Log foundation photo and calculation features. Wood crafts for the garden (45 photos): ideas. Use of logs. Self-production of structures Foundation from logs photo and calculation features

Almost each of us has a summer cottage, and we are constantly doing something on it. Either we are pottering around in the garden, or we are making something or building something. But besides this, I just want to rest for some time, relax from everyday work and just enjoy the result. Therefore, for this I want to add some zest to my home or landscape design, and so that this highlight is original and unique. She may become garden bench, made with your own hands from a log.

Each tree is unique in its own way and you will never be able to find two identical ones. Therefore, such garden bench will become original decoration landscape design on your summer cottage. well and do it yourself such a creation is not at all difficult, you just need to know some subtleties. We will talk about this in this publication.

garden bench can be done in different ways:

Using only logs.

Combining with boards.

Using nails and screws to fasten parts together.

Without using any metal fasteners.

For production work DIY benches may be required different instruments, depending on the idea you want to implement. But, as a rule, you cannot do without a chainsaw, sandpaper, tape measure, chisel, hammer, ax, and it is also advisable to have a grinder on which special attachments for grinding and a jigsaw are installed.

The most important thing in the manufacturing process garden bench pick up with your own hands good material. The log must be strong and not rotten. The dimensions of the log can be different, based on your idea. It is advisable to choose a non-coniferous tree, such as oak, birch, aspen, hazel, cherry, and so on. Coniferous species can be used, but they should be pre-treated in order to avoid the release of resins from them, which can ruin clothes if you sit on such garden bench. There are several processing methods.

Method 1.

You need to dilute water with acetone in a ratio of 1:4 and apply the resulting solution to the wood with a brush. After this, let it dry or dry it using a hair dryer.

Method 2.

The process is similar to the previous one, only caustic soda is diluted with acetone in a ratio of 4:20.

Method 3.

Potash is mixed with soda ash in a ratio of 5:6. You should get a mixture that resembles sour cream in consistency. After that, we apply it to the places where the resins are released and carefully rub it all into the wood.

After the material for garden bench prepared, you can proceed to the manufacturing process itself. You can use it as a whole log large diameter, cutting it according to your project, and several small logs.

Nobody forbids you to combine several tree species to make one DIY benches. Again, the wood can be stripped of the bark, or the bark can be left on. In both cases it turns out very beautiful.

Standard instructions for making a garden bench with your own hands

1. First, estimate what part of the log will go to this or that part.

2. After that, using construction tool, you need to prepare the parts themselves by cutting out the material.

3. Then, using a grinder, sandpaper or a sander, sand and sand it all. It is better to do this, since it is assembled garden bench It will not be so easy to grind at the joints of the parts.

4. Next, based on your project, assembly is carried out benches for the garden. Parts can be connected using fasteners in the form of nails, screws or self-tapping screws, as well as by the so-called nailless connection using tongue-and-groove technology.

5. When the entire structure is assembled, garden bench must be treated with special agents against rotting, exposure to factors environment, as well as from insect pests.

6. After this you can the resulting bench for the garden varnish.

Products burned with a blowtorch look very interesting.

That's basically it. As you can see, do it yourself log garden bench not difficult at all. You just need to use your imagination a little, have a construction tool, free time and hands. You can make anything from wood. This can be not only various garden utensils, but also home furniture in the form of tables, chairs, beds and more. You can make various accessories for the interior, such as various hangers, photo frames, stands, candlesticks and much more. It all depends on your imagination and desire.

By the way, paths made from wooden saw cuts look very original at the dacha, which are also not difficult do it yourself. You can read about this in this article. Below are various options benches for the garden, made at home.

Fig.1 Bench for a summer house

Fig.2 Garden bench

Fig.3 Do-it-yourself bench

Fig.4 Bench for a summer house

Fig.5 Garden bench

Fig.6 Do-it-yourself bench

Fig.7 Bench for a summer house

Fig.8 Garden bench

Fig.9 Do-it-yourself bench

Fig. 10 Bench for a summer house

Fig. 11 Garden bench

Fig. 12 DIY bench

Fig. 13 Bench for a summer house

Fig. 14 Garden bench

Fig. 15 DIY bench

Fig. 16 Bench for a summer house

Fig. 17 Garden bench

In order to visually see the process of making a garden bench, we recommend watching

Often, people who live in areas with commercially available round timber have the idea of ​​building a house on their own: especially since until recently almost all peasants possessed this wisdom, without knowing any literacy or mastering construction technology. Building a log house with your own hands is not a great science, but it still requires a deep understanding of the process and the ability to adapt old carpentry technologies to new conditions.

Materials and tools for building a log house

We immediately hasten to dissuade people who want to install a log house using modern power tools to save time. Unfortunately, the use of chainsaws and power planers is not recommended and should only be used for heavy-duty work. Wood treated with power tools is more susceptible to mold and rotting processes. For the construction of log houses, a special carpentry kit is used.
To work, in addition to axes, you will need a standard plane (as well as a Sherhebel plane for finishing work) and a scraper (for removing bark), there are also whole line additional carpentry tools for chopping into a cup. To cut out a longitudinal groove, an adze is used - an ax with a rounded blade and an inverted ax handle. When processing wood hand tools Wood pores are naturally clogged, and as a result, a hand-cut house will last much longer.

Carpenter's ax and its features: where to order and how to make

A house made of round timber is cut using several types of axes; professional woodcutters order axes for chopping houses to order from high-quality hardened steel. In the very simple version We recommend stocking up on an ax for rough cutting, which without the weight of the ax should weigh about 1.6 kg, have a sharpening angle of 25 degrees, for convenience, use an ax length of 60 cm. And the second ax is used for finishing cutting with more high accuracy, such a model will have a sharpening angle of 20 degrees, a weight of 0.9 kg and an ax handle up to 50 cm long.

Many artels in their work use a restoration and carpentry ax, which was restored and made on the basis of ancient samples by A.V. Popov. There are many modifications of it, which were made by Popov himself. Approximately up to 90% of carpentry work involving felling a log house can be performed with this tool. Popov's ax has a wedge-shaped shape; in fact, this ax is a half-splitting ax, since its tasks include not only chopping, but also removing wood chips during work. This requirement is achieved using a special tool shape.

A number of Russian forges produce high-quality axes for cutting log houses. One of the most interesting is ToporSib. In this artel you can purchase all necessary tool for cutting a log house in the form of ready-made kits.

Selection and preparation of logs for construction of a log house

To build a log house you will need round timber. The thickness of the frame is selected based on the availability of materials. Usually a house made of round timber is cut with your own hands from available and inexpensive materials. In Russian conditions we're talking about about pine round timber. There are 4 varieties of round timber available for sale; experts recommend the 2nd grade:

  • 1st grade: butt part, without knots, used for high-quality woodwork;
  • 2nd grade: assortment from the middle and butt part of the pine trunk, there is no a large number of knots and cracks;
  • 3rd grade: round timber with a large number of knots;
  • Grade 4: wood with any defects except rot.

Pine for the construction of a log house is chosen for budgetary reasons; in addition, this wood is soft and pliable in processing, has a small number of knots, and does not require additional processing, the trunk runoff (difference in diameter) usually does not exceed 1 cm. Pine does not crack as much as spruce when processed, but is soft, so larch or oak is recommended for lower logs that are closer to the ground. In this case, the frame crown can be made of pine, but its diameter should be 5-7 cm larger than the main log. In some cases, a high foundation can save you from ground moisture.
To cut a log house, only fresh wood is used; ideally, the log house is cut in the forest, where the material can be selected, and then transported to the installation site. Fresh material should be stored for no more than 2 weeks; for storage at the construction site, rounds are stacked. For northern regions with temperatures reaching -40C in winter period, logs with a diameter of 21-24 cm are used for middle zone 15-18 cm is enough.


When building a house, it is better to start with small forms of buildings, for example, building a gazebo or a log bathhouse with a recreation room and a bedroom. You can live in such a house before the construction of the main house, and then use it as a guest house. Usually timber is ordered maximum length, in this case, you can make accurate calculations based on the presence of windows, doors, partitions and select logs at the sawmill according to the required size.
To successfully and quickly build a house for yourself, it is better to join an artel that deals with wooden construction, at least for summer time. This will help you understand the main points manual cutting log cabins

Foundation work: in the past and now

Foundation under wooden frame made using tape technology or made of stone. The higher the foundation, the wood is better will be protected from ground moisture. A house made of round timber can be installed on a columnar and pile foundation. In the old days, the first rows of logs, the so-called mother crown, were installed on stone shafts; they were called ryazhe. This solution made it possible to raise the house above the ground and secure it firmly.

We cut a log house with our own hands

Before starting work, prepare additional accessories. First of all, the support for holding the logs, the fixation of the round timber is ensured by cut out wedges. Next you need to prepare the logs to size:

  • when cutting a log house “in the paw”, the logs are prepared according to the design dimensions of the house;
  • when cutting “into a bowl” it is 60 cm more.

Next, using a scraper, the bark is removed from the trees; you can bring the log to a smooth state with a plane, but since upper layer wood will be removed, you need to treat the log with an antiseptic solution or tar oil.

On next stage The cutting of the covering crown is carried out using the cutting of the log. On the one hand you have to get it perfectly flat surface, which will be in contact with the foundation. Next, the harness is built, the log house is made into a bowl with your own hands without much difficulty, other technologies require skill.
Here's a video of how to make a log house with your own hands:

The algorithm for cutting a longitudinal groove may be different, professional craftsmen they do it by hand. For beginners, a small graphical instruction will help.

The felling of a log house can be carried out in a bowl, as well as using a number of other methods, which are illustrated in the figure.

Please note that there is Russian and Canadian technology cuttings The Canadian method of cutting log houses is better designed for log shrinkage and guarantees better thermal insulation.


Cutting a log house with your own hands is a very realistic goal, as a result of which you will become the owner of a beautiful and warm home. Construction wooden house will cost you relatively little, since labor-intensive processes will be performed independently. The house will delight you with its appearance, as well as create a healthy atmosphere inside due to the aroma of pine resins. The key advantage of this construction technology is the fact that cutting wooden house possible at any time of the year. If you use high-quality old wood, such a house will last at least 100 years.

A table made of logs is excellent both in design and practical solution for your summer cottage, if you want to put it in a gazebo.

Such garden furniture Made from logs with your own hands, it looks great in the bathhouse.

How to make a table from logs with your own hands will be discussed in our article.

What is a log table and how can it be used?

You've probably seen a wooden log house - a house in the classic Russian style.

From the same logs you can make a beautiful and comfortable table along with benches, at which your family or friends invited to visit can sit.

A table made of logs will look great in dacha gazebo, and in the courtyard of a log house.

Using a log table is very important and convenient in a bathhouse.

There, the table will fit well not only in design - it will fit perfectly in its functionality.

The table can be placed both on the site and directly inside the house.

It is quite easy to install, so if you plan to install the table inside the house, we recommend assembling it there, since finished design It weighs quite a lot, so it will be at least physically difficult to carry it.


Before you start working with a log, you need to make a drawing.

Think about what the table should look like. Write down your desired dimensions.

It will be nice if you can make a three-dimensional drawing.

This is necessary if you plan to grind logs.

A regular three-dimensional drawing of a table can be replaced, but then you will need to make three drawings: the length, height and width of the table.

How to prepare logs?

To make the table look beautiful, the logs need to be planed with a plane; You can then go over the wood with sandpaper to get rid of small sawdust and burrs.

If you want to sand your future table, start with coarse sandpaper, then go through fine sandpaper.

All logs must be cut according to the dimensions of your drawing.

Since longitudinal grooves in logs are made using special tools, we do not offer you this idea.

More affordable way- this is using a plane to create a flat surface at the joints of logs.

The surface should not be narrower than 4 cm.

To make the table comfortable, the logs must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees, making them shorter to the log that will be in the center.

Then get rid of the corners. A file will help you with this.

If you leave the corners, then when using the table you will hit your knees against them.

In order for the logs to hold well, you need to drill through holes in them through which the reinforcement will be passed.

There is no need to drill through the lowest log. It is enough to make a hole to the middle.

The thickness of the reinforcement may vary. The one left over from the construction of the house will do.

Please note that when placing logs on top of each other, the hole should match, but it must be drilled at an angle of 90 degrees.

The holes are made at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

How to assemble a table?

When the holes are drilled and that's it preparatory work finished, you can begin directly assembling the table from logs.

Let's start assembly. Look at the drawing.

Now the lower log is placed, the reinforcement is inserted into it, the logs are placed on top of each other.

For reliability, you can use glue. You stack the logs according to the drawing.

Is the reinforcement quite long and sticks out? Don't be alarmed, because that's how it was intended.

You need to saw the reinforcing rod near the hole closer to the log.

Then the rods need to be pulled out and cut 5 mm lower than the mark obtained as a result of the cut. Now the structure is disassembled.

Glue is poured into the bottom of the holes in the lower log.

All holes are also glued, after which you need to reassemble the structure and place the remaining logs on the reinforcing rod.

The result is that the reinforcement is securely glued to the logs, and does not dangle inside the holes.

Fill the top hole with glue until it is full.

How to secure the top of the table?

If you are looking quick way, and you won’t put anything heavy on the table, then you can take chipboard sheet, adjust it to the size of your table and glue it to the logs.

You can secure the sheet with nails or screws.

However, this method of creating a surface is only suitable if the dimensions of the table are meter by meter.

If the table is larger, then the chipboard sheet will require additional support so that it does not sag.

It can be made from beams. You don't have to process them.

Find even ones and nail them to the sides of the table.

The beams will not only support the chipboard sheet, but will also make the entire structure more rigid and prevent the logs from moving.

You can guess how many bars you will need. Their number increases depending on the size of the table.

The larger the table, the more beams you need for it. They can be secured with nails or self-tapping screws.

A sheet of chipboard is, of course, quick, but, you see, it’s not very aesthetically pleasing: nevertheless, a table made of beams will look better if it looks like some kind of monolith.

And then you can bet anything on it. If you want just such a table, then the second option for creating the upper half of the table is suitable for you.

The upper part can be made of beams. All that is required is to select beams of the same height, the thickness of which should not be less than 2 cm.

Such bars will simultaneously perform two functions: they can serve as a reliable support for the table and at the same time be top part that can withstand any load.

The beams are nailed to the logs so that there are no gaps between them.

Afterwards you can start working with the surface.

Clean it with a plane, then start sanding with sandpaper. You need to get a smooth surface, because this is your future table.

After the beams are secured, run a file along their edges. Sharp corners can cause splinters and are uncomfortable to use.

The table is almost ready.

If you have a drill with a special sanding attachment, you can use it, if not, sand with sandpaper until you get a smooth surface without rough edges or splinters.

Well, then all that remains is to varnish the table.

To do this, wipe the surface of debris and degrease it.

Any varnish intended for wood products will do.

It can be applied with a brush or roller, but it is most convenient to spray from a spray can.

One or two layers is enough. Let the varnish dry.

Your DIY log table is ready!

Video about wooden garden furniture

Building a sauna from a log with your own hands is not at all easy. If you do not have experience working with wood, then, most likely, the attempt will end in failure, but, as they say, it is not the gods who burn the pots...

As in any construction, you need to start by determining the location of the bathhouse. Traditionally, the entrance to the bathhouse is made from the south side (here the snowdrifts are usually lower), and the windows are cut through from the west - they usually take steam in the evening, and in this case the sun shines through the windows. You also need to take into account the proximity of the location groundwater and the possibility of drainage.

Next, you will need to decide on the size and type of your bath. For 2-3 people, a building of 4*4 or 4*6 meters will be enough. Having roughly drawn and marked the rooms (usually they include a locker room, a shower room and a steam room), and determined where the walls will be located, you get your project for a log bathhouse.

The next step is to choose the type of foundation. Most often it is either columnar, less often - . In each specific case, you choose depending on the region and soil type.

Materials for the construction of a log house

Next, you will need to decide on the type of wood from which the log house will be built. Most often, pine or spruce are used to build a bathhouse. Pine has a large amount of resin, which is why it is practically not subject to rotting, it rarely cracks during drying and is easy to process. In addition, in mature pines (100-year-old trees are suitable for construction), the branches are located only at the top, and at the bottom the trunk is smooth, without branches. Construction pine comes in two types: tar - with a high content of resins, and "dry chips" - with a reduced amount of resin. Dry wood chips are usually used to lay out the upper crowns or use them in roofing, while the lower crowns are best made from resinous logs.

Spruce is also suitable for construction, but working with it is much more difficult: the wood is knotty and difficult to process, so for self-construction It is not recommended to use it in a log house.

An excellent option is to use larch or oak to build a bathhouse, but such wood costs a lot of money, and if you lack experience, you can incur significant losses. If you can afford to build from these materials, then either hire a good carpenter or order a turnkey bathhouse.

From hardwood(except for oak) baths are built from aspen and linden. Aspen still grows today in significant quantities and perfectly resists the effects of high humidity, but with linden the situation is more complicated: it has become rare and costs a lot of money. If you decide to build with aspen, choose trees no older than 45 years. In older specimens, the core rots and cannot be used.

All these materials are suitable for construction log bathhouse, but the most common ones are still pine baths.

When planning a bathhouse, you will also need to decide whether you will build from sanded or rounded logs. Rounded logs are leveled on special machines and have the same diameter throughout.

This is, of course, convenient, but due to the removal of the top protective layer during processing, such material is more susceptible to rotting and damage by bugs. To extend their service life, all logs are impregnated with anti-Semitic solutions, but a bathhouse made from rounded logs is suitable for use for a maximum of 50 years. While a log house made from peeled pine can last a century or more. But sanded logs have an uneven diameter, and laying them is much more difficult: it is necessary to trim the log in the butt areas and alternate tops and butts when laying.

Types of log houses

There are two log cabins: in a bowl (in an oblo) or in a paw. The “into the bowl” method is easier to implement, but requires more materials - the logs protrude beyond the corner by at least 25 cm, which means an overrun of 50 cm on each wall. But the corners are warm and protected from the wind. We see this method in most old wooden houses. There are three types of “bowls”, but the easiest to make is a simple bowl. When using sanded logs, each connection is individual - the logs have different diameters, and this has to be taken into account each time.

How to make a "bowl"

Advice! It is advisable to make a cut in each log by a third of the thickness of the trunk. If a crack appears during the drying process, it will be located in this groove.

Before laying each log, it is adjusted by cutting out a round groove. The depth of the excavation depends on the climate - the lower winter temperatures in the region, the deeper the excavation. Please note: if the notch running along the entire log faces down, water does not get into it, and buildings built in this way last much longer.

Method of laying logs “in the paw” - dovetail connection

The “paw” method is more economical, but requires more skill. In addition, the corners turn out to be cold, requiring careful thermal insulation. Typically, such cutting involves subsequent covering with finishing material.

The video below shows how a joint is prepared for laying in the paw using a chainsaw.

Features of cutting a bathhouse from sanded logs

Traditionally the logs are laid with the north side facing out(there are already tree rings on the north side), since this part is better able to withstand temperature changes and other weather phenomena. The first crown is laid from the thickest logs - the lower part is more exposed to water and putrefactive microorganisms than others, so you need to choose high-quality large logs without the slightest defects with a high resin content (don't forget).

This is what a log house looks like, folded “in a paw”

The correct alignment of the first crown is very important (you need to carefully align it in height to ensure the horizontality of the entire building). The following logs are selected based on their diameter, and heat-insulating materials are laid between them. Previously, it was always moss or hemp, today their range is much wider: felt, flax tow, jute and others.

Jute is often used as inter-crown insulation, which seals seams well and is inexpensive

When laying the crowns, be sure to alternate the thick and thin sides of the logs so that the log house is as even as possible and avoids distortions. To increase strength, the crowns are fastened with pins every meter and a half. The upper crown is called the Mauerlat. It serves as a support for installing the roofing system.

This is what a log house “in a bowl” looks like

After the log house is ready, they begin to build it. Work begins with lower crown, walking around the building in a circle. Then they begin to seal the next crown. If you completely caulk the wall, the frame may warp. After the work is completed, the bathhouse will become a little higher, but after shrinkage it will return to almost its previous size.

The next stage is installation rafter system and styling roofing material. The bathhouse is left in this state until next year. During this time, the log house will finally settle, the logs will dry out and it will be possible to begin finishing work.

Sauna made of rounded logs

Rounded logs are standard, which is why it is convenient to use them for making log houses: they already have grooves in them and all the logs are numbered. All that remains is to follow the instructions and fold the bathhouse like a construction set. But in this case, you will have to choose from those bathhouse designs that are produced by a woodworking enterprise, and in the process of processing the logs lose protective layer, which leads to the need to impregnate it with protective compounds.


Bathhouses made from rounded logs look neater and more attractive, but in terms of service life they are twice as long as buildings made from sanded logs. In addition, a sauna made from sanded logs will cost less, but it is more difficult to build it with your own hands. The choice is yours.

    Using logs in the country or best crafts from a log with your own hands
    Cutting down trees and removing stumps can be a more enjoyable experience if you know exactly what to do next with the logs and roots. We already talked about rutarii earlier, but we’ll tell you about the use of logs in the country now. Believe me this information worthy of your attention.


    Old trees are a nuisance in the garden, occupy a certain area, do not bring the aroma of flowers and green foliage, do not provide shade, and therefore we do not hesitate to get rid of them. Most often, when we cut down a dry tree at the roots, we send it to the stove or grill for firewood. But you shouldn’t rush with this decision, because there is always material for ignition and fuel, but for decoration dacha area this one is quite expensive. We suggest that you use logs obtained from cutting down trees according to decorative purposes, because if the log is of more or less high quality and looks normal in appearance, there are plenty of ways to use it.

    You can make anything from a log, you only need free time, the ability and desire to work

    Today we have collected some information and thematic photographs, and put it all into an article that will tell you how to use logs in the country for certain benefits, for decoration, practicality, and even saving money.

    The use of logs in the country

    A log is essentially a tree trunk that you remove from your yard for whatever reason. You shouldn’t immediately pick up a chainsaw and work on the cut all day, spend a little time on the following: original ideas for a summer residence, and you won’t regret it.

    Flower bed made of logs

    We are used to building flower beds from stone, plaster, even car tires or plastic bottles, who thinks it is more acceptable and practical for a summer cottage. But today we want to add large logs from old trees to the arsenal of materials that are suitable for making flower beds.

    Use logs in your summer cottage to maximum benefit

    Let's say you cut down an old tree that has dried out a long time ago. It is its trunk that will perfectly serve as the main shape of a flower bed, which can be made in just a couple of hours. It is enough to use a chisel and a hammer, a chainsaw and your own imagination, and an original creation appears on the site, for which you did not pay a penny. All that remains is to choose color scheme plants, and even the varieties of flowers themselves that will be placed in such a flowerbed.

    How to make a flower bed from a log with your own hands?

    Simple country furniture made of logs

    In the photo below simple furniture from a log of wood, but it is not easy to make. As you can see, a fairly large log with a serious cross-sectional diameter is used for production. Firstly, it is difficult to find such a tree in the countryside, and secondly, if you decide to make country furniture do it yourself, then this will require a lot of free time and professional tools.

    The log is partially processed with an ax, then a chainsaw or electric saw, which creates the main form. Afterwards, careful and careful work with a chisel and grinding. Naturally, it will take a lot of effort, but as a result you have every chance of getting furniture that will easily last for decades.

    Country furniture made of logs - convenience, reliability and practicality for all occasions

    Outbuildings made of logs

    You can build anything from a log, and now we offer you an extraordinary decor country well. Naturally, for this you will need a special rounded log, and not made from old wood. But you can also use the material available at the dacha for similar decor. It seems to us that if you take the trunks and thick branches of trees in the bark, the picture will turn out to be much more natural and harmonious.

    Outbuildings and small architectural forms from a log in the country

    Country paths made from sawn logs

    We devoted enough time to the paths at the dacha, paid attention to similar masterpieces, but in this article we decided to remind about their existence, because country paths from the saw cut are very interesting.

    To construct such paths, it will be necessary to use high-quality logs, without defects and damage by insects, since strength and reliability are the main factors in choosing materials for flooring.

    Having arranged a high-quality sand path base, you can lay the saw cuts different diameters and shapes and decorate finished project stones and plants. Just don’t forget that paving with this material will require special protection, for example, even impregnation with drying oil or other wood preservatives.

    You can make wonderful ones out of logs garden paths, durable and safe

    Crafts made from logs for the playground

    In the recent past, we talked about crafts such as wooden horses for the dacha, which can become not only an object for children to play with, but also original decor for landscape. Today we present another version of a wooden horse, which, by the way, is made entirely of logs.

    You can choose the trunk of any tree for such a product, mark and cut it correctly, clear it of bark and install it on the site, creating the necessary shape. Afterwards, painting the sculpture in bright color and light decor.

    DIY crafts made from logs are also possible for organizing a children's playground.

    Stylish garden furniture

    Furniture for a garden can be very diverse, which is why we mention it so often. This is original and exclusive furniture for the garden, standard furniture made of rattan, plastic and metal. But it is the owner of the dacha who must choose, since we present only the most interesting options.

    Today you see one of these - a bench made of thick logs, which was made taking into account the style and wishes of the customer. Of course, doing something like this with your own hands is quite difficult, if only because you need to use a special tool, and the weight of each element of the bench is quite large. But if you decide on such a work and complete it on own plot, we can only applaud and envy!

    Using logs to create original and stylish furniture for a summer cottage

    Using logs on a children's playground

    Our children are constantly frolicking at the dacha and can’t find a place for themselves, which sometimes seriously disturbs adults. That is why you should prepare in advance a special area at your dacha for their games. This could be a sandbox, a grassy area for picnics, a tree house, or a special sports ground.

    We offer you a fairly inexpensive and quick option in terms of construction. You can make small ladders, swings and even labyrinths from logs. All that remains is to securely fasten each element and add some ropes, ropes, and other materials necessary in this complex.

    The use of high-quality logs for arranging a children's playground at the dacha

    Log dog house

    To build a booth you will need a high-quality processed log and boards for the roof. You can choose nails as fasteners; for covering the roof - wood and roofing felt, tiles, bituminous materials.

    We build a wooden doghouse with our own hands using a log

    Cars and trains made from logs

    What do boys need to be happy? Good toys that will allow you to lose yourself in your own fantasies. This will also help them to be distracted and not disturb adults while they are gardening or landscape design in the country.

    As an option, there is a proposal to build a car or train from old logs. Below we have a photo of such a product, and it clearly shows that you will only have to spend an hour or two on production, and a little money on paint and accessories.

    The simplest playground for children, made of logs and additional materials

    Cute, exciting, convenient and inexpensive - exactly what we always want to get!

    Log fence

    Fences and fences, serious forged and simple wicker ones - they are still protection or a simple restriction for entering the territory of the dacha... so why not use a log to build them.

    You can place an order for expensive material, install it in a few days, spend money not only on the elements, but also on installation and finishing. Or you can make a fence with your own hands. Of course, an ordinary log is not particularly suitable for construction, especially if we consider the facade of the dacha, but you can always make fences from logs in the farm yard, or decorate the lawn, garden and other areas with a similar product.

    How to build a high-quality and reliable log fence at the dacha

    Log support walls

    Supporting walls in a dacha are needed not only for organizing flower beds and vertical plantings, but also for visual transformation of the site, especially in the vicinity of the main buildings. Thanks to such structures, you can transform the entrance to the house, paths and even the overall picture of the exterior, thereby creating stylish design yard, garden, and some other areas.

    We learned how to build supporting walls a little earlier, how to perform supports, drainage and filling, but today we offer not only to use logs for the production of this landscape element, but also transform it a little with changes. We want to combine paths made from cut logs and supporting walls made from this material in a single style. This is not difficult to do, especially if you carefully study the topics individually. And you can see exactly what such a creation looks like now.

    Decorative supporting walls at the dacha using logs in construction

    Log bridges in the country

    Small decorative bridges through dry streams or artificial reservoirs - a common thing for lovers of landscape design in the country. We have already repeatedly paid attention to such small architectural forms and elements. But in view of our topic today, we suggest choosing logs from old trees to organize small bridges and even medium-sized bridges across the river at the dacha. There may not be enough trees to cut down at the dacha in the quantity required to create a bridge, but there is always a small forest or at least a forest belt nearby.

    A log bridge in a dacha area: for crossing a ravine, river, dry stream

    However, the bridge can be built from any other materials, and it is present in our topic only for the reason to point out to you another type of use of logs.

    If you decide to build a small or medium-sized bridge at your dacha, to cross a ravine or even an ordinary dry stream, try to make it as reliable and safe as possible, be patient and ensure the building is as stable and strong as possible.

    Wooden house made of logs

    Country houses made of wood not only fascinate, but become the long-term dreams of almost every one of us. A house made of logs or timber, a small country house made of logs, a gazebo or a bathhouse - all this is doable, but you should start small. Who knows, it’s quite likely that while gaining experience on simple country crafts that we so often present to you, you will become imbued with the matter and gain professional knowledge, which will help you build a wooden house in the future.

    The ultimate goal of every summer resident is stylish and reliable home, which can now be built from logs

    Decorative crafts from logs at the dacha (video)

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