What is a house made of? What to build a country house from? We choose the best options. Rating of construction of house walls from various materials

As you know, the comfort of staying on suburban area largely depends on how cozy and comfortable the house will be. The question often arises as to which house is best to build in a country house so that the cost of the project is affordable and the result is as good as possible. We will look at several basic options, but we will dwell in detail on the option of a frame house, since it is easiest to build it yourself.

Main types of country houses

To decide which option is most preferable for you, you should consider the features of each of them:

Modular option This includes country houses made from block containers, which are the easiest to build. You only need to build a strip or column foundation and place the finished module on it using a crane. The disadvantages include the uniformity of the buildings and their small size; in addition, the price of the finished version is much higher than that of one assembled independently.
Frame house One of the most popular solutions due to a number of advantages, the main ones being: very affordable cost of the project, ease of work, assembly instructions may seem complicated, but if you understand it, all questions will disappear by themselves. In addition, using this option, you can build a structure of any size and configuration.
Timber structure Another widespread option that is attractive appearance and environmental friendliness, thanks to which it fits into the countryside environment perfectly. Assembling a building requires certain qualifications, so it is better to involve specialists, especially since the cost of the structure is quite high, and any mistakes are fraught with considerable costs.
Brick and block structures These materials are most often used in the construction capital buildings. The advantages include strength and durability, the disadvantages are the need to build a massive foundation, the labor intensity of construction (at a minimum, you need the skills of a mason) and the fairly high cost of the project. In addition, many people associate country houses with wood, so such options are not even considered initially.

Features of building a house using frame technology

Let's look at how to build an inexpensive country house IR with your own hands.

It is very important to prepare well for the work; the following activities can be included in this stage:

  • To begin with, select specific project to clearly understand the scope of work and required amount materials.
  • Next, all required materials are purchased, in this case, you should purchase everything with a small margin, since the actual consumption most often exceeds the planned one.
  • Another important question– acquisition of everything the necessary tool : from shovels and hammers to concrete mixers and chainsaws. If there is no electricity on the site, then renting a diesel generator for the dacha will help solve the problem.


Without a doubt, a very important part of the work, since the strength and durability of the entire structure directly depends on the foundation; any subsidence leads to cracks and even destruction of walls and ceilings.

You can build one of the following options:

  • Columnar foundation.
  • Tape base.
  • Slab foundation.

Each of these options has its own pros and cons; we will consider the tape type of base:

  • First of all, a trench is dug, the depth and width of which depends on the type of soil and weight future design. Usually the width is 30-40 centimeters.
  • It is better to pour a gravel cushion at the bottom, which will also serve as a drainage function; the walls of the pit should be smooth and not crumble.
  • Formwork is placed on top, if outer part the foundation will be laid out from damper blocks, then the formwork can be minimal, the main thing is that the level of the foundation is level, this will facilitate masonry work later.
  • After the foundation has hardened (at least a week must pass), further work can begin. The upper end of the foundation is covered with glass insulation or two layers of roofing material; this will prevent moisture from penetrating into the building through capillaries in the concrete.

Do not forget about the ventilation holes in the building; the entire space must be ventilated, otherwise mold will begin to form on the structures over time.

Basement ceiling

Consideration of the question of how to build a country house continues with such a stage as the installation of the basement floor; this stage of work is carried out as follows:

  • To install the floor, a beam with a cross-section of at least 100x150 mm is used, more is possible, it all depends on the design features.
  • The elements are connected to each other either with threaded rods or special screws with a diameter of 10-12 mm and a length of 25-30 cm.

Along the lower edge of the trim, you can attach the subfloor in any convenient way and lay polystyrene foam or mineral wool on it, so you can.


We are considering how to build a country house yourself, but in fact, you can’t do without several helpers, especially at the stage of installing the frame of future walls, because you need to hold each element and carefully adjust its position before fastening.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • Fastening elements is best done using modern fasteners: corners perforated tapes, brackets and mounting plates. In addition to convenience and high speed of work, these elements guarantee the reliability of all connections; the main thing is to choose the right fasteners.
  • The racks are set to the width of the insulation, this will simplify further work. Special attention attention should be paid to the perfectly accurate position of the corner elements.
  • The elements are attached to the frame from below, another beam is laid on top and the system is fastened together; cross members are also used to increase strength.
  • Next, care should be taken to strengthen the structure, most often this is achieved by using struts and braces. With their help, rigidity increases significantly.

Rafter system

Another important stage, on which the future roof is being erected, the following work is carried out at this stage:

  • First of all, a detailed design of the system is drawn up so that you have an idea of ​​what work will have to be done.

  • Based on the diagram, materials and fasteners are purchased; boards can be used for small roofs, and timber for more massive ones.
  • Assembly is carried out carefully, each element is carefully attached, and at the end the entire system is connected to each other.

Sheathing and roofing

The outside walls are sheathed as follows:

  • A 25mm thick board can be used and for best strength it is best fastened at a 45 degree angle.
  • You can also use a simpler option - moisture-resistant slabs, so the work will be done much faster.
  • To lay the roof, you will need a sheathing device, and its type depends on what kind of covering will be used. For slate and ondulin you will need lathing, and for soft roofing, metal tiles and other similar options - continuous flooring made of moisture-resistant materials.

  • Fastening is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions; usually this process is simple.

Internal lining

IN last resort insulation is laid, which is covered with a steam-waterproofing material.

The covering may be different:

We hope you have decided what kind of house to build in your country house and what technologies to use. This is only a brief work plan, since a description of any of the stages will take an entire article (all work is separately described in other articles on the portal).


A country house should not only be attractive from the outside, but also practical from the inside. So don’t be lazy and find a really high-quality and well-thought-out project. The video in this article will clearly show the features of performing some work.

If you decide to build a house on your own summer cottage, then the first problem that will arise for you is what material to use for the job. In addition, other questions may haunt you during such a process. What can you build a house from? What will be more practical? Which material will last longer? Should you choose an ordinary brick or try modern technologies? And if you are really concerned about such questions, then from this article you can find out the answers to them.

So, now you have a huge selection of building materials than a couple of decades ago. Today you can build a house from gas silicate blocks or wood. You can also build a house on your site using frame-panel technology. But no one canceled brick either. Some entrust the construction of their house to specialists, and very soon they are happy with a beautiful brick house. As a result, it’s up to you to decide what to build a country house from. We, in turn, would like to tell you about different materials for building a house. About their properties, different costs, moisture resistance, sound insulation, all the pros and cons and much more.

Building a brick house

This article will allow you to find out what is best to build a country house from. First of all, it’s worth talking about a popular building material - brick. So, brick is the most durable material. A house made of brick structures will last you approximately 100-150 years, or maybe more.

Elderly city residents can confirm that in their cities there are many different, very old buildings that are over 100 years old, they are all intact and built of brick. But let's not advertise the brick too much. A building made from it will be durable and will last a long time only if the brick is of high quality, and for ready home will be well looked after. Of course, building a house from brick is not so easy, and if technical errors are made during construction, then the quality of the house will not be adequate.

In this case, the thermal insulation decreases and the weather resistance will no longer be the same. The main factor is dampness; over time it can destroy the masonry. We would like to note that in order for the finished brick building to be more resistant to dampness, it must be plastered. First you need to seal all the cracks and holes with cement, rub the seams, and only then begin plastering and insulation.

For insulation, the technology of ventilated facades is used, when pieces of insulation are attached to the surface of the wall, covered with membrane-like moisture insulation, and then decorated with siding, lining or something else. There is no other way to prevent moisture from entering the brick. But it is impossible to allow moisture to get inside the brick. If moisture penetrates through best quality plaster into a brick, then it expands when it freezes and forms small gaps, which will subsequently lead to cracks in the building. Most of all, this applies to country houses in which there is no heating. Therefore the plaster brick house give maximum of your attention.

From all that has been said, we must conclude that a brick building will last a long time, but it requires careful care, supervision, and also, such houses take a long time to build.

We use a gas silicate block for the construction of a country house

The gas silicate block is suitable for those residents who want to know the answer to the question of what to build a country house from cheaply. We would like to note that the gas silicate block is a large building material, it is about 8 times larger than brick, has a low density, approximately 2 times lower than brick. The technology for building a house from blocks and bricks is approximately the same. In general, a gas silicate block is a huge brick, only with better properties. Why is a gas silicate block better than a brick?

  • First, it is large, so the house is built much faster.
  • Second, the block is easier to process. It is easy to saw it in half, drill it and do other things with it. Therefore, it is much easier to lay communications in such a house. This is very convenient when you are building a building where people will live all year round. Therefore, the wiring will need to be laid inside the wall, and not outside, as happens in many country houses.
  • Third, when they make gas silicate blocks, use unusual, porous technology. There are small air particles inside the block. This greatly reduces the likelihood that the house will freeze and increases thermal conductivity. It turns out that gas silicate blocks retain heat much better. If you want to build something huge, then purchase gas silicate blocks with a tongue-and-groove “lock” of the connection. Thus, you will reduce the number of joints, and this will increase the safety of the building from drafts.

The advantages of wood in the construction of a country house

This publication will provide you with the answer to the question of what to use to build a country house with your own hands. Above we described two building materials that can be used for this matter. Now it’s worth talking about such a material as wood.

Wood comes in three varieties:

  • rounded log;
  • timber (planed or profiled);
  • glued wood materials.

In the Russian Federation, wood is the most common material for building a small house. This is due to the availability, good reserves and excellent performance properties of wood. In addition, wood is a fairly cheap material. More expensive, we can offer laminated veneer lumber. It is more resistant to moisture and almost does not shrink, which is why it costs several times more.

If we list the best properties of wood, we get the following:

  1. Wood has good thermal insulation,
  2. Wood allows air to pass through well and absorbs excess moisture,
  3. Wood can “breathe”.
  4. Natural wood has pleasant aroma, which you will inhale for a very long time.
  5. Wood has low resistance to fungus, mold and rot.

Frame-panel houses on a summer cottage

A frame-panel house is the latest technology. The main material for building your country house there will be sandwich panels. These panels are attached to a pre-installed frame. It is necessary to build a house frame from large-section timber that can withstand heavy weight. Then sandwich panels are attached to them, which adjust the walls of the house. Sandwich panels consist of oriented strand boards with insulation between them. A house with an area of ​​about one hundred square meters made of sandwich panels is erected in 25-30 days.


So we told you about what to build a country house from. All these materials will help you build a reliable and comfortable building on your summer cottage. And remember that whatever you choose to build your house, we wish you successful construction and a lot of wonderful and bright days in your new home!

When starting to build your own home, you want to choose the cheapest material for building a house - in order to maximum savings. But the pursuit of low prices for building materials can result in both expensive maintenance in the future and an increase in the cost of construction as a whole. How to build a cheap house?

What determines the cost of a home?

The final price tag for construction depends on several factors. Materials play an important, but not the only, role here. So, the construction estimate will include:

If you do a monolithic fill, you will need a large number of wood for formwork. And working alone on weekends, construction is delayed indefinitely, which is also not always economically profitable.

The cheapest materials for building a house are those made by yourself?

There is an opinion that materials made with my own hands, will be much cheaper than those purchased from the manufacturer. Of course, there are recipes for different brands of concrete; you can build your own walls from straw or even fill the frame with sawdust.

This is economically justified in the following cases:

  • the presence of free assistants - it is difficult to stir, fill and press alone, which can lead to poorly performed work;
  • no need to travel to work five days a week - otherwise construction will often have to be postponed due to weather conditions;
  • opportunities to obtain equipment and raw materials for building materials at very low prices - delivery of sawdust from another region will not be cheap.

So, the cheapest construction options:

  1. Straw walls with clay coating. They have good thermal insulation, but require repairs due to rodents that live in the thickness of the wall.
  2. Abrolite or sawdust concrete. You can make it yourself or purchase ready-made blocks. In the first case, you will have to wait a long time for the sawdust concrete to dry, in the second, you will have to build the walls as quickly as possible and do the exterior finishing, since wood concrete is hygroscopic.
  3. Clay burr or cordwood. Dry logs and logs, cleared of bark, are used. They are laid across the wall on a clay mortar. The ends of the wood must be impregnated with antiseptics or fired, otherwise they will strongly absorb moisture.
  4. Backfilling with sawdust or expanded clay. To do this, it is done on the frame permanent formwork from edged boards, into which the insulation is poured.

The appearance of a house made from these materials is rather unsightly. And if it’s quite easy to beat up straw walls or peeking out logs, you’ll also have to make a screed on top of the wood concrete. Another significant disadvantage homemade materials- they are not strong enough. But this is a problem with all frame houses. To hang shelves or install kitchen units, you need to provide embedded boards at the construction stage.

Economical building materials - what are they?

If, out of common sense, you decide to abandon independent production, you should take a closer look at the prices on the market. What is the cheapest building material? Paradoxically, almost any:

  • wood - can be purchased extremely cheaply in the forest belt, but in the steppe zone it is expensive;
  • brick – when building next to a brick factory, you will be able to buy red brick at manufacturer prices;
  • aerated concrete and foam concrete are lightweight and relatively easy-to-construct materials that have good thermal insulation;
  • frame construction is the most budget option, suitable for any climate, but requires the organization of forced ventilation.

Not every carpenter can assemble a log house with high quality, so you will also have to take into account the cost of the builders’ work. The same applies to a brick house - the distortion of the masonry will result in large-scale alignment of the walls.

So when choosing materials, you need to take into account the cost of working with them. For example, aerated concrete is laid with a special glue, due to which the gaps between the blocks are minimal.

This allows you to save on finishing, but requires careful attention from builders. Foam concrete does not differ in the quality of its geometry - the blocks can be skewed and differ in size. It is unpleasant to work with such material; it is difficult to level the walls.

As a result, the cost of work is higher.

How to save money globally on construction?

It is not possible to reduce construction costs using building materials alone. own home. To save as much as possible, you need to:

  1. Think over a plan for the future building. The simpler the layout, the cheaper it is to equip it. You shouldn’t place bathrooms at different ends of the building - laying pipes will cost a pretty penny. Placing the kitchen next to the bathroom will also save on pipes. The even geometry of the walls, the absence of non-functional niches and differences in floor heights, although they look simple, do not require extra costs. Together this will give up to 20% savings on the total cost.
  2. Refuse architectural excesses. Balconies, terraces and a multi-level roof can increase the value of a home by 10-15%. It is much more rational in the future to build a small gazebo or add an open terrace.
  3. Use building materials produced in your region, abandoning popular and advertised ones. This will not only allow you to buy them cheaper, but also not overpay for delivery. Thus, houses made of shell rock in the Altai Territory are among the most budget-friendly, but Moscow cannot boast of a low price for this material.
  4. Make it as easy as possible rafter system using lightweight roofing materials. Then, instead of a 10x10 cm beam, it will be possible to use a 5x10 cm board laid on the end, without reducing the pitch of the rafters.
  5. Refuse basement. Activities for pouring, waterproofing and rough finishing of the basement will add another 20% of the cost to the estimate.

Selection of building materials

If the building materials market offers several types to choose from, that’s great. Indeed, in this case, you can compare all the advantages and disadvantages and purchase materials that combine low price and good quality.

General characteristics to look for:

  • durability - if the house lasts for a maximum of 10 years, savings on materials are quite doubtful;
  • simplicity and accessibility of installation - the need to use heavy equipment at a construction site can negate all savings;
  • environmental friendliness - maintaining natural humidity in the house is achieved through “breathable” materials, otherwise you will have to take care of forced ventilation;
  • heat capacity and thermal insulation are two parameters responsible for future efficiency, because the house should not only be cheap during construction, but also during operation.

Having considered the most popular building materials, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Wooden houses

Houses made of timber are considered the most environmentally friendly and one of the best at maintaining an optimal microclimate. Wooden building features advantages:

But this structure also has disadvantages. Thus, the quality of literally every log is very important - an undried tree will begin to twist, longitudinal cracks may appear, the ends must be “sealed” with an ax to prevent the tree from becoming waterlogged due to precipitation. If you deviate from the classical processing of logs in favor of using modern antiseptic and fire retardant solutions, the house ceases to be environmentally friendly.

Ready-made kits are expensive, but only professionals can assemble an inexpensive log house from round timber. After all, you will have to adjust each log! In addition, in regions with cold winters, the thickness of the walls of a wooden hut should be at least 50 cm to ensure minimal heat loss in heating season. Finding logs of this diameter will also cost a pretty penny.

To allow the house to “breathe”, it cannot be insulated with polystyrene foam, only with vapor-permeable mineral wool. And to prevent the insulation from getting wet, be sure to install a ventilated façade. There are also certain restrictions for interior decoration - it is better to use modern vapor-permeable membranes if you plan to cover the house with plasterboard or clapboard.

But the log house is beautiful in its own way original form. To get a cozy and draft-free home, you need to regularly check and caulk cracks in the walls. Particular attention is paid to the system of corner locks - a simple cut into half a tree will not provide the necessary insulation and will lead to the formation of cold spots.

Brick houses

Brick has excellent heat capacity. This means that when heating is started, the house will warm up for a long time, but then cool down for just as long. For permanent residence- an excellent option. But for a country house visited on weekends, this will be a waste of money on heating. After all, by the time the house warms up, you need to go back to the city.

For one-story buildings, walls of 1.5 bricks will be sufficient. But this wall thickness is completely unsuitable for winters, where the temperature drops to -20 degrees.

In order not to increase the cost of brickwork, the house will have to be insulated from the outside. What’s especially nice when building brick buildings is that you can use any insulation! So, by choosing polystyrene foam with a thickness of only 5 cm, you can reduce heat loss at home from 125 kWh to square meter up to 53 kWh per heating season. In other words, you can cut your heating costs in half.

The disadvantages of brick houses include:

  • large weight of the structure - you will need a buried strip foundation, which will significantly increase the cost of construction;
  • duration of construction - a team of five people can lift the frame of a house in three weeks, subject to continuous work, but working alone increases the time significantly;
  • finishing work - if you can live in a log house immediately after construction, a brick house requires mandatory screeding of walls and floors followed by finishing.

Houses made of aerated block or foam block

These buildings have all the advantages and disadvantages of brick houses. At the same time, they have their own characteristics:

At the same time, the price for cubic meter brick and gas block are almost the same. And given the need for insulation on the facade, the advantages of aerated concrete over ceramic bricks are quite illusory. But due to the large size of the blocks, building a house is quite simple, which determines the low cost of the work.

Frame houses

For those who are really strapped for money, frame construction is a real salvation. A house on a wooden frame with mineral insulation is several times cheaper than all previous options. And that's why:

But, despite the obvious advantages of frame construction, preference is still given brickwork. All because of no less significant shortcomings:

On the other hand, by approaching the construction of a frame house wisely and without saving on building materials, you can get good and reliable structure, which will last for decades. And in the future, it will be just as easy to dismantle the frame and put a solid brick house in its place.

Build a small one cozy house it can be done in a few months, and this video confirms this:

The construction of a country house is a multi-stage process that involves the coordinated work of craftsmen from various disciplines, from architects to finishing craftsmen. The final result depends on the quality of each stage of work and the selected materials. But the question often arises: how to build a house cheaply and quickly yourself, and is this possible?

Contrary to popular belief, building a country house can cost a small amount of money. To do this, it is enough to competently approach each of the stages of construction, reducing its cost without losing quality. Let's try to figure out how to build a house cheaply, what you can save on, and what you absolutely cannot, in our article.

Each element of a country house can be reduced in price

Savings start with project creation

Usually, finished projects have complex layouts and are expensive to implement. The final result looks good in the picture, but they do not solve the main problem: how to build a house yourself cheaply, because many additional architectural structures will cost a considerable amount of money.

Affordable architectural projects are characterized by:

  • Simple rectangular shape without projections, bay windows and other expensive elements.
  • One floor. The absence of expensive floors and stairs will reduce the final cost of the home.
  • Shallow foundation - a concrete structure dug under the base of the house. Installation of this type of foundation does not require extensive preparatory work, so it will cost a reasonable price.
  • Standard roof shape with two slopes. Complex designs with round roof windows and many slopes increase construction costs.

How simpler box at home, the more reliable and cheaper it is

    Traditional window shape. As a rule, rectangular double-hung windows are much less expensive than any custom modifications.

    Laconic finish interior spaces. The most budget-friendly and functional construction option is a Scandinavian-style house with a minimum of intricate decorative elements.

    Easy to implement exterior decoration. For example, finishing a façade with plaster is a durable and aesthetic method of decoration that does not require lengthy and expensive construction work.

Which foundation is more economical?

The type and depth of the foundation are determined by the final weight of the house, the quality of the soil, and the proximity of the reservoir. Foundation costs account for an average of 40% of the cost of all work. It is generally accepted that it is impossible to save on the foundation and it is really stupid to dispute this statement. But, nevertheless, there are ways to build a house inexpensively, without losing quality, and saving on the foundation. True, in this case you need to know exactly what kind of soil is on the site, and for this you will have to order geological exploration. Based on its results, the following options can be considered:

    If most often for country houses If a strip foundation is used, laid to the depth of soil freezing, then in some cases you can get by with its shallow variety. As a rule, such a structure “sits” 0.5-0.7 meters into the ground, which significantly reduces the amount of concrete required for pouring.

Traditional for suburban construction strip foundation

    Also, in addition to the characteristics of the soil, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the future house and the topography of the site. If the design allows you to install the house on a pile foundation, then this will significantly reduce the burden on the budget.

    A compromise option is a pile-grillage foundation. This combines technologies for laying shallow and pile foundations. First, a shallow foundation is dug, and then holes are dug or drilled at support points to the depth of freezing of the soil. After installing the formwork, everything is poured with concrete and the result is a shallow foundation, which support pillars stands below the freezing point of the soil.

    In some cases, it is possible not to pour the foundation, but to lay it out of ready-made reinforced concrete slabs.

    Additional savings may include not ordering concrete from a factory, but it must be taken into account that preparing it yourself in a concrete mixer will take an order of magnitude more time and effort. As a result, everyone must decide for themselves what is more important – time or money.

We must always remember that all methods of saving on the foundation must be carefully calculated and approved by specialists. Otherwise, there is a risk of confirming the proverb about the miser who pays twice.

Pile and pile-grillage foundations

Choosing materials for walls - which is cheaper and better

The largest amount of building material is spent on the construction of walls, so you should carefully choose what is cheaper to build a house from.

    A brick house is the most durable, reliable option construction. Properly made buildings made of this material last for hundreds of years, without requiring any repairs or maintenance of the facades. Brick wall It is environmentally friendly, creates good air exchange and is not susceptible to moisture, fire and temperature changes. The main disadvantage of brick is its heavy weight, which requires the construction of a durable and expensive foundation. Next feature brick building - the need for careful thermal insulation of the house, especially in harsh northern climatic conditions.

    Modern wooden dwellings are made from laminated veneer lumber, which consists of small dried blocks glued together. This material provides good thermal insulation, quick to install, and also creates a favorable indoor microclimate. The disadvantage of the material is its susceptibility to moisture and fire. Therefore, it is necessary to thoughtfully design electrical and heating systems. In addition, after several years of operation, walls made of laminated veneer lumber may require additional impregnation with antiseptic compounds.

House made of laminated veneer lumber with two floors and a small terrace

    Frame houses are structures assembled from ready-made insulated blocks. Construction takes a minimum amount of time, but at the same time requires significant financial costs. The main advantage of the technology is the absence of shrinkage of the finished structure, so finishing work is carried out immediately after the walls are erected. The disadvantage of constructing a frame is the complexity technological process. Thus, it is necessary to pay for the services of qualified builders in order to ultimately get reliable design. When building a spacious house, the design of an air exchange system is also necessary, since artificial materials blocks do not allow air to pass through well.

Classic frame house - strict and original architecture

    A building made of aerated concrete blocks weighs significantly less than a brick one, while its thermal insulation properties are similar. The porous material allows air to pass through well, provides sound insulation, is easy to install, and does not shrink. Thus, budget houses made of aerated blocks are built quite quickly, a good microclimate is formed indoors, no installation is required additional ventilation. On the other hand, the blocks also allow water to pass through well, so high-quality waterproofing is the main condition for a durable aerated concrete structure. For durable construction, it is also necessary to select a qualified work team to build the house in compliance with the technology of fastening and waterproofing the blocks. Otherwise, the structure may be easily blown out or have a high level of humidity.

Video description

Visually about the pros and cons of aerated concrete in the video:

Comparison of prices per square meter of construction from different materials

Pricing when building a house depends not only on the selected materials, but also on the condition of the soil, the necessary costs for providing thermal insulation, as well as the skill level of the team that is engaged in the construction of the building.

For example, the construction of a brick building will cost an average of 2,300 rubles per square meter, but this does not take into account the costs of thermal insulation and the construction of a reliable foundation.

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber will cost 1,900 rubles per meter finished design, while the quality of wood and communications is decisive.

The most affordable option is frame houses, the cost of which is 875 rubles per meter of finished housing. But if there is no desire or opportunity to build a house yourself, then you will need to hire a qualified team of builders, whose services are quite expensive.

Buildings made of aerated concrete will cost customers 2,000 rubles per square meter, and it is necessary to use special adhesives to create a durable structure that is resistant to moisture. Also, the porous material of aerated blocks requires careful waterproofing.

Pricing depends on many factors

Budget options for building a roof

The most affordable price is gable roof without wide gables and additional decorative elements. The structure is installed on wooden beams, for strengthening it is supplemented with metal rods (reinforcement). On the basis of an insulated roof, full-fledged attics or attic spaces are constructed.

Slate, metal tiles or corrugated sheets are used to cover the outer surface of the roof. The latter material is the best option for roofing due to its low cost, lightness and strength. The only drawback of corrugated sheeting is the need for thorough sound insulation in order to protect the residents of the house from the noise of rain and similar sounds. Classic slate is expensive to operate and not an environmentally friendly material; in addition, it requires lengthy installation. Aesthetic, durable metal tiles are a good option for creating a roof, but such material will require significant financial investments from the owners.

A simple roof design is the key to saving money on construction

Is it worth saving on a vapor-permeable membrane?

Many owners are thinking about reducing construction budget. The desire to save money is reasonable, and the calculation is obvious: you can purchase middle-class materials, since a roof made of corrugated sheets, slate or metal tiles will reliably protect the interior space. The truth is that high-quality materials are the key to the reliability of the design, and the result of such a strategy is unplanned expenses.

For example, to ensure the economic benefits of using a high-quality membrane, it is enough to carry out comparative analysis using the example of a house with a classic pitched roof with an area of ​​150 m2. For such an area you will need 3 rolls of hydro-windproof membrane. The cost of material from various manufacturers will be:

Tyvek® Soft,
DuPont™, Luxembourg
Izospan AM (“Gexa”),
Yutafol N110 (JUTA),
Price/roll, per roll 7000 rub.,
75 m2
From 2700 rub.,
70 m2
From 7000 rub.,
75 m2
From 3800 rub., 75 m2
Total price 21000 rub. 10500 rub. From 21,000 rub. From 11,400 rub.

If we take into account only the financial side of the issue, then the choice is obvious. But the primary task of a diffusion membrane is to preserve the properties of insulation and roofing structures. Vapor permeability non-woven fabric(the ability to release steam in a timely manner) not only protects the underlying layers. It directly affects the likelihood that major repairs to the roof structure will have to be made within the first ten years.

Analysis of the two tables shows that the materials have different price/permeability ratios, respectively: 12-13.1-50.6-12.7. The lower the coefficient, the less likely it is to carry out overhaul during the first 5-10 years of roof operation (in worst cases, the probability increases to 60-79%.).

Based on the totality of their characteristics, the highest quality products considered were Tyvek and Yutafol. In addition, Tyvek® membranes from DuPont, which meet all the requirements of SNIP and SP, are the only ones that have a manufacturer’s warranty for 10 years, which means they will not cause repairs during this period.

Dismantling the vapor barrier can be done in two ways. The first, most financially intensive, is replacement with outside roofing of the house (in fact, a complete overhaul); it includes:

    Dismantling roofing . From 100 rub./m2 (depending on the material).

    Dismantling the insulation. From 45 rub./m2.

    Replacing a damaged membrane. From 50 rub./m2.

    Garbage removal. 1.5 t - from 2800 rub.

    Installation of new insulation. From 60 rub./m2.

    Installation of new roofing material. Slate - from 180 rub./m2, soft tiles - from 380 rub./m2.

The cost of work will be comparable to twice the cost new roof; in most cases it is easier to demolish the old one roofing pie, replacing the entire roof.

The cost of replacing the diffusion membrane using the second method, from inside the house, consists of the following operations:

    Removing the ceiling trim(attic, attic, etc.). Wallpaper, plaster - from 70 rub./m2.

    Dismantling of floors. From 450 rub./m2.

    Replacing the membrane itself. From 50 rub./m2.

    Garbage removal. From 360 rub./m3.

    Installation of new floors and partitions. From 270 rub./m2.

    Installation and finishing of new interior trim(ceiling repair). From 250 rub./m2.

This option is less expensive, but in this case the new membrane will not be installed using the same technology. Violation of SNIP and SP norms means improper operation, and, as a result, another repair ahead of schedule. As a result, short-term savings of a maximum of 10 thousand rubles. the difference in prices of different membranes will result in significant financial expenses and loss of time. Thus, purchasing quality materials allows you not only to protect your home, but also to avoid unplanned expenses.

Construction of internal partitions

The construction of a budget home involves the use of thin plasterboard partitions, as well as soundproofing materials. Such walls are quickly installed, look aesthetically pleasing, but do not provide additional strength to the structure.

For owners of plots with silty soil near water bodies or on hilly areas, it is recommended to build internal load-bearing walls. Thus, the structure will be more stable and, when choosing a buried foundation, will not succumb to adverse influences (for example, soil displacement).

Internal partitions made of any materials can be easily strengthened using metal profiles installed in places with the greatest load on the walls.

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Experience shows that there are moments in the construction of a house where it is absolutely not worth saving, but there are nuances where you can not only save, but rationally spend the budget (which is a kind of reasonable saving).

Window options

The most affordable and durable option is metal-plastic windows. Ready-made or made to order, such structures can be of any size and modification, are perfectly adapted to harsh climatic conditions, and look aesthetically pleasing. The main advantage of PVC windows is ease of installation and maintenance. Unlike expensive wooden windows, metal-plastic ones do not require periodic restoration and are less susceptible to moisture and temperature changes. Modern designs are equipped with several tilt-and-turn structures to provide ongoing ventilation.

Classic double-glazed windows in a country house - reliable and inexpensive

Will it be possible to save on utilities?

Contrary to popular belief, even the most cheap house functions efficiently if engineering communications work properly in it. On the other side, budget options installation of electrical and water supply networks lead in the future to additional costs. For example, cheap wires, as well as junction boxes with poor insulation coating in a wooden house can lead to a fire and the need to restore the entire structure. Plumbing systems, installed without following the technology, can be destroyed under the influence of harsh weather conditions, which will affect not only the comfort of the owners, but also future repair costs.

Installation of utilities is the basis of a comfortable life in country house, therefore, the possibility of saving on this aspect should be confirmed by careful calculations. This stage of work should be entrusted only to professionals in order to avoid unnecessary costs, as well as unpleasant situations during operation.

Interior decoration

A good way to save money is to choose a laconic, simple interior decoration of a country house. A wide variety finishing materials will allow you to arrange cozy rooms with minimal costs. To save money, it is recommended to choose laconic style interior, minimal number of decorative elements.

A laconic interior means a minimum cost of finishing materials

Popular furniture from natural materials It looks aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time it will cost more than composite materials, and also requires careful maintenance.

Tips for saving on building a house: what you can and cannot save on

When thinking about how to save on building a house, you should not forget about the guarantee of its quality. Professional supervision of a technical engineer over the construction process is a guarantee of compliance with the technology of all work, so you should not skimp on these procedures.

Attractive finished projects of country houses are a beautiful picture, which can turn into impractical, expensive housing to operate. It is recommended to save on external decorative elements and order a house project with simple and clear architecture.

The foundation and communications are the “skeleton” of a durable home in which you will live comfortably, so it is worth spending the maximum amount of money on these aspects in order to use the services of professionals with many years of experience.

Finishing materials and additional lighting inside the house are more decorative than functional elements. Therefore, it is possible to reduce costs to a minimum using the principle of sufficiency.

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Is it worth ordering technical supervision for construction? This question interests almost everyone who builds a house, makes repairs, etc. Today we will look at how to control construction company? What should you pay attention to? Where can I find independent technical supervision and what is the essence of this service? Let’s also consider how much technical supervision will cost you and what are the advantages of this service?


Construction of a country house for permanent residence requires a consistent, thoughtful approach to all aspects of construction. In general, the answer to the question of how to build a house inexpensively, and which house is cheaper to build, will be the competent allocation of the budget and the use of the services of professionals, where possible, to select materials and carry out work. We must always remember that illiterate saving here and now often leads to negative side manifests itself during further use of the house.

The correct choice of material for building a house affects not only its strength and durability, but also the cost of the work. Today's construction market provides a huge range of different materials, ideal not only for prefabricated buildings, but also for solid structures.

First you need to decide for what purpose the future building is intended. If the house is intended for permanent residence, then the main qualities when choosing a building material should be durability, strength, resistance to moisture, as well as high-quality heat and noise insulation.

Houses made of foam concrete, brick, frame and wood have all the above advantages.

Pros and cons of building a country house from timber

A building in the construction of which timber was used will be reliable and beautiful. Material made from logs cut in winter is excellent for construction, as such timber shrinks much faster. There are certain advantages and disadvantages that can influence the choice of this material.

Wooden house from laminated veneer lumber

For example, the advantages include the smaller depth of the foundation required when building a house. In addition, timber walls have lower thermal conductivity compared to brick walls, so you don’t have to think about external or interior decoration walls Important point– a house can be built at any time, even in winter or summer.

Despite the large number of advantages, timber has a number of disadvantages. This material is subject to rotting, so it is short-lived, like any other wood material. Also, after the construction of housing, drying should be carried out for some time. In addition, the fire safety of the material is also not at the highest level.

For the manufacture of profiled timber they use conifers trees. External side may be flat, may be similar to a log, and inner side most often has a flat surface and is processed by planing. The remaining two sides are equipped with special tenons and grooves, which improves the fit with each other. The grooves are filled with jute insulation.

Profiled timber is high-tech material, allowing you to build a house in the shortest possible time.

Profiled timber

Glued laminated timber does not have significant flaws and defects because it undergoes special processing during production. The material is protected by a special impregnation of fire retardant and antiseptic, which gives the wood a high level of resistance to rotting and fire resistance. , can serve you faithfully for several decades.

Glued laminated timber

In addition, they are built quite quickly, which ensures comfortable conditions not only construction, but also further residence. Currently there are many various companies can help with the construction of houses made of timber, however, if desired, you can do the construction of a house made of timber yourself, since there are no particular difficulties in this matter.

A wooden house is always very cozy and does not require unnecessary interior decoration

Here you can watch a video in which the issues of building a house are discussed, but it is worth considering that it was recorded at the Forest Fair, and, naturally, the author is promoting the topic of construction wooden houses. But at the same time, the video contains very useful tips.

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Houses made of OSB panels

Foam concrete houses: pros and cons

The choice of building material is largely determined by such qualities as ease of installation, environmental friendliness, heat and sound insulation. Foam concrete has all of the above qualities, which is why it is gaining increasing popularity among builders. Today, mass housing developments are carried out using this material.

Private Vacation home made of foam concrete

An important quality for many consumers is that this material has a high level of environmental safety. For the production of foam concrete only natural materials, such as cement, water, sand. Of course, it is also possible to add dyes with plasticizers, but their quantity is usually very small. Walls made of this material allow air to pass through perfectly, which ensures a favorable microclimate in the room.

House wall made of foam concrete

Foam concrete has a fairly low price compared to other materials. In addition, it is very light, which undoubtedly affects the speed of installation. You can build a house in two to three months. In addition, building a house from foam concrete does not require the construction of a powerful foundation.

One of the main qualities of foam concrete is the presence of good heat and noise insulation, which leads to a reduction in the cost of heat energy and insulating materials. This material is completely fireproof and easily withstands high temperatures. Besides everything, finishing interior walls can be done using almost any materials.

But, like any building material, foam concrete has its drawbacks. One of them is insufficient strength, so the blocks may be damaged during transportation and construction. There is a possibility that cracks may appear on the walls after installing the building frame, which appear during the shrinkage process or under the influence of temperature changes. In order to avoid adverse consequences, you need to spend money on high-quality reinforcement of the structure.

Reinforced structure

After it is erected, do not try to immediately finish finishing the interior walls; it is better to wait for some time. The reason is that there is a possibility of carbonation shrinkage, which can occur as a result of the formation of chalk inside the material. Such changes may occur due to chemical reaction between cement and carbon dioxide penetrating into it.

Pros and cons of brick houses

Brick houses are among the most popular in the construction industry because they are durable, strong and comfortable. If such a house is built competently and thoroughly, then it can easily stand for more than 100 years, delighting the residents cozy layout and the warmth of your walls.

Beautiful brick country house

Brick is the most suitable material for outdoor finishing works. For brick cladding you will need less funds than for a full-fledged arrangement of a building from the same material. Such cladding both decorates the building and protects it from harmful influences. environment. The best option when building a reliable and warm home is a combination of foam concrete and brick.

Brick is ideal for building a house because it is completely natural.

Construction of a brick house

A brick house will not burn down. Of course, the fire will destroy everything that was inside, but the frame of the house will remain standing, which contributes to the beginning of a new life.

If necessary, you can add additional rooms. A house with only one floor can become a comfortable cottage or a house with several floors.

Brick walls can support roller shutters or an additional attic. You can also line the walls with wood, wild stone or decorative brick.