How to decorate the ceiling of an apartment. Modern ceiling finishing options. Liquid wallpaper as a finishing material for the ceiling

Many apartment owners decide to do the renovations themselves. This, of course, requires a lot of effort, but the savings are more than noticeable. Most of the funds are spent on construction materials and tools. If the work is done on your own, then no one needs to pay for it.

However, you should take into account the fact that not all of your dreams about a new apartment interior can be realized without using the services of professionals. Some materials sold in construction stores, require specific skills, work experience and certain dexterity. If you are not sure about own strength and are doing repairs for the first time, it is better to use “proven methods” that are easy even for a beginner in such a difficult field as repairs.

In this article we will look at types of ceiling decoration with your own hands. Some are suitable for absolutely everyone; only people who already have experience in finishing work should pay attention to others.

DIY ceiling made of plastic panels

The main advantage of this method is that you will not need to prepare the ceiling for finishing. No lengthy leveling, puttying, plaster or primer is required. You can even leave the wallpaper on the ceiling if it doesn't come off.

In order to secure the plastic, you need to make a frame to which the panels will be attached. The cost of plastic is low, the speed of installing panels depends on your skills. The first 2-3 panels may require more time, but you will install the next ones very quickly. An excellent option in terms of time spent and price of materials.

Another advantage of plastic panels is moisture resistance. That is why ceilings in bathrooms, utility rooms and toilets are usually lined with plastic. A wide selection of colors and textures is also an advantage of this method.

The only (doubtful) disadvantage of this method is that plastic is not considered an environmentally friendly material. But on this score different people different opinion.

Bottom line: you can make a ceiling from plastic panels with your own hands not only quickly, but also inexpensively.

DIY plastic ceiling - video

DIY ceiling decoration with wallpaper

Wallpaper has long been used not only for wall decoration. Depending on what wallpaper you choose, renovations can be quite cheap or quite expensive.

The obvious disadvantage of this method is the need preparatory work. You will need to remove the previous ceiling covering (if any), then level the ceiling, putty it, prime it and only then proceed to wallpapering.

When calculating funds, do not forget to include plaster, putty and primer in the estimate. Also, the preparatory stage will take time, because each layer must dry.

It is rare to find perfectly smooth ceilings, and making them so without experience is not easy. If you stick even the most beautiful wallpaper on uneven ceiling, then they will not look very good, since joints, gaps and bends of the ceiling will become noticeable.

The advantages of this method include relatively quick and easy installation, a huge assortment and quick replacement if necessary (if the wallpaper fades, then it can be changed for others without re-installation). preparatory stage).

Bottom line: it is best to use wallpaper to decorate the ceiling with your own hands if there are no defects on the surface. Fast way, suitable for any budget.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling - video

DIY plasterboard ceiling

If the ceiling in your apartment is far from ideal, then finishing with plasterboard is an excellent solution. First, you will need to mount a frame to which the drywall will be attached. This building material is one of the most popular on the market, since it is easy to work with even for beginners, and more experienced apartment owners can create real works of art from plasterboard. Multi-tiered plasterboard ceilings will help to visually highlight a certain area of ​​the room or simply decorate your ceiling.

We do not recommend that you use multi-layer structures in small rooms and in rooms with low ceilings. To visually enlarge the room, use “concave” ceilings. And give large room Ovals and radii will help you feel comfortable.

Another advantage of this material is that it can be used in damp rooms (exclusively moisture-resistant drywall): bathrooms, toilets, pantries.

The only obvious drawback is the need for additional work after installation. You will need to thoroughly putty the entire surface to hide the joints.

Bottom line: an inexpensive but labor-intensive way to decorate the ceiling with your own hands.

There is also a finishing option such as suspended ceilings. However, the process of installing a stretch ceiling is quite labor-intensive and requires certain skills. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to install a suspended ceiling yourself. It is better to contact a specialized company that carries out both tailoring and installation of suspended ceilings. For residents of the south of Russia, we recommend buying suspended ceilings in Rostov from the RostovPotolok company, since it has established itself as a team of professionals in its field and has been on the market since 2006.

How to make a plasterboard ceiling - video

DIY ceiling painting

This option has been used in apartment decoration for many years and does not lose its relevance. The main advantage of this method is its durability and reliability. You don’t need to be afraid of a “flood” caused by your neighbors above; a painted ceiling can easily cope with such a misfortune.

However, painting the ceiling requires the most serious preparatory stage. If you want your ceiling to look great, then it should not only be perfectly flat, but also perfectly smooth.

To do this you will have to remove existing coverage, cover the ceiling with putty and carefully bring it to perfect smoothness using sandpaper (or a special mesh). This is a difficult job that requires not only time, but also accuracy. If you “remove the excess” in some place, then you will have to putty the ceiling again. It will be very difficult for a non-professional to achieve an ideal ceiling.

The advantages of painting the ceiling yourself is that you are not limited in the choice of colors and textures. There are paints with different effects: matte, glossy, pearlescent, fluorescent (glow in the dark). You can even find paint that creates the effect of suspended ceilings.

Result: great way finishing the ceiling with your own hands, if you have a ready-made, flat surface. Otherwise, repairs will require a lot of time, effort and money.

How to paint a ceiling with your own hands - video

Painted ceilings are more practical. The paint used can be chosen in any color or shade that matches the overall decoration of the room. This budget-friendly ceiling finishing option creates a smooth finish that, depending on the quality of the paint chosen, can be washed.

You can hide the necessary communications in the cavity of the frame. A common disadvantage of such ceilings is a general reduction in the height of the room, which is a significant disadvantage for low rooms.


Finishing the ceiling with plasterboard has gained wide popularity due to the ability to create incredible designs, complex, beautiful and multi-level. Drywall sheets can be easily cut to give the desired shape. By attaching them to the frame and sealing the seams, a monolithic structure with a smooth surface is obtained. By creating a variety of ceiling shapes and using all kinds of lighting solutions for decoration, you can get ceilings of amazing beauty and complexity. Paint is most often chosen to decorate the resulting surface, but any other type of finish can be used.

The material allows you to zone a room or create a smooth transition from the structure on the walls to the ceiling, creating a single composition.

Panels, slats and slabs

For ceiling cladding, panels made from various different materials: plastic, aluminum, gypsum, mirror surfaces and others. Depending on the chosen material, a smooth or structured surface is obtained. They are used primarily to create single-level ceilings. Simple installation and an affordable price make finishing the ceiling with panels a popular method.

In rooms with high humidity, finishing the ceiling with plastic panels or metal slats are the most acceptable options. These moisture-resistant materials are resistant to significant temperature changes, do not change their appearance and are easy to clean. The original ceiling paneling has a laconic appearance and is not suitable for all interior styles.
Gypsum boards are made from environmentally friendly material with increased resistance to moisture. They can be painted and decorated with stucco elements, creating a designer interior style. The main disadvantage of gypsum boards is their heavy weight, which requires reliable fastening.

Stretch ceiling

Decorating ceilings using a special PVC film allows you to quickly create a high-quality and unique ceiling space. The film is not afraid of moisture and does not absorb dirt, and is easy to clean if necessary. A variety of colors and textures allows you to create a ceiling finish of any configuration and style.

Installing a stretch ceiling requires special equipment and special skills, so it is better to entrust the work to specialists. The price of the film and the costs associated with installation make this type of ceiling finishing one of the most expensive. But durability, reliability and beauty of the structure make suspended ceilings popular. Decorating a ceiling using film can be limited only by the customer’s imagination and his material capabilities.
Design of structures of different level ceilings:

Finishing options can be divided into several large groups, each of which we will discuss below.

Plaster ceilings


    Very easy to apply


    Fades very slowly in the sun

    Creates an interesting appearance


    High price

    Not suitable for wet cleaning

    Difficulty of restoration

Dropped ceilings

Most apartment owners today give their preference precisely because they are not picky about the quality of the ceiling surface.

It is based on thin plates of steel or aluminum, which, in turn, are coated with a protective layer of varnish. This ceiling comes in a variety of colors and is well suited for rooms with a small area.

Advantages of slatted ceilings


    Moisture resistance

    Ease of installation

    Fire safety



    Susceptibility of rack plates to deformation

    Difficulty accessing the space above the ceiling

This version of suspended ceilings is optimal for do-it-yourself repairs.

Advantages of plastic or PVC lining

    Easy to install

    Not afraid of moisture

    Does not absorb unpleasant odors

    Have big choice colors


    Fire hazard

    Sensitive to mechanical damage

    May fade if exposed to constant sunlight

This is not a particularly popular type of ceiling decoration in an apartment, most often in offices or sales areas.

Advantages of cassette ceilings

    Moisture resistance

    Fire safety

    Easy to install


    High price

    Concealing the height of the room

    Lack of sound insulation

This is the most common finishing option


    Perfectly hides all surface imperfections

    Drywall is absolutely safe from an environmental point of view

    Easy to install

    Has a low cost


    Hiding the height of the room

    Lack of moisture resistance

    The need for further coloring, therefore increasing costs

This type of ceiling is a decorative adhesive tile. is popular with many people because in some cases it can replace expensive stucco on the ceiling.

Advantages of ceiling tiles

    Very practical

    Have good moisture resistance

    Easily mounts to the ceiling


    Requires ideal flat surface ceiling

    Cheap ceiling tiles are very fragile and are unlikely to have the advantages listed above


This large canvas made of PVC, which is stretched onto special fastening profiles.


    Stretch ceilings are waterproof

    Moisture resistant


    Have high strength

    Huge variety when choosing their colors



    Difficulty in DIY installation

Based on the name, you can guess that such ceilings are a combination various types suspended structures. This could be, for example, a combination of a plasterboard ceiling with a stretch ceiling or a mirror one. This finishing option will help create a special mood in the room and give it a zest.

Ceilings made of natural materials

If, when choosing a material for ceiling decoration, your first priority is its environmental friendliness, then we advise you to pay attention to the finishing options listed below.

This is a natural wooden board or MDF sheet. Such boards are attached to the ceiling using special shunt connections. Natural wood lining can be of different shades - from very light to dark. The desired shade can also be created using stain.

The undeniable advantages of wooden lining are its moisture resistance, durability, strength and, of course, environmental friendliness.

This type of ceiling is more suitable for a private home or cottage, but it will also look interesting in an apartment. Wooden ceiling will not only be environmentally friendly, but also practical solution decor. But when processing it, it is very important to remember that you need to use materials that will not subsequently prevent the ceiling from “breathing.”

The advantages of cork ceilings are very difficult to overestimate. Due to the fact that cork boards are impregnated with wax, dust and condensation do not settle on them. Also, by choosing this finishing option, you can be sure of its environmental friendliness and durability.

The question of which ceilings are best to install in an apartment arises both among the owners of comfortable private houses and among the owners of urban housing who have decided to improve their properties. When choosing a material for such finishing, it is imperative to take into account the characteristics of each room.

For example, a bathroom has a specific humid microclimate. And in order for the ceiling decoration in this room not to become completely unusable in a couple of years, it must have relevant characteristics. The kitchen also has its own characteristics, and not every facing material is suitable for it, since the ceiling will require regular maintenance. For ceilings in residential premises the most important quality is the environmental cleanliness of the finish, of course, along with decorative appeal.

If not so long ago the most common types of ceiling finishing were whitewashing or painting with oil paint, today in construction stores there is a very wide choose various materials. And many of them are quite suitable for use in both wet areas and living rooms ah with a normal microclimate.

Criteria for choosing materials for apartment ceilings

So, materials that can be used to decorate the ceilings of apartment rooms must meet certain requirements. Only by taking these features into account can you obtain a high-quality, durable ceiling that fully corresponds to a specific room.

Speaking, for example, about a bathroom, the impact of constant wet fumes on the ceiling surface is taken into account, and the possibility of direct contact with water drops is not forgotten. In addition, we cannot exclude a certain risk that your bathroom may be flooded by neighbors living on the floor above. Another feature of this room is the often alternating temperature changes, which also adversely affect many finishing materials.

Finishing kitchen ceiling must be resistant not only to moisture, but also to fumes containing fat and oils, as well as to elevated temperatures.

Other rooms may have their own characteristics.

It is best to immediately try to formulate some requirements that the ceilings in the apartment premises should have.

  • Moisture resistance - this quality is necessary for the bathroom and kitchen area. The ceiling finish should not become saturated with moisture and withstand the effects of hot steam without getting wet or deforming.
  • The material must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, that is, not be a breeding ground for various bacteria, mold, and mildew. The finishing should not release toxic substances into the surrounding air. The ceiling should not become a source of dust. This rule must be observed in any premises of an apartment or residential building.
  • Durability of the finish, that is, the material should not age quickly, be subject to chemical or biological decomposition, destructuring, corrosion. This quality is important for all types of ceilings, but is of particular importance in rooms with a specific microclimate - in the bathroom or kitchen.
  • The surface of the material should be amenable to easy wet or dry cleaning in residential areas and regular washing with detergents household chemicals in the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Some materials ceiling decoration have the ability to contain leaks or the ability to quickly dismantle in emergency situations. These qualities are especially useful for ceiling decoration of bathrooms and kitchens. However, they would also be useful for other rooms, since, unfortunately, pipe breaks can also occur in the heating system. And such emergencies can ruin any repair.
  • Aesthetic qualities. The decoration should have a neat and attractive appearance and be in harmony with the decoration of the walls. Many apartment owners consider these qualities to be the most important. It should be noted that they do have great importance, since the appearance of everything depends on them design design premises. Big, but not always decisive...

In order to be able to decide on the choice of material for finishing ceilings in apartment rooms, it makes sense to consider the characteristics of the most popular modern materials, used for this purpose.

Main types of ceilings

Types of ceilings can be divided according to their basic design and the material used for their manufacture and finishing. Thus, ceilings can be suspended or suspended, glued or painted with different materials.

  • For stretch ceilings, plastic material in the form of large canvases is used. Its installation is carried out using special equipment.
  • Suspended ceilings are a metal or wooden structure - a frame on which it is fixed or laid various material- it can be plastic, metal or wooden lining, polymer panels, artificial glass, chipboard, drywall and other materials.

Suspended ceilings can be single-level or multi-level. In addition, ceiling surfaces with several levels can be combined with tension structures.

  • For gluing the surface of a flat ceiling, wallpaper, polystyrene foam tiles, fabrics, natural original coatings, for example, a traffic jam.

Today the most popular in design developments can be called plasterboard ceilings, including multi-tiered ones with original lighting, and tension surfaces. Both the first and second options are very difficult to install yourself, without special skills and special equipment.

For bathrooms, the most popular finishing is plastic panels and stretch fabrics.

Ceiling height in the apartment

To choose a material for finishing the ceiling in any room, you need to calculate its height, and take into account the fact that some designs involve its significant reduction. Therefore, in apartments with low ceilings, the arrangement suspension systems becomes always advisable, since such ceilings will create an oppressive impression.

The standard ceiling height in Soviet-era apartments is most often 2400÷2500 mm; in modern new buildings this parameter is sometimes increased to 3000 mm.

If the apartment has low ceilings, and they need to be made visually higher, then it is worth choosing materials that have a small thickness and are fixed directly to the surface of the ceiling, or those that have a reflective effect, for example, light-colored tension ones.

If the ceiling height is high enough, then this allows you to place heat and/or soundproofing material between the finishing and the ceiling, and to disguise utilities in this area - electrical wiring or ventilation ducts.

Color design is also of great importance in order to visually raise the ceiling. There are several design techniques for this purpose:

Prices for suspended ceilings

stretch ceiling

  • You can smooth out the line where the wall and ceiling meet by selecting materials of appropriate shades, that is, finishing the ceiling and walls in the same color.
  • Another option is to line the ceiling with reflective material.

  • A stretch ceiling with a 3D spatial pattern, for example, a sky with clouds, gives a good effect.

Now let's move on to a more detailed consideration of the types of ceilings. This will make it much easier to decide on the choice for specific apartment premises.

Dropped ceilings

As mentioned above, one one of the most popular ceiling cladding options In recent years, various types of suspended structures have appeared in different rooms of the apartment. When made with high quality, they look very good and have a considerable number of advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceiling structures

TO winning qualities ceiling finishes with a suspended structure include the following:

  • With the help of suspended structures, you can easily level the surface and hide numerous flaws, which abound even on concrete slabs floors.
  • Below the elements suspended ceiling You can hide various communications. Thanks to this feature, there is no need to drill walls or ceilings.
  • Many designs are characterized by ease of installation work.
  • In some cases, it remains possible to dismantle the cladding if repairs or replacement of some finishing fragments are necessary
  • Good durability.
  • Such ceilings have a very aesthetic appearance.
  • Wide possibilities for installing various lighting systems are provided.
  • The variety of materials used for ceiling cladding allows you to consider several options and make the best choice.

Suspended ceilings also have their own flaws , which you also need to know when choosing one of these options:

  • When installing a suspended structure, the ceiling in the room becomes lower. This is especially noticeable in apartments, where it is already a bit cramped in this regard.
  • Some types of suspended structures are capable of allowing steam to pass into the space between the finish and the ceiling. In the absence of proper ventilation, condensation can form in this space, creating favorable conditions for the emergence and proliferation of mold colonies, which will be quite difficult to get rid of.
  • A suspended ceiling is not able to protect premises from leaks that may occur in emergency situations.
  • If you are installing yourself, you will need high accuracy calculations and assembly work.
  • Some types of suspended ceilings will cost owners quite a lot.

Types of suspended structures

Suspended ceilings can be made of different materials and their design may differ slightly from each other:

  • Slatted ceilings and coverings made of plastic or natural lining.
  • Cassette or modular design.
  • Solid suspended ceiling.

Suspended ceiling of slatted type and lining

This design consists of panels made in the form of long panels or linings, which can be made of plastic, wood, steel or aluminum. The panels are fixed solidly or with the required clearance onto a metal or wooden frame, fixed to the main ceiling and/or walls.

The frame can be fixed directly to the ceiling or lowered to a certain distance from it. The latter option is often chosen in cases where it is necessary to place communications under the decorative cladding, or when it is planned to install recessed lamps.

Drywall prices

gypsum board

Frame parts installed around the perimeter of the walls are very often at the same time decorative elements, as they give a neat appearance to the joint line.

As mentioned above, slats or lining for ceiling cladding are made of different materials. In addition, they can be connected to each other in different ways. Thus, an absolutely smooth overall surface can form with barely noticeable (and often even not noticeable at all) joint lines. Another option is relief lining with recesses along the entire length, which are sometimes given a different color. And finally, sparse installation of panels is also practiced.

  • Plastic panels Most often today they are used for cladding the ceilings of bathrooms, as they have qualities that correspond to the microclimate of this room. They also find their use in corridors or hallways.

Plastic lining has the following characteristics:

— high resistance to moisture;

— resistance to temperature changes;

- light weight of the material, simplifying its installation;

— ease of maintenance of the finish;

— material safety;

— long service life;

— finishing does not require additional coating decorative materials throughout the entire period of operation;

- affordable price of the material, which allows, if desired, to change the finish without dismantling the frame structure.

Plastic panels are produced different widths and with different surface structures. It can be matte, glossy, embossed or metallized.

This material can be combined in color across the entire surface of the ceiling, or you can highlight a specific area of ​​the room with a certain color. Quite often, with plastic one-color lining, the gaps along the joints are decorated with moldings that have a steel or gold color.

How to install a ceiling from plastic panels yourself

If the choice fell on a plastic ceiling, then this work can be considered quite feasible for independent execution. You will need instructions for carrying out installation work, which can be found in the article on our portal.

  • Wooden lining. Some owners of apartments and houses, preferring the so-called eco-style, choose wooden lining for finishing their rooms. Moreover They mount it not only on the surface of the walls, but also on the ceiling.

As you know, wood has numerous advantages, the main of which are the environmental friendliness of the material, aesthetic appearance, long service life, and resistance to temperature changes.

The disadvantage of this material is its hygroscopicity, therefore, if you decide to decorate your bathroom with natural lining, you will need reliable protection from moisture. For this purpose, before installation, wooden panels are impregnated with an antiseptic, natural oils, or covered with a special heat-resistant wax. Such substances have moisture-repellent properties and, by creating a film on the surface of the wood, reliably protect it from steam penetration.

A good option would be a wooden board for finishing the bedroom and corridor. In the bedroom, wood, thanks to its natural properties, will create a favorable microclimate and allow the walls to “breathe”. Such a ceiling will be especially appropriate in these rooms if the walls are also lined with natural wood.

  • Metal slatted ceilings. The panels for it are made of steel with an anti-corrosion coating or aluminum, with a thickness of 0.4 to 1.0 mm. The width of metal slats can reach up to 300 mm, which significantly speeds up the installation of finishing on the frame. But there are products of other widths, for example 80÷120 mm, so there is a choice - as you like. The length of the panels can vary from 2000 to 6000 mm.

The outer covering is like this metal cladding can be embossed or smooth, solid or perforated. Most often, all types of metal panels, except those with perforations, are used for cladding the bathroom ceiling. Perforated panels are not suitable for both the bathroom and the kitchen, since various fumes will begin to accumulate in the space between the cladding and the ceiling, as a result of which an unpleasant odor will soon appear in the room.

This material is also good for hallway ceilings. Less commonly used metal material for living rooms. But this is not excluded if styles such as, for example, high-tech are chosen for their design.

The metal finishing option can have a different external coating - glossy, matte, polymer colored coating, mirror or imitating the textured pattern and color of wood.

This material almost fully meets the requirements for finishing used in wet areas:

— It does not absorb moisture at all and even repels it, so it will not become a breeding ground for various bacteria.

— The metal does not emit toxic substances into environment, so the cladding can be called environmentally friendly.

— The material is resistant to temperature changes.

— The cladding is designed for a long service life, since high-quality panels change their original “marketable” appearance.

— The surface is easy to care for, it lends itself wet cleaning using household chemicals.

The disadvantage of steel panels is that it is necessary to treat the cuts of the slats with an anti-corrosion compound, otherwise corrosion can spread further. Aluminum products have a fairly high cost.

Prices for plastic ceiling panels

plastic panels for ceiling

Modular suspended design

This type of ceiling is a suspended structure made from panels made of different materials. It can be frosted or mirror glass, metal, plastic, gypsum fiber lightweight boards or even moisture-resistant drywall. The fundamental difference is that these panels (tiles) are laid in cells of a suspended metal frame of a special design.

The frame for the modular ceiling differs in that it is open. That is, its profiles are not calculated to be fixed on them panels using one or another fastener, and for laying on top into formed cells. This version of a suspended ceiling is much easier to install and repair, since any panel can always be replaced with a new one.

Frame guides for a modular ceiling are made of electro-galvanized steel or aluminum with a thickness of 0.4÷0.8 mm. The front, that is, surfaces of metal profiles facing the room are covered with a protective and decorative polymer layer of different shades or a metallized painting composition. This makes it possible to choose the colors of the frame and panels - the guides become a neat frame for the decorative slabs.

A classic example of such a design is the popular ceiling systems of the Armstrong company.

This type of design can be used in any of the rooms if it matches it design solution its design.

  • Panels made from compressed mineral and cellulose fibers. They are not heavy at all, although the surface is often very similar with plaster finishing. However, the surface texture of such slabs can vary greatly.

Such panels give the ceiling an accentuated neatness. In addition, many of them have perforations or a special surface texture, which gives them the property of very effective sound insulation.

The cost of such panels cannot be called high, and they quite fit into the category widely available metrials.

  • Metal panels modular ceiling have the same characteristics as rack and pinion metal version. Their advantages include a wide selection of shades and ease of installation.

  • Mirror panels can be made of water-repellent glass or polished metal. Therefore, such suspended ceiling elements perfectly resist moisture and hot steam.

The reflective surface of the mirror ceiling visually expands the space small room bath or hallway. In addition, mirror panels reflect light from lighting fixtures located on the walls of the room, significantly increasing their glow.

Mirror ceiling panels are produced in different sizes and colors. They can be perfectly smooth or have various textured patterns on their surface.

  • "Glass" modular ceilings. In this option, the role of the panels is performed by acrylic translucent slabs, on which a matte coating is applied. It can be white or colored. The surface of such pseudo-glass panels are often decorated with large or small patterns, which brings special originality to the interior design. If a frosted “glass” ceiling is chosen for installation, lighting is immediately provided under it. When placed correctly, it will not only create brighter lighting for the room, but will also highlight the patterns on the glass.

This version of the ceiling finish does not absorb moisture, is easy to clean and retains its appearance for many years. Similar “glass” ceilings can be installed in the bathroom, hallway, and sometimes even in the living room.

Prices for suspended ceiling

suspended ceiling

Due to the fact that matte pseudo-glass The panels are made of acrylic, they are very light in weight, so you can easily and safely install them yourself. In addition, the acrylic ceiling is absolutely safe to use - even if it falls from a height, the panel will not break or cause serious injury. Smooth “glasses” are easy to clean and are resistant to various household hygiene products, with the exception of those containing abrasive additives.

Spotlights can be easily integrated into cassette suspended ceilings. In addition, manufacturers also envisage the production of special lighting devices (luminous panels or fluorescent lamps), the dimensions of which exactly match the dimensions of the frame cells.

Continuous suspended ceiling cladding

Continuous ceiling sheathing is usually done in cases where it is necessary to level the surface of the main surface. In this case, in the gap between the ceiling and the cladding, it is possible to lay heat-insulating or sound-proofing material.

Solid cladding can be used in any room of an apartment or house. However, if it is installed in a damp room, that is, in a bathroom, toilet or kitchen, then any of the facing materials used will need to be treated with antiseptic and primer compounds.

This design of ceilings implies the presence of a frame that is attached to the ceiling and is most often made of wooden beams or special galvanized metal profiles. Used for cladding glass-magnesite sheets, plywood, chipboard, OSB, but plasterboard has gained the greatest popularity in recent decades.

This type of ceiling cladding almost always requires additional finishing. It will include sealing the seams between the sheets, impregnation with primers, and then painting or wallpapering.

Plasterboard on the ceiling can be used to create multi-tiered structures, allowing you to place wiring and lighting of any kind inside them. However, installing such a ceiling is not at all Just, and without having some experience, the ability to work not only with drywall, but also with metal profiles, as well as without a properly drawn up project in advance, it is not worth taking on this task at random. Specialists can handle this work efficiently. But if you still decide to try own capabilities, then it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the technology for performing such installation work. We can provide information support in this matter.

Do you want to try your hand at designing and installing a suspended multi-level ceiling from plasterboard?

If yes, then first you need to take a short theoretical course. Well, then, in work, strictly follow the technological instructions. You will find both in a very detailed, literally down to the smallest detail, publication on our portal.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are especially suitable for apartments with low rooms. They reduce the height of the room by only 40÷50 mm, thanks to the installation of special profiles on the walls around the perimeter of the room, onto which an elastic or fabric fabric will be stretched.

Stretch ceilings can be fabric or made of PVC film. To determine which of them will seem better, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the features of both options.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC films

This version of suspended ceilings can be divided into several subtypes according to the structure of the created surface:

  • Glossy films have a reflective effect and quite pronounced shine.
  • Semi-matte ceilings resemble frosted glass in their texture.
  • Matte stretch ceilings do not have a reflective effect, and in appearance they are difficult to distinguish from a smoothly plastered surface.

  • Mother-of-pearl films create spectacular soft play of colors.
  • Canvases that imitate a suede surface have a velvety texture, due to which the lighting of the room is dimmed and evenly distributed throughout the room. This option is perfect for a bedroom or living room.
  • Satin coating options tend to reflect the light flux falling on them from a natural light source, that is, a window, as well as from lighting fixtures.

  • Ceilings with a 3D image of a starry or cloudy sky are popular.

TO positive qualities PVC films

  • The elasticity of the film allows you to create various shapes on ceiling surfaces.
  • The material is environmentally friendly, does not emit toxic substances into the air, does not attract or accumulate dust. These qualities allow you to use PVC films for ceiling cladding in children's rooms and bedrooms.
  • A wide range of colors and designs allows you to choose the material to suit any design style of the room.
  • The width of the canvas can vary from 1200 to 3200 mm, which allows the material to be used for cladding ceilings in modern apartments standard layout.
  • The canvas ideally hides all defects in the surface of the main ceiling, and its installation is carried out in the shortest possible time.
  • The material is resistant to impact chemical substances to exposure to elevated temperatures.
  • PVC does not absorb odors, so this ceiling can also be installed in a kitchen area.
  • The surface of the ceiling is easy to clean, so it is easy to care for.

  • The canvas can withstand loads of up to 100 kg/m², so if a leak occurs from the top floor, the water will remain in ceiling material, which able to stretch under its weight. Once the water is removed, the ceiling can be restored.
  • The design allows you to hide the necessary communications under the canvas.
  • The canvas does not change its appearance during operation.
  • More affordable price than fabric stretch ceilings.

However, one cannot fail to mention shortcomings PVC sheets, which include the following points:

  • The structure cannot be installed independently due to the need to use special equipment.
  • Stretch ceiling made of PVC films It is not advisable to plan installation in rooms where the temperature can drop to +5 degrees or less.
  • The film in a stretched state is unstable to mechanical damage and can be easily damaged by a sharp object.
  • If you have to connect two sheets with a weld, it remains slightly noticeable on the surface of the ceiling.
  • Polyvinyl chloride is not a “breathable” material, which disrupts the natural air exchange in the apartment.
  • When heated strongly, the canvas can become deformed, so it is not recommended to build powerful lighting devices into it.

Stretch fabric ceilings

Not many owners of apartments or houses know that, in addition to polyvinyl chloride stretch ceilings, there are also fabrics. Moreover manufacturers present on the construction market wide enough selection of these materials. This option differs from its PVC “brother” in a number of performance characteristics.

Fabric fabrics are divided into two types according to the structure of their surfaces:

  • The textured version has embossed fabric embossing in its structure. The canvas consists of two layers, which form a protruding pattern.

  • Satin fabric has a polymer base and a structural pattern of natural satin fabric. Thanks to its fine-grained structure, the stretched fabric acquires a pearlescent effect, which is enhanced by properly installed lighting.

Fabric stretch fabrics have the following positive qualities :

  • High strength characteristics.
  • Material resistance to low temperatures. Fabrics retain their performance characteristics when the temperature drops even to -40 degrees.
  • The material does not deform or crack when the humidity and temperature characteristics of the air change.
  • Fabric sheets can be dyed. For this purpose, special acrylic-based paints are used. Repaint the surface of the material without losing it operational possibilities up to five times. In addition to the usual even painting, ceilings of this type can be painted with various patterns, which expands the possibility of their use in different styling rooms.
  • Unlike polyvinyl chloride, fabric sheets are breathable, so when used indoors, natural air exchange is not disrupted.
  • An undoubted advantage is the aesthetic appeal of the material. The structural structure of the surface of the canvases makes the design of the room richer, adding respectability to it.
  • The width of the fabric reaches 5000 mm, which allows it to be used in fairly wide or long rooms without any connecting seams.
  • The fireproof qualities of the material are acquired by it thanks to special impregnation.
  • Ecological cleanliness of the canvases. Are being manufactured fabric ceilings from natural materials that do not contain toxic substances.
  • Long service life, which in any case should be more than 10 years.
  • Fabric ceilings are installed in a “cold” way, unlike PVC sheets, the installation of which involves the use of special powerful heating equipment. Installation work can easily be carried out alone.

Disadvantages Fabric ceilings can be considered to have the following features:

  • The choice of colors and patterns is not so large compared to PVC (at least for now).
  • Difficulty in coloring the material.
  • The fabric version of suspended ceilings, unlike PVC, is not able to retain water in emergency situations, so this finish will not save the room from a flood. At the same time, the fabrics are able to retain moisture in their structure for up to 48 hours. An exception to this characteristic is the products of the company "Cerutti", which has good moisture resistance.
  • Fabric sheets absorb odors well and retain odors in their structure, so using this type of finishing material in the kitchen is not recommended.
  • Attracting and retaining dust - this quality reduces the scope of application of fabric ceilings. They are not recommended for use in apartments where people with a predisposition to allergic reactions. In terms of this quality, the fabric version is inferior to PVC fabrics.
  • Reinstallation of dismantled fabric panels is not possible.
  • The high price of fabric ceilings, which is explained by the naturalness of the raw materials used for their production.
  • The lack of proper elasticity of the material does not allow it to be used for decorating ceilings of irregular or “patterned” shapes.

Finishing ceilings directly on the ceiling surface

Plaster ceiling finishing

This method of leveling and finishing ceilings can be called traditional, since it has always been used in apartments multi-storey buildings- still used today. Appearance innovative materials for surface preparation and finishing plaster solutions made this task much easier.

Plastering a ceiling is a very complex and labor-intensive process that requires high skills. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to carry it out without experience. On the contrary, you can only seriously damage the surface, so much so that it will be extremely difficult to fix anything.

To level the ceiling, putties and plaster mixtures based on gypsum or cement. Gypsum plasters and putties are supplied manufacturers of special additives that extends the hardening of mixtures from 5÷7 to 30÷45 minutes, which allows an experienced plasterer to perform the job efficiently.

The result of properly carried out finishing work, in compliance with all technology requirements, should be a perfectly flat and smooth ceiling. Next, it is applied or glued to its surface. decorative finishing- this can be whitewash, paint, wallpaper or other similar material.

The difficult task of plastering a ceiling

If, nevertheless, the “itch for independent creativity” is irresistible, and you decide to try your hand at this difficult task, then before you begin, we recommend that you carefully read the article on our portal.

TO "pros" Plastering the ceiling includes the following points:

  • The ceiling practically does not change its height.
  • For finishing Several different types of materials can be used.
  • At emergency situation A high-quality ceiling covering will retain its evenness and smoothness. The only thing that will need to be done is to dry the ceiling and replace the decorative trim.
  • Relatively affordable price for materials and work.

"Cons" There is also a lot of plaster finishing. These include:

  • When carrying out plastering work, there will be a large amount of dirt and dust in the room, so the room will have to be cleared of all pieces of furniture in advance.
  • To hide communications in the ceiling surface, you will have to carry out gating before plastering work, while when installing suspended or suspended ceilings, this process will not be required.
  • Plastering surfaces is long enough process, since it is necessary to wait for each applied layer to dry. Therefore, apartment renovation will take a longer time.

In addition to leveling materials, special plaster materials are used to finish the ceiling. decorative mixtures, which are applied to the surface after it has been leveled. Without much exaggeration, this process can be called an art, so only professionals can handle it. It should be noted that not every plasterer has the ability to correctly apply this material to walls and ceilings. Therefore, when choosing a master, it would be quite logical to familiarize yourself with his portfolio and look at previous works.

Decorative plaster in an apartment is an exclusive finish

It is difficult to say whether it is worth undertaking to carry out such work on your own. To get an idea of ​​what the varieties look like, what they are like, and how complex the process of applying them is, you should refer to the profile article on our portal.

Wallpapering the ceiling

Despite the fact that many consider the finishing ceiling surfaces wallpaper is an unfashionable, long-gone option; it is still successfully used in design art today. Thanks to innovative developments, Russian and foreign manufacturers produce many types of wallpaper that have real opportunity transform the ceiling surface literally beyond recognition.

So, today you can find non-woven, vinyl, paper, liquid wallpaper, as well as glass wallpaper and even more exotic options on sale. Some of them are designed for dyeing and are designed to be able to carry out this process several times.

Wallpaper can be divided according to the type of pattern - it can be applied in in the right order with a certain step or have a chaotic arrangement. To simplify the task of pasting the ceiling, the best option would be wallpaper in which you don’t have to select a pattern, since this will be quite difficult to do.

How not to get confused in the variety of wallpapers?

The range of these finishing materials in our time is extremely wide. And it can be difficult for an inexperienced consumer, who primarily focuses only on the decorative qualities of the canvases, to choose the truly desired option. A special publication on our portal should help the reader with this question.

So, if the ceiling surface quite flat, then you can cover it with one of the types of wallpaper. This type of finishing is relatively inexpensive and can easily be done independently. Taking into account the future, you can choose wallpaper for painting, that is, when changing the design of the room in the future, the canvases can be repainted in a different color.

Wallpaper to be painted can have a pronounced relief pattern, and if carefully pasted, the joints between the canvases will be almost invisible.

Prices for non-woven wallpaper

non-woven wallpaper

TO merits Ceiling decoration with wallpaper includes the following:

  • A wide range of wallpaper choices, both in terms of material used and decorative design.
  • Quite affordable price compared to many other types of ceiling finishes.
  • The work on pasting is carried out in one or two days, that is, there will not be a large delay in the timing of the repair.
  • Wallpaper can be applied in any style direction chosen to decorate the room.
  • Among the existing types, based on the material of manufacture, you can choose environmentally friendly options for canvases, these include paper, non-woven, liquid or glass wallpaper.
  • Non-woven wallpaper with a relief pattern and big enough thickness, perfectly mask small flaws on the ceiling surface.
  • Wallpaper on the ceiling gives the room a special coziness and comfort.

TO negative points , associated with the decoration of the ceiling with wallpaper, include the following:

  • Some types of wallpaper are not resistant to ultraviolet radiation, that is, they tend to fade. True, direct sunlight can reach the ceiling, but still.
  • Wallpaper is not suitable for finishing ceiling surfaces in rooms with high humidity, as they will begin to peel and bubble over time.
  • Such finishing, as a rule, is not very durable. True, it is always easy to change it.
  • Wallpaper of almost all types can attract dust and absorb odors.

Expanded polystyrene boards

But this option, if we’re not lying, can really be classified as “yesterday’s materials.” Nevertheless, the high affordability of this department still keeps it among the very popular, so let’s focus on it.

Expanded polystyrene facings ceiling tiles produced by stamping or extrusion. They can be very thin or have a thickness of up to 12÷14 mm, if we consider this parameter together with the height of the relief pattern located on the surface.

Extrusive material is of higher quality and therefore has a higher cost. If the pores of polystyrene foam are clearly visible on the surface of stamped tiles, then products made by extrusion are absolutely smooth and more durable.

To choose a quality finishing material, when purchasing it, it is worth making a thorough visual inspection of the products. They must have even right angles, which will be the key to their quick and high-quality installation on the surface.

It is worth carrying out one more experiment to control the quality of the material. To check the selected tile option, you need to take it by its corner and lift it slightly up and down. The product must not break or crumble. Of course, this material has low fracture strength, but the tile must still withstand the load from such an experiment.

Today in specialized construction stores you can find various options for polystyrene foam tiles according to surface characteristics:

  • Smooth or embossed, and the relief can have different depths.
  • The color options for tiles are varied - it is white or a single color, or several shades that smoothly transition into one another.

  • The slabs can be square or rectangular shape. Square products are most often produced in sizes 400×400, 500×500 and 600×600 mm. Rectangular slabs can have dimensions of 600×300, 700×300, 700×400 mm.

The surface lined with polystyrene foam tiles is framed special skirting boards from the same material, which are also produced with different relief patterns or in a smooth version. In addition, to decorate corners or the area where lighting fixtures are located, special corners and rosettes are used that imitate stucco elements.

This material, like all others, has not only a number of advantages, but also its very significant disadvantages.

TO merits can be attributed following features material:

  • The very light weight of the products and fairly compact dimensions make it easy to glue them to the ceiling, and carrying out this process yourself will not be difficult. The only thing that is recommended to do to simplify the installation process is to accurately mark the ceiling, starting from its middle or from the lighting fixture, which is located with one offset or another to one side or the other from the center of the ceiling surface.

  • Affordable price for products, which allows even families with low incomes to purchase such finishing.
  • The ability to create a neat and initially quite aesthetic ceiling design in a short time - installation of products can be done in one day.

Flaws finishing the ceiling with polystyrene boards is very significant, and this should definitely be kept in mind.

  • Expanded polystyrene cannot be called environmentally friendly pure material. In addition, when heated and especially when burned, it releases extremely dangerous volatile compounds into the environment that can cause toxic damage to the respiratory system and the central nervous system. It is for this reason that in many countries polystyrene foam is strictly prohibited for use as finishing and insulation in residential and public buildings, and in vehicles.
  • The slabs are flammable, and when exposed to open fire, the material begins to melt and spread. Along with the fluid mass, fire and toxic smoke spread, the dangers of which have already been mentioned.
  • Quite difficult care of the ceiling covering, as this must be done very carefully to avoid damage to the cladding surface.
  • Tiles located around lighting fixtures may turn yellow over time; it will not be possible to get rid of such manifestations. However, yellowing may begin in other areas of the ceiling - polystyrene foam is not very resistant to external influences and is durable.
  • When temperature changes occur, the tiles may peel off from the surface.
  • The material has a porous structure, so it absorbs various odors, greasy fumes, and nicotine tar well. It is not possible to remove these substances from polystyrene foam. In addition, the slabs attract dust, and if they have a deep relief, then it gets stuck in it. If the dust is dry, then it can be removed with a vacuum cleaner, but if it is oily, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of it. Therefore, this material is not recommended for finishing kitchen and bathroom ceilings.

In a word, apart from affordable price and ease of installation, this finish cannot boast of anything else. It’s hard to recommend recommending it for use.

So, we have finished reviewing the main types of ceiling finishes available for apartment premises. To summarize, we can once again emphasize that when choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account several factors that will directly affect the optimal solution:

  • Financial opportunities. The most affordable option finishing is covering the surface with wallpaper or polystyrene foam boards. But it’s still very rare for something cheap to become high-quality and durable.
  • Evenness of the ceiling. If the ceiling is uneven and requires overhaul, then plastering with further application of a decorative layer is suitable for finishing it. An excellent solution would be a suspended or suspended ceiling. These options can level any surface.
  • Ceiling height. If the ceiling is low and, moreover, uneven, then putting it in order is only possible by plastering. Then the surface can be painted or pasted over with one of the selected materials.
  • If the ceiling is high, then the most optimal There will be one of the suspended ceiling options.

Now, knowing about the basic technologies that are used in our time for finishing ceilings, you can weigh their advantages and disadvantages, evaluate the quality of the ceiling surfaces of the apartment, as well as your financial capabilities. After this, it makes sense to work on the project (even in the simplest form), make calculations, and then go to a specialized store to buy everything you need.

At the end of the publication, we suggest watching a video with an overview possible options ceilings for an apartment.

Video: Recommendations for choosing a ceiling for rooms in an apartment

There are many beautiful ceilings, some are very expensive, but there are also simpler ones. The beauty and durability of ceilings depends to a large extent on careful surface preparation.

What problems can be solved with the help of a ceiling?

In a modern interior, ceiling systems, and sometimes they are really whole engineering structures, solve two problems simultaneously: decorative and functional.

Often, the ceiling is a multi-level or curved structure; built-in lamps are often inserted into them, significantly expanding the lighting possibilities.

The ceiling turns into complex system, which hides many engineering communications and, at the same time, provides easy access to them.

Individual requirements for the ceiling are imposed by a room with a special microclimate.

In separate rooms, such as: bathroom, winter gardens, swimming pools, garages - the ceiling finish should easily withstand changes in humidity and temperature, condensation and direct ingress of water.

In home theaters, with the help of the ceiling, the problems of creating a favorable acoustic environment are solved.

But basically, the decisive role when choosing the type of ceiling is played by the cost of finishing materials and the work involved in their installation.

Preparing the ceiling base

In the majority modern houses, the plane of the ceiling is the bottom side reinforced concrete floor, the plane of which is never flat and strictly horizontal.

Typically, floors are assembled from separate slabs, between which there are seams; they are masked first; potholes, chips and cracks are often found on their surface.

Rarely does an exceptional case of a flat and smooth ceiling occur. If it is not planned to lay utility lines along it, then the surface can be coated with a primer and puttied.

Now the surface is ready for wallpapering, decorative plastic boards or painting.

Unfortunately, most often we have to deal with crooked ceilings that were once plastered, whitewashed or painted, then covered with cracks.

It is only necessary to remove old layers down to the floor slab if the surface is to be painted, which means that it is necessary to first apply new layers of plaster and putty to it.

Selecting material for the base and painting of ceilings

The beauty and durability of the painted ceiling directly depends on the quality of surface preparation.

Please note that even the quality of the paint has a lesser effect on the outcome of the work; surface preparation comes to the fore.

Therefore, experts advise to be very careful in choosing all the necessary materials.

When choosing primer, plaster, putty, paint, it is necessary to take into account their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their compatibility.

Modern finishing materials offer a wide selection of water-based paints.

When purchasing paints, pay attention to their thixotropy (the ability to liquefy under mechanical stress and thicken when at rest).

Such compositions do not drip from a roller or brush, they lie on the surface evenly and without smudges, and this is an important nuance when painting the ceiling.

What kind of wallpaper are used on ceilings?

An inexpensive and beautiful ceiling can be obtained using wallpaper.

Wallpaper is glued to a level, clean and dry base. Light-colored paper or vinyl wallpapers are well suited for this purpose.

White wallpaper with different surface textures is often used.

You can use wallpaper for painting.

The best option is vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis or glass wallpaper; they are stronger, more durable, and can prevent the appearance of small cracks in the plaster layer.

After gluing the wallpaper for painting, they are painted with water-based paints.

After few years regular wallpaper you will have to re-glue it, repaint the wallpaper before painting.

You can cover the ceiling with non-woven wallpaper, the main difference is in the method of applying the glue; it only covers the ceiling, not the wallpaper.

Method of wallpapering the ceiling

Before pasting the walls, wallpaper is glued to the ceiling.

Two people must participate in the work.

Stepping back from the corner of the junction of the wall and the ceiling by the width of the roll, you need to draw a line on the ceiling.

Apply to the wallpaper canvas adhesive composition, leave it to soak for a few minutes and get to work.

At the junctions of the walls and in the corners, an allowance of 2-3 cm is made for the curvature of the walls.

One person fixes the canvas on the wall, the second supports and unwinds it as it is glued.

Check the correct direction using the drawn line.

Having glued the entire canvas, check for the absence of wrinkles and the tightness of the fit.

Use a wallpaper spatula to smooth the surface, moving from the middle of the canvas to the edges.

The following canvases are glued sequentially, usually at the joint with each other, the last canvas is glued with a slight overlap on the wall.

How to properly plaster a ceiling

The traditional way to level the ceiling is to plaster it.

This method is relevant for typical panel houses with a room height of 2.5-2.6 meters.

The use of plaster allows you to save every centimeter of height.

By using plaster, you can easily level out deviations in the range of 5-30 mm.

If the thickness of the plaster is more than 30 mm, there is a high probability of cracking and peeling.

When large thickness plaster, it is reinforced with fiberglass mesh, it is laid between two layers.

Can be applied metal mesh, it is attached to the base before plastering work begins.

This metal “skeleton” is used in case of insufficient adhesion of the mixture to smooth surfaces.

Gypsum or cement plaster

Cement plaster, with correct application, creates a strong, durable coating.

The cement layer gains full strength within 28 days, drying naturally.

Any attempts to speed up drying lead to cracking. Before proceeding to the next stage of finishing, after leveling the surface with a cement mixture, a break of 1-2 weeks is required.

Plaster mixtures based on gypsum, compared to cement ones, dry faster and harden not in a day, but in a matter of hours.

The use of a gypsum-based mixture significantly reduces repair time, high adhesion of the plastic mass simplifies the work technology, this is especially important when treating ceilings.

But gypsum plasters cannot be used in rooms with a relative air humidity of more than 65-70%.

Glue ceiling

An adhesive ceiling is most often called a ceiling to which polystyrene foam tiles with different surface topography are glued. These tiles have standard size 500x500 mm, they are produced by stamping and extrusion.

The extrusion method leads to maximum density and homogeneity of the material, accordingly its water resistance.

It is easy to distinguish such tiles by appearance: front side their smoothness, in cross-section, the product resembles porous chocolate.

Tiles can be attached to any base special glue for polystyrene.

This is the one and inexpensive ways ceiling finishing.

Wall and ceiling lamps must be installed no closer than 20-30cm. to the surface of such a ceiling, since at temperatures above 80 degrees, the tiles begin to deform.

Fresco for the ceiling

The image obtained as a result of painting water-based paints based on the wet layer of plaster, it is called fresco.

Since this is hand-painted, the production process takes a long period of time.

These are very expensive ceilings.

Cheaper and more common are frescoes on a non-woven basis.

To do this, a layer of plaster is securely fixed on a non-woven base, then an image is applied using the printing method.

The main task is to choose a plot. Installation is carried out by professionals.