How to plant fruit trees correctly. Planting fruit trees and shrubs. Planting trees in winter

Each owner of a personal plot dreams of growing a magnificent garden that would delight the eye with its bright, abundant flowering in the spring, and give a rich harvest in summer and autumn. Pears and apples grown in our own garden are much tastier and more fragrant than purchased ones. To achieve this, it is necessary to take very seriously the issue of planting fruit trees and shrubs. It is on how correctly this process is carried out that the intensity of their growth and further fruiting depends. In the photo presented in the article, you can see which fruit trees and shrubs are most popular for planting in summer cottages.

Planning the planting of fruit trees and shrubs in the garden

When choosing the size of the area of ​​the personal plot for the future orchard, it is necessary to take into account that while the trees and shrubs are still very small, they will take up little space. But after a while they will grow up and each fruit tree will need an area of ​​2 - 3 m2.

The quality and abundance of the future harvest largely depend on the structure of the terrain, where a garden will be laid out. For example, if the site is located in a lowland, then it makes no sense to plan a future garden in this place, since due to constant moisture, trees and shrubs will rot.

Before you start planning your garden, you should consider the soil characteristics of the area. For a rich harvest the soil must be fertile... It is she who will allow the root system of trees and shrubs to receive sufficient nutrition with minerals. If the soil on the site consists mostly of sand and clay, then the garden will subsequently look miserable and dull. To change the situation, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, under which there is a fertile soil.

Also, the site must have sufficient access to light and heat. Some plant varieties like shade, others like sunlight. If the garden plot is located on the windy side, then it is better to enclose it with a fence that has the desired height.

To have a good harvest in the future, when planting fruit trees and shrubs the climate of the region of residence should also be taken into account... If this is the middle strip of Russia, then it is best to plant:

  • pears;
  • apple trees;
  • different varieties of cherries, cherry plums and plums.

In the southern latitudes, it is wiser to plant cherries, apricots, as well as shrubs with small berries - raspberries, currants, blackberries, gooseberries.

The timing of planting fruit plants in the garden

Since most of the seedlings are currently grown using a special technology in special containers, the time of planting garden trees can vary widely. However, most gardeners traditionally believe that garden crops can only be planted in spring and autumn. During this period, such plants are usually planted, which grow rapidly in the spring.

It can be:

  • currant;
  • gooseberry;
  • winter-hardy varieties of apple and pear trees.

Planting garden plants in the spring is more preferable in the northern and central regions, since in this case the frosty winter will not be able to harm the young seedlings. We are talking about such fruit trees as:

  • cherries;
  • plum;
  • apricots;
  • Cherry;
  • non-frost-resistant apples and pears.

It is necessary to plant plants in the spring as early as possible so that the buds do not have time to bloom. In this case, the pits should be prepared in advance, in the fall.

Rules and scheme for planting fruit trees and shrubs

How to plant a garden correctly? First of all, they start by loosening the soil, after which the planting pits are prepared. To do this, they begin to mark a rectangular zone on the site, which has a direction from north to south. In this zone, triangular areas with a right angle are marked and a hole is dug in each of them. Thanks to this placement leaves of garden plants will have better illumination throughout the summer.

When planting fruit trees, the required distance between seedlings plays an important role. If you observe the correct spacing, then during growth the plants will not interfere with each other with branches, forming too shaded areas. In addition, there will not be too many empty areas. At the same time, there is no universal scheme for calculating the distance between fruit trees.

According to the rules for planting fruit plants of dwarf breeds, holes should be dug so that there is a gap of 2 meters in the row and 3 between the rows, for semi-dwarf breeds there should be 1 meter more free space both in the row and between them. But for plums, apple trees, pears and apricots, even more space will be required (4 and 5 m, respectively), which is explained by their natural characteristics.

After the pits are marked, it is necessary to determine their depth and diameter. These indicators are affected by the type of soil on the site. For fertile soil, the standard dimensions are 50x50 cm, and on sandy and clayey soil, you will have to dig a hole 1x1 m in size.

Planting apple trees

Apple tree seedlings must be planted to such a depth that their root collar is 7 cm above the soil level. Plunging into a hole the roots should be straightened and carefully covered with earth in such a way that there is not a single gap. In order for the soil to be in tight enough contact with the root system, the soil must be compacted all the time with your foot.

Placing apple trees apart depends not only on the type of wood, but also of what the supply was made. If the plants are semi-dwarf species, then the distance between the holes in the row is 3 m and 4 m between the rows themselves. But if the apple trees are columnar, then the distance between the plants is much less and can be 0.7 - 0.8 m from each other. As a result, about 15 pieces are placed on a plot of 5 m2.

Planting pears

It is best to plant pears in the southern, western or southwestern part of the garden, since the root system of this fruit plant constantly needs moisture, and the crown does not like excessive heat.

Pear seedlings are planted in the fall in holes, which must be dug in the spring. However, if the site is located in a climatic zone where frosts in winter reach 30 degrees, then young stands may die. That's why planting pears in the spring is considered a more reliable solution, because by winter the tree manages to grow up and get stronger enough, and the roots go deep into the ground.

The seedling pit must be made up to 0.5 m deep and up to 1 m wide, carefully loosening its bottom. The soil that is raked out of the pit should be mixed with peat and then put back into it.

Planting plums

This garden plant is usually planted in spring or fall. In central Russia planting plums is best done in spring because early frosts can cause it to freeze. The area of ​​the garden where it will grow must be properly selected. Plum does not like it when groundwater is located close to the surface of the soil, it also has a negative attitude towards shaded areas and acidic soil. Pits for seedlings are prepared in advance, and the distance between them should be 3 m.The depth and width of these pits should be 60 cm.

Cherry planting

The most favorable time for planting this plant is spring. In order for the seedlings to take root well, you should choose a site with sandy, sandy loam or acidic loamy drained soil, which is well lit from all sides.

The spacing between planted trees of self-pollinated varieties is 3 m. If the cherry variety is cross-pollinated, then more than four different varieties should be planted in the garden. The depth of the planting holes should be no more than 60 cm, and the diameter - 80 cm. A peg is driven into the center, to which the plant is then tied up after dropping it. You need to watch out so that the root collar is or at ground level or rose 4 cm above it. Deeper planting can lead to decay of the tree.

Planting currants

The plant is planted in the garden in late August - early September. Planting shrubs has its own characteristics. Currant should be planted obliquely, deepening in such a way that above and below the soil there are three buds. The rest is removed with a secateurs. If this is not done, then after the buds open and the leaves open, the bush begins to age prematurely. This is explained by the fact that the apical bud begins to draw out all the nutrients, as a result of which, due to a lack of nutrition, fruit twigs cannot form on the lateral branches, and the leaves will be located only at the ends of the branches.

Thus, in order to plant fruit trees and shrubs on a garden plot, you need to know certain nuances. It is possible to harvest a rich harvest only if all the positive and negative factors that can influence this are studied.

If you plant trees too close to each other or try to "make friends" incompatible crops, the garden will not produce a decent harvest. Read about how to avoid this in our article.

Let's talk about what factors to consider when placing trees in the garden.

What plants can be planted nearby?

This is perhaps one of the most important points to figure out before planting seedlings. Plant compatibility is called allelopathy... It can be both negative and positive.

The best compatibility of fruit trees will be achieved if plants of the same species are planted nearby: apple trees with apple trees, pears with pears, cherries with cherries. But such a garden of the same type will look rather boring. That is why trees of different types grow in our gardens, which are important to plant correctly. For example, a pear will feel great next to an apple tree and a red rowan tree, while a cherry or peach will give it a lot of inconvenience.

In the case of a positive allelopathy, trees in the garden can not only happily exist in the neighborhood, but also be mutually beneficial. Therefore, before planning plantings in the garden, it is recommended to check the compatibility table for different crops.

Walnut gets along worst of all with its "neighbors" in the garden. This tree is considered toxic and can inhibit almost all fruit crops. Therefore, if you are going to have such a plant in the garden, find a place for it on the outskirts of the site, where it will not interfere with anyone.

How to make a tree planting plan?

Choosing a site for a garden

Most trees prefer to grow in the sun. Therefore, the garden should be located so that light-loving crops (apricot, pear, peach, plum, cherry, apple tree) are on the southern or southwestern side of the site. This is where they will grow and bear fruit best.

If the area allotted for planting trees on your site is small, the plants should be placed in steps: low - on the south side, tall - closer to the north.

Garden styles

When drawing up a garden plan, the first step is to decide on what scheme the trees will be planted. Allocate 2 basic garden styles:

  1. regular (geometric),
  2. landscape (natural).

When planning regular garden, cultures must be positioned so that they organize symmetrical shapes (squares or rectangles). It is advisable to "arrange" trees in a row so that straight paths can be laid between them. It is permissible to place plants on the site and in a checkerboard pattern - this way they will receive more sunlight.

If the site is on a hill, then the rows of trees should be placed across the slope.

Landscape style looks more natural - trees grow chaotically in nature. That is, you can place crops as you like (considering plant compatibility and other factors that affect their successful growth). This method of planting fruit crops is suitable for uneven areas, with depressions and hills, since such "imperfections" in the relief will create the illusion of a natural natural composition.

Selection of species and varieties of fruit trees

After you have decided on the location of the trees and the planting scheme, it is worth thinking about how many and what plants to plant. To do this, it is best to draw a rough plan of the site with all buildings and large objects. The selection of species and varieties of horticultural crops should be carried out so that they can pollinate each other.

For example, if you are planting apple trees, make sure that more than half of the seedlings are winter varieties. Their fruits will subsequently be stored until spring or even early summer.

The ripening time of the crop is also an important criterion. It is advisable to plant varieties with different ripening periods - this will extend the harvesting period.

Distance between trees

In order for crops to have enough space for harmonious development, they must be planted at a certain distance from each other, as well as from buildings. So, cherries and plums should not be located closer than 3 m from the boundaries of the site (as well as from fences and buildings). It is advisable to plant apples and pears even further from them.

The distance between the rows of trees grafted onto tall rootstocks should, on average, be about 5-6 m.In the rows between crops, leave a gap of 4-5 m wide.If you plant fruit crops closer, they will begin to stretch ahead of time (they will reach the sun ), their productivity will decrease, and the quality of the crop will deteriorate.

If you plan to plant trees with a small-sized crown, the distance between them can be reduced by 0.5-1 m.When a mixed arrangement of fruit trees and berry bushes, the distance between crops in rows should be increased by 1-2 m, and between rows - by 1- 1.5 m.

Culture Distance between rows (m) Distance between plants in a row (m)
Apricot 5-6 3-4
Quince 5-6 3-4
Tall cherry 4-5 3-4
Undersized cherry 3-4 2,5-3
Pear on a vigorous rootstock 6-8 4-6
Pear on a weak rootstock 4-5 1,5-2,5
Sea buckthorn 2,5-3 2-2,5
Walnut 6-8 4-5
Peach 5-6 3-4
Tall plum 4-5 3-4
Low-growing plum 3-4 2,5-3
Apple tree on vigorous rootstock 6-8 4-6
Apple tree on a weak rootstock 4-5 1,5-2,5

When to plant trees: in autumn or spring?

Usually trees are planted or replanted only when they are dormant: in spring or fall. In summer, such a procedure is unsafe, since the plants are in the midst of the growing process. And if you disturb a young tree at this time, then after the stress it has endured, it risks getting sick or even dying. How to determine which season to plant trees correctly? The choice depends on the climatic zone.

Region Planting (transplanting) trees
Southern regions Trees are planted in the fall... Saplings planted in spring run the risk of not having time to take root before the onset of hot weather. Therefore, they can burn the bark or die from a lack of moisture in the soil.
Central regions Trees can be planted as in the spring and in the fall... Regardless of the planting time, the result will be approximately the same: in a temperate climate, seedlings of fruit crops will take root safely.
Northern regions Trees are planted in the spring... Not too hot spring and summer will allow the plants to adapt and leave for winter rest in time. Fruit crops planted in autumn, on the contrary, will not be able to acclimatize in time and will die with the onset of the first frosts.

How many trees to plant in the garden?

Usually, each gardener decides this individually, based on the size of the site and his needs. But on average, in order to provide fruits for a family of 3-4 people, it is recommended to plant:

  • 3 apple trees of winter varieties;
  • 2 apple trees of autumn varieties;
  • 2 apple trees of summer varieties;
  • 2 pears;
  • 4 cherries;
  • 4 plums (or 2 plums and 2 cherry plums).

Now that the plan for planting trees in the garden has been drawn up taking into account all the nuances, it's time to start laying out an orchard.

With the acquisition of a land plot, the owner has to deal with the zoning of the territory. Now there are many specialists in this field who, with the help of professional techniques, can create beauty. The layout of the garden can be done independently, if you become familiar with the features of this work. Indeed, on the site you can plant not only trees, but also shrubs, vegetables. For more information about the design of the territory, see the article.


The garden should be located in the open sun in an area with high groundwater levels. You should not lay it in a low place, where cold air and water will flow during the spring flood.

After an external inspection of the territory, you need to plan the following works:

  1. Clearing the area from old stumps, wild bushes, stones, and other debris.
  2. You need to plow the area deeply.
  3. It is necessary to water the weed seedlings. After germination, deep cultivation must be performed and the area leveled.
  4. At the same time, you need to give the soil to the laboratory to establish the physical state and type of soil, chemical composition. This is required for further care: the use of fertilizers, watering, and other agrotechnical procedures.
  5. Based on the results of the analysis, it is necessary to introduce the necessary doses of fertilizers and other ameliorative components for the autumn processing. Without these data, fertilization is undesirable.

What is important to consider before planning?

Before planning the garden, you need to consider some of the nuances:

  1. What area can be allocated for an orchard. Trees with spreading crowns need a distance of 4 sq. m.
  2. Terrain relief. A flat area or a gentle slope is suitable for an orchard, cold air in the pits, a lot of moisture, these areas are unfavorable for fruit trees.
  3. Analysis of the soils of the territory. Fruit crops have a strong root system, fertile soil is needed to ensure good nutrition. Stony, clayey, sandy soil is not suitable for the garden area. The proximity of groundwater has a negative effect on the growth of trees.
  4. The presence of light and heat. Fruit trees need the necessary amount of light and heat, as their growth slows down in the shade. An area with strong winds will not be very suitable as it interferes with proper pollination, dries up the land, damages crops and breaks branches. A high fence or green spaces serve as partial protection against it.

Features of the layout

The layout of the garden begins with paper diagrams. If there is a house on the territory, planning should be carried out from it. A diagram of the site, the contours of the object and other buildings, as well as places where there are trees, is applied to the paper. This area is protected by trees planted around it.

If the land is not built up, a plot is applied to the diagram for the construction of a house. The layout of the garden assumes the presence of a front garden. Housing should face the street, in front of it there is a part of the land for the front garden. Its size is determined by the area of ​​the territory.

On a small front garden, you need to plant flowers, berry bushes, on a large one - decorative and fruit trees, flowers. Large fruit plants - apple trees, pears - should preferably be planted in the northeastern part. There should be cherries and plums in between.


To have the correct layout of the garden and vegetable garden, you need to create sketches of the site. In the plan, you need to indicate the buildings, the approximate location of the remaining objects. It is necessary to mark holes for planting bushes and trees. They should be planted at a distance so that they do not shade as they grow.

Bushes and trees that are closely spaced do not grow well, moreover, this leads to diseases of horticultural crops. Fruit trees have a strong root system that must develop freely. If there are wild bushes or stumps on the territory that should be uprooted, all work must be done and the wood residues must be burned. Ash must be left in a dry place, it will be required to obtain fertile beds.

The layout of the garden on the site should be such that trees do not shade adjacent areas. Today, beds of the original form are fashionable, for example, a pizza garden. In this case, the rest are located from the round bed in the center. Raspberries, blackberries, berry bushes, bearing fruit and shade are planted near the boundaries of the site.

Which crops to choose?

When planning an orchard, you need to decide on the types of plants. It is necessary to select trees and shrubs that grow well and bear fruit in the area. For the middle lane, pears, apple trees, plums, cherry plums, and cherries are chosen. Cherries and apricots grow better in warmer regions.

From berry bushes, you can choose currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries. The layout of a garden on 10 acres is much easier than with a large area. With a small area, it is preferable to place shrubs around the perimeter. On vegetable beds, it is necessary to plant crops growing close to each other: cabbage, cucumbers, peas.

Popular types of layouts

The garden planning project will create an original plot. Now 4 design options are known:

  1. Straightforward. This option is not only beautiful but also simple. This arrangement allows you to put things in order on the site. This type of design allows you to get the effect of reducing the space.
  2. Circular arrangement. To get it, you need skills in landscape design. Such a design will allow you to create an orchard and flower beds, and it is more difficult to use it for a vegetable garden.
  3. Diagonal. In this way, you can arrange a garden plot of 15 acres and more. With the help of the diagonal directivity, visual volume is obtained. It allows you to compose the location of different areas.
  4. Creative option. There are no specific rules here. Usually it contains elements of other types. It is used for areas with a special configuration.

Each layout option is original in its own way. Before implementing a project, you need to draw it on paper. If you purchased land with some buildings and plantings that you do not want to clean, then they must be marked first.


The layout of a personal plot, garden, vegetable garden is not complete without communications equipment. The systems facilitate the operation and maintenance of the territory, improve functionality. They will create additional conditions.

To organize a garden plot, drainage systems, sewerage systems, the organization of the passage of a gas pipeline and water supply are required. A well, septic tank or well is also required. These engineering objects must be located at a sufficient distance from each other. There must be a street lighting system. Wiring must be carried out at a depth of 70 cm. Installation must be done prior to planting plants and arranging garden paths.

Recreation area

If the territory is divided into an orchard, it is necessary to determine a place for rest. Even in a small area, you can place a modest, but harmoniously inscribed gazebo. It should be beautiful and comfortable. In large areas, it will be possible to create a summer kitchen, a swimming pool, an observation deck, and more.

The list of ideas is limited only by the possibilities of the area and the desire of the owner. But in any case, the recreation area should be in a comfortable place, not interfere with other areas. It is preferable to remove it from utility blocks and communications.

Planting pit preparation

The layout of a small garden and a large plot assumes the correct planting of plants. Moreover, this must be done according to some rules. The garden should be laid in the fall. It is necessary to dig a planting hole according to the scheme, prepare fertilizers for the soil.

The pit will be approximate dimensions, since the final version is set on the size of the root system, which depends on the age of the seedling. The approximate size of the pit is 60x60, if the seedlings are 2-year-old, and for 3-year-olds it can be increased to 70x80 cm.

Soil preparation

Near each pit, the top layer of earth should be mixed with humus and peat. In the spring, before planting, 1 glass of wood ash and slaked lime and 200 g of nitrophoska are added to the mixture. Everything should be mixed thoroughly. Seedlings must be purchased from trusted producers.

Purchase and preparation of seedlings

Planting must be done in the spring. During the growing season, seedlings grow stronger. Young trees get used to their new habitat during the warm period. You should not purchase seedlings from unfamiliar sellers. It is advisable to do this on farms that grow them. Then it is more likely that a zoned variety will be bought. You need to inspect the purchased seedling. You should not take it if it has dry roots, a crooked trunk, cracks in the bark.


There are rules for planting seedlings. 1-2 days before that, they must be soaked in horse meat or another growth stimulator. Then you need to prepare a container of clay talker with root, planriz or phytosporin. Other biofungicides used for tank mixes are also suitable.

2-3 weeks before planting, you need to fill a part of the soil mixture with a cone into the hole. During this time, the cone will settle and the seedling will be correctly placed in the hole. It must be dipped in a chatterbox, inserted into a hole, and the root should be straightened so that there are no creases. 2/3 the pit is filled with soil mixture.

It is necessary to fill in a bucket of water. After absorption, you need to fill in the rest of the soil mixture or soil. You should drive in a stake and fix the seedling with an eight to the support. A loose seedling will break off small roots.

Landing subtleties

During planting, you need to check the correctness of the depth of the root collar. With deepening, the tree dries up after 5-10 years. With light sandy loam soils, it is advisable to slightly deepen the root collar into the soil - by 10 cm. In seedlings that form roots or shoots, deepening will not interfere with the proper development of the plant. Such crops quickly rebuild the root system.

In self-rooted seedlings, the root collar should be in the area of ​​the planting pit or 2-3 cm higher. And in the vaccinated, the vaccination site is 4-8 cm above the root collar. Novice gardeners often confuse these places. You need to be careful about planting, because if you make mistakes, the tree quickly dies.

If the root collar is correctly identified and the seedling is planted so that it is 4-5 cm above the soil, then the tree is planted correctly. It is necessary to tighten the kidney near the planting. At a distance from the trunk with a radius of 30-50 cm, you need to make a roller 5-7 cm high and pour 2-3 buckets of water.

The root collar should be 2-3 cm higher than the soil. If necessary, you can fill up the soil after watering and mulch with a layer of fine mulch. If you purchased live seedlings and the planting was carried out correctly, then after 2-3 weeks the first leaves will appear.

Determination of the root collar

  1. In a young seedling, wipe the bottom of the trunk and root with a damp cloth. The root collar can be identified by the transition from greenish to light brown.
  2. In adult seedlings (3-4 years old), wipe the lower area of ​​the trunk with a wet cloth and, after drying, scrape off the bark with a knife. If in the area of ​​expansion the shade of the subcrustal layer is green, then this is the stem, and if it is yellowish, then the root part. The place of the color transition is considered the root collar.
  3. In some seedlings, the place of origin of the upper lateral roots from the trunk is clearly visible. This will be the root collar.

What is prohibited when landing?

  1. Apply semi-rotten manure, only humus with soil.
  2. Water frequently with a little water. This dries out the soil.
  3. Use cold water for irrigation.
  4. Fertilize the plants in the first year.
  5. After planting, mulch the trunk area.

What do you need to do when landing?

  1. Seedlings should be whitened with a solution of chalk and clay, biological products for diseases and pests.
  2. Insulate the sash with burlap, paper, lutrasil.
  3. A chain-link mesh will protect the trunk from rodents.
  4. After a snowfall, trample the snow near the trunk.

Thus, the layout of the garden assumes competent zoning of the territory. It should have trees, shrubs, an area for recreation. Correct planting of plants is also necessary in compliance with all norms. Then you get a beautiful garden, created according to the rules of landscape design.

How to plant a garden correctly? This question is asked by everyone who has just become the owner of a small piece of land.

The same question is asked by someone whose mice (like mine) gnawed trees in winter. There are different systems of gardening: here are the advantages and disadvantages of each and will be discussed.

Ancestral experience

Our ancestors always had grass in their gardens. It was mowed for hay, geese and cattle were grazed on it. Fruit trees grew tall, but they did not give birth every year and there were no large harvests. What does this use of land under gardens give? Hay, maybe, and received some additional amount, and the living creatures left a lot of cakes, but the soil after grazing the herd was so trampled, so compacted that even good rains could not give the garden trees enough moisture.

The garden is not a place for grazing livestock and poultry. Photo from

The earth did not receive the required amount of oxygen, carbon dioxide did not linger in it. The soil was depleted, because the cut and eaten grass did not return to it. The conditions under which soil animals (earthworms, wood lice, bacteria and others) are able to restore fertility have disappeared. Not the soil in the garden was obtained, but the road. And how many things on the road can grow? That's right, nothing.

Tilling the soil in the garden

The twentieth century brought new technologies. It is with a shovel or a pitchfork all the soil under the garden trees and in the aisles it is too difficult and time-consuming to dig up. But a plow appeared, and gardeners realized that the land in the gardens could be plowed and fertilized every year.

So they left the bare ground under the open sky, without protecting it in any way. That is, there was steam in the garden. Yes, it was so easy to add,. But the disadvantages of using this technology turned out to be more.

  • First and foremost, the soil became less and less every year. Not protected by anything, it was simply washed away by the rains, especially if the garden was located on a slope (cultivation of the land in such gardens gives rise to ravines). Even on the plains, the redistribution of soil still took place, because there are very few absolutely flat fields in the world, and they, as a rule, are not given to gardens.
  • The second minus is that the roots of trees are located so that they use very little of the fertile soil layer, because they lie deeper.
  • The third - the roots of the trees were injured when plowing the row spacings (in the apple tree they extend 15 m from the trunk). The root system is difficult to recover, which means that the yield is falling.
Therefore, in gardens with tall trees, aisles can only be plowed to a depth of 20 cm, with medium-sized trees - no more than 15 cm, near-trunk circles - no deeper than 10 cm.Well, this is already work with a hoe can give such a depth of processing. And a person does not compact the soil as much as a tractor.

Given the significant disadvantages, it is clear that with this technology you won't be able to plant the garden correctly.

Parosideral technology

Seeing the problems described above, gardening scientists recommended reducing the plowing depth to 10 cm, and the roots of the trees immediately took up the available space. Then they decided that it was not worth using the plow, they switched to processing with milling cutters.

This helped the soil to partially recover itself. At the same time, they began to sow in the aisles, so that they could be plowed later. This method of planting and maintaining a garden was called parosideral. But we already know that green manure does not have to be plowed. This work can be successfully performed by earthworms and other soil animals.

And the seeds of various green manure can be picked up in our catalog, which contains the proposals of many large garden online stores. ...

The winter hardiness of apple trees does not decrease, their own biological rhythm of growth and development of trees does not change. Almost .

An important condition for laying a garden

But there is one caveat. It turns out that planting on plowed land is considered correct: let the garden live in a steam system for the first two years of life. At this time, the soil must be actively cultivated and fertilized. Then - sow honey plants, which will simultaneously be green manure. It is recommended to draw up the aisles only in gardens that have already begun to yield crops.

Sometimes it is advised not to sow all the aisles with herbs, leaving some fallow.

How to properly plant a garden in the country

This planting system is also recommended for private gardens in tiny areas. They just simplify it a little:
  • do not do any preparation and cultivation of the soil in the garden at all;
  • grow a lawn under the trees. Mow it in time, leaving the cut chopped greens where they grew. But the height of the grass should be left a little more than on a decorative lawn.

In a properly planted orchard, turf not only plays the role of a protector, it helps the soil to work in a natural rhythm and according to natural technologies, save water, and avoid drought. The trees in such a garden do not suffer from the wrong actions of a person, because he does not interfere, but helps them: somewhere with a pruner, somewhere with a garter, somewhere with an addition (it must be compensated for by the soil, because the trees give the crop). In a properly planted garden, trees of modern varieties should grow (although it is not forbidden to grow old favorites). If you got a plot with a ready-made turf (someone has grown a lawn or natural herbs), then mow the grass, leave mulch on the site. Remove the sod at the site of the future trunks.

Plant the seedlings correctly, cover the trunk circles with turf, water well. And let nature itself protect your garden, and it will require minimum labor costs from you. Now it is clear how to plant a garden correctly?

At first glance, planting a tree is not difficult: they dug a hole, set it up, dug it in. The survival rate of plants depends on adherence to the technological process and the choice of a place for each seedling. Today we will talk about how to plant a garden... We will determine the best season for planting young stock and figure out how to place the plants relative to each other.

If you do not want to understand all the technical details of planting, we recommend that you seek help from professional gardeners. Our experienced specialists will perform all types of garden work with high quality for a low fee: from planting to plant rejuvenation! :)

Season selection

The first worrying question: how to properly plant a garden on the site - in spring or autumn. Yes, yes, the choice is only from two seasons. The fact is that plants are planted (transplanted) only when they are in a dormant state. Large-sized animals are an exception - they are usually moved in a state of deep winter sleep. In the summer (during the active growing season), it is highly discouraged to transplant young growth from place to place. He is already accustomed to the area where he grows, and will receive a shock from a sharp change in the place of growth, as a result, without having time to get used to the new conditions, he will burn out in the sun or die from a deficiency of trace elements. Almost 100% of the seedlings planted in the summer become a good material for kindling firewood for a shish kebab.

So, back to the question: how to properly plant a garden in the country - in the fall or in the spring? The choice of the season depends on the climatic zone.

  1. In the southern lane planting work is carried out in the fall. If you plant seedlings here in the spring, they may not have time to take root before the onset of extreme heat, get burns, and die due to a lack of moisture.
  2. In the north- the opposite situation. Here you need to plant a garden in the spring. During the growing season, they will take root and calmly go into hibernation. Autumn planting is dangerous for plants. Most likely, they will not have time to acclimatize and will die with the onset of severe frosts. Having received frostbite.
  3. In the central lane you can do planting work twice a year. Here, autumn and spring planting give almost identical results: the young grow well in a temperate climate.

As a reminder, you can hand over all gardening work to professional gardeners. Our experienced specialists know how to properly plant a garden of goji shrubs, apple plants, pear plants, all types of stone fruits, as well as ornamental ones.

By the way, when planting a large volume of young stock, it is advisable to prepare a site for planting in advance. A whole range of works needs to be carried out on it. Here is carried out: cleaning of the territory, loosening, marking, drainage is installed, all pits are prepared at the same time. Without special equipment, only preparatory work will take many months. We have agricultural equipment and specialized tools, so we can prepare a large plot in a short time.

How to plant a garden correctly: planting scheme

Before proceeding to planting seedlings, it is necessary to create a plan for the future garden. First of all, planting norms are taken into account. Primary requirements:

  • The distance from the fruit bearers to the neighboring fence is from 3 m or more.
  • When planting trees near the house, you need to retreat so much that an adult tree does not destroy the foundation with its roots.
  • When planting young animals, the location of heating mains and the laying of power lines are taken into account.

Now consider, how to properly plant a garden and a vegetable garden relative to each other. Trees are positioned so that they do not shade garden plants as they grow. Please note that it is advisable to plant some crops in the immediate vicinity of the fruit-bearing plants. For example, coriander and dill lure entomophages - natural enemies of insect pests. Mustard, rapeseed and legumes can serve as natural organic fertilizers.

When distributing young stock on the site, calculate the minimum step between seedlings. To prevent adult trees from interfering with each other, the distance between them should be equal to the sum of their heights, or even more.

Now you know how to properly plant an orchard. As for the method of planting trees, we advise you to look at individual planting articles on our website. After all, each culture is unique and requires its own approach when planting: the terrain is selected in different ways, pits are prepared, fertilizers differ.

How to plant a garden video