What you need for interior decoration of the house. Do-it-yourself exterior decoration of the house. Applying plaster or putty

Some building materials from which walls are erected immediately imply the need for exterior finishing of the house: the resulting picture is very unsightly. Others may lose their appeal over time. And the third case is extensive crack formation, which is “treated”, but the results remain visible. In all these cases, the question arises: “How to sheathe the outside of the house.” Moreover, most often it is necessary to “sheath” it - without using mortar or other similar means that require a lot of money and time. I want to do everything quickly and, very preferably, inexpensively, and, if possible, with my own hands. Oddly enough, there is a choice of materials and technologies, and a considerable one.

Basic Rules

When selecting materials for cladding a house from the street, be sure to remember that in order to maintain normal humidity in the rooms, the vapor permeability of the materials must decrease from inside the room to the outside. That is, the exterior finishing should conduct steam better than the wall material. Then high humidity, which is typical for our homes, will be discharged through the walls naturally (explanations in the photo).

If this principle is violated, moisture will accumulate at the interface of materials with different vapor permeability. It condenses, creating conditions for rotting and the development of fungi and mold. In winter it freezes, destroying the wall material and/or finishing. Sooner or later such a system will have to be dismantled and rebuilt.

The trouble is that only wood meets this requirement. Most other materials for exterior finishing of a house have low vapor permeability. The problem is solved in two ways:

Today the second option is becoming increasingly popular. Very effective thermal insulation materials have appeared that can significantly reduce heating costs. But they have very low vapor permeability(expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam). When using them, only the second humidity control scheme is possible. When choosing what to cover your house with, consider these points.

Wood paneling

Wood has been used in construction and decoration for centuries, and it seems that it will be relevant for a long time. All thanks to its excellent appearance and ability to regulate indoor humidity. This is perhaps the only material that will remove excess moisture without problems, regardless of what material the walls are made of.

Wooden cladding can have a completely non-standard appearance: different colors and sizes, different directions. It's simple, but the effect is amazing

The most popular materials for wall cladding are block house and imitation timber. There is also lining for exterior finishing - it is thicker than what is intended for it, but otherwise it is no different.

The block house imitates the surface of a rounded log - the front part has a rounded shape. Imitation timber is very similar to planed timber. Both types of cladding are attached to the sheathing, then sanded and coated with protective impregnations, and optionally varnished or painted.

What does lumber look like for exterior cladding of a house?

If you can’t decide how to cover the outside of a foam block house, consider the option wood cladding. In this case, lathing (metal or wood) is nailed to the walls. If necessary, insulation is laid between the slats - basalt wool (foam or polystyrene foam cannot be used), and then wooden sheathing is nailed.

This building is sheathed with imitation timber. Under the skin there can be brick, log frame, frame or any of the building blocks

If you need the cheapest option, for most regions of Russia this is an ordinary planed board. Its thickness is from 40 mm, it is stuffed in the same way as a lining or block house onto the sheathing, the lower end of the upper board extends 10-20 mm onto the one located underneath it. It turns out the principle of the cone. So you can veneer it cheaply country house or even residential. When properly processed, such cladding has a very good appearance.

How to cheaply cover the outside of a house? For middle zone Russia - wooden planed board

The disadvantages of such finishing are the same as with any wood: it can be damaged by pests, rot, without proper care it quickly loses its decorative effect, becomes dark and ugly. If you want to cover your house and not think about it for years, this is not your choice. Wooden cladding requires maintenance, and, most often, annually.


In some regions, planks and other lumber are not the most affordable materials. In this case, it’s cheaper. This is the option when, having completed the finishing once, you can forget about it for a long time.

If you are thinking about how to decorate the outside of a timber house, perhaps your option is siding

Since the sheathing is nailed onto the sheathing, the façade is ventilated. If you need to inexpensively decorate wooden walls (from timber, logs, panels), siding is one of the options. It can also be used for buildings made of any other material: foam block, aerated concrete, slag-filled concrete, etc. This cladding is universal.


Siding is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and is therefore also called vinyl. It consists of strips of material 205 and 255 mm wide, 1.1 mm and 1.2 mm thick. The longitudinal edges have a lock on one side and perforation for fasteners on the other (self-tapping screws are more often used).

The siding is also attached to the sheathing. It is recommended to use a special metal one, but impregnated ones are quite suitable. wooden blocks. Only standard starting and side stripes will be needed. The only caveat: the screws need to be “undertightened” a little, leaving some play in order to compensate for temperature changes in the materials. With this installation, the siding will not crack due to stress.

The advantages of this material for external cladding at home: low prices, easy installation.

Flaw vinyl siding: it fades quickly in the sun, so it is advisable to use soft colors. Has quite a wide temperature regime operation: from +50°C to -35°C, but even in slight frosts it becomes brittle and easily damaged.

One more point: houses covered with siding and having a broken configuration look good. If the building is rectangular, without architectural frills, it does not have the most attractive appearance (as evidenced by the photo below).

If the building is simply long, without reliefs or protrusions, covering the walls with sading will not embellish it very much


Metal siding consists of strips of thin aluminum or galvanized steel, onto which a protective and decorative coating is applied. It has the same fastening system as vinyl.

Sheathing a house with metal siding is simple: you can do it yourself even without much construction experience

The coating can be made of polymers. It is distinguished by its reliability, resistance to burnout and other climatic factors. Its disadvantage is the limited choice of colors. The second coating option is powder coating. The color range is much wider, the paint lasts for years without signs of peeling.

If you are looking for something to clad the outside of your home for a durable and bright finish, one of the metal siding options may be right for you. It can be bent, it is very difficult to break, installation is not very difficult: you need good metal scissors, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver or a screwdriver. All installation features are the same as for vinyl, with the only difference being that metal can be installed at sub-zero temperatures.

It is not easy to harmoniously decorate a building covered with metal siding

From the point of view of durability, this is a good option, but from the point of view of aesthetics, it is difficult to work with: it looks too “manufactured”. The building no longer resembles a residential building, but rather a warehouse or some kind of workshop.


This is one of the varieties of vinyl siding, but it has a completely different configuration, appearance and greater panel thickness. It was developed specifically for decorating and protecting the plinths of buildings, but I liked it so much that it began to be used for cladding facades. Exterior design- under brickwork of different types and colors, with or without drawings, wild stone. Sometimes the imitation is so successful that you understand that what is in front of you is not brick cladding, and vinyl, you can only touch the wall.

It is mounted, like other types, on the sheathing, there are perforations and locks. The difference is that the basement siding panel does not look like a long rectangle, but a certain section of the wall with curly edges. These curly edges are used to join. Accordingly, the sheathing must be adjusted to the size of the fragment. When installing, first the edge of the panel is inserted into the already installed lock, a match is achieved, and then secured. The main thing is that during installation, do not overtighten the screws, leaving the siding room to move with temperature changes.

The sheathing can be made of treated wooden blocks (with protective impregnation) or from plasterboard profiles (galvanized). How to mount basement siding Look at the base in the video. It is mounted on the wall in the same way. The difference is in area.

Fiber cement boards and siding

Relatively recently appeared on our market new cladding: fiber cement boards and siding made of the same material. They consist of wood fiber, quartz, mica, cement, and may contain chlorine and asbestos (some materials used only for exterior finishing). This mixture is formed into sheets, then dehydrated in several stages, and fired using some technologies. Then a protective and decorative coating is applied to the surface:

The coating can be smooth - glossy or matte, or can imitate brickwork, wood and other finishing materials. Installed on guides mounting strips, attached to the wall with clamps. This material may be suitable for you if you do not know how to cover the outside of a frame house: it creates a continuous surface, the panel joints are airtight and precipitation will not get inside.

This house is also lined with fiber cement slabs

Watch the video to see how to attach fiber cement boards.

Fiber cement siding is produced using the same technology, only it is molded into long strips. They are basically standard: 3600*190*12 mm. This material is cut with a jigsaw and installed on wooden sheathing overlapping (like a cone) and nailed to it or screwed with self-tapping screws.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels are a material that performs two functions at once - cladding and external insulation of houses. A layer of thermal insulation is applied to the thermal insulation layer at the factory. decorative covering. It looks like marble or natural stone, does not burn, and has low water absorption characteristics.

Do this finishing material based on foam plastic, mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. Depending on the type of insulation, the installation method is selected: polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam are glued to the appropriate composition. The joints are closed with a special aluminum strip or rubbed with paste.

Based on mineral wool, they are mounted only on a special system of profiles; the joints are also sealed.

A very attractive idea is to immediately insulate the house and cladding it. Excellent appearance, and the characteristics of this cladding are impressive. It’s just a pity that there is little operating experience and no reviews yet: it appeared only recently.

There are also clinker thermal panels. Clinker tiles are glued to the insulation. The material is not cheap, but the characteristics are impressive, as is the variety of finishes.

Another option for thermal panels is with clinker tiles

The choice of materials that can be used to cover a house at any time - winter or summer - is considerable. There are expensive options, and there are cheaper ones. In any case, in addition to cost, be sure to consider vapor permeability. Then you won’t have to deal with mold and dampness.

DIY interior decoration of a country house

It is very difficult to argue with the fact that the dacha is the most best place to unite with nature. Most residents of large cities immediately leave their apartments for their country houses when the weather gets warmer. This is where you can truly enjoy fresh air, atmosphere of home comfort.

If Vacation home is not as cozy as you would like, then you need to think now about how to decorate the inside of the house. This is the most The best way give the building a unique look, in addition, you can make all your dreams come true.

Decorating the inside of a country house is not much different from decorating a simple apartment. It all depends only on the owner himself. It is important to determine for what purposes the country house will be used. If you will only be in it during garden work, then for finishing you can use improvised materials, for example, those left after renovation in the apartment. However, if you need a home for permanent residence, then it is better to select materials carefully. This is what we will talk about today.

Decorating the inside of a country house with your own hands, photo

Perhaps it is best to use finishing materials that do not require additional decoration. These are materials that will be installed once, and then you forget about repairs for a long time. No finishing is required. You can get a finished surface, so to speak, “ready for use” in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, there are not many similar materials, however, there is something to choose from. So, let’s list the building materials that allow you to immediately create a clean finish in your home.

The first option is panels - wall and ceiling, and to some extent, floor panels. Note that this material is so diverse that you may not even suspect that it will fulfill all your whims. First of all, you need to name the lining and block house, MDF panels, and other analogues. Almost all materials have a similar installation method - wooden or metal carcass, on which the panels are installed. The advantage of this technology is that there is space between the panels and the wall into which insulation can be laid.

Tiles of all types and colors - with these materials you can also easily solve the problem with interior decoration country house with your own hands. It is noteworthy that there are also tiles for floors, walls and ceilings. The only drawback is complex installation. However, this issue is very controversial, since the difficulty lies only in patience and certain skills. Anyone can become a tiler, but not everyone can become a true professional. As a rule, tiles are glued to the surface using special adhesive compositions. With the help of tiles, it is possible to level even those surfaces that have significant unevenness.

Can also be installed on the ceiling tension structure. The walls can be easily covered with fabric. If you correctly solve the issue of wall drapery, you will get a design no worse than in an apartment. The most important thing is that the materials can be easily washed at any time.

If panels, tiles, stretch ceiling If it is damaged, it needs to be changed entirely, then standard materials for interior decoration of the house can be changed in fragments. The most interesting thing is that the rest of the surface remains undamaged after the repair. That is why this finishing method is used not only in country houses, but also in apartments. First you need to apply a rough layer of plaster. Only then is the finishing layer applied - decorative finishing. Wallpaper and painting are very often used as finishing materials.

So, if we consider wallpaper, then they can only be used in a room that is heated in winter. Otherwise, moisture and dampness will ruin the repair. Of course, the wallpaper can be changed at least every year, however, this is not a way out. A similar situation occurs with drywall. Walls and ceilings are finished with this building material only when the house is well heated.

Painting is not an acquired taste, as different people perceive painted surfaces differently. The advantage of this finish is that the repairs can be done with your own hands. Before you paint the walls or ceiling, you need to prepare the surface. This work probably takes a lot of time. If you leave even the slightest flaw, then after painting it will appear three times stronger.

A person who wants to renovate a house with his own hands must not only buy materials and decide on the finishing features. It is important to understand how certain works are performed, which implies mastering certain construction specialties.

Features of finishing a house made of timber with your own hands

In principle, such a house can be decorated inside using any materials. The most important thing is to know what you are doing. Only a person inexperienced in construction experiences difficulties when finishing wooden house from the inside. It is known that the walls of a wooden house can even be decorated with tiles. You will need to cover the walls with plasterboard and then lay tiles on them. This is exactly how wallpaper and other materials are glued to walls.

However modern man wants as much naturalness as possible. In fact: why spoil wood with tiles or wallpaper?

As a rule, in this case, a lining or block house is used, which imitates cylinder logs. You can use bars with a rectangular cross-section.

Thus, you know how to decorate a country house with your own hands. We told you about the technologies and materials used in this work. However, it is worth talking about such a misconception as synthetic materials, or rather their durability. Thus, materials can withstand temperature changes and humidity, which cannot be said about natural materials. However, modern synthetic materials have the disadvantage that steam does not pass through them. As a result, the floor and furniture inside the room begin to rot, and an unpleasant odor appears.

In general, everyone decides for themselves what will be better. Note that modern natural materials are much more expensive than synthetics. The most important thing is that the decoration inside the country house is beautiful and brings pleasure not only to you, but also to your guests. On the market building materials You can find a huge variety of finishing products that can make all your dreams and wishes come true. Of course, it all depends on the size of the wallet.

Post navigation October 24, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of summer houses, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

The facade is the calling card of any building; in addition, the exterior decoration of the house, as is known, serves to protect the walls from rain and other negative impacts environment. Therefore, the choice of finishing materials must be approached competently and responsibly.

Currently, the market is replete with various offers, which, on the one hand, is, of course, good, but on the other hand, this makes it difficult for a beginner to decide how best to decorate a house. To help in this matter, below I will introduce you to the most common exterior finishing technologies and their features, as well as modern facade materials.

Exterior finishing options

So, currently popular the following options facade finishing:

  1. dry ( curtain façade) – involves the installation of a frame, which is subsequently covered with panels;
  2. wet (plaster)– carried out using all kinds of plaster solutions that can be applied to walls different ways;
  3. cladding with piece materials– involves covering walls with tiles, natural stone or other similar materials;
  4. brick cladding– in this case, walls made of facing bricks are erected around the perimeter of the house;
  5. thermal panels- it's relative new material, which is attached to the walls using a dry method.

Each of these finishing options has its own characteristics, as well as pros and cons, which we will discuss below.

Option 1: curtain façade

Features of the technology

Finishing using ventilated or curtained facade technology is very popular, as it has a number of advantages:

  • the facade is quickly and easily installed, and finishing can be done at any temperature;
  • the finish is quite strong and durable;
  • big choice materials, which allows you to implement any facade design to your taste;
  • It is possible to place thermal insulation under the casing, as well as hide communications.

Due to the absence of wet work, this finish is an excellent option for wooden buildings. You can also finish a house made of blocks such as aerated concrete or wood concrete using a similar method. Is it true, in this case, it is necessary to use special fasteners for mounting the frame.

The disadvantages include the higher cost compared to plaster.

Materials for curtain façade

As mentioned above, the basis of the curtain wall is the frame. It is collected from metal profiles or wooden beams. In addition, of course, you will need some other materials for exterior finishing of the house in this way:

  • thermal insulation material for wall insulation. On our resource you can find detailed information about the choice of thermal insulation. The only thing I note is that it is best to use slab materials, for example, polystyrene foam boards or mineral mats;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • if the house is wooden, protective impregnation and inter-crown insulation will also be required;

Particular attention must be paid to the finishing material on which the design of the facade depends, and also how durable the exterior decoration of the house will be. The range of various panels is simply huge, and it is impossible to list them all. Therefore, below we will familiarize ourselves with only the most common materials:

  • wooden finishing boards– these include block house, lining, imitation timber, planken, etc. They all differ only in size and profile.

Among the advantages of these coatings are environmental friendliness, attractive appearance and relatively low cost - from 300-350 rubles. for 1m2. The disadvantages include the need for periodic maintenance, namely treatment with protective compounds.

As a rule, such materials are used for finishing wooden buildings. Eg, log house even after finishing it can retain its natural beauty if it is covered with a block house;

  • vinyl siding – plastic panels in the form of several interconnected boards. Vinyl siding is a good alternative wooden materials, since it costs less (from 200 rubles per 1m2), and also does not require any maintenance;

  • metal siding - looks like vinyl siding, however, it is made of galvanized steel or aluminum. Externally, this material reliably imitates wood covering, but at the same time it has some disadvantages:
    • high cost - from 400-500 rubles. for 1m2;
    • noise during periods of precipitation and strong winds;
    • high thermal conductivity.

Therefore, metal siding is rarely used for finishing residential buildings.

  • façade panels- in fact, it is an analogue of vinyl. The difference lies only in appearance - this coating can imitate natural stone, masonry, and other materials.

Often, home craftsmen are interested in how to decorate the bottom of the house in order to highlight it and ensure sufficient strength for the base? An excellent solution is special plinth panels. Externally, they resemble facade panels, but are more durable.

Everyone must choose what material is best to decorate the outside of the house themselves, depending on the desired facade design and, of course, financial opportunities.

Option 2: plaster

Features of the technology

Plaster is no less popular than, for example, a curtain wall, as it has its own advantages:

  • is much cheaper than other finishing options. Therefore, if you are looking for a cheaper way to decorate the outside of your house, then plaster is great solution;
  • allows you to achieve a presentable appearance of the structure - there is a large selection of decorative plasters on sale that can highlight even the most inconspicuous structure;
  • This method can be used not only to decorate the outside of a private house, but also to decorate the façade of an apartment. True, for this it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant authorities;
  • it is possible to insulate the facade - in this case, the plaster is applied on top of the insulation using a special technology, which has already been described several times on our resource.

If you decorate the plastered and painted facade with decorative slats and beams, it can be decorated in half-timbered or Japanese style.

However, plaster also has some disadvantages:

  • plastering is seasonal work, since it is impossible to do it at sub-zero temperatures;
  • durability is much lower than other finishes. As a rule, it does not exceed 10-15 years, subject to strict adherence to technology and the use of the most expensive and high-quality materials. Otherwise, the facade will have to be repaired even earlier;
  • strength is much lower than other types of finishing, especially if the plaster is applied over insulation. In this case, it is protected by a thin layer of cement-based adhesive and fiberglass mesh. As a result, even minor mechanical loads can damage the surface of the facade;
  • Applying plaster is quite a labor-intensive job.

If the house is made of wood concrete or aerated concrete, it is not recommended to plaster it over the insulation, since the walls will have much greater vapor permeability than the finishing, which will lead to their constant dampening with all the ensuing consequences.

Types of plaster

It should be noted that there are several types of plastering:

Type of plastering Peculiarities
Draft The task of such plastering is to level the external walls and prepare them for further finishing, for example, applying decorative plaster, tiling, painting, etc.

Cement mortars are used to perform rough plastering. It is best to use special plaster mixtures, which contain additives that improve the quality of the coating. Their cost starts from 180-200 rubles. per bag 25kg.

The liquid solution for such plastering is applied to the wall manually or mechanically, after which it is leveled using the beacon rule. True, if the unevenness of the wall is insignificant, plastering can be done without beacons.

Decorative It forms the texture of the facade and, accordingly, performs an exclusively decorative function. As a rule, decorative plastering is performed with special mixtures that are applied in a thin layer. They may contain marble chips or other filler that forms the texture of the coating.

The cost of the cheapest mineral plasters starts from 300-400 rubles. per bag weighing 20 kg. The cost of more expensive polymer compositions can reach 2500-3000 rubles.

It must be said that there is a technology for decorative plastering using conventional cement mortar. Its essence lies in spraying the composition on the walls, resulting in a texture reminiscent of a fur coat. That's why this technology is called a fur coat.

Wet facade With this type of plastering, the walls are first covered with insulation, for example, polystyrene foam or mineral mats. In addition, the insulation is additionally fixed with special dowels.

Then the surface is reinforced with fiberglass mesh, which is glued with glue like Ceresit CT 85. Thus, it performs the function of rough plaster.

Any decorative plaster is applied on top of the surface finished in this way, which is subsequently painted.

If you want to insulate a house using curtain façade technology, but at the same time finish it decorative plaster, you can sheathe the LSU frame with slabs, then putty them and apply a decorative composition on top.

Option 3: cladding with piece materials

Exterior decoration at home can be made with piece materials. Among the advantages of this solution are the following points:

  • reliable protection of walls from atmospheric influences;
  • the facade acquires a presentable appearance;
  • durability.

Of course, along with the advantages, there are also some disadvantages:

  • walls under such cladding cannot be insulated from the outside;
  • cost per piece facing materials much higher than the coatings described above.

Therefore, combined exterior facade decoration is very popular. In this case, piece materials are used only for finishing the base or corners, and the main part of the walls is plastered or finished in other ways, as in the photo below.

The most popular types of piece materials are:

  • stones;
  • clinker tiles;
  • ceramic tile.

Below we will take a closer look at the features of all these coatings.

Facing stones

Natural stone is a common finishing material that always looks stylish and fashionable.. In addition, this finish is durable and very durable.

True, it should be borne in mind that two stones differ from stone to stone. Therefore, next we will consider the most common types of stones that are used for finishing facades:

Stone type Peculiarities
Limestone and sandstone They are beautiful stones that come in a variety of shades. Of course, in addition to visual appeal, their other advantages can be highlighted:
  • low cost - from 400-500 rubles. for 1 m2;
  • relatively light weight.

Disadvantages include low strength and porosity.

Shell rock It's also inexpensive, but at the same time beautiful stone. It has the same disadvantages as the above-described limestone and sandstone.
Slate It is a beautiful and at the same time durable material, which is why it is very popular. It is often used when decorating facades in Provence style.

The cost of slate also starts from 400-500 rubles. for 1 m2;

Marble This stone is one of the most famous and widespread. It has a beautiful texture and a rich selection of shades. In addition, this stone can be called eternal due to its high strength and hardness.

The only serious drawback of marble is its high cost - the price starts from 3500-4000 rubles. for 1m2.

Granite It has almost the same performance qualities as marble. True, its cost is somewhat lower - from 2500 rubles per square meter.

To prevent the porous stone from getting wet and becoming clogged with dirt, it should be coated with a special varnish.

The stone is installed using regular tile adhesive. Since when laying this material you do not need to make even seams and strictly maintain the level, even a beginner can cope with this task.

Clinker tiles are a beautiful and durable material for exterior wall decoration, which is produced on the basis of slate clays. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, it has the following qualities:

  • high strength;
  • weather resistance;
  • durability - many manufacturers of clinker tiles provide a guarantee of 100 years;
  • light weight compared to natural stone.

Externally, the tiles resemble bricks, so a wall finished with this material is almost impossible to distinguish from brickwork. True, the installation process itself is quite complicated, since the tiles must be located in the same plane and have the same seams.

In addition, the grouting process is quite complex. Therefore, if you decide to tile your house, you will have to turn to specialists for help.

As for the cost of clinker tiles, the price of the products domestic producers starts from 600 rubles per square meter. European tiles cost several times more.

Ceramic tile

A good alternative to clinker tiles is ceramic and porcelain tiles. It can be smooth and structured. The latter resembles natural stone, which is why it is very popular.

Sometimes even photo printing is applied to the glazed surface. As a result, the material can have any texture or patterns. Accordingly, this coating looks very impressive.

It should be noted that not only tiles are made from ceramics, but also large facade panels, the width of which can reach 60 cm and the length -180 cm. The panels are easier to install, however, the design of the facade in this case is quite unique. Therefore, tiles are still more popular.

Cost of ceramic facade tiles starts from 400 rub. for 1m2.

Option 4: brick cladding

Considering modern views exterior finishing, one cannot fail to mention brick cladding. This is probably best protection walls from negative environmental influences and mechanical influences.

Therefore, if you are interested in decorating an old house, brick cladding is an excellent solution. After all, in this way you will not only protect the walls from negative influences, but also give the building a presentable appearance.

True, for objectivity it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some of the disadvantages of this solution:

  • brick has a lot of weight, as a result of which facing walls need a foundation , even if you plan to finish cottage.Therefore, if such cladding was not planned at the design stage of the house, it is necessary to make an additional strip foundation along the perimeter of the building;
  • the cost is quite high - starts from 10-15 rubles per piece;
  • facing masonry requires a highly qualified mason, so you won’t be able to save money by doing the finishing yourself.

Option 5: cladding with thermal panels

Finally, let’s look at modern exterior finishing materials that fall into the category of thermal insulation boards. Their main feature is the presence of two layers:

  • base – is a heat-insulating material. This could be expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam or even polyurethane foam;
  • the front layer serves as protection for the insulation from environmental influences, and is also a decorative element. Typically used as a face covering clinker tiles, marble chips, porcelain tiles and other materials.

It should be noted that these panels do not require installation of a frame, as they are fixed directly to the wall using special fasteners. At the same time, they are connected to each other in a lock, which provides a continuous surface without cold bridges.

The disadvantages of this finishing method include:

  • high cost - the price of thermal panels starts from 1000 rubles. for 1m2;
  • The vapor permeability of such a coating leaves much to be desired, so you should not decorate a house made of gas silicate or other materials that have a high vapor permeability using this method.

Here, in fact, are all the types of exterior wall decoration that I wanted to introduce you to in this article.


Exterior decoration of a house can be done in different ways and materials. Moreover, it is impossible to say unequivocally that some option is better and some is worse, since they all have their own pros and cons. Therefore, everyone must make their own choice depending on their own wishes, financial capabilities and other factors.

If you have any questions regarding facade finishing, ask them in the comments and I will be happy to answer you.

October 24, 2016

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One has only to change the cladding and the house itself will change beyond recognition. However, before delving into design subtleties When designing a facade, it is important to understand the finishing materials, their properties, advantages and disadvantages. Do-it-yourself finishing of the facade of a house can be done using:

  • siding,
  • facade plaster,
  • stone,
  • brickwork,
  • tiles

Each type of cladding has its own characteristics and requirements for surface preparation. This article will focus on the quality of the wall and the types of cladding materials.


Craftsmen have been sheathing houses for centuries wooden board, but only about 50 years ago a PVC analogue of this material was invented. PVC siding has a number of advantages, among which it is worth noting:

  1. The formation of a protective ventilated screen around the wall, which allows the walls to breathe.
  2. Vinyl siding does not require special care: to keep the facade clean, it is enough to wash it with water occasionally.
  3. PVC does not burn. Although it melts, releasing harmful substances, this does not in any way aggravate the situation of people inside the house during a fire.
  4. A house covered with vinyl siding looks very modern without losing its aesthetic properties over many years.

Resistance to color fading and service life depend on the manufacturer. Nice low prices can be deceiving. Poor-quality house cladding will last only a few years, and then it will have to be replaced, which will entail additional financial costs.

Before buying material for finishing the facade, take measurements of the house. This will allow you to calculate the amount of siding and additional elements for its installation. It is very important to follow the installation technology. Calculate the coefficient of expansion and contraction of vinyl siding. This event will help you avoid rework due to expansion of the material during the hot season.

An equally common material for cladding is siding made of natural wood. Well, this structure looks really great. However, wood has a relatively short lifespan, so the expensive brilliance of wood siding may not be worth it. However, modern technologies provided an opportunity for manufacturers to produce wood siding with an extended service life. High pressure treatment increases the density of wood. This increases the resistance of the material to aggressive external environments.

Metal siding is considered the most durable, unpretentious, fireproof and resistant to mechanical damage. It is made from galvanized steel polymer coating. The main disadvantage of the material is the limited palette of colors and types of textures. Grounding corrects the conductive properties of the metal. This event, by the way, prevents the penetration of radiomagnetic waves into the building. In this case, the house will have protective screen, but mobile communications in it will be poor.

Classic approach - plaster

The plastered facade is also called wet. This is logical, because its arrangement cannot be done without wet processes. Nowadays, products for facade plastering have been developed different compositions plasters.

Mineral plaster. It is a bestseller due to its low cost. However, the material has the shortest service life and low ductility. Although, on the other hand, walls treated with mineral plaster “breathe”. It makes sense to apply “breathable” plaster only if the walls are also built from materials that allow air to pass through. Mineral wool or basalt slabs can be used as insulation. If your home is located near railway tracks or a busy highway, then mineral plaster for finishing the facade is inappropriate in this case. The fact is that it will crack and collapse due to constant vibrations. Typically the service life is about 10 years.

If your house has just been built, then you should not plaster it with this composition. The structure will shrink over several years, causing the facade to crack and collapse. Simply put, such actions will lead to a waste of money.

The material is very plastic and resistant to moisture, “does not breathe”. However, if you chose polystyrene foam or foam glass as insulation, then this type of plaster will be indispensable. The façade can withstand high vibrations. This means that if your home is located close to railway or highways, then the wall cladding will last in its original form for a very long time!

Acrylic plaster absorbs dust, so if the house is located near a highway, its use should be as justified as possible.

The material is very durable, and the fact that it does not “breathe” can be compensated for by using forced ventilation. The service life is about 15–20 years.

Silicate plaster. The material has absorbed everything positive characteristics. It does not collect dust, is unusually plastic and allows air to pass through, that is, it “breathes”. However, silicate plaster is the most expensive. Its service life ranges from 20 to 25 years.

The material is elastic, breathable, does not absorb chemical compounds, including salts, and is antistatic. If silicone plaster is applied correctly, it will be a durable decoration of the facade for 25 years, or even more. The material is so reliable that it can be used to cover a façade even near a busy highway.

Monumental facade finished with tiles or stone

It is very easy to create a beautiful home design using tiles. However, in order for such a facade to last for a long time, it is very important to follow the installation technology. The first thing to consider is that brick walls must first shrink. In addition, in order for the tiles to adhere well to the walls, for each type of tile it is necessary to use the appropriate adhesive composition. By the way, tiles can be clinker, ceramic, made from natural or artificial stone, made on a sand-cement base.

Tiles can transform a flat, unremarkable wall into an exquisite architectural masterpiece. Finishing the facade with tiles is done seriously and for a long time. The tiles you use must be designed for outdoor use!

If you decide to make a ventilated facade, then the walls insulated in this way can be finished with tiles. The method of fastening and the thickness of the skin are calculated in accordance with the upcoming loads. Ventilated facades are made of brick. After this, you can finish the walls with tiles.

If you decide to cover your house with tiles that imitate chopped stone or brick, then leave gaps of 5 mm between the parts for subsequent grouting. To make the imitation masonry look more attractive, choose a matching grout color.

When combining tile textures, it is important to consider their size. To cover the base, choose large elements. For walls would be better suited smaller tiles. This way the house will look more stable. The top edge of the finish should be protected from moisture penetration. For this purpose, use protective cornices or canopies.

As for facing the facade with natural stone, the technology is as follows:

Cladding the external walls of the house with brickwork

Brick is a symbol of good quality construction. To make the house more respectable, it is best to use clinker bricks. As a rule, facing walls with bricks is done already at the stage of laying walls. This move is usually calculated by architects in advance. What if the building has already been built? In this case, facing the facade with clinker bricks - perfect solution to improve the attractiveness of the home.

If you have a wooden house, then finishing it with brick is advisable only if you install a ventilated facade. Otherwise, condensation will form on the wooden wall, quickly destroying it.

Thickening a wall with brickwork will not increase it thermal insulation properties. To make the house warmer, you need to make a ventilated facade with wall insulation with basalt slabs or mineral wool. Brickwork cannot be started unless the foundation of the house is strengthened and expanded. This is due to the fact that brick absorbs moisture. In addition, a waterproofing layer should be laid on the foundation.

Regardless of what material the walls are made of, they must be connected to the masonry with flexible connections. There are 7 flexible connections per 1 m2. The height of the masonry together with the pediment cannot exceed 7 m. Otherwise, it will be fragile. To liven up the texture of a wall, install on it decorative elements, such as cornices, fillets and arch molding.

In addition, you can combine bricks of several colors. Such a facade will look very original and unusual. If you add the appropriate dye to the solution, the masonry will look even more elegant.

If you have already decided how to decorate the facade of the house yourself, then purchase the material and start doing the work. If you have any questions on the topic, then write your comments to the article. The specialists working on the site will advise you, clarifying all the details of the facade finishing or the choice of materials.


A lot of materials are used for construction, but residential buildings built from wood continue to be popular. The atmosphere in a wooden house is characterized by positive energy and comfort. However, the interior decoration of a wooden house is accompanied by many nuances.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Start of finishing work

It is worth immediately noting that it is not worth starting finishing work from the inside of the house immediately after its construction. The structure is made of wood and must stand for some time and shrink. For houses built from laminated veneer lumber, this period is about a month. Other wooden houses must stand for at least ten months before finishing work begins. Exact dates are determined based on the moisture content of the material, the climatic conditions of the region and the time of year. During this time, the wood that served as the material for construction dries out. Accordingly, the timber or logs are reduced in size, and at the same time the insulation laid between the rows of the log house is compressed. Premature start of finishing work in a wooden house will lead to the fact that the cladding will be distorted or will not stay on the wall at all. In other words, haste in finishing a wooden house will lead to additional costs time and money.

Log crowns and their tightness

You can ensure the tightness of the wooden walls of the house with the help of tow; jute material is sometimes used with moss. The process of sealing the cracks between the crowns of a log house is called caulking. As a rule, caulk a log house in two approaches. The first time this happens 1-1.5 months after completion of construction, and the second time after 6-8 months. The cracks between the rows of timber or logs are caulked, immediately from the outside and from the inside. Otherwise, the structure may warp. Therefore, in the process, the caulks move along the walls of the house and seal them alternately on both sides. Caulk starts from the lowest crowns.

It is worth noting that after caulking the log house becomes 5-7 centimeters higher. Then, the weight of the walls of the log house makes itself felt and it settles. As a result, insulation laid between rows of timber or logs reliably seals the walls. The temperature in the house depends on the quality of this work. In addition to preserving heat, the second caulk allows you to eliminate small distortions that arose during the process of settling the log house.

Interior decoration walls begin only after they are finally caulked and the house itself has settled. The shrinkage process of the building is checked using control measurements of the height of the walls. A wooden house is considered ready for interior decoration if, after the second caulking, the height of its walls has not changed for 90 days.

Sanding walls inside a wooden house

In some cases, finishing work inside a wooden house is not required. This is true for houses built from quality material and as a result having a pleasant appearance, both outside and inside. In this case, you can save a lot cash. The walls of such a house just need to be sanded and painted. It is better to use a varnish coating to protect the floor from abrasion. Walls and ceilings can be treated with special paints and water-based antiseptics. The surfaces treated with them will not lose their natural appearance, but on the contrary, the texture of wooden walls will become more expressive. The use of antiseptics is necessary in any case, if, of course, you want to maintain the pleasant external design of wooden walls.

A caulking seam between rows of timber or logs can spoil the impression of any wooden walls. Therefore, to refine such a seam, a twisted cord is used. He not only acts as decorative decoration, but also additionally protects the premises from drafts.

Lathing and its significance in the interior decoration of a wooden house

Sanding the walls of some houses will no longer bring any benefit. This applies to overly old or crooked buildings. For the interior decoration of such houses, options such as products made from plasterboard, lining, decorative panels, etc. are used.

Installation of any such finishing material involves the use of a frame or sheathing that will help level out the curvature of the walls. In addition, the presence of the lathing will allow air to circulate freely. For a wooden structure, this is an important factor. As a result of natural air movement, the wall material will not change color and will not rot. Only dry wood is not subject to these processes. Circulating air between the walls and finishing materials will allow the wood of the walls to maintain its normal condition.

The distance between the wall and the finish is also used for laying cables and wires of various communications: electricity or household appliances. Electrical wiring, by the way, is in wooden houses should be installed only in pipes made of non-flammable material (the most common are corrugated stainless steel pipes). If necessary, a material providing thermal insulation is placed in the gap provided by the sheathing. However, if the house keeps comfortable temperature, you should not use any additional materials. Wood itself does an excellent job of maintaining the required humidity in a room, and excess materials can do harm rather than good.

However, fixing finishing materials to the sheathing also has its drawbacks. For example, if insects or rodents appear between the wall and the cladding, it will be quite difficult to eliminate them. However, before attaching finishing materials to the wall, it will need to be leveled. Absolutely flat surface wooden walls can be difficult to achieve, but with the right approach, quite possible. In order to seal the gaps and cracks remaining between the wall and the cladding, special mastics are used. Once upon a time, clay was used instead, and in some places it is still used.

Regardless of the finishing materials, it is necessary that a gap of at least 20-40 millimeters be maintained between the cladding and the ceiling. This will play the role of insurance in case of additional shrinkage of the new house. For an old building, the gap will compensate for changes in the wooden walls. A material such as wood “breathes” throughout its entire service life. It changes accordingly: it swells when it takes on water, or it dries out. A gap left under the ceiling in time will allow the metamorphosis of wooden walls to remain without consequences for the facing materials. The absence of such precautions can lead to deformation or the appearance of cracks in finishing materials. To ensure that the gap does not stand out against the general background, it is used ceiling plinth, it is rigidly fixed only to the ceiling.

Lining for interior decoration of a wooden house

Manufacturers offer the most different variants facing materials for interior decoration. However, to decorate a wooden house, they often resort to lining. It allows you to save general style and the atmosphere of a wooden building. This material can be used for both exterior and interior finishing (only the methods of processing differ). Lining comes in a variety of types. Moreover, we're talking about not about the wood from which it is made and not about its size. The profile of the lining, depending on the wishes of the customer, can be modified. There are wavy or even design of the material, as well as imitation of timber or logs (block house).

To finish the walls inside a wooden house, lining 15-20 millimeters thick is used. Its cost is less than that of thicker analogues, but such material fulfills its tasks. You can arrange the lining boards in any order: horizontally, vertically, at an angle. Those with remarkable patience and hard work are able to create entire paintings from lining.

When fixing the lining to the sheathing or to the walls, do not forget about possible shrinkage of the house. To compensate for possible changes in wooden walls, leave a gap of 20-40 millimeters near the floor and ceiling.

Decorative wall panels

Often, decorative panels are used for interior decoration of houses and apartments. There are claddings made from different materials and imitating a variety of surfaces:

  • MDF panels (veneered or laminated).
  • Glass panels: smooth, corrugated, colored, matte, transparent.
  • Polymer panels.
  • Panels made of wood or bamboo.
  • Leather panels.

The panels also differ in size; they are produced in the form of slats assembled together or directly in the form of a shield (sizes vary). The lining, by the way, is the same panels, but it stands apart because this material was used for finishing work long before the appearance of other similar products.

Decorative panels are fixed to the wall, usually using lathing. The thickness and location of the bars, which depends on the type and size of the selected decorative panels. This finishing material is popular among designers and homeowners because the abundance of colors, sizes and materials allows you to create unusual, memorable interiors. Decorative panels They also differ in price. For example, panels made of polymers and MDF are significantly cheaper than leather products.

Some types of panels are mounted only with glue (gypsum products), so to fix them to the sheathing, additional gypsum fiber boards or plywood are used. These are called backing panels and are attached to the sheathing first. The main facing panels are already glued to them.

Drywall in a wooden house

The interior decoration of walls with plasterboard is no different from the decoration of rooms made of other materials. Drywall is attached to a pre-assembled frame. True, as in other cases, it is necessary to leave a safety gap.

The main condition under which it is permissible to finish walls with plasterboard is the operation of the house for several years, i.e. the house must be warmed up and undergo final shrinkage. This is due to the fact that plasterboard is fragile, and with significant changes in the geometry of the walls, it will become unusable. Such metamorphoses of wall surfaces can be ignored if the frame is movable. To do this, its profiles are not fixed too rigidly to the walls.

When finishing walls with plasterboard, there is one more nuance: all joints and seams, as well as in the corners, must use reinforcing mesh. The use of such a mesh will prevent or slow down the occurrence of cracks in problem areas.

Interior decoration of an old wooden house

If the age of the wooden house in which finishing work is planned is several decades, then the first step is to assess the safety of the wood. To do this, you will need to dismantle all the old cladding. After which, carefully examine all places that differ from the general background of the wall surface in color or texture of the pattern. If necessary, suspicious areas should be checked by trying to damage them with a knife, screwdriver or chisel. If the tree has a dense structure everywhere and has no signs of mold or fungi, then you can proceed to finishing works. In some cases, it is recommended to treat the wood with special impregnations. When using them, remember that such impregnations are based on chemical elements.

However, if the wall material crumbles due to mechanical stress, then it is necessary to identify the causes of destruction. The most likely options are the appearance of insects, mold and other microorganisms. Sometimes, an outside specialist is invited to determine treatment methods for the infected section of the wall. Damaged areas of wooden walls must be dismantled and replaced; areas adjacent to these elements will need to be intensively treated with special compounds.

After assessing the condition of the walls of the old house, and carrying out, if necessary, repair work, you can begin interior decoration. Work on decorating the premises of an old wooden house is carried out in the same order as described above. The only difference is that the safety gap should not be left.