Switch size from the floor. At what height are the sockets from the floor? At what distance from the floor to install sockets: all about placement in the kitchen and bathroom

It is clear that the installation of sockets and switches in a room in most cases determines the degree of comfort. It is equally important that their optimal height distance from the point of view of convenience assumes normal accessible operation. At the same time, it would not violate their functional purpose, the features of the existing interior in the arrangement of household electrical appliances. The standard installation of sockets and switches includes a 100 centimeter or 50 centimeter distance of the device from the floor. At the same time, an example convenient use There is no need to name sockets and switches. It is for this reason that most owners own apartments trying to replace old electrical wiring to a new one with a different installation of sockets and switches. Changing the distance allows you to increase the degree of convenience in using sockets and switches.

Installation according to European standards, GOST or convenience

Installing sockets and switches according to European standards is a good idea. But at the same time it is limited general requirements, which so successfully replaced the Soviet standard for installing sockets and switches with a new, so to speak, European standard.

According to the European standard, sockets are installed at a height of 0.3 meters, and the installation of a switch must be at a height of no less than 0.9 meters from the base of the floor. In addition, in different points In our country, the height of the established standard may differ slightly, but still differ. At the same time, the installation height of sockets and switches here can be either less than the total distance according to the European standard or more.

But, seriously. So far, there is no established European standard regarding the installation of the height of sockets and switches.

Rules for the Installation of Electrical Installations, requirements drawn up in accordance with IEC standards only mention the possibility of installation plug sockets at a more convenient distance from the floor, which can be read in Chapter 6.6.30 of the Electrical Installation Rules.

It is for this reason that during installation work When installing devices, you have to be guided by ease of use. But at the same time, do not violate the developed and approved restrictions on the compliance of height with generally accepted regulatory documents. That is, standards that are associated not only with the location of sockets and switches, but also with safety equipment and in relation to the installation of electrical wiring and electrical installation devices. (PUE-7 Internal electrical equipment, chapter 7.1.48-7.1.54).

Recommendations regarding the installation of electrical installation devices

But with regard to the Soviet standard, the ease of installation of sockets and switches is quite doubtful. As practice has shown, the previously used standard does not meet the conditions convenient operation, which cannot be said about the notorious European standard, which has become more suitable for us than the old Soviet GOST.

And the convenience of installed sockets and switches at the entrance to the room should be no higher than at the level of the lowered hand of an adult user of average height. And this is a directly established standard for the distance of sockets and switches at the very entrance to the room. This is necessary so that you can quickly find the device, even in the dark.

Of course, it should be noted that the installed points of electrical installations are built in according to standards in accordance with the convenience of their use. Only, it is completely accepted to adhere to a distance and height of 0.3 meters for sockets and about.9 meters for switches, as a necessary and correct height standard does not follow.

In addition, in a room with a large area, to control its lighting, it is better to install sockets and switches at different points in the room. For these purposes, pass-through switches are used. It is clear that it is very problematic to get deep into the room in the dark in order, for example, to find a switch and turn on the light.

Ideal option, installation of plug sockets

Therefore, the most suitable options is the installation of plug sockets with no disconnection, which is directly connected in rooms with bathrooms. At the same time, all electrical devices, this applies to both sockets and switches for household appliances such as washing machines, where there is a need to take them outside, for example, to the wall in the hallway.

In addition, special attention should be paid to those places in the kitchen where the largest number of electrical appliances are located. This means installing sockets at the table in the kitchen, where you can and should install a couple of spare sockets. In this case, the most common option is a distance of about 10-15 centimeters from the tabletop kitchen table. At the same time, the number of installed sockets should ensure maximum convenient use. This means that when designing repairs, it is necessary to take into account ease of use, common sense and requirements in accordance with regulatory documents.

What to look for when choosing sockets

Arrangement of a new or replacement old wiring always associated with one important issue: what should be the height of the sockets from the floor, and at what distance should the switches be installed. On this moment There are no unified rules and regulations, so each individual case needs to be dealt with in more detail.

Standards, SNiPs, regulations - where to find the exact answer?

Say that they exist precise recommendations There is no question about where and at what distance the socket should be installed in each specific case. The point is that during times Soviet Union there was a GOST that unconditionally specified the installation height of sockets and switches. In the first case, the figure was 90–100 cm from the floor, and in the second 150–170 cm. In fact, there was a rational grain in these values, because the switch was always at eye level and was visible, and in order to power any The device was plugged in, there was no need to bend down. In addition, this arrangement of power supplies made it possible to place furniture anywhere in the room, which is especially important in cramped living conditions.

Currently in many new panel houses You can still find this standard placement. The word “European standard” is common in our everyday life, but in reality such a unified concept does not exist. The fact is that each individual European country has its own rules for placing power supplies, not to mention the fact that some of them have, in addition, designs of sockets and switches that differ from ours. As a rule, the European standard refers to the installation of sockets at a height of 30–40 cm from the floor and the installation of switches at a height of 80 cm to one meter. Moreover, there are no recommendations regarding their location in the rooms. This arrangement of sockets is not very convenient, since you constantly have to bend down to turn on the device, but there are no wires hanging on the walls in the room.

Concerning Russian standards and regulations, such as PUE, GOST R 50571. 11-96, SP 31-110-2003 and others, there are several main positions that give recommendations on where sockets and switches should be installed:

  • in the bathroom, electricity sources must be at least 60 cm away from the shower doors and taps;
  • they are not allowed to be placed above or below sinks;
  • in schools and nurseries preschool institutions switches must be located at a height of 180 cm from the floor, and sockets must have protective screens;
  • The distance between sockets and switches from gas pipelines should be at least half a meter.

Thus, there is no specific data that could indicate at what height to install sockets and switches, and there is also no information on where they should be located in relation to the placement of furniture in the room and the presence of certain equipment. However, this fact allows home owners to install power supplies in the place where it is more comfortable for them, and also makes it possible to install the number of them that they consider necessary. When designing electrical wiring, try to take into account all the nuances of the arrangement of furniture and appliances, so as not to use surge protectors unnecessarily in your home and not to load one outlet with several powerful electrical appliances.

Sockets in the kitchen - how to provide for everything

The modern kitchen is not limited to the refrigerator and gas stove. Today you can find a microwave oven, an electric kettle, a toaster, a dishwasher and much more on it. But for each of these devices it is important to think through correct location sockets In addition, it is important to take into account the location of the furniture and the kitchen set. And if you add water pipes and gas pipelines to this, then the issue of proper wiring becomes especially relevant. Before you begin work on arranging electrical wiring, you need to draw up detailed plan wiring with an exact indication of each point regarding furniture, windows, doors and communications.

In order to make sockets and switches practical and as accessible as possible, you need to follow some recommendations based on many years of experience electricians and DIYers. Firstly, it should be taken into account that a large number of equipment is currently produced with a fairly short cord length. These include a refrigerator, dishwasher, stove. For these devices, the optimal location of the sockets will be at a height of 10–20 cm from the finished floor covering. Since they are constantly plugged in, this distance from the floor to the outlet will allow the cord not to sag.

To connect a small kitchen appliances, such as an electric meat grinder, toaster, multicooker, mixer, etc., it is recommended to install sockets 10–20 cm away from the countertop. For them, it is also possible to provide power sources at a distance of 110 cm from the floor. In this case, it will be convenient to use them by placing them on the table surface. If the kitchen has built-in appliances, then the power sources should be located not directly behind the appliances themselves, but behind adjacent cabinets, and holes should be made in the rear walls of the furniture so that there is easy access to turn it off. Optimal height The location of the points is considered to be 30–60 cm from the floor.

When installing sockets and switches above the countertop, they must be located at a distance of at least 60 cm from the water source.

When installing a hood in the kitchen, the socket for it is mounted at a distance of at least 2 meters from the floor or 10 cm from the edge of the upper cabinets, and it is important to take into account the fact that the point should be located on the side of ventilation pipe, providing open access to it. Above upper cabinets kitchen set, you can place sockets for lighting fixtures built into the top row of furniture and for lighting working area, unless separate switches are provided for them. You can also place a socket for a fan, if one is built into the ventilation duct. Thus, all sockets can be divided into three levels: lower, middle and upper.

This approach to arranging wiring allows you to correctly distribute points along the walls of the kitchen for their rational use. In addition, there is good opportunity lay out the wiring relative to the power of the devices used, because for some of them it is recommended to run a separate line to the electrical distribution panel. When working in the kitchen, it is important not only to determine the correct height of sockets and switches, but also to make a power reserve in case the kitchen is equipped with new equipment or replaced old technology to a more powerful one. As for the installation of switches in the kitchen, they are usually located on the side of the open part of the doors at arm's length, which is usually 80–100 cm.

Is it possible to have sockets in the bathroom?

A couple of decades ago, the issue of installing sockets in the bathroom was practically not discussed, but today it is simply necessary to have an socket in the bathroom, and their number is not limited to one. Judge for yourself, the first thing you need to do is set aside a personal point for washing machine, since using an extension cord to connect equipment is not recommended in principle. It is advisable if a separate line is provided for it with the obligatory connection of an RCD on it. For greater convenience, its location is recommended at a height of one meter. This is done so that at any time it is possible to disconnect the device from the network.

In houses where a boiler is responsible for the hot water supply, a separate line with an RCD and an outlet located in close proximity to the device must be allocated for it. It is also allowed to install socket blocks above the countertop in the bathroom. They are used for hair dryers, electric razors and other small equipment. An important limitation when installing them is that they must be located at least 60 cm from the water source. All sockets in the bathroom must be equipped with grounding and a moisture-proof screen that will protect them from splashes.

When choosing a socket, you need to pay attention to the markings. It looks like this: IP XY, where X is the degree of protection against dust. Y is the degree of protection against moisture (for use in the bathroom you need to buy models with a number of at least 4). The current strength of the purchased product must be 16A. It is possible to install sockets with a parameter of 10A, but they can only be used for low-power equipment. When laying wiring to sockets, you must ensure that you use copper cable with three conductors (phase, neutral and ground) with a cross section of 2.5 mm.

The cable must be laid directly from the distribution panel, that is, a separate line must be allocated to the bathroom. Wiring is being laid in a hidden way– in grooves or behind drywall. This approach eliminates the possibility of accidental damage and contact with water. The installation of sockets in the bathroom should be preceded by a well-designed project, in which all distances will be measured to the nearest centimeter. Only in this case can you safely use the equipment and carry out water procedures.

Switches, as a rule, are never installed in the bathrooms themselves, but are located in front of the entrance to them. The installation height of switches usually starts from 80 cm.

Living rooms - there are never too many sockets

Proper wiring in living rooms will not only allow you to functionally enjoy all the benefits of civilization, but also protect yourself from numerous network filters and dangling wires. Unfortunately, in typical new buildings, and even in old housing stock, designers are limited to two to three outlets per room, which modern realities negligible. So there is an overload in the power grid, countless power outages. And what’s even worse is fires. Therefore, having thought about the design of the room, you definitely need to think about what height to install the sockets and where it is best to place them. Once you've arranged your furniture in your sketch, place power points within arm's length of each area where you plan to spend your time.

So, let's look at the location of sockets and switches near the bed. Firstly, their number depends on the number of people who will rest on the bed. If this is a family bed, then it is necessary to place a block of sockets on both sides of it. Their distance from the floor will depend on several factors. If bedside tables are placed close to the bed, then it is convenient to place the sockets with a distance of 10–15 cm up from them. If there are no bedside tables, then choose any place near the bed at a distance of 30–90 cm from the finished floor covering.

Switches for overbed sconces and general light should be located next to the sockets in this block. If you plan to place lamps on nightstands near the bed, then you should definitely add an extra socket for them. This rule also applies to the location of sockets on both sides of the sofa in the living room. Sconces are rarely used in halls, but floor lamps are quite common, so an extra socket at a distance of 30 cm from the floor to connect the device will be very useful.

In addition to 220 V outlets, install special USB ports for recharging modern gadgets - phones, smart watches, etc.

For the TV, if it will hang on the wall, install a block of five sockets at a distance of 130 cm from the floor. Or 30–60 cm from the floor, if a place has been prepared for it on a low cabinet. The unit consists of 3 electrical sockets, an antenna socket and an Internet connection. Equipping workplace, you need to provide two socket blocks. The first is located above the surface of the desk (this is approximately 90 cm from the floor, and the second is made only 30 cm above the floor). A desktop computer will be connected to it.

If you plan to install a dressing table in the room, which is especially important in bedrooms, then the same rules apply for them as for the work area - 2 blocks at a distance of 30 and 90 cm from the floor. When installing electrical wiring, do not forget to place several blocks of sockets around the perimeter of the room to connect a vacuum cleaner, humidifier and other devices. Switches are usually located at the entrance near the door, at least 10 cm from the opening and at a height of 75–90 cm. Some install switches on the corridor side. For greater convenience, do not forget to install duplicate (pass-through) switches to regulate the light, especially if your lighting is not connected to a smartphone or control panel.

Where else are sockets needed in the house?

When planning the wiring, you should not lose sight of such rooms as a balcony, hallway, storage room and the like, because the sockets and switches installed there play an important role. Let's start with the hallway - the first room that greets everyone who comes into the house. Here it is necessary to provide a light source. The height of this switch, like the others in the home, should be 75–90 cm. As for sockets, if the size of the room is small, then one will be enough double sockets for connecting a vacuum cleaner and shoe dryer. If the corridor is elongated, then you can provide a block of sockets on each of its sides. Their distance from the floor is 30–40 cm, but if this is inconvenient for you, then you can choose this indicator yourself depending on your personal preferences.

If you plan to equip a work area or recreational area on the balcony, then you should also take care of arranging power sources there. If you plan to place a desk for work, then, as already described above, install two socket blocks on different heights. If the room will be used only for recreation, 1–2 blocks of sockets at a height of 30 cm above will be sufficient.

If you plan to install an air conditioner in the apartment, then provide an outlet for it, 30 cm away from the ceiling.

Installing sockets and switches in an apartment according to European standards is not convenient for everyone. When installing wiring and determining locations for future power sources, first of all, rely on the design project of the room and personal needs.

IN modern house many rooms are divided into several functional areas, where different electrical appliances and lighting systems are used. The issue of electrical wiring design is an important stage of repair. There's a lot to consider important points: type of room, arrangement of furniture, number and height of sockets and switches.

The article provides standards and requirements for the installation of power points and switches, as well as recommendations regarding the placement of electrical installation devices in different rooms.

Standards and switches: myths and reality

The placement of switches and sockets in the room determines the degree of comfort. Getting started repair work, many novice electricians are interested in the question: “What should be the installation height of switches and sockets according to accepted standards?”

In fact, there are no restrictions on the placement of power points. There are some requirements for installing sockets in the bathroom, as well as industrial and public premises.

Regarding the location of switches and sockets in the apartment, there are some recommendations. Whether to adhere to them or not depends on the purpose of the room, the arrangement of furniture, ease of use and your own wishes.

Previously, the following standards were considered generally accepted:

  • distance from floor to socket - 90 cm;
  • The installation height of switches in the apartment is 1.6 m.

Such parameters have their merits, which is why many still adhere to these standards. An advantage of the “Soviet” standards is that the switch is located at eye level, and in order to insert the plug into the socket you do not have to bend down.

Recommended standards for the installation height of sockets and switches

Installation height of sockets and switches: PUE

The Electrical Installation Rules (PUE) define the following standards for the placement of sockets/switches:

  1. Plug sockets and switches should be located at a distance of 0.6 meters or more from the doorway of the shower or bathtub.
  2. Any elements of electrical installations, switches and sockets must be located at a distance of at least 0.5 m from gas pipelines.
  3. The recommended height for placing switches is no more than 1 m. Optimal place installation is considered to be the wall on the side door handle. If necessary, the switch is mounted higher under the ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the light can be turned on using a cord.
  4. The socket in the bathroom must be connected through an RCD device.

Requirements for the placement of sockets and switches according to GOST and SP

GOST R 50571.11-96 also stipulates the requirement that switches and sockets in the bathroom are located 60 cm or more from the factory shower door.

More detailed information with standards, recommendations for the design and provision of power supply are collected in the Code of Rules 31-110-2003. Internal device electrical networks, namely, the installation of switches and sockets (level, height, number) is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  1. The distance from sockets used to connect air conditioners and stationary kitchen electric stoves to the appliances themselves is not standardized.
  2. In living rooms of dormitories and apartments, one socket with a current of 10 (16) A must be installed for every 4 m of the perimeter, in corridors - for every 10 sq.m. area.
  3. In private and single-family houses, the number of sockets is determined by the customer.

Installation height of sockets and switches: “Eurostandard”

The term “European standard” came into use along with the advent of the concept of “European-quality renovation”. Some consumers find this arrangement of sockets and switches more comfortable:

  • the installation height of the switches is 90 cm from the floor, which allows you to turn on/off the lights in the room while passing by and without raising your hand;
  • The placement of sockets is provided at a level of 30 cm from the floor - this distance allows you to hide wires and operate household appliances more comfortably.

American standard socket placement:

  • height from the floor (kitchen table or sink) - 30.5-41 cm;
  • the distance between sockets is 1.8 m (report from the doorway).

Important! When using Euro sockets, it is necessary to take into account that the diameter of their pins and the distance between them are larger than those of domestic ones. The current strength of imported sockets is about 10-16A, while that of domestic ones is up to 10 A. Therefore, the installation of European sockets will allow the use of more powerful electrical appliances.

Installation height of switches and sockets in the apartment

Electrical wiring in the kitchen

The modern kitchen is equipped with many electrical appliances: oven and hob, refrigerator, hood, dishwasher, coffee maker, electric kettle, meat grinder, toaster, etc. Electrical wiring design begins with the creation detailed diagram indicating the location of furniture and arrangement of household appliances.

  1. To connect a dishwasher and washing machine, refrigerator - 10-20 cm from the floor level. This best option relative to the length of the electrical cord of the equipment. Some models of household appliances have a short wire, which will not be enough if the socket is located at a height of 50 cm.
  2. To connect small-sized appliances (multi-cooker, microwave, toaster, etc.), the socket is installed at a distance of 20 cm from the countertop level, or 110 cm from the floor.
  3. A separate socket is installed under the hood at a distance of 2 m from the floor. There should be at least 20 cm from the middle of the hood to the socket so that the ventilation duct does not block the socket openings.
  4. “Power points” for built-in appliances are best located behind the walls of bedside tables and cabinets. For free access you will have to cut them out back walls. The recommended installation height for sockets in furniture is 30-60 cm from the floor. In this case, you need to check that the socket is not located directly behind the built-in electrical appliances.
  5. Sockets under lighting wall cabinets conveniently placed at a height of about 5-10 cm above the furniture.

Important! The total power of the electrical lines supplied to the kitchen must be in reserve in order to be able to turn on all consumption points at the same time.

  • oven, hob equipped with power sockets designed for a current of 32-40 A;
  • for a heater with a power of more than 3.5 W, a separate power line is laid;
  • for installing a refrigerator, microwave oven, food processor, toaster, steamer and other electrical appliances, 16 A sockets are suitable.

Sockets and switches in the bedroom and living room

For comfortable and convenient use, it is customary to install an socket and a switch on both sides of the double bed. Placement height - 70 cm from floor level. This distance allows you to connect a lamp and place it on the bedside table, charge your phone, and also adjust the main lighting without getting out of bed. Traditionally, one switch is installed at front door.

Additional sockets should be placed near the desk or dressing table. A block with two or three sockets for connecting a computer is installed behind the desktop at a level of 30 cm from the floor. A second block for a pair of sockets should be provided above desk(height 15 cm from the table) for a table lamp.

In the living room, it is imperative to provide several sockets at a distance of 130 cm from the floor, which will be hidden behind the TV. This area should have both regular outlets and an Internet outlet. Depending on the arrangement of furniture and division of the room into functional areas other “power points” are placed, for example for a floor lamp near a chair or a music system.

It would be a good idea to install a backup socket, for example, to connect an air conditioner or a vacuum cleaner.

The switch in the living room is usually installed only at the front door. In rooms with multi-level ceilings sometimes “complex” lighting is used. In such cases, it is advisable to place switches on several keys.

Placement of power points and switches in the bathroom

The bathroom is a room with high humidity. All installed sockets must have a degree of protection of at least IP44 and a splash-proof cover, connection through an RCD. Placing sockets near (less than 60 cm) a bathtub, washbasin or shower stall is prohibited.

  • for a washing machine - 100 cm;
  • for connecting a water heater - 180 cm from the floor;
  • additional socket near the sink for connecting a hairdryer, razor or toothbrush - 110 cm.

Important! Products cannot be installed lower than 15 cm from the floor. This is due to the fact that in the bathroom there is an increased risk of small floods caused by a malfunction household appliances or forgetfulness of the owners. To similar situation did not pose a threat to human life, sockets must be installed higher than 15 cm.

Switches, as a rule, are placed outside the bathroom and placed in front of the entrance.

Development of a design for the placement of switches and sockets. Useful tips

You can correctly design the location and height of switches and sockets by adhering to the following sequence:

Installation of switches and sockets in buildings for various purposes

For a number of buildings, individual standards are provided for the placement of sockets and switches:

  1. The installation height of switches in children's institutions (kindergartens, schools, camps) is 1.8 m from the floor level. Sockets should also be installed at the same level.
  2. In catering and retail establishments, the distance from the floor to the socket is 1.3 m. Installation height circuit breakers- 1.2-1.6 m.
  3. It is prohibited to install switches in explosive areas. The standards do not affect the height of placement; the main condition is the placement of switches and fuses of lighting devices outside hazardous areas.

Using simple rules, safety standards and common sense, it will be possible to achieve optimal location switches and sockets at home. It is better to properly foresee and calculate everything in advance than to redo all the electrical wiring later.

The safety of using electricity in a house or apartment depends on proper electrical installation. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the installation of sockets, which, in addition to matching the selected power and degree of protection, must be installed in accordance with the rules for electrical installations. The installation height of sockets also has great importance, and usually depends on the room in which this element of electrical fittings is installed.

The installation height of the device for each room is regulated by the PUE. This document prescribes the installation of these electrical devices as follows:

  1. Industrial premises - elements of electrical fittings should be installed at a height of 0.8 - 1.0 meters. If it is possible to install the cable from above, then the installation height can be 1.5 m.

    For connecting powerful electrical installations in production premises Only sockets designed for this type of appliance are used.
  2. In residential and administrative buildings, as well as in laboratories, it is allowed to install sockets at a height of no more than 1 meter from the floor level. The main criterion for choosing the installation height of the product is the ease of connecting electrical appliances. If the plinth is made of fireproof material, then in such rooms the devices can be installed at floor level.

    Correct eyeliner electric cable, with this placement option, is carried out via an external cable channel.
  3. In various children's institutions, sockets are installed at a height of 1.8 meters.

  4. In retail premises and Catering power elements electrical fittings should be installed at a height of 1.3 m.
  5. Installation height in public buildings should be no more than 1 meter.
  6. is of great importance, and, despite the fact that this room is the most energy-dependent, it is not recommended to place elements of electrical fittings anywhere. In this room, sockets should be installed at a height of 0.8 - 1.0 meters from the floor level and 10-15 centimeters above the tabletop, and it is also necessary to correctly position these electrical fittings in relation to the water supply and gas pipes.
  7. should also be carried out according to the rules. The distance from the floor to the outlet in rooms with high humidity should also be at the level of 80 - 100 cm.

    In addition, it is necessary to maintain the distance of this element from the water intake fittings, from water pipes and riser, and also completely eliminate the possibility of water splashing on the electrical fittings element.

Installation height of sockets in the bedroom and office

In the bedroom you can install sockets at a height of no more than 1 meter, the only exception is installing a TV on the wall when the installation height of the device exceeds 1 meter. For convenience, you can use the installation electrical device directly next to the bed at a height of 0.6-0.7 meters. It is recommended to install 1 socket on both sides of the bed.

Electrical fittings placed at this height make it easy to connect lamps that are installed on bedside table, or any other electrical devices.
The height of the outlets for the TV that is planned to be installed in the bedroom is calculated using the following formula:
H= A + B/2
In this formula, H is the installation height of the socket; A - height of installation of the TV on the wall; B is the height of the TV.
The TV socket is located directly behind electronic device. If installed together with a TV optional equipment, which will require an additional socket, then a double Euro socket is installed at the same height that was calculated using the formula.

Other sockets are recommended to be placed at a height of 30 - 40 cm from the floor level. This installation method allows you to hide the elements of electrical fittings. Sockets and switches do not add aesthetics to the room, so placing them at the bottom of the wall significantly improves the interior of the bedroom. If the sockets were installed in Soviet times, then you can leave the sockets at the same height, replacing, if necessary, overhead models, internal devices. In this case, the appearance of the bedroom or any other room will significantly improve.

The same rules apply for installing sockets in the office as for installing electrical elements in the bedroom. It is not recommended to install sockets at a height of more than 1 meter. Devices should be placed near the desktop. If a UPS is used for a computer, the sockets should be placed at a low height so that the source installed on the floor uninterruptible power supply, could be placed without significant tension on the working wire, which, in most cases, does not exceed a length of 1 meter.

To connect a split system, on the contrary, it is recommended to place this element of electrical fittings at a height of about 1 meter, directly under the device.

Installation height of the socket in the children's room

In a children's room, if there are small children, it is better to install electrical fittings from the floor at the maximum permitted height or use devices equipped with protective curtains, or better yet, combine these two standards. In order to turn off the sockets in the children's room remotely, you can purchase and install a “smart socket”, which can be controlled using a phone or computer.

European standards for the installation height of sockets

Many building codes, “roam” along with technological innovations. In our country, the installation height of European standard sockets and switches often differs from the installation standards according to which construction organizations worked in the last century. In a modern living room, European standard electrical elements are installed at a height of 40 - 45 cm from the stove interfloor covering. The switches are installed, in this case, at a distance of 1 meter from the subfloor. Such standards for the installation of electrical fittings have the following advantages:

  1. They are located low and do not spoil the interior of the room.
  2. Even a 4-5 year old child can turn off the lights, if necessary.

You can make a socket below the table level. In this case, it is very convenient to connect electrical devices while performing any actions at the workplace. The bottom connection will also allow the use of shorter extension cords, if necessary.
Devices installed at a low height according to the Euro standard, if there are small children in the house, must be equipped with protective curtains. Such devices, after removing the plug, reliably block access to the inside of the outlet.
The European standard only applies to living rooms, if it is necessary to install modern sockets in the kitchen, then in this case the height of the electrical fittings element should be about 1 meter from the floor level.
Regardless of the installation location, sockets should not be located closer than 10 cm from door and window openings, as well as from the corners of the room.

See the video below for how to install the socket correctly:


At what height to make sockets is clear from this material, but for safe operation electrical devices, execution required large quantity standards and rules. The distance from the floor to the outlet usually does not exceed one meter for installation in the kitchen or bathroom, and 30 cm for residential premises. You can install sockets yourself, but in order to avoid accidents during work, you should turn off the power to the home electrical network. If you install elements of electrical fittings on our own is difficult, you should seek help from professional electricians who will install sockets from the floor at a height at which it will be convenient and safe to use these devices.

When replacing electrical wiring, you need to decide what the height of the sockets will be from the floor. That's exactly what to decide, because strict standards and there are no standards.

At what height can they be

Norms and standards governing the location of sockets and switches in rooms and premises general purpose No. There are only restrictions on the maximum height for sockets - no higher than 1 meter from the floor, as well as standards that relate to electrical wiring in rooms with difficult operating conditions. In houses and apartments these are bathrooms.

So, at what height should you install the sockets? There are two options:

Where to place the switch

Switches are easier to decide on. They should be placed so that most family members can use them comfortably. It is comfortable to turn on/off the light with your hand down. Lower your hand and mark the level of your palm. This is where the keys can be located. This arrangement is also optimal for children. They can reach this level already at 3-4 years old. That is, adults will not have to go and turn on the light for the child if he wants to play or go, for example, to the toilet.

But this is far from the only option. In the bedroom, for example, you can. They allow you to control light from several points. In this case, one switch is placed near the door and one or two near the bed. This way you can turn off the light without getting up. Very comfortably. The installation height of such a switch is somewhere on the side of the mattress on the side of the bed.

Choosing a place for sockets in the rooms

Choosing a place to install sockets is more difficult. They can be placed even at floor level. By the way, there is floor models, the wiring of which goes to special plinth with cable channel. From a design point of view, this installation is the most inconspicuous - they do not rush into the gas. But from an operational point of view, it’s far from ideal. To insert/remove the fork, you will have to bend or squat very low. Although this is inconvenient for young people, it is not problematic, but for older people this arrangement can become a problem. If there are elderly people in the family, it is desirable that the height of the sockets from the floor be at least 30-40 cm. In this case, you will have to bend over, but this tilt cannot be compared with the previous method of placement. This is a compromise option - both quite convenient and not very noticeable.

Near the table, the height of the sockets is above the tabletop

But not all power points in rooms need to be installed this way. For example, if the height of the sockets from the floor near the desktop is 40 cm or so, it will be very inconvenient to dive under the table every time. In such a place it is better to place them 10-15 cm above the level of the table top. This is really convenient.

Height of sockets in the kitchen

Wiring in the kitchen is a whole system. Firstly, each powerful device has a separate power supply line with a circuit breaker and RCD installed on it. There can be up to 10 such devices ( Dishwasher, oven, electric stove, washing machine, electric water heater, built-in high-power household appliances). These sockets must be placed in the place where you plan to install the devices.

Dedicated lines for powerful electrical appliances

A dedicated line is needed for the refrigerator. But the reason here is not the increased power consumption, but the voltage surges that the refrigerator motor creates when turning it on and off. It is better for other devices to sense them to a minimum, and this is possible if there is a separate line. The socket for the refrigerator can be made at any height - at least 5 cm from the floor, at least at elbow level (110-120 cm).

A dedicated power supply line with an RCD and automatic circuit breaker is required for a gas heating boiler. It requires a stable voltage, and a separate line is simply necessary. This outlet must be located taking into account the fact that the installation of a voltage stabilizer will be required (if it is not installed for the entire apartment or house). The best option- on the side of the boiler. Right or left - as circumstances allow.

We choose the height depending on the connected equipment

For built-in household appliances, the height of the sockets from the floor is 10 cm (this is from the floor to the center of the socket, and from its lower edge - about 5 cm). They are located on the wall behind the equipment. The location is such that you can reach through the base. At the same level there is a power supply point for the washing machine. It can be made higher if the sink cabinet does not have a back wall.

For lighting and hood, sockets are installed above the cabinets. Their lower edge is 5-10 cm above the cabinets. The backlight switch is located on the work wall, located immediately under the upper cabinets.

You can do it this way. The main thing is ease of use

The rest of the small household appliances are usually placed on the desktop, so it is convenient to connect them almost immediately above the countertop. The height of the sockets from the floor in this case is 110-120 cm. This will be about 15-20 cm above the tabletop. Just the way we need it. If you order non-standard height, adjust the position of the sockets accordingly.

Sockets for small kitchen appliances are grouped in groups of three or four side by side. This is convenient during operation and more acceptable during installation. You decide which equipment will be convenient to work with where, count the number of units that will need to be turned on at the same time, add one or two “just in case.” This will be the required number of sockets. Their height is the same 15-20 cm above the tabletop, that is, relative to the floor it will be 100-120 cm.

In the bathroom

The second problematic room for electricians is the bathroom. But the problems here are of a different nature - this high humidity and the possibility of water ingress. To understand where to put sockets in the bathroom, you need to know where to place household appliances. The bathroom space is divided into zones (see photo).

Zone 0 is the highest probability of water entry. These are areas directly adjacent to the bathtub, shower stall, and sink. In this zone, you can install only 12 V sockets. But such voltage is supplied extremely rarely in private homes. There are simply no sockets here at all.

In zone 1, installation of water heaters is allowed. In zone 2, in addition to boilers, you can install fans and lamps. And the sockets should be in zone 3 - at a distance of at least 60 cm from the water source. Need to install special sockets and switches, the degree of protection of which allows them to be used in wet areas. Also required condition— the presence of grounding, a circuit breaker and an RCD with a leakage current of 10 mA.

The height of the sockets from the floor is again not regulated, but it makes sense to place them higher to minimize the possibility of water ingress. Even if you install special sockets with covers, it’s better to be safe.

Electrical wiring rules

When laying wiring to sockets and switches, certain rules must be followed:

  • The wiring around the room is carried out strictly horizontally, at a distance of 20 cm from the ceiling.
  • From installation box the wire runs vertically upward.

Why such strictness? So that in any conditions you can understand where and how the wiring goes. If you lay it arbitrarily - obliquely, along the shortest path, etc., in a few years no one will remember where and how the wires go and when hanging, for example, a new one, you can easily get into the wiring. By following these simple rules, you will always be able to visually determine where the wires run - above the outlet or switch, regardless of their height from the floor.