The best innovative projects in tourism have been named. Tourism project “Tourism as a means of health improvement and acquisition of safety skills for younger schoolchildren”

Butorova Evgenia

This work talks about the possibilities for the development of rural tourism in the Kesovogorsk region. The advantageous aspects of project implementation at the level of participation of local authorities are considered.



Municipal general educational institution

Kesovogorsk secondary school


“Development of rural tourism in Kesovogorye”

Project type: social,


Subject: geography,

local history

Completed by a student of grade 10 “B”

Municipal educational institution Kesovogorsk secondary school

Butorova Evgenia

Project leader: geography teacher

Municipal educational institution Kesovogorsk secondary school

Galkina Marina Anatolyevna


  1. What is agritourism.……………………………………5

1.1. Development of rural tourism in Russia…………………………… 7

1.2. Development of agrotourism in the Tver region…………………. 10

  1. Opportunities for the development of rural tourism in the Kesovogorsk region……………………………………………………….14


Sources of information…………………………………………19



Recently, people living in big cities have become homesick for nature, for living in natural, environmentally friendly conditions. The desire to learn how everything grows on earth, how our ancestors lived, and to communicate with nature has created a new tourism industry. Such concepts as rural tourism, ecotourism (ecotours), agrotourism (agritours) have appeared.

All these concepts are similar in essence and offer outdoor recreation in the natural habitat of farmers, peasants and rural residents.

We can say that the increased interest of tourists in rural areas associated with changes in living conditions modern man. Because of living in big cities, health deteriorates, and there is a need to restore it. In addition, holidays in rural areas can also help with mental health.

Living in a rural area in the home of people who work the land or raise animals will be interesting and educational for any city dweller. Many of them have no idea how potatoes, cucumbers or strawberries grow. Despite the Soviet-era dacha boom, many do not have the opportunity to travel outside the city and experience rural life.

Hypothesis: The Kesovogorsk region has the necessary resources (natural, economic, social) for the development of agrotourism.

The goal of the project is to explore the possibility of developing agrotourism in Kesovogorye; propose options for the development of rural tourism on Kesovogorsk land.

1. Study the phenomenon of agrotourism.

2. Study the level of tourism development in the Tver region.

3. Explore the resource capabilities of the Kesovogorsk region in the development of rural tourism.

4. Design an agrotourism option using the village of Khoryshevo, Kesovogorsk district.

Subject of research: rural tourism (agritourism)

Object of study: village of Khoryshevo (Kesovogorsky district)

Research methods:

  1. Work with documents;
  2. Summarizing the received materials;
  3. Preparation and execution of work.

The novelty of the work lies in the fact that this form of tourism has not yet been organized in the region. Agritourism is a new activity with great potential in tourism and modern agriculture.

It can be determined that agritourism raises the role of local history and will help solve the problems of rural development.

  1. What is agritourism

Agritourism is a fairly new direction in the tourism industry. It is also commonly called rural, ecotourism or green tourism.

Rural tourism is a sector of the tourism industry focused on the use of natural, cultural, historical and other resources of the countryside and its specifics to create a comprehensive tourism product.

  • Expected results from the implementation of rural tourism:
    - Increase in the influx of tourists;
    - Attracting investments;
    - Increase in the number of small businesses in rural areas;
    - Development of personal subsidiary plots;
    - Reducing the migration of rural residents to cities;
    - Creation of additional jobs;
    - Income growth and improvement of living standards of rural residents at relatively low financial costs;
    - Improving the well-being of the rural population and achieving financial and budgetary self-sufficiency of the regions as a whole;
    - Increase in revenues to regional and local budgets;
    - Increase in sales of personal products peasant farm and farming;
    - Development of the service sector by expanding the range of tourism services;
    - Preservation of local attractions, local customs, folklore, folk crafts.

A prerequisite for implementation of this product is that tourist accommodation facilities (as a rule, individual, as well as specialized) are located in rural areas (or small towns without industrial and multi-storey buildings).

The population of rural areas (possibly urban), including farmers, who have empty houses, rooms or floors in their own houses, provides them with minimal furniture and the availability of household items (dishes, bed linen, towels, etc.) for rent from two days up to several months. To create a more cordial welcome, hosts can offer Additional services for guests: organization of entertainment events (sauna, going out together for barbecue, berry and mushroom picking, fishing, hunting, horse riding, etc.); attracting a guest to help with simple agricultural work, such as, for example, feeding animals, harvesting berries or cucumbers, it is possible to provide assistance in looking after the children of guests, etc.

Today it is actively developing both throughout the world and in Russia.

It first appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. The ecology of large cities has deteriorated, life has accelerated, as a result, constant stress, fatigue - the townspeople have been drawn with terrible force to their roots: to traditions, to the delights of naturalness and simplicity. Prestigious resorts on the seashore, in the mountains - have already become boring. From variability and bustle modern life people ran to the village to hide behind the constancy of patriarchal life. Since then, ecotourism has only gained momentum.

It is most widespread in our time in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Great Britain. These and some others European states under the auspices of the Council of Europe they even united into the Central and Eastern European Federation for the Development of Rural Green Tourism.

Europeans have long understood that organizing recreation in rural areas can bring, although not very large, a stable income. In countries, according to some estimates, agritourism brings in 10% - 20% of the total income of the tourism industry. Moreover, such a holiday in Europe is preferred by about 35% of the population.

Without a doubt, the entire Western world is now experiencing a boom in eco-tourism. A number of objective factors contribute greatly. Firstly, this is a truly family vacation. The main clients of peasant houses are families with children. It is the children, who think that buns grow on trees and milk is produced immediately in tetrapacks, who discover a lot of new things and get a lot of interesting, vivid impressions. Secondly, we are attracted by the low cost of agricultural tours - from 10 to 20 dollars per day. Thirdly, the influx of city residents to the village helps improve the infrastructure of the outback. New roads and houses are being built, modern communications are being laid, cafes and shops are appearing - everything without which a city dweller cannot feel normal. It is precisely because of the increase in the level of service that many experts, despite today’s prosperity, predict the imminent decline of ecotourism in Europe. Urbanization of the countryside will destroy rural tourism. The city dweller goes for new impressions, for the smell of hay and cow dung, but finds the same type of houses, dry closets, decorative pigs and fake peasants with fake smiles - like from illustrations to Fet’s poems. Why should a village worker cultivate the land if entertaining the townspeople is easier and more profitable? The main condition – naturalness – has been destroyed. Where can one find it in the thoroughly synthetic Western world? Another thing is the unexplored and wild expanses of Russia.

1.1. Development of rural tourism in Russia

Russia is the future Mecca of agricultural tourism. She just doesn’t even suspect it yet. Most Russians don’t even know that this type of recreation exists. Even fewer will boast that they have tried these travel services on themselves. Many, in the literal sense, have only seen this in the movies.

In our country, holidays in the Bahamas, Hawaii, Mallorca and Cyprus are considered super prestigious. At a time when the whole world is already tired of the pathos and cloying luxury of fashionable resorts. The aroma of freshly cut grass, the invigorating coolness of the river, the mysterious twilight of the forest, the singing of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers - this is real relaxation for the soul and body. Only being alone with nature can you feel safe and truly relax.

Life, once again, brings a surprise. About ten years ago, no one could have imagined that vacationing with your grandmother in the village was not only cheap, comfortable and cheerful, but also fashionable. As it turned out.

As part of the Moscow International Tourism Fair (MITF-2009), the fate of rural tourism in Russia was discussed. At the conference “Rural tourism as a factor in the socio-economic development of the region and public diplomacy”, organized by the International Tourism Academy, the achievements, problems and prospects of this type of tourism were announced.

According to conference participants, rural tourism will help regions survive the crisis and improve the standard of living of the rural population.

According to the conference participants, rural tourism is not only a business, but also a type of public diplomacy. Modern people they don’t want to live in isolation in hotels. They want to communicate with the local population, learn about life and traditions. Therefore, home owners must create a favorable image of the country when foreign tourists come to them, and establish internal connections when guests from other regions of Russia come.

It is believed that rural tourism is best developed in the regions of the North-West federal district. For example, in Leningrad region there is a school to train house owners. IN Vologda region Trainings and master classes are held with heads of administrations.

A book has been published to help the regions - a guide to rural tourism.

Consumer or target group in Russia there may be:

1. Families with children

2. Elderly people

3. Elderly people with grandchildren

4. Companies of young people

5. People who love sports (if appropriate sports services are available, such as horse riding, ski rental, etc.)

What do tourists expect from rural tourism?

  • Calm and regular rural life;
  • Clean air, rural silence and natural products;
  • Comfortable living conditions;
  • Homely atmosphere;
  • Reasonable prices;
  • Feelings of closeness with nature;
  • Getting new impressions;
  • Possibility of entertainment for children and leisure for adults.

I would like to note that in Russia agritourism has not yet become as widespread as it is abroad. In fact, in our vast country there are still many undeveloped places suitable for this type of recreation. This niche remains vacant for now. Travel industry experts predict unprecedented success for this industry. I would like to note that Russia has enormous resources for this. Moreover, tourists show the greatest interest in the oldest villages and hamlets. This is due to the desire to be in a remote corner, untouched by civilization.

What to do in the village?

Tourists in Russia organize exciting hikes in the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, swim in a river or lake, and go boating. You can also go fishing or hunting, and how nice it will be to take a steam bath after that in a real Russian bathhouse! In addition, this type of holiday offers traditional Russian cuisine: honey, kvass, porridge, borscht - all made from natural products. This happens practically full immersion into rural life. If desired, tourists can also take part in agricultural work. Tourists willingly engage in, for example, harvesting crops, berries, vegetables, and feeding animals.

Tourists actively get acquainted with the culture of the village, way of life, and traditions. They are unique in every region and region of Russia. You can take part in folk festivals. It is also interesting to master some crafts during your vacation, for example, learn how to milk a cow, weave a basket from a wicker, ride a horse or tractor.

Most often, tours are purchased for 5-10 days. In second place in demand in rural tourism are “weekend tours”. The most preferred holiday time is, of course, summer. But it is also very popular winter holidays in the village, which has a number of advantages.

1.2. Development of agrotourism in the Tver region

Agritourism is a relatively new direction of tourism both for Russia in general and for the Tver region in particular. For the first time, the Committee on Tourism approached the solution of issues related to the development of agrotourism in the region in 2004, however, only in 2006, with the creation of the Regional Union of Farmers and Private Ownerships, this work received a planned and systematic character, in the form of the creation, taking into account national project“Development of the agro-industrial complex”, subprogram “Development of agrotourism in the Tver region”.

Today in the field of agritourism we have a situation where demand far outstrips supply. The development and subsequent implementation of the subprogram “Development of agrotourism in the Tver region” is designed to eliminate this imbalance.

What will the development of agrotourism in the Tver region bring?

Firstly, the development of rural tourism will create the opportunity for short-term and long-term recreation in the region, dictated by the environmental situation, as well as the transit position of the region. Agritourism is alternative way providing temporary housing at a minimum cost for organizing agritourism.

Agrotourism is a comprehensive incentive for the development of both rural areas and the regional economy as a whole in the following areas:

  • creating a positive image of the Tver region, making it attractive not only for tourism, but also for investment in other areas of activity;
  • increasing tax revenues to budgets of all levels;
  • ensuring employment of the population;
  • increasing the educational and cultural level of the population.

The main goal of agrotourism in the Tver region is the development of additional non-agricultural activities of agricultural producers. The funds raised in this way will be used for the reconstruction and modernization of production.

The primary objectives of agritourism are:

  • attracting tourists to the Tver region throughout the year and, as a result, year-round employment of the rural population;
  • maximum unification of the interests of the population and entrepreneurial activity individuals with the interests of the relevant administrative-territorial units;
  • stimulating the business initiative of the population at the expense of the region’s own financial, property, labor, and intellectual resources;
  • income growth and improved living standards of rural residents at relatively low financial costs;
  • expanding the range of homestead products;
  • on-site sales of personal farm products, in particular, finished products nutrition;
  • stimulating the protection of local attractions, preservation of local customs, folklore, and folk crafts;
  • increasing the cultural and educational level of the rural population;
  • replenishment of budgets at all levels with additional revenues;
  • use of regional characteristics and convenient geographical location, natural resource potential.

The obvious advantages of agritourism are:

  • small investments and the use of predominantly private sources of financing (quick return on investment);
  • promoting the attraction of foreign and national investors in the development of rural tourism;
  • creating conditions for social stability in rural regions;
  • preservation and revival of cultural heritage (traditions, rituals, crafts, natural monuments, history, religion and culture) in rural regions.

Agritourism is very good opportunity take a break from the “crazy” and rapidly changing city life, plunge into the silence and tranquility of the village, feel and feel your involvement in the harmony of nature, learn the roots of national cultural traditions, try delicious healthy dishes, get acquainted with the peculiarities of agricultural production in the Tver region.

  1. Opportunities for the development of rural tourism in the Kesovogorsk region

Kesovogorsky district, occupying 970 square meters. km, located in the eastern part of the Tver region. It borders on the Kashinsky, Sonkovsky and Bezhetsky districts, as well as the Yaroslavl region. The Kashinka and Korozhechna rivers flow through the area. The administrative center is the urban-type settlement of Kesova Gora - once formed from the united settlements of Krasny, Zayachiy and Grachi, first mentioned in chronicles in


On the territory of the present Kesovogorsky district, on the left bank of the Kashinka River, there is a state natural monument - Trinity Park, once planted on the estate of Princess M. A. Golitsina. The historical monuments of the area include: the Bronze Age burial ground “Olochinskaya Gora” in the village of Olochino, the Boldeevo estate of the late 18th-early 20th centuries. in the village Boldeevo, windmill-oil mill of the 19th century. in the village Donshakovo. Unique architectural monuments have also been preserved here: the Church of the Deposition of the Robe ( beginning of XVIII V. with an iconostasis from the 19th century. in the village of Vasilkovo), St. Nicholas Church (1791, Liskovo village), Elias Church (1795, Korovkino village), Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (1799, Berezhay village), Church of the Archangel Michael (1819, Sukhodol village), Church of the Exaltation ( 1828, Zavidovskaya Gorka village) and Vvedenskaya Church (1877, Novo-Vvedenskoye village).

The main attraction of Kesova Gora is St. Nicholas Church (1800). From the once majestic St. John the Baptist and Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya churches, only separate buildings remain, which bear little resemblance to the original ones.

There is a local history museum in the village, created by a young local historian, local native Alexander Serov. He is the author of the books “On Kiasova Gora” and “The Golden Domes of Kiasova Gora”. In 2008, a book by another Kesovo Mountain local historian, Natalya Borodulina, “The Blagovest of Ancient Kesi,” was published.

Kesova Gora is an urban-type settlement, the administrative center of the Kesovogorsky district of the Tver region of Russia.

According to the 2002 census, the population was 4,076 inhabitants (1,907 men and 2,169 women). At the beginning of 2010, the population was 3,839 inhabitants.

The distance to the regional center by road is 190 km, to Moscow - 250 km.

Railway station on the Savyolovo - Sonkovo ​​branch. The village can be reached by train Moscow - Rybinsk and local train Savelovo - Sonkovo.

Highway "Kashin - Kesova Gora - Bezhetsk". Buses go to Kashin, Bezhetsk, Tver, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

The territory of the region is 36% occupied by forests.

I believe that it is ideal for the development of rural tourism in our area. sufficient quantity rural settlements. I will choose the village of Khoryshevo, which is conveniently located 1.5 km from the village.

About 30 people (middle-aged and elderly people) live in the village; there are 5 empty houses that can be used as individual guest houses with a minimum set of furniture. When surveying residents about the implementation of one of the agritourism options in their village, the majority was in favor of accepting the project.

The village has natural gas and water. Well, and most importantly, clean air, forests suitable for “silent hunting”, a place for swimming, you can organize cycling trips, ski trips, snowstorm riding and much more.

The local population will have the opportunity to sell their agricultural products, and there will also be the opportunity to earn a stable income as a watchman, yard or house help.

Of course, it is necessary to offer a cultural program to tourists, and for this there are resources and opportunities in our area: a local history museum, where you can get acquainted with the history of the area, churches - active, destroyed, restored; organization of thematic celebrations - Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, Christmastide with the participation of a folk ensemble and workers of the cultural center.

I assume that this territory will be actively used; it is advisable to plan tourist arrivals for a period of 2 to 5 days, preferably if they are couples with children or elderly people. Special attention should be given to people with disabilities who could enjoy the quiet country comfort.

To expand services, it is possible to include hippotherapy, which has a beneficial effect on the somatic and psychological health of people. There are enough opportunities and resources in the area, and this is just the example of one of the villages of Kesovogorye.


There is such an industry in the global economy - rural tourism. The main reason for the emergence and development of rural tourism is the need of middle-income city dwellers to relax alone with nature. This type of tourism has been actively developing in Europe for a long time and is considered a profitable destination and socially significant.

Russia also has experience in using rural tourism. But as analysts say, demand is still outpacing supply. The Tver region also became involved in the implementation of agritourism on the territory, because The region has all the necessary natural resources.

It is also possible to develop rural tourism in our area. I propose a specific object for its implementation - this is the village of Khoryshevo, which has a convenient geographical location, transport links, natural conditions (forest, water bodies) for the development of rural tourism, favorable environmental factor, availability of housing stock, availability of natural gas, desire of residents to take part in this project.

I believe that the participation of this settlement will be positive for both the villagers and the villagers, because the authorities will need to repair the road leading to Khoryshev.

I offer accommodation in individual guest houses next to a rural farmstead, Russian cuisine with natural products, a Russian bathhouse, etc. It is also necessary to develop event tourism by organizing entertainment events.

In this case, rural tourism is designed to solve several pressing problems:

  • ensure the sale of agricultural products from private farmsteads;
  • attract additional funds to villages;
  • increase employment of the population of the Kesovogorsk region.

The planned result of the project implementation: the creation of a rural tourism base in the Kesovogorsk region, its promotion, the creation of a system for its implementation.

But for this you need:

Development of service standards

Development of a package of regulatory documents regulating the activities of rural guest houses in the Kesovogorsk region.

I think that for successful implementation The project requires the participation of the district administration, not only in the form of co-financing, but also in providing legal assistance. The planned income will be stable, replenishing the district budget treasury.

Project funding sources:

  1. funds from the district budget.
  2. funds from foundations and organizations.
  3. funds of individual entrepreneurs.

The branch of Rosselkhoz Bank, which has lending opportunities specifically in rural areas, should not remain indifferent.

The project has not yet been fully completed; this is only the first step in its implementation.

I believe that the hypothesis I put forward that the Kesovogorsk region has the necessary resources for the development of agrotourism has been confirmed. The goal of the project has been achieved, the assigned tasks have been completed.

Information sources

  1. Wikipedia
  2. N. Borodulina “The Good News of Ancient Kesi”, Sozvedie, Tver, 2008.
  3. A. Serov “On Kiasovaya Mountain”, Tver “March”, 1996
  4. Rural tourism - manual (online resource)
  5. Directory - manual on rural tourism (demo version), Cherepovets 2010.

Silantieva Veronika Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 58", Kulikova Natalya Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 40"

This project describes the work carried out to create a tourist route in the Tatishchevsky district of the Saratov region.



Interregional project competition “I explore the world”

Project on the theme: “There is no better native land.”

The work was completed by:



Relevance of the topic

Possible climate changes due to the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (global warming), according to expert forecasts, can lead to changes in the species composition of many ecosystems on Earth, since the number of some species will decrease and others will increase.

Loss species diversity as a vital resource can lead to serious global consequences, as it threatens human well-being and even his very existence on Earth. The stability of ecosystems can be compromised when biodiversity decreases; species that are this moment are not dominant, but can become dominant when environmental conditions change. It is not yet possible to predict how the loss of biodiversity will affect the functioning of the ecosystem, but experts suggest that such losses are unlikely to be beneficial.

Even if exotic plants do not pose an immediate threat, they impoverish nature, allowing a number of native species to survive or creating hybrids through interspecific crossing. A growing number of scientists agree that bioinvasion is the most pressing—and certainly the fastest growing—threat to plant and animal life since forest destruction and the breakneck pace of land development. "Once you have a non-indigenous plant or animal in the system, it becomes very difficult to restore the natural environment to its original state," laments Mark Spencer, an exotic species expert at London's Natural History Museum. On a global scale, Pimentel says, the cost of biological invasion for the economy and nature - taking into account the damage caused to river basins, soil depletion and extinction of wildlife - can reach up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year. And if scientists' calculations are correct, then the cost of biological invasion will only increase.
By their qualities, aggressive pests and pathogenic microorganisms are ideally suited to the characteristics of a world without borders. Some alien plants and animals only need a small “clue” to establish themselves on new land. Just ten years after the Baltic clam Dracena hit the inland waters United States from the holds of European ships, and it has already spread from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River Delta, clogging water pipes, clinging to hydroelectric power plants and pushing the algae and mollusks of the natural environment to the margins of ecosystems. Authorities spend $1 billion a year to control the dracena mollusk and the quagga (a type of horse), just two of the 88 exotic species that roam the United States.
Biologists call them, somewhat old-fashionedly, “exotic species,” but for the rest of humanity they are bioinvaders that appear under different guises: from tiny microbes to giant trees, from mosquitoes to mongooses. But they all share a common penchant for camouflage and adaptation: they fly around the planet on the wings of migratory birds, nest in clothing or travel in the human bloodstream. A huge number of bioinvaders are deliberately released into the wild by farmers and various clever people who are trying to outwit nature (for example, importing snakes to drive away rats), gardeners with exotic predilections (for example, for the knotweed plant) or not very far-sighted entrepreneurs (who want to get the “ideal” grape snail). We learned about the grape snail in the botanical garden. It was also brought to us from the Carpathians. Does a lot of damage. It's almost impossible to get rid of. Bioinvaders are also ruthless in their competition: freed from the threat posed by predators in their homeland, they thrive in new territories, monopolizing all food sources and reproducing at a rate that rabbits can only envy. Once established on a new land, the invading species may never leave, forcing the authorities to fight it again and again with excavation, fire and poison - all a "Sisyphean task".
Bioinvaders can “hibernate” for decades and wait for their biological chance (like a storm or heat) to “awaken” them.

Justification of the problem

Our work dates back to 2011. Gymnasium students began to conduct excursions to memorable places in the Saratov region. First, for the purpose of holding tourism competitions, which included a local history competition. Then such meetings grew into visits to memorable places associated with great compatriots. Here we can mention A.N. Minha, A.A. Shakhmatova and others. Having seen the deplorable state in which cultural monuments were located, the first attempts appeared to restore and protect historical places. With an attempt to protect manor parks and parklands, it became necessary to justify their decision in the need to restore parks and monitor park plants.

In addition to the historical and local history value of the objects, we have identified a more specific and important problem, which can lead to the extinction of many species of vegetation in our region. This problem can be called “Exotic Plants”.

Objective of the project

Draw up and organize a tourist route through the villages of the Tatishchevsky district.

Project objectives

  1. To attract public attention to the preservation of historical heritage.
  2. Help in the restoration of homestead parks in the villages of the Tatishchevsky district of the Saratov region;
  3. Organize a volunteer movement in the gymnasium to protect and restore cultural monuments located in the Saratov region.
  4. Take part in a study of the influence of exotic plants on the nature of our region.

Activity planning

During our work, we identified steps that we intend to take in the near future.

  1. Collecting information in archives, a local history museum and in conversations with local residents about the history of villages. Studying literature on exotic plants.
  2. With theoretical material, take part in school scientific and practical conferences in order to attract the public to the problem.
  3. Contact SSU employees who will help us substantiate, from a theoretical point of view, the importance of the problem and conclude an agreement on joint activities with the employees of the botanical garden (feasible participation in scientific and practical activities).
  4. Agreement with SGSEU, with the Department of Tourism for economic calculations on the route and mastering technologies for creating tourist routes.
  5. Involving students and their parents at our gymnasium and other schools in environmental activities.
  6. Hikes to memorable places in the Saratov region and work to restore parks and cultural heritage.
  7. Conducting thematic classes for students of the gymnasium and other schools in the region.

To create a tourist route (Appendix No. 1), we defined the following criteria: the route must have a legend to maintain interest, villages must be located at a short distance to save time, each village must have exotic plants, local species plants of unusual shapes and sizes, famous personalities (countrymen) who contributed to the development of the country, the route should generate profit, which can be used for the development and arrangement of parks.

Our studies of the literature led us to the opinion that exotic plants, with an uncontrolled process on the part of people, can, with a slight change in climate, change the entire flora around, change chemical composition soil and lead to an environmental disaster. Our search led us to the Museum of Local Lore, where we met Irina Mikhailovna. She introduced us to the archive of I.B. Milovidova, former director of the Botanical Garden, in which we found Inna Borisovna’s works describing the village and the plants of interest to us. Through her efforts, these plants were classified as memorial plants. Next, my classmates and I went on an excursion to the Botanical Garden. Having received explanations on exotic plants from Alexey Vladimirovich Panin, an employee of the botanical garden, it became clear that with proper care of the park (maintaining it in its original condition, replanting necessary plants, in removing unnecessary ones, in systematic monitoring of all changes in natural environment, and most importantly, keeping it clean) can avoid many problems in the future. As part of the task of taking part in the study of the influence of exotic plants on the nature of our region, we received confirmation of our theory about exotic plants and an agreement with an action plan for monitoring plants and the opportunity to participate in writing scientific articles on our developments.

We started our trips with an excursion to the village of Polchaninovka, Tatishchevsky district, Saratov region. The gymnasium students really liked the village, especially the area. The children talked with the director of the Polchaninovskaya school, Vyacheslav Yuryevich Moiseev, about the history of the village and the lives of famous fellow villagers. V.Yu. Moiseev and Kulikov Alexander Petrovich presented to us Interesting Facts about Polchaninovka, about the people associated with it historical place. They told us the history of Polchaninovka and the Polchaninovskaya volost, a little from the life of Alexander Nikolaevich Minkh, about what was happening in the village now, and showed photographs. Last year there was an anniversary - Polchaninovka turned 205 years old. We also managed to get acquainted with the archives of the “Rodina” club, which included Polchaninov children engaged in volunteer activities to keep the park and village clean. V.Yu. Moiseev gave us a recording of his speech at the bottom of the village. (Appendix No. 2). The second village was Gubarevka - the birthplace of the famous Shakhmatov family. Here the excursion was given to us by the school director from Bolshaya Kamenka F.F. Kusyapkulov. He told us a legend that made our route more interesting and was the main criterion for selecting the route.

Now the Minha estate and the village are in poor condition: the house in the estate is dilapidated, everything is overgrown with weeds. Previously, more than ten years ago, volunteer activities were carried out in the village under the leadership of the school director Vyacheslav Yuryevich Moiseev and the head teacher of the school Valery Vladimirovich Dubov. Village residents and school students actively participated in the prosperity of the village. Last works were held in the 2006 anniversary year. At the moment there is none of this. Even though we are not residents of this village, we want to help. As part of solving the problem of organizing a volunteer movement in the gymnasium for the protection and restoration of cultural monuments located in the Saratov region, we decided to create a volunteer team, which will consist of students of grades 6A and 8A. Now we (eighth-graders) are preparing a thematic lesson for 6th grade students on the history of the village of Polchaninovka and are developing a ski trip to Bolshaya Ivanovka.

To help restore homestead parks in the villages of the Tatishchevsky district of the Saratov region, we do not yet have the experience and help of adults, but together with the teachers of our gymnasium and the staff of the Botanical Garden, we are planning to go to Polchaninovka and carry out the first work to clear the territory of the A.N. Park. Minha. We think we can do it.

We would like to finish our work with the words of I.B. Milovidova: “Neither in Saratov, nor in Atkarsk, where A.N. Minh last years of his life, there was nothing left connected with his life in the village of Koleno, where his parents’ estate was located. Only Polchaninovka is the keeper of his memory.” And this can be said about every memorable corner of our small Motherland.

Appendix No. 1. A tourist route:

“There is no better native land”

We're all leaving somewhere,

Trying to find a convergence of roads.

And only after drinking it all will we find out

How dear our native threshold is to us.

And how many different places in the world,

There are countless beauties on earth.

But these divas will not replace

Those dear places that are in the heart

Polchaninovskaya volost.

The Tatishchevsky district of the Saratov region is famous not only for its many air defense points, but also for the presence of elements of Russian estates from the late 19th century that have survived to this day. The estates of the Tatishchevsky district were located in picturesque places, mostly in the Polchaninovsky volost.

I would like to briefly talk about all these estates so that people can appreciate how much wealth is concentrated in just one district of the Saratov region.

Polchaninovskaya estate (estate of A.N. Minkha).

The Polchaninovskaya estate belonged to Alexander Nikolaevich Minkh for 23 years (from 1874 to 1896). Polchaninovsky Park is located on the outskirts of the village. Polchaninovka, at the foot of a wooded slope Round Mountain, along the shore of the pond. From diary entries and drawings by A.N. Minha follows that the park was created by him after acquiring the estate, in 1876-78. Thus, he is the oldest in the region. 120-year-old spruces, pines, larches, white poplar, and somewhat younger birches are still growing and impressing with their grandeur. Until the 70s, the only “cedar” (Siberian pine) of that age in the South-East, sown by A.N., grew and bore fruit. Minhom, as well as Canadian spruce.

Having reached a height of more than 20 meters and a trunk diameter of 60-100 cm, the trees give the park the charm of antiquity and make it possible to judge the life expectancy of trees in local conditions.

As part of the estate complex, in addition to the park and pond, brick house with mezzanine, built in 1853, deciduous forest, linden alleys along the border of the former orchard, two ancient springs. Based on drawings and descriptions by A.N. Minkha, the existing path and road network can be traced, the site of a church, gazebo, vegetable gardens, inn, stables can be seen, a pond with a ditch-drainage, where there was a birch bridge, has been preserved.

Gubarevskaya estate (Shahmatov estate).

Gubarevskaya estate of the Shakhmatov nobles near the village. Gubarevka was located on flat terrain and along a wooded ravine with a stream. The border of the former estate is clearly delineated by the preserved boundary ditch. According to the plan found in GASO from the middle of the last century, places can be easily restored former buildings, roads, a square in front of a white lilac house, a linden alley. More than two centuries old oak and two old pine trees, abandoned Orchard, an alley with wild rose bushes, a daylily in place of a flower garden in front of the house, a spring - signs that allow you to navigate the area.

The name of Alexey Aleksandrovich Shakhmatov, a linguist, specialist in East Slavic languages, the history of the Russian language and ancient Russian culture, ethnographer, academician of the Russian and Soviet Academies of Sciences, member of a number of foreign academies, honorary doctor of many European universities, is associated with the Gubarevsky estate. As we managed to find out, out of the 56 years he lived (1864-1920), 47 years were connected with Gubarevka. Either by constantly staying there, or by coming for vacation, or during vacation time, when he worked especially fruitfully 15 hours a day. Gubarevsky house with a large library brought by his uncle from Paris, an atmosphere of high spirituality, acquaintance with A.N. Minhom's fate was sealed talented child who became a scientist. In his mature years, A.A. Shakhmatov, his beloved Gubarevka continued to be a center of culture: he came here to visit A.A. Shakhmatov, Norwegian Slavic scholar Olaf Brock.

Bolsheivanovskaya estate (estate of Kazarinova, S.P. Korbutovsky).

When the Saratov region was settled, this land belonged to landowner Kazarinova, who chose to build a house here because she liked the oak grove, which was later turned into a park. It has survived to this day, although there are few very old trees left. The overgrown self-seeded deciduous trees are very dense, and there is no maintenance of the park. Only recently has an attempt been made to remove dead wood. A large orchard adjoined the park. They were separated by a linden alley. The garden ceased to exist, but the linden trees, which reached a height of more than 20 meters, are quite viable, continuing to bloom profusely. There is no other linden alley of this age, length and good preservation in the region.

On the territory of the former estate, a manor house, a pond, and a mill have been preserved.

The last owner of the estate was Sergei Pavlovich Korbutovsky, a great friend of Alexander Nikolaevich Minkha, who lived in Polchaninovka, five miles from Bolshaya Ivanovka. Friends visited each other almost every day. Minkh came sometimes alone, sometimes with his wife, sometimes with his brother G.N. Minkh, a professor at Kyiv University, when he visited Polchaninovka. In turn, S.P. Korbutovsky went to visit Minkh with his wife and mother-in-law. Meetings also took place with Nikolai Pavlovich Korbutovsky, the head of N.P. Korbutovsky’s Garden Farm.

● Considering the above, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that Bolsheivanovsky Park testifies not only to the history of the settlement of the region, but also allows us to imagine cultural environment, which was formed in the Polchaninovsky volost thanks to the local nobility. Polchaninovskaya estate A.N. Mincha was the intellectual center of the entire region. The Shakhmatovs from Gubarevka, a man of very broad interests, gravitated towards him, in whose family a nephew was raised, who later became an academician, a historian of the Russian language, perhaps not without the influence of A.N. Minha, as well as S.P. Korbutovsky from Bolshaya Ivanovka with his brother N.P. Korbutovsky, the famous head of the Garden Economy, and others.

● In all surveyed estates, the following elements are present to varying degrees of preservation. The buildings have been preserved in the following places: Bolshaya Ivanovka, Polchaninovka. Parklands are best preserved in Polchaninovka. The remains of orchards continue to exist in Gubarevka. Water elements are everywhere.

The age of parklands ranges from 90 to 120 years, but only in two cases has it been established precisely: in the Polchaninovsky estate of A.N. Minha, who left notes in his diaries about the time of tree planting. In the rest, the age of the park is given approximately, dating from the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. In a number of places where park area included a forest, many trees are older: in Bolsheivanovsky Park there are two specimens of Scots pine - the oldest in the region, in the Gubarevsky estate, their age is about 250 years. The green spaces of the parks include more than 70 trees and shrubs, of which about 40 are exotic.

In Gubarevka, wild roses still grow, and among the herbaceous ones, daylilies.

● In Polchaninovsky Park, trees planted by A.N. himself are preserved. Minhom, determines their memorial status.

Part 2. From the history of the village of Polchaninovka

In this chapter I will give a speech at the “Village Day” holiday on August 11, 2006. And an interview with the school director V.Yu. Moiseev.

Dear fellow villagers and guests of our village!

2006 is the anniversary year of Polchaninovka. Two hundred years of history are 10 generations of Polchaninovites who lived and are living on this land, who in peacetime grew grain, raised livestock, and when hard times came, they went to defend their land, as it was during the Great Patriotic War. They fought heroically at the front, and worked heroically in the rear. Two hundred years is a long time. The whole history of the village cannot be retold, and we don’t know it all. This is our problem. Popular wisdom says: you cannot be Ivans who do not remember their kinship.

I am not the first person to become interested in the history of Polchaninovka. We must know and remember about these people: they loved and love our village.

Nina Andreevna Vasilyeva, being the librarian of the village library, put a lot of effort into finding information about Polchaninovka and created a selection of documents from different periods of the life of the village.

Alexander Pavlovich Fedorov, resident of the village. Vyazovka. He was a unique person, there are few like him: tactful, gentle, but persistent when it came to preserving memory and museum exhibits. He devoted his whole life to creating a museum in the Tatishchevsky district. He knew more about Polchaninovka than any Polchaninovka member. Blessed memory to him!

Purposeful work on studying the history of the village begins in the 90s. The inspirer and organizer of this work was Valery Vladimirovich Dubov, a history teacher at our school. It was Valery Vladimirovich who established a close connection with another remarkable person - Inna Borisovna Milovidova, biologist, local historian, member of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. Historical and literary club “Motherland”, organized by V.V. Dubov corresponded with I.B. Milovidova, who had the opportunity to work in the regional archive, she came to our village, took the children and us adults around the grove and told us: “Here was a gazebo, that place was called “little saucer”, this spring is the “red cross” ... And this type of pine does not grow anywhere else in the Saratov region. And these linden trees are more than a hundred years old...” We walked and wondered to ourselves how long we don’t know?!

Inna Borisovna Milovidova first got to know our village in the sixties of the last century. This is how she describes her first meeting with Polchaninovka (J-l "Volga" No. 5-6, 1995)

Excerpt from magazine No. 1.

And in 1998, for the 200th anniversary of the Saratov province, the almanac “Monuments of the Fatherland. All Russia". No. 40 is dedicated to monuments of the Saratov region. Our Polchaninovka was also included in this almanac. In the “Forgotten World” section, an article by I.B. Milovidova “Polchaninovka” and its owner”, dedicated to Alexander Nikolaevich Minkh, the park created by him, and our native village.

Excerpt from magazine No. 2.

And I can’t help but mention one person: Vyacheslav Viktorovich Korolev. City dweller. He spent his childhood in Volsk and lives in Saratov. Came to Polchaninovka in the 90s. As they say, I have arrived" for love" When I first heard the story of Polchaninovka in his stories, I was surprised how he knew this. He replied: “I have a book by Mincha about Polchaninovka.” It was a photocopy of the original book by A.N. Minkha “Saratov district. Saratov collection: materials for studying the Saratov province." Year of publication 1881. With “yat” and “ery”. I asked to read it and then reprint it.

Based on all the documents listed above, thanks to meetings with the most interesting people and a fairly real historical picture of the first half of the life of our village was recreated.

* * *

The history of the village of Polchaninovka begins approximately in 1779. According to the books of general land surveying of those years, the Polchaninovsky dachas belonged to the village of Troitsky (Glyadkovka too) and were separated from the villages: Pokrovsky (Sokur) and Nikolsky-Chardym (Ozerki); Majorsha Kazarinova Avdotya Fedorovna was named at that time as the owner of these lands.

Around 1802, Kazarinova set up inns on the right bank of the Sokurka River (the large Moscow postal road ran here). According to plans and maps, they were called “Sokursky Umet”, later “Kazarin’s Umet” (In the old days, farmsteads were called Umet).

In 1806, the wife of Fyodor Dmitrievich Kazarinov, Natalya Mikhailovna (the peasants called her Kazarikha), nee Shevyreva, evicted 10 families that belonged to her from the village of Polchaninovka, Petrovsky district, to the Kazarinovsky district, where there were inns on the post road; The immigrants sat down below these courtyards (behind the current cemetery) along the bank of the Sokurka, in one order, facing the barracks. In the second half of the 1840s, the village was moved to the place where it sits and now along the main road, in two orders, one straight and wide street.

Natalya Mikhailovna, according to the recollections of old-timers, was an “important” lady who carried bread and salt with governors and authorities; she had a son, Sergei Fedorovich, and three daughters: one of them married Protopopov.

Vasily Petrovich Protopopov, who received the estate from his wife, built stone house with a mezzanine and a magnificent basement under all the accommodation.

Excerpt No. 3.

And in 1873, the estate was bought by Alexander Nikolaevich Minkh

(Famous scientist, local historian, one of the founders of the Saratov Museum of Local Lore, member of the Imperial Moscow Archaeological Society at Moscow University, member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, member of the Nizhny Novgorod, Tambov and Vladimir Archival Commissions, Saratov Provincial Statistical Committee and correspondent of the Ministry of Agriculture...)

The foundation of Minkhovsky Park took place from 1874 to 1880. Most of the trees planted in these places had never grown before: common spruce, Scots pine, Siberian cedar, Canadian spruce, thuja, silver poplar, etc. A.N. Minch also founded a large birch grove, more than one hundred and fifty trees. In the drawings of Minha that local residents have, these trees are just over half a meter tall. To say that Alexander Nikolaevich created all this for himself, to please his own eyes, would be wrong. He created all this for the future residents of Polchaninovka!

List of used literature and materials:

I.B. Milovidov “Saratov Botanical Garden in the history of Saratov University”;

Bulletin of the Botanical Garden of Saratov State University, issue 6, 2007;

Bulletin of the Botanical Garden of Saratov State University, issue 8, 2009;

Bulletin of the Botanical Garden of Saratov State University, issue 9, 2010;

Milovidova I.B. “Manorial parks - monuments of nature, cultural history”;

Milovidova I.B. almanac “Monuments of the Fatherland. All Russia". No. 40

Photocopy of the original book by A.N. Minkha “Saratov district. Saratov collection: materials for studying the Saratov province." Year of publication 1881.

Lukin S. So that the connection of times is not interrupted. - Years and people. Issue 4. - Saratov: Volga Book Publishing House, 1989.

Interview with the school director. Polchaninovka

Essay on modern Russian literary language Shakhmatov A.A. Uchpedgiz. 1941.;;;,,, book/5-8360-0263-0,,, ,,, .

Elena Novikova
Project “Children’s tourism is interesting!”

Goals project for teachers

: study and implementation touristic

Goals project for children


Characteristic project: long-term, research and creative.

Participants: preschoolers 5-7 years old (senior and preparatory school group)

Implementation deadlines project: 2 years (2015-2017)

Problem: Tourist- local history activities of preschoolers as the basis of spiritual and moral education have not been sufficiently studied by our team of teachers; preschoolers have not developed environmental awareness tourist knowledge and skills of environmental management.


The socio-economic and political conditions that have developed in our country, the reforms of Russian education, the “information boom”, are changing the basic educational guidelines - from “education for life” - “to education throughout life”. In this regard, the implementation of development guidelines in cognitive activity preschoolers.

It should be emphasized that the implementation of modern educational guidelines is possible only on a solid spiritual and moral foundation, in which a feeling of love for the Motherland and a sense of patriotism play a key role. Tourist-local history activities of preschoolers are an important means of communication with life. The cultural tradition of any people should be to obtain knowledge about a particular region, to study its nature, history, and way of life.

The development of a feeling of love for the Motherland was rightly considered the fundamental basis of education by Ya. A. Kamensky, I. G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, A. N. Radishchev, K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy, A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky and others. It unites love and respect for the people, responsibility and respect for their history and traditions. A significant contribution to the development of local history was made by K. D. Ushinsky, who theoretically substantiated the “native studies principle” in teaching and education.

Teachers, social activists, local historians: L. A. Goldenberg, M. I. Kalinin, N. K. Krupskaya, A. I. Lazarev, P. I. Rychkov, N. A. Soboleva, M. V. Solovyov, V. N. Tatishchev, V. G. Chekan et al.

But the basis of local history includes not only the history and nature of the native land, but also art.

In domestic pedagogy since ancient times (K. D. Ushinsky, E. A. Flerina, A. P. Usova, N. T. Sakulina, B. M. Nemensky, etc.) the main thing has been preached principle: raise children both in the family and in kindergarten near, the native art of the region where the person lives.

What helps a preschooler to fall in love with his small Motherland, and later on with his big Motherland – his Russia?

What else if not walks and excursions into nature, tourist Hiking to the natural sites of our native land will help us in solving the problem facing us. What is the total touristic- local history activities for preschool children.

Except intellectual development children, tourist walks have a healing effect resulting from a variety of physical activity, as well as the complex impact of natural factors: sun, air, water.

Natural (vital) types of movements and motor experience is enriched, coordination abilities and endurance are developed.

Jumping over ditches and streams, climbing hills makes children agile, vigorous, and cheerful.

Hence, touristic-local history activities of preschoolers include a number of components: physical education and health, social and communicative, emotional and psychological, aesthetic, cognitive and applied.

Goals project for children: Expanding and consolidating children’s knowledge about their native land as an integral interconnected system; formation of environmental tourist knowledge and skills of environmental management;

Goals project for teachers: study and implementation touristic-local history activities in educational process DOW.


1. Enrich personal experience positive, humane interaction of the child with nature, the sights of the city of Manturovo and the Manturovo region, to expand environmentally valuable contacts with plant and animal natural objects of the Kostroma region;

2. By means touristic-develop local history activities child's intelligence, to form figurative and visual thinking, creative abilities, elements of independence, skills of relationships with peers and adults;

3. Interest children in search of a contradiction between existing experience and newly acquired knowledge, encourage them to constantly desire "discoveries".

4. Consolidate knowledge about species tourism and tourism environmental management introduce different types tourism.

5. Strengthen the skills and abilities of working with the plan kindergarten , city of Manturovo; teach how to use a compass; repeat the rules of conduct in environment.

6. Educate preschoolers morally, developing a kind, caring attitude towards nature and people, their city;

7. Contribute to the physical development of the child and his health.

Principles children's tourism.



Forms of work:

Stages of work:

Stages project Activities of the teacher Activities of children


September 2015 Formulates the problem (target).

When setting a goal, the product is determined project.

Introduces into the gaming room (plot) situation.

Formulates the task. Getting into the problem.

Getting used to the game situation.

Acceptance of the task.

Discussion and addition of tasks project.


Collection and systematization of information,

Search activity

Conducting conversations, games, excursions, etc.

Carrying out all necessary actions resulting in the creation of a creative product.


May 2017 Preparation for the presentation. Presentation. Preparing the activity product for presentation.

Presentation of the product of activity to spectators or experts.

Planned results:

Knowledge about children's tourism;

Know the representatives of plants and animals of the Kostroma region

The skills necessary in tourist trip. (Ability to distribute tourist duties; the ability to pack a backpack and put in it only what is needed on the hike; ability to choose correctly medications for a first aid kit, etc.).

The necessary skills have been formed tourists on a hiking trip(the ability to read a map of your area; the ability to navigate according to the city plan, on the layout kindergarten; ability to use a compass, etc.).

Ability to assess the state of the environment and human health.

Increasing the proportion of parents actively involved in familiarizing children with the rules of safe behavior in nature tourist trail and participation in environmental events.

Product project:

1. Notes of classes, joint activities, conversations, excursions, etc.

2. Photo album: "We- tourists»

3. Presentation about project.

Route sheet – Block No. 1

Route sheet – Block No. 2

Route sheet – Block No. 3

Route sheet – Block No. 4

Long-term plan

Block Events goal


Diagnostics (1-2 week)

My children's garden Excursion to the kitchen. Conversation with kitchen staff. Continue to introduce children to the work of a cook; expand and consolidate knowledge about kitchen utensils.

My city Manturovo My wonderful city (presentation)

Excursion to the city stadium in the microdistrict "Anniversary" Expand children's understanding of sports life cities: sports facilities, various types sports; about professions related to physical education

Nature of the native land "Autumn in my hometown"- plein air

Nature of Manturovo in photographs of local residents. - presentation.

Traveling along the ecological trail "Autumn Adventure" To instill the basics of ecological culture in preschoolers through a caring attitude towards nature and appropriate behavior in it, and love for their small homeland.

We - tourists Diagnostic task "What do we know about tourism» Determining preschoolers' knowledge about tourism for further planning of activities.

My children's garden Excursion to the laundry. Conversation with laundry workers. - Continue to introduce children to the work of a laundry master,

Clarify knowledge that towels and bed linen are washed and ironed in the laundry; fix the names of household appliances;

Cultivate respect for the work of adults

My city Manturovo Excursion to Lyceum No. 1. - Introduce children to the educational institution.

Nature of the native land Excursion - hike "River Unzha"

“October is a dirtbag - he doesn’t like wheels or runners”- conversation. - Continue to introduce children to the nature of their native land - the Unzha River.

Reinforce the characteristic features of October.

Introduce the national holiday of Intercession.

We - tourists Joint activity: "Who are they tourists. Tourism and its varieties. Rules of conduct while walking. Rules of behavior at rest.

A game "Guess and Tell", "We're going on a hike" Introduce tourism, types, varieties. Rules of behavior in nature. Reinforce acquired knowledge in games.

My children's garden Excursion to the upper room. Continue to introduce children to ancient household items and their name: stove, grip, cast iron, spinning wheel, spindle, chest, towel, samovar, kokoshnik, sash, ruble, rolling pin, bast shoes.

Enrich your vocabulary with proverbs, riddles, and ancient words.

My city Manturovo Excursion to the art school. Introduce children to art school. To instill in children a love for their Motherland - Russia, to instill in them interest to folk art. To consolidate knowledge about folk and applied arts. To evoke in children a sense of admiration for the talent of the Russian people and pride in their people.

Nature of the native land “Who lives in the forests of the Kostroma region”- virtual tour of the forests

Titmouse's day - conversation

To consolidate children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the forests of the Kostroma region.

Strengthen children's knowledge about autumn. Introduce the holidays of Sinichkin Day and Kuzminki.

We - tourists Conversation: « Camping equipment» Examining objects tourist equipment. Games, relay races, practical exercises in using tourist equipment. Introduce tourist equipment. Teach how to independently use personal, group and special items tourist equipment.

My children's garden Excursion to the medical block. Meeting with the head nurse.

Introduce children to the profession of a health worker kindergarten(nurse); show the location and equipment of the medical office; introduce some medical supplies and their purposes. Foster respect for the work of a health worker. Familiarize yourself with the basics of first aid

My city Manturovo "Useful wealth of the region"-experimentation.

1. Give an idea of ​​the natural resources of the Kostroma region, in more detail about peat.

2. Systematize accumulated information through logical operations (comparison, generalization, analysis, synthesis)

Nature of native land D/i "Plants of our forest" compiling an album

“Winter is not summer, dressed in a fur coat”- conversation Consolidate children’s knowledge in the game about plants growing in the Kostroma region, including on the territory of the preschool educational institution. Reinforce with children the characteristic features of winter in our area.

We - tourists Conversations on the topic: "The original concept of topographic signs. Their meaning", "Getting to know tourist signs»

A game « Tourist - Pathfinder»

Competitive relay races. Introduce children to basic topographical and tourist signs. Learn to draw them on paper.

My children's garden Excursion along the ecological trail. Poultry dining room.

In a playful way, continue observing the objects of the ecological trail in winter.

My city Manturovo Getting to know the map - diagram "Our town"

“Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas”- a conversation about the Christmas holidays, how Christmas is celebrated in our city. Introduce the map of the city of Manturovo.

Introduce children to folk holidays and traditions.

Nature of the native land An evening of riddles about plants, animals, birds, insects of the native land.

“Winter - not summer - dressed in a fur coat”- conversation about weather conditions in the Kosrom region

To consolidate children's knowledge about the flora and fauna of the Kostroma region in a playful way;

Repeat children's knowledge about characteristic features winters in the Kostroma region.

We - tourists Orientation in space, familiarization with the plan.

Didactic games: “Draw toys on a piece of paper”, “Where is the plan, and where is the drawing?”, "Draw objects in the group room", group tour based on the plan, walk - hike around the territory kindergarten.

Teach children to navigate in space (in a group, d\s, on the territory of d\s); introduce the plan, teach how to draw up a plan.

My children's garden Excursion to the Museum of Military Glory. Viewing exhibits of military equipment.

“Glory flows to the hero”- conversation about Russian heroes Continue to introduce museum exhibits in preschool educational institutions and Lyceum No. 1. Foster patriotism.

Introduce children to Russian heroes.

My city Manturovo “My dear capital of the region” Absentee travel around the city of Kostroma

"Maslenitsa"- conversation about how Maslenitsa is celebrated in our city. Folklore holiday. To introduce preschoolers to the main attractions of the regional center - the city. Kostroma.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the national holiday Maslenitsa.

Nature of the native land Compiling crossword puzzles about animals and plants the edges: "What is this? Who is this?".

To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the animals of the Kostroma region, teach how to make a crossword puzzle.

We - tourists Role-playing game « Hiking trip» Consolidate acquired knowledge about tourism through a role-playing game.

My children's garden Excursion to the upper room. Textile exhibits.

“A song lives among the people”- conversation about Russian folk songs. Introduce children to the towel, men's clothing (kosovorotka, caftan, sash, women's (sundress, apron, headscarf)

To consolidate children's knowledge of Russian oral and musical folklore.

My city Manturovo "The Birth of a City" (photos of the old and new city) cooperation with the museum. Introduce children to the history of the development of the city of Manturovo.

Nature of the native land Excursion to the park. Trees of our region. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the trees of the Kostroma region.

We - tourists Role-playing game « Hiking trip» - Continue to consolidate children’s acquired knowledge about tourism in the game« Hiking trip»

My kindergarten"Green Palms of the Earth" Landing of cleanliness and order in kindergarten

Cultivate hard work and aesthetic taste.

My city Manturovo projects

Organize an exhibition of family projects, continue to introduce children to the history of the city.

Nature of the native land Bird Day – promotion "Birdhouse"

A virtual trip to the land of geese - Kologrivsky Nature Reserve.

"Bird Day" Quiz.

“Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard”-conversation Introduce Russian customs of welcoming spring.

Introduce the Kologrivsky Nature Reserve.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

We - tourists Excursion to the Unzha River – Ice drift. Continue to introduce children to the nature of their native land. Fasten tourism knowledge in practice.

My children's garden Excursion along the ecological trail. Work in the flower garden and gardening. Cultivate hard work and aesthetic taste. Introduce plants in the flower garden.

My city Manturovo Excursion “Walk of Fame at the Monument to the Soldier-Liberator”

"Traditions of our people" holidays, entertainment – ​​album

"The city where I live" Drawing competition.

“A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song”- conversation Introduce children to fellow countrymen.

Nature of the native land “Native land, forever beloved”- a game "Field of Dreams". Strengthen children's knowledge about living and inanimate nature native land.

We - tourists Tourist rally, together with parents. Consolidate acquired knowledge in practice. Foster love and respect for nature.

The long-term plan is to work with parents.

Month of Events

September Consultation for parents « Children's tourism is a serious matter» .

October Assistance on an excursion to the Unzha River.

November Help with organization "corner tourist» tourist equipment

December Consultation for parents “How to teach children to love and take care of nature.”

January Help with organization "bird canteen" Location on (feeders)

February Collecting the necessary medications for the first aid kit, which is necessary in hiking trips.

March Participation in a folklore festival "Maslenitsa"

Making birdhouses.

April Participation in the event "Green Palms of the Earth"

"The history of the city in street names" presentation of research family projects.

May Shared with children tourist rally.

The long-term plan is to work with teachers.

Month of Events

September Round table : “Development and discussion tourism project-local history activities in the dow"

Carrying out diagnostics according to project.

October Organization of an excursion to the Unzha River.

November Organizations "corner tourist» in Group tourist equipment: compass, backpack, tent, bowler hat, etc.

December Consultation “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture”

January Organization "bird canteen" Location on (feeders)

February Purchasing a first aid kit, which is necessary in hiking trips.

March Organization and holding of a folklore festival "Maslenitsa"

Making birdhouses.

April Organization of the event "Green Palms of the Earth"

"The history of the city in street names" presentation of research family projects.

May Organization tourist rally.

Carrying out diagnostics.

Summarizing project.

Glossary of terms

Activity – Occupation, work.

Connoisseur - A person who has great knowledge of something, a subtle understanding of something.

Local history – The study of individual localities of the country from the point of view of their geographical, cultural, historical, economic and ethnographic features.

Route – The route to follow.

Snack – Have a quick snack.

Halt - A stop along the way for rest, as well as the place of such a stop.

Backpack – Backpack duffel bag with pockets.

Rally - Arriving at one place from different directions. A mass meeting of members of some collectives who arrived from different places.

Topographical signs are signs that are used to indicate the surface and the relative position of individual terrain points.

Tourism– Type of sport – group hikes aimed at physical training of the body.

Tourist – Person who is engaged tourism, commits tourist travel.

S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova « Dictionary Russian language".


1. Bolshakova E. L. We are young tourists / E. L. Bolshakova // Educator. - 2008.- No. 4 – P. 83-87

2. Bocharova N. I. Tourist walks in kindergarten: A manual for practitioners of preschool educational institutions. – M.: ARKTI, 2004.- 116 p.

3. Vitushkina N. A. Tourism and local history in kindergarten / N. A. Vitlushkina // Management of a preschool educational institution. – 2006. - No. 8 – P. 71-79

4. Korotkovskikh L. N. Methodological support of local history in preschool educational institutions / L. N. Korotkovskikh // Management of a preschool educational institution. – 2006. - No. 8 – P. 71-79

5. Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational and methodological manual. – 2nd edition – St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2000. – 304 pp.: ill.

6. Kuprina L. S., Budarina T. A. Introducing children to Russian folk creativity: Lesson notes and calendar-ritual scripts holidays: Toolkit for teachers of preschool educational institutions - St. Petersburg: « Childhood-Press» , 2001. – 400s, ill.

7. Internet resources.

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Project Information Card

1. Full project name: “Tourism is a means of health improvement and the acquisition of safety skills.”

3. Project Manager: Demchenko Galina Vladimirovna, teacher of municipal budgetary institution kindergarten No. 104 “Nightingale”.

4. Personnel: Educator – Demchenko G.V.

5. Organization address: -

6. Phone: -

8. Type, type of project: long-term, research and creative.

11. Location: municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 104 "Nightingale" of the Tolyatti urban district.

12. Dates: 2012-2013 academic year.

13. Project participants: pupils of the preparatory group, teacher, parents of pupils.

14. Age of children: 6-7 years.

15. Form of conduct: collective project.


Currently, health problems have become especially relevant due to the steady trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children. Volume educational information for a child, the share of mental load is constantly increasing and growing.

Another reason for frequent morbidity in most preschool children is considered to be social - economic forces, burden of parents with bad habits, lack of attention of parents to the prevention of child health. Studying social status families of our students showed an increase in single-parent families and families with a low cost of living, that is, they began to manifest themselves more clearly negative impacts microsocial environment on child health.

We have studied the factors influencing mental health child and one of the “problem” factors is parents’ lack of understanding of the importance of the child’s socialization in preschool educational institutions and in society as a whole. Ignoring this problem gives rise to isolation in the child, inability to communicate with peers and adults - all this affects the mental and physical health of the child. That is why the project “Tourism is a means of healing and acquiring safety skills” was developed.


Tourism as a means of health improvement is characterized by universal accessibility and is recommended for almost every preschool child in the absence of serious pathologies. Tourist walks have an incomparable healing effect. It has been proven that prolonged performance of moderate exercise in the form of cyclic exercises helps to improve such valuable physical qualities in terms of health as endurance, tolerance, willpower, and responsibility. It is these qualities, in combination with tourism activities, that ensure the formation of mechanisms for effectively protecting the child from diseases.

For many families whose children attend preschool educational institutions, tourism is an excellent means of active recreation. It helps them develop the ability to organize their leisure time in an interesting and meaningful way; increases the motivation of the child and his parents for health and healthy image life. Children in tourism

gain knowledge about safe behavior in the environment.

Approaches to project implementation:

– system-activity – development of a system of activities to develop environmental tourism knowledge and skills in environmental management among preschoolers and their parents;

– culturological – organization of the behavior of children and their parents in nature based on the formation of their cultural attitudes towards nature and the environment.


– the principle of controllability and purposefulness – involves creating conditions for the development of tourism skills in children that contribute to the acquisition of safe behavior skills in the environment;

– the principle of effectiveness – is aimed at achieving intellectual and practical results in safe behavior in nature on a hiking trail.

Target .

Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about nature as an integral interconnected system, develop environmental tourism knowledge and skills in nature management, develop search and research activities, and improve skills for safe behavior in nature.

Tasks :

To form knowledge about man as a special object of nature, “a creature of a tropical climate.”

To interest children in searching for contradictions between existing experience and newly acquired knowledge, to encourage them to constantly desire “discoveries.”

To consolidate knowledge about types of tourism and tourist environmental management, to introduce “unusual” tourism.

Strengthen the skills and abilities of working with the plan of a kindergarten, city; teach how to use a compass; consolidate the skills and abilities of travel equipment, rules of behavior in the environment.

Link training in tour equipment and tour skills with program requirements for the physical training of children in the preparatory group for school.

Form of educational activities

Basic forms, methods and means of working with children

Table 1

Model " Cooperative activity adult and child"

Forms and methods


Productive and cognitive

Literary and educational

Conversation using illustrative and handout material, demonstration of experiments and the use of technical means, observation, excursions, games (with ready-made rules: competition games, competition games “Who can name more ...!”, and “Who is faster”, etc., didactic : various puzzles; role-playing games).

Practical exercises indoors and outdoors.

Multimedia video

Audio library

Artistic and illustrative material


Stimulus material


table 2

Model “Independent activity of children”

Integrated children's activities

or Integrated forms of children's activities (from Table 1)

Subject development environment

Productive and cognitive

Cognitive and research

Cognitive-game Cognitive-labor Productive-game

Labor-game Productive-labor Literary-labor

Literary and educational

Mini-center creative workshop "Tourist trail"

Play area (attributes and materials for role-playing game"We are young tourists")

Mini-center “Researcher” (equipment and materials for educational and research activities, stimulus material: maps - diagrams, algorithms, models)

Mini-center “Safety in Nature” (educational and fiction literature about safety in nature, illustrations on the topic “Safety in Tourism”)

Mini-museum "Model "Our Kindergarten"

Mini-museum "Model of a tourist trail"

Methodological support: information collection about children's tourism, selection of illustrations about children's tourism, selection fiction about safety in nature, a selection of riddles about tourist equipment and who can be met on the tourist trail, a set of didactic games with natural history content, videos: (demonstration of fragments of the cartoons “Mowgli”, “Bambi”, “Twelve Months”, “Tarzan”, "The Snow Queen".

musical accompaniment“Forest life” (the sound of the forest, the voices of birds, the chirping of a grasshopper, etc.), consultation material for parents.

Cooperation with parents:

  • conducting a joint trip to the local history museum
  • joint productive activities;
  • joint work to clear the site of debris;
  • collecting interesting information about safe behavior in the forest
  • joint work of parents and children (the ability to tie knots, making binoculars, nature conservation signs)
  • Collecting the necessary medications for a first aid kit, which is necessary on hiking trips.

Project resources: visual material, musical accompaniment, material for visual arts, monitor (for viewing multimedia video).

Organization of activities of project participants:

Work on the project includes the activities of the teacher and children. It is distributed as follows by project stages:

Table 3

Project stages

Activities of a teacher

Children's activities



Formulates the problem (goal).

When setting a goal, the product of the project is also determined.

Introduces the game (story) situation.

Formulates the task.

Getting into the problem.

Getting used to the game situation.

Acceptance of the task.

Discussion and addition of project tasks.



Helps in solving a problem.

Helps plan activities.

Organizes activities

Uniting children into work groups. Role distribution.



Practical assistance (if necessary).

Directs and controls the implementation of the project.

Carrying out all necessary actions resulting in the creation of a creative product.



Preparing for the presentation. Presentation.

Preparing the activity product for presentation.

Presentation of the product of activity to spectators or experts.

An approximate work plan for a teacher to prepare a project

1. Based on the studied problems of children, setting the goal of the project.

2. Developing a plan for moving towards the goal (the teacher discusses the plan with the parents).

3. Drawing up a plan - project diagram.

4. Collection, accumulation of material.

5. Inclusion in the plan - project diagram of integrated types of children's activities.

6. Development of homework and assignments for independent completion.

7. Development of the public presentation stage of the project.


1. A man with a backpack is a researcher and traveler.

Children should know how life appeared on Earth. Earth as a planet with an atmosphere, hydrosphere, continents and oceans, natural areas etc. Getting to know the globe. Space exploration. What benefits do hikes and excursions bring? Unusual types of tourism: horseback riding, traveling on hot-air balloon etc.

2. Amazing world plants and animals.

Plants are made up of cells, which is why they are green. Varieties of stems “Living barometers” - help tourists in determining changes in weather conditions. Plant diversity in connection with soil and climatic conditions. Plants of the native land.

Species of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds,

insects Development of animals before and after birth. Tourist Pathfinder:

studying traces, animal forecasters.

3. How am I built? I'll help myself.

How am I made? - digestive, respiratory, circulatory systems

Organs of perception and communication - general structure eyes, nose, tongue, ear,

think tanks.

To prevent trouble from happening - prevention of diseases and injuries, poisoning. Help myself - hygiene, first medical care

What kind of help (applying a splint, bandaging, etc.). How to eat properly. The young tourist learns to breathe correctly and watch his posture.

Physical training of a young tourist, control and self-control.

Plants - enemies and friends: about medicinal, fruit and berry edible mushrooms. Be careful - poisonous!

4. Get ready, my friend, for a hike.

Distribution of tourist responsibilities. What to take with you on a hike. Everything about a tourist’s backpack, shoes and clothing. Children packing a backpack. Tying the simplest tourist (sea) knots.

Small, large halt, bivouac. Organization of a halt. Cleanliness at the rest stop. Rules of conduct when moving in a city (town, village), in a forest, near a river; going up and down a slope.

5. About the map.

What kind of cards are there? Working with a city plan. What is a compass.

Determination of north and south by compass. In the world of landmarks. Games and competitions for orienteering according to the layout of the kindergarten and the surrounding area. Draw your path - the route of the path in the form of a broken line with topographic signs.

6. The river begins with a blue stream...

Protected areas, why they are needed. The Red Book asks for help: rare and endangered species of plants and animals.

Are we doing the right thing - draining swamps, deforestation, building dams, city dumps... - the reasons for the extinction of flora and fauna. Nature conservation is health protection!

Hush - birds on the nest: rules for outdoor recreation. Tourism and recreation areas of the region.

7. Returning from a hike...

Young tourist nature explorer. “Travel notes” - recording your observations, impressions of a book you read, a movie you watched. Participation of tourists in environmental affairs:

clearing the area of ​​debris.

Table 4

Expected results and their assessment

Expected results


(diagnostic tools)

Annex 1

Knowledge about children's

Familiar with compliance rules

safety on a tourist trip,

while making a fire.

Such qualities as

independence, organization,

responsiveness, kindness,

endurance and agility.

Knowledge has been generated about how the

there was life on earth. Children know that

that the earth is a planet, it has an atmosphere

sphere, hydrosphere, continents and oceans.

Familiar with the globe - a model of the earth,

can determine hemispheres, northern

and the south pole, they know what it is

Knowledge about space has been formed, about

who mastered it.

They know that hiking and

excursions strengthen the human body,

he gets sick less often, becomes stronger,

More resilient and more organized.

They know equestrian and air tourism.

Diagnostic task

« On a tourist walk »

Target. Identify the level of knowledge about the concept of tourists, tourism, what is hiking equipment, positions, knowledge of the simplest signs, knowledge of the rules of safe handling of fire.

Diagnostic task

« A man with a backpack is a researcher and

traveler »

Target . Identify the level of knowledge about the earth,

about the planet, about what a globe is, about how space exploration took place.

what benefits do hiking and excursions bring to people?

Reveal knowledge about different types tourism.

Know the representatives of forest plants

zones of your locality, about what

plants can predict the weather.

They know poisonous plants, which can

cause harm to health.

They know medicinal plants, which

can help tourists along the way if

injury will occur.

Know the representatives of the animal

peace of the native land and rules

safe behavior when

encounter with animals, ability to

traces to identify animals.

Diagnostic task

« Plants « Live barometers » -helpers are tourists »

Target. To identify the level of children's knowledge about

vegetation of the native land, about barometer plants that help determine changes in the weather.

Diagnostic task

« Fauna of the native land »

Target. To identify the level of children’s knowledge about animals of their native land and animals listed in the Red Book, whether children know how to behave when meeting animals.

They know how the digestive system works

niya, blood circulation, breathing.

They know about the organs of perception and communication.

Know about disease prevention

injuries and poisonings.

They know how to provide the first

medical assistance.

Diagnostic task

« I'll help myself »

Target. Reveal the level of children's knowledge

about the human body, how to eat right, breathe right,

watch your posture and be a physically fit person.

The skills necessary in

tourist trip.

Ability to distribute tourist


The ability to assemble a backpack, put it in it,

only what you will need on your trip.

The ability to choose the right medication

natural preparations for the first aid kit.

Ability to choose the right shoes

dress according to the weather


Ability to tie the simplest sea

Ability to organize a halt and observe

Keep the rest area clean.

Ability to behave correctly when

moving around the city, village, forest,

near the river, during ascents and descents

Diagnostic task

« Get ready, my friend, for a hike. »

Target. To identify children's level of knowledge about

what you need to take with you on a hike, everything about the tourist’s shoes and clothes, about the backpack. Reveal children's knowledge about a halt, what a bivouac is.

The necessary skills have been formed

tourists on a hiking trip.

Ability to navigate the city map

on the model of a kindergarten.

Ability to use a compass, with its

help determine geographical


The ability to draw the route of your path,

in the form of a broken line, applying on it

topographic signs.

Diagnostic task

« About the map »

Target. Identify the level of knowledge about the map,

ability to navigate on a map

Samara region.

Ability to assess the state of the environment

environment and human health.

Ability to recognize rare and

endangered species of animals and plants.

The ability to determine why they are drained

swamps, dams are being built, why

flora and fauna are dying out.

Ability to name rules of conduct in

nature while relaxing.

Ability to name recreation and tourism areas

in his native land.

Ability to predict results

environmental activities person.

Diagnostic task

« The river begins with a blue stream »

Target. To identify the level of children’s ability to establish connections between nature conservation

and human health protection.

To identify the level of children’s skills in predicting the results of human environmental activities.

Increasing the proportion of parents being active

involved in familiarizing children with the rules of safe behavior in

nature on a hiking trail and participation in

environmental events


Observations, analysis of the products of joint creativity of parents and pupils.

The final product.

1. Abstract of the educational activity “On a tourist walk”.

2. Summary of the conversation “About the globe and the earth.”

3. Photo album “Tourism is a means of improving health and acquiring safety skills.”

4. A selection of proverbs and sayings about tourism.

5. Methodological material(songs, chants, games, crossword)

6. Consultation for parents “Children’s tourism is a serious matter.”

7. Consultation for parents “How to teach children to love and take care of nature.”

8. Photo album “Tourism is a means of improving health and acquiring safety skills.”

9. Questionnaire.

10. Layout “On the tourist trail.”

11. Exhibition of children’s drawings “If you went on a journey with a friend...”

12. Children's games (How to feel like Robinsons and Fridays).

13. A selection of riddles about mushrooms and berries, about animals, about natural phenomena.

14. A selection of signs about the weather.

15. Rules of behavior on the water when meeting animals.

16. How not to die of hunger in the forest.

17. Poems, stories about safe behavior in nature.

18. Work plan to familiarize children with safety rules on the hiking trail through fiction.

Table 5

Project implementation schedule

“Tourism is a means of improving health and acquiring safety skills”

Children's organization form




“What is tourism?”

Introduce children to the meaning of the words tourism, tourists.

Reveal children's knowledge about tourism.

Explain to children why people go on hiking trips.


Demchenko G.V.,


Literary living room.

G, Shalaeva

"What You Can't Buy"

V. Orlova



Develop an idea of ​​what beauty is

nature is priceless and

must be protected and



Demchenko G.V.,


Consultation for parents.

(Appendix No. 1)


tourism is a serious matter"

To introduce parents to children's tourism, to encourage the desire to go for walks in the forest with the whole family, to

reservoir, introduce children to their native land, heal the children’s body,

teach children the rules of safe behavior in nature.



Demchenko G.V.,


(Appendix No. 2)

"On the tourist

what a walk"

Raise the emotional mood and mood of children.

Continue to improve children's health,

develop endurance, courage, hard work, cultivate a sense of collectivism,

mutual understanding



mastering the simplest


skills and abilities.


Demchenko G.V.,


Literary living room.

(Appendix No. 3)

Riddles about berries and mushrooms

"On the forest


T. Shorygina

"Don't eat unfamiliar berries in the forest"

G. Shalaeva

"Advice from a Forest Mouse"

T. Shorygina

Getting to know poisonous berries and mushrooms.


Demchenko G.V.,


(Appendix No. 4)

"About the Globe and the Earth"

Deepen the understanding that the planet

The earth is a huge ball

Most of which is covered with water, indicating that there are continents on it. Introduce the globe, lead to understanding

the uniqueness of our planet.

To foster a desire to protect our land.


Demchenko G.V.,


The game is exploration.

“What is a compass? Getting to know geographical destinations"

Arouse interest in the device with which geographic directions are determined, teach how to use



Demchenko G.V.,


Didactic game.

(Appendix No. 5)

"Find according to the given


Improve children’s ability to determine the location of an object, with

using a compass.


Demchenko G.V.,


Literary living room.

"Punishment for ignorance"

M. Fisenko

"Lily of the valley"

E. Serova

Introduce children to poisonous plants;

teach children to recognize poisonous plants.


Demchenko G.V.,


Creative workshop.

Making a layout.

(Appendix No. 6)


what a walk"

Introduce the children to the material from which we will sculpt the model.

To strengthen children’s ability to do work together, in harmony, to develop creative abilities, the ability to invent and sculpt everything that a tourist encounters along the way.


Demchenko G.V.,


The game is exploration.

(Appendix No. 6)

"What is a map?"

Arouse interest in viewing


Demchenko G.V.,


Creative workshop.

Making a layout.

(Appendix No. 6)

"Our Kindergarten"

Invite parents to participate in project activities.

Help children learn to navigate the kindergarten layout.


Demchenko G.V.,

teacher and

parents of Danila Klevtsov.

The game is exploration.

(Appendix No. 6)



Reveal skill

children apply the acquired knowledge when


on the model of a kindergarten.

Strengthen the ability to find

north, south, west,

east using a compass.


Demchenko G.V.,


Exhibition of drawings.

"If with a friend

hit the road..."

See children in drawings

the way they understand what tourism is, what tourists do.


Demchenko G.V.,


Literary living room.

"A piece of glass"

T. Shorygina

"Fire in the Forest"

M. Fisenko

Strengthen knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest

during a fire.


Demchenko G.V.,


Watch the presentation on video.

(Appendix No. 6)

"Animal and

native plant world

Reveals the level of children's knowledge about

animals and plants of their native land, that some species

included in

Red Book,

Why is it necessary to preserve and protect nature? Reveal children's knowledge of how to behave when meeting wild animals and poisonous plants.


Demchenko G.V.,


Watch the presentation on video.

(Appendix No. 6)

"Safe rules

behavior in

forest, in the city, by the pond."

Strengthen children's knowledge about

safe behavior in the forest, in the city,

by the pond.


Demchenko G.V.,


Literary living room.

Riddles about


Riddles about



children that sometimes contacts

with animals and


may be dangerous.


Demchenko G.V.,


Competitive game.

"Who is faster

Will you pack your backpack?"

Strengthen children's knowledge about

what needs to be put in a backpack, develop dexterity, attention, speed in movements.


Demchenko G.V.,


Literary living room.

"Magic Crows"

T. Shorygina

"Don't walk on

ice of the reservoir"

G. Shalaeva,

N. Ivanova

M. Fisenko

Getting to know



on the ice of a pond


Demchenko G.V.,


Learning tourist chants and songs.

(Appendix No. 7)

Chant "We are tourists"

Songs"When my friends are with

me," "It's fun to walk together"

Introduce children to tourist chants, songs, teach them,

Explain to children that walking with songs is more fun, they lift their spirits and cheer them up.


Demchenko G.V.,


Consultation for parents

(Appendix No. 8)

"How to teach

love children and take care of nature"

Give children environmental education at a young age.

Teach to know nature, love, protect, and use wisely.



Demchenko G.V.,


(Appendix No. 9)

"Think about it and

Strengthen children's knowledge about tourism, skills from a set of various

choose items


for hiking, which are convenient to carry

sit in a backpack.


Demchenko G.V.,


Literary living room.

Making riddles.

V. Livshits



Give knowledge

about the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm.


Demchenko G.V.,


Board game

(Appendix No. 9)

"Who is faster?"

Teach children to navigate a terrain plan with three different routes

converging at one point.

Who will come first

clearing, he will win.


Demchenko G.V.,


Literary living room.

"Like Stobed

threw the bottle and what

it came out of that."

D. Orlova

"Don't swim in prohibited places"

G. Shalaeva and

N. Ivanova

"How Vladik and Katya walked


M. Fisenko

Familiarity with the rules of behavior on the water.


Demchenko G.V.,


(Appendix No. 9)

"Be careful"

Strengthen children's ability to find a card with


beautiful view

(paddle boat tourism)


Demchenko G.V.,


Literary living room.

"How inseparable friends did not drown in water"

A. Ivanov

Consolidating children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature.


Demchenko G.V.,


The full version of working with applications is available.