Is it possible to paint MDF? Is it possible to paint paper-coated MDF wall panels? Preparing the facade for painting

MDF - fibreboard- is a relatively young material. Its production began in the USA in 1966. In a short period of time, this material has almost completely replaced wood in furniture production.

Furniture fronts have become commonplace in our kitchens, our offices and many other places.

MDF is a medium density material that is made by pressing (under high pressure and at high temperatures) fine chips. Lignin, a naturally occurring substance found in wood, acts as a binding material.

Of course, in terms of its strength characteristics, this material is significantly inferior to wood, however, as a material for finishing surfaces, it is a worthy replacement for it (wood). The main advantages of MDF include the following:

  • Resists moisture well;
  • Heat resistant;
  • High surface strength;
  • Very technologically advanced and easy to use;
  • Low cost;
  • Resistant to various microorganisms and fungi.

The use of MDF for finishing gave a new impetus to the flight of design ideas and made it possible to significantly expand the possibilities of decorating furniture.

But DDF facades, like facades made from other materials, lose their shine over time. During operation, they may require replacement, or the furniture facades no longer harmonize with the respectable appearance of a freshly renovated kitchen. Whatever the reason, there are two solutions. The facades need to either be changed or repainted.

MDF painting facades is a relatively simple matter and does not require any special knowledge from the performer. If desired and necessary materials and tools, we are quite capable of coping with this task to an ordinary person, not experienced in modern construction technologies.

This article will discuss how to paint an MDF facade with your own hands.

Fiberboards lend themselves well to painting. This fact once again confirms high quality this material and its high manufacturability. To understand the reasons for such a loyal attitude of the material to the products of the paint and varnish industry, you should pay attention to the main advantages of MDF:

  • Due to the homogeneity, naturalness and solidity of the surface, the material does not require additional preparation of the surface for painting, unlike most existing materials. If there is a layer on the surface of the fiberboard old paint, then all surface preparation will consist of removing this layer, which will not be difficult and will not take much time;
  • The MDF surface is very resistant to mechanical deformation. Due to this, the surface can not only be painted, but even minor changes can be made to the surface texture.

We paint MDF ourselves

Painting algorithm furniture facade from MDF with your own hands includes the following steps:

  • Surface preparation;
  • Primer;
  • Selecting the type and color of paint;
  • Applying paint.

In the process of performing these operations you will need following materials and tools:

  • Roller and paint brush;
  • Painting tape;
  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Latex gloves;
  • Primer for wood;
  • Fine-grit sandpaper.

Surface preparation

First of all, in the process of preparing the surface, it is necessary to remove all elements of fittings from it.

As mentioned above, the MDF surface, provided that it has no mechanical damage, does not require preparation for painting. using a hair dryer. Do not attempt to perform this operation manually - it will be time-consuming and may cause significant damage to the surface of the material. If there are noticeable mechanical damages on the MDF surface, they can be removed using wood putty. At the end of the preparation process, the surface must be carefully treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

Surface primer

As a primer for surfaces made of MDF is better A wood primer will do just fine. The method of applying the primer is entirely up to you. Can be used .

For completely dry Primers will need a day.

Selecting paint type and color

When choosing the type of paint for an MDF facade, it is recommended to give preference to auto enamel. Representatives of this relatively new family of paints and varnishes are characterized by high heat and moisture resistance, and are capable of creating a durable coating.

Modern manufacturers of car enamels offer consumers wide choose rich products color range. There is no doubt that in this kaleidoscope of colors and shades you will be able to choose the optimal color option for yourself, which will allow the furniture facades to harmoniously fit into the interior of your room.

Applying paint

The paint has been selected. The primer has dried. You can start doing what you started all this for, applying paint. Tape off areas not intended to be painted, if any. masking tape and start painting the surface. The method and method of applying paint is at your discretion. Paint must be applied in one direction.

As a result, you will receive a durable, varnished or matte coating, depending on the texture of the paint, that will give the furniture facades the new kind and will reliably protect them for a long time.

The video shows MDF facades being painted:

If you are skeptical about your abilities and do not want to take risks, then you should seek help from specialists. But in this case, the price of painting MDF facades will be significantly higher and will range from 1,200 to 2,000 rubles per square meter of surface.

Coating MDF panels with varnish may be required in two cases. The first is when you need to protect a structure made of MDF, for example, doors or a furniture facade. The second is when you need to decorate products. How to choose and apply varnish for MDF products? What are the nuances of its use? What are the advantages of varnish coated MDF panels?

Composition, advantages and purpose of plates

MDF is wood fiber board. They are environmentally friendly pure material and have a medium density. This material has gained great popularity due to its characteristics and properties:

  1. MDF panels have high level moisture resistance. They do not deteriorate when exposed to moisture.
  2. Good resistance to high temperatures.
  3. Strength.
  4. Affordable price. This construction material costs much less than natural wood.
  5. Resistance to fungi and microorganisms.
  6. Easy to care for.
  7. Possibility to produce products of any shape.
  8. MDF can be coated with special varnishes, paints, and enamels.

Most MDF panels are used in the furniture industry. They are used to make office and home furniture, retail store equipment, doors. They are also used for the manufacture of facades, countertops, speaker systems and other things.

Why varnish

Coating MDF panels with varnish is required quite often. Why? There are several reasons.

  1. The varnished surface easily copes with rising temperatures environment. For example, on lacquered table Made from MDF, you can place hot dishes.
  2. Using varnish you can create different decorative effects. It can be glossy, matte-silky surface, mother-of-pearl, etc. It is noteworthy that such effects are used both for interior decoration, and for external.
  3. High-quality varnishes will not make MDF panels less environmentally friendly.
  4. The coating significantly increases the service life of the product.

There is one drawback. Varnished or painted structures/slabs are more expensive than regular ones.

How to coat fiberboards

A special varnish is used to treat surfaces. He helps create smooth coating, resistant to mechanical and chemical influences. The treated surface can be glossy or matte. Gloss is the result of using varnish based on synthetic resins. Gives a matte effect acrylic coating water based.

MDF coating varnish is a two-component substance. Before starting work, you need to add a hardener to the base. Typically this varnish is odorless.

The prepared working mixture should be used within two to three hours. The coating can be applied using a spray or a regular brush.

Like all Decoration Materials, varnish for MDF panels has its advantages and disadvantages. In addition to the fact that it has good moisture and heat resistance, it protects the material from the appearance of fungus and harmful microorganisms, creating a dense film on the surface of the slab. The varnished surface is easy to clean, does not wear out, and retains its good quality for a long time. appearance. By covering a product, for example a door, with a varnish composition, you can emphasize the texture of the base and give it a certain shade.

In case the textures wooden product you need to hide it or give it a different color, this is often done.

The disadvantages of varnish coating include its fire hazard, drying time, fairly high price and increased consumption.

When choosing a varnish to coat MDF panels, you need to pay attention to some parameters:

  • drying time should not exceed 72 hours;
  • dust drying time – no more than 15 minutes;
  • operating temperature – from +5 to +25 degrees;
  • the composition of the varnish should contain no more than 20% of volatile substances;
  • consumption no more than 0.5 kg per square meter.

The working process

Before you start varnishing MDF structures, you need to prepare tools and additional materials:

  1. Tassels. You will need 2 pieces. One (narrow) with which you can paint small parts, and the second (middle) is for coloring the remaining parts. An alternative is a roller or spray gun.
  2. Container for mixing components.
  3. A drill with a special attachment or a construction mixer.
  4. Working capacity.
  5. If there is a need to apply a design or ornament on the door, you need to prepare tape, stencils and a sponge.
  6. Sandpaper.
  7. Gloves.
  8. Solvent.

It is advisable to cover the workplace with paper and prepare a stable stand for the doors in advance.

Operating procedure

Before varnishing, you need to apply a layer of primer. For what? Firstly, the primer finally cleans the surface of dust and small debris. Secondly, it helps to avoid unnecessary consumption of the working mixture. Thirdly, it improves the absorbent properties of the material. And, fourthly, it makes it possible to make the coloring more uniform. Also, thanks to the primer, minor damage to the door leaf can be detected.

The workflow consists of several stages:

  • First you need to apply a layer of primer;
  • use putty to cover up small cracks, scratches and chips;
  • walk over the surface of the doors with sandpaper;
  • prime again;
  • using a brush, apply varnish to the ends, design lines and other inconvenient places;
  • use a brush, roller or spray gun to paint the main part of the door;
  • if necessary, apply a second coat of varnish.


  1. You should not skip the surface preparation process, in particular grinding.
  2. Before use, the mixture of varnish and hardener must be filtered. It is advisable to use the composition within 3 hours.
  3. If a sprayer is used, the pressure should be 3 atm and the nozzle size should be no more than 2 mm.
  4. Each layer must be dried at a temperature of about 35°C. On average, the varnish takes 5-6 hours to dry.

Applying a varnish coating to MDF panels has many advantages. It increases strength and extends the service life of the product. Varnish also plays a decorative function: it can make the surface matte or glossy, and give it the desired shade.

MDF, or otherwise fibreboard, began to be produced in the USA in 1966 and is a relatively “young” material. However, it has been an excellent alternative to wood for many years. furniture production. MDF facades have become commonplace in kitchens, offices and other premises. How to properly prepare an MDF surface for painting, what tools and materials you will need, and how to do everything yourself - read right now.

MDF is a unique modern material, which is made by pressing wood waste under high pressure and at elevated temperature indicators. The material for binding the components is lignin, which has a natural origin - it is extracted from wood.

To the obvious advantages of MDF, which are used for the manufacture of facades, experts include:

  • excellent moisture-resistant qualities;
  • heat resistance;
  • surface strength;
  • versatility and ease of use;
  • resistance to harmful microorganisms and fungi;
  • budget cost.

Since MDF facades lose their original shine over time, they require replacement or painting. Even a beginner can paint a facade made of such material if he has certain skills and suitable equipment. Since the material is homogeneous, it does not need preliminary preparation. The only exception is deleting a layer old decoration, if there is one. Surface MDF facades is resistant to mechanical stress. You can not only cover it with paint, choosing a color to suit your taste, but also slightly change the texture.

If we talk about the technology of painting MDF facades, it includes several simple steps:

  • minor surface preparation;
  • applying primer;
  • choosing the type and color of coating material;
  • its application to the prepared surface.

When painting MDF facades at home, you need to prepare:

  • paint brush or roller;
  • masking tape;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • primer for wood;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • rubber gloves to protect hands.

For professional painting MDF facades will require a room of about 40 square meters. meters with a separate chamber for painting, a place where you can grind parts, dry and store blanks, and then finished products. The temperature in it should be at least 20 degrees. The painting chamber must be equipped with an exhaust hood and a rotating table. There should be racks in the drying room, and a powerful vacuum cleaner in the grinding sector.

Facades are painted using a spray gun. Keep in mind that the material consumption is 60 - 200 grams per square meter. meter.

The type of paint will determine the diameter of the nozzle, air pressure, the chosen spray method, the number of layers applied and the frequency of coating.

Surface preparation

The paint application procedure includes the preparation and application of the selected finishing material.

If paint will be applied to furniture, the set must first be disassembled. There is no need to unscrew it completely; it is enough to remove only the parts that you plan to paint. It is recommended to remove handles, inserts and other fittings. If this is not possible, special masking tape will help protect them.

If the surfaces to be treated are constantly located near gas stoves and electric furnaces, it is advised to choose paints that have fire-retardant properties for painting, such as Polistil metal products. In order to protect the hood and air ducts from corrosion in the future, you should purchase electrically conductive paint, such as Zinga.

To prepare the surface yourself, you need to completely remove any dirt from it. paintwork. When the cleaning is completed, the MDF facade is also cleaned of dust. It is difficult to clean the surface manually; it is recommended to use a hair dryer. The next step is sanding using fine-grained sandpaper.

Next is priming. Before starting to work with the composition, be sure to shake it. To prepare the surface, it is recommended to use primer intended for wood. But if there are plastic components, it is better to use primer designed for plastic. The primer should be allowed to dry thoroughly, up to 2 days. Only when it is completely absorbed by the surface is it permissible to begin painting.

Painting and coating

Coloring can be done in two ways:

  • Ordinary. Involves traditional paint application, resulting in a beautiful matte or glossy finish. It all depends on the type paint and varnish material whichever you choose.
  • Textured. Here, glisal is used for coating in order to obtain an unusual surface at home.

When painting with regular paint, you should stick tape on those parts that you will then cover with other colors if you are planning a two-color or multi-color finish. It is necessary to apply paint in the selected direction along the direction of movement of the tool. Before applying the next layer, the previous one must dry well. After painting is completed, all parts are screwed into place.

When covering an MDF facade with glisal, you first need to choose a color. To achieve an unusual shade, you can add a little paint of the color you like to the glissal. It will help to bring the solution to the desired consistency plain water. Before applying the composition to the MDF board, it is recommended to first try it on paper.

Staining with glisal is not difficult. You should stir the composition, put your hands in protective gloves, stock up on a sponge, a brush with soft bristles and a bag. Glizal is applied to the surface with a brush in a layer that is recommended to be of medium thickness. After applying the composition, apply a sponge to the still wet surface, achieving the formation of interesting bubbles. Their size depends on how large the pores of the sponge are. If you use a crumpled plastic bag rather than a sponge, you can get a beautiful texture on the surface, reminiscent of the bizarre patterns that frost leaves on windows in winter. You should make a textured pattern on the surface without waiting for the glitz to dry.

When the material dries after a week, you need to varnish the surface. It is better to choose a transparent varnish to highlight all the advantages of the glisal coating, and apply it in 1 layer. Finally, you need to return all furniture elements to their place.

The appearance of the existing panels on the walls is annoying. Can go over with a primer and then acrylic paint? Is it possible?

Yes, MDF panels can be painted, but not everything is so simple; before painting, MDF panels must be prepared.

If you hire people to paint panels, then you need to carefully calculate and weigh everything; very often, high-quality painting and the paint itself, plus the work of craftsmen, are more expensive than buying new MDF panels.

In principle, this is possible, but I would advise painting MDF panels alkyd enamel, the choice of colors is huge,

the appearance changes beyond recognition, the enamel can be applied without special equipment, that is, with a roller or even a brush.

“Walking” with a primer is not enough. Before priming, the surface of the panels must be sanded; the work is done using sandpaper.

The surface is carefully sanded, but at the second stage a primer is used.

But that’s not all; in order for the paint to lay flat on the panel, it needs to be sanded and primed at least twice.

If the panels have deep scratches, then before finishing painting, the scratches are puttied.

The surface of MDF is porous and the task of the primer is to clog all these pores and make the surface smooth.

At the last stage, the surface is varnished, but this is optional.

The work of painting MDF panels is quite painstaking and complex; it is extremely difficult to paint the panels yourself and efficiently, but I would still advise you to consider purchasing new panels, especially if the old ones look very poor.

MDF panels can be painted with environmentally attractive water-dispersion acrylic, acrylic-latex or latex facade or interior paints. The paints contain water and no organic solvents, so they are odorless. They have good adhesion to many surfaces.

Coatings with structural paints that give relief coatings will look original and modern. In this case, you can use textured facade paints or structural paints for walls. The resulting coatings have light fastness, increased resistance to abrasion and washing, have increased resistance to dirt, and increased resistance to damage by fungi and mold. They wash well and have excellent decorative properties.

MDF is widely used in the furniture industry primarily because of its low cost. Most often, this material is pasted over laminated film. However, there are situations when it becomes necessary to color it. We'll look at the specifics of this process below.

MDF facades for painting: features and advantages of use

Mass production of MDF facades has led to their widespread popularity among the population. This material is made from wood fibers that are pressed under the influence of high temperature. MDF boards have increased strength, which is ensured good connection fibers between each other.

Most often, this material is used for the manufacture of furniture facades, which cover the main part of the furniture and prevent various types of substances from entering it.

If we compare MDF facades with other types of furniture, then they, in comparison with them, have a large number of benefits. First of all, it is resistance to mechanical damage, a long period of operation,

In addition, their MDF facade is resistant to vaporization and high humidity. In the manufacturing process of the plates, no synthetic substances are used that are harmful to the human body. Also, it is possible to make from MDF boards various furniture, which has almost any shape and configuration.

Among advantages of MDF facades note:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures;
  • high strength indicators;
  • manufacturability and ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • resistance to the formation of fungus and mold.

Do-it-yourself painting of kitchen facades from MDF

It is preferable to paint MDF boards in a room whose total area is more than 40 square meters. In addition, it must contain separate place for painting parts, as well as the area where they will be sanded. Optimal temperature for work is 19-20 degrees Celsius.

The painting booth should be equipped with exhaust device, which helps get rid of the smell of paint and a table that ensures the part rotates in the desired direction. It is necessary to equip the drying chamber with racks, and a vacuum cleaner in the grinding chamber.

In order to cover the facade with varnish or paint, you will need a pneumatic spray gun and a compressor that is connected to it to supply the necessary pressure. Polishing using an angle grinder finished product.

Before choosing slabs for painting, you should pay attention to their quality. Inspect the slab for the presence of lint; it is preferable to choose a material whose lint is not raised. Milling is performed at the maximum speed of the device. This way, the surface of the slab will remain as smooth as possible. Please note that after preparation, the slabs are particularly fragile, so you should not place heavy or sharp objects on them, as there is a risk of deformation of the material.

In order to hide the corners from damage, they should be processed with special edge cutters. Please note that parts should be sanded along the entire perimeter to remove the protective wax layer, which will prevent the paint from adhering to the surface. For these purposes, it is preferable to use grinder eccentric type. To process difficult areas, it is recommended to use an emery sponge.

If the MDF facade contains connections between individual slabs, between which there are small gaps, then to remove them, a vapor-filling primer should be used. When it dries, the surface is sanded with sandpaper.

Before you start painting MDF facades with your own hands, you need to apply a layer of primer. On the one hand, it will improve the adhesion of paint to the surface, and on the other hand, it will reduce paint consumption. At the beginning, complex relief areas should be covered. Next, the end sections and the main surface are primed. The work is carried out using a spray gun. First make longitudinal movements, and then transverse ones. In the process of covering the facade, a 50% overlap of one layer occurs on the second. This technology produces both primer coating and painting of MDF facades.

If it is necessary to paint both sides of the facade, first the work is carried out inside, and then, after it has dried inner side- outside.

The procedure for priming an MDF facade consists of two processes, which we will consider below:

1. Applying primer, which acts as an insulator. This substance protects the surface from excessive absorption of paint and prevents lint from rising on the slabs. When the soil has dried, sanding the surface begins with an emery sponge. However, all work is carried out carefully so as not to erase the soil from the slab.

2. The second stage is painting with a primer with a polyurethane base. After applying this material, the surface becomes white. The drying time for this layer is from 10 to 24 hours. Next, the surface is sanded again and prepared for painting.

Painting MDF facades, technology and principle of execution

To paint facades, you should use a spray gun. In relation to the type of paint, the diameter of the nozzle, the type and direction of paint movement, the method and layers of spraying are determined. Therefore, before painting, you should read the instructions for using the paint.

To use complex formulations, you must first mix certain components in the right quantity. In addition, make sure that the thickness of the paint is comparable to the spray nozzle to avoid problems when painting facades.

Please note that under no circumstances should work be carried out outdoors or indoors with open window to prevent contamination of the surface by dust, hair and other small substances. To remove them, use tweezers or a needle. In order to get rid of smudges, use a utility knife and clean the removal area with sandpaper.

If the facade has a matte tint and complex milling is performed, then work is carried out to patina it. To apply this composition, no preliminary primer is required. Patination is carried out over the paint; a roller, brush, spray gun or sponge is used to complete the work.

To remove excess, use abrasives. After this, the surface is covered with a transparent varnish, which protects the facade from mechanical influences.

How to paint the facade after painting

After applying paint to the MDF facade, it is treated with compounds that improve the appearance of the finished coating and its resistance to scratches. At the same time, the paint acquires a deeper shade and becomes fresher. For these purposes, varnish is used on acrylic base with gloss effect.

This composition must be applied in at least two layers. In this case, the second layer is applied only after the first has completely dried. After covering the facade with varnish, it is transported to drying chamber. After two days, the products are polished. A week after varnishing, the MDF facade is polished and prepared for use.

To sand the finished product, use grinder. During the sanding process, you should use a spray bottle to spray water on the slabs, this way the facade will cool and the varnish will not roll off the surface. At the end of the sanding process, the surface has a uniform matte texture.

The work is completed by polishing the MDF facade. For these purposes, it is recommended to use an angle grinder, which has a circle made of foam rubber and special remedy in the form of an abrasive paste. First, the composition covers the entire surface of the facade, then the machine rubs it evenly over the slab. Polishing of the product is performed at high speeds of the device. Please note that at first the movements are horizontal, and then vertical. Moisten the polishing wheel periodically to prevent it from overheating. To ensure the surface has a deep color, we recommend applying furniture wax to the circle.

To provide finishing touches products, use a paste with a non-abrasive base. Thus, the surface of the MDF facade will become like a mirror. Next, the facade is packaged in boxes made of foamed polyethylene and corrugated cardboard. This material provides reliable protection facade from mechanical damage and scratches.

Painting glossy MDF facades: furniture restoration

Since MDF furniture is often used for furnishing apartments, houses and office premises, during operation, it loses its attractive appearance and needs restoration. In addition, another reason for painting MDF facades is to change the interior of the room in which old facade It just doesn't match the color.

To paint an MDF facade, you do not need any special skills in working with special equipment; you just need to follow the instructions given below.

Boards based on wood fibers combine well with paint, this is explained by the following reasons:

  • since the slab is homogeneous, natural and monolithic, no preparation is required for it additional work to level the material, it is enough to remove the old paint, if any, and grind the surface;
  • Since MDF is resistant to mechanical stress, various textured elements can be created on its surface using paint.

Stages of work on painting MDF facades:

  • preparatory work;
  • applying a primer;
  • determining the type of paint;
  • coloring.

In order to paint paneled MDF facades, you will need:

  • tools for applying paint;
  • masking tape;
  • a hair dryer, with which the facade will be heated;
  • protective gloves;
  • soil composition;
  • sandpaper.

To begin with, all fittings are removed from the furniture facade. To remove old paint, use a hair dryer. Please note that manual removal of paint may damage the surface and reduce the aesthetics of its appearance. If there are small mechanical defects on the slabs, you should get rid of them by applying putty designed to work with wooden surfaces. Finish the work by finishing the surface with sandpaper.

When choosing a primer, it is best to use compounds designed for working with wood. The primer is applied either with a brush, a roller or a spray gun. The minimum drying time for the primer is 24 hours.

Paint for MDF facades is selected based on the desired painting effect. Most best option paints for painting MDF facades - auto enamel. Such compositions are characterized by high resistance to moisture, good strength characteristics and resistance to replacement. temperature regime. There are a huge number of auto enamel colors that differ in depth, shade or type of surface obtained. Therefore, choosing the right paint, your facade will easily fit into any interior style.

After the primer has dried, paint is applied to the surface of the facade. If there are areas on the facade that will not be painted, then they are sealed using masking tape. Apply paint either longitudinally or transversely. To ensure that the paint is evenly distributed on the surface, use a spray gun. The result is a coating with either a glossy or matte finish.

There is another option for painting MDF facades; glisal is used for these purposes. She is bought in construction stores. It is possible to dilute the glaze with regular paint; in this case, after painting, the surface acquires an interesting texture. First, dilute a small amount of the composition and apply paint to the paper surface; if the result is satisfactory, dilute all the paint.

To paint with glisal, you should prepare a tool with which to apply the paint and wear gloves that protect your hands from getting the composition on the skin. In addition, you will need a sponge, plastic bag and two brushes - one small and the second large. Apply glisal to the façade in an even but thick layer. Next, use a sponge, gradually applying it to the facade. In relation to the pores on the sponge, the surface will be covered with small bubbles. If you want to get lines on the surface of the facade, use a crumpled cellophane bag. In this case, the effect will be more pronounced. A small brush can also help create abstract elements. Possible combination different effects among themselves, it all depends on your preferences and imagination. Please note that after the glaze has dried, you should not correct anything, as the surface has acquired an unpresentable appearance. To fix the effect, it is recommended to cover the MDF facade with varnish.

Painting MDF facades video: