Polyurethane foam: how harmful is it to human health? Polyurethane - harmful synthetics or high-tech material? Polyurethane pillow harm

Modern construction market is ready to offer its consumers both materials that have many years of use and a strong reputation, and a whole list polymers that came to the market not so long ago and are still gaining recognition from buyers. It is this group that includes polyurethane foam.

What is polyurethane foam?

This modern construction material Experts classify them as gas-filled plastics. consists of an inert gas phase of more than 85%. The scope of application of this material is wide and varied. However, fierce debate over whether polyurethane foam is harmful to health has not subsided for many years. The most discussed issues from this point of view include the behavior of the material during combustion and the release of toxic components when heated.

History of the material

The birth date of polyurethane foam can confidently be called 1937, when a small group of scientists from a laboratory in Levenkusen synthesized a material with unusual properties. Depending on the mixing ratio of the components of the new material and how quickly the reaction took place, the properties of polyurethane foam were radically different. On the one hand, the material was elastic and flexible, but rather weak to resist tensile loads. On the other hand - strength, hardness, density, but brittleness when bending. The material opened up extremely broad prospects, but the Second World War significantly slowed down their implementation. However, starting from the 60s of the last century, the production of polyurethane foam began to develop at a rapid pace.

Component composition of polyurethane foam

The main components included in polyurethane foam and necessary for the formation and attachment of polymer chains are polyol (component A) and polyisocyanate (component B). Sometimes domestic manufacturers can add another component to the polyol - a catalyst. The main components of polyurethane foam have a specific odor and are a liquid of a fairly thick consistency with shades from light yellow to dark brown.

During long-term storage, the polyol tends to exfoliate, so it is recommended to mix it before use. Polyisocyanate interacts with water - upon contact, crystallization begins. During long-term storage outdoors a film forms on the surface of the material. In my own way component composition PPU can be of two types - for spraying and for pouring.

Biogenic properties

Polyols and polyisocyanates used for the production of polyurethane foam are petroleum products. However, it is known that polyurethane foam components can also be produced from vegetable oils. The best option for this purpose - castor oil. The polyol component can also be obtained from sunflower, soybean, and rapeseed oils. However, the cost of these raw materials is quite high and production is not economically feasible. Biogenic polyurethane foam materials are produced in small volumes and are used to solve very narrow specific problems.

Properties of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers, has a number of both positive and negative characteristics.

Low (0.019 - 0.03 W/m), almost complete vapor permeability, water resistance make polyurethane foam an excellent heat and water insulator. The same can be said about sound insulation. The high adhesion coefficient makes it possible to apply polyurethane foam to almost any surface.

However, not only positive qualities characterized by polyurethane foam. Harm to human health can be caused during the burning of polyurethane foam (in the presence of a direct source of fire, the material burns). In addition, polyurethane foam releases toxic substances into the atmosphere - formaldehyde. Polyurethane foam, the components of which interact with air and are exposed to sunlight. Over time it darkens and falls off.

Scope of application of polyurethane foam

This modern building polymer has found wide application in various areas of human life. Its widest area of ​​application is in construction: thermal insulation, acoustic and waterproofing of civil and industrial facilities any purpose (residential, country houses, workshops, warehouses, hangars, etc.). Due to low thermal conductivity, polyurethane foam is used to insulate not only roofs, but also walls, both inside and outside buildings. Sandwich panels made of polyurethane foam are indispensable in the construction of prefabricated construction projects.

PPU with a density of 30-86 kg/m³ (rigid polyurethane foams) are used as noise and thermal insulation material. Material with a density of 70 kg/m³ has a dense structure, does not allow water to pass through and is successfully used for waterproofing work.

In the production of refrigeration equipment, polyurethane foam is used as a cold insulator. The shoe industry uses the material to make various elements shoes and instep supports.

However, there are areas where the benefits of using a material such as polyurethane foam are very questionable. Lining material and fillings for upholstered furniture, mattresses, pillows, etc. can be harmful to health. (polyurethane foam with a density of 5-40 g/m³ - soft foam blocks). Although PU foam manufacturers claim that the material is environmentally and biologically neutral, its use as a filler for children's toys can also make parents think about the health of their children.

Sleeping in the arms of PPU...

We will talk about such bedding items as polyurethane foam mattresses. Harm, quite serious, can be caused by inhaling fumes of complex volatile chemical compounds (about 30 types), the most dangerous of which are phenol and 2-ethylhexanoic acid. Moreover, new mattresses filled with polyurethane foam emit 5-6 times more into the atmosphere hazardous substances than the old ones. The concentration of vapors of these substances is comparable to emissions from a new laminate flooring.

Assurances about the safety of mattresses filled with polyurethane foam are questionable for the simple reason that at the stage of their manufacture resins, catalysts, solvents, and active chemical components (phenol!) are used.

Is phenol a big threat?

Phenol is considered a toxic substance because it emits toxic fumes, and this process can continue for years without reducing or losing toxicity. This chemical element may cause disruption to activities critical systems human body: respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular. The consequence may be headaches, loss of consciousness, and impaired coordination of movements. Kidney and liver function may also be affected. Constant contact with phenol and its vapors can cause the appearance of such serious diseases as asthma, infectious pulmonary pathologies, and allergies.

According to scientists involved in research in this area, the use of polyurethane foam for the manufacture of children's furniture, mattresses, and toys is unjustified. Polyurethane foam may well be replaced with safer materials. If parents are concerned about the health of their children, they need to be very careful when choosing toys and mattresses for them, in which polyurethane foam can be used as a filler. The majority of civilized countries have banned the production of everyday goods.

What else is harmful?

Polyurethane foam products are widely used in many areas of human life. and foam board based on polyurethane foam have a negative effect on the lungs, skin, and eyes. Thermal insulation boards made from polyurethane foam release toxic polyisozoanate compounds into the air, which can cause allergies or asthma. When heating PPU boards heating batteries or sunlight, the release of polyisocyanate is enhanced.

If a fire occurs, polyurethane foam burns and releases toxic gases, which is additional source dangers and threats to life. However, it is worth noting that in Lately Increasingly, non-flammable types of polyurethane foam are being used, obtained by introducing special additives into their composition. Such polyurethane foam practically does not cause any harm to health.

So where is the truth?

Polyurethane foam - what is it? Is it harmful or beneficial? A huge number of places where polyurethane foam is used various fields human life does not allow us to give an unambiguous answer to this question. For the construction industry, this is certainly a benefit, and a huge one. Possibility to make a mixture and apply polyurethane foam to the insulated surface directly on construction site reduces associated costs and allows you to create a monolithic PPU surface without cracks during installation and Thermal insulation of main low-temperature pipelines in the chemical industry is also currently hardly possible with the same efficiency that polyurethane foam provides.

However, the use of this material in the production of goods for people (and for children in particular) seems to many specialists in this field not entirely justified. The release of toxic substances may have an impact Negative influence on human health. Even before 2003, the manufacturing technology of domestic components for the production of polyurethane foam included the use of highly volatile ether compounds. Today, manufacturers claim that this technology has been abandoned. Within 3 days after application, the material is freed from a small amount of gases remaining after the reaction of the components, and after that the polyurethane foam is environmentally friendly.

In general, in each specific case, before using products made from polyurethane foam, you need to take a sensible approach to assessing all the pros and cons of using this material in a particular area of ​​life.


civil engineer

It’s useless to ask Nadezhny and K about this, because they absolutely don’t know the material itself, they created a topic about the material itself, but they can’t really say anything about it (this message from reliable shows his knowledge about polyurethane foam well
They all write about what cannot be used on facades. (So they would create a topic “you cannot use polyurethane foam on facades” and would justify it with their only argument “there is no technical certificate”, they used to have the slogan “the high cost of polyurethane foam”, then polyurethane foam is harmful, but then we switched to a technical certificate, since there are NO other compelling reasons for using polyurethane foam on facades.
The PU foam material itself easily outperforms PENOPLAST in properties, so the foam brethren stirred up

Expanded polystyrene -

Expanded polystyrene -

Expanded polystyrene -

Expanded polystyrene -

Expanded polystyrene -

Expanded polystyrene - there is no harm. .

Expanded polystyrene -


I understand that I’m stopping you from recouping your investment in your foaming pots and hoses, but what can you do, not everything is suitable for building houses. Change your job... make, for example, contraceptives for men... although it’s not necessary, with your quality on your knee in the garage, the young ladies’ swollen eyes will scratch out... well, I don’t know what to do then. But stop fooling people with your PPU coating.

Even on the creepy panorama from Yandex you can see the blackness on the facade, from the crumbling foam.
http://maps.yandex.ru/?text=Russia, Ulyanovsk, Novosondetsky Boulevard, 22&sll=48.580864,54.381601&ll=48.581282,54.381045&spn=0.041370,0.005311&z=15&l=map,stv&ol=stv&oll=48 .58128206,54.38104489&ost= dir:-4.735709522131145,37.156280290533076~spn:102.89093780465933,44.359120457019856

I was recently in Tula, this is where the PPU people really make money, the number of building facades is off the charts.

Firstly, when polyurethane foam falls out, it is not black, but red, and secondly, if you are talking about what is visible on the 15th floor, it is not polyurethane foam. I have already given photographs of the third floor and even “Reliable”, the only negative I found was that it was poor appearance, with which I hastened to agree. Otherwise, the facade has been alive for at least 8 years and signs of destruction are difficult to notice.


  • Registration: 11/18/13 Messages: 1,192 Thanks: 309

    Everything has been listed a long time ago, refresh your memory:

    I wonder how PPU beats PPS?

    PPU - does not have a Technical Certificate, and therefore a permit for use for insulation of buildings (neither roofs, nor walls, anywhere)
    Expanded polystyrene - there is a GOST, registered as insulation in all facade systems SFTK is used without any restrictions for thermal insulation of all building structures

    PPU - price of material per cubic meter - 10-12 thousand
    Expanded polystyrene - façade grade 2 thousand/cub.m. For economists, there is brand 15 for 1.5 thousand rubles (but it is not recommended to anyone)

    PPU - You can’t spray polyurethane foam yourself, you need to train and buy expensive equipment
    Expanded polystyrene - can be installed independently without training, anyone can work with polystyrene foam, no equipment is required.

    PPU - the quality of the material is unknown, since it depends on the equipment, on which everyone likes to save, and on knowledge, which is different for everyone. Almost all of the polyurethane foam spraying that is offered is carried out by single garage artisans; the quality of the spraying cannot be checked, which means there is also no traceability and no guarantees.
    Expanded polystyrene - factory-made material, the quality of which is constantly checked in laboratories for both output and input (raw material) quality.

    PPU - It is impossible to make claims regarding the quality of spraying, since there are no standards or approved technology at all, and you cannot win a single lawsuit, even if you go there. The customer will not be able to control the quality of foaming and application.
    Expanded polystyrene - all factory-made material that has all the documents prescribed by law, for the quality of which the specific manufacturer of the material is responsible. It’s not a problem to assess the quality on site.

    PPU - carcinogenic material (this property is approved by the European Directive of 2010)
    Expanded polystyrene - there is no harm. Food packaging is made from polystyrene foam.

    PPU - does not have laboratory tests or documentation to make calculations according to “Thermal Engineering”. Neither thermal conductivity, density dependence, nor vapor permeability is known. There are no technical data for calculations.
    Expanded polystyrene - a thoroughly researched material that has GOST and all the necessary chemical and physical data for both application and for all necessary calculations when designing building structures.

    Baikal, Enough with the dregs already going around the 10th circle, I'm tired of it. Your PPU sellers are just gossip. There is not a single piece of solid evidence. By the way, if you hate polystyrene foam so much, then don’t buy products in the store packaged in polystyrene foam, especially fish - it’s all delivered in polystyrene foam packaging, even fresh ones are in polystyrene foam boxes right on the display. Also throw out your computer, keyboard and everything. household appliances- this is also polystyrene (just not foamed) and ABS plastics, which are made from styrene. But I like polyurethane, I won’t give it up... excellent sealants, even superior to barrier contraception, but foamed polyurethane, and for insulating buildings, is naffik-naffik.

    Here's a great message! This is what I called for from the very beginning. Clearly and point by point your complaints about the material. Now you can also disagree, agree, or decide for yourself that some of this can be neglected.

  • I wonder how PPU beats PPS?

    PPU - does not have a Technical Certificate, and therefore a permit for use for insulation of buildings (neither roofs, nor walls, anywhere)
    Expanded polystyrene - there is a GOST, it is registered as insulation in all SFTK facade systems, it is used without any restrictions for thermal insulation of all building structures

    PPU - price of material per cubic meter - 10-12 thousand
    Expanded polystyrene - façade grade 2 thousand/cub.m. For economists, there is brand 15 for 1.5 thousand rubles (but it is not recommended to anyone)

    PPU - You can’t spray polyurethane foam yourself, you need to train and buy expensive equipment
    Expanded polystyrene - can be installed independently without training, anyone can work with polystyrene foam, no equipment is required.

    PPU - the quality of the material is unknown, since it depends on the equipment, on which everyone likes to save, and on knowledge, which is different for everyone. Almost all of the polyurethane foam spraying that is offered is carried out by single garage artisans; the quality of the spraying cannot be checked, which means there is also no traceability and no guarantees.
    Expanded polystyrene - factory-made material, the quality of which is constantly checked in laboratories for both output and input (raw material) quality.

    PPU - It is impossible to make claims regarding the quality of spraying, since there are no standards or approved technology at all, and you cannot win a single lawsuit, even if you go there. The customer will not be able to control the quality of foaming and application.
    Expanded polystyrene - all factory-made material that has all the documents prescribed by law, for the quality of which the specific manufacturer of the material is responsible. It’s not a problem to assess the quality on site.

    PPU - carcinogenic material (this property is approved by the European Directive of 2010)
    Expanded polystyrene - there is no harm. Food packaging is made from polystyrene foam.

    PPU - does not have laboratory tests or documentation to make calculations according to “Thermal Engineering”. Neither thermal conductivity, density dependence, nor vapor permeability is known. There are no technical data for calculations.
    Expanded polystyrene - a thoroughly researched material that has GOST and all the necessary chemical and physical data both for use and for all the necessary calculations when designing building structures.

    Baikal, Enough with the dregs already going around the 10th circle, I'm tired of it. Your PPU sellers are just gossip. There is not a single piece of solid evidence. By the way, if you hate polystyrene foam so much, then don’t buy products in the store packaged in polystyrene foam, especially fish - it’s all delivered in polystyrene foam packaging, even fresh ones are in polystyrene foam boxes right on the display. Also, throw away your computer, keyboard and all household appliances - these are also polystyrene (just not foamed) and ABS plastics, which are made from styrene. But I like polyurethane, I won’t give it up... excellent sealants, even superior to barrier contraception, but foamed polyurethane, and for insulating buildings, is naffik-naffik.

    I understand that I’m stopping you from recouping your investment in your foaming pots and hoses, but what can you do, not everything is suitable for building houses. Change your job... make, for example, contraceptives for men... although it’s not necessary, with your quality on your knee in the garage, the young ladies’ swollen eyes will scratch out... well, I don’t know what to do then. But stop fooling people with your PPU coating.

    All ratings in favor of expanded polystyrene definitely apply in favor of rigid PU foam boards, the production of PU foam boards in paper, foil, and glass-canvas. I think that you can’t compare slab insulation with sprayed polyurethane foam because it different methods its application and use in structures. It has its pros and cons, but regarding the comparison of the structure itself, chem. composition - you can then operate with this data in defense or attack! after all, the topic is called in defense of polyurethane foam; polyurethane foam is polyurethane foam. I operate polyurethane foam exclusively as a material from the point of view of environmental friendliness, resource, safety, fire hazard, thermal conductivity, which is not lost over time (like polystyrene foam, for example). Also, the Q indicator is the compressive strength of your polystyrene foam) it has 2 tons per square meter. meter. For polyurethane foam from 15 tons.
    Therefore, the creator of this post needs to make a decision! what did he mean about PPU? I believe that PPU is polyurethane foam. This is a material that is used in construction as thermal insulation. There are many different types of polyurethane foam. It is found in all pillows sold at IKEA, for example, cushioned furniture and many other options. By the way, foam plastic and min. there is no cotton wool there! but there is PPU.
    It seems to me that we need to add PU foam as a spray method as insulation to the title of the topic. And then you can argue about this method ad infinitum. But if you leave everything as it is. That PPU-polyurethane foam, then everyone who operates against this component as a material that is used as insulation in construction, please compare polyurethane foam with your foam plastics, wool, extrusions, and provide information with evidence that your material is better! I HAVE ALREADY SAID A LOT IN DEFENSE OF PPU and added certificates and laboratory results. So what are we arguing about next, about polyurethane foam or about the method of applying it to the surface?

  • Registration: 04/30/13 Messages: 1,567 Thanks: 1,616


    civil engineer

    Registration: 04/30/13 Messages: 1,567 Thanks: 1,616 Address: Moscow

    PPU cannot be insulated with anything at all. Only ready-made sandwich panels and pipe shells are produced. This is all.

  • Registration: 11/18/13 Messages: 1,192 Thanks: 309

    PPU cannot be insulated with anything at all. Only ready-made sandwich panels and pipe shells are produced. This is all.
    Let me remind you that you can’t use polyurethane foam for insulation, but if you really want to drive away complete hackwork, let’s assume... let’s take four different designs insulation and calculate the cost of such insulation.
    I'll spend my time on a witch hunt, so be it... Offer two designs. I will also offer two. Go?

    I would be interested in such a comparison! The issue of the attic is relevant to me now. Roof area 102 m2. Configuration - 4 pitched. Construction from inside to outside - rafters (50*250), sheathing with 25 boards, corrugated sheeting. There are no ventilation gaps, no counter-battens. Board natural humidity(did not dry in the chamber). There are 4 dormer windows 1600*900.
    I propose this construct as one of 4 shieldable ones.

  • Registration: 12/22/11 Messages: 104 Thanks: 64

    and in terms of thermal conductivity, a cube of polystyrene foam and a cube of polyurethane foam are two big differences. Thus, you need one and a half cubes of polystyrene foam per cube of polyurethane foam. This time. Thus, we get 3,000 rubles for the foam material and 3,000 rubles for the installation of the foam. Total 6000 for what can be called insulation. By the way, PPU can be different. Open cell can be found for 5 thousand cubic meters.
  • Registration: 11/18/13 Messages: 1,192 Thanks: 309

    and in terms of thermal conductivity, a cube of polystyrene foam and a cube of polyurethane foam are two big differences. Thus, you need one and a half cubes of polystyrene foam per cube of polyurethane foam. This time. Thus, we get 3,000 rubles for the foam material and 3,000 rubles for the installation of the foam. Total 6000 for what can be called insulation. By the way, PPU can be different. Open cell can be found for 5 thousand cubic meters.

    Let's leave theoretical reasoning behind. Octagon suggested making the correct “full-scale” calculations. Isn't this an objective comparison?

    That is, we take as a basis the standards for the thermal conductivity of enclosing structures (I know that there are requirements, but I don’t know what they are). And we calculate how much it will cost to achieve such results using 3 materials - cotton wool, PPS, PU foam.

  • Behind last decade the amount of use of polyurethane foam for various thermal insulation in our country has increased by more than one or two times, but by as much as five times! It's worth thinking about this.

    At the very peak of the popularity of this wonderful heat-insulating material, a large number of different myths began to appear regarding the environmental friendliness and safety of sprayed polyurethane foam insulation, both for human health and for environment.

    In order to understand everything, namely how safe and environmentally friendly this heat-insulating material is, first of all you need to know what polyurethane foam itself is and what it consists of. And so everything is in order.

    This material is similar in structure to ordinary soap foam, since it consists of insulated cells that contain gas. Difference compared to soap suds is that the cells of a given material are the same size. The gas itself accounts for almost ninety-five percent of the total volume of polyurethane foam, and it is a heat insulator. And the remaining five percent is nothing more than a solid polymer.

    IN initial methods freon was used in the manufacture of polyurethane foam, but according to new laws, its import into our country is strictly prohibited and at this time in the manufacture of this heat insulator they are used, without any exception, absolutely environmentally friendly clean materials, such as soybean, water, various vegetable oils. Because of this it is often called environmentally friendly thermal insulation, not harmful to human health and the environment.
    You may be wondering: “Does polyurethane foam emit any harmful substances that are toxic to our health and the environment?” And we will also give a clear explanation to this question.

    Is polyurethane foam harmful?

    Among the many different thermal insulation materials, polyurethane foam deservedly occupies one of the leading places. However, even mineral wool, which is considered fundamentally safe, emits formaldehyde, which is hazardous to health, which, as you may or may not know, is contained in the adhesive base and helps the mineral wool fibers maintain their shape. It is also worth adding that polyurethane foam, unlike mineral wool, is not an allergen, therefore mineral wool It is strictly prohibited to use in children's and medical buildings. In such facilities, polyurethane foam is used in most cases. Polyurethane foam itself is not flammable and is not an allergen. This material has low thermal conductivity and even with a short-term local fire the smoldering process itself is completely excluded.

    At this time, the use of various highly volatile ether fractions in the production of polyurethane foam is completely excluded. It does not contain asbestos, freon, formaldehyde and other various harmful to health and the environment chemical products. After the PU foam spraying process, no harmful substances are detected in the room.

    High-quality sprayed thermal insulation with polyurethane foam improves the microclimate of the treated room several times: humidity is reduced, air leaks are reduced, mold does not form, and dust is not allowed through. From the above, it follows that high-quality spraying of polyurethane foam contributes to twice the energy savings for heating the room, which leads to the conservation of natural resources and makes a significant contribution to the environment and nature. These, if you can call it that, are useful and unique properties polyurethane foam make it one of the leaders among the endless variety of different polymers.

    Currently, due to their environmentally friendly properties and safety Sprayed polyurethane foam thermal insulation is increasingly used in industrial, residential and administrative facilities. At this point in time, environmental requirements are becoming more stringent and important, so many experts are confident that thermal insulation by spraying polyurethane foam will still rapidly regain lost ground from those materials that are significantly inferior to it in these parameters.

    From this we can say with great confidence that sprayed thermal insulation is the future! Make your choice together with the UyuTerm company in favor of an environmentally friendly, non-hazardous, modern, thermal insulation material - polyurethane foam!

    5 years!

    surveyor's visit

    Only high quality

    12 years old!

    Is polyurethane foam really harmful?

    Polyurethane foam is most often positioned as a “green” building material due to its energy-saving properties. It insulates better than fiberglass or cellulose, as well as many other materials. However, when assessing environmental friendliness, it is important to consider whether polyurethane foam in liquid or solid form is harmful to health. When considering materials such as polyurethane foam, health harm is assessed by analyzing the side effects that can be caused by the chemicals in its composition. When dried, a correctly applied layer of polyurethane foam does not emit any substances into the atmosphere; harmful fumes are possible only with unprofessional handling. Let's look at the worst case.

    Harmful properties of polyurethane foam components

    The components of the polyurethane foam mixture in liquid form create potentially dangerous fumes, which cause possible harm from polyurethane foam. Therefore, personnel directly spraying PU foam, as well as people located near the spraying site, must use appropriate protective equipment. If all safety measures are followed, even in liquid form the mixture is not hazardous to health. Manufacturers rightly claim that dried polyurethane foam is not harmful to health if the ingredients of both phases are properly mixed and reacted completely. If correct chemical reaction does not occur, the components of the mixture may release toxic fumes. Let's consider the harmfulness of polyurethane foam in this case:

    • Isocyanates contained in paints, polyurethane foam and other foam materials can cause asthma as an occupational disease in workers who come into direct contact with these substances without protection.
    • Amine catalysts may cause hypersensitivity and irritation resulting in blurred vision. Is liquid polyurethane foam harmful if inhaled continuously? Such contact can cause severe irritation, ulcers and burns of the mouth, throat, and esophagus.
    • The polyol manifests itself only upon direct contact with the body (for example, when swallowing), provoking vomiting, spasms and intoxication of the central nervous system. nervous system
    • Fire retardants can accumulate in the body, causing chronic poisoning even at low doses of evaporation.

    You need to understand that polyurethane is harmful only when misuse, the use of low-quality sprayers and the lack of special protection when working with this material. Spray polyurethane foam is only harmful if safety regulations are not followed.

    Is a polyurethane foam insulation layer harmful for residential premises?

    This question concerns the vast majority of amateur builders, since very often special additives are a production secret, and it is not possible to find out how harmful polyurethane foam is. Any mixture produced undergoes the most stringent tests to confirm its non-toxicity when different conditions operation. So the actual harm to polyurethane foam is zero if you use a mixture from a trusted manufacturer that has all the necessary quality and safety certificates.

    Polyurethane foam and harm to health: how to avoid negative consequences?

    There are three main mistakes made when working with PPU:

    • Failure to comply with operating requirements
    • Ignoring protective equipment in direct contact with liquid foam mixtures
    • Using low-quality sprayers

    Advice from a professional

    To minimize the inhalation of spray fumes or their deposition on internal surfaces it is recommended to provide good ventilation the room being processed.

    Our article about polyurethane foam spraying technology will help you avoid the first two mistakes. Regarding the sprayer, it is preferable to use devices high pressure, which ensure uniform mixing of both phases of the mixture with 100% completion of the chemical reaction, due to which the question of whether the components of polyurethane foam are harmful disappears. In addition, this spraying ensures guaranteed quality of the coating.

    A polyurethane foam mattress, unlike a latex or coconut fiber mattress, is relatively inexpensive option. Moreover, it is much more comfortable to sleep on, it is softer, but at the same time it is also good for posture. The material is breathable and you won’t sweat while you sleep, which means you won’t get any skin rashes like you would from sleeping on a material that can’t boast of breathability.

    It can also be repaired with regular glue in case of a cut or delamination. Overall, from a practical point of view, this is a pretty good thing. And, if you add a nice price, it’s absolutely wonderful.

    Any orthopedist can say that PU foam is much more beneficial for the spine than the same coconut... But such a number of advantages cannot appeal to those who produce more expensive products. For example, mattresses made of natural latex, based on rubber, which faded into the background with the advent of polyurethane foam, which is not at all surprising.

    The fuss that has arisen around the new product is not entirely clear, since both coconut and latex mattresses also contain a lot of chemicals, they are only positioned as natural. But tell me, where does so much rubber come from in the world? But, we are not talking about it, but about polyurethane foam.

    What is there in PPU that you should be afraid of?

    If you look at the chemical composition of polyurethane foam, then at first glance, the mixture is indeed simply terrifying. Here's a look at what's involved in the process of making this foam, which resembles foam rubber:

    • Arsenic
    • Phosphorus
    • Tin
    • Tertiary amine
    • Toluene
    • Phenol
    • Double isocyanite
    • High molecular weight alcohol
    • Silicone surfactant
    • Chemical dyes

    But... Just for fun, find the composition of regular baker's yeast on the Internet. The composition there will be no less interesting! And in general, if you take any non-natural substance apart, then the list chemical substances will be scary.

    But in fact, when polyurethane foam has reacted and hardened, it does not release into the atmosphere any of the terrible toxins that advocates of environmentally friendly things attribute to it.

    Polyurethane can release poison, in the literal sense of the word, in one case: combustion and heating above 200 degrees. But is it possible for the temperature in the apartment to rise like that? Or did you yourself, in a dream, take it and get hot?

    It’s not advisable to iron it, yes. However, this applies to almost everything. Do not heat laminate, plastic, plastic, lenoleum, stretch ceiling... No matter which way you look, there is harm everywhere.

    Regular glass contains lead. The dishes, no matter how you start to disassemble them into molecules, also release the most terrible substances into the food, which are not comparable to life at all. So, do you eat from clay bowls now? So there, if you look closely, you can detect a large dose of radiation. In asphalt too, in concrete too...

    But this is all theory. But in practice, complaints from consumers that polyurethane foam mattress led to asthma, allergies and other things that environmentalists warn about - did not happen.

    The only thing you can notice is that brand new polyurethane foam mattresses smell of phenol (smell like fresh gouache). Some people are afraid of this smell and consider it extremely toxic. But phenol disappears within three days, or even faster, and then there are no strong evaporations at all.


    Buy, don't be afraid! Life is a harmful thing in principle, and if you believe everything, you will have to go live on a desert island and build a hut from palm leaves.