There is no way to put them in order. How to put your thoughts in order: psychological practices, concentration exercises, working on yourself and advice from psychologists. How to calm your nerves before presentations and speeches

Qigong is not only the least traumatic gymnastics, but also one of the most successful techniques for overcoming stress. Shallow squats are accompanied by arm swings and special breathing. The technique is easy to master without preparation at any age and after the first lessons you can feel how your physical and emotional state improves.

Eighteen basic exercises help you control your breathing and stop your internal dialogue. If you exercise once or twice a week, then in a stressful situation it will be enough to restore your breathing rhythm and imagine yourself doing the exercise in order to quickly come to your senses and tune in to the work atmosphere.

2. Autogenic training

Autogenic training refers to a special sequence of exercises with increased concentration on sensations.

First you need to realize the severity own body, and then imagine how heat spreads through it - this promotes deep muscle relaxation and causes blood flow.

Autogenic training can be done while sitting in a comfortable position or lying down. It helps to completely relax, relieve physical and psychological stress, and can also relieve various cardiovascular and psychosomatic diseases caused by.

3. Inner silence

Straighten your back, close your eyes, relax and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling. The chaotic flow of thoughts will gradually cease. After just 10–15 minutes, you will be able to continue your work with renewed vigor and recharged energy.

Meditation is not magic or religion. Its goal is to calm the mind and restore spiritual harmony. You can always download special relaxation instructions or guided meditations and listen to them at the right time.

4. The Sound of Music

It helps to relax and take your mind off unpleasant thoughts. Find an uplifting song or a happy tune that reminds you of good things and calms you down. Sing along or tap your feet to the beat.

5. Words of encouragement

Sometimes you want to hear words of encouragement, but close person is unavailable or has encountered difficulties himself. Save some inspirational quotes or books that will lift your spirits, such as On Living a Healthy, Whole Life by Neale Donald Walsh.

Words about living here and now, enjoying every day, being tolerant of each other and being grateful for such little things as tasty breakfast or hot water(some people don’t even have it!), full of life wisdom. Deep inside we even agree with them, but we often forget about them.

6. Calm, only calm

You shouldn’t give up the well-known “Count to 10” rule. Are you filled with resentment? Don't answer right away, wait a few hours. During this time you will have time to select the very the right words or you won't need to answer.

Don't beat yourself up over failure. Try to analyze errors as an outside observer, as if stressful situation It was not you who got hit, but someone else. This will help avoid unnecessary emotions. Draw conclusions and promise to do differently next time. Self-resentment takes away strength and prevents you from moving forward.

You always turn down the volume on the TV or radio when you need to think about something serious, don't you?

The same is true for life in general. Do you need to turn off the noise to concentrate? This noise is in your head. These are exciting thoughts and experiences that interfere with reasoning.

Muting the receiver refocuses your brain and brings clarity to your thoughts when you need it. You don't know why this happens, why this happens great importance. You just know it's true.

Now it's time to apply this same strategy to all the other noise in your life, starting with the noise in your head. And although it is not as easy as pressing a button on a remote control, it is still possible to calm your brain and teach it to think more rationally, you just need to practice daily. Some call these workouts affirmations, mantras or prayers, but in any case, these daily exercises support you, direct your thoughts in the right direction, for more productive activity, even when life gets very noisy.

Here are 40 quotes that can be used as affirmations to help stimulate thoughts and calm an anxious mind.

1. Everything is repeated twice. First in the mind, and then in reality. Therefore, be careful with your thoughts. They tend to materialize.

2. There are no circumstances that prevent you from achieving success, step by step.

3. Think and you will get what you worry about. Work and you will have what you work for. Sometimes it's that simple.

4. Don't let one bad moment spoil many good ones. Don't let stupid little dramas ruin your life.

5. It is better to regret what is done than what is not done. Don't think about what would have happened if...

6. Frustration and stress come from how you react to failure. Change your attitude and the frustration and stress will go away.

7. Be positive and smile right now, not because everything is fine, but because you know how to see the good in everything.

8. A lie only exists if you believe in it. The truth will set you free in the end. When negativity creeps into your head, ask yourself: “Is this true? Am I 100% sure of this?” And then let the lie GO AWAY.

9. No book consists of one single chapter. No single chapter tells the whole story. One mistake does not define our entire life. Keep turning the pages that need to be turned.

10. Remember, courage is not about letting go of the past, but about learning from it.

11. The past has absolutely no power over the present.

12. No amount of regret will bring back the past. No amount of worry will change the future. But gratitude can bear fruit.

13. Replace the phrase “I want” with “I achieve” when you catch yourself thinking that you are starting to complain. There are so many things we complain about even though we had a chance to change everything.

14. The more attractive you find someone else's path, the less you will want to compare it with your own.

15. The feeling that you are mired in a quagmire is a feeling, not a fact. So don't think that you are marking time. Life changes every second.

16. In almost every situation, be willing to admit that there is something you don't know that could change everything. Look at things from a different perspective and new opportunities will open up for you. Do something different than usual and see how things change. Keep your brain calm and balanced, keep it open to new things.

17. Be careful who you give an important role to in your life. Listen not the best loud voice, but the most truthful.

18. The unluckiest people in this world are people who care about what others think of them.

19. The path to happiness and peace is to give up people and things that cause you pain. Be wise enough to ignore unnecessary negativity around you.

20. When people crush your dreams, predict failure, or criticize you, remember that they are telling their story, not yours.

21. The person you liked, loved or respected in the past, but who treats you like dirt time and time again, has nothing to offer you at the moment except a headache and a pain in the heart.

22. One of the main things in life that needs to be understood is that we do not have to agree with everyone, and everyone does not have to agree with us. And that's quite normal.

23. Know how to leave... Learn to give up what is bad for you.

24. You must accept that some chapters in our lives need to be closed. There is no point in losing yourself trying to mend something that should remain broken.

25. Everyone you meet has something important to teach you. In fact, the people who are the hardest to communicate with may be the best teachers.

26. Some changes in life seem painful and negative. But you will soon realize that they pave the way for something new and beautiful.

27. Constantly thinking that somewhere is better than here, and someone is better than you, you will never be able to relax and be yourself.

28. The paradox of life: only when you accept yourself as you are, only then can you change and grow.

29. Take constructive criticism seriously, but not too personally. Listen, and then follow your own intuition and wisdom.

30. Sometimes our brain needs more time to accept what our heart already knows. Breathe. Be a witness, not a judge.

31. Don't run away from things, manage them - this is The best way moving away from something negative to move towards something positive.

32. If you are torn in different sides, it will take time to understand what you really need. What is important to you and what is not? Nothing can break you unless you allow it.

33. The true goal has no time limit. A true goal has no deadline. Don't worry or worry. Just do what you can right now.

34. Patience is not waiting, it is the ability to maintain good attitude to your activities and work for what you believe in.

35. Remember, “I don’t have time” is just a softer, more polite and perhaps more naive way of saying “It’s not important to me.”

36. You should not wait for a more opportune time, because it will not come. You just need to dare and do it.

37. Don't be afraid of your fears. They shouldn't scare you. They should tell you that something is worth your time.

38. Don't let ignorance hinder your endeavors. Uncertainty haunts us, but true magic awaits in life.

39. Look how far you have come, how much you have achieved. Now imagine what else you can achieve.

40. And finally... Stop worrying every second. If you do the right thing, it will pay off in the end.

Thoughts are material. This simple truth must always be remembered, because, as practice shows, people themselves ruin their lives. Of course, due to the constant bustle and worries, it is difficult to keep track of the meaning of the ideas flying through your head. Therefore, you need to find time to put your thoughts in order. After all, they are the ones responsible for the quality of life.

Way of thinking

Publications in newspapers and magazines, literature on self-development, even posts in in social networks- everywhere you can find simple articles marked “The Mind of a Rich Man.” Therefore, we can say with confidence that it is precisely the features of thinking that distinguish happy people from the unfortunate, and the rich from the poor.

To change your life, you must first understand the reason why you are not happy with it. And for this you need to put your thoughts in order. How to do it? To be honest, it's not that difficult. This is necessary so that, having gained strength, you can rush into battle again, but not step on the same rake, but actually change something in your life and achieve your cherished goal called “happiness.”

Some people mistakenly believe that to achieve their goals you need to develop willpower. But you can’t go far on it alone, it’s good for a “sprint,” but life and the process of achieving a goal is not a marathon. Therefore, first you need to understand yourself and your thoughts, understand what you really want. In pursuit of your true dream, you cannot fuss; only daily small steps without violence against yourself gradually give results.

Get Zen

Interesting fact: a person does not even suspect that he is thinking negatively until someone rubs his nose into this problem. Only then does he begin to wonder how to put his thoughts in order.

Firstly, you need to isolate yourself from everything for 1-2 days. Down with the phone, the Internet and work. Secondly, clean your house. Order in thoughts begins with order in your living space.

There are 10 ways to do all this. The following actions, which will be discussed further, will help you put your thoughts in order.


Getting rid of trash will help you put your thoughts in order and calm down. Surely everyone has things that “may come in handy someday.” Don't lie to yourself, they won't be useful. The same goes for old notes, drafts, notes to yourself, and so on. Psychologists say that by freeing oneself from this garbage, a person prepares his subconscious to create something new.

The second thing you need to do is mentally prepare yourself for change. To do this you need to imagine perfect image of your future life. Try to feel like the person you once wanted to become - healthy, successful, loved and truly happy.

No fuss

To put your thoughts in order, before going to bed you need to make a plan of action for the next day. While a person is sleeping, his subconscious processes the assigned tasks, and he will be able to solve them much faster.

It is worth remembering one important thing: everything that is done is for the better. It often happens that a person desperately wants a certain event to happen in his life. But all his efforts are in vain. The Dalai Lama said that not getting what you want is that unique gift of fate that no one pays attention to. So don't get too hung up on this or you'll miss out on a lot of excellent chances.

Learn to say no

There are people who simply do not know how to refuse. They sacrifice themselves for the sake of others, because of this they are visited by anxious and sad thoughts. Therefore, it is worth learning to say a firm “no”. Only by following your desires and interests can you put your thoughts in order.

After all, no one appreciates such sacrifices. Once you do someone a favor, the person will begin to take your sacrifice for granted.


Man's best friend is nature; it is she who best helps to put thoughts and feelings in order. Just as hundreds of years ago, it still calms, inspires and fills us with strength. Therefore, you need to walk more often, and even better, arrange short trips for yourself. Why not take any train on a Friday evening and explore the next village, town or region?

No one returns from travel, even such a small one, the same. A person learns something new, he is filled positive emotions, and time spent alone with yourself makes it possible to better understand your inner world. It may be that while carelessly walking the streets of another city, a person will suddenly be illuminated by an amazing idea that will help radically change his life for the better.

Books and stationery

How to put your thoughts in order? A book is the best helper. If you are overcome by difficult thoughts, read. A book can take a person away Everyday life into another reality, and there, you see, all the answers will be found.

Psychologists also recommend using a method of putting thoughts in order called freewriting. You need to retire to a quiet place, take a piece of paper, a pen and write. Just write. These can be individual thoughts, incoherent words, sets of phrases. The main thing is not to think about what you write. This is such a unique way to express all the painful things, ask questions and get answers to them.

You need to continue this session for about 40 minutes. After that, put the pen down and read what happened. As practice shows, a person really finds the correct answers among a meaningless scattering of words.


To put your thoughts in order, you need to take care of your health. Often, a feeling of anxiety appears due to the fact that the body lacks some vitamins, not enough (or excess) physical activity, the body suffers from nicotine, alcohol and caffeine (in fact, this is not uncommon in the modern world).

Therefore you need to give up bad habits, do sports or meditate ( the best option- yoga), include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, while eliminating fried, too spicy and salty foods.


Aristotle wrote in Poetics that paintings teach a person to think and think. Take a break from everyday life by visiting a gallery, museum or theater. You can listen to several instrumental or classical music compositions. It has long been scientifically proven that they calm a person and develop him creative thinking.

Down with negativity

It is impossible to get your thoughts in order if you are surrounded by things that make you unhappy. Yes, it’s difficult to start changing something, but you can’t do it without it. Quit a job you don't like, stop communicating with people who make you unhappy, remember your hobbies. Then the idea of ​​what to do next will come by itself.


Walk a few professional tests to determine your strengths. Based on the results, it is worth starting to build a new life.

If a person knows what he is capable of, his level of anxiety decreases, accordingly his thoughts come into order, he can take a sober look at the situation and analyze it.


Psychologists sometimes advise playing games to calm down and distract from obsessive thoughts. These can be the most common children's yard games, as well as computer shooters, puzzles, racing, etc.

Research has shown that play activity allows a person to abstract from reality for a while. While he is playing, the subconscious is actively working in search of a solution to the problem. In addition, games help relieve nervous tension and release pent-up aggression, which is important if you need to put your thoughts in order.

Favorite activities

Never deny yourself the activities you love. If you like horse riding, go to the racetrack; if you like swimming, the pool is always open. You shouldn't limit yourself in anything. If you have the desire and opportunity to do something, the answer is obvious.

Concentration exercises

To put your thoughts in order in your head, as practice has shown, you also need to learn to abstract yourself from public opinion. We mentioned above an exercise called freewriting, which helps to throw out all the negative and obsessive thoughts, and then find answers to questions among this chaotic flow. In addition to it, there are special exercises for concentration. Here are a few of the simplest and most interesting:

  1. Concentration with water. You need to pour water into a glass, take it with your fingers and hold it at eye level. Attention must be focused only on the water - it must remain motionless. You can start from a minute and then increase the interval to 5-6.
  2. Calm body. The essence of the method is to completely relax while awake. The exercise begins by choosing the most comfortable body position - sitting. Afterwards you need to completely relax so that not a single muscle moves. It's difficult, but over time you will get used to it. It is important to concentrate on the stationary object, and not on the problems. Session duration is 5-15 minutes.
  3. Listen to the body. Best exercise Concentration is the ability to listen to your body. You need to relax, take a sitting position and start counting your heartbeat. You can hear how it slows down its rhythm, starting to work more slowly and calmly.

You should always do what you like, fill it every day bright emotions and impressions, give up unloved work and people who make you feel unhappy. Then you won’t even have a question about how to put your thoughts in order.

This often happens: you spend 20 minutes running around the house looking for your keys, and when you find them, you are already late for work. Or you sit at your desk and your thoughts wander and jump over one another. An hour of work - and no result. Or you forget to do something because in your mind you are still going through a fight with a friend.

Clutter at home, in thoughts and relationships prevents you from enjoying life. How to deal with it? Brett Blumenthal, author of the book, gives valuable advice.

Harmful mess

Scientific research shows that a cluttered environment makes it difficult to concentrate. Negative visual effect it prevents the brain from processing incoming information as efficiently as in an organized environment. Clutter distracts our attention and tires us.

In an organized space, we are less irritable, less stressed and less distracted. Increases productivity and ability to concentrate. Remember your feelings when the house is clean, there are no unnecessary things: thoughts become just as clean.

And what can we say: negative thoughts, relationships that “drain” your energy and disrupt peace of mind. Mental clutter is not as obvious as physical clutter, but it brings no less problems. Thoughts, plans, worries, difficult conversations and memories - sometimes we are so “covered” that it is impossible to breathe.

Eliminating clutter in your thoughts and environment will save you time and energy and relieve you of unnecessary frustration and worry. You will become happier, more alert and more effective. It's time to do this.

A sense of order has a positive psychological effect on us and brings satisfaction. Here are some tips to make your environment more pleasant and inspiring.

1. Free yourself from unnecessary things

If some items are not valuable or important to you from the point of view of life prospects, and do not enrich your life, get rid of them. You can give them to someone, donate them, or throw them away. Take your time and tidy up one room after another. Carefully examine each item to understand where its real place is: in your home or outside it.

2. Use what you need correctly

Freed from the unnecessary, use the necessary. Find a good place for every thing: stationery, kitchen utensils and electrical appliances, souvenirs and photographs. Use organizers, cabinets and shelves, pantries and closets to place those things that you do not need on a regular basis.

3. Take care of the little things

Don't think that you will never have a mess. Therefore, allocating a drawer or cabinet for everyday little things is a completely reasonable move. Find a place where you can put things you don't use on a daily basis. For example, a compartment in a drawer dressing table Can be used as a storage area for change, buttons and receipts. Don't forget to clean out your storage areas regularly.

4. Tidy up your surroundings

Cleaning your workplace, home or car will have a huge positive effect on your concentration and productivity. You will feel lightness and, as they say, feel with your skin that stress is receding.

5. Change your environment, at least for a short time.

Clutter in thoughts is an equally serious problem. By leaving the “clutter zone” at least for a while, you will regain your ability to concentrate and get down to business with fresh energy.

6. Listen to the inner silence

There are many techniques that can help you bring order to your thoughts. Try it, which is described by the great spiritual leader of our time, Thich Nhat Hanh. Or just sit in silence for a few minutes, trying to stop the flow of thoughts. This good way restore energy.

7. Scan your thoughts for usefulness

If we don’t want to clutter our cozy home, why do we allow garbage in our heads? Any thought you have can be either useful for you or useless. Unimportant thoughts are mental noise that distracts you from what is important. Therefore, when a thought comes to you, “scan” it and make your decision about its usefulness. Tell yourself whether it is worth developing or not, whether it brings you joy or despondency.

8. Conquer your indecision

Our minds quickly become filled with thoughts and information when we avoid or procrastinate on issues that urgently need attention. In addition, there is also the worry that the problem is “stuck.”

9. Take power over yourself from negative thoughts and people

Everyone needs to calm down negative, depressive or overly critical thoughts. Do not allow unkind emotions and people into your mind: anger, resentment, guilt, anxiety and jealousy. They take up space in our minds that could be occupied by more helpful and constructive thoughts and attitudes.

10. Organize yourself and automatically perform your usual actions

Try to accustom yourself to automaticity in performing current tasks and responsibilities. Then you won't have to remember them and will complete them when needed. For example, get into the habit of paying your household bills online. Or enter all the birthdays into your smartphone so that it reminds you of them at least a week before the event. Plan a week in advance for dinners with friends, clothes, necessary work around the house, etc. The more clearly everything is outlined, the less stress you will have to experience.

11. Reboot your brain

If your thoughts have gotten out of control and become noise, unload your brain. Take a break for 5-10 minutes and write down everything you talk about. this moment think. You will find that you have a lot of unproductive thoughts and “mental gum” that you run around in circles. Try to modify thoughts that are unnecessary to you - over time, you will learn to masterfully deal with any emotional trash.

Our home is mirror reflection our thoughts, emotions and relationships. And vice versa. By getting rid of junk in time, you will create free space for a productive and easy life.

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Based on materials from the book

1. Get rid of old papers
If you're anything like me, your house is littered with all sorts of pieces of paper - all sorts of notes, old recipes, junk mail, notes to yourself. Get rid of it all. Destroy paper in a shredder, this way you will achieve order and security in your home.

2. Mentally prepare yourself for upcoming changes by imagining your ideal self.
What do you admire most? How do you see your future? What kind of person do you want to be? Imagine yourself as such a person.

3. Remember that unexpected events can be a blessing.
As the Dalai Lama once said: “Remember that not getting what you so longed to get sometimes turns out to be an amazing gift of luck.”

4. Ask people you admire how they got to where they are today
I have always admired my grandfather. Understanding how he started his business, how he overcame challenges throughout his life, and how he made his life better, helped me achieve my own prosperity.

5. Give up alcohol, cigarettes and other vices
Perhaps they are crutches for you, distorting a healthy view of the world. And the money saved on purchasing these harmful substances, can be used for something pleasant, for example, traveling.

6. Get rid of negative elements in your life, be it people or work you don't want to do.
If you have friends who upset or suppress you, there is no need to continue these relationships out of a sense of duty. Break such ties and get rid of failures.

7. Start every day with a clean slate, make new list things to do over a cup of morning coffee
Having a clear understanding of what you have to do today will help you stay on track.

8. Clean up the house full order and get rid of all unnecessary things
Not only from old recipes, as mentioned earlier, but also from all that rubbish that belongs at sales, in a garbage dump, or that can be given to the poor.

9. Practice simple system storing personal information
Creating a simple file cabinet and sticker folder system is something that doesn't require the services of a personal secretary and can make your life much easier when you're looking for information you need.

10. Buy groceries for the week at the most convenient time for this.
Make a list, budget, and only buy what you need to save time and money.

11. Take a proficiency test to help identify your strengths.
If you're struggling in your career and don't know where to start to get things moving, this method will be very helpful in identifying your strengths and choosing the right direction.

12. If you have problems, consult with professionals
Many struggle with the dead shadows of the past or carry heavy emotional baggage that prevents them from moving forward. Deal with this burden, get rid of it and move forward with the help of professionals.

13. Review and get rid of expired medications and food
The last time I did this I found everything from a 3 year old bag of spices to a 5 year old aspirin.

14. Develop your own diet, focusing on grains, vegetables and fruits
Proper nutrition produces an amazing effect on the overall energy level of the body.

15. Take vitamins
Vitamin nutritional supplements help reduce the possibility of developing many diseases, including oncology and osteoporosis.

16. Develop a complex physical exercise by including your favorite activities, such as dancing or cycling
My friend prefers yoga, and I prefer football. Keep fit in your favorite activities, it will give results.

17. Make an appointment with the doctor that you've been putting off for a long time.
How easy it is to put off visiting a doctor, such as a dentist, until acute pain forces you to do so. However, preventative measures are very important to maintain the overall health of the body.

18. Do mental exercises
Crosswords, Sudoku and other word games are more than just an entertaining pastime. They have been proven to improve overall mental performance.

19. Publish your own book
Now, with the development of Internet technology, this has become much easier to do. You can post your ideas on the Internet and make money from it. I publish my own books online.

20. Create a reading list and join a reading club
Most people complain that they wish they could read more, but without a specific plan, you won't find enough time to do so. Joining a reading club will not only expand your social activities, but will also help you maintain your reading plan and keep your reading list up to date.

21. Find time for solitude every day.
Susan Taylor states that “solitude helps to renew the mind and develop new ideas.”

22. Practice breathing exercises or meditation
Stress has a devastating effect on your life and overall performance. Personally, when I am under stress, I sometimes forget to breathe. Remember to take deep breaths, this will improve the flow of oxygen to the brain.

23. Be honest in everything you do and say.
Are you able to defend all your actions and actions? If not, analyze all your words and learn to express yourself honestly and directly. This will reduce the chances of making mistakes on your life path.

24. Learnonpastmistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. We usually learn a lot from them throughout our lives. Mistakes that we repeat several times are deposited in the subconscious as life experience and can serve as a good help in future situations.

25. Volunteer to help people
Helping others is a rewarding way to improve your own life.

26. Explore foreign languages or pick up a new hobby

27. Read biographies of people who will inspire you
To develop new ideas, try to understand how others have managed to get their lives in order.

28. Talk to strangers
Unexpected conversations are sometimes surprisingly inspiring.

29. Reconnect with friends and family who live far away from you
Call those you miss but keep putting off contacting. You have the Internet and Skype at your disposal; even a simple online conversation will help restore lost communication.

30. Change your toothbrush
Old Toothbrush- storage of bacteria.

31. Sleep more
Sleep is often neglected, while sleep is a source of energy, Have a good mood and vigor.

32. Drink at least 6 cups of water a day
A sufficient amount of fluid in the body allows you to maintain high level energy.

33. Build your photo collection
Store photos both electronically and in photo albums. If your family has the same rules as mine, then you have a lot of shoe boxes, stuffed with photographs that just take up space.

34. Be interested in art and art people where you live
Visiting art galleries, you can meet artists, and such acquaintances stimulate the consciousness.

35. Join a hobby club
A friend of mine became seriously interested in aircraft modeling and was so immersed in it that he received a commercial aircraft piloting license. You never know when a simple hobby can become the main activity and meaning of life.

36. Keep a calendar with notes
Having a constant visual reminder in front of your eyes can be very helpful. All people have different memory capabilities.

37. Don't put off difficult conversations
Learn to solve problems quickly and specifically. This will help reduce the level of nervousness and anxiety.

38. Make a list of priority tasks and do what gives you the most pleasure first.
If you are in Lately If you have lost track of what is most valuable to you in life, it can be helpful to take time to identify what gives you the most pleasure in life. Strive for this as much as possible.

39. Spend more time on outdoors
Nature has a valuable influence on us - it calms the soul and clears our thoughts. Hiking in the forest or rock climbing at any level of difficulty gives a feeling of pride and excellence.

40. Attend public lectures
These could be scientific lectures or any other. They help you keep up with the times, keep up with life, keep abreast of events happening in the world and make future plans accordingly. The activity of consciousness helps in all areas of life.

41. Strengthen your muscles
Get a massage, it improves muscle tone and improves blood circulation. Then the newly gained energy will help you in your routine work.

42. Let laughter be an important part of your life.
Meet more often with friends with whom you can have a good laugh, or just re-watch your favorite comedies. Laughter acts as exercise and is known to prolong life.

43. Set aside some time each day to be lazy.
You can read, draw, or just sit and stare at one point if that's what you want. Such a pastime calms the brain and allows you to feel new ideas.

44. Plan vacations when needed.

45. Use new ideas for entertainment
You don't have to be Martha Stewart to throw an amazing party; and a minimum of effort - and as a hostess or host of a holiday you are at your best. This will give you confidence.

46. ​​Throw it away old clothes which no longer suits you
Many of us squeeze into old clothes that are no longer relevant, which does not add charm to us. Feel comfortable in the clothes that suit you best and that make you look great.

47. Live in the present, not the past
You can't bring back the past. Move forward and enjoy every moment of your life. Finish what needs to be completed and move on using the experience gained.

48. Learn from your mistakes and move forward
Organize your life by moving forward, rather than looking back.

49. Carry out diagnostics on your car
We periodically turn to doctors to check our body. Also, diagnose your car in a timely manner, without waiting until it is too late to repair something. I once got stuck on a road trip in Malaysia and it's not a pleasant memory.

50. Plan a budget for what you need home renovation
Set aside money in the proverbial pot to maintain the condition of your home in real time while planning for needed repairs in the coming year.