What tiles do you need for the bathroom? Which tiles are best for the bathroom - from which manufacturer? Large, light tiles

Ceramic tiles are a traditional option for bathroom renovation and decoration. Types of bathroom tiles presented in construction stores, allow you to implement a design project of any complexity. Such a choice can make your head spin: in this article we will try to figure out how to choose the right tile for the bathroom and toilet.

Yes, before we forget: some opponents of tiles claim that tiles are very cold material, but now this is not a problem, there are many different ones.

Types of bathroom tiles

The choice in favor of tiles in bathroom decoration is determined, first of all, by its technical and aesthetic characteristics. The main condition that must be met is its water resistance. The rest of the selection is based on personal wishes and financial capabilities.

All bathroom tiles can be divided into several categories - wall or floor, and tiles or mosaics. This gradation is typical specifically for the bathroom, because if we discuss other rooms, other differences may appear, for example, tiles or porcelain stoneware, etc. In this article we will look at tiles, and we will return to them in another article.

Modern tiles, can be of any shape, texture and shade

Floor tiles. It is characterized by an increased level of wear resistance and most often has an anti-slip coating or a relief pattern on the surface. It has high density, which allows it to withstand high mechanical loads and chemical influences. Floor tiles most often have a rectangular shape.

Wall tiles. Compared to the floor, it is more fragile and thin. When making wall tiles, more attention is paid to its aesthetic component. It is not suitable for laying on the floor, as it is not intended for high loads. Wall tiles are made in various forms, but more often than not, it is smaller than the floor one. Along with it, there are many on sale decorative elements, such as borders, inserts, panels.

Selection of tiles according to technical characteristics

In order to choose the right tile, you need to study the markings on its packaging. An arm and a leg on it means wall and floor respectively. You should pay attention to the following characteristics:

Tile marking

Wet surface friction coefficient - important for floor tiles, varies in the range from 1 to 4, where 4 is the most reliable. The facing marked 1 will slip, which can cause injury.

Abrasion resistance (wear resistance) is marked as PEI from I to IV, where PEI V is the most wear-resistant.

Class PEI I - for premises where light traffic is expected in house shoes. For example, a bedroom.

Class PEI II - slightly higher resistance. For example, the bathroom.

Class PEI III is the most universal coating and can be used in almost the entire home.

Class PEI IV - this coating is more suitable for public places with average traffic. For example, an office, a small store, a hospital, etc.

Class PEI V - the highest class, the possibility of use is unlimited - from a shopping center to a railway station. station.

Only PEI V porcelain tiles can withstand shopping center traffic

This is important: The difference between PEI IV and PEI V is simply huge, for example, if you put tiles with the PEI IV class at the entrance of a shopping center, then after 2-4 months, depending on traffic, the tile will have to be changed! And PEI V class tiles will last for many years.

The bathroom is not the most trafficked room, so you can choose tiles with a medium level of abrasion, that is, PEIII - PEI III.

Resistant to chemicals– marked with the letters AA, B, C, D. For the bathroom this coefficient should be higher, that is, AA or B, since detergents are often used in this room.
The remaining characteristics - tile thickness, hardness, bending strength, frost resistance - are not so important for the bathroom, so you can ignore them.

The packaging also indicates the number of records in one package and their total area. It is necessary to pay attention to these characteristics when calculating required quantity installation material.

Choosing tile color

You can choose the color of the tile entirely based on your own taste, but it is important to consider a few tips:
for rest and relaxation, it is better to choose light colors - beige, blue, light pink;

  • to charge energy and vigor, the lining can be bright yellow, orange, or you can add red;
  • When combining white and black, it is important to remember that dark shades visually narrow the room, so if the room is small, white should prevail;
  • When choosing tiles with photo printing or panels, you should first make necessary measurements– so that the drawing fits organically into the wall space;
  • It is advisable to choose floor and wall tiles from the same collection, then the shades will certainly match and be harmoniously combined.

Important! The shades of tiles from the same collection can vary greatly. Before purchasing, you need to check each package and compare the tone. The tone number is indicated on the packaging. (pictured) It is necessary to buy tiles with a reserve, since finding the right shade can later be difficult.

The tone number is indicated on the packaging

It is advisable to choose the color of the cladding having a ready-made design project. If it is not possible to prepare it, then you can clarify it when purchasing - many salons provide a visualization service. This is how you can evaluate appearance premises and choose the appropriate option.

Choice of texture and size

Bathroom tiles have a huge variety of textures. It can imitate stone, wood, metal, or it can be embossed. Of course, the more complex the tile texture, the higher its cost.

Tiles can be divided into two main groups based on texture - glossy and matte.

Glossy bathroom tiles have been popular for several years now. It looks quite elegant, the shine of the tiles creates a feeling of cleanliness and well-groomed. However, it also has its drawbacks - when drops of water get on it, when high humidity indoors, marks remain on the glossy surface. You can remove them by wiping with a damp and then a dry cloth, otherwise streaks will again remain. Such tiles require regular and high-quality care.

Matte and glossy tiles

Matte bathroom tiles have gained popularity not so long ago, but are already actively used in decoration. It does not glare in bright light, does not require so much care and allows you to create cozy interior. If glossy tiles are recommended to be used only for walls, then matte tiles can also be used on the floor. Such tiles are quite easy to clean, but after washing with chemicals, they should also be wiped well so that no residue remains.

Important! You should be careful when combining matte and glossy tiles on walls, as this does not always lead to positive results.

The size of the tile is most often selected based on the size of the room. For example, for a small area it is better to choose small wall tiles, since large ones will have to be cut a lot, which does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Small and large format tiles

When laying, you can combine tiles different sizes, use narrow curbs. If you choose tiles from a ready-made collection, then the dimensions were selected by the designers during development. You just need to order required quantity plates and reproduce the installation in accordance with the project.

Calculation of the number of tiles for laying

Calculation of the number of tiles required for wall cladding is carried out in stages:

  • The perimeter of the room is calculated. To do this, measure the total length of all walls (if the room is square, then the length of one wall can be multiplied by 4, if it is rectangular, then the length of two walls can be multiplied by 2).
  • The total area of ​​the room is calculated. To do this, the perimeter is multiplied by the height of the wall in the room.

Important! If the room has built-in niches or projections, then each element must be measured separately.

  • Calculate the area of ​​surfaces on which ceramic wall tiles for the bathroom will not be laid, for example, a doorway.
  • From the total area obtained in step 2, the area obtained in step 3 is subtracted. The result is the surface area that needs to be covered.
  • Quantity counting required material. To do this you need to know exact dimensions each type of tile that will be used for finishing.

If one type of tile will be used for finishing, then it is necessary to divide the total area for cladding (item 4) by the area of ​​one plate. If the number turns out to be a fraction, round up.

Sometimes used when laying decorative tiles with a drawing, or a panel is made. Then it is necessary to subtract the area of ​​the panel from the resulting area.

If they will be used different types tiles (for example, two colors and a border), then the calculation is easier to do without using area. To do this, divide the perimeter by the length of one tile - we get the number of tiles required to lay one row along the perimeter. Then we divide the height of the wall by the height of one tile - we get the number of tiles needed to lay one row from floor to ceiling. By multiplying these two values, the number of tiles required for cladding becomes known.

Important! After all calculations have been made and exact amount tiles are known, it is necessary to add 5-8 tiles of floor and wall tiles to it, since they can be damaged during installation.

In the first picture the tiles are laid in a rhombus and horizontally, in the second with a shift

  • The simplest and most popular method of laying wall tiles is the classic (or basic) one, when the cladding is laid in even rows, seam to seam, horizontally or vertically, relative to the floor. To do this, you can use plain tiles or different shades in a checkerboard pattern. Or lay out the bottom with a dark color, divide it with a border and add a light color on top.
  • The second method is the basic one at an angle, when the plates are laid in a diamond shape at an angle of 45 degrees. But it is necessary to keep in mind that it will require producing a large number of cutting tiles, which means you need to buy with a reserve.
  • The third method is with a shift. That is, a slight shift is made relative to the bottom row. It is recommended to combine several shades for a more colorful look.

Floor covering can be carried out using several methods, the main ones being basic, at an angle and diagonally.

  • For the first experiment, it is better to choose the option with conventional horizontal laying relative to the walls. In this case, you will have to cut a minimum number of plates.
  • Basic at an angle, when the tiles are laid at an angle of 45 degrees - in a diamond shape
  • Plubnaya diagonally more difficult option– when the tiles are laid diagonally in the room, and the seam between the tiles in each row is shifted by half the tile. The resulting pattern is similar to brickwork.

If you decide to update the interior of your bathroom, then to complete this task you will need to prepare comprehensively. So, if you approach the issue of arranging a restroom, then the first, most legitimate question that appears in your mind is what tile to choose for the bathroom? When visiting a construction supermarket, you can see a huge selection ceramic tiles, ranging from cheap domestic options to Venetian masterpieces that will blow your mind. Therefore, you need to go to a tile salon with an already developed bath design concept. In this case, we recommend that you take your time and read specialized catalogs and sites where you can admire photos and videos already ready-made options restroom design.

Choosing tiles for the bathroom is not difficult if you approach this matter wisely. The first step is to decide which tiles will be used for the walls. In such a room, it is best to use calming color schemes that do not hurt the eyes and do not cause emotional outbursts. Water procedures should bring only pleasure and joy, and also cause relaxation of the whole body. Therefore, you should not choose a bathroom interior with sharp contrasts, for example, black and white, red and black, etc.

The selection of tiles for the bathroom should be careful so that there are no disappointments later. Soft warm ones are considered favorable for the bath. color options, which create a calm and cozy environment in the bathroom.

What criteria must be taken into account when choosing tiles?

When going to a ceramic tile salon, you need to write in a notebook three main factors that must be taken into account when choosing finishing material for the bathroom, namely:

  • Geometric characteristics of the tiles (size and shape);
  • Color scheme and texture;
  • Operating parameters.

In order to choose the tiles for your bathroom as correctly as possible, let’s carefully analyze each of these points.

Operating Parameters

Today we can say that tile production has reached such heights that a special type of finishing material has been developed for each room. Therefore, choosing tiles for the bathroom is an event that needs to be carried out as responsibly as possible. And to do this, you need to consult a specialist and carefully read the information that is presented on the price tags in the showroom or the description of the product in the online store.

Still, let's analyze in more detail which tile to choose for the bathroom. There are several basic criteria for this type of premises that must be met, namely:

  • Bathroom tiles must be resistant to temperature changes;
  • The ceramic product must be waterproof;
  • The ceramic surface must be resistant to various substances;
  • The tile coating should not fade, crack or peel;
  • Tiles for flooring must be durable and abrasion resistant.

If you need to choose tiles for your bathroom, then you definitely need to form an idea of ​​its types. So, there are several types of tiles on the market, each of which differs in its manufacturing method. Let's take a closer look at each type separately to choose the right ceramic tiles for the bathroom:

  • Clinker - this type of tile is the most durable. Its secret lies in the fact that during the production of such material a special firing is carried out, due to which a high-strength and low-porosity material is obtained. If you decide to choose bathroom tiles for a sauna or public shower, then this The best decision;

  • Bicottura is a tile that is double fired. Such ceramics come out of the conveyor glazed. This type of tile is ideal for wall decoration. It is worth noting that this type of tile is not suitable for laying on the floor due to its insignificant strength characteristics;

  • Porcelain stoneware is a specially designed floor tile that has high strength characteristics and is protected from abrasion and scratches;

  • Monocottura is universal material, which is produced by single firing. This ceramics can be used for finishing both walls and floors. There is a glazed variety of this tile on the market that can be used exclusively for wall decoration.

If you still don’t know which tile to choose for the bathroom, then you should note that not the whole world has converged on ceramics. There are also non-trivial solutions on the market. Examples include mirror or glass tiles. However, such materials are less resistant to loads and can easily deform - take this into account when selecting tiles For bathroom.

Typically, the characteristics of ceramics are indicated on the packaging in the form of pictograms. The selection of tiles for the bathroom must be done with skill. So let's reveal the secrets of each icon.

So, to choose tiles for the bathroom, you must definitely look at the pictograms. Since it is likely that the product you like may not meet the requirements.

Geometric characteristics of tiles

As a standard, most ceramics come in rectangular or square shapes. various sizes. Here, the choice of ceramic tiles for the bathroom must be tied to the total area of ​​the room and aesthetic feasibility. Someone loves big sizes, while for others the mosaic will seem attractive. It all depends on tastes and preferences.

It is rational to choose large tiles. This choice of bathroom tiles will greatly reduce the number of grout lines where mold and water tend to leak. However, this method can lead to an increase in the amount of waste resulting from cutting slabs. In addition, the selection of tiles for the bathroom must also be done taking into account the configuration of the room. If it is too complex, then large monolithic slabs– this is not the best solution in this case.

It would be more practical to take careful measurements of the entire room before selecting tiles for the bathroom. Next, calculate everything geometric parameters on paper, and then draw appropriate conclusions.

We recommend using alternating small and large tiles to obtain a high-quality pattern. The selection of tiles for the bathroom should be carried out with the participation of professionals. To do this, it is better to seek advice from specialist designers.

Color scheme and texture

This is another important factor, the correct consideration of which will make your bathtub attractive for many years, if not decades. Here, the choice of tiles for the bathroom must be made taking into account your needs and expectations.

The choice of tiles for the bathroom, in this case, must be made taking into account the size of the restroom, as well as the general style of your apartment. In this case, you also need to take into account the lighting level and the type of lamps used. Let's look at a few of the most common options:

  • Green color scheme. It's safe to say that this traditional style, which lifts the mood and makes water treatments more cheerful;
  • Shades of water. This style inspires solidity and makes such a room more majestic. However, do not forget that even the smallest dirt will be visible on such a surface. In addition, cold colors can have a depressing effect on the psyche;

  • Red color scheme. Burgundy or coral color increases the overall tone and has a stimulating effect;
  • Orange gamma. This decor evokes a sunny mood and is conducive to good start day;
  • Lilac color. This range is ideal for a feminine interior;
  • Classic variations. This is a tandem of black and white, as well as their variations. Here we recommend using high-quality branded tiles, which will have a positive effect on general style and quality of execution.

If, after reading the article, you still haven’t decided which tile to choose for the bathroom, then we recommend consulting with a qualified specialist, since otherwise you can do something stupid and end up with an uninteresting and tasteless interior. We wish you a successful renovation. Remember that choosing tiles for the bathroom is not a problem, the main thing is that you like the result.

Finishing a bathtub with ceramic tiles is a classic and widespread solution. The tiles are loved by customers for their high performance qualities, resistance to moisture and temperature changes, immunity to dirt and ease of maintenance. The advantages of tiles are clear to any person who makes repairs and plans finishing. But the choice of ceramic tiles is huge, which option should you choose?

Tile selection criteria

Let's start our review of commercially available ceramic tiles with technical and physical characteristics. Experts identify the following criteria for choosing tiles:

  • The destination of the tiles is important. The product is usually divided into two types of tiles: floor and wall. It is wrong to think that one can replace the other, and vice versa. Floor tiles are characterized by reduced porosity; this material is resistant to premature abrasion. For wall tiles, these characteristics are not as important as waterproofing.
  • In addition to moisture protection and wear resistance, resistance to moisture is important for the bathroom. chemicals, including abrasive.
  • Tile size is not just an aesthetic choice. Large tiles in small room will look out of place, leave it for large areas. Decorate a small bathroom with small mosaics.

  • Manufacturer of ceramic tiles. On modern construction market presented wide choose finishing material from different countries, including domestic producers. Italian companies are considered the best in the production of ceramic tiles, although imported goods not cheap and subject to currency fluctuations.
  • Decor and color scheme. Aesthetic criteria for choosing ceramic tiles are extremely important, since the coating will serve your family for more than five years. Therefore, let's take a closer look at each of these points.

Tile decoration methods

There are several technologies for working with ceramic tiles, which differ in the final result. The most common types of bathroom decoration using tiles are:

  • Using tile collections. The manufacturer creates collections using design rules. The colors in the collection are combined and do not exceed 2-3. The collection includes tiles of different sizes, inserts and borders.
  • A panel of tiles. A panel is a painting, in other words, this method of decoration means a painting transferred to a tile using photo printing or manually. Typically, traditional tiles and other decorative elements (borders, floors, and sometimes ceilings) are used to create panels.
  • Tile mosaic. Kit small tiles, consisting of one or more colors. Mosaic tiles are laid out in a chaotic order or in a strict sequence to create a pattern or design.

Color scheme for the bathroom

Choosing the color of tiles for the bathroom is an individual matter, depending on personal preferences. But there are several design rules that will help make the interior laconic and complete.

  • To decorate a small room, stop at light colors tiles - white, beige, light green, pale blue. Dark colors visually reduce space, use with caution.
  • Contrary to popular belief, pollution is more visible in dark tiles. Light and even white tiles are easier to care for.
  • The color of the floor tiles can match the tiles on the wall, or be a shade lighter or darker. Bold decision– choose tiles for the floor in a contrasting color, but this is increasingly used by designers to create an original interior.

  • Choose grout for the joints in a tone that matches the tiles or in a contrasting color. Remember that using light-colored grout on floor tiles is not advisable; maintenance will be more difficult.
  • The color of the tiles should be combined with the selected sanitary ware, for the bathroom and other little things that create the overall impression.
  • Use design secrets to correct room deficiencies. Vertical stripes in the picture they will expand the space, making the room more voluminous. And the use of mirrored bath tiles in limited quantities will visually make the room spacious.

Selecting tiles for a bathroom is not an easy or time-consuming task. Take your time with your choice, try to combine several options. Tile finishing will last for decades, make your choice wisely.

The question of choosing tiles for the bathroom and toilet is the most problematic in the process of planning home renovations. Often these rooms are different small area, and therefore facing tiles plays a special role in visually improving the perception of the room. How to choose the best option?

Differentiate between types of tiles

Criterias of choice

To correctly determine which tile is best to choose for the bathroom, distinguish between the main types. The division takes place into wall and floor. The first type plays a decorative role and is produced in a small format. The second option is produced in sizes 30x30, 50x50, 70x70. It is stronger and thicker.

Also, the types of tiles for the toilet and bathroom differ in the type of surface. It can be glossy or matte, smooth or embossed. Select the right product from the point of view of its further use. For example, drops of water will be visible on a glossy surface, making it easier to slip on, while matte ones are more difficult to wash, although they mask some of the dirt under a muted color.

The bathroom is a room with a specific operational load, so materials for its finishing must be selected with special care.

Already at the renovation planning stage, you should decide on the main characteristics that will ensure comfort and the absence of problems in the future.

Ceramic tiles are most often used to decorate a bathroom. This is primarily due to optimal consumer qualities– durability, resistance to high humidity and a wide range of design solutions.

But, even having decided that tiles will be used in the bathroom, a lot of questions remain, the main one of which is which tile is better to choose for the bathroom? The choice should be based on three main components:

  • Performance characteristics of tiles
  • Design and texture
  • Shape and size
Choosing tiles for the bathroom according to shape and design

Basic principles of bathroom design

When choosing among bathroom tile collections, flights of fancy should be limited common sense and the realities of the room - luxurious panels in the Renaissance style and massive slabs imitating ancient marble are not suitable for renovating a small bathroom.

You should adhere to the basic principles of space design:

  • the vertical pattern creates the feeling that the walls are higher and visually raises the ceiling;
  • light colors expand the space, dark colors will make a small room even smaller;
  • a large and expressive ornament gives the surface solidity, but visually reduces it;
  • Glossy surfaces create a feeling of spaciousness, but glare from artificial lighting tires the eyesight.

Performance characteristics of tiles

The product label indicates full information about its quality characteristics.

It is the markings on the packaging that will help you choose optimal material. According to international standards, manufacturers indicate characteristics in the form of pictograms.

The main nuances when choosing a coating for bathrooms are:

  • Resistant to temperature changes and water vapor.
  • Purpose. Depending on which surface the tile is suitable for covering, the manufacturer puts a pictogram in the form of a silhouette of a foot (for the floor) or a palm print (for walls).
  • The thickness of the tile is also marked with a pictogram. For wall finishing, the optimal material is a thickness of 6-9 mm, for the floor - 9-12 mm.
  • Strength. Depends on the number of firings. Products that have been fired once are more durable and can be used for floor cladding. This indicator is marked with a pictogram of the silhouette of flames, inside of which there is a number corresponding to the number of firings.
  • The anti-slip coefficient is marked with an icon in the form of a silhouette of a boot that is standing on inclined plane, its indicator varies in the range from 1 to 4.
  • Resistance to action household chemicals indicated by a pictogram in the shape of a silhouette of a flask and Latin letters. Letters of the Latin alphabet are used to indicate the level of chemical resistance. For the bathroom, it is best to choose products marked with the “AA” symbol, which guarantees the highest degree of resistance,
  • Abrasion resistance. This characteristic marked with a sharp-toothed gear symbol. There are five classes of products based on abrasion resistance, depending on the operating load. The first includes the softest tiles, suitable exclusively for wall decoration, the fifth includes products that will be used in industrial premises with high traffic. For flooring in a home bathroom, the second class of wear resistance is recommended - few people will walk on the floor and mostly barefoot or in shoes with soft soles. Bathroom floor tiles should be scratch-resistant.

In order to choose the optimal tile, you need to understand the types and classifications responsible for one or another characteristic of the material.

When purchasing tiles, pay attention to the coefficient of anti-slip and abrasion resistance

Types of tiles

Depending on the manufacturing method, there are several types of ceramic tiles:

  • Bicottura– material that has undergone double firing. Usually comes glazed. Resistant to impact detergents. however, it is not very durable, so it is suitable exclusively for wall decoration.
  • Monocottura undergoes single firing. This is a more durable material that can also be used for flooring. However, if the material is glazed, its abrasion resistance is reduced and it is only used for walls.
  • Clinker is the most durable option for ceramic tiles. Thanks to special production technology, the material is low-porous and very durable. Its disadvantage is the limited design; clinker has natural shades.
  • Porcelain tiles is a particularly durable type of floor tile, characterized by high resistance to abrasion and scratching. Traditionally, the surface is designed to look like stone, imitation of granite cut, marble and other natural materials. The rough surface ensures minimal slipping, which is a big advantage in rooms with high humidity.

We lay bicottura tiles with double firing on the bathroom walls

In addition to ceramic tiles, the following are used for tiling bathrooms:

  • Glass and mirror tiles. The durability and moisture resistance of these materials is almost the same as that of ceramics, but glass is even more susceptible to impact loads. therefore suitable exclusively for decorating walls and ceilings.
  • Polymer tiles. PVC tiles are a cheap finishing option. It is not as durable as ceramics, but has a greater variety of designs, so it is in demand when carrying out budget repairs.
  • Tiles from natural stone . Luxurious, almost eternal material, the disadvantage of which is its extremely high price.

How to choose quality tiles?

Except important issues optimal technical indicators tiles declared by the manufacturer, you also have to deal with issues of quality and product defects. To choose quality tiles There are a few things you need to pay attention to.

Absorbency of tiles

If the tile strongly absorbs moisture, over time, its weight may increase so much that the glue will not hold it on the wall, and it will fall off. In addition, the facial covering may suffer, cracks and stains will appear on the enamel. It is easy to identify a tile that strongly absorbs moisture by looking at the underside - it has small pores. Ideally, there shouldn’t be any of them at all, but if there are only a few of them (up to 10 pieces), you can buy tiles.

Flatness of the reverse side

If a depression forms in the center of the slab, it will not be sufficiently filled with glue, and a void will form there, into which moisture will enter during operation. As a result, the relationship between the adhesive and the tile will decrease and gradually deteriorate, and after a few years the tile may begin to move away from the wall. You can evaluate the evenness of the tiles by stacking two tiles right sides to each other and checking for a gap between them.

Front surface quality

Is determined by several signs. If you run your palm over the gloss, it should be perfectly smooth; if there are roughnesses, this indicates the use of outdated technologies. Traces of bubbling also indicate a poor quality product. The second important indicator is color uniformity, quality product should be colored evenly.

Stable geometry

It is impossible to properly lay tiles with distortions and irregularities in geometry, primarily because it will not be possible to maintain the evenness of the seam.

You can check the geometry of the tiles as follows. A stack of tiles is installed standing on flat surface standing. If the top edge looks like a fan, even with minimal differences, the tile is of poor quality. This is either a manufacturing defect or products from different batches.

Shape and size

The size of the tile is important not only from an aesthetic point of view. There are also functional features, which should be taken into account when choosing a material. So, with a complex room configuration, it is better to give preference to small tiles or mosaics, since large tiles will have to be cut frequently and this will entail wasteful consumption of material.

At the same time, the seams between the tiles are the most vulnerable place for water penetration, and even if they are treated with high-quality grout, mold may begin to form in conditions of constant high humidity. In this regard, large tiles, which will have fewer seams, are more profitable.

At complex drawings laying mosaics or small-sized tiles

Bathroom color scheme

The color scheme comes to the fore when asking which tiles to choose for a small bathroom. The right combination shades can significantly improve visual perception space.

Various shades of water and marine motifs are very popular in the design of bathrooms. The color tiles look beautiful and non-standard light shades sea ​​wave and delicate azure colors.

However, designers note that the blue range is cold, and its rich tones can have a depressing effect on the psyche. In order to minimize this effect, decorators resort to combining colors. Blue shades are especially good in combination with gold and white.

IN small rooms It is worth giving preference to blue colors, blue ones can visually reduce the space.

Also, classic version The bathroom design is green. This is quite justified - greenery is associated with the natural freshness of grasses and meadows. Light lime and pistachio colors are ideal for walls, creating a joyful, cheerful mood, but the favorite malachite and emerald tiles are best left for the floor or used in combination with shades of white.

The classic combination of black and white tiles is still relevant and stylish. However, this design visually reduces the area of ​​the room, so experts recommend it exclusively for spacious bathrooms.

Suitable for a small bathroom color scheme, in which the walls are painted white, and black, or splashes of black, are used only in the design of the floor.

IN modern interiors More and more often you can find bathrooms made in red color scheme. To make the bathroom look stylish, but at the same time harmonious, several rules should be taken into account.

In small rooms, red can be used locally, decorating only certain areas with it, for example, highlighting the washbasin or mirror area. For the floor it is better to choose saturated burgundy shades or bright coral tiles. IN spacious rooms red can be used on a larger scale.

However, regardless of the size of the bathroom, designers recommend using it in combination with other colors. The combination of red and white tiles when decorated with suitable decor looks very elegant. Raspberry or ruby ​​colors are perfectly set off by gray or silver tones, especially if tiles with mother-of-pearl are chosen. A bathroom decorated in pink and white tones with golden decor can look very gentle and elegant.

Use shades of orange to create a joyful, sunny design. Saturated Orange color designers recommend placing them locally, using calm beige or peach tones as a base.

We carefully approach the issue of choosing a design and color scheme for the bathroom

The floor is best decorated with tiles warm shades chocolate or wenge. Such cladding will not be overly colorful and will set the mood for rest and relaxation.

Lilac and shades of violet combined with floral decor suitable for creating romantic and feminine interiors.

If you complement these colors with cold ones gray shades and choose a decor with laconic stripes or an abstract pattern, the interior will play differently, acquiring notes of modernity and hi-tech.

  • When choosing tile colors for a small bathroom, it is always better to give preference to light colors. Dark shades are only suitable for floor tiles.
  • Dark glossy tiles look very impressive, but require careful maintenance. The slightest traces of dried splashes of water, prints of wet feet, every speck of dust are noticeable on it. If it is not possible to wash the walls at least once a week and wash the floors several times a day, it is better to avoid choosing dark glossy tiles for the bathroom. Matte tiles, especially those imitating the natural surface of stone, are many times more practical.
  • If the architecture of the room is complex, it is best to decorate the room with tiled mosaics.
  • Too many colors in the bathroom interior are unacceptable; two or three shades are enough. Otherwise, an irritating diversity will appear, which has a stimulating effect on the psyche.
  • Bright colors should be used to accentuate individual interior elements, but not to make them basic.

Time spent studying and choosing optimal tiles, are more than compensated by the incomparably longer service life of a high-quality coating.