Cherry varieties for the Leningrad region. The best varieties of fruit crops for cold regions Varieties of fruit trees and berries

Pear is one of the most common types fruit trees, which grow almost everywhere in Russia. This shrub of the Rosaceae family takes root well in every region. It is worth noting that, When choosing a culture for a particular area, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics, namely weather conditions, land type . Only in this case will the tree take root and bear fruit.

The north-west of Russia is excellent for planting pear trees, but the main thing is to choose the right variety. Experienced gardeners advise planting in regions such as Leningradskaya, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaliningradskaya, Pskovskaya and Novgorod region , low-growing varieties. What types do they belong to?

Features of low-growing pear varieties

Low-growing or dwarf (including semi-dwarf) varieties - perfect option for the northwestern region.

Dwarf varieties are grafted onto a low-growing rootstock, the trees grow quickly and begin to bear fruit early.

Trees take root quickly and do not require special care , while giving delicious harvest. The dwarf rootstock, as a rule, is a special quince, for example, Provençal, northern.

Low-growing trees, despite their compact size, are distinguished by their abundance of harvest. In addition, unlike large varieties, they are less demanding, tolerate winter and bad weather well, and do not require much space. They are easy to care for, which busy summer residents will especially appreciate.


A low-growing pear variety grafted onto a quince.

The main feature of this variety is that it needs abundant moisture, which is exactly what the northwestern regions can provide - shrubs grow well and bear fruit in loamy areas, that is, in low-lying and well-moistened areas. They are not affected groundwater, but they should be protected from drought and watered abundantly in hot summers.

How to plant seedlings?

Pear planting scheme.

  • Before planting a seedling, it is necessary to install a stake in the planting hole to which the young tree will be tied.
  • Pour a mixture of soil and organic matter (for example, humus) into the dug hole to the top to visually create a mound.
  • Plant the seedling, and place it so that the root collar is located above ground level.
  • Fill the hole with soil.
  • Water the planting, use no more than 3 buckets of water. When watering, do not rush and do not water at the root, so as not to break the young plant.
  • Perform mulching trunk circle peat.

Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Leningradskaya sweet

The variety differs from the classic Leningradskaya, firstly, in size, and secondly, in a richer sweetish and juicy taste, despite the fact that the fruits are smaller.

The fruits ripen at the end of September and need to be aged for a month.

Their hue is greenish with a pink or red blush.

Trees can be planted in autumn or spring. The root system is small in size compared to the classic Leningrad one. The variety is frost-resistant and resistant to pests.


The variety not only has good frost resistance, but also belongs to the class of long-livers.

An early-winter ripening variety with medium-sized, elongated fruits.

It refers to small species. The shade of the fruit is beautiful olive color. The taste is rich, slightly tart and herbaceous, which indicates great content vitamin P and C .

The variety develops well on quince rootstock. He is not afraid of pests and does not require special care. Suitable for planting in September - October.

Bere Ardanpont

The variety is incredibly different delicious fruits.

  • A dwarf variety with large bell-shaped fruits, bright yellow with a pinkish blush.
  • The taste is rich, sweetish, juicy. The pulp is white.
  • Fruiting begins in 4 years .

Despite its increased frost resistance, the variety is more suitable for western regions than northern ones, since it requires special care, including treatment against pests.


The average fruit weight is about 160 grams.

  • The variety is classified as low-growing, reaching no more than 3–4 meters .
  • The shape of the fruit is standard and has a dense skin.
  • The shade is yellow-green, sometimes an orange-brown blush may appear.
  • The pulp is creamy.
  • The taste is soft, pleasant, juicy.

The disadvantage of this variety is its late fruiting compared to other species.

After planting, before the first fruits appear, it must take 5–6 years. At the same time, the trees are frost-resistant, unpretentious, produce fruit every year and are not afraid of pests.

Grand Chernozem

The variety is undemanding to soil; the fruits are small, but sweet and tasty.

  • The variety is suitable for planting in loams and black soil.
  • Maximum height this bonsai2.5 meters, making it great for small areas.
  • Despite their small size, the fruits are quite voluminous.
  • They are juicy and sweetish in taste.
  • The shade is light green, light green or light olive. The shape is slightly round.

Due to their low height, trees are easy to process. The only negative is that shrubs need, and most importantly, protection from pathogenic microbes. This species lives up to 15 years.

Simply Maria

It bears fruit already from the third year after planting, has high frost resistance - up to 38 degrees.

Pear grows up to 2.5 meters (maximum 3 meters). This variety is often chosen for its early fruiting, since the first harvest can be harvested within three years after planting.

Trees tolerate well harsh winter, while being resistant to various diseases and pests.

The shape of the fruit is round, golden yellow in color, sometimes with brown spots. The pulp is white with a yellowish tint. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, juicy, with a small sugar content.


The trees grow up to 3–4 meters tall. One of the most common species, which is planted both in black soil and loam.

The Moskvichka pear variety needs “pollinating neighbors”; Chizhevskaya or is best suited.

  • It is frost-resistant, so it will survive any winter, even a long one.
  • , diseases.
  • The fruits are round in shape. The shade is yellow-green, there may be golden inclusions.
  • The flesh is white or cream-colored. The taste is juicy, sweetish, light, refreshing.
  • The harvest is harvested in early September.
  • The only negative is that the first fruiting occurs only after 6 years.


An autumn ripening variety with attractive yellow-pink fruits.

  • In height grows no more than 2.5-3 meters.
  • Refers to long-lived trees .
  • Like any other pear, it needs timely intensive watering, mulching, fertilizing, and pruning.
  • The variety is frost-resistant , protected from pests and diseases, therefore does not require intensive care.
  • The fruit shape is classic.
  • The shade is yellow-greenish, may have a slight pinkish blush.
  • The taste is not very pronounced, slightly sweet. Due to its qualities, the variety is often classified as technical.


  • The harvest begins in early September.
  • They generally grow up to 3 meters in height.
  • The main advantages of the variety are excellent frost resistance, the fruits do not fall off.
  • Pear is often chosen for beautiful shape and color, as well as a rich, pleasant taste.
  • Medium to large fruits , have a yellowish tint and a red or burgundy blush. The pulp is white.
  • The taste is soft, slightly winey, sweetish.

Autumn sweet

In terms of taste, the fruits of the Autumn Sweet are in no way inferior to southern varieties of pears.

  • It is in particular demand among summer residents and gardeners, both central and northern.
  • The variety is frost-resistant, survives winter and rain.
  • It is resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Harvest Harvested in mid-September and until the end of October.
  • It is a self-fertile variety and is resistant to scab.
  • The fruits have rounded shape . The shade is light yellow, there may be brownish inclusions.
  • The taste of the fruit is not very pronounced, aromatic, sweet and juicy.


Sweet fruits, slightly sour; after a few days of storage, the astringency is lost and the taste becomes excellent.

  • Trees grow up to 3 meters, rarely - up to 4 meters.
  • It has a sparse crown. Tolerates winter well, including persistent frosts; not afraid of scab and pear gall mite.
  • It is a mid-season species and bears fruit annually.
  • Pear-shaped fruits, the skin is smooth and slightly oily.
  • Hue yellow-green, with a pinkish blush. The pulp is juicy, rich, sweetish, with a pronounced aroma. More suitable for fresh consumption.


A winter ripening variety, the fruits can be stored until April.

Small trees up to 3 meters high. Breeders crossed Dekanka Zimnyaya and Bere Bosk.

The harvest occurs only in October, rarely at the end of September. The fruits can be stored until spring at the correct temperature.

  • The variety has good frost resistance and is protected from pests.
  • The fruits have a yellowish tint, sometimes with a slight crimson blush on the peel. The flesh is creamy.
  • The taste is not very pronounced, there is some sourness, but the fruit is quite juicy.

In memory of Zhegalov

Grows up to 3–4 meters. The crown is not very dense. Belongs to winter-hardy varieties.

The variety does not have the largest fruits, but with excellent taste and aroma.

The variety is resistant to fungal formations and diseases . The harvest is harvested in September - October.

The fruits are greenish, even rich olive in color. The pulp is light, creamy. The taste is not very pronounced, slightly sour. Suitable for long-term storage.


Trees grow up to 3–4 meters. The variety is planted both in chernozem and loam. They are distinguished by a dense crown.

The variety is self-sterile and requires pollinators. The taste depends greatly on watering.

The variety tolerates winter well , does not require special care and is protected from fungus and diseases.

  • The fruits are slightly elongated.
  • The tint is greenish (less often with a yellowish tint), there is a bright reddish or pinkish blush.
  • The taste is sweet and sour, rich and juicy.
  • Fruiting begins 4 years after planting.


The above varieties of pears belong to the autumn variety. When choosing them, pay attention to the peculiarities of their planting, the rules of care, and you definitely will not have problems with the harvest.

Video about summer varieties of pears

By purchasing fruit trees and shrubs for a garden plot, its owner is laying the foundation for truly strategic plantings. They determine the appearance of the area adjacent to the house for many years to come, and with proper care they become the main source of fruit crops.

What fruit and berry crops are gardeners most often interested in? How to place the plants you like on the site and find the right neighborhood for them?

Fruit trees and shrubs: photos and names of popular crops

Due to the length of the country, spread over several natural areas, designate single list trees and shrubs are almost impossible. And yet there are species for which gardeners always try to find a suitable place. Photos and names of these fruit trees and shrubs are well known even to those who are far from gardening.

Among fruit trees, the undisputed leaders are different varieties and timing of ripening. Next come pears and the most common stone fruits: cherries and plums.

Fruit and berry bushes that are found almost everywhere include raspberries, different kinds currants, gooseberries. Today it is actively gaining popularity:

  • healing sea buckthorn;
  • felt cherry;
  • early

Blackberries are moving into the orchard; increasingly, chokeberry, shadberry and other crops can be found in the plots, which some time ago were perceived as secondary or planted only for landscaping.

The list of shrubs for the garden is much wider than the list of trees given above. No wonder. An orchard made entirely of trees will produce its first harvest no earlier than in 5–7 years, and shrubs are ready to please the gardener already in the second or third year after planting.

An additional advantage of shrubs is their relatively small size and less labor intensive care. However, no one will be able to replace pears with currants. Therefore, without trees, a garden will never be complete.

It is believed that in the northern regions gardeners are limited in their choice by the harsh climate, but the further south they go, the more diverse the population of garden plots becomes.

Indeed, starting from the Central Black Earth region, in the ranks fruit and berry crops Not unusual:

  • apricot;
  • cherry plum;
  • various types of nuts;
  • cherry and its hybrid with cherry.

The list of shrubs is replenished with yoshta, dogwood and perennial fruit-bearing vines.

But if just recently gardeners middle zone and more northern regions were forced to be content with a very modest list of fruit and berry crops, today things are changing radically.

Nurseries have long and successfully offered fruit trees and shrubs for the Moscow region that were previously not available in the Non-Black Earth Region. The boundaries of the distribution of southern crops have seriously shifted to the north, not only due to climate change, but also thanks to the directed work of breeders.

It is this bait that inexperienced gardeners fall for, wanting, at all costs, to get “ Garden of Eden" You can understand them! But it is not enough to purchase seedlings; it is important to plant and grow them correctly, taking into account all the needs of the plants and the characteristics of the territory.

Rules for placing fruit trees and shrubs in a garden plot

Young seedlings planted in the garden increase in growth year after year. After a few years, when the time for fruiting comes, the crowns grow by 1.5–2 meters. And mature trees take up even more space.

It is not enough to select the most winter-hardy, productive varieties; you need to accurately plan the future orchard.

It is better to do this on a sheet of paper, based on measurements of the distances from the landing zone to the nearest buildings, roads, and fences of neighboring properties. When planting fruit trees and shrubs in a garden plot, it is necessary to take into account not only the aesthetic preferences of the owner, but also mandatory standards. They regulate the distances from large plants to residential and outbuildings, transport routes, communications and the land survey line running between sections.

So, for example, from an apple or pear tree to a residential building or garage there should be at least 3.5–4 meters. This distance is explained by the safe operation of the structure and the need for constant care of large garden crops. For shrubs the distance is less and is one and a half meters, which makes it possible:

  • unhindered maintenance of walls, windows and other structures and communications;
  • do not be afraid of excessive humidity in close contact with vegetation;
  • care for fruit and berry crops, harvest, prune and replant them.

In addition to the mandatory ones dictated common sense and safety restrictions, there are other rules that are worth considering when planning an orchard.

It is extremely important to adhere to the distances between seedlings in rows, and also to take into account the deadline for growing a particular crop in one place.

Useful and harmful proximity of fruit trees and shrubs in a garden plot

Knowledge of the needs of individual plant species and their characteristics is of considerable importance for the future of planting:

  1. Some crops prefer to grow in the sun, while others easily adapt to the shade.
  2. For some fruit trees and shrubs in the garden plot, an open, windswept place is suitable, while for others you will have to find shelter.
  3. Plant requirements for fertility and watering vary.

It is unlikely that in a limited area of ​​land it will be possible to satisfy all the needs of green pets. In a small country garden Inevitably, some shrubs end up under the canopy of growing trees. To ensure that such proximity does not affect the yield, the location for planting shade-loving fruit trees and shrubs in the garden is determined in advance.

Such crops include black currants, honeysuckle, low-growing berry bushes, such as cranberries, blueberries and lingonberries. If the shady corner of the garden is well ventilated, viburnum will thrive here. Blackberries and raspberries are grown in partial shade.

Gardeners have long noticed that even in comfortable conditions garden plants sometimes they refuse to bear fruit at full strength, look depressed and grow poorly. It turns out that the reason for this behavior is an incorrectly chosen neighborhood. As in nature, in orchard trees, shrubs and herbaceous crops form close communities. The given options for successful and dangerous neighborhood fruit trees and shrubs in the table will help create best conditions for each type and get the most out of it.

You can arrange the plantings so that closely related plants are nearby. This solution will be extremely useful, for example, for cherries and petioles, many varieties of which are self-sterile and require a pollinator to produce a harvest. A similar picture is observed when growing sea buckthorn. True, there are several female plants There must be one male bush.

In addition, for sea buckthorn, which readily reproduces by root cuttings, blackberries and raspberries, it is better to find a place away from the rest of the garden plantings, otherwise the powerful shoots of these crops will take over half the garden within a year.

Fruit trees and berry bushes - video

Planting a new garden is an extremely responsible undertaking. Here it is necessary to take into account many factors, ranging from the preferred varieties of fruit trees to comfortable placement on the site. Some garden trees and shrubs create bad company for each other, so this must also be taken into account when choosing suitable options. Basic recommendations and tips experienced gardeners are given in our article.

Layout of a site for planting fruit trees and berry bushes in the garden

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the available area for forming a garden. Every tree and berry bush needs a certain free space. If you also plan to grow vegetables and other crops on the site, it is advisable to first delineate the location of future beds or greenhouses.

Read how to graft trees.

Trees are best planted after bushes, for which the falling shadow will not create many problems. The minimum distance between trees is 4.5 - 5 meters. For shrubs this value will be around 1.5 – 2 meters. It is also necessary to maintain at least 3 - 4 meters from nearby buildings and structures in order to root system did not damage the foundation.

Find out what to spray in spring.

This also applies to fire building regulations. Shrubs can be placed one and a half meters from buildings. This also applies to other permanent structures: swimming pools, verandas and garden compositions.

Separate criteria for columnar plants, which require much less space. Planting such varieties will not allow you to obtain record yields, but in confined spaces it will be the optimal solution.

When and how to prune will help you understand.

It is advisable to protect the site of the future garden from strong wind, fertilize the soil and make sure that there is no nearby groundwater that would complicate growth.

For a landscape arrangement, the most natural arrangement of crops is more suitable, while it is also necessary to pay due attention to ornamental plants and structures. If the area is small, but you want to place as many suitable crops as possible, it is better to give preference to a strict geometric planting plan. This way you can plant more diverse crops, but general form will meet a practical, not a decorative purpose.

You can read the description of the Iput cherry variety.

Illumination of fruit trees and shrubs

Particular attention should be paid to the location of plantings according to the degree of illumination of the area. Some trees and shrubs require a lot of sunlight, but others will find partial shade more comfortable.

The best varieties tomatoes for open ground listed .

Light-loving garden trees and shrubs:

  1. Pear.
  2. Apricot.
  3. Peach.
  4. Cherries.
  5. Plum.
  6. Rowan.
  7. Sea ​​buckthorn.
  8. Quince.

Other shrubs and trees can grow in the shade and in the sun with more or less equal success.

Most shrubs do well even with some shade, so you can alternate them with taller trees. An excellent option would be to plant along a fence or along the perimeter of a building. In any case, it is necessary to maintain a comfortable distance between plants.

Among the shade-tolerant crops, the following species are noted:

  1. Apple tree.
  2. Barberry.
  3. Kalina.
  4. Dogwood.
  5. Hazel.
  6. Black elderberry.
  7. Raspberries.
  8. Blackberry.
  9. Honeysuckle.
  10. Gooseberry.
  11. Currant.
  12. Rose hip.

You should also not experiment with heat-loving crops (for example) in the middle zone or Siberia. The harvest on such plants simply will not have time to ripen and therefore such cultivation will not bring positive result. In cooler climates it is necessary to choose early varieties(), as well as specially adapted local varieties.

What plants and garden shrubs can be planted nearby, how to choose a variety

Plant compatibility is an important factor on which possible failures in breeding depend. There is a peculiar classification according to which some types of trees cannot live in close proximity to each other. The most unwanted neighbor turned out to be Walnut, which is not suitable as a companion to any tree or shrub.

Its thick crown blocks sunlight, and its powerful root system prevents it from receiving the necessary substances. In addition, the leaves contain a large number of tannins, therefore making the soil around it unsuitable for growing other plants. But if the neighborhood is inevitable, then before you find out, you need to understand that minimum distance from it for other plantings it is 18 meters, so you should think twice before planting it on your site. Several similar examples are given below.

Find out how to properly grow determinate varieties of tomatoes for open ground.

What crops are not advisable to plant nearby:

  1. Apricot does not get along well with cherries, peaches and cherries.
  2. Pear, apple and cherry trees should not be planted next to cherry plums.
  3. Cherries do not like close proximity to pears and apricots,
  4. If you decide to plant a hawthorn, you should not place it next to a cherry tree.
  5. Pears react very capriciously to cherry plums, barberries, cherries, raspberries, plums and cherries.
  6. A peach tree should not be planted near a cherry, pear, apple or cherry tree.
  7. Plum also does not like proximity to cherries, pears and sweet cherries.
  8. The apple tree does not react too well to the close proximity of apricots, barberries, cherries, etc.
  9. Raspberries, in turn, also cannot tolerate nearby pear and apple trees.

At the same time, to ensure comfortable growth garden crops nearby, you can use another classification that determines the maximum suitable friend to another plant.

What crops can be grown side by side:

  1. Cherries readily grow next to apple trees.
  2. Barberry and plum are excellent neighbors.
  3. Pear and apple trees get along well together.
  4. The plum tree will also be “delighted” in its close proximity to the apple tree.
  5. The following crops will have an ideal union with an apple tree: quinces, pears, plums and most coniferous varieties.

In addition, two trees of the same type of different varieties combine well with each other, which is why monogardens are so popular. For sea buckthorn, it is advisable to plant several plants at once - pollinators, as for some other crops: currants, raspberries and dogwoods.


This video will tell you about the rules for planning a garden plot.

To create the perfect garden, it is not at all necessary to call a landscape designer. By following simple rules for the comfortable arrangement of garden crops, and focusing on the lighting preferences of plants, you can easily plan the site yourself. For clarity, it is advisable to use a paper seating plan, on which you must first mark all the buildings and general nuances of the area. Simple techniques and basic information about the possible location of popular crops are given in our article. A list of the best varieties of repair raspberries is presented.

Unpredictable winter weather recent years, characterized by severe frosts and sudden thaws, force gardeners to be more attentive to the choice of seedlings for their summer cottage, namely, to select winter-hardy varieties of fruit trees. Along with proper agricultural technology During the season, selecting varieties that are resistant to adverse weather conditions will help you obtain annual high yields of your own fruit. Breeders bred sufficient quantity varieties of fruit trees that not only have high frost resistance and bear fruit well in the difficult climatic conditions of the northwestern regions, but also produce fruit no less tasty than varieties grown in the south.
The apple tree is the most winter-hardy seed crop and is successfully grown in all regions of our country. However, the harsh climatic conditions of the North-West sometimes turn out to be destructive for such resistant trees. Therefore, when choosing seedlings, you should pay attention to apple tree varieties, which have increased frost resistance and have already proven themselves well among gardeners. Such varieties, which have a long history, include “Scarlet Anise”, “Cinnamon Striped”, “Bogatyr”, “Korobovka”, “Narodnoe”, “Vinnoe”, “Antonovka Ordinary”, “ White filling", "Sinap", "Grushovka Moskovskaya" and "Chinese". Along with them, apple tree varieties “Podarok Grafsky”, “Skala”, “Arkadik”, “Imrus”, “Ladoga”, “Cinnamon novoe”, “Imrus”, “Ladoga”, Silver hoof", "Baltika", "Marat Busurin", "Belarusian Raspberry", "Winter Beauty", "Põltsamaa Winter", "Lighthouse of Zagorje", "Young Naturalist" and others.
Pear- one of the most popular fruit trees among gardeners, but when growing this crop, many are faced with the fact that its frost resistance is often “lame” - apple trees are much more hardy in this regard. In the northern regions, under unfavorable weather conditions in winter time Pears often freeze slightly, and sometimes die completely - especially young trees. However, you shouldn’t despair, and even more so, you shouldn’t give up planting a pear tree that produces such tasty and fragrant fruits. For residents of the northern regions, it is worth choosing frost-resistant varieties pears, characterized by increased endurance in winter period. The varieties “Lada”, “Chizhovskaya”, “Severyanka”, “In Memory of Yakovlev”, “Pushkinskaya”, “Ranny Pavlovskaya”, “Uralochka”, “Bessemyanka”, “Cathedral”, “Michurinskaya Krasavitsa”, develop well and are distinguished by their high yields. “Leningradskaya”, “Tonkovetka”, Naryadnaya Efimova” and others.
Heat-loving apricot thanks to many years of work by breeders, it now takes pride of place on many garden plots in the northern regions. When purchasing seedlings of this crop, you should give preference to highly winter-hardy varieties such as “Northern Triumph”, “Yubileiny” and “Michurinets”. The relatively new varieties that have already gained recognition among gardeners: “Monastyrsky”, “Orlovchanin”, “Honey”, “Chelyabinsky Early”, “Iceberg”, “Son of Krasnoshchekogo”, “Alyosha”, “Sayansky”, “ Minusinsk Amber”, “Kichiginsky”, “Success”, “Lel” and “Severyanin”.
Among the large variety of cherries in the northern regions of our country, the old varieties “Lyubskaya”, “Vladimirskaya”, “Shubskaya” and “Zarya Tatarin” bear fruit well. Among the new varieties good results show cherries of the varieties “Molodezhnaya”, “Oblachinskaya”, “Radonezh”, “Morel Bryanskaya”, “Malinovka”, “Volochaevka”, “Shy”, “Tamaris”, “Bagryannaya”, “Shirpotreb”, “Pamyat Enikeev”, “ Zhukovskaya”, “Bulatnikovskaya”, “Rastorguevskaya”, “Polevka”, “Turgenevskaya”, “Fertile Michurina”, “Rusinka” and others.
Residents of the northern regions will not have to deny themselves the pleasure of eating delicious cherry fruits, since a number of highly winter-hardy varieties of this crop can produce bountiful harvests and in their climatic zone. These include the varieties “Bryanskaya Rozovaya”, “Fatezh”, “Iput”, “Pobeda”, “Ovstuzhenka”, “Rodina”, “Chermashnaya”, “Revna”, “Leningradskaya Chernaya” and “Adelina”. It is also worth paying attention to new varieties that stand out for their increased frost resistance - these are “Lena”, “Orlovskaya Yantarnaya”, “Tyutchevka”, “Lyubimitsa Astakhova”, “Mulatka”, “Teremoshka”, “Gift to Stepanov”.
Among the winter-hardy varieties of plums It is worth highlighting such varieties as “Red Zyuzinskaya”, “Sapphirnaya”, “Hungarian Moscow”, “Skorospelka red”, “Mashenka”, “Alexiy”, “Tulitsa”, “Sukhanovskaya”, “Blue Gift”, “Renklod Kharitonova”, “Tula Black” and others.
Such a tasty fruit crop as cherry plum is also very popular among gardeners. For planting in server latitudes, it is worth giving preference to the stable and high-yielding varieties “Vladimirskaya Comet”, “Large-fruited”, “Ovalnaya”, “Gift to St. Petersburg”, “Rocket Seedling”, “Timiryazevskaya”, “Mara”, “Vityaz”, “ Nesmeyana”, “Kuban Comet”, “Nectarine aromatic”, “Traveler”, “Apricot”, “Watermelon”, “Melon”, “Found” and others.

Fresh air, lush green plants, our own organic harvest and other delights of country life are valued by many people in the corners of our country. But not everyone can dare to create their own garden in such a difficult region as St. Petersburg. The climatic conditions of North-West Russia require special knowledge, skills and efforts from gardeners. In order for the seedlings of shrubs and trees to please you with all their colors in the spring, and with berries and fruits in the summer, you will have to try hard.

First of all, those plants that novice gardeners planted with seedlings grown in the southern regions are always the ones that suffer in winter. Most often, these plants do not tolerate wintering well in the North-West, and the time, effort, effort and money spent are wasted. This can completely discourage novice gardeners from further engaging in such activities, or it can become a factor that will help to understand that the North-West region is a zone of risky farming, and in order to get the desired result, an important condition is right choice planting material.

Where to buy the best seedlings in St. Petersburg

So where to buy seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs for winter gardens? Not only should you approach the choice of seller wisely, but you should also select seedlings according to the zoned assortment of fruit and berry crops, using proven varieties that were grown in special nurseries directly in the region.

Fruit trees and ornamental shrubs Maxiplanta

In the plant nursery "Maxiplant", where you can always buy seedlings of fruit trees and flowers for your suburban area in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. Selected varieties are presented here berry bushes, fruit trees, flowers and others ornamental plants, which will delight you every year with their flowers and delicious harvest.

Nursery seedlings for the North-West

The difference between Maxiplant is the fact that most of the plants are grown specifically for our region using a special system based on the principle of a closed root system, and for plants. For plants that are not very adapted to our harsh and changeable climate, you will be able to select the necessary accompanying products, namely soil and fertilizers suitable specifically for these plants, which will make your garden a real tropical paradise. Every spring, we analyze the purity and quality of seedlings, and check the certification of planting material.

We sell the best seedlings

The best breeders from the Central and North-Western regions are working to expand the assortment of plants in our nursery, so with us you can always choose the plants and seedlings that you need and are already adapted for such specific conditions as the climate of St. Petersburg!

For cultivation in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region plant nursery "Maxiplant" offers to buy the best seedlings of ornamental and fruit crops, as well as coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs. Our plants will become a part of your garden for a long time! Delivery throughout St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.