How to deal with wood lice in an apartment. How to get rid of wood lice in an apartment on your own? Chemical control agents

Where do woodlice live in their natural environment? In nature, they can live wherever conditions are favorable - moisture is present and there is a large amount of food. Woodlice feed on semi-decomposed organic matter, roots, vegetables, eat delicate leaves of plants, can eat spoiled cereals, rotten fruits.

In a garden or vegetable garden, they can be found under stones, in secluded, damp corners of the garden - near a pond, near a well, next to a rain ditch or sewer.

In the wild, small crustaceans choose their habitat areas near a river or lake., slightly wetlands, natural depressions in stones and soil, where moisture accumulates.

In the apartment

Why do these small pests start in the apartment, especially in the bathroom? Woodlice need very humid air to breathe, so they settle in apartments where conditions for their life and reproduction are favorable - in bathrooms, kitchens under the sink, air ducts, where rainwater penetrates and where it accumulates.

Why are they turned on?

Why woodlice, which are often mistakenly considered insects, choose a city apartment as their habitat, why are there a lot of them in attics and basements, what are the reasons for their appearance in a country house?

In the apartment

In a private house

In private country houses, pests can be brought from the garden, along with vegetables and herbs. But often small crustaceans themselves make their way into wet basements, attracted by the food reserves stored there.

A damp, poorly ventilated basement or a leaking attic, decaying wooden structures of a house, not drying out ditches near a summer cottage, damp sewage are ideal conditions for woodlice to survive.

reference... It is possible to bring crustaceans into the house with purchased vegetables or herbs, but in the absence of favorable conditions in the apartment or in the country, they will not take root.

How to determine where they breed?

First of all, you need to understand that these creatures reproduce where there is maximum humidity. Consequently, their habitat should be looked for in such places - in the bathroom, under the floor in the kitchen in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe sink. If possible - you need to examine the attic and basement.

In country houses, be sure to go down to the basement and look for pest masonry in dark corners, turn over stones and bricks, check the water supply and sewerage system for leaks.

It is the invasion of woodlice that often leads to the fact that residents find a leaking roof or undermining water supply.

The presence of wood lice in public places is an alarming signal. The pests themselves can serve as carriers of diseases., but their presence also indicates high dampness in the premises, and this is the reason for the appearance of mold and mildew, which is already very dangerous for the health of residents of MKD. Having found wood lice, you should immediately call the housing office and call the sanitary control service to check the basements and attics.

If there are pantries or closets in the house where vegetables are stored, they should also be inspected, sequentially raising the containers where the supplies are poured.

What are the first signals of appearance in housing?

Small crustaceans are nocturnal creatures, so their presence in the house can be detected quite late (a description and classification of wood lice can be found in). Signs can be:

  1. spoiled vegetables;
  2. traces of excrement near the trash can and in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe kitchen sink;
  3. traces of vital activity in cereals or greens.

Dying indoor plants can also serve as an indirect sign - woodlice often settle in pots with soil, while feeding on the roots and leaves of the flower.

If there are these moments, you need to make sure that these are wood lice. For direct detection of crustaceans, it is necessary at night to examine the dark corners of the bathroom, basement or attic of a residential building, illuminating with a flashlight all corners, cracks and possible cracks in the walls, in basements - lifting objects lying on the ground. It is under bricks, overturned buckets and folded boards that these pests love to nest.

How to get rid of?

There are many ways to get rid of uninvited guests - from home to purchased ones. The funds can be used the same as that of cockroaches:

  • crayons;
  • traps;
  • poisonous bait.

If there are too many wood lice in the attic or in the basement, you should call special services that destroy insects.

But all destruction measures will be useless if you do not create unbearable conditions for pests.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary:

  1. dry the bathroom by installing an additional heater;
  2. to seal the cracks in the floor and walls, from where new batches of crustaceans can creep;
  3. throw out the trash bin on time, without leaving waste overnight;
  4. check all pipes and taps for damage;
  5. wipe the floor in the apartment dry, temporarily do not dry the linen in the kitchen and bathroom;
  6. in a country house, thoroughly ventilate the basement and repair the roof, preventing leaks.

If pests have settled in flower pots, change the entire soil by rinsing the roots of home flowers with running water before transplanting. This way, there will be no crustacean eggs left on them and they will not be able to reproduce again.

Only if these conditions are met will it be possible forever.

Prevention of the appearance

The most the main thing to do to prevent pests from appearing is to keep the house clean and dry.

  1. Prevent leaks or eliminate them in time, prevent vegetables and fruits from rotting in places where they are stored, regularly ventilate / dry the bathroom, take out the garbage in the evening.
  2. In country houses, it makes sense to dry the basement well in the summer, creating a draft, and regularly check the roof and repair it in time.
  3. In summer cottages, it is not worth storing a large amount of organic waste close to the house; it is better to move the compost heap, where woodlice are very fond of nesting, to the far corner of the garden.

Thus, they are extremely unpleasant pests that can not only frighten with their appearance, but also bring a lot - spoil supplies, undermine the wooden structures of houses, and carry diseases. To destroy them and prevent their appearance, the main condition must be observed - dry air. Wood lice cannot breathe without sufficient moisture. and either perish or leave their home forever.

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What to do if small nondescript woodlice insects appear in the apartment? You should not be very scared, but it's time to think about how to get harmful insects out of the apartment. Despite their small size, wood lice can cause a lot of trouble, especially for flower lovers. Pests first of all pay attention to them; we must not forget about the possibility of transferring various infections. Therefore, you should find out from what woodlice appear in the apartment and how to remove them correctly.

Types of wood lice

Woodlice in an apartment may look different, some have a shell, like an armadillo, others have a narrow body and antennae, others are silverfish, along with woodlice, they annoy the inhabitants of the house.

Woodlice ordinary

The small insect belongs to the order of crustaceans. The length of its body reaches only 3-4 millimeters, the oval thick body is slightly tapering, it consists of many segments. Wood lice are often dark gray, gray or greenish in color, and during molting they are also white. In the apartment they prefer to settle in the bathroom, because they adore places with high humidity. If she is in danger, wood lice quickly curl up into a ball, they prefer to be active at night.

Woodlice rough

A more mobile representative with a soft and flat shell. Its color is reddish, yellow, light gray, even almost black. The body of this species also consists of segments, but has some roughness. They crawl faster than ordinary wood lice and, when caught, are not inclined to curl up into a ball, on the contrary, they begin to arch their bodies and quickly move their legs in an attempt to escape.

Common silverfish

Or sugarcane is a rather small insect, reaching a size of only 1 millimeter. Its body is often silvery or simply has a gray tint, a distinctive feature is the antennae that stick out - two in front and three in the back. The body of the silverfish consists of segments, is oval in size, but tapers towards the back. These insects are active at night.

Than dangerous

Where did woodlice come from in the apartment? The owners themselves could bring them into the house along with houseplants, which are often taken outside for ventilation or washing. The fact is that crustaceans are very fond of flower pots, there is enough moisture and food for a comfortable stay.

In this case, in a fairly short period of time, plants can die, because wood lice damage their root system and contribute to soil compaction, which leads to a significant decrease in oxygen levels.

Woodlice do not harm the human body, because they do not bite, although there are hypotheses that crustaceans can carry spores of various fungi and lichens on their paws. To date, this information has not yet been confirmed, but is it worth the risk, in any case, they need to be destroyed in order to prevent the invasion of wood lice in the apartment.

Reasons for the appearance

To understand where woodlice come from in an apartment, you should pay attention to their habitat. Crustaceans are attracted by increased levels of humidity, for example, a pipe leaks in the bathroom or condensation constantly accumulates on the wall after taking a bath.

Insects need a breeding ground, which is perfectly served by stale leftovers in the trash can.

The reason for the appearance of uninvited guests can be a flooded basement if the apartment is on the first floor, and a leaking roof if the monastery is located on the top floor of the house.

Fight against dampness and moisture

It is imperative to fight woodlice colonies in a house or apartment, like in the toilet, in the kitchen or in the bathroom. To get rid of harmful insects, you can use traditional methods or various chemicals.

Folk remedies

Dry kvass

You need to take 100 grams of dry kvass and place it in a container of 500 milliliters of boiling water. Stir the mass and spray in the habitats of woodlice, it is recommended to use a spray bottle.

Red pepper

Mix 3 grams of red pepper, 4 grams of soda and 2 grams of tobacco, then pour one liter of hot water into the resulting mass. Spray the solution in problem areas, and after 90 minutes rinse with warm water with the addition of chlorine or a preparation containing it.

Boric acid

Stir 10 grams of boric acid in 500 milliliters of water. Carefully handle the places where crustaceans accumulate.


You can sprinkle handfuls of salt in the corners of a problem room. When using this method, there is a risk that wood lice will simply be located higher on the walls.

Birch branches

In the corners of the room where wood lice live, lay out birch brooms, they should lie there all night, in the morning the brooms should be carefully collected and thrown away from the house or shake them over the fire so that the wood lice burn out.


Before using these funds in an apartment, you should study the instructions for use, and then you can poison wood lice.


A bucket of quicklime must be placed in the room where the pests have started, then the door must be tightly closed. After that, you cannot enter the treated room for another 3 days.


A product designed for disinfection and disinfection of premises. Stir 40 grams of the substance in one liter of water and treat the room where crustaceans live. Perform the procedure in protective gloves.


Contact agent, kills insects within 3-4 minutes by exposure to poison on their respiratory tract. Spraying should be carried out at a distance of 30 centimeters from the surface, you can process crevices or process the insects themselves.

Chalk "Mashenka"

This agent is insecticidal and affects the insect only with direct contact, the poison is able to penetrate the tissues of the shell, as a result of which the work of the nervous system is disrupted, and then paralysis and death occurs. The chalk can be simply applied in the form of a line on the floor, after being pulverized, sprayed and diluted in water.


It is a syringe with a poison in the form of a gel, which can be applied to the surface in the form of lines or injected directly into the crevices. Eating bait, wood lice will soon be poisoned and die.

Monitor lizard

The tool has a contact principle of action, when it comes into contact with the treated surface, woodlice carry poison on the whiskers and paws, which kills the entire colony. The powder should be dissolved in water and the solution should be used to treat ventilation shafts, baseboards and other places affected by insects, it is better to use a syringe or brush.


The active substance of the drug penetrates into the digestive and respiratory systems of woodlice and kills them. It exists in the form of a concentrated liquid that must be diluted with water (1:10) and aerosol. The product exists in liquid and powder form, both of which must be mixed with water before spraying the room.


A bait agent, which should be applied in places where crustaceans accumulate, the substance should dry within two days, and after 5 days it is advisable to repeat the procedure.


With an invasion of woodlice, it is better not to try to take them out on your own, but to invite specialists from a private pest control organization or from a sanitary and epidemiological station. They use completely safe means, carefully process everything and even give a guarantee of about 3 months.

Prevention of the appearance

In order not to fight breeding pests, it is better to prevent their appearance by following several rules:

  • immediately eliminate leaking pipes;
  • thoroughly wipe off condensation on the bathroom or kitchen floor;
  • regularly clean ventilation openings;
  • ventilate all rooms in the house;
  • to close the emerging gaps in the flooring;
  • in case of excessive humidity, use an air dehumidifier;
  • take out the trash can more often;
  • do not leave food leftovers on the table;
  • dry linen on the street or balcony, and not in the bathroom;
  • Remove the soil from the pallets of plants, which crumbled there.

In nature, woodlice live in humid corners of forests and meadows, river floodplains. They can often be found in parks, orchards and vegetable gardens. They feel especially good in the last layer of fallen leaves and grass, tops of various root crops. They are nocturnal, during the day they hide under stones, rotten stumps, lying trees, heaps of leaves and branches.

They are unpretentious, eat plant foods, prefer decaying parts of plants, but can damage living green leaves and stems, roots. Woodlice do not experience a lack of food in their natural habitat. So what brings them to human habitation, and how do they appear here?

They also eat plant-based food in apartments: they eat fruits, vegetables and greens that a person brings into the house for themselves, trades with rotten cleanings in trash bins, do not refuse houseplants, and also eat moldy mushrooms from the walls of wet basements and bathrooms. In multi-storey buildings, a lot of food is found in garbage chutes.

Woodlice grow in damp, poorly ventilated corners of apartments, or in flower pots. They can settle in a closet and on a balcony, especially if vegetables are stored there or there are indoor flowers. But most often they can be found in bathrooms and toilets, as well as in kitchens under the sink and next to the trash can. They go out in search of food at nightfall; when the lamps are turned on, they immediately rush to hide from the light, which is so unpleasant for them, rapidly scattering around the corners.

Sometimes the owners of the apartments do not suspect for a long time about the neighborhood with these secretive creatures, until one night they find them crawling on the floor in the kitchen or bathroom. Home plant owners can find wood lice, loosening the soil in pots, or guess about their presence by the holes that appear on the leaves - traces of the meal of these uninvited "guests".

The reasons for the appearance of wood lice in the apartment

Wood lice can come to the house on their own from the street, or they can get with the brought plants (in pots with soil), with fruits from the garden, vegetables from the cellar, fruits from the store. In the first case, they enter the house through cracks in the walls and floor, through ventilation or through the basement.

Sometimes wood lice settle not in the apartment itself, but in the attic or in the basement, and they come to the apartment only from time to time. This is what attracts wood lice to the human home:

  • humidity;
  • a large number of shelters;
  • darkness;
  • the smell of your favorite food;
  • calm atmosphere.

The apartments have many secluded shaded corners in which woodlice feel comfortable: they settle behind baseboards, in the crevices of the floor and walls, under bathtubs and behind toilets, behind pipes and household appliances, in ventilation passages. Getting wood lice out of there is problematic, so they live in peace.

In addition, in apartments, woodlice are protected from natural enemies that eat them in the wild, so absolutely nothing prevents them from living in peace and reproducing. But wood lice need moisture and food to survive.

Humidity and food are major factors

The main thing that contributes to the appearance is moisture (they cannot live in dryness) and access to suitable food: vegetables and fruits stored openly or in tightly closed cabinets, cleaning in a trash can without a lid, mold on the walls. Even if wood lice did not come into the house from the street, but were brought here by accident, they can take root if they find secluded damp places and food for themselves.

If the kitchen and bathroom are not equipped with a forced exhaust system, and the ventilation ducts are clogged, then humid air stagnates here, and condensation often accumulates on the walls. The ingress of rain drops through cracks in the roofs, leaks of sewer pipes and musty air in basements create the very environment that woodlice need to live.

And even in a dry apartment, where the owners store food in sealed packages, tightly close the trash can and ventilate all rooms every day, woodlice can come from the attic or from the basement, which are quite enough for a small amount of mold, lichens or wind-blown plant seeds to survive.

How to deal with wood lice

By themselves, woodlice are not capable of harming a person, they are rather a sign of an unhealthy indoor climate. In addition to their unpleasant, from the point of view of many people, appearance, apartment owners often complain that woodlice damage indoor plants and encroach on fruits and vegetables. But the main danger is that woodlice create unsanitary conditions, because they crawl in basements, garbage chutes, garbage cans, and carry microbes on their paws that enter human food.

Control methods:

  • creating unsuitable living conditions for woodlice;
  • traps and baits;
  • etching.

First you need to try to find the cause of the appearance of wood lice in the apartment, and then choose a method. Sometimes, to eliminate these animals, a collective struggle with them is required from residents of all apartments.

Destruction of conditions for existence

A clean, dry, ventilated area is not suitable for woodlice. All food products must be stored in places inaccessible to these animals and immediately get rid of fruits and vegetables that begin to rot. The bin should have a tight-fitting lid, and if gaps are found in the floors and walls, they should be caulked.

You should carefully inspect all sewer and water pipes, look under the sink, bath and behind the toilet, under the window sills to see if there are any leaks or condensation, check the roof of the house and repair it if its integrity is broken.

Basements must be well ventilated, and if there are pipe leaks, be sure to eliminate them. In the basements, you need to clean up, and cover the floor with lime (it will kill most of the wood lice).

Bathrooms, kitchens and other areas of the apartment also need to be kept dry:

  • ventilate after washing and cooking food;
  • clean the ventilation ducts;
  • install a forced draft hood in the kitchen and bathroom (preferably);
  • make sure that condensation does not accumulate on the walls (adjust the heating system and ventilate the apartment daily);
  • do not dry washed items in the house;
  • after using the bathroom, wipe the bathtub and floor dry;
  • after washing the dishes, wipe the sink with a dry cloth;
  • do not allow moisture to accumulate in the coasters under the pots of indoor plants.

Heaters and fans can also be used to speed up the drying out of the premises. will be successful only if the apartment becomes dry. Sometimes breakdowns in water supply and sewerage systems can be eliminated on their own, but if it comes to violating the integrity of common building communications, you should contact the management companies on behalf of all residents. The basement of the house and the garbage chute deserve special attention - the relevant organizations must monitor their cleanliness.

Traps, baits, insecticides, poison

If wood lice are found in flower pots, the soil should be changed or treated with special preparations (for example, Ideal, Aktara, Thunder, Schneckenkorn, Mesurol). They are sold at household chemistry or gardening stores.

Places under the bathtubs and behind the skirting boards are conveniently treated with insecticidal agents in sprays; powder and liquid concentrates are used in open areas. Of the chemicals that are in household goods, it helps well against wood lice:

  • Dichlorvos. They need to treat the surfaces in those places where wood lice accumulate, and not go into the room for a while. After that, the apartment needs to be well ventilated. Less toxic version of dichlorvos - "Varan", is a modern, effective odorless dichlorvos.
  • "Tetrix". An expensive new generation insecticide. In one application, all wood lice will be destroyed, and the effect of the treatment will last up to 70 days. It is often used by disinfection services, but the drug is not always available in retail.
  • "Tarax". It is very effective, economically consumed, 1 g of powder is enough for processing 60 sq. meters. The dry product dissolves in water, the surface is treated with a sponge or spray bottle.
  • Gett. A highly toxic drug for wood lice, not dangerous for humans. Important: you cannot use it on surfaces near aquariums without lids, as the preparation is toxic to fish as well. An analogue of the drug "Gett" is the "Master" remedy.
  • Scabengel. This is an inexpensive, gel-like bait in a syringe dispenser that can be applied to hard-to-reach areas such as behind skirting boards or pipes.

There are also effective chemicals that do not require the purchase of special chemicals. Can be used:

  • Boric acid (or borax). Powder is sprinkled on surfaces where insects have been seen. The powder can also be diluted in water and sprayed around walls, under baths, behind toilets. Boric acid corrodes the upper protective layer of the body of woodlice and kills them.

  • Soda, powdered tobacco and hot red pepper (ground). They are mixed in equal amounts and diluted with water. The mixture is sprayed on the places where wood lice accumulate.
  • Dry bread kvass. 100 g of powder is poured with boiling water (half a liter is needed). The solution is allowed to brew, and then the room is treated with it.

  • Salt. It is scattered in the corners or diluted with water in glassware (3-4 tablespoons per liter) and sprayed around the perimeter of the room.

  • Birch broom. It is left overnight in a room (near the walls), where woodlice have started up, and in the morning they are thrown away with them: at night, woodlice will surely climb into the broom leaves.

  • Potato tubers. Holes are cut out in them and left overnight in places where wood lice are most often found. At night, these animals climb into the holes, in the morning they need to be thrown away or destroyed along with the potatoes.
  • Quicklime. It is poured with water and left in an apartment for 2-3 days in an open container. Important: lime is destructive for woodlice, but it is also dangerous for people. It is necessary to prepare the solution with gloves and goggles; it is impossible to stay in the house for a period of lime.

Whichever remedy is chosen, you should always follow safety measures and remember the toxicity of some substances to humans and pets.

How not to confuse woodlice with silverfish

Often another similar creature settling in apartments is mistaken for woodlice. They are similar in appearance, although woodlice is an animal that belongs to the order of crustaceans, and silverfish is an insect from the order of bristle-tails.

Wood lice have an oblong oval body, convex on top and covered with transverse plates of gray-brown or gray-blue color. In case of danger, they run away very quickly or curl up into a ball.

Silverfish are flat and oblong, the color is closer to dark brown, the body tapers towards the tail. They have different nutritional needs and lifestyle, therefore, the ways of dealing with them are somewhat different.

Incredibly tenacious and nasty wood lice can appear in an apartment or a private house for no apparent reason. Often, homeowners in high-rise buildings consider themselves protected from these insects, although under favorable conditions for living and breeding woodlice, they can not only complicate, but also ruin people's lives. At the same time, sterile cleanliness in the house is not an absolute protection against the appearance of pests, so it is important for everyone to know how to get rid of wood lice in an apartment in order to effectively resist the invasion of these unpleasant creatures on their home.

To understand where wood lice come from in an apartment, you should have a general idea of ​​them. These small insects (a standard specimen rarely grows more than 2 cm in length) of the crustacean family is even outwardly extremely unpleasant: the elongated body is covered with characteristic plates, and numerous antennae and legs make the creature even more disgusting. At the same time, woodlice is one of the fastest insects that start indoors, so it will not work to get rid of them with the help of a sneaker: immediately after turning on the light, they quickly hide in their shelters.

If an insect such as wood lice appears in an apartment, then how to get rid of an unpleasant neighbor at home? In this matter, not only flair will help, but also the experience of professionals. Use the recommendations on the network and find the best method for dealing with these insects for your conditions.

The main reason for the appearance of wood lice indoors is excessive. Therefore, most often these insects are found in kitchens and bathrooms, for which the presence of moisture and water is normal. Leaking pipes, improperly functioning ventilation, often long-drying laundry, active cooking with steam without using - all this creates optimal conditions for the appearance and comfortable life of woodlice.

In addition, these pests can grow in a room with a large number of plants that need abundant watering. In this case, woodlice simply settle in pots, simultaneously feeding on plants and destroying them.

Knowing how to deal with wood lice in an apartment, you can get rid of insects in a short time, but it is advisable to simply prevent the appearance of these pests. The danger of such insects appearing in an apartment or house is associated with the likelihood of the spread of infections, which is extremely unpleasant for all household members.

In addition, the presence of wood lice in the house is, as a rule, death for all flowers and plants. To save yourself and your beloved orchid, you just need to carry out effective preventive measures, as well as use effective means of fighting insects if they appear.

Folk methods

Talking about how to get rid of wood lice in the house, most ordinary people prefer to start a conversation with folk methods. The popularity of these methods of getting rid of pests is associated with some safety, as well as word of mouth information about the effectiveness of a particular control option. It should be remembered that in most cases these methods really help, but if all of them turn out to be ineffective, then it is important to pay attention to professional insect repellents in time.

Note: The knowledge of how to quickly get rid of wood lice can come in handy at any time: for example, when insects appear in cabinets with insufficiently dried laundry.

Chemical preparations for wood lice

If folk recipes and observance of hygiene and order have not demonstrated the expected result, then you should turn to more effective methods of struggle - professional means. Since it is often possible to permanently remove woodlice from an apartment only with the help of serious chemistry, homeowners may need the help of professionals: specialized teams of exterminators in one session clean the room from insects with modern drugs.

But before calling the pest control team, you should try using one of the following methods:

Tip: In some cases, to completely get rid of woodlice, it is recommended to transplant indoor flowers into other pots with new soil, and rinse the roots of plants using a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

Prevention as an effective way to combat

In order not to look for information on how to deal with wood lice in the house, it is better to engage in effective prevention and create in your home the most unsuitable conditions for the appearance and residence of these pests. Woodlice should not appear in the house if:

  • Observe basic hygiene standards (carry out, take out the garbage on time, do not leave food and dirty dishes on tables and other work surfaces, etc.).
  • Monitor the absence of leaks and the serviceability of plumbing fixtures.
  • Maintain an acceptable indoor humidity level. This is especially true for wet rooms - kitchens and bathrooms. In order not to "overmoisten" the apartment, it is necessary to organize the high-quality operation of the ventilation system.

Hello dear readers! Today we will discuss a topic that becomes especially relevant with warming. Woodlice are not the most pleasant of crustaceans. They are brown-brown or marbled-gray in color. Sizes up to 1 cm, and the carapace is divided into segments. They have seven pairs of legs and antennae. Their main cunning is that they can pretend to be dead if there is any danger. For what reason these crustaceans appear in our home and how to get rid of them, you will read further.

Reasons for the appearance

Woodlice feel comfortable in a humid environment. Living in the kitchen or bathroom is very attractive for them, because there is something to eat there. Wet areas under the sink, the trash can with the remnants of vegetables and fruits are an excellent environment for them. Orchid pots are also a good place for them because of the dampness. In such places, there is always food and there is an optimal level of humidity, which allows them to live and reproduce favorably.

How to remove wood lice

Depriving them of a moist environment is the first step in the fight against unpleasant insects. Thoroughly wipe down areas where water accumulates, make sure no plumbing leaks anywhere, and avoid splashing water when bathing or washing dishes. Use fans, air conditioners, various moisture absorbers, and regularly ventilate the area with pests. General cleaning will also be beneficial. Thoroughly clean any hard-to-reach and damp areas and then dry them. Make sure not to scatter the pieces of food that woodlice love so much. Take out the trash as often as possible.

You will need to check skirting boards and floors for gaps. If there are any, seal them up with silicone sealant to keep other insects out of your apartment.

Folk remedies

If you are worried about the problem: wood lice in the apartment, folk remedies will tell you how to get rid of these annoying creatures. Wood lice solutions are prepared from conventional products.

  1. Take 500 ml of boiling water and pour in 100 grams of dry kvass, mix and spray the prepared composition with a spray bottle where woodlice live.
  2. Pour half a teaspoon of ground red pepper, soda and tobacco into 1 liter of water. The composition is sprayed in the above-described way into places where insects accumulate. Next, you will need to wash off the liquid with any chlorine-containing product.
  3. Boric acid is a dangerous agent for wood lice. Stir 10 grams of boric acid in half a liter of water. The tool treats the habitat of woodlice.
  4. Bleach is also lethal for them. About 40 grams of bleach is diluted in a liter of water. With such a concentrated composition, they wash the floors and walls where wood lice sit.

There are other ways to deal with wood lice in the house.

  1. You can pour plenty of salt in the corners;
  2. Scatter boric acid in places of accumulation;
  3. If it is possible to get a birch broom, then put it out at night so that insects sit on it, and in the morning burn it or throw it away from home.
  4. You can put a container of quicklime in the room for three days. The door must be tightly closed for this period.
  5. If wood lice are bred in a pot with a plant, then transplant it into another pot with new soil, but be sure to rinse the roots before that. Make sure the roots are clean before replanting.


Prefabricated chemicals are effective helpers in the fight against wood lice. Buy the product from the store and use it in the bathroom and kitchen.


Schabengel is used as bait. After treatment, the insect dies. In addition, the packaging is sufficient for a large area. It also kills other domestic insects.


The premises are treated with "Tarax" to combat woodlice. The packaging is designed for 60 sq. m. Insects do not die immediately, having time to infect their fellows. The main advantage of the product is that it is safe for people and animals.

Monitor lizard

"Varan" is positioned as a universal remedy. Dichlorvos is odorless and fights crawling and flying insects.


"Tetrix" is an expensive, but very concentrated product. A bottle, which costs about 2,000 rubles, will be enough to treat all the premises in a three-room apartment.

Take the removal of wood lice with chemicals quite seriously. Read the instructions carefully. It is better to take children and animals out of the house for a while. Monitor dosage and do not exceed it.

Professional services

If there are so many wood lice that you cannot get them out on your own, contact the special insect control services. After the rendered service, you can be sure that:

  1. there are no stains on the furniture and the repair is not damaged;
  2. all surfaces and hard-to-reach places have been carefully processed;
  3. wood lice will not be at least 3 months.

If there are woodlice in the house, and you are going to make repairs, then take the trouble to remove them before starting work.