"phytodesign. grouping of indoor plants." General rules for composing compositions from indoor plants Phytodesign in the interior of an apartment

  • Using compositions created with indoor plants, in compliance with the rules and requirements of phytodesign, you can give the interior new life filled with cleanliness, freshness and comfort. Indoor plants in the interior help to focus attention on strengths furnishings, disguise the shortcomings of the space, fill every centimeter of it with soulfulness and beauty. Thus, phytodesign not only improves the indoor microclimate, but also makes it possible to radically transform any home without major financial investments.

    Interior decoration using indoor plants

    If you choose the right flowers and plants and arrange them wisely in the room, you can make your interior sparkle with new colors. Here are some examples of how you can effectively use indoor plants at home:

    • Vertical gardening can divide large room into two different functional areas, such as the kitchen and living room.
    • The presence of green decorative elements will help create an elegant background for delicate and romantic designs.
    • Climbing plants will solve the problem of low ceilings, visually raising them, giving the space additional volume.

    Original composition of various types of home cacti

    Green color contrasts perfectly with white, so optimal solution will place the plant against a snow-white wall

    When starting the green improvement of your home, you first need to correlate the proportions.

    Advice! When decorating the interior of small rooms, you should not use large types of plants. For tight spaces, placed in

    hanging planters

    and hanging plants placed in the background.

    Greenery stretching upward can visually lift ceilings. But don't overdo it, as the opposite effect may occur.

    Picturesque plants with rich and vibrant green will fit perfectly into home interior

    As a rule, modern apartments are associated with multifunctional spaces, which often require unobtrusive zoning. A similar problem is easily solved by indoor plants, photos of which are posted below in our article.

    When choosing flora for the bedroom, try to choose tall and unpretentious indoor plants

    For creating harmonious design In the interior, you can use both woody and herbaceous vegetation. Tall palm trees, elegant ferns, graceful ficuses, unpretentious cacti, climbing ivy are perfect for these purposes.

    You can also use plants arranged in a row with different heights stems and leaf texture. Such indoor plants include hibiscus, monstera, philodendron, chamedorea and others.

    Living picture from indoor ivy will be an excellent decoration in the interior

    Despite the fact that the cactus is an unpretentious representative of flora and fauna, it also requires proper care and attention.

    Tillandsia is an ideal tool for zoning free space. It belongs to epiphytes, which, as is known, do not require soil. This plant feeds on microparticles and droplets of moisture present in the air.

    Tillandsia usniformes allows you to create amazingly beautiful living curtains that perfectly delimit space.

    Tillandsia in the living room interior

    Tillandsia in an original hanging pot

    Where and how best to place indoor plants

    Both walls and furniture can serve as a background for plants. Taking this into account, it is advisable to use large-leaved plants in rooms with wallpaper decorated with small patterns.

    As for small-leaved plants, the background role for them can be played by plain walls, preferably in light colors. Logically complete the composition room decor and textiles selected to match the colors of flowering plants.

    Bright interior living room with beautiful indoor plants

    Bright interior with a great abundance of living plants

    Contrasts of small and large plants will look very advantageous. Crops with different textures and leaf shapes would also be equally appropriate.

    Important! A sense of proportion is vital a necessary condition when choosing possible combinations of interior landscaping. If you neglect this rule, you risk turning your home into a tropical greenhouse or jungle.

    1. Single flowers and plants, as well as those collected in a single composition, can be planted in containers with unusual shapes and original designs.
    2. Bright, eye-catching plants are best used in inconspicuous pots. The inexpressiveness of the latter will further emphasize the attractiveness of the cultures.

    In addition to the spatial and compositional aspects, you also need to take into account the rules of maintenance, cultivation characteristics, environment and requirements for plant care. That is why the purchase of crops must be made only when there is complete confidence is that suitable conditions have been created for them.

    Loft style interior with house plants

    The perfect combination gray and green colors in the interior

    Vertical gardening - newfangled design trends

    For modern apartments The ideal solution in terms of perception is vertical gardening. Ceiling and wall plant installations not only have an unusual appearance, but also the ability to harmoniously fit into modern interior solutions.

    Today, the following types of vertical compositions are distinguished:

    1. Ceiling installations;
    2. Phyto-paintings;
    3. Green walls;
    4. Phytomodules;
    5. Hanging and mobile compositions.

    Vertical gardening - can be created from ivy, tradescantia, stabilized moss, dracaena and other plants.

    The selection of colors for compositions is usually carried out according to one’s own tastes and preferences.

    Phytomodule made from plants - a stylish way to decorate a wall

    Incredibly beautiful hanging arrangement of flowers and house plants

    If the ceiling height allows, then in the room you can organize a vertical flower bed from different types plants planted in pots

    The available range of colors for indoor plants consists of a large number of shades, ranging from rich emerald green to delicate light green tones.

    Advice! Such compositions will become more vibrant if you use flowering orchids, arrowroots, phytonias and other similar plants.

    If desired, the recreation area can be turned into a real botanical garden, the main thing is to maintain a sense of proportion

    By placing indoor plants on a mobile table, you will get a mobile living corner that, if desired, can be moved to another place

    Basics of phytodesign - do-it-yourself interior landscaping

    Today there is a large number of companies specializing in phytodesign and creating appropriate solutions for interior landscaping. However, if you wish, you can arrange vertical gardening yourself, for which there are many on the Internet useful information, photos and videos on this topic.

    When choosing the plants that will be used to create room compositions, it is advisable to use not only attractive, but also useful crops. These are not only practical, but also plants that act as a delight to the eye.

    Advice! Create good mood Lavender, valerian, citrus fruits, myrtle, gardenia, begonia, laurel, geranium and rosemary will help relieve anxiety and improve sleep.

    Wall shelf will become in the form of a honeycomb great home for indoor plants of various groups

    Darling, cozy room with a large and bright plant near the wall

    If there is a noisy highway near the house, the home has recently been renovated, there is high humidity in the premises, or the rooms are furnished with new products from wood materials, then so-called filter plants should be used.

    Their characteristic feature lies in the ability to extract chemical compounds, toxins, dangerous fumes, heavy metals, urban smog, dust and other unwanted inclusions from the air.

    Good to know! Indoor filter plants can also destroy pathogens and prevent the spread of mold.

    Useful indoor plants

    Landscaping of residential premises - in other words, phytodesign of the interior - is one of the progressive trends in the artistic design of apartments and houses. It's about not just about acquisition indoor flowers and their chaotic placement, but about the art of creating plant compositions in harmony with the environment. Properly decorating your abode is a task that requires basic knowledge of selecting and grouping plants. We are ready to tell you about some of the tricks of this process below.

    In addition to their decorative function, plants in the house solve a number of secondary problems. They clean the air of dust, gas and smoke, thereby disinfecting it, have a positive mental effect on a person (calming or tonic effect), and also improve his living environment.

    There are 6 fundamental rules for phytodesign at home.

    When selecting plants, take into account the microclimate of the room: light, average temperature, air humidity. Otherwise, the “green residents” may simply not take root in the house and die. It is better to place flowering varieties in well-lit places (for example, near windows facing east), and moisture-loving varieties in shady places with sufficient air humidity (at least 50% -70%). It is worth considering that in winter period humidity is reduced to 20% -30% due to centralized heating, which can negatively affect plant health.

    In rooms with low light, it is recommended to purchase a phytolamp with the effect of sunlight for a living corner.

    Select plants based on the size of the room. As a rule, phytodesign of the interior of an apartment involves decorating with small or medium-sized plantings. Large specimens look clumsy in typical city apartments, and they take up a lot of space. Visually “raise” low ceilings Erect tall flowers in pots will help, and “lowering” high ceilings the power of flowers suspended in flowerpots.

    When composing compositions, consider the background color. Small-leaved plants with beautiful bright flowers look advantageous against a dim, monochromatic background; on the contrary, for a bright multi-colored (with ornament) surroundings, it is better to select large-leaved varieties of non-variegated colors.

    Place large plants on the floor or on special stands, small ones - on window sills, racks, shelves, etc.

    When selecting indoor plants, do not forget to take into account the style of the room itself. Agree that a tall cactus (no matter how pretty it may seem) will look completely out of place in a room decorated according to all the canons of the classics; and eye-catching decorative fruit trees(schizandra, for example) will violate the color canons of a high-tech room.

    Indeed, when carrying out phytodesign of the interior, you should select the “right” plants. So, premises in Japanese style cannot do without a bonsai tree or decorative bamboo; High-tech and minimalism styles welcome large-sized succulents with thick stems and plain colors; Hanging planters, vertical living walls and elegant potted plants feel right at home in a classic setting; Plants with large leaves (monstera, ficus, philodendron, palm) befit the colonial style.

    Single and group landscaping of premises

    Tapeworm is the name given to a single bushy or tree-like plant in a room. As a rule, a tapeworm has large dimensions and an original appearance. Often such a specimen becomes the main attraction in the room, but its functions are not limited to aesthetics.

    With the help of an outstanding plant you can:

    Fill a void (for example, in the corner of a room);

    Zoning space - creating a visual boundary between in different parts rooms (for example, recreation areas from the multimedia area in the living room);

    Focus on a specific object;

    Balance the design by connecting items together.

    Since the tapeworm is always in sight, it must be placed in a beautiful flowerpot and, if necessary, placed on a pedestal. Which plant to choose? The most “livable” solitary plants are ficuses, date palms, begonias, cyclamens, hydrangeas, monsteras and zigocacti.

    One of the most original ideas in phytodesign of the house - creating unusual compositions from several (multiple) green spaces. There are no clear rules for grouping plants, but, nevertheless, there are certain patterns in composing compositions.

    Firstly, larger specimens with a denser crown and richer color are placed in the background of the ensemble. More are brought to the fore small plants with light foliage. This grouping gives the composition volume and depth.

    Secondly, the center of the group can be unusual flower with bright petals and oddly shaped leaves. It is not recommended to create a composition from several “bright spots”, which will hide each other’s beauty and tire the eye.

    However, you can only find out how balanced the composition will be in practice: think through several grouping options, and then move the plants until you get the perfect ensemble.

    Moreover, there are other techniques for phytodesign of apartment interiors. So, you can group indoor plants:

    In different linear arrangements (diagonal, horizontal and vertical);

    In various color design(monochrome, contrast, polychrome);

    In symmetrical and asymmetrical order.

    A bold decision in phytodesign is planting various plants in one pot. Using this technique, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the instances with each other and their requirements for external environment. Such compositions can be of the same height or made in a pyramidal or cascading form.

    Landscaping apartments and houses does not require any special skills. Everyone can create a special atmosphere in their home with the help of properly selected plants. From the article you will learn about the basic principles of phytodesign for harmonizing space and learn how to create a florarium yourself.

    Gone are the days when the interior of the living room was traditionally decorated with ficus trees, and violets were invariably present on the window sills. Interior landscaping is special kind design, taking its origins from the time of the birth of the first civilizations. Then people only strived for aesthetics and harmony. Times are changing, and now, when working on the artistic design of space, both residential and non-residential premises, specialists use scientific approach. But if you decide to “green” your interior yourself, you shouldn’t be afraid. You only need to know the key aspects, the principles of “building” phytodesign.

    From the history of phytodesign

    Residents of Ancient countries - Egypt, Rome and Greece, Special attention paid attention to aesthetics. It is not surprising that they successfully decorated their homes with plants - to create a light atmosphere of space filled with living energy. For example, the Egyptians used cyperus for landscaping, and the Romans used laurel trees. We should not forget about the cult of living nature, each element of which concealed a certain meaning. The ancient Greeks had a special love for green spaces and plants. Even statues of majestic and powerful gods were decorated by mere mortals with elements of flora. On all the monoliths depicting the supreme god, oak branches were placed, the statues of Aphrodite were framed with myrtle branches, the god of love - Eros - with roses, and the victorious goddess Nike - with palm branches.

    The Chinese and Japanese paid great attention to landscaping and creating their own greenhouses. Ikebana, a fashionable trend in Japan, is still studied by specialists. Please note that this type arrangements originated in the 15th century.

    This is interesting: floriculture on the territory of our state began to develop during the reign of Peter I. It was believed that the size of the plant was directly proportional to the status of the owner of the house. It is not surprising that later, among the nobility, the palm tree imported from the tropics was most popular. Noble people also decorated their houses with ferns and dracaenas. Merchant houses were decorated with ficus trees, and people of a lower class preferred geraniums.

    Based on botanical gardens, a fashionable trend in interior design - phytodesign - began to rapidly develop. To decorate the interior with living plants, it is extremely important to observe their biological synergy and the peculiarities of environmental and climatic conditions.

    Flower arrangements

    The phytocompositions look very fresh and unusual. You just need to remember the basic rules for placing plants in the interior of the room.

    1. Maintain contrast. You should not place several identical plants in one row. Don’t forget about the contrast of the flower itself with the pot. The more interesting the plant looks, the less attractive the pot should be - choose a simple, plain one.

    2. Dynamics. Make sure that the two plants in your phytocomposition are ideal - they will be the “focus” points. But between them you can place banal plants.

    3. Never place large pots of large, stately plants in small rooms. This visually reduces and narrows the room.

    4. When placing plants in the interior, do not forget about proper care, for which you will need: proper lighting, a drip irrigation system. An important point for ensuring the full functioning of plants is maintaining air humidity.

    Florarium: features and principles of creation

    The windows of the bedroom or kitchen do not always face sunny side, but there is a desire to get your own miniature garden. In this case, it’s time to create a neat florarium that can lift your spirits regardless of the season and become a worthy decorative element in the interior of the room. Small indoor garden, having its own eco-system, will undoubtedly attract the views of others. Creating an exclusive “garden” in a glass vessel will not require much effort, and you will love the result.

    To design your own miniature florarium, choose small plants that need high humidity. Ideal for an exclusive “garden” are: fern, cryptanthus, calamus, reo.

    You need:

    1. A jar or bottle made of durable glass. It is advisable to choose a product with an interesting, unusual shape.
    2. Soil for plants.
    3. Small plants.
    4. Pencil.
    5. Coffee grounds (helps retain moisture).
    6. Small pieces of compost.
    7. Miniature elements for decorating your “garden”: pebbles, figurines.

    Step-by-step action plan:

    1. Wash the “container” thoroughly, make sure that there are no traces of food or fat left on its surface.
    2. Place a thick layer of compost on the bottom of the bottle or jar.
    3. Place the mixture of soil and coffee grounds in an even ball on the compost particles.
    4. Wet the soil until the soil is moist.
    5. The third part glass vessel fill with moist soil.

    1. Level the soil (use a small pencil or chopstick to do this).
    2. “Dig” a neat, small hole with a pencil.
    3. Plant a plant.
    4. Add just a little water.
    5. Place inside the jar decorative elements. Don't be afraid to experiment.

    Green plants: combinations with popular interior styles

    For fans classic interior large plants with rounded foliage and a strong crown are suitable: azalea, fern, dracaena, ficus and monstera. Antique style pots would look appropriate.

    High-tech has always been associated with freshness and catchiness. You can decorate your bedroom or living room with bright amaryllis and gardenia. While creating flower arrangements Pay attention to the frame material. Metal structures will look best in this innovative style.

    Art Nouveau is characterized by sophistication, so small plants with neat foliage should be placed in the interior. In a room decorated in Art Nouveau style, cacti, dracaenas, ficus, euphorbia and even palm trees will look good. If you want to create a combination of flower pots, decorate the pots with mosaic patterns or have them professionally painted.

    The interior in the style of an African safari must be complemented with plants of a bright palette: pineapple, guzmania, hesperia. Agave and palm trees will fit perfectly into the exotic interior. The use of rattan and stone to create decorative compositions is encouraged.

    In a Japanese interior you can safely place indoor bonsai, dracaena, yucca. Since this interior style is distinguished by restraint and a certain asceticism, plant pots should also be kept in a cool color scheme.

    Country houses are often decorated in country style. And to create an ideal phytodesign you need to use simple plants: violet, ivy and primrose. And in combination with ceramics and vines, unsightly flowers and plants will become a special decorative element of your home.

    Decoration of residential and non-residential premises growing flowers and plants does not require special skills or the involvement of professionals. Just a drop of imagination and superficial knowledge in the field of plant compatibility will allow you to enjoy your own natural oasis - laconic and moderately elegant.

    +7 495 937-53-22

    Phytodesign is a special type of art, the essence of which comes down to changing the appearance of premises through plants. Moreover, phytointerior design is relevant not only for residential but also for public institutions, be it a store or an office, a restaurant or a sports club, a hotel or a beauty salon.

    Phytodesign goals

    • Creating a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment
    • Providing a friendly atmosphere
    • Air humidification and ionization
    • Enrichment of indoor air with special biological substances, beneficial for the human body
    • Achieving a harmonious look for a room or hall
    • Cleaning the room from dust and carbon dioxide
    • Demonstration of the owner’s refined taste, style and wealth.

    Popular forms of plant groups in phytodesign

    Today there are several modern methods landscaping.

    The most popular and in demand are:

    • Winter gardens
    • Landscape compositions
    • Phytocompositions in stationary containers
    • Phytocompositions in portable containers
    • Table compositions
    • Compositions from dead wood

    The predominant forms of phytodesign at present are winter gardens and phytocompositions in stationary or portable containers.

    Interior phytodesign project

    Before starting to create a single project, you need to have a clear understanding of functional purpose future landscaping. Only by taking into account specific conditions within the technical design of the work can the required appearance of a building or room be achieved. At this stage, a composition of plants is selected taking into account the landscaping and layout of the territory, as well as necessary equipment and decorative elements for it.

    When studying the premises to draw up a design assignment, the following is taken into account:

    • Air temperature
    • Illumination
    • Air humidity
    • The main directions of people's movement.

    Already on the basis of these data obtained during measurements, it is possible to draw up drawings for a future project. In the course of further work, plants in the interior will be placed in places previously outlined in the drawings.

    The main stages of creating phytodesign of the interior are:

    • Pre-design familiarization with the object, taking the necessary measurements;
    • Drawing up a design project (preparing drawings, drawing up estimates and design assignments);
    • Landscaping in accordance with the finished project.

    All aspects of the work are fully reflected in the final technical project. It consists of a graphic part, a financial justification and its description with an explanatory note.

    Professional designers, based on the data obtained during familiarization with the object, prepare several draft options for the landscaping project, in accordance with the capabilities, requirements and ideas of the customer. Subsequently, the most suitable one is selected, on the basis of which the technical design will be drawn up.

    What features are taken into account when interior landscaping

    Options for phytodesign of the interior depend on the layout, style and conditions modern buildings. When landscaping premises, the following characteristics are taken into account:

    • Illumination
    • Temperature
    • Humidity
    • Volume, area, height
    • Purpose and use
    • Direction and intensity of people's movement
    • Duration of stay of people in the room

    When choosing plants for landscaping, the relationship between the air temperature in the room and its illumination must be taken into account. As a general rule, in a room with large windows achieved better illumination, but the same windows can contribute to increased heat loss. The quality and intensity of the light will depend on which side the window faces.

    Laws of composition in phytodesign

    Composition options

    • Single plant (tapeworm)
    • Horizontal gardening
    • Vertical gardening
    • Hanging gardening
    • Modular landscaping
    • Compositions in a container
    • Panels, collages, stained glass
    • Single plant (tapeworm) - large or unusual plant
    • Horizontal gardening - arranging plants along lines
    • Vertical gardening - fashionable, stylish trend modern phytodesign for residential and commercial premises, especially in the form of a “green wall”
    • Hanging gardening - plants in pots
    • Modular landscaping - plants are grouped into modules arranged in a certain order vertically, horizontally or in the form of a three-dimensional structure
    • Compositions in a container - this type includes various miniature gardens, flowering pots of pot-et-fleurs, florariums and paludariums
    • Panels, collages, stained glass

    Within a plant group, it is important to correctly distribute “roles”:

    • The main, so-called “skeleton” of the composition is durable, easily adaptable, hardy tall or medium-sized plants
    • Accentuating - plants with spectacular bright, heterogeneously colored leaves, or brightly blooming
    • Complementary - small plants that contribute to the filling of the phytocomposition
    • Background - mostly ground cover plants, which create a natural background, thereby completing the composition, indicating its contours.

    Monochrome compositions of plants of the same or similar size and type in decorative pots, in a large tray, or flowerpots look great. But more complex combinations with various components are also interesting. In this case, first of all, the central plant is selected, focusing attention, setting the general style direction, and often being the axis of symmetry.

    In order for the plant composition to acquire visual depth and volume, the darkest and largest plants are placed in the background. But small and light ones will look better in close proximity to the viewer. In this case, it is better to place shade-tolerant and moisture-loving representatives of the flora in the center.

    Features of plants taken into account when choosing plants for composition

    Plant selection criteria

    • Dimensions (plant height and size)
    • Plant proportionality
    • Decorative effect
    • Color, texture, leaf density
    • Crown shape and density
    • Flowering time
    • Growth rate
    • Dependence on light intensity
    • Humidity and watering requirements
    • Individual care features
    • Plant compatibility
    • Natural features

    Phytodesign of residential interiors

    In the interior of any premises, including in the design living rooms, the aesthetic component is important. However, when selecting plants, you should pay close attention to their phytoncidal properties.

    Phytoncides- volatile substances that block the proliferation of microbes, and some destroy them. Plants fill the air with negatively charged ions (aeroions), which have a beneficial effect on the human body, namely the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

    The most useful among indoor plants are:

    • Chlorophytum - cleanses the air of pathogenic particles, has a bactericidal effect;
    • Pelargonium - releases biologically active substances, helps with insomnia and stress;
    • Dieffenbachia variegated - cleanses the air of toxins;
    • Ivy, ficus, dracaena - purify the air due to phytoncidal properties;
    • Laurel - used in folk medicine, effectively kills viruses and bacteria in the air;
    • Succulents and cacti protect people from negative electromagnetic radiation and reduce air ionization.

    Each room has its own plants:

    • In the bedroom there are few plants - 1-2 tapeworms or several potted plants on a windowsill or other horizontal surface of the room. Plants with a strong odor are not allowed here. When decorating the interior, you can use orchids or Saintpaulias, Sansevieria, and many large-leaved plants, for example, ficus.
    • In the children's room There can only be safe plants, devoid of sharp thorns and poisonous properties. Usually flowers with a beneficial effect on children are chosen - fern, cyclamen, Uzambara violet.
    • In the kitchen Plants that are resistant to temperature changes will be relevant. Traditionally these are asparagus, aloe, ficus, and succulents. You can often find here vegetable crops, greenery, adding functionality to the interior.
    • Living room in any living space it acts as the center of landscaping. Various plant compositions are suitable for this room. Usually there are large plants or bright ones that attract with their appearance - anthurium, vriesia, zamioculcas.
    • Hall or hallway- this is the darkest part of the apartment - a quite comfortable place for shade-loving plants. It could be ferns pike tail, monstera, aspidistra.

    Industrial and office phytodesign

    Thanks to the landscaping of office, industrial and public premises achieved:

    • Creating a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment in accordance with functional features premises
    • Humidification and ionization of indoor air
    • Reducing the impact of stressful situations
    • Air disinfection, removal of pathogenic microflora
    • Enrichment of the air with biologically active substances and oxygen (1 square cm of greenery in the room absorbs 300 g of carbon dioxide)
    • Increased productivity and efficiency
    • Creating your own style, company image, increasing attractiveness in the eyes of clients and partners
    • Fashionable modern concept ecodesign.

    For shopping, cultural, recreational centers, holiday homes, train stations, etc., with large areas, V Lately Often not just compositions are developed, but unique landscape fragments are created:

    • Water compositions - aroids, pistia, lotus, isolepsis are collected around an artificial pond and in the water.
    • Tropical landscape - the presence of vines, hanging plants (monstera, ivy, scindapsus, philodendron, chlorophytum), brightly blooming tropical plants(canna, amaranth, begonia, hibiscus, vriesea).
    • Desert landscape - succulents, cacti, sand, shell rock, marble chips. Aloe, Crassula, different kinds cactus
    • Decorative fruit landscape - lemons, pomegranates, tangerines, coffee trees, bright low-growing flowers.

    Landscape studio M.Art offers landscaping services for all types of buildings and individual premises in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our specialists work only with high-quality decorative materials and plants. We will select plants taking into account the characteristics of the room in order to fully reveal its potential. Call us by phone

    +7 495 937-53-22