What to put on the walls instead of wallpaper. Decorative painting of walls instead of wallpaper. What effects can be created on the wall using ready-made decorative paint?

To be honest, the coverage is not as small as it seems, it all depends on your paying abilities. If you don't take into account the expensive and very specific options, such as upholstering walls with leather, or covering them with bamboo wood, multi-colored glass, etc., then there are five main wall coverings left. These are wallpaper, liquid wallpaper, decorative plaster, flock coating and wall painting. Now more details.

The most common option for walls. There are many types of wallpaper, from cheap to expensive. Here, you know, you can get it for 300–400 rubles per roll, or you can find a roll for 3000–5000 rubles. Again, it all depends on your material abilities. You need glue, a roller and a special plastic spatula for wallpaper.

- you can glue it yourself

- not like that expensive coverage walls

- there are many options and types

- close small cracks

- does not require special equipment

— If you glue it incorrectly, the seams between the canvases will be visible, it doesn’t look nice.

- V difficult places(batteries) have to be cut, which also violates the integrity of the canvas

— If you choose the wrong glue, they can simply fall off. And according to sellers, you can easily run into fake glue.

— If there are large cracks (when the house shrinks), they can tear, it’s difficult to repair, you need to re-glue them

Personally, I did not wallpaper the main rooms. Because the eye falls on expensive wallpaper, about 2500 - 3000 rubles per roll. If you take into account the fit, then only three strips come out of one roll. If you have a roll 1 meter wide, then it turns out that you can cover about 7 square meters. meters of wall, that is, 3000 / 7 = 428.57 rubles square meter! Plus glue 25 rubles per square meter. meter and plus gluing work (if you hire professionals in our city) 100 rubles per square meter. meter. Bottom line. 428.57 + 25 + 100 = 553.57 rubles. Not cheap, but this is very good quality wallpaper; if you choose cheaper wallpaper, the price will of course drop many times. You can spend 300 – 400 rubles per square meter.

I specially put it in a separate subsection, because this wall covering has nothing in common with ordinary wallpaper. This is a special bulk composition that is sold in packs; you dilute it with water and apply it to the walls. It is in the middle price category, just like regular wallpaper, there are expensive and cheap options. The price ranges from 450 to 2000 rubles per pack, it is enough for about 4 square meters, you can add “glitter” to the wallpaper (loose substance), this is about another 50 rubles per pack. For installation on walls, you need a special spatula and grater. They can also be purchased from the seller. If you have never applied wallpaper, then it will be difficult for you to apply it, there will be overspending (you may not be able to meet the 4 square meters per pack).

- You can cover it yourself

— There are no seams when covering the walls

— Seals small and large cracks

- Practical. If they are cracked or torn, clean off the piece, wet it and glue it back on.

— You can choose any color and style, you can also apply designs

– it is advisable to hire professionals to apply it to the walls

— the coating is textured, the design may not suit some

- the coating is soft, although it is easy to “repair”, it is also very easy to damage it if there is Small child, it's worth thinking about

I also didn’t choose this composition for myself, I have a small child who is very inquisitive and will tear off this wallpaper, and what’s even worse is! So I decided not to make them! If you look at prices per square meter, it works out. Good liquid wallpaper 2000 rubles per pack + 50 rubles for “glitter” (4 square meters), 2050/4 = 512.5 rubles per square meter. The manufacturer recommends buying a special primer for walls - 1000 rubles per 25 sq. m. meters (40 rubles - square). If you hire professionals to cover the walls, then in our city it will cost 300 - 400 rubles per square meter (of course, in the capital region it will be much more expensive). TOTAL – 512.5 rubles + 40 rubles + 300 rubles = 852.5 rubles. Again, if you apply the composition to the walls yourself, it will be much cheaper - 550 rubles can be done.

It must be said that this is not a cheap pleasure. The walls are covered with basic plaster and putty decorative plaster, which can be given any color and shine, as well as texture, many age it - imitating an old cracked wall, many make it textured - they make convex strokes. This is where your imagination will run wild!

As for the price. Decorative plaster costs from 300 to 1000 rubles, calculated per square meter. This is again a loose composition that needs to be properly kneaded and applied to the walls.

— Wall covering without seams

— Covers wall imperfections (small cracks, small holes, roughness, etc.)

- You can choose any color, as well as texture

— it is advisable to hire professionals to apply it to the walls; you most likely won’t be able to do it yourself

- not resistant to cracks (when the house shrinks).

— hard coating, if damaged, needs to be cleaned, expensive repairs

I didn’t choose it for my apartment. Very expensive and not so practical if a small child will damage the expensive repair. If you beat the money. The plaster itself (I don’t take the expensive one) costs about 500 rubles per square meter, you also need varnish for the finishing coat, 200 rubles per square meter, the application work costs from 300 to 400 rubles per square meter (in our city). TOTAL – 500 + 200 +400 = 1100 rubles per square meter. Very expensive, that's why I refused.

FLOK coating

Wall covering "FLOC"

Personally, I settled on that option. The coating is relatively new and unknown to many (read -). The coating itself is loose, but to apply it to the walls you need a special glue; after the loose coating has been glued, you need to apply finishing coat usually mother of pearl, sparkles, etc. What bribed me - average price, we can’t say that it’s cheap, but it’s not expensive either: 650 rubles per square meter. However, this is the coating itself + glue + varnish, and work!

— The coating easily hides all the imperfections of the walls

— Practical, very durable, a child cannot break or tear

— There are many types of flowers, sparkles, etc.

— Textured, they look good on the wall.

— You can cover not only walls, but also radiators. Some also cover windows.

— You can’t apply it to the walls yourself, you need special equipment

— If it gets damaged (it’s difficult to do), you can’t repair it yourself

The coating is worthwhile, looks rich and beautiful. No seams, durable. That's why I chose him.

The most budget-friendly wall covering. Well plastered and puttied walls can be painted matte paint for walls. It is not expensive at all, which is why many offices are built this way. A bucket of paint – 4 liters + color (if you need to change the color), enough for about 15 square meters. A bucket of paint from 200 to 400 rubles + color 100 rubles.

- Very cheap

- You can apply it yourself

— There are many colors, thanks to the color scheme

— Does not cover the imperfections of the walls

— Not practical, if the walls crack when the house shrinks, then this coating does not “hold” the walls. Also, if a child picks and draws, it can no longer be cleaned, it will need to be repainted.

— Not textured, cannot add volume

RESULT. It seems to me that it can be used for an apartment, but it will not look so beautiful, I would even say it’s simple, but there is a big plus, this is the price. One square meter comes out to approximately 500/15 = 33.33 rubles. Well, very cheap!

Wow, here’s an article about coatings, I think it’s useful for those who are deciding.

Read our construction site.

From the author: Welcome, dear reader. As a rule, articles on the practical part of the work are published on our website. But today, in fairness, we decided to make an exception and talk about how to decorate the walls other than wallpaper in the bedroom, in the hall, in the corridor, in the kitchen or in another room.

The topic is truly interesting and worthy of detailed consideration. After all, situations often arise when, for some reason, you simply don’t want to use wallpaper in the interior. There can be quite a few reasons for this:

  • Firstly, the question is the originality of the design. Sometimes it seems that wallpaper is already somehow banal, so there is a desire to bring something original to the interior. In general, I want something “like that”;
  • secondly, there is a question of functionality. In some places, such as the kitchen, wallpaper may simply not be an appropriate solution. Especially when it comes to working area, which is usually finished with wall tiles;
  • thirdly, a question of aesthetics. Perhaps the wallpaper will be very, very inappropriate in the interior style of your room. For example, you decided to choose the Loft style to decorate your room. In this style, the wallpaper will be, as they say, “neither to the village nor to the city.”

And so on. So, today we’ll just talk about different styles interior design, in which cases wallpaper would be truly inappropriate and about what material you can choose for wall decoration other than wallpaper. In general, after reading the article, you will most likely decide which finishing material to choose for your interior.

As is customary on our repair and construction portal, we will consider the material sequentially and in a structured manner.

Painting the walls

If you don’t want to glue wallpaper to the walls, then why not paint them? This solution is not costly or difficult to implement. To properly paint the walls in the hallway, kitchen or room, you don’t have to be experienced in painting.

But, nevertheless, some nuances need to be taken into account.

First, you need to know what paint to choose for the walls. On my own behalf, I would recommend a water-based composition (the well-known “water-based mixture”). Why is she so good? This paint does not have a sharp specific odor and is harmless to health. Therefore, everyone can work with it, even people whose bodies are prone to allergic reactions.

In addition, the paint interacts well with almost any type of surface. A wall painted with water-based emulsion becomes resistant to moisture, so it can be wiped with a damp cloth when cleaning and even washed: nothing bad will happen to it.

Secondly, the surface must be carefully prepared before painting. The walls need to be cleaned of old, peeling paint, old wallpaper, plaster that is about to fall off, and so on. Then an antifungal agent (antiseptic) should be applied to the surface. This is especially true for those rooms in which there is a risk of increased humidity. Then apply a layer of penetrating primer. It is necessary for better adhesion of the working surface and finishing materials. Next, apply a layer of putty (you may have to plaster along the beacons) and apply finishing plaster. After it has dried, you can start painting the walls.

If you decide to paint the walls with water-based paint, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the presented video material on preparing walls for painting or wallpapering.

Thirdly, on our repair and construction portal there is a separate article about how to use water-based paint. Don't be confused by the fact that the article is written about ceilings. The fact is that the technology for painting walls and ceilings is not fundamentally different, and if you decide to start painting, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with this information.

To summarize, we can say that painting walls is a universal solution for an apartment, house or office. Among other things, paint is also good because you can choose any color scheme that suits your interior. Of course, no one has canceled the rules of good artistic taste, but no one limits your choice.

Decorative plaster

One more a worthy alternative Decorative plaster for walls can serve as wallpaper. Now we will list several reasons why you may choose this finishing material.

  • durability. Most likely, plaster applied to the wall will last you longer than wallpaper, which is changed approximately every 10–15 years;
  • versatility. The material is suitable for use in the living room, bedroom, hallway or even in the kitchen. In addition, for most interior design styles, plaster will be an excellent solution: from classic to minimalism and hi-tech;
  • original appearance. The pattern applied to the wall will be unique, since it will be impossible to copy it exactly. Actually, this is what this material is designed for;
  • ease of application. No professional skills are required to work with decorative wall plaster. It is quite possible to do the work on your own and with your own hands;
  • ecoholicity. The material is environmentally friendly and safe for the health of people and pets.

Decorative plaster for walls may differ in the type of filler:

  • textured. The most affordable of available options finishing with plaster. The filler can be stones, sawdust or even mica;
  • structural. It is not fundamentally different from the first option, but it is filled with quartz particles. The surface will not be as structurally pronounced as when using textured plaster, but you can, for example, use larger filler elements that will allow you to achieve the effect of a mosaic laid out on the wall surface;
  • Venetian plaster. It is filled with marble particles, thanks to which we get a visually even, smooth, even shiny surface. In appearance, such a wall will look as if it is entirely made of marble.

Decorative canvas

I dare to suggest that this method of wall decoration goes back to the late Middle Ages or the Renaissance (Renaissance). Already then there was big choice draperies for wall decoration in rich houses and palaces. What can we say about our era?..

The modern market of finishing materials offers a huge selection of different canvases for wall decoration. If your plan is to recreate an interior in the style of the European Renaissance, then fabrics with a variety of clearly visible patterns will suit you. If you consider yourself to be a fan of more modern style registration - to you suitable fabric, on which the patterns will not be so visually pronounced.

It would seem that, perfect solution for decoration, right? In fact, it also has its disadvantages. Do not forget that dust will settle on the walls, which the fabric absorbs very well. It will not be possible to remove it with a damp cloth, as, for example, from a painted wall water-based composition. Most likely, the walls will have to be vacuumed regularly, which is not very convenient. And not to say that this method is a budget solution. As we understand, it cannot be called practical either.

Decorative rock

One of the most common and practical solutions. This material is strong, durable, aesthetically attractive and safe for health. But, of course, finishing the entire area of ​​the walls of the room in this way is not the best solution (unless, of course, this is implied by the artistic design).

Let’s just say that if you want to create coziness in a room, then it would be right to decorate individual zones in the room with stone or make, a kind of “islands” of stone. The main thing here is a sense of proportion, because if you overdo it with stone, the finishing material will visually weigh down the interior of the living space. But if you are looking for a solution for interior decoration in a cafe, bar or restaurant, you can take note of the abundance of decorative stone.


Here we do not mean plastic lining, but one that is made of natural wood. Among the advantages of this finishing material, I propose to highlight the following:

  • environmental friendliness. Wood is not only environmentally friendly pure material. It helps to create a special microclimate in the room, so to speak, “its own atmosphere.” Therefore, from this point of view, the lining is suitable for finishing the walls of any room;
  • incredibly attractive, original appearance. The structure and shade of wood will differ depending on the selected wood species;
  • strength/durability/functionality of the material;
  • ease with installation work. Of course, installing wooden lining cannot be called a pleasant vacation, but, nevertheless, this type the activity is somewhat more pleasant and easier than, say, applying plaster to walls or installing decorative stone;
  • additional sound insulation;
  • additional thermal insulation.

With all the advantages of the material, keep in mind that wood is susceptible to moisture and temperature. This, by the way, is especially true if you are engaged in finishing. But now we are talking about residential premises. If there is a risk of high humidity (and without it too - for prevention), the tree must be properly treated. An antiseptic will protect it from fungal growths, the use of which should not be neglected.


Yes indeed, cork covering widely used for finishing the walls of residential (and non-residential) rooms. Moreover, it has been used for quite a long time and very successfully. The coating is natural, i.e. - environmentally friendly, aesthetically attractive and durable. Of course, this design option will not be to everyone’s taste, and it will not suit every interior.

But the purpose of the article is not to persuade you to use any particular material, but to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. So, if you are looking for a lightweight (both in terms of weight and installation) material that will serve you for many years, you can safely use cork - you will not regret it. Perhaps the disadvantage of the material is its relatively high price, but it is quite justified.


It's no secret that the walls are tiled. As a rule, to this method finishing is used in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen. This is logical. Tile is a very practical finishing material for rooms with high humidity and those where there is a need for frequent wet cleaning.

Modern market building materials does not limit us in choosing tiles. If desired, you can choose any shape, texture and color, choose a pattern to suit any interior style - from baroque to modern.

Therefore, if your plans include renovating a bathroom or kitchen, then you simply cannot find a better finishing material. In addition, gluing wallpaper in the bathroom (and in the kitchen too) is not the most practical and expedient solution. Most likely, the wallpaper will deteriorate very quickly, but will serve you for many years.


Well, what kind of heresy?! - you may be surprised. In fact, this is not a heresy at all. Yes, the solution is quite non-standard, but in some circumstances it is very appropriate. No one says that you need to decorate the entire room with laminate, but separate wall- why not... yes.

Of course, for these purposes you can choose the least wear-resistant floor covering (which we have successfully reclassified as a wall covering). The main thing here is the appearance of the laminated boards, which could harmoniously fit into the interior of your room. If you decide to resort to this design option, then you can be 100% sure of the durability of the coating!


A material for wall decoration, which, along with others, is quite popular. Not as wide as, say, wallpaper, painting or, but still.

MDF panels can imitate many materials, so you can use them to recreate almost any interior. And, again, it is not at all necessary to cover all the walls of the room with MDF. It is enough to decorate only one wall in the room using this method to get the effect you would like.

Lack of finishing

Yes, this option also exists and should not be discounted. But this is not at all about giving up finishing materials to save the budget. Here it is necessary to pursue some kind of artistic design - then unfinished building materials will look appropriate and organic.

Here we are talking about special interior styles, for example, a style such as Loft. This style originated in the mid-20th century in the USA, and has now successfully reached us. The main idea of ​​the loft is to recreate an interior that would be similar to the interior of an old factory or other production premises, converted into a studio, exhibition hall, art workshop and so on. The loft is especially popular among representatives of the creative intelligentsia.

Again, the idea is not to completely abandon finishing materials. But in some places you can leave it unfinished brick wall or OSB board. Often public institutions such as bars, exhibition halls, shops and so on are decorated in a similar style. But this style is also perfect for decorating a kitchen or office. Don't be afraid to experiment, but don't overdo it either.


I really hope that you have gained a comprehensive understanding of finishing materials alternative to the usual wallpaper. Creative success you in the interior design of your home and more creative ideas that you will bring to life.

And be sure to visit us again - on our repair and construction portal there is still a lot of valuable information that may be useful to you. See you again!

The apartment is the place where they come after working day, gather with friends, raise children, where most of their lives are spent. Therefore, it is very important that the repairs carried out are enjoyable. In order to decide what the space should look like after renovation work, you need to look at what types of apartment decoration there are: photo design ready-made options and redevelopment. Modern finishing materials, when used correctly, can turn a room into a masterpiece, and an apartment design project, consistent in the same style, will help create an original interior.

In the pursuit of convenience and coziness, it is often forgotten that incorrectly selected materials for small m2 are not only wasted time and money, but also the effect of repairs is the opposite of the expected result. Before deciding what color the walls, ceiling and floor will be, you need to make a project and choose furniture color options. If the furniture is in calm tones, then when decorating the walls, bright accents are needed. You can see how it looks in the photo. With bright furniture, on the contrary, you need finishing in soft, soothing colors. The interior should not contain more than four colors. It is desirable that these colors be of the same spectrum.

Already undergoing construction, each room in the house carries its own load, so each room is characterized by certain color schemes.

Living room They will look interesting color options built on contrast, as well as monotonous decoration using accents.
Kitchen This is the place in the apartment whose interior can be safely made bright, juicy, and stimulating the appetite. All light colors, any shades of red will do. The contrast of colors, as in the photo, will look great.
Bedroom Pale tones of pink, coffee, sand. If you like a design project in bright colors, then they should be used as an accent against a pale background, since the main background of the room should be calm.
Children's room Gentle, not too bright colors in finishing. The traditional blue and pink design can be replaced with green and orange. The interior of a student’s room should be in a working mood.
Corridor or hallway Light finishing materials, preferably the use of mirror surfaces. Anything that will visually increase m2 of a small space.

It is necessary to pay attention that if the design of the room is in light colors, then the floor must be made dark. When using bright colors in wall decoration, the floor is made lighter.

Living room
Children's room


Just a few years ago, choosing wallpaper for decorating apartments and studios and gluing it with your own hands was problematic, because there was almost no choice and construction was carried out in the same way. Now the situation has changed for the better, therefore, before giving preference to any group of material, you need to know its features:

  • paper wallpapers are natural. They are divided into simplex and duplex (single-layer and two-layer);
  • non-woven, consist of cellulose and synthetic fiber. A layer of foamed vinyl adds volume to the design;
  • vinyl is a synthetic, durable wallpaper that can be painted;
  • metallized wallpaper has a two-layer structure. A layer of aluminum foil does not transmit radiation from household electrical appliances and can protect the room from exposure to radiation from power lines. The use of this wallpaper visually increases the m2 of the room. What the interiors of rooms and studios look like after decoration can be seen in the photo;
  • Fiberglass materials are highly durable and are glued with special glue. You can repaint it several times with your own hands without fear of damaging the texture;
  • textile types of wallpaper are made from natural raw materials. The composition includes applied to paper base linen and cotton.


Decorative plaster

When a one-room apartment is decorated using decorative plaster, it has a presentable appearance, looks attractive and modern. The design depends only on the desires of the owners and the interior. The photo shows only some options for work with decorative plaster, done with your own hands. This finishing method has a number of positive aspects:

  • you can make adjustments to the wall after the rough finish apartments;
  • The outer wall is insulated and sound insulation is enhanced. There is no need to make additional insulation of the walls, losing m2 of room area;
  • treatment against mold and high humidity;
  • The coating can be adjusted independently at any time.

Decorative plaster is used only when finishing walls in the apartment. There are several types of finishes:

  • textured plaster gives the walls volume. Has high plasticity. You can imitate natural materials;
  • structural plaster, due to the mineral inclusions included in the composition, forms pores with unevenness when applied, creating the appearance of an old surface;
  • Bayramix - high-quality plaster with a base of marble chips;
  • decorative Venetian plaster will decorate the interior and make it unique;
  • liquid wallpaper - the easiest way to make it yourself redecorating, refresh the interior.
Liquid wallpaper


Tiles are traditionally used to decorate bathrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens. All those places where the moisture content is high. Despite the variety in the choice of tiles, all of their types differ only in the quality of workmanship and size, on which the number of pieces per m2 depends. Otherwise, this building material for work is selected according to three rules that you need to pay attention to:

  • When renovating rooms smaller than 4 m2, choose light colors that will visually expand the space;
  • high-quality tiles should have clear proportions with strict geometric shapes;
  • For different varieties tiles require different brands of adhesive.


Almost all interior design of the room begins after the apartment has been rough finished with plasterboard. Renovating apartments and studios using this material has a number of advantages:

  • perfect alignment of walls with minimal investment of money and time for frame construction;
  • simple, quick installation of sheets on a wooden or metal frame with your own hands;
  • the ability to independently hide communications in the wall when carrying out work;
  • you can carry out repairs yourself without overpaying the construction team for each m2 of work;
  • you can do it yourself decorative elements on the walls or ceiling. The photo shows the design different rooms with such elements.

It should be noted that depending on the premises in which the work plan is planned, different types of this material are used:

  • conventional is used in heated dry rooms;
  • moisture-resistant plasterboard is used for decorating a kitchen or bathroom;
  • fire-resistant is used where high requirements for fire safety are put forward.

Wall panels

Wall panels are modern materials, used for finishing apartments and studios. They have a huge selection of colors and textures. They are made in several versions from artificial and natural raw materials.

Wall panels have different types. They differ in the number of parts per m2 and in the raw materials from which they are made:

  • natural wood will give a respectable look, interior decoration the apartment will look elegant and sophisticated;
  • particle boards are well suited for DIY decoration of hallways and corridors. They have low cost. Fits well into the design of rooms with small m2;
  • Fiberboard will decorate the interior of any room where there is no moisture. They have a wide color range;
  • MDF panels are universal, have high sound and heat insulation qualities;
  • The disadvantage of PVC panels is that they are artificial materials. Moisture-resistant and durable, they are used in finishing rooms with high humidity;
  • glass wall panels are mainly used in the design of partitions;
  • gypsum vinyl panels are the same plasterboard in which the cardboard is replaced with vinyl. Their outside surface with a pattern or a specific color is ideal for decorating studios.

Gypsum vinyl

Decorative rock

Created for outdoor use and considered cold, decorative stone has increasingly begun to be used in the decoration of apartments and studios. When used wisely, it makes the interior of the room warm and cozy. This is a universal material that is not afraid of changes in temperature, moisture and at the same time is easy to care for. It will not be difficult for anyone to decorate a piece of wall or window opening with this material with their own hands. Options for using it with decorative plaster and wallpaper look very good; the photo shows such a finish. It fits organically into the design project of any room. If damaged, it is easy to remove the damaged part and replace it old part insert new one.


Make repairs using paint and varnish materials is the most in an economical way change the interior. Before starting work, please note that paints are divided into several groups:

  • based on drying oils (oil) - they take a long time to dry, when painting you need to use products personal protection, diluted with drying oil;
  • based on varnishes (enamel) - immediately ready for use, dry within 24 hours, special solutions are required for dilution;
  • based aqueous solutions polymers (adhesive);
  • based on aqueous polymer dispersions (water-based). They dry quickly, are not allergenic, and thanks to the coloring pigments, you can achieve any color shades.

Before painting, the room must be vacated. The furniture is taken out or covered with film, all objects are removed from the walls, and the floor is also covered. Preparation is a must. Walls are divided into two types:

  • in a newly built house. Before work, it is enough to putty them, clean them with sandpaper and then prime them;
  • V old apartment- the walls must be cleaned, washed and only then puttied.

Painting is a way to completely change the design of a room in a short time, just by making minor repairs.


When creating a design project for a room, the floor plays an important role in it. All floor coverings are divided into piece, sheet and monolithic seamless. The peculiarities of the floor are that, in addition to being attractive, it must be warm, wear-resistant, and, after repairs, fit perfectly into the interior. All floor coverings have their advantages:

  • parquet is an environmentally friendly, durable coating. Its surface can be renewed many times by cycling. Matches any style of room;
  • Ceramic tiles are used mainly in the bathroom, kitchen, corridor, and when decorating loggias. It is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and is often installed as a finish in a heated floor system;
  • laminate is an artificial floor covering that resembles parquet, but the cost per m2 is much less. When making repairs, it is necessary to take into account its features; it can quickly deteriorate if the class is incorrectly selected and installed incorrectly;
  • tongue and groove board is used to create classic interiors apartments and studios to highlight the finish;
  • linoleum is the most versatile and inexpensive type flooring. Has a variety color solutions and drawings, thanks to which it can be suitable for any room;
  • The carpet has a variety of colors, is comfortable when walking, and creates coziness in the room. Very fussy to care for.

Ceramic tile
tongue and groove board


The main principle in finishing the ceiling is that it should be lighter than the walls and floor, should not be discordant against their background, and should be in the same stylistic integrity.

View finishing works depends on the height of the ceiling and is produced in several ways:

  • by whitewashing is not only the most cheap repairs apartments and studios, but also the most impractical. The whitewash easily peels off at the slightest disruption of the technological process;
  • painting is more reliable than whitewashing, but requires preparatory work;
  • stucco decoration looks good on high studio ceilings;
  • a suspended ceiling is convenient for hiding defects in ceilings;
  • tension, or French, reduces the height of the room, but at the same time hides the imperfections of the ceilings, is not afraid of water, and has a variety of colors. The variety of its species is shown in the photo;
  • multi-level ceiling is made using plasterboard. Allows you to model various projections on the ceiling and install lighting lamps according to any pattern. The photo shows several ways to design such ceilings.

Stucco molding

Stages of finishing work

After the construction of the house is completed, residents, in most cases, are offered bare walls that must be finished themselves. The finishing of a living space is divided into rough and finishing.

Having completed construction, before you redesign the apartment space or carry out routine repairs in it, you need to decide what you want to get in the end. This is especially necessary when planning studios.

Incorrectly made calculations and inaccurately placed accents may not only fail to increase the m2 of the apartment, but also turn it into an uncomfortable concrete box that delivers only negative emotions. Almost all design studios carry out repairs and remodeling. In addition, you can view user photos on the Internet. By looking through several photos and choosing the most interesting from them, you can end up finding an idea for a unique, original design that will not be found anywhere else and which you can be proud of.


Apartment design options, interior design.

Photos with apartment finishing options

Examples of surface finishing in different rooms apartments.

Interior decoration is an important part and the final stage of construction country house. Many people do not think about this during the construction of the foundation and installation of the log house, installation of communication systems. But when the house is already under the roof, the utility networks have been installed, the question arises of how to decorate the inside of a wooden house. Finishing “to zero” is not suitable for everyone, and it also requires special treatment of the walls with paints and varnishes. In addition, a house with such decoration looks empty and uncomfortable.

I want the materials to be durable, reliable, but at the same time inexpensive. And the resulting interior turned out to be cozy, comfortable and attractive. In addition, when arranging a wooden house, it is important that the products are environmentally friendly, preserve the naturalness of the structure and maintain a comfortable indoor microclimate. Today the market offers a lot of finishing materials. In this article we will look at how to cover the interior walls of a wooden house inexpensively and beautifully.

Features of the choice of finishing materials

  • Pay attention to the markings. The designation E1 says that the building materials are intended for residential premises, E2 - for the hallway, kitchen, toilet, utility rooms, E3 - for public and industrial premises;
  • If you use finishing materials made of wood, you can choose a class and quality that is worse than required. After this, modify the products and bring them into an aesthetic appearance yourself. For example, sand and sand, varnish and/or paint, impregnate protective compounds, trim if necessary. Thus, you will spend less financial resources than when purchasing high-end materials;
  • For rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, balconies, basements, cellars, etc.), choose moisture-resistant materials. If you use wooden products, be sure to treat the products with protective agents against the negative effects of moisture, rot and mold;
  • Choose eco-friendly natural materials for furnishing a wooden house. Plastic double-glazed windows or panels would look inappropriate in such a structure. They will disrupt the environmental friendliness of the house, introduce disharmony and only spoil the interior;
  • Choose durable, reliable materials and do not forget about the quality of finishing work. Remember that a wooden frame gradually shrinks, which can lead to cracks. Think over this point in advance so as not to make repairs every 3-5 years and not replace damaged cladding.

Can not use

Before determining how to sheathe the inside of a wooden house, let’s look at what materials are not suitable. When finishing you need to refuse plastic panels and linoleum. Such products are characterized by availability and cost-effectiveness, high resistance to moisture and wide choice colors, easy installation. However, the advantages of PVC outweigh its artificiality and lack of environmental friendliness. They emit a sharp toxic odor when heated, collect dust, and allow air and steam to pass through.

Linoleum is a popular affordable flooring, but is not recommended for wooden floors. It is not environmentally friendly and requires careful preparation of the base, since the material can only be laid on flat surface. Besides, in wooden house it doesn't look very appropriate. In rare cases, linoleum can be laid in utility rooms or the basement. However, even there it is better to lay the usual wooden boards.

OSB, fiberboard or chipboard panels are also not suitable, since harmful industrial glue is used in the manufacture of materials. In addition, these are the most environmentally friendly products that are made from wood waste. They don't have much aesthetic appearance, therefore such materials are more often used for rough finishing. It is also not recommended to use laminate flooring. It is not resistant to moisture, slippery and cold.

MDF wall panels are a foreign analogue of fiberboard, which is more environmentally friendly, since toxic resins and enzymes are not used when gluing individual elements. Such panels are easy to attach directly to walls. They come in a variety of designs and color scheme. However, they are not at all resistant to high humidity and wear.

The panels listed above are not strong enough and are not resistant to moisture. In addition, they are fire hazardous and not very attractive in appearance. When covered with such panels, the room looks more like an office or study than a living room.

But what to choose then and what is the best way to sheathe the walls inside a wooden house? A suitable option would be natural wood materials with protective impregnation. These can be planed and sanded boards, lining, veneer and other similar products. Let's take a closer look at what materials are best for finishing a country house made of timber or logs.

Wooden finishing materials

Let us immediately note that the most suitable option would be wooden lining. This available material with an attractive appearance, environmentally friendly and natural, easy to install and maintain. Thin slats are used for both ceilings and walls. If you want to create an effect log house, choose a block house that imitates a rounded log. One surface of the block house is semicircular, and the other is flat.

Lining is the best combination of price, quality, appearance and environmental friendliness. But if you are willing to pay, choose luxury natural wood materials. These are cork panels and solid wood panels.

Cork is a modern material that is environmentally friendly, high quality, strength and durability, luxurious appearance. They tolerate high humidity well and are suitable for every type of room. The only but significant disadvantage is the very high cost.

Solid boards or solid wood panels are also an expensive option, but they are also very reliable and of high quality, as they are made entirely of natural elite wood. This coating looks expensive, luxurious and prestigious. A solid array, even under heavy loads and high humidity, will easily last 30-50 years without repair.

Parquet boards are a suitable option for finishing the floor in a wooden house. This is an affordable material that is characterized by easy and quick installation. And decorative painting or varnishing will make the appearance of the parquet refined and aesthetic.

Veneer panels are an excellent budget material for covering walls. It represents a thin cut of solid wood that preserves the wood grain, color, texture and structure. For finishing, choose only natural veneer, as it is more durable and reliable.

Veneer has an attractive appearance, is characterized by ease of installation and practicality, good sound and heat insulation, and low price. But at the same time, the basis of the material is fiberboard or chipboard, so the material is not 100% environmentally friendly and cannot be used in rooms with high humidity.

Other types of budget materials

Plaster is a traditional ceiling finishing option, which is sometimes used for walls. This is an inexpensive and accessible material, easy to use and install. It will give a smooth white surface, however White color is not always appropriate in a wooden house. This material is used if it suits the style of room decoration. For example, it could be classic or French Provence.

Drywall is an affordable and quick finishing option. These are sheets of cellulose and compressed gypsum that are easy to install and secure. Modern manufacturers They produce material with special processing, which increases resistance to moisture and fire. Drywall allows you to create complex design projects, install two-level ceilings. However, this is a fragile and not very aesthetic material, so it requires some work after installation (painting or wallpapering).

Ceramic or tiled tiles are suitable for finishing a bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. If you are laying tiles on the bathroom floor, choose products with a rough surface to prevent slipping and ensure safety. This material is characterized by strength, durability and increased resistance to moisture and dampness. Today you can find a lot of designer tile options, including those designed to look like wood.

But when laying tiles on wooden walls, keep in mind that you need to make a reinforced base for the material, otherwise the product will not last long! It is not necessary to completely tile the bathroom. You can sheathe only certain areas or use mosaics. By the way, the combination of mosaic and wooden materials looks very impressive and harmonious.

Lining is the best option

Wooden lining is characterized by high strength, reliability, aesthetics and 100% environmental friendliness. Such products are used for covering walls and ceilings in a wooden cottage, country house, bathhouse and sauna, balcony and loggia, and apartment. This is a universal material that is easy to install, so even a non-professional can handle the installation.

Narrow thin slats fit tightly together, form good sound and heat insulation, and level the surface of the walls and ceiling. Wooden materials look aesthetically pleasing and elegant. If you want to save money, buy grade B. After installation, defects can be hidden by coating with varnish or paint. Class A is more expensive and elite, it does not need any modification, and grade C is only suitable for rough work or finishing utility rooms.

Don't forget about the protective treatment of the lining. You can buy ready-made materials or process the wood yourself. The second option will be cheaper. The lining is installed on a sheathing made of bars. It is convenient to install hydro- and heat-insulating materials into the sheathing. The slats can be laid vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

Today you will find a wide range of linings, varying in type of wood, width and length, profile and class. Best combination quality and price of pine. This type of wood is suitable for a home, cottage or gazebo. For a bath, choose linden or alder, as they tolerate humidity and high temperatures well and do not heat up. After installation, you can paint the material in any color, achieve the desired shade or shine.

Is it possible to use drywall to finish a wooden house?

Drywall is the most popular finishing material, which is used both in apartments and in private houses. These are flexible sheets with a fire-resistant surface and increased moisture resistance. They create a smooth surface and hide imperfections in walls or ceilings and are easy to install.

Drywall hides pipes, wires and other communications. But the main advantage of this material is its availability and low cost. In addition, today on the market you can find slabs of different sizes, shapes and colors, which allows you to create any room design.

But finishing with plasterboard often looks unfinished and requires final painting or wallpapering. In addition, it is a rather fragile and fragile material that may not cope with serious loads. Therefore, it is better to use drywall for creating partitions or shelving, but not for finishing a wooden house.

If you decide to use drywall, choose only quality products reliable manufacturer. Often harmful toxic substances are added to the material, which is harmful to human health and violates the environmental friendliness of a wooden house. Qualitative real drywall safe, as it is made of natural gypsum.

In the company “MariSrub” you can order the construction of a turnkey house from logs or timber! The company's craftsmen will perform all finishing work efficiently and reliably, including installation and connection of utility networks, cladding of walls, ceilings and floors, installation of windows and doors. Order complex turnkey construction and you won’t have to worry about anything!

In this article we will offer you several options for creating a unique wall decoration using decorative paint. Let's talk about what tools you need to paint the walls yourself and still achieve a stunningly beautiful effect. We will describe all the main stages of work and consider the advantages of paints with decorative and textured effects. We will explore the possibilities of using ordinary paint to create a unique design, as well as ready-made offers from well-known manufacturers.

Paints are probably the most ancient invention of man in the field of home improvement. The walls of the caves were also decorated with rock paintings, which were painted with paints created from plant extracts and extracts. Since then, progress has come a long way, and the variety of types of paints can confuse a homeowner who decides to do a renovation.

Modern decorative paints have a number of undeniable advantages and are increasingly replacing the usual wallpaper, decorating the walls of children's rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and even bathrooms. This article is dedicated to the use of decorative paint in the interior.

Floral or striped wallpaper is no longer fashionable, many homeowners believe when choosing ideal option decorative paints for wall decoration

Benefits of using decorative paint

The main difference between decorative paint and ordinary paint is the aesthetic component, which allows you to achieve amazingly beautiful decorative effect. But wallpaper will also help create original interior with an expressive design, so why take the risk by choosing an as yet unfamiliar finishing material? In fact, decorative paints have a lot of advantages that make them more and more popular:

  • The average service life of a coating created using decorative paint is 10 years (without repainting), while wallpaper usually lasts no more than five years. In addition, worn and faded wallpaper will have to be peeled off in order to paste others, while a new layer of paint can simply be applied on top of the old one. This will significantly speed up cosmetic repairs.
  • Decorative paints, unlike paper wallpaper, do not fade in the sun, and are not afraid of sharp claws of pets, impacts, mold and abrasion.
  • The surface, painted with decorative paint, has no joints, allowing you to create a single harmonious picture.
  • Decorative paint is easy to clean, and it is much more difficult to leave stains on such a surface than on ordinary paper wallpaper, which traditionally gets dirty most quickly around switches and on protruding corners.
  • The choice of shades and design effects that allow you to create decorative paints is so great that it will satisfy even the most demanding professional designer and will amaze the inexperienced homeowner. By applying several layers of paint using special rollers and spatulas, you can feel like a real master and experiment with colors and textures. In addition, decorative paints, thanks to the variety of shades and unique design effects, fit perfectly into any interior style.
  • Decorative water-dispersion paints will be an excellent option for a children's room, as they are completely harmless to health. The environmentally friendly coating does not cause allergies and does not contain harmful carcinogens.
  • Decorative paints are universal and can be used to decorate a country-style kitchen, a respectable classic living room, or a bright, cheerful nursery. And their moisture resistance allows them to be used during facade works and on the walls of the bathroom.
  • Antistatic coating will not collect dust.
  • Each wall decorated with decorative paint is a unique surface. Unlike wallpaper, which is mass-produced and looks the same on the walls of different apartments, when applying decorative paint, each time you get something new and original. And application special technologies allows you to achieve completely different effects with the same can of paint.
  • Decorative paint on the wall looks rich and natural, turning an ordinary apartment into a cozy and beautiful home.

The only drawback of decorative paint is the need to carefully prepare walls for painting. However, such a coating can be applied to finishing putty, cement, wood panels, drywall, plywood, metal, chipboard and even glass. The surface should be smooth, although the paint will fill small cracks in the putty on its own. We will go into more detail on preparing walls for decorative painting in another section of our article, but in general, the process of finishing walls using decorative paint takes longer than wallpapering.

Applying decorative paint to walls is no more difficult than hanging wallpaper, although preparing the wall and creating a unique decorative effect will take more time

Is it possible to create a decorative effect using regular wall paint or why pay more?

If you have already made a choice in favor of paint, the next step is to directly purchase the materials. And here, many homeowners, having learned about the fairly high cost of decorative paints, are thinking about how to save money and at the same time get not banal, smooth walls of just yellow or green, but an unusual design effect using ordinary cheap paint.

By using water-based paint You can achieve the effect of “crumpled paper” if you apply another layer of paint of a different shade to the already dried first layer with a crumpled cellophane bag. Instead of a bag, you can use a sponge, which also creates the effect of a grainy and textured surface.

In addition, if you apply paint of different shades in several layers, go over it with a stiff brush and apply wax, you can achieve a “marble effect”. Using a spray gun allows you to adjust the saturation of the shade and create a surface with different color densities. If you run a cloth over the paint layer (called “cloth rolling”), you can achieve the effect of cascading folds.

Often, using ordinary water-based paint, you can create an original interior. But still, it should be recognized that ready-made decorative paints look more interesting and representative on the wall.

Even ordinary wall paint already gives a lot of scope for implementation design ideas and creativity. What can we say about decorative paints with their variety of unusual effects!

Tools needed to create an unusual decorative effect when painting a wall

Before you start working with decorative paint, it’s worth thinking about whether you can do it on your own? Of course, find detailed instructions— how to apply decorative paint on a wall and achieve an effect, for example, “Eastern Night” is not a problem, but what looks easy and simple on the Internet is sometimes difficult for an inexperienced master to bring to life.

Just in case you decide to use the services of professionals: work on applying decorative paint - from preparing the walls to fixing the last layer - costs from 600 rubles per square meter. Not cheap, we agree, especially since you still need to purchase the materials themselves. Therefore, the desire to save money and do the work yourself is quite understandable.

If you decide that you can handle the application of decorative paint yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • Rubber and regular fur rollers.
  • Plastic, metal wide, serrated and rubber spatulas.
  • A hard sponge and a brush with fairly stiff bristles.
  • Venetian trowel.
  • Sanding block or sandpaper.
  • Stencil.

Of course, not all of these tools will be needed if you do not plan to achieve an expressive and original design effect. For example, a stencil is needed only if you decide to apply a finished drawing or pattern to the paint layer. A Venetian trowel will be needed if you need to create a convex texture, and a hard-bristled brush will create expressive stripes on the paint surface. Therefore, before purchasing a tool, think about what kind of decorative effect you want to create.

However, all these tools are quite inexpensive, and will last a long time (especially if you wash them immediately after painting warm water). Yes, and don't forget about gloves - take pity on your hands.

Roller, brush, spatula - you can’t do without these tools when applying decorative paint

Preparing walls for work

The most unpleasant stage of decorative painting is preparing surfaces for work. But without it preliminary stage It won’t be possible to achieve the desired effect, so we clear the room of everything unnecessary and get started!

Before starting work, you should take care to protect the floor covering; the film on the floor can be secured with masking tape. The ceiling should be protected in the same way.

Remember that you cannot paint over uneven areas, so the surface of the walls must be almost perfectly smooth. Paint will only highlight all the bumps and protrusions, so next step will be removing excess plaster and leveling the surface with putty.

Putty and primer should be selected depending on the room in which they will be used (manufacturers offer special compositions for rooms with high humidity), as well as the type of decorative paint. Experts advise pre-treating walls with a deeply penetrating primer, which will significantly reduce paint consumption and increase coverage.

Only after the wall has become smooth and the primer has already dried can you proceed directly to applying decorative paint.

Achieving ideal smooth walls is not easy, so think again, maybe you should turn to specialists and save time and nerves?

Preparing the wall for painting will take a lot of time, but this stage cannot be neglected.

What effects can be created on the wall using ready-made decorative paint?

Today, decorative paints are very popular, which can transform a room thanks to special design effects:

  • Paint with pearlescent effect. In our climate, which does not indulge in sunshine in the autumn and winter months, such colors can make the room brighter. Under different lighting conditions, pearlescent paint can change color, which is why it has received the second name “chameleon paint”. Pearlescent paint can create the effect of walls covered with silk.
  • Paint with velor or velvet effect. It contains solid colored particles. After treatment with this paint, the wall looks like a real one velor fabric- just as deep, textured and soft. However, if you touch the surface, the softness effect disappears.
  • Granite paint. There is no granite chips in it at all, as the name might suggest. But acrylic bubbles of paint of various shades, which are included in its composition, when applied from a spray gun, break against the wall and create the complete impression of granite texture.
  • Decorative paints with fine sand, shell fragments, insoluble white flakes or particles, mineral particles with a metallic sheen and other additives. Each type of finished decorative paint allows you to achieve its own special effect, for example, a seascape, a coral wall, a relief or shiny surface, a light breeze, and so on.

All these ready-made decorative paints usually do not require additional tinting or the use of special technologies. You just need to properly prepare the wall and specify how exactly - with a roller or spray gun - you need to apply the paint.

Special paint application technologies and additional materials

If in the previous section of the article we talked about the effects that can be achieved by simply applying ready-made decorative paint to a prepared wall, now it’s worth paying attention to technologies that will make your interior even more unusual.

Thus, some decorative paints are not enough to simply be applied to the wall with a roller; here, in order to achieve a special design effect, additional tools and work techniques should be used. A striking example of a creative approach to the creation of decorative paints is the series of new decorative paint “Magiko” produced by Tikkurila, which is sold in our country under the Tex brand.

The “Enchanted Lake” effect, for example, is achieved by applying a stencil design to a dried layer of finished paint. Moreover, the manufacturer immediately offers precise instructions and three shades of paint. In this case, it is necessary to apply decorative paint with a fur roller; a plastic spatula is used for decoration.

To create the “Golden Fleece” effect White paint applied with a rubber spatula, then tinted paint with a regular roller, and then the surface is sanded with sandpaper until the bottom white layer shows through.

From left to right, top to bottom: effects “Enchanted Lake”, “Golden Fleece”, “Ancient Tower”, “Waterfall of Desires”

The French company, which represents Russian market series of decorative paints PARITET DECOR. For example, after applying Aquarelle paint from this series, you should walk over the surface with a hard bristle brush. And GraindeVerre paint should be pre-tinted and applied with chaotic multidirectional movements or diagonally.

Often, to enhance the decorative effect, manufacturers also offer to apply a layer of transparent varnish over the paint.

As you can see, the technique of creating a unique decorative effect is not so simple and requires a careful approach. Perhaps, if you decide to paint the walls yourself with decorative paint for the first time, you should still limit yourself to just a ready-made composition, the application of which will not require any special skills or special tools from you.

Often, simply applying decorative paint to a wall is not enough. Yes, you can simply paint the surface with a regular roller, but in this case the decorative effect declared by the manufacturer will not be achieved

Cost of decorative paint from different manufacturers

Let's try to calculate how much it will cost to paint the walls in a room of 20 square meters if we use materials from different manufacturers. You should first calculate how much paint you will need.

Experts consider decorative paint to be an economical material - usually ready-made composition It is applied in one, maximum two layers, and one 2.5 liter can of paint is enough to cover 40 “squares”.

Wall area is calculated by multiplying the height of the room from floor to ceiling by the perimeter of the room. So, in our 4x5 room, the ceiling height is three meters, and the perimeter of the walls is 18 meters, respectively. In total, the total area of ​​the walls will be 54 meters. You can subtract the area of ​​doorways and windows from the resulting figure, but experts do not advise doing this - you will also have to spend paint on finishing the slopes, and a small supply will never hurt. Remember that you will have to paint in two layers, but the second coat of paint usually takes 25% less.

Manufacturers always indicate the approximate paint consumption per square meter of surface, so it’s quite easy to calculate how many cans you will need.

As for prices, for example, the Magico paint we have already mentioned is sold in containers of 7 and 14 kilograms. A 14-kilogram bucket of such paint costs about 1,150 rubles, consumption is about 1 kilogram per “square”. That is, for our room with a wall area of ​​54 square meters, we will have to buy four buckets of paint and spend 4.6 thousand rubles. This does not include labor, primer and putty.

Many manufacturers, for example, the Italian company San Marco, indicate the price of paint directly in terms of per square meter of surface. For example, pearlescent paint with Marcopolo sand from this manufacturer costs 475 rubles per “square”. We multiply by 54 and get an impressive figure of 25,650 rubles.

There are also more expensive options, for example, Corallien paint from the French company DuCourt. The cost of such a coating reaches 765 rubles per square meter of surface. That is, painting the entire room will cost 41,310 rubles if you do the work yourself. And the services of specialists, as we have already mentioned, will cost 600 rubles per “square” or 32,400 rubles for our room.

To the amount of expenses should be added the cost of putty - 10 liters of acrylate moisture-resistant putty costs about 1 thousand rubles, as well as primer - five liters of a universal composition, which is used before painting with water-dispersion paints, will cost 290 rubles.

Expensive pleasure? No, if you choose decorative paint at an affordable price - there are materials costing from 150 to 200 rubles per “square”. Given its long service life, resistance to dirt and damage, decorative paint completely pays for itself.

Before you abandon the idea of ​​using decorative paint in the interior, think: regular wallpaper will not give such an amazing effect. And your coating will last much longer

Don’t think that decorative paint is too expensive, difficult, troublesome and is only suitable for luxury mansions. This is a truly universal material that will serve equally well as a wall decoration in a huge living room or in a tiny corridor. Decorative paint, due to its advantages, deserves your attention and will become optimal choice when arranging a modern interior.

Anna Sedykh, rmnt.ru