to be done, in some cases there may be up to 30% of the material left over. Secondly, endless cutting will raise the cost of the roof, but will naturally reduce its quality due to the formation of open edges that will need to be painted over to avoid corrosion.

Conclusion: soft tiles are more versatile and allow you to cover a roof of any shape, complexity and configuration with a minimum amount of waste.

Criterion #3 – type of base

Metal tiles are traditionally mounted on a latticework made of boards or beams. The sheathing pitch is selected in accordance with the wavelength of the module - as a rule, it is 350-400 mm.

To install bitumen shingles, you will need a more complex sheathing - continuous, usually consisting of two layers. The first layer is sparse, the same as in the case of metal tiles, the second layer is solid flooring made of plywood, OSB or boards.

Conclusion: sheathing for bitumen shingles is a more complex system, and, accordingly, more expensive, requiring more expensive materials. Choosing metal tiles, on the contrary, will help reduce foundation costs.

Criterion #4 – complexity of installation

Installation of metal tiles is considered simpler, since the sheets are large and allow you to cover them in a short time. large areas roofs. Moreover, the installation process is not associated with a large number of professional secrets, so self-taught craftsmen often decide to do this work on their own, showing excellent results.

The situation is more complicated. Any mistake during installation will immediately affect the quality, sometimes leading to complete loss performance characteristics. Therefore, when laying soft tiles, it is recommended to contact roofers with qualifications and experience.

If we talk about labor costs, then, on average, the process of covering a roof with a soft roof lasts 3 times longer than installing metal tiles. Although there is a second side to the coin. For an experienced roofer, installation of metal tiles can become more difficult due to the “sluggishness” and bulkiness of the sheets.

To transport them to a height to the installation site, special wooden supports, along which lifting is performed in a vertical position. This process requires a minimum of two workers. More convenient in this regard are bitumen shingles, the small size of which allows one roofer to lift them onto the roof and install them, without the use of transport devices.

The installation of metal tiles, performed only on simple pitched roofs, can be called unconditionally easy. Various kinks complicate this process due to multiple cuttings. In this case, labor costs increase to maximum limits, often exceeding similar indicators for a soft roof.

Conclusion: on simple one- or gable roofs, if you have a team of 2 or more people, installation of metal tiles is simpler. And, conversely, on complex, wavy or multi-pitched roofs, or when installation is carried out by one roofer, it is better to choose soft tiles to simplify the work.

Criterion #5 – soundproofing properties

Metal tiles have a significant drawback - “noisiness”, which manifests itself during rain and hail. To eliminate this problem, a heat-insulating layer (at least 150-200 mm thick) is laid under the metal tiles, which additionally plays the role of sound insulation. Such measures are especially necessary when arranging a residential attic, of course, if the sounds of drumming from bouncing raindrops do not fit into your idea of ​​comfort.

Bituminous shingles are absolutely silent; there is no need to lay special soundproofing layers for them. Therefore, it is perfect for arranging any roofs, including those where insulation is not structurally provided, for example, in summer attics, gazebos, garages, etc.

Conclusion: If the quietness of the roof is important to you, but a thick layer of insulation (which undoubtedly increases the cost of the structure) does not fit into your plans, choose bitumen shingles. For a warm roof, the cake of which contains an insulating layer, you can choose any material - it will not play a significant role in terms of sound insulation.

Criterion #6 – design capabilities

Both materials look great when laid on the roof.

Metal tiles imitate classic ceramic tiles so it looks very natural. Moreover, there is a large number of profiles with various sizes waves and their geometry. Some of the most popular profiles are Monterrey, Supermonterrey, Cascade, Joker.

In addition to the variety of profiles, the range of metal tiles is striking in quantity. color solutions. There are about 100 of them! This means that a metal tile roof can have almost any shade that fits into the architectural ensemble or your personal preferences.

Soft roofing is absolutely not inferior in terms of design possibilities, thanks to which almost any architectural ideas can be brought to life. The appearance of a soft roof, first of all, depends on the shape of the bitumen shingles. The most famous of them are diamond-shaped, hexagonal, rectangular, oval, “beaver tail”, “shingles”, etc.

As for colors, there is also a huge variety in this regard. There is both a monochrome material, the petals of which are painted in one color, and multicolor - using a variety of colors and shades (necessarily combined with each other).

With great dignity appearance soft roofing is a hidden fastener. The shingles are attached to the base using a self-adhesive bottom layer and small nails, overlapped by the top row of shingles. The metal tile modules are secured to the sheathing with special self-tapping screws, which, despite the caps painted to match the roof covering, remain visible.

Conclusion: The range of both materials is huge, both in shape and color. The choice of a specific product is a matter of personal taste.

Criterion #8 – durability

The service life of roofing material depends on its wear resistance. For metal tiles, this factor is related to the type of polymer coating. Material made from polyester is considered to be of lower quality, while material made from pural is considered to be of higher quality. Wear resistance is also directly dependent on the zinc content, which must be at least 275 g/m2.

On average, the durability of metal tiles is estimated by manufacturers to be between 20-50 years.

Bitumen roofing can last 30-50 years. The period depends on the quality of the bitumen used (oxidized is better than modified), the type of base, and the thickness of the protective layer.

Conclusion: The service life of both materials is approximately the same and, with proper installation and selection quality material, can reach 50 years.

Criterion #9 – cost

Soft tiles are more expensive than metal tiles. On average, if we consider only materials, the price differs by 1.5 times. But, in addition, under a soft roof it is necessary to lay an underlay carpet, as well as a continuous sheathing (preferably made of FSF or OSB-3 plywood). All this costs additional money.

In addition, the installation of bituminous shingles is also more expensive, taking into account the time required and the need for professional skills.

Conclusion: metal roofing – more a budget option than a soft roof.

In conclusion - what is better?

According to some parameters, metal tiles are more suitable, and according to others - bitumen roofing. You need to choose by weighing and assessing the importance of each factor for a particular case. For example, low sound insulation of metal tiles may not play a role on the roof of a barn, outbuilding or other non-residential building. And on mansard roof, on the contrary, become a strong argument in favor of bitumen shingles.

We invite you to watch a video that talks about the main features and differences between metal tiles and soft roofing - this will help you make the final and correct choice.