When to expect potato shoots? The reasons for their absence. It will rise - it will not rise: how many days after planting the potatoes rise and what the timing depends on How long does the potato rise

Using various germination technologies and varietal characteristics, I accelerated the germination time of potatoes, significantly increased the yield.

Potatoes are an important component of nutrition, they are well stored, unpretentious to growing conditions. Therefore, it is commonly grown for themselves and for sale. The harvest largely depends on how friendly, timely and strong the seedlings will be.

If the tubers are not germinated first, you need to be patient while waiting for the shoots. But it happens that high-quality seed gives late, uneven or poor shoots. Here are the factors that influence this.

This is one of the most important indicators. If the average daily air temperature is at least 8 degrees, then the soil at a depth of 10-12 cm warmed up enough for the sprouts to develop. Many gardeners are guided by folk signs.

Favorable period for planting potatoes according to the national calendar:

  • birch leaves have reached the size of the smallest coin;
  • the sowing of early varieties of grain crops is in progress;
  • perennial plants bloom.

If the soil temperature remains around 8-10 degrees, potato seedlings will appear in three weeks. If the air temperature reaches 15-20 degrees, green shoots can be seen in two weeks. Sprouted tubers germinate a week faster.

Planting depth

Deeply buried potatoes germinate much longer than those planted at normal depth.


If the soil is wet (humidity is at the level of 70-75%), seedlings can not be expected at all, rot will attack the tubers.

The reason for uneven seedlings

If the potatoes rise unevenly, the reasons may be as follows:

  • different planting depths - tubers located close to the soil surface warm up better and germinate faster;
  • different size of planting material;
  • one batch may contain non-germinated and partially germinated tubers;
  • a mixture of varieties on the same bed - a mixture of planting material of early and late varieties gives uneven shoots.

Germination is influenced by correct selection and preparation of planting potatoes

Selection and preparation of planting material

Even in the fall, you need to select a suitable seed material: tubers of the desired variety, correct shape, without damage.

To prevent the potato from attracting rodents, it must be planted with greenery. After this measure, the planting material must be stored separately from edible potatoes; solanine contained in green tubers is harmful to the human body.

In the spring, planting tubers need to be sorted out, ventilated and treated with a solution of boric acid. Specimens weighing 50-90 g are considered ideal.

Soil preparation: loosening to a depth of 12-15 cm; so the soil is freed from excess moisture and saturated with oxygen; the best soil composition is a sandy or sandy loam mixture. If fertilizers were not applied to the garden in the fall, this can be done in the spring, you will need compost and brown coal.

Before planting, the tubers can be germinated: two to three weeks before the scheduled time, put in one or two layers in boxes and put the container in a bright place so that green sprouts appear from the eyes.

During germination, the potato needs to be moistened every other day with a sprayer. For moistening, you can alternate with ordinary water and ash solution.


Plants are not sufficiently ventilated, there is a risk of late blight. Often planted plants are difficult to huddle; some of the tubers may turn green and become unusable.

Landing dates

When choosing a planting date, one must take into account that both drought and excess moisture can damage the seedlings. If you plant early ripening varieties early, you can get an early harvest, and the bushes do not have to be processed, protecting them from pests.

The crop can be harvested to the peak activity of the Colorado potato beetle at all stages of development. But early varieties are poorly stored, it will be difficult to save seed.

Benefits of early landing

Many are afraid of a late drop in temperature, and postpone planting until the temperature is stable. If the frost picks up the green bush, even the darkened green mass will recover later. Nitrogen fertilizers previously applied to the soil can help the plant survive the cold snap.

Organics well protect the tuber - the introduction of 500 g of rotted nitrogen under each bush will provide natural heating of the soil. Covering hilling will warm the seedlings and guarantee an active vegetation.

Even a late snowfall after planting potatoes increases the yield, additionally saturating the soil with moisture.

If you delay planting, the tubers will fall into overheated and overdried soil, this will negatively affect germination and yield. Early planted potatoes (in April) have already formed a crop by the middle of summer, and plantings in May are only forming tubers.

But if the air temperature reaches 29 degrees, and at night does not fall below 20, the growth of tubers stops, and the tops begin to actively grow. This confirms the benefits of early plantings.

Experienced gardeners are also advised to combine plantings from early, middle and late varieties. Then, under any weather conditions, there will be a harvest in the garden.

Strong, timely sprouting of potatoes provides a good soil composition, seed preparation, and the right choice of variety.


After the potatoes are planted, you can calmly breathe and not worry, because the potatoes do not sprout quickly and for this you need to pass a sufficient amount of time. But when there are no shoots for quite a long time, you involuntarily begin to worry and wonder how much potatoes germinate and what is necessary to speed up this process?

Temperature and soil

Thanks to the correct temperature regime of the soil, you can get the successful emergence of potato seedlings.

Potatoes are best planted when the average daily temperature is about 8 degrees with a + sign, and the soil temperature warms up to 7-8 ° C. The depth at which the soil temperature should be measured should be somewhere around 11-12 cm. If all indicators are normal, we proceed to planting.

It is possible, without measuring the temperature of the soil, to determine the time of disembarkation according to popular belief. During the flowering and flowering period of perennial plants. Alternatively, potatoes can be planted as soon as birch leaves are about the size of a penny.

Let's calculate how much potatoes usually sprout:

  • the soil, warmed up to + 10 ° C, can sprout in 23-25 ​​days;
  • at a temperature of about +20 ° C - the emergence of seedlings will take from 10 to 20 days.

If the potatoes are sprouted, they will sprout a week ahead of schedule.

In order for the potatoes to sprout faster at an earlier date, you should not bury the tubers deeply. Due to the rapid heating of the upper layers of the soil, low-planted potatoes will "sit" in the ground for a long time.

When planting potatoes, it is necessary to take into account the soil moisture, it should not exceed 75%. In such conditions, there is a huge risk of the formation of putrefactive diseases on the tubers.

There are a number of reasons for the appearance of uneven seedlings:

  • planting depth. The deeper the tubers are planted, the slower they will sprout due to the unevenly heated soil. So that the tubers do not wait for warmer weather, they must be planted closer to the surface;
  • the size of the planting tubers. Larger tubers take longer to emerge;
  • a mixture of different varieties of tubers. Each of the varieties will behave differently, which can be noticed even when storing potatoes. Some species deteriorate quickly, some can be stored for a long time at rest. Therefore, be prepared for seedling at different times if you are using a mixture of varieties.

Planting a main vegetable crop is half the battle. But it is difficult to achieve high yields of tubers, uniform shoots. Although it is known how many days potatoes emerge after planting, the days go by, and there are only a few stalks in the field. The reasons for the uneven emergence of seedlings are different. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to observe the terms and rules for planting a plant, caring for it.

Planting a vegetable crop begins when the air temperature warms up to 8-10 degrees Celsius. Earthworms appear in warm soil. This is the signal to plant early potato varieties. The planting dates for later types of culture come when the dandelions are blooming.

Depending on the climate of the region, weather conditions determine the day for planting the field. They take into account the advice of gardeners who are guided by the lunar calendar.

Planted tubers will germinate faster in a humid environment. But the dug up area for potatoes should not be salted. Nutrient substrates and humus are introduced into the ground.

Sprouted tubers germinate better. For vernalization, planting material is placed in boxes, taking them out to a warm and bright room. To accelerate germination, wet sawdust, peat or humus are poured between the tubers. Seed material kept at a temperature of 14-18 degrees Celsius for 10-15 days will increase the potato yield by half.

Vegetable sprouts appear after planting on days 10–12. If the weather is cool, and there are still light frosts at night, the waiting period will last up to twenty days.

Why don't potatoes come up?

Potatoes sprout for a long time, unevenly for various reasons:

  1. With sharp changes in daytime temperatures compared to nighttime, the tubers of the vegetable will lie in the ground without sprouting. As soon as it gets warmer, green sprouts of potatoes will begin to appear. The plant is able to withstand minor drops. But weather disasters in the form of severe frosts will destroy the seed. Then, instead of sprouts, the potatoes whelp, forming miniature nodules.
  2. For the growing season of the crop, soil moisture is important. Excessively dry soil does not provide enough moisture and nutrition for the nodules. They dry up without ever rising. There is a lot of moisture, its stagnation on the site will lead to decay of the nodules.
  1. The depth at which the seeds are planted depends on the composition of the soil. Tubers are buried in heavy clay soils by 8–10 centimeters, and in light sandy loam - 12–15 centimeters. Then the potatoes sprout more amicably and on time.
  1. Potatoes grow poorly in poor lands. Therefore, during the digging of the site, humus, superphosphate and potassium salt are introduced. You can put fertilizers in each hole during planting.
  2. It is imperative to harrow a plot for a vegetable crop. The procedure is especially important for virgin lands. Unbroken clumps of soil will prevent potatoes from growing.
  3. One of the pests of the potato field - bears do not allow shoots to appear. Gnawed tubers without eyes will lie in the ground and rot.

The quality of the seed must be high, otherwise the sprouts will not sprout.

What potatoes do you need for planting?

Speaking about the quality of planting material, they pay attention to:

  • lack of damage by pests;
  • vegetable variety;
  • the presence of powerful shoots on the tubers.

If the seed potatoes grown on the site are sick, then they cannot be planted. It will sprout slowly or rot in the ground. Tubers can be saved by treatment with potassium permanganate. A solution of boric acid and copper sulfate is used for disinfection. After processing, the seed is dried.

Without sprouting tubers, you cannot get a vegetable harvest. Before that, spoiled and diseased nodules are sorted out. Healthy tubers weighing 50–70 grams are ideal for planting. Larger ones are cut in half 2-3 weeks before planting. Sprouted potatoes are planted.

Why do potatoes rise unevenly?

The bald spots on the potato field are due to the fact that some of the planted tubers did not germinate. This happens because:

  • poorly selected planting material;
  • some tubers lacked sprouts before planting;
  • plant seeds are damaged by pests;
  • potatoes lack nutrients;
  • there are many large clods of earth on the field.

In order for the seedlings of the vegetable to be uniform, it is necessary to carefully select the tubers for planting. They should be medium in size with thick, sturdy shoots. Long threads on the seeds speak of diseases of the culture, its inability to grow.

But from the greened tubers there will be more use on the site, they are able to give a healthy harvest. Solanine accumulates in them, which will help the plant to resist diseases and pests.

What to do, how to accelerate the germination of potatoes?

When the potatoes have not risen on the field in twenty days, you need to dig out the holes and see the condition of the tubers. If there are not even sprouts on them or the seeds have rotted, then there will be no sense from such plantings of a vegetable. For potatoes to bear fruit, you must:

  • cook tubers before planting, rejecting beaten, cut, damaged;
  • germinate seed;
  • place the tubers in boxes with peat, humus, moistened with a solution of mineral salts: 30 grams of superphosphate, 20 - potassium salt in a bucket of water;
  • choose a vegetable variety that matches the area;
  • choose a day for landing, taking into account the weather and climate.

It is important to prepare the site for culture on time. Prepare the field in the fall after harvest. They dig up or plow the soil, introducing humus. Harrowing the site will allow you to break up the dense layers of the earth.

Taking into account the rules of "three dozen" - a planting depth of 10 centimeters, a soil temperature of 10 degrees - get the first sprouts of potatoes in 10 days.

Rules for caring for planting potatoes

Before the seedlings of the vegetable appear, the harrowing of the site is carried out, loosening the soil to a depth of 4–5 centimeters. For the procedure, a sunny, dry day is chosen so that the weeds that have appeared will die.

Harrowing is also necessary when the shoots hatch, the second time when the stems reach ten centimeters in height. The aisles are loosened perpendicularly to a depth of seven centimeters.

Planting vegetable crops are fed depending on the composition of the soil. A solution of wood ash or superphosphate with potassium salt is added to the moist rich soil. Poor soils need superphosphate with ammonium nitrate and potassium salts. In ten liters of water, dissolve 30-50 grams of superphosphate, 10-15 grams of ammonium nitrate and 15-20 grams of potassium salt. From organic matter, take mullein in a ratio of 1: 5 or bird droppings - 1:12. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones.

All types of care are aimed at providing the plant with moisture and nutrition. Hilling will cause the formation of underground stems, on which the second layer of tubers will be tied.

With a weak formation of ovaries and a powerful stem, the vegetable rows are fertilized with ash or fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

Potatoes grow quickly if preparation for planting and crop care are organized correctly.

In order to be able to carry out a set of measures for the care of potato plantings in a timely manner, you need to know how many days the potatoes will emerge. The timing of germination can depend on many factors, the possible influence of each of which should be considered.

For most of the population of our country, potatoes are the most frequently consumed food product. Potato planting is carried out in the month of May, its growth is carried out throughout the summer season, and in September it is time to harvest. However, in order for the fruits to be ready by autumn, you need to know how many days the potatoes should rise after planting, and at what time the ripening process takes place.

Germination conditions for potatoes

For the first seeds to germinate, the outdoor temperature must rise to + 10 degrees. It takes just over 20 days to get to this stage. At an air temperature that is stably at + 20 ° C, sprouts can be expected to appear in two weeks.

Note. If the planting material consists of sprouted potato tubers, the germination time of the sprouts is reduced to seven days.

Ripening dates for potato plantings

You can get a crop in an accelerated time by planting the tubers in the soil at a shallow depth so that the cold soil does not slow down the development of the planting material. The likelihood of getting quick shoots increases when potato tubers are planted in the upper soil layer.

Important! If the 70% soil moisture level is exceeded, the start of planting work should be postponed to avoid the formation of putrefactive lesions.

The average germination period of sprouts of potato plantings is one month.

However, some varieties of potato crop varieties provide a finished crop after 40 days from the moment the first shoots sprout:

  1. Early ripening;
  2. Ultra-ripe.

List of early potato varieties:

  • "Ariel"potato tubers of this variety are of medium size, differing from other varietal varieties in the yellow color of the peel and pulp. Prone to late blight. Does not turn black when cut. The increase in the mass of tubers occurs quickly, however, when diseases occur, this process slows down;
  • "Riviera"- f The yellow tubers of this varietal potato are oval in shape. Almost never blackened. There is no resistance to diseases, which is why the planting must be additionally processed;
  • "Izora"the flesh inside the fruit with a white skin is yellow. The size of the bush is average. Collecting after disembarkation takes place approximately 60 days later. Possesses excellent gastronomic properties. No disease resistance;
  • Impalahigh yielding variety with large potato tubers. Not recommended for growing in hot regions.

List of mid-season potato varieties:

  • "Dubrava"Belarusian varietal potatoes, the fruits of which have a rounded shape and a brownish peel. Drought-resistant, not susceptible to nematodes, but requires regular fertilization. It has an average resistance to late blight disease;
  • "Scarb"oblong potatoes with soft skin and light yellow flesh. Differs in slow germination. Suitable for growing in any type of soil, disease resistant;
  • "Universal"potato tubers with white flesh, have a brown tint and a rough skin. Resistant to damage, harmful insects and diseases, capable of storage.

Note. Large tubers should be selected for planting material - it is such seed material that guarantees the formation of a large bush and a large-sized potato crop.

On the territory of the temperate zone of Russia, namely in the northern districts of the Moscow region and other districts of the Moscow region, the average time for obtaining potato seedlings is 23 days. In the Rostov region, the germination period of medium early potatoes is seven days. In Siberia and on the territory of the middle Urals, the time of emergence of seedlings is 3 weeks.

On a note. Planting material for planting early maturing potatoes should be healthy, firm, without cracking or painful lesions.

There may be several reasons why the crops of potato sprouts in an open planting field sprout unevenly:

  1. Seed material was planted at different depths of the potato row. The main reason for the different germination rate is not uniform heating of the soil surface;
  2. Unequal shape of potato tubers;
  3. Uneven germination of seed during planting ;
  4. Selection of a variety of planting material.

Note. In addition to the traditional method of growing in the ground, there are agronomic techniques such as growing under straw or in hay.

Fertilizer for seedlings

If the seedlings of potato plantings have not begun to germinate, you can fertilize the plants as follows:

  1. Add 10 kilograms of nettle and a bucket of rotted manure to a 100-liter barrel. The minimum period of infusion of nettle organic fertilizer is 5 days. Watering with dung-nettle essence is carried out in a diluted ratio of 1: 3. Each potato planting requires a 0.5 liter volume of fertilizer;
  2. Dissolve bird droppings in nettle infusion or in water in a ratio of 1:20. Fertilizer is applied immediately after production, until it has lost its beneficial qualities during the infusion.

Mineral fertilizers can be used as top dressing. When the bush plantings are arranged in the form of double rows, a 5-centimeter ditch is dug in the middle of the ridge, where fertilizer in the form of granules is poured at the rate of 5 grams per meter of the planted area. For early varieties of potatoes or in the case of freezing of seedlings, nitroammofoska is used to accelerate the effect of fertilizer, and for varieties of late ripening, nitrophoska is used. After filling the ditch with soil, you should water the garden bed.

You can also plant 2 grams of fertilizer in the ground at a distance of 5 centimeters from the potato stalks.

Stunted or frozen soil is fertilized with foliar fertilizers:

  • Dissolve 20 grams of urea in 10 liters of water or apply a fertilizer containing a complex of trace elements;
  • Dilute 10 grams of nitroammophoska in 10 liters of water.

To increase the immunity of potato plantings, it is recommended to spray them with "Biostim" immediately after germination.

Potatoes are a garden crop recognized as being easy to care for. However, if the gardener knows how many days the potatoes will emerge after planting, and in the absence of sprouting, he will notice the problem in time and have time to take additional measures, this circumstance may not affect the quality of the potato crop.

Kira Stoletova

How many days do potatoes emerge after planting? To answer the question, let us analyze the factors on which the yield of such a crop depends.

Temperature regime

Well-warmed soil is one of the important indicators of successful seed hatching. If the soil is below 8 °, then you can not start agricultural work. To prevent the sprouts from freezing, it is necessary to determine the average daily temperature at a depth of 12 cm.

To determine the landing period, you can use folk signs. Root crops are buried in the ground after the flowering of perennial plants has begun, and birch leaves have become as small as a penny.

If the ground warms up to 10 ° C, then the potatoes wake up within 25 days. With an increase in heat to 20 ° C, pecking occurs on day 15. An early harvest can be removed if sprouted tubers are planted. This option reduces the timeframe by a week from the variety declared by the manufacturer.

"For the southern regions, the onset of phase 1 (emergence of seedlings) in 20 days is in most cases a deviation from the norm, but for the northern regions this period is quite acceptable."

Planting depth can also affect germination. The earth is slowly warming up in the lower layers, which negatively affects growth. The thicker the soil layer above the seed, the longer it takes to develop. In addition, pecking depends on soil moisture. Wet soil does not hold the temperature well and does not allow air to pass through, the tubers rot from a lack of heat and oxygen.

Uneven seedlings

It happens that potatoes rise for a long time and unevenly. If the temperature norms were not violated during planting, then you should understand other reasons:

  1. Different forms of tubers. Large specimens need more time to germinate, and small ones hatch first. Small seeds give non-viable shoots that die quickly.
  2. Mix of varieties. Each species has its own timing of development, so the processes appear unevenly. If the potato has risen unevenly, then this is an indicator of the farmer's inattention.
  3. Depth. Landing is carried out according to a strictly selected scheme. If the holes are not the same size, then the tops will hatch with a delay.
  4. Uneven germination.

If you plant potatoes according to the rules, then the likelihood of a problem is reduced to zero. The longer a person spends time in the first days, the less trouble awaits in the future. Errors are difficult to fix, they can only be prevented in the initial stages.

Planting procedure

In order for the planted potatoes to rise on time, you need to ensure proper preparation for planting and care for the crop. All work begins in autumn and continues throughout the growing season.


Potatoes prefer to grow in nutritious soil, so humus is added to the ground during digging. For normal development, one bucket per 1 sq. M is enough. In the spring, the soil is thoroughly plowed, removing plant residues. The lack of trace elements affects not only fertility, but also the germination of raw materials.

When choosing a site, give preference to a well-lit place. In the shade, the culture does not develop well, the timing of hatching from seeds may shift. Do not forget about the rules of crop rotation - do not plant vegetables after nightshade species. Recommended predecessors:

  • siderates;
  • zucchini;
  • garlic;
  • legumes.

A week before disembarkation, you can start breaking up the beds. Remember that the plant will not give a bountiful harvest in too dense soil, therefore it is necessary to "dilute" the structure with sand. At the bottom of each hole, two tablespoons of superphosphate are poured, after which the plantation is covered with polyethylene.

Preparation of raw materials

To get a good harvest of potatoes, you need to take only high-quality varietal seeds. Under favorable conditions, potato shoots appear a month after planting. However, there are varieties of the popular root crop that will delight you with a bountiful harvest 6 weeks after burying in the ground. If you want to get young potatoes, then we recommend opting for early ripening and ultra-early varieties.

They start harvesting in the fall after the last harvest. Correct, even tubers are selected, without damage or stains. Raw materials are left under the scattered sun for greening for several days. Such fruits are perfectly stored until the next season, and low-quality specimens appear immediately.

In the spring, the sorted and sorted seeds are transferred to a room with access to light and a temperature of 15 to 20 C. We advise you to lay out the products in two layers on racks or in vegetable boxes. After 3 weeks, shoots with roots appear on the potatoes. Before starting work, remove all non-germinated specimens or those having an irregular shape (single, threadlike).

If there is no time to engage in sprouting potatoes, then you can give preference to warming up. The procedure begins 10 days before planting in the ground. For this, the raw materials are left in the dark at an elevated temperature of 18-20 C. A longer stay in such conditions leads to the formation of long shoots that break off when buried in the ground.

Large tubers take longer to germinate than small ones. Huge fruits for a long time form large bushes with a highly developed root system. If you do not want to get giant specimens, then give preference to medium-sized raw materials - no more than a chicken egg.

You cannot take tubers without eyes, otherwise you can not wait for seedlings at all. Potatoes should be healthy, without cracks or dents. In addition, it is forbidden to store seed in white plastic bags. Under these conditions, the bite is zero.

To ensure the health of the raw material, we recommend cutting two potatoes for inspection. Additionally, attention is paid to the sprouts of sprouted tubers. Shoots should be short and thick. The longer the branches, the more likely they are to break during transport or planting.


In order for the potato to sprout, it is necessary to bury it to a depth of 8 to 10 cm, the recommended planting scheme is 80x35 cm. Some gardeners prefer to place tubers more densely, but densely planted vegetation will interfere with development. The tops are poorly blown by the wind, which increases the likelihood of getting sick with late blight.

When growing root crops, it is important to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology. Knowing how many days potatoes grow, you can provide the most comfortable conditions for a crop such as potatoes.