Make a homemade swing with a canopy for the street. Do-it-yourself children's swing for a summer house: photos, diagrams, useful tips. Instructions for creating a metal model

Today there are a huge number of accessories designed for the garden. One of them is a garden swing, which will not only become an attractive element of landscape design, but also a very useful structure. Both children and adults love to swing on swings, because this activity calms you down, lifts your spirits and has a positive effect on human health.

Which swing is best for a summer house?

For the construction of swings, only 3 types of materials are used - wood, metal and plastic. Each person decides for himself which one to use when making a swing for his own garden. To do this, it is necessary to study the advantages and disadvantages of different models.

Main features of wooden swings:

  • practicality and versatility . Wood is a material from which you can build not only the usual single swings, but also cozy sofas with several seats;
  • ecological cleanliness . Wood is of natural origin, so the material is absolutely safe for human health;
  • harmonious combination with the landscape . A swing made of wood fits perfectly into any garden design. This advantage distinguishes the structures from their metal counterparts, which require appropriate design of the entire site;
  • safety . Wood is considered quite soft material, which significantly reduces the number of injuries received. This is especially important if children will swing on the swing;
  • ease of installation . Absolutely anyone who is at least a little familiar with construction work can make a wooden swing with their own hands;
  • efficiency . The monetary costs will not be large, since the material itself is inexpensive.

Characteristics of metal swings:

  • durability - This is perhaps the main advantage of such products. Metal is an eternal material that will not rot or break;
  • reliability such a swing is undeniable. The material is characterized by hardness and stability;
  • practicality . Metal is not afraid of exposure to negative factors environment, he is not afraid of rain, snowstorms, or ultraviolet radiation;
  • low cash costs . Compared to wood High Quality, then the metal will cost less;
  • variety of models . Swings made of metal can be dismountable, welded or forged. Every consumer can always choose suitable option specifically for your site;
  • metal swing are able to decorate with their own original look any plot or garden , however, the designs require appropriate stylistic design, otherwise they will not look very harmonious;
  • garden swing made of metal you can do it yourself , but this will require appropriate skills and abilities.

Metal swings have many positive characteristics, however, they also have some disadvantages. For example, the dense structure and hardness of the material is good, but only on the one hand, on the other hand, the possibility of receiving various blows and injuries increases significantly. To prevent the metal from rusting, it is necessary to periodically coat it with a layer of special paint. In addition, many people believe that metal swings are inferior to wooden swings in terms of aesthetic features.

Pros and cons of plastic swings

As for plastic swings, experts find more disadvantages than advantages in them. Such children's swings for the dacha are characterized by their low cost and variety. color range. Among the disadvantages are:

  • plastic structures do all the design decoration garden plot cheaper;
  • Such swings are suitable only for children, but teenagers and adults will not be able to use them;
  • harmful fumes are perhaps the most significant disadvantage of the material. In hot weather, plastic heats up and releases toxic substances into the air that can harm negative impact on children's health. For this reason it is better from plastic structures refuse altogether.

Types of garden swing designs

In addition to classification by material, garden swings can be divided according to the method of fastening the moving part of the product:

  1. horizontal swing - such models are probably familiar to every person since childhood. The structures are long crossbars that have a fulcrum in the middle. In order to swing on such a swing, you need two kids with approximately the same weight;
  1. swing with vertical suspension intended for individual use. Among such structures there are many various types: from simple bungees to solid original sofas and benches.

Swings also differ in location, and they can be placed either as part of an entire play complex for children, or stand or hang separately.

Showing your imagination, you can combine these two features in any way you like, resulting in amazing designs. For example, sofas suspended on chains, as well as circular swings resembling gazebos, are especially popular today.

No less important is the classification by size:

  • product for the whole family . As a rule, they look like a bench with a comfortable high back. Several people can swing on such a swing at the same time;
  • children's products with mandatory fastening belt. Such swings can be different: include a seat and suspension or have seats in the form of armchairs, etc.;
  • portable models Convenient and mobile, they can be positioned wherever needed.

How to make a wooden swing with your own hands?

If desired, you can make a wooden swing with your own hands. It is necessary to decide in advance on the material, design and purpose. In order to decide what appearance the product will have, you can look at photos of wooden swings on the Internet.

To work you will need:

  • wooden beams 100x100 or 50x100 mm. It doesn’t matter if the structure turns out to be massive, but you won’t have to doubt its strength;
  • boards needed to construct the seat. The footage of the wooden parts is calculated in accordance with the drawing of the wooden swing;
  • chain or strong ropes and carabiner;
  • concrete mortar;
  • nails and screws;
  • metal corners.

The tools you will need are a hacksaw, a hammer, a drill, a tape measure and a screwdriver. After everything is prepared, you can begin the main process of work, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Making a load-bearing support

Initially, a lower frame is constructed on which vertical bars are fixed. The dimensions of the bars are set in accordance with the dimensions of the seat future design. All these measurements are recorded in the drawing of a wooden swing. The most optimal dimensions will be: depth - 60 cm and length - 180 cm. The frame must be slightly wider than the seat, about 50 cm. This condition is necessary for better stability and reliability of the entire structure.

After all the materials have been measured and prepared, you can begin to fasten the beams with metal corners. When making and installing a garden swing from wood with your own hands, you must also take into account the type of surface on which the structure will stand. If the swing is mounted on open ground without asphalt and concrete, then the beams from which the lower frame is made must be covered with bitumen. This composition will reliably protect the wood from rotting.

At the top points, the side supports in the shape of isosceles triangles are connected by a crossbar from which the seat is suspended. We lay out the lower part of the support, the swing platform, with boards. The side supports are installed at an angle to each other in pre-prepared holes. The supports are filled with concrete mortar. The transverse beams are mounted. The ends of the beams are treated with resin or bitumen varnish. The crossbars are fixed with metal corners on self-tapping screws. Between the side “L”-shaped posts, a crossbar is installed and attached to them with large nails through clamps Support structure ready

After the frame is ready, vertical bars are mounted on it, which will play a role support pillars. Installation is carried out using self-tapping screws and metal corners. The end result will be a pair of triangles; a horizontal crossbar should be secured to their tops.

  1. Seat manufacturing

First you need to assemble a frame from bars. In total, you will need two such frames: one for the seat, the second for the back. Plywood or slats are attached to these frames - it all depends on which option suits you best. The seat is also connected to the back by corners.

Experts recommend leaving an angle of 120 degrees between the seat and backrest - this is the angle that will be optimal and most comfortable for sitting. Another element for additional comfort will be armrests, but they are not required.

Seat design diagram Seat mounting options for swing Wooden seat

  1. Fastening

Hooks or staples are attached to the top crossbar. A chain or cable is passed through the holes in them. Their length is calculated so that a person sitting on a swing can reach the ground with his toes.

After this, the seat is attached. If desired, the design can be supplemented with an awning. To do this, you should build a frame from beams, and then stretch any waterproof fabric over it.

All joints are fixed with metal corners. Powerful screws are screwed into the crossbar for attaching chains. last resort a seat is attached to the crossbar Ready-made swing for a summer cottage

A wooden seat will be hard, so it is recommended to place a couple of cushions on it for comfort. For long-term use of such accessories, it is better to make covers that can be updated or removed at any time for cleaning.

If you were wondering how to make a reliable wooden swing with your own hands, then you already know the answer.

Video instruction

How to make a swing from metal?

Garden swing You can make it from metal yourself, without the help of specialists. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • 9 metal pipes with the same diameter;
  • 8 corners;
  • two metal arcs with a diameter of 16 mm and a length of 25 cm;
  • 2 wooden elements;
  • a couple of pieces of furniture foam rubber and 2 zippers;
  • cable.

The tools you will need are a welding machine, as well as metal paint.

DIY metal swing - diagram Metal swing diagram Hook fastening diagram

Stages of making a swing:

  1. Preparatory work. This stage is very important, since it is at this moment that all calculations are carried out, and then a drawing of a metal swing is created.
  2. Making a support. Based on the calculations carried out, a drawing is created that will help you make a garden swing from metal with your own hands. The pipes are prepared for welding: the rust is removed from them, the required length, and a chamfer is removed from both sides at the joints at an angle of 45 degrees.

Based on the intended diagram of the swing, it is necessary to weld the pipes. When the support is ready, arches are attached to the upper part, on which the swing will then be mounted. The structure is coated with special metal paint.

The pillars are mounted into the ground. There are 2 bearings on the crossbar. Grooves into which the crossbar fits.

We must not forget that the practicality and aesthetic appearance future product. For this reason, you should not start work if you are not confident in your abilities; entrust this task to specialists.

  1. Creating a seat. Segments metal corner welded according to the previously planned garden swing pattern. Seat inserts are cut from wooden canvas, and then they are inserted into ready-made metal rectangles. For sitting you can sew soft mattresses, which will become a comfortable addition to the entire structure.

Seat parameters Back parameters Required places for welding metal parts Finished seat design

  1. Installation of swings on supports. For reliability, you should use either special fasteners or a strong rope. It is important to fasten the rope well so that it stays in one place; this is done using fasteners.

Mounting the seat on a pre-prepared support Fastening on a chain It is important to pay attention to the strength of the fastenings - bolts and chains It is possible to fasten the seat to the main structure using a carabiner Fastening the seat to the support

  1. Installation of the structure. It is best if the swing is under a canopy or in a shaded place. Metal structure will be stationary, since its weight does not allow the swing to be moved.

Features of making children's swings in the country

When building a structure intended for children, some important nuances should be taken into account:

  • the swing should be as strong and stable as possible;
  • It is mandatory for children to have seat belts and special guards on swings;
  • when making a swing, you should take into account the height and weight of the child;
  • it is very important that the baby has the opportunity to reach his toes to the ground and stand up independently;
  • all materials used to create the structure must be environmentally friendly, safe and hygienic.

All these conditions must be taken into account when building a children's swing for the dacha with your own hands, because only in this case can you be completely confident in the safety of your child.

How to make a swing from tires?

The swing can be made of wood or metal, however, if you want to simplify the task using available materials, then ordinary tires are quite suitable. You can attach such a product to a tree branch or place it near any body of water.

The advantages of such a design include ease of manufacture, cost-effectiveness, as well as new sensations that every person who uses such an invention will feel. In addition, to make a garden swing from tires with your own hands, you do not need any drawings or diagrams.

Stages of making a swing:

  1. First you need to install two pillars, which can be wooden or metal. It is very important that the posts are strong enough to withstand all expected loads.
  2. IN top part A crossbar is mounted on the beams, and bolts with rings are cut into it, into which a rope or chain is threaded.
  3. At the bottom, the rope will be attached directly to the tire itself.

Take old tire without causing serious damage Wash the tire thoroughly inside and out with a cleaning solution Purchase three medium-diameter U-bolts Drill six holes (two equally spaced) for the chosen fasteners Bolt holes Check in advance that the bolt holes are drilled correctly Paint the tire spray paint of the desired shade and let it dry thoroughly Now place the bolts in the holes And secure with washers on the inside You will end up with this design For the top of the swing you will need a strong chain with fasteners To create reliable design you will need four U-shaped fasteners. To each of the bolts in the tire you need to attach a fastener with a chain. On the other side, connect the chains using one fastener. Secure the two ends of a small chain intended for attaching a carabiner there. You can hang the swing in any place convenient for you!

When creating a swing from a tire, it is necessary to take into account the mass of each element, since in the case of using wooden poles their tensile strength is important. In general, this design is more suitable for adults or older children, but not for toddlers. For greater reliability, it is recommended to use a metal chain rather than a rope as fastenings.

Now you know how to make a garden swing with your own hands, all that remains is to choose the most suitable design, materials, and you can get to work.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

How nice it is to sit on a bench after a long day at work. And it’s even more pleasant to relax on a garden swing, which will give you gentle rocking and soothing coolness. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy such a design. After all, the cost of such swings is high, often exorbitant. Therefore, let's talk about how to build gardens to enjoy a pleasant stay in the fresh air.

Beautiful garden swing in the country

The undeniable advantages of garden swings. Varieties

At the dacha or in the yard country house garden swings are an indispensable attribute of landscape design. In addition to being a great place to relax, they serve many functions:

  1. resting on them, you will easily gather your strength;
  2. calm the nervous system;
  3. beautiful design helps transform the entire yard;
  4. a convenient place to work on a laptop or read books;
  5. You can nap on them during the day (especially for children);
  6. suitable for pleasant tea drinking and conversations with a glass of wine;
  7. Children are helped to train and develop the vestibular apparatus.

As you can see, the advantages are really huge. Therefore, it is logical that their popularity is so high among the population. The design, in fact, is not very complicated, so even a beginner in construction can build such a swing at home.

Another advantage of building your own is that it will fully comply with your wishes. You can decorate or decorate it yourself, choose a special shape and size. The main thing is to follow the instructions during construction, then everything will definitely work out.

Before you start making a garden swing, you need to consider what they are. For example, for purpose:

  • for children;
  • for adults;
  • for the whole family.

Depending on the location there are:

  • stationary swing;
  • mobile swing. They are convenient because you don’t need to be tied to a specific place. You can easily and quickly move it to another area.

If we talk about the main materials used, the swings are:

  • made of wood;
  • made of metal.

The design can also be very different.


This option is simple. All that is needed to create such a swing is a crossbar, a high-strength rope and a seat (it is better to choose one with a backrest).

Hanging garden swing


Often used for children. They are strong and stable and easy to move. So at any time you can move the swing to the shade or another place you like.

Frame garden swing

Crafting on a tree requires crafting a seat. Everything else is as simple as shelling pears. After all, in this case there is no need to make a frame. After constructing the structure, it must be secured to a tree (make sure that the branch you use is strong) or a beam. For fastening, a cross-stranded rope with a diameter of at least 24 mm is suitable (especially for swings on which children will ride).

You can replace the rope with a chain suspension. This will make the entire structure much stronger. To prevent the chain links from harming children (fingers can get caught in the links), you need to place it in a suitable size plastic pipe. As an option, you can take a chain canopy with a small caliber. It is worth noting that to install a frame garden swing, you should choose the right place on the site, avoiding trees and various types of fences.

Choosing the right support

The swing support is not just a structural element, but its main component. The safety of being on the swing and the permissible amount of swinging will depend on its strength. Most often, the material used to make the support is wooden beams, metal pipes and corners. For a summer house, a support in the shape of the letter A is often sufficient. For this, a frame is built from two supporting elements. They are connected to each other by a transverse beam, which is installed horizontally. Its placement occurs at the level of one third of the column above ground level.

The crossbar itself, on which the seat is then hung, must be mounted to the racks, which are located vertically. Use bolts for fastening.

Important: metal swings must be fixed in the soil. Because in the process of swinging, the “leg” of the pipes becomes loose and turns out of the ground. To prevent this, support frames are created. As an alternative, concreting can be done in the trench.

But to secure the wooden structure more firmly, you need to bury the “legs” of the garden swing to a considerable depth (at least one meter). You can also fill it with concrete mortar. But before concreting it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Apply to the support bitumen mastic so that the “legs” are well soaked. This will protect the wood from rotting processes. Bricks are laid at the bottom of the pit.

Video: DIY metal garden swing

DIY construction of a metal garden swing

Metal is a durable material and is heavy enough to ensure that the entire structure of the garden swing is strong and stable. This choice is ideal for building a swing that teenagers and adults will ride on. Also metal base will be more wear-resistant to heavy loads.

Metal garden swing

Be sure to use a drawing to ensure the entire installation is completed correctly. Therefore, below are step-by-step instructions so that you can build a garden swing with your own hands from metal (drawings and dimensions, photos will be provided below) in your dacha. Of course, options are selected individually. And in the photo we show only one of the possible ones.

Drawing of a garden swing made of metal

The construction of this installation begins with the preparation of materials:

  1. cut the pipes according to the required dimensions;
  2. burrs and sharp protrusions should be removed using sandpaper.
  1. Form the base. For this supporting elements need to be fastened at an angle of 45 degrees. Then install the crossbar. It should be strictly perpendicular to the racks themselves. At this stage, you should use a welding machine to connect all the elements as firmly as possible.
  2. It is necessary to make recesses to secure the support. Pour sand into the bottom and compact it well. Then install the support and pour over it concrete mortar. The entire structure is left for at least a week so that the solution dries well and sets.
  3. Once the filling has dried, you can begin attaching the seat. Before installing it, you need to use welding machine weld special hooks. The seat itself is hung on ropes (high strength) or on metal beams.
  4. The final stage is painting all the elements of the garden swing. This measure is necessary not only to give the design an attractive appearance. By painting it, you will protect your creation from rust and corrosion. Various decorations are also possible to suit your taste and imagination.

Ready-made garden swing made of metal

If you feel that this option is not within your power, then you can stop at a simpler copy of it. In this case, you need to stock up on a regular metal profile (diameter 50 mm).

Drawing of a simple model of a metal swing

Attach special metal brackets to the drain (transversely). To do this, use bearings and a welding machine.
Install the seat on the hangers and attach it to the structure itself. Most often you can find metal rods or chains as suspensions.

A simple version of a metal swing

The creation of exclusive models looks original and attracts the attention of others. These can be forged products or swings made from channels, or rather from their trimmings. Self-made swing benches look interesting.

Wrought iron garden swing

Wooden swing

They are especially popular. After all, wood is always popular as a building material. Building a garden swing with your own hands from wood is as easy as from metal. Drawings and dimensions, photos from the Internet will help you. You just need to use suitable projects, then you will get perfect result, and the photo of the homemade product is proof of this.

DIY wooden garden swing

Such designs have their advantages:

  1. naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  2. presentable and original appearance;
  3. strength (in case of impregnation with specialized solutions and substances).

Drawing of a garden swing made of wood

The most suitable tree species are birch, spruce or pine. For construction you will need:

  • wooden pole – 2 pcs.;
  • crossbar;
  • rope - about six meters;
  • hooks or suitable hangers;
  • elements for fastening the structure ( perfect option use of bolts).

If you have a wooden beam, then an excellent option would be to build a swing on four posts. But this design requires some attention and effort.

  1. First you need to make a support. Two parts of the beams need to be assembled in the shape of the letter A, as shown in the photo.
  2. After this, you need to secure the crossbar.
  3. In order for the installation to be as strong and reliable as possible, you need to use short bars.
  4. From the same beams you need either a seat. And don't forget about the backrest for maximum comfort.

Beautiful garden swing

Construction of a children's garden swing

The process of building a swing for children is similar to the construction of an adult version. Need detailed diagram structures, drawing dimensions and locations of elements for fastening. When using drawings for adults, be sure to optimize it for children.

  1. It is necessary to make racks. They must be the same size.
  2. The racks are installed at a distance that directly depends on the width of the future seat.
  3. Both supports should be connected with a crossbar.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the reliability of connections. To do this, you need to measure as accurately as possible the angle at which the elements of the racks, which are located vertically, will connect.
  5. You also need to ensure that the crossbar itself is equally distant from the ground level.
  6. Before installation, you need to dig a trench. A special cushion of crushed stone is created in it. Supports are also installed there. After installation, everything is filled with concrete.
  7. The entire structure is polished; the corners also need to be rounded. This is necessary in order to make the swing safe for children.

Children's swing

Your dacha will sparkle with new colors when such a swing made by on our own. It is not only useful, but also incredibly beautiful.

Fastening system

There are various mounting systems for garden swings, namely:

  • carbine - made from the following types: with a rectangular cross-section (designed for beams) and with round(for bars);
  • anchor - type of fastening passes through;
  • staples and hooks - intended for children's models;
  • clamps - needed for fixation in case of hanging the swing on cables.

Therefore, carefully study the features of each system. After all right choice fasteners allows you to make the swing not only durable, but also reliable.

Rope swing

The most classic models are swings made of rope and logs. This option is considered the easiest to manufacture. To implement such an idea, you will only need to make four holes. Use a wide log as a base. You need to thread a rope into the holes made.

Rope garden swing

Using the same ropes, you need to put on the seat board. But you need to be careful. This option is not entirely sustainable. To prevent the seat from flipping over, make four holes on the side and thread ropes through them.

The ends of the rope must be tightened well and tied with strong knots. And the swing is ready to use.

Today, DIY garden swings make a chic and unforgettable impression. You just need a little patience and attention. What kind of swing will it be? Metal frame or wood mobile? It's up to you to decide, but the swing should definitely be fun. And see all the most interesting things about building a garden swing yourself in the video that you will find below.

Video: wooden swing

Swinging on a swing is a favorite pastime not only for children, but also for many adults. They relax, calm and calm the nerves. full order. Currently, it is not difficult to purchase a ready-made design in a store. But it’s much more pleasant to make a swing with your own hands. The material can be wood or metal. Of course, you will need drawings. Use ready-made ones or create your own. Step-by-step instruction with photos and videos will tell you how to properly make a garden swing with your own hands at the dacha with little cost of money and labor.

Wooden or metal swing: which one to choose?

The choice of materials for making garden swings is not so diverse and is limited to plastic, metal and wood. The last two options are more popular. Therefore, let's consider positive sides designs from them.

The main advantage of garden metal swings is their strength and long-term operation. It is worth noting that metal structures can be forged, welded or collapsible. Each of the options will fit perfectly into general style summer cottage plot.

Advantages of wooden structures:

  1. Ease of manufacture.
  2. Economical in terms of material costs.
  3. Large number of design options.
  4. Harmony.
  5. Safety.
  6. Naturalness.

The last two points are most relevant to those who have small children. Environmental friendliness and non-invasiveness are the main criteria that parents should pay attention to.


All swings can be divided into several groups according to the principle of purpose:

  • family type;
  • children's;
  • covered for gazebos and terraces.

Baby swing

The requirements for children's swings are always higher. So, they come with or without a frame. Those designs that have only a seat and suspension are called frameless. They are quite easy to install and remove. The main disadvantage of swings is the increased degree of injury and low level facilities. Frame swings are much more comfortable.

Attention! One of the important conditions for installing a swing for children is reliable fixation of the support.

Family swing

Such a swing looks like a bench suspended from a frame. The frames are A- or U-shaped, and the side pillars are dug into the ground at least 0.5 m, filled with cement mortar. Such structures are very stable and have good strength. They can accommodate several people at once. That's why they got that name.

Swing for the terrace

The main difference between swings and others is that they have some advantages. They can be disassembled and reassembled.

Drawings: how to read them correctly?

What is the drawing for? As with any design, this is an initial project in which everything is calculated down to the smallest detail. To correctly draw up a drawing, you will need to calculate all the parameters of the swing and the amount of material required. So, to make a family-type garden swing for a summer cottage, you will have to proceed from the following parameters:

  • bench width for one person (from 0.4 to 0.6 m);
  • seat height (0.5 m);
  • distance from the seat to the crossbar (calculation is made individually);
  • For suspended structures the distance from the edge to the support post is determined as follows: 0.15–0.2 m when suspended on a chain of type 2–4 and 404;
  • 0.25–0.3 m for other chain types of suspension;
  • 0.35–0.4 m for ropes.

Attention! With strong swinging vibrations, the seat may move in different sides and hit the supports. This is traumatic and very dangerous. Therefore, take this point into account when drawing up the drawing.

Making a garden swing: step-by-step instructions

Making a garden swing yourself - interesting and not so interesting difficult process, as it may seem. We present to your attention step by step instructions with a photo of making a wooden swing with an A-frame.

Choosing a location is the first and very important step. You cannot install a swing in a place you just like. You should choose a surface with a perfectly smooth topography. This will simplify the installation process. In addition, it is better to choose a place for installation away from prying eyes. Then it will bring peace and satisfaction.

Advice. There should be no obstructions in front or behind the swing. Such as trees, a fence or the wall of a house.

Selection of equipment and purchase of materials

For a wooden structure you will need timber good quality, without cracks and knots. Oak, birch, spruce or cedar are quite suitable. For frame base you will need:

  • cedar beam (10*10 cm) - 4 units. 3 linear meters each (for side supports);
  • cedar beam (8*8 cm) - 1 unit. 2.5 linear meters (for making the crossbar);
  • edged board (3*10*60 cm) - 1 unit. (for side screed).

For the bench you will also need:

  • cedar timber (4.5*5.6 cm) - 12 linear meters;
  • board for cladding (2.6*4.6 cm) - 18 linear meters;
  • pillows - for decoration (if desired, you can make them yourself);
  • suspension and fastening (chain, metal corners, hangers, bolts for furniture, various-sized screws).

Concerning construction tools, then to make a garden swing, keep in your inventory the following necessary items:

  1. Bulgarian.
  2. Plane.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Level.
  5. Electric drill.

Well, the preparatory work is completed, it’s time to start making a home-type swing.

Creating side posts

Advice. The base of the side pillars should be no less than 0.5 m wider than the seat.

  • First you need to make a calculation top corner racks.
  • Then you need to draw out the dimensions and work with a jigsaw.
  • The next step is connecting the structural parts.
  • It is necessary to connect the upper parts of the beams, securing them with furniture bolts.
  • Next, you should start working on the side ties. Externally, the racks should resemble the letter A. Therefore, you will need to mark the beams from the height of the soil.
  • Then the screeds are marked. The parts are cut out and fixed using self-tapping screws and corners.
  • Finally, 2 trapezoids of the same size, 0.1 m high, are cut out. They need to be attached to inside beams using corners.

Seat installation

To make a comfortable seat, you will need to make two frames with dimensions of 20 * 5 cm. And one more (back) - 20 * 6.5 cm.

  • Their inner circuit fixed with stiffeners.
  • Then you need to connect the backrest and seat using corners and screws.
  • Cover the seat with a special board.

Attention! Armrests can be installed if desired.

  • After this, attach the suspension to the seat using eye bolts.

Installation of a swing

Almost all the work has been completed and there is very little time left before your site will be decorated with an eco-friendly and comfortable wooden swing.

  • Install the supporting support onto the posts using self-tapping screws.
  • Dig holes for the support posts.
  • Pour crushed stone into the holes, install stands and fill everything with concrete.
  • Adjust the inclination of the side posts using a level.

Attention! The angle of inclination of the side posts should be only 90 degrees. Pay attention to the depth. The supports should be dug to the same length.

  • Secure the posts with rope ties. They should remain in this state until the concrete hardens completely.
  • Before installing the garden swing wooden structure needs to be varnished.

Final stage

  • Check the fixation of the cross beam.
  • Drill holes in the beam to attach the eye bolts.
  • Install the seat.
  • The swing is ready. Enjoy the fruits of your own labors!

Garden swings are a great option for relaxation in the country. It’s especially nice when they are made by hand. Making them will take a little time, but you can enjoy the result every day!

Garden swing design: video

Garden swing: photo

Remember the lyrics to the song “Winged Swing”? Now country swing A wide variety of colors and sizes can be purchased from BestMebelik at very competitive prices.

In the young month of April,
The snow is melting in the old park,
And a funny swing
They begin their run.

In this catalog you can select and buy a garden swing that suits you, and then, sitting comfortably in such a swing for your dacha and garden and singing your favorite song, forget about everything in the world and enjoy your dacha area. The range of this type of furniture is represented by models made from artificial rattan on metal frame, as well as from mahogany and solid pine. Swings for dachas are in increasing demand. Both children and adults like them. By the way, on the swings, vacationers not only sing and swing, singing songs. How nice it is to eat a hearty meal on a warm summer day and lie down for a nap on your country swing! Here you can hear the singing of birds, your neighbor drinking, and a pleasant breeze from the swaying. Soft pillows will make your vacation even more comfortable, and the awning will protect you from the hot sun and light rain. And also, the swing is extra seats for guests and neighbors in the country.

A holiday without a garden swing is not a holiday

Garden swings are an integral attribute of any modern summer cottage and a favorite type of family recreation. After all, what could be better than family time in your country house on the street, under open air, enjoying the singing of birds, the rustling of trees and communication with nature? That’s why we offer our customers such a variety of different models so that everyone can find their dream in our online store. All models are made on a durable metal frame and therefore are so durable. In terms of capacity, you will find here both single, double and triple rooms. Seats and backrests are usually made in the form of a soft element from practical and durable fabric, but there are models made from natural solid wood. In this case wooden element necessarily covered by special means and varnish to protect against fungus, wood-boring insects and moisture.

A roof made of a waterproof and sun-resistant awning will provide complete comfort in any weather. This item can be installed both outside and inside the gazebo, which will extend their service life and make your stay as comfortable as possible. And although all products are perfect for outdoor use, for the winter they must be stored in a dry, ventilated room, after having been cleaned and dried. Buying a garden swing in our online store means making a choice of decent quality at a low price. A wide range will definitely allow you to find your ideal model, which will be appreciated by your friends and family members, young and old.

Garden swings are great fun, leisure and casual play. There is always a lot of joy and children's laughter around them. By placing them on the site, you will get another place for a pleasant pastime. This is especially true for young parents. Following simple safety and design rules, make a children's swing with your own hands.

Children's outdoor play has an indispensable attribute - a garden swing. With some effort and creative ingenuity, adults can create a fairy-tale element from them magic garden. After all, childhood is a time of miracles and fantastic discoveries! It is not at all necessary to buy large play complexes or entertainment areas. You can quickly do it yourself simple design, and as a result, the child enjoys the rocking, and you enjoy the sonorous laughter of children!

Most DIY outdoor frames are made for just one child. Let's highlight the types according to the main parameters:

Body position

A do-it-yourself wooden structure, for example, can provide two positions - sitting or standing. The first option is suitable for children up to school age and, as a rule, it is additionally equipped with a backrest and a fastening between the legs at the front. Otherwise, the risk for the child to fall out increases.

Children's metal swings that you can stand on are more designed for teenagers. In this case, side fastenings are not needed. The child stands with his feet on the board and holds on to the rope ropes with his hands. In addition, wooden children's hand holders must be attached across them.

Mounting method

There are two ways to make a swing for a baby - hanging and frame. The simplest one is to hang the finished board from the top support point. It can be located either without a canopy or under it.

Homemade frames require you to first build a seat, which is then suspended on pre-installed supports. This process is more labor-intensive and time-consuming, but these garden swings are reliable and durable. And the photos confirm this.

Preparation process


For a child of any age, safety is the main criterion. Make sure there are no solids nearby vertical supports or buildings that can be hit. Children's hanging swings require a covering of sand or soft grass at the bottom. As a last resort - from wood, if this is the floor of the veranda. Place them so that your child is in full view.

When choosing a material, consider its lightness and safety. After all, children's wooden swings, like any other, are used intensively, so there is always a risk of injury. To lower it, install the back, side and front fastenings. They are a must if you plan to ride small children under 7 years old.

For fastening, choose ropes; they will not heat up and you cannot stick your fingers in them. Regularly check the integrity of all parts, including those made from wood yourself. Lubricate children's metal swings.

A quiet place that calms you down after hard work, relieves stress and lifts your spirits - aesthetically...

Planning (installation location and drawing)

What is more important to you - a plot or a garden swing? If it’s a garden, then choose a free area, away from buildings and flower beds. It can be fenced off from the rest of the site with a low fence or border. In this case, a suitable space may well be in the depths of the garden, out of sight. Outdoor swings for children in such a place will be unsafe.

DIY baby swing from different materials may require slight restructuring. It may be necessary to empty the veranda by removing everything unnecessary, heavy and fragile from it. Or cut down an old tree that threatens to fall with rotten branches during the next heavy rainfall.

It is advisable to make the area next to the house with a canopy or under a tree with a wide crown. When children are frolicking in the yard in the summer, make sure to provide shelter over their heads from the scorching rays of the sun. It’s good if it’s a veranda or pergola, for more details about the manufacture of which, see. Children's swings for the dacha are installed taking into account the swing radius, so there should be free space nearby.

To understand how to make a children's swing at the dacha with your own hands, first sketch the design on paper. Select the required form. Below you can see typical drawings and options that describe in detail the process of creating a swing for children and teenagers.


Garden swings and accessories for them depend on the material.

As standard you will need:

  • Roulette and ruler.
  • Pencil or chalk for marks.
  • Nails, self-tapping screws, nuts, galvanized bolts, screws.
  • Garden auger, shovel.
  • Cement, sand, crushed stone.
  • Primer and paint.

Wooden children's structures will also require:

  • Saw, jigsaws.
  • Metal corners for fastening.
  • Chain or rope for hanging the seat.
  • Hammer, drill.
  • Glazing antiseptic.

When creating a swing with your own hands from metal, you need to have the following:

  • Hacksaw for metal.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Welding machine.
  • Chains, carbines.
  • Pipes, angles and strips of the required size.

For tires, you can limit yourself to fastenings and chains or use a strong rope. It is suspended from the upper support.

DIY hanging swings made of plastic can be made from similar materials. Most often they are suspended by ropes or ropes.

If the main material is fabric from which a seat for a children's swing is made, then you will also need small wooden beams.

What material to choose and how to make it


It is warm, durable and can withstand frequent use. At the same time, it is light, swings well and does not hit the child too much when falling. Sanded wooden seat, you can paint a garden swing in almost any color.

Solid wooden swings that match the overall style of the landscape summer cottage is a joy for children and for...

A children's swing made of wood with your own hands will be just the place where you can show maximum imagination, taking into account the preferences of the child himself. For example, build a standard structure for children on your own in the form of the letter “G” using curved wooden sticks, beams, vines, giving the shape of a revived fairy-tale person.

Or use a jigsaw to make from finished log the character you need. Wooden child seats can be a simple plank attached to ropes. But the child will remember them forever, and he will enjoy spending time here. Especially if you combine such a design with a slide.

Experiment with your own wooden seat. In addition to simple rectangular board with or without a backrest, you can build seat in the form of a circle, airplane, flower, horse. A regular chair without legs will also work.


For swings, this material is used less often, because it requires long processing and expended resources. A finished design, although it is more durable and static, it is heavy in weight and dangerous. It is not recommended for children to install metal swings on their own, but they are suitable for older children.

It is good if the children's metal swing is covered with soft material, a pillow or rope. This will not only soften the blow, but also prevent the hard parts from heating up excessively in the sun. To do this, you can install a canopy made of durable fabric or polycarbonate.


Just like tires, used tires provide adults with a rich field to work with their hands for their beloved child. This material is easy to process, and working with it will take you a minimum of time. Tires are cut with a hacksaw or a special knife to obtain different shapes. By securing them with bolts and hanging them on hooks, we get an economical option for the street with our own hands.

Consider the weight of the child, because such material may deteriorate faster. Children's swings made from tires are well suited for children of primary and secondary school age. And here small child it will be unsafe on them, especially in structures without a back and additional fastenings. In addition, in the summer the rubber heats up and can rub delicate skin and contribute to the occurrence of diaper rash.

– a very budget-friendly way to entertain children and teenagers. They can be easily moved from one place to another and stored in a utility room for the winter.

Plastic, skateboard board

The finished plastic seat in the form of a chair or a rectangular board is secured with chains or a cable. The likelihood of injury from a collision with plastic is minimal. Such children's swings for the dacha require constant attention, because with temperature changes or the weight of the child, the material can crack.

How to make a swing yourself from a skateboard? Remove the wheels from it and attach the ropes. People swing on it while standing, holding with their hands the wooden crossbars, which also serve as additional support.

Fabric, twine

Durable fabric or tarpaulin is a godsend for those who like to do everything with their own hands. Fastenings, usually wooden, are attached to the sewn pieces of fabric. Such children's hanging swings are made in the form of a hammock, a cocoon with holes, a chair or a cone.

Children's swings for the dacha are perfect for kids. They quickly fall asleep in these soft bassinets. An older child can relax there with a book or player.

DIY children's swing made from a circle and ropes. They are also suspended by ropes, and the seat is a circle without a back. Its bottom consists of ropes woven in a circle or crosswise. Weaving can take a long time, but this option is convenient, safe and versatile. The swing is attached quite close to the ground, and the likelihood of injury when falling is reduced to almost zero. A wide surface allows you to sit on it or lie down.

Build a children's swing for your dacha with your own hands, involving the child if possible and turning the whole process into a game. This way you will get better a good relationship with the baby, and your authority will grow in his eyes. Whatever result you get, it will remain a source of pride for both adults and children. Garden swings for children are touching memories for a long time!