The most powerful feng shui symbols of love. feng shui for love

feng shui hearts

If you want to improve your affairs of the heart: revive relations with your spouse, meet your love, get married (marry), then you will certainly be helped by magical feng shui. For love, according to this teaching, the southwestern part of your house (apartment) is responsible. It is necessary to activate the positive qi of this sector and the results will not be long in coming. The dominant element in the southwestern sector is the Earth, and enhances its Fire. Activating this direction, you should use any symbols of Fire. For example, red, pink or orange objects (necessarily paired, since the number of the southwest is 2), as well as bright light. A wall lamp with two lampshades in the color of Fire is ideal. It is better to combine the attributes of fire with objects of the Earth, which are beige or brown.

Symbols of lovehearts. This is probably the most traditional symbol, and it should be noted, one of the most effective. In the southwestern sector, you can use hearts made of any material (paper, stone, ceramics, glass) to attract love, but there should only be 2 of them and preferably red. Ideal options: two red candles in the shape of hearts, hearts made of rose quartz (the stone of lovers) or red jasper (the stone of happiness and good luck).

Symbols of lovestones. Stones for the love zone can also be any: precious, semi-precious, and even the most ordinary (such as pebbles). The main thing is that they evoke only positive emotions in you. It is very good to collect pebbles together with your loved one, for example, when you were at sea and were happy. If the pebbles are “found”, then when you bring them home, be sure to clear them of negative energy. Put them for 7 days in salted water or in the freezer, then fumigate them with incense. As for semi-precious stones, stones made of crystal, jade, rose quartz, red jasper, hamatite are best suited. Such talismans will not only help you in love, but will also bring harmony to the energy of the room. You can use decorative eggs and balls from the stones listed above. Painted ceramic or stone vases are also suitable.

Symbols of lovepeonies. To activate the energy of love in the southwest, flowers and their images are perfect. It can be peonies, chrysanthemums, asters, red roses. The most powerful of these mascot flowers are peonies. In China, since ancient times, they have been a symbol of love and sexuality. If you are a single, unmarried girl, then peonies will definitely “give” you the desired man. But if you are already married and you have children, then it is better not to use these flowers, as they can provoke cheating on your spouse. You should not put them in the bedroom, it is best if they are in the southwestern sector of the living room.

mandarin ducks

Symbols of loveMandarin ducks. A couple is a great talisman of love. It can be their figurines or images. Orange ducks have great power, they activate marital luck and strengthen the relationship between husband and wife. They can be tied with one red ribbon - this will bring them even closer. It is recommended to use mandarin ducks from ceramics, crystal, rose quartz, red jasper from other semi-precious stones of yellowish brown color. Wood is not recommended! Instead of ducks, figurines or images of pigeons, geese, cranes, herons or red-brown butterflies may come up. Symbols must be paired!

Symbols of lovePaintings and photographs. as symbols of attracting love, they can be with the image of the above talismans, flowers, or just two happy people. In addition to paintings, it is fashionable to use photographs. Your photos will be especially effective, where you are with your loved one, smiling and happy. If there isn’t one yet, and you don’t quite understand what kind of person you need, put your photo in a frame, and the other frame is empty without a photo (for a future loved one). Tie them with one red ribbon. Red is the color of love in Feng Shui. In general, with regard to portraits or photography, there are some prohibitions in Feng Shui.

Speech functions in the Upper Paleolithic is the heyday of primitive art, the origins of which date back to a much earlier era. The earliest signs of primitive art are by origin connected with the signs of the ancient sign language, of which they were a fixation.

primitive art was an extremely specific type of sign system, closest to pictorial pictographic writing. But (unlike later writing), its signs are associated not with sound speech, but with sign language. What is extraordinary is that, starting from the most ancient monuments of art of the Upper Paleolithic, it undoubtedly reflects the very asymmetry (in particular, of the right and left hands), which already plays such a significant role in the physiological structure of man in this era.

In Upper Paleolithic rock carvings, the hand sign most often depicts the left hand rather than the right. In the caves of Gargas and Castillo, there are 159 prints of left hands (i.e., about 0.9 of all cases), while 23 are right. The same feature is also characteristic of later North American Indian pictographic images: for 108 left hand prints (which is almost 0.8 of all cases) in six locations in North America, there are 30 right hand prints. The almost exclusive predominance of left-hand imprints is also characteristic of cave semi-pictographic images in Australia.

Primitive art over many thousands of years has been distinguished by an amazing constancy of themes and symbols. All symbols are grouped around several paired (binary) opposites.

The main pair opposition in primitive art was the opposition of the male and female principles, which is associated with the peculiarities of the social organization and economic activity of primitive man. The French anthropologist Leroy-Gourhan established that the sign of the left hand in primitive art is one of the ways of symbolically designating the feminine. It follows from this that the system of paired opposites that underlay primitive art already corresponded to the principle of organizing binary (dualistic) mythologies, which are characteristic of all early stages in the development of human thought. The main feature of the earliest mythologies is precisely their dualistic character. This was revealed as early as 1941 in a classic study by the remarkable ethnographer A. M. Zolotarev, whose conclusions have been confirmed by numerous studies in recent years.

A feature of the vast majority of these mythologies and ritual systems is that in them the left side corresponds to the feminine, and the right side - to the masculine. The recent discovery that the tendency to sit on the left in a room characterizes the statistically predominant number of women in modern society has led to the question that this tendency may be due to a genetic predisposition. The Russian folk lamentation of the bride on the first day of matchmaking says:

Already the peasant sex, stand on the right hand,
Female stand on your left hand.

The evidence of East Slavic folklore, according to which a woman was buried to the left of a man, is consistent with archaeological data on Slavic double burials. But the roots of these ideas go back even further.

Back in the 1930s, the famous anthropologist Leakey discovered ancient burials in Kenya in the Elmenteina cave, obeying the same pattern: male skeletons in the burials lay on the right side, females on the left. In these and other (even earlier) burials, the antiquity of the connection between the left side and the feminine principle has been confirmed by archeology.

The opposition of left and right in the art of the Paleolithic was also associated with differences in colors. This is best found in the Lascaux caves. In the Great Gallery of these caves, in the left group of depicted animals, the heads are painted red, and in the right group - in black. In the Castillo, the women's signs are in red and the men's sign is in black. In the drawings in the caves of Lascaux, the opposition of red and black colors is also associated with the difference in the images of horses and bison, which themselves were probably symbols of gender (Fig. 28).

It should be emphasized that the opposition of red (which, judging by the finds of ocher, very early - even before Mousterian - acquires a symbolic meaning in the funeral rites of human ancestors) and black is universal. It differs sharply from those color features that are essential for the visual perceptions of great apes. Therefore, the appearance of ocher (already among the Neanderthals) can be considered one of the most reliable archaeological evidence of the final "humanization". It is curious that the Neanderthals (in the Shanidar cave mentioned above) also noted the first use of flowers - “bouquets” in funeral rites, which anticipates a custom that has come down to our time.

Systems of binary opposites, including differences between masculine and feminine, left and right, red (or white) and black, and the corresponding pairs of animals (for example, horse and bison, etc.), among primitive peoples in the most archaic cases are associated with dual division of the tribe into two exogamous halves, between which only marriages are possible (forbidden between members of the same half). Such a division, obviously, is inherent in all human societies, since the prohibition of incest - incestuous marriages between close relatives - is certainly universal, although the very concept of close kinship is understood differently by different peoples.

In ancient China, symbolic things have always been important at all times. According to Chinese experts, it is necessary to know the purpose and meaning of each thing, and even more so the one you have chosen as your talisman. The correct location of an object or its correctly defined Feng Shui purpose will be of great benefit not only to you, but also to the people around you, bring good luck and prosperity to the house, and love and joy in life. That's why it's so important.

According to Feng Shui, it is believed that when using love symbols, you can soon meet your loved one.

One of the feng shui love symbols that has been used for many years now is the tangerine duck. They are considered a very strong symbol of love and a successful marriage, the foundation of which will be love, sincerity and honesty, as these amazing birds stay together for life. The peculiarity of mandarin ducks also lies in the fact that when they lose a partner, they do not look for another anymore, because they equate this with the loss of their other half.

The mandarin duck talisman is highly valued in Feng Shui. They say that he will give a single person the one and only love for life, love, and for those who are already married or with a husband, he will keep him stable and prosperous.

Equally important and popular is another feng shui love symbol called rose quartz, which has an unheard of binding power with love and good luck. Whoever owns it will soon meet a delightful and only life partner. This talisman makes the relationship harmonious and sincere, thereby eliminating the existing disagreements in marriage. Rose Quartz also promotes self-love, as it is an integral part of a balanced and peaceful relationship.

The double symbol of happiness is a special talisman, which, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, means eternal endless happiness. This icon will help you meet a faithful and caring partner, and for marriage it will become a symbolic amulet and a great benefit. The double sign also improves the physical condition of both partners and makes the manifestations of love more emotional.

In a number of feng shui lucky charms, there is a symbol called a magic knot. For centuries, this talisman has been used to acquire endless love in relationships. The sign of the magic knot symbolized a long and eternal bond between two lovers.

The last feng shui symbol of love that I wanted to talk about is the peony. In addition to being the national flower of China, the peony is also an ancient symbol of attracting love and has been used for many centuries. At home, the second name of this flower sounds like, "the flower of wealth and glory." In China, the peony is revered in a special way.

The family is a social institution, an equal union of a man and a woman, a fortress in which we feel protected. But it still needs to be built, and the relationship in marriage should be made truly strong and happy. There are certain symbols, the meaning of which we will consider here.


At present, in our country, the sign of pure love is chamomile, in addition, it also denotes fidelity, tenderness and simplicity. Its white color represents purity, and the yellow center - the hearth. Petals seem to unite into one whole - into a strong family. This flower has become a symbol of love and fidelity, celebrated in Russia since 2008. It reflects a pure and great feeling. It is recommended to keep bouquets of chamomiles at home during the summer period, and in other seasons it would be nice to hang an ikebana at home, consisting of at least 5 chamomile flowers.

The designation of the family is also open palms, which imply the unity of relatives and the warmth that they give to each other.

Ancient family symbols

The Slavs worshiped the forces of nature, and this was reflected in the manufacture of amulets. Such symbols could be found everywhere: they were not only a means of decoration, but, according to legend, they gave a certain protection and attracted good luck.

So, among these signs that our distant ancestors used, we can distinguish such as Solard, Ladinets, Kolard, Bunny, Wedding. They bestow protection Let us consider them in more detail.

Solard - marks prosperity, prosperity. The Kolard sign is a similar symbol, the difference is that the swastika of these signs is located differently: clockwise and counterclockwise. It helps to strengthen the family union, and gives health to the offspring.

These two signs are solar and fiery, they are aimed at maintaining well-being in the house, and patronize those who live in peace and harmony.

Ladinets symbolizes happiness, love, and He is a true female amulet, for example, gives protection from the evil eye. For married women, it becomes important to protect the family hearth, well-being and prosperity in the home. Often a couple to this amulet was Kolyadnik, who was the personification of male power. In those days, for women, the patroness was considered, and for men, the god Kolyada. The combination of these two signs represents the unity of the two sexes, mutual understanding between them, the strengthening of marriage ties, and, of course, true love.

The bunny represents renewal and is considered a family amulet. During pregnancy, it was customary to wear a belt with this sign, it was believed that it endows mother and baby with light, solar energy.

Powerful family symbol

The bridegroom is considered a strong amulet. It means the fusion of male and female principles, two genera into one. Since ancient times, the Slavs attached great importance to the marriage ceremony and the institution of marriage. This sign was given, as usual, by parents to newlyweds after It is intended exclusively for a married couple. The image of this symbol is a combination of four red and blue rings as a sign of infinity.

Feng Shui: symbols of family well-being

In the practice of Feng Shui, a figurine of mandarin ducks is considered a symbol of inseparability and devotion for a married couple. As a rule, it is placed in the southwestern part of the dwelling. Also in this teaching, the signs of the family are trees. Among them are bamboo, cypress, pine, plum. In addition, a dragon figurine can contribute to well-being. It brings good luck, protects all family members.

Photos of household members in frames are also a kind of talismans. They should be located in the eastern part of the dwelling. Frames should be rectangular and made of wood. Color is desirable to choose green or blue.

Icons protecting family well-being

Also, the image with which parents bless the young is a symbol of the family and brings happiness.

Items in everyday life that are amulets

Symbols of family and marriage: bast shoes, a figurine of a house, a canvas, a horseshoe, a donut, a chain. Bow - a charm from tears. Bread means prosperity and harmony in the house. Sunflower seeds promise health to children. Corn - family cohesion, procreation, protection from diseases, mutual understanding. Female and male figurines tied with threads - the inseparability of bonds and love. The knot is a talisman against scandals.

wedding symbols

A pair of doves is also a symbol of love and family well-being. It is not for nothing that there is such a wedding tradition as to release these birds into the sky.

Wedding rings are symbols of the family, an unbreakable union between a man and a woman entering into marriage. By exchanging rings, the spouses transfer part of their energy to each other. It is recommended that in the first months after the wedding, do not take them off and do not let anyone try them on.

Veil - gives the bride protection from the evil eye. The custom of wearing it for a wedding came from Poland. She creates a kind of energy shield that reflects the negative directed towards the bride. At the same time, after the wedding, it is necessary to carefully store the veil, it will serve as a talisman that can protect a young family.

The bridal bouquet is another important attribute. According to legend, the girl who catches him should get married soon, this is because she begins to radiate a special energy, and the wreath seems to go to her. It is better that white flowers are present in the bouquet: they are a sign of purity and eternity.

The magic symbol for the family is a loaf. Only in order for it to become such, it must be properly baked. A mother, relative or godmother of the bride, that close woman who has developed well, should work on its manufacture. It must be baked so that it has a neat shape, without cracks.

Symbols of the family are laid out on the loaf, which give protection to the young couple. Flowers, birds, viburnum, mint and rye are often used as them. The loaf is distributed to all guests, so that, in this way, the energy of the two families merges into one.

Towel - the bride herself must embroider it, in secret from everyone. She should be alone and in complete silence. Previously, the girl reads a prayer. When embroidering, her thoughts should be positive and filled with ideas about the future family life. Work must begin on Thursday. It is embroidered on a clean and whole canvas. The towel is a symbol of the life path that the family must go through together.

Parents bless the young on it, while strangers should not be at home. The towel has a male and female half, so it is important to stand on it correctly during the blessing. From this moment on, this attribute acquires the value of a talisman. The ceremony must take place on a Sunday.

Parental blessing is an important symbol of family happiness. Attributes in this case are the icon of the Mother of God for the bride, and the icon of Christ the Savior for the groom.

Stones that are a symbol of family happiness

These include:

  • Beryl is a sign of family, fidelity and love.
  • Aquamarine - guards the happiness of spouses.
  • Sapphire is a stone of love, family and fidelity.
  • Carnelian - keeps home peace, happiness and protects from evil spells.

Thus, we have determined that there are many different designations for the institution of marriage, we have interpreted the meaning of the symbols of family and love. They have been used since ancient times, when it was firmly believed that the mysterious forces of nature could help build happiness. Be that as it may, we should not forget that the basis of true well-being in the family is sincere love, respect and fidelity.