Installation of forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet. Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet: operating principle, typical diagrams and installation features. Materials and components

Wrong installed ventilation in the bathroom leads to the formation of fungus and mold in the room. As a result, bathroom owners receive damaged Decoration Materials and the aesthetically unattractive appearance of the room. Therefore, proper organization of the ventilation system in the bathroom should be given Special attention, we’ll look at how to make ventilation in the bathroom further.

Ventilation in the bathroom: requirements and functions

The process of installing ventilation in the bathroom, first of all, involves checking the existing ventilation system for operability. Proper air exchange in the room is very important not only for decorating walls and maintaining their attractiveness, but also, above all, for human health. Since a properly organized microclimate helps improve general condition and the well-being of the people living there.

Bathroom - closed room, which is periodically exposed to moisture, requiring mandatory removal. To check already existing system For proper operation, you should light a regular match and bring it to the grate ventilation duct. If the flame goes out, then the system is working properly, otherwise it needs to be adjusted. The same should be done with a small piece of paper. If the paper near the grate sticks to it, then the system is in good working order. If problems are detected in the operation of the ventilation system, first of all you need to clean the existing fans and ventilation ducts.

To ensure proper ventilation in the bathroom, care should be taken to install an exhaust fan. required power. Before installing an exhaust fan, we recommend taking the following steps to improve the existing ventilation system:

1. Install the fan into the ventilation duct.

2. Install the fan on the surface of the exhaust shaft located on the roof.

3. Installation option available ventilation valve in the window.

4. To improve heating in the bathroom and to remove excess moisture, heated towel rails, warm water floor systems or conventional radiators are installed.

Types of ventilation in the bathroom

In relation to air exchange, ventilation in the bathroom is:

  • natural;
  • forced.

The first option involves removing and circulating air naturally. Doors and open windows are used for this. Air moves from the bathroom to the street due to the difference in pressure. Improved double-glazed windows, which have high tightness, contribute to the disruption of natural ventilation. To solve this problem, it is recommended to purchase windows and doors that have parts for microcirculation.

The second option is artificial ventilation which is created by installing a fan in the bathroom to promote air circulation. The main function of this system is to discharge the air, that is, to draw it out into the street, and new air enters the bathroom from the adjacent room. By using compulsory system ventilation can get rid of not only high humidity in the bathroom, but also the unpleasant odor in the room.

In relation to the purpose of ventilation, it can be:

  • exhaust;
  • supply;
  • combined.

The first option involves removing air through ventilation ducts. The second type of ventilation is based on ensuring the entry of new air into the room, with the help of which the air is created high pressure, removing old air through ventilation ducts.

The combined option involves the use of the first two types of ventilation in one room.

Depending on the design features, ventilation in the bathroom can be:

  • channel;
  • ductless.

Using duct-type ventilation, rooms that need intensive air purification from high moisture, steam or foreign odors are cleaned.

The ductless ventilation option involves supplying it through wall openings that have already been installed in the room.

How to check the ventilation system for performance

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for checking ventilation in the bathroom:

1. Open the window and doors in the bathroom.

2. Take thin sheet paper, in the form of a napkin.

3. Install it on an existing vent.

4. If the sheet adheres tightly to its surface, then the system is working properly.

If not, remove the fan and check the vent duct for debris or other objects.

Instead of a napkin, use matches, lighters or candles. They must angle toward the shaft. It is not recommended to check on a very hot day, since the air at this time is quite heavy, and even a working system will not show the correct result.

In order to find out about the need to make micro-ventilation niches in doors or windows, you should repeat the above steps with closed windows and windows.

If there is no air flow, small grilles are installed on the window or doors.

Tip: Even if natural ventilation works flawlessly, it is recommended to install forced ventilation in the bathroom, which will speed up the procedure for removing moisture from the room and help maintain the integrity of the renovation.

DIY bathroom ventilation: choosing a fan

Depending on the installation method, fans are:

  • duct - installed in air duct systems;
  • radial - mounted on the outlet part air systems, features an aesthetically attractive body.

Depending on the design features, fans are:

  • axial;
  • diametrical;
  • centrifugal;
  • axial-centrifugal.

The first version of the fan involves pumping an axial flow using blades, thus creating a pressure of more than 40 Pa. This type The fan is suitable for installation in a ductless system.

Among the advantages of axial fans it should be noted:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of installation;
  • high efficiency.

Disadvantages include high noise production and low pressure.

The second version of the fan is distinguished by the presence of an impeller in the form of a drum. However, such fans do not have high efficiency.

The centrifugal fan features a spiral casing, which helps achieve high performance, but at the same time produces fairly little noise.

Among the advantages we note:

  • high cost;
  • installation in channels longer than 500 cm;
  • high power;
  • low noise level.

Centrifugal axial fan types are characterized by their small size, low noise and excellent performance.

Buying a fan is quite difficult process, during which you first need to pay attention to its power. The optimal power indicator for a standard bathroom is one hundred cubic meters per 60 minutes.

However, this figure is average. When choosing power, you should be guided by the following factors:

  • the number of people living in the house;
  • room size;
  • the number of windows and doors in the bathroom and their size;
  • the presence of additional natural ventilation;
  • frequency of use of the bathroom.

In addition, an important factor is the noise level that the fan produces. The most comfortable indicator is forty decibels.

There are fans with additional functions such as a timer, automatic switching on and shutdown. If you have additional funds, it is possible to purchase them, since using such a fan brings maximum comfort.

A hydrostat is a device that is responsible for turning the fan on and off when there is a high level of humidity in the room.

Some types of fans are equipped special protection The moisture resistance of the device depends on the ingress of moisture, which is designated IP, and the value of the number after the marking.

If you plan to install the fan near a shower or bathtub, it is recommended to choose a device with the highest protection class. The housing of such a fan provides reliable protection the engine from moisture, thus improving the duration of use of the fan.

Ventilation diagram in the bathroom, its arrangement

Most often, ventilation ducts are installed on the walls or ceiling. If there are no air ducts, you should first build them in order to install the fan.

  • install the hood so that it is located opposite the door, this will increase air circulation in the room, otherwise the air flow will move very slowly;
  • further actions should be aimed at cleaning the existing air duct from debris;
  • if the hole is too narrow, take care to expand it with a hammer drill; if the hole, on the contrary, is large enough, then you should install fan pipe made of plastic, which is fixed in it with cement mortar;
  • to close cavities in the pipe, it is enough to use polyurethane foam;
  • Please note that the hood is completely recessed into the hole; only the grille behind which it is hidden remains on the wall;
  • To install the hood, self-tapping screws, dowels or sealant-based materials are used; the latter option is the most successful, as it is able to dampen vibrations that occur during operation of the device;
  • the hood must be connected to electrical network, therefore, a special cable is connected to it, in the energy supply direction;
  • It is possible to install an automatic hood that operates only when the lights are turned on.

Ventilation in a bathroom in a private house: working in the space under the ceiling

If the ceiling in the bathroom is suspended or false panels were used to decorate it, stretch ceiling and other types of materials, as a result of which the ceiling space has increased, it is recommended to equip ventilation during the process of renovating the room.

When located vent below suspended ceiling You should make a small hole in the under-ceiling space with a grate attached to it, with the help of which moisture from this area will be removed into the room.

If there is ventilation in the under-ceiling space, in order to organize air circulation between the main ceiling and the suspended or tension material, care should be taken to install several grilles that will remove excess moisture.

In addition, it is welcome to create a small gap directly above the surface of the door; it will help improve natural ventilation and extend the life of the ceiling.

Tip: Some bathroom owners remove thresholds to improve ventilation. It is strictly not recommended to do this, since it is the threshold that protects other rooms from water if malfunctions occur that lead to a flood.

Please note that any ventilation system needs careful maintenance, the fan and its grille require frequent washing, since it accumulates on their surface a large number of dust. If the fan malfunctions, you should check it for corrosion caused by high humidity.

Ventilation in an apartment in the bathroom and ways to arrange it

To install ventilation in a bathroom in an apartment, it is not necessary to construct air ducts, since they are necessarily present in it.

Installing a fan, in this case, only involves mounting the device itself on the surface of the air duct.

If there is a channel in the toilet, between which and the bathroom there is a wall, one or two holes should be made in it, which will help the air circulate evenly.

Please note that some ventilation systems are characterized by the presence of special passages that provide both natural and forced ventilation. This option is the most appropriate, as it has good performance.

If there is no ventilation duct in the room, care should be taken to connect it to a special box in which the hood will be installed.

Depending on the design features, ventilation ducts are:

  • made of plastic - have a round or rectangular cross-section, are characterized by low noise production, transport air well and are easy to install;
  • Corrugated boxes come in two types: hard or soft, and are used when there is a small distance between the ventilation duct or the bathroom.

After installing the box, a fan is installed in it and checked for functionality.

The bathroom and toilet are rooms in the process of arranging which, first of all, you need to think about organizing intensive air exchange. This is due to the specifics of operation hygienic premises. Polluted and over-humidified air must be freely removed and replaced with a fresh portion.

We will tell you how ventilation should be arranged in the bathroom and toilet according to building codes and regulations. In the article we presented, the options for organizing ventilation that have been tested in practice are analyzed in detail. Do-it-yourselfers will find detailed installation manuals here.

The opinion that the absence of a ventilation shaft in the bathroom and toilet will only lead to fogging of the mirrors is fundamentally wrong. The main problem is the appearance of fungus (most often it can be seen on the seams between tiles) and rust on the surface of equipment and furniture.

Often, it is due to an incorrectly designed ventilation system that corrosion affects working parts. washing machine, which is the reason for its breakdown. The list of problems that the lack of intensive air exchange leads to does not end with this. As a result, poor ventilation will have a detrimental effect on the health of residents.

Sanitary requirements and standards

There are special standards that must be followed when organizing forced air exchange in rooms with high humidity levels. At a minimum, it is necessary to ensure an influx fresh air in the amount of 6-7 m 3 / hour for each cubic meter of bathroom and about 8-10 m 3 / hour - for a toilet or combined bathroom.

The difference between natural ventilation and forced ventilation

There is natural and forced ventilation. In the first case, air exchange is ensured by the circulation of air masses through door and window openings. About a century ago, natural ventilation was considered the most effective method.

Today, it is unable to provide a sufficient level of air exchange, so it is used only for inflow. To fully ventilate the room, choose the forced option. After all, no one wants to open a window for a long time in winter and let out the heat.

Organization forced ventilation involves installing an exhaust fan. Thanks to this, you can retain precious heat, remove excess moisture and fill the room with fresh and clean air in a matter of minutes.

The main reason why it is worth installing forced ventilation is precisely sized doorways and the tightness of modern double-glazed windows. Such perfectionism, while retaining heat, makes any natural air exchange impossible.

Calculation of optimal performance

Before going to the store and purchasing equipment for installing forced ventilation in the toilet and bathroom, you need to make some calculations. To select the equipment that is optimal for performance, you need to know the exact volume and type of room.

Each room has its own air exchange rate. This characteristic shows how many times the air in the room should be completely renewed per unit of time (usually one hour). Since the bathroom and toilet are considered one of the wettest places in any apartment or house, a maximum air exchange rate of 10 is recommended.

If the fan cannot be placed in the optimal place for organizing intensive air exchange, then its power must be multiplied by 2-3 times

You should also immediately provide openings for air flow. To do this, you can leave a gap of up to 2 cm between the floor and the door, install special grilles at the bottom of the doors to the bathroom and toilet, or drill holes yourself. But the last option does not look the most attractive.

Classification of exhaust fans

When planning the installation of a ventilation system, special attention should be paid to the principle of its operation and individual components. After all, productivity, noise level of equipment, installation cost and durability depend on this.

For forced evacuation of exhaust air from the room, three types of fans are used:

  • diametrical;
  • axial;
  • radial.

The first type of devices is designed to work in heat guns and air conditioning systems. Therefore, it is not suitable for organizing ventilation in the bathroom and toilet. It remains to choose from two other types.

The main difference between axial models and radial ones is their low cost and high power. But the device will make quite a lot of noise. An axial fan is an impeller to which blades are attached. The system is driven by an electric motor.

As for radial units, their operation is based on the action of centrifugal force. Due to the rotation of the impeller together with the blades, air masses move.

In this case, you can change the inclination of the blades, thereby reducing the amount of energy consumed by the device and reducing the level of noise it produces. Our recommended article will introduce you to popular models intended for installation in bathrooms.

To prevent air from the ventilation shaft from returning back into the room, it is recommended to buy devices with a check valve. Such devices are indispensable in modern apartments.

Basic criteria for choosing equipment

Manufacturers offer a simply huge range. Therefore, it is not surprising that every unprepared buyer falls into a stupor and does not even know what he should order.

When buying an exhaust device for the bathroom and toilet, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Duct diameter. Depending on this characteristic, the fan pipe is selected. As a rule, standard models have a diameter of 150, 125 or 100 mm.
  2. Presence/absence of air ducts, as well as their location in the room. These criteria influence where the fan will be installed.
  3. Power. Characteristics are important when choosing, so that in the future the exhaust equipment copes with the functions assigned to it.
  4. Presence of moisture protection. This indicator is marked with the Latin letters IP. The minimum required value for plumbing unit is IP30, but it’s better to spend a little money and order a device with IP44. In the latter case, it will be located in a special sealed casing, protected from moisture and splashes.
  5. Noise level. This important characteristic Few people pay due attention, but in vain. After all, a silent exhaust system will make being in the bathroom and toilet more comfortable.

Taking these subtleties into account, you can choose a model that will be inexpensive and satisfy all your wishes.

Typically, the fan package includes the device itself and four dowels that will be needed for its installation. In most cases, a cardboard box is used to package the device.

Additional equipment functions

An excellent solution would be to order a fan with additional functions. Most often, buyers prefer models with a built-in timer.

In this case, the user can leave the factory settings or program the operation of the device independently, changing the operating time, start delay, etc. Thanks to this, it is possible to automate the process of ventilation of the toilet and bathroom.

Devices with a built-in timer are quite expensive. Therefore, their choice should be taken with full responsibility. Products from Maico have proven themselves best. This manufacturer offers a number of models that are equipped not only with a timer, but also with other additional functions.

Fans that allow you to switch the base load will help save energy. That is, the unit can operate in two modes: half its capacity and full power, when you need to refresh the air in the room in the shortest possible time. Thanks to this function, the noise of the ventilation system is significantly reduced and energy is saved.

A good solution would be to buy a device with a clock or backlight. These additional features will make showering or bathing more convenient and comfortable.

Any specialist will prefer a device with a built-in humidity sensor. Its peculiarity is that it turns on only by a signal from the built-in hygrometer. Thanks to this function, energy is saved and there is no need for a separate electrical outlet for the fan or connecting the device to a light switch.

System components and materials

Today, ventilation is assembled from round or rectangular section. As a rule, they are made of metal or plastic. These elements are mounted behind a suspended ceiling.

If we're talking about about bathrooms and toilets in small apartment, then in such housing the ventilation duct is a hole in the wall into which a fan is inserted. In this case, there is no point or need to design a complex, branched system.

As for private houses, ventilation for them is constructed from the following elements:

  • Air ducts. It is much more convenient to install rectangular air ducts. They fit compactly under the ceiling and do not take up extra space. These are pipes whose length can be 2, 1 and 0.5 m.
  • Fan. A surface-mounted or built-in device is used. The latter type is best used in branched and complex systems. Overhead models are recommended for ventilating one room.
  • Swivel elbows. In the case of rectangular pipes, the rotary bends can be vertical or horizontal.
  • Couplings. These elements are used to connect straight sections of the ventilation system.
  • Check valves. They are designed to prevent air and insects from entering the mine.

During the installation process you will also need fastenings. It is much more convenient to use ready-made elements. They will greatly simplify the installation process and speed up the work.

But if you need to save money, you can make the fastening elements yourself

In case of an error in the design or insufficiently efficient operation of the ventilation system in the bathroom and toilet of a private house, the problem can be eliminated by installing it in the wall. Features of choosing the specified device and installation rules are given in the article, the contents of which we advise you to familiarize yourself with.

Installation of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

Before the beginning installation work preparations need to be made. First of all, you need to compare the diameter of the exhaust device with the size of the shaft.

If the ventilation hole is large, then a plastic pipe or corrugation is inserted into it. In this case, voids should be sealed using polyurethane foam. If the entrance to the ventilation shaft is smaller, it can be expanded using a hammer drill.

Determining the installation location

For forced ventilation to be as effective as possible, it is not enough just to purchase powerful equipment. It is equally important to choose right place for installation.

Since it is designed to remove hot humid air, it optimal solution It will be installed in the upper part of the wall, which is located opposite the door.

It is important to organize the flow into the room - you will have to build a special grille into the lower part of the door or leave a regular gap under the door (more economical way). These options will allow fresh air to flow from the living space into the bathroom.

Diagnostics of the condition of the ventilation duct

If you are thinking about remodeling a bathroom or toilet, then before starting any work it should be done in ways accessible to the owners.

First of all, the traction is checked, for which a sheet of plain paper, a lit match or a lighter is leaned against the shaft. If the paper sticks to the ventilation grille and the flame tilts towards the duct, then this is a good sign.

To improve draft, it is recommended to check whether the ventilation duct is cluttered with debris left over from inappropriate repair work or for any other reasons. After cleaning, check the draft with the door open and closed.

Selecting a device connection diagram

If we consider a standard apartment in a new building, then in the vast majority of cases natural ventilation is not enough to remove all excess moisture from the bathroom. The only exception is a private house, whose toilet has a window.

But when installing forced ventilation, the question is: how long should the exhaust device work? Often apartment owners. This means that the device will be able to work exactly as long as a person is in the bathroom. This may not be enough.

The second method is based on connecting the fan to a separate switch. But in this case, the user will forget to turn on/off the device. Therefore, a suitable solution would be to install a fan with a humidity sensor. Such devices operate autonomously and remove excess moisture from the bathroom without human intervention.

Due to convenience and energy savings, the most popular method is when the fan is connected to the light switch. But this method is not very effective

Fan installation details

Before you begin installing the ventilation system, you must read the instructions that come with the devices. In the vast majority of cases, the entire installation process is described in detail in the insert. This will greatly simplify and speed up the work.

The most labor-intensive stage is installing and connecting the fan.

  1. Remove the front cover.
  2. In those areas where the fan is adjacent to the wall, it is necessary to apply polymer glue, silicone or liquid nails. All of the above mounting methods are perfect, since exhaust devices are most often made of plastic and, accordingly, are light in weight. That's why liquid nails will be sufficient.
  3. Insert the fan so that its working part (electric motor and wheel with blades) is completely “recessed” into the wall.
  4. Press the unit body tightly so that the adhesive has time to set.
  5. Install mosquito net. This element will protect against various insects and debris from entering the room from the ventilation duct.
  6. Secure the front cover using self-tapping screws or dowels that are included in the kit.

The final stage is laying the cable and connecting the ventilation system to the electrical network.

The entire installation process is quite simple, but if any problems or difficulties arise, it is better to entrust this work to professionals

Forced ventilation significantly increases the volume of air removed from the room. But since the front cover blocks a considerable part of the channel when the device is turned off, the flow rate decreases several times. Because of this, its performance drops significantly.

The above problem is solved by installing an air intake grille. This will help restore normal performance. The second method is to leave a small gap (1-3 cm) between the front cover and the wall. Air will be sucked into the resulting gap and ventilation will operate normally.

When connecting the ventilation system to the electrical network, you must adhere to safety rules. First of all, you need to make sure that the wires are de-energized. In addition, to connect them it is better to use terminal blocks rather than “twists”

Common installation mistakes

If an inexperienced craftsman is installing a ventilation system, then situations often arise when, after finishing the work, its performance does not satisfy the wishes of the residents or it is not efficient.

The reason for this is due to errors during installation. To avoid basic problems, you need to know some nuances.

The most common errors encountered when installing a ventilation system are:

  • the channel is designed incorrectly, which significantly impedes the movement of air;
  • fans make a lot of noise when operating;
  • the tightness of the shaft connection is broken;
  • The ventilation system passes through the living space and its noise interferes with the normal life of the family.

If the design was not done correctly, then the problems listed above will certainly appear. However, to correct them, it is often necessary to completely redo the ventilation system.

In some cases, a strong hum when the fan is operating is a clear sign of its incorrect installation and an error called “alignment”. This problem is solved by dismantling the device and reinstalling it, but with strict adherence to technology

You can go the easy way. For example, to reduce noise, it is recommended to use noise absorbers. As for increasing ventilation performance, to do this you will have to install a new, more powerful exhaust device and check the quality of the air flow into the bathroom and toilet.

People who are faced with organizing ventilation in the bathroom and toilet for the first time will find it useful to read the tips from experienced craftsmen. First of all, they recommend ensuring a normal flow of fresh air into the room. Otherwise, the operation of the exhaust fan will be meaningless.

There is no need to buy expensive and bulky systems. Spending enormous amounts of money is not always the best solution. It is enough to select the devices correctly and competently, then even cheap models will cope perfectly with the ventilation of the room.

When choosing a fan, you should never skimp on quality. After all, the health of each family member, as well as the service life of the device, depends on this. It’s better to spend money once, but order a device that will faithfully serve for decades

If the house has an air conditioner, ionizer, purifier, and similar devices, then it is still necessary to install ventilation. After all, none of the devices listed above provides a flow of fresh air into living spaces.

Rules for operating the exhaust system

In order for the equipment to serve as long as possible, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive maintenance. After all, dust and dirt accumulate on the fan blades over time. This does not allow the device to work at its maximum capabilities and provide decent air exchange. Moreover, if cleaning is not carried out in a timely manner, the device may fail.

Installing a forced ventilation system allows you to solve the current problem modern houses and apartments, the problem of room ventilation. A window is rarely installed in bathrooms and toilets, so the only correct and reasonable solution would be to provide intensive air exchange artificially by installing a fan in the system.

Hello, dear friends. Today we will talk about very important, although sometimes not conspicuous, things. When planning the design or renovation of bathrooms, you should always consider the ventilation system. The problem of air exchange is a serious and very important stage of repair. SNIPs and standards regarding ventilation always prescribe in separate paragraphs the standard of air exchange standards in rooms in which there is an abundant release of water vapor.

It should be remembered that ventilation is not only a matter of comfort and convenience. First of all, it is very important for health. Moreover, in rooms from which water vapor is not removed in proper quantities, fungus or mold always grows.

If harmful flora has already begun to develop under the tiles or on the sides of the shower stall (and it is not so easy to notice the fungus; it develops very secretly for about a year), then the lack of a ventilation system helps it grow and spread in the form of spores through the air.

Construction manuals of all countries and peoples contain a number of standards that must be strictly followed in order to ventilate wet rooms.

Ventilation systems should enrich the bathroom with 25 cubic meters of air every hour. For a combined bathroom (bathroom + toilet), ventilation should bring in 50 cubic meters of air. Moreover, these standards are minimal.

Experts in ventilated systems advise ventilating the bathroom with an air exchange of 75 cubic meters per hour and 150 cubic meters for combined bathrooms.

There are two types of ventilation for bathrooms: natural and forced. The method of application of each of them depends on the specifics of air exchange. Natural ventilation provides air exchange by sucking it from external environment, which can only take place due to a pressure difference.

Air masses can get inside through a window, door, ventilator, etc. It must be recognized that, in the case of a separate toilet room, natural ventilation is acceptable. However, for combined bathrooms, it often turns out to be ineffective.

Types of ventilation systems

Professionals advise using two types of ventilation systems:

  • duct ventilation system;
  • ductless ventilation;

The difference between these systems is obvious based on their names - in the first design there is a ventilation duct, in the second - air flow is provided without it.

When working with bathrooms or toilets, it is advisable to eliminate the creation of separate channels. It is customary to create an opening in the wall and exhaust exhaust air into the general ventilation branch of the building. This procedure is not only more convenient and less expensive, but also more rational. Of course, this is applicable in multi-story urban buildings. But, if we are talking about a private house, then it is necessary to design ventilation at the construction stages, during the process of erecting walls.

Air flow into the bathroom and toilet is realized, as a rule, through one channel - in the bathroom, after which an additional intermediate opening is created in the wall between the bathroom and toilet for the passage of exhaust air.

An exhaust fan designed to provide ventilation in the bathtub through the toilet can come in a wide variety of designs and sizes. But the most important thing is the fan power. It must match the current in the wiring.

The fans have the following design differences:

  • the axial model moves air parallel to the axis of the device. This is accomplished thanks to special blades. These systems are developed exclusively for ductless designs;
  • diametrical models, which have rather low productivity, have special drum-type wheels in their design;
  • a centrifugal-type device with a spiral casing guarantees extremely high performance, however, during operation the system creates quite a lot of noise;
  • The combined centrifugal-axial device is quieter and operates with the same efficiency as a simple centrifugal system.

Norms and requirements

Let's study SNIPs and others regulations in order to understand how much new air should come into the bathroom or toilet during ventilation.

According to regulatory documentation bathrooms measuring about 10 square meters and more should receive new influxes of air masses every hour.

More than 30 cubic meters should leave the bathroom and toilet every hour. If the bathroom is large, then the calculation is based on the area of ​​a small living room and multiplied by 1.5 (due to high humidity). These are the ventilation standards, these numbers are the minimum requirements.

Criterias of choice

It should be understood that in cases where natural ventilation in toilets through bathrooms cannot be realized (it is not possible to guarantee the flow of even 20 cubic meters of fresh air per hour), then it is necessary to install forced ventilation systems.

There are three types of ventilation:

  • exhaust system;
  • supply system;
  • mixed.

As for exhaust systems, we have already discussed them - air comes from outside, and waste materials are discharged into ventilation ducts.

The principle of supply ventilation is different - air masses are pumped outside the bathroom or toilet, and then forced into the channels. This is the most optimal and rational system for apartments.

When ventilating a bathroom in a private house, it is best to use mixed systems. They combine exhaust and supply systems. Thanks to mixed technologies, air is removed and renewed with the greatest efficiency.

In order to hide the structures, decorative grilles are used. They can not only remove the technical details of ventilation from view, but also make the bathroom interior more stylish.

Household ventilation systems are:

  • channel;
  • radial.

Both types are intended for installation at the outlets of ventilation ducts. Duct fan, as a rule, has a rather mediocre design, because it is hidden in the channel itself. However radial fan Usually equipped with an attractive housing, these systems not only provide effective air exchange, but also fit perfectly into the design of your interior.

Diagnostics of the current system, if available

Before you start upgrading your ventilation system or cleaning its filters, it is necessary to carry out routine diagnostics. The condition of the ventilation device installed according to the “to the bathtub through the toilet” principle must be studied thoroughly. There is no need to be lazy in removing the grilles and cleaning the inlets and outlets of the channels from dust.

To begin with, you need and. To do this, place a sheet of paper in front of the ventilation hole. If the paper sheet is strongly attracted to the ventilation niches, then there is draft. If the sheet is motionless, there is a clear lack of ventilation draft in the system.

It must be remembered that the design of the system is such that the pressure difference is due to the temperature difference, therefore on a hot summer day the draft is several times weaker than in winter or autumn.

However, even if draft is present and the exchange of air masses occurs perfectly, it is necessary to understand that this does not guarantee 100% complete operation of the ventilation systems.

It is imperative to check the channel status as much as possible as the situation allows. Channels can be cluttered with various objects, cobwebs, dust or fragments of concrete and brick after global repairs. Once the system is clean, there are no more obstacles in the way of air, and the ventilation devices themselves are clean, you can begin to modernize and improve the system itself.

The test with a sheet of paper must be carried out twice: the first time with the doors closed, the second time with the doors open.

Check if available open door It is also advisable to carry out this twice - with open air sources (open a window or front door) and with completely closed ones.

If after sealing the draft drops to almost zero, then you need to think about additional fans or compact ventilation devices.

Special grilles are installed in the doors of bathrooms and toilets - through them air flows inside even when the doors are completely closed.

DIY installation

When there is no ventilation system in the bathroom or toilet, then it’s time to start designing and installing it yourself. Such work is performed quite simply.

IN apartment buildings systems are designed so that the ventilation ducts are located with reverse side baths and toilets. The whole procedure will consist of carefully creating a hole and leading it into the ventilation channel. High-rise buildings should already have niches leading to ventilation ducts.

It is customary to equip the niches themselves with radial and axial fans; the devices are connected to power sources, one of the wires is connected either to a separate switch or to the same one that opens the light circuit in the bathroom. This is quite convenient, since the fan will be guaranteed to work when the light comes on in the bathroom.

The range of modern systems on the market for ventilation products and services allows you to install many additional attachments - gyroscopes, temperature sensors, humidity and speed controllers, timers. After this, the hole is closed with beautiful decorative grilles.

In cases where the bathroom is not combined, when the bathroom contains a ventilation duct but the toilet does not, the same technology is used, only twice. The first fan is installed in a niche between the bathroom. and a channel, the second - in the second niche, between the toilet and the bathroom.

In the case when it is necessary to install ventilation in a toilet in a private house, you can make with your own hands not only the exit to the ventilation duct, but also the ventilation duct itself. Experts advise either taking into account the channels when building walls, or correctly connecting them to the exhaust system of the furnace (if there is one).

Let's move on to practical diagrams and designs of ventilation systems.

System design

To install fans in wall openings, the most correct thing is to use not only decorative grilles, but also filtration systems. If you have to knock out an additional hole between the bathroom and the toilet (to conduct air), then the filter between the two rooms is a very rational part of the ventilation system. After all, polluted air from the toilet will not be able to penetrate into the bathroom.

Let's imagine in the figure how to connect the fan to the general wiring:

The ventilation system installation scheme consists of the following strategic steps:

  • mounting the air duct (it is important to choose the correct diameter and length);
  • design an optimal exhaust system for bathrooms (taking into account the power of the electrical wiring);
  • Make a neat, even hole in the toilet with your own hands (you can also use a professional);
  • Install ventilation in the toilet or bathroom;

When ventilation systems need to be implemented in toilets and bathrooms of private houses, it is necessary to start by organizing the connection of the ventilation duct to the common chimney; or create a ventilation duct.

When designing a new channel, it is necessary to carefully calculate all the stages of laying ventilation through the bathroom.

We advise not to use metal boxes to create a ventilation duct for a private house. Not only that metal constructions oxidize and require dismantling and replacement every 5 years. If a ventilation duct for exhaust air is used with direct exit to the chimney, then due to carbon dioxide, the metal surface of the duct will become even more corroded.

The most rational way is to install plastic boxes. No wonder they almost completely replaced metal ones from the market.

Try to avoid corrugated pipes, they are optimal only for short ventilation ducts.

The boxes must be installed during all repair work. Moreover, it is advisable to carry out the installation before the process starts.

However, even after you have personally designed the entire system, made sure that it functions and complies with all standards, ventilation may fail. The problem may be with inaccuracies in calculating the cross-sections of ventilation ducts. Also, the most common mistakes are incorrect installation.

If a lot of time has passed after you built the ventilation system, and after this time the system began to noticeably malfunction, it means that a lot of debris has most likely accumulated in the channel, which falls either from the roof or from the air. If one of the neighbors did this major renovation, which affected the box, then the reason may be in the traffic jams of construction waste located across the air passage.

  • Experts advise not to put off inspecting the ventilation system until later; it is highly advisable to service the fans a little earlier before they begin to fail.
  • As a rule, if inspection is constantly delayed, then flakes of dust, cobwebs or poplar fluff get into the fan axis, block the rotor and stator motor for a long time, after which the fan simply fails.
  • Of course, buying a new motor or fan entirely is a simple solution to this issue, but you will still have to clean the ventilation duct. It is much easier to do this work on time.
  • Do-it-yourself steps regarding fans include cleaning the blades of the fan propellers, thoroughly cleaning the ventilation grilles and replacing all filters (if any).
  • After this, you need to check the air draft using a sheet of paper or the flame of a lighter (we described above how this procedure is performed). If the flame from the lighter (or match) is deflected at an angle of 40-50 degrees, then the operation of the fan is considered normal; if the flame does not deflect, then the ventilation duct is considered clogged and further operation of the fan is a load.
  • In such cases, it is best to call a specialist, but you can also handle it yourself. If the ventilation system includes various attachments— external interfaces, sensors, thermometers, remote controls, then you should definitely contact a special organization.
  • Experts also pay special attention to the power of household wiring and electrical networks. Fans have two parameters by which they are distinguished - the pressure created and power. These characteristics are related because the greater the motor power, the greater the pressure. You need to know the condition of your wiring well and try to avoid high-power fans.

The hood in the bathroom and toilet should be selected and installed so that there is an intense flow of fresh air. Such a ventilation system will allow you to get rid of mold and mildew that arise from excess humidity in the bathroom.

In this article we will talk about the types of ventilation for the bathroom and toilet, the choice of a hood for a combined bathroom, which can also serve as a good element, its proper installation and operation.

The hood in the bathroom has a very simple design - in fact, it is an elementary ventilation system of a forced operation principle. It consists of a maximum of two parts - an air duct that connects to the ventilation riser of the house, as well as the fan itself.

Despite this simple design, she works great, and most importantly, she copes with the responsibilities assigned to her 100%.

Since we have come to the conclusion that the hood is nothing more than ventilation, then we should understand the principle of its operation. In almost all houses it operates using the supply and exhaust method.

If you suddenly don’t find a second ventilation duct that provides an influx of fresh air, know that it is provided by ventilating the apartment or house as a whole. This is why, in some situations, a duct designed to remove exhaust air from a bathroom can act as a supply air.

This state of affairs is a sign of completely or partially clogged air ducts. This often happens in apartment buildings, but in private buildings this effect practically does not occur. It is for this same reason that most people living in high-rise buildings equip their bathrooms with a forced exhaust air exhaust system.

Simply put, if the ventilation ducts are 100% clean, then there is no need for an exhaust hood for the toilet and bathroom - ventilation and removal of excess moisture is carried out due to natural air convection.

By the way, one of the reasons for poor ventilation is metal-plastic windows, which completely eliminate the effect of slot ventilation, which is what ventilation in old houses was largely designed for.

The device seems to have been sorted out, now it’s time to turn to the heart of the ventilation system for the bathroom or toilet. The fan is responsible for all the problems of old and clogged ventilation ducts. This device is ambiguous and may differ in some structural elements, which cannot be ignored.

Electric exhaust fan

Let's start by dividing all modern bathroom hoods into two types: simple and automatic. What is the difference between them? The fact is that the latter require minimal human participation in the air exchange process.

Simple hoods are an ordinary electric fan placed in a tubular housing. They can be activated either by a built-in switch or a separate switch. A fairly common way to turn it on is the switch key responsible for lighting the bathroom.

This approach to the matter is not very correct, since in this case the removal of polluted air is carried out only when a person is in the room. But the moisture does not have time to evaporate during this time. Therefore, it is advisable to install a separate switch for the fan.

Automatic hood. It differs from an ordinary one only in the presence of electronics that control its operation. Such devices can operate through two various methods– some of them are equipped with a shutdown timer (they turn on, like an ordinary hood, using the switch key), while others have special sensors that control the humidity in the bathroom.

As soon as it exceeds the permissible value, the fan turns on, after the humidity returns to normal, it turns off. These are quite convenient devices that do not require human intervention to control their operation.

In addition, both types of bathroom hoods can be equipped with additional options.

Some models are equipped with a so-called non-return valve, which does not allow air to flow in the opposite direction - this nuance will be indispensable for residents of high-rise buildings, where the smell of borscht or burnt onions coming from neighbors is considered a common occurrence.

For residents of the private sector, whose bathroom ventilation has direct contact with the street, it would be a good idea to purchase a hood with an adjustable diffuser - by tightening or unscrewing the washer in the center of the hood, you can regulate the amount of air emitted to the street.

Types of fans for bathrooms and toilets

The functionality of ventilation devices is quite important, so you need to understand how to choose a hood for a bathroom or toilet. Today, all exhaust fans can be divided into two types.

The standard hood for the toilet and bathroom is a conventional axial system, equipped with a system designed to block the flow of exhaust air into the room.

This system can be turned on and off using a light switch, which is quite convenient. But when large volumes of steam are generated during the bathing process, such a system is ineffective.

Automatic hood is more advanced, but at the same time expensive device. Such devices are equipped with special timers that are set for a certain time period of operation, and more functional devices are equipped with a hydrostat, which determines the level of humidity in the room.

Having understood the basic parameters of the device, all that remains is to choose a suitable system, which you can install yourself without any problems. In this case, fastening is carried out with standard self-tapping screws or glue.

Hood in the bathroom

Construction manuals clearly indicate the standards that must be followed for effective ventilation of sanitary premises with high humidity.

The system must provide fresh air for the bathroom or toilet at a speed of 25 cubic meters. m/hour, and for a combined unit twice as high - 50 cubic meters. m/hour. These standards are minimum.

Sometimes experts recommend removing air from the bathroom at a speed of about 150 cubic meters. m/hour.

Depending on the characteristics of air exchange, natural and forced ventilation are distinguished. In the first case, the exchange occurs due to the difference in air pressure outside and inside the room.

Air flows penetrate through windows, doors, special ventilators, etc. It is worth immediately noting that due to the nature of the bathroom design, the use of natural ventilation does not always achieve the desired effect.

To install ductless ventilation in the bathroom, it is necessary to make an opening that will connect the house ventilation duct with the bathroom room.

When forced or artificially ventilating a room, special fans are used to ensure sufficient air exchange.

Most often, a fan helps move air from indoors to outdoors, while fresh air masses enter the bathroom from living quarters. Sometimes a small fan is placed in the toilet, even with good natural ventilation, to speed up the purification of the air from unpleasant odors.

If it is not possible to naturally organize sufficiently intense air exchange, forced ventilation is mandatory.

Depending on the purpose there are:

  • exhaust;
  • supply;
  • mixed ventilation.

The exhaust principle has already been described a little above: air is removed through the ventilation duct, and new air is supplied from the outside. Supply ventilation organized differently: air is pumped in from the outside and forced out through the channel.

When using mixed ventilation, both the air flow and its removal are regulated.

A beautiful decorative grille for an exhaust hood in a bathroom will not only hide the structure, but can also become an eye-catching detail.

Experts also distinguish between duct and non-duct ventilation, which is characterized by the presence or absence of a ventilation duct.

Creating dedicated channels should be avoided whenever possible. Usually, an opening is made in the wall that opens into the common ventilation duct of a multi-story building, and a fan is installed in it.

In a separate bathroom, if there is access to the ventilation duct in only one room, another fan is installed in the wall opening between the bathroom and the toilet.

Installing a separate ventilation duct makes sense in places that require intensive removal of polluted or moisture-saturated air.

Before making a choice in favor of one or another air exchange system, you need to familiarize yourself with the types and principles of operation of such systems. Bathroom hood can be organized using natural or forced methods.

  • Natural exhaust.

This hood works due to the action of natural factors, such as the difference in air pressure and temperature in the room and outside.

Exhaust air is removed through a ventilation duct running in the wall of the house. To carry out air exchange, an open window or door through which fresh air enters is sufficient.

Very often, especially in apartment buildings of old buildings, ventilation ducts become clogged or clogged due to the destruction of ventilation caps on the roof of the building. In this case, natural exhaust in bathrooms does not work.

Natural ventilation systems are inexpensive, easy to install and maintain, and do not require energy supply.

Natural exhaust in the bathroom and toilet is a simple and economical solution to the problem of ventilation if there is good draft. At the same time, one cannot ignore its shortcomings:

  1. unstable operation in hot weather, in which there is no required temperature difference;
  2. high sensitivity to clogging of ventilation ducts.
  • Mechanical hood.

This type of exhaust system operates through the operation of fans that forcefully remove contaminated air flow into the exhaust ventilation ducts. The installation of such ventilation can be done at any time, while natural ventilation channels are laid during the construction stage.

Forced hoods in the bathroom and toilet are installed in the following cases:

  1. absence or poor functioning of natural air exchange;
  2. remodeling the bathroom or combining it with a toilet, when part of the ventilation ducts is removed;
  3. installation of electrical equipment that increases the formation of steam, the volume of which is not completely removed by natural exhaust;
  4. the room is small - the hood in the bathroom does not have time to remove the amount of moisture and steam generated when taking a bath or shower.

The disadvantage of forced ventilation is the need for electricity and the need to lay wires to each fan.

Ventilation check

There are two simplest ways to check the operation of the hood in the bathroom and toilet without the use of special equipment - using a candle or a sheet of paper.

A burning candle is brought to the ventilation duct - when ventilation is running, the flame deflects, indicating the direction of air flow. In the absence of draft, the flame remains vertical.

To check the correct operation of the ventilation system, you can take advice from specialists. To do this, you will need a regular paper sheet that is applied to the ventilation grille in the bathroom or toilet, and if it is held on it by the air flow, then everything is in order with the hood.

In turn, if paper falls on the floor, then you need to think about installing an exhaust fan.

I would like to note that even a normally functioning system does not always cope with its responsibilities, since it works due to the difference in temperatures inside the apartment and outside.

Very often in the summer, when it is very hot outside the room, the natural ventilation system becomes absolutely useless and does not remove unpleasant odors from the toilet.

Poor ventilation can also be caused by insufficient fresh air flow. This problem is typical for houses old building after installing plastic windows. To solve this problem, windows with ventilators should be installed.

How not to make a mistake when choosing an exhaust device

If there is poor air circulation in the bathroom or toilet, moisture accumulates on the ceiling and walls, causing water droplets to condense and mold and mildew to form. And due to the lack of windows to let in fresh air from the street, the only the right decision There will be an installation of an electric exhaust fan for a toilet or bathroom.

In this case, when buying an exhaust device, you need to proceed from the following criteria:

  • the total area of ​​the toilet or bathroom used for ventilation;
  • number of residents using the bathroom.

In order to save electricity, it is better to choose exhaust devices with a built-in power regulator and a built-in function for disconnecting the device from the mains if such a need arises. To buy an exhaust device that best suits a particular room, you need to understand its main characteristics.

Performance exhaust device– one of the most important parameters. If an exhaust system is installed, passing from the toilet through the bathroom, then it will process enough large volumes air and standard fans for exhaust in the toilet with very low level Efficiencies will not cope with the task assigned to them.

Safety of the device - an electric hood for a toilet or bathroom must comply with all regulatory safety parameters and be located in a hermetically sealed housing. Vapors and moisture often accumulate on the ceiling, so even hoods placed on the ceiling surface must be protected from such external factors.

Due to the fact that the majority multi-storey buildings equipped with a common exhaust duct for several apartments, when purchasing a ventilation device, you need to choose systems equipped with a check valve.

First of all, this is due to the fact that the exhaust air is saturated unpleasant aromas from the ventilation duct, can penetrate back into the room. In addition, the check valve protects the room from the penetration of dust, fluff and other dirt from the street.

Before you begin installing a ventilation system in a bathroom or toilet, you need to decide on the location of the exhaust fan. The hood structure should be located opposite the door at the top of the wall or on the ceiling.

In this case, you need to worry about the presence of electrical wiring, of course, if the fan is not equipped with a battery. After choosing a convenient location, you can proceed to installation, during which experts advise adhering to the following recommendations.

  1. It is better to install ventilation for a bathroom or toilet during the renovation process in an apartment.
  2. It is better to connect the fan from.
  3. The wiring going to the fan can be hidden in grooves.
  4. To significantly simplify the installation process and protect the fan from external influences, insert into the hole in the wall plastic pipe, which is easily fixed cement mortar. But before that you need to connect the device.
  5. If the ceiling height in the bathroom or toilet is sufficient, then you can use a more functional, albeit complex ventilation structure, constructed using plastic boxes, fixing the device itself directly above the toilet.
  6. When connecting the exhaust device, it is important to study in detail the instructions included with the fan in order to correctly connect it to the power supply.

Apartment buildings are usually designed in such a way that the ventilation duct is located directly behind the wall of the bathroom or toilet. All that remains is to carefully make a hole in the right place (if there is none) so that it goes into this channel.

A radial axial fan is installed inside the opening. The device is connected to the power supply, observing all the requirements for the operation of electrical appliances in rooms with high humidity.

If necessary, install additional controls (timer, gyroscope, etc.). The niche is covered with a beautiful decorative grille. If the apartment has separate bathroom, and the ventilation duct is located behind the walls of both rooms, the second fan is installed in the same way as described above.

Otherwise, the ventilation hole is made in the wall separating the toilet and bathroom. A fan is also placed in this opening and covered with decorative screens on both sides.

Sometimes it is more convenient to use decorative grilles, in which the design provides for mounting the fan in special slots.

The figure clearly shows a diagram of connecting an exhaust fan to the power supply using a timer, which allows you to turn off the fan some time after the visitor leaves the bathroom.

It is somewhat more difficult to solve the problem of bathroom ventilation when the ventilation duct borders another room. In this case, you will have to create duct ventilation.

First you need to choose a location for the ventilation hole in the bathroom and toilet. Then you need to draw up a plan for placing a ventilation duct through which air masses will move outward.

When creating duct ventilation in a bathroom, a flexible corrugated duct is used only in small areas where installation of other structures is impossible or difficult

    There are the following types of ventilation ducts:
  1. plastic round or rectangular;
  2. hard or soft corrugated metal;
  3. metal, tin or galvanized, usually rectangular in cross-section.

Plastic boxes are easier to install and lighter in weight than metal structures, but they are durable and easy to care for.

Therefore, plastic structures are confidently replacing metal with construction market. Corrugated products are used extremely rarely; they are permissible only for short distances and are used only in particularly difficult cases.

After completing the installation of the ventilation system, it is necessary to check the operation of the equipment.

Here is an example of self-installation of a hood when a ventilation duct is provided in the room:

  • we check the functionality of the ventilation shaft;
  • if the channel is clogged, we clean it with our own hands; if the area of ​​the hole does not accommodate the dimensions of the device, carefully use a chisel and hammer to increase it to the required size;
  • remove the external grille from the fan, insert the device into the hole in the ventilation duct and fasten it using self-tapping screws or liquid nails;
  • make sure that the device is tightly located in the opening of the ventilation duct;
  • cover with a grate and use sealant to seal the joints between the outer grate and the wall;
  • connect the wires to the electrical network;
  • For aesthetic reasons, it is better to choose a grille design that matches the style of the bathroom.

By installing a hood in a bathroom or toilet, you will prevent the formation of condensation on the walls and metal surfaces of faucets, eliminate unpleasant odors - the air in the bathroom will be clean and the room dry.

Common mistakes when installing ventilation

It happens that the performance of a brand new ventilation system suddenly turns out to be unsatisfactory or is initially ineffective.

This may occur due to one or more errors made during its installation. When figuring out how to properly ventilate a bathroom, you should immediately take these points into account.

    Here are a number of errors that occur most often:
  1. The ventilation duct is not designed correctly, making it difficult to move air masses.
  2. The tightness of the ventilation duct connections is broken.
  3. The fans are installed incorrectly and make too much noise.
  4. The duct passes through the living quarters in such a way that the ventilation noise interferes with the normal functioning of the family.

First you need to find out the cause of the problem, then fix it. A number of troubles can be avoided by paying attention to these points at the design stage of the ventilation system.

If this was not done, and problems appeared during the operation of the structure, the entire ventilation system may need to be seriously reworked.

Alternative option troubleshooting is to use sound absorbers different types to reduce unpleasant sound effects. To improve the process of moving air masses, you may have to install a more powerful fan.

Sometimes excessive noise during fan operation indicates that it was installed incorrectly, in which the so-called “alignment” was disrupted. In this case, it is enough to remove the device and install it again with strict adherence to the installation technology.

Usually after this the amount of noise from the fan operation is significantly reduced.

The supply type of ventilation in bathrooms is used extremely rarely, but if such a decision is made, you should think about the temperature of the air coming from outside.

IN winter time The flow of cold air can cause extremely unpleasant sensations for visitors to the bathroom. To solve this type of problem, the air entering the room is heated using special electrical appliances.

    There are several common misconceptions that can negatively affect ventilation work. When designing and installing the system, remember that:
  • an exhaust fan is not enough if the room does not have a normal flow of fresh air;
  • big and bulky duct system ventilation is not always more effective than low-cost ventilation methods if they are chosen correctly;
  • the presence of an air conditioner in the house, as well as a purifier, ionizer, humidifier and other similar devices does not provide normal ventilation of the rooms, since with their help fresh air does not enter the rooms.

Typically, the design of a ventilation system for a bathroom is very simple; you can do it yourself.

But if some calculations are required or the execution of a ventilation duct of a complex shape is required, and the novice master has no experience in such work, it is better to consult with professionals or completely entrust them with all the work.

The quality of ventilation cannot be neglected, since the health of the residents of the house depends on its condition.

Designing a private house without taking into account the ventilation system is considered incorrect. For the toilet, bathroom, changing the air improves its composition and prevents the appearance of wall surfaces and ceiling mold, flexible. Air exchange improves the indoor microclimate and protects structures from destruction.

Air exchange options for bath and toilet

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet in a private house is carried out mainly natural and forced. The first option is more economical and easier to implement. Does not require electricity costs. There is enough gap between the door and the floor for fresh air to penetrate through it. Sometimes, for these purposes, a ventilation grill is installed at the bottom of the door. But the effectiveness of this method is low. The required air exchange is not carried out, so mechanical devices are installed.

Forced air change does not depend on external conditions. The flow is supplied and removed in a specified manner. Energy dependence is the main disadvantage, because The fan runs on mains power.

Features of bathroom and bathroom ventilation

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet in a private house can be installed with your own hands. At the same time, there are no significant differences between devices and installation technologies. The difficulty may be caused by the fact that the main ventilation duct is located some distance from the bathroom. To ensure the required and high-quality air exchange, an influx of fresh air should be organized. For this purpose, a separate ventilation sleeve is installed specifically for the bathroom. It should be oriented towards a common (stationary) air duct.

When the main duct in the bathroom is located through the wall with the toilet, it is allowed to install ventilation grilles in both rooms. In this case, the exhaust shaft should be located directly behind the wall of the toilet room, but not behind the door.

Attention! Mechanical air exchange is universal. It is suitable for combined and non-combined bathroom and bathroom ventilation systems.

If the room is small and the main duct runs closely, an overhead fan model is mounted. It is quite powerful, does not create noise during operation (up to 40 dB), consumes a small amount of electricity, and fits into any room design.

Fan performance selection

The efficiency of air exchange depends on the correctly selected equipment power. Approximately its calculation is carried out according to the scheme.

  • The area of ​​the bathroom (bathroom) is calculated.
  • The result obtained is multiplied by a factor of 6 (when using the premises for up to three people) or by 8 (with a visit of 3 or more people).
  • The resulting product of numbers is the required fan performance.

In an example it looks like this. Bathroom area 15 sq.m. used by 4 people. For calculations, a correction factor of 8 is accepted. Then the required fan performance will be: 15 * 8 = 120 m3/h.

Attention! If you need to ensure air exchange in a room with an area of ​​more than 15 square meters, the overhead fan model will be ineffective. Centrifugal channel injection units are better suited here.

Installation procedure

  • At self-installation ventilation, the ventilation duct is first cleaned. To do this, use a brush or a weight suspended on a rope. It is lowered several times into the channel in a rotating motion. The channel is cleaned if the indicator is brought close to ventilation shaft a sheet of paper - deviates towards the room or is not held by gravity on the grid.
  • All work is carried out with the electricity meter turned off at a height. To do this, you need to provide a stepladder.
  • The installation is installed under the ceiling in the zone of maximum humidity, opposite the source of air intake.
  • Taking into account the size of the fan and the location of the power supply, the position of the wiring and the installation itself are marked.
  • Installation work is carried out with the presence of a grille, glue for fixing it, a screwdriver, and dowels. You may also need a piece of hose for the air duct, as well as plasterboard box for masking the pipe and unit.
  • The fan is installed in the air duct. If the model is of an overhead type, the box is first strengthened.
  • The terminals located on it are connected to the two-wire cable line cross section 0.2 cm.
  • The fan housing is mounted directly. For this purpose, most models have latches. Otherwise, dowels are used for these purposes.
  • If the installation cannot be connected directly, the air duct is expanded. It is disguised in a box or decorated. For this purpose, a flexible, semi-rigid or rigid hose is used.
  • To save energy and use equipment rationally, it is convenient to start the fan when turning on the light: you need to run a cable from the fan to the switch.
  • After installation and connection, voltage is supplied to the network and the operation of the forced ventilation system is checked.

Before assembling the fan into the duct, the power supply is also turned off, but the procedure is slightly different.

  • The unit is placed strictly vertically in the channel, as deep as possible. This position is securely fixed so that during operation it does not fall due to the vibrations created.
  • The supply cable must be new, without kinks or damage to the insulating winding, designed for “zero” and phase. It connects to the fan.
  • IN convenient location a switch is installed to start the equipment into operation.
  • Voltage is supplied to the network and the correct connection is checked, as well as the operation of the equipment.

Attention! The main element of forced air exchange is the ventilation unit. You need to buy it according to the calculated parameters with a passport and manufacturer’s warranty.

Check valve in the ventilation system

If the equipment is incorrectly selected or the calculations are inaccurate, the ventilation system does not work efficiently enough. As a result, a reverse ventilation effect is observed. The air intended for exhaust is blown back into the bathroom or toilet. Installation check valve solves this problem by stopping the backflow.

The choice of device depends on the type of ventilation system. When the channel is positioned vertically, air flows move along it. To cover them it is installed horizontal valve. When installing the air duct longitudinally, the cut-off part is mounted in a vertical design.

Some notes on arranging ventilation in the bathroom and bathroom

  • The fan is purchased according to its calculated performance. Its increased power “eats up” expensive electricity without increasing the efficiency of the process.
  • You can automate air exchange in a bathroom or bathroom using a timer. Regardless of whether the owners are in the house or not, it will maintain the set mode, periodically turning the system on and off.

Thus, in a private house, ventilation in rooms with high air humidity and the release of unpleasant odors is definitely necessary. How it will be organized is another matter. Natural aeration (open window, door, etc.) is often used together with forced air exchange. From existing methods, you can always choose the best option and do it yourself to create comfortable conditions accommodation.