French balconies in apartment and private buildings. French balcony - modern design and layout ideas (100 photos). Classic and modern balconies Decorating the loggia inside in the French style

Today there are many design trends for exclusive interior and exterior decoration of apartments and country houses. French glazing of balconies allows you to open a unique panoramic view to the city. Such glazing is acceptable for both apartments and charging houses. In addition to the practicality of this technology, the aesthetic appearance is also a plus. Externally, the balcony will become more attractive and elegant. Glazing technology requires special skills and has several important nuances, which we will examine in detail later.

Features of French glazing of balconies

Before starting to consider the installation technology, we will analyze the main aspects of such glazing. When planning balcony glazing french style, the end result will be a beautiful and comfortable balcony, whether Vacation home or an apartment.

The balcony structure itself consists of windows and doors. The material used to prepare the frame can be of two types: aluminum or metal-plastic. Such a balcony will allow maximum illumination of the premises, thereby visually adding square meters area and improving its appearance. And the peculiarity of such a balcony is the opening panorama of the city behind it.

It is noteworthy that this type of balconies is more popular for residential buildings or country cottages, but glazing technology is often used in apartments on the upper floors. The point is that by equipping a balcony in this way, it will not in any way compromise the integrity of the structure, which affects the reliability and cost of the work.

After the reconstruction is completed, the French-style balcony will turn the former gray building into beautiful terrace, which offers an equally beautiful view of everything that is outside the windows.

French glazing of a loggia or balcony is considered modern version finishing. During the refurbishment, the previous enclosing structure is dismantled, and then new windows are installed - they occupy absolutely the entire window space from ceiling to floor. There are two options for this glazing. In the first one, a solid frame is installed and double-glazed windows are installed. The second option is to install glass in the upper part of the balcony, while the lower part is glazed in several options:

  • glass (transparent);
  • sandwich panels;
  • frosted glass;
  • double-glazed windows with tinting;

By installing a French balcony, it becomes much more attractive both with outside, and from the inside. So that visitors and ordinary passers-by will not pass by without noticing all this beauty.

Advantages of French glazing

Not taking into account the aesthetic improvements of the balcony, there are also many other advantages:

Based on the above, it is possible to save money, since the surfaces do not require additional finishing.

Disadvantages of French-style balconies

By installing high-quality French windows, sound insulation and thermal insulation significantly increases. Therefore, the annoying noise outside the balcony is forgotten. But still, there is bad sides such configuration of the balcony, namely:

Algorithm for glazing a French balcony

French balcony glazing is used in various designs houses. Multi-storey, private and cottages. The peculiarity of this reconstruction of the balcony is the fact that the integrity of the structure does not change, and the end result is a very beautiful and unique panoramic view.

Before installation, you must dismantle old frame to clear the space. After this, they begin to install window frames for glass. Installation can occur in two ways: you can install a complete structure. can you install sectional system, separated by bindings.

Install at the bottom of the window frame Various types glasses that were given above.

The frame can be of two types - aluminum or metal-plastic. The final price of French-style windows depends on the choice of material. Metal-plastic double-glazed windows are installed in cases where protection from the cold is necessary; in other cases, an aluminum frame is excellent.

Characteristics such as sound insulation and thermal insulation depend on the materials that were used during installation.

Unlike other types of balconies French look differs in that the windows are installed along the entire perimeter, from the base to the ceiling. Due to this installation there is no need for parapets various types, and installation is carried out directly into the floor.

Types of French glazing of balconies

On this moment There are two types of French style glazing:

  • Group;
  • Full frame.

When determining the type of glazing, various characteristics must be taken into account.

First, with the help of French glazing you get much more light, even indoors. Secondly, there are huge savings associated with materials, there are no costs for upholstery or external finishing, and energy costs are also reduced. Third, the square footage of the balcony itself increases noticeably.

In addition to the above advantages, there are also disadvantages. Such as the complexity of caring for glass, the price for installing a French balcony is an order of magnitude higher than installing other types, the need for ventilation, for ventilation in summer seasons, as well as the need for heating systems in order not to freeze in winter.

But still, putting aside all the shortcomings, we can safely say that the French balcony is one of the most beautiful and elegant balconies. You can also order an individual design that is different from all the others.

Legal aspects of French glazing of a balcony in an apartment

To install a French balcony, it is imperative to coordinate everything with the authorities that will confirm or deny the installation of such a structure.

If the balcony is located on the front side, you must obtain permission for installation, since there is a ban on changing the front side of the house.

If permission was not obtained, but the installation was carried out, then there may be a trial in this case. To prevent this from happening, you need to collect everything Required documents. The resolution is also affected by the material of the balcony itself. Quite old buildings have concrete barriers and should not be altered at all. It is also worth considering the maximum load; this value cannot be exceeded. And in the event of a possible collapse, installation will be impossible.

Fittings and double glazed windows

There are various designer varieties when installing French glazing. There are 3 options for panoramic glazing, namely:

  • Plastic fittings;
  • No frames;
  • Application of aluminum profile.

If the balcony is connected to the room, it is necessary to install double-glazed windows made of plastic, due to which the sound insulation and thermal insulation in the room will significantly increase. When the balcony is not connected to the rest of the building, it is possible to use a frameless connection. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that the glass takes up all the space and is absolutely transparent. So city residents passing by can easily see what is happening on the balcony. This factor can be neutralized by gluing a reflective film, and then no one will be able to invade your personal space.

To maintain privacy, you can also use blinds. Protective structures can reduce the penetration of light, which will protect the room from overheating. When arranging a French balcony, only shockproof glass is used. This is necessary to ensure the safety of people inside the premises.

If you use multi-chamber packages during your work, you can significantly save on heating, namely, approximately three times. You can also use polyvinyl chloride profile, it will help to insulate the loggia much better. The thickness of this material is only 7 cm.

When it comes to balcony insulation, you can use foil penofol or penoplex. These building materials will help make a French-style glazed balcony even warmer and more comfortable.

To summarize, we can say that a balcony made in the French style has more advantages than disadvantages, so if it is possible to install such glazing, then it is better to decide without a doubt.

Often, when asked what a French balcony looks like, not everyone can answer.

However, almost everyone has seen it at least once.

Translated from French literally the name sounds like “a door with a window.” In fact, this is what it looks like.

And with an ordinary door and window, a similar design differs in the presence of a forged lattice instead of a parapet.

Previously, the French balcony was the name given to all balconies that were a narrow protruding area for one person with a wrought-iron parapet. Usually they had the function of ventilating the apartment.

Let's consider modern balconies French type in more detail, let's talk about their positive and negative qualities, as well as the nuances that need to be considered when installing such a balcony.

What are balconies of this type?

Let's first look at the appearance of these atypical structures.

Nowadays, French balconies are mainly called balconies, glazed with panoramic windows from top to bottom with a transition to a small ledge with a fence in the form of a lattice, most often forged. Externally, such balconies have a slightly curved shape.

Such a structure does not have any specific tasks.

French balconies

Since the site is small in size, the balcony is not used as a storage room or for the purpose of arranging a living area. But such a balcony looks very original and will decorate the building well.

And if you love houseplants, then you are doubly lucky - here they can be placed in huge numbers, which will also decorate the building and allow you to enjoy a pleasant evening in this small greenhouse.

Positive and negative traits

Like all balconies, a French-type balcony has its advantages and disadvantages.

Most often, its advantages are considered:

1) no additional costs are required for installing railings, Finishing work and strengthening works;

2) not required exterior decoration balcony;

3) no insulation required and interior lining balcony;

4) visual expansion of the balcony space with the achievement of its maximum illumination;

5) a panoramic window is created;

6) there is no need for welding work during installation;

7) budget savings when purchasing finishing materials;

8) a lot of design options.

But there are also disadvantages:

1) the design does not provide for the presence of a window sill;

2) reinforcement required concrete slab;

3) required additional ventilation in summer and additional heating in winter;

4) high cost;

5) difficulty of care, because necessary wet cleaning large glass surface.

Parameters of French balconies

The main parameters are the width and height of the balcony, the availability of mosquito net, drainage and so on.

In addition, it is important to take into account the material from which the balcony is made, its quality, properties and color.

To reduce the weight of the balcony, aluminum profiles are most often used. True, they are more expensive than other options, and their thermal and noise insulation rates are much lower. One of the main characteristics of glazing is the number of sashes in the windows, depending on the measurements and the required final result.

Glazing sashes can be hinged (opening outwards), blind (do not open at all) and partially opening.

The choice depends on you and on the structure of the double-glazed windows. Also take into account the finish of the facade on which the balcony will be installed and the installation height.

Variety of types

French-type balconies come in different types.

Most often there is a balcony in the form glazed door with a fence outside or inside it. Another option is a balcony with a small concrete overhang, most often supported by a decorative cornice. This is the traditional option.

Balconies also differ in how they are connected to the load-bearing wall.

Fastenings can be point-based (with little use metal parts), using a pipe profile and using a metal profile fixed directly to the load-bearing wall.

In any case, what your balcony will look like depends only on you. You can install additional handrails or a forged parapet, or you can simply choose panoramic glazing all over the wall.

Installation of a French balcony

Installing a balcony of this type is not an easy process, so it is better to entrust it to specialists.

The installation process itself takes place in several steps.

If the installation is taking place for the first time, then first of all you need to measure the installation site and inspect the finishing elements. Installing such a balcony will take less time than installing a traditional balcony, especially since welding and finishing work is not required.

To install a French balcony, you will have to install a reinforcing profile and reinforcement elements along with the metal-plastic structure. Such balconies have reliable fastenings thanks to special technology installation

In addition, you can convert an ordinary balcony into a French one.

To do this, you need to remove the concrete parapet or metal fence.

It is preferable to choose aluminum profiles, as they have sliding doors, which is very convenient.

True, such glazing costs much more than metal-plastic. Choose 2-chamber double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass to improve the thermal insulation of the room.

Moreover, there is a lot of glass in this design, so the balcony will need good insulation.

It is also possible to install balconies with partial glazing, in which glazing is installed at the top of the balcony and sandwich panels at the bottom. This design does not require insulation or finishing.

It is better to choose double-glazed windows of maximum strength. This design is more practical and safe, especially if you have children in your family.

An excellent choice would be glazing that is transparent only with inside. It will perfectly hide everything that happens in the room from prying eyes.

French balconies are becoming more and more popular. If you like to admire the beautiful view directly from the apartment, then this type of balconies is just for you.

French balcony will emphasize your sense of taste, add elegance and aesthetics to the apartment.

They are even suitable for private homes and decorate them perfectly.

So add a balcony with a wrought-iron parapet to the facade, and then decorate it with a small flower garden and get a chic decor for the whole house, accessible to many and at a low cost.

Video - wrought iron French balcony

Currently, French balconies are decorated apartment buildings and cottages not only in Europe, but also in our country. The photo of the article shows a selection various options that can be found in any city. Such designs give the façade of the building an original look.

An example of a classic version.

IN classic version there is never too much space. Only indoor flowers can be placed here.

What is a French balcony?

A modern version of this design is continuous glazing of the room, which is installed on concrete base with or without lattice fencing. The frame consists of aluminum and metal-plastic profiles; special fittings connect the elements together. From the front side, such a structure resembles a voluminous basket.

Modern model of a French balcony. Aluminum profile and miniature fencing bars.

To create the bottom part, select following materials: frosted glass, plastic, glass with mirror film or do a combined version.

Design advantages:

  • There is no need for external and internal cladding of the parapet, unlike standard options(saving money on the purchase of finishing materials);
  • Gets into the room a large number of Sveta;
  • There is no need for welding during installation;
  • Large selection of decor options.

Modern design: strict lines, a combination of metal and decorative plaster on the facade.

Terrace on a modern French balcony. The interior decoration uses natural shades and natural textures: wooden lining, wicker furniture, profiles with wood texture.


  • No window sill. However this disadvantage eliminates dust accumulation;
  • The design must be as reliable as possible; for this purpose, the frame is supplemented with special elements;
  • Massive glazing requires protection from the sun in summer period and additional heating in winter;
  • High price;
  • A lot of work when cleaning glass.

Types of structures

French balconies with wrought iron elements

The classic option is a window or doorway with decorative metal parapet. Often load-bearing slab does not exceed the length of the foot, but sometimes reaches a maximum of half a meter. This design does not imply prolonged recreation in the fresh air.

Artistic forging is used for fencing. The design, as a rule, is elegant; floral patterns can often be seen.

Sometimes ready hardware covered with gold leaf or patinated their surface (aging effect). The use of these methods turns the fence into an original detail that primarily attracts attention.

The small base area does not allow organizing storage space. A French balcony adorns the facade of the house and the room that is hidden behind it. A lot of light enters a window or doorway.

Forged fencing in a private house. The chocolate shade of the forged metal and metal-plastic profile goes well with the color of the brick wall.

The classic version is not functional, it only serves a decorative role.

The doors can open partially or completely, outward or inward, or be blind. These details directly depend on your desires.

Artistic forging complements the exterior in an original way. In the workshop, designers can develop a unique pattern to order.

Radial wrought iron fence in a private house.

To create a unified ensemble, you can install forged grilles on the windows. They must be made in the same style as the fence.

French balcony in Khrushchev

View from inside an apartment in Khrushchev.

Metal-plastic profiles have significant weight. On the eve of installation in the Khrushchev building, you should check the condition of the concrete slab. If defects are found during inspection, the base must be carefully repaired.

Flower pots are mounted on a metal fence.

French doors to the balcony photo

Fencing with plant pattern.

French balconies without railings

In new buildings you can find French glazing without fences.

Other options

Interior decoration of a room with an area of ​​6 sq. m. For interior decoration we chose natural colors and natural materials.


To use the balcony all year round it is necessary to insulate this room. Besides quality profile and heat-saving double-glazed windows, it is necessary to additionally protect the surface of the ceiling and floor. They help create a comfortable microclimate additional sources heating systems, such as an oil heater, underfloor heating or an independent radiator. There is also a special film that protects against heat loss in winter and keeps the room cool in summer.

The French balcony is perfect combination High Quality, reasonable cost and original design. Such a balcony does not require additional internal and external finishing of the parapet. The fact is that the main handrail of such a balcony is the frame plastic window, so you can save a lot not only on materials, but also on work.

Initially, the French balcony (also known as a portfolio in the 17th century) was something like a door or window with a slightly protruding lattice fence. The area of ​​such a balcony is very narrow, designed only to allow you to put your foot down.

The French balcony is mounted from the floor to the top of the balcony panel. Therefore, instead of massive and unaesthetic railings, you can use a transparent structure. For convenience, the bottom of the French balcony is covered with a sandwich panel. In some cases, tinted glass is used instead.

At the same time, such a balcony is not so lightweight design, so its frame needs to be further strengthened. But the most important thing is that a French balcony not only saves you money, but also significantly expands the space of the room and creates an unusual and stylish interior.

In our age, they not only preserve them in old buildings, but also make them in new ones: such balconies are very small, but their area is quite enough to go out, for example, for coffee time or just to be in the fresh air.

French balcony installation diagram

1. First of all, you should attach anchor plates to the balcony box. In this case, the step should not exceed 0.8 m.

3. After this, install the outer block on the sponge pads.

4. The adjacent block is installed, which is attached to the outer block with screws. In this case, the step should be about 0.4 m.

5. The structure is assembled according to the level.

7. If necessary, carefully foam the seams between the wall and the frame.

8. After this, you can begin installing the sashes and double-glazed windows.

9. Excess foam is carefully removed.

10. Handles and other fittings are installed.

11. And at the very end it is necessary to plaster the slopes.

Installing a French balcony takes little time and does not require special tools or expensive materials. Therefore, you can save your money and time, and also create a balcony that will fit perfectly into the design of your home.

IN bright room always creates the impression of spaciousness and lightness.

Options for French balconies

The French balcony is one of the most stylish types of glazing, which allows your home to visually look much lighter and more spacious. This is especially important if your balcony is on the north or west side, and there is not enough light into the space of the house.

And if you are the lucky owner beautiful view from the window, then making a French balcony is simply necessary.

There are several options for decorating a French balcony, which should be chosen depending on your financial opportunities, the size of the balcony, as well as the interior of the room.

With the advent metal-plastic windows it became possible to install French glazing on the balcony; With such glazing, the size of the balcony area no longer matters.

1. One of the most popular types of French balcony design is the use of a frame for the surface. This creates a very cozy and stylish design, which can be used in almost any interior.

Using sprats on glass.

2. One more stylish option The design of a French balcony involves the use of interlocking bars, which are installed inside the glass. Shpros can be black, white or any other color that will match the interior of the room. In addition, you can use gold or silver-colored bars to make the design of the room more luxurious and rich.

Balcony using tinted glass.

3. Using glazing of different colors will also give the room originality and novelty. In this case, you can use tinted or frosted glass of any shade. Depending on the level natural light It is recommended to use glass of different densities. To tint glass, a special film is used, which is applied inside the glass unit. In addition, this method of application eliminates the appearance of scratches on the film, so it lasts for a very long time without losing its external qualities.

4. French balconies with sophisticated and elegant fittings look very beautiful and stylish. You can choose handles and other fittings to match the color of the balcony itself, or vice versa, so that the fittings are the most bright element design. The most popular are silver or gold pens. In addition, the hinge covers look very nice.

Artistic forging in itself is a wonderful decoration for the balcony.

5. B Lately the use of forged elements for decorating French balconies. You can use forged sheathing, which will make your balcony a real work of art. Such elements combine very well with classic interior Houses.

Advantages of French balconies

In addition to the fact that the French balcony has an elegant and stylish look, he has and technical advantages, which must be taken into account when choosing the type of glazing.

The main advantage is that when installing a French balcony you can get the maximum level of room lighting. This is especially important if the room itself is quite dark. In addition, additional energy savings are created, because artificial lighting will require less time.

The design of such a balcony has glass that is used instead of walls. Thus, the space of the room visually expands.

If you decide to decorate your balcony in French style, you should add balcony flower girls.

A very important advantage of French balconies is significant savings on its exterior decoration, because such a balcony is glazed from floor to ceiling.

The French balcony looks very light and airy, so it is not necessary to use curtains. But if you cannot imagine a room without this element of the interior, then you should choose curtains that will have a light and transparent texture.

Disadvantages of French balconies

Despite all the attractiveness of this type of glazing as a French balcony, one should not forget about its disadvantages.

French balconies are much more difficult to clean than regular ones. The fact is that french window has a larger number of blind elements, which are much more difficult to reach.

If you want a French balcony with wrought iron elements, tinted glass and elegant fittings, then it will cost you much more than a regular balcony. In addition, to glaze such a balcony, as a rule, double-glazed windows are used, which, although performance characteristics balcony, but also costs significantly more than a single one.

The French balcony has the maximum glass area, so summer time In the summer the room will be a little hot, but in the winter it may be cool. Therefore, you should install such a balcony only if your home has a well-thought-out system for ventilation, cooling and heating.

Minimalism - unbreakable fencing for a French balcony.

Calculation of a French balcony

When installing a French balcony, its surface is glazed from floor to ceiling. A feature of the French balcony is its almost complete transparency. Depending on the size of the balcony, its calculation is made.

The standard dimensions of such a balcony are a meter wide, 3 meters long and 2.6 meters standard height ceilings. However, in reality, you almost always have to deviate from these standards for one reason or another.

Therefore, before calculating a French balcony, you should choose a balcony design option that is interesting to you, the main materials and elements that will be used for its manufacture, as well as the type of double-glazed windows, the cost of which is not the least important in the overall balcony estimate.

When calculating a French balcony, you should choose one of the methods of glazing it. The first method is to install windows in a single frame, which is mounted from ceiling to floor. After this, the frame is installed in a sandwich of tiles, which are located at the bottom of the window. The second glazing method is that window frame It is attached using polystyrene foam, which is located under the plastic panels.

In addition, you should decide on the need for additional forged or welded elements that will give the balcony a finished look, as well as make it safer for your family.

Installing a French balcony is a very important undertaking, because the slightest mistake can ruin its final appearance. At the same time, taking the dimensions of the future balcony should only be done by professionals. At the same time, do not forget two rules: first, the width of the window should be no less than half the width interior space, and secondly, the glazing area of ​​the room surface should not be more than a tenth of the total area.

In addition, the glazing of French balconies is a very bulky structure, so a plan should be developed in advance for raising them to the upper floors. It is recommended to first break it into parts so as not to damage it during transportation on ropes.

Price of material and cost of installation work

The advantage of a French balcony is that it can be installed in houses that do not have upper balcony slabs, that is, in the old Khrushchev and Stalin buildings. At the same time, the price of materials for glazing a balcony in this way will be much lower than during installation classic balcony. The main reason is that the French balcony does not need additional insulation, nor does it require external and internal finishing.

Wrought iron balcony(blown-radius).

Installation of a French balcony occurs in three stages

First of all, this is welding work. At this stage, the old balcony is completely dismantled, the slab is expanded and restored. In addition, it is necessary to install the roof of the balcony if the balcony is located in a cottage or on top floor multi-storey building. Do not forget about the need to cover the balcony slab, as well as preparatory work in order to properly install a French balcony.

At the first stage, work and materials will cost about 30 thousand rubles

The second stage is the main one. It consists directly in glazing the balcony. For this purpose, metal-plastic structures are made and installed on the balcony. In addition, if necessary, glass tinting, manufacturing and installation of forged elements and additional fittings are performed.

This stage is the most expensive and, together with materials, the cost of work can be from 50 thousand rubles. The cost of this stage of installation of a French balcony depends on the quality metal-plastic construction, the presence of forged and welded elements, as well as the quality of the film with which the glass is tinted.

The last stage is final works for landscaping the balcony. It includes cladding and insulation of the balcony (if necessary), supplying electricity to the balcony, lining the balcony with bitumen and others interior work.

The cost of this stage, including materials, is about 20 thousand rubles. In addition, to save money, you can carry out some internal work yourself.

French balconies are usually installed in private houses and country cottages. However, this type of glazing has recently been increasingly used for balconies of ordinary apartments in multi-storey buildings. Thanks to French balconies, the room becomes brighter and more spacious. In addition, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful landscape that opens outside the window of your home.

Sketches and prices of French balconies

French balcony FB-1: Price: 4000 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-2: Price: 4800 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-3: Price: 4900 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-4: Price: 5600 rub./m.2.

French balcony FB-5: Price: 4200 rub./m.2.

French balcony FB-6: Price: 6800 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-7: Price: 3800 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-8: Price: 4200 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-9: Price: 4800 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-10: Price: 4100 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-11: Price: 4800 rub./m2.

French balcony FB-12: Price: 4600 rub./m2.

French balconies are one of the most beautiful design ideas. On a balcony decorated in this direction, you can place a variety of flowers.

The overall composition will evoke admiring glances from passersby and fascinate. There are many varieties of such beauty and the choice is only yours.

What it is?

Few people know that French balcony in the native language it sounds like “portfnetr”, which translated means window and door. Initial view This addition was based on a small platform where only one person could be present. Many people wonder: what is a French balcony, without understanding this construction term.

Nowadays, such terminology is used to characterize panoramic window, the height of which is measured from floor to ceiling. In this case, the balcony is fenced with a forged lattice. Many compare it to a basket because of its round shape. Artistic forging gives it unique beauty and elegance.

Nowadays, French balconies are called balconies or loggias that have panoramic glazing from floor to ceiling

The functionality of such a balcony is very small, because the size does not allow you to store anything on it or simply relax. Previously, this design was used for ventilation, but nowadays it acts as an addition to the exterior.

The only useful functionality it has is for gardeners who grow flowers at home. You can display your entire collection on the French balcony, which will look very nice from the outside.

Many people have long acquired such an exclusive item and delight the eyes of passers-by. This balcony will allow you to make the facade of your house original and charming.


Balcony with a small ledge

The French are very aesthetic, but the types of their products of this type only two. Traditionally they are divided into the following types:

  1. With a platform. There is a small ledge made of concrete. The balcony is very narrow. The width usually does not exceed 40 cm.
  2. No platform. Standard construction from glass door, which is fenced with a metal fence. Quite beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. This scheme will allow you not to worry about your child, even with the door open.

Modifications of balconies

French balcony is great for flowers

French balconies have gone through many changes, but the design has remained the same. Over time, small decorative elements were added to it, for example, a cornice with curtains made in the Roman style.

Many people depart from tradition, as a result of which they glaze the entire balcony and attach it to the main room, thereby creating a unique view not only of the room, but also providing a stunning landscape from the window. Also from this combination free space can be done small library or a small greenhouse.

Connoisseurs of such architectural innovations know little secret that a French balcony is a structure that presents the owner in the best light.

Each product is made unique through artistic forging, and a flight of fantasy in decorating rooms makes it possible to highlight your individuality among many other analogues.


A lot depends on the first impression, and it, in turn, depends on appearance French balcony. Everything is based on the following nuances:

In general, everything depends on the person himself, on his desires and preferences. Shape, size, appearance, color - all this will be displayed inner world person and will enable observers to appreciate his efforts. And where else to realize your fantasies, if not in artistic forging? To learn how to make a French balcony with flowers, watch this video:

Don't forget that originality is always in fashion. In order to make a unique French balcony, you should first draw up a sketch of the room and consult with specialists about the application of your ideas.

French balcony, what is it? This is exactly the element that can complement the exterior and create harmony of the entire facade.

If you have the opportunity and desire, be sure to acquire such beauty, because by equipping a balcony or loggia in this style, you will not only give completeness to the entire room from the outside, but also rationally plan its use for personal purposes.