Ventilation in a house made of timber with your own hands. Correct ventilation device in a wooden house with your own hands Natural ventilation of a wooden house with your own hands

Hood in wooden house ensures air purification from odors, dust and protects the building from mold and corrosion. If the building area is small, you can, of course, make do with fireplace or stove pipes, as well as cracks in the walls. But it is not best options: there is a risk of constant drafts, mold formation on surfaces and even leaks. The optimal solution would be dosed supply and filtration of air through air ducts, chimneys, kitchen hood.

Types of hoods in a wooden house: nuances of work

In modern construction, several types of ventilation for wooden houses can be distinguished:

  • coercive system;
  • natural air circulation;
  • combined system.

The forced air purification system is equipped with fans, pumps, air conditioners and two air ducts. One is supply, the second is exhaust.

The total length of the system for correct operation must be at least 15 m.

Thanks to the presence of powerful pumps, fresh air is pumped in and stale air is removed from the basement, rooms, kitchen and bathroom. Exit occurs through gratings in the roof slopes. You can also configure the system to supply heat.

Natural circulation is the simplest and most popular method. Exhaust in a wooden house through the wall occurs with the help of valves, grilles and ventilation ducts. It randomly “collects” or pumps air.

Combined ventilation combines both methods and combines the operating principles of natural and forced air systems.

The ventilation system is regulated by the project. Calculation of the number of valves, length and configuration of channels, air duct capacity is indicated in the specifications and sketches. For optimal functioning of the ventilation system, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Even during the construction of the foundation of the house, it is necessary to prepare air vents.

Vents are openings in the basement of a house left to create natural ventilation.

Kinds kitchen hoods for wooden houses

The kitchen hood occupies the first place in the disposal of dirty air. Main characteristics when choosing equipment: type, dimensions, performance and operating modes.

Depending on the configuration, mounting method and purpose, a kitchen hood can be:

  • The classic option is above the hob. The main advantage of the equipment is its availability and wide choose at the time of buying. Disadvantages - not always high efficiency, the need for periodic replacement of carbon filters.
  • . Mounted in kitchen furniture. Usually the kit includes 2 motors and a grease trap. Provides fresh ventilation and does not differ much in functionality from other types.
  • Dome. Installed under the ceiling.

According to the types of fasteners, hoods are: wall-mounted, corner or island. Selected depending on the area.

When deciding which kitchen hood to install in a wooden house, you should pay attention to a number of factors. Whether it is price or features is up to the consumer to decide. The main thing is to look at the quality of the model. After all, a hood is not only a filter, but also health and safety.

How to properly make a hood in a wooden house on your own

A rural building rarely has a ventilation shaft, so you can make a kitchen hood in a wooden house yourself.

  • The simplest option is to make a hole in the wall and lead corrugated or PVC pipes outside the wall.
  • Drill a ventilation hole above the exhaust equipment.
  • The height of the hood above the stove should be 70 cm.
  • Walls and ceiling next to kitchen stove must be isolated.
  • Round pipes create the least resistance and are considered the most convenient to install.

Wood is a building material that has been used by humanity for more than two hundred thousand years. Until now, wooden houses are a popular housing option, despite the fact that they are inferior in durability to concrete buildings. Save good view, ventilation in a house made of timber will help save your home from destruction.

A wooden house is a popular housing option that requires proper ventilation

We must not forget that logs used in construction do not like moisture. It is very difficult to avoid its harmful influence. But by creating all the conditions for proper air exchange, you can significantly extend the shelf life of the tree.

The importance of ventilation in wooden buildings

Many people mistakenly believe that ventilation in a private log house is not needed. But this assumption is wrong. Any log building of past centuries had a stove with a chimney that served as an exhaust hood. And the gaps between the log houses, windows and doorways were supply windows. The stone stove and errors in construction provided natural air exchange, which relieved the room of moisture and unpleasant odors.

Modern construction technologies log house allow you to create a completely sealed external factors building, such a dwelling does not have cracks and gaps through which air would flow. Along with the heat received and the absence of drafts, there is also a disadvantage - condensation.

Due to the difference in temperatures inside and outside the premises, condensation may form on individual elements of the structure, which has a detrimental effect on the quality building materials and furniture. Wood coverings begin to rot, their service life is reduced. Is ventilation necessary in a wooden house? Answer: yes.

A wooden house without ventilation begins to rot and become moldy over time.

Types of ventilation in wooden houses

Before making ventilation in a wooden house, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the nuances. Ventilation design – important stage before starting construction of the house.

Appeal to existing building regulations will help to properly ventilate. It is necessary to focus on SNIP standards regarding the air exchange rate of the entire building and its individual rooms. In an ordinary room, living room, bedroom, etc., you should definitely adhere to the norm of 30 m³/hour.

For premises located in conditions high humidity– 40-70 m³/hour. It is equally important to consider the layout of the timber structure. The presence of partitions, separate furniture and equipment, as well as the main place of rest for residents influence the choice of location for ventilation windows, hoods or even separate air ducts.

For dwellings constructed of wood, the following are most often used:

  • natural ventilation;
  • forced ventilation;
  • supply-type ventilation systems.

Natural air exchange

Ventilation wooden house necessary for all its rooms, especially for those that are under constant influence of moisture - bathroom, shower, toilet and kitchen. Natural ventilation in a wooden house is the easiest way. All that is required for installation is the installation of an exhaust and supply window into the walls of the structure.

Benefits of natural ventilation:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of design and installation;
  • good ventilation of the room;
  • Possibility of operation at any time of the year;
  • energy independence.

The options for arranging this ventilation are different. For small private houses, they use a scheme with vertical air ducts that lead to the attic, right under the roof ridge.

But we must not forget that the traction force may change depending on the length of the air ducts, the presence of turns and some difficult areas. Therefore, even for a private home, care should be taken to carefully design the air exchange system.

Large timber buildings, with two or three floors, require more efficient ventilation devices. Therefore, exhaust and supply air ducts are equipped with fans. Proper ventilation is maintained, but with stronger and more uniform air exchange.

The need for a ventilation system also applies to the basement in a log house. Wooden floors, special supports and beams are susceptible to the harmful effects of condensation. You should know how to properly ventilate your foundation.

A ventilation system should also be installed in the basement of a wooden house.

Features of installation of natural ventilation

Installation of ventilation in a private house has its own characteristics. They partly depend on the location supply windows, ventilation ducts and hoods. It is not necessary to install ventilation elements in each room.

The correct placement of one pair of devices for the entire house can provide effective ventilation. Therefore you should:

  1. Start installation of ventilation in timber house from its foundation. Windows are installed on each wall to ventilate the basement, eliminating dampness.
  2. Provide air flow with a ventilation duct removed from the base. Its street part should be located on the north side of the building (the air there is fresher and cooler).
  3. Correctly position exhaust windows. The exhaust of air masses is carried out by ventilation ducts leading to the ceiling of each room. All of them are displayed on the roof of the building: the higher the pipe, the better the traction.

It is imperative to take into account factors that affect the strength of natural air exchange. In addition to the height of the exhaust pipe rising above the roof, it is influenced by weather conditions, the configuration of the air ducts (their size and the presence of turns). The design features of the building are important - partitions, doors, etc.

In order for natural air flow to ventilate throughout the entire house, care should be taken to provide a sufficient number of cracks and “windows”. Air penetrates from one room to another under the influence of draft force, if between door leaf and the floor will have a gap of 2–3 cm. Another option is to make a through hole in the door and decorate it with a decorative grille.

The space under the roof also needs ventilation. Log house, regardless of the type of roof, - a sealed structure, and air under the influence natural factors condenses in it, which leads to violations of the integrity of the structure.

Lack of ventilation can lead to roof leaks. Therefore, a wooden house must be provided efficient air exchange at all its levels - basement, rooms and attic.

The lack of a ventilation system can lead to roof leaks. That is why the attic must also be equipped with ventilation

Features of installation of a forced ventilation system

Since the structure is made of logs, it is constantly exposed to moisture. Natural ventilation not always satisfies residents with its efficiency. One or more fans installed in the exhaust openings will help solve the problem of weak draft.

The ventilation system is related to weather conditions: when it is cool and windy outside, the draft increases, when it is warm, it decreases. To solve the problem, there are several options: open all windows and doors, increasing the air flow in the room, or make natural ventilation forced. It is more advisable to consider the second option.

To create forced ventilation it is necessary:

  1. Purchase special hoods (fans). They are selected based on the required power and the availability of additional functions.
  2. Install fans in exhaust openings or ducts.
  3. Connect the equipment to the electrical network.

This ventilation system in a wooden house has many advantages. The main one is forced draft, which does not depend on weather conditions.

A simple ventilation device allows you to use the equipment only when necessary. Some device models are equipped with special humidity and temperature sensors. They turn on and off independently when the microclimatic conditions in the building become critical.

When selecting a suitable ventilation scheme, some homeowners choose forced ventilation exhaust system. They have mechanical traction manifests itself not only due to the fan installed in the hood, but also with the help of devices installed in the supply air ducts. Such systems are even more effective and are used in large wooden houses.

Other ventilation options

There are several more options for ventilation systems that can be used in wooden houses. The most common are forced-air mechanical ventilation and recovery systems.

They have their own advantages and disadvantages. Such equipment can be one-piece (in one case) or collapsible (with a separate control panel, ventilation ducts and equipment). These ventilation systems are equipped with:

  • fans for air flow;
  • electric heater;
  • humidifier;
  • filter system;
  • noise protection devices.

Systems with recuperation, instead of an electric heater that heats the street air, have a heat exchanger, which it uses for these purposes room air. The main advantage is energy savings. Can be used in summer when there is a need to cool the air using air conditioning.

Supply ventilation systems have the highest air exchange rate. They are used for heating and cooling a room. One drawback greatly affects their popularity - their high cost.

Living in a house built of wood means enjoying comfort and peace. Such a house contains the smells of the forest, it saturates you positive energy nature. But to make it even easier to breathe, arrange effective ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands. Then your home will become truly comfortable. Understanding how to make ventilation in a wooden house will give you the determination to get down to business as soon as possible.

Is ventilation really necessary in a wooden house?

Many times we have heard the statement that wood “breathes.” They repeatedly remembered with kind words the Russian stove, which, they say, served as natural ventilation in the hut. All this is true, but applies only to old peasant huts. There really was no need to install any kind of ventilation in the wooden house, because it was already leaking from all the cracks.

A modern wooden house is a completely different matter. What kind of “breathing” of wood is there when the walls are made of laminated veneer lumber! For builders, the main task is to maintain heat and prevent drafts, so the house becomes like a tightly closed wooden chest. But the lack of air flow leads to the fact that natural ventilation in a wooden house does not work and the air stagnates.

That is why the question of whether ventilation is needed in a wooden house can be considered incorrect.

Of course, in a wooden house, like in any other, it is necessary to equip a ventilation system. What type of system you choose - natural or forced - is up to you to decide, based on the specific conditions of your home.

Let's start installing ventilation in a wooden house with our own hands

Let's assume that you yourself were involved in the construction of your cottage, or at least took part. Consequently, you have gained experience in carrying out construction and installation work, and do-it-yourself ventilation in a wooden house will not seem too complicated a technological task to you. Let's also say that you have some plumbing and carpentry tools stored in your closet. Therefore, we will not teach you to hold them in your hands, but will immediately get to the point and consider the main points of installing ventilation in a wooden house.

The entire complex of activities must be divided into several stages.

First, you need to design the ventilation system in your wooden house in such a way that its performance meets approved standards.

Air exchange rates in various domestic spaces:

Only based on the results of a well-founded design will you be able to accurately determine the required parameters of the ventilation system, taking into account the layout of your home.

Secondly, arrange ventilation ducts and mount air ducts in accordance with the diagram you have drawn up. By the way, a professional designer will help you most correctly plan and draw a ventilation scheme in your wooden house, if you consider it necessary to contact him.

Thirdly, check the performance of individual elements and the entire ventilation system as a whole, and if any deficiencies are found, try to correct them.

Natural ventilation of a wooden house

The natural ventilation system in a wooden house is attractive due to its comparative cheapness and simplicity of design. Air movement occurs due to the tendency of the warm air mass to rise upward through vertical channels specially constructed for this purpose. Therefore, for you, natural ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands may be the easiest to do, and at the same time quite effective.

To arrange ventilation in a wooden house, start from the basement, since this is where air from the outside should first penetrate. Under normal conditions, ventilation of the foundation of a wooden house occurs through the so-called vents. These small ventilation holes must be laid under each wall of the house during construction.

The air supply through the supply duct must be organized at the base level. It is best on the north side of the house, where the air is coolest, and this is useful for increasing draft. It is not necessary to equip each home room with a separate supply channel. It will be enough to leave under everyone internal doors gaps of one and a half to two centimeters, and through them fresh air will spread everywhere. Exhaust air will be naturally forced out through exhaust ducts, the entrances to which must be placed under the ceiling of each room and covered with decorative grilles. The outlet of each ventilation duct must be raised as high as possible above the roof level.

Equip the channels for air passage with valves or plugs, covering which you can regulate the air exchange rate.

When you arrange natural ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands, make separate ventilation ducts for each type of room. That is, one channel for exhaust from the kitchen, another for the bathroom, a third for the bedroom, etc. Of course, it is tempting to make one single penetration through the roof instead of four. It will seem to you that this will save money and effort when installing ventilation in a wooden house, but it is unlikely to be useful. After all, when strong wind in the exhaust duct may occur reverse thrust, and then, for example, odors from the sewer will penetrate into the rooms.

In addition to atmospheric phenomena, other factors also influence the traction force in the ventilation duct:

  • ventilation pipe height;
  • size internal hole channel;
  • number and configuration of turns,
  • the presence of thermal insulation of the hood.

Take these points into account when installing ventilation in a wooden house.

Besides, in summer time there is a minimal temperature difference in the lower and top points ventilation duct, so there is almost no draft. In these conditions, you will have to arrange ventilation through open windows more often.

So that the air flow does not encounter obstacles when passing through the ventilation duct, it inner surface should be smooth and have no narrowing at the joints.

In a small wooden house it is not necessary to construct ventilation shafts from bricks. This work is labor-intensive, and in addition, dust will accumulate on the rough surface of the channel. When you decide how best to make ventilation in your wooden house, opt for smoother metal or plastic duct blocks.

When you install ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands, do not forget that the space under the roof also needs air circulation. If the topmost room is built like residential attic, it is necessary to equip it with the same ventilation as in other rooms. And if the attic is non-residential, then its ventilation should be carried out through specially equipped openings in the roof.

Forced exhaust ventilation in a wooden house

It often happens that the natural flow of air does not have time to refresh the atmosphere in home spaces. Then the owner wonders if enhanced ventilation is needed in a wooden house? You can complement the system by installing an electric fan, which will increase the power of the hood. Install it at the mouth of the exhaust duct exactly in the room where, according to the ventilation scheme in a wooden house, increased air exchange is required. For example, in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Select a fan in accordance with the diameter of the ventilation duct in which it will be installed. Keep in mind that the fan power must be sufficient for the ventilation system in a wooden house to provide effective exhaust in each specific room. If it turns out that the fan is weak and cannot cope, you can also install a fan to help it to pump in outside air.

When installing a fan, connect it to the light switch in the bathroom, then it will stop at the same time as the light bulb goes out.

In case of forced exhaust, as with natural ventilation, it is not recommended to combine exhaust from different rooms into one ventilation duct.

Supply ventilation of a wooden house

In addition to natural ventilation in a wooden house and the use exhaust fan, there are more effective method air freshening. Equip yourself with a supply ventilation system that can also provide enhanced exhaust. Such a device will ensure complete air exchange throughout the entire home, starting from the ventilation of the foundation of your wooden house and ending with the attic.

Supply ventilation solves several practical problems at once:

  • supply from outside fresh air;
  • filtering the supplied air and cleaning it from dust;
  • heating the air flow passing through the channel;
  • removal of polluted air outside the premises.

There are many types of equipment for ventilation systems in a wooden house from different manufacturers. To figure out which one will be most useful for you, ask for advice when purchasing.

You can purchase the entire kit disassembled and start installing ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands. But if you order individual elements of the system already assembled, this will make your work easier.

The set of equipment for supply ventilation may include:

  • duct fan providing air flow from outside;
  • electric heater for heating the air in winter;
  • humidifier for excessively dry summer air;
  • noise suppressor to suppress vibrations from a running fan;
  • filters that prevent dust from entering the system.

In addition, the system can be equipped with automatic monitoring and control.

In order to protect the floors from vibration and the risk of fire, the units must be installed on a low podium. When installing ventilation in a wooden house, make the air supply and exhaust routes hidden in the ceilings and under the ceiling.

When installing system elements, do not forget to check the instructions supplied with them.

You will need to do the routing of the air ducts in accordance with a pre-drawn diagram. The main importance of design is that the distance from the air exhaust points under the ceiling of each room to the ventilation unit in the attic should be as minimal as possible. The air ducts themselves can be metal or plastic; their connections are conveniently made from flexible corrugated pipes.

Ventilation in a wooden house, equipped with your own hands, will be effective if you make a channel for fresh air intake in the gable of the house, and lead the outlet through the roof. Although for natural ventilation it is desirable that the supply pipe be located as low as possible, this is not critical for a forced system. On the contrary, the higher the inlet hole is from the ground, the less dust will get into it.

The diameter of all air ducts must be the same to prevent air flow from being slowed down at the joints.

Supply ventilation with recovery

This system is a variation of conventional forced ventilation. Do you need ventilation in a wooden house in which the frosty winter air will be heated, but energy consumption for heating will be minimal? Probably needed. Then a recuperator will help fulfill your wishes. This unit operates on the principle of a heat exchanger; it heats the incoming air using the heat of the removed air mass. In this case, both flows do not mix.

In summer, the recuperator can work in tandem with an air conditioner and partially cool the air passing through it due to the already cooled room atmosphere.

Checking the ventilation of a wooden house

It doesn’t matter what kind of natural or forced ventilation you installed in a wooden house with your own hands, it must work effectively. To accurately check the functionality of the ventilation system, there is measuring device anemometer. But you can get by with improvised means.

Take a piece of paper towel and place it near the ceiling vent grille. In this case, the supply channel (or window) must be open. If the hood is working, the piece of napkin will react to the movement of air and will be drawn towards the mouth of the ventilation duct. In the same way, you can determine the air flow with the flame of a burning candle.

Do not try to test old ventilation ducts that are overgrown with cobwebs and dust with an open flame to avoid a fire!

In the future, try to pay attention to whether condensation appears on the windows in cold weather, whether mold has grown in the corners, or whether the walls are damp. These signs will signal to you that it is time to do preventive cleaning of the ventilation system.

Finally, we suggest watching a video that will help you understand the importance of ventilation in a wooden house.

We hope that you have figured out how to make ventilation in a wooden house, and have already taken steps to turn the theory into reality. It's not as complicated as it first seems. The main thing is to choose the right type of ventilation system and calculate its performance, as well as carefully install all of it structural elements. And as a result, you will find excellent health thanks to the constant freshness of the air in your home microclimate.

How to properly install ventilation in a wooden house: select suitable and reliable system elements and calculate the minimum required power

Any living space requires an air ventilation system. It helps make your home even more comfortable. Ventilation in a wooden house is just as necessary as in any other. Its device has its own characteristics.

Is ventilation really necessary in a wooden house?

You can often hear the expression that wooden buildings are “breathable” and do not require special ventilation. Air already enters through the cracks between the logs and into the windows. Perhaps, of course, this was the case before.

But nowadays houses are built in such a way that there is no air circulation in them. Builders try to make them as high quality as possible, which means preventing drafts, cracks, and retaining heat as much as possible. Windows and doors are installed hermetically, all joints and gaps are treated with special sealants. This is, of course, good, but the house becomes completely closed to fresh air. And the exhaust air needs to escape somewhere. Therefore, a ventilation system in a private wooden house is definitely needed.

Several reasons for the need to install a ventilation system:

  • Wood has the ability to absorb moisture. If there is no humidity control, it will quickly rot and collapse. Humidity is also a favorable environment for the development of fungus and mold.
  • Wood allows air to pass through better than, for example, concrete. But indoor air change does not occur without special organization.
  • Maintaining temperature balance. With the help of ventilation, the used air can be used to heat the room.
  • Carbon dioxide, released moisture and heat cannot be removed by wood. This requires air circulation.

Basic standards and requirements for ventilation

When designing a ventilation system in your home, you must first make the necessary calculations to take into account all the nuances. Ventilation performance must meet certain standards. Even if you install the system yourself, there are sanitary standards that must be followed. Otherwise, staying in the house will not be comfortable, and your energy and finances will simply be wasted.

Air exchange rates for various rooms Houses:

After determining the parameters and location of all system elements, you can begin installation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

  • how many people permanently live in the house;
  • configuration and features of all rooms;
  • intensity of air movement.

Advantages and working principle of natural ventilation

Natural ventilation is the easiest way to arrange air circulation in a wooden house. For small house this is the most suitable option, which you can do yourself.

Even during the construction of a house, vertical channels are laid through which air will escape. We need to start with the basements. Here so-called vents are made through which air will flow.

At the level ground floor a supply channel is made. It is best on the north side of the house - the air is cooler there, which means the draft will be stronger. For a small house, one channel is enough; in a large house, you can make several of them. Air exchange between rooms is carried out through gaps left under the doors, or through door ventilation grates. Warm air will be released into hoods installed in each room under the ceiling.

Ventilation ducts must be separate for each room. If you make only one channel, then when reverse draft occurs, the air will flow back into the rooms and the smell, for example, from the bathroom will come everywhere.

The channels must be equipped with valves so that the air flow speed can be adjusted.

It is advisable to make the air ducts as smooth as possible. Dust will collect on rough walls. The traction force and ventilation efficiency also depend on the number of bends and turns of the pipe. For achievement best result the number of obstacles should be minimal.

Advantages of natural ventilation:

  • ease of manufacture, you can even do it yourself;
  • low cost.


  • low efficiency;
  • it is necessary to make additional channels for the bathroom and kitchen;
  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • heat loss;
  • inability to adjust;

In hot weather, natural ventilation may not be enough. Then you have to think about installing a forced ventilation system at home.

Device of forced air exchange system

To improve the quality of ventilation, fans are installed in the air ducts, which will increase the exhaust power. Such fans are a must in the kitchen, bathroom, and bathroom. The diameter of the fan must match the diameter of the ventilation duct.

Since the fan runs on electricity, it is possible to connect it to a switch. Then the device will start when the light is turned on and turn off when turned off.

Just as with natural ventilation, one channel will not be enough. When installing forced ventilation, several exhaust ducts are required to avoid mixing odors.

Important information:

  • the size of the fan must correspond to the size of the ventilation duct opening;
  • power of this device should be enough for effective ventilation; otherwise, an additional fan is installed.

Calculation of the minimum required power and approximate cost of arrangement

For maximum efficiency ventilation and its proper organization, it is necessary to draw up a plan and develop a design for the entire system.

  1. Make a performance calculation.
  2. It is necessary to take into account the size and features of all residential premises of the house, as well as the number of people living in them.
  3. Pay attention to sound insulation.
  4. Correctly install the supply and exhaust valves in relation to the air ducts.

According to GOST, 60 m 3 /hour is required per person. This is a necessary air exchange. Knowing these standards and the number of people living in the house, you can find out the ventilation performance using the formula:

L = N*L(norm),

  • N - number of people
  • L(norm) - air standard per person.

Also, when calculating, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the rooms, the height of the ceilings, and air standards for each room.

The next step is to determine the parameters of the air ducts, first for each branch separately, and then the indicators are summed up. For residential buildings pipes of rectangular (with a wall height of 12 to 15 cm) or round (with a diameter of 15-25 cm) section are suitable. It is necessary to take into account the power of the fans.

When installing ventilation, it is important not to damage the wiring, heating pipes, water and gas supplies. Care must also be taken when installing air ducts under the floor and ceiling.

Approximate cost of ventilation installation

Operations Cost, rub.
Design based on 1 m2 of room area 55-70
Installation of flexible/rigid channels (per 1 m2) 99-120/300-850
Installation of duct/roof fan 4000-7000/3500-5000
Installation of automation cabinet 5000-10000
Departure of specialists (if maintenance is required) 3000-6000
Installation of a ventilation unit with a recuperator 8000-35000

Features of installation of the supply ventilation system

Forced ventilation is a more effective way to obtain fresh air compared to natural ventilation. Such a device will already be able to ensure normal air exchange throughout the house.

Functions performed by supply ventilation:

  • supply of fresh air from the street;
  • filtering incoming air from dust;
  • heating of cold air masses;
  • removal of air from premises.

The use of supply ventilation guarantees optimal air exchange in the house, from the attic to the foundation. Equipment can be purchased individually, or as a set. It includes the following elements:

  • duct fan;
  • electric heater for heating cold air;
  • humidifier;
  • dust filters;
  • device for suppressing fan noise.

Ventilation equipment is best located in the attic. Air ducts are fixed to the ceiling and inside the ceilings.

  • units are installed on a slight elevation to protect against fire and strong vibration,
  • air ducts are made of metal or plastic pipes, and the connections between them are made of flexible corrugated pipes; it is very important that they are all of the same section,
  • It is advisable to install a channel for fresh air intake in the gable of the house, and an exhaust vent on the roof.

Installation of exhaust ventilation

Supply ventilation is usually connected to exhaust ventilation. The latter removes exhaust air from the house and, thus, prevents condensation from accumulating and prevents the formation of dampness. During operation exhaust ventilation air is removed from the house by force, and fresh air enters the building naturally.

Exhaust ventilation works when:

  • heated air rises, and cold air lingers below;
  • supply valves are located below the exhaust air ducts.

Positive characteristics of exhaust ventilation:

  • constant presence of fresh air in the house;
  • air condition monitoring;
  • removal of exhaust air from the room.

The hood is very important for some areas of the house, for example, in the kitchen, where food is prepared. For the process to be effective, sufficiently powerful fans are needed. Air ducts provide circulation; they should be smooth enough to reduce air resistance.

Combined supply and exhaust system

The best solution for a large wooden house is to install a supply and exhaust ventilation system. Air circulation in the supply and exhaust system follows the same pattern as in a natural ventilation system. Elements such combined system are:

  • Control block,
  • fans,
  • air purification filters,
  • air ducts,
  • recuperator.

The operating diagram of such a unit looks like this: the incoming air passes through a filtering system, passes through air ducts with the help of fans and is supplied to the rooms. Through other channels the used air is discharged outside. Each room of the house must be equipped with either an exhaust or supply duct. In some cases, both channels are needed.

Modern ventilation units can be equipped with a device such as a recuperator. It warms the incoming air using the outgoing heat, saving up to 80% of heat.

There are models of recuperators in which air flows do not mix and do not transfer odors and other substances to each other.

In summer, the recuperator can, on the contrary, cool the incoming air using the principle of an air conditioner.

The system supply and exhaust ventilation has its own characteristics:

  • it must be powerful enough and cover all areas of the house,
  • Even during construction, it is necessary to provide for the characteristics of each room,
  • it is necessary to be able to control the system,
  • in accordance with weather conditions, ventilation should cool the room in hot weather and heat it in cold weather; this helps save heat and energy.

Two air flows - from the room and from the street - meet, but do not mix in the heat exchanger (recuperator). The warm outgoing air gives up its heat to the cold incoming air, and already warm air refreshes the room while warming it up at the same time.

Thus, heat and energy required to heat the house are significantly saved. The ventilation unit is also equipped with filters that clean the air from dust, debris, pollen, and insects.

The cost of a supply and exhaust system is 4-5 times higher than the cost of conventional ventilation. But all expenses are paid off by saving electricity and heating, and in a harsh climate this is felt more. And you feel much more convenience and comfort from it.

Ventilation in a wooden house is a necessary air circulation system. It would be simply impossible to live in a modern, hermetically sealed house without fresh air. Based on the conditions of your home and specific opportunities, everyone decides for themselves which ventilation system to choose.

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How to make ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands

Even though wood is environmentally friendly pure material, which breathes, ventilation is needed in a private wooden house. This is necessary not only to ensure that residents receive fresh air, but also to preserve the building in a new condition for a long time. If there is not enough ventilation in a wooden house, then this will provoke the appearance of fungus, since it will be quite high level humidity, which, in turn, will lead to destruction of the wood structure.

Many people doubt whether it is necessary to install ventilation at all. But here the answer is obvious - of course, yes. This opinion arose due to the experience of using old wooden houses, where there were large heat losses due to many cracks, poor-quality insulation, etc. Today everything has turned out differently. Modern buildings made of wood need high-quality ventilation, since the insulation is at a high level, and air stagnation may occur in the house.

In addition, it must be ensured that all sanitary standards, and optimal conditions operation of a private home.

It is necessary to resolve the issue of arranging ventilation at the stage of building a house. You can choose from three main options:

In addition to the types of ventilation, you should also learn about the special requirements for it, as well as installation in a private wooden house. A highly efficient device must meet the following operating requirements:

  • in residential premises, at least 30 cubic meters of air should be pumped out per hour of operation;
  • in the bathroom this figure increases to 50 cubic meters;
  • in technical rooms, 15 cubic meters per hour of work is enough;
  • for the kitchen you need a more powerful hood of 70 cubic meters per hour if you have a gas stove, and if you have an electric one, then 50 cubic meters is enough.

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Ventilation in the wall of a private house / for toilets from odors /

Often this type is enough to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room and the outflow of “recycled” air. As a rule, ventilation of a wooden house is carried out according to a “natural” scheme.

This “passive” method is characterized by an influx of fresh air from the following sources:

A reliable ventilation scheme, which will be sufficient to provide fresh air to a private home, consists of vertical and horizontal shafts extending beyond the roof.

IN classic version Channels are installed only in the kitchen and toilet. But it would be ideal to place such shafts separately for the kitchen, toilet and all living rooms. If reverse draft occurs, and there is only one ventilation for all rooms, then odors may mix, which will lead to some discomfort.

In this case, air will circulate between rooms through the gap between the doors and the floor. It is better to place the shaft exit in the wall from above, closer to the ceiling. For the channels themselves you need to use smooth plastic materials or metal with minimal bending.

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Do-it-yourself natural ventilation in a private house. Ventilation passage through metal tiles.

By making a hood in a passive wooden house, you can get the following benefits:

  • low cost of components;
  • ease of installation, arrangement, reliability and durability;
  • no need to spend money on electricity;
  • Air ducts only need to be cleaned once every 1-2 years.

Despite the obvious advantages, the natural air ventilation system also has specific disadvantages, although there are few of them. First of all, it should be noted that the work deteriorates significantly in the summer, since the air temperature outside increases, and the circuit only works due to the difference in temperature in the house and outside.

In addition, if we compare it with other types of ventilation, it can be emphasized that such a scheme does not make it possible to adjust the necessary parameters of air humidity and temperature.

If the air ventilation system is not enough, then there is optimal solution- installation axial fans directly to the mines. This will help improve work efficiency natural scheme several times. Such combined options DIY products are actively used to ensure access to fresh air in the house.

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Higher operating efficiency and the possibility of different settings of temperature and air humidity are provided by active circuits using various equipment.

As a rule, supply systems with fans, various filters and devices for air humidification, noise absorption, cleaning, etc. are used.

In addition, in order to improve the exhaust hood in the attic room, an additional fan is placed in it. Thus, the scheme will provide comfort and fresh air in any weather.

In addition to the visible advantages, there are also significant disadvantages of the active system:

  • operating the equipment is quite expensive;
  • electricity costs;
  • difficulty of installation.

The price of the equipment is also a disadvantage, since this scheme is one of the most expensive among all possible types.

If you make the ventilation system “to the maximum”, then it will also include floor blowing, attic room and roofs.

The disadvantage of a wooden house is a high level of sensitivity to strong humidity. Ventilation of the floor in such a building gives several additional years of preservation of the wood in its original condition.

To set up this scheme you need:

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How does natural ventilation work? principle of operation

It is especially important to ensure high-quality ventilation of the attic or attic space. This will ensure the durability of the building, and in particular its attic. Otherwise, condensation will accumulate, the wood will absorb moisture, and the roof will not last long.

If ventilation is done correctly in a wooden house in the attic, then the total area of ​​the holes will be equal to 500th of the total area of ​​the room. Air is removed from the attic through ventilation shafts. In the summer, you can additionally install fans that will improve the operation of the system.

When considering roof ventilation, the following key elements need to be taken into account:

  • the distance between the roof sheathing and the roof insulation must be at least 45 cm;
  • the presence of gratings;
  • the vapor barrier should fit evenly to the insulation;
  • There must be a certain distance (gap) between the insulation and the roof.

Using these rules, the ventilation system can be implemented in accordance with all established norms and rules. It will be of high quality and will keep the house in new condition for a long time. In addition, for self-made it doesn't take much effort. By doing everything according to the drawings, you can achieve a good result.

In addition to the natural air ventilation scheme in a wooden house, as well as the use additional equipment, a more effective method can be identified - an inflow circuit. It will provide enhanced extraction of unpleasant odors, the house will always have purified air, and the building will last several years longer. At the same time, it will work not only directly in the house and attic, but will also provide oxygen access to basements, to the foundation, etc.

It solves several important problems at once:

  • supply of fresh air from the outside;
  • heating the air flow passing through the shaft;
  • the air is cleaned of dust and supplied fresh;
  • air exhaust outside the house.

Many people wonder whether ventilation is necessary in a wooden house in principle? It all depends on the structure of the house, but in most cases such an installation is a necessity and not a whim of the owners.

Today you can find a lot of different equipment from different manufacturers, which has already been prepared for ventilation systems in a private house made of wood. In order to understand which of the proposed options is ideal for each individual case, you need to consult a specialist or directly from the seller in the store.

You can purchase a set of all the necessary equipment and do the installation yourself. Alternative option- hire a group of specialists to perform such work.

In addition, when self-assembly You can order individual elements already assembled, which will greatly facilitate the installation process.

This kit may include the following elements:

You can also additionally install an automation system that will itself analyze the condition and make appropriate adjustments.

When installing, do not forget to check the instructions supplied with the system by the manufacturer. Ventilation in a house made of timber, made by yourself, will be no worse than that installed by specialized companies, if you approach the work correctly and carry out all actions according to the drawings.

It doesn’t matter what kind of ventilation system is installed in a log house - natural or forced, it must show good results in operation.

Anemometer is a device for accurately measuring the operation of a system. But there are also simpler means at hand. For example, you can open a window or window in a room and hold a piece of paper to the ventilation shaft. If he reaches for it, then the system is working correctly. Instead of a leaf, you can use a candle. In this case, the fire will be directed towards the mine.

It is better not to check the old ventilation using the last method (using a flame). It often contains cobwebs and dust, which can lead to fire.

During operation, you must pay attention to the following factors:

  • the appearance of condensation on windows in cold weather;
  • mold near the mine;
  • dust inside ventilation ducts.

These signs indicate one thing - it is necessary to carry out cleaning and maintenance of ventilation equipment.

Having figured out how to make a ventilation system in a house made of timber with your own hands, you can do everything efficiently and on your own. The main thing is to adhere to the advice of experts and the attached diagrams and drawings.

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Correct installation of the KPV 125 (KIV 125) valve in a wooden house

From the author: Hello, friends! A wooden house is the dream of many, because it is environmentally friendly, cozy and beautiful. In addition, everyone knows that wood “breathes,” thereby creating a wonderful microclimate in the home. But this knowledge often leads to one misconception that can negate all the pleasure of living.

The “breathing” properties of wood make many doubt whether timber is needed. On the one hand, the question is quite justified - after all, air successfully circulates directly through the walls. The builders hired to erect such a structure often contribute their share to the doubts that arise. You can often hear from them that it is enough to simply cut a hole in one of the walls, insert a pipe there - and supposedly everything will be fine with air movement.

As a rule, builders who give out such advice either have low qualifications or are very limited in time and budget, so they don’t want to bother with arranging a ventilation system. In fact, it is necessary.

Why is ventilation needed?

In principle, if we take as an example an old wooden house that was built by your great-grandfather, then it may actually turn out that ventilation is not needed there at all. There are several reasons for this:

  • the old wood has already dried out, so air circulation occurs due to the cracks formed in the walls;
  • double glazing in wooden frames do not greatly impede the flow of fresh air;
  • in old wooden houses, as a rule, there is a Russian stove, which is responsible not only for heat, but also for air exchange.

But if we talk about modern timber houses, then the picture is completely different. Firstly, many modern technologies are aimed at making the house warm. Therefore, the structure of the timber is made much more dense due to various adhesive connections and the like. In addition, the walls are often covered with sealing material, on top of which a finishing. It is clear that we are no longer talking about “breathing” here.

Secondly, if previously windows were made of wood and glass, now they are most often installed plastic double glazed windows. There is no doubt, they perfectly retain heat in the house, and at the same time protect from street noise. But their tightness means that air circulation can only occur when the window is open. And in winter, for example, when everything is tightly slammed shut, there is no such possibility of air exchange.

The factors listed above indicate that modern houses made of timber there are very few opportunities for high-quality natural air exchange. What could this lead to? One of the consequences is constantly increased levels of humidity. In this case, excess water from the air is absorbed by the walls of the house. And we all know that constantly moistened wood begins to rot, mold appears in it, and as a result, the structure will gradually collapse.

In principle, modern technologies make it possible to produce timber impregnated various substances, which repel moisture, prevent the formation of fungus, etc. But the problem is that they clog the pores of the material, making it completely airtight and non-breathable. Therefore, in a house made of such timber, provided there is no additional ventilation It will be stuffy all the time. Yes and unpleasant odors will not keep you waiting.

Types of ventilation systems

From the previous paragraph it becomes clear that the presence of a ventilation system in a log house is prerequisite comfortable stay. The only question is how to arrange it. Moreover, many prefer to do it themselves to avoid additional costs for the services of a master. In addition, everything that you have equipped yourself has a much higher value and reliability.

Previously, traditional wooden residential buildings did not need a ventilation system. The circulation of air flows was carried out due to the so-called “breathing” walls, windows, doors, etc. Now, modern wooden structures have an increased level of tightness. This is done through machine profiling of wood. Thanks to this, the house becomes warmer, but significantly worsens its ventilation capabilities. Therefore, a ventilation system in a house made of timber is simply necessary.

Is ventilation necessary in a wooden house?

Almost every person has heard the mention that wood has the ability to “breathe.” This is true. In traditional wooden houses, ventilation was achieved through this and was supplemented by natural air circulation using the stove chimney.

However, modern wooden houses are created from beams glued together. In this regard, the tightness of the walls increases significantly, as a result of which there can be no talk of natural ventilation of the material. the main task This type of construction is to retain the maximum possible amount of heat, which naturally has a negative effect on air circulation. Therefore, the question “is ventilation needed in a house made of glued timber” is incorrect.

Norms and requirements

Having minimal theoretical knowledge and basic skills in working with tools, you can ensure high-quality ventilation of a wooden house on your own.

The whole process can be divided into several stages.

  1. Design. In the process of developing a ventilation system, it is necessary to take into account air exchange holes and some design features of your home. For rooms with different purposes, standards and requirements for air exchange differ (values ​​are indicated in cubic meters at one o'clock):
    • kitchens with gas stoves – 70;
    • kitchens with electric stoves and hobs – 50;
    • combined bathrooms and toilets – 30;
    • bathrooms – 50;
    • bedrooms and others living rooms – 30;
    • utility and utility rooms – 15.
  2. The next step is to assemble the ventilation ducts according to the project developed at the previous stage. It is worth noting that in order to obtain accurate and high-quality channel surveys, it is recommended to use the services of a professional designer.
  3. The last step is to check the constructed ventilation system and correct any deficiencies found.

Natural ventilation of a wooden house

Installation of natural ventilation in a house made of timber is carried out at the stage of its construction. The design is created using special air ducts, the main task of which is to remove exhaust air masses outside the house.

The circulation of flows in the air channels of a natural ventilation system is carried out due to the difference atmospheric pressure and temperatures at the inlet and inlets and outlets of the system. The speed at which exhaust air flows are removed depends on the height of the ventilation duct. The higher it is, the faster it is. This occurs due to the increase in pressure with altitude.

When designing such a ventilation system, you need to use smooth air ducts of the same diameter. This will ensure the highest possible level of performance and eliminate dust buildup within the system.

The air flow in such a system is carried out due to natural openings and openings in timber buildings, such as windows, doors, etc. If the level of influx of fresh flows is not enough, then it must be compensated by additional systems forced type.

The main advantages of a natural ventilation system are as follows:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of installation.

Obvious disadvantages include:

  • poor efficiency;
  • lowering the level of sound insulation;
  • inability to adjust operating power;
  • the need for periodic cleaning from dust and insects.

Forced ventilation of a wooden house

To provide additional fresh air flows, forced ventilation systems are used. It is based on the operation of special mechanisms (valves, fans, hoods, aerators, etc.).

How to make ventilation in a wooden house with your own hands? The first step is to check the performance level of the natural ventilation system. If the air flow is insufficient, it is necessary to design forced ventilation, powered by fans. In another case, the house may not have enough power from the exhaust ventilation ducts. This problem can be solved by installing exhaust units, which speed up the removal of used air flows from the room.

If your home does not have enough air flow and waste removal speed, then you will need to install a comprehensive supply and exhaust system. She will provide the premises required quantity fresh air and quickly replacing them with new flows.

Application of the hood

Forced ventilation, based on exhaust mechanisms, is a system of air ducts that helps exhaust air flows leave the room. She connects to common system channels.

When arranging only one hood, the flow of fresh air is natural. When designing ventilation of this kind, it is necessary to ensure that the volume of exhaust air is equal to the volume of incoming air. In this case, the system will operate with the highest possible efficiency.

The main advantages of the hood are as follows:

  • high operating efficiency, ensuring removal of exhaust air masses;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • possibility of adjusting the operating power of the installation.

The only significant drawback of an exhaust ventilation system is that it does not retain heat in the room well.

Fan application

Providing fresh air flows using fans allows you to compensate for the lack of natural flows. A system of this kind is quite often used when designing ventilation in a bathroom.

To achieve maximum efficiency, it is necessary to create a system vertical system channels with a minimum number of turns and bends. Another important condition is that the outlet of the channels must be located at a height of at least 50 centimeters above the roof of the house. Otherwise, the exhaust air flows will negatively affect the integrity of the roof and roofing.

The advantages of fans look like this:

  • possibility of adjusting operating power;
  • ensuring inflow large quantity air masses;
  • high level of efficiency;
  • affordable price.

Which type is most suitable?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which type of ventilation system is most suitable for a wooden house. It all depends on the type of material from which it is created, as well as on some other parameters.

Usually a natural ventilation system is sufficient. If there is a lack of fresh air flow, it is necessary to install additional fans; if the exhaust air mass removal rate is insufficient, a hood will come to the rescue.

Calculation and design

If you decide to install a ventilation system in your home yourself, then first you need to carry out calculations and create a project. When creating channel diagrams and operating power calculations, the following factors must be considered:

  • location of ventilation ducts and outlets;
  • number of turns;
  • required air exchange rate;
  • diameter of the channels used;
  • thermal insulation material, etc.


Before installing the ventilation system, you need to decide on the type of equipment used and the type of ducts. In wooden houses, wooden, metal and plastic air ducts are used.

You can install the system yourself without any problems. To do this, it is enough to have basic skills in working with ordinary tools and strictly follow the draft. It is important to use the same fasteners throughout the process.

Thus, it can be understood that additional ventilation system in modern wooden houses it is simply necessary. It will provide comfortable air exchange for life and keep the house warm.