How to make a drain in a steam room. Methods for organizing drainage in a bathhouse with wooden floors. Trench and pipe for drainage

The correct approach to organizing the drainage of wastewater from a bathhouse involves compliance with building codes while working. We offer you a description of the designs of popular drainage systems that you can make yourself.

The creation of a drainage system inside the bathhouse begins at the stage of manufacturing the floors. Water will quickly leave the room if the floor is built according to the recommendations:
  • To drain liquid from the room, install a drain pipe in the floor of the bathhouse (usually in the washing room).
  • Cover the drain hole with a mesh to prevent large objects from getting inside.
  • Make the floor with a slight slope towards the drain flange.
  • If the floor is concrete, check for any depressions or ridges where water may be trapped.
  • To ensure that water quickly flows to the drain, concrete gutters are placed in the floor near the wall. To make gutters, use concrete, asbestos, ceramic, and polypropylene pipes. Products do not necessarily have to be particularly durable, because dirty water is non-aggressive and the temperature is less than 60 degrees.
  • In a bathhouse with several “wet” rooms, make a riser to which you supply water from all rooms. Usually it is mounted in a corner and secured with clamps.
  • Internal sewerage is laid before the flooring is laid, with a slope so that water flows to the drainage point by gravity. If desired, cover the floor with matte tiles.
  • Provide ventilation for the risers; to do this, lead the pipe of the device upward, through the roof, and lock it in this position.
  • Collect drainage from bathrooms traditional scheme using sewer elements - siphon, water seal.
  • In the showers, install drains with shutters - drains.

Sewage system outside the bathhouse

The choice of drainage method is influenced by the following factors:
  1. Soil composition.
  2. Relief of the site.
  3. Volume of water discharged.
  4. Floor covering option.
  5. The number of rooms from which moisture is removed, their sizes.
In addition, the risk of site contamination should be taken into account. dirty water from the bathhouse. Large amounts of fat, suspended particles, detergents can contaminate the area around the bathhouse, an unpleasant odor will be felt in the room and an uncomfortable atmosphere will be created. Consumers can choose one of two ways to get rid of dirty water - draining sewage into the ground next to the bathhouse or collecting it in sealed container and removal off site.

Draining water into the ground under the bathhouse

The simplest option for drainage is to drain water into the ground under the building. This is usually how you get rid of water in summer period. Even when building the foundation under the sink, dig a shallow hole and fill it with a sand-gravel mixture. When building the floor, run the drain pipe directly there. In this case, drain pipes are not installed. After washing the bathhouse, dry it thoroughly.

There are restrictions for such water drainage:

  • For structures built on a strip foundation, this method poses a certain danger. The strip foundation was built using concrete mixture, absorbs moisture well. Not a large number of wastewater next to it will not affect the structure of the concrete, but intensive use of the bathhouse can affect the strength of the foundation. Therefore, the water is drained into the bathhouse if the number of people washing is no more than three.
  • If the surface of the site is relief, water can over time erode the soil and weaken the foundation.
  • Under the bathhouse there should be no clay or other soil that does not absorb water well, otherwise the floor will always be wet.

Drainage sewer for a bathhouse

This method of drainage is used on soils that are highly permeable to liquids, and in cases where groundwater is deep.

Perform the work in the following order:

  • At a distance of 1–1.5 m from the foundation, dig a hole with a depth of 50 cm greater than the freezing level. The minimum diameter of the hole is 1 m (for a small number of washables).
  • Fill the bottom with crushed stone or expanded clay.
  • Make sure that the soil is dense and the walls of the pit are not crumbling. If the soil is loose, lower an iron or plastic barrel into the hole, after cutting out the bottom. You can also put several car tires in the hole.
  • Between the well and the bathhouse, dig a trench sloping away from the bathhouse and lay sewer pipes. Connect one side of the product to the washing drain pipe, and lead the other into the pit.
  • Cover the pit with a lid.
  • Fill the well with soil and compact it.
This option is useful for those who are interested in how to drain a bathhouse at minimal cost.

Using a filtration well to drain a bathhouse

There are few microorganisms in wastewater that cause a fermentation reaction; it is easier to purify. Therefore, wastewater can be collected in special wells for self-cleaning. A well is built no closer than 3–5 m from the wall of the bathhouse. Find out in advance the depth of soil freezing.

Perform the following operations:

  1. Dig a hole 50 cm below the freezing point. Set the horizontal dimensions at your discretion; usually the dimensions are determined by the diameter of the concrete pipe, which is installed in the hole to protect it from crumbling soil.
  2. Install concrete pipe into the well. Instead of a pipe, you can build formwork and make concrete walls.
  3. At the bottom of the well, pour a layer of expanded clay or crushed stone mixed with sand in a layer of at least 30 cm. The filtration layer should be located 15 cm above the maximum freezing level of the soil.
  4. Dig a trench from the bathhouse to the well, sloping towards the hole.
  5. Lay the sewer pipe in the trench. Connect one side of the pipe to the drain pipe of the bathhouse, and lead the other into the well. In the trench, the pipe should be placed with a slight slope, which depends on its diameter, the standard slope is 2 cm/m. The recommended pipe depth is 60–70 cm below the freezing level. However, accurately meeting the latter requirement sometimes requires the manufacture of a deep well, so it is proposed Alternative option- to protect pipes from freezing, insulate them in any way.

To make it easier to select pipelines, manufacturers paint indoor sewer pipes gray and outdoor sewer pipes orange.

When laying pipes in a trench, comply with the following requirements:
  • The pipe must be without bends to avoid clogging.
  • Pipe diameter - at least 50 mm.
  • Buy special sewer pipes. Traditional concrete or ceramic products, you can also use PVC pipes. It is not recommended to install metal ones, they rust.
  • Seal the pipe joints with concrete.
  • Cover the well with a lid.
  • Make and install an air pipe, which should protrude 400 mm above the ground level.

This system has a drawback - soapy water can clog the soil, requiring cleaning.

Drainage of water from the bathhouse into a sealed drainage pit

According to the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, sewage cannot be poured into the ground without treatment. However, there is a rule that allows you to make a floor in a bathhouse with a drain without disturbing the environment - if the volume of waste is less than 1 cubic meter. m. per day. After all, who measures these drains? Instead of a drainage pit without a bottom, it is necessary to make a sealed pit if the following reasons exist: the distance between the pit and the bathhouse is less than 5 m, from the pit to the fence - less than 2 m, if it is impossible to build a pit deeper than the water intake level.

Choose a place for the drainage pit, taking into account the following points:

  1. It is built at the lowest point of the site so that water flows by gravity.
  2. The drainage pit must be periodically emptied of its contents, for which a sewage disposal machine is ordered. Therefore, provide access to the device, and make a hole in the cover for installing the hose.
  3. Cleaning the drain pit requires additional costs.
  4. If groundwater is located close to the surface, use a plastic container as a storage tank.
Sealed drain hole You can make it yourself in the following sequence:
  • Dig a pit 2–2.5 m deep and the same dimensions in the horizontal plane.
  • Dig a trench from bathhouse to pit, adhering to the requirements specified in the previous sections.
  • Place a 10–15 cm layer of crushed stone at the bottom of the pit and compact it. Fill the bottom with concrete with a layer of at least 7 cm.
  • After the concrete has hardened, make formwork to form the walls of the well. Leave a hole in the formwork for the sewer pipe.
  • Fill the formwork with concrete.
  • After the concrete has hardened, waterproof the inner surface of the well with liquid bitumen.
  • Install the sewer pipe into the trench. Lower one end into the well through the hole left, and connect the other end to the drain pipe in the bathhouse.
  • Fill the trench and the area around the well with soil and compact it.
  • Cover the well with a lid. Install a vent pipe into the well cover. It should protrude 400–700 mm above the soil.

Using septic tanks for wastewater from a bathhouse

The sewer system must be cleaned periodically. The most practical cleaning method is septic, which does not require the use of sewer trucks. Typically, this method is used when the bathhouse is used frequently, when large groups wash, or when there is a bathroom in the room. Large amounts of sewage can quickly contaminate the area around a structure.

The septic method of water purification consists in the sequential purification of wastewater different ways. At the first stage, water is freed from coarse impurities, at the next stage it undergoes filtration and biological purification. Water from septic tanks does not contain soap or other impurities, is odorless, and is often used for irrigation. Factory-made septic tanks are expensive, and users often make such devices with their own hands. For self-made The septic tank will need concrete rings with a diameter of 1 meter.

A septic tank is made as follows:

  1. At a distance of at least 1.5 m from the bathhouse wall, dig a hole 2–2.5 m deep, but it can be deeper.
  2. Place a layer of sand (150 mm), crushed stone (100 mm) at the bottom and compact everything.
  3. Place concrete rings into the hole.
  4. Dig another well of smaller depth nearby.
  5. Pour sand and crushed stone into the bottom of the well and compact them.
  6. Lower the rings to the bottom.
  7. Concrete the bottom of a deep well and the gaps between the rings - the well should be airtight.
  8. Make holes in the upper part of the rings of both wells and connect the rings with pipes, which should be located with a slope of 2 cm/m towards the deep hole. Seal the joints with cement.
  9. Connect the sewer pipe from the bathhouse to a shallow well.

The first container is designed to settle coarse particles that will fall to the bottom some time after settling. After filling the first well, water will begin to flow into the second through the connecting pipe. In the second container, earth bacteria will process everything organic matter in water. Over time, the amount of bacteria decreases; you have to buy them in a store and add them to the water yourself. Purified water can be used for irrigation.

Do-it-yourself water seal for a bath

To prevent cold air and unpleasant odors from entering the bathhouse in winter. sewer smells, the drainage device in the bathhouse is equipped with a water seal. It can be made from improvised means and installed in the drainage pit in the following sequence:
  1. Replace the handle on the plastic bucket with a metal one, which can be made from galvanized iron.
  2. Place a metal pipe across the drainage hole.
  3. Place the bucket over the pipe.
  4. Attach a piece of corrugated pipe to the end of the sewer pipe, which is lowered into a bucket. Place the corrugated cut in the middle of the bucket - at a distance of 10 cm from the bottom and 10 cm from the top cut. Water will flow into the bucket and overflow. The liquid remaining in the bucket will prevent air from entering the bathhouse.

If the garden plot near the bathhouse is not planted, you can build a drainage system through which water will move from the septic tank in the right direction. To do this, dig trenches radially from the device to a depth greater than the freezing depth of the soil. Lay pipes in trenches sloping away from the septic tank, make holes in them, and connect them to the well. Purified water from the well will independently spread in all directions, moistening the soil.

Additional information about draining a bathhouse can be found in the video:

Fulfilling simple requirements will allow you to create effective system drainage. The festive mood with which visitors come to the bathhouse is largely supported by the quality of the sewer system.

While constructing country houses and outbuildings, competent developers set themselves the main task, the essence of which is to maximize effective arrangement their possessions, taking into account a good pastime, conducive not only to work, but also to rest. The bathhouse is considered a traditional Russian form of relaxation, and therefore it is difficult to imagine a private home without it. In the process of designing a bathhouse, it is important to take into account the operational specifics of this structure, one of the important parameters of which, in addition to effective thermal insulation and fire safety, is a well-thought-out sewage system, which is a determining factor in the comfort and long-term operation of the structure. According to experts, the simplest, but at the same time the most effective option The drainage device in the bathhouse is considered to be connected to a centralized sewer system, however, due to the specific territorial location of the bathhouse ( country houses and areas where there is often no common drain), this is practically impracticable. The only correct way out of this situation is to install an autonomous sewer system, which can also be done in several ways. Which one you prefer depends on many factors, among which the determining ones are the intensity of operation of the structure, its location and, importantly, your material capabilities. In this article we will look at the main ways to effectively organize water drainage in a bathhouse, and also provide step by step guide on the arrangement of the most common water drainage options.

Arrangement of a bathhouse: what does a novice master need to know and how to avoid basic mistakes?

The simplicity and efficiency of operating a bathhouse depends on the characteristics of the sewerage system. To make it as convenient as possible, before its construction, carefully consider all the stages of the upcoming work on organizing and arranging drainage in the bathhouse. Before building a bathhouse, we recommend that novice craftsmen mentally answer the following questions:

  • How do you plan to dispose of wastewater?
  • What kind of sewer system do you plan to equip for this, and where will the septic tank or drainage well?
  • What soil freezing depth is typical for your area?

Errors in organizing the sewerage system in a bathhouse are fraught with disappointing consequences, among which the main place is given to the creation of favorable conditions for the life of putrefactive bacterial strains, as well as the appearance of mold and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. More serious consequences are stagnation of wastewater and, as a result, destruction of wood.

Installing a sewer system in a bathhouse is an activity that must be carried out before laying the flooring, regardless of what it will be: concrete, wood, laminate or linoleum, or finished ceramic tiles. Before starting construction, inexperienced craftsmen often prefer to follow the path of least resistance and opt for the simplest sewage system, the principle of which is to directly drain water into the ground located under the bathhouse, called a pit. But it would be a mistake to think that the soil under the bathhouse will be able to absorb all the wastewater, since this option of draining the bathhouse has Negative influence on the structure of the soil, eroding it and ultimately deforming the structure of the bathhouse, and also contributes to soil pollution. This picture is formed if the bathhouse is used by a large number of people several times a week. But if your family has no more than three people and you do not plan to use the bathhouse more than once a week, there is no reason to worry about installing a sewer system. In this case, the natural method of draining a bathhouse, which involves draining water into the ground under the bathhouse, will not cause you unnecessary trouble, especially if your bathhouse is built on sandy and dry soil. sandy soil. In this case, it is enough to arrange a leaky floor, which involves loosely fastening the boards, which are laid with a gap of 5-6 mm.

However, for arranging a leaky floor and collecting wastewater in a bathhouse using the soil filtration There are some restrictions:

Type of foundation- a determining factor, since the construction of a bathhouse on a slab or strip foundation together with the use of this method of collecting wastewater can reduce its operational characteristics due to the constant supply of moisture;

In addition, the use of soil filtration is limited to:

  • Soil composition. If the soil is clayey, this will significantly hinder the absorption of moisture;
  • The terrain. If the bathhouse is built on a sloping site, the constant flow of water under the foundation can lead to a decrease in the performance characteristics of the structure;

In addition to the above limitations, it should be noted that the presence of a drainage hole under the floor of the bathhouse significantly reduces the hygiene of the bathing procedures taken, especially in the summer, and therefore there is a need to drain wastewater outside the bathhouse.

Connection to the central sewerage system: is it possible?

Yes, this is quite realistic only if the central sewer system runs in close proximity to your site. But this event is accompanied by a number of difficulties, the main of which are the preparation of a package of documents confirming permission to connect, as well as ensuring strict implementation technical specifications. First of all, you need to submit a corresponding application to the management company, and then provide the following package of documents:

  • An agreement authorizing installation and groundwork activities and concluded with a representative of the design organization, whose activities must be confirmed by appropriate certificates;
  • If land work is carried out in close proximity to neighbors’ houses, it is necessary to obtain their consent to carry out the work;
  • Install an inspection well necessary to monitor the condition of the system and check the integrity of the pipes.

Only after carrying out a number of these measures can you obtain written permission to carry out work to connect the bathhouse drain to the centralized sewer system. Carrying out all these measures is often impractical, especially in the case of a small volume of wastewater, which is why developers prefer other methods of drainage equipment in the bathhouse.

Basic methods of wastewater disposal: types of sewer systems

Ground filtration method

Ground filtration method. Taking into account the above factors, in order to implement a wastewater disposal system using the soil filtration method, it is necessary to organize a system of sewer pipes to implement wastewater disposal using the soil filtration method. The operating principle of this system is as follows: it is a pipe system designed to clean wastewater discharged into the sewer system, which, due to the characteristics of the system, is distributed over the entire area of ​​the site. The main components of the system are:

  • a septic tank that functions as a septic tank;
  • water drainage pipe;
  • a distribution well, passing through which, through drainage pipes, wastewater is distributed underground throughout the site, significantly reducing the need for frequent watering of the site. It is important to remember that the installation of the drainage system and laying of pipes must be carried out at a depth that exceeds the groundwater level by 0.5-1.5 meters.

This method is characterized by many advantages, such as:

  • Reducing the frequency of watering, which reduces water consumption and, consequently, funds;
  • Due to the fact that during the cleaning process the water is not concentrated in one place, there is no risk of unpleasant odors on the site and others.

Despite the obvious advantages, this method is not suitable for landscaped, “inhabited” areas, since in the process of laying the drainage system, significant damage to previously equipped communications and elements can be caused landscape design, for example, you will have to dig blooming flower beds or cause damage to the garden plot. But if you have recently purchased a plot and are just planning to start building country house, this method of arranging a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands will be the most profitable for you.

Construction of a drainage pit

Construction of a drainage pit- another, no less popular method of draining wastewater from a bathhouse and its subsequent disposal. This method involves the installation of a volumetric tank, also called a septic tank, where wastewater will be drained in the future. Cleaning drain pits can be carried out in two ways, one of which involves pumping out wastewater with a sewer truck (in this case, the drain pit must be equipped in such a way that access is possible special equipment). as well as the use of biological products, the use of which underlies the functioning of septic tanks.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • The installation of a septic tank must be done in the lowest area of ​​your dacha area so that water flows into it naturally;
  • The need for regular use paid services vacuum cleaners, which will result in an additional expense item in your budget;
  • It is also necessary to organize free passage of the sewer truck to your site, which in modern conditions is often difficult.

Construction of a filtration well

Construction of a filtration well- the third and often the most preferred method of arranging a drain in a bathhouse. It consists of organizing a well filled with drainage material for filtering wastewater (crushed stone, brick fragments, furnace slag). The operating principle of this system is as follows: Wastewater discharged into the well passes through the filter material, which contributes to its siltation and the proliferation of bacteria, which contribute to even greater purification of the filtered water. The final purification of water occurs when it passes through the soil layer, and therefore it can also be used for watering and irrigating a lawn or other vegetation.

The disadvantage of this method is the need to frequently replace the filter material, the frequency of clogging of which depends on the intensity of operation of the bath. Despite this, this method is one of the most optimal ways drainage of wastewater in the bathhouse, in connection with which, we present step by step instructions for the arrangement of an autonomous bathhouse sewerage system, which is based on the functioning of a filtration settling tank.

How to make an autonomous sewage system for a bathhouse with a filtration well-sump?

This wastewater disposal system involves the installation of two plastic containers. The first is a kind of settling tank for purifying water from large suspended particles in a solid state of aggregation, and the other plays the role of an additional purification filter through which wastewater must pass before it enters the soil, or rather, into a specially equipped space located between the soil and containers.

Before considering the installation of a sewage system in a bathhouse, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the floor arrangement. The simplest arrangement option, which can be carried out without the help of specialists, looks like this.

A layer of sand of moderate thickness is poured onto a double layer of roofing material, after which they proceed to arranging a rough screed. After it has completely dried, a layer of insulation is laid on the floor and they begin to organize the concrete floor, making sure to provide a slope to the center of the room. At the lowest point, where the slopes of the floor from each of the walls converge, a water drain is installed, for installation of which it is necessary to use a blind plastic fitting with a funnel diameter of 5 cm. A drain pipe is attached to the fitting, which goes under the dressing room. The pipelines leaving the washing room and steam room must be connected under the floor with a tee. Having carried out this activity, the outlet pipe is taken out and, taking this into account, a pipeline is installed, which is directed into the well.

The construction of a cesspool is justified only if the soil is characterized by a large depth, otherwise the cesspool will be filled at any time of the year groundwater and there simply won’t be any free space left for waste.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the size of the cesspool, which depends on the number of people constantly using the bathhouse. It immediately becomes clear that what more people plans to steam in it, so large sizes there must be a drainage hole. If 3-4 people constantly wash in the bathhouse, the water consumption will be 150-200 liters, and therefore the size of the cesspool should be slightly larger than that intended for cases when the bathhouse is used by two people.

After you have drawn up a pipeline project and calculated the volume of the drainage pit, you need to decide on its location. As practice shows, the drainage pit should be located no further than 2 meters from the bathhouse, otherwise, if the pit is located remotely, it will become difficult to organize the slope necessary for the water to drain naturally, or if the pit is located too close, there will be a risk of getting wet and subsequent subsidence of the bathhouse foundation.

To understand how much material is needed to organize a drainage pit, you need to know the type of soil. If the soil is not prone to crumbling, there is no need to additionally strengthen the edges of the drainage hole, since it will be enough to dig it and fill it with filter materials. Another important parameter is the rate of moisture absorption. By quickly absorbing treated wastewater into the soil, your task of arranging a drainage pit is greatly facilitated. In this case, it will be enough to dig it out and fill it with filtration materials that further accelerate the rate of moisture absorption, for example, broken brick, expanded clay or crushed stone, on which a layer of sand of moderate thickness is laid. Unfortunately, such conditions are rare.

If you are dealing with loose soil, strengthening the edge of the hole becomes an inevitable condition for its reliability and long-term operation. To do this, it can be laid out with brick (a layer of half a brick is optimal) or wild stone, during the laying of which it is necessary to leave gaps for the outflow of water. The use of slate is also allowed. But most simple option remains the use of a buried metal or septic tank plastic barrel, in the walls of which they make required amount holes for water outflow, and also remove the bottom. The size of the holes is a fairly important parameter, since excessively large holes can cause crushed stone to get into them and interfere with the outflow of water. As for the shape of the tank, here experts also have their own wishes. In their opinion, the most preferable is a drainage pit cylindrical, since in this case uniform pressure is created on all the walls of the tank, and therefore the drainage pit needs repairs much less often. The walls of the pit must be arranged in such a way that there is a gap of at least 30-40 cm between them and the ground. Another important requirement is the presence of a lid covering the tank, which can be concrete or iron.

After completing the work on arranging the walls of the tank, crushed stone, expanded clay, broken brick, and other materials that have the ability to filter are poured into the bottom of the pit. Then they are covered with a layer of sand. Pipes are connected from the bathhouse to the drainage pit at a slope sufficient for the natural flow of water. The pipeline slope parameters are as follows: as a rule, a 10 mm pipeline slope is sufficient for each meter of pipeline. During the operation of this pipeline, water passes through a layer of filter materials and, being purified, is absorbed into the soil.

If you are a supporter of using scrap materials in the process, you will be interested in the idea of ​​installing a drain pit from old tires (for example, truck tires), in which holes are made and partially cut off. side surfaces. After these manipulations are carried out, they are placed in a prepared pit one on top of the other and covered with filtration materials.

Bath drain video

A bathhouse that does not provide for taking water procedures- not complete. You need to at least be able to wash off the sweat and fat secretions that inevitably form during the active warming up of the body, which is actually the reason for going there.

In this case, the presence of a water supply is not at all necessary. You can install a periodically filled container for it, or you can take it with you in a bucket or bucket. But draining the bathhouse, for any method of using water, is mandatory.

What kinds of plums there are and how to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands so that it is odorless is the subject of our step-by-step guide.

Determine the location of the drain (pit or septic tank)

As a rule, there is not so much wastewater from a bathhouse, and it does not contain fecal matter, large fatty deposits and everything else that the house sewer may contain. Of course, if it is provided, then it is better to drain the bathhouse drains into it.

And if there is none, then the drain from the bathhouse can be carried out into a primitive drainage pit, consisting of a barrel without a bottom, installed on a drainage cushion made of layers of sand and coarse crushed stone - 10-15 cm each, and closed with a small concrete slab. Large size can be used paving slabs, thick sheet of metal, etc.

Drainage similar to that carried out from a point can also be done.

For this abroad bath wall, at a distance of at least 1.5 m from it, a one and a half to two meter section of perforated pipe is laid in the drainage pad, as described in one of the sections of the article at the same link.

You can take a special pipe - for drainage systems, or you can drill holes in asbestos-cement. It is important that they be smaller in diameter than the fraction gravel backfill around her.

You can also install a point drainage well under the drain from the bathhouse. If in your bathhouse, in addition to two or three tubs of water poured over yourself in the steam room, there is a bathroom, shower, and kitchen area, then you will need to organize.

The slope of the drain pipe from the bathhouse should be the same as for sewer systems: 2-3°. And also, if its diameter is at least 110 mm, then it is not necessary to insulate it, but if it is less, it is mandatory.

Choosing floors: design features of pouring floors in a bathhouse

There is another way to remove water from a bathhouse when there is no drain. Just under the bathhouse built on columnar foundation, a continuous drainage cushion is installed, which absorbs the drainage from it. But it's rather clean summer option, due to the fact that the floor in such a bathhouse cannot be insulated, and its wooden covering is made with gaps of 3 - 5 mm through which water pours out.

But such drainage almost never occurs now. More often, pourable floors in a bathhouse are made according to a scheme with a water intake located outside the structure of the structure.

These floors are also called leaky floors. With this method, the following technical solution is predominantly used:

There are also several options here. Your choice depends on what kind of floor the bathhouse will have: warm or cold, wooden or concrete, on what foundation it is built, etc. Along with the above scheme, others are also used.

In a similar way, a drain is often installed in a bathhouse built on screw piles.

Of course, concrete slopes with this method of drainage are made after waterproofing the lower plank covering of the floor pie with a welded geomembrane or thick (at least 200 microns) plastic film. The last option is worse, because an alkaline cement environment leads to its gradual destruction.

How to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands so that there is no smell?

For this purpose, special ladders or siphons are used, if there is room for them in the floor structure.

The water seal provided in them prevents odors from penetrating into the room.

A ventilation riser can also be removed from the system, leading to the roof or into the attic.

Water collects in them thanks to organized slopes. Moreover, the slopes are made regardless of what type of coating is used: wood, concrete, or ceramic tiles are laid on it.

Wooden solid tongue and groove floors in bathhouses are often made of oak, teak, larch, and sometimes of resinous pine along the sheathing.

More often these floors are made in an insulated version, especially for frame houses.

In this case, we recommend using polystyrene foam as insulation, which, even completely immersed in water, absorbs no more than 1% of it per day, which cannot be said about any type of cotton insulation. But even in this case, waterproofing should not be neglected. And it is better to use a dense geomembrane for it, welded at the joints, laid with a launch on the walls of at least 80 - 100 mm.

Laying the drain pipe

It is better to enter the drain line laid in the ground through corrugated pipe, compensating for winter soil rise due to frost heaving forces, so the integrity of the system is not compromised.

If you are building a bathhouse on a strip foundation, then the exit of the drain pipe and the place where it passes through the internal strips should be provided for already when pouring it, calculating the slopes, or even laying it in it right away.

If the thickness of the floor platform allows the necessary slopes to be maintained, then the drain pipe can be laid inside its structure. In this case, cold bridges will not arise.

In floating foundations, made in the form of a solid monolithic slab, drainage systems from the bathhouse are installed before they are poured.

At the same time, if finishing coat The floor is made of tiles, then the necessary slopes are observed when laying it by changing the thickness adhesive composition, on which it fits.

And on large areas before laying the tiles, it is pre-arranged cement strainer by lighthouses. If on concrete base If a wooden pouring floor is laid, then it is carried out in the same way, and opposite the ladder it is provided with a removable board for servicing the device.

It is advisable to waterproof the concrete bowl under such a floor with a bitumen primer or a similar composition.

If there is a shower in the bathhouse, and sometimes in the steam room itself, then it is advisable to install a wider ladder for receiving water.

And the recommendations for installing it are no different from the previous ones. It remains to add that if the drain or siphon is mounted in a finished concrete base, then it is better to concrete it with a special polymerized waterproofing material cement mixture, having previously primed the junction with the rest of the floor with a deep penetration primer.

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An integral component of the steam room is water. But so that it does not stagnate, it is important to know how to drain the bathhouse. In this case, certain nuances must be taken into account. For buildings that are on stilts, a thoughtful approach will be required to ensure that communications do not freeze. Depending on the load on the room, different decisions will be made.

Even before construction

It’s worth thinking about even before laying the foundation. In this case it will be much easier to draw a conclusion. The following points should be analyzed:

  • What is the size of the planned building?
  • What is the frequency of its use?
  • How many people will be inside at the same time?
  • Will it ?
  • Will the washing room be a separate room or combined with a steam room?
  • What is the depth of soil freezing?
  • What is the composition of the soil?
  • Is there a central sewerage system?
  • How much free space is there around the bathhouse?

This questionnaire will greatly simplify the creation of a gasket drawing, and will also make it possible to determine which of the options, which will be described below, is best suited to a particular situation.

Briefly about floors

A big role in how effectively all moisture will be removed from a steam room or washing room is played by the right approach for the manufacture of the floor, as well as the drain hole. The flooring can be wood or concrete. The first, in turn, is divided into:

  • leaky;
  • leak-proof.

The essence of the leak is that a space is left between the boards through which the water can simply drain under the building. This solution is suitable for the southern regions. In the second option, the boards are laid in two layers with tight joints. In this case, the slope is maintained towards the groove or drain hole.

Concrete floors must be insulated. If you don't do this, your feet will be very cold. When pouring, just as in the case of a non-leaking wooden floor, a slope is maintained towards the drain hole or in the middle where the gutter will pass. Additionally, wooden gratings are placed on top to make those staying in the room more comfortable.

Ladder for various designs will also be different. If this is a bathhouse that is constantly heated, or it is known that the room does not freeze, then you can install a product with a water damper. Usually it is located in the corner or in the middle, where all the liquid collects. Installing such a structure in a wooden floor will not be difficult:

  • The work is carried out before the finished floor is installed.
  • The location of the drain hole is selected according to the slope of the surface.
  • Markings are being made for the ladder.
  • A hole is drilled so that a jigsaw file can be inserted. An opening is cut for the product.
  • The entire floor surface is covered with thick polyethylene film.
  • A slot is made in the place where the drain hole will be located.
  • The plastic drain is mounted in place.
  • The junction areas of the film are coated with silicone sealant.
  • The finished floor is being laid.

Note! With this solution, even if water seeps under the floor somewhere, it will flow down the oilcloth to the drainage point.

But most often, bathhouses are used less often, and if you make a similar structure there, then this can lead to the fact that the water inside will freeze and the product will simply tear into pieces. To prevent this from happening, you can make a drain with a barrier without liquid. One of the solutions is easy to implement in wooden bath, the other is in a bathhouse with a concrete floor.

For wooden:

  • You will need a small sheet of galvanized metal measuring 62x38 cm.
  • It must be marked as follows: put 2 points from each edge at a distance of 10 cm. The points on the two sides must coincide so that the corner is a square with a side of 10 cm.
  • In the resulting squares, a diagonal is drawn from the corner to the point.
  • All points are connected by a line to form a rectangle inside. These marks will serve as a guide for us to bend.
  • At a distance of 17 cm from the edge of the smaller side in the middle of the sheet we make a notch. This will be the center of the hole for the pipe if it is 50 mm in diameter.
  • Now, along the drawn lines, you need to bend this sheet to make a small trough.
  • The sharp edges sticking out on the sides are bent towards the larger side.
  • A plastic or wooden plank is placed inside. In size it should be 39 × 17 × 0.5 cm.
  • The capacity of this container is about 6 liters. When the water begins to drain, it lifts the bar and freely enters the hole. After the level drops, the board falls into place and closes the hole. This is done so that there is no smell.
  • Even if it happens that the board freezes to the trough, when hot liquid gets in, it quickly thaws.

Note! Such drain mechanism will be very relevant for baths that stand on a pile or columnar foundation, when the temperature under the floor is sub-zero.

For concrete:

  • In order to implement the project, you will need a plastic or durable rubber ball.
  • When the floor is poured, it will need to be placed above the drain hole and recessed there a little. You can press it with something on top so that it does not move.
  • An additional slope is created around the ball.
  • The ball remains in this position until the screed has completely hardened. Afterwards it is very easily separated from the frozen mixture.
  • It is he who will serve as the shutter. When the water begins to drain, it will lift the ball. After this, it will fall into place and close the hole, preventing the penetration of unpleasant odors. This shouldn’t freeze, and if it does, it will thaw fairly quickly.

Simple water collection systems

The most simple solution drainage will be a solution for leaking floors.

  • A hole is dug under the steam room (or washing room, if they are not combined). Its dimensions will coincide with the area from which the water will flow.
  • It needs to be deepened slightly below the freezing point of the soil. Sand is placed in a 10 cm layer on the bottom and compacted well.
  • The rest of the space is filled with crushed stone or expanded clay so that there is another 10 cm left to the top. Everything is carefully compacted.
  • The remainder of the space is filled with the soil that was dug.

You don't need to do anything else. The liquid will fall into this hole, filter and go further into the soil.

Note! This design will be relevant if the bathhouse is used no more than once a week and there are 3-4 people in it at the same time. If the soil under the bathhouse is clayey, then it will be necessary to make a transition pipe to the pit, which can be located a few meters from the bathhouse.

To implement the next idea you will need a plastic or metal barrel volume of 200 liters.

  • A place is chosen near the bathhouse.
  • A hole is dug to a depth below freezing of the soil. Its diameter should be 30 cm larger than the diameter of the barrel. This is necessary for ease of installation.
  • A 10 cm layer of sand is placed on the bottom and compacted well.
  • A layer of fine crushed stone is laid another 10 cm and is also compacted well.
  • A hole is cut in the side wall for a pipe through which water will flow.
  • A hole is drilled in the bottom using a drill and a 26 mm drill bit. It is necessary for the ventilation hose.
  • A nut is screwed onto the ¾" pipe and a sealing gasket is put on. It is pushed through the hole. Another gasket is put on and the entire structure is fixed with the help of a second nut. An adapter is screwed onto the upper thread to the HDPE pipe, which will act as a ventilation pipe.
  • The barrel is placed upside down in the hole.
  • Summing up a drain pipe. It is desirable that it extends 15–20 cm inside. Thus, if the soil shifts, it will not be pulled out.
  • Approximately up to the middle, the hole is filled with crushed stone and compacted, but so as not to damage the barrel. The remaining space is filled with soil.

This disposal method is also suitable for non-clayey soils. The capacity is quite enough for 5 people to take a bath at the same time once a week.

Systems under intensive use

In cases where the bathhouse will be used in a more intensive mode or there will be a toilet in it, it is necessary to provide solutions that will allow the system to cope with a large volume of liquid. If the building is located near a private house and VOCs are provided for it, then you can draw a conclusion directly to it. The quickest way to prepare a single-chamber septic tank or cesspool is to do this:

  • Dig a pit. Its depth should be just over 3 meters to easily fit 3 concrete rings, and they did not reach the surface by 30 cm.
  • If the bottom is planned to be filtered, then a 20 cm layer of sand is made, and a 30 cm layer of crushed stone is placed on top. Everything is compacted well. If not, then a 20 cm layer of concrete is poured and the rings are immersed in it.
  • The walls can be strengthened in another way, for example, by laying them out of brick. In this case, it is necessary to do the masonry with holes for water drainage.
  • A suitable hole is made to enter the sewer pipe.
  • The pit is closed from above using reinforced concrete slab.
  • Installed in the lid fan pipe for ventilation.

This septic tank is cleaned using a vacuum cleaner. It must be located so that there is access to it. The distance to the building must be at least 2 m. It is possible further, but then communications will have to be laid to a greater depth.

In order to increase the interval between cleanings, you can make several chambers. In this case, the water will be purified more effectively, and it will also be possible to increase the volume of average daily wastewater. The essence of the device is to make the first two containers sealed according to the described method, and to make the last one with a filter bottom. At the same time, they are connected to each other using pipes. In the first and second compartments, heavy particles settle. There they decompose with the help of bacteria. The third section receives partially purified water, which then goes into the ground.

Alternatively, you can use plastic containers or buy

Many owners of private houses want to have a good Russian bathhouse on their property. But before you start building it, you need to carefully think through and properly organize drainage. Currently, there are several ways to remove waste water from a bathhouse, which do not require large financial investments and a connection to the general city sewer system. A well-made drain in a washing bath will help ensure the long life of the floors and foundation, and will also prevent the appearance of mold and mildew on the walls.

Drainage device in the washing room at the bathhouse

Drainage in the bathhouse can be carried out different ways, which depend on the type of floors in the washing room of the bathhouse. There are wooden leaking and non-leaking ones, as well as concrete ones. For the first case, it is necessary to arrange a special reservoir for drainage of water, from which it will be poured into the sewer. And for the second option, a floor in the bathhouse is laid with a slope, and special gutters and drainage ladders are installed. Any waste system in the bathhouse should be arranged before laying the floors.

When choosing to create external sewerage baths, it is necessary to take into account factors such as:

  • Intensity of use of the bath;
  • Dimensions of the building;
  • Type of soil and depth of freezing;
  • Sewage system (its presence or absence);
  • Is it possible to connect to the central system?

The above aspects are among the most important when determining drainage.

For a small bathhouse where one or two people will steam several times a month, there is no need to create a complex sewer system. It will be enough to dig a regular drain hole or a small pit under the bathhouse.

The soil type has great importance when creating a drainage system. For sandy soils that absorb water well, it is recommended to make a drainage well. In clayey soils, it is better to equip a drainage pit from which the wastewater will need to be pumped out periodically. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of freezing of the ground, since water in pipes that are laid above the required level will simply freeze and the plastic will crack.

If you do not want the water from the bathhouse to simply flow out and be absorbed into the ground, you must use a septic tank with a settling tank, where the wastewater will settle and be purified, and then distributed through irrigation pipes. The most difficult and in an expensive way The water outlet is to install a well with biological filters, which consist of slag, broken bricks and crushed stone. The peculiarity of this method is that when waste water enters a well, its walls are gradually covered with a layer of sludge in which microorganisms live that purify the water.

Advantages and disadvantages of each external drainage system in a bathhouse

Let's consider Various types drainage systems, as well as their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

This is a sealed pit made of reinforced concrete, in which water coming from the bathhouse accumulates. When it is full, it is pumped out using a special device.


  • Simplicity of the device;
  • Does not require maintenance;
  • Low cost.


Drainage well

This water drainage system is a pit with filtrate that cleanses waste water. The filter can be sand, broken brick, crushed stone, slag, etc.


  • Low cost;
  • Ease of construction.

The disadvantage of the system is the regular replacement of the filtrate or its cleaning. And this procedure requires a lot of physical effort.


This system consists of a hole that is dug just under the washroom floor. At the bottom of the pit there is a natural filtrate, which allows waste water to flow through it, gradually going into the depths of the soil.


  • There is no need for piping;
  • Low cost of the device.


This is a system that consists of a septic tank and pipes emanating from it, which remove water purified from impurities. Drainage systems are installed at a certain slope so that the water quickly drains and is completely absorbed into the ground.


  • Works offline;
  • Can be used to create a sewer system with several points for receiving waste water;
  • It can even clean “black” drains if you install an anaerobic septic tank.


Alternatively, you can connect to central sewer. Then there will be no need to install external structures for receiving and processing wastewater. But here you will have to pay for the services of specialists and draw up various permits.

Internal sauna drainage system

The washing room inside the bathhouse is equipped taking into account the future drainage and the selected floors. Draining should be done in such a way that no moisture remains in the room, which will contribute to the development of fungi and mold.

  1. Leaky wooden floors are the most widespread, as they are the simplest option for draining a bathhouse. The boards are laid with gaps of about 3–4 mm, so that through the cracks the water from the washing room flows into the pit without hindrance. Such floors are dismountable so that the boards can be properly dried. In this case, the floor is arranged without a slope for drainage, since the water will be absorbed into the ground under the bathhouse.
  2. Non-leakage floors are installed with a slope towards the drain, through which waste water will flow into the drainage basin and then into the sewer. Also, water can flow into any chosen drainage system.
  3. Concrete floors are easy to maintain, durable and reliable, so they are perfect for setting up a washing room in a bathhouse. Such floors are also made with a slope towards the drain so that water can quickly and easily flow into the selected sewage system.

Preparing for the construction of a drainage system: drawings and diagrams of various drains

Scheme of a wooden leaky floor with a drain. Must be carried out before laying floors.

If a dry steam room is provided in the bathhouse, and there is a shower in the washing room, then it is necessary to provide a drain in the steam room.

In the sauna sewer, where water will be collected from several rooms, it is necessary to install a riser with a ventilation valve.

If the steam room and the washing room are in different rooms, then a gutter for water drainage is placed under the ceiling between them.

Under the wooden floor, it is necessary to make a concrete base with a slope towards the central part, where the gutter will go, connecting to the sewer.

Also, instead of concrete, you can lay a stainless or galvanized steel tray on the floor under the flooring.

Video: installation of a galvanized pan for draining water under the wooden floor of a bathhouse

When installing self-leveling floors on which the tiles will be laid, it is necessary to maintain a slope, where at the lowest point a drain is installed to receive water, which is connected to the sewer.

  • To install a sewer system inside the bathhouse, it is necessary to use modern durable plastic pipes, which have a long service life and will therefore serve for many years. They are not afraid of moisture, are not subject to corrosion, like ordinary metal or cast iron, and are also easy and simple to assemble yourself without the involvement of specialists. PVC pipes are excellent for the device internal sewerage in a bath, are pliable in any processing, and can also be with or without a bell. Service life more than 50 years.
  • Cast iron pipes are too expensive, heavy, and also inconvenient to work with.
  • Asbestos-cement pipes are the cheapest, but they often have many defects. Also, for the installation of a free-flow drain, pipes with a smooth surface are required. inner surface walls, and asbestos-cement products often have rough inner walls with indentations.

Types of plastic pipes:

  • PVC pipes (polyvinyl chloride);
  • PVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipes);
  • PP (polypropylene products);
  • HDPE (pipes made of low pressure polyethylene);
  • Corrugated polyethylene pipes.

Any of the above types of pipes can be used for internal structure plum in the bath. The diameter of the product for the main line is taken based on the future intensity of operation of the bathhouse and the number of drain points. For an ordinary bathhouse with a steam room, a washing room and a toilet, pipes with a diameter of 10–11 cm are recommended. If plumbing is not installed, then pipes with a diameter of 5 cm will be sufficient to drain water.

Calculation of material for creating drainage and tools

To install internal sewerage in the washing room, we will need PVC pipes gray, as well as joints and adapters.

  • The number of pipes depends on the length of the internal drainage system.
  • We will also need tees size and angle 110–110–90° - two pieces (highlighted in red in the diagram);
  • Elbow adapter - 90° - three pieces (highlighted in black in the diagram).
  • Horizontal sewer pipes – Ø11 cm;
  • Vertical pipes for installing water drainage receivers – Ø11 or 5 cm.
  • For connecting pipes different diameters You will need adapters from 5 to 11 cm.
  • For external sewerage of the bath you will need pipes orange color(PVC).

For work we will need:

  • Bayonet shovel (special equipment);
  • Building level;
  • Grinder with cutting wheel;
  • Sand;
  • Cement;
  • Crushed stone.

Step-by-step instructions with photos for making various drain designs in a bathhouse

Before considering the drainage system in the washing room, it must be said that the entire sewer system internal system in the bathhouse is interconnected and consists of three waste water receivers.

The drain trap is a siphon that has a water seal that prevents unpleasant odors from entering the washing room, and it also serves as a grate that prevents large debris from entering the sewer.

In the photo we can see the slope of the tiled floor towards the drainage ladder.

A drain ladder must be installed in bathhouses.

Video: system of functioning of a drain with a water seal in the washing room of a bathhouse

  1. First we will lay the sewer pipes. To do this we dig trenches.
  2. At points A and B, the depth of the trench should be approximately 50–60 centimeters relative to the ground level (outside the foundation). If the height of the base is 30–40 centimeters, then the depth of the trench will be 80–100 cm in relation to the top of the foundation.
  3. From points A and B, we gradually dig ditches so that the slope is about 2 centimeters per 1 linear meter. Pour sand approximately 5–10 cm thick into the bottom of the trench and compact it well, maintaining the required slope.
  4. We fill the foundation and make a hole for the sewer pipe.
  5. We install the drain pipes vertically (1 and 2 for drains). To do this, we drive sticks about 1 meter long into the bottom of the trench, and then tie plums to them. We install vertical pipes with a small margin of length. During the process of installing the floor and installing the ladders, we will shorten them.
  6. We install the sewerage system according to the specified diagram.

IN construction industry The depth of laying sewer pipes in the southern regions is about 70 cm from the ground surface. IN middle lane the depth varies from 90 to 120 cm, and in the north at least 150–180 cm.

To prevent the drains from freezing, the tubes must be insulated with several layers of special 10 mm polyethylene foam.

Under one end of the pipe we dig a shallow hole for drainage. Now we need to try to drain a certain volume of water to check the correct angle of the pipe. We check all the pipes one by one.

We make an external sewage system with our own hands

If the volume of waste water does not exceed 700 liters. per week, then we can use old truck wheels as a septic tank. We can calculate the water absorption area of ​​the septic tank, taking into account that the degree of water absorption of 1 sq/m of sandy soil is about 100 l/day, mixed sandy loam is about 50 l/day, loamy soil is about 20 l/day. Depending on the type of soil and its water absorption, we calculate how many wheels we need.

  1. We dig a hole 2x2 meters and a depth of about 2.3 - 2.5 meters, depending on the level at which the pipe will emerge. We pour 10–15 cm of sand at the bottom, and 10–15 cm of crushed stone on top.
  2. In the pit, we tightly stack about 5-7 wheels vertically on top of each other. Top point it should be so that the drain pipe can fit into it exactly.
  3. In loamy soil it will be enough to install 7 wheels. If the area is sandy or sandy soil, then 5 pieces will be enough.
  4. Cover the wheels with a durable metal or plastic cover with a hole made in it. We insert a ventilation pipe into it, through which air will flow, ensuring the vital activity of microorganisms that process wastewater.
  5. We carry out a test drain and bury the entire structure.

How to make a drainage well: a guide

The drainage pit can be made of a plastic or metal tank, reinforced concrete rings or red brick.

  1. We choose a place in the lowest part of the site so that the water from the washing room leaves by gravity. In order to make it convenient to pump water out of the well and for a car to freely drive up to it, you need to choose a place with convenient access.
  2. Digging a hole using an excavator. If there is no equipment, then you will have to dig by hand, and this is a long process. We monitor the condition of the pit walls (they should not crumble). We can dig a hole of square, rectangular or round shape.
  3. We make the bottom with a slight slope towards the hatch for easy cleaning of the tank. We fill in 15 cm of sand and concrete the bottom. Instead of concreting, you can simply lay a reinforced concrete slab the desired shape and size.
  4. We lay out the walls with bricks. You can take used red brick. For masonry we make a solution of clay and sand. During the laying process, we install an inlet pipe for water in one of the walls.
  5. Since brick walls are waterproof, we need to treat them with a special sealant. To do this, take bitumen mastic or other similar material.
  6. We install a reinforced concrete slab floor. Top part the well should be blocked on all sides by about 30 cm. To pump out water, we make a hole above the area of ​​the pit where the slope is located. The overlap is installed in several steps. First, we make formwork from boards and pour a 5–7 cm layer of concrete. We put reinforcement on top and pour the next layer of mortar. Let the concrete dry for several days.
  7. We lay a metal hatch, cover the concrete floor with polyethylene and fill it with soil so that only the hatch is visible on the surface.

How to place a drainage system with a pit

  1. Under the floor of the washing room we dig a hole 2x2 meters and at least 1 meter deep. At a height of 10–15 centimeters from the floor level, we install a pipe that will connect the pit with external system sewerage. We maintain a slope of 1 centimeter per 1 linear meter.
  2. We put a layer of crushed stone, broken brick, gravel or expanded clay at the bottom, and pour a layer of sand on top. We strengthen the walls with brick, large-wave slate or natural stone.
  3. We lay logs on top of the pit, and then install a wooden floor on them.
  4. So that waste water can easily drain directly into the pit, the boards are laid at a distance from each other. Such a wooden floor does not need to be attached to the joists so that it can be easily removed and dried.

The second option for constructing a pit is a water collector, from which wastewater will be poured into a septic tank or sewer system when it reaches a certain level. This drainage method is mainly used when constructing leaking floors.

How to install ground filtration for a bathhouse

To install such a system, you will need a separate septic tank, which will serve as a sump and distribution well. They will depart from him different sides drainage pipes designed to distribute treated waste along the entire perimeter of the yard. You can buy a septic tank, or you can make it yourself from large containers made of plastic or metal.

A septic tank made of reinforced concrete or a round structure made of brickwork works perfectly.

Rules for constructing a drainage system:

  • The length of the pipe should be no more than 25 meters;
  • Laying depth of at least 1.5 meters;
  • The distance between pipes is at least 1.5 meters;
  • The width of the trench for drainage is at least 50 cm, maximum 1 meter.
  1. We dig a trench taking into account an inclination angle of about 1.5°. We check the angle with a regular building level.
  2. At the bottom of the trench in clay soil, pour 10 cm of sand and 10 cm of gravel on top. In loamy soils, the pipe will need to be wrapped with filter material to avoid silting. On sandy soil we make a sand and crushed stone cushion, and wrap the pipes with geotextiles.
  3. Pour 10 cm of gravel on top of the drainage, and then fill the ditch with earth.
  4. The filtration system must be ventilated, so at the end of the drainage pipe we install a pipe about 50 cm high, and put a safety valve on top.

Video: how to connect the drainage system to the bathhouse

Properly done drainage in the washing room of the bathhouse and its other premises guarantees long term services of this building. It will help protect the building from the harmful effects of moisture and prevent contamination of the area with waste water. Even in small bathhouses it is necessary to equip a drainage system, so this process it is necessary to approach it with complete seriousness and responsibility.