Types of repair and finishing works. Finishing work, how to do it correctly and inexpensively Finishing work, including

Building a house is a very important process, on which the reliability of operation in the future depends. Such work should only be carried out by specialists who have experience in performing it at each stage.

A very important role in this is played by finishing work, which is carried out almost upon completion of the main type of construction. This process has its own characteristics that every master should take into account during its implementation.

Main characteristics

Finishing work is the process of finishing both internal and external surfaces buildings to protect them from external influences. Such procedures combine not only protection, but also heat and sound insulation of walls.

This is a complex procedure that has its own distinctive features for each type of process. Completely different types of materials can be used here, from plaster to tiles and other products.

When performing such work, you should adhere to basic safety rules and use products that are non-toxic to humans. This factor is very important and plays a practically decisive role in the selection of materials.

Main types of finishing work

Since these processes can be performed for different types surfaces, experts identify several types:

  1. Glass work involves the final glazing of a building to limit external influences on the interior of the house. This process can be carried out both inside the building and outside, depending on the type of structure.
  2. Plastering work involves applying mortars on all major building components (walls, ceilings, etc.). For such purposes, several types of plasters can be used, which have different properties and purposes.
  3. Cladding is a procedure for covering surfaces special materials(tiles, plywood, etc.).
  4. Painting works. This procedure does not require application to all types of surfaces. various types paint solutions to protect the base substance.
  5. Wallpapering is a fairly simple type of work, but it is often carried out to obtain decorative effect in a buiding.

All these types of processes may or may not be performed, depending on the specific type of building. There are many types of materials that are used to solve these problems and obtain high-quality coatings.

The features of one of the operations included in the finishing work can be seen in this video:

There are several successive stages in construction, and finishing work is one of them, because in the construction of a building, the construction of the box is essential, but not final.

For example, the most basic cosmetic renovation of an apartment usually consists only of finishing works. While the capital project, which includes several stages, is completed with finishing work.


Finishing work is the most important stage in construction and in any repairs, since the quality of this type of work depends on appearance the premises, its atmosphere, and ultimately the mood of the people in it.

The impression received by those present in the room, their feelings, as well as convenience, comfort and time saving depend on the correctly selected palette of colors, their combination, the quality of materials and the execution of the work itself.

Interior finishing work in major renovation

Over time, all buildings and structures need major repairs; this is an action that requires a serious approach, quality materials And the latest equipment, since this type of repair in its significance and volume of work performed is more reminiscent of the reconstruction of a building.

Finishing work is The final stage in a major overhaul, which is usually preceded by such measures as:

  • strengthening the foundation and load-bearing structures(walls and beams);
  • a set of actions related to waterproofing and designed to protect the room from moisture.

As an option, the cost of finishing the room is included in the price overhaul. But at the request of the customer, the estimate for finishing work can be included in a separate document in order to detail material and financial costs.

Finishing work. Kinds

These works are carried out in a certain sequence, depending on the wishes of the customer or property owner and on specific tasks posed to the performers.

Finishing work is a complex of actions that can be divided into several groups:

  • floor finishing;
  • ceiling finishing;
  • wall decoration.

All component stages of finishing activities can have a wide price and quality range. You can also always invite an interior designer to decorate a room in a specific style or to acquire an area of ​​maximum practicality, style and aesthetics. But this should be done before the repairmen begin their work. After all, the cost and duration of execution of ideas depends on the chosen type of finishing and materials for its implementation.

Wall decoration

Usually this is where interior finishing work begins, which consists of the following stages:

  • preparation of walls - includes actions to level or give them the required shape, for this they use plaster, gypsum or drywall;
  • Next comes the puttying stage or final leveling walls;
  • then decoration is carried out (for example, painting the walls or covering them with wallpaper).

Wall preparation has great value in wall decoration, because Smooth surface walls are a very rare occurrence in most homes. And this action determines how the coating will be applied to the walls, and the overall appearance of the room also largely depends on the topography.

On given time The most common type is wallpaper, which is followed by staining.

But there are lovers interesting solutions who are ready in their homes with various panels.

It happens that interior decoration walls includes installation decorative panels, which include plastic, MDF or fiberboard. For this type of work, the task of the craftsmen is greatly simplified, because the procedure does not require alignment.

Ceiling finishing

The situation with the surface of ceilings is a little better than with walls; sometimes there may be unevenness at the joints of panels or beams, but all this is well corrected professional tools combined with skills. But if there is a problem with the relief of the ceiling, then they come to the rescue special types coatings that can easily mask all the builders’ shortcomings.

But first things first.

Internal finishing work on the ceiling depends on the coating chosen by the customer for it, as well as the method in which they will be carried out.

Currently there are several types of ceilings:

  • tension;
  • painted;
  • mounted;
  • pasted over.

The most popular one, which is usually recommended by a decorator, is a painted ceiling. It does not require special physical effort, material costs or time. The only thing that precedes painting the ceiling, and even then not always, is the preliminary leveling of its surface.

In second place in popularity are laminated ceilings. These could be panels from various materials or any kind of wallpaper. This type of ceiling is inexpensive, simple and aesthetic.

Estimate for finishing work of tension or suspended ceiling may unpleasantly surprise you with its considerable results, but if the owner of the premises does not have a question about saving material resources, then this option is a very good one.

There is a wide variety of color options to which you can add a dose of creativity and originality (different levels, relief, combination of shades and textures).

Floor finishing

It includes a number of works on leveling the floor and installing concrete screed, the final stage here is installation flooring, which the owner of the premises must choose. It can be laminate, parquet, linoleum, tiles or boards.

Regarding styling ceramic tiles and tiles, then you will need a finishing specialist who specializes in this particular area. Because laying tiles is a job that requires certain experience and skills. In this way, you can decorate not only the floor, but also the walls in the bathroom, shower, or lay out a work apron in the kitchen. Sometimes laying tiles is included in a special category and in a separate price list for repair and finishing work.

Who to trust?

If the prices for finishing work are scary, or you have some knowledge and skills in finishing the premises, then you can do it on your own. But there is no execution, no coverage additional costs or payment of penalties and solutions to problems that arise at the stage of finishing work.

But in most cases, property owners resort to the help of professionals, among whom it is possible to find those who offer affordable prices for finishing work, their high-quality performance and a guarantee.

Advantages of repair and finishing companies

Most organizations that specialize in repair, construction and finishing work provide:

  • detailed development of the plan and estimate;
  • individual approach to each order;
  • modern equipment and advanced technologies;
  • highly qualified workers;
  • finishing of premises of any degree of complexity;
  • completion of work within the specified time frame;
  • guarantee for completed types of work, which is provided upon completion.

Calculation of the cost of repair and finishing work

As for the prices for finishing work, different regions countries they differ significantly. For example, in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region the cost is significantly higher than in Saratov, Tomsk or Cherepovets.

Also, the price of finishing largely depends on the materials, the complexity of the work and the timing of its completion. But in all cases there is one principle: what larger area premises, the higher the price for services provided.

In most companies, the operation of calculating the cost of finishing can be done online; for this purpose, there is a special calculator on the organization’s website, with which you can easily find out how much the planned event will cost.

There is another way - very often on the very websites of repair and construction companies there is an opportunity to use the services of an online consultant for free, who will help produce preliminary calculations and will provide guidance on other basic issues.

about me and my team

Stroganov Kirill

I have been renovating for over 15 years. The most pleasant thing for me is a solid list of satisfied clients.

My the main task- organize the repair process in such a way that it would be easy and pleasant when interacting with me and my team. I am as open as possible for you.

I will help you choose modern material, both expensive and not expensive.
I optimize the estimate. Many years of experience allows me to offer you an optimal reduction in the cost of repairs without loss of quality, even in the premium class.

I managed to assemble an excellent team that works harmoniously. This allows you to strictly adhere to work deadlines, stay within the agreed budget and save your time and effort.

We approach our work with pleasure, starting from creating a design project and ending with advice on arranging furniture and decorating the room.

Finishing work, how to do it correctly and inexpensively.

Finishing work (FW) is the process that results in the creation of protective layer for construction. She receives protection from external negative impacts. The service life of surfaces also significantly improves and a more attractive appearance is created. Thanks to competent finishing, such characteristics of the object as sound insulation and fire resistance are also improved.

Types of finishing work

Since they can be carried out from the outside and from inside premises, then their corresponding types. A more detailed division is as follows:

  1. Plastering.
  2. Painting.
  3. Working with glass.
  4. Facing.
  5. Wallpapering.
  6. Stucco work.
  7. Working on clean floors.

Before finishing work the following stages must be completed:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Dismantling.
  3. Draft ORs.
  4. Finishing OR.
  5. Electrical work.
  6. Plumbing operations.

Preparation stage

The main thing here is the preparation of the premises. Furniture and other obstacles to work are removed from it. The creation of the required space is determined by the plan of the planned work and the type of repair. If a major renovation is planned, then all the furniture is removed from all rooms.

At cosmetic repairs furniture from one room can be moved to another. Very massive furniture can remain in the room, but it should be moved to the center of the room.

It is also important to remove old wallpaper.

If it is necessary to replace the floor covering, the work is carried out in parts. Any change in the position of massive furniture after the final stage of repair is carried out very carefully.

You can replace doors without changing blocks after repairs. If it is necessary to replace door blocks, these actions are performed before working on the walls.


Here operations are carried out to eliminate old components: finishing, wiring, plumbing, etc.

The goal is to improve the quality of upcoming repairs, replacement of structures or redevelopment.

Dismantling can be done on your own. You can turn to professionals. One way or another, it can affect the following objects:




Separate outbuildings.

Old wallpaper must be removed from the walls and ceiling, paint coatings, tiles and other finishing. More will follow in their place modern materials. And also such dismantling allows us to identify different effects and carry out high-quality leveling of surfaces.

Partitions may also need to be eliminated. Additional openings for windows and doors are cut down.

When dismantling the floor, its covering material is removed. Both logs and boards can be removed if a concrete base is planned.

Plasterboard structures on the ceiling are eliminated.

How to remove windows, doors and wiring?

When windows and doors have solid thermal conductivity, they are replaced - they are completely dismantled.

Delete electrical wiring need to be very careful to avoid electric shock. Before this process, all electricity in the apartment/house is turned off. Then all the wires coming from the distributor, sockets and other current-carrying places are cut off with wire cutters.

When the cable is installed in the wall, it is better to remove it using a chisel, hammer, hammer drill, or drill. When removing it, it is important not to damage the necessary electrical appliances.

They include the following:

  1. Plaster. The goal is to close the cracks and uneven areas more than 5 mm. The work affects walls and ceilings. Cement compositions used:

With lime

With sand

With plaster.

There are also stages of work here:

A) Surfaces are prepared for the base.

B) Beacon profiles are installed.

C) The walls are finally leveled.

  1. Masonry stage. Systems are created from isolated building materials. Their assembly is obtained using a certain algorithm. They are strengthened by cement mortar.

Partitions, walls, columns, fireplaces can be installed. Materials worth using are natural stone, foam blocks, bricks, etc.

  1. Working with drywall. Walls are being put up different partitions, arches, slopes, hanging mechanisms, etc.
  1. Painting stage. Surfaces are processed, primed, reinforced (if necessary), ground and polished. The final phase is puttying with leveling agents.
  1. Plumbing. Sewerage, water supply and communication systems are being installed. Pipes are installed and routed. Their tightness is checked. Devices that take into account water consumption are installed. An area is prepared on the floor for a bathtub, shower stall and other plumbing fixtures.
  2. Electrical installation. Wall chipping. Wires and cables are laid. Areas for sockets and switches are being prepared. Openings are created in the walls for panels and meters, fuses, and distribution blocks.

Ceilings are installed here. If necessary - and a variety of rack and other structures.

Walls and ceiling surfaces are painted. Mixtures for painting are placed in several layers on the treated surfaces (after priming and puttying).

Wallpaper is pasted. The walls are primed before this. Wallpaper is selected according to taste and the purpose of the room, as well as the type of wall surface. The glue is selected based on the type of wallpaper. For example, to hang non-woven wallpaper, you should not use glue for regular paper wallpaper.

In the kitchen, bathroom and toilet you can glue tiles. The process can occur on:

Cement composition,

Glue solution,


The surface for the tiles is prepared: plastered, leveled, screeded (if necessary).

The floors are being laid. This can be parquet, laminate, linoleum and other materials. Thresholds and baseboards are installed.

Doors and their components are installed: trims, stops and other fittings.

Lighting devices are being installed. They can be on ceilings, walls and floors.

Plumbing is being installed.

Replacing wiring is a necessary operation even for cosmetic repairs. Such activities can be realized through your own efforts. But you still need the help of professionals in this field. Prices for these services vary. Their calculation is based on the type, difficulty and volume of planned work. The replacement of the socket is usually calculated immediately. A specialist can make some calculations right away, having studied the scope of work and learned the wishes of the customer.

During this stage:

  1. New wiring is being designed and installed. It can be isolated or open. This is a matter of the owner's wishes.
  1. Switches and sockets are completely or partially replaced. Their work is being adjusted. They can also be transferred from one area to another.
  2. Old lamps are removed. New devices are installed and transferred.
  1. If necessary, the reason for the lack of current in a certain section of the circuit is identified.
  1. Various meters, automatic devices and RCDs are installed.
  1. The shield is assembled and assembled. There can also be several shields.
  1. Old communications are being eliminated.
  1. Lightning rods are installed and a grounding loop is installed.
  1. Networks with low voltage are installed: TV, Internet, telephone communications.

During this installation they can also: groove walls, lay wires in created grooves, install main cable trays, etc. The main quality characteristics of these works are:

  1. All components of the chain work harmoniously.
  2. Electricity is supplied without interruption.

Plumbing work

They include a fairly wide range of different works. Some work is simple and can be done on your own. And some can only be performed by specialists. And they mean hefty expenses. Examples of such work:

  1. Installation and repair of plumbing equipment, water supply networks.
  2. Connecting and adjusting household equipment.

It is optimal to order a complex of works. In this case, serious expenses will arise, but your plumbing fixtures will be of high quality.

The materials used, their pros and cons

The types of materials depend on the place of their application.

Options for wall decoration:

First. Wallpaper. They can have textures, photos, images, be glossy, matte, monotonous, etc.

Their advantages:

  1. Solid variety.
  2. Different price range.
  3. Ease of wall preparation.
  4. High dynamics and ease of gluing.
  1. Susceptibility to mechanical stress.
  2. If any area is damaged after painting, if it is difficult to replace. The reason is the differences in the shades of the editions.

Second. Decorative plaster. It can be used in different designs. Its advantages:

  1. Serious texture and color range.
  2. You can make your own image on it.
  3. Moisture resistant.
  4. Durability.

Its disadvantages:

  1. High difficulty of application.
  2. The price tag is too high.

Third. Dye. It is also versatile. Strengths:

  1. Abundance of flowers.
  2. Can be used in different rooms. Moisture- and oil-resistant versions can be used in the bathroom and kitchen.
  1. Ease of application.
  1. Long service life.
  1. There are versions at any price.
  2. allowed to create patterns on the wall.
  1. Reveals all uneven areas on the surface.
  2. Requires 2-3 layers of coverage.
  3. Foul smell.
  4. Long drying process.

Fourth. Tile. Usually it is glued in bathrooms and kitchens. Her strengths:

  1. Moisture resistant.
  2. Easy to launder.
  3. Resistant to light mechanical stress and wear.
  4. Does not ignite.
  5. An abundance of color modifications, textures and sizes.


  1. Modest sound and heat insulation.
  2. Fragility.
  3. Complex installation process.
  4. High price tags.

Fifth. MDF panels. Pros:

  1. Fast and easy installation.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. There is no need to prepare walls for them.
  4. abundance of types and colors.
  5. Convenient cleaning during use.
  6. Modest prices.
  1. They show strong stains and traces of liquid.
  2. Quite fragile.
  3. Sensitive to moisture.
  4. This is a flammable material.
  5. Unpresentable appearance.

Sixth. Tree. Regular option For country houses and baths. Pros:

  1. Creating a warm atmosphere.
  2. Hiding uneven areas.
  3. Ease of installation.
  4. Abundance of forms.
  5. Improves noise insulation.
  6. Nice smell.
  7. Environmental friendliness.
  8. It can be painted in different colors and tone.
  9. With proper processing, rot resistance and durability appear.
  1. Serious prices.
  2. The need to update the defense against insects and moisture.
  3. Doesn't cope well with temperature changes.

In private homes, the interior becomes chic thanks to natural stone. Its advantages:

  1. Durability.
  2. Graceful look.
  3. Strength.
  4. Environmental friendliness.
  5. Resistant to moisture and temperature changes.
  1. Solid prices.
  2. Massiveness.
  3. They become clogged with dust. It's difficult to remove.

For those who need modern materials, PVC panels are suitable.

Their advantages:

  1. Quick installation.
  2. Lightweight covering.
  3. Abundance of colors and images.
  4. Modest prices.
  5. Ecology.
  6. Heat and sound insulation.
  7. Resistance to moisture.
  8. Durability.
  1. Flammability.
  2. Fragility.
  3. Sunburn.

Options for working with the ceiling

Tension and plasterboard options usually appear here. Their comparison is outlined in this table:




Environmental friendliness




The need for powerful surface preparation

Abundance of designs

High speed and ease of installation

High prices

Potential sags

Difficult to install yourself

Difficulty in removing dirt

Potential web tearing, collapse


Weakness before low temperatures

Damaged area cannot be replaced

Easy to scratch

When using powerful lamps, spots appear

High prices

Perfect flatness

Various designs can be created

Any cladding fits perfectly on top of this material.

Insulation and cables can be placed behind this material

Not the best durability

Resistance to moisture and fungi

The need to plaster seams and screws

You can decorate the ceilings from the inside with wallpaper, paints and whitewash.

Whitewashing is a fairly old decoration method. Its advantages:

  1. Ease of implementation.
  2. Cheapness.
  3. Does not reduce ceiling heights.
  4. The ability to "breathe".
  5. Ecology.
  6. Mold protection
  1. The need for surface preparation.
  2. One color option- white.
  3. cannot be washed.

If you are a supporter of the classics, then white ceiling– your option. You can use whitewash. Usually its color is selected in more light colors by analogy with the color of the walls.

Flooring options

All of them must have the following qualities:

  1. Easy to use.
  2. High strength.
  3. Fire resistance.
  4. Non-slip surface.
  5. Possibility for additional insulation.

If you need a universal option, then linoleum will do. It is great for any room. Thanks to the abundance of colors and images, it easily matches any interior.

If you need an option with a better look, then it is better to take laminate or wood. They have some analogies.

In rooms with high humidity and floor loads, it is better to use ceramic tiles.

Even today carpet has gained a good reputation. This is an elegant replacement for carpets.



Ceram. tile


Easy and quick installation

Moisture resistance

Heat and noise insulation


Easy to wash

Plenty of choice

Tendency to deformation

Resistance to chemical elements

Low temperature resistance

Resistance to temperature changes




Noise due to improper installation

Special training required before installation

Counterfeits on sale

Stable stains appear.

Easy to care for

Unpleasant odors

For finishing the floor, these options are used less often: natural stone, cork, rubber, bamboo and self-leveling floor.

Frequent mistakes when performing finishing work

Errors made during OR can negatively affect their quality and service life:

  1. A design project has not been created that reflects the visual result. It helps to understand in advance what the interior will look like upon completion of the work. This will allow you to correctly calculate the required volumes of materials and resolve the issue of types and volumes and the required work.
  2. The positions of plumbing and electrical equipment have not been determined. Even at the beginning of the repair, you need to solve this dilemma in order to:

A) Determine how and where sockets and switches will be located.

B) Develop a method for laying cables, pipes, ventilation, etc.

C) Calculate the load of the installation structure.

For example, if you randomly plan the positions of lighting devices without dividing them into groups, in some areas of the premises you will end up with very weak or very strong lighting.

  1. There are no reinforced structures, reinforcement or insulation in the right places. Example: if the partitions are plasterboard, then in areas where massive furniture and other similar elements are installed, a reinforced profile must be installed.
  2. The condition of all major surfaces in the room has not been studied for defects. The same applies to communications. Example: if you do not change the wiring in an old house, it may not cope with the load from a powerful household appliances. Eventually the circuit breakers will fail.
  3. There is no study of sources of heat loss. Example: without insulating walls in apartments where this is necessary, they can freeze and become damp. Mold and fungi form on them.
  4. The repairs are partially being carried out. If it is not carried out uniformly in the whole apartment, but only in rooms, level differences in the ceilings in the rooms may arise. This will make it more difficult to establish communications, and the created coatings will be damaged.

If available funds are not sufficient for complete renovation, it’s better to save up and arrange full-fledged work.

  1. Use of cheap materials and compositions. As a rule, such materials are not durable. They won't last long. And soon we will have to do repairs again. Example - if you lay metal-plastic pipes with cheap fittings, there is a high risk of leaks.
  2. No control over repair work. Control is necessary when hiring workers. For example, they may deviate from the design project, install sockets or pipes in the wrong areas, etc. Therefore, it is important to monitor the quality of work at all stages.
  3. Repair of poor quality. This point follows from paragraph 8. Some teams charge small amounts for their services. Most often the reason for this is low professional level workers. Such teams can make repairs for a very long time and with poor quality. The end result is a waste of money.

Factors influencing the cost of repairs

Repair is a global event. It requires certain costs. But what factors make up its cost? Their list is as follows:

  1. Professional level of employees. The higher it is, the higher the dynamics and speed of repairs.
  2. The responsibilities that experts can assume and the guarantees they provide.
  3. Hiring a team or agreement with a company. In the second case, the payment is always higher, but there are more guarantees for high quality repairs, and all activities are reflected in the documentation.
  4. The amount of work carried out by a team or company.
  5. Number of decorative components. For example, due to the use of 3D panels, ceiling lights Pay for work also increases. These nuances must be provided for in advance. The simpler the repair is, the easier it is to agree on an estimate.
  6. Dynamics of work implementation. Here workers can work in two shifts. Accordingly, the payment will be higher.
  7. Hiring a foreman. It is needed if for some reason you cannot control the execution of the work yourself. And if you can, and even purchase the materials yourself, then you get savings. But the time investment is enormous.

Finishing is the third and final cycle of building construction, but its beginning, as a rule, does not coincide with the end of the construction of the building frame, but is shifted to the earliest possible date. The type and quality of finishing work is determined by their purpose and is expressed in decorative and aesthetic, technical or protective and sanitary and hygienic functions. All types of finishing work can be divided into capital and decorative, which are applied in accordance with the requirements for the room, facade or parts thereof. Major types of finishing are made from natural and artificial stone, glass and non-ferrous metals. Finishing made from less durable materials can be classified as decorative. The quality of the finish is determined by the degree of evenness and uniformity of the surface, the size of the gaps between individual elements and some other characteristics. The quality of finishing is specified in the project for work with differentiated requirements to quality or controlled by uniform, standard requirements, regardless of the type and purpose of the room or structure. So plastering and Painting works have three types of quality: simple, improved and high quality. All other types of finishing are carried out and controlled according to the same requirements for the corresponding work, i.e. The quality of tiling, flooring, glass work and suspended ceilings cannot be carried out to a greater or lesser level of quality depending on the type of room in which they are carried out or the design task.


1) Surface cladding

Cladding is the process of attaching various tiles, panels or sheet materials, which do not require subsequent finishing (plastering, painting or pasting). Natural and artificial stone, glass and metal are used for cladding facades. Stone and metal can be either part of load-bearing structures or attached to them in various ways. In addition to these, other, less durable materials can be used in interiors: gypsum castings and sheets, plastic, wood and wood-laminated panels. All these materials are attached by sticking to various adhesives, mastics and solutions, or by hanging them on a frame made of a special metal, rarely wooden profile using various fasteners.

2) Glass works Currently, the glazing of sash windows is usually carried out by the manufacturer of the window infills, but the glass is often removed and reinstalled on the construction site. Removing glass from bindings is associated with the need to access the mounting elements for tying plastic blocks or for final finishing of wooden blocks. In some cases, glass cutting and glazing can be carried out on the construction site. Window glass is cut by breaking along a line made with a roller or diamond glass cutter or after sharp heating along the cutting line with a tungsten filament. To produce glass, a workshop is equipped on the construction site, where large-sized glass is cut to specified sizes in the required quantity. The glass is installed in fully painted frames removed from the hinges in one of the rooms of the glazed floor. Since single glass has today given way to double-glazed windows, glazing with glass prepared on site is almost never used. Double-glazed windows are installed dry at the site where window blocks are produced, with glazing beads adjusted and temporary fastening. The “double putty” fastening method is not used for double-glazed windows. Traditional, widely used in housing construction, is the glazing method “with double putty and glazing beads” (Fig. 66 - b)

A– on double putty; b– on putty and glazing beads; V– on elastic gaskets and glazing beads. 1 – glass; 2 – first layer of putty or sealant; 3 – second layer of putty (sealant); 4 – fixing pin (nail); 5 – elastic gasket; 6 – glazing bead; 7 – fastening the glazing bead with a screw or nail. The following types of window glass are used today:

    1. Reinforced


      Patterned, with a thickness of 2-3 mm.

      The same, with a thickness of 4-6 mm.

      WITH flowed reinforced

      Polished mirror glass.

      The glass is patterned and grooved.

3) Plastering works These works are in first place in terms of mass application and labor intensity in the total volume of finishing work. By purpose plasters are divided into ordinary(leveling), special(moisture, heat, X-ray and noise protection) and decorative(not requiring additional finishing). Depending on the degree of “evenness” of the finished surface, there are three types quality For ordinary plasters:simple, improved and high quality and two for special ones (enhanced and high quality). A special type is dry plaster, which, based on technological characteristics, can be classified as cladding, but in terms of purpose and the need for subsequent finishing, it corresponds to the definition of plaster. Thus, depending on the materials used, plasters can be mortar or monolithic and dry. Dry plaster made from standard plasterboard (GKL) or gypsum fiber (GVL) sheets, 10 or 12 thick, 1200 millimeters wide. The length of the sheets can be from 1.2 to 3.3 m, but the most common sheets on the market are 2.7 m long. Monolithic plasters This is a traditional type of plaster, used for finishing facades and interiors, and can be classified as a capital type of finishing. Plaster mortars consist of sand, binder, plasticizer and water. The binder can be cement, lime and gypsum. Today, due to low strength, long setting time and high cost, lime is almost never used as a binder. Surface preparation for plastering. You can plaster almost any surface, but some of them require serious preparation. The most suitable for plastering is the surface of brickwork made from hollow bricks or from special embossed bricks. Such a surface only requires cleaning from deposits of masonry mortar and dust. Smoother concrete surfaces made with high-quality formwork need to be roughened by notching or covering with metal plaster mesh. Application of the solution today it is carried out mainly with a mechanized plastering nozzle with a supply of solution from a mobile plastering station placed directly in the room to be plastered or next to it.

4) Production of painting works 1 - relief texture - created by various processing of a plastic layer of putty applied with a thickness of 2-4 mm. onto the prepared surface. Today, there are a large number of ready-to-use decorative compositions, with instructions for their application, which allows you to create different texture options for the finished surface. On the market, such compositions are often called decorative plasters. Apply textured compositions hand smoothers or crumb throwers, and finishing is done with smooth or embossed rollers. Compositions based on transparent acrylic resins with a mineral filler imitate stone-like plaster. A similar texture can be obtained without the use of special decorative compounds; 2 – sand coating – is performed by applying dust-free sand in two layers over freshly applied epoxy glue or drying oil. After the glue has dried, the surface is painted, and if colored sand is used, varnished; 3 – color imitation of wood and stone species is achieved by cutting a freshly applied layer of paint with swabs, relief rollers or brushes; 4 – rolling a pattern with relief rollers, printing with tampons and a stencil.

5) Wallpaper work Performed by painters simultaneously with painting work on site. Preparation for pasting is carried out similarly to preparation for painting. After wallpapering, you can install wallpaper in the room. carpet covering, install plinth and trim on door frames. There is a huge variety on the market today various wallpapers, which according to technological characteristics can be reduced to the following types: thin paper; medium density; dense; heavy and linkcrust; ceiling and glass wallpaper (embossed fiberglass). The width of the wallpaper is usually 0.5 and 1.0 meters. Thin wallpapers are glued with an overlap, and all others are glued end-to-end (in finished form). Lincrust and some types of expensive wallpaper are glued with an overlap for precise cutting of edges (see linoleum, Fig. 86). Before sticking, all wallpaper is cut according to the height of the room with a margin of 5–6 cm, while wallpaper with a geometric pattern (rapport) is calculated by adding the step size of the pattern to all panels except the first one to the height of the room. This is necessary to be able to combine the pattern in adjacent panels. All types of wallpaper, except glass wallpaper and ceiling wallpaper, are coated with glue immediately before sticking. The base is glued in advance and should be completely dry before wallpapering begins. Before sticking begins, the position of the first edge of the panel must be marked on the surface with a vertical line. The corners are covered with a panel by approximately 50 mm. Large overlaps can lead to wrinkles in the wallpaper. All wallpaper adhesives produced today are based on carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) with various additives. Glue with the consistency of thick jelly dissolved in water is applied to a panel cut to size with a brush or roller. The prepared panel is folded into three layers, fed to the painter-painter standing on a scaffold or stepladder and glued from the ceiling to the floor. Air bubbles are squeezed out with a soft rubber roller from the middle to the edges while simultaneously correcting the joint of the panels. Correctly selected and applied glue allows you to move the panel along the base by 5 - 10 mm. within 2 – 3 minutes. During work, the humidity in the room increases significantly, but the rooms cannot be ventilated. Otherwise, the wallpaper paper will dry faster than the glue, which will lead to the panels tightening and the seams opening. The cutting of the edges of the joints and the stock is carried out before the glue dries, after which the edges are folded back and additionally coated with glue. Ceiling wallpaper are made from materials that have minimal deformation when humidity changes, which allows them to be glued without moisture, i.e. The glue is applied not to the wallpaper, but to the surface to be covered. In this case, the wallpaper is simply rolled out from a roll and pressed with a roller.

6) Installation of suspended ceilings The need for suspended ceilings is determined not only by decorative, acoustic and thermal properties, but also by the possibility of placing large ventilation pipelines and numerous electrical wiring in an easily accessible space. Considering the low cost of materials and work on installing ceilings, the popularity of this type of finishing becomes clear. The most common today are modular slab ceilings on a light metal frame filled with acoustic mineral wool slabs, plasterboard for subsequent finishing and plastic hollow-core panels
Figure 78. Construction of a plasterboard suspended ceiling on a metal single-level (A) and two-level frame (B).

The construction of the ceiling begins by applying a clean ceiling level to the walls, using optical or laser levels, a water level or a large mounting level.

7) Flooring During operation, floor coverings are subjected to a wide variety of loads, depending on the type of room, hence the requirements for floors: strength, resistance to abrasion, crushing from impact and prolonged compression, resistance to chemicals, evenness and smoothness of the coating, a given slope, appropriate heat and sound insulation , cleanability and antibacterial properties, elasticity, decorativeness and durability. These qualities are provided not only by coatings, but also by other underlying elements and layers of the floor. The name of the floor is determined by its covering or bare floor; underneath there is a layer that redistributes the loads or connects the covering with the underlying layers. Then there may be a leveling or reinforcing screed, heat and sound insulation, steam or waterproofing and a load-bearing base in the form of a ceiling or reinforced soil. In certain types of floors, some of the listed elements are missing. Based on the production method and materials used, monolithic, piece and roll coatings are distinguished. Monolithic ones include concrete, cement, polymer cement or self-leveling, terrazza, mosaic and xylolite. Piece ones include: planks, lumber, parquet (composited, panel, parquet boards, laminate), ceramic tiles, natural and artificial stone, end block and cast iron slabs. Rolled: natural and polyvinyl chloride linoleum (PVC coatings), rubber (Relin), carpets and flotex.


Screed device - The most common are monolithic strengthening and leveling screeds. Strengthening is carried out on top of insulation or crushed stone cement-sand mortar. Monolithic concrete floors - They are installed in industrial and utility rooms in one layer on a rigid base made of ordinary concrete mortar. The thickness of the coating is determined by the project depending on the design loads and can range from 30 to 200 mm. For heavy loads, such a floor is additionally reinforced by placing the reinforcement in the middle of the thickness of the concrete layer. Terrazzo and monolithic mosaic flooring These floors are installed in public spaces with high traffic: lobbies, distribution halls, corridors, trading floors etc Stone and ceramic tile floors They are installed on strong, rigid foundations in premises for various purposes. Installation of plank floors The use of these floors has a long history and is justified today in many cases by the simplicity of design, environmental friendliness, decorativeness and tactile characteristics of natural wood Bar floor It is used in rooms with high dynamic loads, such as sports halls and gyms. It is carried out, as a rule, along logs lying on the sand on floor slabs, similar to a plank floor. Installation of parquet floors Today, this type of flooring includes, in addition to traditional typesetting, also parquet boards, panels and laminated panels. Floors made from roll materials They are usually made from synthetic pile or smooth materials. Smooth coatings include natural and polyvinyl chloride linoleum, and relin (rubber linoleum). Carpets They can be installed by continuous gluing to the base or by stretching them onto toothed racks (grippers) fixed around the perimeter of the room. In both cases, unlike PVC coatings, seam welding is performed before the coating is secured to the base.

Any construction is considered complete when turnkey finishing work is completed. This means that it has been carried out exterior decoration of the house, its facade, interior decoration in accordance with the intended design and the necessary utilities have been installed. In most cases, it is the finishing of the facade of a building that gives it a presentable appearance, regardless of the type of house and materials used in construction.

1.What is finishing work?

In general, construction and finishing work is a complex of works through which the following is carried out:

  • Decorative design of the facade of a building or room
  • Protection of the structures from which the building is constructed from the influence external environment(especially in the conditions of the Chelyabinsk region)
  • Thermal insulation of buildings and individual rooms
  • Soundproofing - both the house as a whole and individual rooms
  • Providing the home with essentials engineering communications, such as plumbing, electrical wiring, ventilation, heated floors, Internet, etc.

Finishing work occupies a fairly significant place in the overall cycle of building construction and renovation of individual premises.

As a rule, repair and finishing work is carried out by specialists, since each type of finishing has its own nuances, and they can only be mastered with extensive experience.

In Chelyabinsk you can find a lot of companies engaged in finishing facades and premises. However, some types of work are quite within the capabilities of any craftsman.

2. Rough and finishing construction and finishing works

Draft or preliminary work for finishing or repair and finishing. For example, plastering walls brickwork can be carried out externally and internally. In the first case, plastering may be sufficient for the final finishing of the facade of the house, in the second case, subsequent plastering of the walls is necessary. But this can also be considered rough work if wallpaper is then glued to the walls.

The same applies to carrying out communications - drilling holes, tapping walls for electrical wiring, pouring concrete screed for the floor, sealing holes in the walls or plastering the slopes of window openings.

3.Types of finishing work

There are several main types of finishing, regardless of rough or fine:

  1. Plastering works
  2. Painting works
  3. Floor screed
  4. Glazing
  5. Cladding of buildings and premises
  6. Wallpapering
  7. Electrical installation
  8. Installation of plumbing, heating systems, etc.
  9. Flooring
  10. Ceiling installation

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Plastering work is the application of special solutions to the surface, which harden and make the coating smooth, protected from external influences and suitable for final decoration. They are used at almost every stage of finishing, both external and internal. The roughest is plastering the outside of the house facade (for example, under siding), leveling the walls, preparing for putty, etc. For drafts plastering works the most common is the use of ordinary cement-sand mortar, as the most inexpensive material. However, for each type of plastering work, depending on its complexity, a lot of ready-made mixtures are produced today.

The same applies to putty, with the help of which walls and other surfaces of the building are prepared for finishing. Sometimes the putty itself is already finishing, for example, when applying decorative plaster.

When plastering and puttying work is carried out with special tools - a trowel, trowel, grout, falcon, etc. In principle, this is the simplest type of finishing work that anyone can master to save money.

Painting work is the application of paint, varnish or other materials to the surfaces being treated (walls, ceilings, floors). decorative coatings.

These works, as a rule, are also subject to the master who knows how to hold tools in his hands - a paint brush, roller, or spray gun. The main thing is accuracy.

You also need to be able to properly prepare the surface for painting - remove chips, scratches, apply special compounds in order to finishing coat it was high quality and durable.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the fact that painting work is considered the most toxic among other finishing works and requires caution and special equipment.

TO concrete works, requiring a fair amount of physical training, can be classified as screed floor - that is, its leveling under final finishing board or laminate.

Typically, the mortar for pouring floors is prepared from dry mixtures, which today are produced in a large assortment. For mixing, as in carrying out plastering work, mixtures are used with special construction mixers.

More complex procedures include glazing of facades and premises. You need to have the necessary skills, the ability to use a glass cutter, and treat the work carefully to avoid injuries. However, modern houses today are most often equipped plastic windows, the installation of which is best entrusted to specialists from the relevant companies.

Cladding work is usually the most creative part of construction. They include the installation of siding and various decorative coatings both outside, facade, and inside the building. Cladding can include mosaic, which gives any covering a special aesthetic appearance, or tile stickers, which are absolutely necessary in rooms with high humidity– bathrooms, toilets, kitchens.

The most common type of interior decoration is wallpapering. Today there are a huge variety of them in types, colors, textures. Production technology modern wallpaper, their types of walls today allow even a not very skilled person to carry out gluing; the main thing is to follow all the instructions and carry out the work carefully.

Electrical installations play a special role in the decoration of houses and premises. It is better to entrust this type of work to specialists - to eliminate injuries and so that, as they say, “everything works.”

Particularly labor-intensive procedures include installation of plumbing, heating and ventilation systems, and installation of heated floors. As a rule, these works are also entrusted to specialists, but you can master them yourself if you wish. This will save money during repairs and construction; it is only advisable to read the relevant training manuals.

You can also carry out finishing flooring yourself. The main thing is that the floor surface is perfectly flat. Modern views linoleum, laminate, parquet board allow you to lay the floor quickly enough.

Finishing the ceiling usually comes down to plastering, puttying and sometimes painting. There are no particular difficulties when carrying out such work. However, today they are widespread stretch ceiling, the installation of which is still best left to specialists.

4.Materials used in finishing work

We have examined the main types of repair and finishing work and have already mentioned some materials for their implementation. They can be broadly classified into:

  • Dry mixtures for putty, plaster, screed
  • Paints and varnishes - primers, paints, dry pigments, drying oil
  • Plain or painted glass
  • Floorboards, parquet, laminate, linoleum
  • Electrical wires, electrical installation materials
  • Plumbing, pipes.


Therefore, finishing work is very important and necessary step any construction and repair.

As a rule, the cost of finishing can reach a third of the cost of the entire turnkey construction of a house. However, you can save money at any stage - if you choose the right organizations, order turnkey finishing works, or master certain types of work yourself.

In Chelyabinsk, many companies are engaged in finishing the facades of houses and renovating premises. High-quality work can be carried out in our company "K-Dom".

In any case, the finishing process itself will bring you moral satisfaction - to admire the fruits of your own labor or investment Money. And the more soul and money you put into it, the happier the result will be for you.