DIY kitchen on the veranda. Summer kitchen projects with a veranda - ways of organization. Closed summer kitchens

The arrangement of a recreation area at the dacha depends on its purpose and the size of the site itself. Small area an area of ​​6 acres significantly limits possibilities. It will not be possible to build a spacious structure on it without using the garden space. In this case, a gazebo measuring 3x4 meters would be optimal.

The layout of this area depends on the needs of the household. If the owners spend their vacation leisurely preserving the gifts of nature, a small summer kitchen with a stove and sink is enough, and if they cannot imagine relaxing without a large friendly company with barbecue, then a sauna under one roof with a gazebo and barbecue would be a reasonable solution.

Types of structures

There are many types of summer buildings for cooking and spending time with family and friends. They are open and closed. The former resemble verandas or gazebos, while the latter look like small houses and can be used at any time of the year.

If you often receive many guests gathering for barbecues and barbecues, then a project with a veranda is what you need.

This option looks harmonious and takes less free space.
Even more attractive is the opportunity to save in this case on the construction of extra walls. Designers offer another solution: a kitchen, a bathhouse, a veranda and a basement-storage room, all having a common roof.

A bathhouse usually consists of several rooms with for different purposes. If this structure is connected to the house, then you can move back and forth without any problems, even during rain.

Thematic material:

A closed kitchen resembles a regular house in appearance and often serves as a guest house or is used for relaxation. summer heat. This design can be used in cold period, if you equip it heating devices. In addition, it perfectly serves as a pantry or storage for sports, hunting or fishing equipment.

Kitchens can be made from boards, plywood, foam blocks, brick or plasterboard using simple drawings. This, in addition to the opportunity to save money, will allow you to experiment by combining building materials and creating original designs. A good option will be combined with a covered terrace.

Regardless of the materials used, the design should be comfortable and properly organized.

Finding a place for a kitchen

The site for construction is chosen in such a way that it is convenient to connect communications. We must remember that the family spends most of the daytime in this place, therefore it must meet the needs of all its members and be as comfortable as possible.
When determining a suitable location, you should be guided by the following principles:

  • It is better to erect the building in the depths of the site, away from roads and the eyes of strangers.
  • When choosing flammable building materials, you must comply with all fire safety rules.
  • Since the kitchen is a place for eating, it is best to locate it away from trash cans, toilets, compost pits and animal pens.
  • It is convenient to combine it with a cellar; this will greatly simplify life during seasonal preparations.
  • It is better to place the structure in the shade of trees to protect it from the sun's rays; this will create comfort and help hide from the midday heat.
  • It is better to position the building so that natural drainage of rainwater can be ensured.

In addition, you should choose a landscaped place, and if there is a pond on the site, then it is preferable to place the structure next to it.

Construction of a kitchen

The next step will be preparation for pouring the foundation. It must match the weight of the structure. It is advisable to start by drawing up a diagram in order to get an idea of ​​the amount of upcoming costs of materials and time. The foundation can be made columnar or strip. The first one is suitable for the lungs metal structures, and the second will be appropriate where a building made of brick or stone is planned.

Before making drawings, you should finally decide on the type suitable design. It can be of three types:

  1. Gazebo with barbecue.
  2. An open outdoor seating area with a small brazier.
  3. Capital construction, for example, a bathhouse with an outbuilding and a veranda.

After this, you need to prepare the necessary building materials and tools. Their set depends on the chosen design. They will last a long time without creating any problems: they do not rust, do not burn out, and food cooks better on them.

Brick gazebo closed type with a barbecue requires a strip foundation, in order to avoid problems in the future it is necessary to prepare drawings in advance.

When building a structure with a barbecue with your own hands, it is advisable to listen to the recommendations of experts:

  • Temperature-resistant compounds are used for laying the brazier.
  • To avoid the formation of soot and smoke, a smoke collector is provided.
  • To protect the grill from precipitation, it is equipped with a lid or treated with a special varnish.
  • To make cutting the brick easier, soak it in water for several minutes.
  • The firebox is made according to the width of the skewers.
  • For a barbecue that is used frequently, you should equip it with a blower that ensures intense combustion.

Built on summer cottage, will allow you to be in the fresh air all day. Here you can cook meat dishes for the whole company even in case of rain. It is easy to build such a structure yourself with minimum costs, can complement a site in any style, and the design closed view will allow you to comfortably accommodate guests. Whatever option the owners choose, the kitchen will be a useful and functional outbuilding that will significantly improve the summer cottage.

Steaming indoors in the summer when you can spend time outdoors? Not the best good idea. And cooking or making twists is even worse. It is much more pleasant and useful to spend time under a canopy or in a light, ventilated building, which many call a “summer kitchen.” Summer cuisine It’s easy to build with your own hands, especially open options.

Open summer kitchen: views and photos

Open is more likely open gazebo or veranda. A very good option for the warm season. Not in all regions, even in summer, you can stay outside for a long time. Then they make closed summer kitchens - this is already small house, which can be built using any technology that seems most attractive to you.

Summer kitchen - extension

Let's start with open areas. If you plan to move the main activity to fresh air for the summer, it will be more convenient to attach a summer kitchen to existing house. In this case they do. Most often, they first make it open. Easiest to do wooden extension. In a very open version, these could simply be pillars supporting the roof.

The simplest option is a few pillars supporting a light roof - the summer kitchen is ready with your own hands

This option is very good for the southern regions, where for most of the year you can stay outside for as long as you like. For more northern regions or if this is a home permanent residence, usually they decide to make the extension more closed. First they make the railings, and then they often think about covering the spans with something else: they want to extend the “period of use.” As a result, the open summer kitchen becomes closed.

The most common material for this type of extension is wood. It is flexible, forgives many mistakes, which can be corrected later without disassembling the structure, so it is easy to work even without skills. It is also lightweight, so the foundation for a summer kitchen made of wood can be made lightweight - columnar or

The second most popular material is brick or decorative rock. If you have direct hands and follow the technology, amateur developers can work with this material. You shouldn’t take on building a house without experience, but you can try putting together pillars and partitions for a summer kitchen.

But since even a pillar made of brick or stone no longer weighs a hundred kilograms or more, a more solid foundation is required for it. If we take into account that it will also take the load from the roof, then we will have to make pillars or piles with good load-bearing capacity.

Removal from the side of the house - open terrace with stove and barbecue

If you are thinking about putting brick walls, it’s better to fill it right away pile- strip foundation, and bury the tape below the freezing depth. If this option is not suitable - the freezing depth is large or the soil does not allow it, you will have to either make a monolithic slab, or abandon the brick partitions, making them using a different technology, even from the same wood or from the same wood. The good thing about a self-built summer kitchen is that you know all the design features down to the smallest detail, you can subsequently modernize the building.

Detached building

Some people don’t really like kitchen odors that can enter the house from the extension. Then they build small building at some distance from home. The presence of summer kitchens is almost a mandatory attribute of private houses in the southern regions. Before the era of air conditioning, cooking indoors in the heat was real torture: heat“overboard”, heated walls, and even the heat from the stove - the conditions are hellish, while the rest of the rooms are also heated. That’s why they made at least small separate gazebo houses, in which they placed gas stove and a cylinder with liquefied gas, in the villages they built a small stove. Some even cooked on a “kirogaz” or primus stove.

Modern climate control technology can eliminate all these inconveniences, but free-standing summer kitchens are still being built. They are often also used as a guest house - having made them.

The cheapest option is poles that support the roof. They can be wooden, brick or combined - consisting of a stone base and a timber top. This best option from the point of view of operation: the wood is protected from the effects of most precipitation, and at the same time the weight is not very large.

One of the easy options

What to make the floor from

The floor in such a kitchen can be made of planks. It’s easier to do, but many are confused by the fact that the wood will be left with virtually no protection. There are two ways to solve the problem. The first is to use effective protective impregnations - such as wood oils or waxes intended for outdoor use. They do not create a shiny surface, but protect well from moisture and dirt. Using varnishes for summer kitchens is not the best idea. They begin to burst and crack; to renew the coating, the old one must be completely removed, while oils and wax require only thorough preliminary cleaning; after drying, a fresh layer can be applied.

This terrace has been treated with Pinotex Terrace Oil

The second way is to use not wood, but a wood-polymer composite (WPC). These are boards that consist of a mixture of wood fibers and polymers. They look and feel very much like wood. The only difference is that they almost do not change size depending on humidity, although thermal expansion is present. Such boards are called “decking” or “planken” depending on the profile of the board. There is also “garden parquet”. This is a covering made from the same material, only assembled into panels, like parquet. They can simply be laid on the ground, without any preparation.

The terrace and floor in the summer kitchen are made of WPC - wood-polymer composite

The advantages of WPC include a long period of operation without changing the original properties. It dates back decades, but varies greatly depending on the manufacturer. The downside is that the price is not the most affordable. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the technology is relatively new, not yet particularly mastered, although there are Russian manufacturers similar products.

Stone or specialized tiles withstand weather conditions better, but installing such a floor is not an easy task. If you just put it on gravel and sand backfill If it gets wet in the fall, in frosty weather the tiles may crack or bounce off. We have to make an insulated one monolithic slab, following all the technology: with a sand and gravel layer, insulation, reinforcement, pouring concrete. The dimensions of this slab are 50-60 cm larger around the perimeter than the planned building. In general, the costs and work are serious, although it is convenient to use.

One of the floor options is large concrete plates made of high grade concrete

After a time when the concrete gains strength (at least 2 weeks must pass, and this is at an average temperature of +20°C), the coating can be laid. You can use flagstone - stone sawn into layers, you can use porcelain stoneware, or frost-resistant tiles.

A simpler option is to lay out a site paving slabs. But this is exceptional summer option. But - without fussing with the foundation.

If you build a summer kitchen with your own hands at the dacha, this is perhaps the best option. It turns out inexpensive and practical.

Closed summer kitchen

Those who want to have an all-season summer area for gatherings or cooking, put more capital buildings. Most often these are buildings frame technology- quickly and relatively inexpensively, more expensive, but more capital - from logs or timber.

“Framework” option - racks made of timber covered with clapboard

In the case of a frame building, everything is very simple: racks made of timber are placed in small increments (you can even join boards together), then they are sheathed on both sides with some kind of finishing material. What kind is your choice, be it clapboard - wooden or plastic, blockhouse, or any other material. To save money, the inside is often sheathed with plywood, fiberboard, gypsum fiber board, OSB or something similar. If desired, it can be insulated. The frame is sheathed on one side, insulation is laid (usually mineral wool), and sheathing is installed on the other side. You can insulate not only immediately, but after some time, you just have to remove the sheathing on one side.

What does the “skeleton” of a summer kitchen look like using frame technology?

More frame building it is convenient in that it can be given any shape, and the foundation can be relatively light - depending on the soil - pile or strip. Such foundations are also needed for wooden buildings- from logs or timber. All the rules are the same here. It is important to find or order a project, but assembly is a matter of technique.

Naturally, you can build from any other materials - from foam blocks to brick or even rubble. It's all about the amount you plan or can spend on this building. It will also be inexpensive to build from foam concrete, aerated concrete, some building blocks, and adobe. Cinder block, like adobe, can be made independently, so the choice of material is up to you, and then everything is built according to all the rules. There is only one deviation: insulation for the summer kitchen is either not done at all, or it is done minimally. Another point - heating, as a rule, is absent, and this also must be taken into account when choosing materials for construction and finishing.

Photo report of the construction of a summer kitchen with an open veranda

A summer kitchen with the opportunity to “sit outside” was being built. Therefore, the option with an open veranda was chosen. The base of the house is assembled from 200*200 mm timber, the internal walls are made from 150*100 mm. I like the look of the carriage, but it is ungodly expensive, so the timber was trimmed to create a similar relief.

The foundation is made of columnar. Since the construction is light, the soil is normal, the posts were buried only 60 cm.

The harness was assembled from 200*200 mm timber. It was pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. The corners were connected as usual - cuts were made. The cross members were mounted on metal U-shaped plates. The beam was not rigidly fastened, since heaving would still occur, so that the building could “walk.”

The racks were made from 200*200 mm timber, internal filling from 150*100 mm.

The walls were assembled quite quickly and without problems: there were no cuts, just pieces of timber of the required length were nailed to the posts. The roof is made of gables, with small angle slope On one side there is a take-out rafter legs more - to make a canopy on the side of the veranda, which will also cover from slanting rain.

The ceiling lining is made of Not edged boards, which was then brought to fruition on our own machine.

Ceiling lining - board

Summer kitchen design: photo

After building a summer kitchen, another problem arises: it is necessary to decorate it. The arrangement includes not only the choice of table and chairs, it is also necessary to organize it in some way work area, somewhere to store food for the stove, which is often installed here.

Projects for summer kitchens appeared back in the days Soviet Union. Many people associate childhood with being small wooden house, where in summer you can sit in a cozy small kitchen. Today, the fashion for a summer kitchen with a veranda has returned. Accordingly, everyone is interested in how to build it. To do this, you need to use the instructions and useful recommendations.

It is in the summer kitchen that vegetables, berries and fruits are processed. Here you can prepare food and enjoy your meal in the fresh air. A summer kitchen can also perform other household functions. Also, thanks to the gazebo, an additional sleeping place can be arranged.

There are a great many options for interior design of such a room. Therefore, we will consider the most interesting projects.

Summer kitchen and outdoor veranda

This project implies:

  • meeting guests;
  • holding family holidays;
  • performing basic work.

At the same time, this project looks just like a small house. People only settle in it on warm summer days.

Such a room is built with low material costs and is quite simple. In this house, in addition to the kitchen itself, there is only one more room. The continuation of the house is the terrace. The main furniture is taken out onto the veranda and guests and family meals are held in the fresh air.

The roof is made into a single part of the house and the veranda itself.

Summer kitchen with access to the veranda

Lately it has become fashionable to lengthen the porch. Because of this, it becomes possible to make an extension-terrace. To implement this project, you will need to install special support beams and install partitions. When the main work is completed, all that remains is to make a slanting canopy from the wall of the house.

Each person will be able to exit onto the veranda through the doorway. The downside of this kitchen is that this design is only suitable for... a certain type premises.

Summer kitchen projects with a gazebo

The summer kitchen can also be equipped with a gazebo. You can make preparations for the winter in it or cook barbecue. The advantages of a summer kitchen with a gazebo are:

  1. when rearranging dishes, no unnecessary sounds disturb anyone;
  2. odors do not disturb the residents of the house;
  3. comfort, space and constant ventilation.

Options for summer kitchens with a veranda (video)


A summer house cannot do without a foundation. You can easily make it yourself. This design must have features such as:

  • strength,
  • reliability.

At the same time, there are no serious requirements for the foundation. For this building, for example, ordinary slabs will do.

Monolithic foundation is impossible would be better suited for summer kitchen projects. Additional slabs are laid in the corners. This gives the house reliability and strength.

Frame project

The construction of the frame should begin when the foundation has already been poured. Metal corners need to fix the beams for better reliability. This will guarantee that the house will not collapse during strong gusts of wind.

Phased construction the frame looks like this:

  • before installing the walls, the beams are coated with paint or varnish;
  • the beams of the supporting structure are connected to each other into a tongue and groove;
  • additional fastenings are provided to the beams using screws;
  • The corners should be secured with metal bolts;
  • wooden edging beams are attached to the foundation using corners;
  • for electrical wiring and water pipes It is necessary to provide openings for communications.

Once the frame design is completed, the summer kitchen is equipped with water and electricity.

Roof and gable projects

When building a summer kitchen that has a veranda, the configuration of the pediment must be taken into account. It depends directly on the slope of the roof. The nodes that connect the pediment are worked out with special care.

Beams with rectangular cross-sectionthe best choice for this design. Metal anchors provide rigidity of fastening.

3D projects of summer kitchens with a veranda (video)


A summer house with a kitchen can be equipped with both a veranda and a gazebo. Which projects you prefer is up to you to decide. It’s not difficult to build them, just follow the written recommendations.

Summer kitchen projects with a veranda (photo)

In the warm season, especially during the conservation period, the presence of a summer kitchen greatly simplifies the cooking process and makes it more enjoyable. It is not necessary to hire specialists for construction - all stages can be completed independently. If you choose the right materials, a summer kitchen will not cost too much, which is beneficial for the budget-conscious owner. great importance.

Types of summer kitchens

Summer kitchens can have closed and open design. Both types are widely used in country houses and suburban areas. To decide which type to choose, you should study all the advantages and disadvantages of such buildings.

Closed kitchen

This kitchen has windows, doors and a roof, just like a full-fledged house. There are options combined with a bathhouse or summer shower, cellar, workshop, with attached veranda for eating and resting. Usually, lightweight materials are chosen for construction and the building is not insulated, so the room is not used in winter. At the same time, there are kitchens made of brick and foam blocks, which are more durable and can be insulated if necessary.

Advantages of closed structures:

  • a closed kitchen requires more materials and therefore costs more;
  • the project will require additional calculations;
  • the construction process is more labor-intensive and time-consuming.

This option is more suitable for country houses where the owners live permanently. But at the dacha, which is empty in winter, construction closed kitchen not always justified.

Open kitchens are built according to the principle: concrete or tiled base, support pillars along the perimeter, canopy roof. A stove is installed under the canopy, kitchen table, benches. Sometimes the kitchen is made without a canopy if it is used exclusively for cooking on vacation on clear days. Construction material For an open kitchen, wood, brick, and natural stone are most often used.

Summer kitchen - project with barbecue


  • the room cannot be used during the cold period;
  • no protection from wind and insects;
  • poor protection from rain and dampness;
  • You cannot leave food.
  • all furniture that will be there must be hidden for the winter in closed, dry rooms, otherwise it will quickly rot.

Where to build

The location of the kitchen is of great importance. Khozdvor, and cesspools should be as far away as possible, but communications, on the contrary, are closer. You will have to supply water to the kitchen and connect electricity, so it is best if the site for construction is near the house. You cannot choose a place in a low place, otherwise the floor will become damp. A closed kitchen can be attached to the house, but an open kitchen is better placed in the garden or near a pond, away from the road.

Construction of an open kitchen

There are many options for building an open kitchen, but the main stages are always the same: marking and preparing the site, laying out the foundation, installing load-bearing supports, installing the roof and interior design of the room.

To work you will need:

  • level;
  • shovel;
  • pegs and twine;
  • tape measure; sand and crushed stone;
  • cement mortar;
  • pieces of reinforcement;
  • timber 150x150 mm;
  • Circular Saw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer and nails;
  • metal squares;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • boards 25 mm thick;
  • primer.

Step 1. Marking

The selected area is cleared of all excess and the turf is removed. They determine one of the corners of the building and drive a peg into the ground, and then measure the width and length of the area for the kitchen from it. Beacon pegs are placed in each corner and string is pulled between them. Check the correctness of the markings along the diagonals - they must be the same length. After this, soil is selected inside the marking to a depth of 15-20 cm, leveled and compacted.

Step 2. Pouring the foundation

The bottom of the pit is covered with an even layer of sand, leveled, and compacted well. If necessary, communication pipes are laid along the bottom and crushed stone is poured on top. A reinforcing mesh is laid, metal rods 20 cm high are inserted into the corners of the site, and formwork made of boards is installed around the perimeter. The height of the formwork above the ground surface should be about 10 cm; using the level on inside the formwork marks the line for pouring the mortar so that the site is level. Knead and pour it into the formwork, following the markings. Communication pipes are closed with plugs, otherwise the solution may get inside. The surface is leveled according to the rule, after which the foundation is left until completely dry.

Also, the foundation for the kitchen can be made of a columnar type using bricks. The marking is done in the same way monolithic foundation, after which square-shaped pits up to 50 cm deep are dug. The bottom of the pits is filled with sand and compacted, then a metal rod is inserted, around which the brickwork. The height of the foundation columns is checked by level. If necessary, the columns are leveled with an additional layer of cement.

A lower frame made of timber will be attached to the reinforcement bars, which is joined using the “claw” method. The timber is laid on roofing felt, previously glued with bitumen to each post. On bottom trim subfloor logs are installed from edged boards.

Step 3. Installation of load-bearing supports

At the lower ends of the beam, holes are drilled for reinforcing bars protruding from the foundation. The front posts are made 20 cm higher than the rear ones to make it easier to mount the canopy. The beams are installed at the corners of the site, leveled, and then fixed to the base with metal plates on anchor bolts. Along the upper edge, the pillars are connected with timber strapping, and horizontal jumpers are mounted at a height of 70-80 cm from the floor.

Table. Roof slope depending on covering

Roof materialWeight sq. m (without base), kgApproximate durability, yearsRoof slope, degrees
Sheet black steel3-5 20-25 16-30
Cink Steel3,5-6 30-40 16-30
Ruberoid4-13 13-15 4-27
Roof tiles40-50 60 or more30-45
Asbestos cement14-20 40-45 27-50

Step 4. Installation of the canopy

TO top harness nail primed boards along the width of the structure every 50 cm. Internal joints must be reinforced with metal squares so that the canopy does not come apart when strong wind. Waterproofing material is laid on top of the boards, thin slats are stuffed and sheets of slate or

Step 5. Floor installation

The most optimal solution There will be tiling. It is not afraid of moisture, is easily cleaned of dirt, and easily tolerates temperature changes. Wood flooring in an open kitchen it quickly becomes unusable under the influence of atmospheric moisture, dries out from the sun, is damaged by insects, and therefore requires regular maintenance. So, take the tiles, tile adhesive, notched trowel and begin tiling the floor. Lay the tiles from the corner: apply a little mortar to the back surface, apply it to the floor and level it.

In the photo - porcelain tiles for the street

To make the seams as even as possible, special plastic crosses are used, which are inserted at the joints. Laying is constantly monitored by level, otherwise the coating will be uneven. If you plan to install a barbecue in the kitchen, the floor underneath does not need to be tiled. After completion of the work, the seams are cleaned of dust and mortar residues, and then rubbed with a special mixture.

Step 6. Arranging the kitchen

For greater comfort, the space between the floor and the horizontal lintels can be sheathed with boards or covered with wooden figured bars, leaving it free doorway. A stove, benches and a table are installed, electricity and water are supplied. Finally, wooden surfaces are covered with stain and varnish or painted, protecting the wood from environmental influences.

Prices for various types of construction boards

Construction boards

Construction of a closed kitchen

Indoor kitchens are also very diverse, but the most convenient and easy to implement is frame construction made of timber on a columnar foundation. For cladding, it is recommended to use lining or OSB boards.

During the work you will need:

  • Circular Saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • shovel;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • dry planed timber 100x100 mm;
  • boards 25 mm thick;
  • long cord and pegs for beacons;
  • roofing felt;
  • cement mortar;
  • construction studs;
  • working off;
  • nails and screws;
  • sand.

Step 1. Marking the area

The selected area needs to be prepared: level the hills, remove tall grass, stones, garbage. Now you need to determine where the facade line will be located and place 2 beacons on it. The distance between the pegs is equal to the length of the facade. Perpendicular to this line, measure the length of the side walls from each beacon and also place marks. A cord is pulled between the beacons, and the diagonals are measured in the resulting rectangle. If they are equal, the marking is done correctly. In the center of each side of the future kitchen and at the intersection of the diagonals, you also need to drive in pegs - these are marks for intermediate posts.

Step 2. Preparing the foundation

Using a shovel, dig holes in places marked with pegs to a depth of 40 cm; The dimensions of the pit should correspond to two cinder blocks laid flat. The walls and bottom of the pits are leveled, a 10 cm layer of sand is filled in and compacted. 2 lower cinder blocks are laid on the sand, covered with mortar, a construction pin is inserted in the center so that it rises above the ground surface by about 25-30 cm. Then the second row of cinder blocks is placed on top across the first, mortar again and the third row. Finished pillars must have the same height and be located on the same level.

Step 3. Installation of the bottom trim

The lower trim consists of two rows of timber, knocked together. All beams are generously coated with waste oil, paying special attention to the cuts, and then dried. In the beams of the bottom row you need to make holes for the studs, and in the top row you need to cut grooves for the floor crossbars. The depth of the grooves corresponds to half the thickness of the beam, and the width is equal to the thickness of the crossbar.

Pieces of roofing felt are placed on top of the pillars, sliding them directly onto the studs. The lower beams are applied to the posts, the location of the studs is marked, and holes of the appropriate diameter are drilled. Next, lay them on the foundation, thread the studs into the holes and tighten the nuts. The ends of the studs should not protrude above the surface of the timber; on the contrary, it is better when they are slightly recessed into the wood. Check the piping with a level along the entire perimeter to avoid distortions. Now you need to lay the top row of beams, nail them, and insert the floor beams into the grooves. For greater reliability, it is better to reinforce internal joints with metal plates and screws.

Step 4. Summer kitchen - log house

This summer kitchen has a wonderful appearance, environmentally friendly and retains heat well indoors. However, it is extremely important to treat the material with a fire-retardant impregnation to prevent the wood from being damaged by insects.

It is worth remembering that the log house will shrink over several years, so it is not recommended to additionally sheath the walls of the summer kitchen.

To ensure that the walls inside the room are even, each log along its entire length is hewn with a plane or grinder. At the ends of the logs, grooves are cut for joining (the “paw” method). This method was not chosen by chance. Firstly, the logs will be used without residue, and secondly, even if gusset will have a small gap, this will not affect the functionality and convenience of the summer kitchen in any way.

To build a mortgage crown, we lay two logs opposite each other. We place two more perpendicularly on them. We adjust this square to a single plane so that it lies clearly horizontally on the lower trim of the future summer kitchen. Next, we mark, cut and lay the following logs, between which we lay insulation, for example, moss or felt.

Openings for the doors and windows of the summer kitchen will be cut down in the future. The glass units themselves and Entrance door together with the components will be installed after the roof installation process is completed. We present to your attention a photo report of the construction of a 7x3 m summer kitchen.

Video - Handling

Step 5. Roof installation

Roof trusses are made from boards with a cross-section of 150x50 mm, reinforced inside with spacers and mounted to the top frame. The ends should protrude 10-15 cm beyond the perimeter of the walls. The distance between the trusses is approximately 1.5 m. The roof elements are fastened to the frame using metal plates and bolts. After installing the rafters, a ridge is installed along the trusses, and then the roof frame is sheathed with boards. Corrugated board, slate or other roofing material is laid on the sheathing.

The roof is covered with ondulin

How windows are installed incorrectly

Summer kitchen 7x3 mProject
Kitchen heightHeight from floor to ceiling: 2.15 m (+-5 cm). Skate height: 1.5 m (+-5 cm)
Support-columnar blocks (one bedside table measuring 400x400x4000 mm consists of four cement blocks measuring 200x200x400, interconnected with a sand-cement mixture).
Base strappingUnplaned timber with a section of 100x150mm. The binding is laid in 1 row per edge.
Sexual lagsUnplaned timber 40x150 mm. with a laying step of 700 mm.
Log houseProfiled timber with a section of 90x140 mm, natural humidity
Assembling a log houseThe log house is going to metal dowels(nails 200 mm).
Assembling log cornersAssembling the corner into a “warm corner”
Inter-crown insulationLinen jute fabric is laid between the crowns
PartitionsPartition beam 90x140 natural humidity.
FloorDouble floor: subfloor: 20 mm edged board; finishing floor: tongue and groove batten 36 mm. (chamber drying).
Insulated mineral wool“KNAUF” 50 mm, “ONDUTIS” insulation is laid in 2 layers.
Ceiling beamsUnplaned timber 40x100 mm. with a laying step of 700 mm.
CeilingThe ceiling is lined with clapboard coniferous species(chamber drying). The ceiling is insulated with KNAUF mineral wool 50 mm, and ONDUTIS insulation is laid.
Rafter structureBar 40x100 mm. with a laying step of 1000 mm.
Roof sheathingThe sheathing is made from 20 mm edged boards. (via the board).
According to the kitchen design, it is gable.
PedimentsCovered with softwood clapboard (kiln-drying). Installed in kitchen gables ventilation grates(prevent the formation of condensation).
Skylights and eaves (roof overhangs)They are sewn up with coniferous wood paneling (chamber drying). Overhang width: 350 – 450 mm (4 linings).
Roofing materialOndulin, color to choose from: red, brown, green.
WindowWooden with double glazing, installed according to the project. The size of the window blocks is 1x1.2 m. Casing bars (swarms) are installed in the openings.
DoorsPaneled. Casing bars (swarms) are installed in the openings.
Room decorationAll corners and joints in the kitchen are sealed with plinth; window and door openings are surrounded by platband.
TerraceSupport columns with compensation lifts (jacks) are installed for shrinkage. Terrace finishing: railings - carved, balusters - turned. There are steps at the entrance.

Step 6. Arranging the kitchen

When the basic processes are completed, you should get serious about interior arrangement kitchens. The walls can be covered with plastic or, since a frame covered with plywood does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Then they install the stove, sink, connect electricity and water, arrange kitchen furniture. At this point, the construction of the closed kitchen can be considered complete.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Video - DIY summer kitchen

A man comes to his dacha to breathe fresh air. And even when preparing something tasty at your dacha, it is much more pleasant to be not in a musty room, but in an open space. Moreover, it is hot in the summer even without cooking.

The construction of a summer kitchen at the dacha is becoming relevant, which, with photos and descriptions, will be discussed in the article. Types of summer kitchens, materials, construction sequence - further in the text.

Types of summer kitchens

Conventionally, country summer kitchens can be divided into two categories:

Closed summer kitchen

In many ways, the structure is similar to an ordinary house, with doors, windows, walls and a roof. The room can be combined with a bathroom, shower or bathhouse, or a workshop.

Insulation of the room is most often not puzzled, because in winter time they don't use it.

Lightweight materials are usually used for construction. inexpensive materials– wood, OSB, plywood. In rare cases, walls are made of brick or aerated concrete.

Advantages of a closed kitchen:

  • protection from wind, rain, annoying insects, dust.
  • the ability to equip the premises as temporary housing for guests;
  • the ability to store food and kitchen utensils.

The disadvantages of this approach are the following:

  • relative high cost and material costs compared to an open kitchen;
  • necessity preliminary calculations and drawings;
  • duration and complexity of the process.

A closed kitchen is relevant in cases where the owners of the dacha live there all year round. If the dacha is not used in winter, then the construction of an enclosed kitchen does not justify itself.

Open summer kitchen

An open kitchen in appearance and design resembles a gazebo - a base made of concrete or tiles and a canopy supported by columns, under which a table with chairs and a stove, barbecue or brazier are installed. Such a structure is erected from stone or brick, less often from wood.

Advantages of a summer open kitchen:

  • minimal financial costs for construction;
  • there is no need for any particularly complex calculations, drawings and diagrams;
  • low labor costs and speed of installation.

Disadvantages of an open kitchen:

  • lack of protection from bad weather, insects, dust;
  • the ability to use the kitchen only in the warm season;
  • there is no way to store food in the kitchen;
  • In bad weather, as well as in the cold season, the table and seats will have to be removed to another room, otherwise they will quickly become unusable.

Construction order

They begin to build an open-type kitchen by choosing a place for the building, clearing and preparing it, then laying out the foundation, installing a frame with load-bearing supports, and then equipping the inside of the kitchen.

The foundation is used reinforced slab or columnar, depending on the type of structure. Reinforcement rods are left protruding from the foundation in the corners, onto which load-bearing supports are mounted, controlling the verticality of their construction.

For ease of installation of the canopy, the two front posts are 20-40 cm higher than the rear ones. To make the structure rigid, the posts are tied with timber at the top and bottom, and additional jumpers are placed at a height of about a meter.

For the canopy, a rafter-beam system is equipped, on which the sheathing is stuffed, and the roof is attached to it using self-tapping screws or slate nails, depending on the roofing material.

The most practical and durable option for the floors in such a kitchen would be to tile or slate. Tiles and stone are not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, are unpretentious and fireproof.

Laying the tiles starts from the corner of the kitchen. To ensure evenness of the seams, the distances between the tiles are controlled using special plastic crosses for jointing. Do not place tiles under the barbecue or stove.

After graduation construction work the kitchen can be decorated as desired decorative elements, provide power and water supply to it. Wooden surfaces treated with stain and yacht varnish.

Closed kitchens are built according to the method of constructing capital or light buildings - frame, panel, brick or stone, that is, depending on the type of building chosen.

They start with a project, then build a columnar or strip foundation, build a frame or erect a brick structure, lay floors, build a roof, and then equip the interior of the room. Simple options It is quite possible to build a closed summer kitchen in the country with your own hands.

Photo of a summer kitchen in the country